Suffering From Sanity Ch 2
- 3 years ago
- 35
- 0
Day Twenty - Saturday
I woke with my lips against Sue's. Opening my eyes I looked into two dark brown orbs. The kiss turned into a smiling kiss as she pushed me over onto my back while moving over me, straddling me.
She sat up on my tummy, leaned over, raked her giant nipples across my face and said, "Do you know it's been twenty-four hours since I've made love to you? Do you know that it's a rule in our relationship that I do not allow that to happen? And do you know, I'm so horny right now that my pussy is literally dripping?"
She raised up, pulled my now excited morning hard on upright and slid onto me slowly, rocking back and forth till I was buried. She leaned over and dangled a nipple in my face, "Suck that thing a little while I get off, I'm behind in orgasms."
I could see her face concentrating while I sucked and nipped while she rocked up and down, sliding me in and out of her about six inches at a time.
It only took her about sixty seconds to start squeezing me with her insides and moaning pretty loud. She pulled the nipple from my mouth and kissed me passionately with a lot of tongue before raising back up and sticking the other nipple in my mouth. As I sucked, she began moving faster and faster while her insides squeezed sucking the juice right out me. I must have shot a good size load as it was oozing from around my dick.
Sue let out a big breath with a sigh then lay on me squashing her big breasts against my chest. She hugged me, lifted her face up and kissed me very thoroughly, "Lets have some coffee."
She pulled off me, cupping her hand under herself and headed into the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen and started both coffeepots before coming back to use the bathroom myself. Sue was in the shower so I joined her, as we both needed to clean up a little after our loving.
I put on shorts and a T-shirt and took two cups outside to the patio. Sue walked out of the trailer and stood in front of me.
"Oh shit," I groaned looking at her. "I'm going to keep looking at you and probably do you in front of everyone. Wow, that is sexy."
Sue sat on my lap, "Glad you like it. I've never had the occasion to wear it but I thought you would enjoy it this morning."
"I'll enjoy it alright, can you feel my enjoyment rising?"
"Just hold that thought."
"No problem, when Charlie, Tiny and Martin see this, they are going to attack their ladies, same as me."
Glenda came onto the patio. Sue and I both did a double take as Glenda's sheer robe that almost displayed what you knew was under there. It was just opaque enough to tease. You could almost see her nipples, just a faint darker area the same as her crotch.
"Hot, Glenda, that is sexy." I said.
"Martin thinks so too," she said smiling and sat down with her coffee.
Tiny and Ruth came up carrying their cups. I looked at Ruth and you didn't have to imagine, she had on a robe so thin, it looked like sheer nylon. It just clouded the view it did not obstruct it. Sue said, "You sexy slut, showing off like that."
Ruth said, "Tiny wouldn't let me out of the house until I took care of him," she licked her lips and swallowed while grinning broadly, "He's happy now."
Glenda and Sue laughed loudly.
A red headed pixie in a pink very revealing baby doll set came walking onto the patio complete with bunny slippers. She stopped spread her arms turning around to display that you could see everything about Shawna that you could see.
Charlie came up behind her, grabbing her, pulling her against him. Shawna smiled and said, "Again? How much do you want?"
The two of them came over to the table and sat with Charlie saying, "Seeing you so sexy is making me nuts, I can't get enough of you."
Sue said, "Isn't that sweet, especially from an old married couple."
Ruth said, "Christ Sue, why not just go nude. That thing doesn't hide anything."
Sue turned toward Tiny and Charlie put her hands under her voluminous breasts and lifted them toward them, "Like these? Enjoy seeing more of them?"
Tiny and Charlie both groaned as Glenda said, "Don't do that to Martin, we'll have to take him to the hospital.
Speaking of Martin, he was coming across the yard carrying a big Publix bag and a large tray. He put down the tray, put some paper towels on it then started filling up the tray with all kinds of Danish and donuts. Groans were heard by all.
Before we could reach for them, Sue was off my lap going into the trailer and came out with the big pot for refills plus a handful of paper napkins.
Charlie and Tiny were already chewing their first bite while the rest of us were choosing something to eat. Sue picked out a cherry Danish and tore it in half asking, "You'll eat the rest of this for me won't you?"
We all scarfed up the rolls and drank coffee until a pretty big pickup truck rolled up and stopped in the lane close to Charlie's old trailer.
Shawna jumped up and was running toward the truck hollering, "Hanna, Jim, you're here."
Another pixie climbed down from the pickup and hugged Shawna. A guy about the size of Charlie came around the front of the truck, looked at Shawna, all of Shawna, whistled then picked her up as if she were a doll holding her above his head before hugging her.
The big guy put Shawna down and the couple followed her to the patio. When they got here, Sue jumped up and went inside for two more cups of coffee. She came out and handed them to the couple who was now sitting in lawn chairs.
Shawna began introducing everyone. The big guy, Jim, gawked at the big-breasted Ruth who was displaying herself very openly. He came unglued when he checked out Sue who was standing next to me. Shaking his head he looked at the little light red head next to him and said, "Hanna, strip. I've seen all of them, they might as well get a load of you."
We all laughed explaining that we have coffee together in the mornings and often get together to have a beer in the evening.
Hanna asked, "Can we come too?"
I smiled, "You don't have to ask. You are now neighbors, we expect you to be here. You'll know when we're here as you'll see or hear Glenda come out of her place, or just come on over. If we are not out yet, we will be soon."
"This is my kind of neighborhood. You did us good Charlie," Jim said and looked at Tiny and I, "Which one of you did the shoot-em-up with Shawna."
Shawna pointed at me and said, "Steve's the man. Wait till I tell you what he did last night."
That started it. Shawna followed by Charlie then Sue had to tell everyone in detail how I had rammed a bad guy to save a deputy. Then I had performed life saving first aid on the guy.
Jim asked, "You ex military?"
When I nodded, he asked, "What branch."
Jim grinned real big and said, "Semper Fi."
I answered, "OOW RAH," loudly.
"Damn, not another one," complained Hanna. "That's all I need, another fucking Marine."
Sue was quick, "You don't have another one," she paused, "yet. And, how do you know he fucks."
Hanna was taken back by Sue's protective tone to her voice. When she saw Sue was smiling she said, "If he's a Marine, he fucks."
Jim asked, "Were you in the gulf?"
I nodded.
"Me too, only one short tour, nothing much. We were in reserve the whole time," Jim said.
When I didn't say anything, Shawna and Sue said almost simultaneously, "Steve was hurt pretty bad over there." Sue was pointing to the scars on my leg.
"I'm fine now. Look at me, surrounded by luscious ladies showing themselves off, meeting new friends all the time."
Charlie said, "Steve's the guy that did all the welding you're hearing about. He just finished Jan's new frame."
Shawna spoke up, "Come on Charlie, we need to get going and get to work. I want to finish the knuckle today and get our money so we can pay Kathy. Come on Hanna, I'll get the keys for you. She started to go then stopped. Oh yeah, I already gave you the keys. Come on Charlie, let's go."
I got up and got the big pot and poured those remaining some more coffee encouraging Jim and Hanna to have some pastry. Ruth stood up displaying all of her charms saying that Tiny and her needed to get going, as they wanted to go car shopping today.
Martin asked how bad the bike was. I told him I had to get it out in the daylight to see but the fairing, dash and windshield had to be replaced.
Sue said she needed to check on her orders and was going home for a few minutes. She told me not leave her. If I was going somewhere, she wanted to go with me.
Jim and Hanna thanked me for the coffee and said they were going to begin unloading. They had two more trips to make.
Martin and Glenda had moved to the glider. I straightened up the patio, putting the pastry back in the Publix bag and carried in the cups to put them in the sink. Martin hollered through the door they were going home to talk about Glenda's gown and the other ladies skimpy apparel this morning.
I walked to the mailbox and took out a couple of pieces. Nothing for me this time, the two were for Abe.
I came back, stripped the bed, and took the sheets and towels to the laundry room. DeeDee was there and looked up smiling as I came in. She had on some short shorts that were actually bib overalls that were shorts. She didn't have another top on so her bare store bought breasts were sticking out the side. I put my stuff in a couple of washers and was ready to go back to the trailer when DeeDee stood, came over to me standing pressed against me asking, "Want to fool around a little while the clothes are getting done. You wanna do me while we do the clothes?"
"Oh DeeDee, you're too willing. I have someone so it wouldn't be a good idea to spread it around."
"Kathy left," DeeDee said.
"Kathy and I were buddies, this one may be the one."
"Who is she?"
"A nice looking girl named Sue."
"You're going with Sue?"
"We've been seeing each other."
"The one with gigantic boobs."
"That's the one."
"I thought she was lez or too bashful or whatever. She's turned down everyone that's asked her out."
"I got lucky then, I think you could call us an item."
At that second Sue came in. In a predatory voice she said, "We are an item. He's mine. Perhaps I'll lend him to you one of these days but right now, I'm still learning how to please him. Go put some clothes on DeeDee or a bad guy will take advantage of you."
"I wish," DeeDee complained. "I don't want to have anything to do with those clowns that come to watch me dance. Most of the other guys that I meet think just because I'm a dancer, I have round heels and just assume we're going to bed. I want some romance to go along with some lovin."
"Keep looking DeeDee, I did and I got lucky, I found him. Steve, when you're done I'll be at your place getting quick books set up. I should have you give DeeDee a mercy fuck but I need everything you have right now." Sue gave me a passionate kiss and left.
DeeDee said while flipping a tit out from under the bib of the overall, "Maybe if I just strip, you might get interested enough to scratch my itch."
"Cool it babe, I'm just not on the market."
I left my clothes in the washer checking the time and walked back to the trailer to pee and have another cup of coffee. Sue was pounding away doing entries. She turned around and said, "Except for a few things I need to ask you, I've input everything for you to keep up. I've put all the transactions you listed so far. We'll find out from Tiny if some of them should be forgotten. I would say report everything but he knows best."
She paused then said, "When you need to do clothes, you can do them at my house."
"Okay, it's neat to be able to use a bunch of machines at once and get done quickly. That's why I use the laundry shack."
"You're right, it is faster. Mine's just more convenient and I bet I could find something to entertain you."
Sue looked serious for a moment, "Steve, I need to go to the gym almost everyday for my leg and also to keep me trim. It takes a lot of will power to keep my weight off and keep in shape. I'm telling you this so you'll know when I have to go there, I really do have to go. I don't want to be a customer for my company's clothes, ever again."
I gave her a hug and said, "I probably should go with you. I used the gyms on the platforms all the time. Help me with a schedule so we can include the gym into everything we do. By the way, I need to run by the guy's club house you met last night to fix a frame. I'm going to eat some chili when I'm done. Want to come along and get oogled? Or would you rather stay here and do some of your stuff."
"I'll go with you, what should I wear."
"Probably anything but jeans and a T-shirt are always good. A halter might cause a riot, your choice. I'm going to go put the stuff in the dryer."
DeeDee was still there waiting on her stuff to dry. She was sitting, reading a magazine playing with a nipple stuck out the side of the bib. She smiled at me and continued as I transferred my stuff from washers to dryers. I cleaned the lint traps and walked by DeeDee reaching down to squeeze her boob as I went by. She laughed and yelled, "Tease!" as I left.
I put on some Jeans and T-shirt deciding to go by Sears for some regular shirts soon, maybe today. I also wanted to get some more boots. Sears always has engineer type boots. I was going to need another pair of work boots too and that meant I needed to find a Red Wing store.
I pulled the bike out of the shed and inspected it thoroughly. I think I only needed the fairing and the windshield. I couldn't believe how lucky Sue and I were to not get hurt. She had not complained even a little about recklessly crashing into that guy. She also had kept her head and helped when everything was nuts. I made the list for the bike, adding it in my little notebook.
I went back to the laundry room. DeeDee was gone and my sheets and towels were dry enough so I took them out and folded them. Back at the trailer, I put away the towels and made the bed. I washed up the cups, cleaning up the counter and was ready to go fix something. I got my gas/wire feed cart from the shed and put it in the pickup. The cart had gloves and a hood plus a full smock to keep the sparks off my clothes.
Sue came over as I was pushing the bike back in the shop. She was wearing jeans and a loose tucked in T-shirt. It was obvious she had a bra on, as her tits didn't wobble while contained in the industrial strength bra. We drove over to the clubhouse. The gate guy must have been waiting for me as he opened the gate and asked me if I could back in. I did back in parking to one side so bikes could come and go.
Taking the cart off the back, I let Sue carry the hood, gloves and smock while I pulled the cart around to the open yard area. Hap saw us and showed me the bike standing up on one of the tables. They had it on a bike stand so I could work on it. The rear wheel was off and I could easily see the problem. The soft tail swing arm had busted loose of the coupler.
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Uncle Ryan keeps his promises. Every evening, he makes sure to be home by 6 and spends time chatting with her about her day and her studies. Nicole gobbles up the attention since her tutor and the maids are really all the other people she has to talk to. Uncle Ryan, is there a computer I can use?” She calls down to him from the large spiraling staircase, folded halfway over the banister. “Sure, honey, what do you need it for?” She shrugs as her arms wobble lazily. “I got an email that says...
Kleines Ein-mal-eins der AbspritztechnikenProfessionelle Spritzer sind mit der Theorie der Cumshot-Techniken vertraut.Für alle anderen möchte ich hier eine kurze Einführung in die angewandtenAbspritzmethoden geben.Straight-CumshotGeläufigste Art eine Frau anzuspritzen. Man zielt direkt auf die Stelle, die vollgespritzt werden soll.Sprinkler / rain CumshotDie Theorie hinter einem Sprinkler Cumshot (auch bekannt als cum rain) ist, dass man nicht gezielt auf die Stelle spritzt die man treffen...
John stood idly at the window as a shaft of afternoon sunlight swept across his bedroom, a frothy affair draped in shimmering pink satins and purple silks that adorned his bedspread and almost every nook and cranny of the heavily scented boudoir. Just a few weeks before, his bedroom had been a ramshackle, dishevelled pit that wreaked of stale beer and sweat and whose only colouring was the shade of unwashed laundry. He recalled that fateful first meeting with Joyce. Her...
Me and my best friend have a bunch of sleep overs during the summer. She is very rich and has a huge mansion for a house. They have 7 bedrooms, hers is on one side of the house and her parents is on the other. It was around 2 in the morning and we were watching a movie. We always talk about boys and sex and stuff like that. Her boyfriend, Drake, lived in another town so she only saw him on the weekends. I know for a fact that she was not a virgin, then neither was I. I the movie had a sex scene...
Trying to Scratch that Itch So my wife Angie's birthday is this weekend and she said she didn't want anything and she had it all planned out. She told me to be at home by 6pm Thursday. So when I show up home on Thursday she has the table set with candles and a sexy little black dress on that is the corset type with a little skirt and strapless you know the kind. It looks like a maid of honor dress but in black, these amazing 7" strappy heels on, with my favorite perfume that she has...
Michael Shae had just graduated from college and was excited to be starting his new job. He had landed it even before he graduated and it was finally his first day. He graduated nearly 4 weeks ago and had moved into a single bedroom apartment downtown with the money his grandfather had left him. It was quite a spacious apartment with a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and toilet, and even a small dining area Michael had turned into a workspace. There were only 2 apartments on his...
This is a story kinda of after my first dick. My friend John wanted to meet me after this girl bikini show, and he knew now i was not going to go. So I met him at the bridge when it was over, and we were talking. He said seeing all those girls made me hard…and knew what he wanted, and I really wanted to suck it, so I offered. Then we went under the bridge, were we first started smoking cigs…and I went on my knees…looked up, and said ‘I am really glad you know I dont like pussy, and that I...
The next few days were demanding with my sister. We were sort of embarrassed and equally proud of what we had done together but somehow the floodgates did not open. We might accidently touch and other times deliberately touch it would be electric or other times be distant. There was a lot to process and it could go either way. It may well have ended there fizzled out as a failed experiment but for the event with Mom. Mom worked in a hotel at a quite high up level arranging conferences and such...
Today I’m on-call for midwife duty. Which of course means that I am woken up a couple of hours early to help with a birth. The good news is that this is my second birth where I am in charge. I am technically supervised since I am an apprentice, but the other whore—one of the girls who came to assist me in dealing with my moon blood—doesn’t say a word. Master Kessler is trying to get me ready for Artisan; this birth will get my apprentice midwife requirement out of the way. I am astonished...
Randy and Sam were conflicted, something not unusual for young people their age. They loved school, and the adventure of being off on their own. But they were missing out on life back home. True, they got almost daily email updates from Mallory, who also kept her Face Book page up to date with pictures and posts. But it wasn’t the same as being there, and they felt like they were losing something. At the same time, the freedom to be lovers under conditions that seemed secret was also...
A week had passed since Dad had visited the Dame, fucking the living daylights out of her. A week had passed since the brief message from the Girl. He had to go back. Dad normally had his meetings out of the office, visiting clients. But this new customer had asked for a meeting in the office. When she turned up, Dad immediately recognized her. The Girl. Again she had a new appearance. Not the innocent school girl. Not the sexy biker chick. Not the hot secretary. She was dressed to look...
I watched her closely as she stood at the front of the little stage looking out into the audience. The stage was less than eighteen inches higher than the small dance floor in front of it. There were no more than ten tables, each with two double wide comfortable chairs, that might even be classed as divans or love seats. All were occupied by couples, nestling down into the deep and soft upholstery. My being here was the result of Tom and his son's skateboard. But I am getting ahead of my...
ExhibitionismI was separated from my wife when this occurred. We got divorced about a year later. This experience has a backstory to it so I will relate the whole thing. I didn’t have anything going as far as a relationship and I needed some female companionship. I found a site on the internet that listed a number of ladies available for outcall massages. I read over the various listings and picked one who sounded appealing. She was Japanese (so was my wife) and I was partial to Asian ladies so maybe I...
'Let's make a run for it'. I screwed up my nose and took a tentative step outside the bus shelter, the first raindrops hit my t-shirt, the cotton absorbing them and sticking to my body as it got soaked.The Summer downpour was sudden, and heavy, but refreshing, after the high humidity, there was a cool breeze, and something else I had not noticed, but my boyfriend did, my nipples were alive, my femininity was emblazoned on the front of my bland t-shirt, no distracting logo or colourful emblem,...
On the wall in the living room hangs a picture of a pair of black pumps. They are shiny with high heels. One is standing; the other one lies on its side. It is impressive how the photographer has found a nice composition and play of light with such simple objects. For those who know, the shoes are a reminder that Tina is not only the caring finance admin her colleagues see. In code, the picture shows her other side. The image is important to her because the shoes changed Tina the office girl...
FemdomIt was a fantasy of my husband to have another man join us while we were having sex, but I wasn't very sure if this would work out for our relationship. My husband kept insisting for a long time so finally I gave in and decided to give it a try. He said he would find the right guy and take care of all the arrangements so I just waited for the big day. This would be our first step into the swinger life outside of all our fantasies.The days past and then weeks and my husband Jack never touched...
Read fast!!!! This may be gone tomorrow!!!***************************When we finally went to sleep, none of us really wanted to just go back to our own bedrooms, so we all piled into Jenny and I’s bed. Yes, it is a California king bed, but still, there was no way anyone was sleeping without touching another one of the familia!!! I woke up around 5:00 and had to take a whiz in the worst way. Too much alcohol had filled my bladder and so I rolled out. As I walked past the foot of the bed, I...
Natalie joined me a few minutes later. "Morning. You're up early." "So I've heard. Good morning to you too." "What did Doug want?" "Nothing important. I guess he wanted to brag about his latest conquest or something. He got boring real fast, so I scared him away." "I saw him running out of here as if he had a vengeful father with a shotgun on his heels. You do realize that most of the girls here would kill to know how you did that, don't you?" "Wouldn't work for them."...
Chapter 1 The Meeting I can always remember the way I use to look at Jessica. Her long dark silky hair and her almond shaped brown eyes mesmerized me. Her skin looked so soft and delicate. She had that fresh innocent look about her, her smile so sweet and such a tease. I used to stare at her for hours obsessed by this beautiful girl. The kind of girl any man would want for himself. She never had any clue how much I use to think about her. I often went into a rage, knowing she’d never be mine....
EroticWhen it comes to learning, Bailey Brooke is much better at showing you how it’s done that explaining it to you. That’s why she kept doing so bad on her CPR tests. When she received her latest F, she broke down and begged her teacher to let her show him instead of just bombing again on another exam. The only problem was that Bailey started giving CPR to his cock! The teacher was obviously surprised, but had to take advantage of this situation. He let her continue to suck and then pounded that...
xmoviesforyouIn this study it is determined that most (87%) of consensual incestuous encounters do not begin as intended or planned acts but rather as a culmination of circumstances that put the related pair into intimate situations that develop into sexual occurrences. This is mostly true of sibling incest where the male and female have more time together than with others of the opposite sex. (Homosexual or same sex incest was not a factor of this study as it is an extremely small percentage of related...
"George, I'm tired of this shit. Carrie's 21 now, and she's getting tired of it too." "Chris, as the agent for your client, you need to tell her what's in her best interest, even if she doesn't think it is." Christina Hooper sat across a conference room table from Judson Marsh, the chief of programming for the Kids Network. Carrie Thorwald was the star of their biggest show, "Totally Carrie", and after 6 years of playing a high schooler, it was getting old in more ways than...
Hello friends, I am Stalin from Kerala. This story is all about my affair with my hot aunty. This is a true story that happened 3 years back. All the character names are changed. We were living in Kochi since my dad was working there. My dad had a cousin named Akash (48 years). He too was working in my dad’s company. Because he was new in Kochi, my dad helped him to find a house which was just opposite our flat. Now let me introduce the main character of this story. She is Anjali (36 years), my...
"Told you I was a different woman. I also warned you that you might not like what you see. But I also told you that there was no turning back. Now you're just going to have to ride this out 'til I'm done, but judging by your cock, I think that you enjoyed the show. Now I've got something I need you to do.""What's that?" I asked nervously."My pussy's a mess, and I'm afraid I'm going to need you to clean me up.""There's not much I can do for you unless you take these handcuffs off me.""Who says...