AudryChapter 2 free porn video

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Audry was really pissed off. I could tell by the way things were flying around the room. As soon as she came through the door, her helmet hit the far wall. Her boots followed, then her jacket and riding crop.

"Bad practice, honey?" I asked, hoping to cheer her up.

Normally, Audry is one of the sweetest, most even-tempered girls I know. But once in a while... I guess this was one of those times.

"Didn't practice. They sold my horse!" She fumed and muttered. "How am I supposed to practice for Nationals, when my horse just got sold to another rider?"

That did sound serious. At the national and international level, dressage and show jumping contests are won as much by the horse as by the rider. And even the best of both need time to become a team. Audry had been renting Blitzen for the past year, and had done very well with him. But now, offered really serious money by a rider from Chicago, his owners had sold him. We had a problem.

My first reaction was to gather Audry in my arms, for some serious hugging and comfort. Good instinct. She melted against me and cried out her frustration.

Then I took her to bed. That's always a good idea, since she's one fantastic lay-besides being my mate, my wife and my ideal woman.

Audry has her mother's blonde hair, and her dad's gray eyes. Small and elegantly slender, her narrow, heart-shaped face and slightly pointed ears give her a decidedly elfin look. The slight slant to her eyes and the faint smudges beneath them just enhance that.

Her shape is pleasantly womanly, with plenty to lick, caress, suck and play with. But, if she follows her mother's pattern, she'll always remain trim and shapely.

This superior package houses an intellect sharper than mine and a fun-loving spirit that is sweet and mellow most of the time.

Her mother, a 'flower child' of the 60s, taught Audry everything she knows about sex, men, and how to have a good time in bed. Audry and I pass up the recreational drugs, but sure do get off on the rest of it.

The next morning was Saturday and I needed to exercise my horse, Shannon. I'd raised him from a colt and trained him myself, under my mom's watchful eye. Shannon and I were going to try to win the three-day event at the equestrian nationals in the fall. Like any athlete, a horse needs to keep in shape, and it was my responsibility to see to it.

Audry went with me. The stable-hand, Deke spotted us. "Too bad about Blitzen, Audry," he commiserated. "What ya gonna do now?"

"I haven't a clue, Deke," she answered. "I'll have to find another horse, but I just don't know where I'll find one I can afford."

"Tough one," he agreed, moving off on his rounds of feeding horses and mucking out their stalls.

Audry took one of the stable hacks and accompanied me out to the cross-country course, cantering along easily on the path, while I galloped between the jumps. Shannon was full of himself that morning and gave me quite a handful-and an exhilarating ride-though he was pretty much used up by the end of the course.

Audry cantered up, just as I was rubbing him down after our workout. Her hair was free in the early spring sunshine-somewhat rare that early in the season, for Oregon. At least, for the valley. At home, on the ranch, we had only a third as much rainfall-and lots more sunshine. In Corvallis, where we were attending Oregon State, the Willamette Valley winters are just plain wet.

I watched her pull up and jump from the horse. My heart pounding-she was one magnificent woman-I grabbed her and kissed her soundly on the spot.

"Mmm. That was nice. What's the occasion?"

"You're so damn beautiful, I just had to kiss you."

Audry waved that off. But she was pleased.

That afternoon, it occurred to me that I had the best source for information about horses right at home. I called dad.

Mom answered. "Hi, Robby. What's up with you guys? How's things in Corvallis?"

"The usual, mom. School, Audry, beer and pizza, Audry, study, Audry... You know."

She giggled at that. She knows how much I'm in love. And she fully approves of Audry, knowing that we're very good for each other. "So why'd you call when you could be talking to Audry?"

"Need some advice, mom."

"Elin is good for that. I'm straight missionary style, myself." That set me roaring with laughter, echoed by mom's silvery giggle.

"No. Horse advice, mom... Blitzen was sold to the Olsens in Chicago. Audry needs another horse."

"Oh. That's too bad, Rob. Hold the line while I get your father." Mom knows all there is to know about training horse and rider. And about picking the right horse for the rider. But she's just not tuned right to follow the business side of the show horse business.

Dad picked up the phone. "That's really bad news, son. We should have bought that horse, ourselves."

"Nah. They wanted almost twice what he was worth. Let the Olsens waste their money. I don't think we need to."

"Son, as it stands now, the Olsens have a horse. Audry doesn't."

"True," I admitted. "But we have integrity. And I have a dad who knows all the horses in the country, and can work a miracle and find just the right one for Audry."

Dad laughed. "Don't you wish? Give me a day or two to think on it-make a couple of calls-talk to your mom. Tell Audry we'll find something for her."

"Thanks dad. And thank mom, too. Even if she didn't have any advice for me."

"Huh?" dad said.

"Ask her. It might be fun." I hung up.

"Well?" Audry demanded. "Do I have a horse?"

"Not just yet. But dad said he'll find you one. He'll get back to us in a day or two. He'll want mom's opinion on any horse he considers, too, you know."

"Sure. I just hate to waste the time."

"It'll be OK, honey."

Tuesday, mom called. "Can you guys come out to the ranch for a couple of days? We have an idea."

"I guess, Mom. How about we leave right after class on Thursday? We can be there Thursday night."

"That will work fine... Oh, yes. Rob, I want you to bring Shannon, too."

"OK, I guess. But, why?"

"Easier to show you. See you Thursday night."

Audry's only Thursday class was a 9 o'clock, so right afterwards she drove to the stables and loaded Shannon in the trailer we pull behind my pickup. (We're ranch kids. We drive pickups. How would we pull a horse trailer with a sedan?) On a hunch, she threw all our tack in, too.

By one, we were on the highway. We tooled right along, being careful on the curves, so Shannon wouldn't get tossed around. It wasn't quite dusk when we arrived at home. I turned Shannon into the corral. He seemed happy, frolicking in the familiar place. This was his home, too.

Audry and I first stopped at the big house, to tell grandma we were home for the weekend. We lived there, when we were home. Then we went to my parents' house. (We'd see Audry's folks in the morning. Grandma said she'd have everybody to breakfast.)

Mom and dad had funny looks on their faces. They said they had the solution to our problem-maybe. But it was a big maybe and they needed to test a couple things first, to make sure. We'd all know more tomorrow. That was all they'd say. So Audry and I said our goodnights and walked back to the big house and our bed.

Something about the clean mountain air at the ranch-we always make spectacular love our first couple of nights at home. Not that making love with Audry isn't spectacular all the time... That night, after a sixty-nine that left us both quivering, Audry pulled me on top of her-somehow I was ready again-and into her. Then we just talked, and kissed, and loved. When we were almost asleep, I would have moved my weight off of her, but she whimpered, and whispered that she liked to feel me on her. And in her. We'd gone to sleep plugged in before, spoon fashion, and loved it. This was new. Audry's curves are an interesting mattress, indeed.

When the approaching sunrise lightened the window in our room, we woke, still joined, and declared our love in the best way possible. Waking up to Audry is marvelous. Waking up making love to Audry is indescribable.

At 7, the family gathered around grandma's table for breakfast. Audry greeted her parents with kisses-and a special hug for her mother, Elin. (Elin had told her about sleeping under her man. It was fun to try.)

When we'd scarfed down grandma's hearty breakfast, we adjourned to the corral.

"Rob, put Audry's saddle on Shannon, would you?" mom asked.

Confused, I just said, "Sure," and did as she asked.

When Audry was mounted, mom said, "Audry, try a little dressage." She did, and the horse responded perfectly. Of course he did. I'd trained him.

"OK, Audry. Now try the jumps."

Again, Shannon was flawless. He responded to Audry perfectly-with a bit less of himself than with me.

Dad led out a huge horse. "Rob, this is 'Samarkand'. We call him 'Sam'. Throw a saddle on him. I'd like to see what you think."

The horse was so big I had to let out the cinch straps, adjusted for Shannon, a lot. And dad had to help me get a leg up, to mount him, with my stirrups at jumping length.

Once aboard, he gave me a bit of a tussle-just finding out if I was competent. Nothing like the workout a cow pony would give a rider first thing in the morning. With firm but gentle hand on the reins and pressure of knee and leg, I got him in hand.

He was pure joy to ride. The horse felt just right, on the dressage movements I tried. He took the jumps eagerly, clearing them all with ease. I asked dad, who was nearest, to open the corral gate so I could ride him out.

In the open, I let him have his head. He started with a fast canter. Then, rolling his head, he seemed to ask. I gave him a gentle heel and he took off!

We ran about a mile, then cantered a mile back. By the time we got back to the corral, I was in love. Not like with Audry, but this big horse and I had formed a bond.

I guess I was grinning ear to ear when I pulled him up.

Mom grinned too. "I see we've solved your problems," she said.

"Well, Sam is a hell of a horse," I agreed. "But the problem was Audry's."

"Oh, no. That one was easy. She'll ride Shannon."

That brought me up short. I'd raised him. I'd trained him myself. He was bred to be my horse!

Then I looked at mom, and dad, and Audry. And Sam blew in my ear, slobbering on my jacket.

I knew they were right. Sam was a better horse for me, and Shannon would be perfect for Audry. And, though I had been reluctant to admit it, Shannon's endurance was a source of worry. I just wasn't sure he'd be able to retain his form and stamina for the 3-day event. That wasn't a consideration with Sam. It was hard to accept that I'd put that much effort into Shannon and he wasn't what I'd been trying to create with him.

Mom knew what was going through my head. "You're still young, Robbie. Now, while you will still love horses, you'll be able to see them as they are. Don't feel badly. Shannon was the best of that crop of colts, and you did an outstanding job with him. It isn't your fault that he isn't really suited for the 3-day."

Ruefully, I agreed with her. Shannon and I would have done well in the 3-day. But we'd never have been outstanding. Sam and I could be.

But, with Audry on him, Shannon could be outstanding in the other equestrian events. So I had nothing to be ashamed of except youth-and my parents had made sure I wouldn't be ashamed of that.

Samarkand was bred on the ranch. I didn't remember him, especially, but vaguely recalled him among the other foals a couple years back. Mom and dad had been working with him for about a year-either for me or to sell. Besides having a superior horse, I didn't have to buy him! That was good, because this animal would easily bring $150,000 to $250,000. That's a lot for a ranch kid financing college.

That night, the bedroom pyrotechnics wiped memory of the evening before from my mind. Audry wasn't just happy about getting Shannon-with mom's assurance that this was the right horse for her-she was ecstatic! She was every bit as happy that I had the right horse, too.

A week after we returned, with both horses, to Corvallis, we sent in our entry forms for nationals.

That spring, I graduated with a B.S. in Animal Husbandry, from Oregon State ("Silo Tech", according to the students at Oregon, just down the road in Eugene.) We'd be working at the ranch all summer. In the fall, we'd go to nationals, then return to Corvallis, so Audry could continue college and I could work toward an M.S.

We didn't pull our weight on the work of the ranch that summer. Both of us worked our horses for hours daily and attended some competitions, too. Sam thrived on the work and the attention. And I had to admit that Audry got more out of Shannon than I ever had.

Pretty soon it was late August and time to load up for the trip to Richmond, and the national equestrian championships.

When we arrived (Flying with horses is interesting. They didn't enjoy the journey at all.) we discovered a major problem. The national organization didn't have Audry's entry form, and mine was messed up. A lady at the registration table, who looked like she sucked lemons for fun, told us that Audry couldn't compete and that I was entered, riding Shannon, in the arena events only.

Of course, she couldn't show us any paper entering me that way-it was all in the computer. And computers are machines, so they don't lie, do they?

Since we were in mom's home territory-the Virginia hunt country-we let her go stomping off to find an official and get things straightened out.

She returned looking really down.

"He says that there's nothing he can do. The national board adopted new rules, and all competitors have to be properly entered or they can't compete."

"But mom, we were properly entered. We even got the letter to competitors about boarding for the horses, and all."

"I know honey. But they say they don't have it and refuse to change."

Dad, no dummy, and very much up on what goes on in the world even though we live on a remote ranch, said, "I think we have a problem. Someone doesn't want the kids competing and is trying to keep them out. I'm on the state board. I'll demand a meeting with the national people. We'll get to the bottom of this."

The next morning, dad got his meeting, but not much satisfaction from it. That we had enemies became clear. Dad was repeatedly interrupted and summarily cut off when he would try to make an argument.

Mad clear through, mom and dad called mom's family lawyer, who headed a large practice right there in Richmond. A day later, we had a preliminary injunction allowing Audry and me to ride our proper horses in the events we'd entered.

At the hearing, we introduced the carbon copies of the entry forms we'd sent and the letters to competitors with the information about where to take horses, costs and so on. We also pointed out that they had me registered, but in Audry's events and on Audry's horse. Obviously-to us-someone had entered the data incorrectly in the sponsors' computer.

The judge agreed that we had done our part and the organizational weaknesses of the sponsors of the event should not penalize us. He ordered us entered in accordance with the registration forms we'd submitted.

Of course, his decree couldn't control the marks the show judges gave us.

Audry was marked so low, it was laughable. There were boos and angry whistles in the audience when her marks were shown. She and Shannon had performed flawlessly in dressage. And they were clean over the jumps, in elegant style, in very good time on both trials. Still, they finished below everybody else who was clean over the jumps.

On the second day of the 3-day, I checked Sam over before I saddled him, as I always do. His off hind hoof was cut. He couldn't compete! It wasn't a split, or tear. The hoof had been cut deliberately. Not enough for permanent injury, but enough that he either would not be able to run and jump today or, if he did, he'd really injure himself.

Sick at heart and nauseated, I called dad into his stall.

Furious, dad demanded another meeting. He accused the national organization of gross negligence and favoritism, and said that he was filing a criminal complaint, as well as a civil lawsuit.

Some of those in the room knew him well-they all knew mom, of course-and took him seriously. But three men, eastern 'big money', laughed out loud.

In the hall, on the way out, one of them said to dad, "Try it, asshole, and your punk kids will never ride again."

Dad did file a criminal complaint about the damage to Sam. The police investigated and said they had no suspects. Too many people who didn't know each other moving around the stalls. No way to tell even who it might have been.

Our civil case didn't do much better. We received a small damage award for the vet bill for Sam. But the court threw out the part about willfully denying us our right to compete freely in the event we'd qualified for. After all, we had competed. Our performance was our problem.

A couple of weeks later, Uncle Rick found one of the horses dead-apparently shot by a deer hunter. Of course, the entire ranch was posted, but we still had the occasional hunter who didn't believe in common courtesy, much less the law.

The next week, we heard a shot over in the hills. Investigating, we found one of our better bulls, shot through the lungs. On the hill above him, we found a 30-06 brass, and a cigarette butt-and footprints of somebody wearing city shoes. In the gully below, we found jeep tracks. Whoever shot the bull must have known it wasn't a deer-it was pure black-and didn't even walk down to it after taking the shot.

It looked like the guy from the meeting was making good on his threat.

Mom flew back to Richmond, to confer with her family. We didn't even know those three guys, except that they were newly-rich easterners who were interested in horses. Mom soon found that they were a clique in financial circles, too.

And one of them had a son who fancied himself quite a rider.

The family used their connections.

They are a close-knit family, the Parmentiers of Virginia, considering the 'unholy three', as we named them, to be johnnies-come-lately. They tended to think mom had married beneath her, but had come to like us and, after all, we were family...

It was one of the unholy three who had suggested to the Olsens, also in the group, that they buy Blitzen. And one of the others had been the person behind the new computer system the national organization used-and, the family discovered, leaving a nice little 'wormhole' into it so that data could be manipulated after it was entered.

They had also gotten to a number of the judges and arranged for their boy's scores to be better than he deserved-and ours as low as they could possibly be.

Their only problem with us was that both Audry and I were likely to beat their kid.

While we couldn't prove very much of this, we could prove the damage to Sam, and the killing of our stock. And we could demonstrate the ability to manipulate the data in the computer.

Dad went to the board of the state equestrian committee. They were all Oregonians, and didn't take much crap from the eastern establishment. He laid it all out to them, and got a unanimous, though secret, resolution that they would do whatever was needed to clean up our sport.

Then both dad and mom, with the state president, went to the boards of the group in Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada, with the same results. Soon, all the western states were solidly behind us, with the south and midwest joining up, one by one, as they heard what had happened.

By the following Easter, the state organizations demanded and got an emergency session of the national board. At that meeting, the computer system was officially made a backup only. The paper registration forms would be the determining records. And competitors who qualified for nationals were allowed to change their registration, in person, at any time. Also, provisions were made for changing mounts, if the horse named in the application was incapacitated. (The sport, of necessity, made a big thing out of being sure the animals were not endangered.)

Same as Audry
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I was fapping to XXX Comics this morning, and boy, are my arms tired! I always end up falling down an absolute rabbit hole of depravity on sites full of porn comics, and this one was no exception. I love how these artistic depictions of perversion don’t have to stick to the usual laws of physics or rules of decency they have to play by with traditional video smut. It makes the whole genre a fertile breeding ground for all kinds of unnatural breeding and non-procreative

Porn Comics Sites
4 years ago
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Keeping it In The Family Chapter four

Tina walked into the bedroom quietly, as not to awaken Kelli and her husband. She saw that the schoolgirl outfit which he so loved to wear when they had sex was strewn on the floor.'Kelli must have done her job well as Domme,' she thought to herself. They were still sleeping soundly, her husband spooning tightly with his daughter, Kelli, his arms still wound tightly around her waist. Tina was still naked and tingling all over from her all-night tryst with their son Dave. He had spent most of...

2 years ago
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Revisiting my youth and great sex

I always wanted to be a beauty and life style ther****t. I left school at eighteen and applied for training at a local parlour, run by an ex-model and her husband, who was a hairdresser.They had advertised for a girl with limited experience, but willing to learn and put up with all the hours, and in return, would gain entry into the world of media, in which, like every other girl, was our world.He a really nice, skilled in the chat to customers, he knew how to put someone at ease and I think I...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil

My kiss did not awaken Jack. I press his face against my shoulder as I looked up from the floor. Janet and Susan are standing over me with tears streaming down their faces. I looked to see others standing with their heads bowed as if in silent prayer. I looked into Jack’s face as I said, “Please Jack, come back, I need you.” “MISS, we will take it from here,” a paramedic said to me. “Miss, you're not hurt are you?” He then asked. I shook my head no, as he helped me to my feet. The...

3 years ago
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Welcome Back Chapter One

         My stomach turned as I slowly pulled into the space in front of the Starbucks about an hour away from where I lived. I stepped out of my car and walked inside, catching sight of the nearest empty table. I made my way towards it and sat. I rested a hand against my chin and felt the sweat building on my forehead as I thought of...her. I'd known her for almost two and a half years, but only over the internet. Where was she? She had texted me moments ago saying she was already in here. My...

Quickie Sex
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Wifes surprise when i got home from work

I arrive at home, park the car, and unlock the house door, which is unusual as I know my wife is at home. As I enter I notice it is quite dark and all the blinds are closed. Then I hear it, the distinct moaning sounds of a man and a woman. Thinking the worst but being a bit curious as well, I walk inside and that is when I see it. Thank Christ it’s only the computer with some porn playing on it. Next to the computer is a note and various sex toys my partner owns, and the note says, ‘Pick what...

4 years ago
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Fringe Benefit

I had finished college and was looking for a job. I was applying every where. I was really needing a boost as I was dumped by my girl friend and was living with my parents, I needed money bad. After about six months I finally got an interview with this medium size company. They flew me to the interview which was several states away. They put me up in a very nice hotel and wanted me to stay for a week. This would be a great job and I was hoping I could land it. I got settled in to the hotel and...

3 years ago
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Aunty Scroll My Dick

Hi, I am taj from Chennai(annanagar), I am studying my bachelor’s degree, my age is 21 and having a cock with a 6inch, now I am going to share my sex story.Aunties and girls if you like to mail me to I can be a good male companion. I will regularly go to the gym and running my sexy aunty whom I am fucked for the first time and I lose my virginity is near my house. She is an age of 41 and her husband is a businessman who will on travel for a long time.She is unsatisfied.Her child is in...

4 years ago
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Bad Day at Hollyoaks HighChapter 2

The horrified Steph was pushed a few feet towards the wreckage, her head shaking, the man's cock waving at her like a prison guard's baton. He spun her around her hands falling onto the bonnet of the steaming prison wagon as he mounted her from behind. From across the way Mandy saw the girl look to the heavens in desperation her long nails hands clawing the metal radiator grill as the angry stiff rod thrust up her licked wet slit. His entry was fierce lifting her onto tiptoes her mouth...

3 years ago
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Guess who

Earlier this month I moved to a new town and found a nice condo 5 minutes from work. The place was pretty nice. It had a gym and a nice indoor pool which I planned on utilizing as much as I can. On my second day I decided to go for a swim.It was early enough where all the k**s in the units are still in school and the pool for the most part was all to myself.After a few minutes I heard a few girls walking towards the pool area. I decided to just take a couple more laps before I head back in....

2 years ago
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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 5 Sex slave to friends

Part of the afternoons I spent in Sapphire's office working on these notes and several times I saw the king but he totally ignored me and I knew better than to approach him, even if I technically wasn't a slave at that moment. At first I looked up every time someone entered the room but after a while I became engrossed in my writing and oblivious to the comings and goings. "Good afternoon Carol," a familiar voice greeted me. Brenda and Ken Wilson stood before my desk; the friends that got...

3 years ago
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In a Secret GardenChapter 4

Right after Kathy left to do her kitchen planning, Jason and I spent the next half hour upstairs in the house on the third floor and his optimism wasn't improving. The words 'ratfuck', 'piles of shit' and worst of all 'oh, oh... that's not good!" summed up the highlight of the conversation. In short, yeah he could slap some plywood over the gaping holes in the floor that might support the weight of an occupied bed, but the upstairs master bathroom wasn't going to come back on line...

2 years ago
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Part 28 Time Apart

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 28: Time Apart Holly had the chance to study abroad, and she took it. She was going to be gone for a month in Europe. This was our last night together before she left early in the morning. We were sitting at the table, having just finished dinner. “I have to go a whole month without you?” I asked her, still coming to terms with her impending absence. “I know baby, I’ll miss you so much” Holly said. “I don’t want you moping around wishing I was...

4 years ago
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Honey Hes the Boss

I have been married to my husbnd Nate for 8 months now. We couldn't be any happier if we tried. I want him to be the father of my c***dren, but we have decided to take it slow and focus on our careers. He works in finance and I work as a secretary for a major law firm. I love my job as much as I love my husband Nate (well, I love him more). I work on behalf of major individuals from all around the globe. My boss is often trying to hit on me. Of course, I am always rejecting him. I would never...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Diana Grace Anal Newbie Eats Ass Cum

Raven-haired hottie Diana Grace wants to expand her tight butthole and her anal horizons! She shows off her toned figure. Diana fingers her inexperienced, hungry sphincter and tastes her flavor. She sucks Mark Wood’s big cock, giving him a worshipful blowjob. Diana bends over, and Mark fucks her cunt doggie-style as she masturbates her clit to orgasm. Diana loves the sensation of Mark’s thick boner taking her eager asshole. Her sphincter gapes! Mark gives her a tasty rim job....

2 years ago
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Cyber Fun Ch 02

(Please read chapter 1 of Cyber Fun, and don’t forget to leave comments and vote.) Red looked at her phone as it rang, blushing, he hadn’t done this before. Rob had always suggested that they take care of themselves then come back to the computer. With slight hesitation she answered her phone. ‘Yes.’ She said quietly into the phone. ‘What took so long?’ ‘I was trying to decide whether or not to answer.’ Blushing so much now that her ears were red. ‘Not sure I’m ok with the whole phone sex...

4 years ago
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Pleasure In A Hot Tub

I came home from work and needed to get out of my work clothes and relax so I went out on the deck turned on the hot tub, I started to go up stairs when the phone rang it was Paul telling me he would love to see me tonight, I said sure come on over I will be out on the back deck he said OK and I hung up and went up stairs took my clothes off and slipped my robe on, I went back down stairs to the kitchen fixed me and Paul a drink and headed out back, I slipped my robe off let it fall to the...

3 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 4

Daisy was a little annoyed when she broke the connection. But then she wondered, would sophisticated Black men really pay to fuck her? She didn’t have to do it but it might be fun to find out if they would pay. How much could her pimp sell her pussy for? She realized that she had thought that she had a pimp but that would be OK, he was only a business manager. She quickly stripped and went to her bureau where she kept her bikinis. She got out her skimpiest. It barely covered any of her ass...

3 years ago
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Laundry Did Me In

Serves me right for trying to be a good guy. Janis and I keep a pretty good balance doing what needs to be done around the house. She does a lot of the shopping, I do most of the cooking. She buys the kids' clothes, we both do yard work together and so on. Another of the things Janis usually handles pretty much on her own is the laundry. But one day recently I found myself caught-up on everything I was supposed to do around the house and without anything to watch or do. So, I offered to help...

3 years ago
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The Best Meal I Ever Had

Me? Yeah, I was there, and yes, it really did happen, pretty much the way you heard. Believe me, that night didn't start out good for any of us! Why? Well, after all, we had lost the game, and to Navy, no less. You really want me to talk about it? Ok then. You see, losing to Navy wasn't even the worst part. Even losing the football game 34 to 6 wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part was that a challenge had been thrown down for us, by our Commander in Chief, of all people, and we'd...

4 years ago
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gym adventure

last night, i decided to go to the 24 hour fitness right by my house for a latenight workout. i like to go late around 1 or 2 in the morning, cuz theres no ever anybody else. i began with a little basketball warmup, then hit the weights and ran for about an hr. i got back into the locker room, and decided to get in the hot tub and shower. i love being able to walk around the room naked, too. i stripped down to nothing, and sat on the bench. i was getting my dick a little thick for while i...

3 years ago
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Fresher Party

Hi friends mera naam danish hai meri ISS ka bahut bara fan hu kaafi saari kaahaniya mai ne yaha padhi hai kuch sachi hoti hai or kuch jhooti lekin maza dono mai aata hai Meri kahani bilkul saachi hai meri kahani agar pasand aaye to pls mujhe mail jarur karna.ya koi larki ya lady sex karna chahati ho to pls batao Ye ghata mere sath 2 saal pahle hue the jub mai pahli baar delhi mass com karne aaya tha sorry dosto mai ne aap ko apne baare mai to bataya hi nahi meri hight 5 ‘5 hai health v aachi...

3 years ago
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A new day at the university

To begin the story, I'll explain the situation shortly. It's about John 21, an ordinary university guy that isn't so popular around the girls. This is the beginning of a new day at the university... The bus stops in front of the university and I step out onto the sidewalk. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining on a cloudless day. I make my way slowly to registration while surveying the landscape. When I reach the registration desk, I see Jennifer. Jennifer is an arrogant girl who doesn't...

2 years ago
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The Gyneacologists Table

My husband and I have been married for five years, he was a doctor at the local hospital and I worked for a call centre. Both he and I seemed like a perfect biological match because where I did not want children but had found previously I was allergic to both the pill and most of the drugs used in a chemical abortion, he had been sterile from birth. This lets us enjoy bareback sex the way nature intended but with absolutely no risk of my becoming pregnant.A couple of years ago we had gone...

4 years ago
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Raj Uncle Plays Daddy And Fucks My Pussy

Hi everyone, Neha here! Here’s a continuation of my previous story. As a recap, I move with my family friend, Raj Uncle, due to my college closing campus in light of the lockdown. Apart from playful flirts, things become seriously raunchy when I walk in on Raj Uncle peeing, as he left the bathroom door unlocked. That night, to ease the tension, we watch a movie together. However, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves. For the first time, I get touched by a man, and he makes me orgasm. Raj...

4 years ago
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I Married a Stranger

Story of a girl - "I Married a Stranger.."I was on the bed, feeling terrified. I opened my diary and wrote, 'I married a stranger' and quickly hid it under the bed. My whole body was shaking."What do I do?" I questioned myself."Do I act like a virgin?""But what if he finds out? Do I tell him to wait for it for a few days? But what if it makes him angry?"The front door opened and my heart jumped in my neck. I was breathing heavily. The sound of his footsteps gave me goosebumps. I looked down and...

3 years ago
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AllisonChapter 5

At eight o'clock the next morning, Barbara came out from her room with a towel wrapped around her head wearing the hotel's terry cloth robe. She grinned and said, "Good morning, Ali! I have a question: How long did it take you to get used to this luxury?" Ali looked thoughtful for a moment and then replied, "A long time. Five ... maybe ten seconds. Something like that. Why?" "Because it took me almost twenty," she replied with a smile. Her face became serious and she said, "Ali,...

4 years ago
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Book Store Stories Ch5

Candy was still on the floor, under me, I said "I'm cuming too Honey."Lets backup a bit and explain.Earlier today, my daughter Candy had let me fuck her ass as we took a shower in preparation for tonight's adult bookstore fun.Thus Candy thought, fair is fair enough and had me backup to the glory hole. The guy in the other booth had fucked me leaving his hot load deep up my dark hole while Candy kneelt on the floor sucking my cock.Yeah, so when I said, "I'm cuming too Honey", Candy spit my cock...

3 years ago
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Gods, there was nothing soft about this world, least of all the ground. When John came to, his whole body ached. His jaw felt off center and there was blood matted to the side of his head. What'd happened? He closed his eyes- they weren't doing him much good at the moment anyways -and tried to remember. He'd opened the puzzle box. Why? That was between him and his own soul, and right now his soul wasn't giving it up. All he could rember was the chains, lots of chains, and hooks ripping at his...

2 years ago
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Delicious Wishes

It was a balmy fall evening as we walked along the beach when we stumbled across the bottle. Literally stumbled, as Maggie tripped over it and tumbled onto the sand. I dropped down on the beach next to her, and we laughed. It felt terrific since we hadn't had much to laugh about in recent months.The coronavirus had all but killed what had been a rousing, raunchy sex life. While Maggie was still submissive in the bedroom, or any other room I desired, gone were the many other men (and women) my...

2 years ago
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Busted Vacation To Fantastic Vacation

I had dated Jill for about six months. I decided to take her on the vacation to Disney World that she always had wanted. I arranged everything and had it set up as a surprise for her. About three weeks before we were to leave she broke up with me. I was very upset and cancelled everything. I was told it would be a month or two before I was refunded my money. Jack and I had worked together for four years. Jack saw me slamming things around and he knew something was wrong. I told him everything...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Normas Secret Life0

Chapter 1 Posted: May 05, 2003 - 12:00:00 am Norma was born on a farm to very loving parents. Being an only child she was always alone; she had no real chores or jobs to do on the farm except for gathering the eggs which were a money making commodity for the farm, she was annoyed when at the age of ten she was sent away to boarding school; she no longer had the freedom that she enjoyed on the farm. At least when she did have the holidays when she would come home. Her parents had given...

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The Inviting Woods

It's a very nice autumn morning. I'm looking out the window at the changing leaves in the woods across the street. I was thinking about maybe calling my former girlfriend who used to live here. Several months ago we decided to go our separate ways after nearly three years of being together. Shortly after that was when I met Nancy. Looking out my window on this autumn morning, it's actually Nancy that I've been thinking about most.I live in a small town in New England. I inherited some money...

4 years ago
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Leela Mami Ani Mazi Lagna Hun Yetana Chandanya Ratri Man Sokt Zawazavi Part 2

Namskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya pucchi walinno ani tatavun ubha karun salami denarya bulle walya mitrano. Mi yogu maz age 25 varsh disayla chan hot sexy ahe. Mi attach mazi engineering purn karun job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara. Maza email id ahe ani var. Ani google hangout var pan mala msg karu...

2 years ago
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My Mothers Boss Pt 03

“Urggh, fuck!” I erupt down her throat. I slide out, leaving the tip in, filling her mouth with cum before pulling out completely and covering her face with jizz. With a fist full of her hair, I continue to cum all over her. She coughs and gags as she spits up all my cum. “What the fuck! What the hell has gotten into you?” “Nothing. I just needed to let off some steam. Thanks for the blow job.” “You could’ve gone a little easier. I couldn’t breathe!” she yells as I leave the dugout. “And...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Husband Chapter 1

“You want what? You want me to get fucked by other men?” Kim's eyes flashed with anger. “You fucking pervert.”Paul winced as the lounge door slammed behind her as she stormed out.“That went well, then,” he muttered, sitting down on the settee and opening a can of beer.He had no idea why he'd decided that particular evening was the time to tell Kim of his fantasy of watching her get fucked by another guy. As the saying goes, it seemed a good idea at the time.It had been his fantasy for years. He...

4 years ago
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Returning Huda Waxed Whipped FuckedTweaked

Huda danced and went home but returns several weeks later for some hanging wax treatment and nipple torment. She woke up after a night tied to the coffee table commenting to us that she experienced the strangest dance in her life, pleasure was beyond any fantasies she had ever imagined only to go home to her hubby and leave him tied every day for the last two weeks. The wife and I invited her to visit after her hubby called asking us to tire her again, we were informed that while he was...

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