Romantic Getaway
- 3 years ago
- 38
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Jim Bronson's eyes opened on a new world and a new life. For starters, he was not in his own bed. He was in JJ's bed. He could feel JJ's naked body pressed against his side with one of her legs draped across his thighs, just below his soft cock. Jim was not a bad looking man and waking up in women's beds wasn't that unusual but this was completely different. Yes, he could feel her naked breasts pressed against him with her soft nipples resting comfortably against him. Yes he could feel how her pussy, opened because of her position with one leg draped over him as it pressed against his leg. He could even feel how some of the combination of pussy juice and cum from the previous evening had dried on his leg and provided kind of a glue that caused them to be stuck together. What made this different; what made it a new life in a new world was how he could feel her inside.
Jim could see and feel her thoughts and dreams as she slowly spiraled towards conscious thought. He could see and feel the love and contentment in those dreams but a determination too. JJ was determined even in her dreams to protect him and her daughters. Jim smiled to himself as he thought of a mother lion protecting her cubs. He could read the images in her mind the day before too but this was orders of magnitude different. Previous images of her had a distinct 'I' in the image and the two were clearly viewed as separate entities. Now he viewed her as part of that proverbial 'I' rather than a separate entity.
Jim and JJ had made love. Anytime a man and woman make love it is a joining of sorts of the body and spirit. The night before had been a true joining of mind, body, and soul with the help of the passenger Jim had picked up in his mind at an alien space ship crash site. JJ's daughters had been touching them at the time of that joining so had been included, unintentionally, in a bonding that was unique in the universe. Al, Jim's name for the alien that had lodged in his mind, had existed for millennia and had never heard of something like this happening. Al didn't know if it was something unique because of the uniqueness of the human species or because of another unknown factor that he hadn't considered.
There were several consequences of that four way bonding.
Al found himself so deeply implanted into Jim's mind, that he did think he would ever be able to extract himself from Jim to move to another host. The alien could see his death coming after millennia of life. Granted his death could be several hundred years in the future. Al could 'optimize' Jim's body so it would last longer and work better but a few hundred years were nothing to a being that had watched planetary systems form out of dust clouds, bear life, and finally fall into the sun.
Al thought he had been splintered when Jim and JJ had climaxed, and a portion of the alien had been left in the minds of JJ and her daughters. To Al it had been a form of procreation which had never happened to his species. Jim, through Al, was aware of those pieces in the minds of the three females the same as he was aware of his hands and feet. Jim marveled at the difference between his feelings before joining with Al and after. Jim had never been aware of how alone he had been, how he now knew all men felt alone. He understood now how humans were entities forever separated in their minds from other humans, always alone. He wasn't alone any longer. He could feel the acceptance of JJ and her daughters, even in their sleep.
Through Jim, Al's abilities had expanded and now, he had abilities of his own. Al had had many hosts throughout the millennia of his existence but had only been able to expand and use his host's native abilities. He wasn't sure how or what but Al could sense a different potential within himself. Jim could feel or sense people and their intentions from farther away now as one manifestation of Al's increased abilities. It would be good to know about danger before you got up close and personal, especially with government goons watching and chasing you.
The joining of the four of them had influenced the two girls. Both girls were virgins. Moreover, they had never had anything in their little pussies except their own fingers and their fingers had never passed their hymens. Despite that, both of them now knew exactly what it felt like to have a man inside their little pussies and what a man's hot cum felt like shooting into them. They had felt it as if it were physically happening to them when JJ rode Jim to a mind-shattering climax that all four of them had shared the night before.
This sharing of the minds did have one minor issue: no secrets. Jim found out that JJ had been instructed by General Branch to 'keep a close eye on him, ' which JJ had enjoyed completely. Could General Branch have had something different in mind with his instructions? JJ had found out that Jim had played with her 14-year-old daughter's tits before he had met JJ. Jim was Kim's ancient history teacher at high school. He taught ancient history to freshmen and natural history to juniors and seniors. Kim was getting a D in Jim's class and needed a C to stay out of trouble at home. Jim raised her grade to a C in return for letting him play with her little cone shaped tits. Jim and JJ had both learned that Kim had planned the whole thing by purposefully missing questions on a few assignments because she had a crush on Jim. She had wanted to do more but letting him play with her tits was all she had the nerve to do. JJ had just called Jim a horny old goat and fucked him again, slowly the second time, with her daughters still cuddled naked against his side.
JJ and the girls had asked Jim about how they were able to talk to each other in their heads. Jim had explained to them about the alien that he had agreed to help at the crash site. One of the problems, or advantages, of this mental communication was you could not lie or dissemble so he had to tell them everything. Of course, when he agreed to help the alien he didn't know that he would gain a permanent passenger in his head. JJ was concerned at first. She was a doctor and didn't know what the impact of an Alien infection would be. Al had joined the conversation at that point to protest.
Al stated emphatically that he was not an infection. If anything, in human understanding, he was an intelligent, parasitic entity that has enhanced his host's ability to survive and succeed for millennia. Al explained again to all of them that he had splintered in some way in the procreation ritual that humans seem to enjoy so much. The girls didn't understand the reference to procreation ritual until JJ thought 'fucking'. The girls did understand that word. Al explained that the splintering had left him permanently embedded in Jim's mind and pieces of his essence were now in JJ and each of her daughters, which was why they could converse in their minds. You could hear the wonder in Al's thoughts as he explained that a splintering like this had never happened before and he compared it again to procreation.
Blake's only comment was 'cool'. Kim was more concerned because every teenager has secrets. JJ was even more concerned. How would this change her life? How would it change her girls' lives? Jim told her how Al had changed him and how he expected to live hundreds of years. He explained how his thoughts were so clear and focused. Jim also explained that neither he nor Al was sure about how the splinters of the alien that had remained in the females would mature. Al was sure JJ and her daughters had not been harmed by the presence of his offspring. Jim could hear the pride in Al's thoughts as he referred to the splinters as his offspring. Al could sense the juvenile entities and the rapidly developing focus toward enhancing their hosts. Al assured them all that he would monitor and counsel his offspring.
Jim could feel the other parts of himself in the other bedrooms as he let his consciousness expand. Fourteen-year-old Kim and thirteen-year-old Blake were asleep in their own beds and they felt as close to Jim as JJ did pressed against his side. JJ had sent them to bed with loud, vocal, scolding for spying on her the night before. There had been threats of grounding for life, no allowance until they had grey hair and daily beatings until they graduated from college. The girls had responded with their own loud, vocal protests that they would never do it again and please don't ground them for life.
All of the noisy shouting was for the benefit of General Branch's men that were listening. Jim had explained about the listeners from General Branch, mentally. Meanwhile, during all the shouting and threats, the two girls were mentally teasing their mom about the hard cock she was still sitting on. Al had claimed that keeping Jim's appendage hard was as simple as maintaining an electrical signal to keep the blood flowing to that area of the body. Jim had stayed hard through four hard cum's the night before. Who needs that little blue pill Jim had thought. At Kim's mental urging, JJ had raised her hips about half way up his cock so the 14 year old could at least see what a cock looked like and felt like, in person. Jim thought it was beyond erotic when she absently licked her fingers clean of the mixture of his cum and her mom's juices after fondling his cock for a few moments. Blake had to check this new toy since her big sister did so JJ raised her hips again. Blake actually massaged Jim's cock, just a few times up and down. Jim almost blew another load at the feel of the small hand jacking him while he was still in her mother's pussy. Blake stopped, giggling softly, and then begging loudly for her mom not to spank her for the benefit of the listeners. Blake knew what she was doing to Jim. She could feel his approaching orgasm as easily as her mom and Jim could. They were connected in a way that no humans had ever been connected before.
Chapter 22JJ stirred against Jim's side and murmured, "You are a horny old goat, and I love you."
Jim had to smile as he felt JJ's nipples harden and her leg slide up his to brush across his semi-hard cock.
"I think there is someone here hornier than I am," Jim smiling replied in his mind as he hugged the naked doctor against his side. "And I love you too but we can't start this now because we have too many things to take care of today. If we start like this, I will be here all day. We have got to get started." Aloud he murmured, "I love you too but we should not start this again because we need to go to work."
Jim could still feel the listeners on the street outside. He knew they could hear them because he felt their attention sharpen at JJ's murmured comment.
"They can hear us," Jim thought to JJ.
"How do you... , " JJ's thoughts started when Jim showed her how he had opened himself to the thoughts of the listeners through Al. "I can feel them, I can feel something different in my head that lets me feel them," she thought in wonder.
Aloud JJ said, "How about just a quickie? We can always call in late."
"Yeah Jim, " suddenly popped into both their heads from Kim. "I want to feel that again."
"Please Jim, " Blake joined in pleadingly.
Jim and JJ could feel both girls, now fully awake, gently rubbing their fingers in their wet little slits. They could feel the sparse covering of hair around Kim's pussy and the bald lips of Blake's pussy. The erotic jolt of pleasure as Kim's wet fingers grazed her hard clit brought a groan of passion from both the adults that was immediately followed by another jolt of pleasure from Blake as her fingers gently squeezed her clit that left JJ panting in need and Jim's cock hard as a rock.
JJ was panting and begging Jim to fuck her as she pulled him on top of her. There was nothing slow and easy about this lovemaking. Jim was balls deep in JJ in one thrust. That feeling of his cock head parting the folds of her pussy was wonderful as always. The added excitement of feeling the eroticism JJ felt during her penetration heightened. JJ felt her pussy open forcefully as Jim's hard cock filled her pussy. JJ could also feel when Jim's cock head nudged against her cervix and could feel Jim's crinkly pubic hairs mash and scrape across her sensitive clit sending massive spears of pleasure blasting through her body. Both girls could feel the same thing, which heightened their pleasure sending the four of them in a rapidly ascending spiral of ecstasy.
Kim peaked first in that release of tension that some call the little death. Jim could feel Kim's body suddenly clamp down on the fingers of one hand that she had shoved in her pussy while the other hand strummed her clit. Blake quickly followed her as the 13 year old franticly rubbed her pussy and clit with one hand while the other squeezed her little sensitive nipples. Jim could feel her little pussy convulse and release the moisture of her cum and was surprised at the way she was shooting. Blake was a squirter! JJ immediately followed Blake. Jim could hear her panting, "Oh, Oh, Oh," but her mind was saying, "Oh my babies, Oh my babies" as she joined her daughters in a strong climax. The combination of feeling of the three female's cumming drove Jim over the edge and he started shooting spurt after spurt of hot cum into JJ's milking pussy.
Their breathing slowed and their bodies relaxed against each other JJ hugged Jim to her, loving the feeling of his body on her and in her.
Jim slipped an arm under JJ and, holding her against him, rolled them over so JJ was on top of him. Their bodies were slick with sweat and JJ smiled down at him.
"I love you," she said softly.
"I love you too," Jim murmured just as softly.
"I do too, " they heard from Kim and Blake simultaneously, almost languidly.
"Two little kittens, " Jim thought to Kim and Blake with a smile and enfolding warmth. Somehow, JJ's thoughts entwined with his as he enfolded the two girls. "I/WE love you too".
Chapter 23Jim was suddenly aware of the two listeners on the street outside. They both had their cocks out beating off to the sounds of Jim and JJ's lovemaking. Jim felt a flare of anger. "Al, help me here," and he lashed out at the two.
The minds of JJ, her daughters and the 4 alien intelligences integrated tightly with Jim's mind. The sum of the parts seemed to form a synergy that was more than the four separate minds, and Jim was leading the thrust.
Jim pushed something into the minds of the watchers. He wasn't sure what he did but his anger was white hot. He pushed both men's lust higher and in an unexpected direction before pulling back and watching with his mind. Jim and his three women watched in amazement as the big strong men turned on each other and started ripping each other's clothes off. The four watchers kept the light contact with the two minds as the larger of the men forced the other man, now naked, onto his knees. Jim fueled the rising lust in the two as the hard cock of the larger man found the opening of the ass hole of the smaller and found a purchase for the tip of the head of his larger than normal cock.
"Damn," JJ thought as she pulled the size of the cock from the larger man's mind. The large man was proud of his cock and measured it regularly. It was eleven inches long and nearly three and a half inches in girth.
"I'm glad you aren't that big," Kim said to Jim. "I don't think it would be as much fun the first time you fuck me."
JJ didn't comment on the assumption that Jim would be fucking her daughters. Jim could feel the acceptance in her as if it was a fact that just hadn't happened yet, but wasn't of any great consequence. He could feel her anger flaring as hot as his own at the men outside of her home.
"I'm glad Jim isn't that big either honey but this guy isn't going to be that big when I am through with him," JJ replied with cold fury to her daughter. Then the woman lying on top of Jim with his cock still in her pussy somehow requested control of the link that connected her family to the two men in the van.
Jim watched in amazement and a little fear at JJ's vicious attack on the two men. He could see the determination to protect her family and Jim was a part of that family in her mind. The image popped into his mind of a mother lion protecting her cubs again. He got the peripheral thought from JJ of, "You're damn right about that."
First, she fired the lust of the larger man to new heights. Jim could feel the way the large man's oversized cock pushed against the small opening of the man kneeling in front of him. Then JJ pulled all the lust from the smaller man like a heat pump pulling heat from a stream of water and replaced the emotion with horror at what was happening to him. When she was sure the smaller man would derive no pleasure from the anal rape, she drove the larger man forward, sinking the oversized cock into the virgin ass hole of the smaller man in one thrust. The smaller man screamed in shock and pain and franticly tried to get away, hands and feet scrabbling on the floor of the van. The larger man had a firm grasp on his hips and he pulled the smaller man's ass hole back on him. In his frantic efforts, the smaller man's hand fell on a belt knife under the clothes that had been scattered as the two of them had ripped each other's clothes off. The larger man was as proud of that knife as he was of his cock and he kept it razor sharp. He had bragged about the knife in the barracks and had even demonstrated that he could shave with the weapon a few times. The smaller man fumbled for the knife through tear filled eyes as the larger man continued fucking his ass. The smaller man could feel it swell even larger in his ass and he sensed the large man was getting ready to cum in his ass. He whimpered as he drew the knife from its sheath after freeing in from the tangle of clothes. He could feel the large man's first shot of cum up his ass as he reached back between his legs with the knife. It was right after the second shot of cum that the smaller man sliced through the cock buried in his ass.
It was just before the razor sharp weapon touched the cock of the large man that JJ, after a final push on both of them, pulled the combined force of their wills back so there was only a tenuous contact to the two men. It was just enough to know the two men were still there but they didn't need the mind contact to know what had happened. The four of them could hear the screams from the street in front of their house.
JJ slowly sat up on Jim as they looked at each other with awe and a little fear. The girls walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed. The four family members sat there stunned by what had just happened. Both young girls had tears in their eyes as they looked at their mom.
"I, we together, we made them do something against their wills, " Al said in all their minds. "This is a new thing. We can cloud another's mind to protect our host but we can't force another to do something against their will. This is a new thing and I don't know if it is good."
Jim could feel the stirring of fledgling entities that he felt were so much a part of him in the three females. The presence that was part of JJ voiced/thought independently for the first time with, "They were a danger. I will not tolerate a threat to our family."
Agreement with the sentiment was echoed by JJ, both girls, and their entities.
"I agree," Jim thought, "but we aren't ready to take action. Now we have to do something because General Branch isn't going to accept that two of his men went off the deep end and we aren't ready to take action. We may have 48 hours before they pick me up but I doubt it."
JJ nodded as she pulled herself off Jim's still hard cock with a pop. Blake looked at his hard cock speculatively and Kim said, "I thought that thing is supposed to get soft after you are through."
"Al did something to my electrical system that keeps it hard as long as I want," Jim replied mentally. Turning his attention to Al he said,"Can you turn my cock off and can you sense the electronics they were using to listen to us?"
Jim could feel Al's questing focus on the van as his cock slowly softened. JJ and her entity joined his focus and the four of them, two humans and two aliens, touched on the electronics in the van. Jim was amazed that they were able to follow the circuit paths and figure out how the two men screaming and thrashing on the floor had listened to them. They had used a tiny laser that they could focus on a window, picking up the vibrations of any sound in the room. Sound would hit the glass and be picked up by the laser as movement in the glass. It was on the same principle as a range finder any golfer could buy, but much more sensitive. Instead of measuring distance in feet, it could measure distance in nanometers as the glass vibrated with sound from inside. The laser focused on JJ's bedroom window and he could see how recordings of the sounds in the room were made. Jim tweaked the smaller man's mind so he pulled himself up against the counter, the deflated bloody end of a cock still embedded in his ass, and 'inadvertently' hit the laser so it pointed to the house next door. One elbow of the small man landed on the recorder controls that caused it to record over the tape, recording everything from wherever the antenna was now pointed.
Aloud Jim said, "Honey, that was wonderful but I really need to get going. Let's go down to get some coffee and breakfast." Silently he said, "We need to be careful. We don't know if they put in any listening devices that we didn't detect. We need to act like they are listening even though we got this one off of us."
JJ said, "Ummm. It was wonderful. Thank you dear. I haven't had an eye opener like that in a real long time but I need to get moving too. I will wake the girls. The coffee is on a timer and should be ready if you want to go down and pour us a cup while I get the girls."
The four of them moved, the young girls stealthy, out of JJ's bedroom after JJ and Jim got dressed. Jim and JJ continued non-important small talk. They mentioned someone yelling in the street and JJ said she was surprised because it was such a quiet neighborhood. Jim went downstairs first while JJ and the girls made the appropriate noises in the girl's room. The laser trained on JJ's window was no longer there, but they had decided to play it safe and act as if everything was normal just in case there was something they hadn't detected. Throughout it, all four of them stayed connected mentally, planning what to do next.
First, they needed a vehicle. Jim had to turn in the rental car and get another. Jim didn't think it would be wise to go to the government offices to file the paperwork for reimbursement. It would be too easy for them to pick him up for any trumped up reason and once he was in the government's custody anything could happen to him. Jim would set an appointment at the government offices for tomorrow or the day after. Maybe that would entice General Branch to wait until he was at the government offices to pick him up. That would give Jim some time with his small family to prepare. They would combine finances to have enough money without the government reimbursement. He would need to get a car but they decided he would just get something for show so whoever started watching them next would see what they expected. Jim would try to find his gangbanger friend to see if he could get another vehicle that would be more appropriate to their needs without the government's knowledge.
The sirens in front of the house drew all of them to the front porch. All the neighbors were on the front lawns or front porches too so it would have been out of the ordinary for JJ and her girls not to go out too. There were two police cars and an ambulance pulled up next to the large van. Two stretchers were loaded into the ambulance and one was completely covered.
"He must have bled out, " JJ thought to them dispassionately.
The police were talking to an older man, one of JJ's neighbors and taking down information. "He must have been the one that called 911," Jim thought.
One of JJ's neighbors, a woman in her late 20's, walked over to JJ. Her housedress loosely tied and her bare legs flashed through the folds. Some thin filmy fabric showed through the gap at the top of the thin robe that also showed the tops of some nice breasts that moved gently as she walked.
"Hi JJ," the neighbor said as she walked up. "Do you know what's happening?" she asked as she eyed Jim speculatively.
"Nope," JJ said. "I thought I heard some yelling earlier but was, ah, busy so I didn't come out until I heard the sirens."
"She is curious. Should I make her jealous?" JJ thought to Jim.
He could feel her smiling in her mind as she pretended focus on the happenings in the street. "You are terrible," he thought back smiling slightly as he watched the police and ambulance, "Whatever you want."
"Oh, excuse me Bess. This is Jim Bronson. Jim, this is Bess Malory. She lives next door," JJ, said smiling. "She is a grade A hussy, and goes through men like corn through a goose," JJ thought. "I guess I should have checked what the yelling was about but wasn't sure if the yelling was inside or outside," she concluded aloud, nonchalantly.
Bess jerked as if startled and she looked at JJ with wide eyes. "Ah, what, ah, Oh, ah, Glad to meet you Jim," she stammered almost breathlessly.
Jim had to hold back a smile as he said, "Glad to meet you too Bess."
He could feel JJ push the image of his hard cock buried in her pussy into Bess's mind. Bess's eyes widened even more as JJ tweaked an erogenous center in her mind. Jim could see the imprint of her nipples as they hardened under the thin material covering her tits. He could feel her pussy getting wet at the thought of his cock sliding into her pussy.
"Ah, I, ah, I need to go in now," Bess said haltingly before walking away on shaky legs.
Jim could feel her pussy squishing as she walked and one of Bess's hands went to her robe as if to hold it closed but she actually had it pressed against her pussy.
Kim giggled softly as she thought, "Mom, that was mean."
"No, it wasn't honey. Just pay back," she grimly thought back. Then JJ flashed to Jim and her daughters, all the times that Bess had purposely tantalized JJ with her male companions since JJ's husband died.
One of the police officers jumped from the van excitedly waving his arms and talking to the other police.
"I think they just figured out it wasn't a normal van," Jim thought.
JJ grinned and thought, "That laser was now pointed at Bess's house and everyone will wonder why someone was watching her. They will probably think that some man's wife is trying to get the low down on the two of them."
"That should give us some time," Jim thought back smiling slightly. "We need to get moving," he said aloud. "I need to get to work and you girls need to go to school."
The four of them hurried back inside the house and finished preparing for the day. Jim dropped Blake off at her middle school and drove Kim to the high school. Kim had a first period class but Jim had a free period first period. He used the hour and twenty minutes to cruise the bus route he had taken the day before looking for Jorge', the young Mexican gangbanger he had met. Jim had a plan.
Chapter 24He didn't find the young Mexican but did stop at a used car lot that was just opening. There was an older F-150 Ford pickup on the back of the lot that Jim could see easily from the street. It was three years newer than the one that been destroyed at the crash site but he thought his old one was still in better shape. This one looked just ok for a 1978 model. Thinking back, Jim could remember the shape his old '75 had been in when he first saw it. He had to rebuild that thing from the ground up.
A balding man with a potbelly walked up to Jim puffing slightly from the exertion. "I see you like antiques," the balding man said. Jim held out his hand to shake the balding man's hand as he continued, "I'm Bob Barker, like the game show host."
"Hi Bob. I'm Jim," he replied not bothering with a last name. Jim was getting a greasy, unclean feeling from the man but that feeling blossomed in his mind as their hands touched. This was not a nice man. He preyed on young runaway boys that thought they didn't have a choice. They felt they had to concede to this dirt bag's sexual demands. He saw the image of the young 14-year-old boy the jerk off had coerced the night before and Jim got angry.
Looking back at the truck Jim hurriedly continued. "I thought a vehicle had to be 40 years old to be considered an antique. I think you have a few years to go to lay that claim on this old beast."
"Well, I guess you are right about it not quite being an antique," the car salesman temporized, "but it is old enough to rate a historical license plate."
"Now why would I want a special license plate that costs more just so I can bounce it around in the desert," Jim asked as he started walking around the old truck. "Does it even start?" The touch when they shook hands seemed to establish a connection that Jim could maintain when they weren't touching.
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Jimmy was a little pissed off when I sent him out on his first foray into the real world. I sent him and Ann out as partners to take a look at southern New York and northern Pennsylvania. I sent them in the general direction of Scranton to see if the harvesters had advanced that far. What galled Jimmy was that I sent them out with Ann as the leader. Dammit, she was a GIRL and YOUNGER than Jimmy at that! That was going to kill his standing with his peers. Despite this, Jimmy was so anxious to...
Julie Anderson was a eighteen year old white girl from New York State. She was 5'5" and 120 pounds with curves that made every man, including her father and brother lust after her. She had long, straight blond hair with the help of that stuff in a bottle. She was a very smart girl and she really enjoyed flirting. She enjoyed watching the guys as tents grew in their pants as she teased them. She even found that it was easy to give her father an erection although she never followed up on...
I am a teacher. A five-foot-six-inch one hundred thirty-five pound, forty-year-old teacher with brown hair. I have a thirty-six D chest and legs that go on forever. I would say I am a seven on a scale of one to ten. Over the summer I had an experience at a teacher’s conference that I still find hard to believe. I also find it hard to believe that I have a husband as great as mine. He loves me unconditionally and understands what I need more than I do sometimes.Last year I had a school...
Wife LoversThe advertisement appeared in all of the major daily newspapers and on television: ‘Fantasy Island Getaway.’ Win the opportunity of a lifetime and live out your sexual fantasies on a tropical island holiday. 10 Days and nights in Paradise with all of your sexual needs catered for in luxurious accommodation. All you have to do is to fill out the attached form and tell us in twenty five words or less about your fantasy. Television viewers just dial the toll free number or log on to our Web...
JJ smiled to herself as she released the mental connection to Jim. 24 hours before she had simply been an average reserve medical officer getting back in the swing of things after a reserve drill weekend. JJ didn't know if she would have rated herself as ordinary but certainly not extraordinary. JJ was anything but ordinary now and she knew it. She had just had a conversation in her mind with a man over five miles away. She had reached inside a patient today and fixed a torn liver, healed...
I start out by picking a pair of black and red lacy panties, thankfully my dick isn't that big so tucking isn't really an issue. Next I pick out a matching black and red bra. The downside to wearing my mom's clothes is that she is a very busty women so I have to use a couple pairs of socks to stuff the bra. I grab a garter belt and a pair of fishnet stockings I know my mom has hidden in her closet. Last but not least I grab a pair of my mom's denim cutoff shorts and a white button down...
A man finds a magical, hypnotic flashlight in the middle of the road and accidentally hypnotizes his future mother-in-law with it. With him having just hypnotized his future mother-in-law with a pocket flashlight that was obviously not of this Earth, now he wondered if that was an alien spacecraft that crashed and not a commercial, passenger plane. For fear that they’re be a panic, and of course there would be a panic, maybe that’s why there’s no news, no TV, and no cell phone reception....
I will start by introducing myself, my name is Kiley. I'm twenty six, medium build, with brown hair and eyes. I have large C cup breasts, stand about five foot three and I was abducted by aliens. I know what you're thinking, "another looney with the anal probe story", and technically you would be right, at least about the anal probe part. I'm not lying however. I had the soreness and the "cum" stains to prove it. How about I start from the beginning. I was at home. I had just got in from a hard...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOur usual low and slow approach was what saved us. It gave me time to see the two flying boxes parked beside the target building. Somebody had really screwed up by doing that. We would have walked into the ambush if their transportation had been hidden as it should have been. I practically screamed at Bill to pull in front of Joe and Sam so that we could keep them from being shot down. Of course, Joe was startled when Bill cut him off, but he trusted Bill enough to follow us when I waved at...
The next few days are boring for Serori. She and Jo hang out both at school and at home. They watch videos and play with themselves like they have for the past year. But no matter what Serori does, she just can’t get that little white room out of her head. Several times when they masturbated, she sucked on her dildo, pretending to suck someone off through the wall. Jo never really catches on, and if she does, she doesn’t say anything about it. The strange thing is, Jo hasn’t mentioned the...
With a pile of dead aliens in front of us, the next question was what do we do now? Well, while we surely had a few minutes, the obvious thing was to see what we could loot from the aliens that might be useful to us. We had replaced the spent magazines in our rifles with fresh ones, so there was little excuse to put it off any longer. We still were very cautious as we approached the dead aliens. For one thing, we did not know if there were any more of the critters left in the flying box....
Some people believe we have been watched from afar for a long time now. Most of us think those stories are nonsense and make-believe. Aliens, beings from far away planets, who have been following our development, abducting people for scientific research. Uhu, and pigs fly, you’d probably react. But as with most stories, there are a few truths to it. Only it’s not one alien race that has been watching us. There is a whole universe out there, a society formed of different space faring races, far...
The Spanking Couples Weekend GetawayChapter OneTwo weeks after the Femdom Spanking Poker Party, Marion and Debbie had been invited to a luncheon at the home of one of the ladies who was on vacation the night of the party, Sara. Attending the luncheon was all those in attendance that night (Jacki, Jenny, Beth, Marion, and Debbie, plus the two missing women, Sara and Gloria. Debbie and Marion were unsure about what the topic of the meeting would be ? just that Jacki called and said the group...
MMB 04: The Great GetawayTeaserAs the muffled sound of the vibrator’s humming filled the room, Vicky fell on me. She covered my mouth with hers and moaned loudly as she ground her pelvis into mine. The female felon must have buried the vibrator deeply into Vicky's pussy and left it there.Chapter One - “The Mistress Of Pain”"Pick up your leg, damn it!" my wife Vicky told me, then added, "You want to be a cripple all your life, Todd?"She was "helping" me with the exercises my physical therapist...
Straight SexBand on the Run Part IV: A Tropical Getaway by [email protected] Sirens whining, yellow and greens flashing, the cop was trying desperately to potjack the car, which of course was the first thing Snipe had disabled. I could see in my mind's eye the cop punching our VIN into his panel and hitting the "sleep" command again and again and wondering why the fucking car wouldn't fall like a lead...
The day seemed perfect, with the fluffy white clouds that dotted the beautiful blue sky. We had a long weekend and decided to go to our cabin in the woods near a cool, clear lake that shown reflection of the trees and sky in it’s glassy surface. Arriving in our red convertible with the top down feeling the breeze blowing through our hair and past our faces, we parked at the spot we always park having the feeling of seclusion. Going through the woods you could see the other cabins sporadically...
Meet the characters: * Jake - 185 cm tall, lean build, reasonably fit, short dark hair and green eyes, trimmed beard. * Michelle - 170 cm tall, reasonably fit, shoulder-length brown hair, hazel eyes, average sized breasts and round ass. Michelle opened the door using her key card and turned on the lights. She quickly inspected the hotel room with a few glances. It had a "boudoir" design, with lavish decorations and an exotic feel thanks to the abundant purple and pink colors. The centerpiece...
It was Wednesday, the weekend is approaching; Lisa and I had been planning a weekend getaway for some time now. She had been laying in the sun working on her tan, buying her some new clothes for the trip and we had been putting money aside to have a good weekend. Thursday rolls around, it’s time to take the car for an oil change, then to the car wash and finish up by topping off the fuel tank. That afternoon, Lisa had finished packing and we had everything staged by the door ready to go. That...
What a week! I had spent the whole week pampering myself, going to the spa, shopping for new clothes and getting ready for a weekend getaway to Chicago. My husband had been gone all week on business and we were going to meet for our first weekend away as empty nesters. I had spent the last 18 years living the soccer mom life, so I was particularly excited to resume living for me. Our daughter had started college this fall, so we planned on completely enjoying this new phase of our lives. I was...
We are lovers who can't get away from our spouses often enough to satisfy our desires for each other. So when we got the opportunity to get away a couple days after Christmas, we took it. The anticipation leading up to the trip was almost uncontrollable. Were we really going to have more than 48 hours of uninterrupted time together? My panties stayed soaked in anticipation for days before we even left. He was practically panting by the time I got in the vehicle with him. The drive to our...
We are lovers who can't get away from our spouses often enough to satisfy our desires for each other. So when we got the opportunity to get away a couple days after Christmas, we took it. The anticipation leading up to the trip was almost uncontrollable. Were we really going to have more than 48 hours of uninterrupted time together? My panties stayed soaked in anticipation for days before we even left. He was practically panting by the time I got in the vehicle with him. The drive to our...
Weekend GetawayClinton and I had wanted to get awayfor months. Our busy schedules left us precious little time to spend together, so we planned to make the most of our grown up time. He'd made all the arranagements. He wanted to surprise me withour destination and lodging, and surprised I was! I had never expected a four-star hotel!! We opened the door to our suite and I was in total awe. Fresh flowers adorned every table in the room, and I spied a bottle of champagne on ice. I looked at him...
Extended Miami Getaway If id known any of this would happen, id have booked a different trek, travelled a different country, but I didn't, my life changed forever that day in Miami, at flamingo park on July 16 2005. Trekamerica was my preferred travel company, id done two treks by them in the past, and this one looked to be just as good, a 35 day trek across the american southern states and the east coast, what self respecting backpacker would say no to that. I was enjoying miami,...
Alexa Chapter 17: Getaway Just when I thought life couldn't get any stranger than having Katie date my brother, he went and stuck up for me against the two morons down the hall. It was funny, the comments from the two of them stopped completely, even to the point that they avoided me, Jenny and Katie completely. If I ever happened to bump into them in the lobby or on campus, they would quickly turn and go the other way. Jenny said the same thing. Katie did happen to run into them...
Patrick wakes up on a long silvery table up on a platform. he scans the room and sees nothing else. not even a single piece of decoration. then he starts to feel a bit cold, and notices he isn't wearing any of his spacebar anymore. his very small penis is even more shriveled from the cold, his balls sucked back up into his body for warmth. he shivers and wonders where he is and when he is going to get out of here. the last thing he remembers is looking out the cockpit of his ship while his crew...
JJ took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bran." She paused for a moment looking at them. "I have a big favor to ask but first I need to tell you something that happened to me. To us I guess I should say because the girls are involved too. Last weekend was a drill weekend with the reserves and something happened." She paused again before saying, "This is going to be pretty unbelievable but it is true. I will try to show you at the same time I am telling you so you will...
We were driving across country on a family vacation, the wife's idea and her route. She decided that we would take the long route, thru deserted roads, vistas and one horse small towns (think deliverance), for the scenery... I'm Mark (38) brown hair tanned green eyes 6'2 I work out everyday to keep fit former soldier and now a middle manager of a large manufacturing plant. My wife Kimmy (38) 5'3 Brunette blue eyes, 34C-25-36 still a looker and she works hard to keep herself looking good she had...
IncestThe alien climbed out of its landing craft. They had been sent down to investigate the simian inhabitants on this planet, a backward world with only limited space flight. The spacecraft was hidden in a large area covered by deciduous woody plants called trees in the local language. The alien knew several of the languages spoken here since it had spent the last nine months studying the world's satellite communication transmissions. The craft also had a cloaking device that made it practically...
Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...
This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...
This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...
Jim arrived at JJ's before 5:00 PM with Chinese take-out and a six-pack of Seven-Up. Jim hadn't checked with her about supper or the sodas. He decided to surprise her. That should be possible if he just didn't tell her. Surprises were fun. Jim heard the imperative, "AND I GET TO GO FIRST," as he opened the car door and he had to smile. 48 hours earlier he couldn't have even imagined a conversation between a mother and daughter about which would get to make love to him first. Well, he...
Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...
Well, that lack of families for low status Utorians was a good place to start. Besides, if we did work on the idea of families for everybody, it would give us a good start on breaking up the authoritarian attitude that the Utorians seemed to be wed to. There was one thing for damned sure: we were going to Utor to exact some sort of retribution for their attack on us. I hoped that we could do it without killing a lot of Utorians, but I did plan to eliminate the bosses who were trying to bully...
Joe adjusted the speed of the HAF-1 to match the speed of the chip carrier. That alone was a great argument in favor of us adopting the flying box for our air force. The flying box was able to maintain its position in the air at least as well as a human helicopter, so Joe just held his position until the chip carrier had dumped its load. As soon as it departed, Joe dropped to 50 feet above the factories roof and moved slowly in until Sam shouted for him to stop. Joe held the position while...
This ambush was different because we had 10 new people along to give us a total of 22 shooters. We had so many because I wanted to be sure of adequate backup in case the new people contracted some new form of "buck fever" and froze when they should have been shooting. We went in with four flying boxes: HAF-1 and HAF-2 in case we needed firepower and HAF-3 and HAF-4 for overnight accommodations. It was a problem hiding that many of the flying boxes, but I thought that we did an acceptable...
Jim Bronson woke slowly Monday morning and judging from the light through the windows it was just after sunrise. He was normally an early riser but this morning he just lay in bed thinking. He needed to do a recap of the weekend just to see if he was nuts or if it was some crazy dream. In his mind Jim walked through the steps after he had exited the canyon to the camp site again. Yep, everything was still the same. He reviewed all the poking and prodding at the army base then the threats from...
After some long talks with Jake, Jeff and Chuck came to me with an outline of a plan. Basically, they wanted to visit Norfolk or another naval base and literally pick up a submarine. Jake claimed to be able to build a tractor beam that would fit on a flying boxcar and be strong enough to lift a submarine from the water. Given that, they wanted to bring it to Worcester and put it in the water of the lake next to our home. They would convert the submarine to a spaceship complete with ray guns...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
The new spaceship was christened 'Michael' in honor of Janet's brother who didn't make it to his bar mitzvah. The first flight of the 'Michael' was to Earth to come up with the kind of guns that Jacob was looking for. They found just what Jacob wanted already mounted on several ships. They were the Gatling Gun defense against incoming missiles. These guns fired depleted uranium slugs and had a tremendous muzzle velocity. The kinetic energy released when one of these slugs impacted under...
After hypnotizing Donna, Brian hypnotizes Kathy too for threesome sex with his fiancé’s mother and aunt. Not wanting her to see that he was naked, he figured that she’d suspect something was amiss if he answered the door without wearing any clothes. Who knows, after how she aggressively acted when they were alone in the dark corner of the pool, maybe she’d prefer seeing him naked? Hoping the light would work through glass, he quickly ran to grab his light from his pants pocket and shined it in...
Centuries ago our world was visited by an advanced race of aliens, explores on a cosmic journey of discovery. These strange visitors found earth and its primitive inhabitants fascinating so much so that they spent many years living amongst us, studying us,helping us, guiding our development. If you are wondering why your history books never mentioned the time Copernicus got the idea for a heliocentric model of the universe from an alien slug creature it's probably because these particular alien...
Jorge' looked at the two adults and two teens as he stepped into the kitchen with a slight smile. He recognized what the flushed faces and that peculiar tang in the air meant. Kim and Blake blushed as they saw Jorge's understanding of the situation but JJ only shrugged. Jim smiled back at Jorge' but put his finger over his lips warning the young Mexican not to speak. "All of you, help me here for a moment," Jim thought to JJ and the girls. "I need to have them listen next door for...
She stood up, the surface beneath her soft, cushioned and apparently organic. She took two, three steps. That was as far as she got before whip like tentacles shot from the surface beneath her and ensnared her wrists and ankles. She was yanked onto her back and her limbs bound to the floor spread eagle. She struggled only momentarily, immediately realizing that any attempt to free herself would be a waste of precious energy. After mere minutes, the first creature entered the vast chamber in...
Introduction: She tried to run…they taught her to fuck She awoke to find herself in overwhelmingly unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing was even vaguely identifiable as being of earth. Her heart sprinted, adrenaline surged through her, her breathing coming in panicked gasps. As she looked around for a way out of this bizarre environment, she became aware of being covered in a slick substance. She was saturated in it. Her stomach turned at the sight and she vigorously began trying to wipe it from...
The grand space vessel under the mighty Weyland corporation settled down on an unknown planet after finding it quite hospitable for human life and full of valuable resources of the scientific kind. Since it was a planet deemed fit for a colony, only futas were sent to swiftly populate the planet in a more enjoyable manner as opposed to artificial insemination. But that's not all they did. They found more in the form of alien eggs and their rather large, oddly sexy slumbering matriarch......