SusanChapter 7
- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
Four days later and Dan was standing in front of the Ford dealership in Santa Monica avenue, coincidentally just a few blocks from Sandra's apartment. Caddy was standing next to him, and the two of them were standing in front of a row of brand new Mustangs.
Caddy had a cigar in his mouth and he kept blowing smoke rings and saying things like "Oh boy. You sure about this? I was thinking a nice BMW or Mercedes or something?"
Dan ignored him for the most part, just staring at the cars.
Eventually they were approached by a salesman, one Jules Turner. He was a dark shade of black – the kind that is truly black and not just brown. He was dressed in a very expensive suit and when she smiled, his white teeth truly shone.
"Can I interest you gentlemen in a little test drive? I've been noticing you admiring these fine automobiles." His patter was straight out of 1963 and for some reason, he more than got away with it. As a salesman, Jules was The Man.
Dan glanced at him and then went back to looking at the cars.
Caddy turned and looked at Jules and said, "My friend here thinks he wants one of these. I'm not entirely sure why. I think he has a small dick or something."
Jules smiled back to show there was no hard feelings and replied, "Oh, I'm sure that's not true. I suspect that the man here just wants those extra couple of inches, to take him to a complete foot, no doubt!"
Both Caddy and Dan couldn't help but laugh at that, and the ice was well and truly broken.
"I'm Jules. How can I help you fine gentleman today?"
Dan pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked it over, and then, with the voice of one reading something that they don't understand, he said, "Do you have a ... um ... a Rosch Stage two convertible GT Mustang, with manual gearbox and six speed in stock?"
Jules smiled a wide smile and said, "Oh I'm sure we do. And it's pronounced Rousch. With a U."
"Can I drive it, please?" said Dan.
"Well of course you can young sir. Of course you can."
They picked out a blue convertible (the electric blue whose paint name Dan came to find out was called 'Impact Blue', to which he took Caddy aside and said, "Seriously? 'Impact blue'? For a car? Who the fuck names these things?") with the divided white strip down the middle. The car came with side air intakes, a hood with the extra air intake, and it generally looked like something Luke Skywalker should be driving.
When Dan clapped eyes on it, he looked at Jules and said, "Yeah, I think that might take me to sixteen inches."
They went out for a drive, with Caddy in the back. Caddy later swore that he'd never drive in a car driven by Dan again, since they basically took the 405 at ninety miles an hour, which in pre-rush hour traffic is some feat.
Eventually they arrived back in the car dealership, and everyone made excuses to hit the bathroom, except Dan who just asked for bottled water.
Then, after some small talk, Dan asked exactly how much the car was, to drive away right there. Everyone was talking with studied ease and nonchalance, as though they were talking about going to a movie.
"So, to drive that out the door, we are talking fifty seven K my good sir," said Jules, dismissively, like that was no big deal.
Caddy just sat there, looking out the window and at the hottie dealership interns running around in their tight skirts.
Dan looked back and said, "You know, if I were to put fifty thousand dollars down on the table, right now, I wonder if I might pick up those keys and go for a drive."
Jules smiled back. "Oh, I doubt it. But I can go ask for you."
"Why don't you do that, Jules. Just for information's sake, of course."
Jules got up and went to see the manager, in the time-honored fashion of every car sales men the world over. He returned five minutes later and just sat down and stared at Dan and said, "In a word, No."
Dan looked back, looked at Caddy and nodded and the two rose to leave.
"However," continued Jules, and the two men stopped their motion, "If you were to put fifty four thousand on the table, there's a very good chance of that happening."
Dan sat back down, leant back and took in the surrounding scene, taking his time.
"I think that might be a touch high. Perhaps fifty two thousand might make its way here?" he said, looking at his fingernails.
There was silence as Jules pulled out his phone and glanced at it. Eventually he replied, "I suspect that probably won't be enough. Perhaps if another thousand were to join it, that would be sufficient."
Dan pursed his lips and pouted for a second.
"Fine. Deal." He then reached into his pocket of his windbreaker and brought out a wad of cash, all hundreds. He peeled off a few thousand and then threw the rest of the bundle at Jules, who caught it, and said, "Keys?"
Literally twenty minutes later, Dan was standing in front of the car, keys in hand trying not to jump around and, in the parlance of his childhood, 'be cool'. Caddy was standing next to him saying, "You sure about this?"
Dan looked at him and said, "Caddy, a car should say something about the man driving it. New body, new car, lots of oomph. Trust me. It sounds great and it goes like shit off a shovel and it looks, well, muscly. This is my car."
Caddy nodded and said, "Well, as long as you are happy and as long as I don't have to drive in it with you. How do you know about this stuff anyway? You didn't strike me as someone into cars? Not driving that piece of crap Nissan?"
Dan laughed and said, "No, it's a writer friend of mine. A guy named StangStar. I know him as StangStar06. He and I are on a forum together. What that guy doesn't know about Mustangs isn't worth knowing. I just emailed him and asked him what I should be driving. He told me what to look for."
Caddy laughed. "I should have known. The uber nerd has friends everywhere. Well, it is a lovely car. You have fun now. Don't die on the way home. And don't kill anyone else, either."
Dan just nodded absently as Caddy left to go find his Mercedes, just staring at the car.
Eventually he opened the door, put down the hood and drove off, deliberately keeping it in a lower gear than it should be, just so the engine roared.
A few days later, and Dan was back at Sandra's apartment. This time he was even more nervous. He'd been reviewing the passages she'd given him to look over. He'd had to knock on Greg's door to ask to borrow the specific books, and was given them with a knowing smirk from Greg. One more thing to smack his face for when the time came. Although Dan couldn't help but say, "Good thing you had these books Greg. They must be really helpful to you." And that did wipe the smile off Greg's face.
Dan knocked on the door and there she was, in all her glory. This time she was in a wrap dress, with a mid thigh slit.
"Well hello sugar. How are you doin'?" she asked, pouting seductively. "C'mon in. Ah was just about to make myself a Manhattan, you want one?"
Dan nodded and entered her apartment. He sat down on the easy chair, where he'd been last time and she spoke while she busied herself at the bar.
"Ah wasn't sure you'd even show, after last time. Ah guess you'd had some second thoughts?"
Dan replied, "Some. I thought about what you said. This isn't about lust or jollies, this is about education. If June can separate sex and love, I can too."
Sandra stopped cutting up an orange and looked around at him and said, "Well, aren't you just a clever old peach? About time you came around. Ah'm sure your wife wouldn't necessarily agree, but Ah think we can both agree that she's lost that particular high ground. Plus, Ah'm sure she'll enjoy bein' the recipient of some of the lessons here. You want sugar in yours?"
Dan nodded and moments later was handed a drink. He took a sip. It was smooth. His first Manhattan.
"Ok, so did you read up?"
"Yes, Miss Daisy," replied Dan.
Sandra's eyes opened wide and for a second Dan saw true fury, which was instantly replaced by a mellow look.
"Well, aren't you just a card, now. Just for that, Ah think we'll go directly to the lesson. Here's what Ah challenge you. You need to make me cum. With one finger. No more. One finger can be used at any time. You can switch fingers, but only one can be used at a time. Think you can do that?"
Dan realized he'd touched a nerve – even hookers can have buttons. He decided silence was the better part of valor.
He put down his drink and nodded and said, "I can try to do that."
"Don't try, sugar. Make it happen. It's all in your hands, if you'll pardon the expression."
The two of them went to the bedroom, and Dan did his damndest.
The passages he'd been reading were about reading emotional content from body language. They were describing a woman's reactions to arousal, what to look for, and what you can do to either dampen or accelerator that situation. The test before him was a hard one. No woman would cum from doing one thing to her with one finger, you had to swap around and do different things, and you had to know when.
Dan failed. He came close a few times, and he felt he was starting to read her right and do the right things when Sandra glanced at the clock on her bedside table and sat up and said, "Times up. Next time, cowboy."
Dan wasn't thrilled. He knew she'd been pissed right from the word go and he had no chance because of that. Despite that, he knew if he'd had thirty more minutes, he'd have gotten her there.
Sandra got up and gestured for Dan to follow. She took him right to the door, and right before opening it, she said, "Never mind sugar. Next time. Now, Ah need you to read up on cunnilingus. We need to go over that for next time. There's a good book Ah'm going to recommend."
She opened the door and Dan stuck his foot against it and didn't let it open.
"That was an unfair test. And you know. I'm sure glad that you being pissed off was worth more than what Greg paid you for. Hell, you got both. What do you care?"
Sandra just looked at him.
"You know exactly what I mean Miss Daisy. Yeah, there it is. I made a joke lady. Just a joke. I have no idea what your issues are, but I won't be back if all you are going to do is waste my time because you are pissed off about a joke that means nothing to anyone."
Dan surprised himself by making the statement. He was just mad and wasn't about to let a glorified hooker make him doubt himself.
"Well now. Aren't you just the manly man now. You c'mon back next week and prove me wrong."
"That's it?"
Sandra looked right at him and said, with almost no trace of her southern accent, "The whole point of the exercise was for you to read the body language of the person you were with to give her what she needed. I think you failed outright there, don't you? If I was pissed, why the hell didn't you do something about that instead of fighting a loosing battle in the first place? Good sex isn't just about sensation. It's about circumstance and mental attitude. Read the books again. I'll see you next week." And she yanked the door open and without ceremony, pushed him out.
They were now into what was the last two weeks, assuming Greg's prediction was accurate. Dan was down to two hundred and twelve pounds. He was a size thirty-four waist and could now bench-press almost three hundred pounds. His arms looked like something out of Men's weekly magazine, and he felt fantastic.
His boxing was right on the money, and he could floor the sparring partners two times out of four – they treated him with respect now and he knew it.
He knew his time here was coming to an end, and he had to consider what he was going to do when he got home – when he saw June again. He still wasn't sure how he felt – whether the hurt outweighed the need for her. One thing was for sure though; his rage at Greg hadn't gone away. It was still there, white hot at his core. And it would not be denied.
During his last two weeks, Dan went out and did a few things for himself. He ordered some particular items, them being made especially for him. He bought some actual clothes, rather than just tracksuits, since how he had idea of his measurements. He went looking for another gym to go to, because if things went to plan, he sure wouldn't be welcome here any more.
He had also been looking over the PI reports – they weren't telling him anything drastic about June's behaviors. She had gone out with friends for dinner and drinks – Megan being one of them – but their operative couldn't get close enough to overhear anything this time. But there was a report of their table being approached more than once and of June shutting down any conversation instantly, much to Megan's visual annoyance. June had left before ten and that was her evening out.
In the second to last week, two things of major importance happened. The first was yet another call from Caddy, asking Dan to drop by his office. There was a timbre in is voice of restrained exuberance, and since Dan was in the middle of using free weights at the time, he didn't stop to chat – just told Caddy he'd be there in a couple of hours.
The other was an email from Sandra. Dan found that interesting, since he'd never given his email address to Sandra. Or Greg either, for that matter, which is where she must have got it from. It made Dan wonder what else Greg knew about him.
The email read –
Dan.I'm sorry about last week. I think you caught me at a bad time. The Miss Daisy reference has particular significance for me, and indirectly is one of the reasons I do what I do. The lesson was valid, but I think it probably could have been communicated better and for that, I am truly sorry.
Please come on Thursday. We only have two more sessions and there's more to impart to you.
Dan read it twice and was left confused about what he really ought to do. He'd bought and read the book she recommended – he wasn't about to ask Greg again – and found it helpful but mostly going on and on about how good the author thought he was at pussy eating, and a bit light on actual details and tips. But still, he'd read it and hoped he'd absorbed some of the lessons. He honestly wasn't planning on returning, both to salve his conscience and also because he didn't particularly need another evening of being set a task he couldn't achieve because someone else was upset.
But right now, he had a meeting to get to. He grabbed some printouts and emailed Caddy some files and then left, taking his new ride out and enjoying the sensation of driving with the top down.
He arrived twenty minutes early and didn't have to find a park, since the building where Caddy's agency was located had it's own parking structure.
He sat in the lobby of the bustling agency, watching famous people walk back and forth and spent ten minutes in a conversation with Ryan Reynolds, who was waiting to talk to his own agent. That was surreal. He'd have to tell June about that. Ryan Reynolds was on her Free Pass list.
Eventually Caddy himself came to find Dan, looking through a sheaf of documents as he did so.
"Dan, I'm just reading your treatment and bible. This shit is hot dude. I LOVE it."
Dan blushed, as they walked through the building to Caddy's office.
"Umm ... it's just an idea I was playing with..."
"This is great dude. A weekly docudrama set in a gym? Why has no one done this before?"
Dan replied, "The closest I could find was some UK based comedy, staring the guy from Red Dwarf? The asshole guy? It ran for a few years."
They entered Caddy's office, complete with its astounding view of downtown LA.
"So look, lets talk about this new thing in a second. Firstly, news on Metamorph. Hallmark is renaming it. Metamorph is a bit too sci-fi for the Hallmark viewership I'm afraid. But you knew that, so I don't think that's really an issue. But, what is astounding is that they've shot all three endings, like I told you. The production crew there were planning on deciding which one to use in the edit phase. However, they can't do it. So they've decided to do something really bold and new. They are showing your movie three times. Once on Sunday, once on Tuesday and once on Friday, all on the same week. And each time, with a different ending. And what's more, they aren't going to tell anyone they are doing this, until after it's broadcast. What do you think of that buddy? This is television history here. No one has ever done this before."
Caddy was smiling so hard, his face was going to crack.
Dan just sat there, frozen, not knowing what to feel. The one overwhelming thought he had was, 'I wish I could tell June. She'd freak.'
"That's pretty cool," he stumbled out.
"'Pretty cool'?" mimicked Caddy, unmercifully. "Christ, it's a good thing you can write, cos as a public inspirational speaker, you blow buddy. Look, this is a big deal. Hallmark is going to make a huge deal out of this. If it's at all successful, they are talking about selling this to Starz. You are gonna get residuals on the first week of your movie is being shown. We've never seen that before here. All kinds of firsts going on here. Get a little excited, won't you??"
Dan said, "Ok. It's VERY cool."
Caddy just looked at him for a moment, eyeballing him to see if he was being mocked.
"Ok, so there's that. Now lets talk about this Gym thing. Why did you wait so long to let me have this?"
Dan shifted his seat, and wordlessly Caddy got up and walked to a small fridge, pulled out a bottled water and handed it to his friend.
"Well, there are issues here. I don't think this is really a network show. Or even a cable show, necessarily."
"Oh? Why not?" asked Caddy.
"Well, it's not about ensemble cast. Sure, there is an ensemble cast here, but every episode is a character dive on a particular member of the gym. The ensemble cast is there purely as glue. Sure, there are some stories about them, but for the most part, it's about the special guests each week. You know what networks are like Caddy. They'll run 4 episodes, look at the audience feedback numbers and then tell us that the show has to revolve around which ever member of the ensemble cast the audience likes the most. This isn't like that."
Caddy nodded, flipping through some more of the papers strewn over his desk. "Probably. What's the problem with that? Lots of successful shows do that."
"Yeah, but not this. Look, think about The Twilight Zone. Was that show about Rod Sterling, or was it about the Story of the week? Rod Sterling was necessary as the narrator, but he wasn't what the show was about, yeah? That's what this is. The ensemble cast is glue, background, not principles. I just don't think that a modern network would go for this. I was thinking maybe something like HBO or Netflix, even? They are in the standalone show game now, right? Can we talk to them?"
Caddy looked over a sheet of paper at Dan and said, "I guess. I still think we should talk to the networks. Give them the chance to pass. There are some pretty progressive people over at NBC right now..."
Dan shrugged and said, "Sure Caddy. Whatever you think."
"You know, it strikes me that if you really wanted to do this right, you need to start your own production company. Get with a producer with proven ability and present this that way. Rather than selling it to HBO or whatever, do it your self and then sell it to them. That way you retain control."
There was a pregnant silence.
"Of course that means you need to find a producer to work with. Someone who is going to be on your side, who is on your wavelength and who'll buy into your concept. I wonder if you know anyone like that?"
Dan just stared at the floor.
Caddy sighed and threw the papers down on the table and there was a pregnant pause. Dan knew exactly what Caddy wanted to talk about and he also knew Caddy didn't know how to start the conversation.
"Dan, you know I'm your friend. I'm ... concerned. Your work is great, but you've got this fucking great void hanging over you. Until you resolve things with June, I'm a little worried about going down a path that you may not stick with. Where's your mind at, buddy? Where is this going?"
Dan looked unhappy. "I honestly don't know Caddy. One minute I am dying because I can't hold her, the next I am raging because of what she did with no regard for me. I can't trust her but I desperately want to. I know she is hurting because of what she did to me, to us, but it's because of that that I can't just put my arms around her. She betrayed me, Caddy. She was all I had, and she did it anyway, for whatever fucked up reasons she had."
And suddenly it came out. Dan started sobbing and Caddy immediately came over to Dan, stopping to close his office door first.
Caddy wrapped his arms around his friend and just held him while he sobbed. "How could she do that to me? How? What did I do? Why am I paying for it?" Dan asked the world.
"There there Buddy," said Caddy, not knowing what else to say. "I don't think she meant to do it to you Dan. I think she did it for her and you are just collateral."
They sat there for two minutes, Dan's heaving slowing and Caddy just holding his friend.
Eventually, Dan pushed Caddy off him, and looked into Caddy's earnest face, full of concern, and suddenly he just started giggling. Caddy smiled broadly back at him, and Dan started laughing. After a moment, Caddy joined in. The two of them laughed for the next minutes, before slowly recovering.
Caddy went back to sit down in his desk and pulled out a bottle of vodka, grabbed two shot glasses from the same draw and poured two shots. "Good. Right, glad we got that out of the way," he said. "Here's to the future, without any crying in it, ok? I already have kids, I don't need another one. We are friends, but I am NOT tucking you in at night."
Dan went to Sandra's place on Thursday. She apologized again to him on opening the door, and that night, he spent most of the night with his face wedged firmly between her thighs. The night was interesting for Dan because unlike previous evenings, this time Sandra guided him. She gave him pointers, stressed that every woman was different and pointed out her own reactions to what he was doing. Dan learned about back arches, the type and quality of moans, about skin temperature, pulse rates, and how if a woman uses her fingers on herself while he was actively doing things to her, it meant one of two things; either she was bored and getting herself off, or she was loosing control of her own desires and helping herself get off unconsciously. The former was death for the dedicated cocksman, but the latter just meant you were stampeding in the right direction.
Dan learned about deft touches, about breathing on a vagina instead of rushing straight to the clitoris, and he learned that there were as many ways to use a tongue as there were different punches to use in a boxing ring.
By the end of the night, Dan looked like he'd had whipped cream applied to his face and had both tongue and jaw ache, and Sandra had cum at least four times. He also had scratches under the hair at the back of his head where she'd grabbed his face and pushed him into her pussy during one very violent climax.
The one thing that surprised Dan was that she kissed him, hard, once he was done. She even licked his face. He pulled back, and bit surprised and she smiled at him and said, "Darlin', this is the least Ah can do. That was GREAT. You are learning."
She showed him out after letting him wash his face and wash his mouth out and then giving him a bottle of diet coke. "Come back next week, final exam. Ah shall expect A+ yah here? So study up!"
And then it was the last week. The last week Dan didn't hear from Caddy. He called twice but was told that Caddy was out of the office and he'd get back to him. He shrugged and went back to the gym.
By now, Dan was free of almost all fat. There was still a tiny bit of a spare tire, but it was only visible from certain postures. He was a true thirty-four inch waist. He looked pretty damn good and he'd even sprung for a body waxing, something he'd never do again once he'd had it done, since it hurt So Much. It was nice to be smooth, and he knew he looked good, but he also knew that you had to keep it up and there was no way he was going through that amount of pain again. How women do Brazilian waxes he had no idea. The little oriental woman who was recommended to him cackled every time she ripped off another piece of what looked like fly paper and it was all Dan could do not to jump off the couch and clock her.
Dan had his last appointment with Sandra. This time she was wearing a short black cocktail dress and high heels and a black choker, with dark makeup and bright red lipstick when she opened the door.
She literally said nothing, arched and eyebrow at him and went inside. Dan followed, closing the door.
"Screwdriver?" she asked. Dan nodded. The apartment somehow seemed smaller and he didn't know why.
"So, last session," said Sandra, as she handed him the drink. "Nervous?"
Dan frowned, "Should I be?"
"No, no reason. Just idly wondering. So. How do you feel about all you've been through?" Sandra asked.
"What, you mean coming here?" replied Dan.
"Well, not just that. I mean the whole journey. It's been a heavy four months from what I understand?"
Dan sat there, looking at his drink, thinking both about the past months and also that Sandra seemed to be very well informed, as well as very nosey.
Sandra smiled at him. "Nosey broad eh?" she said. "Dan, it might interest you to know that Ah have a phD in psychiatry. Ah just do the sex thing because, well, Ah like sex. Ah might as well get paid for it. But don't be fooled. A good escort is part sex doll and part bartender. She listens and says the things the man needs to hear just as much as she makes him squirm. A good escort feeds a man's ego as much as she milks his cock. And Ah'm very good at both – you've never been on the receiving end of a real charm offensive from me, and be thankful for it. If you had, what little of your vows you take seriously would be done. You have no idea of what Ah'm capable of, young man. You also have no idea how much Greg is paying me for these services."
Dan choked on his drink. Sandra smiled broadly at him. Cleverly, Dan said, "ummm ... well, I guess I dodged a bullet there."
Sandra licked her lips slowly, savoring it. Dan hastily took another swig of his drink and found he'd already finished it.
"So, Tiger, are you ready for the final exam? Ah want to see if you can read my body like we talked about?"
Dan nodded, dumbly, as Sandra stood up. She came over to him and took his hand and pulled him up.
"Right there studly. From now on, you are in the driving seat. Make me squirm, sugar."
And something went off inside Dan. He literally just grabbed Sandra and pushed her against the wall, kissing her hard, and then pinning her to the wall. One hand went into her panties, roughly, and he stuck his fingers inside her with no preamble. She was wet. Very wet.
He kissed her neck and felt her body move and arch into him. She moaned softly and said, "Good start stud."
And with that, Dan stepped back away from her, examining her. She was flush, her neck red, her breathing heavy and eyes dilated.
Dan smiled and said, "I graduate. I don't need to fuck you to know I could and that you want it. Night Sandra. Thanks for giving me the confidence and everything."
Sandra just breathed heavily and said nothing as Dan walked out of the room and the apartment.
Four days later, and it was Monday. Dan got up early, took a shower and then took The Suit down. He took a deep breath and then tried it on. It fit. Barely, but it fit. His arms were actually larger than Greg's and as such the suit jacket was slightly tight if he bulged his biceps. But otherwise, it was a perfect fit, even on the neck. He spent an hour just sitting in it and looking at himself in the mirror.
No double chin. Hair cut. Straight Jaw. Perfect body trim, and with the shirt unbuttoned, his gleaming and smooth pectorals just peaked out. He tried the suit with a skin tight T-shirt and found it worked just was well with that, which was good because he'd bought three of them in different colors.
He let himself out of the apartment and knocked heavily on Greg's door as he passed and then went down to the gym, which was still deserted. He grabbed a couple of practice gloves and put them on as he climbed into the ring.
Greg arrived ten minutes later, looking recently woken. He was going from room to room, looking for Dan. When he saw him, in The Suit, wearing gloves and leaning against the ropes of the ring, watching for him, he smiled and pushed open the door to the boxing room.
"Aren't we full of ourselves today? You look good. The suit works on you."
Dan tilted his head and said, "I need to say thanks for this. I could never have done this alone. Your ability to train is to be commended. But be that as it may, you ready for some lessons in politeness and etiquette? Because you fucking need them."
Disclaimer: In case you didn’t know, CHYOA has rules and writing guidelines. The three rules are that excessive gore and violence shouldn’t be used, all characters partaking in sex must be the age of consent, at least 18 years or older. The last rule prohibits bestiality, where a human and animal have sex. For those who think this might cross the border, the breeding creatures in this story are sentient. They may not speak the humanoid languages, or understand the humanoids, but they are...
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For some strange reason, Sue suddenly felt very submissive. It wasn't like her to play that role. However, at the moment, it felt right. She moaned submissively and let her son pound into her mouth. As his movement grew more rapid, saliva began to drip from the corners of her stretched mouth.Tommy's legs were spread wide and his knees slightly bent as he moved rapidly in and out of her mother's willing mouth. His fingers were curled tightly in her hair as he moved almost violently in and out....
I was startled awake by the feeling of something pouncing on my bed. Cracking open my eyes as I groggily came around, I saw Stacey bouncing up and down like a little girl trying to wake her parents on Christmas morning. ‘Daaaaaan, it’s time to wake uuuuuuuup!’ she whispered in my ear. Smiling mischievously, she straddled my legs and flipped up the covers. Poking her head beneath the sheets, she popped right back out and made a playful pouty face. ‘Awww, you really aren’t up yet, are you? Let’s...
The Rock Chick Chapter 2 It was 2:30 in the afternoon when the text arrived and, to be honest, I barely looked at it. It wasn't work-related and I was totally and utterly swamped, so I mentally filed it away and threw myself back into an long afternoon of deep client research. So yeah - I'd nailed the interview. I turned up looking good and feeling better, and the formal meeting quickly turned into a long boozy lunch with Tim and his business partner. By that evening I was a...
Hello all friends. I am Savita from Delhi. I am a regular reader of ISS and today I am posting my First story. This is a true story of my life. First let me describe about me. I am 29 years old married, housewife.I belong to a upper middle class family. My husband is a business man. His name is Rajesh and he has a good business of his own. We live in a flat alone without family. We do not have any children yet and planning now. I am 5’4″ long with a stunning figure of 34,30,36, with quit...
"Clara, you're going like that??" Clara shakes her head. "For fuck's sake, Sarah. You insisted I come along to this stupid party of yours. It will be boring, alienating, and I won't know anyone there. The least you could do is let me dress however's comfortable!" Sarah was someone who had never struggled to be fashionable and popular, dressed now as always head-to-toe in beautiful clothes and immaculate makeup. Clara is in foundation a couple shades too light, and clothes entirely black and...
After my consultation at the vets hospital, I needed a better understanding what I was dealing with. I took a day thinking about the overall issues. On the one hand; women that wanted to do anything to make me cum was a good thing. I imagined tons of them, the best most fuckable dick milkers. I viewed this as good. On the other hand, this condition was pretty nonselective. I couldn't just have every woman follow me around. I pictured a women following me home and getting in my house....
Hey, guys! This is the second part of my last story, where me Adi, and my wife Anjali went to a resort for a weekend. We met a hot and sexy energetic couple Jatin and Deepti. I have described how we guys met and had become friends. After enjoying in the pool, we came back to our room and got ready to enjoy our weekend together. For any feedback please mail me at . Then after getting ready, all four of us went to explore what fun can we have in that resort. Deepti was dressed in tight jeans and...
Chapter One: MILF's Throbbing Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! In the basement laboratory, Jolene Harland held up the glass vial staring at the reaction happening in the solution. What had started out as a deep blue liquid was now transforming into a bright, almost hot, pink. The twenty-year-old girl pushed up her glasses with her free hand as she waited for the reaction to come to an end. The solution settled into that pink hue....
Hailey felt something hard pressing against her ass, and an unfamiliar warmth around her body. She opened her eyes to see a sleeping Rick holding her close and smiled. She realized the hard object was his cock. It wasn’t a dream, she thought happily, I really had sex last night with Rick. Rick’s eyes opened and he smiled. “Good morning beautiful.” “Good morning. Is that your cock I feel between my cheeks?” “Yeah.” “What a way to wake up!” Rick purred in her ear and stretched his legs. “Is that...
NovelsI've known Sarah for a number of years. She'd gone through a bit of a challenging start when she got pregnant at 17 but she and Robert decided to get married and make a go of it. Despite working two or three jobs at a time and raising a child, they both managed to make it into college. Robert pursued business and now worked in the world of investing. Sarah followed her passion and became a teacher. Another child had followed, but they'd planned that event. They had a daughter. They moved into...
Straight SexWith reservations made, Kelli off to Scottsdale, and nothing on my agenda before tomorrow morning's meeting with Mrs. Trinh, it was time for more practice. Bud was keen on getting us used to the suit's exoskeletal strength. This required another visit to the sleazy tanning parlor I'd found in South Santa Rosa. I, on the other hand, was keen on figuring out how to use my telekinesis to power the suit without hurting myself. "No, we will not be doing that yet," he insisted. There is too...
"Would you step into my office please Sarah?" My face must have shown my concern because June quickly added, "Nothing's wrong, I just wanted a chat. Close the door and sit down so we can talk freely." Already I'd become aware that June was somewhat of an enigma, in her deputy principal mode she was authoritarian and ruthless but outside that, she was friendly and helpful. Still apprehensive, I sat down gingerly. "Ignoring the spanking you had on arrival, how are you getting on here...
Dieter was at the gym at 7:00 a.m. on Friday working out hard. The week had been a hard one. He wasn’t a spectator type and it had been frustrating to sit on the sidelines. The weights he was lifting hurt, but he enjoyed the feeling of the strength in his muscles, the competence of his body when faced with the simple physical challenge. Friday watched him from a stationary bike across the gym. He was truly well built- he had a sense of how to build his body to pleasing proportions. He’d been...
As always: Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing. Thanks to ‘Doc’ for writing Jim’s character. More than Words: Code, Honor, Discipline ‘Upon my code of honor, with the discipline of my being, I am bound to serve and protect you with my life and sword’ * My mother and I live as second class citizens in our own home. No, let me correct that. The maid, butler, and the chef live better than my mother and I. On the random day I see my father, it is usually from a distance and I receive a small...
When I first got with my wife I was introduced to her 5 year old special needs son and the first thing he said to me was you fucking my mommy. I was blown away. See she was married to a violent drunk and he taught the boy to curse, disrespect mommy, and flash his penis to all girls. I found that last one out when I brought my 8 and 4 year old daughters to meet them for first time. I wanted to set his ass on fire and almost did before mommy explain d that his daddy also beat him and touched him...
This writer’s imagination has been working overtime, so now I’ll bring you a mixture of true events and fantasy. ************ About eight months after I began working for Joy, I began seeing a few signs of worry in her face. I didn’t worry too much about it when I was slamming her pussy or asshole, or getting my nuts off into her mouth. One day, after a session of hot sex in one of the motel rooms, Joy asked me if I’d just lay beside her and hold her a while. I had no problem with...
I grew up in Michigan. I spent a lot of my summers with my cousins in Detroit. I lived about 175 mile away. David was my age and he had a twin sister Lauara. A year later Barb and Richard had another set of twins. They were Vicki and Gail. All of the girls were real popular in school because of their looks and their dad was a cop. I went around with a hard on the whole time I was there. But, they were cousins. That would be incest. Richard and my Dad were Detroit Tiger fans. I was too and hoped...
First TimeWe went home as we came. Just the four of us were in my car. Each girl had been handed into my car by their guy. Laura reached for my hand while we rode home. Once home and inside, I said, "Go change and then join us in our bedroom as soon as the door is opened. I want to hear what's going on." We went into our room and closed the door. As Laura and I removed our clothes, she asked, "Paul, are you worried?" "I don't know whether to be worried or what. That does worry me." "My...
Today you're going on a shopping trip. Wear something you don't mind giving away. I suggest old clothes, skirt, top, old bra and panties. Heels of course are required. Here's 67,80€, 65 plus 2,80 in twenty cents coins. Leave any other money or credit cards here at home, but bring two bus tickets and a pair of scissors in your bag. You'll be taking the bus and heading to the mall; there you will visit four shops. In the first shop you'll be looking for a skirt. Ask a saleswoman for help. Tell...
ExhibitionismMehek introduced me to her friends, showed me around her town, and helped me settle in and acclimate to my new life. We were cousins by bl**d, but friends, and pretty soon best friends by choice. We hung out together, had the same group of friends, and shared secrets, everything that best girl friends do. She even told me about the night she lost her virginity to her boyfriend. I must admit that hearing her describe how it happened got me really sexually aroused, and that night while Mehek was...
The Hand You're Dealt This is a piece of fan fiction. "Wild Cards" created by George R.R. Martin. In 1945, an alien virus was released over the skies of New York City. Eventually, that virus would be known as the Wild Card. Of those who contracted the virus, nine of ten died, most horribly. Of the survivors, nine of ten mutated into monsters and freaks, known as Jokers. But one out of every one hundred people who contracted the virus developed super-human abilities, and these...
Introduction: continuin from where i stopped…hope ull like it….pls xcuse my grammer… It had been just a day since I was living in with my doc/lover for a few days since his wife was out of town and had sent all his office assistants and servants off so that we could have all the privacy. After a night of awesome sex, on Tuesday morning, while having breakfast, he asked me to get ready but wear only the black moslim burqa along with the abaya which he had got especially for me so that my face...
My wife and I are in our forties and have been married for almost twenty years. We met back after college and had been each other’s only sex partner in life. As the years pass though, we each began to formulate our own ideas on what we wanted out of life. The older we got the less exciting things had become. Our sex life that once was bustling and exciting, now had become dull and boring. We were lucky to do it a few times a month, and my wife hadn’t had an orgasm in months. I know a lot of...
CuckoldHi bondhugon ami apnader ek notun bondhu….apnader samne ekta ankora naya golpo nie asbo bhabchilam…tai nie elam….eta amar ek bondhur jiboner sotti kahani…kahaniti tar mukh thekei apnader ami sunate chaii tahole kahaniti snek besi srutimodhur hobe.amar oi bondhutir naam sekhar..ebar tar mukh thekei sune nin asol kahaniti—-ami sekhar…kolkatar ekti software company te chakri kori,amar age 38..amar barite sundari stri r amar 17 bochhorer tatka joubona meye achhe.amar office sector-5 e..amader...
[Preface] The lands of Arai consist of a myriad of cultures, peoples, tribes, kingdoms, city-states, and religions. While this story falls under 'fantasy', you will find no other races (elves, etc.) nor will there be any magic, though perhaps some mystical elements may arise. For the sake of imagination, our setting is roughly equivalent to that of middle iron-age, somewhat near the beginning of the Hellenistic (Alexandrian) period in our own history. Impressive contemporary technology and...
FantasyIf reading this story offends you or the law, do what I do, don't. Choices by Vickie Tern I was so miserable I felt like crying. A single sob escaped, but I stifled it, couldn't allow it. I was terribly worried yet there was nothing to do but wait. There never was. Sit in the living room, turn on the tube, turn pages in some magazine, wait. Ignore all sorts of hysterical fears. Finally realize I'd been dozing in my chair,...
"It's, uh, my dick." "Why do you have it on my desk?" "Because I want your opinion." "It's...nice. I could put it to good use. I mean, if it were available." "I've got plans for it if things go the way I hope." "Your _hope_ is getting bigger. Maybe we should call it the 'Great White Hope'?" "Yeah, it is, isn't it? I'd better act fast." "Really. And what are you going to do with it?" "Well, I was thinking about...maybe after you give it a good suck, I would fuck...
We have been married for seven years. My wife has been a steadfast and loving wife never wavering from her unconditional love for me and my cock. We have a pretty good sex life – hot fucking at least twice a week but slowly and consistently the seven-year-itch is creeping in our lives. Oh no, not my wife, she is fine. The itch is irritating me! You see, before I met my wife, I was a regular cock- sucking faggot. And though I came clean to my wife, she always thought that a guy sucks cock...
My Step-Aunt Kenzie Love is hot. Perfect bikini body and a real sweetheart too. I’m spying on her as she gets lotioned and talks on the phone. She almost caught me watching her in the hallway but I (Peter Green) narrowly escaped! She wants me to come up to the hottub with her…I’m nervous so I tell her I have errands to run. But as she oils herself up in the tub she catches me watching again and invites me to oil her down. She confesses she knows I’ve been watching her...
xmoviesforyouI stared back at Jana. She had seen my last two days? Had it been as vivid as what I saw of her? Had she heard my thoughts, understood my conflicts, experienced everything I had? If so, then she was handling everything better than I would have expected, if I had decided to tell her the whole truth. Jana glanced at Danielle again. “Seth, you have to tell her. Jordan knows and I know. She needs to know too.” I looked from the brunette to the redhead and back. I was caught between my confusion...
Hi readers, I have often wondered, whether Pornography is bad or not? In spite of the taboo I often find reading the stories here. I have liked many stories here; sometimes I have not liked them and have thought, why people have written such weird stories? Why they have not written in this way or that way? I then thought why not I write a story, about my own secrets! You may consider the story true or just only a fantasy is up to you. You may mail me your feedback to Oh my god! I have not...
Stupid girl. This girl seemed different. She had no real want for money. No real envy for shopping. She didn't believe in the tradional god. Hallows was on his way on getting the town to fear him again. Not as a mobster though, a tactic that didn't work to much the time before. But instead a legend. He would make everyone know who he was through his malicious actions. He wanted to be a symbol of fear. The first few victims were already found, the entire town was already nervous. It was...
It was Tina Barton's birthday. She, her husband Mark and their son, Tag had gone to pick up her new BMW and dinner at one of their favorite places to eat. She had a couple glasses of wine, her husband some beer and Tag some coke. They were all quite happy when they got home quite late. Tina suggested that Mark made sure that Tag got his shower, brushed and flossed his teeth, and then got him into bed. She told Mark to also get his shower and she would meet him later in their bedroom. In the...
LesbianTugging on my hand Joe pulled me into the small bathroom cubicle. “Joe..the family, they’re right out there!” I whisper as he pulled me. “Chill babe, they’re asleep, and god..I need you,” he whispered back huskily. Pushing the door open with one hand, he connected our lips together in a needy kiss. Releasing my lips he kissed a trail down my neck, sucking lightly at the hollow of my neck before moving further down, coming to kneel in front of me. He lifted my right leg, kissing the inside of...
Hello friends, me ek baar phir wapas aaya hu ek nayi story le kar apne priya pathako ke liye. Yeh story mujhe meri ek friend ne batayi hai aur woh chahti hai ki mai yeh story aap sab ke saath share karu. Meri friend ka naam archana hai aur ab yeh story app usi ki zubani sunane jaa rahe hai Mera naam archana hai aur yeh story tab ki hai jab mai 20 saal ki thi. Tab mera figure tha 32 – 28 – 26. Meri family mei mere mummy papa aur mera chota bhai bhi saath rehte they. Mere chote bhai ka naam...
Like clock work, you entered the last door of the last car every day to catch the 5:30 PM train out of the city to the ‘burbs’. Just like every other day, you panned the room and glanced casually in my direction and made your way to stand by the door next to the seat I always occupied. You seemed oblivious to everything around you, including me. Your expressions seldom changed, even when your glance towards me lingered beyond the normal half second. I often wondered what went through the mind...
When Anita told Diane about fucking with her middle brother, Diane was positively green with envy. She tried to sound enthusiastic, laughing as she reminded Anita that she didn't win their bet by fucking brothers. But, as the two girls spoke, Diane was very glad they were talking on the phone, so it was easier for her, to hide her real feelings. She congratulated Anita one last time, and then hung up her private phone and leaned back against her pink and white pillows. Now Anita was two...
More than a week went by and Angela said nothing to me about taking pictures. She acted as if our encounter in the car never happened. I was embarrassed to say anything to her, yet my stomach was in a knot with anticipation. Her attitude when we met during work was the same, friendly one as before. I don't know how much longer I can go on without saying something. A Thursday morning email changed everything. To: Kevin From: Angela Subject: Friday, 6:30PM Small Conference Room Bring your...
Dani’s New Life Ch. 08b by Lauries Husband © (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life — Parts 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, and 8A. This will make much more sense if you do…) * Having dried off after her memorable shower with Tami, her twenty-three year-old lover and protégé, Dani Evans, the twenty-eight year-old Harvard-educated lawyer, Chief Legal Counsel and Corporate Vice President of a very successful software company, dressed in the tight blue jeans and T-shirt that her Master,...
Slimthick Vic had everything ready to spend her anniversary with her husband. However, her step son, Johnny, was trying to do anything to ruin it. She told him to please get out of the house for the night and he refused to it. On top of that, when she was cleaning around the house, he decided to lift up her skirt and slapped her ass. Fed up with him, she decided to ignore him and go along with her plans. She changed into a sexy outfit as she waited for her husband to arrive home. However, she...
xmoviesforyouEdited by Isaac Newton A german composer named Bruckner Remarked to a lady while fuckener : "Less lento, my dear, With your cute little rear; I like a hot presto when muckener!" When Tony stares at me with those familiar hungry eyes I do not discourage it. I know which side my bread is buttered on. That was my mother's favourite statement when we had our frequent arguments. The driver opens the door to our car, and Tony and I walk arm in arm to the large crowd at the top if the hill...
Tuesday came, as usual. I got up early and started to make some bacon and eggs. Coffee was not on the menu. Didn't want to take any chances on being jumpy at the airport. Also, I didn't want Arti to have to make any side trips to the Ladies' Room. Coffee always turned on her internal water works, it seemed. We'd have enough problems with the Mexican kidnappers of the girls, and the 5225 kidnappers of me. The plan was to get to the airport by about 0930 in full DEA regalia, look around,...
Lexi was just two weeks past her 18th birthday and her brunet hair fell thickly to her shoulders. Her brown eyes grew very large when she was excited. Her lips formed a beautiful perfect heart shape when she slightly opened her mouth, especially when she put on bright red lipstick. Her slightly darker complexion added to her petite 5’ 5” feminine frame which accentuated her attractiveness. She came into the family when my brother married a widow from Costa Rica and she came as a package...
After my mother in law left the wife and I were sitting relaxing and I told her I saw the show she was giving danny. She asked me how and I told her I was in the bathroom and heard them talking and looked out. She asked if I saw everything and I told her I thought so, she asked if I enjoyed it and I told her yeah. I told her I would have stayed and let her do more but didn't need her going any father than she did. She laughed and said how far did you think I was going to go. I said I didn't...
PLEASE NOTE! This is a work of fiction. The characters and the situation may be familiar, but the actions and words are solely the product of my fertile, if somewhat kinky, imagination! It was my fourth day on the job. Thanks to my dad’s political connections, I was standing in the White House, a Presidential intern, nineteen years old. Young, innocent, naïve, but here I was. And there he was. The most powerful man in the country, asking me if I would like a tour of the upstairs. The private...
First TimeJohn slept for a few hours, until a slight movement next to his body woke him up. He quickly shook off his initial drowsiness, and looked down to see that Rachel was stirring from her long sleep. Alyssa had woken up as well, and she climbed out of bed, then glided silently over to the water dispenser that was built into the wall. “Hey, sleeping beauty, how are you feeling?” John asked the tousled haired brunette who was lying in his arms. “Thirsty...” Rachel replied groggily as she began to...
Well, I am back after a long time. Nothing abnormal had happened for a long time until recently, and so I thought let me unburden myself on this page. I know a few of you horny guys would love to read about women being helpless and all and giving in to their carnal feelings. Anyways, this is in continuum to my previous story- you haven’t read that- read it – The Incestuous Side – A Wold Date With The Son Yeah I dunno why the admin spelt World as Wold but they did. Anyways, after Monica had...
IncestI was in trouble. See? I can do understatement as well as the next person. I still have no idea who it was who had dropped me into this dark hole, or why. Sure, they had a legitimate reason; I had refused to tell them about Jimmy. I'd known all along that it may someday come to this, but I had assumed it would be over the Sandman case, not the big dark secret in Las Vegas. Apparently the files on Elliott Bastion and his little church were flagged in the Justice Department computer. I had...
Author’s notes: This is a new series of mine. Incase none of you knew, I am the creator of Jessica’s Adventures, and I am putting a hold on that for now. I hope you all like this. Also, none of the characters in this story are the same from my Jessica’s Adventures. There isn’t much action in this one, but the others will be better than this one also. I hope you like it. “Oh my god!” were the only lips Jessica could muster, as she saw her new neighbor step out of her car....
"Why the fuck are you still dressed, you little whore?!!" I must admit to experiencing a sadistic little thrill at watching Amy's face fall from a look of "Highly excited lust" to "Oh shit! I just fucked up!" all in the space of about 3 seconds. "I was too busy watching what you and they were doing, Sir!" "Is that an acceptable excuse, slave?" "No, Sir." "Holly! Let Beth up so she can learn a few more things about being one of mine!" They were on their feet very quickly....
Walk of Shame By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two If being dressed in a slutty Camo crop top and daisy duke shorts with red stilettos wasn't enough to send the message of a slut, his updated look would help seal the deal. Holly had taken his disheveled, long auburn tinted brunette hair and replaced the dark red rinse with a much bolder raspberry red color. It was still quite long, spanning half way down his back but instead of it sitting flat, it was lifted,...