Catherine s Punishment
- 4 years ago
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At his huge desk, Sean Brady studied the lithe buxom and clearly nervous figure in the chair opposite and smiled at the gorgeous vision before him.
Wearing a summer blouse and lightweight Blue skirt, Caroline Dixon really looked the proverbial million dollars’.
Sean had been delighted when her brother Dan had told him his sister Caroline wanted to see him again, to confront Sean about any possible Involvement he had with his Mother, then even more so, when Caroline had Called him to arrange a day and time he would be free to meet her.
Her call, two weeks after her initial visit, had been music to Sean’s ears, for even Though Caroline had at first asked to meet him for lunch on ‘neutral’ ground to Discuss her Mother with him, she had Soon relented to Sean’s stipulation the the meeting would take place in his office or not at all and that as he would be busy over the next few days, he would have to call her back.
All of which left Caroline feeling somewhat belittled by Sean and Apprehensive of once again being subjected to the glare of his steely blue eyes And his dominant attitude.
Although Caroline was determined she would not allow him to take her back inside that ‘studio’ and that she would simply demand Sean Brady this time tell her the truth, or she would expose him for the degenerate he most Certainly was.
In fact Caroline’s determination not to be taken again into Sean’s dungeon owed more to the awful sense of illicit sexual excitement she had experienced When Inside there, and of how her pussy had throbbed so wildly, not only Thoughts of the terrible yet so sexually stimulating equipment inside the Dungeon, but also to thoughts of Sean Brady taking her whilst she was naked Bound and completely helpless!
Caroline was still apprehensive and nervy, for her confrontation with her brother Dan a few days ago was still fresh in her mind, in the naive way she’d allowed brother to blackmail her into exposing herself to him in his bedroom and oh how she’d become so sexually arroused when her perverted brother had slid his finger between her wet pussy lips, but of how she’d then been told by Dan Mother now Always referred to Sean as ‘Master’ A thought Caroline found to be both uncomfortable and yet bizarrely exiting...
Sean reasoned that Caroline’s phone call served only to confirm her innocent Naivety, That rather than simply striding into his office and demanding Answers, her agreeing to meet him on his own terms, had allowed him time to Prepare a very special welcome for Caroline.
For while Caroline sat opposite Sean, part of that special unseen welcome, was at That very moment kneeling between the two huge pedestals of his desk, with her Mouth clamped over Sean’s throbbing cock. A small noiseless Vibrator was buried inside her wet pussy her while her wrists were Cuffed behind her back.
Aside from a leather collar and leash around her neck She was also completely naked.
Sean’s left hand held the woman in her kneeling position, this as a matter of necessity, for when hearing the door opening she had heard Joan, without Mentioning any names, then saying “Please go on in, Mr Brady will see you now”
So Sean’s hand upon her head, urged the naked woman to keep sucking him, as she Had done so many times whilst Sean entertained visitors, it being just one of Sean’s many ways of demonstrating his power over her, before she then she heard Sean’s voice saying.
“Hello again Caroline, you really are looking terrific, ... just like your Mother!”
And Catherine Dixon’s lovely body froze in a stunned disbelief that Increased a thousand fold, when Catherine heard her daughters Distinctive educated voice reply.
“Hello Sean ... look ... I’ve spoken to my brother Dan and I’m sure he knows more Than he’s letting on about my Mother ... but he did confirm to me that you and Your friend Tom have visited Mother over some pretence or other”
“So Look Sean, I know you told me about it before ... but ... well ... I want the Truth about just what really happened that day ... Did you and Tom, well, just What happened that day ... did you ... do ... do something to ... with ... to ... my Mother?”
Kneeling Between Sean’s legs, Caroline’s naked horror-struck Mother tried to pull her mouth free of a cock that seemed to be growing larger by the second. This was appalling, what unspeakable game was Sean playing? all he had told her was to be in his office at 11 that morning and when once again she’d found herself lying to Caroline, by telling her she was meeting friends for lunch!
In fact Caroline had replied she herself had a meeting with an old school friend, so assuming Dan would be at college that day, everything had appeared to have worked out okay for her ... until now and Catherine’s initial instinct was to free herself from Sean’s grip, to try and explain her actions to Caroline ... and to do what?
However her Efforts to do so were easily thwarted by Sean’s strong hand pushing down upon her head, almost choking Catherine when the tip of his cock touched the back of her throat.
Belatedly realising just how crazy that would be whilst handcuffed and naked, while wearing a leather collar and dog leash, Catherine eventually realised she had little choice but to continue working upon Sean’s cock, whilst her emotions surged between anger, fear and panic.
Panic over the consequences of Sean telling her daughter everything, that the truth was her Mother was now little more than an admittedly high class hooker specialising in bondage And Domination,?
A whore well paid to have bondage sex with men and women, all procured by men such the Young man upon whose cock her mouth was now working ... a young man who in effect ‘owned her’ that she nothing more than his Slave, Sean Brady’s Slave! ... or was she the Slave of Peter Harris? or even Helen Brady?
Catherine always feared just what such an admission would do to her daughter And family, even if her own son was also complicit in her ... her Slavery! A fear the daughter she loved so much would never ever speak to her again and a Panic that Sean would expose her there and then, perhaps by inviting Caroline to see her naked and handcuffed Mother’s mouth clamped over his cock!
And the anger, anger she was helpless in the hands of her Master Sean and could do nothing more than do his bidding and eventually take his hot semen into her throat, hoping against hope Sean would not expose her there and then.
As if in reassurance, Catherine felt Sean’s strong young hand stroking her head, even so she still desperately hoped Sean would keep his answers to her daughter’s Questions to the bare minimum needed to satisfy her curiosity.
So while Caroline’s panic stricken naked Mother continued sliding mouth up and Down his shaft, Sean’s hand continued protectively stroking her head, laughing Inwardly as he looked across to her daughter and marvelling over his almost total Control over this family.
Right now the thought of Caroline’s full lips replacing those of her Mother around his cock and of how she would react to having his full nine Inches deep inside her Throat, pumping his hot juices into her young mouth greatly appealed to Sean.
This was the moment Sean had thought long and hard over, of how easy it would be to simply allow Caroline to witness the sight of her naked mother between his legs, With her mouth clamped around his cock, but then what?
Sure he knew Caroline had proved to be hot for BDSM ... jeez that been obvious.
But the total exposure of her Mother was fraught with the danger of losing all of them, of breaking up the entire family and there was no mileage in that!
For aside from the obvious ploys of blackmail and violence, he would then have no other hold over them and that was a game he enjoyed playing. Violence and Blackmail were easy, but the real thrill for Sean came through his also controlling their minds.
So kneeling there between his legs, Caroline’s naked Mother would hear no more than he thought Catherine Dixon hoped to hear, or perhaps just a little more!’ Through a haze of oral sex and fear stricken panic, it suddenly occurred to Catherine that after what she had said, this was not the first time Caroline had spoken to Sean, if so Caroline could be getting far too close to the truth.
If she did, then Catherine realised her only option may now be to throw herself at The mercy of her daughter, but that was fraught with danger should her daughter Reject her, so her only real choice was to beg Sean, to do anything he asked of her Not to expose her.
But that may also meant having also to throw herself at the mercy of her son Dan and to then suffer the obvious consequences of Dan increasing the Considerable power over her he already had.
“Okay Caroline” Catherine heard Sean begin telling her daughter and fearing the worst was hardly placated by Sean’s reassuring patting of her head beneath his desk.
“Sure ... okay I admit it, Tom and I did visit your Mother one afternoon a year or so ago when we still at School, we had heard your Mother was teacher and well to be Honest, we wanted to play a trick on your Mum by getting her to think we also wanted to be teachers, just to kid her along, because I guess we both had a teenage crush on your mom Caroline, after all your mother is a good looking woman.
Smiling inwardly Sean watched Caroline squirm uncomfortably upon her chair, thinking that maybe her cunt was already alive and throbbing when in fact he had hardly begun!
“Go on” said Caroline almost whispered breathlessly.
“Okay, well we had Dan set up a meet with her at home and when we arrived your Mum made us pot of tea, then sat down to talk about her teaching experiences”
“We were sitting opposite your Mum and we both noticed the short skirt she was wearing had ridden up and well, ... I guess we could see she was wearing stockings, because the top of her thighs were visible to us as she crossed and uncrossed her legs ... deliberately I reckoned!”
It wasn’t hard for Sean to spot the flushing of Caroline Dixon’s cheeks, nor her sharp intake of breath when he’d mentioned stockings and tops of thighs, especially in the incredibly casual manner he was discussing her mother.
“Well Caroline, that got me thinking about something I had seen at home, so I went on to ask your Mother about how she disciplined her pupils, although she wanted to talk about giving detention and so on, so asked her if she ever canned naughty pupils, pupils who showed too much leg ... just as she was doing right then”
“Oh dear God” whispered Caroline blushing furiously while breathing more heavily, as unbeknown to her, beneath the desk, with Sean’s hand firmly clamping her mouth over his Cock, her Mother silently prayed that Sean would dilute the real truth as he continued.
“Well, your Mother blushed heavily and uncrossed her legs, but by then the damage had been done Caroline”
“Oh my God ... what do you mean”whispered Caroline.
“Are you sure you want me to continue with this Caroline, wouldn’t it be better if we just left it at that ... I really don’t want to embarrass either you or your mother” lied Sean, simply for the benefit of the naked woman beneath the desk and to give her a little hope her daughter may agree and leave ... perhaps while they both had a chance.
Only though for Catherines hopes to be dashed, when after a long pause, her wet and throbbing daughter eventually replied in a hushed almost breathless whisper.
“I really think you had better tell me everything you monsters did to my poor mother”
Okay, but remember, it’s choice Caroline ... the thing is I had bought a cane with me, the very cane I had seen my Dad use on my own Mum ... I’d hidden it in my trousers and so I showed it to your Mother, then told her she had two Choices, that she either take six from me and then six from Tom with the cane ... or we would give Dan a real good hiding at school and tell the other Guys about how his mom got Dan to ask us to visit him at home, before sending him out of the house so she could seduce us”
“Oh my God, You Bastard!” Catherine heard her daughter exclaim but didn’t see her blushing as a sudden thought came to Caroline.
“Dan ... where was Dan?” Asked Caroline, hoping against hope he hadn’t been in the very same room at that time!
“Oh no Caroline, Dan wasn’t there that afternoon” lied Sean, much to the relief of her naked Mother, who was well aware that had been far from the case, whilst Caroline, relieved that her brother was not as yet implicated in Sean’s narrative, couldn’t wait for Sean to continue. So by now enjoying himself immensely, Sean was only too happy to oblige.
“Well, eventually your Mother agreed to a caning, but when she bent over for us I guess I got a little excited and told her she could only get her punishment after she’d first removed her skirt”
Caroline’s emotions were in turmoil, part of her was disgusted by Sean’s casual admission about his treatment of her Mother, whilst another part realised she was getting wet and throbbing and that her nipples were hardening by the second.
Was this where it all began for her poor Mother? She wondered if the words were almost too disgusting to voice, but nonetheless Caroline found herself almost spitting out the question.
“And did my Mother remove her skirt?”
“Sure she did, after first thinking it over, your Mother then turned away from us and took it off, but very slowly, almost as though she were teasing us, but I wasn’t having that, so I got Tom to push your Mum over the sofa cushions and remove her top”
“oh my god Sean ... what kind of pervert are you”. whispered Caroline, not entirely convincingly.
“Jeez Caroline, your Mum had a great smelling perfume and she was wearing this most amazing little blue bra with a fantastic tiny matching thong and even a little garter belt ... do you know Caroline, it was almost as if you Mom had dressed especially for us!”
“Oh my God” was all the stunned Caroline could manage to whisper in astonishment, whilst close by, with Sean’s cock growing ever harder in her mouth, her Mother knew the terrible truth of Sean’s words, that she had indeed dressed in her sexiest Lingerie, although not for one moment thinking those boys Sean and Tom would ever get to see her lovely underwear!
Had her lovely yet in many ways naive Mother really dressed in her sexy lingerie for those two brutes? Wondered her daughter Caroline, before only just managing to prevent her hand from covering her mouth when Sean continued.
“So then we told your Mom that unless she removed her bra and handed it to Tom, then she would be getting twenty four stokes instead!”
Sean’s fond recollections, of that unbelievable first afternoon with Caroline’s Mother, albeit now somewhat transformed, were causing his cock to spasm and jerk inside the stunned Catherine’s mouth and as Sean continued his narration to her daughter, she felt the first squirt of his pre cum splashing against her throat.
“Oh Yeh, eventually she did Caroline and jeez your Mum sure has a pair of tits on her”
“oh my God, please Sean ... this is my Mother you’re talking about ... she must be twice your age ... how could you, how could you even considered doing such wicked things to my mother ... surely you didn’t expect to get away with it”
“I think I’ve heard enough of this Sean!” Catherine’s furious daughter exclaimed, but without real conviction, for her wide eyes and heavy breathing betrayed her inner emotions
But in Kneeling between his knees with her mouth clamped over Sean’s cock, Catherine was living proof that Sean Brady HAD got away it and while Swallowing Sean’s pre cum, she gave thanks at least to her daughter’s defence of her, until, studying her closely, Sean told Caroline she could either hear Everything he had to tell her, or leave his office right then.
However, unaware of the intensely heaving breathing and sexual anticipation her daughter was at that moment experiencing, Catherine was aghast to hear her reply.
“All of this is totally inexcusable and appalling Sean ... but ... but ... well now you’ve started I think you had best tell me everything”
One of the first things Tony had taught Sean, was that for most men there was no middle ground in their chosen lifestyle, they were either indifferent or Fascinated by the idea of bondage and domination but were none the less pretty relaxed about the idea of BDSM.
Most women however would be horrified and sickened when told of being stripped naked and punished by what amounted to an almost total stranger and would leave the office as fast as their legs could carry them.
There were though, women whose thoughts were easier to recognise.
It was in the eyes, in the shallow breathing and the way they nervously crossed and uncrossed their legs, just as Caroline Dixon was doing right then, as she had done during her first visit to Sean’s Office.
And just as they would remain seated and listen in rapt excited attention, so did Caroline Dixon, even if the recipient of the punishment meted such women just happened to be her own Mother!
“Okay the Caroline, but remember, it was you who asked me to tell you this” added Sean before, with her Mother listening intently with her mouth clamped over his cock, going on to tell her.
“Okay then ... well, Just to make sure your Mother kept her word, Tom threw your her skirt, top and bra across the room and told your Mom she would only get them back after we’d punished her”
“So we had your Mum kneel on the sofa with her arms and head in the cushions, her big tits were swinging free and her great ass was pointing up toward us Caroline”:
Even though again gasping “Oh my God”, and placing her hand to her mouth, it was by then obvious to Sean that Caroline Dixon was hooked upon his sordid recital, because even the fact he was discussing the subjugation of her own mother, hadn’t prevented her face becoming even more flushed and the rise and fall of her large breasts even more apparent, even more so as Sean continued.
“I had heard my own Mother doing this, so we told your Mum she would have to count each stroke of the cane then thank us for it”
“I gave her the first one across that great ass, not too hard really, more of an opener and it hardly marked your Mum’s ass, sure she tried to jump up, but Tom was holding her down on the sofa”
“but then came the best bit, because when I held the cane against her ass again your Mom actually said “One ... thank you” ... sure it was only a whisper that first time Caroline, but we soon trained your mum to thank us properly”!
Caroline knew she should have left there and then ... this, this monster’s revelations about what he and his friend had done to her poor Mother were abhorrent and sickening, yet Caroline’s bewildered mind Could not but help picture the scene in the lounge she knew so well and the familiar Sofa upon which she had so often sat with her Mother!
And Caroline’s thoughts were also drawn to her Mother’s powder blue lingerie, the very same she herself had borrowed and worn for an occasional special date, casually cast aside by one of those monsters, cruelly cast away from her Mothers reach, as they forced her all but naked body to kneel upon on the sofa.
Caroline pictured the scene, her Mother displaying her round firm ass to them as she waited for the cane land upon her tender flesh.
“Oh God, just what had been going through her Mother’s mind”?
Surely such a mature and sensible wife and Mother would have screamed blue murder and fought off these teenage thugs, threatened them with exposure to their families, or even called the Police.
Although Perhaps she was being unkind to her Mother, wondered Caroline, After all with her father away on Business yet again and Dan god knows where, she would have been all alone and terrified in her own home. And she recalled both Sean and Tom as being two big youths, both of whom were frightened of no one and always ready and up for a fight.
And In many ways Caroline could see just how easy it would have been for Sean and Tom to frighten her brother Dan into arranging for and then to meet her Mother and perhaps just how easily their words and strong young hands could have subdued and controlled her beautiful yet tender and often naive Mother.
Right then what really disturbed Caroline, was an awareness that not only was she desperate to hear everything Sean had to tell her, but that incredibly she could also picture herself being stripped by Sean Brady, then forced to display her own naked bottom to him, waiting, as had no doubt trembling Mother, for the kiss of the cane upon her own naked and no doubt trembling bottom.
Then as Sean continued his outwardly unperturbed narrative, an image of herself at the mercy of Sean Brady and his friend Tom grew ever stronger and Caroline, no longer able to meet Sean’s steely blue eyes, could only close her eyes in horrified yet excited fascination and listen to Sean’s calm voice telling her.
“The thing is Caroline your Mum was doing okay until the ninth one, but then I landed a real hard one just below her Ass. I guess part of it must have hit her clitty, because she suddenly Cried out called me a monster and all sorts of other names as she struggled to get free of Tom”
“But he was too strong for your Mom and was pretty angry with her for being so disrespectful, so Tom told her to kneel upright and remove her panties before she got the next three, otherwise she would be getting the full twenty four!”
“And hey, what a great sight it was Caroline” continued Sean in a deliberate ploy to maximise both Caroline’s embarrassment and of course that of her Mother, who was struggling to contain and swallow a sudden surge of Sean’s warm salty semen shooting into her throat, without making any sound that may alert her daughter to her presence, while with eyes still closed, hearing Sean continue.
“I tell you Caroline, she looked great on her knees struggling to remove that little blue thong, with her big tits swinging around like a couple of giant melons.
Although she had at least learnt to thank us properly and after her twelfth stroke of the cane, your Mum sort of buried her head in the cushions.”
“She was sobbing a little, but it seemed to me that she was maybe just doing that more out of embarrassment, because by then cum juices were seeping around her clitty, so I told her she had to stand up with her hands on her head and then apologise for being so disobedient toward us.”
“Oh God”:whispered Caroline, unable to prevent an image of her Mother displaying her naked body before this evil brute ... not only that but having to suffer the added indignity of holding her hands her head whilst doing so!.
“You animal! I can’t believe you actually made my mother do that ... it’s crazy, surely Mum must have ... oh my god ... this is so hard to take in”
“Well i guess your Mum didn’t seem keen the idea at first, but I reckon she’d figured out just who was in charge around there and that it wasn’t her, so she eventually got off the couch, but real slow and trying to keep her back to us, that was until I told her we would start all over again if she had learnt nothing and was going to continue being disobedient toward us”
Every rational fibre of her being was telling Caroline to shout stop! stop! stop! and inform Sean she wouldn’t hear another single word, to berate him and tell him she intended doing everything in her power to see Sean Brady pay for what he’d done to her Mother...
Unfortunately the throbbing wetness between her legs, combined with a previously undreamed of sense of sexual anticipation, prevented Caroline from doing so In short, just as she’d been when first the Sandra strung up in Sean’s playroom and even if this was her Mother Sean was describing,, Caroline was actually envious of her and needed to hear every last detail of her Mothers ordeal at the hands of Sean Brady ... and he wasn’t about to. dissapoint her.
“But jeez Caroline, it turned out your Mother really had learnt her lesson, because she slowly straightened up until she stood there with her hands by her Side, wearing no more than her high heels, garter belt and her stockings ... and hell, then the strangest thing happened
Unaware that very same horrified Mother still had her mouth clamed over Sean’s still erect cock, Caroline’s eyes flew open ... what the hell did he mean?
“As if to show us she really had leant her lesson, your Mum sort of piled that fantastic hair up on to the top of her head, then locking her hands together to Hold it there, she sort of arched her back, just as those models do”
“Then ... jeez Caroline, your Mum slowly turned around and faced us, still with her hands on her head and arching her back, she pushed out those fantastic tits toward us ... believe me Caroline your Mum could have been a page three girl!”
‘Oh my God’ whispered the stunned yet bizarrely sexually animated Caroline once again, only too aware of the terrible yet o exciting throbbing between her legs ... oh how she would have loved it to be her standing there that day instead of her Mother!
“What a sight your Mum made Caroline, her fantastic tits and well trimmed pussy hair were displayed Just for us and jeez, her legs were even spread a little ... and then she said it Caroline ... maybe she had thought About what to say, or maybe it just came out ... whatever ... but I swear your Mother’s eyes were looking straight Into mine in a sort Of defiant yet submissive way ... I reckoned she was daring me to do my worst with her ... maybe telling me she respected me but that I had not yet completely conquered her”
“I don’t believe you Sean, that’s crazy, surely my Mother was simply trying to avoid more ... punishment ... from you”
Although even as she said it, her pussy was throbbing as never before and Caroline was aware of the dampness seeping into her Panties as Sean replied.
“Okay than Caroline, I’ll word for word exactly what your Mum said to me.”
“I’m sorry ... and I apologise for my disobedience toward you earlier”
then your Mum paused for a moment before adding”
“And I promise I shall be more respectful toward you in future”
“Oh my God” repeated Caroline yet again, while conjuring up an image of her Mother standing naked before Sean Brady with her hands on head ... apologising to him!...
“Oh Yeah, that’s exactly what she said Caroline and she said it stark naked, because with her hands on her head, she wasn’t even trying to hide her fantastic tits or that neatly trimmed little blonde pussy from us.
“Oh my God Sean ... You’ve seen every part of my Mother’s body!’ whispered Caroline, wondering why she should be feeling a little jealous of Sean, before taking her thoughts a stage further.
‘So what happened afterward ... please ... please Sean, please you’re not going to tell me you ... you” there Caroline’s voice trailed off, for there was no way could she ask Sean if he had fucked her Mother.
With his cock now deflating within Catherine’s mouth and enjoying her daughters discomfiture, Sean was congratulating himself on his ability to re-invent the facts of what had really happened that afternoon.
Sure he had fucked the living daylights out of Caroline’s Mother, while she in turn had referred to him as her ‘Master’ long before he and Tom had left the house, but for now at least he would allow her mother Catherine to escape with a modicum of dignity, as between his knees she consumed the last drops of his semen.
“Let me finish Caroline”Sean admonished Caroline whilst in a gesture of reassurance his hand stroked her Mother’ beneath his desk.
“Afterward I made your Mother kiss the Cane then take its length between her lips, telling her she was to stay that way until Tom and I had left ... Okay I guess I also got a little carried away because I couldn’t resist touching her up a little, feeling her tits and nipples for a while”
Unable to resist, Sean also added. And Oh Yeah, I guess Tom and me touched her pussy up a little, it was so wet and inviting we just couldn’t resist doing it”!
Caroline grimaced, as much to Catherine’s embarrassment Sean then added.
“I gotta say you should be proud of your Mum Caroline, because she kept that cane between her lips and her hands on her head all the time I was Messing with her nipples and I’ve got to say those great nipples were rock hard after a while”
“And like I said, I guess I felt up your Moms pussy, just a little bit ... and hell ... she was even a little wet down there, but I tell you Caroline, Tom and I both had a massive hard on when we left, so you can guess what I did as soon as I got home ... what your Mother did I don’t know, because I didnt hear from her afterward”
Between Sean’s legs, the stunned and humiliated Catherine was at least grateful Sean had said nothing of the actual sexual nature of that afternoon, of her sucking Tom’s cock while being caned by Sean, then afterwards, with Sean’s own massive cock fucking her senseless, giving her best orgasm she had ever experienced.
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Catherine was terrified. She’d been on her regular morning run when a city maintenance van blocked part of the street and most of the running path ahead of her. Catherine swung to the right, intending to run past. Too late, she saw the open door on the side of the van and the two men in stocking masks. One of them jumped in front of her and pinned her arms while the second man slapped a cloth over her face. Within seconds, she was unconscious. Now, Catherine was in a chair with her eyes...
catherine&rick by samandrewsCatherine could hear the shower running just as she threw on her robe. It was 8:25. Bob must have slept in as he was usually out of the house by 8:00. She quickly remembered that Bob and his buddy Rick had been out last night for a few beers at the game and she had been asleep when he came home so it must have been late. She could hear movements in the shower and as she did she got a naughty gleam in her eye. She went over to her lingerie chest and picked out a...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture that day had lasted a little longer than usual. Then, the students had many more questions than they normally did. Now, it, was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was Sandy who had arranged for the guest lecturing position at the...
catherine&rick by samandrews Catherine could hear the shower running just as she threw on her robe. It was 8:25. Bob must have slept in as he was usually out of the house by 8:00. She quickly remembered that Bob and his buddy Rick had been out last night for a few beers at the game and she had been asl**p when he came home so it must have been late. She could hear movements in the shower and as she did she got a naughty gleam in her eye. She went over to her lingerie chest and picked out a...
Victoria Preston Aware her ‘work schedule’ meant his Aunt Vicky had a free day, although by now quite used to her nephew Dan coming and going as he wished, Victoria Preston was none the less surprised and alarmed to see to see her nephew Dan confidently striding into her bedroom the morning after his Mother had ‘entertained’ Annie Day. In fact fresh from being on the receiving end of a great blow job from his Mother Catherine, Dan was carrying out the request of Annie Day that he check up...
Slowly opening her tired eyes In the darkness of her lounge when surfacing from a deep sleep, the first thing Victoria Preston became aware of was the dreadful pounding behind her eyes accompanying the worst headache she could recall in years. After managing to reach out and switch in the table lamp side the sofa and then Looking at her watch Vicky was amazed to see the time was 2am. “Oh my god ... I feel like shit ... what’s happened?” she asked herself when after realising she wasn’t...
Apologies to regular readers for the delay. ... Although quite naturally missing her young baby child Peter, Catherine Dixon was at least content in the knowledge her son was by now in the strong caring hands of the otherwise fearsome Olga up at the Manor House of Peter Harris, the grandfather of her youngest son and now apparently half a world away, after having left the running of his ‘Business’ in the hands of his teenage son David Harris, along with Sean Brady. Sean Brady, whom...
Breakfast time at the Dixon household the following morning was a quiet affair, where Mother, daughter and Son all appeared to be lost in thought. As indeed they were, and although shortly having to leave for what his Mother assumed to be his day at College, Dan was unable to resist furtive glances at both His Mother and Sister Caroline, both of whom he’d witnessed first hand in the ‘Bookshop’ the previous day. Although Sean hadnt allowed him to observe what Dan assumed to be His sister’s...
Catherine's Black Submission byblackandwhitewriter©Roy drove his huge cock deep into Catherine's sopping wet cunt, her moans filling the air. They'd been at it for almost an hour and she'd had four intense orgasms. Once again, her breathing picked up, longer and faster, as she neared yet another climax. Sure enough, with a few more of Roy's powerful strokes, Catherine exploded for a fifth time, her screams signaling complete satisfaction...and near exhaustion.Roy was a handsome black man and...
For the first time since her divorce Victoria Preston was wishing she still had a husband, or live in lover. Having Just days ago been subjected to the most sexual abuse that she would have believed possible and at the hands of a total stranger at that, a stranger complete with a horrific leather mask, who had beaten and sexually humiliated her, in full view that awful woman Joan and of course her nemesis Sean Brady. Now just an hour ago Sean had simply walked into her home and doing so with...
“We’ll that was fun the other night Caroline, your mother sure is one hell of a fuck, hey what do you think, you reckon we’ve done the job on the bitch, I reckon the kid will be mine not my brother’s, not that it matters when we only want to milk your mums tits” With Caroline Dixon kneeling naked upon her Masters office desk performing her duties as a living naked ‘centrepiece’ upon his desk, as was so often the case during his business meetings, Peter Harris had left the office with his...
Carrying a tray laden with Coffee and breakfast things up to her bedroom, wearing nothing other than a leather collar and leash, wasn’t an experience Annie Day had previously participated in at 9 in the morning and certainly not at the same time on the dot every morning, in fact until a few months ago such an exercise was something Annie would never have dreamed of. Certainly not before having her home and her very existence taken over by Olga, the burly East European dominant Lesbian. In...
It had all started with the unusually cold night that in the tiled bathroom had felt a lot colder that it had made her nipples slightly more sensitive when she had begun removing her clothes, stepping into the hot bath, she had felt quite relaxed, and secured. Going back to what her friend had taught her do you, you slide a finger inside, find the clit, and focus on it. She had spent quite some time with her finger in her vagina before she finally found it, giving an usual amount of pleasure...
Although seemingly each of them were deep in thought, in reality Catherine Dixon and her son Dan were if fact just too embarrassed to speak during the journey home from the party, in fact the trip had been completed in strained silence, until once indoors Mother and son retired to their respective bedrooms. There each to ponder upon that evenings momentous events. Soothing her beaten and battered body in a hot bath, Catherine’s emotions were in turmoil, for although there could have been no...
Caroline Dixon: If Caroline Dixon had won her own battle with her Mother for the attention and affections of their ‘owner’ Peter Harris when at his large country Manor House, the situation in the Dixon Household when Caroline paid a rare visit could be described as being a no contest between Mother and Daughter. For thanks to Dan’s edict that his Mother adopt a minuscule dress dress code about the house when he arrived home and when serving his meals, Catherine Dixon was wearing no more...
Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture on that fateful day had lasted a little longer than usual. On top of that, her students had asked many more questions than they normally would have asked. This pleased Catherine because it indicated they were paying attention. However, by the time she left the classroom it was getting late. She hoped she hadn't missed her ride. To add insult to injury,...
Catherine Makes A Change By Petricia She stood in the doorway and gazed at it as she had done countless times before. Gleaming stainless steel, black lacquer, soft black leather, chrome buckles. It was beautiful, a work of art. It was hideous, evil, cold- a thing to be feared and reviled. It dominated the room, as it dominated her thoughts, and holding the promise of something so sinister it made her quiver to think about it. The device was Catherine’s own creation, a product of her...
The Countless reply texts to whoever had sent her the first dreadful text message instructing Victoria Preston to check her emails, resulted in not one single reply, or text of any kind from that ‘unknown number’ Likewise Vicky’s every attempt at sending a reply email to the perverted scumbags behind the horrified nerve jangling 45 minute long video film they’d somehow compiled of Vicky’s horrific sexual debasement at the hands and bodies of unknown abusers had been returned as being sent to...
“And just where the fuck have you been?” In fact Trevor knew full well where his girlfriend Claire Taylor had been all afternoon, but he wasn’t about to allow himself to look a mug again, having already been made to look a fool when left outside the house of Annie Day by Kevin Smith, who’d then disappeared to who knows where along with with Claire’s mother Karen. “Why are you shouting at me Trevor, I’m not your property and I don’t have to tell you where I am every minute of the day!”...
Comfortably reclining in the large antique leather chair behind his huge antique oak desk, the imposing figure of Peter Harris gazed with huge satisfaction and no little pride at the two almost identical women, both with hands were clasped together behind their Blonde heads. Peter’s huge desk, upon which on its two far corners, Catherine Dixon and her daughter Caroline, each adorned with large identical nipple rings, gazed down toward the surface of the huge desk, each wearing only a...
Finally having the house to herself after the departure of her son Dan and the young girl Sharon, Catherine Dixon was at long last able to take a long hot soak in her bath, but more importantly a private bath and to reflect upon her feelings, not only of how she’d yet again been sexually used and abused by both her son and his strange new girlfriend, but of how Dan had taken another giant step toward sexually owning his own Mother. For where he’d previously been satisfied sexually...
Having completed an all too rare shopping expedition with her daughter Caroline, and now concluding lunch with coffee, Catherine Dixon was now having to fend of some increasingly difficult questions from her daughter. Certainly Catherine had been delighted to hear her daughter praising her new hairstyle and that with a new sparkle in her eyes and a far more glamorous manner of dressing, her Mother looked ‘more attractive than ever’ these days. “It’s almost as if you’ve taken a lover Mum”...
Catherine Bell and her male co-star, Larry, were acting in a made-for-TV film that was going to include a sexual interlude between the two of them. This was several years ago before Catherine became famous with her work on JAG. The script contained quite a bit of very provocative sexual acting and one scene that transcended anything that Catherine ever did before or since in her career in front of the camera. The actual scene came about 2/3 of the way through the film when Catherine and Larry...
Introduction: Not sure where all of the symbols and random characters came from, but this should fix it. Chapter 1: Beginnings OOHHH, YES!! YES, FUCK ME LOVER! Catharine screamed as her lover?s cock slammed in and out of her body. She was a young woman, having just turned eighteen, with raven black shoulder length hair that contrasted with her pale skin to give a seeming unearthly beauty, long shapely legs connected to a firm toned heart shaped ass, her breasts were small, but pert and well...
"OOHHH, YES!! YES, FUCK ME LOVER!" Catharine screamed as her lover?s cock slammed in and out of her body. She was a young woman, having just turned eighteen; with raven black shoulder length hair that contrasted with her pale skin to give a seeming unearthly beauty; long shapely legs connected to a firm toned heart shaped ass; her breast's were small, but pert and well suited for her petite frame of 5'6", one-hundred-ten pounds. "Mmm, yes I'm gonna cum baby", she whispered...
"OOHHH, YES!! YES, FUCK ME LOVER!" Catharine screamed as her lover’s cock slammed in and out of her body. She was a young woman, having just turned eighteen; with raven black shoulder length hair that contrasted with her pale skin to give a seeming unearthly beauty; long shapely legs connected to a firm toned heart shaped ass; her breast's were small, but pert and well suited for her petite frame of 5'6", one-hundred-ten pounds. "Mmm, yes I'm gonna cum baby", she...
The affair between Julie Jenkinson and her now eighteen-year-old son Christopher was not abating and they were having sex,on average, three times a day.Julie had purchased a cane as one of Christopher's eighteenth birthday presents and he now felt that across his arse more frequently than his mothers hairbrush with him usually wearing female clothing when the beatings were administered although they had long ceased to be punishments as both parties got pleasure from them.For a change Julie was...
IncestWhen Catherine arrived, I met her at the door and gave her a huge hug. Callie came bouncing down the stairs and joined us in a group hug. After we were finished, I carried Catherine's bags up to her bedroom and helped her unpack. "So have you two been good?" Catherine asked. "No, Mom, I'm afraid that we've been very bad" was Callie's response. "Excellent!" said Catherine. "I was hoping you'd say that." "Mom, I wanted to say thanks for allowing me to fuck Bob this weekend. He's been the subject...
Straight SexBeware the night before the dawnBeware the dark when light is goneFor there's a phantom lust awakePowerwolf,Demons are a girl's best friendThe word best suited to describe Catherine's sex life, the one that immediately came to her mind when she thought of the delights of passionate love, this word was an adjective and this adjective was, quite simply and to her great displeasure: catastrophic. After a long series of shabby plans in which the deflated, pathetic runts unable to make her come,...
Being led by the hand through the house of a previously complete stranger would have been a novel enough experience for Claire Taylor, although being led by the hand when wearing no more than a skimpy set of green and black satin lingerie while her breasts and nipples were jiggling around over the quarter cup bra was another matter altogether. Especially when the person clutching Claire’s hand was a tall mature grey haired stranger she only met an hour ago. This surely was an out of this...
Catherine Jenkinson was just short of her twentieth birthday and it was now almost two months since she had paid her surprise visit to her mother Julie and eighteen-year-old brother Christopher.As it turned out it was Catherine that got most of the surprises because, on her arrival, she found her mother in the process of spanking her brother with a hairbrush but not only that, Christopher was wearing female clothing.She was to discover that not only were both the spanking and the wearing of...
IncestCatherine Bell, better known in the last eight years as Lt. Col. Sarah McKenzie, USMC (or "Mac") knew there was more than one reason she was cast for her role in the TV series, JAG. One reason was her demonstrated acting ability. That was definitely true because Catherine is an astounding and very convincing actress. But, there were some other obvious reasons -- Catherine's beauty and her shapely figure. Anyone that doesn't know that sex appeal is a huge characteristic desired in TV shows...
Not that I want to claim to be historically accurate (and who can, considering it is only rumor), but the speculation that she was 'good' to her horses gets my imagination stirring! So, maybe it happened like this... Our not yet horsebred Russkie is not allowed loose comingling, both for bloodlines and for security, but she is eighteen, devoid of her 'flower' thanks to a (helpful?) servant, and becoming addicted to dick! The servant didn't realize she'd love it so much but if he...
We had been to my cousin's wedding reception and were on our way home when my wife Catherine slid over next to me and put her hand on my leg. I knew what she wanted; hell, she'd been wanting it all night. She had wanted it as we were getting ready to go to the wedding, but I had put her off because we were running late. She had been 'antsy' ever since. Twice during the reception she had tried to maneuver me into an empty room for a quickie, but instead of thinking of her steaming hot pussy...
Entering the inner sanctum of the old second hand bookshop once again a few days later was nervy pleasure Kevin Smith, one he thought he’d never again experience. Yet one single chance meeting had suddenly intervened. That of an tall attractive mature busty blonde running low on fuel and her pulling into a small out of town filling station, manned by Kevin, which had been the catalyst for his hoped for return to the fold, of Sean Brady’s enterprise. That of running an enterprise making...
Catherine Bell was very frustrated. She loved sex and yet she wasn't regularly getting nearly enough to keep her satisfied and to knock the hot sexy edge off of her horniness. She hated not being able to get fucked whenever she needed to. Catherine found herself getting very horny on the set where she filmed JAG on a daily basis and by the time she got home, she was screaming for an orgasm and her husband was never there to help her get the sexual satisfaction that a normal horny woman like...
I looked at her wedding ring and the guy glanced down at it then smiled up over her shoulder, his eyes leveling upon mine and he shook his head, the entire exchange being my question - “are you two married” and his response - “she is but not to me”. His hand swept to the small of her back then, and he bent to her, kissing her passionately and I turned back to the wheel of my newly acquired half cabin cruiser.I had only bought it two weeks before, along with the small taxi business on the lake,...
An incessant ringing of the doorbell had been non stop and persistent enough to wake and tell the sleepy naked Caroline Dixon the caller was going nowhere until someone had answered and as there was no way she was about to rush around getting dressed, an annoyed Caroline Dixon eventually decided the naked and disheveled handcuffed figure of her Aunt Vicky, who’s head had remained between her legs while both of them had slept, would just have to answer the annoying doorbell, a minor annoyance...
I know I shouldn't write my hot imagination on the internet as the readers might find out who I am talking about. I just hope that she will never find out. BUT NEVER DO IT IN REAL LIFE, THIS IS JUST MY fantasy Catherine was a senior girl in high school, probably about 18 or so. She stands 5'6" and weights about 128 lbs, she was quite chubby in others' perspective; but I found her kind of attractive in my eyes. Anyway, on the first day back to school from summer holidays, the whole school was...
First TimeIt is, as we all know, normal for a pupil to have a crush on a teacher but far less normal for a teacher to have a crush on a pupil. I think I fell in love with Catherine the first day I saw her. I was taken on as a teacher for two terms at an all girls’ Catholic school, one of those schools that prepare pupils for A levels to get them into University. It was the sort of school where the pupils have to cram lots of facts and reproduce them in the exam and hope for the best. Catherine had failed...
It is, as we all know, normal for a pupil to have a crush on a teacher but far less normal for a teacher to have a crush on a pupil. I think I fell in love with Catherine the first day I saw her. I was taken on as a teacher for two terms at an all girls’ Catholic school, one of those schools that prepare pupils for A levels to get them into University. It was the sort of school where the pupils have to cram lots of facts and reproduce them in the exam and hope for the best. Catherine had failed...
Lesbian"Bob, I have a favor to ask of you." Catherine and I had just finished a long and hot fucking session; now both of us were trying to recover our breath. "Anything for you. What is it?" I responded. We had been seeing each other for over a month now, and not only was the sex hot, but I could see this relationship lasting for a long while. "You remember that I have to be out of town for three days next week, right?" "Yes, three days that I'm not sure I can survive" I said with a smile. I said...
Straight SexI have been asked about my 1st timeCatherine and I on the 3rd time we made out with each other was a Sunday , her mum and dad had gone visiting for the dayI knocked on her door she opened it wearing her nightie I stepped in she threw her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers Her tongue pushed into my mouth I responded back her breath smelt of toothpaste we stood there for five minutes just caressing and running our hands over each others bodies , I was wet immediatelyShe led me...
Catherine was known as the scholarly type, her sensual beauty usually concealed behind severely practical clothes and big, round spectacles. But the books she brought home from the research library where she worked betrayed her true nature. For her recreational reading, she sought out the erotic works of the ancient masters, fantasizing herself in the roles of their long-suffering heroines as she lay in her lingerie on her lonely bed.Having dozed off in the middle of a particularly torrid...
As had her sister before her, Victoria Preston turned her nose up at the down-market area while looking from her car to the tired looking bookshop across the road. Then she looked back at the couple of rough looking youths who seemed to be hanging around the entrance. Looking at her watch and unaware Sean Brady was looking down at her from an upstairs window, Vicky eventually decided she was now late enough to perhaps keep Sean on tenterhooks as to whether she would turn up or not. So after...
When Catherine arrived, I met her at the door and gave her a huge hug. Callie came bouncing down the stairs and joined us in a group hug. After we were finished, I carried Catherine’s bags up to her bedroom and helped her unpack. ‘So have you two been good?’ Catherine asked. ‘No, Mom, I’m afraid that we’ve been very bad’ was Callie’s response. ‘Excellent!’ said Catherine. ‘I was hoping you’d say that.’ ‘Mom, I wanted to say thanks for allowing me to fuck Bob this weekend. He’s been the...