MetamorphChapter 5 free porn video

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Four days later and Dan was standing in front of the Ford dealership in Santa Monica avenue, coincidentally just a few blocks from Sandra's apartment. Caddy was standing next to him, and the two of them were standing in front of a row of brand new Mustangs.

Caddy had a cigar in his mouth and he kept blowing smoke rings and saying things like "Oh boy. You sure about this? I was thinking a nice BMW or Mercedes or something?"

Dan ignored him for the most part, just staring at the cars.

Eventually they were approached by a salesman, one Jules Turner. He was a dark shade of black – the kind that is truly black and not just brown. He was dressed in a very expensive suit and when she smiled, his white teeth truly shone.

"Can I interest you gentlemen in a little test drive? I've been noticing you admiring these fine automobiles." His patter was straight out of 1963 and for some reason, he more than got away with it. As a salesman, Jules was The Man.

Dan glanced at him and then went back to looking at the cars.

Caddy turned and looked at Jules and said, "My friend here thinks he wants one of these. I'm not entirely sure why. I think he has a small dick or something."

Jules smiled back to show there was no hard feelings and replied, "Oh, I'm sure that's not true. I suspect that the man here just wants those extra couple of inches, to take him to a complete foot, no doubt!"

Both Caddy and Dan couldn't help but laugh at that, and the ice was well and truly broken.

"I'm Jules. How can I help you fine gentleman today?"

Dan pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked it over, and then, with the voice of one reading something that they don't understand, he said, "Do you have a ... um ... a Rosch Stage two convertible GT Mustang, with manual gearbox and six speed in stock?"

Jules smiled a wide smile and said, "Oh I'm sure we do. And it's pronounced Rousch. With a U."

"Can I drive it, please?" said Dan.

"Well of course you can young sir. Of course you can."

They picked out a blue convertible (the electric blue whose paint name Dan came to find out was called 'Impact Blue', to which he took Caddy aside and said, "Seriously? 'Impact blue'? For a car? Who the fuck names these things?") with the divided white strip down the middle. The car came with side air intakes, a hood with the extra air intake, and it generally looked like something Luke Skywalker should be driving.

When Dan clapped eyes on it, he looked at Jules and said, "Yeah, I think that might take me to sixteen inches."

They went out for a drive, with Caddy in the back. Caddy later swore that he'd never drive in a car driven by Dan again, since they basically took the 405 at ninety miles an hour, which in pre-rush hour traffic is some feat.

Eventually they arrived back in the car dealership, and everyone made excuses to hit the bathroom, except Dan who just asked for bottled water.

Then, after some small talk, Dan asked exactly how much the car was, to drive away right there. Everyone was talking with studied ease and nonchalance, as though they were talking about going to a movie.

"So, to drive that out the door, we are talking fifty seven K my good sir," said Jules, dismissively, like that was no big deal.

Caddy just sat there, looking out the window and at the hottie dealership interns running around in their tight skirts.

Dan looked back and said, "You know, if I were to put fifty thousand dollars down on the table, right now, I wonder if I might pick up those keys and go for a drive."

Jules smiled back. "Oh, I doubt it. But I can go ask for you."

"Why don't you do that, Jules. Just for information's sake, of course."

Jules got up and went to see the manager, in the time-honored fashion of every car sales men the world over. He returned five minutes later and just sat down and stared at Dan and said, "In a word, No."

Dan looked back, looked at Caddy and nodded and the two rose to leave.

"However," continued Jules, and the two men stopped their motion, "If you were to put fifty four thousand on the table, there's a very good chance of that happening."

Dan sat back down, leant back and took in the surrounding scene, taking his time.

"I think that might be a touch high. Perhaps fifty two thousand might make its way here?" he said, looking at his fingernails.

There was silence as Jules pulled out his phone and glanced at it. Eventually he replied, "I suspect that probably won't be enough. Perhaps if another thousand were to join it, that would be sufficient."

Dan pursed his lips and pouted for a second.

"Fine. Deal." He then reached into his pocket of his windbreaker and brought out a wad of cash, all hundreds. He peeled off a few thousand and then threw the rest of the bundle at Jules, who caught it, and said, "Keys?"

Literally twenty minutes later, Dan was standing in front of the car, keys in hand trying not to jump around and, in the parlance of his childhood, 'be cool'. Caddy was standing next to him saying, "You sure about this?"

Dan looked at him and said, "Caddy, a car should say something about the man driving it. New body, new car, lots of oomph. Trust me. It sounds great and it goes like shit off a shovel and it looks, well, muscly. This is my car."

Caddy nodded and said, "Well, as long as you are happy and as long as I don't have to drive in it with you. How do you know about this stuff anyway? You didn't strike me as someone into cars? Not driving that piece of crap Nissan?"

Dan laughed and said, "No, it's a writer friend of mine. A guy named StangStar. I know him as StangStar06. He and I are on a forum together. What that guy doesn't know about Mustangs isn't worth knowing. I just emailed him and asked him what I should be driving. He told me what to look for."

Caddy laughed. "I should have known. The uber nerd has friends everywhere. Well, it is a lovely car. You have fun now. Don't die on the way home. And don't kill anyone else, either."

Dan just nodded absently as Caddy left to go find his Mercedes, just staring at the car.

Eventually he opened the door, put down the hood and drove off, deliberately keeping it in a lower gear than it should be, just so the engine roared.

A few days later, and Dan was back at Sandra's apartment. This time he was even more nervous. He'd been reviewing the passages she'd given him to look over. He'd had to knock on Greg's door to ask to borrow the specific books, and was given them with a knowing smirk from Greg. One more thing to smack his face for when the time came. Although Dan couldn't help but say, "Good thing you had these books Greg. They must be really helpful to you." And that did wipe the smile off Greg's face.

Dan knocked on the door and there she was, in all her glory. This time she was in a wrap dress, with a mid thigh slit.

"Well hello sugar. How are you doin'?" she asked, pouting seductively. "C'mon in. Ah was just about to make myself a Manhattan, you want one?"

Dan nodded and entered her apartment. He sat down on the easy chair, where he'd been last time and she spoke while she busied herself at the bar.

"Ah wasn't sure you'd even show, after last time. Ah guess you'd had some second thoughts?"

Dan replied, "Some. I thought about what you said. This isn't about lust or jollies, this is about education. If June can separate sex and love, I can too."

Sandra stopped cutting up an orange and looked around at him and said, "Well, aren't you just a clever old peach? About time you came around. Ah'm sure your wife wouldn't necessarily agree, but Ah think we can both agree that she's lost that particular high ground. Plus, Ah'm sure she'll enjoy bein' the recipient of some of the lessons here. You want sugar in yours?"

Dan nodded and moments later was handed a drink. He took a sip. It was smooth. His first Manhattan.

"Ok, so did you read up?"

"Yes, Miss Daisy," replied Dan.

Sandra's eyes opened wide and for a second Dan saw true fury, which was instantly replaced by a mellow look.

"Well, aren't you just a card, now. Just for that, Ah think we'll go directly to the lesson. Here's what Ah challenge you. You need to make me cum. With one finger. No more. One finger can be used at any time. You can switch fingers, but only one can be used at a time. Think you can do that?"

Dan realized he'd touched a nerve – even hookers can have buttons. He decided silence was the better part of valor.

He put down his drink and nodded and said, "I can try to do that."

"Don't try, sugar. Make it happen. It's all in your hands, if you'll pardon the expression."

The two of them went to the bedroom, and Dan did his damndest.

The passages he'd been reading were about reading emotional content from body language. They were describing a woman's reactions to arousal, what to look for, and what you can do to either dampen or accelerator that situation. The test before him was a hard one. No woman would cum from doing one thing to her with one finger, you had to swap around and do different things, and you had to know when.

Dan failed. He came close a few times, and he felt he was starting to read her right and do the right things when Sandra glanced at the clock on her bedside table and sat up and said, "Times up. Next time, cowboy."

Dan wasn't thrilled. He knew she'd been pissed right from the word go and he had no chance because of that. Despite that, he knew if he'd had thirty more minutes, he'd have gotten her there.

Sandra got up and gestured for Dan to follow. She took him right to the door, and right before opening it, she said, "Never mind sugar. Next time. Now, Ah need you to read up on cunnilingus. We need to go over that for next time. There's a good book Ah'm going to recommend."

She opened the door and Dan stuck his foot against it and didn't let it open.

"That was an unfair test. And you know. I'm sure glad that you being pissed off was worth more than what Greg paid you for. Hell, you got both. What do you care?"

Sandra just looked at him.

"You know exactly what I mean Miss Daisy. Yeah, there it is. I made a joke lady. Just a joke. I have no idea what your issues are, but I won't be back if all you are going to do is waste my time because you are pissed off about a joke that means nothing to anyone."

Dan surprised himself by making the statement. He was just mad and wasn't about to let a glorified hooker make him doubt himself.

"Well now. Aren't you just the manly man now. You c'mon back next week and prove me wrong."

"That's it?"

Sandra looked right at him and said, with almost no trace of her southern accent, "The whole point of the exercise was for you to read the body language of the person you were with to give her what she needed. I think you failed outright there, don't you? If I was pissed, why the hell didn't you do something about that instead of fighting a loosing battle in the first place? Good sex isn't just about sensation. It's about circumstance and mental attitude. Read the books again. I'll see you next week." And she yanked the door open and without ceremony, pushed him out.

They were now into what was the last two weeks, assuming Greg's prediction was accurate. Dan was down to two hundred and twelve pounds. He was a size thirty-four waist and could now bench-press almost three hundred pounds. His arms looked like something out of Men's weekly magazine, and he felt fantastic.

His boxing was right on the money, and he could floor the sparring partners two times out of four – they treated him with respect now and he knew it.

He knew his time here was coming to an end, and he had to consider what he was going to do when he got home – when he saw June again. He still wasn't sure how he felt – whether the hurt outweighed the need for her. One thing was for sure though; his rage at Greg hadn't gone away. It was still there, white hot at his core. And it would not be denied.

During his last two weeks, Dan went out and did a few things for himself. He ordered some particular items, them being made especially for him. He bought some actual clothes, rather than just tracksuits, since how he had idea of his measurements. He went looking for another gym to go to, because if things went to plan, he sure wouldn't be welcome here any more.

He had also been looking over the PI reports – they weren't telling him anything drastic about June's behaviors. She had gone out with friends for dinner and drinks – Megan being one of them – but their operative couldn't get close enough to overhear anything this time. But there was a report of their table being approached more than once and of June shutting down any conversation instantly, much to Megan's visual annoyance. June had left before ten and that was her evening out.

In the second to last week, two things of major importance happened. The first was yet another call from Caddy, asking Dan to drop by his office. There was a timbre in is voice of restrained exuberance, and since Dan was in the middle of using free weights at the time, he didn't stop to chat – just told Caddy he'd be there in a couple of hours.

The other was an email from Sandra. Dan found that interesting, since he'd never given his email address to Sandra. Or Greg either, for that matter, which is where she must have got it from. It made Dan wonder what else Greg knew about him.

The email read –


I'm sorry about last week. I think you caught me at a bad time. The Miss Daisy reference has particular significance for me, and indirectly is one of the reasons I do what I do. The lesson was valid, but I think it probably could have been communicated better and for that, I am truly sorry.

Please come on Thursday. We only have two more sessions and there's more to impart to you.


Dan read it twice and was left confused about what he really ought to do. He'd bought and read the book she recommended – he wasn't about to ask Greg again – and found it helpful but mostly going on and on about how good the author thought he was at pussy eating, and a bit light on actual details and tips. But still, he'd read it and hoped he'd absorbed some of the lessons. He honestly wasn't planning on returning, both to salve his conscience and also because he didn't particularly need another evening of being set a task he couldn't achieve because someone else was upset.

But right now, he had a meeting to get to. He grabbed some printouts and emailed Caddy some files and then left, taking his new ride out and enjoying the sensation of driving with the top down.

He arrived twenty minutes early and didn't have to find a park, since the building where Caddy's agency was located had it's own parking structure.

He sat in the lobby of the bustling agency, watching famous people walk back and forth and spent ten minutes in a conversation with Ryan Reynolds, who was waiting to talk to his own agent. That was surreal. He'd have to tell June about that. Ryan Reynolds was on her Free Pass list.

Eventually Caddy himself came to find Dan, looking through a sheaf of documents as he did so.

"Dan, I'm just reading your treatment and bible. This shit is hot dude. I LOVE it."

Dan blushed, as they walked through the building to Caddy's office.

"Umm ... it's just an idea I was playing with..."

"This is great dude. A weekly docudrama set in a gym? Why has no one done this before?"

Dan replied, "The closest I could find was some UK based comedy, staring the guy from Red Dwarf? The asshole guy? It ran for a few years."

They entered Caddy's office, complete with its astounding view of downtown LA.

"So look, lets talk about this new thing in a second. Firstly, news on Metamorph. Hallmark is renaming it. Metamorph is a bit too sci-fi for the Hallmark viewership I'm afraid. But you knew that, so I don't think that's really an issue. But, what is astounding is that they've shot all three endings, like I told you. The production crew there were planning on deciding which one to use in the edit phase. However, they can't do it. So they've decided to do something really bold and new. They are showing your movie three times. Once on Sunday, once on Tuesday and once on Friday, all on the same week. And each time, with a different ending. And what's more, they aren't going to tell anyone they are doing this, until after it's broadcast. What do you think of that buddy? This is television history here. No one has ever done this before."

Caddy was smiling so hard, his face was going to crack.

Dan just sat there, frozen, not knowing what to feel. The one overwhelming thought he had was, 'I wish I could tell June. She'd freak.'

"That's pretty cool," he stumbled out.

"'Pretty cool'?" mimicked Caddy, unmercifully. "Christ, it's a good thing you can write, cos as a public inspirational speaker, you blow buddy. Look, this is a big deal. Hallmark is going to make a huge deal out of this. If it's at all successful, they are talking about selling this to Starz. You are gonna get residuals on the first week of your movie is being shown. We've never seen that before here. All kinds of firsts going on here. Get a little excited, won't you??"

Dan said, "Ok. It's VERY cool."

Caddy just looked at him for a moment, eyeballing him to see if he was being mocked.

"Ok, so there's that. Now lets talk about this Gym thing. Why did you wait so long to let me have this?"

Dan shifted his seat, and wordlessly Caddy got up and walked to a small fridge, pulled out a bottled water and handed it to his friend.

"Well, there are issues here. I don't think this is really a network show. Or even a cable show, necessarily."

"Oh? Why not?" asked Caddy.

"Well, it's not about ensemble cast. Sure, there is an ensemble cast here, but every episode is a character dive on a particular member of the gym. The ensemble cast is there purely as glue. Sure, there are some stories about them, but for the most part, it's about the special guests each week. You know what networks are like Caddy. They'll run 4 episodes, look at the audience feedback numbers and then tell us that the show has to revolve around which ever member of the ensemble cast the audience likes the most. This isn't like that."

Caddy nodded, flipping through some more of the papers strewn over his desk. "Probably. What's the problem with that? Lots of successful shows do that."

"Yeah, but not this. Look, think about The Twilight Zone. Was that show about Rod Sterling, or was it about the Story of the week? Rod Sterling was necessary as the narrator, but he wasn't what the show was about, yeah? That's what this is. The ensemble cast is glue, background, not principles. I just don't think that a modern network would go for this. I was thinking maybe something like HBO or Netflix, even? They are in the standalone show game now, right? Can we talk to them?"

Caddy looked over a sheet of paper at Dan and said, "I guess. I still think we should talk to the networks. Give them the chance to pass. There are some pretty progressive people over at NBC right now..."

Dan shrugged and said, "Sure Caddy. Whatever you think."

"You know, it strikes me that if you really wanted to do this right, you need to start your own production company. Get with a producer with proven ability and present this that way. Rather than selling it to HBO or whatever, do it your self and then sell it to them. That way you retain control."

There was a pregnant silence.

"Of course that means you need to find a producer to work with. Someone who is going to be on your side, who is on your wavelength and who'll buy into your concept. I wonder if you know anyone like that?"

Dan just stared at the floor.

Caddy sighed and threw the papers down on the table and there was a pregnant pause. Dan knew exactly what Caddy wanted to talk about and he also knew Caddy didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Dan, you know I'm your friend. I'm ... concerned. Your work is great, but you've got this fucking great void hanging over you. Until you resolve things with June, I'm a little worried about going down a path that you may not stick with. Where's your mind at, buddy? Where is this going?"

Dan looked unhappy. "I honestly don't know Caddy. One minute I am dying because I can't hold her, the next I am raging because of what she did with no regard for me. I can't trust her but I desperately want to. I know she is hurting because of what she did to me, to us, but it's because of that that I can't just put my arms around her. She betrayed me, Caddy. She was all I had, and she did it anyway, for whatever fucked up reasons she had."

And suddenly it came out. Dan started sobbing and Caddy immediately came over to Dan, stopping to close his office door first.

Caddy wrapped his arms around his friend and just held him while he sobbed. "How could she do that to me? How? What did I do? Why am I paying for it?" Dan asked the world.

"There there Buddy," said Caddy, not knowing what else to say. "I don't think she meant to do it to you Dan. I think she did it for her and you are just collateral."

They sat there for two minutes, Dan's heaving slowing and Caddy just holding his friend.

Eventually, Dan pushed Caddy off him, and looked into Caddy's earnest face, full of concern, and suddenly he just started giggling. Caddy smiled broadly back at him, and Dan started laughing. After a moment, Caddy joined in. The two of them laughed for the next minutes, before slowly recovering.

Caddy went back to sit down in his desk and pulled out a bottle of vodka, grabbed two shot glasses from the same draw and poured two shots. "Good. Right, glad we got that out of the way," he said. "Here's to the future, without any crying in it, ok? I already have kids, I don't need another one. We are friends, but I am NOT tucking you in at night."

Dan went to Sandra's place on Thursday. She apologized again to him on opening the door, and that night, he spent most of the night with his face wedged firmly between her thighs. The night was interesting for Dan because unlike previous evenings, this time Sandra guided him. She gave him pointers, stressed that every woman was different and pointed out her own reactions to what he was doing. Dan learned about back arches, the type and quality of moans, about skin temperature, pulse rates, and how if a woman uses her fingers on herself while he was actively doing things to her, it meant one of two things; either she was bored and getting herself off, or she was loosing control of her own desires and helping herself get off unconsciously. The former was death for the dedicated cocksman, but the latter just meant you were stampeding in the right direction.

Dan learned about deft touches, about breathing on a vagina instead of rushing straight to the clitoris, and he learned that there were as many ways to use a tongue as there were different punches to use in a boxing ring.

By the end of the night, Dan looked like he'd had whipped cream applied to his face and had both tongue and jaw ache, and Sandra had cum at least four times. He also had scratches under the hair at the back of his head where she'd grabbed his face and pushed him into her pussy during one very violent climax.

The one thing that surprised Dan was that she kissed him, hard, once he was done. She even licked his face. He pulled back, and bit surprised and she smiled at him and said, "Darlin', this is the least Ah can do. That was GREAT. You are learning."

She showed him out after letting him wash his face and wash his mouth out and then giving him a bottle of diet coke. "Come back next week, final exam. Ah shall expect A+ yah here? So study up!"

And then it was the last week. The last week Dan didn't hear from Caddy. He called twice but was told that Caddy was out of the office and he'd get back to him. He shrugged and went back to the gym.

By now, Dan was free of almost all fat. There was still a tiny bit of a spare tire, but it was only visible from certain postures. He was a true thirty-four inch waist. He looked pretty damn good and he'd even sprung for a body waxing, something he'd never do again once he'd had it done, since it hurt So Much. It was nice to be smooth, and he knew he looked good, but he also knew that you had to keep it up and there was no way he was going through that amount of pain again. How women do Brazilian waxes he had no idea. The little oriental woman who was recommended to him cackled every time she ripped off another piece of what looked like fly paper and it was all Dan could do not to jump off the couch and clock her.

Dan had his last appointment with Sandra. This time she was wearing a short black cocktail dress and high heels and a black choker, with dark makeup and bright red lipstick when she opened the door.

She literally said nothing, arched and eyebrow at him and went inside. Dan followed, closing the door.

"Screwdriver?" she asked. Dan nodded. The apartment somehow seemed smaller and he didn't know why.

"So, last session," said Sandra, as she handed him the drink. "Nervous?"

Dan frowned, "Should I be?"

"No, no reason. Just idly wondering. So. How do you feel about all you've been through?" Sandra asked.

"What, you mean coming here?" replied Dan.

"Well, not just that. I mean the whole journey. It's been a heavy four months from what I understand?"

Dan sat there, looking at his drink, thinking both about the past months and also that Sandra seemed to be very well informed, as well as very nosey.

Sandra smiled at him. "Nosey broad eh?" she said. "Dan, it might interest you to know that Ah have a phD in psychiatry. Ah just do the sex thing because, well, Ah like sex. Ah might as well get paid for it. But don't be fooled. A good escort is part sex doll and part bartender. She listens and says the things the man needs to hear just as much as she makes him squirm. A good escort feeds a man's ego as much as she milks his cock. And Ah'm very good at both – you've never been on the receiving end of a real charm offensive from me, and be thankful for it. If you had, what little of your vows you take seriously would be done. You have no idea of what Ah'm capable of, young man. You also have no idea how much Greg is paying me for these services."

Dan choked on his drink. Sandra smiled broadly at him. Cleverly, Dan said, "ummm ... well, I guess I dodged a bullet there."

Sandra licked her lips slowly, savoring it. Dan hastily took another swig of his drink and found he'd already finished it.

"So, Tiger, are you ready for the final exam? Ah want to see if you can read my body like we talked about?"

Dan nodded, dumbly, as Sandra stood up. She came over to him and took his hand and pulled him up.

"Right there studly. From now on, you are in the driving seat. Make me squirm, sugar."

And something went off inside Dan. He literally just grabbed Sandra and pushed her against the wall, kissing her hard, and then pinning her to the wall. One hand went into her panties, roughly, and he stuck his fingers inside her with no preamble. She was wet. Very wet.

He kissed her neck and felt her body move and arch into him. She moaned softly and said, "Good start stud."

And with that, Dan stepped back away from her, examining her. She was flush, her neck red, her breathing heavy and eyes dilated.

Dan smiled and said, "I graduate. I don't need to fuck you to know I could and that you want it. Night Sandra. Thanks for giving me the confidence and everything."

Sandra just breathed heavily and said nothing as Dan walked out of the room and the apartment.

Four days later, and it was Monday. Dan got up early, took a shower and then took The Suit down. He took a deep breath and then tried it on. It fit. Barely, but it fit. His arms were actually larger than Greg's and as such the suit jacket was slightly tight if he bulged his biceps. But otherwise, it was a perfect fit, even on the neck. He spent an hour just sitting in it and looking at himself in the mirror.

No double chin. Hair cut. Straight Jaw. Perfect body trim, and with the shirt unbuttoned, his gleaming and smooth pectorals just peaked out. He tried the suit with a skin tight T-shirt and found it worked just was well with that, which was good because he'd bought three of them in different colors.

He let himself out of the apartment and knocked heavily on Greg's door as he passed and then went down to the gym, which was still deserted. He grabbed a couple of practice gloves and put them on as he climbed into the ring.

Greg arrived ten minutes later, looking recently woken. He was going from room to room, looking for Dan. When he saw him, in The Suit, wearing gloves and leaning against the ropes of the ring, watching for him, he smiled and pushed open the door to the boxing room.

"Aren't we full of ourselves today? You look good. The suit works on you."

Dan tilted his head and said, "I need to say thanks for this. I could never have done this alone. Your ability to train is to be commended. But be that as it may, you ready for some lessons in politeness and etiquette? Because you fucking need them."

Same as Metamorph
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Yesterday when I got home I was super exited, so when my GF got home I almost immediately jumped on her, to my surprise she was also quite horny. We had sex right il the living room and we ended in the bedroom, it was a great session, I even made her came ! Once we were done we cuddled and she stay with her head on my chest. She told me it was super great. And like I do sometimes I jokingly said that she should try with a bigger cock. She never once responded to that, but this time after about...

2 years ago
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Secluded HouseChapter 12 Too Sad To Be True

I was lying on the same examining table as before. Dr. Campbell had just finished the cast. My toes were sticking out funnily. Even this sight could not drive my despondency away. The cast reached all the way up to my hip. My knee was bent at almost 90-degree angle. Hairline fracture. It was at the same place where I had broken my leg three months ago. That's what the doctor said. The bump against the wall had caused it. If it is just a hairline fracture, why is the cast so big? Dr. Campbell...

3 years ago
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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 5 Duke Daze Continued

As previously mentioned, The Duke led me into a world of sex not seen in too many books. And I loved it! Which, over time, made me very good at giving sexual pleasure. I found that the more of a "giver" I became, the more I enjoyed it myself. To hear someone, man or woman, moan in appreciation as they unloaded because of my manipulations was beyond heaven to me. And it was way more real. The Duke once had me suck off an elderly black cab driver when we didn't have quite enough money for...

3 years ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 - Into the Lion's Den He wore a blazer with their company emblem embroidered on the breast pocket that his boss Mr. Brown insisted he wear while traveling as a company rep. He caught the Aero Mexico 10:15 flight to Mexico City, seated in a middle seat in economy at the rear of the plane. He was met at baggage claim by a Hispanic man holding up a handwritten sign with 'Trousdale' on it. He was driven to his hotel. Nothing fancy, it was clean and had WIFI. He checked in...

5 years ago
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Preachers Daughters Part 1

Louise pushed back against the insistent hand of her husband. He was urging her face down across his belly toward the rock-hard shaft of his cock. Her mind and her body rebelled against the demand he was making. It wasn't the first time that he had tried to coax her to perform the repulsive act. "No, Martin!" she hissed. Her hand caught his wrist and pulled his hand away from, the back of her head. He groaned disappointedly and let his hand drop to his side. Louise almost sighed. She lay...

3 years ago
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Daddy make me a star

I am a security guard at a small business, nothing fancy but it puts the food on the table and a roof over our head. But as a side career I photograph and videotape women doing adult things and sell the pictures and film to adult websites. Many of of the women I have photographed and shot video of has moved on to have lucrative careers in the adult industry. I make money not only on the pictures and film but for commission and finders fee for the women that I refer to various porn...

4 years ago
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Mrs Smith and Ellie Part 2

“Hi Mum” Ellie said as her mother walked in the house, “The man is in the lounge” she continued seeing the rage in her mother’s eyes,“Why are you dressed like that? What have I told you about dress code when we have visitors” she barked out.“Sorry Mum” she said as she rushed up the stairsHearing this short exchange put me on edge and as Mrs Smith walked in the lounge I stood up to introduce myself, Mrs Smith stopped in her tracks as she saw me standing there in my tee shirt and shorts.She...

3 years ago
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Huge BBW sister in Law Fantasy

Huge. Her ass is just huge. Dont get me wrong, she has giant breasts but her booty is just HUGE and I love it. I headed off to work and could feel my dick growing in my pants. The new guy at work was a girl! She made me rock hard. She is 5'9 or 10", and around 150 pounds. A Blond BBW goddess. And guess who I was working with? I fantasized she was an Blue Eyed Amazon. The lost tribe of large, powerful, warrior women. We were working together in a closet! It was close quarters. All the walls had...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 10

What do you mean, 'That's a lot of chapers'? It's a long trip, and they're gonna need a snack... (Whoops! Wrong story... Sorry about that!) It's a long trip and the two vampire girls have to keep each other entertained, after all... So, for my six sick fans - Enjoy the story as my two favorite vampire girls get to know each other really well over the next few chapters... ~~~~~ Béla decided to go directly to the Bridge as soon as she dropped by her quarters for something to...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e2 Yvonne Batty 57 the best kind of wife

Series 9, Episode 2: Yvonne Batty (57), from Folkstone After the excesses of the last episode, it’s time to return to something a little more sedate ... And it doesn’t get more sedate than Folkstone on a Wednesday afternoon... We open with an establishing shot of a very narrow street, with three- and four-story buildings jutting up on either side of us and curving away from us. The road is barely wide enough for two cars to drive in opposite directions, and the sidewalk on either side...

4 years ago
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The homeless and poor peoples winter feast

The homeless and poor peoples winter feastBy RotnebSynopsis: Every year there was organized a charity festival in the village hall for the city's homeless and poor people, a feast where all the poor once a year get filled stomachs and amused. This year will be something special when Lisa and eight other young women voluntarily donate their naked meat to the feast banquet and to entertainment for the homeless and poor. The story is only fantasy.The meats The first Sunday in February came the...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 46 Grace Sandy

As we mounted the steps to the Lodge, Catherine asked, "Michael, would you mind getting me one of those chairs from the great room? They are so much more comfortable than the small wooden one in my room." I did and she showed me where to place it in her room, then settling into it she said, "Why don't the two of you sit there on the bed? That way I can see you as we speak." I remained silent, hesitant to scan either of them. I knew there was something she wanted to say, and felt it...

4 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 7

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever,, Then she went to her sister home to help her raise her new born baby. In Part 6 you Read " After about 30 mins Zeenat was done and Zeenat put the cake in the oven. Then Zeenat started to clean the kitchen which gets a mess especially when you bake. She was just about done when Raja enters and says, "looks like my good girl s done baking". Zeenat replied,...

4 years ago
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Her Wish

Only one month into the new school year and she was already fed up with it. Not a single interesting person in the entire school and not even anyone interested in her. She wasn’t ugly, by any means. In fact she was very attractive. Dark, curly hair that was cut short and framed her face, light skin, but not pale. Thin, toned, but not muscular, body that would drive most men wild, and deep blue eyes that resembled the ocean. But, they were all the same. Just like the last...

3 years ago
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mummys initiation of baby James

Mummy Or rather naughty Aunty Jane who had been looking after her nephew James since his infancy and new he was a diaper lover ( which she had no problem with ) had reached the age of 20 and decides to see if her baby has grown up enough to be taught the facts of life….according to mummy…….“Mummy knows best; so you are going to do exactly what you are told to do and she is going teach you how to really appreciate what a good dominant mummy can do for you….To start with I want you to to lie back...

3 years ago
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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 10

I was received at home with hugs, kisses, and a thorough examination to determine if I might be hiding a wound somewhere that my wives could take care of. The only such "wound" was in my balls, and my wives were soon draining them to make sure that they were going to recycle properly. Luckily for all of us, there was no problem there, and we had an extended session to demonstrate that. The next morning was one of those where I was full of piss and ginger. My wives knew that there was only...

2 years ago
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The Players: JuliAnne, 33 – black hair – 5"5' – 34c, 22, 32 (Mom) Daniel, 36 – brown hair – 5"10' – 195lbs (Dad) William, 15 – black hair – 5"8' – 166lbs (ME) The Setup: Mom and Dad met when she was still in high school, and he was visiting a friend who lived down the block from her. They met, had a whirlwind courtship, and were married all in about eight months. I was born seven months later. About eighteen months ago, Mom was pregnant again, but it wasn't to be....

3 years ago
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Kathy white trash whore part 1

Kathy opened the front door and walked in taking off her coat and hanging it on the hall stand. She was surprised to see the light on in the living room and even more surprised to see her husband sitting at the computer. “Thought you’d be in bed by now Jeff” “Hiya sweetie, didn’t realise it was this late…. how’s your day been?” One thing Kathy really didn’t like was when he called her sweetie, but she kicked off her shoes, walked over to him putting her hands on his shoulders before...

3 years ago
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Wedding Weekend

So my best buddy is getting married and I am going to be the best man. Wow we sure did score our share of pussy in university and now he was getting married this was going to be a hit to the bro code. She must be something special. Now my buddy comes from a very well to do family so this was going to be quite the show I imagined. I had met his parents before on some of our week end runaways to get away from some psycho chicks for a bit to try and calm down and just to relax. I had worked some...

3 years ago
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Friends and Lovers0

Tracy was the kind of woman who felt comfortable adhering to rules. She’d served in the military for 20 years and was now enjoying her life pursuing her dreams of becoming an artist. In many ways, it was the exact opposite of the strict, rigid life she’d had in The Army. She could stand in front of a canvas for hours, sometimes forgetting to eat, on only two or three hours of sleep a night, and paint to her heart’s content. Several local galleries were showing her work and while the sales...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Me

This happened when I was visiting Stephanie in New York. Stephanie is my mom's younger sister, she was 36 year old and I was 18 at that time. I came to New York for my college studies and I was to stay with my aunt. Stephanie never got married, she was a designer and was so busy running her boutique that she never had time for getting married. She had a pretty face with a body to match. I got there on Friday and was greeted at her door as she was getting to leave for her work. She told me the...

4 years ago
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Debauchery With TV Mechanic

Hello! Dear ISS Patrons, I am Girija and am here on this site for the first time to make a true confession about my debauchery, after enduring 6 months of mental torment due to shame & guilt. I am 35 yrs old, married to Anantha who is 37. I am a South-Indian fair skinned woman. Men & women from my community are generally brilliant in academics; my husband & I are both Post-Graduates in Metallurgy & Science respectively. Even at this age, I look very fair & attractive; I stand 5’9” tall, which...

3 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission in train 3 P very thanks for who has loaded this video, delicious legs a little open :-P, and very delicious black pantyhose a bit transparent, my favorites :-P, namely this type of pantyhose in this video here above it's really my favorite type of pantyhose, and then with small holes on the knees means they are nice legs tough and knees tough and also the calves powerfuls, and then at the end when she gets up the boy on background that looks her...

2 years ago
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Sedley Schoolmaster

SEDLEY, SCHOOLMASTER SEDLEY, SCHOOLMASTER ?Who?s that fellow in the picture? Submissive Stuart?s? Master Fenton asked him one day while  Stu was licking Fenton?s boots in his office.? Stuart looked up and noticed Fenton looking at the old painting of Stu?s bewigged ancestor. ?Oh, that?s my great-great-great-great maternal grandfather,? Sedley Codrington, Master Fenton. ?I don?t know much about him except that he was a? Revolutionary War hero, and later the first governor of this...

4 years ago
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Dave finds a book part 6

Her parents had gotten take out pizza and she had already had 3 slices before leaving. Her parents were being way more affectionate than usual as she went out the door. Her mother was straddling her dad's lap and the two of the were kissing hard and breathing like they were running a race. She shook her head as she shut the door. Her dad has his hand up mom's shirt opening her bra. " Get room!" she called as she closed the door with a chuckle. She passed several other amorous couples...

2 years ago
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The Obedient Wife

THE OBEDIENT WIFE    "Count" he ordered.     "One" she responded, as the first blow landed on the upturned bottom of her right foot. She was kneeling on the sofa, facing the back of it, with her stockinged feet just at the edge. He had struck her with his folded over belt across her arch, the most tender part. The blow was not full strength but hard enough to sting strongly.     "Two" she called out as the next blow landed on her left foot.     When she reached ten, he stopped and directed "Now...

4 years ago
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The Warmup Service

I am Mary, and have been happily married for four years. My husband Thomas and I have a good relationship and sex has been generally good. Well, that is, apart from one aspect of sex that I never realized how much I needed until recently. This is the story of how I got just what I'd been missing.Thomas has always enjoyed sex, but if there was one area lacking, it was foreplay. It takes me a while to get going, but once hubby is aroused, he is eager to put it in. Sometimes he will stroke my...

Oral Sex
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Futa Naked In School 03 Futa MVPs Reward Chapter 1 Taboo Futa Passion Exposed

Chapter One: Taboo Futa Passion Exposed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Charisma Lacy's Week, Monday “It's not too late to say no to the Program,” Lola Lovell said as she stood before the auditorium for the weekly Program Assembly. The blonde, wearing a puritanical dress of gray, stood on a box beneath the banner urging every student to show spirit for the football team. “You don't have to surrender your morality and strip naked to attend college. If we all resist, they can't force...

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A Daughter Has Her Way

A Daughter Has Her Way by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. --------------------- NOTE: This is a story I recently wrote in many short...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 6 Dark Passion

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk I woke up into darkness to an owl’s soft hooting, my women around me. I frowned, not sure why I came awake. It was still night or early morning. I should be asleep. I felt like I needed more but ... Something didn’t quite feel right. I sat up. Zanyia had slid off of me at some point and now lay in a tangled mess of limbs with Greta. Nathalie was hugged by Kora with Ava and Aingeal beyond them and... Ealaín wasn’t in bed. I spotted...

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Jennifers Obsession Memories

It was an awful start to the day. The rain was of the fine variety, the stuff that seems to never hit the ground but just hangs about purposely to get you wetter and wetter. Jennifer lazily leant onto the window sill, sometimes looking out on the unfortunate shadowy figures that occasionally zipped by, and sometimes studying the ever-changing paths the rain water would make on its journey down the glass. There was a purpose to what she was doing, it served to make her skin feel like she was...

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Barnyard OrgyChapter 9

The door to the smokehouse stood open, allowing Lynn to look out directly upon the woods. She watched the dry breeze as it twisted and swooped through the summer leaves, making them quiver and turn and flutter, allowing Lynn to see them from every angle under the softening wash of the late-afternoon sun. The breeze seemed actually visible to her now, visible as a flow of heat waves scurrying this way and that among the leaves. The smokehouse was suffocatingly hot, but Lynn felt fairly...

2 years ago
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321 Sex Chat! If you're looking for a proper good time where you get to interact with other people and talk about sex, boy, oh boy, do I have to tell you something. While most of us would prefer for these things to happen in real life, why not go for the next best thing.There are many ups and downs when it comes to sexting on the internet. I mean, as long as it is with someone you know in real life, it should all be fine, right? However, when you RP on the internet and whatever, you're very...

Sex Chat Sites
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MAU Trekkin Along

MAU: Trekkin' Along Synopsis: This tale continues the adventures of Danni - a 'victim' of the Morphic Adaptation Unit who now resembles Seven of Nine, down to functional Borg implants! [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Trekkin' Along Danni eased back into the chair, stretching out her long curvy legs, feeling the muscles protesting slightly at the movement. Damn, but even the tiniest motion...

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Lets go shopping

Our wonderful dinner was just about over, when I asked you if you had any plans for the evening. No, you said, you thought we would watch a movie or go for a walk and end up fooling around, like every night. I smiled and said I love the way you think. "I was thinking, I need a new dress shirt, and was wondering if you would like to go to Burlington Coat factory and shop.""That's a great idea, why don't you clean the dishes and I will change in to my shopping outfit?" you tell me. That was ok...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 74

It may be silly, but it has long been considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride on their wedding day before the ceremony. You would have thought it was bad luck to see each other for a week or two before by the way my family conducted themselves during that period. We had relatives to dinner every night. There was no prohibition against inviting Jeff, but they monopolized my time to such an extent I rarely saw him after dinner. I invited Jen and Rich a few times so he would have...

4 years ago
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Amy Needs

AMY NEEDS Sometimes life can be real strange. Often some of the strangest behaviourstirs from deep inside us and manifests itself as our sexual urges. A bewilderingmix of our past experiences and our present desires. My wife, Amy and I have been married for almost 20 years. Our sex life isalways interesting, with mild bondage, spanking, and other variations, andthe lust has not diminished despite the years. However you would call our sexlife relatively normal, even if somewhat mildly kinky....

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Public Exposure

Since my last series was fantasy, and I couldn't decide on a new theme yet, I decided to just write a few of my own true experiences. About two years ago I decided to fulfill some fantasies and adverstised on a casual sex web site for couples looking for a bi male. One of the first I met was a couple from out of town here on business. They weren't really a couple, but a gay guy and his straight girlfriend who liked to watch each other play. They proposed meeting at their hotel pool and all...

4 years ago
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Life After Last Night

Life After Last Night Giddy and gay I'm on my way to Jenny's house. My wife, Sheila, is out of town on one of her bi-monthly business conferences and for me that means a Saturday night date. My friend Jenny has a salon in her home and for a guy like me that is ideal. It's 9:00AM and I've been up and busy for three hours. I started a liquid diet Wednesday when I confirmed the date, but for me - date day means a deep douche. Among my stash of "special things" is a rig designed...

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Tara Exposed Chapter 2

Chapter 2Tara drives slowly out of the neighborhood. She looks down towardsher lap. The seatbelt is pulled tightly between her breasts pulling them apartslightly and pulling her top tight against them. The tiny denim skirt isalready starting to ride up. Her smooth, tanned legs are fully exposed fromoutside the jeep with the doors removed. She hopes most of her neighborsare in bed as she drives out to the main road. As she pulls out andaccelerates into traffic she begins to feel the breeze blow...

2 years ago
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Surrendered my innocence

I have been amazed by the stuff that I have been reading on this site. While some of it appears to be cooked up, i for one have had one such experience which i would like to share. I am 41 yrs old now married bachelor staying in Dubai. I work for a multinational organization and fairly successfully in life. I do moderate workout in the gym and keep my head shaved which ensures a better groomed look… I’m reasonable elegant to look at. Anyway, more on my experience. I had 3 friends with whom i...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess1e19 Nadia 27

Series 1, Episode 19: Nadia She’s a good looking girl – slim and petite, with long straight black hair, olive skin, and a smile that looks like it was created for dental advertising. She’s almost playful in the way that she moves and talks, but between the jokes, the laughs, and the enthusiasm, there are brief moments where her mask slips and her true face shows through. It’s the surface that’s happy, beneath that, she’s miserable. Her accent is South London, flavoured with just a hint of...

2 years ago
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Silent night

It was dark in my room and the only light was from the hall that my door allowed through. I was home alone and hot, with slow hesitation I grabbed my breast. Tugging and pulling till I was dripping from my skirt. Moans increased of pleasure and echoed through the halls. I took the lower edge of my panties and rubbed it up and down against my pink pussy. So sensitive it won't stop quivering. I quickly remove my skirt and bra to suck on my tit as my hand continues to fondle. A silent yelp lets...

4 years ago
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The Widows Horny FamilyChapter 7

It was not until after she had returned home that it dawned on her that the dress was the perfect size for Susy. She began to laugh. Of course, she thought. Susy was a participant to the erotic action with Grace and her husband. They, too, were heavily into incest. What she had seen over the fence that day the exposure of Susy’s panties when she had squatted before her mother now made sense. Of course Grace had said nothing ... she and her husband were doing delicious things with the...

2 years ago
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You Want Me to WhatChapter 6

I settled back on my haunches and let go of Crystal's legs; she put her feet on the floor. "That was fun," I commented dryly, "but it isn't nice to horn in where you're not invited." "Sorry, twenty minutes is about my limit for just watching someone get boned," Desiree replied. "I couldn't just hang out any more." I turned to look at her. Desiree wasn't as appetizing as Crystal; she was shorter and rounder and things weren't as aesthetically pleasing. Crystal probably had six...

2 years ago
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FROM SHAME TO GAMEPart 02By: V.I.ProfferiSaturday morning arrived and Alice came in to wake us up for breakfast. She looked exhausted, with rings under her eyes. She had put Corky’s sleeveless work shirt on and nothing else. We could both see portions of bare breasts coming out the sides and when she stumbled at the end of the bed, her entire left breast with its large and still erect pink nipple showed itself clearly. While still lolling on the bed atop our legs, Alice asked with a drunken...

4 years ago
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The Unit

Corrientes rested her weapon against the wall before looking out through the gap at the moonlit fields beyond. Across from the shed, the fields were how they first came into contact with the enemy, but from where she was Corrientes knew where the fire was coming from straight away - a small shed with an opening in it and the enemy hadn't seen her. She lay down and aimed her weapon, her young eyes keen - waiting for the muzzle flash, before letting her round go. She entered the shed and found...

2 years ago
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Barbara Ch 14

Chapter 14: Slut For Sale (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning : This chapter of the Barbara series involves the total sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls including forced anal & oral sex, fisting, forced participation in watersports, bondage and infliction of pain. If any of these graphic...

2 years ago
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Wartime Passion

A few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...

4 years ago
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Geeks In SpaceChapter 2 Breaching the Veil of Night

Rob spent the entire afternoon in meetings, listening to people talk about money, personnel, public relations and surprisingly, religious intolerance. There were several groups of very fanatical evangelical fundamentalists out there who saw the planned trip to Mars as a refutation of 'God's word', because of course, whoever wrote the bible two thousand years ago was not a scientist, and failed to mention Mars or spaceships. 'The bible doesn't mention bullhorns either, but that didn't...

4 years ago
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Discovering slut wife

Introduction: First time with slut and future wife After separating recently from my wife I found myself with a lot more time alone and usually playing with myself. Aside from the fact that we had sex nearly every day the void is compounded by the alone time spent fantasizing and feeling very horny. Im not real disappointed since we still fuck regularly and without the head aches. Marrying very young my first wife Joy had small titties, thin pink pussy lips and a hairy ass, in contrast my...

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My Wifersquos Filthy Humiliation ndash II

It was late evening by the time I reached home that day. Richa looked anxious; she had mixed emotions about the hours she had spent with Imran in the morning and was also quite apprehensive about the next morning when they had agreed to meet. She didn’t tell me anything upfront but I could smell the air and was quickly into teasing her.“You’re looking exhausted darling! Had a long day at work, eh??” I said as she was actually looking tired and she never told me that she didn’t go to office at...

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