Love s MastersChapter 6 Holiday Revelations
- 4 years ago
- 34
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“Where’s Yren?” Ardt asked, carefully balancing a long sword with its tip softly marring the kitchen floor and its hilt angled against the wall’s corner. He knelt and placed a smaller knife next to it similarly, then rose and took off his dirty, scorched leather smock. He hung it on a peg next to another, smaller leather smock. Ardt’s apron had turned almost black with use, lines of scorch marks criss-crossing the heavy leather covering. The smaller smock was still mostly brown though it was beginning to turn as dark as Ardt’s. It had fewer of the tell-tale burn marks.
The walls and floor, while neat and clean, had seen better days. The floor was smooth and worn in the center from years of use, while the outer edges, near many walls, were scratched and pitted from Ardt balancing his work precariously. The white-washed walls had scratches and grooves where hilts and handles had lain and often slipped, clattering to the floor.
Elva had given up chastising Ardt about the effect balancing swords, maces, hammers, pots and pans had on the floors and walls years ago; she realized he did it without any real thought likely just emulating his father and his father’s father and the rest of his ancestors throughout history. Now, once a season, she just had the man re-plaster and re-paint the walls. She’d likely have to talk to him about new floors soon, as well.
“He’s bathing with Issa,” Elva smiled, kneading some dough on the wooden counter. Elva chuckled at the incongruity of the wooden counter in a metalsmith’s home. She wondered if a metal counter would be worth the trouble, then shrugged it away as needlessly expensive. As she looked at her scratched and pitted cutting board hanging on a nearby wall, she did wonder what a metal cutting board would be like, however.
“Is that wise?” Ardt asked, rolling his shoulders. He twisted first to his left and then right. There was a large, muffled cracking sound from Ardt’s back and he sighed in satisfaction. “He’s getting older.”
“He’s just turned nine today and she’s just seven,” Elva laughed as she added a bit more flour to the dough; it was still sticking slightly to the counter. “They’re still too young for that sort of thing, though I’ve oft seen the wheel’s turning in your daughter’s pretty, little head.”
“Oh?” Ardt asked, blinking his eyes as he caught up to the conversation. He frowned for a moment and then shrugged; his wife seemed to have this in hand – but he was concerned. He didn’t begrudge Yren and Issa time together – Issa could certainly do far worse than her adopted brother – but it seemed to him things shouldn’t really progress for at least a few years yet. “She seems young for it. Is he aware of her intentions?”
“He’s a boy,” Elva replied, rolling her eyes. “Of course not.” She stopped kneading and turned to her husband, a dangerous set to her face. “And don’t you go telling tales to him, either. Issa will let him know of their future when the time is right. Until then, he should remain clueless – like every other male. I swear you lot would not know to come out of the rain if it weren’t for women chiding you.”
“Getting a little wet never harmed anyone,” Ardt’s shrugged. His eyebrows, however, raised nearly into his hairline. “Has it gone that far already?”
“Not yet,” Elva shook her head as she turned back to her kneading. She bit her lip a moment and decided the dough was punched down enough. She picked it up and placed it back in the wooden bowl, covering it with a linen cloth and moving it to sit on a stand off to one side of the fire. Bread making was an art she’d spent seasons mastering. She’d been lucky that Arn Clerin had brewed fresh ale last night; the froth from his vat would make light, soft bread.
Ardt grunted, sitting himself down on the stool. “It might not be too late for her to change plans, then.”
Elva turned from the bowl of bread, looking at her husband anxiously. “Why? What’s wrong?”
“It’s hard to explain, exactly,” he said slowly. Finally, he came to a decision and stood back up. He walked to the sword he’d stood by the door to his forge and picked it up.
“Here,” he said when he’d rejoined his wife. “Hold this.”
Elva looked at the sword and then up at her husband archly. She made no move to take the sword. “I’ll not be lifting that heavy thing.”
Ardt looked down at the sword and then back to his wife. He had the decency to look abashed. He returned to the wall and leaned the sword against it, picking up the smaller knife instead. “Fine. Then take the knife.”
Frowning, Elva took the blade. It felt wrong in her hand; like it was too light on the blade or too heavy in the hilt. She looked down at it; most blades gleamed in silver while others were shiny and black. This one was neither. The blade was shiny enough but it was a deep blue instead of silver or black.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“You feel it, d’ya?” Ardt nodded. “It’s weighted wrong. The haft is too heavy or the blade is too light. It’s sharp enough so it will cut vegetables or meat – or skin, should it come to that – but it’s unbalanced and almost unusable to a fighting man. All of Yren’s blades turn out the same – knives, swords and such. Even his hammers and maces are off. I’ve tried to explain it to him but he just can’t seem to understand how weapons should feel.”
“Why is it blue?” She asked.
“I have no idea!” Ardt replied in exasperation, throwing his hands up. “I’ve watched him while he’s working. There’s no cause for it. He is a bit too quick to the oil and he works the metal a wee bit longer than I would – but it shouldn’t affect the color. How did he redden those steel roses we sold to the Earl for three Gilden? How did he color their stems green? I watched him while he did it – oh, not the whole time but for much of it. He was using scrap metal on it so I paid him little mind – it’s good for a smith to re-work scrap; it’s a cheap way to learn the craft. Yet, the colors were true when he was finished – and for the life of me, I can’t understand how. When I ask him, he just said he worked it until it was the color he wanted. The color he wanted! You can turn steel red by adding impurities but I’ve never heard of turning new steel green.”
Ardt slumped into his stool. “I tell you true, Elva, the boy has the makings of a master smith. In my prime I could not have crafted such realistic roses. He takes to his lessons like he’s meant for it and he’s never made the same mistake twice – until now. I asked him how he could make such beautiful roses but couldn’t find the balance for a simple blade and he told me that he could look at a rose and feel it; he could understand what it was. He said he couldn’t really feel the blades; he said he didn’t understand their true purpose.”
“That’s the answer, then,” Elva smiled, beginning to clean up the countertop. She reached for the venison she’d pulled from the house cellar a short while before.
Ardt waited for more but his wife’s smile turned impish as she started cutting the meat – with the imbalanced knife. Ardt noted the blade’s edge in satisfaction; it certainly was sharp enough and could serve as a cutting tool – but it was sloppy work to leave a blade unbalanced. Sloppy work or bad work.
He pursed his lips wondering if it’d be worth it to wait his wife out. He knew eventually she’d near explode with the idea she was withholding from him. He hated when she knew an answer but wouldn’t share it immediately. She always waited for him to come out and ask her for it.
“Love, if you see a solution to this problem then just share it,” Ardt sighed, his eyes rising to the ceiling. “I’ve gone over and over it. I’ve worked with him for the past two months on making different blades so he’d know how they looked and felt – it has been no use. In times of relative peace such as this, not knowing how to craft a weapon is fine – but war eventually comes. If he can’t learn this, I’m afraid he’ll never make even a mediocre smith.”
Elva shook her head. “He can’t understand the feel of a blade because he’s never had cause to use one. He’s a boy so I’m sure he’s played with wooden sticks, using them as a sword or cudgel, but the feel of a stick is not the feel of steel – you’ve told me that often enough.”
“That’s the problem,” he said. “I don’t see the solution. I’ve tried to show him some swordcraft but I’m afraid I know none; I’ve never been more than a blacksmith. What I do know of swordcraft is what I’ve learned on my own – I’m not sure how to teach that.”
“You can’t,” Elva chuckled. “So, you send him to one who can.”
“You want to send him away?”
“Men!” Elva shook her head, imploring the gods in the sky – or at least, her ceiling. “And they wonder why we have to lead them along by the nose.” She turned her face to her husband, her voice taking on the tone of a teacher instructing a slow student. “Is there perhaps someone near who might know swordcraft?”
“Well, there’s Sir Givens he...”
“And what does Sir Givens do, pray tell?” Elva interrupted her husband. Ardt, however, was beginning to smile in understanding.
“He teaches...”
“Exactly,” Elva laughed triumphantly. “Work out a deal with Sir Givens – give him a discount on his next sword or practice sword or whatever. In return, have him teach the boy swords and shields – whatever Sir Givens can teach him – two nights a week. Use a Gilden or two Yren brought in for those steel roses if need be. Yren will learn the proper use of a sword which should aid him in crafting them, Sir Givens gets some coin – one way or the other – and you get an apprentice who can forge swords. Everyone wins.”
Ardt got up off his stool and approached his wife. “Have I mentioned to you how beautiful you are when you’re schooling me?”
Elva snuggled in as Ardt wrapped his arms around her, tilting her head up for a kiss. The two melded for a time, their lips pressed together and their tongues lightly dueling. Finally, after some minutes, Elva pulled back. “Save some for this evening, my strong man. For now, why don’t you head over to Sir Givens and see about Yren’s schooling; I’d like him to be well established before Issa decides to take him to hand.”
“The water’s getting cold,” Issa said. Her long, blonde hair streamed down her face, matted against the sides from a thorough washing. Her soft, sky-blue eyes watched her companion – but she was always watching him. He never noticed – or, at least, he never seemed to notice. Her mom had told the girl that was the way of boys – and even men. On some things, like smithing, they could know a great deal but when it came to females they were lost. Her mother had laughed and called it a necessary advantage.
“That’s what happens when water sits out over-long,” Yren said with a smile. He kept his thick, black hair short, like Ardt. The smith had told him they could pull his hair back if Yren wanted to grow his hair long but long hair was dangerous around a smithy. Yren had opted for shorter hair of just a few inches, slightly longer than Ardt kept his.
His words irritated Issa. She hated it when he reminded her of how young she was. “I know standing water cools, Yren. I’m not some child!”
“I didn’t mean it that way,” Yren objected.
“What way did you mean it then?” Issa pouted. “I mean, if not in the ‘she’s just some stupid little girl who wouldn’t know that standing water cools’ way?”
“I didn’t mean it any way,” Yren back-pedaled. “I was just teasing; that’s all! I’m sorry!”
Issa shook her head. “No. I’m sorry, Yren. Really, I’m just tired of being treated like a little girl. I’m seven. I’m not a little girl. Momma says I’m becoming a woman.”
“I mean no offense but you are a little girl still,” Yren couldn’t help but say. He shifted uncomfortably. “Whatever you’re becoming, you’re not there yet.”
“I know,” Issa groaned. “It’s still not fair to remind me!”
Once again, Yren’s hand absently went to the pouch at his neck. He fingered it as he sat, soaking in the water. For whatever reason, the bag never seemed to get wet. He wondered about it almost as much as he wondered about his parents’ rings. Gelbin’s note had called them special and when he looked at them he sometimes thought he could see a pattern hovering in the air in front of them – but it was always elusive and most of the time he felt he was just imagining things.
He sighed as he sat. The water was cooling but still he soaked. He was done with his bath but, as was customary, he waited for Issa to finish.
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Score after seven events is Syndy fifty- five, Wren fifty- three, Tam forty-eight, Kacy forty-six, Amy forty-one, and Brit forty. We all walked to the sand course after lunch. “This next event in the Weighted Pussy Pull or Race if you will, for this event, you’ll have the Ben Wa Balls back in your pussies and have the beads in you butts. I’ll put a crotch rope on each of you which’ll go around your waist twice then tie a bowline knot in it. There’ll be two tails on the rope ten feet long...
The beginning of the Christmas Holidays lightened everyone's mood a little. The successful execution of the plan to have Sasha and Millie picked up after Marvin's extraction helped boost everyone's confidence that the bigger project had a chance of success. The one depressing item was Admiral Grayson's refusal to even consider leaving Earth. Toby, Jake and Janet had gone ahead with the original plan and submitted applications for graduate study to the Dean of Admissions at MIT. They were...
I don’t know what possessed me that night, but I found myself standing outside my sister’s bedroom door at three in the morning. I hadn’t been able to sleep all night, even though I had masturbated twice already. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.I guess it was because of earlier that day, at the pool at our aunt and uncle’s house. I had never seen her in a bikini before, and she was wearing this tight little black string number, with small triangles covering her nipples and surprisingly very...
Incesthusband and wife used in St MartinHusband and wife used in St Martin combined storyMy wife and I just got back from a vacation in St martin at nudist resort on the beach one day when the cruise ships were in we were lounging on the beach when a well-built light skinned black man came up to my wife while she was sitting reading her book he was standing right next to her his soft cock was right in here face I thought it must be 8 inches. I thought she would look away but she actually stared at it...
When the final threesome teed off early Sunday afternoon, there was a nice crowd of club members and Bloomfield locals making up the gallery. Maybe Tiger Woods had more fans watching him play, but for these young women, the numbers were pretty impressive. One of the three who had started the day at six under for the tournament, a tall, thin, timid-looking young woman named Sarah Montgomery, apparently was suffering severe stage fright. For her, the first hole was a nightmare. She finished...
They fell quiet as I lay silent, naked, gross and all slimy-hopeless. Finally, slowly, I got up. “OH my GAWD.” I dry heaved doubling over and fell to my knees. I just avoided their eyes and was so embarrassed, mortified. I muttered “OW-w-w - ow, oh, ow.” I knew I was way outclassed for strength and what a stupid thing for me to try. If I’d had a tail you know where it would have been. I sobbed. And I did have a tail. I didn’t even realize I was carrying that hose around still hanging out of...
All characters in this story are over twenty one except the baby. Morton Franks was out for his Sunday walk. He liked the peace and quiet of the neighborhood on Sunday. His route took him around the park and then down Oak Street. He was a mile from his house when he saw the smoke. The smoke was coming from a small house set back off the road. As he approached a woman came screaming out of the front door followed by a blast of smoke and flame. ‘My baby! My baby!’ she screamed, ‘I can’t find my...
My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...
TabooLauren came back to her apartment on Thursday night. She found Vanessa, wearing her sleeping tee, cuddling with Jimmy in the couch. Jimmy was topless and was wearing Vanessa's pajama boxer. They were apparently taking a break from their lovable activity. The TV was showing a Knicks game. They greeted Lauren. "Why so late?" Jimmy asked her. "I'm taking up additional hours," Lauren said. "Half time?" "Beginning forth quarter," Jimmy said, smiling. "And I'm waiting for a...
The week with Dale and Eddie in Birmingham was filled with many different kinds of feelings for me. First, it was busy. There was so much to do, and it seemed like every waking moment had multiple claims on it for my attention, It was fun too. In spite of her earlier misgivings, Cindy, Dale, Eddie and I spent most of our evenings out, eating in one restaurant or another. We got some looks, and turned some heads, but, for the most part, we were all lost in ourselves anyway. We paid very...
I’d often come online to watch porn and look at photos of big bouncy tits. I couldn’t get enough and know I was becoming obsessed with them. I’d sit in my office chair and stare at the woman who sat opposite me. She used to wear the most figure hugging tops imaginable. When it got a little chilly her nipples would stand so hard I had to stop myself from reaching over and stroking them. This desire to touch, caress and suck on some gorgeous nipples was becoming too much. I decided I had to put...
It is when I visited the relatives my mom went to visit the ‘Vintage’ Part 2. That family was only of four people, my uncle, aunt, and one male and female cousin. The male cousin was also of the same age as the cousin in the first.I went there with my aunt Pammi after ‘Doctor Date’. They all came back leaving my other cousin, mom and me. The house was away from the village surrounded by fields. There was a ‘chubara’, a room on the roof. I immediately selected that place for myself telling...
Welcome to the 5th installment Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. To date: John Smith had an injection of testosterone that was contaminated. This caused major changes in his reproductive system that ultimately means he needs frequent sex to survive. His wife, Linda fell ill and they recruited their neighbour Sophia to help with his treatment. Linda discovers she loves seeing John with other women. Linda managed to persuade John’s specialist doctor to get his semen...
That night my lovely hubby was watching a movie at the dining room and I was upstairs getting ready for bed. I was really tired after a long and stressing day at my office.I had stripped of and then put a long t-shirt to cover my body.All of a sudden, I heard and insistent ringing of the doorbell. I went out of our bedroom and saw Victor was moving from his seat. He opened the door slightly to see who was there and immediately he found himself thrown back into the room as a man pushed his way...
In first four parts you read that how kusum tasted lund of all three sons and posed as randi to her sasur. Then her friend mala took her to a tailor where mala has been visiting for over 15 years since she was 14 and kusum also gave measurement for blouse and petticoat. Now read what happened there after: routine remained same for next three days. In day time sasur fondled her and in night kusum fucked by husband and two sons one after another. Sasur fucked her again on friday after lunch and...
IncestDelbert's New Name ? by: Mariko If ever there was a boy who hated his name, it was Delbert Alvin Dedrick. He'd hated his name with a passion ever since he could remember, and he dreamed of someday having a new, much better name. Mother, why did you name me Delbert?" the boy asked constantly. It was your grandfather's name," his mother always replied, "and I've always liked it." This answer did not satisfy Delbert at all, but it was the only answer he was ever given. Delbert...
After that awesome night with Nat and Molly things changed very little, at first. My 17 year old stepdaughter did not discuss it, and I was not going to push my luck. However, Nat did begin to be more of a tease around the house. In a subtle fashion, she would give me little smirks, rub against me in passing, and displayed more laxity in what she wore. She often would wear a tee shirt with no bra that had her tiny tittie’s nipples poking out. Under her tee shirt, she now wore only panties and...
TabooUNCLE J. That old saying “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juices.” has been a motto that my Uncle James has lived by for years. My Uncle J, as we call him and his new Jamaican wife had only been married a few months when I came to live with them. It started that first night when I caught my Uncle J staring at my boobs. It was very clear that my uncle liked young girls; young pretty black girls. My dad and his step brother was never really close, as a matter of fact they barely knew...
Hi guys nick here from delhi age 25, I am tall and a bit chubby.This story is part real and part fiction/fantasy of mine.This story takes place when I was 23 years old I have always dreamt of being a bottom and getting fucked by a dominating top but never had the courage to meet a guy in real but would love to talk to chat with them have cam sessions as well as phone sex. I always liked to get dirty with my guys while talking to them like I was their own slut and they could use me in any way...
Gay Male