Mel's Luck: Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 5: Road Trip free porn video

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Mel woke, uneasy, unhappy, and feeling less than assured of what the future held for him. But Tracy was there, still asleep, sprawled sideways, naked under the covers, and looking beautiful in this wild unkempt state. The only good thing was that she was still here, still with him, still going with him, and that counted for a lot. He also felt good about copping a plea when she called him on all his bullshit, on his being a controlling love junkie that she just couldn’t handle anymore. Looking down at her beauty, tracing her ear with a finger, he couldn’t fault himself for being so love struck. Not just for her beauty or for the incredible sex they had. He had known her for years, been entranced with her as she had grown into a woman. And now every day of the last two weeks he had learned even more about her, though sometimes more than he wanted. Still he loved her, wanted her, and would do his best to keep Tracy close without smothering her to death.

As Mel started coffee, packed things into the truck, and readied the house for their long weekend away, his mind kept slipping back to the long loving sexual romp he and Tracy had enjoyed that night before. Mel’s eyes glazed over with the memory, stopping in mid-motion, standing in a trance as his smile grew and his cock lengthened. He shook his head, pushed the wonders of the night aside, and promised himself that he would try to be honest, with himself and with Tracy. He knew he was just a puppy dog entranced with her beauty and charm, and he also had to recognize that he didn’t own her. Her escapades with Nick and who knows whom else riled him, confused him, but if he was going to keep her, he needed to control his temper, the way he expressed his needs, and his desire to control a woman he wanted to be only his.

That would be harder than it sounded. It was difficult for him to now know of her most recent travels around town with Nick, and Mel knew stuff about Nick that he couldn’t tell Tracy, at least not now. If he tried to explain Nick and his powers of manipulation to Tracy, Mel would just sound like a sore loser, a whiney little man. Better that he bide his time and prove to Tracy that of the two men, he was the more mature, the one more worthy of the trust she had in him and now was requesting that he give her.

It didn’t help of course that he really did want to settle down with Tracy. Fuck, marry, and have babies. Sounded good, but to a girl like Tracy that was just another form of prison. Nick was fun, brutal but free and fun, and for a girl not yet 20, that’s all you really wanted from life. He checked the clock, frowned, and slipped into the bedroom, down onto the bed and nuzzled Tracy, kissed her head and said, “Time to get up. We’ve got a long drive to the coast. Come on beautiful.” Tracy groaned and without opening her eyes said, “Damn it Mel. It’s Saturday. People sleep in on Saturday. What the hell good is a vacation if you can’t sleep in?” No truer words were ever spoken, yet within the hour they were in the truck and on the road. Traffic was light, the sun behind them and the horizon clear if cool. A perfect day for a drive.

Tracy was curled into her seat, sleeping, unaware of the miles traveled until she started awake, looked around, and asked where they were. “Still miles to go,” said Mel. He picked up a travel mug and held it out before her, saying, “Coffee? Don’t worry. I added lots of milk. Should still be warm though.” Tracy grunted and pulled the mug in, sipping and letting out a sigh of contentment as she surveyed the fields they were quickly passing by.

Out of nowhere she asked, “So why do you own a truck anyway?” Mel shrugged, saying that he just liked trucks. Tracy wouldn’t let it go, arguing “You don’t haul stuff or need it for work. Do you loan it out to people who need to use it? I mean, half of your space is empty and useless. What’s it all for?” Mel ground his teeth. Not because Tracy was bringing up what was a rational and reasonable question and argument, but because these words were straight from the mouth of Nick. Forget all the illusions of love. The new song popping into his head was Ramble On, and for all the evil of Mordor he had to smile and say nothing, just shrug and say, “Yeah, it’s just something some guys like. I like trucks and if anybody ever really needed to haul something, yeah, I’d be there for them.” Tracy then threw out a quick “Yeah, if all their music’s on CDs. Least you could do is loan them a truck with a USB port.” Mel smiled, patted the dashboard of his truck and said, “Pay no attention to the bad woman,” and let it pass.

He hoped that would be it, but Gollum remained, the tune running through his brain, an ear worm that drowned out the pleasant view of early morning in the valley. And then Tracy really opened his eyes when she said, “Like that stick shift of yours. Nobody drives a manual, usually men. That’s just one big dick to you, isn’t it? Masturbating yourself all the way down the road.” Mel almost laughed, looking over to make sure Tracy was just joking, her smiling eyes and upturned cheeks bringing some sense of peace back into the cab.

The intimate fun all flowed away again when she continued, “Did you even wash that thing after you had me fuck your truck? I bet it’s like my panties. You come out to lick and sniff and get off. Come on, admit it, you like it.” Mel again had to glance sideways, seeing her smile, feeling her hand on his as he needlessly held on to the rounded plastic knob of the stick. He felt it wise to say nothing more than “yeah, you got me,” just smiling and allowing her a point. But then she said, “Nick nearly shit himself when I told him what you made me do. He wanted me to demonstrate with the small end of a baseball bat but I told him to go screw himself. Once in a week is enough, even if I did wet myself. Good truck.” With this last short compliment to his truck Tracy patted the hand that he still had on the stick shift and pulled back, sipping her coffee and looking out at the scenery.

No way Mel could let it go. He knew he shouldn’t push it, but he had to bring it up. “Tracy, you told Nick about what we did in the truck? Seriously? That kind of stuff should be private, right?”

“Yeah, usually, but really, having me use your truck’s knob as a dildo? That’s some pretty weird shit Mel. I had to share that with somebody, and no way I could tell my mom. Right? Besides, I figured that given what you and Nick had shared in the past,” and with this she paused for effect, then going on and saying “then I figured some little story about your four wheeled dildo would be OK. Oh, and the time you reamed me up my ass. I don’t know how that came up. Nick laughed at that too. Said he always knew you were a back door man.”

Tracy said all of this as though she were talking about what her mother liked to eat for lunch, but Mel had to steady himself, that Led Zeppelin tune growing louder in his head, the road blurring slightly. He took a breath, looked over, and trying hard not to sound too worried or angry asked, “No, I take that as all pretty personal Tracy. What we do together is special, intimate, and while I could understand you talking this out with one of your girlfriends, laughing about it with Nick is weird. You know, like off limits.”

They went back and forth for a few minutes about this, about what women say to other women and what men never really bring up, and of course about what Mel didn’t want shared with Nick. He flushed but didn’t feel so much angry as betrayed, by both Tracy and Nick. Still, Mel tried to keep it steady, sound more intrigued than upset, and suddenly shot out, “OK, for the sake of sharing, what have you and Nick done? I can’t imagine him staying all missionary and vanilla. Anything weird you want to bring up?”

This shut up Tracy for a minute, her eyes narrowing, her mouth going into a frown, but she finally sat up and said, “I don’t know Mel. You take all of this really personal, right? Like it’s all about you and me and I really don’t want the stress. But OK, one thing did happen that I would normally tell nobody, not even a girlfriend. Some stuff especially not tell a girlfriend, but here it is.”

Tracy took her time in telling the story, with a lot of background information and descriptions and jumps to the side before returning to the main path, something that drove Mel crazy, but it came off like this. She had met Nick that previous Saturday at noon, driving her illegal wheels over to his apartment and then having him follow her over to his cheap but reliable mechanic and smog expert. After lunch they went back and the guy needed to do stuff, saying it wouldn’t be ready until Monday or Tuesday and yet pretty sure he could get it clear and legal by then.

Tracy would have just returned home, but Nick drove her over to a part of town where they could hang out, check out a tattoo shop (something she had been thinking of anyway) and then back to his place where they played a couple of his video games and he showed her how to make her own tortillas for an early dinner. They hung out, and at night just started bar hopping. (Mel here really wanted to bring up that she was supposed to be with him eating ribs, but he bit his tongue and let her continue).

She talked about the bars, the people, the types of drinks she tried (she was impressed at Nick’s knowledge of rum, though she couldn’t stand the stuff) and in one bar they met a good friend of his. He was there with his girlfriend, though the girlfriend turned out to have a husband, another side street we don’t need to go down. The guy was himself a bartender, schooled in the art of all things alcoholic, and he talked them into walking over to his condo just a few blocks away. Tracy says she couldn’t even remember how they got there and wouldn’t be able to find the place again, but did remember it was nice, with high ceilings and a great sound system. They didn’t do shots. They just sat around and tasted a bunch of different liqueurs, just a small sip of each, sweet and thick and with all sorts of different flavors. Her favorite was licorice, like black licorice. And this is where the story started to sear into Mel’s brain.

Tracy pulled her feet up on the truck seat and began a replay of what she remembers happening, sometimes going back to add a detail, but it came out like this. The bartender “Tim” and his girlfriend “Tina” were very nice, seemed really interested in Tracy, and Tracy felt very relaxed around them. Tracy and Tina also seemed to get along really well, like old friends with a past. While they were taking small sips of the different liqueurs, Tina suddenly tosses her sweater, opens her blouse, and dips her tit into a shot glass, covering just above her nipple and areola with the liqueur, and then presenting it to Tim who takes his time sucking the liquid off of her very wet nipple. Tracy was shocked, but then Tina does the same for Nick and he too sucks her off and tongues her dry, all with a little squeal from Tina.

Then Tina asked Tracy if she’d like to try, that is if she’d like to have a sip of Tina’s tits. Tracy claims she said no, but Tina suddenly dipped one tit into the glass with the licorice drink and pulled Tracy’s head in. Tracy just went with it, sucked it in, and for the first time in her life she kind of understood why men like to suck tits. Tina did it again with her other tit, this time with something that tasted like lemons, and as Tracy sucked her tit in, tasting the liqueur and feeling out the woman’s nipple with her tongue, she felt Tina unbuttoning her blouse.

Tracy had brought in a light coat but it was over in the corner and now all she had covering her top was a blouse and bra, and before she could pull back from Tina’s proffered chest, Tina had both of Tracy’s lightly covered breasts in hand. Without another pause Tina had her hands around Tracy, slipping off her blouse and unsnapping the bra at the back, bringing Tracy’s bare chest into the light. Tracy was initially embarrassed, putting her hands up in a quick show of modesty, but Tina then dropped her own blouse and bra to join Tracy’s on the floor, the men giving words of praise for the two pairs of womanly joy filling the room. Tina then started doing what Tracy called a nipple dance, where Tina stood and moved her chest back and forth, her nipples lightly colliding with and rubbing Tracy’s nipples. A little weird, but it made Tracy laugh and she repeated the motion, the two women high and happy and laughing while the guys just sat on the side and cheered them on.

Tina insisted that Tracy give the liqueur a try, that is dipping her nipple in a shot glass of choice and offering it up for taste. This is where Tracy told Mel that a couple of the liqueurs really made her nipples tingle, and that when you have a strange man like Tim bend down to suck on it and tongue the nipple, then it’s like fireworks. Mel was wise to keep his mouth shut. As Tracy put it, the two guys were obviously happy with everything going on, Nick enjoying the many tastes of Tina’s breasts while Tim seemed unable to get enough of Tracy. To keep everything even, the women had to do their own share of sucking, Tina being especially enthusiastic about tonguing Tracy’s nipples, but this is where it really got weird.

Tina decided that while Tracy’s tits were wonderful to suck on, it was really unfair that the guys had nothing to offer. And in an even voice Tina demanded that Tim haul his piece out and dip it in. Tracy started to laugh at the thought, but the guys did as Tina requested. Pants down to their knees, the two men sat up on barstools and poured drops of liquid over the heads of their cocks, both upright and rigid, and the girls bent down to take a sip and a suck before moving on to the next guy. Tracy remembers that both cocks were circumcised but that Tim’s had an especially big head, like a large round hood with a big edge that made it harder to really get her mouth around and suck on.

After a few different liqueurs and going back and forth between the two men, Tina again took the lead and added a new twist to the game. Tina suddenly hiked her dress up, dropped her panties, sat up on the stool, and poured a small shot of something into the blond patch of fuzz just above her slit. The liquid was free to run down into and within her labia, filling her slit before dripping down to the floor. The flood of alcohol caused Tina to swear, something like “Damn, that burns. Shit” and Tim was right there, his mouth pressed into her twat, kneeling on the wet floor and giving her some soothing tonguing to ease the sting. Tracy didn’t know what to do but Nick just told her to do the same.

Thing is Tracy was wearing pants, and in a daze Tracy remembers Nick helping her lose her pants and sit up on a stool, suddenly aware that she was entirely naked in front of the other three. She found herself with open legs and Nick kneeling before her, pouring something thick and brown into her bush. Now she understood. There was a bit of a burn, a slight tingling of liquid fire streaming through her slit. Not really bad, but certainly more of both the pleasure and the pain her nipples had endured. Of course Nick was there, taking her ass in hand and pulling her twat into his face, his tongue at first just licking up and down, his mouth sipping on the flowing liqueur. After a few seconds of that he quickly altered tactics and began doing a serious tonguing of Tracy’s clit. All of a sudden Tina was there, pushing Nick aside, pouring a shot of something else into Tracy’s bush, wrapping her arms and shoulders under Tracy’s thighs and pushing her face in to drink her fill.

She didn’t stop there. Like Nick, Tina continued tonguing and sipping, then sucking and nibbling on Tracy’s clit, the two men standing at her side and sucking in on Tracy’s tits while Tina spent a long while bringing Tracy to a climax. Tracy remembers this very well, it being the first time in her life that another woman had eaten her bush. Tracy was too drunk to be embarrassed or to do anything more than let the fun sexual play continue. As Tracy reminisced about Tina doing a job between her legs, she wondered out loud, that is to Mel, if maybe a woman knew something more than a man about how to tongue and finger a pussy, to bring Tracy to a fulfilling climax.

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Road Trip

Introduction: More adventures of my hot New Step sisters and New Huge Boob Step Mom More adventures of my hot New Step sisters and New Huge Boob Step MomRecap of previous Story - Went to prison for a year. Got out on parole. Went home to find my Dad got remarried. He is out of the country on business. My new Step Mom is super bodacious. Her two daughters turned out to be real big nymphos. They came home from private school. They put on a naughty fashion show. One thing lead to another and I end...

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The Road Trip

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is David and I am 19 years old. I’m 6 feet tall and 213 pounds with an 8 inch dick. Let me tell you about Sarah before the story begins she is 18 about 5 feet 4 inches tall with 34c breasts. This is the story of the road trip we took together to Indiana last summer. Sarah Suggested that we take a road trip before we went to our separate collages after the summer was up. After a few hours of arguing about where we should go we decided to go see...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 151 Road Trip

Molly told me that we weren’t driving directly home. Instead we were taking a road trip to the beach. She only told me that I needed to get to I-40 and take that to Wilmington, NC. We would be eating the food we had left over from the nudist camp. Our only stops would be when we stopped for bathroom breaks or gas. At least that was the plan. I don’t think I will ever get comfortable with the gawking I get whenever I get out of the Lotus at a rest area. Molly is doing surprisingly well...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

Things were getting pretty hectic around our house so we decided to take a road trip. We called our friends in Las Vegas and told them we were coming up to see them. We got our daughter to watch the house and feed the animals, got the car ready and we were off. About an hour on the road and already I was feeling horny. I took off my bra, pulled my shorts aside so he could see my now moist pussy. Slowly I started playing with myself. He was trying to keep his attention on the road but found it...

Group Sex
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New Neighbors Awaken Passions Volcano

"I wonder if they sold the house next door," Eileen said, half to herself. Seated at the breakfast table, she and I were enjoying that leisurely extra cup of coffee. Since it was Saturday, neither of us had to go to work. "There were some people looking at it when I came home from work last evening," I said. "Who knows, maybe we'll be lucky and get some nice neighbors. I wonder what they'll be like? " "I have no idea, "I said. "But, it will be nice, to have neighbors again." At...

2 years ago
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The Road Trip

The Road Trip By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! I grip the steering wheel tightly as mile after mile on the dark, mid- night highway disappear under the wheels of the passenger van that I am driving through the emptier parts of the American Midwest. We are on the road trip to a vacation house in a secluded location, and the rest of the...

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Pitching A Tent Road Trip

As I sat in my apartment with my bag packed up and ready to go, I tried to stay positive about the weekend ahead."It'll be just as fun as it always is," I kept telling myself. But the message rang hollow. It didn't seem like that was going to be possible.The trip I had packed for was the annual McCormick boys camping excursion, and it was typically something I looked forward to every year. At its inception, it started as a family thing. All four of us — mom; dad; my brother, George; and myself...

Love Stories
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Hamper Hound 3 A Summer Road Trip

The remainder of my 3rd year of colleges seemed to drag on. The first few weeks after Christmas vacation were the roughest. It was the time of year when winter becomes depressing, grey skies, cold weather and snow playing a major factor. My mind was occupied not only by a heavier course load that semester, but also by Alena. I missed not only being in that big-ass, cozy bed with her, but also the excitement of our risky sexual adventures. I'd call her weekly from the pay-phone down the hall...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 7 Night At The Casino

Lunch was simple, a family diner on the water, tables with a good view of a small harbor. They both went for a burger and fries, though Mel downed his with a beer while Tracy stuck with a hot tea to ward off the ocean’s chill. Mel was happy to relax in the middle of a rambling conversation, talking about nothing, shying away from all of the serious and X-rated stories that had made up much of their ride in from the valley. He discussed his favorite bands, most from decades past, possibly what...

2 years ago
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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 13 Sometimes Your Friends Arenrsquot

The good news was that the DA’s office quietly pushed Nick’s file into the back of the cabinet. Not into the garbage, he still needed a lawyer and a chunk of money to argue his assault and public disturbance case, but he came to appear as more trouble than he was worth and the DA decided to drop it. Even better news was that Sid, the apparent victim, was arrested and couldn’t come close to making bail. Seems that as the police ran in to save him and his friends from the terror that was Nick,...

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By Oediplex Watching the folks do it. How I got to make it with mom. You can cum too! For all sons and mothers who ever thought about committing incest with their parent or child, this piece of erotic writing is produced to make you cum. We all need a cum. To that end . . May your every fantasy take flight! Oediplex 8==3~ Home is where the hard-on is raised Ever since I turned eighteen I had been listening to my parents make love. Each evening when they retired, I...

2 years ago
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Road Trip

A business trip from TN to FL was in order, and Steve invited Jim and Max, and of course, his Jeannie, for the 3 day weekend trip to central FL. The drive is about 10 hours so the group got on the road early. They took the truck, an F150 4 door, and headed south. After a stop for breakfast and bathroom, they got back on the road. Jeannie wore a revealing black top, low cut, with the top of her big breasts exposed. She wore a red skirt cut above the knee. Jeannie sat in front right, Max and Jim...

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Mr Luckys Bad Luck

I don't know, either I'm the luckiest or unluckiest guy on earth. Sometimes I get lucky and things seem to be going my way. At other times, I find myself in odd and compromising situations. Most people think it's my fault. They say I'm careless. Okay, they could be right, but from my point of view, these things just happen like in the song, "everything happens to me." My first memory of stumbling into an embarrassing situation was when I was in kindergarten. My teacher's name was Mrs....

Straight Sex
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A Fresh StartChapter 31 Road Trip

It was our last date of the semester. Finals were over and most of us had already taken off. I was sticking around for another week before heading out. I definitely wasn’t heading back to the old homestead! Before he went home, Joe Bradley and I boxed up all our shit and drove it over to Kegs. It had taken us several trips, but our boxes were now all moved in. I would be in the room before he was, so I told him I would sort it out at some point. It was a last date in several ways. Marilyn...

3 years ago
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Kitten 13 Road Trip

Kitten, 13, Road Trip By: Malissa Madison, aka, Bernice The ringing of the phone woke me from my sound sleep. Rolling over I looked past Samantha to the clock beside the bed. It was Two AM, who in the hell could be calling me at this time of morning? "Erika, we need to talk," said Vet my foreman out at the farm. "Can it wait until daylight?" "I'm afraid not." I heard strange noises in the background. "Where are you?" I began pulling on clothes as quickly as I could. "I'm...

2 years ago
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Road trip

Co-written with the delectable Sweet as CandyRed tipped fingers danced on the steering wheel in time to the heavy base, pounding from the speakers, as the wind whipped blonde ringlets into Lyra's mouth. With a grin, she scooped her hair into a messy ponytail at the base of her head. It was a small price to pay to have the roof down, she thought. Impatiently Lyra gunned the engine, and as she watched the lights shift from red to green, she peeled away with a squeal of tyres and a delighted...

1 year ago
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Road Tripping

Once upon a time in happened that I was dating a girl named Chrissie. Let me tell youfrom the start guys and gals, Chrissie was a hot little number who was hotfor cock. Specifically, she was hot for my cock and had been since she'dfound out how good I was from the other girls.And how big I was.She did everything within her power to get a piece of me.I thought right from the first that she was a hottie. And I couldpretty much tell right from the beginning that she was clearly...

4 years ago
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Public Masturbation on a road trip

My wife Donna and I have been married for quite a few years and we are as physically fit as we were in high school and she is a petite lady that can still get into a size two, Donna has butt length auburn hair and the cat green eyes to go along with that red hair, her breasts are high and firm and we both love to indulge in all forms of physical intimacy with each other. Now then, with all of that said, please allow me to share a true story with you that started out as a ‘well,...

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Naughty Road Trip

My name is Kathy and I've been a swinger and shared wife for many years. I'm married to a wonderful guy named Dave that encourages me to play as much as I like. Recently a buddy of Dave's named Rick asked Dave if he would like to keep him company while he drives down to his place in Florida and they could share the driving. Dave didn't have time to go due to other commitments but suggested that I go and keep Rick company. I thought it was a great idea since I've never driven to Florida before....

2 years ago
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Rick and Andy go on a road trip

Andy picks me up at 8 am, just as planned. I load my stuff in the back of his 1970 dodge van and jump in the shot gun position. Andy asks me to show him that I am ready, i smile at my hunk boyfriend and pull up my skirt to show him my lace panties and thigh high stockings. I lean in for a kiss and he pulls away. once on the highway he gives me that look, the look that says i should be devouring his cock, a look I beg for and always succumb to. I get on my knees , flip his shorts down and start...

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Tammy Takes A Road Trip

One evening the three of us, over dinner, decide to take a road trip to no where but just waste a day. We agree to leave Saturday around noon, and we'll flip a coin to see what direction to travel. Saturday morning I tell you that what I want you to wear. I've selected a mini skirt, a tight, button up cashmere sweater and a pair of heels. "I want you to button up the sweater just high enough to keep your tits from slipping out from under the sweater but no more. I want everyone to see your...

1 year ago
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The Road Trip

Cindy and I had decided that we needed to get away for a little bit so I took a week off work and we took off on a road trip. We're lucky that we can do it since our kids are grown and we're "empty nesters". Our road trips are usually pretty much unplanned–we both like to do things spontaneously. Cindy's a lot more spontaneous than I am but you'll see that in a bit. As usual, we left the house on Monday morning and, also as usual, didn't decide what direction we were going to go...

3 years ago
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Hot Threesome On Road Trip

After doctor Bandhan opened up the world of proper incest for me and my mom Soma, needless to say we fucked each other day and night. All day in class I would think about how mom would take off my clothes once I reach home..and how she will take a shower with me.. Mom was also extremely happy about what was happening. She wanted to do anything to please her darling son, so even if I’m just watching tv, she will come and sit next to me and at least play with my cock. She never refuses to suck...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

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Candy Striper

Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...

2 years ago
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The Road Trip

Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration with my friend Hayes. Richard I opened my eyes, wondering, for a few moments, where the hell I was. Buffalo. Well, I guess somebody has to be in Buffalo. I swung my legs out of the hotel bed and sat on the edge for a few moments. I don’t smoke anymore, but the urge still comes over me in the mornings, especially mornings when I wake up in a city that I don’t really want to be visiting. I inched myself down onto the floor and did the first few...

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The Road Trip

“Oh Jolene, pull the car over. I hear a strange noise coming from the engine.” Sarah put her hand on Jolene’s forearm gently, but firmly. She didn’t want to scare her friend off the road, but it was the perfect spot to have her stop. She needed Jolene to sense urgency, but not panic.As Jolene slowed the car and pulled off to the side of the road, Sarah smiled to herself. The initial seed of doubt about the car had grown into full concern. Jolene would completely believe there was something...

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Road Trip

Road TripI just wrote this story and I would love all the comments you would like to leave for me.My family was driving across country to see my mom's side of the family....My dad was driving and my sister was sitting next to him up front. We had a big van with a bed in back. Mom was sleeping facing the front of the van and I was behind her. I suddenly felt her hand rubbing on my cock. Maybe she thought it was dad behind her at first. I don't know for sure. Then she pulled it out of my shorts...

3 years ago
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Road Trip

“Why? Does he have to ride with us?” I was almost screaming. “This was suppose to be a trip to the Painted Desert for just us!” Carrie replied, “Because he bought a car in Holbrook, and needs a ride out there!” “Then he can catch a bus, or a plane!” I stated loudly. “But he is gonna pay his way! And he would be good company for us!” Carrie argued. “But you use to fuck him like, What Everyday? No! He needs to get his own ride to Holbrook!” I continued to complain. “That was a long time ago,...

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