AudryChapter 2 free porn video

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Audry was really pissed off. I could tell by the way things were flying around the room. As soon as she came through the door, her helmet hit the far wall. Her boots followed, then her jacket and riding crop.

"Bad practice, honey?" I asked, hoping to cheer her up.

Normally, Audry is one of the sweetest, most even-tempered girls I know. But once in a while... I guess this was one of those times.

"Didn't practice. They sold my horse!" She fumed and muttered. "How am I supposed to practice for Nationals, when my horse just got sold to another rider?"

That did sound serious. At the national and international level, dressage and show jumping contests are won as much by the horse as by the rider. And even the best of both need time to become a team. Audry had been renting Blitzen for the past year, and had done very well with him. But now, offered really serious money by a rider from Chicago, his owners had sold him. We had a problem.

My first reaction was to gather Audry in my arms, for some serious hugging and comfort. Good instinct. She melted against me and cried out her frustration.

Then I took her to bed. That's always a good idea, since she's one fantastic lay-besides being my mate, my wife and my ideal woman.

Audry has her mother's blonde hair, and her dad's gray eyes. Small and elegantly slender, her narrow, heart-shaped face and slightly pointed ears give her a decidedly elfin look. The slight slant to her eyes and the faint smudges beneath them just enhance that.

Her shape is pleasantly womanly, with plenty to lick, caress, suck and play with. But, if she follows her mother's pattern, she'll always remain trim and shapely.

This superior package houses an intellect sharper than mine and a fun-loving spirit that is sweet and mellow most of the time.

Her mother, a 'flower child' of the 60s, taught Audry everything she knows about sex, men, and how to have a good time in bed. Audry and I pass up the recreational drugs, but sure do get off on the rest of it.

The next morning was Saturday and I needed to exercise my horse, Shannon. I'd raised him from a colt and trained him myself, under my mom's watchful eye. Shannon and I were going to try to win the three-day event at the equestrian nationals in the fall. Like any athlete, a horse needs to keep in shape, and it was my responsibility to see to it.

Audry went with me. The stable-hand, Deke spotted us. "Too bad about Blitzen, Audry," he commiserated. "What ya gonna do now?"

"I haven't a clue, Deke," she answered. "I'll have to find another horse, but I just don't know where I'll find one I can afford."

"Tough one," he agreed, moving off on his rounds of feeding horses and mucking out their stalls.

Audry took one of the stable hacks and accompanied me out to the cross-country course, cantering along easily on the path, while I galloped between the jumps. Shannon was full of himself that morning and gave me quite a handful-and an exhilarating ride-though he was pretty much used up by the end of the course.

Audry cantered up, just as I was rubbing him down after our workout. Her hair was free in the early spring sunshine-somewhat rare that early in the season, for Oregon. At least, for the valley. At home, on the ranch, we had only a third as much rainfall-and lots more sunshine. In Corvallis, where we were attending Oregon State, the Willamette Valley winters are just plain wet.

I watched her pull up and jump from the horse. My heart pounding-she was one magnificent woman-I grabbed her and kissed her soundly on the spot.

"Mmm. That was nice. What's the occasion?"

"You're so damn beautiful, I just had to kiss you."

Audry waved that off. But she was pleased.

That afternoon, it occurred to me that I had the best source for information about horses right at home. I called dad.

Mom answered. "Hi, Robby. What's up with you guys? How's things in Corvallis?"

"The usual, mom. School, Audry, beer and pizza, Audry, study, Audry... You know."

She giggled at that. She knows how much I'm in love. And she fully approves of Audry, knowing that we're very good for each other. "So why'd you call when you could be talking to Audry?"

"Need some advice, mom."

"Elin is good for that. I'm straight missionary style, myself." That set me roaring with laughter, echoed by mom's silvery giggle.

"No. Horse advice, mom... Blitzen was sold to the Olsens in Chicago. Audry needs another horse."

"Oh. That's too bad, Rob. Hold the line while I get your father." Mom knows all there is to know about training horse and rider. And about picking the right horse for the rider. But she's just not tuned right to follow the business side of the show horse business.

Dad picked up the phone. "That's really bad news, son. We should have bought that horse, ourselves."

"Nah. They wanted almost twice what he was worth. Let the Olsens waste their money. I don't think we need to."

"Son, as it stands now, the Olsens have a horse. Audry doesn't."

"True," I admitted. "But we have integrity. And I have a dad who knows all the horses in the country, and can work a miracle and find just the right one for Audry."

Dad laughed. "Don't you wish? Give me a day or two to think on it-make a couple of calls-talk to your mom. Tell Audry we'll find something for her."

"Thanks dad. And thank mom, too. Even if she didn't have any advice for me."

"Huh?" dad said.

"Ask her. It might be fun." I hung up.

"Well?" Audry demanded. "Do I have a horse?"

"Not just yet. But dad said he'll find you one. He'll get back to us in a day or two. He'll want mom's opinion on any horse he considers, too, you know."

"Sure. I just hate to waste the time."

"It'll be OK, honey."

Tuesday, mom called. "Can you guys come out to the ranch for a couple of days? We have an idea."

"I guess, Mom. How about we leave right after class on Thursday? We can be there Thursday night."

"That will work fine... Oh, yes. Rob, I want you to bring Shannon, too."

"OK, I guess. But, why?"

"Easier to show you. See you Thursday night."

Audry's only Thursday class was a 9 o'clock, so right afterwards she drove to the stables and loaded Shannon in the trailer we pull behind my pickup. (We're ranch kids. We drive pickups. How would we pull a horse trailer with a sedan?) On a hunch, she threw all our tack in, too.

By one, we were on the highway. We tooled right along, being careful on the curves, so Shannon wouldn't get tossed around. It wasn't quite dusk when we arrived at home. I turned Shannon into the corral. He seemed happy, frolicking in the familiar place. This was his home, too.

Audry and I first stopped at the big house, to tell grandma we were home for the weekend. We lived there, when we were home. Then we went to my parents' house. (We'd see Audry's folks in the morning. Grandma said she'd have everybody to breakfast.)

Mom and dad had funny looks on their faces. They said they had the solution to our problem-maybe. But it was a big maybe and they needed to test a couple things first, to make sure. We'd all know more tomorrow. That was all they'd say. So Audry and I said our goodnights and walked back to the big house and our bed.

Something about the clean mountain air at the ranch-we always make spectacular love our first couple of nights at home. Not that making love with Audry isn't spectacular all the time... That night, after a sixty-nine that left us both quivering, Audry pulled me on top of her-somehow I was ready again-and into her. Then we just talked, and kissed, and loved. When we were almost asleep, I would have moved my weight off of her, but she whimpered, and whispered that she liked to feel me on her. And in her. We'd gone to sleep plugged in before, spoon fashion, and loved it. This was new. Audry's curves are an interesting mattress, indeed.

When the approaching sunrise lightened the window in our room, we woke, still joined, and declared our love in the best way possible. Waking up to Audry is marvelous. Waking up making love to Audry is indescribable.

At 7, the family gathered around grandma's table for breakfast. Audry greeted her parents with kisses-and a special hug for her mother, Elin. (Elin had told her about sleeping under her man. It was fun to try.)

When we'd scarfed down grandma's hearty breakfast, we adjourned to the corral.

"Rob, put Audry's saddle on Shannon, would you?" mom asked.

Confused, I just said, "Sure," and did as she asked.

When Audry was mounted, mom said, "Audry, try a little dressage." She did, and the horse responded perfectly. Of course he did. I'd trained him.

"OK, Audry. Now try the jumps."

Again, Shannon was flawless. He responded to Audry perfectly-with a bit less of himself than with me.

Dad led out a huge horse. "Rob, this is 'Samarkand'. We call him 'Sam'. Throw a saddle on him. I'd like to see what you think."

The horse was so big I had to let out the cinch straps, adjusted for Shannon, a lot. And dad had to help me get a leg up, to mount him, with my stirrups at jumping length.

Once aboard, he gave me a bit of a tussle-just finding out if I was competent. Nothing like the workout a cow pony would give a rider first thing in the morning. With firm but gentle hand on the reins and pressure of knee and leg, I got him in hand.

He was pure joy to ride. The horse felt just right, on the dressage movements I tried. He took the jumps eagerly, clearing them all with ease. I asked dad, who was nearest, to open the corral gate so I could ride him out.

In the open, I let him have his head. He started with a fast canter. Then, rolling his head, he seemed to ask. I gave him a gentle heel and he took off!

We ran about a mile, then cantered a mile back. By the time we got back to the corral, I was in love. Not like with Audry, but this big horse and I had formed a bond.

I guess I was grinning ear to ear when I pulled him up.

Mom grinned too. "I see we've solved your problems," she said.

"Well, Sam is a hell of a horse," I agreed. "But the problem was Audry's."

"Oh, no. That one was easy. She'll ride Shannon."

That brought me up short. I'd raised him. I'd trained him myself. He was bred to be my horse!

Then I looked at mom, and dad, and Audry. And Sam blew in my ear, slobbering on my jacket.

I knew they were right. Sam was a better horse for me, and Shannon would be perfect for Audry. And, though I had been reluctant to admit it, Shannon's endurance was a source of worry. I just wasn't sure he'd be able to retain his form and stamina for the 3-day event. That wasn't a consideration with Sam. It was hard to accept that I'd put that much effort into Shannon and he wasn't what I'd been trying to create with him.

Mom knew what was going through my head. "You're still young, Robbie. Now, while you will still love horses, you'll be able to see them as they are. Don't feel badly. Shannon was the best of that crop of colts, and you did an outstanding job with him. It isn't your fault that he isn't really suited for the 3-day."

Ruefully, I agreed with her. Shannon and I would have done well in the 3-day. But we'd never have been outstanding. Sam and I could be.

But, with Audry on him, Shannon could be outstanding in the other equestrian events. So I had nothing to be ashamed of except youth-and my parents had made sure I wouldn't be ashamed of that.

Samarkand was bred on the ranch. I didn't remember him, especially, but vaguely recalled him among the other foals a couple years back. Mom and dad had been working with him for about a year-either for me or to sell. Besides having a superior horse, I didn't have to buy him! That was good, because this animal would easily bring $150,000 to $250,000. That's a lot for a ranch kid financing college.

That night, the bedroom pyrotechnics wiped memory of the evening before from my mind. Audry wasn't just happy about getting Shannon-with mom's assurance that this was the right horse for her-she was ecstatic! She was every bit as happy that I had the right horse, too.

A week after we returned, with both horses, to Corvallis, we sent in our entry forms for nationals.

That spring, I graduated with a B.S. in Animal Husbandry, from Oregon State ("Silo Tech", according to the students at Oregon, just down the road in Eugene.) We'd be working at the ranch all summer. In the fall, we'd go to nationals, then return to Corvallis, so Audry could continue college and I could work toward an M.S.

We didn't pull our weight on the work of the ranch that summer. Both of us worked our horses for hours daily and attended some competitions, too. Sam thrived on the work and the attention. And I had to admit that Audry got more out of Shannon than I ever had.

Pretty soon it was late August and time to load up for the trip to Richmond, and the national equestrian championships.

When we arrived (Flying with horses is interesting. They didn't enjoy the journey at all.) we discovered a major problem. The national organization didn't have Audry's entry form, and mine was messed up. A lady at the registration table, who looked like she sucked lemons for fun, told us that Audry couldn't compete and that I was entered, riding Shannon, in the arena events only.

Of course, she couldn't show us any paper entering me that way-it was all in the computer. And computers are machines, so they don't lie, do they?

Since we were in mom's home territory-the Virginia hunt country-we let her go stomping off to find an official and get things straightened out.

She returned looking really down.

"He says that there's nothing he can do. The national board adopted new rules, and all competitors have to be properly entered or they can't compete."

"But mom, we were properly entered. We even got the letter to competitors about boarding for the horses, and all."

"I know honey. But they say they don't have it and refuse to change."

Dad, no dummy, and very much up on what goes on in the world even though we live on a remote ranch, said, "I think we have a problem. Someone doesn't want the kids competing and is trying to keep them out. I'm on the state board. I'll demand a meeting with the national people. We'll get to the bottom of this."

The next morning, dad got his meeting, but not much satisfaction from it. That we had enemies became clear. Dad was repeatedly interrupted and summarily cut off when he would try to make an argument.

Mad clear through, mom and dad called mom's family lawyer, who headed a large practice right there in Richmond. A day later, we had a preliminary injunction allowing Audry and me to ride our proper horses in the events we'd entered.

At the hearing, we introduced the carbon copies of the entry forms we'd sent and the letters to competitors with the information about where to take horses, costs and so on. We also pointed out that they had me registered, but in Audry's events and on Audry's horse. Obviously-to us-someone had entered the data incorrectly in the sponsors' computer.

The judge agreed that we had done our part and the organizational weaknesses of the sponsors of the event should not penalize us. He ordered us entered in accordance with the registration forms we'd submitted.

Of course, his decree couldn't control the marks the show judges gave us.

Audry was marked so low, it was laughable. There were boos and angry whistles in the audience when her marks were shown. She and Shannon had performed flawlessly in dressage. And they were clean over the jumps, in elegant style, in very good time on both trials. Still, they finished below everybody else who was clean over the jumps.

On the second day of the 3-day, I checked Sam over before I saddled him, as I always do. His off hind hoof was cut. He couldn't compete! It wasn't a split, or tear. The hoof had been cut deliberately. Not enough for permanent injury, but enough that he either would not be able to run and jump today or, if he did, he'd really injure himself.

Sick at heart and nauseated, I called dad into his stall.

Furious, dad demanded another meeting. He accused the national organization of gross negligence and favoritism, and said that he was filing a criminal complaint, as well as a civil lawsuit.

Some of those in the room knew him well-they all knew mom, of course-and took him seriously. But three men, eastern 'big money', laughed out loud.

In the hall, on the way out, one of them said to dad, "Try it, asshole, and your punk kids will never ride again."

Dad did file a criminal complaint about the damage to Sam. The police investigated and said they had no suspects. Too many people who didn't know each other moving around the stalls. No way to tell even who it might have been.

Our civil case didn't do much better. We received a small damage award for the vet bill for Sam. But the court threw out the part about willfully denying us our right to compete freely in the event we'd qualified for. After all, we had competed. Our performance was our problem.

A couple of weeks later, Uncle Rick found one of the horses dead-apparently shot by a deer hunter. Of course, the entire ranch was posted, but we still had the occasional hunter who didn't believe in common courtesy, much less the law.

The next week, we heard a shot over in the hills. Investigating, we found one of our better bulls, shot through the lungs. On the hill above him, we found a 30-06 brass, and a cigarette butt-and footprints of somebody wearing city shoes. In the gully below, we found jeep tracks. Whoever shot the bull must have known it wasn't a deer-it was pure black-and didn't even walk down to it after taking the shot.

It looked like the guy from the meeting was making good on his threat.

Mom flew back to Richmond, to confer with her family. We didn't even know those three guys, except that they were newly-rich easterners who were interested in horses. Mom soon found that they were a clique in financial circles, too.

And one of them had a son who fancied himself quite a rider.

The family used their connections.

They are a close-knit family, the Parmentiers of Virginia, considering the 'unholy three', as we named them, to be johnnies-come-lately. They tended to think mom had married beneath her, but had come to like us and, after all, we were family...

It was one of the unholy three who had suggested to the Olsens, also in the group, that they buy Blitzen. And one of the others had been the person behind the new computer system the national organization used-and, the family discovered, leaving a nice little 'wormhole' into it so that data could be manipulated after it was entered.

They had also gotten to a number of the judges and arranged for their boy's scores to be better than he deserved-and ours as low as they could possibly be.

Their only problem with us was that both Audry and I were likely to beat their kid.

While we couldn't prove very much of this, we could prove the damage to Sam, and the killing of our stock. And we could demonstrate the ability to manipulate the data in the computer.

Dad went to the board of the state equestrian committee. They were all Oregonians, and didn't take much crap from the eastern establishment. He laid it all out to them, and got a unanimous, though secret, resolution that they would do whatever was needed to clean up our sport.

Then both dad and mom, with the state president, went to the boards of the group in Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada, with the same results. Soon, all the western states were solidly behind us, with the south and midwest joining up, one by one, as they heard what had happened.

By the following Easter, the state organizations demanded and got an emergency session of the national board. At that meeting, the computer system was officially made a backup only. The paper registration forms would be the determining records. And competitors who qualified for nationals were allowed to change their registration, in person, at any time. Also, provisions were made for changing mounts, if the horse named in the application was incapacitated. (The sport, of necessity, made a big thing out of being sure the animals were not endangered.)

Same as Audry
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Halloween Surprise

I was thirteen the year my life changed in a wonderful way. I was a shy 'in between', small for my age, and developing slowly in puberty compared to my peers. It was a lonely time for me, particularly since my mom was raising me alone, far from extended family, but also because I was leaving behind the safety and comfort of being a child, whose whole world is his mother. One of the fondest memories I have from childhood is a love of dressing up for Halloween. I must have learned the...

4 years ago
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Between the Seats

Between the Seats By Robokun They should have considered themselves lucky; really, this was not an easy flight to book on such short notice. But staring at the seats they would be occupying for the next eight hours, luck didn't pass through their thoughts at all. Something close to luck, however; 'Fuck' He hissed as quietly as he could. ”We're sitting separately!?” Her disappointed glance...

1 year ago
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My fantasy came true Part 2

You have read the first part of my true love story with my subordinate officer boy of 24 years of age. Believe it, this is real experience of love and sex and i am further sharing my experiences with you. As already narrated that my lover boy is very beautiful with brownish eyes, rosy reddish lips, milky fair complexion and with nicely shaped buttocks. We made love in rest house. On a holiday we went in jungle in our car and the moment came when we were all alone in the forest. By now my lover...

2 years ago
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A Taboo Fantasy Part 3

It had been 2 days since Natalie made out with Kyle in her kitchen and since they teased each other through text. Natalie had to think of a way to get Kyle over to her house and tell him that she want's him. The only problem was Ryan being around, she needed to get him out of the house for a few hours. As if by magic Ryan came downstairs "Mum I'm going out for a while." Natalie looked at Ryan surpised "How long are you going to be son?" Ryan replied "A few hours I suppose, I'll text you."...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 53 Big Changes

“Traci, I thought I would ask you if there’s still a chance to have some brown sugar?” “What? Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?” Traci said. “Lisa, tell my I’m not going delusional...” “No, you have it right, Traci,” Lisa said. “Will wants to take you off to bed. Grab his hand and take him upstairs before he changes his mind!” “What are we going to do, Lisa?” Stewie asked. “Did you want to...” Traci took my hand and lead me up the stairs to her room. I could only assume...

2 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 17

“Welcome to Xervia, and to the grasslands of The People of Morning.” Tithian said from outside the tent, revealing that their strange journey had ended. Mark and Talia emerged onto lush green grass, and discovered it was knee deep on Mark, hip high on Talia. “Thanks.” Mark acknowledged, and yawned again. “The stream there is quite good. Will you wish to eat right away?” “Not immediately. I could use a cup of Hilsith’s tea first.” Mark said as he dropped to his knees beside the tiny stream,...

2 years ago
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Fucked and Satisfied Keralite Lady In Delhi 8211 Part 2

Hi, all! This is Shankar age 28, single, having a hairy chest with an average body, back with the second part of the story. I was a little busy and so unable to upload my experiences. After reading about my experiences, I got many emails. Most of them were from males and very few from females. Coming to the continuation of my previous experience. Let me introduce her, she is Aarti Nair (a lady from Keralite), 28 years old, living in Delhi. She is a married lady but staying alone in Delhi. Her...

1 year ago
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Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best By Gambler Editing by Steve Zink The moment to my wedding is finally just few minutes away; Mother must have known how nervous I was. She called me on the cell phone, telling me everything will be all right. She always told me that. But, I still have my doubts. Especially since most of Mother's best intentions usually went wrong. Not that things didn't 'work out', but - *** My childhood wasn't a typical one, not with a mother that vowed to keep her only...

1 year ago
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The Femina Empire

Prologue The Femina Empire was founded on planet Satrina. A group of women scientistthat was tired of the constant wars cause by men on their planet developedan ultra sound device that affected only the male brain. Women's brain beingon a different wave length, were not hurt by it. For the men however, the painwas intolerable. It seems to activate every nerve in their body and they feltthat every part of their body was in fire. When the women activated the device, they were able to take...

1 year ago
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A very savage affair

A few weeks had passed and no one had seen or heard from Bruce, Charlie or Daniel, the entire school seemed to breath a breath of release. I was no longer looking over my shoulders or traveling with numerous friends. School was out for some teachers study session, and I like most of the rest of students, was euphoric. I had just left the corner store and was enjoying a candy bar when I heard a voice that chilled my very soul. 'HMPF, HMPF, HMPF, I likes the way your lips wrap around that piece...

2 years ago
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Me and her

This is the story to narrate, how I got the attention of this lovely chick. I work at a Departmental Mall, and so does she. Nadia is her name. I must say, she’s the most beautiful creature on earth. I love her because the shoulder-length blonde hair, the vivacious face, and the nice curvy figure make her a celestial being. A pair of 36C tits, as round as her hips, are set proportionately with her slim waist. The close-fitting dresses accentuate the voluptuous curves of her body, it always...

2 years ago
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A Day in the Park I

In some ways, the foreplay had gone on for ages: flirty glances, dirty text messages, suggestive photos. And then today... an "innocent" drink. Touching at every available opportunity, kissing, hand's sliding up my legs and the moan as you realize I've removed my panties... It's getting late and we should be going our separate ways but the kissing and the flirting has got us both hot and horny, the apprehension is too much. We walk hurriedly as you lead me to a secluded place you know. A park...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Uncle Loves Mom

I am Rahul. I am 18 years. I live with my parents, Rajesh Nagar (40) and Aparna (38). This incident happened when I was 10. My uncle, Naresh Nagar (Father’s elder brother aged 40) visited our place as usual on a business trip. Uncle lives in Mumbai with his wife and a daughter. Aparna, I will call you when I reach there, said my dad to mom leaving for a fair for 15 days. Though very hardworking, my father used to earn very less. He was not so social and I never saw my mom happy with...

1 year ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 6

The Sunday phone calls from his erstwhile friends were hit and miss while Brock was on the road. Brock made sure they were misses this time. His ill feelings were at least beneficial to something; he was batting close to .500 for the week and had hit more homers in the past seven days than he had in the previous month. Brock put on a pleasant face when he was outside of his house. He was jovial with his teammates and courteous to the fans. But that was on the outside; no one could tell what...

2 years ago
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Now in my seventies Inhave to rely on my memory as to what my sex life with wife Sarah was like as due to poor health she,s lost all sexual desire, won,t even give me the occasional blow job which she once loved and was very good at performing. She Always swallowed as her reasoning was that if one sucked a cock one should taste the semen it produced because each tasted differently. Even more amazingly was that the night I popped the question to her I discovered she Wasn,t lying and that she was...

1 year ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

3 years ago
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She waits for his return.Her heart beats faster, because she knows he will soon be with her.She knows he's just as anxious as she is.Their bond and love are strong.She knows he's just a step away from her now, she smiles and turns knowing exactly the direction he's coming from.Her skin cold until he touches her. He leans down and kisses her with such passion and hunger that she melts against him and leaves her breathless after they part.She grabs his hand and takes him inside. She takes him to...

2 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 17 The Search Begins

Chapter 17 - The Search Begins By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Liz sat quietly, her arms wrapped around herself, knees pulled up on the chair. Even though the doctor had reported that things looked good for Samantha, she was still worried about her and probably would stay that way until she was able to see for herself. "How long have you and Samantha known each other?" Leslie asked, doing her best to keep it from sounding like an interview. She asked...

1 year ago
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DanicaPart 10B

Danica awakened early, and slipped carefully from Cheron's bed to avoid waking the cleric. The blonde licked her lips and moaned in her sleep, obviously dreaming about something very pleasant. Danica dressed and went to bathe. When she returned, she found Celes alone in the common room having something to eat. "The creatures managed to extinguish the fires. They began fighting amongst themselves almost immediately, but they're being much more careful with fire now. It was a near thing...

1 year ago
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AmlieChapter 13 The Print Shop

August, 1678 Oxford, Oxfordshire “DO YOU HAVE sharp eyes?” The question was not a rhetorical one. It had become apparent after only a few days that Merle Heathcoate required more assistance from the two women than fetching and carrying and running errands. He already had young Harold, a scrawny kid of eleven or twelve years, for that. Harold was too small to carry the trays of heavy lead fonts, but he could be relied upon to deliver packets of printed jobs to clients, to return with payment...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Couple

I was watching from the sitting room window when they arrived shortly after two o’clock that Saturday afternoon. I had put our car away and closed the garage door so they had room to park on our drive. They came in a Volkswagen Polo, about seven years old. He held the door politely while she climbed out. Laura, watching beside me, said, “They look nice enough. Ordinary people.” “That’s what they said on the phone. I’ll go to the door – we ought to offer them something to drink.” They introduced...

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Jades To Go Request

Jade was a beautiful young lady who lived on the outskirts of London, England. At nineteen-years-of-age she stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed approximately eight stone, or one hundred twelve pounds. Her slender body and long legs made her look taller than she actually was, especially when she wore heels. Her long shapely legs added to the allure of Jades tempting looks. Heels added a tantalizing wiggle when she walked. A pair of 32C-cup breasts and a cute bubble of a butt...

1 year ago
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Brother 8211 Boyfriend Of Lovely Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi incest lovers.I m a incest lover too. My name is Pradnya I am 18 years old and with figure 32 28 32 seeing which many people turn their head to see my assets.I m not a slut so i will not do sex with any stranger but if any1 interested in sex chatting mail me on Coming to the story this story is between me and my cousin elder brother his name is Ritesh doing his engineering and is 21 years old with average body. I m in college doing my 12th std. Me and ritesh were not so close but use to...

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Conversations 10

Everything we experience leaves tracks and traces, on your body or your soul, or both. Sometimes we need help coming to terms with that. Why not start right at home? A little fiction sometime helps... “Why do you write this absolute shit?” he asked. Sean McLaughlin was my best friend – always had been, ever since primary school days. We’d met when we found ourselves seated next to each other in our very first classroom; two very small, very apprehensive and quite scared boys, both missing...

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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

1 year ago
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Hazel and the secret

Jerry Holt slowed down as the lane he had been driving on ended and a large opening among the tall pine trees came into sight. “Hey, sleepyhead, wake up, we are here.” There was a stirring from the passenger seat and Hazel opened her eyes. She blinked a few times against the harsh sunlight coming over the treetops and then rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?” she said, her voice deep and husky. “Just after nine, we are in time for breakfast.” Jerry parked the car in front of a large sign...

3 years ago
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What Jehovah Witnessed

July 13TH,2016 a day that Dawn Foster will never forget. It's her first time going out from the Kingdom Hall on Dixie Road to spread the good word of Jehovah. Dawn was a five foot five beauty with mousy brown hair,greenish blue eye and a 32d-24- 30 figure. Dressed in a crisp white ironed blouse,navy blue skirt that came to her knees and a pair of black soft soled Hush Puppies she set out from the Kingdom Hall on Dixie Road to spread the good word of Jehovah. Proceeding down Dixie she...

2 years ago
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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

Wife Lovers
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Blackmailed and Seduced to be a Sex toy

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Nikhil here again with a true story as to how I lost my virginity and was made a sex slave by a dominating woman during my teen years. Now I am a cool middle aged guy working with an MNC and am based at Bangalore. I keep traveling on work to all the cities in India as I am in the marketing department. Calling all women and girls to send their comments or response to . This story dates back to the time I was in school and studying in class X in Kolkata. Both my folks...

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Judge Jury And Genie A Day In The Live Of The Fickle Genie

The early midday sun startled me as I left my building. Like every day. I should have gotten used to it. But still every day I winced at the bright sun and needed a moment for my eyes to adjust. I definitely wasn't a morning person. And yes I was aware of the irony. After I could see again without tears coming to my eyes I started walking to my 'work'. Not that I had to walk anywhere to do my work. I just preferred to be found in one spot. As I walked on the sidewalk I heard the sound...

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The harsh downpour outside, slapped against the circular windows. It’s rhythm hard, and incongruous. Inside, the air was suffused with sounds of small talk, clattering of cutlery and cash registers. I tapped the edge of my coffee cup with my fingers; I had been sitting here for some time. He was late. I sighed and looked out of the steamy window. The sky was pitched black, and the streets were deserted like a ghost town."Excuse me miss," A feeble voice spoke out beside me. "You've been sitting...

3 years ago
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The Date

“I don’t need anything; I’m eating out tonight.”“Oh? The first I’ve heard of that.”“It’s been planned for a few days now.”“You didn’t say anything. Where are you going? Who with?”“Honey, I’ve got a meeting with Mitch.”++++++My name is Peter, a director for a medium-sized business, in charge of the facilities for a dozen sites across the country. At forty-eight, I have been married for twenty-four years. Lisa, my wife, is three years younger than me and mother to our three children, the youngest...

Wife Lovers
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Ericas Second Time

It was early July and I had fucked Mike a few times since he took my virginity. It would have been more if it wasn’t for him. He didn’t want to get involved in any kind of relationship, not even as fuck buddies. He did teach me a few things, though, which I am glad he did. Mostly about sucking cock. In the beginning, I used to get my teeth in the way, but under his tutelage, I became much better. I did meet other men during those weeks, mostly in bars and clubs I visited.The sex was OK, I...

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Lillys 18th Birthday

Today is Lillys 18th birthday. And she just can't wait to go out and celebrate. But first things first before getting out of bed Lilly must start her usual morning rituals. She skims the tips of her fingers over her stomach and moves them up to her nipples where she begins lightly pinching and rubbing them bringing both to full attention. After a few minutes she can feel herself becoming wet, she drops her right hand down to her pussy and gently starts rubbing her clit. Lilly is becoming more...

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A Magical Family Book 1

You are a mage, one of the men and women who weave the innate energies of the world into magical spells. Those of your occupation are responsible for immeasurable advancement in all aspects of life in the Republic of Brongarde, from appliances to make daily life easier to devestating military force in crushing your country's enemies. The last two years have been easy on you; the Archmages have all been toward the front, battling the eastern coalition's rebels, and most of the order's strict...

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Shilpa Kristina

Hi friends, i am avinash sharma (changed name). I am a regular reader of iss. Well i am a medical student and i am doing mbbs. I am studying in moscow (russia). Well i am from raipur chhattisgarh. I am 26 years old, height 5’8”. Sorry there is a lots of hindi readers that’s why now i am writing in hindi. If u peoples wanna this story in english………than mail me…… To dosto main yahan russia me study karta hoon…..aaj mujhe russia me 6 saal hone ko hai…kyonki yahan par mbbs course 6th year ka hota...

4 years ago
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An Accident To An Incident 8211 Part 1

Hi to all. This is Chandru from Tamil Nadu, currently working in Nagpur. This story happened a year back. One horrible day , I met with an accident. A car hit me and rushed away. I had few minor injuries and bike had damages. A guy had seen the car number. Few helped me to reach a hospital and did first aid. Later went to police station and lodged a complaint. Next day I received a call from a lady stating to withdraw the complaint. I argued for some time, she pleaded me to meet her now. I said...

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