MetamorphChapter 5 free porn video

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Four days later and Dan was standing in front of the Ford dealership in Santa Monica avenue, coincidentally just a few blocks from Sandra's apartment. Caddy was standing next to him, and the two of them were standing in front of a row of brand new Mustangs.

Caddy had a cigar in his mouth and he kept blowing smoke rings and saying things like "Oh boy. You sure about this? I was thinking a nice BMW or Mercedes or something?"

Dan ignored him for the most part, just staring at the cars.

Eventually they were approached by a salesman, one Jules Turner. He was a dark shade of black – the kind that is truly black and not just brown. He was dressed in a very expensive suit and when she smiled, his white teeth truly shone.

"Can I interest you gentlemen in a little test drive? I've been noticing you admiring these fine automobiles." His patter was straight out of 1963 and for some reason, he more than got away with it. As a salesman, Jules was The Man.

Dan glanced at him and then went back to looking at the cars.

Caddy turned and looked at Jules and said, "My friend here thinks he wants one of these. I'm not entirely sure why. I think he has a small dick or something."

Jules smiled back to show there was no hard feelings and replied, "Oh, I'm sure that's not true. I suspect that the man here just wants those extra couple of inches, to take him to a complete foot, no doubt!"

Both Caddy and Dan couldn't help but laugh at that, and the ice was well and truly broken.

"I'm Jules. How can I help you fine gentleman today?"

Dan pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked it over, and then, with the voice of one reading something that they don't understand, he said, "Do you have a ... um ... a Rosch Stage two convertible GT Mustang, with manual gearbox and six speed in stock?"

Jules smiled a wide smile and said, "Oh I'm sure we do. And it's pronounced Rousch. With a U."

"Can I drive it, please?" said Dan.

"Well of course you can young sir. Of course you can."

They picked out a blue convertible (the electric blue whose paint name Dan came to find out was called 'Impact Blue', to which he took Caddy aside and said, "Seriously? 'Impact blue'? For a car? Who the fuck names these things?") with the divided white strip down the middle. The car came with side air intakes, a hood with the extra air intake, and it generally looked like something Luke Skywalker should be driving.

When Dan clapped eyes on it, he looked at Jules and said, "Yeah, I think that might take me to sixteen inches."

They went out for a drive, with Caddy in the back. Caddy later swore that he'd never drive in a car driven by Dan again, since they basically took the 405 at ninety miles an hour, which in pre-rush hour traffic is some feat.

Eventually they arrived back in the car dealership, and everyone made excuses to hit the bathroom, except Dan who just asked for bottled water.

Then, after some small talk, Dan asked exactly how much the car was, to drive away right there. Everyone was talking with studied ease and nonchalance, as though they were talking about going to a movie.

"So, to drive that out the door, we are talking fifty seven K my good sir," said Jules, dismissively, like that was no big deal.

Caddy just sat there, looking out the window and at the hottie dealership interns running around in their tight skirts.

Dan looked back and said, "You know, if I were to put fifty thousand dollars down on the table, right now, I wonder if I might pick up those keys and go for a drive."

Jules smiled back. "Oh, I doubt it. But I can go ask for you."

"Why don't you do that, Jules. Just for information's sake, of course."

Jules got up and went to see the manager, in the time-honored fashion of every car sales men the world over. He returned five minutes later and just sat down and stared at Dan and said, "In a word, No."

Dan looked back, looked at Caddy and nodded and the two rose to leave.

"However," continued Jules, and the two men stopped their motion, "If you were to put fifty four thousand on the table, there's a very good chance of that happening."

Dan sat back down, leant back and took in the surrounding scene, taking his time.

"I think that might be a touch high. Perhaps fifty two thousand might make its way here?" he said, looking at his fingernails.

There was silence as Jules pulled out his phone and glanced at it. Eventually he replied, "I suspect that probably won't be enough. Perhaps if another thousand were to join it, that would be sufficient."

Dan pursed his lips and pouted for a second.

"Fine. Deal." He then reached into his pocket of his windbreaker and brought out a wad of cash, all hundreds. He peeled off a few thousand and then threw the rest of the bundle at Jules, who caught it, and said, "Keys?"

Literally twenty minutes later, Dan was standing in front of the car, keys in hand trying not to jump around and, in the parlance of his childhood, 'be cool'. Caddy was standing next to him saying, "You sure about this?"

Dan looked at him and said, "Caddy, a car should say something about the man driving it. New body, new car, lots of oomph. Trust me. It sounds great and it goes like shit off a shovel and it looks, well, muscly. This is my car."

Caddy nodded and said, "Well, as long as you are happy and as long as I don't have to drive in it with you. How do you know about this stuff anyway? You didn't strike me as someone into cars? Not driving that piece of crap Nissan?"

Dan laughed and said, "No, it's a writer friend of mine. A guy named StangStar. I know him as StangStar06. He and I are on a forum together. What that guy doesn't know about Mustangs isn't worth knowing. I just emailed him and asked him what I should be driving. He told me what to look for."

Caddy laughed. "I should have known. The uber nerd has friends everywhere. Well, it is a lovely car. You have fun now. Don't die on the way home. And don't kill anyone else, either."

Dan just nodded absently as Caddy left to go find his Mercedes, just staring at the car.

Eventually he opened the door, put down the hood and drove off, deliberately keeping it in a lower gear than it should be, just so the engine roared.

A few days later, and Dan was back at Sandra's apartment. This time he was even more nervous. He'd been reviewing the passages she'd given him to look over. He'd had to knock on Greg's door to ask to borrow the specific books, and was given them with a knowing smirk from Greg. One more thing to smack his face for when the time came. Although Dan couldn't help but say, "Good thing you had these books Greg. They must be really helpful to you." And that did wipe the smile off Greg's face.

Dan knocked on the door and there she was, in all her glory. This time she was in a wrap dress, with a mid thigh slit.

"Well hello sugar. How are you doin'?" she asked, pouting seductively. "C'mon in. Ah was just about to make myself a Manhattan, you want one?"

Dan nodded and entered her apartment. He sat down on the easy chair, where he'd been last time and she spoke while she busied herself at the bar.

"Ah wasn't sure you'd even show, after last time. Ah guess you'd had some second thoughts?"

Dan replied, "Some. I thought about what you said. This isn't about lust or jollies, this is about education. If June can separate sex and love, I can too."

Sandra stopped cutting up an orange and looked around at him and said, "Well, aren't you just a clever old peach? About time you came around. Ah'm sure your wife wouldn't necessarily agree, but Ah think we can both agree that she's lost that particular high ground. Plus, Ah'm sure she'll enjoy bein' the recipient of some of the lessons here. You want sugar in yours?"

Dan nodded and moments later was handed a drink. He took a sip. It was smooth. His first Manhattan.

"Ok, so did you read up?"

"Yes, Miss Daisy," replied Dan.

Sandra's eyes opened wide and for a second Dan saw true fury, which was instantly replaced by a mellow look.

"Well, aren't you just a card, now. Just for that, Ah think we'll go directly to the lesson. Here's what Ah challenge you. You need to make me cum. With one finger. No more. One finger can be used at any time. You can switch fingers, but only one can be used at a time. Think you can do that?"

Dan realized he'd touched a nerve – even hookers can have buttons. He decided silence was the better part of valor.

He put down his drink and nodded and said, "I can try to do that."

"Don't try, sugar. Make it happen. It's all in your hands, if you'll pardon the expression."

The two of them went to the bedroom, and Dan did his damndest.

The passages he'd been reading were about reading emotional content from body language. They were describing a woman's reactions to arousal, what to look for, and what you can do to either dampen or accelerator that situation. The test before him was a hard one. No woman would cum from doing one thing to her with one finger, you had to swap around and do different things, and you had to know when.

Dan failed. He came close a few times, and he felt he was starting to read her right and do the right things when Sandra glanced at the clock on her bedside table and sat up and said, "Times up. Next time, cowboy."

Dan wasn't thrilled. He knew she'd been pissed right from the word go and he had no chance because of that. Despite that, he knew if he'd had thirty more minutes, he'd have gotten her there.

Sandra got up and gestured for Dan to follow. She took him right to the door, and right before opening it, she said, "Never mind sugar. Next time. Now, Ah need you to read up on cunnilingus. We need to go over that for next time. There's a good book Ah'm going to recommend."

She opened the door and Dan stuck his foot against it and didn't let it open.

"That was an unfair test. And you know. I'm sure glad that you being pissed off was worth more than what Greg paid you for. Hell, you got both. What do you care?"

Sandra just looked at him.

"You know exactly what I mean Miss Daisy. Yeah, there it is. I made a joke lady. Just a joke. I have no idea what your issues are, but I won't be back if all you are going to do is waste my time because you are pissed off about a joke that means nothing to anyone."

Dan surprised himself by making the statement. He was just mad and wasn't about to let a glorified hooker make him doubt himself.

"Well now. Aren't you just the manly man now. You c'mon back next week and prove me wrong."

"That's it?"

Sandra looked right at him and said, with almost no trace of her southern accent, "The whole point of the exercise was for you to read the body language of the person you were with to give her what she needed. I think you failed outright there, don't you? If I was pissed, why the hell didn't you do something about that instead of fighting a loosing battle in the first place? Good sex isn't just about sensation. It's about circumstance and mental attitude. Read the books again. I'll see you next week." And she yanked the door open and without ceremony, pushed him out.

They were now into what was the last two weeks, assuming Greg's prediction was accurate. Dan was down to two hundred and twelve pounds. He was a size thirty-four waist and could now bench-press almost three hundred pounds. His arms looked like something out of Men's weekly magazine, and he felt fantastic.

His boxing was right on the money, and he could floor the sparring partners two times out of four – they treated him with respect now and he knew it.

He knew his time here was coming to an end, and he had to consider what he was going to do when he got home – when he saw June again. He still wasn't sure how he felt – whether the hurt outweighed the need for her. One thing was for sure though; his rage at Greg hadn't gone away. It was still there, white hot at his core. And it would not be denied.

During his last two weeks, Dan went out and did a few things for himself. He ordered some particular items, them being made especially for him. He bought some actual clothes, rather than just tracksuits, since how he had idea of his measurements. He went looking for another gym to go to, because if things went to plan, he sure wouldn't be welcome here any more.

He had also been looking over the PI reports – they weren't telling him anything drastic about June's behaviors. She had gone out with friends for dinner and drinks – Megan being one of them – but their operative couldn't get close enough to overhear anything this time. But there was a report of their table being approached more than once and of June shutting down any conversation instantly, much to Megan's visual annoyance. June had left before ten and that was her evening out.

In the second to last week, two things of major importance happened. The first was yet another call from Caddy, asking Dan to drop by his office. There was a timbre in is voice of restrained exuberance, and since Dan was in the middle of using free weights at the time, he didn't stop to chat – just told Caddy he'd be there in a couple of hours.

The other was an email from Sandra. Dan found that interesting, since he'd never given his email address to Sandra. Or Greg either, for that matter, which is where she must have got it from. It made Dan wonder what else Greg knew about him.

The email read –


I'm sorry about last week. I think you caught me at a bad time. The Miss Daisy reference has particular significance for me, and indirectly is one of the reasons I do what I do. The lesson was valid, but I think it probably could have been communicated better and for that, I am truly sorry.

Please come on Thursday. We only have two more sessions and there's more to impart to you.


Dan read it twice and was left confused about what he really ought to do. He'd bought and read the book she recommended – he wasn't about to ask Greg again – and found it helpful but mostly going on and on about how good the author thought he was at pussy eating, and a bit light on actual details and tips. But still, he'd read it and hoped he'd absorbed some of the lessons. He honestly wasn't planning on returning, both to salve his conscience and also because he didn't particularly need another evening of being set a task he couldn't achieve because someone else was upset.

But right now, he had a meeting to get to. He grabbed some printouts and emailed Caddy some files and then left, taking his new ride out and enjoying the sensation of driving with the top down.

He arrived twenty minutes early and didn't have to find a park, since the building where Caddy's agency was located had it's own parking structure.

He sat in the lobby of the bustling agency, watching famous people walk back and forth and spent ten minutes in a conversation with Ryan Reynolds, who was waiting to talk to his own agent. That was surreal. He'd have to tell June about that. Ryan Reynolds was on her Free Pass list.

Eventually Caddy himself came to find Dan, looking through a sheaf of documents as he did so.

"Dan, I'm just reading your treatment and bible. This shit is hot dude. I LOVE it."

Dan blushed, as they walked through the building to Caddy's office.

"Umm ... it's just an idea I was playing with..."

"This is great dude. A weekly docudrama set in a gym? Why has no one done this before?"

Dan replied, "The closest I could find was some UK based comedy, staring the guy from Red Dwarf? The asshole guy? It ran for a few years."

They entered Caddy's office, complete with its astounding view of downtown LA.

"So look, lets talk about this new thing in a second. Firstly, news on Metamorph. Hallmark is renaming it. Metamorph is a bit too sci-fi for the Hallmark viewership I'm afraid. But you knew that, so I don't think that's really an issue. But, what is astounding is that they've shot all three endings, like I told you. The production crew there were planning on deciding which one to use in the edit phase. However, they can't do it. So they've decided to do something really bold and new. They are showing your movie three times. Once on Sunday, once on Tuesday and once on Friday, all on the same week. And each time, with a different ending. And what's more, they aren't going to tell anyone they are doing this, until after it's broadcast. What do you think of that buddy? This is television history here. No one has ever done this before."

Caddy was smiling so hard, his face was going to crack.

Dan just sat there, frozen, not knowing what to feel. The one overwhelming thought he had was, 'I wish I could tell June. She'd freak.'

"That's pretty cool," he stumbled out.

"'Pretty cool'?" mimicked Caddy, unmercifully. "Christ, it's a good thing you can write, cos as a public inspirational speaker, you blow buddy. Look, this is a big deal. Hallmark is going to make a huge deal out of this. If it's at all successful, they are talking about selling this to Starz. You are gonna get residuals on the first week of your movie is being shown. We've never seen that before here. All kinds of firsts going on here. Get a little excited, won't you??"

Dan said, "Ok. It's VERY cool."

Caddy just looked at him for a moment, eyeballing him to see if he was being mocked.

"Ok, so there's that. Now lets talk about this Gym thing. Why did you wait so long to let me have this?"

Dan shifted his seat, and wordlessly Caddy got up and walked to a small fridge, pulled out a bottled water and handed it to his friend.

"Well, there are issues here. I don't think this is really a network show. Or even a cable show, necessarily."

"Oh? Why not?" asked Caddy.

"Well, it's not about ensemble cast. Sure, there is an ensemble cast here, but every episode is a character dive on a particular member of the gym. The ensemble cast is there purely as glue. Sure, there are some stories about them, but for the most part, it's about the special guests each week. You know what networks are like Caddy. They'll run 4 episodes, look at the audience feedback numbers and then tell us that the show has to revolve around which ever member of the ensemble cast the audience likes the most. This isn't like that."

Caddy nodded, flipping through some more of the papers strewn over his desk. "Probably. What's the problem with that? Lots of successful shows do that."

"Yeah, but not this. Look, think about The Twilight Zone. Was that show about Rod Sterling, or was it about the Story of the week? Rod Sterling was necessary as the narrator, but he wasn't what the show was about, yeah? That's what this is. The ensemble cast is glue, background, not principles. I just don't think that a modern network would go for this. I was thinking maybe something like HBO or Netflix, even? They are in the standalone show game now, right? Can we talk to them?"

Caddy looked over a sheet of paper at Dan and said, "I guess. I still think we should talk to the networks. Give them the chance to pass. There are some pretty progressive people over at NBC right now..."

Dan shrugged and said, "Sure Caddy. Whatever you think."

"You know, it strikes me that if you really wanted to do this right, you need to start your own production company. Get with a producer with proven ability and present this that way. Rather than selling it to HBO or whatever, do it your self and then sell it to them. That way you retain control."

There was a pregnant silence.

"Of course that means you need to find a producer to work with. Someone who is going to be on your side, who is on your wavelength and who'll buy into your concept. I wonder if you know anyone like that?"

Dan just stared at the floor.

Caddy sighed and threw the papers down on the table and there was a pregnant pause. Dan knew exactly what Caddy wanted to talk about and he also knew Caddy didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Dan, you know I'm your friend. I'm ... concerned. Your work is great, but you've got this fucking great void hanging over you. Until you resolve things with June, I'm a little worried about going down a path that you may not stick with. Where's your mind at, buddy? Where is this going?"

Dan looked unhappy. "I honestly don't know Caddy. One minute I am dying because I can't hold her, the next I am raging because of what she did with no regard for me. I can't trust her but I desperately want to. I know she is hurting because of what she did to me, to us, but it's because of that that I can't just put my arms around her. She betrayed me, Caddy. She was all I had, and she did it anyway, for whatever fucked up reasons she had."

And suddenly it came out. Dan started sobbing and Caddy immediately came over to Dan, stopping to close his office door first.

Caddy wrapped his arms around his friend and just held him while he sobbed. "How could she do that to me? How? What did I do? Why am I paying for it?" Dan asked the world.

"There there Buddy," said Caddy, not knowing what else to say. "I don't think she meant to do it to you Dan. I think she did it for her and you are just collateral."

They sat there for two minutes, Dan's heaving slowing and Caddy just holding his friend.

Eventually, Dan pushed Caddy off him, and looked into Caddy's earnest face, full of concern, and suddenly he just started giggling. Caddy smiled broadly back at him, and Dan started laughing. After a moment, Caddy joined in. The two of them laughed for the next minutes, before slowly recovering.

Caddy went back to sit down in his desk and pulled out a bottle of vodka, grabbed two shot glasses from the same draw and poured two shots. "Good. Right, glad we got that out of the way," he said. "Here's to the future, without any crying in it, ok? I already have kids, I don't need another one. We are friends, but I am NOT tucking you in at night."

Dan went to Sandra's place on Thursday. She apologized again to him on opening the door, and that night, he spent most of the night with his face wedged firmly between her thighs. The night was interesting for Dan because unlike previous evenings, this time Sandra guided him. She gave him pointers, stressed that every woman was different and pointed out her own reactions to what he was doing. Dan learned about back arches, the type and quality of moans, about skin temperature, pulse rates, and how if a woman uses her fingers on herself while he was actively doing things to her, it meant one of two things; either she was bored and getting herself off, or she was loosing control of her own desires and helping herself get off unconsciously. The former was death for the dedicated cocksman, but the latter just meant you were stampeding in the right direction.

Dan learned about deft touches, about breathing on a vagina instead of rushing straight to the clitoris, and he learned that there were as many ways to use a tongue as there were different punches to use in a boxing ring.

By the end of the night, Dan looked like he'd had whipped cream applied to his face and had both tongue and jaw ache, and Sandra had cum at least four times. He also had scratches under the hair at the back of his head where she'd grabbed his face and pushed him into her pussy during one very violent climax.

The one thing that surprised Dan was that she kissed him, hard, once he was done. She even licked his face. He pulled back, and bit surprised and she smiled at him and said, "Darlin', this is the least Ah can do. That was GREAT. You are learning."

She showed him out after letting him wash his face and wash his mouth out and then giving him a bottle of diet coke. "Come back next week, final exam. Ah shall expect A+ yah here? So study up!"

And then it was the last week. The last week Dan didn't hear from Caddy. He called twice but was told that Caddy was out of the office and he'd get back to him. He shrugged and went back to the gym.

By now, Dan was free of almost all fat. There was still a tiny bit of a spare tire, but it was only visible from certain postures. He was a true thirty-four inch waist. He looked pretty damn good and he'd even sprung for a body waxing, something he'd never do again once he'd had it done, since it hurt So Much. It was nice to be smooth, and he knew he looked good, but he also knew that you had to keep it up and there was no way he was going through that amount of pain again. How women do Brazilian waxes he had no idea. The little oriental woman who was recommended to him cackled every time she ripped off another piece of what looked like fly paper and it was all Dan could do not to jump off the couch and clock her.

Dan had his last appointment with Sandra. This time she was wearing a short black cocktail dress and high heels and a black choker, with dark makeup and bright red lipstick when she opened the door.

She literally said nothing, arched and eyebrow at him and went inside. Dan followed, closing the door.

"Screwdriver?" she asked. Dan nodded. The apartment somehow seemed smaller and he didn't know why.

"So, last session," said Sandra, as she handed him the drink. "Nervous?"

Dan frowned, "Should I be?"

"No, no reason. Just idly wondering. So. How do you feel about all you've been through?" Sandra asked.

"What, you mean coming here?" replied Dan.

"Well, not just that. I mean the whole journey. It's been a heavy four months from what I understand?"

Dan sat there, looking at his drink, thinking both about the past months and also that Sandra seemed to be very well informed, as well as very nosey.

Sandra smiled at him. "Nosey broad eh?" she said. "Dan, it might interest you to know that Ah have a phD in psychiatry. Ah just do the sex thing because, well, Ah like sex. Ah might as well get paid for it. But don't be fooled. A good escort is part sex doll and part bartender. She listens and says the things the man needs to hear just as much as she makes him squirm. A good escort feeds a man's ego as much as she milks his cock. And Ah'm very good at both – you've never been on the receiving end of a real charm offensive from me, and be thankful for it. If you had, what little of your vows you take seriously would be done. You have no idea of what Ah'm capable of, young man. You also have no idea how much Greg is paying me for these services."

Dan choked on his drink. Sandra smiled broadly at him. Cleverly, Dan said, "ummm ... well, I guess I dodged a bullet there."

Sandra licked her lips slowly, savoring it. Dan hastily took another swig of his drink and found he'd already finished it.

"So, Tiger, are you ready for the final exam? Ah want to see if you can read my body like we talked about?"

Dan nodded, dumbly, as Sandra stood up. She came over to him and took his hand and pulled him up.

"Right there studly. From now on, you are in the driving seat. Make me squirm, sugar."

And something went off inside Dan. He literally just grabbed Sandra and pushed her against the wall, kissing her hard, and then pinning her to the wall. One hand went into her panties, roughly, and he stuck his fingers inside her with no preamble. She was wet. Very wet.

He kissed her neck and felt her body move and arch into him. She moaned softly and said, "Good start stud."

And with that, Dan stepped back away from her, examining her. She was flush, her neck red, her breathing heavy and eyes dilated.

Dan smiled and said, "I graduate. I don't need to fuck you to know I could and that you want it. Night Sandra. Thanks for giving me the confidence and everything."

Sandra just breathed heavily and said nothing as Dan walked out of the room and the apartment.

Four days later, and it was Monday. Dan got up early, took a shower and then took The Suit down. He took a deep breath and then tried it on. It fit. Barely, but it fit. His arms were actually larger than Greg's and as such the suit jacket was slightly tight if he bulged his biceps. But otherwise, it was a perfect fit, even on the neck. He spent an hour just sitting in it and looking at himself in the mirror.

No double chin. Hair cut. Straight Jaw. Perfect body trim, and with the shirt unbuttoned, his gleaming and smooth pectorals just peaked out. He tried the suit with a skin tight T-shirt and found it worked just was well with that, which was good because he'd bought three of them in different colors.

He let himself out of the apartment and knocked heavily on Greg's door as he passed and then went down to the gym, which was still deserted. He grabbed a couple of practice gloves and put them on as he climbed into the ring.

Greg arrived ten minutes later, looking recently woken. He was going from room to room, looking for Dan. When he saw him, in The Suit, wearing gloves and leaning against the ropes of the ring, watching for him, he smiled and pushed open the door to the boxing room.

"Aren't we full of ourselves today? You look good. The suit works on you."

Dan tilted his head and said, "I need to say thanks for this. I could never have done this alone. Your ability to train is to be commended. But be that as it may, you ready for some lessons in politeness and etiquette? Because you fucking need them."

Same as Metamorph
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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 90

Cheers, Steelkat My father's dream envelops me like a tomb, it's darkness oppressing and tightening around my shoulders. This is what he feels, I realise, as I watch him pace. His footsteps pound in my ears; they are deafening in the darkness. I hear his desperation as he calls out my name and feel his frustration when I do not answer. Choking on his pain, my throat closes against my tears. I want so desperately to run into his arms and assure him of my safety, but Asmodeus holds...

3 years ago
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Two SistersChapter 4 An Interruption

"What is that," she cried, fearing it was a bug, or worse, a person. She sat up leaving Sue smilingly dozing. "Oscar, you dolt. What are you doing here? You should be out servicing Julie again," she laughed in relief. That awoke Sue who also sat up to see what had happened to her lover. "Ooooooo, he's back. And look, Alice, his penis is still sticking out!" she squealed. Sue hopped off the bed and once again knelt beside the big dog, fondling her old friend, by now. "Go get...

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Private dick

Los Angeles 1946 They call this place the city of angels but you won't find any angels walking these streets. No self respecting celestial being would be found amongst the inhabitants of this sprawling metropolis. This is a city overrun by gangsters, crooked cops and the assorted criminals and lowlifes that prey on those honest people who are simply struggling and striving to make an honest living."Strip," I said. "What?" she replied angrily. "You think I'm carrying or I'm wired? You don't...

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Dad8217s Fantasy

Hai this is raj. Today I want to tell u a story which has happened some years back. I am 24years from a small city in Andhra. I live with my mom and dad in my house. I have changed the names of charecters in this story as to secure the identities My dad Is a sexually active person he has lusty looks over any women. My mom is a traditional mandir type of women. Though their sex life is happy, dad always looks for a chance to get a women by his sexy conversations (double meaning). My room is...

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Neighbourhood watcher part 2

My heavy makeup was complete, with very long false eyelashes, and my heavily glossed red lips glistening, ready for the big screen. My shoulder length, fingerless rubber gloves were tight, but somehow comforting, my deep red nails contrasting sharply with the shiny jet smothering my arms. My black PVC leotard was tucked under my semi-transparent, smooth, wet looking, red rubber miniskirt. The hair tonight was blonde, big, and back combed. I left the bathroom light on, dimly illuminating the...

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Adelaide, die jüngste Tochter von Lord und Lady Eventon, steht fröstelnd am geöffneten Fenster ihres im Obergeschoß gelegenen Schlafzimmers und blickt hinaus in die pechschwarze, neblige Nacht. Mit ihren Gedanken ist sie weit weg bei ihrem geliebten Vater, der sich seit nunmehr fast schon 4 Monaten auf einer Auslandsreise irgendwo in Rumänien befindet. Der mysteriöse Fremde, der mitten in der gestrigen Nacht bei ihnen auf dem Schloß angekommen ist, hat der Familie endlich nach einer langen Zeit...

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The Ugly BoyChapter 7

Tracy looked at the envelope with a sense of trepidation. Would Charlie let her off the hook or was this his final expression of anger and disgust? She dropped the rest of the mail on the hall table and ran up to her room, closing the door and lying on her bed to read the good or bad news. His handwriting was so neat and precise it was like it was mechanically generated, as easy to read as a typewritten page. She took a deep breath and slid the two pages from the envelope: Dear...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 4

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Carly Shay had never felt more relaxed than she felt at this moment, floating in the pool at the inn, just taking in all the sounds and smells of the surrounding nature. Her best male friend was going to be married to the girl of his dreams in just two days and there was just something pleasant about that, and it drove her to seek out what she truly wanted in life."Is it cold?" a voice...

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A Super Heros Slut Ch 03

Peter checked out the room numbers as he walked down the hall. When he got to room 914 he wondered if the desk clerk had gotten it right. He knew that he was reasonably close to the right place because his Spider Sense was tingling enough to tell him that Kraven was close by and doing something that he shouldn’t be. But room 914 didn’t look like an office, it looked like the door to any other hotel room. He tried the door and was surprised when it opened under his hand. He walked into a room...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 57 You Dropped a Bomb on Me

Lynette’s Car, North of London 4:40pm, Sunday, March 25, 1979 “Timmins! That’s like half way to the frickin’ North Pole, isn’t it?” Lynette exclaimed as she drove north on Highbury Ave after we had a coffee, muffins and/or some donuts at Tim Hortons. “What the hell, Paul!” I said as I turned in the front passenger seat to stare at my clearly upset best friend in the back seat. “I, uh, me and Cathy weren’t gonna say anything to you guys ‘till it was official, but uh, its looking more and...

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You watch him more actively now. Watch as he almost shamefully stares at you. You tease him by pulling on your shirt to expose more of your breast to the point your bra is almost fully exposed to all. His eyes fixated you make a motion when his eyes meet yours. With a coy smile you draw his attention to your skirt as you slowly push it up your leg. Exposing everything up to your hip you cautiously uncross your legs. Your thong clearly visible to the room and watch him from the corner of your...

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The Retreat

Author’s note: Well, it’s been an insanely busy spring and summer at my house. Hectic life has kept me hopping, but I FINALLY managed to get back to writing. I decided to do a contemporary story this time. I will submit the chapters as quickly as possible, but I apologize in advance for delays between chapters. As always, I love to hear what you think. Cheers, Haremgirl * Leslie Drummond awoke with a smile, stretching languidly before rolling over to bestow a radiant smile on her...

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Forced to Be A Stripper

The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. ‘I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty.’ Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. ‘Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked.’ Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing out to the side, her bra barely able to contain...

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the drive in

She was quite a bit shorter than me but she was very curvywith blond hair that fell just below her shoulders. sortof half way between curly and wavy. She had a wonder fullpair of breasts. i was only 16 and they were the first pairi ever felt or played with. and in some ways i sort of compareany others that i have come in contact with ever since.I have no idea what movie we were watching but there was somehand holding and cuddling, some kissing and caressing.i was fumbling around not sure of...

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Reddit Porn, aka r/Porn! Everyone, including myself, loves some good porn every once in a while. I mean isn't jerking off the order of the day for most of you anyway, regardless of what anyone thinks of it. In any case, most of you can only hit a pussy as much thanks to the harsh economic times versus the money tags unapologetically placed on them. Well, thank god for porn tubes, porn sites, and, most importantly, the porn rich dominative world of Reddit.However, while there are so many...

Reddit NSFW List
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eight

As I got up and headed for the shower I felt the breast forms still stuck to my chest, oh shit. Kelli would have to hang around for at least until lunchtime as I would need to get Candy to remove them. I showered and had a light breakfast, I went back upstairs and sat down at the makeup table. I loved the look Candy had developed, the pixie cut was sexy and trendy. I went over a nice light daytime makeup. I stole one of Laurens favourite dresses, a beautiful pale green chiffon dress...

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Daddy and Natalie I The Hotel

I couldn’t believe I was doing it. I had hooked up before, I’d met men online and did things with them. It wasn’t my first rodeo, but this? This was a real bull ride.I was in a hotel in Salem, the cheapest one I could find. I’d checked in, went to the room, and left the door unlocked while I got ready. I had shaved myself from top to bottom, my ass smooth and hairless, the little hairs on my nipples gone. He told me to wear pantyhose and panties; I had found a pair of pink leggings that matched...

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Dragon WytchChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter: The Spirits of Magic: The Spirit of Ley Line Magic, the largest of the Spirits, it appeared to be a strong young man of about twenty-five years of age or so. The Spirit of Ordinary Magic, the younger brother, appeared to be a young man of eighteen or nineteen years of age. The Spirit of Witch Magic, their sister, appeared to be a young woman of twenty or twenty-one years of age. The Spirit of Black Magic, their cousin, was a figure in...

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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 10

Every day for the rest of the week, Sean and Anna asked, ‘Is today the day we go see the judge?’ Friday morning, before Jason got up, Dani sat down with the two of them and said, ‘Monday will be the day we go to the judge. Today is Friday. Tomorrow will be Saturday, then it will be Sunday, then Monday.’ She counted off the days on her fingers as she spoke. ‘In three more days, Jason and I will talk to the judge.’ ‘What about me and Sean?’ Anna asked. ‘You and Melanie will go to Auntie Leah’s...

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Canine Therapy Chapter 3

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Amy woke up at ten in the morning feeling well-rested. For weeks she had woken up tired, from restless nights full of terrors, but ever since she indulged in her masturbatory exercises she felt energised again. Oh how she had missed those lazy Saturday mornings where she could sleep in, uninterrupted by fear or paranoia. She started her weekend with some light stretches, followed by a healthy...

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Waking up in the van with my arms and legs secured to the walls wearing thick boots, a thick black leather collar and a tight leather posing pouch. Opposite three sleeping girls chained spreadeagled with black knee high leather boots, black collars and black rubber thongs. Either side of me, two men shackled to the wire grid via the clips on our leather cuffs and leather belts round our boots. The light in our moving cell came from a screen showing femdom porn where slaves of both sexes were...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 28

"Sonia! Hey come on in!" Eva Lambert exclaimed inviting her Sonia in her home. Sonia walked in to the elegant home of Eva and Alex Lambert's home. Alex was a successful lawyer, probably one of the best and Eva was a housewife just like Sonia. Their house was big with elegant lighting and fine furniture. "What brings you here today?" Eva asked offering Sonia a seat. "I don't know I just came by to visit. I guess I get bored at home you know." Eva laughed. Her blue eyes looked pale...

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For Arts Sake

The story of how I met Christine still amazes me.     Who knew the adventure I’d embark upon when the phone rang that Sunday afternoon? “Is that Mark?”   The voice was female, mid-twenties I guessed, but all business. “It is.” I kept up the business-like nature of the call.   “How can I help you?” “You’re in my league at the tennis club.   Would you like to play this week?   I’m Christine, by the way.” Under my breath I cursed my buddy Chad for getting me involved in the league.   Not only was...

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Lesbian sex between teen sisters

Anna knelt in her ‘secret place’. It was dark. The only light came in through a crack in the wall. When her family had moved into this house a year ago she had found this small cubby-hole behind a secret panel in her closet. She had covered the entrance with some clothes and hadn’t told anyone about it. Whenever she wanted to be alone, she could come here and nobody could find her. Tonight she knelt, naked, in her secret place, so she could ‘pet’ herself. She...

2 years ago
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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 5

Penny sat back up on the examination table, now topless, and folded her arms across her lovely chest. After three men examined, handled, and pinched her breasts, there was little need for her to show retroactive modesty. Everyone had already had his fill of her boobs. The men were now beginning to look at the rest of her body like wolves. Everyone was waiting to see her expose more- especially a little peach fuzz- she was bound to have an adorable little pussy. The younger men were...

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Ultimate Pleasure

Hi my dear hot guys n girls… I have been a great fan of Indian sex stories for many years……… but in my life I also got a chance to enjoy the sweet sex…. And I also wanted to tell u about that….. Before that I introduce myself to u…. I’m Rahul from Luck now I am well built with 5’11” I had this sexual encounter there in chd it was with my cousin… her name is Shruti … she is of 24 years…. She has a very nice figure of 34-27-36…. She is of correct weight and she always looks very sexy…. She is...

2 years ago
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April in Texas Ch 02

It was noise that woke me up, the noise of big jets flying low over the hotel coming into the San Antonio airport. The half light of early sunrise lit the room. Louie was already up, in the bath. The door was open and I could hear him urinating a strong long piss that probably drained a quart of liquid from his body. When he came back to bed, he noticed that I was awake. ‘Are you OK today?’ he asked. ‘Yeah, well pretty much…get me a glass of water.’ Next thing Louie carried the water over,...

4 years ago
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Mai jam kar chudi

Hi friends i m reema age 24 from meerut doing p.g.i m very cute and smart girl. Muje late night movie dekhne ki aadat hai. Coz late nyt movie hot hoti hai. Movie dekhte 2 mera dil sex karne ko karta hai. Tab mai fingure se kaam chala leti thi. Jab muje fingure se karte karte kafi din ho gaye to mera dil karta tha k muje kisi ka lund mil jaye. But muje koi mil nai rha tha jiska lund mai apni chut me le saku. Ek din sochte sochte mere mind me ek idea aaya. Hamare bagal wale house me ek family...

5 years ago
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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 2 Getting Closer To Them

I was getting closer to my lustful family. Day 3 I woke up in the morning. I checked my phone. There’s a message from James. James: ‘Hey, let’s meet for coffee later today.’ He wants to meet at the place where Bella works. Hell, why not! I replied, ‘I’ll be there!’ I took a quick shower and joined the family at the dining table for breakfast. Everybody was there. Liza: Good morning, Aafi! Rachel: Hi, Aafi! Bella: … Me: Hi, all. Mom: Did you sleep well? Me: Yes, thank you. Breakfast looks...

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Fucked in the Washroom by Sexy Jogger

It was a lovely Saturday morning. Time to go for my daily jog. The sun was shining and birds were chirping. I ran along side the river winding through the paved trails. It was 10 am and there were lots of people out and about. Another man jogged behind me, I could hear his footsteps. Despite having caught up to me he did not pass. I thought nothing of it. I glanced back, he was maintaining a respectful distance. He appeared to be 30 and was in great shape. Shirtless, his muscular upper body...

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A/N: Welcome. I know this starts off in Krynn, but bear with me for a few chapters while I introduce my oc and practice my exposition. Then we will take a sexy journey to the digital world of .hack. A convenient link to skip the ramblings of an old adventurer is at the bottom of this chapter. If you would like to meet my OC in Krynn, everyone is welcome to join my MUD, simply point your MUD client or Telnet client at port 6100, and on the web at...

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Jens Life Chapter 6 part 2

I spent the first week at the villa being played with nearly constantly. But it WAS constant for my mum. I was lucky in that my father never touched me, it was just my Grandpa and Uncle who did, but she had all three wanting to play with her. And if my Grandpa or Uncle played with her, it was one less for me. Looking back now it was a very selfish way to look at it, as long as I was ok … I of course was worried about my mum, she hardly ever made sounds of distress, when they played with...

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Ten Reasons You Should Always Eat Your Own Cum

1. Cum is nutritious. The average ejaculation contains valuable nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, all of which can help supplement your normal diet.2. It helps keep you hydrated. Cum is mainly water, and can help make sure you stay hydrated, which is very important in maintaining your overall health.3. It can make a delicious snack. Depending on what you typically eat, you can affect the way your cum tastes. Eating things like pineapple and other sweet...

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Slave to the EmpireChapter 4

Moonlight shone bright upon the balcony, illuminated the sole occupant. Kieron stared at the moon, his arms wrapped around himself as the cool wind blew across his nude form. A pair of arms encircled his body, and he leaned back into the embrace of his Mistress. A month had passed since that night with her, and he welcomed the changes in him. He felt more at peace with himself and the world at large, and yet, there was something wrong. She was keeping something from him, something that...

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Nude Collect lays out their strong but simple premise at the very top of their landing page: they specialize in “Free high quality porn art pictures.” They toss the word “art” in there, which may make some of you envision highbrow arty-farty erotica, the kind where ballerinas dance in black and white, rarely ever exposing a full boobie, let alone the insides of their cooters. Just to put your mind at ease, let me tell you it ain’t as fancy as all that. Maybe “free nudes” sounded too simple, so...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Busted With My Online Porn 8

My wife has always gotten up before me, with very few exceptions. I woke up in bed alone to the smell of coffee and the quiet drone of the morning news on the television. My wife, as usual, had her laptop open and it was on Facebook. She was looking at all the inane stuff friends posted back home. She never seems to pay attention to either the TV or the computer, in my estimation. She always insists that she’s perfectly capable to pay attention to both!I stumbled to the coffee pot. Poured...

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Depth of FieldChapter 2 Been Caught Stealing

Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...

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Tale of Jet and Quartz Chapter Three Going Postal

THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter three: Going Postal Quartz was sleeping peacefully. Then there was a loud pop from directly in front of her and a splitting pain between her eyes brought her raging out of her dreams and into wakefulness. Her head was pressed down into her pillow, and there was a splitting pain between her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the smoking barrel of a gun not 4 inches from her face. Without really thinking she reached out and...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 8

I went all out for the meal I was going to make for the Bannermans. I had decided on smoked Virginia ham, sweet potatoes, and fresh cooked green beans. For dessert, a nice pineapple upside down cake would be perfect. I would be having ham as leftovers for some time to come. I grinned at the thought. It was probably going to be the best meal ever presented in the town and surrounding camps, since the place started. There was milk for the children, and coffee for the adults, too. To...

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CHAPTER 5: SHARING I had just agreed to being Mr. Cornell’s Personal Assistant despite not having the courage to apply for it and followed that with bringing Mrs. Cornell to her first girl-girl orgasm. Mr. Cornell rose from the couch where he had been holding his wife while she orgasmed on my mouth, tongue, and fingers. I stood with him, leaning over to give her a kiss on the lips before gathering up a couple of the glasses and joining him at the little bar in the living room. “Thank you,...

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A trip to the Spa

I met this beautiful young redhead at the spa today, we were both getting massages and I was getting a facial as well. As we sat in the lounge waiting to go in for our massage we instantly hit it off. She was so open and friendly, I thought I had know her my whole life.I couldn't help but notice how sexy she was sitting there in a robe, I could feel my pussy start to get damp just thinking about all the things I would do to this sexy girl. Her cleavage was amazing and I could not help but...

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The Woman Next Door 8211 Part 1

Coming to the story. Me and my parents live in chennai, Velachery. We were one of the new occupants in the newly constructed apartments here. My next door neighbor just moved in. I introduced myself to the person there . He seemed friendly. He then introduced me to his wife, who looked quite lovely and gorgeous. She had a appearance of a morning glow people would love to wake up next day, she was wearing a white saree and they were all sweaty due to the shifting. I invited them that evening for...

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A Change in Circumstances Part 2 Discovering the Truth

The following few days found Jenny and I in a heightened state of sexual need. We had travelled home from Melissa’s on Friday afternoon and had made the three hundred mile journey in record time. Something was driving us both onwards to our own home in the countryside. At one point while we were on the motorway, Jenny even leant over and started to feel my cock beneath my jeans. Something that she hadn’t done for a long time. I glanced at her briefly and smiled, then returned my attention to...

1 year ago
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New Life Ch 4 Master goes to work

“Amber come here” I had just woken up and my master was calling me. I quickly walked down the stairs in my little red robe and stopped once I saw him. He was wearing a suit and a dark red tie. “Yes master” He turned around and looked at me “There’s my naughty little slut, come down here I wont bite…sometimes.” I went down the rest of the stairs and hugged him rubbing my breasts over his chest. “Your probably wondering why I’m in a suit” I nodded still hugging him “Well I took a couple of days...

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Victoria Per ScientiamChapter 17

Our mission plan changed a little bit from the last time, beyond the obvious required change of a different place for us to drop out of FTL. The logistics stores carried by the Silver Javelin would include a pack of ARMs, just in case we needed them, and six “gift boxes” that might entice the Sa’arm to pay a visit to our friendly minefield. Two of those gift boxes would hold the fake officer’s pistol that the crew had dreamed up, and the containers they were in were a little larger than the...

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Dream MasterChapter 9 Changes

I heard the voices first. Then, slowly the light crept in, the world changing gradually from black to gray, and then, finally, my eyes fluttered open. "Docteur, il se reveille." "Merci. De l'eau, s'il vous plaît. Ah, mon jeune ami ... Non, non. N'essayez pas de vous asseoir. Comment vous sentez-vous?" Fear gripped me as my surroundings came into focus, and I tried to ask where I was, but all that came out was a croaking sort of cough. "Ne bougez pas, s'il vous plait." He put a...

3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 15

Meredith’s dad was standing at the door when Brock stepped onto the porch Saturday night. “Good evening, Mr. Van Landingham,” Brock said. “My name is Brock Miller. I’m here to pick up Meredith.” Sam Van Landingham looked at the young man in front of him. He’d read all the stories and seen any news program he could find about the Brock Miller saga. He put his arm around Brock and ushered him inside. Sam was glad the boy was willing to stand up for others and for himself. Of course Meredith...

2 years ago
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Happy Christmas Uncle

Business took me to the town where my sister lived. Then the dilemma kicked in. The business meeting dragged, and it became obvious that we were never going to manage to cram everything in over the working lunch on Friday. None of the others wanted to stay late on what was after all poets day. Poets day? Ah, come on! You’ve all heard of Poets day? Piss Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday!Yeah well, that’s just fine and dandy for those who live and work locally; folks like me who live almost three...

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Pornodrome VIP

Baz swiveled in his dual axis ergonotic chair flipping switches and pressing buttons in choreographed display of manual dexterity and physical agility. The control consoles stretched out in all directions forming a spherical cage like structure and the chair could tilt and turn in all directions to allow access to any one of them. Far below him, the revellers applauded and cheered as each carefully timed touch brought a different part of the vast amphitheatre stretched out below him to life....

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Wife to have Blackman before me

I have to tell you what happened on our wedding day in 1962. My wife lived on a farm in Wisconsin that was 75 miles from any town. She was home schooled and her Dad had hired me to help out on the farm. I lived in a farm hands living quarters on the property. When I met Kim his daughter we hit it off real good no sex just good company. Once I brought up the subject of sex to her and she had said my Mom says not till I'm married. So for months we just dated on the farm we never left. Then...

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March of the Southern BellesChapter Two

"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Two" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Clutching at my petticoats with my lavender-colored fingers, I prepared to squeeze my way through the door. Outside I could hear a continuous and entirely feminine murmur. As I stepped forward I felt Lisa's hoops pushing at my skirts from behind, and I quickly stepped forward, lest anybody see under my raised hoops and catch a glimpse of the lace and satin pantaloons that went all the way down to the top of my...

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