AssassinChapter 19 free porn video

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Anna was miserable. While I'd been gone, her "friend" had come early.

Unexpected, it had caught her by surprise when she was out and only the fact her clothes were dark made her feel she could show her face.

I was grateful that she wouldn't be asking me to perform; it had been an exhausting weekend. Still I wasn't going to let her tell me "No" when I tapped at the window when I knew she really wanted me and was only trying to avoid disgusting me or even have me reject her.

"Let me come in to talk for a while."

I needed to plead a little but eventually Anna unlocked her window and I separated the mesh from the frame.

"Can I sit with you and hold you?"

"If you want."

I found a cosy place and had her snuggle against me. At first I only put my arms around her while I whispered by her ear.

"This has worked out well."

"How come?"

"Well by next weekend you should have almost finished. What little blood there is won't be important. Hailey or Rosalee or even both of them might start towards the end of the week and you'll be the only one I can make love to. Yesterday was fun and I love them both almost as much as I love you -- please don't tell them that -- but it was tiring. I'd much rather have you sitting on my lap all day, plus..."


"We can probably go bareback. Wouldn't you like to feel me coming inside you?"

"Yes, but when I've been on the pill a while you can do that any time."

"So you don't want to?" I teased.

"Of course I want to. It's just I got all horny again this morning and then stuffed everything up."

"Nonsense" I was rubbing her breasts by now. "Are you using pads or tampons?"

Anna seemed shocked that not only would I know about such things, I would discuss them as well.

"A tampon tonight. I'll need a pad as well for the next couple of days."

"Then there is nothing in the way if I should gently rub here?"

I just touched the outside of her panties; my fingers feeling the contours inside the soft cotton. Anna shifted her hips to get closer.

"You like?"

"Of course I like, but we can't do any more."

"Anna love I think you've been spoilt by being able to fuck me any time you could. There are thousands, millions, of people who aren't ready to fuck yet who can still make love. Let's just see what's in here."

I put both my hands down inside Anna's panties and she spread them wider. One hand parted her lips, the other checked her pussy for moisture.

I hadn't done much by way of foreplay but Anna was normally wet before I had a chance to start. There was a little of the thick lubricating fluid her body so sensibly exuded but either the tampon was absorbing it or else it was banked up behind it.

I thought Anna's juices were released from the entrance to her vagina but I confess my anatomical experience dealt more with the location of carotid arteries, liver, kidneys and heart. My lovemaking instruction was similarly lacking, dealing with the practical rather than theory.

I knew though that I didn't have to rely on Anna's body for lubrication though since mine could provide an emergency supply which, though inferior, was adequate for the job.

I withdrew my probing hand and secreted extra saliva. It ran over fingers that still tasted of my Anna but after four more trips I was able to slide my fingers the length of her pussy without causing discomfort.

I had moved the thread well out of the way and now was able to reclaim my spread hand; Anna had two delightful breasts that needed attention and I had easy access to her sensitive neck.

Anna relaxed in my arms as I petted her; a term probably more used by her grandparents than even her parents. It wasn't a relaxation that could last and soon she was squirming in my arms and turning to kiss me violently. She put a hand on top of my frigging fingers; separated by the soft cloth and another over my hand on her breast, underneath her top this time.

As she got closer to her release her hands tightened on mine, slowing me down so she could recover. I paused and her kisses became fast and passionate but less likely to bruise her lips or mine.

When she wanted me to resume her hands began to move mine and I gradually built up the pace again. This time Anna made no attempt to stop me and her legs kicked out as her body spasmed. She was sobbing against my mouth as the sensations subsided and I carefully held her, not shifting either hand until she was ready for the quick burst of agonizing pleasure as I moved them away.

Anna spread legs weary from the strain and I lifted my fingers directly away from her pussy. While she reacted to even that simple change I released her breast and put my hand on her stomach instead. I got another kiss and Anna turned her body to rest her cheek against my chest.

"That was so good but I feel weak. Will you hate me if I go to sleep?"

"No, I think I've had more than enough this weekend. I love you Sweetheart."

"I'll love you forever. Can you stay with me tonight?"

I hadn't brought an alarm but I didn't doubt I would wake a couple of times during the night at least; I would leave on one of those occasions.

We lay down more completely and Anna used my chest for a pillow. She reached to my waist and held a limp penis then moved to give it a quick suck and a kiss before returning to her original position. I kissed her forehead and we both drifted off.

Day 22, Monday

My Monday report condensed my amorous adventures into a couple of sentences.

'Took party to waterfall where all four interacted sexually with the other three. No problems encountered.'

'Initiated incestuous contact between subjects M and K during sexual interaction between myself and each or both of them on multiple occasions.'

I also advised them of the conversation I had with Adam Pringle and started an investigation into where the title on the hacienda and surrounding lands was vested. If the property was for Pringle's personal use and kept by some shelf company then I might be able to acquire it both as a getaway after future jobs and as an investment property.

I would have to be careful none of my current ladies recognised me if I came into town but I could look quite different when I needed to, and there were other towns.

At lunchtime I met Mark and Kyra and heard Kyra had gone to Mark's room during the night for one more ass fuck.

With Kyra bent over the bed and the lights off, Mark had imagined it was me. He loved Kyra and was willing to give her sexual pleasure in his fashion but he only wished she was his brother!

Still, Kyra was purely heterosexual which worked in Mark's favour. "Kyle" as a straight male would have been nice for Mark to look at and think about but wouldn't have been nearly as much fun.

The day's adventures worked in their favour. Though a little tender when fully stretched, Kyra's ass relaxed much more readily and (with judicious lubrication) she was able to take Mark's hard prick almost immediately.

Mark's own earlier efforts meant he was no longer going to explode as soon as he got inside the hot confines of her ass. Fingering her own pussy as well, Kyra came three times before her brother filled her with his cum and then collapsed over her until her sphincter squeezed her out, as tired and satisfied as she was.

He got a pat on the cheek and a kiss on the lips once they were standing again and then Kyra disappeared back to her own room to attend to all the cum oozing out her still spread asshole and Mark re-sanitised his prick.

Having heard all these details I then suggested Mark should at least try to talk to Julia.

"Even if you're not successful in getting her to go out or decide you can't ask her out after all it builds up your cred and gives you practise."

With Kyra encouraging him as well Mark tried.

Julia was alone when he went up and asked if he could speak with her. She was curious and said yes so he sat down opposite.

Julia wasn't unattractive but she did have rather ambiguous features that could have been boy or girl. That in itself was no problem but she wore her hair short -- not a butch crew cut but rather a neat trim -- and wore jeans so that, with her flatter chest and a loose shirt, you weren't quite sure of her sex when you first saw her.

The result was that the boys approached her classmates rather than her.

Julia may have felt that was the way she wanted things or (observing the ugly duckling cliché) she may not have been aware that, with a little alteration and emphasis of her femininity things might have been different. Boys did talk to her occasionally but they rarely asked if they could talk to her.

"A few of us meet at the Pool Hall on Friday nights to have a few games and talk and I was wondering if you would like to join us?"

Julia looked at Mark in surprise. She rarely got invited to anything so was suspicious of his motives. No-one had actually been cruel to her for a couple of years (if ignoring her didn't count as cruelty) and Mark was always civil to her but she had noted that he was that way to almost everyone. She wasn't aware that he currently, or had ever, had a girlfriend but she didn't have to go to the same school after all.

"Why me? Are you asking on behalf of your friends or yourself?"

"Myself. Only my sister and her boyfriend know I'm talking to you. I like you Julia and hoped you might like to go out with me."

"So this is more like a date?"


"But I can't play pool."

"We usually play snooker or 8-ball. I can teach you."

"I come back to why me? There are lots prettier girls around who'd love to date you."

"Most of them are airheads who either have nothing to say or talk all the time about fashion or celebrities. I know what you're like in class; I'd like to get to know what you're like out of it."

Mark realised he was sincere about that. Though he wasn't interested in a real girlfriend, Julia could be a good girl friend; certainly Mark had meant what he said about most of the other girls he knew.

He felt some relief that he hadn't lied though he was aware that he practised some deception by not explaining the circumstances. In his mind he saw being able to tell Julia that he wanted them to be just friends before she built up any romantic connection and then perhaps he could explain more fully. I could have told him that might prove unworkable for any number of reasons.

"When would you teach me? I'd feel silly turning up Friday and not knowing how to even hold a cue properly."

"At least you know what they are called."

Mark thought. I was coming over Tuesday after school and he didn't want any interruption to that time.

"Would you like to come home with me on Wednesday for a while? I could show you on our table."

Still cautious, Julia thought about it for a while before answering. She wasn't desperate for a date, her studies came first in what was an important year, but she wasn't opposed to it. Mark had always been there, never someone to pine over nor someone to detest, just one more who didn't pay her any more attention than necessary.

She could think of no good reason to say no other than his father's reputation and she had trouble believing even half of that. She spent enough of her nights with only her own company to wish to change that.

"Wednesday sounds good."

"Would you like to stay for dinner? I can drop you home."

If Julia didn't work out then at least his father would see that he had a real live girl in the house, finally!

"I don't think I can but thank you any way."

Julia looked closely at Mark and decided he seemed genuinely disappointed. "What gives?" she wondered to herself.

It was even stranger when Mark stood saying, "Okay, I'll see you after school on Wednesday" before he smiled at her and returned to where his sister and the new boy -- Roger Something -- were sitting, trying not to appear to watch her.

Mark said something and they both smiled -- nice, happy smiles, not snide, scheming ones -- and once again briefly looked her way. Kyra even waved; fingers twiddling rather than with her arm.

Decidedly odd, but not overly worrying.

Monday was also Gym with Mark. I knew just when to catch his eye without anyone noticing. I teased him unmercifully since by the time he had checked to see the coast was clear I was no longer there to catch the looks he wanted to give me.

I must have frustrated him since he daringly pushed me back against the lockers and thrust his tongue into my mouth once he was sure we were alone.

"Come for a drive -- I want to fuck you."

"I can't tonight. Take me for a drive tomorrow and do me then."

"You bastard. I love you."

I stroked his cheek and squeezed his prick.

"Drop me home and I'll suck you on the way."

Mark finished dressing in record time.

"I'll meet you at your car."

I found Anna and apologised that she'd have to walk home alone. She asked no questions, accepting that things happened without notice occasionally. Well, almost no questions.

"Will you be late?"

"I might even beat you home still. You want me to take your bag? I'll be getting dropped off."

"You don't want me to come?"

"I don't think there will be room. Sorry."

"Okay then." She handed over her bag. "Thanks. Don't forget it's your turn to plan for next Saturday's date-s-s-s"

"You're allowed to make suggestions."

"We send Ma and Dad out to dinner and a show and screw in your bed?"

"And an excellent suggestion it is. Please check what shows are on."

I doubted "our" parents would accept such a gift when it wasn't a birthday or anniversary -- not without a great deal of justifiable suspicion and inquisition. Sorry I had to let her walk alone I stood and watched her go -- her butt giving her school skirt a nice wiggle from behind -- then located an eager Mark.

"Kyra's waiting here for me. I'll pick her up after I drop you off. It will be just us for a change."

"Great. Kyra is fun but she's not you."

We pulled out of the school parking lot and Mark drove us away from the normal "going home" routes. It was no good building up a good straight cover and then pulling up next to a car-load of your classmates while you are bent over another guy's lap picking his pubic hairs out of your teeth or sitting up suddenly with melted ice-cream all around your mouth.

I had his pants open and his hardening cock sticking up before we'd turned at the end of the school block. Kyra had made him come in a minute; could I do better?

The coast was clear and there had been no sign he was being tailed. I slipped out of my seat belt and dove onto Mark's prong, forcing it right to the back of my throat while I gripped what I could of the shaft with one hand and pressed my fingers on the other into the patch of flat skin between scrotum and asshole.

Backing off, my fingers curled around the shaft and began to move up and down. I sucked and actually blew while my palm rubbed against his balls and my fingertips made little circles against flesh still damp from the showers.

I had teased him before and primed his imagination with my promise; I didn't get an exact reading of the time but I think I managed to get a result after only 42 seconds -- surely beating his sister at least.

I waited for Mark's okay before sitting up. I think he deliberately delayed so I had to keep my face in his crotch but couldn't prove anything -- he might have only been grinning at coming.

"Thanks hon. I love you."

"I love you too Mark. I only wish there was some other way."

"Suicide pact?"

"Something long term, yes, but perhaps not quite that long term.

Anna turned up shortly after I entered the house and took advantage of her mother being upstairs to corner me in the kitchen. Before I had time to think she had kissed me and then stood back considering the taste she had encountered.

I'd just had a small sip of the OJ I'd prepared and it was slightly bitter. I only hoped it was enough that when Anna got her own she would blame that and not dwell further on what she might have tasted.

"I need to get a couple of things out the way. Do you have any homework you need help with?"

"Not right away but I figure after last night I should find some way of rewarding you."

Anna took my thumb and licked along one side before popping the first joint into her mouth.

"Mmm, I like rewards."

I shared my juice with her and she pulled a face.

"Did they mix that with grapefruit? Yuck!"

"I know," I teased, "I wasn't sure if I could drink it all so I thought I'd let you have some."

"You're looking to lose your reward!"

I took Anna in my arms and kissed her forehead. "This is a pretty nice reward as it is."

She hugged me back until we heard Ma on the stairs and then silently parted to a respectable distance. Ma greeted the two of us and I excused myself and went up to my room to play with my toys.

My little cars had some special features; one was the GPS tracking system and the other was the small video camera that recorded where they had been. Combining the two, I laid out a path through the Pringle house on the grid they had mapped out earlier. The run had occurred all unknowing while I had been showing off the last time. It needed little more than a run down a corridor, once around the furniture and walls in a room if the door was open and then back out again.

I spent an hour or so preparing the programming and then I needed one more thing but that meant a little foraging expedition after dark. In this case, the later the better so I decided to visit Anna before going out.

It would be close to four hours before I could join her in her room and that only because Doug had to rise early and we would all turn in so as not to disturb him.

Downstairs again, I helped get dinner on the table. Simpler fare than I'd had the night before and yet much to be preferred; the company made all the difference though I had no real fault with Kyra or Mark themselves.

Afterwards I helped Anna with her History; getting rubbed through my pants as we sat together and kissing when the coast was definitely clear. Anna would whisper of all sorts of things she would organise with the other girls on my behalf once they were all "back on deck". I pointed out three sets of parents might get suspicious if we did special things each time they finished their periods.

"Well if we only get to have an orgy once a week then that means two whole weeks will have gone by without making love! I might be all right, but I wouldn't want either of my good friends to suffer."

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The texting and flirting had reached a point that I needed to cum. This red hot female was telling me about all of the things she wanted to do with my cock when she finally got her hands on me. Believe me, it was such a fucking turn on for me to think about a hot sexy female taking me as she pleased. My thoughts on this day were focused on work, being in the office and in charge of many people had its stressful moments for sure. This job required me to constantly communicate with customers...

3 years ago
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How it all began1

Chapter 1 I found him in an online kinky chat room, he seemed nice and friendly, his name was John, we got to chatting, and he told me he worked as computer programer in London and spent most of his time at home working at programming and managing the computer network system for a big international company, and was allowed to do most of his work from home. This had left him with two things, a lot free time and more than enough money to build a perverted sex play room in his basement,...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like Daughter Like Father Like SonChapter 3

When Lydia and I arrived at the condo Erotica and Helga were already there and had been waiting for about 15 minutes. Helga said, "Thank goodness you're here. Carolyn and I have run out of possibilities for what the big crisis could be. I voted for Chrissie finding out you are a whore Lydia." Lydia said, "Well that's part of it Ingrid, but that's not the real crisis." And then Carolyn broke out laughing and said, "Oh no! Don't tell me that little Chrissie wants to be a whore too?...

2 years ago
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Hotel gay fun

So For a while I wanted to meet up with a guy I was seeing from time to time named Steve in a hotel so he could take full advantage of me and do whatever he wanted. And after a long wait I finally got that chance. I told Steve about my hotel idea and he really liked that idea, but we could never find the time where we could do a whole night. One night Steve tells me he has news. He said that he was going to be in town for the night and his work paid for a hotel. Which was perfect...

1 year ago
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Her little pet

“Come here pet,” she patted the spot next to her on the bed. She was sitting up in bed, propped up by numerous pillows against the leather upholstered bed-head and reading a book, while he was kneeling on the floor by the foot of the bed and waiting for her command. As soon as he heard her he crawled up onto the bed with obvious enthusiasm and stood next to her on all fours waiting for further instructions. She looked at him and smiled as her hand ran over his hair, causing him to sigh...

2 years ago
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Threesome with a Malayalee couple 2

Hi friends, thanks for your encouragements & I thank all who sent me the feedback. Somebody has re-submitted my story with a different email address & I request readers to be extremely careful about sending feedbacks. So send me the feedbacks to It is as per requests which I received for the second part of the story in which Asha pissed in my mouth. I hope all u are remembering what happened in the part one.Let me introduce again for the new readers. I am 23 years old fair, good looking, well...

4 years ago
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SlutSport Part I

One of my favorite stories / series ever was "All or Nothing" written by Trisha. This may have the same feel, but I wanted to give a fresh spin on things based on the movie Bloodsport. Hope you enjoy it and leave a comment! SlutSport - Part I For as long as I can remember, I have always been a figher and have fought for everything in my life. My name is Max and I grew up with my parents having passed away after a bar fight gone wrong. My parents were out on their anniversary...

3 years ago
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Magic 101Chapter 11

When I was woken in the middle of night, I feared the worst but the person who woke me wasn’t Pete! ‘Hank Lambert? My name is Emily Lafontaine. You don’t know me, but Sylvia Groton gave me your sigil and suggested I contact you. Look, this is going to sound crazy, but bear with me a moment, okay?‘ The voice sounded like a young woman, but one that was stressed out and feeling the strain of whatever it was she was going through. ‘I am a scryer, kinda sorta like Sylvia, that’s why I know her....

3 years ago
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The Long Con A Cuckold Story

so once upon a time there was a very hot wife and while there is so much more to her as a strong, take-no-shit kinda woman, for the purpose of this story we're going to focus on some of her other traits... specifically that she liked to fuck... a lot. and what's more; she was good at it... like... really really good at it. Wifey was sexy and sultry and filthy and patient. her eyes glinted with trouble and her half grin's sharpness instantly melted when she caught her lower lip between her...

1 year ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 44

James MacRae and his two captains rode ahead of the procession on the newly made roadway, making slow progress towards Sheil Bridge where they would split apart. One gun and crew would go to the point on the west side of Loch Duich with Captain Lockstone, seven hundred yards across the water from Donan, while the other would continue to a flat area nine hundred yards from the south wall. Two platoons of Pioneers were sent ahead three days before, to clear the way and make roads for the cannons...

4 years ago
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Like Father Like Son

Mom and dad divorced when I was still fairly young. I saw him every other weekend for a few months after that until he landed a new job out on the West coast. After that, I saw him once a year for a couple of weeks during the summer. Obviously we didn't spend a lot of time together, and because of that, we never were very close. Though I continued to get a card here and there from him on birthdays, or a parcel with presents in it around Christmas time, dad became for me nothing more than one...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 6 Marys Decision

"I'm going to go upstairs and wait," Mark told me. "If your love for me out weighs your anger then come upstairs. If not, I love you and I won't stop you from going. You can take the car, your clothes, anything you want. I promise, I want ever come looking for you. Just, please, think about it. I love you Mary." I heard Mark stand up and leave the room as I sobbed into my hands. No wonder I acted the whore today. A man I never met tells me to do the most depraved things and I just did...

2 years ago
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GIRL FUCKED IN AIRPORT AND SETTLES INTO ROLE AS SEXSLAVEI was excited the whole plane ride, it was a red eye, the flight took all night and I had not gotten more than an hour sleep.I was ready to begin my new life with my perfectly suitably fit master.He was there waiting for me when I disembarked from the plane.I always enjoyed seeing all the people so happy to be seeing their returning friends and beloved family members.The reason for my arrival was of quite a more sinister nature and I did...

1 year ago
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My ex owns me part II

Karen has me come over to her house and she owns me from 7pm to 7am. She has been keeping me hard all night as I pleasure her and then in the morning she is letting me cum but only after I agree to something else. I went to her house on Friday night and stripped as I always do. Karen stroked me until I was hard and had me sit next to her as she played with me for a while. She told me what she had in store for me that night. “Ken, I am having a poker party tonight with four of my friends and you...

Group Sex
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 4 Where Is She

"I wonder why Lisa isn't back yet?" asked Samantha of nobody in particular at about this time. (Lisa's twelfth week away) She had been looking forward to having her friend back weeks ago. "They've added some extra weeks to her punishment, Sam!" It was Sandra, that veteran of solitary, who answered her." It's so easy to slip up in your first days! And remember Lisa was new to prison life. By the time she'd learnt the ropes and come to appreciate just how strict things are here, she...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Wednesday Parker Public Sex Adventure

Wednesday Parker is a super cute babe who applied online to have sex with James Deen. The pair film their interaction as they drive out of the state of California with intent to have sex. James Deen discusses with her all the potential repercussions from doing a porn scene. Wednesday doesn’t give a fuck and just wants to get slutty. Once they leave the state of California, she quickly convinces James to pull over and give her that porn star dick. They try to have sex in various places but...

1 year ago
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I Arranged Four Studs For My Wife

Hello readers I am Sultanasinha back with 39th story. I am 36 yrs old male from Patna. This story has been forwarded by my friend Sudhir () with a request to get it published on ISS. If you like the story do write on mail or Hi I am Sudhir a businessman from Delhi. We had been married for over fifteen years, and had a good sex life. My wife was still quite beautiful with firm breasts, fair complexion, slim body and good height. But now I wanted some more fun. I was getting bored with our...

2 years ago
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Double Delight

The video booth at the adult bookstore was tiny. With a chair taking up space in one corner it was even smaller. When he entered the booth and locked the door behind him, there was nothing else we could be but close, intimately close.We started touching, rubbing, and groping immediately without a single word. It was pretty obvious we both had experience in these little booths. I reached over and dropped in a few quarters to start the movie. I knew everyone outside the booth had seen the two of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Ambers Holy Quest for BBC part 1

Amber, you just cant get enough cock. I don't know if it its your ultra-white, homeschooled background or if its just something in your DNA that makes you such a wanton little slut but its confirmed for all to see that white cock is just NOT on the menu for you. At the first chance you got you jumped at the arrival of some lean Hispanic meat and you just WENT FOR IT! Marriage was a instant decision for you. You love your husband dearly and everything went well but something was just "missing"...

2 years ago
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Cindys adventures

“Beep beep beep buzz buzz”” as my alarm clock goes off. Looking at the time it’s 6:30am. Ugh. Should of had more sleep but was up late doing that video for YouTube. Can’t let my fans down. Though could of done it on patreon. Maybe next time. Either way I don’t use my real name or age on either one. Who would suspect that I just turned 18. Ok. Time to get up and get ready for school. First thing first and that’s the toilet. As I get up and walk into the attached room which is my bathroom. Always...

4 years ago
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Something New

“You really like swinging that thing around, huh?”Emily laughed, looking down at Nina, who was laying back on the bed. Nina had her arms folded behind her head, as if she were relaxed, when in truth, she was anything but. The weight of what she was about to do (or, rather, have done to her) was pressing down on her. Emily still seemed to be carefree, though.“I do. It makes me feel like such a top. The epitome of femme dominance.” Emily shook her hips around a few more times for good measure....

4 years ago
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Long Hard Bike Ride

I have always loved being nude and exploring different ways of pleasing myself by putting objects up my ass. One night I was out on this old country road riding my bike nude and noticed the seat was loose, so I worked it off to see if I could fix it. I started looking at the post and it looked like it might be fun to ride with it shoved up my ass. Relising that it could hurt me I place a large shop towel that I folded several time over post and sat down on it. The towel was to thick to enter my...

3 years ago
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Bria Notices Things

What do you think of when you see vultures? Bria Lane didn’t like that species of birds. In fact, lately, there were groups of vultures that circled around in her yard and would sit on her roof and in her trees. They were quite large and often would spread their wings which frightened her. They were large birds. She had a bad feeling about the birds. What could it mean? She had trouble finishing up her chores and constantly would go back to the window and see if more had gathered on the tree...

2 years ago
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Fantastic Fuck

Fantastic Fuck By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. This story well like the title simply states was a brief encounter that I am reminded of every time I hear the song 'Don't you want me', by Human League. I was living in Atlanta, GA and a half a block from a bar that had live rock bands play. I could be found having quite a few Harvey Wall Bangers on my night off. His name was...

3 years ago
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Help Me Cum

My story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of times, but the fact that it never happened to me was cause for worry and I began...

1 year ago
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Scorpio MadnessChapter 3

"JEE-zus, Rikki!! Willya plEEZ getyer clothes back on?!" Sorry--I'm no mythical superhero--and the odor in the car was nothing if not compromising. How in the hell was I going to get out of this with a whole skin? The last thing I needed was to have Rikki sitting there practically stark-naked right next to me like some kind of buxom Buddha, giggling helplessly with her fat breasts dripping over the rolled-down champagne-soaked bra. Besides, I had to get my shorts back on and attend to...

3 years ago
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Double DateChapter 3

If parties were set at the pace of the girls, they would last all night. Guys give out, though. After a while they can get it up, but they can't get it off. And then, after nearly superhuman efforts, they can't even get it up. That's when the party comes to an end. That's when you have your business meeting. People are tired, but they're still thinking. Some are asleep, about half have already gotten dressed and left. That leaves the rest of us to decide for everyone, and we did have a...

1 year ago
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A DaemonHorn BladeAttachment B

Crystal Lake City of Tellismere (Capitol of Duchy, where the short Klure River flows west into the Great Western Sea from Crystal Lake) Village of Swanford (just east of Crystal Lake up the Emerald River) City of Evesham (coastal southern port of the Bekingham River, where it flows south from Crystal Lake) Town of Meribren (small coastal town) Town of Alnmouth (small coastal town near the Juniper Mountains) Dead Tree Island (ruined town along a dangerous point of the Emerald...

2 years ago
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Family Making Porn Part 3

That day shoot was over with me,dad and mom and uncle told us to have the foods which are good for sexual wellness and he also gave some tablets and he too stayed in our house that day. On the next day, uncle told about the he s going to start with sister fucking me and then dad joining with us and ending with a family foursome at a single stretch.Dad and me was excited and mom feared that how sister is going to manage,but she said that she can do and excited to do so.Uncle narrated accordingly...

3 years ago
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My Bus Journey Part 36

He asked me if I had enjoyed myself and of course I said I had. When I bent down to find my shorts and underwear to get dressed again, he told me to stay naked under the blanket and not to dress up. He then asked me if I would like to cum one more time before the bus stops at the bus stop. I told him yes I wouldn’t mind cumming again. He told me to wait for a little bit. So I went back to listening to my music, still naked under the blanket. A few minutes later, he got up and said he will be...

2 years ago
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At The Age of Discovery

She wanted to see sex, she wanted to watch her mother and her boyfriend fuck so she planned and waited, schemed and plotted until the right moment. It was Christmas Eve, her mother was getting drunk on eggnog, laughing and teasing her current man friend, the second in the year. Her mother allowed her two glasses of the rum-laced holiday drink so she got drunk herself. She said good night and left the lovers, saying she had to go to bed before Santa came. She crept to her mother’s room...

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The Draftee Anyas Story

Kyle dug his feet into the soft earth, crested the hill and slid down the other side on his rear. At the bottom of the slope was a stream with maybe three inches of water, but it was enough. Kyle first jumped across and ran a few feet through the bushes. Then he turned around and quickly backtracked to the stream and jumped in with both feet. Uncaring of the noise he made, Kyle ran full boar down stream, hoping his scout master was right when he'd shown the troop how to make an animal...

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