A Planned SeductionChapter 2 free porn video

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That Friday early morning saw Janet Simpson driving along the highway to the university. She drove at the speed limit, almost mechanically. She was calm and composed, resigned to the information she was to receive and resigned to the end of her marriage. She had undergone months of angst and emotional turmoil. She had nothing left, just an emptiness, a void where there had been love and trust. Even the anger and bitterness had been leeched from her. She wondered what her life was going to be like, alone and single.

She arrived at her hotel, checked in and then proceeded to the campus. She went through the motions, setting up for the few interviews they would have later in the afternoon. She tried to keep her mind busy, not thinking of what Phil had to show her, but knowing what the result would be.

Later that day Phil arrived and upon seeing Janet, he brusquely informed her that they weren't to mention anything about George, that he would talk to her after dinner. Janet saw that he was obviously very upset and was puzzled. It seemed that he had heard news that upset him above and beyond George's infidelity. She sighed and knew that she would have to wait.

Dinner that evening at the hotel with Phil was an almost silent event. Phil seemed preoccupied and drank more of the wine he had ordered than was usual for him. He insisted that she join him, pouring a glass for her, but she just sipped the one glass, unwilling to get tipsy. She felt that she was going to need all of her reasoning faculties that evening.

"Phil, enough," insisted Janet. "You obviously have things to say to me. Things that are upsetting you. We need to talk and we need to do that now."

Phil took a deep breath and replied, "Yeah, you're right, Jan. It's time, I guess. Come up to my room with me and I'll show you what I have." He rose and, with slumping shoulders, led her from the dining room.

Entering his room, Phil sat her down in the one chair and then paced up and down. "Jan," he turned to face her. "I'm obviously very upset, but it's not just at your anguish. It looks like I'm in the same position."

With that, he dumped a dozen photographs in Janet's lap. She picked them up and gasped, tears coming to her eyes. There before her, were pictures of George and Marge locked in sexual embraces. She quickly averted her eyes. The scenes before her were like acid to her soul. In a fraction of a second she had the proof that she needed, but desperately did not want.

"But Marge?" she cried. "One of my best friends. Why Marge?" she whimpered. Looking up at Phil, she saw him standing there, head down, a look of total defeat on his features. She suddenly realized what he was feeling and her heart went out to him.

She arose quickly and went to him, holding him in her arms. "Oh, my God, Phil. This must be devastating for you, finding out so suddenly and without any warning." She knew what he must be feeling and her heart ached for him.

Her returned her close embrace, his face in her hair, inhaling her flagrance. It was all coming together now, all of the months of planning were now going to pay off.

He leaned back, still holding her closely. There were tears in his eyes as he moved his lips to hers and kissed her gently. Janet seemed to melt, reveling in his embrace, missing the masculine odor and strong arms of a man.

"It's been so long, so long," she whispered. Phil nibbled at her neck and then returned to her lips, kissing her passionately. Janet returned the kiss as she felt his tongue begin to explore her open mouth. His hand moved to her breast and fondled the nipple which was now straining against her bra. She moaned and pressed closer to him. She felt him erect and straining against her belly and ground herself into him.

"Oh, Jannie. I really need you," breathed Phil into her ear. The sudden endearment caused Janet to catch her breath and awake from the stupor which had enveloped her. 'Jannie' was what George used to call her when they made love. She awoke to what was happening, what she was about to do and put her palms on Phil's chest. She pushed him gently.

Phil had felt her tense and stiffen, instinctively he knew that the mood was broken and the seduction wasn't going to happen. Rage infused him and he trembled with a burning anger. All those months wasted, all for nothing. "NO," he screamed silently. "I'll kill her first." He fought to regain control, to dampen his ire. " If not plan A, then plan B would have to do," he thought desperately.

"I'm truly sorry, Phil. I just can't. I hope that you understand," murmured Janet.

Phil's rigidity loosened as he assumed a new persona. "I do understand, Janet. I'm truly sorry that I lost control. I assure you that it won't happen again. Please, forgive me?" he pleaded.

Janet stroked his cheek fondly. "Of course, Phil. This is a shock for both of us. We both have to consider what we are going to have to do. I suspect though that my marriage is truly over," she said with a catch in her throat.

Phil Brock turned and filled two glasses with scotch from the room mini bar. Turning back to Janet, he said, "Well, at least we can have a drink and perhaps toast our new status. You can at least have a drink with me, Jan, can't you, before you go?"

"Of course, Phil, but just one and then I'd better leave. It is getting late and I have some decisions to make."

She resumed her seat and watched Phil as he made himself comfortable on the bed. They sipped the smooth whiskey and wondered what Monday would bring. It wasn't too much later that the glass slipped from Janet's fingers and fell to the floor. Phil watched her go under with satisfaction. The drug always worked, she would be out for hours.

He knelt before her and laughed softly. "One way or another, sweetie, you're going to get fucked and this won't be a one shot deal. I'm going be fucking you for a long time to come. Who knows, you may eventually get to love it," he snickered.

Slowly he unbuttoned her blouse, button by button until it gaped open. He moved it from her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. Moving his hand to the button on her skirt he swiftly opened it and pulled the zipper down. With some effort he raised her hips and maneuvered her skirt down and off.

He then leaned back and gazed at her. She had slumped down a bit in the chair, her head back, lips slightly open. Her full breasts strained in the confines of her bra. His gaze slipped lower and saw that she was wearing sensible, pale blue panties, but he could see the shadow of her pubic hair. Moistening his lips, which had become dry, he reached behind her and unclasped her bra. He slowly, very slowly moved the back strap of the bra forward and then removed the garment from her body.

His breath caught in his throat as he viewed those breasts. Full and heavy, they personified womanhood. The areolas were pale and the nipples a darker pink. With trembling hands he reached out and gently passed his palms over those orbs, feeling her nipples harden slightly. He lowered his head and took a nipple in his mouth, suckling softly. He then moved to the other nipple and did the same. Phil Brock spent the next few minutes on Janet Simpson's mammaries, luxuriating in their softness.

Suddenly he straightened. "Enough of that," he muttered. "There are other delights to be sampled tonight."

He then, with some effort, picked her up and transported her to the bed. Again he stood back and just gazed at her supine form. Gently he placed his fingers at the top of her panties and slowly, very slowly lowered them to her hips, fascinated by the skin of her smooth belly. Lower, until her pubic hair was exposed and lower still until they were at her ankles. He swiftly then pulled them from her and threw them to the floor where the rest of her clothing were piled.

He opened her thighs and stared intently at her groin. Her light brown pubic hair was trimmed into what appeared to be a perfect upside down triangle, bisected by a pair of moist outer lips.

"Of course," he thought. "Her bush would be perfect, not a jungle like Marge's." Opening those lips with his fingers he stared at the vaginal opening and then at the tiny bud that was her clitoris, now hidden by it's hood. He gently massaged that bud and was gratified to see it peek from it's hiding place.

He giggled, "come out, come out, wherever you are," he singsonged. He then moistened his finger with saliva and inserted it into her vagina.

"Come on Janet, it's only a finger now, soon you'll be feeling something a lot thicker."

He suddenly felt a bit light headed. "Goddamn, I had too much to drink. Gotta take it easy. Don't wanna to get sick now."

He stood and divested himself of his clothing. Naked, he stood over her unconscious form and slowly stroked his erection. "See Janet, it's all for you. What I planned for months is going to happen now. Awwww, don't worry sweetie, you're gonna love it," he slurred.

Suddenly, he remembered the camera. Picking it up, he commenced taking the pictures he would later need, the flash illuminating the room periodically. Finished with that, he then moved to Janet on the bed.

He crouched above her and allowed his phallus to rub over the lips of her pussy. Back and forth he massaged his cock until, suddenly, without warning, he felt his control vanish. With a muttered curse, he raised himself up and grasping his cock, he ejaculated over her pubic hair and lower belly.

He then belched, belched again and then slowly collapsed next to Janet on the bed. His eyes rolled back in his head as he passed out.

Dawn's first light was slipping through the drapes when Janet opened her eyes. Her head was throbbing and she felt nausea pervade her. A powerful need to pee overcame her and she staggered from the bed and into the bathroom. As she sat on the toilet she saw that her groin and belly were covered with what appeared to be dried semen.

Wiping herself, she stood shakily and looked back into the room seeing Phil Brock sprawled naked on the bed. She then turned and vomited into the toilet bowl. Her thoughts weren't coherent, she couldn't recall what had happened. " Have I actually screwed Phil Brock?" she asked herself incredulously.

She quickly washed herself and, gathering her clothing from the floor, she dressed. As she started to leave, she saw the envelope with the photos on the table. Scooping it up, she left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

Hurrying to her room, she quickly stripped and jumped into the shower. She scrubbed herself vigorously, trying to wash away the imagined stench of her infidelity. Her thoughts were confused, jumbled. It was difficult for her to think coherently, to recall the events of the previous night. She just couldn't believe that she had actually screwed Phi.

First of all she didn't feel that she had had intercourse. She always felt the aftereffects of the physical act in her genitals, the morning after. There was no such sensation this morning. But she had quite a lot of semen on her. It was obviously from Phil. She shook her head in confusion.

Second, she remembered that while they had kissed, she had come to her senses and stopped. She had apologized to Phil and told him that she couldn't. What had happened after that?

She thought back, tried to remember. "A drink," she remembered. "We stopped kissing and had a drink. I remember that, but everything after is a blank. What happened after the drink? Did we both get wasted? Did I get that drunk? Damn, I just don't remember." Another thought entered her mind and she blanched. "Oh, my God. How am I going to face George. I just did what I have been accusing him of doing. But he has been cheating for who knows how long, and I now have the proof," she thought as she realized that she now has the photos. "And I really don't think that I actually had intercourse - at least I'm pretty sure that I haven't."

"Ohhhh," she moaned as she remembered the photos. "Marge, I can't believe it was Marge, one of my closest friends. Why would she do that? Oh, Phil, poor Phil. George and his wife. Oh, my God, what did I do with Phil last night. I just can't face him today, I just can't."

Her mind a mass of confusion and bewilderment, Janet quickly dried off, dressed, packed and rushed from the hotel. Reaching her car, she flung her bag into the back seat and then threw herself behind the wheel and started for home.

Driving along the highway, she again attempted to make some sense of what was and had been happening to her. "Maybe George is right, maybe I really do need a psychiatrist," she thought. "But he has been cheating, I knew it then and now I have the horrid proof. He's been cheating with one of my best friends. How can this be possible? Oh, my God, what's happening to me?" she sobbed as she drove

"One thing I do know," Janet said aloud to herself. "When I get home George and I are going to sit down and have this out. I absolutely will not sit by and allow this to continue. I don't know how long this has been going on, but I am going to tell George that we are through. He wouldn't be doing this if he really loved me. Our marriage is obviously over." As she said these words, tears flowed down her cheeks.

George Simpson was sitting with the newspaper resting in his lap. He found that he just couldn't concentrate on the words. He recognized the dilemma he faced and he was resigned to the probable outcome. That his marriage was over was obvious, but he still hated that conclusion. He knew that he loved Janet, not the Janet of the previous few months, but the Janet that he had married and had grown older with. What had happened to that woman?

Suddenly, the front door burst open and his wife entered, a flushed and almost manic look on her face. "George," she blurted out, "We're going to have this out now, right now. Now is the time for confessions and decisions." With that said, she seated herself before him and stared at him intently.

George looked at her cooly. Heaving a sigh, he shifted in his chair and replied, "Good idea, Jan. I think that would be a good idea. What would you like to confess?"

Janet looked at him, her mouth agape. "Me? Me? Me confess??? You're out of your mind, it's you that needs to confess. You! You!" her voice rose.

"Ok, Jan, to what should I confess?" George's voice was quiet and controlled. He refused to let this degenerate into a screaming match. It appeared that this little conversation was going to be the denouement that he knew was coming. At the least it would be a reasonably calm one.

Janet collected herself. She would not lose control. She reached into her purse and threw the envelope of photographs at George. "Guess what, George? You don't have to confess to anything. The proof of your adultery is lying now in your lap, no pun intended," she replied, her voice tight with tension...

George wearily opened the envelope and extracted the photographs. His jaw literally dropped as he saw what they portrayed. A look of utter astonishment appeared on his face. He tried to speak and found that he couldn't even form the words that he was searching for.

Janet was a bit taken aback. She looked at George, puzzled and more than surprised at his expression. She saw no guilt or shame or embarrassment - only total shock and surprise. She didn't know what to make of this. He was supposed to act guilty and remorseful, not stupefied.

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Unplanned LayoverChapter 2

As we flew into Charleston, my mind was on Sharon. I wonder if she likes to be held like Mom? I had to find out and see how far it would go. When we saw Sharon in the terminal baggage claim, she ran to us and hugged Mom first. They cried. I retrieved the bags and went back to them. Sharon's striking blue eyes were puffy red and still shedding tears, but her long brown hair nicely surrounded her face; a well-crafted backdrop to her full red lips. I hugged her like I did Mom and she seemed...

2 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 3

That's what we were doing at the Atlanta airport in a bad rainstorm and what happened in Charleston. So, back to where we presently are, in the hotel restaurant having dinner. After the combo played a while, I invited Mom to dance. I guess the wine and sadness made her feel like clinging and we danced close. I had the same erection problem, and said, "I didn't bring my dancing girdle." "Let the girl worry about it," and held her face up to be kissed. This time, it was an open mouth...

2 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 4

I awakened to sound of the toilet flushing, with the room still totally dark. Mom came from the toilet naked and opened the night curtain to look out through the gauze-like modesty panel at the morning sky. I leaned on my elbow to look at the beautiful creature searching the sky. Quickly, I sneaked up behind her as she watched the airport operations; planes landing and taking off, their distinct roar creating a Doppler sound as they flew overhead. I put my arms around her cupping her lovely...

1 year ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 5

In my state of need, I hurried upstairs, undressed, did my toilet, and tiptoed into Sabrina's room. As I climbed under the covers she rolled over to kiss me. "Glad you're home. Have a good time?" "Yes, I did. She was even nicer than at the dance. We went to the Paper Moon and danced all evening." "You're getting to be a regular Arthur Murray!" Her hand found my cock and brought it immediately to attention as she pressed herself to me. Feeling her naked woman flesh against my chest...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 6

We reached her house by 11:30 and were parked in the car. I kissed her and then she drew away. She said, "Can you come in for a while? We can watch TV and have the family room all to ourselves." She brought some ice water and we sat on the couch as she turned on one of the Friday night comedy shows. The volume was quite low and we would have to be silent to hear it at all. She took her heels off and sat on the couch on her knees facing me. Then, she leaned over to kiss me and as she did,...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 7

As I drove home, I had some thinking to do. First and foremost, should I sleep in Sabrina's bed like I have been all week? She won't bring anyone home on a first date? If she were going to bed with him, surely she would do it at his house. Surely. As I approached the house, I declared that bed to be my turf. I will sleep in it. When I went inside, I noticed that it was about 1:30. No sign of the male enemy. During my evening routine of brushing and flossing, I looked at the mirror. The...

1 year ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 8

At dinner Monday, Mom told me that the Phoenix trip was on for sure and that she would leave Tuesday before noon return late Friday night. "You'll have to go to the market and get some food. I made a list, but you may need things I don't know about." "I'll be OK. Gotta' work. I'll see you later." She looked over her wineglass flirting, "Maybe go to bed earlier tonight? You may have a visitor and you also need sleep." She pouted her mouth smiling. "Ten it is!" I went...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 9

I called Carol the next afternoon. She sounded quite happy to hear from me. I started, "I have this problem. My mother is in Phoenix and will not be able to get home on Friday night. I just don't know what to do." She responded, "Well, you could go to a chess match, or you could go to the library, I mean you have lots of choices." "I'm lonesome. Would you like to come to dinner Friday night?" "Absolutely! Positively. You fed me nicely Tuesday night." She had waited me out,...

1 year ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 10

After finishing the morning quickie, we had a nice soapy slippery shower and went in to make breakfast. She wore a flimsy see-through top and her fresh lace panties that revealed her dark mound. I put on a pair of shorts and an apron since I don't like to cook while naked, splattering and all that. We made scrambled eggs and she heated the cheese grits left over from last night. We had a nice grapefruit and coffee with whole-wheat toast. I was having a great time being around her. She sat on...

2 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 11

She cuddled in my spoon as she drifted off to sleep. In the middle of the night, she turned over to lie next to me face-to-face and I kissed her as we both drifted back. When the radio went on, we were locked in a close embrace. I had my usual morning bone poking her in the belly and rolled over to go to relieve myself, reducing me to half the man I was before. She did the same and quickly returned to the previous position. She said, "We don't have a lot of time, but we practiced...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 13

I walked into the family room and saw those two beauties sitting on the couch grinning like they had just won the lottery. Something was going on and I was nervous after what happened this morning. Mom said, "We had a nice talk. I really like your girl friend. She told me that she was. She said that if there was anything left of you after she got her fill, I could have it." Unable to contain themselves, they both burst into loud laughter. I was feeling left out of the decisions and I...

2 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 15

Carol came running in after school and went immediately to Sabrina's office. "Hi, Mom, I'm home." Sabrina laughed, "Hi, Baby, how are you doing?" They had a hug and kiss. "Let's go get comfortable." Shortly, they resumed their chat position on the leather couch. Each was sitting on knees or legs so that they could look at each other. Carol opened, "Well, I just have to know." "Let me give you some basics. Things I notice about a man. He is a careful driver and doesn't scare...

4 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 16

Carol was eating lunch in the cafeteria with friends when her cell phone buzzed. She saw immediately that it was Sabrina. "Hi, Sabrina." "I need to ask you something about tonight." "Sure." "Do you want to sleep with me?" "Yes, I do." "You know that's a proposition. Don't feel pressured." "I don't feel that way and I want to do that." "I'm glad. Mike wanted me to come over. Since I have so little time with you before we go, I'd rather spend it together." "So...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 17

We were all either well rested or pumped up by the potential of the day, so when the alarm went off, we awakened quickly, did our bathroom duties, and went to the double shower. As my brain began to function more clearly, I turned them both around, soaped my hand and stroked the shaved flesh using a light touch. They stood holding my arms against their breasts as my hand stroked them. Sabrina came first and turned away holding her pussy and leaning on the tile wall. That gave me a free hand...

1 year ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 18

"I don't like it either, but I guess other people have found a way. What do you want to do this afternoon?" "I want to go shopping with my mother today or tomorrow. Why?" "I rented some DVDs for tonight, or we can go to the French film. French seems appropriate, given where Sabrina is." She grinned, "Also, I haven't had a drop of blood today. Maybe we could celebrate the end of my period." "Let's wait until after the movie or DVD. Maybe we'll be inspired." She went shopping...

4 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 19

When I came through the kitchen door, I could hear a buzz of conversation coming from the den. They were sitting next to each other in their robes. Didn't take me long to figure where they had been. Mom said, "Carol tells me that you two have been scheming against your parents." "She tells the truth. Did she tell the whole story?" "I don't know. Fill me in." I explained the whole project, including potential tax benefits and capital gains when they sold it, if they chose not to...

1 year ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 20

Life did change. Mom was spending more nights with Mike and seemed quite happy and contented. I expected her to marry him. She decided that she would move in with him about a month after they returned from Paris. She moved her office and a large number of her clothes. I came home one day from school to find Carol and Mom sitting on the couch in their talking positions. They were quiet. When I was close enough to see, tears ran down each of their cheeks. I sat between them and put my arms...

1 year ago
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Unplanned sex at the gym

I am english and live in Thailand, the land of sex and smiles. I went to a new, small local gym recently, mostly with Thai boys inside. I was the only foreigner so always the Thai boys like to chat to and...... Anyway, I was working out on a bench, lying on my back and pushing up weights. I was wearing very brief loose running shorts and a jockstrap underneath. Because I was lying on my back, with my legs either side of the bench, feet on the floor, this meant that anyone could see up my shorts...

1 year ago
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Unplanned Outdoor Activities

I then said sternly but jokingly “Take off your bra”. Surprisingly, with little hesitation this time, she reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and let it fall to the ground; exposing those beautiful breasts that I love so much. Tonya and I were walking barefoot in the park one night. It was late…. Just past twilight, and a beautiful night. About 75 degrees, and a crystal-clear sky. She was looking awesome as always, wearing a nice t-shirt and short shorts. We came upon a scenic lookout....

2 years ago
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Planned For Good Experienced The Best

Hello everyone. This is Nikhil Joshi, a Maharashtrian born and brought up in Chennai. Here’s to all the horny men and women waiting to stroke their rock hard dicks and finger their wet pussies, I hope this story doesn’t disappoint you, people. Excepting the names which are changed to protect the respective individual’s privacy, all other details narrated in this story are real-life events. To tell you a little bit about myself, I was lucky enough; thanks to my dad who passed on his good look...

2 years ago
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Planned on the internet

As quickly this picture was replaced by myself knocking on the door and the sound of high heels approaching the door. It swung open and you stood in a short skirt and skimpy top, sex oozing out of every pore. All these thoughts created an urgency to get to you, to explore my basic instincts of wild passion and hard sex. Every robot seemed to catch me and no one seemed to know how to drive. My mind screamed and I was going crazy with frustration. Then without realizing I was so close...

3 years ago
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Planned Sex With Malayali Nurse In Train

My Name is Vaatsayana(Name Changed). I am 35 years old now but this incident happened when I was 22 years old. I am an average Telugu guy from Hyderabad having 5’10” hight, 65 Kgs weight, perfect V shaped body and 6 inches long tool. The story started when I went to Warangal to see me aunt’s family during summer vacation. My aunt fell ill with typhoid shortly after I went there and we had to admit her in one of the famous hospitals in Warangal. As uncle used to work in sales, they had school...

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Planned for swapping

Hi to all females of all ages in this world. If any females of any age wanted to have a 200% satisfaction in sex please mail me at (please only seriously interested females). I can assure u 200% satisfaction, secrecy also. It’s not my story it’s my friends story. She asked me to place in this site so that all the viewers can enjoy. First I want to say that I’m not very good at this but I wanted to write it down so you would enjoy and remember ever experience you have and not take a one for...

2 years ago
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Planned or Was It CoincidenceChapter 2

It was several days later and now it was Katie's turn to relate her fantasy. Both she and Jamie were sat in dressing gowns side by side when she started. Jamie; you had to go away for seven days because of work and I was left here alone; by the third day I was as horny as hell and found that my fingers and vibrator were just not hitting the spot; so I decided to slip down to the video store and pick up a new adult DVD. I thought I locked the doors but maybe I did not; but when I returned to...

4 years ago
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Planned or Was It CoincidenceChapter 3

For the last few weeks Jamie and Katie had swapped fantasises; although being honest towards the end; some of the spoken fantasises were made up knowing what the other person liked and was not really their own. The one main theme which seemed to run through the fantasises was that Jamie loved the idea of watching his wife of fourteen years having dirty sex with another man and for Katie it seemed the larger the cock the more downright dirty she would behave. Almost by mistake Jamie asked if...

2 years ago
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Plan to fuck my Sister

It really started when I saw Colleen my sister sunning herself one summers day. She was wearing a bright orange halter neck bikini with triangle bikini bottoms separated from front to back with a with a strip the same material with bowed ties which showed of her tanned legs all the way to her thighs. She looked amazing, the top showed off her ample 36 inch bust and I knew her hips was 33 inches and being tanned the sight was so awesome and gave me a semi. I took some secret shots of her on...

4 years ago
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Plan B by Your Ghost

Two brothers discover that their supposedly innocent little sister is actually internet porn-star Christine Young. (MMF, nc, inc, oral, anal)***I arrived home from work at 6pm, just like I did every day. And, just like every day, I turned on the TV and watched the evening news while I had a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches and a beer for dinner. After dinner I got another beer, and another beer after that, drinking steadily as the news ended and some sitcom reruns tried to keep me...

3 years ago
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Planning Revenge

This is a continuation of the story Pleasure and Pain, to fully understand this story it is recommended that you read the previous story. The morning after their sordid little affair. The girls awaken entwined in each others arms and legs naked and still covered in cum from the prior nights fantastic escapades. Meg opens her eyes and finds herself still in the arms of Alana. 24 hours ago she was seriously thinking about killing or at least severely hurting this woman for ignoring 20 years of...

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