MetamorphChapter 3 free porn video

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The next day, Dan felt he had to go home. It was time. He was still bewildered by June's actions – he knew in his brain what must have caused them; he only had to look in the mirror for that – but he didn't understand them on an emotional level. He thought he knew what the catalyst was, but to hear why – what she was thinking at the time when she decided to do this – he needed to hear that. Even though he knew he wasn't going to like what he heard.

So there he was, standing on his own porch at his own front door and wondering what he should do next. Should he ring the bell, just open the door with his key? What?

In the end, the choice was taken for him – the door had a smoked glass plate that revealed when someone was outside, and while he'd been standing there dithering, June must have seen the figure in the door. Give the size, it could only have been him and she drew back the door and gasped on seeing him.

He almost gasped on seeing her. She was a mess. No makeup, her hair not combed or cared for. It looked like she hadn't showered in two days and she didn't smell so good either. There were tell tale bags under her eyes and the eyes themselves were puffy, probably from crying.

She yelled, "DAN!" on opening the door and threw herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck, sobbing into his chest.

He knew they were making a spectacle of themselves on the porch, so he gently pushed her off and walked into their apartment home. It was one of those apartments that was built in the 1940's, for returning GI's. It had no parking garage but did have it's own entrance and distinct address and some specific just off street parking. It was small, but they'd loved it because of all the light it let in – there were large windows everywhere.

On closing the door, June tried to grab Dan's head and kiss him and he stepped sideways. God, he wanted to kiss her, but at the same time, he wanted to strangle her. He was hurt and angry and loved her with all he had, all at the same time.

She came towards him again and he held up his hand to stop her. "Look June. This is hard for me. The last time I saw you, well, we both know how that ended. All I have right now is that picture of you in my head. Right now, I am not going to kiss you nor am I going to allow you to kiss me. There is too much confusion in my head right now for that."

"Oh honey," said June, "I just don't know how to say I'm sorry enough. I must have been insane. I just can't even understand myself. I jeopardized everything and I can't tell you how sorry I am. I just ... I can't..." and she started sobbing again. "I didn't know where you were. I didn't know if you'd come back. I need you Dan. I can't live without you. Please, tell me you are staying. Please, tell me we can work this out. Please."

June was a mess, Dan could see that. Trouble was, he was too.

"OK June. Sit down. Take a breath. We need to talk, obviously."

He guided June into the living room and sat her down in the couch. He, very deliberately, took the easy chair opposite.

June sat in her chair, her back straight, her hands in her lap, twisting them and not able to meet his eyes.

"So," said Dan, since it was apparent she wasn't going to start. "I think I need to start. There are things I need to say and questions I need to ask. There are things I just have to know. I need to know if you are going to be honest with me." He said, gently.

June nodded, started to say something, then stopped, then blurted out, "I'll tell you anything you want to know Dan. I just ... don't want to hurt you more than you are already are. I just..."

Dan was surprised at himself being so calm when he was afraid, sad and raging inside, all at the same time. He was plumbing depths of control he didn't know he had. "I know June, I know. But ... we can't ignore this. This ... this can and probably will destroy us. Everything has to be out there."

"Dan ... I ... it wasn't love. It was just sex. Nothing else. I love YOU, no one else."

Dan grimaced and said, "Ten points."

June was taken aback. "What?" she asked.

"I had a bet with myself. If you said, 'its just sex', first, then it's twenty points. If you told me you loved me first, then it's ten points. Look, can we just cut to the chase? The bottom line here is that you'll tell me 'it was just sex', 'it didn't mean anything', 'you still love me', 'we can get past this' and all the rest of the crap that women tell their men when they've cheated on them. Yes June, you are a cheater, ok? That's what you are. Lets not honey coat it. It's not a 'little mistake', you took our marriage, my trust and faith in you and you flushed it down the crapper."

Dan was starting to get heated – although no one could really blame him – and he forced himself to calm down. June just sat there and stared at her hands during his rant.

Then, very quietly, she said, "But it's still all true."

"Which bit, June? That you still love me? That it was all just a mistake? That it didn't mean anything. Well, let me answer a few of those for you. It might not have meant a thing to you, but I can fucking assure you, it meant something to me. A big fucking something. It was all a mistake? Yes, I'd agree with that. But it was a mistake you made, not me. I didn't do anything here, except encourage you to go after your dreams in this business. You still love me? I dunno – see June, here's the kicker. I don't believe you any more. A relationship is based on love, trust and faith in each other. I may still love you, and you may still love me, but you've pretty much destroyed the other two. Anything you now say is seen through the filter of you betraying me and our marriage. You lied, you betrayed me – of course I don't fucking trust anything you say. Why the hell should I?"

Again, Dan was heated. It took more effort to calm down now.

"Oh honey, you have to believe me. I am so, so sorry about this. I never meant to hurt you. It was never about you." June said it with earnestness but Dan wasn't about to let her off that easy.

"See, there you go, lying to me again."

"I am not," said June, hotly.

"Oh really," said Dan, dryly. "OK. Lets try this question. The only one that I really care about. Why, June? Why? Was our life so bad that you couldn't wait to get some strange? Was his body that nice? Ooohhh ... there it is."

June's expression had flickered for an instant when Dan said that. He'd seen it and she knew he had.

"So that's it then. You just ... don't want my body. I get it. I really do. All my friends said that you were too hot for me. That you were meant to be with beautiful people but I dared hope that you were different. I really thought you were. I had thought you were for years. But I guess they were right. Weren't they June? Along came Mr. Perfect Body and off you went."

June started crying again. But Dan needed to push it. He was pretty sure there was a lot of unspoken feeling going on here – that June had felt this way for a while and just wouldn't say it for fear of hurting him. He needed to prod the wound, because he wouldn't feel any resolution until he understood her motivation.

"So that was it. He looks better than I do. Fucking great. Is his cock big too June? Is he bigger than I am? Did he make you cum harder?"

"Dan ... please ... don't. We've had so many years of happiness. You have to believe I love you, that is was all a mistake. Please. Doesn't all those years count?"

"It sure didn't seem to stop you June, did it? Sure didn't count to you when his cock was sinking into you, did it? How long have you felt this way June? How long? How long have you been hiding the disgust when I touched you?"

"NEVER. I LOVE you. I just wanted something else! I wanted more positions, someone who has seen their dick!" June screamed, frustration boiling out of her.

And then there was silence as both digested what had been said. Everything Dan had feared was out in the open now. June sat there, mouth open, a hand in front of it.

"No Dan, no, that's not what I meant. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Sure you did June. We both know that – all evidence has been proving that," said Dan. "But you know what? I expected this. I've been waiting our entire marriage for the other shoe to drop, and now it has. I have only myself to blame for wanting to believe it wouldn't. You are perfect and so, I'm sure, is he. I don't doubt it would have carried on once you got home. Christ ... how you must disrespect me."

"No," said June, forcefully. "It was only in New Orleans. It was a temporary thing. I knew that and so did he. We were both very careful, none of the crew knew what was going on. You were never going to find out. This wasn't about you, or any disrespect I had for you, it was about me. I ... just fell for the flattery. I don't know. I just was there, he was there, there was opportunity, I wasn't thinking about you. You are just ... always there, in the background of my life. Always going to be there. I could do it, it was a bit of stupid fun with a bit of strange that had no chance of getting back to you – it was like I was living a completely separate life and in that life, it was ok and ... well, we know how that ended up."

"Bullshit. You've had guys hitting on your for years June. Why now? Why this particular guy? Again June, do explain to me how I can trust anything you say. For all I know, this could have been going on for years. How do I know it's the first time either? And I dunno June, from what I saw, I think you were very much enjoying it. I highly doubt you would have stopped."

"I don't know how many times to tell you – it was never going to last. We both knew that. It was just ... t the perfect storm of situation, desire and me being overworked, tired, drunk and all the rest. He asked about you, but I was deliberately vague. You were a writer, that was all I told him."

"Whatever June. You can tell me whatever you want and I will never know, will I? You can lie through your teeth, as you have been, and I would never know," retorted Dan. "For all I know, you could have both been having a good laugh about me. I'm sure you were."

"Dan ... I would never laugh at you. Never. Please, if you don't believe anything else, believe that. I love you."

"You have a funny way of showing it June."

She looked down and spoke quietly, "I know. I know ... I'm so sorry. I just didn't think about it affecting us at all. It wasn't anything to do with us as a marriage. It was just me sowing some wild oats in a totally safe and private and isolated environment. I can't believe how I've hurt you."

"Oh June. You have NO idea how hurt I am. My ego is now just shit. You've destroyed the last of my remaining confidence and frankly, I doubt I'll ever be able to get it up for you again. All I can see now is that image of you and him, and ... well, I know now that I'll never measure up. That you want what I'm not, physically."

June's eyes widened in alarm at that. "Don't say that. You know I'll do anything you want."

"Oh yes. Then we come to the real fucking kicker. So, that night's sex June. Where I got your ass?"

June's expression became guarded. "Yes?"

"So how did that come about exactly? What prompted you to do that? Guilt?"

"I ... I don't know. It seemed like the right thing to do," she said, uncertainly.

Dan got up and walked to the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" said June, fearfully, standing up.

"I'm going to pack some things. I told you if you lied we would be done. You lied. I'm leaving."

"I ... I ... Look, Dan, what does it matter?"

"It fucking matters to me. The only reason you did it was because he suggested it? Isn't that true?"

June collapsed back down on the couch.

"What difference does it make?" she said, not actually answering the question.

"The difference, dear," said Dan, dripping venom, "is that it's something you know I've wanted, you've never given me and the only time I have had it, is when some other guy you are fucking tells you to. Not because you wanted to, or because I'd asked, because your fucking lover told you to. That gift is now not worth any fucking thing. Nothing. Worse than nothing. It's a fucking insult to me, our marriage and our relationship. Tell me June, did he fuck you in the ass first?"

She looked at Dan again, finally, and said, "No, I told him I didn't do that. And if I did, it would be with you."

"And so you came home and did do it with me. What do you think would have happened the next time you saw him Junie, dear? Think he would have asked you if you had? Did he ask? I wonder what was next on the sexual menu for that night I was there. And you know what June? You aren't a fucking idiot. If I can work this out, you know fucking well you could too. You knew. You gave me your ass to salve whatever conscience you had about giving it to him later. And then you just lied to me about it now. That's it. Case closed."

June was silent. There was nothing to be said to that. They both knew it to be true.

Dan went into the bedroom and came out a few minutes later, having hastily packed a few things into a bag. He went around the living room grabbing a few more items – his Bluetooth speakers, some games, the external hard drive with all his music on it.

Eventually June said, with resignation, "What are you going to do? Are we done? Is it a divorce?"

Dan stopped and looked at her. He put down his bag and said, while looking intently at her, "June, explain something to me. You say you love me. You say we can get past this. I ask you this. How? How are you going to rebuild the trust you've destroyed? How are you going to get that image of you and the perfect body out of my mind? How am I supposed to deal with the hurt and betrayal you've pushed onto my shoulders? How do I deal with that and still look at you and love you? Can you explain to me how that is going to happen?"

June's shoulders sagged. "I don't know," she said in a small voice, "I really don't. I've spent the last few days trying to figure out why I did it, and what I can do to make it up to you."

"June, this isn't you missing a birthday dinner. You don't just 'make it up' to someone when you completely destroy their life, betray their trust and give them a gift that isn't even meant for them."

"I know. You are right. I just don't know what to do Dan. I don't. Tell me what to do. I will do anything. I just can't lose you. You are my rock. Without you I am just adrift."

Dan snorted, "Don't talk such utter crap June. You've never needed me, as you have so ably demonstrated. You'll go back to work, find something to immerse yourself in. You've never need me. I've just been, as we've already established, a large lard ass holding you back. So whatever."

"I wish I could make you see how much I need you Dan. I know I hurt you, I know it was all me. I'm so sorry. But I'm also sorry for me too. I fucked up and now ... you are leaving."

Without even knowing it, Dan had made a decision. "Look June, here's the deal. I'm going away for a while. Don't try and call me or text me or email me – I'll just ignore it and delete any message. I won't be at work either. I'm just ... going away for a while. I need to get my head together. I'll be back in a few weeks, or more likely, months. You can do whatever you want while I am gone, I'll never know. Fuck Mr. Perfect body, whatever. If you can stand there when I come back and not lie to me and tell me you've been celibate and make me believe it, maybe we stand a chance. Frankly, I doubt it. But what the fuck. What have I got to lose? I'm fat loser anyway, either way you cut it."

"No Dan, please, no. Don't ever think that. I love you. I know you don't believe that now, but I do. What I did was ... wrong and hurtful and I'm sorrier than I can ever say. I never meant to hurt you. If you have to go, I can't say I honestly blame you, but I'll be here when you get back. I don't want anyone else except my husband. I married you for all the right reasons and I still believe that. I've been weak and made mistakes but no more. And I'll prove it to you, any way you want."

Dan looked at her from the door, as he hefted his bags. He thought about some parting comment – "whatever" or just calling her a slut, but found he didn't have the stomach for either, so he just turned and left, hearing the door click shut behind him.

He loaded the bags into his car and drove about a mile before he found he didn't have the stomach for anything and had to pull over to heave up the churro he'd eaten earlier.

Monday came and right before nine o'clock, Dan trudged up to the desk at the gym, and asked for Greg. The girl behind the counter looked at him coolly and said, "He'll be down in a minute, please wait."

So Dan sat and watched the early risers on the running machines and bikes. After five minutes, Greg arrived, in a grey tracksuit, all teeth and suntan. "Dan, glad you can make it. Although you won't be, once we get going." said Greg, holding out his hand.

Dan just looked at it, and then at Greg and made no effort to take it, and said, "Look asswipe. I'm here and here for one reason only. To get fit enough to kick your ass up through your teeth. That's it. We aren't friends, we aren't buddies and there sure as hell is no fucking respect. So lets just get on with it and get it done."

Greg pulled his hand back and his smile wavered just a little bit, and then he said, "Yeah, I guess I can't really blame you on that. OK, so, lets get you situated, then we have to go out."

They went down the corridor to the end and up the stairs and down almost the whole way, to a door in the end. "This is your new home for the next few months," said Greg, as he opened the door.

The apartment was ok – nothing great but not shabby either. A single bedroomed standard apartment, decent kitchen with range and island. A large LCD screen TV was on one wall, and Dan noticed an Xbox hooked up underneath it. Greg said, "There is Wi-Fi here too, and you can buy your own groceries and cook, although we'll be monitoring your food intake and making recommendations. I hope you like Rice. I'll see you downstairs in twenty."

He left Dan to unpack what little he'd brought, take a look around and then he walked downstairs. When he got there Greg tossed him some keys and a keycard. "The keycard opens the outside door, and the key is for the apartment. Also, you'll note there is a direct elevator in the building lobby, so you don't have to go through the gym every time. Now, we have an appointment."

Dan was guided outside into the back of the big black SUV, where Greg drove. Greg tried a couple of times to start a conversation, but Dan was not in any mood to chat with his wife's lover, and he made it plain.

Eventually, having navigated the 405 and I10 and spent at least an hour doing it, they pulled over on a street in Chinatown. Greg nodded at Dan and they got out and Greg walked up to what looked like a solitary door in the wall. He knocked and they went inside.

The interior of the building was part sweat shop and part fabric store. A small wizened man came up to Greg, bowing constantly, and guided the two of them into a small room, with four mirrors. Greg motioned for Dan to sit, which he did.

Then Greg got measured for a suit. He saw different fabric swatches, was measured and it took a couple of hours. Dan was well and truly pissed off and made no bones about it at the end of the first hour.

Greg looked at him in the mirror and said, "You pissed? Don't see us making any progress in dumping some lard?"

Dan's face flushed and Greg said, "Oh come on Dan. You gonna run home to Mommy the moment the nasty man says something you don't like? I warned you this would be hard. I'm gonna be an evil bastard – I'm telling you that upfront. Some of the shit I'm going to say will make you want, - no, need -, to kill me. And we need that anger and that pain and that humiliation because you need it to keep going. You don't have the promise of ten million dollars for the next part in the movie to drive you to keep going. Hell, you don't even know you have June to go back to. But you need to do this, if only for your own self respect. So shut the fuck up and sit there and take your medicine. You'll get your chance to give me mine at the end of this. Now, did you decide what you wanted to do about watching June?"

Dan took a deep breath and pulled back the comment he was about to make regarding pretty boys and their tight asses and said, "Yes. I'll use my own group, thanks. You can just pay the bills."

Dan had spent the last two days checking out groups that specialized in tailing unfaithful spouses. It was a husband and wife team that had a further team of six working for them. He'd arranged for them to follow June once every three days, randomizing which day it was. They couldn't follow her full time for four months – he'd never have the time to go through all the details. He was pretty sure she wouldn't mess around again; he was just doing this to be sure. While he'd been bitter and hurt, he was relatively sure that almost everything June had told him about her feelings and what had happened was the truth, or at least how she saw it. If the PI's found anything, well, he'd revise that feeling.

Back in the moment Greg said, "So, do you know why we are here?"

"So you can get your pretty ass a nice tight little set of chaps, so you can show it off to all the other little boys in class?"

Greg actually laughed and said, "Dan, I know you won't believe this, but I like your style. I wish we'd met under different circumstances. I hope you can keep that sense of humor going later today. No, we are here so I can have a suit made."

"I'm sure it'll highlight your cock adequately," replied Dan.

"It's not for me, idiot. It's for you. They are just using some of my dimensions. I need you to get up here in a moment so they can get your inside seam and all the rest of that stuff that tailors seem to need."

"Me? What the fuck are you talking about?" asked Dan, puzzled.

"Incentive," replied Greg. "The idea is that the suit will be made to a mixture of my dimensions and yours. My chest, your height, my arm size, your arm length. They make the suit, deliver it and when you can fit into it nicely, then we are done. This is a two thousand dollar suit by the way. Mr. Chang does not come cheap. He makes suits for Johnny Depp by the way."

Dan suddenly took an interest, and moments later was standing in front of the mirrors and trying not to look embarrassed as Mr. Chang moved his dick around in order to understand which side he dressed to.

An hour later, they were back at the gym and Greg looked at Dan and said, "Are you ready for this? What am I saying - I don't give a crap if you are. Go upstairs, put on a track suit and come back down and meet me in the last room at the end."

Dan did as he was bid, and it began. Greg started him by making him go to a zoomba class, with girls. Dan was at the back, huffing and puffing and looking like an idiot, and he caught Greg smirking at him through the door several times. By the time the class was done, Dan was covered in sweat and ready to die, both from the exercise and from the embarrassment. He couldn't breath and needed water on tap.

Greg smiled at him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes and said, "Good. Can you swim?"

Dan nodded, too out of breath to answer with words.

"Good," said Greg, "go get your swim suit on and meet me in the pool."

Once there, Dan was made to do lengths. Greg wasn't interested in speed, he was interested in endurance. Dan did ten lengths and was allowed to rest while Greg explained that he was just starting the warm up that he'd be doing himself.

After the swim, it was time for the rowing machine. After thirty minutes on that, Dan went to the bathroom to be sick, which Greg stood outside and laughed.

After that, it was lunch. Greg took Dan to the juice bar and got him a smoothie that was green and had grass of some kind in it and it tasted foul. Greg explained that Dan's intake of food was going to change radically, and he'd better get used to it.

Back at the gym, and they were in the boxing room. Dan was measured for gloves and boots and then taught how to wrap his hands. After that, it was punching time with the heavy bag – a touch that Dan appreciated was that Greg had pasted a blown up photo of his face on the bar. That was all the encouragement he needed. Again Dan lasted about forty-five minutes before he had to run off and throw up, for the second time.

After recovering from that, it was in the ring for some sparring. Dan was fitted with protective headgear and a cup and pushed into the ring with one of the guys he recognized from the day he was abducted. The guy basically pushed his face in for three straight rounds, Dan not hitting him once.

By the end of the day, Dan had thrown up four times, had a go on almost all the machines in the gym, done free weights, drunk almost three gallons of water and was just lying on the bed in the apartment, begging to die. His body was on fire, his arms ached, and he really wanted to hit the hot tub, but couldn't figure out how to get his body off the bed without his arms coming off.

He was aware Greg was in the room – he wasn't thrilled about that – and he pulled up a stool and handed Dan a bottle of water.

"Right, that was hard. I know it was because it was meant to be," he said. "But you stuck it out and you didn't give up. These first couple of weeks are the hardest. If you think today was hard, you wait till tomorrow when we do it all again, only now you are sore from today."

Dan just groaned.

"It's necessary. What's happening right now is your body is going into toxic shock. It's suddenly realizing that it's needs muscle and it's going to try and build some. It's going to cannibalize some of your fat to do it, which is what we want. In a few days, your body will start to stabilize and your metabolism will increase. Usually we'd feed that by giving you more protein, but right now we are going to do it by starving you a bit, or at least not giving you as much as your body really wants.

See Dan, there is only one real way to loose weight and keep it off. Eat less carbs than your body burns. There are two ways to do that – one is to stop eating and eat less than your body burns naturally – in your case, something around sixteen hundred calories a day – OR you can exercise and burn calories faster than you take them in. A balanced weight loss program does both – it reduces the calories and food intake coming in, and amps up the exercise to burn more as well. Now we can jog that along – the right intake and the right set of exercises – even the right time of day matters.

You are going to be doing a mixture of cardio exercises and strength training. The cardio is good for initially burning fat, but once you've burned all the calories in your blood stream, it burns as much muscle as it does fat. So we use the cardio are muscle warmers and between the interval training where you really strain.

What I'm going to do with you is spend alternate days in the weights room and in the boxing room, and then every fifth day you have off, or at least not putting undue strain on your body. Just some swimming and yoga – no running though. You weigh too much to put that strain on your knees, at least initially. We will vary the warm up cardio exercise so it doesn't get boring. But you'll initially see the weight come off fast, then it'll slow up as your body starts building muscle, which weighs a lot more than fat, and then once you've got the muscle tone to build on top of, the rest of the weight loss just happens naturally, as a result of your increased metabolism and exercise. You won't have to do specific things to lose the weight as long as you aren't chugging down cheeseburgers and fries and drinking a lot of beer.

So yeah, food wise, you'll eat with me three times a week and eat your own stuff the rest of the time. I'll be in here seeing what you are eating and if I don't like it, it goes. So be aware. Ignore grains – no breads or pizza or cereals – they are empty calories and go straight to fat, even though the roughage is good for you. You need proteins, milk, water, salads and meats. Try cutting out breakfast altogether and just having a smoothie instead. I will make sure the right stuff is in here to do this.

Now, get your lardy ass off the bed and go sit in the hot tub for twenty minutes. Then after that, get a massage – that's room seven. And don't try anything with Julie in there. She'd kick your ass. She's our tebow instructor as well."

With that Dan levered himself off the bed and went to find the hot tub. Greg was right, he felt a lot better – still very sore, but not as stiff – afterwards, and even better after the nimble but steel fingers of Julie had finished with him.

A side effect of the whole experience was that he slept like the dead, although every time he turned over, he woke himself up through the pain of his sore muscles.

Same as Metamorph
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Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank. On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had...

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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 4A Acceptance

Sherri awoke to a tapping on her door, light, polite, but present. Sherri upon waking thought to herself Robert, it was Robert. There was no sense of confusion, that normally accompanies a night in a strange bed, in a strange place, she was instantly aware of who she was, where she was, and him. The clock said 6:30 and he was at her door. She answered the tapping "Yes?" "Sherri, it's time to get up and exercise. I'm rather insistent about it I'm afraid, the workout gear is outside the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 25 Le Quattro Stagioni

October 18, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio My first reaction was surprise, followed almost immediately by a clear understanding of exactly how I’d gotten myself into this particular predicament. I’d told Winter what it took to keep me centered and balanced, made it exceedingly clear that I was open to the idea of other young women, and even told her about the ‘dose of virgin blood’ which Elyse had said was required for my mental health. The girl in front of me certainly bore a resemblance to Phoebe...

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Fantasia By Jane Astin Sebastian looked towards the dark castle shaped like a hand. More like a claw he thought. "Fly me to that window," he instructed his trusty luck dragon. "Sebastian are you sure?" responded the white dragon he was riding. "It could be dangerous and I can't fly inside." "Drop me off at the window sill and don't worry I'll be fine," responded Sebastian. "I have Orrid remember and as long as I have Orrid I can wish for anything I like and that will...

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Mumbai Rains And Naughty Girl Under The Umbrella

Hello readers! I am back with another story. Without wasting further time, let me begin the story. So it happened during the monsoons of 2017 in Mumbai. Let’s name the lead of the story as Aaliya (name changed to maintain privacy). Aaliya was a short girl with curly hair and a fair complexion. She had small tits (32B) with large areolas around her nipples. She had a nice round butt and I loved spanking it. We met each other on Tinder for the first time where we spent hours chatting with each...

2 years ago
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From Africa Ch 03

Northern Africa, circa 1949 ‘So, we’ll just have tea in Lagos, at that hotel that you like, and we can even take Livvie here. I’m sure she’d enjoy a day out,’ Mark winked a pale blue eye at me. ‘Really, I don’t think we need to go through the trouble…’ Anna pursed her lips, flipping through a magazine. ‘Wouldn’t you like to come with us, for a change of scenery, Livvie?’ I rolled my eyes, wondering if Mark would ever stop calling me ‘Livvie’. He’d only been at the ranch for three days, and...

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The Replacement Maid Ch03

.I woke the next morning feeling just a little jaded but was pleasantly surprised by the sound of activity from the kitchen. Looking at the clock told me there were ten minutes before my morning tea was due so I snuggled back under the covers. Beside me Sophia grunted and moulded herself into me. It wasn’t long before I detected movement by the bed and looked up to see jasmine holding my customary tray. Thoughtfully this time she had included extra cups. I gently sat up trying not to disturb...

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A Night With My Younger Step sister

My name is Marty, I'm 22 years old, and have a younger stepsister Abbie who is 15.It was around my dad’s birthday in June when the following took place.About two weeks before, when the family all sat down for dinner, my dad said that he and Sharon (his other half and Abbie’s Mum) were going away for the weekend of his birthday and that I would have to look after Abbie. I didn’t have a problem with this as she had never been any bother.It’s worth mentioning at this point that I had never viewed...

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The Camping Trip

This is a true story about a camping trip I was on last summer. A big group of us went from school. All of us were college students, out for a good time. Naturally it was mostly guys. But there were 5 of us women along. Me and a friend Julie were sharing a tent. The other three ladies had boyfriends. We had a great time that first day. It was hot, sunny out. We did a lot of swimming, drinking. With it being mostly guys, got flirted with a lot. Not that I am a super model. But I’m 19, 5’3”...

Straight Sex
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My older neighbora professor gave me some lessons

Chapter 1 I was 17 when I started mowing my neighbor's yard .Sharon was my neighbor and Kyle was her husband.I have known them all of my life, yet their daughter Fran was who I paid the most attention to.She was three years older than I and probably never knew that she gave me my first hard on. When she went off to college I missed seeing her but lost my virginity with her friend at 16. I found after that there...

4 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 24

Oh that feels good. Someone was loving me, bringing me near an orgasm. Bobby was still at my side sort of wrapped around me, so I put my hand down and petted a head. The lover pulled from me and came up my body to give me a kiss. As she slid onto me, she said, "After all that last night, I still need you. Love me Chuck, or rather, let me love you." Bobby woke next to us and said, "My goodness, Marie, you are a chatterbox this morning." "As soon as I get a good come, I'm coming after...

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Best Friends ForeverChapter 3

Sammy was right; I did drink too much, but I didn’t give a damn. I needed to drink and to drink often. And why the hell not, John Daniels loved me. I wonder what they’d named the baby. I wondered if it were a boy or a girl. I guess it didn’t matter; I’d never be meeting it—him, her. It was strange it was. I couldn’t get the kid out of my mind. I couldn’t get the two of them out of my mind either. The way they’d done me. Was I jealous even after a year? I guess I was and bitter too. I needed...

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Mistress J Part Two

FANTASY CONTINUED She was covered and crusted in cum when she headed for the shower. Hubby dispersed the men who’d made his wife a cum receptacle at his invitation. The room smelled of sex, cups of semen had a way of doing that. Ten men plus hubby and her had covered things in DNA, from spit and sweat to loads of jism. If the walls and mattress could talk, the next guest would run away screaming. As the Jacuzzi filled she stepped into the shower to get the cum out of her hair and off...

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Texas Dildo MassacreChapter 4

The sheriff gave a groan of resignation as he saw the camera crews and news hounds heading up the trail towards the farm. Now the gun battle was over his men were spread thin and there was nothing he could do to stop media disembarking and instantly setting upon any half drunk deputised good ole boy that was willing to tell them the tale. The sheriff stood over the body of one of his own law men, there only casualty officially, and it would have to stay like that. There'd been so much...

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Kids Growing UpChapter 5 Amy

In school I was a member of what we called the 'Service Club'. We were the ones with the red jackets who, for instance, directed people coming into the gymnasium for a basketball game. I liked doing that job because it meant that we got in free to not only the game but also the dance held afterwards. Some of my fondest memories were of dancing while holding girls bodies up against mine as we slowly moved across the dance floor. One girl in particular stood out because she always had a...

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The carer gets her freak on

Um miss Lewis, we really are running short of time - I’m going to need you to finish dressing meBut mr B I’m not sure I can fasten your trousers at the moment, your um quite erect at the moment and I have to clean you before you dress. Shall we wait?No, please at least try. Ok mr B. Oh god you think yo yourself, I’m never going to get that thick, long dick away. But you try, you take it in your hands,first cleaning the length with a wipe. It really is quite thick and heavy in your hands, the...

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Kelly and Billy

"Billy", Kelly asked, "did you steal a pair of panties from my laundry basket last week?". Nervous and penitent, Billy acknowledged that he had. "Why, Billy?", Kelly asked, as though she didn't know the answer. "Because they smell pretty:", Billy told her. "Well, its not right to steal things, Billy, and smelling girl's underwear is naughty.". The knoledge that Billy was interested in scent of her vagina was flattering to Kelly, and even though she had told him it was naughty, there was...

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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 9 Officer Cindy Deidrersquos Hot Menage

Mrs. Fatima Samara I savored the underage delight of plundering Keily’s cunt. The teenager squirmed beneath me as I pumped over and over into her depths. My futa-cock throbbed in her silky embrace. She quivered, her small breasts jiggling, her green eyes growing dewy with lust behind her glasses. “Help...” She groaned. “Someone ... I ... Ooh ... Ooh, yes!” I smiled. Her lusts, inflamed by what the futa-fairies did to us when they gifted us our clit-dicks, swelled through her. She shuddered...

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BreederChapter 3 The Other Side

Rick sat on the couch with Laura at his feet. She was leaning between his thighs occasionally licking his semi erect cock just to watch it twitch. Tracy walked up to and sat down next to them on the couch. She was still naked, her body pert and perfect, but she looked like she was ready to fall asleep on her feet. She snuggled up close to Rick. "Why me?" she asked. "Why you what?" Rick replied, puzzled. "Why did you pick me to be your companion?" She asked " and your fuck...

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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning Sissy I woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something was wrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn't unexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was a leather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tethered securely to the foot of my bed with a short chain. Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and my nipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red...

1 year ago
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He is the first one there, the room is big, hollow and empty. He grins and flicks a wrist. A sofa, big and red and plush with little steel rings hiding between the cushions. He is planning for later. He settles himself onto the furniture, falling back with a lazy sigh, his long brown and blue hair fanning out behind him, the translucent luminescence of his opal silk coat, the only item he is wearing, making him look like a god. He closes deep intensely green eyes to wait. It has been a long...

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Mahmoud Hamas and the Necronomicon aKa Arab Style Vengeance

This story is dedicated to HP Lovecraft, father of American Horror and he gave the world "Weird Science". I would also like to give many special thanks to Mike S, who has convinced me to come out of retirement and start writing online erotica again. Mahmoud Hamas was sat down in a café, drinking Arabic tea, in Beirut. Mahmoud Hamas was not originally from Lebanon. He was from Palestine. He left the country when he was 12 years old because the Israeli soldiers killed all his friends and he...

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Her First Threesome

"I've made up my mind", you tell me. "It's Rhett "   "You're sure? " I ask   "Yes, I'm sure.  Rhett will be the one" .   "OK, best you make the phone call then and give him the news.  Set it up for this Saturday  evening.  I'm pretty sure he's going to arrange to be free"     So you make the call to Rhett, letting him know that he is invited to join us for our first ever  threesome.  We've talked about it for a while now, and recently placed a contact ad looking ...

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Educating Marri Ch 1112

Chapter Eleven I ran into my apartment and locked the door. I sat on the loveseat and picked up the phone. My fingers were shaking as I dialed. I didn’t know why I was so nervous. It just all seemed so backwards. In the past, I’d always had phone conversations and such before having sex with someone. It was a hard habit to break. Someone picked up on the fourth ring. I nearly lost my nerve and hung up, but I made myself stay on the line. I’d earned this. A voice I instantly recognized as...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 22

Half a continent away from Athens and Spearfish Lake, Harris Harper looked out of the office window of the Los Angeles high rise at the brown LA smog. Pretty bad, he thought. He remembered when it had been worse, but it still had been pretty bad. When the smog was gone, it was a pretty nice view, but not today. He shook his head; there was work to be done. He went back to going through the mail. It had been pretty carefully screened before the mail got to him, of course. The Washington...

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The CommunionThis story is fiction. A lady, who was a lay minister at her catholic church, asked me to write her a hot story. She loved her niece and church outings with the teens. So, to make her happy, here’s a coming of age story with a little twist. Enjoy, but if you are looking for i****t or pedophilia, keep on moving to other sources. My name is Jean, and I am the leader of this congregation. Ours is a conservative church group with a vision that focuses on strong family relationships....

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Paint Me A Picture

Chloe slid the key card into the slot. The little green light blinked twice and she heard the click. Pushing open the door, she struggled to get in to the sitting room with her computer bag and bucket of ice. It had been a long, mentally draining day but now she was home, at least whatever hotel was home that week. Placing her keys, key card, and the filled bucket of ice onto the wet bar, she thought of his text, the instructions. “get ice, fill a bucket, bring it back to the room.” Smiling...

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At the dentist office My husband has  had a tremendous obsession since a long time: he likes to show me off around in the city so everyone will stare at how I shake my ass cheeks in the open. He claims this will make him having an instantaneous hard on and then we go back home to fuck and    nail me with his hard shaft.   Each day I try or do my best to make an impression on people. That’s why that morning I put on my new black winter dress, well, it actually was a mini skirt  with round low...

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God of LoveChapter 36 Despair

May listened to Lucas’s words in silence and understood a little what he meant. Still, she couldn’t accept it and said upset. “If you had the ability, you should have spoken earlier. What if something happens to Amy? Although I understand your considerations, this is an extreme situation. If you have the ability and are willing to do it, you should act like a man and do it.” Although May was speaking angrily, her tone was not accusatory. She knew she was being selfish in speaking like that...

4 years ago
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Her First Time

At the time this occurred, Sarah and I were not married. We had been dating for over two years and this was our first vacation together. Sarah was 21, 5’6’’ and about 125 lbs with nice 36C breasts. She is mixed white and black. She is a wildcat in bed and absolutely loves to suck dick. We were visiting a friend of mine from the Army in Florida. We had all been grilling out and enjoying some beers throughout the evening. Sarah and I had both noticed John was looking at her with lust in his eyes...

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A Naturist Mother and Her Naked Son by Oediplex 8==3~ She believed in things being natural, as it was in nature; but, was what they did at their secret beach a natural sort of activity between a mother and her son? It was one of those days where the air was perfect. It was the right temperature, the right humidity, a slight breeze, perfect. You know how that feels, when the atmosphere is just exactly at it’s most comfortable. It is a sensation that makes you want to be nude, shed...

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Stray Women

POP! The noise was so loud that it was painful as if someone had slapped both of her ears hard and suddenly she was no longer standing in her living room at night but in the morning sunlight of a strange city. She had fallen about a foot to the pavement of a sidewalk and although it hadn't hurt she'd been disoriented by the sudden change and crumpled to the ground. She wondered if this was some kind of dream, but sat up looking around. She was in an unfamiliar city. There weren't skyscrapers,...

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Random Memories

Have you ever heard that Erasure song? ‘Take me back to the place Where I once belonged This could be anyplace – a place Where you and I could sing this song Take me back where I hear waterfalls flowing Let me dive into the lake Where winter hides the snow Then comes the summertime Fields of scarlet poppies grow Take me back where I see butterflies toing froing Let me sleep a little while Underneath the trees And dream of dragonflies Where the weary willow weeps for me Take me...

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How it all began

How it all beganIt´s been a while back, i was young and very curious about sex, porn and all this stuff. I started wanking about a year ago, mostly on stolen Playboy magazines. Back than we had a a bookstore in the station, with a adult area behind a curtain, they hat real hardcore stuff there and i decided instead of steeling another playboy to slip behind that curtain. I need to steel,because i was not of age to buy them.It took a few days and tries, but someday i slipped in without been...

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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 8

Phil opened his eyes. He was lying on a cushioned bench. He felt perfectly relaxed. His body was surrounded by a warm pleasant glow. He looked up and stared into the face of a beautiful woman with long, flowing blonde hair. She was a vision of radiance. Had he died and gone to heaven? Was this an angel come to welcome him? He groaned in pleasure as an orgasm shuddered through his body. A surge of relief flowed through him as his hips bucked upwards and he spurted his seed into a soft,...

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Rain Fighting The Attraction

It’s my first day of college at Howard University and my parents are just dropping me off. ‘Oh, my baby finally graduated! Oh, Brian, take one last picture with your step-daughter!’ He hugs me really tight while she takes the picture. She squeezes the life out of me for the last time. Honestly, I don’t mind my mother being overbearing. I feel kind of like how I felt when she dropped me off a Pre-K for the first time. Scared and nervous. I’m grown now, though. I don’t need anyone to hold my...

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The Night Visitor

Frighten as to why he was there at my home and not wanting him to interact with my folks, I opened the window about three inches. I asked ' ... What you doing here? ...' Daniel answered ' ... If you want, I'll go around and knock at the door! If not open the window! ...' Fearful what would happen if he met my folks I raised the window. Daniel had no problem of muscling his self into my room. He looked around and reached for my wrist. I tried to twist away but he held tight and gave me...

1 year ago
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One Wierd Night

One Weird Night Part 1        Carla woke with a start when the shower started. The house was old and had only one bathroom with a very loud shower. She had fallen asleep before Larry came to bed again. He was staying up later and later anymore playing that dumb game on the computer. But tonight he had promised he be in bed before midnight so they could play. They where both horny, but things had just not worked out for them the last few weeks. But tonight was to be different; Larry was...

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Snake Dance

His voice smooth and sensual down the phone purred to her telling her of the unlimited sexual delights that he had in store for her. The husky timbre of his voice causing her to shake and tremble. Her mind was racing, she knew only too well of his ability to take her to places that she had never dared ventured so this carrot of temptation that he dangled before her was driving her wild Entering his house always sent shivers of anticipation through her and this time was no different. He greeted...

3 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 39

Gunny Colepepper Personal log (voice), Colepepper, Captain of the Montezuma's Revenge, 10:31 pm, November 3rd, 2006 4:31 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) "Minimal damage." The environmental agent called out. "Shields holding." "Return fire!" The weapons agent did so. "No apparent damage." the environmental agent informed them. "Let's move. No need to stay here now. Let's try out this thing's orbital capacities." The piloting officer adjusted the course accordingly and...

2 years ago
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Regret A There and Back Again OneShot

So there was an outpouring of anger against Alistair, after I published the most recent chapter of my story There and Back Again. In my head, that wasn’t how it was meant to go, but clearly I didn’t get my ideas across the way I intended. Sticking with one viewpoint - Sierra’s - makes it harder to show what’s happening in someone else’s head, as well as in the background when she’s not around. So I was inspired to write this one-shot from Alistair’s point of view from the last few chapters....

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So who won

Patricia Lopez's junior year in the local college had been an epic disaster. Her boyfriend dumped her for another woman causing her grades to fall to a point of academic probation. Going home for the summer was off. She had to stay for the summer term to get her grades back up. She hated it at first but came to love how empty the campus was during the summer term. Her student housing complex was almost empty. She soon discovered the buildings exercise room and spa. It was such a relief to work...

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A Fresh StartChapter 74 Hawaii

I had been to Hawaii twice before, once on my first time around, and the other with Marilyn on the trip her parents gave us for our wedding. My first time, way back when, we had stayed at a resort on Hawaii itself, the Big Island, and while we did a little traveling, we never left the island. On the trip this time, we had stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, which is on Waikiki Beach near Diamond Head. This third trip (for me) was going to be a bit different. Harlan and Anna Lee might be...

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The LotteryChapter 28

Kim tossed and turned in her bed. She thought she heard a door close and muted laughter from the hallway. Slowly she got up, went into the bathroom and opened the door to the guest room. Gazing into the darkened room, she saw that Megan's bed was empty. She pulled the door closed, ran through her room to the hallway and opened her brother's door, discovering that his bed was also empty. Kim felt panicked; she ran downstairs and searched for her brother and friend. She looked in the family...

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The SisterhoodChapter 7

The balance of the week passed quickly. By Saturday, the lacerations on Karla’s and Maria’s bodies had begun to heal, so Barb removed the stitches from their shoulders. As she did, the girls were gossiping and seemed utterly oblivious to the pain as she carefully extracted the pieces of silk thread. On Sunday, the family — and they now actually thought of themselves that way — decided to go to church early to avoid any crowds or publicity. It hadn’t occurred to the Sloans, Andy or Ken what...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 42 The Difference Between Knowing and KNOWING

November – Year 2 After just over three months Erin was starting to show and took every chance to exaggerate her belly by arching her back and sticking it out. Her loving wife and husband took every opportunity to rub it and of course every night I talked to the kids and kissed them good night. “You know next appointment; they are going to give me a sonogram. Do you want to know the sex of the babies?” “Will they be able to tell? I mean I have been reading that at 4-5 months they can tell,...

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Family Fun

Julie was sitting in her room, finishing off some homework when she heard a knock at her door. "Come in," she said. Her father walked into the room and said, "Just want you to know that supper is ready so come down as soon as you can, OK?" Julie just nodded her head, absentmindedly. She was so focused on her homework, that she didn't realized that her father just stood there in her room staring at her. Julie was 18 years old, and was very pretty. She had long black hair and green eyes that...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 2 BirthdaysLiam

Eighth birthdays were important. That was when a boy got to act like a man. Liam had finished third grade and, in the fall, he wouldn’t be one of the little kids anymore. He was going to go to a prep school. He wasn’t exactly certain what he’d be prepped for but he understood that there would only be boys there and he wouldn’t need to put up with any of the girls who were always such a bother. It would all be men. And this birthday party was special. Liam had attended a public school for the...

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One night in Bangkok

‘You wan’ go Boom Boom?’ he yelled back, sticking a finger through the circle he’d made with the thumb and fore finger of the other hand. ‘Yes, Boom Boom.’ Now don’t get me wrong here, it’s not like I’d done this a thousand times, or even a couple of times but hey, I was in Bangkok on my own with a hard on, thanks to my blessed brother’s Viagra, and besides a million other men had done it before me. Fuck it, I wanted adventure and new experiences, things I’d never done before. The traffic isn’t...

Straight Sex
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Me and James in our tent

Time had come for the big final year camp, it was a weeklong adventure where we spent every hour being like the army shooting, living and eating, whilst on a massive army barracks in Australia. James and I, now senior cadets were never separated, we stuck together and all the others new it, so no one stepped in our way. We were allocated the same tents, just two per each tent, and I loved that system because otherwise we would never sleep. Night after night, we talked joked around about which...

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My wife in a black bachelor party

Two weeks went by after our week end trip to Las Vegas. Then I got a phone call from Leon; the black guy that had fucked my fife in a wild way while we stood there.He wanted to know if I could come down to the city where he lived during the next week. He invited me to his friend’s bachelor party. He had an idea and wanted to know what I thought about it. After dinner that evening I went with Ana to our bed. As she was inserting her favorite black dildo in her hot cunt, I told her I had received...

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Fuckn My Flat 1

I’ve only just joined this *****, and stumbled into the stories section last night, I’ve always wanted to record some of my encounters and share them, so I figured there was no better time really. If enough people like this one, then I’ll do more, this is the work in progress, I’ll finish it tomorrow if people like it so far. I have a few pics as well to share.I’d been using MySpace for quite a few years, when one summer I realised I could use it to find girls living in my close area. I did a...

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oh no BBC made me cum

at the shower stall (club) nude and still wet from showering i went straight down to the theater.i went up front where the light of the movie is better, leaned over the first seat facing back and waited.a couple of guys came by the first few minutes and slapped my ass. i tried to suck one of their cocks but they were looking for something else i guess. i stayed there head down swaying my ass legs spread for whoever wanted to was a good 10 minutes before one brave cock came up to get...

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