Prohibited Ch. 02 free porn video

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The kids had been far too excited to hear we were going out and they were fending for themselves. It had been hard walking up to the local pub, we instinctively kept going to grab each other’s hands. We were sat in the beer garden, late spring sun on our backs by four, eagerly awaiting the very late lunch we had ordered. Liam did buy me lunch and I bought him a pint. I allowed him to mock me for ordering lime and soda and refusing to drink with him, but I am a bit of a lightweight and without food, this early, bad idea.

We sat opposite each other, our legs touching, keeping what little bit of contact we could. We talked, we laughed. Our friends started to turn up one at a time as they arrived home from work at varying times, but we stayed sat opposite each other innocuously touching legs, our simple reminder of what we shared going unnoticed by everyone else. The wine was indeed going to my head as the warm sun remained well past six, but it disguised the fact I think I was still giddy and flushed from all the fabulous orgasms I had been given that afternoon.

I didn’t see Pete arrive, he crept up behind me, put his arm around my shoulder and leant down to kiss me.

‘Hiya, gorgeous,’ he said.

I practically jumped out of my skin. I also felt a sudden rush of love for my husband fuelled completely by guilt I’m sure and turned the jump into a reason to stand up and hug him hello and kiss him again.

He smiled warmly at me, ‘Thank you for that welcome. How many wines have you had?’

‘A couple, they might have gone to my head a little,’ I giggled.

I left my hand wrapped around his waist and cuddled into him as he addressed and greeted the rest of our group. I glanced at Liam and caught his eye briefly, we were adept at communicating non-verbal signals to each other. I noted a shimmer of jealousy that he seemed to swallow and turned his attention away from me.

Pete and I went to the bar, so I could buy him a pint. There were a couple of other drinks in our round as well. The pub was busy and they were as understaffed as always so it took a while to get served. It gave us a chance to catch up on our day, to talk home and the kids before we went back to our friends. I think I handled it all fine, even managed to ride out the jokes about Liam sorting me out this afternoon. If only everyone knew just how well he’d sorted me out.

Caroline was last to arrive, she was obviously a bit miffed about this fact too. She brushed her lips against Liam’s cheek in greeting, asked for a large G&T and then swept around the group kissing everyone hello before taking a seat at the opposite end of the table. I thought I might feel guilty when I saw her, I don’t know why as I hadn’t about everything else Liam and I had done over the years. I didn’t now but I felt I should. I had spent the afternoon fucking her husband, but I didn’t. I suppose Caroline and I had the least in common out of our group of friends, just as Liam and I had very little in common on the surface. Not that that should be a reason for me to have lost sight of my moral compass which I knew I had. We clashed sometimes over political views, me being very left, her being a bit too right. She was a stricter parent than me and a bit too yummy mummy despite working long hours and having left most of the day-to-day parenting to Liam over the years, including when we’ve all been on holiday. Even though Liam works just as long hours. They are the most well off out of all of us and sometimes Caroline will let us know that. They live in the biggest house on the street, potentially the estate. I know she wishes her kids were in private school, but Liam wouldn’t allow it, an ongoing conflict we all try and keep out of. Pete and I have talked about how they only had three kids because that’s how many posh people have. She has many aspirations higher than her station. We sometimes feel she slums it a bit with us and maybe we are just convenient. All that said though, she can be very good company. I love her like a sister, she doesn’t deserve her husband cheating on her with someone she classes as one of her best friends.

Liam dutifully went to the bar to buy Caroline a drink, everyone else still had full glasses. I waited a few moments and then got up to go to the toilets. I did kind of need the loo, I went there first. If Liam was still at the bar, I’d steal my chance on the way back. I didn’t need to, Liam was waiting for me. The corridor to the toilets was private, separated from the bar by a door. We had shared a few illicit touches and kisses in this corridor. Our lips were clashing together before we spoke, his hand up under my floaty summer dress and sliding under the fabric of my knickers to squeeze my bum. I pulled back.

‘Liam, we’re not meant to be taking these risks anymore.’

‘I can’t help it, you are too sexy and the show you’re putting on with Pete, it turns me on. Making me feel jealous turns me on.’

He went to kiss me again.

I pulled back.

‘It’s not a show for you, he’s my husband. Did you not go to the bar?’

‘No, I hoped you’d follow me,’

‘We need to stop taking these risks…’ This time I kissed him. I was weak.

He led me out of the open fire door and around the back of the pub.

‘This queue at the bar is ridiculous,’ he said as he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me.

We made out like teenagers for a few minutes, it was only when we were alerted to voices in the toilet corridor we stopped. We knew one of the voices, it was one of our friends. Our eyes went wide, I couldn’t help it I had to stifle an involuntary giggle. My heart was pounding.

‘Shit, okay, maybe you are right, fewer risks,’ Liam whispered once it was all silent. We kissed again quickly and dashed through the corridor back to the bar. I went to the bar with him and asked him to get me a soda water to top my wine up with, making that the excuse as to where we’d been.

‘I’m going to be thinking of you and Pete later,’ Liam said quietly to me as we walked back through the bar.

‘Want me to message you after I’ve fucked him?’

His eyes lit up and he nodded.

I guess my orgasms for the day were far from over. It wasn’t until I sat down, I realised I hadn’t gone to the toilet. I smiled, glad we had an excuse for another accidental meeting of lips.


‘What has gotten into you tonight?’ my husband asked me laughing as I pulled him onto our bed. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining,’ he added.

‘I guess maybe just wine and spring sunshine and I love you,’ I pulled him into a kiss.

‘And I love you. You looked gorgeous tonight, I could have brought you home earlier. You have had a proper glow all evening.’

A pang of guilt ripped through me, knotted my stomach and shot bile up to my throat. Pete was kissing me eagerly before I had a chance to dwell any further on it.

I had worried I still smelt of sex with Liam, that Pete would smell Liam once he got close to me. I had checked, routinely all evening and Femfreshed the life out of my vagina to make sure. I didn’t smell of Liam, I was pretty sure I didn’t smell of Liam. Even so, when Pete pulled my knickers down and started kissing over my stomach, I panicked.

I moved from under him and instead took control, I took his cock into my mouth, he sat back onto the bed and let me suck him. I sucked him to the point that he pushed me away because he was about to come and then I straddled his lap, wrapped my legs around his back, let his cock slide easily inside my incredibly sensitive pussy. I pushed my hips into his until he filled me fully. We kissed, tenderly but eagerly, expectantly, wrapping our arms around each other. Pete reached a hand between our bodies and found my clit. It was so sensitive from this afternoon I gasped the moment he touched it. I wanted Pete to make me come, I needed his cock to be the last cock inside me again, I needed his fingers to be the last fingers to satisfy me again. I need to be his again. His Alice, not Liam’s Alice. Oh fuck, Liam, he’d made me feel so good this afternoon. My brain flooded with images. My brain whirled with confused feelings, my clit throbbed against Pete’s fingers. I panted and gasped as quietly as I could into Pete’s ear, so the kids didn’t hear us.

Pete nibbled and kissed my neck as his fingers brought me closer and closer to orgasm. I shut my eyes tight and let the sensations ripple out around my body until the final release, a final burst of pleasure. I started to lift my hips up and down before my orgasm fully subsided. I wanted to start fucking Pete whilst he could still feel my pussy twitching on his cock.

‘Fuck, Ali,’ he groaned softly into my ear.

We gripped each other tightly around our backs, our bodies rocked together. He brought his hips up to meet mine with perfect timing in a unison that only comes from having spent over twenty years fucking in this position. I think both our children were conceived in this position, this was me and Pete.

‘I love you,’ I panted into his ear before nibbling his ear lobe.

‘I love you,’ he gasped in reply.

I knew instantly when Pete was about to come, I could read his body so well, just as he read mine. Yet I was hiding so much from the man I had no secrets with. I gripped him tighter and rode him faster, Pete mimicking my movements once again with perfect timing.

‘Oh God yes, oh yes, ugh, ugh…’ Pete moaned as he pumped his load inside me.

We collapsed down onto the bed and pulled the covers up over us. We lay cuddled in each other’s arms, my leg draped over his thighs. We kissed softly. We talked briefly. Pete drifted off to sleep. I kissed him lightly on the lips and rolled away from him. Turning my back and reaching for my phone.

‘Are you awake?’ I text Liam.

‘Yes, been looking at shit online waiting for you to text me,’ came an instant reply.

‘You OK to chat?’

‘Yes, C’s asleep.’

‘So’s Pete. I sent him to sleep satisfied.’

‘You did? Are you satisfied?’

‘I don’t seem to ever feel satisfied at the minute.’

‘Did he come inside you?’

‘He did, I’m lying here with his come between my legs.’

‘I wish I was there to clean you up.’

‘I need cleaning up, my pussy is all hot and sticky again. It could do with some attention from your tongue.’

‘Put your fingers inside you and send me a picture.’

‘One sec…’

I reached my fingers between my legs, I inserted two inside me, I resisted a strong urge to push them on my clit whilst my hand was there. My clit may rub off if anyone goes near it again today. I took a photo, the flash lit up the room ridiculously brightly, too much when your husband is snuffling next to you. He didn’t stir. I sent the photo to Liam.

‘I want to lick those fingers,’ he replied.

‘I’m licking them now,’ I typed.

‘Fuck Alice you’re sexy. My cock is hard again, you drive me crazy.’

‘Wank your cock for me.’

‘I already am, it’s hard to wank discretely and type though.’

‘I wish we could sneak out.’

‘Where would we go?’

‘My office.’

‘I could sneak out.’

Fuck. My heart thumped hard in my chest, so hard I could hear it in my ears, so hard I thought the noise might wake Pete.

‘Do you want me to sneak out?’ Liam text again at my lack of reply.

‘Yes,’ I sent.

Fuck, I did want this but fuck.

‘You be in there waiting for me sitting on your desk with your legs open so I can dive straight between your legs. I want to taste Pete’s come on your pussy.’

I replied with a thumbs up and a load of kisses. This was dangerous. This was exactly the risk we shouldn’t be taking. So much for Pete’s cock being the last cock inside me. Where the hell had this insatiable sex drive come from?

Luckily, I knew my husband, a few beers and an orgasm, he wasn’t stirring till the following morning. I kissed him gently on the forehead. I wrapped myself in my dressing gown and crept out of the bedroom. I crept downstairs without putting a light on until I was in the kitchen. Derby met me, I panicked. I hadn’t factored Derby into this, he was going to bark like crazy when he heard Liam. Shit, what can I do with Derby? I had no choice but to take him with me into the office along with a chew treat that should keep him occupied. I was once again grateful dogs couldn’t talk.

‘You know too many of my secrets, Derby,’ I whispered, ruffling the curls on his head.

We walked across the garden to the converted double garage that was my office stroke workshop, Derby jumping at my side to try and get the chew treat I was waving to keep his attention. I opened up and turned on the electric heater, the night had not held the warmth of the day and it was distinctly chilly. I threw Derby’s chew into the farthest corner of my office in the hopes he wouldn’t even notice Liam enter.

Of course, he did and of course, he barked but Liam went straight to him and fussed him and he settled down again instantly, disappearing back to his chew before Liam had locked the door behind him.

‘I didn’t think about Derby.’

‘Nor did I, Bailey lifted his head but it’s like he knew it wasn’t walk time, he wasn’t interested.’

We were whispering.

‘This is so bad,’ I said.

‘But so good,’ Liam replied.

‘The dog spoiled the plan of me being sat on my desk, sorry,’ I said.

‘I don’t care.’

Liam kicked off his shoes and was pulling off his t-shirt and joggers as he crossed the room towards where I was stood. I couldn’t believe how much I still wanted him.

I let my dressing gown fall to the floor and kicked off my flip flops as I walked towards him. We were both naked when we met. We fell into a kiss instantly, hands everywhere, his quickly found their way between my legs and he moaned with satisfaction at finding me so wet and sticky with Pete’s come.

He edged me towards my desk, I put my hands out behind me and then sat back onto the edge of the desk once I reached it. Liam dropped immediately to his knees and sank his face between my legs.

‘What the hell would Pete think if he knew you were eating his come from my pussy,’ I whispered.

‘It might make his cock as hard as mine is,’ Liam said hurriedly before resuming his tongue's attention.

‘Fuck,’ I exhaled long. ‘Oh fuck.’

Liam did not have to work hard to make me come, the illicitness of being here in the office with him, with our families asleep in our houses. The danger. I was so turned on.

I expected him to push his cock instantly inside me but he didn’t. He stood up and looked at me, a long look full of hunger, of desire, of, fuck, I knew that look.

‘Don’t say it,’ I said.

‘Why?’ he asked coming closer to me and kissing me.

‘Don’t make this more complicated. Please.’

‘OK, Alice, but you know it’s how I feel, I want to tell you how I feel,’ he was kissing my shoulder blades.

‘Fuck, Liam, we can’t, we can’t…’

‘Have fallen in love?’

‘I said don’t say it.’

I grabbed his cock and pulled it, so it rested against my pussy, Liam edged closer and he pushed inside me.

‘Do you only want me for my cock?’

‘Yes,’ I gasped as he thrust hard inside me.

‘You’re a good liar,’ he replied.

I gripped his arse with my hands and wrapped my legs around his thighs and pulled him closer into me as he started to pump inside me. He held his hands firm around my back and we kissed. Sometimes we kissed hard, then we would pause, then we’d kiss soft and gentle. Sometimes we would just gasp breathlessly into each other’s mouths before kissing each other again. Liam felt so good inside me. He went to bury his face in my neck. I stopped him.

‘I want to look at you,’ I whispered.

He smiled, he gasped, he held my gaze then he closed his eyes. I didn’t mind that, I just wanted to watch him come, I wanted to see that smile erupt. I knew he’d open them again at the critical moment.

There was a rattle at the door. We stopped dead. Liam’s eyes shot open. This was not the critical moment I had been thinking of and there was no smile, just a look of horror.

‘Shit,’ we both said.

It rattled again.

‘Alice, open the fucking door,’

‘Fuck!’ Liam flew off me, I flew off the desk. He looked around desperately.

‘There’s nowhere to hide,’ I managed to whisper even in panic.

‘Fuck!’ he whispered.

We looked at each other, petrified. He took my hand and squeezed it.

‘Fuck!’ we both whispered again.

‘Liam, maybe you can open the door instead?’

Our eyes both shot wide. Liam dropped his head. I felt sick. Properly stomach-wrenching sick. I thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest or my ears. Maybe I was going to die of a stroke or a heart attack right now, so I didn’t have to deal with this.

We looked at each other. We were frozen. Stood staring at the door, holding hands, tightly.

‘Please don’t make me shout and bang this door but I will if you don’t fucking open it, I will.’

We looked at each other, tears welled up in my eyes.

‘How?’ Liam said.

‘I don’t know,’ I replied.

‘Okay, Pete, one second,’ I said slightly louder than my normal voice but trying not to shout.

‘No seconds, I don’t care if his cock’s inside you, open the fucking door.’

Derby, oblivious, was crying at the door, wagging his tail wanting to see his dad.

I walked to the door.

Liam frantically tried to pull his clothes on.

I didn’t bother getting dressed. The game was up. I didn’t know how but it was. There was nothing either of us could say to make this OK.

I opened the door to my husband and tears fell uncontrollably down my face.

He looked hurt, he looked angry. He was fucking angry.

Pete flew at Liam who had only just managed to pull his joggers over his rapidly reducing but not quick enough erection. Then he stopped dead. Just as Liam braced himself for the punch or the tackle to the floor that he was expecting.

‘I don’t want to fight you. You know I’m not that person,’ Pete said sadly and turned away. He turned back around a moment later to face us.

‘Is either of you going to speak? You didn’t think I had a clue, did you?’

We both shook our heads.

‘Pete, I’m sorry, I am so…’ Liam spoke first. I was struck dumb.

‘I don’t want to hear apologies. I don’t know what I want actually. I thought I’d feel better confronting you. I was driving myself mad up there imaging you fucking each other. I had to, but now I have…’

Pete sat back on the large trestle table where I did my designs. He sat on a design I had been working on all week, that was the least of my problems now. He looked down at the floor and ran his fingers through his hair, pulling slightly at the sides.

‘How long have you known?’ Liam asked.

I couldn’t speak. Tears rolled and rolled down my face, my heart was shattering into a thousand pieces as I stood there. I had been so foolish, so selfish, so stupid.

‘I knew something was going on but tonight, I smelled it. You smelt of sex, Ali, and not how you and me smell. How stupid do you both think I am? I’m not fucking stupid. Caroline is, she’s too far up her own arse to notice her husband’s fucking my wife. I noticed. I’ve watched you both sneaking off when we’re out. I followed you one night. I saw you. Do you know how much it hurts to watch your wife and your best friend getting off with each other? To see those secret looks you give each other. I see how much you glow, Ali, when you’ve been together, you used to look like that with me, but not recently-’

‘Pete I still…’

‘You don’t, Ali. You radiate when Liam messages you. You talk about each other all the fucking time…’

A loud sob escaped me. I didn’t want to be crying right now but I couldn’t help it.

‘You know what, Liam, fuck my wife, let me watch. Go on, your cock’s barely soft, finish what you started…’ Pete started to raise his voice then brought it back down.

He wouldn’t want to wake the kids or the neighbours. Our world was crashing down around our ears and he was still my sensible, caring Pete, doing the right thing. Unlike me.

‘It turns you on doesn’t it?’ he was saying angrily to Liam, ‘Sneaking over here after she’s fucked me when my come’s still fresh inside her. That make your cock hard?’

Liam actually blushed.

‘Go on then,’ Pete directed, ‘maybe I’ll like it, you fuck her, then I’ll fuck her. Let’s have it all out in the open…’

‘I’m not going to fuck Alice,’ Liam said sharply.

‘Why not? You were fucking her when I tried opening the door, weren’t you? Your cock was still hard when I walked through the door.’

‘No, Pete. I know. We’ve been caught, in the middle of the act, red-handed. I don’t know what to say. There is nothing to say. We’ve been fooling around for years, we tried to stop it, we didn’t try soon enough. Believe it or not Pete today is the first time we’ve had sex. Honestly, the first time. We tried walking away from each other because neither of us wanted to do this, but we did want to do this, too much. I have fallen in love with your wife, Pete, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I don’t think she loves me, she loves you. She fancies me, I don’t think she feels as much for me as I do her. Right now, her heart is breaking for you, mine is breaking for her. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I’m sorry we got caught, I’m sorry we crossed this line, I’m sorry I’ve hurt you, you are my best friend and I’m a shit friend. I’m so fucking sorry.’

Pete turned to look at me, ‘Do you love him?’ he asked.

I sniffed, I looked at both of them, ‘I’m in love with you both,’ I blubbed. ‘I haven’t done any of this because I’ve stopped loving you, Pete, I haven’t. I love you so much. You don’t deserve this, I didn’t want to hurt you, I didn’t ever want you to find out because I didn’t want to lose you, but I had no self-control, I fell slowly for Liam. He’s telling the truth, today is the first time we’ve fucked. Things have happened so slowly, but we did fall in love and I have no excuses.’

‘I don’t want to hear excuses Ali, I want to hear what you’ve told me. If I didn’t love you so much, Ali, if I couldn’t read you inside and out, if I was as self-absorbed as you pair and all of our friends are, you’d have continued getting away with it. It’s easy isn’t it, a convenient little arrangement.’

‘That isn’t how it happened, it-’

‘I don’t want to hear it, Liam. Save your side for Caroline, I only want to talk to my wife. I think it’s time you fuck off back to your own house, your own bed, go lie in the bed you’ve made. Let me and Ali sort out the bed she’s made.’

‘Alice?’ Liam looked at me.

I nodded and hoped the silent message of ‘sorry and I do love you, I honestly do,’ was conveyed by my eyes because I couldn’t say it. This morning I had everything, today, now, I am facing ending up with nothing.

‘I have to ask, Pete, have you told Caroline? What am I walking home to?’

Pete laughed and shook his head, ‘I haven’t told her anything. That’s up to the two of you. I’m sorry your marriage is so shit she hasn’t noticed.’

Liam didn’t look relieved, ‘Thank you for not hurting my family. It’s more than I deserve. I am sorry, Pete, I truly am.’

‘I know you’re sorry you got caught, Liam, and before you’d got to come too. I’m glad I timed it right.’

‘Okay, I guess I should go, Alice, you okay?’

‘I’m not okay, Liam, but you need to go home. I’ll call you. We’ll talk, again.’ I glanced at Pete as I said the words, he was looking at the floor. I tried again to convey how I felt with a solitary look. I could tell Liam was trying to do the same. He grabbed his t-shirt and shoes and walked out of my office.

I knew that wasn’t our goodbye, but we’d have to have a goodbye and that hurt. It hurt so much.

‘I’ve made such a fucking mess, Pete, I am so desperately sorry. I can’t begin to try and explain why I don’t know why I barely know how it happened. He’s right, I feel heartbroken. I am so sorry I’ve hurt you. I didn’t want to hurt you. I honestly, and Zak and Lilly please let’s try and put them first. I know I haven’t, I’ve put me first but please, don’t make me hurt my kids.’ Tears overflowed from my eyes again and the last few words could just be made out through my sobs.

I realised I was still standing naked in my office. I suddenly felt very cold. Potentially it was the shock hitting me more than the temperature.

Pete had just stared at me as I spoke an unreadable look on his face. He sighed. He picked up my dressing gown off the floor.

‘Come here,’ he said.

I walked tentatively toward him. As I reached him, he held out my dressing gown, I turned and fed my arms through the sleeves. He hung it on my shoulders and I pulled it tight around me.

His arms slid around my waist and he pulled me into his body. He lightly kissed the top of my head and he hugged me. I felt momentary relief from my self-inflicted pain.

‘I love you so much, I want to forgive you, but I don’t know how to start to. I don’t know how we can ever be the same now and I don’t know how we can be different.’

‘Do we talk? Do you need space? What can I do, Pete, I’ll do anything?’

‘Let’s go inside, I need a drink. I thought I was going to want to shout and scream at you both, but I don’t. I feel numb. Let’s go and talk, work out what we do, what’s best for the four of us, right now. We need to work out how the morning works, we need to know how we make some normal for our kids while we are the opposite of normal. Why did you do this to us, Ali, why? I thought we were solid?’

I watched my husband choke back tears because he was being strong, he was holding this together.

‘I don’t deserve you,’ I said.

He nodded.




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When we returned from Aunt Susan’s, in late August of 1978, we arrived at a house that hadn’t been lived in for almost three months. Our neighbors checked on things for us and watered Mom’s plants, and we had a service to mow the lawn, but other than that, the house sat dormant. So Erin and I, Mom and Dad, engaged in several whirlwind days of cleaning, shopping, and dealing with mundane things. I suppose the routine was what I needed, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I missed Susan more in those...

2 years ago
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Lustful ViceChapter 32

The ride to Zaria’s dorm is riddled with stories of combat, fallen comrades, victories snatched from the jaws of defeat and lots of other gems of football lore. Zaria intently listens to it all or at least she tries. But mostly, she continues to look over her catch. Nice chest, strong arms, strong legs. She is looking at, what she is convinced is, a younger version of her father. He’ll do. Upon reaching her dorm, she asks, “Would you like to come up, Danny?” “Sure, if we can just find a...

2 years ago
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Sexy Louise the Naughty Boy Part 2

Anyway, As I reached the top of the stairs to my flat I noticed a young Pakistani boy on his knees having a look through my letterbox. "Hey!! Can I help you mate?!" I shouted at the boy, He immediately stood up and turned around with a guilty look upon his face, he looked a bit taken aback and clearly wasn't used to talking to attractive blonde woman like myself, "uh uh, um Ahmed wanted me to um put this through your letterbox" he stuttered and held out a small note. "Are you a friend...

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Bethanys Dumbass Friends

I don't want to give out my real name, so for the sake of this story call me Bethany Smith. Way, way back when I was in kindergarten, I met three girls who were to be my closest friends all the way through my childhood, High School, College and eventually the workplace. I had no way of knowing this at the time, however, but all three of them would grow up to become the most monumentally stupid, clumsy, accident prone morons the world had ever seen. I was the leader of the group, I suppose,...

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Prisoner in his Harem Ch 03

In part 1 and 2 of this story we come to know Sheikh Fouad who rules a traditional 1001 nights meet Silicon Valley Emirate between the sea and the desert. He discovers a bombplot against his children and those of other dignitaries. The bomb is handed to the assassin by a Western woman who teaches at the local university and is known for her fierce equal rights attitude. Instead of giving her the required death sentence he offers her an alternative as a slave in his harem. ***** The Sheikh...

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Staceys DaydreamsChapter 2

It was Stacey's most vivid daydream yet. Leo's cock was right there. She felt it. She tasted it. It was incredibly hard and slick, with her own juices on it, as she sucked it clean. She found herself finishing the climax with a clear vibrator, and she came in reality as well as her dream. She naturally found it a disappointment when she realized that her break was a minute over and she had to make sure that her boss didn't catch her slacking off. Her sweaty skin and the smell of her cunt...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 37

Cathy had followed William and Billy in her Jeep to the farm. She wanted to leave it there while they went home for their other things and pick up Billy;s new truck. That way it would be out of the way, and they could use it to get around after they had emptied the truck. Billy's shoulder was as good as new, but they would go see the doctor and have him look at it to make sure it was okay. Billy wanted to get started fixing it the way he wanted it.She went into the house and took off her coat,...

1 year ago
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CuckHunter Selena Lust Big Tits Latina Selena Lust Wants Cuckold Experiment

Selena Lust has been looking at cuckold porn recently online and the thought of doing it herself while her husband watches has turned her on so much. So she brings it up with her husband and surprisingly he’s totally in for it. He even knows a good neighbor with a big dick that would be perfect for the fun. Selena gets so wet feeling that big black cock deep inside her while her husband caresses her hair and makes sure she’s comfortable. This will definitely be a hang out session...

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NewSensations Destiny Cruz Destiny Craves More BBC Good Time Trouble

When married friends Destiny and Jon got back to her hotel room, cock-hungry Latina wife Destiny was already heated up and craving Jon’s big black cock really bad. But Jon had to step back and say he was not looking for any trouble. Bad slutty girl Destiny promised there would be no trouble to be had for a little more fun with his bbc down her throat and balls deep up inside her dripping wet married pussy until he would spray his thick cum across her belly! Destiny reminds Jon her pussy...

2 years ago
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Lotus And The Flame Part Three

The following day, Anderson handed Farida the mock-up weekend retreat letter. Farida slipped it into her bag. That evening she showed it to Naeem and, thankfully, he didn’t question it. How could he when he had always encouraged and supported her Islamic studies? All Farida could think about was that, hopefully, the upcoming weekend would finally satisfy whatever Anderson wanted from her, and she could seal the arrangement as quickly as possible. On Anderson's part, once he had handed the...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 02

Lois Tillman’s life was in turmoil. She was married, but growing more and more dissatisfied with her husband. Every day brought her closer to the courage to take steps to end her marriage. But that wasn’t her only source of distress. During the previous summer, she’d begun a forbidden affair with one of her students and, in a weird set of circumstances, that affair led her into an affair with the new assistant principal at the school where she taught – a female assistant principal. Then, while...

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My New Normal

Just a quick warning before we begin: this story is a commission, and will contain themes and fetishes that you may not like. These include incest, futa on male/futa on female, soft vore, cumplay, and general erotic horror themes. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy My New Normal. My movements were slow and careful as I made the bed. My body still ached from the night before, but I knew I had to get moving. Sunlight was peeking through the curtains: it looked like it was going to be a...

3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 22

The Artucian were amazed at the blue glowing vortex that engulfed the ship. All three of them stared all googly eyed at the sight of it, at a total loss for words. They stood rooted to the spot, until Natalya waved her hand in front of their faces, startling them. The three of them blinked many times over before any of them responded. “Um ... Natalya, was it?” Tahral asked. “Yes, it is. The first time seeing hyperspace is always amazing,” she snickered. “Hyperspace? You mean where the ship...

4 years ago
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Offering Old Lover my Daughter

Short, quick, impulsive, and straight from the heart, but more important, using the right words to capture the moment.I started my Summer employment in real estate, 'With your looks and body you could sell anything'. Initially I was offended, but as there were big rewards for making good sales, I could see where he was coming from, so yes I acted as if I was a prude to the idea, but deep down her touched a raw nerve that made me feel wet as I thought about being alone with some handsome hunk...

2 years ago
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Castaway ExplorerChapter 18

I dreamed that I was with my Uncle Stephen on a space ship. He was taking me home from the Academy through a highly traveled jump point, marked with a navigational buoy. A ship couldn't open a hyperspace gateway just anywhere. The right conditions to fold space required a strange emptiness that allowed an interstellar drive to break the veil. Uncle Stephen had come to me in a fold-capable craft, the most sophisticated vessel in the clan's fleet. The prototype explorer class ship could break...

1 year ago
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Two sisters meet for the first time

I’m looking for a guy who likes to fuck from the backside. my asshole is perfect for a pounding. Come onand give me a good hard beating. Please help if you can!if you Real Then Contact Me Now :www.miamalkova.websiteI'm sitting here at my desk at work, when someone walks through the door behind me. I turn around and see this gorgeously hot woman standing there. I know she's not a member of the gym I work at, so I spring up from my chair to help her. With a smile on my face, I rush over to help...

4 years ago
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The Futa next door

You have lived in the same l cul de sacyour entire life. It's not a bad place to life, very much a part of suburban America. It's just not very exciting. You live in a large White House that looks the same as all the others on the street, probably a ploy by the developer to keep costs down. Every day you see the same boring neighbors, have the same boring routine, go to the same boring cook outs, BBQs and with the same people every holiday and weekend. God you wish something interesting would...

2 years ago
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A Lesson in Respect

***** "What do you mean you got arrested?" my girlfriend, Ashley, demanded into her cell phone. I glanced up as she entered the living room of our apartment, curious as to what had happened. I had a good hunch who she was talking to but for now I just turned the TV down and listened. "What the hell, Amber!" Ashley said, clearly pissed off. "Disorderly conduct? What, did you get drunk again and go yelling and cursing in public? I can't keep bailing you out every time you get...

3 years ago
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Cousin Sister Ke Saath Maze Kiye

Hello guys mera naam akash h mai bhubneshwar(odisha) ka rehne wala hu meri email id() mera age 24 h with fair and cute looks meri height 6 ft h aur gaym jaane ke wajah se meri physic achi h jo ki jyadatar ladkiyo ko bohot pasand h aur is story mai jo ladki h uska naam shweta h age 21 aur fig 34 28 34 h aur bohot jyada sexy h. Jab se uski jawani ayi h tab se hi mere mind aur sapno mai uske liye kuch jyada hi sexy thought aate h najane kitne baar hilayenge honge maine uske baare mai soch kar aur...

2 years ago
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Cherry chapter 2

I was feeling pretty good about my life as I went home; reliving the day in my head.  I couldn’t get Cherry out of my mind and it wasn’t even all about the incredible blow job she’d just given me.  There was a real connection with her and I just enjoyed being with her.  I wasn’t sure if it was love or not; it was still too early to know that for sure, but I knew I really liked her a lot. I was pulling up in front of my apartment when I realized I couldn’t remember a single detail about the...

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Home Invasion part 1

He walked up to his home like he did at the end of every work day at 6:30pm.  He pulled out his keys.  Inserted the key into the lock.  Took a deep breath, and turned the lock.  He waited for the k**s to come running up screaming, "DADDY'S HOME"!  Silence.  He said hello, but no one answered.  Strange he thought.  He poked his head back out the door to see if his wife's car was outside in the driveway.  It was.  He turned back around only to catch a glimpse of something black and shiny that...

4 years ago
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Silent Abby

It started completely by accident. I was walking from the garage through the kitchen and on my way to the bathroom and as I passed by my older sister Abby who happened to be bent over moving her clothes from the washer and into the dryer, for no reason at all and with no premeditation, I smacked her big ass. However, my hand didn't land on either cheek; it landed almost perfectly in the middle. Abby emitted an 'Ooof' and as she was straightening up quickly, she bumped the back of her...

3 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 8

Agent 1 was preparing himself for the last 'recruitment' test of those four naked suspects. He hoped it would give him an insight in how well those girls were trained. He thought that if some of them would be an agent of that terrorist organization, those girls would also have been given some combat training. He decided on just wearing his camouflage pants and a vest this time, without his insignias, so he wouldn't give away that he was part of the Rescue 2 team. However, he had asked...

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"I shouldn't be here," I tell myself. Standing outside the bar, garish neon lights blinking slowly in my face, I shiver and almost leave. It's loud inside; people are laughing and a blare of music tries to drown everyone out. I'm standing about fifteen feet away by a dead lamp post. Watching a somewhat steady stream of people in and out, in various states of dress. Various types. Nice, casual, punk, grimy. All kinds. I had just turned 21. I'm going. Fuck my parents. Fuck the Church and fuck...

First Time
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A Day In The Life Of Morgan MacKenna

18-year-old Morgan MacKenna had discovered her talent only one year ago. She'd heard the taunts from her classmates even before they made them. She'd been terrified about it but, somehow, her mother had coaxed what had happened out of her and explained that far back into antiquity the women in her family had had mystical powers which developed in late puberty. Her mother had worked with her for the last year to increase those powers, but even she could not realise the skill Morgan had developed...

Mind Control
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Peter Parker in a world of Dc and Marvel sluts pt 2 Gwen stacy

Peter could not believe his eyes as he traveled throughout the suicide sector slums the next day. Everywhere he turned, there was a female superhero he knew dressed like a 2$ whore or an old girlfriend on a street corner looking like a slut who was just begging for cock. He had been careful not to be seen by them but knew that by the time Starfire made her rounds, the whole female population of the slums would know he was there and what huge cockmeat he was packing. Seeing the actual...

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Summer at the Sea Ch 07

A note to my readers: I’m very sorry that this story sat neglected for so long and I’m going to try and remedy that in the next few weeks and see if I can’t work out a proper ending. I had this chapter nearly finished for a LONG time and due to some (very) negative feedback, I figured it wasn’t worth going any further. Many thanks to the few people who, in the past few months, have left me very kind feedback asking me to finish. I’ll try my best to do just that for you. * ‘I heard you in the...

4 years ago
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Caught In The Act

“Hi, honey. Listen, I’m calling to let you know I’m going to have to work late tonight. The boss wants me to get this project wrapped up so the client can review it tomorrow when they fly in for the meeting. I’m not sure when I’ll be home. I’ll grab a bite to eat here at the office. So have a good night, and I’ll get home when I can. Hopefully, before you go to bed, but we’ll see…”That was the message he left on the answering machine. Julie was in the laundry room doing another of the seemingly...

2 years ago
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My Son My Daughter Chapter 3

MY SON/MY DAUGHTER Chapter 3 A year later, we moved back into our old house, and started a new life. Robert was being too possessive and jealous of Janis, and my mother Betty and their strong will to engage in lesbian sex. I was still learning to become a lady, but my lust for sexual escapades still burned strong in my loins, and prevented me from any lady like life style. Also, Janice seemed to enjoy even more her desire for dominating both men, transgender's, and other females. My...

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Penny's Promiscious "Pony" Ridebyslitlicker69©My daughter was driving me nuts. All during high school we couldn't get her to wear a dress, even if we paid her. It always had to be blue jeans. But not just any blue jeans, mind you, no, they had to have huge gaping holes in the knees and patches on the backside as if her mom and I were too poor to buy her real clothes. Then, all of a sudden after she hit 18 she started wearing skirts, but not the conservative, respectable knee-length or longer...

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There and BackChapter 145 Barrier to Entry

All of our forces had lined up in ranks, five across, in front of the opening leading further underground. There weren’t as many as I’d hoped, between the injuries and those left to guard our rear. The soldiers themselves seemed tense, as though their numbers were weighing on their minds as well. We’d been subjected to hours of stress punctuated by periods of intense combat; though the Wardens faced the worst of the fighting, it had to be affecting the soldiers, many of whom were probably...

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Dot the conclusion

I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to my great grandfather. You have already perused the first four sections of the missive; here is the conclusion. I felt it might hold special interest for you. By now we know that the consumptive young girl known as Dorothea died sometime around 1850 and was replaced by a street urchin, Dick Osgood, who had become her friend and, through a tortuous series of events, had also become her...

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The Long Bus Ride Home

You hate taking the bus home this late. It's not so much the long stretches of waiting for the actual bus to arrive that test the very limit of your patience, but it's the seedy night life of winos, junkies, and party people taking the bus at this time of night. Those people tend to break down any sort of peace and quiet that can be found when riding a near empty bus, a peace and quiet that you could find yourself reading a book without any outside interference, or fantasize about being...

1 year ago
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The Dressing Room

Lisa loved wearing a short, tight dress that accentuated her firm body. Her full breasts and large nipples protruded from underneath the flimsy material and her long legs were sinfully exposed. She loved to tease. Her long, raven black hair and violet eyes alone cold reduce a man to shivers. But when she dressed like this… no one stood a chance. She headed for the department store. It was late so few people would be around but she knew there would be a guy around that could please her. In the...

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Bigboy 7 Candy meets Bigboy

Over the next few weeks we became good friends.. She always greeted me with a big smiling hello and brought me my usual coffee.. When she wasn't busy she would stand by my booth and chat with me, Even at times sitting with me.. One day while we were chatting I said "Look Candy you appear to be Very young just how old are you?" She kind of laughed and said "Yes I get that a lot but I'm actually 18" "Wow no way" so she went to her purse and brought her ID to prove it and sure enough she...

2 years ago
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Fucking just for fun

As it turns out, Jackson’s stepdad had a sawmill and worked hauling logs. Over that summer, he had put Jackson to work for him and it really made a difference. When he came back to school at the beginning of eleventh grade, well, he was hot. Thick black hair, broad shoulders, tan, and tall. He wasn’t from the richest family, but then again, neither was I. It was only natural that I would be immediately attracted to this formerly chubby hunk. But sometime during the end of the last year, he...

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Fuck Buddy

I’d only been driving my husband’s new car to the mall for kicks really; while my Ford was being serviced. But it was that old mistake of parking alongside a post; then forgetting it was there when pulling away. The sound of the car’s offside grinding against the steel post had filled me with dread. ‘Oh Christ! I had wrecked Richard’s big new car!’ Taking his new car out for a spin had been an act of rebellion; but it had back-fired on me and Richard did not fall into the hen-pecked hubby...

3 years ago
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Divine Appointments

***** Divine Appointments What little courage I had and desperately embraced was ripped from me and teasingly floated beyond my grasp. Other than my 4-year-old daughter, Pearl, my meager fortitude was all I had to push me to survive and live. In a splintering moment, it had vanished. I fought all that was heaped upon me these past few years, and now a minor occurrence would cause my final defeat. A shattered ax handle destroyed everything and seemingly wrote the final chapter for me and my...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 70 A Lot to Be Thankful For Part I

November 1984, Chicago, Illinois The week before Thanksgiving flew by, both at work and at school. By Friday, Sensei Jim was satisfied that I was ready to rejoin the class, which I would do on Saturday morning. I arranged with Wen, George, and Jorge that I’d pick them up just before lunch on Saturday. Sofia had told me that both of her friends would be at the house on Friday evening, but would spend the first night in the guest rooms because Elyse and Kara weren’t leaving until Saturday...

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Reunion for the Ages

There is nothing quite like a woman who knows how to make a reunion worth the time apart. Whether it’s been a few days…a few months…or even a year…a woman who can make every return special is one worth hanging on to. I got lucky enough to find a woman like that. It had been almost three years since we had last seen each other. I had spent a year in Korea, six months in Colorado, and a year in Iraq. We were in training together in South Carolina. And even though we really didn’t have much time...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 28 Sweet Home Chicago

August 1982, Chicago, Illinois The drive between Milford and Chicago was becoming almost automatic for me — I’d stop the same places, eat the same thing, and fill up with gas at the same Amoco station. I made my usual good time and pulled up in front of the apartment building just before 6:00pm Chicago time. I got my mail from the mailbox, opened the apartment, then carried all my stuff in from the car. I moved the car from the loading zone to a parking spot, then walked to Theo’s. I...

1 year ago
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Massaging Mom

My name is Josh, and i'm 15 and heres my story about my first fuck with mom. I must confess that I have always fantasized about my mother. Freud says that we all do, but with me, it was more overt than normal, I think. She generally has always stayed in great shape by running and exercising, and has a great body naturally. I would often see her come home from exercising, wearing short shorts and a t-shirt, and wonder what she was like in bed, and frequently had masturbation fantasies about her....

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underwear housemate

Underwear HousemateWill woke up to the smell of French Toast wafting up from the kitchendownstairs. He had slept in and spent longer than he intended to withBen from the night before. All that intense fucking again and againhad left him ravished, and he hoped he could score a delicious bite tofill him up for the drive home. Hoping to tempt Ben into sharing hisbreakfast, Will only dressed in his tight black jocks before headingdown."Morning, sleeping beauty." Ben cheerfully greeted him as he...

1 year ago
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Kinkiest Sex

This story goes eight years back when I had just complied my graduation and joined my father’s business. At that time I was not married and naturally was having deep interest in sex like any boy of my age. Before beginning my story I think I have to start with my background. I belong to a conservative family in Gujarat where talking about even friendship with girl was seen as taboo. I studied in a boys’ school. Then went to Ahmedabad for further studies. There I had a complete freedom to make...

3 years ago
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Macks ProgressChapter 10

As Lindsey had suggested there would be, there was a welcoming committee waiting for us at the Wherry. The riverside lights were on and a couple of the lads were waiting on the riverbank, ready to take the launch in hand and moor her securely for us. And, of course, to be the first at the Wherry to congratulate us on our engagement. There was a party atmosphere for the rest of the evening with lots of hugs and kisses and congratulations for Lindsey and me from all of our regulars and their...

1 year ago
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Sex with China lady Sex with condom becomes great sex without condom

i had the wonderful opportunity very similar to my earlier story in wuhan. i was in dongguan, china and visited a massage parlour. i like young masseaus, especially inexperienced ones. a young lady in early twenties served me. it was only her first week of work in this industry. i offered to tutored her how to give sensual/sexual massage. she obliged and i started to work my hands on her body freely. she was faced down and my hands worked on her back, buttocks. soon, i moved into the inner...

3 years ago
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My dad had been killed in an industrial accident at the Greensboro textile plant when I was thirteen and in the seventh grade. We were living in a nice, comfortable house on Walnut Street at the time of his death. The loss of my dad was not a financial burden, since the accidental death benefits ensured that my mother and I would not be destitute. However, although his death had been very difficult for me, it was devastating for my mom. At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite...

2 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 18

Wednesday, June 5, 3089, 10:40 am Pacing away from the platform, Gudrun missed the gate’s arrival--also, Rebecca carefully stepping through on her crutches. Reaching the far end of her course, she turned back, cried out and tripped over her feet. She stared at Rebecca wide-eyed, angry and flustered. Rebecca laughed softly. “I brought you a gift.” In her left hand, the brooch translated her words into Birdsong. To Rebecca’s surprise, Gudrun made a quick sign of the cross and backed away two...

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