Vacation?Chapter 19 free porn video

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Day Nineteen - Friday

I woke at six with brown hair in my face and Sue's head on my chest. I hated to wake her but we needed to get going. I kissed her awake saying it was time. She smiled and asked if she could interest me in some loving.

"How about when we finish the job. We'll celebrate," I said hugging her.

She smiled and got up going straight for the washer to put the clothes she had washed the night before into the dryer. I put on my shorts and the T-shirt I had brought saying I was going to start the coffee.

Over at my trailer, I started the small pot first and also assembled the big one. The small pot is really fast so I had coffee by the time Sue looked in on me. I brought her a cup along with one for me and she pulled the light switch and kissed me.

Ruth and Tiny came walking from the back, Glenda and Martin from the side and Charlie and Shawna from the front. The eight of us discussed the previous day. Charlie and Shawna were really excited that I was doing work for the NASCAR guy. He said knowing someone like that would be a career maker. I told him about the offer of traveling with him. Charlie almost drooled.

"Not for me," I told everyone.

I asked Glenda where her Victoria Secret stuff was. She blushed and said she didn't have the guts to wear it out here yet. Tiny told her he would love it if she did.

Martin added, "If she wore it out here, she'd wear me to a frazzle. Just trying it on for me had us acting like we were teenagers."

Glenda blushed but said, "You were the stud yesterday. You probably won't be able to handle any for a week."

"Try me sweet stuff, try me," Martin grinned.

I asked Glenda if she could cut my beard shorter again so I could have a close cut beard. She jumped up heading for her place and came back with her scissors and a big towel. She worked my face over till she stood back and looked me, "Now you're really handsome."

Sue, Shawna and Ruth all agreed. I told them I just wanted to look more business like. Charlie kidded me saying, "Yep all the yuppie business types I know have two foot long pony tails."

We sucked up two rounds of both coffee pots before saying it was time to get going. I put everything away and rinsed out cups before heading over to Sue's to get dressed. The coveralls were a nice light blue and came out of the dryer looking good.

We stopped at a Burger King for a sausage, biscuit and egg sandwich along with a container of milk each. That should get us through till lunch.

We walked into the shop at eight sharp. Gene was staring at the frame. He had one of his squares measuring angles and a tape measure holding it to check a length as we approached.

"There is no way you did this already," he said.

"It's not done. We have most of a day yet probably," I said pointing to welds that had not been cleaned up.

"Where?" he asked.

"All these have to be cleaned up to look like those in the front. We have all of the chassis and cage plus we have to finish the rear. I haven't drilled any of the holes yet or mounted any of the tabs."

"You'll do that too? For the same money?"

"Sure unless you want to pay us more. Now I need the plate metal for the tabs."

"My guys will drill the holes but I'd really get off on you doing the tabs. I'll get the blanks over here right now."

We got out all the equipment, put the old battery on the charger and put in the fresh one. I showed Sue that on some of the welds the straight grinder would work better and on some of the welds the conical one would be good. She understood and started in as a guy walked up with a handcart full of plate blanks.

I measured up and cut all the blanks marking each one with chalk and numbering the print, continuing from the last number Sue had stopped at.

I shaped any that needed it and smoothed all the edges of the rest.

I double checked the prints and measured multiple times then tacked the piece. I tacked a group of tabs then went back and re-measured. I repeated the process till I double-checked every thing to make sure they were all accounted for. I got an electric drill out of the truck fitted the grinder bit and started grinding the welds. I had done a good job and there was hardly a bead. I used the files followed by the sandpaper on each one.

Sue had finished up the tube welds on the tabs. We finished by eleven. I went out to the truck and got my drill bits and clamp set. I checked the print and had Sue help find the exact spot for the hole. We measured several times checking to make sure the hole would be at the right degree of the tube. I set the clamps, making sure once more the hole was where it should be, turned on the drill then used the control arm to lower the bit while squirting a little oil on the bit and bar contact.

There was only about two dozen holes. By almost one o'clock we were done. I put all my tools away and closed up my table while Sue swept up around the frame. We stood together looking at the frame checking all the contacts admiring our work.

I went to get Gene. He said, "You done with those tabs already?" as we walked to the frame.

He was looking at the welds shaking his head, "This is beautiful work." His hand caught and he saw the hole. He started looking at the print then back at the frame and asked, "You drilled all the holes already too?"

"Thought you should get your money's worth. We want to do more for you as you need us."

"You have my business. If the other team owners find out about you, you'll be all over the area building frames. You really do nice work."

He had one of his senior crew chiefs come over and had him check it out. Everyone was happy so Gene came out with a check for us. We shook hands then I looked at the check. "This isn't what we agreed on."

"The extra is for the speed and the extras you gave me. You know the tabs and holes and especially for the nice work. Just say I gave you a tip so you'll do more work for me."

We shook again then Sue said she would follow me to the storage place.

When we got there I remembered that I had not ordered the material for the bike frame. I used my cell phone and ordered two sets of the material to be delivered to the shop. After giving them my credit card number, I asked if I could get some kind of account with dating. They had to have my credit card account as guarantee. That was reasonable so the deal was done. I told them this order should be paid for when they shipped it. I was assured it would go out today.

Sue said for us to go to the computer store to get my equipment. Sounded good to me. Sam was glad to see us but said he wasn't worried as I had already paid for the PC. He had ordered an Internet account from GTE for me and had it all set up with the Windows 98 installed.

Sue said she would show me how to do everything else but the big thing would be for me to get used to entering everything on as near a daily basis as I could.

We loaded the computer in the pickup and headed home stopping at the grocery store for some romaine, four big porterhouse steaks, some potatoes to bake and a couple of packs of frozen chopped spinach. I wanted to make some Caesar dressing and found a small food processor that was the perfect size. I bought the other ingredients to make the dressing and we were on our way home.

We brought everything into my place and looked at how we were going to re-arrange the living area to accommodate the PC. Sue had the solution, "You don't use the counter much. It's so big, the PC will fit on it and you'll still have counter space. It'll be perfect for you.

We made all the connections and plugged the phone cable into the convenient wall phone outlet. She turned it on and let it boot, helping me put in passwords as we went. She booted Internet explorer then used the passwords Sam had written down for us. She showed me how to type in the address for a site. She pulled a card out that Gene had given her. She had me type in the site and it came right up. We looked through the site with my marveling at the information that was available.

"You ain't seen nothing yet," she said and typed in the name www followed by biggirlclothes then a dot com. A site with very large women decorating the page showed up. Sue was in the middle, much, much heavier in the picture than she was now. I pointed to it and she said that was a hundred and thirty pounds ago. When I lost all that weight, the things that didn't shrink were these as she fitted her tits in her hands through the coveralls. She smiled at me and asked, "Does that make you a happy camper?"


"The weight loss or the tits?"

"If you wanted to lose the weight then I'm glad you did but of course I'm happy you still have a very nice chest. If we had met and you were a hundred and thirty pounds bigger, I would have enjoyed you just the same. It's you I like."

"You say the nicest things."

She explained how she had an agreement with a clothing manufacturer. They supplied her with a catalog that she displayed on her site. She took orders that were sent to both the manufacturer and her. She followed up on everything to make sure everyone was taken care of and checked her bank account for the money being deposited from credit cards. She said she didn't make a ton of profit but it had grown until she could soon live on it very nicely.

"You do this all on the Internet?" I asked marveling how compact everything was.

"The more big girls that get on the net, the more business I get."

I called the bike shop to tell them that we were going to have porterhouse steaks. Charlie said they would knock off before six and be home. I told Sue that I needed to run to the bank to get a business account and she said she would go do some of her order input and be back over.

The bank was easy, I showed the corporation articles that were still in the truck and signed the signature card. They said my checks should be there next Wednesday to pickup. I deposited the five grand check and drew out fifteen hundred from my personal account in a cashier's check for Sue. I asked for a visa card for the business account and said it would arrive at my home address in a few days.

I showered and put on some shorts and a T-shirt to make dinner. I had just popped a beer and was looking through the card-printing brochure when Sue came in. She gave me a kiss and I said, "I have something for you."

"Save for later, we have to start supper soon," she said now giving me a hug and another kiss.

"Some foolin' around would be fun but I have something else for you," I said reaching over to the counter for the cashiers check, "Your cut and part of the tip for the job we did." I smiled at her as I gave her the check. "Your part of the job we did together."

She frowned at me, knitted her eyebrows then looked at the check. Her big brown eyes were silver dollar size almost matching her open mouth. She looked back up at me with a shocked expression, "You can't give me this. It's too much."

"Probably not enough. Without you being there helping me as much as you did, I would still be there grinding welds. You were great. You're a fast learner, not afraid to get your hands dirty and you really work at doing a good job. That's worth a lot. Consider that a couple of tough day's pay and your part of the grand tip we got for the job."

"If I'm going to get this kind of money, you have to teach me how to do more so I can help you on more jobs."

"Well, we have a couple of more car frames to do and I'm sure we'll be back for an encore for NASCAR and we have some bike frames to do. We're probably charging too much to do a car frame like that but even at three grand we would come out pretty good. We won't have to kill ourselves to get them done so it will take us a lot longer. There is lot's more money on the way.

She said, "I'll be right back and ran to her place and came back quickly, giving me another smiling kiss and hug when she arrived. We went out to the patio and were soon joined my Martin, Glenda and Ruth, who joined us drinking a beer. Sue drank a diet coke. She wanted to keep her now small figure.

They all contributed toward deciding how the business card should be designed and we drew one up so it could be printed. Sue offered to make a copy on the PC and when I said that would be great she went inside.

Martin kidded me about getting into the computer age. I told him I probably was a little late getting there.

I was trying to write down all the dollar transactions I had done so far. I listed everything by date from the first cases I did right up to today. I wrote down all the money that I had given Abe as well. I was glad I was doing this now or I wouldn't have been able to remember it all pretty soon.

Tiny came over and told me how to account for all the money I had put into the business and how I could get it back out without paying taxes on it. When I explained how my biggest expenditure was the auction, and what I made on the subsequent sale of the equipment he whistled and complimented me on making a good deal.

I fired up the grille about five thirty. Sue had already put the potatoes in the oven and had the spinach in a bowl to microwave. I prepped the steaks and made the Caesar dressing and pulled the lettuce apart while carrying on a conversation through the screen door. The other folks said they were headed home to eat and left. We set the table, complete with wineglasses. Sue and I cuddled and kissed a little until Shawna opened the door and said, "Get a room."

Her hair was still wet from a shower. I handed her two beers took one for myself and carried the steaks and put them on the grille. We were done eating and cleaned up by seven-thirty. Charlie looked at me and said, "Let's ride." We all had to dress to ride so we split up to meet in five minutes when Sue watched me pull my bike out of the shed. I fired it up letting it idle while I helped Sue with her helmet.

I put her on first to show her how to sit and where to put her feet. I told her to put her body against my back and just lean when I did. I instructed, "Stay right with me and it will be smooth as glass." Charlie took off with Sue and I close behind. He rode north instead of back toward the city. Way out highway 41 we came to a place called the Florida Bar. It had a bunch of bikes in front. I recognized several of the guys outside and inside from the club. I noticed that there was another group wearing different colors. They were all getting along so I figured they were not competing clubs or else the other club was an affiliate.

Hap saw us and came over with another guy checking out Sue, "Well welder man, you just keep coming with new rides." He gave Sue the once over again and looked back at me winking, "How do you like riding Jake's old luxury liner?"

"It's a real nice ride, I'm working on Snakes old shovel so I can have some wind in my face too. I know why they call the monsters like this garbage trucks now," I said trying divert Haps eyes glued to Sues bulging T-shirt. "There's so much junk and garbage on it, you need a program to figure out what toy to play with next."

It wasn't that funny but must have tickled Hap's funny bone as well as the guy that came over with Hap.

Hap pointed at the man next to him, "Steven Big Jones from down south. They came up for a visit and are camping near here. These guys are a spin off of our chapter in Miami. Jones, Steve is the best welder you'll ever meet and Charlie is definitely a great wrench."

The man nodded, he didn't offer his hand or anything. His eyes were, for lack of better words, dead, completely emotionless. I'd hate to play poker with him.

Hap pulled me aside, leaving Sue with Shawna and Charlie while Big Jones went back to the bar.

"You did good with the cops. My man at the gun shop said you brought in Charlie's piece to modify. How come."

"Easy, Charlie can't shoot for shit and really doesn't want to learn. Bloodthirsty Shawna can't hold it up with an eight-inch barrel so I'm having a four-inch put on it. If they ever need it, she will be able to shoot."

When I said blood thirsty, Hap started laughing again, "You need to buy them something that Charlie can shoot, like an automatic or a .38 special revolver."

"When all this shit happened I picked up another 9-mil for her. She's deadly with it. Now along with the big gun, I feel safer in the neighborhood."

Hap nodded and told me that one of his prospects had a broken frame and could I help the kid out. I told him that I would drop by Saturday around noon so I could have some of the Saturday chili after I fix it. Hap slapped me on the back and said I would be welcome to some chili.

He went off to the bar and I rejoined Charlie and the girls.

Charlie asked, "Hap tell you what he needed? Probably a kid with a cheap broken frame."

"I'll take care of it real fast this Saturday," I said.

Shawna was quick, "Yeah and eat so much of their chili till you can't walk. That stuff is dangerous."

Same as Vacation?
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A Come BackChapter 9 Thinking Too Much

Cleo plopped down on the edge of my bed. "What gives?" She asked without preamble. "What? I'm just reading?", and as if to prove the point I looked down at the page in front of me. "Kat!" Cleo snatched the book from my hands and tossed it to the nightstand, with a thud. "What's up?" "Nothing, only now I'll spend a full five minutes trying to find my page again." I frowned at the thick book. Cleo folded her arms over her chest and waited, saying nothing. "I'm...

1 year ago
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Mowing the lawn

It’s so hard to find a job when you’re sixteen. Summer finally arrived and I needed a job. Since no one would hire me I asked my mother if I could use the lawn mower to try to make some extra cash. She told me it was fine. I had made up fliers and put them in some mailboxes. I got about a dozen replies and set up a schedule to mow the lawns once a week.My name is Jimmy; I had just graduated tenth grade. I was 5’10” with a thin build and I played first base on my high school baseball team as...

1 year ago
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The RedheadChapter 10

Decisions and Memories... It was still quite early to call on neighbors and friends unannounced. So I decided to show Grace some of my favorite places around the town where I spent my final three years in High School. We drove through town and I showed her where the High School used to be. It burned down a couple of years after I went away to the Service. I showed her where my best friend Alex lived when he was in High School. He was long gone now. Come to think about it, he was down in...

4 years ago
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Low Country Slave Boy

“Here, I made this for you,” Quaquo said as the two brown boys, Quaquo nearly seventeen and Serrah a newly initiated fourteen, lay behind the levee of the Sierra Leone rice field, touching each other, preparing to go to a new-found heaven. He opened the pouch lying next to his discorded wrap and came up with a carved ivory disk necklace, each disk held to the next by a leather string. He put around Serrah’s neck. “Here, this necklace gives you the power of confidence and assurance that you will...

3 years ago
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Hotel room with Krystal my slut

Two weeks had past since I broke Krystal's anal virginity. She was back at school and I was back at varsity with my studies. Krystal and I exchanged a number of messages as we planned to see each other again. I was still coaching her brother cricket on weekends and the school took me on to help coach some rugby in the afternoons. So thankfully I still had some good money coming in and I could afford to book a hotel room for a Saturday night again. Krystal and I planned this Saturday carefully...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter River Fox Big Black Cock Fantasies

Redlights can be fun. River Fox sees a most handsome black man next to her and all she can think about is how great and massive that black cock of his must be. She knows how great it would feel throbbing in her tiny hands and how she so badly wants to feel him peel down her lingerie and suck on those beautiful large natural tits of hers! River is so wet thinking of how tightly her pussy would grasp that big black cock as it slides in and out of her faster and faster picking up the pace. She...

1 year ago
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Seducing my Best Friend and Coworker Holly

  I had known Holly for years. I first met her when she and her roommate Bethany were laying out at the pool at my apartment complex. I tried to act cool, stepping from my poolside apartment out on to the sundeck in my swimming trunks. Bethany peered up from her chase lounge, her top unfastened, as she lay on her stomach, working on her tan lines. I pulled up a chaise lounge about ten feet away, spread out my towel, liberally rubbed some suntan oil over my body and positioned myself on my...

First Time
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Dreams Do Come True

This is my entry into the ‘Winter Holidays Story Contest’. Be sure to vote, and either leave a comment or send feedback. I hope you enjoy it. **** Dozens of lights twinkled from their perches. A fresh pine scent filled the air. Gaily wrapped presents crowded together to find a spot under the tree. People scurried through the stores to find those last elusive gifts. It was three days before Christmas, and Abby wished it was over. The packages were empty, fake, like the tree with its air...

3 years ago
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Our Night Pt 1

Sitting in the chair near the window I waited, slightly nervous but excited too. Looking down at myself I wonder if he'll like what I'm wearing, what I bought just for his visit. Running my hands over the pretty black corset, loving the added deep purple accent and how it thrusts my breasts up as in offering. Standing up I look at myself in the mirror, checking how I look one last time before he shows. My long blonde hair down and slightly curled at the ends, he loves my hair down...

3 years ago
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The Swap ClubChapter 7 Movies And A Long Weekend

By the time the first fevered frenzy ended, so did the movie. Ted slipped another flick into the VCR, and everyone settled back to quietly fondle and watch. Now, let’s face it. These things are not going to win Oscars. They’re not ‘Gone With The Wind’. I mean, they’re not even up to ‘Plan Nine From Outer Space’. If these people could act, they be acting, right? Still, there’s gradations even among porn movies. The better ones have at least some level of plot, and a script consisting of more...

2 years ago
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Virgin Pussy 8211 Great Pleasure

Hey all this is cryloud, narrating my first story on Indian sex stories. I am from Mumbai. 5.7 in height. Age 20. Good physique and fair. 6.5″ dick with good girth. Studying engineering in 1st year. Gf? She is in fybba. 19 age.. 5.4 in height with sexy assets of 30-28-29. Pale white dam cute in looks. So coming to my story. It happened 1 year back in July rain. After a long break of 1 year we were together and was happy.. As I was in diploma last year that days I don’t get much time to spend...

2 years ago
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Agle Janam Mein Phirse Ladki Banana

Hi friends mera naam yogesh hain mein bengaluru mein rehne waala hoon mein aaj aapko meri story baataney waala hoon please co-opearate it’s my first story you can mail your comments at Ab meri kahaani ki mene kaise apni virginity khoyi baat un dino ki hey jab mein puc 2nd year mein tha meri maa mere nana-nani aur mere mama-mami key saath bhagwaan key Darshan key liye chaar din gaaon gayi thi exams ke kaaran hum papa aur meri behan ghar pe rukh gayi meri uncle aunty (aunty ka naam suma...

2 years ago
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Note to the reader: This is a seventh in my “Home Alone For The Weekend” series. This story features 14-year-old Michael. He thinks he’s gay. In fact, he is gender-trapped, a female in a male body. He stands barely 1/2” taller than his 6th grade sister Mina, outweighs her by only 2 pounds. He secretly wears her underwear. With the help of some potent weed, a 12-pack of his mom’s Heineken, and his renegade reflection, Michael transforms over the weekend into girlhood. Note that Michael is my...

1 year ago
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TheUpperFloor Simone Sonay Chloe Couture Daddys Discipline

Hot MILF Simone and her little blond step-brat for the week end Chloe Couture are at each other’s throats. Ramon recognizes the need for some good old fashioned discipline, reminding Simone that she has a brat streak a mile wide and also deserves to be grounded. Making the mistake of using teeth during a blowjob lands Simone face down not the floor, ass red from a serious paddling, apple shoved in her slutty mouth, face covered in squirt, fucked on the breakfast table until she is begging...

2 years ago
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Daughter and Dad

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Daughter and Dad His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much...

3 years ago
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My Three Stunning Wives Part 3

DISCLAIMER: This sexstory is purely a work of fiction and is written purely for enjoyment. Any resemblance to anything is purely coincidental. With that being said, let’s continue the story : It’s been a week since we consummated our love, after which we began a healthy relationship. We are enjoying our love like every other young married couple. Meanwhile, I was also always in touch with Siya and was constantly chatting or talking to her on phone. She always wanted to hear what is happening...

3 years ago
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I did not write this, but it is one of my absolute favorite stories.Superb lesbian seduction!"Cabled"by Shawn O.Even though she was expecting someone, Kimberly still jumped whenthe doorbell rang. It had been like this lately. A thick, palpabletension crackled around her, transporting her far from the present,leaving her exposed, vulnerable. Literally exposed, she discovered,for she had been standing naked before the full length mirror in thehallway of her apartment when the doorbell...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

There are some advantages to being divorced. Not many, but some. I can watch all the ball games I want without getting nagged. I can put my shoes up on the coffee table. I can…. actually the list is pretty short. But at least I can dream of having sex with any number of gorgeous girls, and no one ever demands to know what I’m thinking about. I was doing just that the other night, watching the Yankees playing some other team – I’ve forgotten which – wondering if I’d ever get laid again, when my...

3 years ago
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Lori Redone0

My Story Chapter One - Brother The cock up my love chute was doing a fantastic job of coaxing another bone-jarring come from me. Whimpers of lust and enjoyment were spilling from my mouth as my hands clutched the sheets in desperation. Suddenly another flood joined in and erupted as my upturned ass cheeks received firm, but delightful slaps. The rough skinned hands that had spanked me, then went under my body to grab my swollen, jiggling, breast flesh. A loud whimper of...

2 years ago
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Natural Beauty Part 2 The Date

After a few months of chatting online with Bob, Ellen had agreed to meet him for dinner, followed by a night out. Not having dated since her husband, Ken, passed away, she was rather nervous about it and had used just about every beauty tip in the book to get herself looking good… **** Ellen caught herself admiring the tight little ass of the young Italian waiter, as she followed him to the bar area where Bob, her date, was waiting. “Stop it Ellen!” she chastised, smiling, “He’s young...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part 11

Dans le Murs – Part XI Synopsis: Colin and Nahdya travel to Bangkok and are forced to abandon their primary plan. They meet instead Mrs T, a fearsome, mentally unstable criminal gang leader who will go to extremes to get her way. The couple fall out with her; Nahdya is tortured while Colin is imprisoned but escapes to rescue his love. During the escape Nahdya is critically injured while Colin is also shot. They make their escape by sea, are pursued but rescued by the Indian Navy to Port Blair...

Erotic Fiction
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The Trial

Copyright 2001, 2002 swl all rights reserved except as follows: 1. Permission is given to download one (1) copy for personal use only. 2. Permission is given for Fictionmania to post this story. Other free sights are welcome to request permission to post this story. 3. As some of these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use these characters in a story provided the same veto rights are given to them as I gave them. Also, this copyright includes the...

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By the summer of 1990 I was working thirteen hour night security in a modern office block in the city of London with a black colleague named Isaac Obowe, born in Nigeria who,d emigrated to england with his family in the 1970s. Like me he was married with two c***dren though his were young compared to my teenagers, but we were both doing long hours away from home so saw our families rarely and often when we did we were too tired for sex. Both our wives worked as well which Didn,t help matters....

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Debbie Returns To University

When Mike had finished at university, he was due to start work in his chosen profession with a top law firm working in the city. He had passed his law degree with a first and because of this, he had found that he had first pick of most of the positions being offered to graduates. He was going to spend his first year working as a trainee lawyer while Debbie would be finishing her degree at Warwick University.  They were still very much in love with each other and had shared a flat during Mike's...

3 years ago
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My GF Rohini got gangbanged on train

Hey guys, I am Shankar, 28 years old and from Chennai. This is a true incident during my college days when my GF (now Ex) and I traveled on Mangalore express. We broke up now due to hurtful reasons. We never missed having wild moments when we were into each other. My GF’s name is Rohini, and she had an hourglass structure body to die for. She is from Andhra with a stat 34-28-36. Though many tried to impress her in college, I was lucky to win her heart. I met her on social media, and we became...

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Nina Nirvana Hatefucking A Snitch

Nina Nirvana is a hot white chick who just can’t keep her mouth shut at work. She snitches on a huge male co-worker and gets him fired. She had no idea he would get even with her. Nina comes home from work and immediately starts stripping naked for a shower. Our assailant is parked in a car watching and sees this as an opportune time to break into her home. He busts into the bathroom where Nina is standing there in just her tiny panties. She is shocked and scared that the dude she just got shit...

3 years ago
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married life by Lucy part 3

Part three. Things were fairly quite over the next few months. I was now pregnant with our first c***d. We still went to parties even though I was 8 months pregnant, it was at one of these parties that I notice John showing a lot of interest in a young girl. She [Sue]was married to Dave he was the same age as myself [20] but she was only just 17. I saw John snogging her & they seem to get on really well. Dave asked me to dance but I didn't fancy him so I made an excuse about being pregnant....

4 years ago
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Tinas Babysitting Adventure

Tina, glaring at her mother, stamped her foot on the checkered linoleum floor in the kitchen. "Ya gotta be kidding!" "Honey, just this one time." "I'm too old to babysit. Jeez, Mom, I'm nineteen." "You're almost-- That doesn't matter. What matters is your kid sister promised and the Webbs have plans. It's too late to get anyone else. It's not Sammi's fault she got sick. Do it for her." "But, Mom, babysitting? What if my friends find out?" "So what would be the big deal?...

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ClotildaThe Victorian Eraby P.N. DedauxCHAPTER TWO: JUDICIAL"It is winter, a cold time for madam to strip in," sneered the bewigged and red-robed judge from his seat of eminence, "see that you warm her shoulders thoroughly, Mr. Beadle. The cart's tail to Taunton and let's see if you feel so rebellious by the time you have made that little journey, lady."The good woman so addressed bent her head. A modest seamstress, she had come to the assizes in her Sunday best: Her fault – she had been heard...

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First Time Meeting the Neighbors

Tad and Sherry arrived at their new house early in the morning, excited about their very first home. They were tired of apartment living and desperately wanted a place of their own. The moving company had dropped off their container of belongings and they began the task of carrying everything inside and setting it in the appropriate rooms. It was a typical hot August day it didn’t take long for the sun and temperature to climb. Tad was down to only a pair of gym shorts and Sherry was wearing a...

2 years ago
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Adams Dominatrix Encounter 2

This is the sequel to Adam’s Story in which a 19 year old male becomes ensnared in a dominatrix’s web The day my stupid twin brother Adam became embroiled with Mistress Jasmine would dramatically change our well ordered and sheltered lives forever and turn us into the sexual playthings of a sadistic mistress and her followers. Adam was always submissive and from an early age sought out inappropriate web sites on the internet, that is where he discovered Mistress Jasmine. He must have...

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