To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 27 Calm Before the Storm
- 4 years ago
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Day Twenty - Saturday
I woke with my lips against Sue's. Opening my eyes I looked into two dark brown orbs. The kiss turned into a smiling kiss as she pushed me over onto my back while moving over me, straddling me.
She sat up on my tummy, leaned over, raked her giant nipples across my face and said, "Do you know it's been twenty-four hours since I've made love to you? Do you know that it's a rule in our relationship that I do not allow that to happen? And do you know, I'm so horny right now that my pussy is literally dripping?"
She raised up, pulled my now excited morning hard on upright and slid onto me slowly, rocking back and forth till I was buried. She leaned over and dangled a nipple in my face, "Suck that thing a little while I get off, I'm behind in orgasms."
I could see her face concentrating while I sucked and nipped while she rocked up and down, sliding me in and out of her about six inches at a time.
It only took her about sixty seconds to start squeezing me with her insides and moaning pretty loud. She pulled the nipple from my mouth and kissed me passionately with a lot of tongue before raising back up and sticking the other nipple in my mouth. As I sucked, she began moving faster and faster while her insides squeezed sucking the juice right out me. I must have shot a good size load as it was oozing from around my dick.
Sue let out a big breath with a sigh then lay on me squashing her big breasts against my chest. She hugged me, lifted her face up and kissed me very thoroughly, "Lets have some coffee."
She pulled off me, cupping her hand under herself and headed into the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen and started both coffeepots before coming back to use the bathroom myself. Sue was in the shower so I joined her, as we both needed to clean up a little after our loving.
I put on shorts and a T-shirt and took two cups outside to the patio. Sue walked out of the trailer and stood in front of me.
"Oh shit," I groaned looking at her. "I'm going to keep looking at you and probably do you in front of everyone. Wow, that is sexy."
Sue sat on my lap, "Glad you like it. I've never had the occasion to wear it but I thought you would enjoy it this morning."
"I'll enjoy it alright, can you feel my enjoyment rising?"
"Just hold that thought."
"No problem, when Charlie, Tiny and Martin see this, they are going to attack their ladies, same as me."
Glenda came onto the patio. Sue and I both did a double take as Glenda's sheer robe that almost displayed what you knew was under there. It was just opaque enough to tease. You could almost see her nipples, just a faint darker area the same as her crotch.
"Hot, Glenda, that is sexy." I said.
"Martin thinks so too," she said smiling and sat down with her coffee.
Tiny and Ruth came up carrying their cups. I looked at Ruth and you didn't have to imagine, she had on a robe so thin, it looked like sheer nylon. It just clouded the view it did not obstruct it. Sue said, "You sexy slut, showing off like that."
Ruth said, "Tiny wouldn't let me out of the house until I took care of him," she licked her lips and swallowed while grinning broadly, "He's happy now."
Glenda and Sue laughed loudly.
A red headed pixie in a pink very revealing baby doll set came walking onto the patio complete with bunny slippers. She stopped spread her arms turning around to display that you could see everything about Shawna that you could see.
Charlie came up behind her, grabbing her, pulling her against him. Shawna smiled and said, "Again? How much do you want?"
The two of them came over to the table and sat with Charlie saying, "Seeing you so sexy is making me nuts, I can't get enough of you."
Sue said, "Isn't that sweet, especially from an old married couple."
Ruth said, "Christ Sue, why not just go nude. That thing doesn't hide anything."
Sue turned toward Tiny and Charlie put her hands under her voluminous breasts and lifted them toward them, "Like these? Enjoy seeing more of them?"
Tiny and Charlie both groaned as Glenda said, "Don't do that to Martin, we'll have to take him to the hospital.
Speaking of Martin, he was coming across the yard carrying a big Publix bag and a large tray. He put down the tray, put some paper towels on it then started filling up the tray with all kinds of Danish and donuts. Groans were heard by all.
Before we could reach for them, Sue was off my lap going into the trailer and came out with the big pot for refills plus a handful of paper napkins.
Charlie and Tiny were already chewing their first bite while the rest of us were choosing something to eat. Sue picked out a cherry Danish and tore it in half asking, "You'll eat the rest of this for me won't you?"
We all scarfed up the rolls and drank coffee until a pretty big pickup truck rolled up and stopped in the lane close to Charlie's old trailer.
Shawna jumped up and was running toward the truck hollering, "Hanna, Jim, you're here."
Another pixie climbed down from the pickup and hugged Shawna. A guy about the size of Charlie came around the front of the truck, looked at Shawna, all of Shawna, whistled then picked her up as if she were a doll holding her above his head before hugging her.
The big guy put Shawna down and the couple followed her to the patio. When they got here, Sue jumped up and went inside for two more cups of coffee. She came out and handed them to the couple who was now sitting in lawn chairs.
Shawna began introducing everyone. The big guy, Jim, gawked at the big-breasted Ruth who was displaying herself very openly. He came unglued when he checked out Sue who was standing next to me. Shaking his head he looked at the little light red head next to him and said, "Hanna, strip. I've seen all of them, they might as well get a load of you."
We all laughed explaining that we have coffee together in the mornings and often get together to have a beer in the evening.
Hanna asked, "Can we come too?"
I smiled, "You don't have to ask. You are now neighbors, we expect you to be here. You'll know when we're here as you'll see or hear Glenda come out of her place, or just come on over. If we are not out yet, we will be soon."
"This is my kind of neighborhood. You did us good Charlie," Jim said and looked at Tiny and I, "Which one of you did the shoot-em-up with Shawna."
Shawna pointed at me and said, "Steve's the man. Wait till I tell you what he did last night."
That started it. Shawna followed by Charlie then Sue had to tell everyone in detail how I had rammed a bad guy to save a deputy. Then I had performed life saving first aid on the guy.
Jim asked, "You ex military?"
When I nodded, he asked, "What branch."
Jim grinned real big and said, "Semper Fi."
I answered, "OOW RAH," loudly.
"Damn, not another one," complained Hanna. "That's all I need, another fucking Marine."
Sue was quick, "You don't have another one," she paused, "yet. And, how do you know he fucks."
Hanna was taken back by Sue's protective tone to her voice. When she saw Sue was smiling she said, "If he's a Marine, he fucks."
Jim asked, "Were you in the gulf?"
I nodded.
"Me too, only one short tour, nothing much. We were in reserve the whole time," Jim said.
When I didn't say anything, Shawna and Sue said almost simultaneously, "Steve was hurt pretty bad over there." Sue was pointing to the scars on my leg.
"I'm fine now. Look at me, surrounded by luscious ladies showing themselves off, meeting new friends all the time."
Charlie said, "Steve's the guy that did all the welding you're hearing about. He just finished Jan's new frame."
Shawna spoke up, "Come on Charlie, we need to get going and get to work. I want to finish the knuckle today and get our money so we can pay Kathy. Come on Hanna, I'll get the keys for you. She started to go then stopped. Oh yeah, I already gave you the keys. Come on Charlie, let's go."
I got up and got the big pot and poured those remaining some more coffee encouraging Jim and Hanna to have some pastry. Ruth stood up displaying all of her charms saying that Tiny and her needed to get going, as they wanted to go car shopping today.
Martin asked how bad the bike was. I told him I had to get it out in the daylight to see but the fairing, dash and windshield had to be replaced.
Sue said she needed to check on her orders and was going home for a few minutes. She told me not leave her. If I was going somewhere, she wanted to go with me.
Jim and Hanna thanked me for the coffee and said they were going to begin unloading. They had two more trips to make.
Martin and Glenda had moved to the glider. I straightened up the patio, putting the pastry back in the Publix bag and carried in the cups to put them in the sink. Martin hollered through the door they were going home to talk about Glenda's gown and the other ladies skimpy apparel this morning.
I walked to the mailbox and took out a couple of pieces. Nothing for me this time, the two were for Abe.
I came back, stripped the bed, and took the sheets and towels to the laundry room. DeeDee was there and looked up smiling as I came in. She had on some short shorts that were actually bib overalls that were shorts. She didn't have another top on so her bare store bought breasts were sticking out the side. I put my stuff in a couple of washers and was ready to go back to the trailer when DeeDee stood, came over to me standing pressed against me asking, "Want to fool around a little while the clothes are getting done. You wanna do me while we do the clothes?"
"Oh DeeDee, you're too willing. I have someone so it wouldn't be a good idea to spread it around."
"Kathy left," DeeDee said.
"Kathy and I were buddies, this one may be the one."
"Who is she?"
"A nice looking girl named Sue."
"You're going with Sue?"
"We've been seeing each other."
"The one with gigantic boobs."
"That's the one."
"I thought she was lez or too bashful or whatever. She's turned down everyone that's asked her out."
"I got lucky then, I think you could call us an item."
At that second Sue came in. In a predatory voice she said, "We are an item. He's mine. Perhaps I'll lend him to you one of these days but right now, I'm still learning how to please him. Go put some clothes on DeeDee or a bad guy will take advantage of you."
"I wish," DeeDee complained. "I don't want to have anything to do with those clowns that come to watch me dance. Most of the other guys that I meet think just because I'm a dancer, I have round heels and just assume we're going to bed. I want some romance to go along with some lovin."
"Keep looking DeeDee, I did and I got lucky, I found him. Steve, when you're done I'll be at your place getting quick books set up. I should have you give DeeDee a mercy fuck but I need everything you have right now." Sue gave me a passionate kiss and left.
DeeDee said while flipping a tit out from under the bib of the overall, "Maybe if I just strip, you might get interested enough to scratch my itch."
"Cool it babe, I'm just not on the market."
I left my clothes in the washer checking the time and walked back to the trailer to pee and have another cup of coffee. Sue was pounding away doing entries. She turned around and said, "Except for a few things I need to ask you, I've input everything for you to keep up. I've put all the transactions you listed so far. We'll find out from Tiny if some of them should be forgotten. I would say report everything but he knows best."
She paused then said, "When you need to do clothes, you can do them at my house."
"Okay, it's neat to be able to use a bunch of machines at once and get done quickly. That's why I use the laundry shack."
"You're right, it is faster. Mine's just more convenient and I bet I could find something to entertain you."
Sue looked serious for a moment, "Steve, I need to go to the gym almost everyday for my leg and also to keep me trim. It takes a lot of will power to keep my weight off and keep in shape. I'm telling you this so you'll know when I have to go there, I really do have to go. I don't want to be a customer for my company's clothes, ever again."
I gave her a hug and said, "I probably should go with you. I used the gyms on the platforms all the time. Help me with a schedule so we can include the gym into everything we do. By the way, I need to run by the guy's club house you met last night to fix a frame. I'm going to eat some chili when I'm done. Want to come along and get oogled? Or would you rather stay here and do some of your stuff."
"I'll go with you, what should I wear."
"Probably anything but jeans and a T-shirt are always good. A halter might cause a riot, your choice. I'm going to go put the stuff in the dryer."
DeeDee was still there waiting on her stuff to dry. She was sitting, reading a magazine playing with a nipple stuck out the side of the bib. She smiled at me and continued as I transferred my stuff from washers to dryers. I cleaned the lint traps and walked by DeeDee reaching down to squeeze her boob as I went by. She laughed and yelled, "Tease!" as I left.
I put on some Jeans and T-shirt deciding to go by Sears for some regular shirts soon, maybe today. I also wanted to get some more boots. Sears always has engineer type boots. I was going to need another pair of work boots too and that meant I needed to find a Red Wing store.
I pulled the bike out of the shed and inspected it thoroughly. I think I only needed the fairing and the windshield. I couldn't believe how lucky Sue and I were to not get hurt. She had not complained even a little about recklessly crashing into that guy. She also had kept her head and helped when everything was nuts. I made the list for the bike, adding it in my little notebook.
I went back to the laundry room. DeeDee was gone and my sheets and towels were dry enough so I took them out and folded them. Back at the trailer, I put away the towels and made the bed. I washed up the cups, cleaning up the counter and was ready to go fix something. I got my gas/wire feed cart from the shed and put it in the pickup. The cart had gloves and a hood plus a full smock to keep the sparks off my clothes.
Sue came over as I was pushing the bike back in the shop. She was wearing jeans and a loose tucked in T-shirt. It was obvious she had a bra on, as her tits didn't wobble while contained in the industrial strength bra. We drove over to the clubhouse. The gate guy must have been waiting for me as he opened the gate and asked me if I could back in. I did back in parking to one side so bikes could come and go.
Taking the cart off the back, I let Sue carry the hood, gloves and smock while I pulled the cart around to the open yard area. Hap saw us and showed me the bike standing up on one of the tables. They had it on a bike stand so I could work on it. The rear wheel was off and I could easily see the problem. The soft tail swing arm had busted loose of the coupler.
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Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex, female masturbation, incest between twin sisters, vampirism and mind control. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the eighth installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this story may not be to your liking. My apologies to those who have been awaiting the next...
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Hello all, hope all you guys are doing well. Apology from my side for the delay in part 9, and I made sure that the wait was worth. Thanks all for yours feedback to me, I really appreciate the same. So coming back to the story the last part were we really came to know how horny kanan Bhabhi was. She even fucked me friend Rahul on that trip. I came to know her wild side of her nature also. So after coming back from the trip few weeks went by like that. Nothing major happened and only here and...
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My late Mom could be a loving angel one moment a total bitch the next and always seemed to take her frustrations out on poor me. As I was only five when I started school any confidence I had was destroyed so my classmates bullie me as well. As I was so young and small it was easy to pick on me and all the advice I got from my father was to stand up to them! Not easy when it,s four or five against one and even worse when Girls were the worst. Boys got bored easily, but girls would persists...
“Okay,” said Nathan, “I’ve got Jennifer on it, well, her PI at any rate. She’ll be getting back to me pretty soon. I’m sure of it.” “Okay, and I’ve got some news. Selena came at me after Jack left to go home,” said Victoria. “Oh?” he said. “Yes, she is pressuring me as to what she thinks I’m keeping from her. It’s apparently her belief that John Michael is even worse, not better, than he has so far been portrayed to this point, and she wants the whole truth. I was able to put her off, but...
"There is no mistake. I'm afraid these were his last instructions. All possessions and monies apart from his real estate to be donated to his son's asylum." The group held their breath. The family estate a baroque mansion and sculpted gardens paid for in the boom years of the twenties had graced the cover of many a style magazine. It was worth millions in today's prices. After a pause he continued. "Mr Thorne's estate is to be retained so that one day if his son is cured, he...
Meanwhile, Cathy was having a VERY good day at work, in HER estimation. She had 2 living, breathing dolls to play with, and to cuddle and love to her fullest. Her natural maternal instincts were at "Warp Drive." She was so overcome with love for the 2 infants, that tears flowed down her cheeks, as her emotions took over. THESE were HER niece and nephew. THEY were partially HERS, and would be FOREVER!!! Every time she went into the 2 rooms, she would hug, kiss, and THANK her 2 sisters for what...
Meeting Rica If you didnt read the frist of my story then let me tell you about Rica. She is a 19 y/o Indonesian girl I chatted with online. She is only 5ft.3in. prettiest girl I have ever seen and with a body any man would love.Her34c breast and long black hair and when you see her looking so innocent and shy don't let her fool you. We had been chatting online now for 3 months.She opened up to me telling me her fantasies and how young she was when she sucked her frist cock.She had told...
A few weeks later, my mother wondered about something."Do you remember what you said about that summer evening?"“When?" said I."When you were home alone all summer and there was a party and… with the neighbors?""Oh yes, that night I remember very well.""When you were fucked by all the neighbors on the couch.""Yes, I remember.”"Dad and I have talked to the neighbors, and they are ready for a new round.""What do you mean?""We have planned for the four ladies, Helen, Maryan, you and I to stand on...
She came over to my apartment one day as she often did, usually on my days off. I made us a nice breakfast that morning. She always loved when I made her breakfast, and I think I loved making it for her even more. So, after eating, we ended up on the sofa and put on Netflix. She must have been wet already in anticipation because she wanted to spoon. So, we put the cushions on the floor, lying down on my side, she lies down in front of me, and it did not take long at all for my cock to get hard...
Straight SexUncle Derfel stays for Christmas and the New Year, but he has to leave soon after for a job he has on. Studies and gambling continue after the Winter Break, which is a low key holiday due to security concerns. Just before he leaves Uncle Derfel and I talk a lot about what we expect the enemy to do. We agree they’re unlikely to do much before graduation but they’re likely to hit us sometime soon after that, hoping we’ve slacked off. I ask him, “Uncle, do you have any people who’re about to...
hi every one i am mallika here and i will explain about my first sexual experiance,though it is not a great experiance for me.i am 18 years old girl .i have a very developed figure of 34/30/34.i stay with my bhabi and bhaiya as my school is beside their house ,otherwise it is 3 hours journey from our brother Rahul work in a computer firm and her wife Malini is a housewife she had also a amazing fig of36/32/34.that time i am in 12 day due to some reason our school decleares that...
Janice loved the sounds number 2 made through her gag. They were whimpers of soul-wrenching despair. Sweat glistened off of the blonde slave's slender body as Janice ran her fingers over the flat of the girl's stomach and up to her large breasts. The wires were still firmly attached to 2's nipple clamps and Janice pulled at them briefly just to hear number 2 wail into her gag. Janice had no intention of unclamping them yet. She needed them in place for what she planned next. Reaching...
"Do you really think you'll be needing enough merchandise from my store for me to justify buying two more teams and wagons?" Silas asked, as we sat at the table again. "Actually, I think you should buy three or four, but two more would probably be good to start with, just to see how things work out. Are you satisfied that it's cheaper for you to haul your own freight than hire it done?" I asked. "I'm sure, and it makes delivery faster. I can see that more wagons and teams would help...
"Right, you 'orible lot," shouted the sergeant. "Let's be 'aving you. Stand by your beds." There was a lot of commotion as the sixteen raw female recruits scuttled about. At last, they were all in place standing to attention at the end of their bunks. "Right," said the sergeant in a slightly less loud voice. "I'm Sergeant Grant and for my sins I'm your drill instructor. Far be it for me to criticise this man's army but they have taken the step to allow you women into the fighting...
The sound of laughter woke Brad and he sat up hurriedly as he realised ‘Tanaya, Brent and Matty were walking into the house. He checked that Nicky was still asleep in the bed with him before getting up hurriedly hoping to get to ‘Tanaya and the two men before they woke Nicky and Janey who was asleep out on the lounge. ‘Hey,’ Brad murmured as he walked out of the spare room to find them heading towards the kitchen. ‘We decided to come back tonight because we can’t visit Ren in the morning,...
A FRENCH VILLAGE (A Tale of the War)- PART 2There are men who are very lucky to have the wife they have. Georges Renaud was one of them. He was a very ordinary man, with an ordinary background in accounting, very limited schooling and a very plain body. His wife, Isabelle Renaud, on the other hand, was a beautiful, smart, cunning, interesting and scholarly individual. She also loved sex , which her husband didn’t care for. She promised herself, early on in their marriage, that she would “help”...
In bed, she thought about the sudden invitation that had surprised her. "Now you regret turning him down. What would he be like?" The music and noise from the other room kept her awake. "Why didn't you say yes? Hmmm. Well, he hadn't really flirted or kissed you or whispered that he wanted you. Was it his age? Not really. You have to admit that you enjoyed his company more than anyone else's this year." Then it hit her. "Is he gay? He wouldn't ask you if he were gay." She sighed....
Revandis guided Verus through the large structure. It was deceptively small on the outside, or so it seemed, forming the edge of a hillside. But the building ran in wide tiers down the hill, forming dozens of chambers and large open courtyards. They would pass elves in ones and twos as they moved down short corridors, or crossed a balcony. It was like a maze, but open, somehow. Finally, they came to a large set of double doors, inset with ceramic plates, which were each shaped as a small...
Hey Honey, Mark called out as he came through the doorway, “I’m in the kitchen” came the reply from his young partner, Sharon, I’ll be round in a sec. Mark moved through to the bedroom where he proceeded to throw his things on the bed and change into his evening attire. Sharon came through as he was just getting his shirt off and she gave him the usual affectionate kiss “how was the day?” she asked wrapping her arms around him. “Yeah alright, nothing flash” drake’s won the holiday again. And...
EroticI realize this is purely a male fantasy, so with my apologies to women everywhere : *** Dory's bachelorette party was in full swing . Her best friend Sue had gone to a lot of effort to put together the kind of party that would make her remember forever the joys of being single. It was an all-girl affair, though - she didn't want any guys spoiling the fun with their presence. Not that she had any problem with guys, of course, but too many women found it impossible to really let their hair...
LesbianWhen they arrived in Durant, the sun had been up a few hours and Eli herded them to the hotel. The fireman and engineer went with them as the local railroad workers filled the reservoirs with water and oiled the locomotive for them. This was the first chance Eli had for more than a few words with his Bucks since they’d boarded the caboose in Abilene. Eli and Moses sat across the table from them in the dining room and looked at each of them as they talked to their brothers and their...
Oye Loca! Ever since I can remember, I have always had a thing for Latinas. Even when I was a little kid, all of my “girlfriends” were Hispanic. Fast forward 20 years or so, I’m still loco for Latinas. When I watch porn, it’s the first category I go to. There’s honestly nothing better. I just can’t get enough of it—the accents (‘aye, Papi!’), that sexy tan complexion (like caramel), those thick thighs, and those beautiful exotic eyes. Plus, my god, do they know how to move. I’ve fucked a few...
Premium Latina Porn SitesHere is the second part from my real time cuck session with my Worthless little his words. ENJOY!!!...From my knees I looked up at the cruel smile on Goddess Laura's Beautiful face and a feeling of happiness came over me, I was on my knees with Her Man's cum in my stomach and the taste of it still strong in my mouth but I knew that smile was for me ! That beautiful cruel smile. It was my submission to Her will !"Good boy. cucky ! Did you like the tast of Sirs real Man cum"?"im sorry...
One day my son came from school crying and saying his friends tease him for his hairs they say you are Negro. That took me to the flash back and reminded the incident which happened when I worked for the MNC. I was sent for a week long training program to Bangkok for enhancing my knowledge about my job. I was allotted room in hotel with another trainee, Sheela; she was from Delhi and she too was married with a kid. After being together for 4 days we became good friends we had shopping...
Hello Readers, What follows will be random Cuckold related short stories, set ups, or scenes. I get a lot of cuck related story ideas that I need an outlet for. This is simply a place for me to collect some of the ideas I get from time to time to see how they go over and gauge what is popular and what isn't. Don't expect lengthy or overly involved tales. Do expect a lot of unfinished story threads. For those that don't know my writing already be aware that futanari and bisexual elements tend to...
As you should recall from part 1, I was trying to put my wife into a situation with another man where she (hopefully) would get a little carried away...---------Part 2----------As I arrived home after my third attempt at getting my friend and my wife together the excitement was boiling up inside me. My mouth was dry and my dick was hard. I was pretty excited to discover if what I had hoped would happen had actually happened!You can’t imagine how disappointed I was when I arrived home and his...
We're at your house in your room.You come up behind me and you reach around to touch my breasts as you kiss my neck. I am already getting wet. You begin to pinch and roll my nipples. Your hands slowly move down my body and cup my pussy. You gently rub till I am moving with you. You have me lie down on the bed and start to suck my nipples. You kiss your way down my stomachlick my pussy while slowly sliding your finger into me. First one finger then two while sucking on my clit. I am moaning so...