Blythe's Machine 3 - The Chinese MenaceChapter 3: A Traitor Found free porn video

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It was half an hour later, Lloyd and Susan had arrived at the house and were with Jack in the basement; Professor Blythe was working away at the machine, checking it over.

Lloyd stared at Jack. "Well? What happened?" He demanded

Jack looked back at the machine that had just destroyed itself, "He took her through the window. She's trapped there." He said softly.

"Not really Jack my boy, this happened to me several times with my machine, but it's simple enough to get the parts, the only thing that's the problem is the wavelengths used by the other Blythe, but I can get that from his notes." Professor Blythe said.

"We need to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Captain use all means to obtain the parts that the Professor requires, this has top priority." Lloyd said and then patted his clothes, "I need to contact Bracewell and let him know what's happened. It's too bad that our Susan had to be taken." He said looking at Susan.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault, she got too close. I almost had him. Anyway why didn't she disarm him? She does know Judo doesn't she?" Susan said and looked at Lloyd.

"Judo? That's been discredited since it's an Eastern martial art. There's little use in it." Lloyd said dismissively and walked out to phone his boss.

Susan looked at Jack, "Oh great, all that training I had and she doesn't know it! But then that does give me an advantage in this world." She whispered to him

"It does? I thought it would be a danger more than anything else, what have they devised in place of it?" Jack whispered back his words making Susan frown as she thought about them.

"Okay Susan now what do we do, I don't want to go through that machine until we're sure we're going after that Jack and the Susan from this world ... oh it's so confusing, we need to have other names so that we know who we're talking about, you know Salt and Pepper, Mustard and Cress -"

"Shiver and Shake?" Susan said with a laugh remembering a different pair having the same conversation.

Jack smiled, "Which one's Shiver?"

Susan continued the line with, "Oh, I'm Shake."

They continued laughing until it wound down and they sobered up, "But it doesn't help them. Does it?" Jack said nodding towards the machine, its lights dim now as the power still hadn't been restored.

"We can't do anything until the Professor fixes it, why did he come through anyway? Surely he knows that it's impossible to set the machine to return correctly?" Susan asked.

"Not quite true my dear, it is possible, you just have to adjust the output correctly, for me that's by calibrating the machine to my locator box that I have. I've done this several times already, helping out my less than perfect other selves." Blythe said entering the room, the two soldiers with him seemingly covered by wires and electrical boxes.

"Did any of them admit to losing us?" Susan asked.

"Well, for some reason you two seem to be always around, in one form or another, you two are suited for each other, that's why when the Susan Pulse from my world was injured my Jack went after the man. It took me three days to find the right frequency again, from what you say it's my Jack that's gone back into the machine; if only he had waited he could have returned with me." Blythe said

"You're that certain that you're able to return?" Lloyd asked as he re-entered the basement.

"Oh yes, this is purely cosmetic, and with the addition of a few parts this will be up and running in no time." Blythe said not understanding the meaning of Lloyd's words.

"Ah, good. Then I suggest you do that." Lloyd said smiling.

"What are you up to?" Susan asked Lloyd.

"Obeying my orders, just as you should be doing if you were in my shoes. Now Bracewell is on his way to sort out this mess, you and this Jack Adams are to remain here until he arrives." The sound of a rifle being cocked made both Susan and Jack turn around. "Don't make us force you to do this." Lloyd added with a regretful smile on his lips

"This isn't the way to do this Lloyd ... I don't know, you swing from a being a prat to a nice guy, I'm just not sure what you are in this world." Jack said as they were led away to the upstairs.

Bracewell arrived and had company, he went to the room where Susan and Jack were sitting reading the files that Professor Blythe had been creating while building his machine. As the door opened they both looked up.

"I'm Bracewell from Department 4 ... my god you look just like her, you know the Chief Superintendent from the local police station don't you?" The mentioned man looked around the room nervously and then spoke up.

"You failed in whatever it was you wanted to do, what was it? Open a line to the Chinese from here?" He asked.

"What? Whatever gave you that idea?" Susan asked.

Bracewell gave a small cough, "I did. That was why he agreed to come here." He said looking at the Chief Superintendent.

"That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard, and to tell you the truth I've heard a lot recently." Jack said.

The Chief Superintendent shook his head, "Well wasn't that what Blythe was trying to do when he got killed, and I understand you let the killer escape." He said accusingly.

Susan went on the defensive, "He hasn't escaped exactly, and he's still in this house, only not in this world." She said.

The Chief Superintendent waved his hand. "Oh I supposed he's gone back to some other dimension world, is that it? Well I'd need better proof that your word on that before I'd believe it."

"What about Jack here, you thought he was an evil spirit come to take over the world. What changed your mind?" Susan asked.

"I haven't. It's just that he hasn't done anything yet, but when he does..." He paused patted a hip pocket and then continued. "I'll be waiting for him."

Susan frowned, "Are you normally armed?" She asked.

"Of course, I'm well trained in the use of firearms and I have my position to protect."

Now Susan was interested, "Were you armed when you came to visit Professor Blythe?" She asked.

The Chief Superintendent paused for a few seconds before he responded "I've never visited Blythe, I had no need to."

"Oh, sorry I was sure you had, I'm not sure why I did." Susan said sounding confused.

"No, I know of Professor Blythe of course but not to have any dealings with him." The Chief Superintendent said with a sneer on his face

"So why did you block any communications between Blythe and Military Intelligence?" Susan asked which made Bracewell interested.

"Did you? But that's against the information act, Blythe is a — was - a well known inventor, we had an idea that he was about to make a breakthrough, we needed all information from him regardless." He said angrily.

"We were getting too many complaints from Blythe, complaints regarding noises from a deserted basement; in the end we treated him as a nuisance complainer. It's standard procedure." The Chief Superintendent defended his actions.

Bracewell shook his head, "That didn't matter, we'd be happy coming out here for nothing just in case one time it was important."

"But he was always raising false claims, kept saying there was an intruder in the house, he could hear them, and so we had to ignore them every time." The Chief Superintendent

"Such as the time when Blythe was killed." Susan said.

"Well ... well ... well I couldn't see that was going to happen, if he hadn't..." The Chief Superintendent stopped talking. "Well he was very agitated the last time. Almost ranting he was."

"Yes, well the telephone isn't a good medium to convince people when you're rushed." Bracewell said.

The Chief Superintendent straightened, "No, no it isn't. Well if there's nothing else you want to show me then I'll be off, still have a missing police officer to deal with ... strange thing is that nobody's missing." He said with a puzzled air but then he left.

Susan turned to Bracewell, "You didn't tell him that your Susan was the one?" She asked.

Bracewell gave a smile, "No." he said simply and then turned to Jack. "So what's the situation now?" He asked.

Jack pointed to Susan, "She's the one from your department, ask her." He said

Bracewell regarded Susan, "So Pulse, what happening?" he repeated himself.

Susan gathered her thoughts. "The Jack that took your Pulse denies that he's the killer of Blythe ... from the knowledge I have of Jack Adams, I believe him. So there's the problem of who did kill Blythe."

Bracewell frowned, "I thought the ballistics showed that your gun had shot the Professor?" he addressed Jack.

Jack looked at Susan before replying, "That's what we've been told, but I haven't read the full report, I gave my gun to Brice before I was put into the cell."

Bracewell nodded, "So there's no actual evidence that the gun was tampered with?" He said

Susan looked at him, "What are you getting at? That someone did something to the gun? But why?"

Bracewell gave her a sorry smile, "Are you sure you're like my Pulse? If you say that Jack couldn't have shot the Professor then I believe you. So someone else had to have and then they would have to be able to swap Jack's gun for theirs."

"But the only person who had the gun was Brice, but I don't think he was the one who did this." Jack protested.

Bracewell shook his head, "No he is too obvious." He agreed and then changed the subject. "How's the other Professor's doing?"

Susan looked at Jack, "We don't know. Lloyd's imprisoned us in this room. All we've got is these records of Professor Blythe's machine, they're very interesting. It seems that he wanted to spy on the Chinese in their headquarters and had added a communications circuit so he could eavesdrop on them ... Just that he couldn't understand Chinese, he didn't realise that until later." She said

Bracewell laughed, "That's the Professor, there's always something about his inventions that isn't right, and so instead of being able to listen into other countries he managed to connect with other worlds.

"And the communications circuit allowed him to hear his other selves complaining about the machine, only he thought he was hearing things in that room and panicked, he didn't realise what was happening so he called the police, who found nothing. There's a note here." Susan picked up the book and began reading. Simon came by today, he told me that due to the number of calls I've made he was stopping the police from visiting, I tried to explain why my work was so important and what I was doing, he insisted on going down to the basement alone, it was a few hours later when he returned that he told me never to activate the machine again, he also had installed a connection to the police station. Which was nice of him. The only problem is I don't know who Simon is. But he was high up." Susan finished.

"But the main concern is the hours that he was down there, I think he managed to enter the machine and found himself in another world. I don't know what happened there, but it made him so unnerved that he tried to stop the Professor." Jack said.

"So when did your duplicate arrive?" Bracewell asked Jack.

Jack shook his head "No idea, but with his beard it had to be a couple of days ago. He seems to have come here with some purpose in mind."

A knock on the door announced Lloyd's arrival with Professor Blythe, Bracewell turned to face them saying, "Well the answer might be here."

Blythe almost danced into the room, "Well I've done it and I've connected to my world, Susan ... that is my Susan, is anxiously waiting news." He said.

Lloyd nodded, "It's true sir, you were there and you ordered me to return the Professor." He said sounding amazed then he realised what he said. "I mean your counterpart in this Professor's world."

Bracewell nodded, "I suppose he also threaten you if we failed to do so?" He said questioningly.

"Well ... yes sir, but with us holding the power supply there's nothing they can do about it." Lloyd said smugly.

"That's what you think." The Professor said which made Bracewell and Lloyd look at him while Susan started to laugh.

"Well done Professor, I take it there's a timer on the system that you have to reset or else the system will lock itself onto your home world forcing the window open and resisting all attempts to close it down." She said nodding to the Professor.

He smiled, "Exactly! So if you have any thoughts about stopping me from returning home..." He paused for effect.

Bracewell gave a sour grin, "All right, you will be sent home with our thanks for your help, but we do need some way of finding our Susan, she's stuck in some other world and probably at the hands of a mad-man."

"I wouldn't really worry about her; it just where they are that might be in question." Blythe said worried for the first time.

Susan Pulse, operative of Section 4, opened her eyes. The room she was in was the same basement that she had seen in Blythe's room, but it was in darkness. There was a voice in the darkness.

"Shit where the blazes is the light switch?" Jack's voice spoke and then, "Ah! Wrong side of the doorway." There was a click and nothing happened.

"Stand where you are. I've got you covered." Susan said, lying as she had left her gun in the car.

"And where are you going to go when you do shoot me. Look I don't know if anyone's explained this but we're not in your world any longer." Jack said while sounds showed that he was searching the room for something.

"What do you mean? Gunpowder won't work in this place?" Susan asked frowning.

"Nah, that will work nearly anywhere, from what the Prof. says the window will only work in co-existent universes, the same rules apply. Oh surely this world had a flashlight?" Jack said his fingers going over the shelves looking for something.

"You've changed, at least your voice has, what happened to the anger you had?" Susan asked.

"I had to leave that world, you see I saw who killed the Professor there, and he got a glimpse of me so while I was there my life was in danger, at least here there isn't that problem. Ah! Found one." Jack said and turned on the torch he had found. "Good grief he's not been down here for some time."

The beam from the torch showed the dust and cobwebs that laid on the dials and switches of the machine. He tutted as he touched a coil and then pulled his hand back, "Shit, that's hot, must be some sort of residue energy, so if that's still there then we should be able to warm up this thing, all we need is the circuit breakers to be reset I would think." Then he looked at Susan. "Sorry about forcing you here, but I had to escape from that dammed world."

"Why didn't you just tell us? We could have done -" Susan was asking.

"Done what? I recognised the man who killed the Professor in your world; he would have had me in a cell and killed before I could do anything." Jack found the door and tried the handle, it was locked.

"What do you mean you recognised him? Did he see you?" Susan asked.

"Of course he did, I'd been around the house hiding from the Professor for a couple of days, I'd been trying to return home." He rubbed his chin feeling the stubble there, "I suppose I did let myself go a bit. I wonder if the Prof. here has a razor?" He tried the door again and it gave slightly so he put his shoulder to the door and forced it open allowing access to the area behind it.

Same as Blythe's Machine 3 - the Chinese Menace
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I'm Kelly Kwong-Peters, a Hong Kong chinese. Last year my British husband left me for a much younger woman. After 19 years of marriage I was on my own with two children. At 40, I was still attractive, having kept my figure despite the births. Vital statistics - 5 feet 7 inches tall, 35B-23-32, a slim 110 pounds. I'm tall for a Chinese, with good legs and a larger bust than most of the generally flat chested ladies in Hong Kong. I was angry, depressed and devastated at being discarded for some...

Group Sex
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 15 Joining Forces

The meetings occurred after breakfast in his conference room, adjacent to the bridge. As usual the table was replete with pastries, and there were a variety of drinks to please most tastes. The intelligence group held the floor. “The nearest troops to our target are a mile away. We can’t find an underground tunnel that communicates with the target building. I still have an uneasy feeling that there’s a subterranean connection.” Connie stated with concern evident in her voice. “We can...

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My Sweet Seduction 2 Chinese Shadow Theatre for Two

I’ve just spent the most incredible afternoon with Lana. I’d never been with a woman before. Lana took my virginity. Well she didn’t actually take it. I gave it to her willingly while floating on cloud nine. But I’m starting to tease again, sorry. I’m not going to share this afternoon. Such precious moments, hours, I’ll treasure for a long time.We’ve just woken from a little nap. Lana’s still spooning me; she kisses my shoulder. We both stretch ourselves, grinning from ear to ear as we...

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A man is obsessed by his sexy Chinese secretary

I had to have her. It wasn’t a simple matter of being attracted to her. It wasn’t a simple matter of wishing I could have her. I HAD to have her. As the days went on, as my knowledge of her grew, I had to have her. Lin was, quite simply, beautiful. Fully Chinese, she spoke with an accent and seemed lost at many American ways. I’ve never had a particular lust for Asian women, but she defined the category. I had to have her. My erection was nearly instantaneous...

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My Friend David Fucks My Chinese Mom

The following is a true story… of my friend fucking my mom.My friend David and I grew up together in the same rural neighborhood. David is two years older than me, but we still would hang out at each other’s houses because there just weren’t that many guys around the neighborhood. David eventually graduated from high school and went off to college across the State.We would still hang out on a regular basis when he was home for the summer and on break. My mom (Lena) liked him because he took...

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End of Quarantine Chinese Student in Hong Kong

So as the quarantine ends and I meet the Married Chinese Lawyer on the Saturday, the Chinese student set up a meet on Sunday. I thought perfect! But after I was done with the Married Chinese Lawyer, she immediately wants again the next day. I was faced with a dilemma, double booking on the same day! cut short, I met with the Lawyer during noon on Sunday and went immediately to the Chinese student in the evening. Let’s just say I was exhausted after that...

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A chinese wife decides to have a lover

I and Tanya had been car-pooling for about a year now. She and I work in an office and live close to each other and carpool three days a week. Tanya is 41 years old Chinese wife with a handsome looking husband and a beautiful 18 years old daughter. After some time we would have chat on various topics, one day I told her I like women who wear dresses/skirts/blouses that show her curves a little. This was just an innocent remark. A few days later, it was my turn to drive, she parked her car in...

3 years ago
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Chinese Wife Caroline

I am a Chinese American guy, I met Caroline a year ago in China whenI went there for vacation, she was the most perfect girl I've evermet; she is a 26-yo traditionally raised, conservative Chinese girl.She has a caring, compassionate heart, and has a very sweet smile. Wegot married not too long after; I brought her back to the U.S. We arevery much in love and had become each other's best friends. She haslearned Yoga since she was a little girl, so she asked me if it's okfor her to find a job, I...

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Liane a young Chinese girl

This is a squeal to my other story A Chinese wife decides to take a lover. This is my imagination how things may have turned later but who knows perhaps they do one day.Few weeks later, I received an email. “Hi Mr. Daniel, I have seen you. I wish I were your friend. Would you like to be my friend? Ty”. I wondered who is this, someone anonymous wants to be my friend. I did not respond.A week later, I again received the email. “Hi Mr. Daniel, please say something, please answer. Ty”. I was...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 47 Chinese

"Interdictor base, this is Guardian." "Guardian, Interdictor base." "Base, be advised we are tracking a launch of bandits from the Khartoum area. Three groups of six bandits each, eighteen bandits total, now dispersing to three vectors. Assuming armed and hostile intent. Preliminary tracking indicates arrival over Angels main base in thirty minutes from north, east, and south attack approaches. Advise meet and greet with extreme prejudice. Copy?" "Copy, Guardian. Issuing launch...

1 year ago
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The Chinese Secret

A short-short, a gargoyle of a gargoyle based on... well, that's explained at the end of this story. The Chinese Secret By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 August 14, 1998 Dr. Xaochien stood on the control platform watching the men marching into the stadium. They marched in rows of ten, heads held high, the cream of the army of the People's Republic of China. Row followed row followed row, until almost 40,000 men stood below him on the field. Amazingly, these men, from the lowest private...

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Chinese TakeoutFor Breakfast

Jason quietly put his key in the lock. It didn’t seem to be going in, he panicked for a minute thinking Marcela had changed the locks in her anger, but when he realized it was his hand shaking, he chastised himself for being so paranoid. He steadied himself, taking a deep breath and then slipping the key into the hole, letting out his breath as the door soundlessly swished open allowing him to walk into their apartment. He looked around the corners, trying to assess where she actually was,...

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chinese escort middlesbrough

I normally write about my adventures from many years ago but this one is from only 3 months ago.First time seeing a Chinese massage escort in Middlesbrough.I saw a few adverts for Chinese massage on a couple of different websites, plenty of photos, lady looked nice then 1 of the reviews said not the lady in photos, so I phoned and asked and was told lady only works for 2 weeks at a time then they change over, in advertisement it also said you would receive a professional massage and be...

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Chinese TakeOut 2 Reuploaded

Hi, I'm the former connereight and I'm trying to rebuild my profile. It's slow going, of course, because my last profile had been active for over 1400 days and as of right now this profile is at 3 days. Chinese Take-Out is an original story I wrote documenting the realistic fantasy of my life fucking the attractive MILF that co-owns and co-operates a local Chinese food place. So far there are 3 parts or chapters and I saved the second and third. I wrote the first literally...

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Lusty Chinese Squirter In Malaysia

Hello guys, I am Adi. I have been living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the last 1 year. This story is about a Nerdy girl of Chinese ethnicity who works in my office. She is on a different team. This might be a little long story but bear with me as this gets interesting. One day after office I was leaving for home. I saw this girl going into a shop just opposite our office. I casually followed her just so that she will notice and maybe I’ll get a chance to talk to her. As soon as I entered I saw...

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Chinese guy

A few months ago I was on chatline and heard a message from "horny chinese" I really lke chinese guys so sent a message and got reply very quickly. I was really in the mood for a good phone wank and he gave me his phone number. I rang him and he was in bed naked like me and I asked where he was from. He was from my town which made me ask if he would like to meet up. he said yes,then it got more exciting he lived in the same area as me, about 200 yards away!! I had to stop rubbing myself in...

1 year ago
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A Chinese Cunt for Indian Cock

Sharon and I met on an adult website catering to people who want to explore sexual liaisons with likeminded individuals of the opposite sex . It was just a few weeks ago that I glanced upon her profile which had a very sensual picture of her posing naked in a sensual pose in her shower. The lines of her body caught my eyes. She is slender, sensually !! Her pose in that profile picture is perhaps the most arousing but not of the vulgar type. It has poise, it has class and it has a compellingly...

Cheating Wifes
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Delayed ReactionChapter 4 The Chinese Solution

It had taken only three days to wangle a meeting with Wray and John. I had fended off Wray's questioning about what the specifics of the meeting were by promising him it wouldn't embarrass him and it would be integral to our planning process. The last thing I needed was his second-guessing the strategy before it was even presented. He reluctantly agreed and set the meeting up for Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Not the ideal time, I thought, but I'd take what I could get. Doogie was...

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My Black Master fucks a Chinese slut

My Black Master had been fucking me during the whole afternoon.He had even enjoyed my asshole, as I pleaded with him for mercy.I had met him at a cheap motel by the highway. A very dark, damp and filthy motel room. After my third wild orgasm, I was head down, hiding my face in a pillow and Jerome’s rock hard black cock was still buried deep inside my swollen and sore wet cunt. I still could feel his dick pulsating and spurting the last drops of warm semen inside me.Suddenly he grabbed my hair...

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Chinese Food

I'm a guy in my mid-twenties, living in Southern California. I do a lot of work from home and on my computer, and on occasion I like to work outside in restaurants and coffee shops just for a change of scenery.Last Wednesday, I went to a recently opened Chinese diner in a strip mall 20 minutes away from my house. Business was a little slow; there were only 3 other customers in the sparely decorated restaurant with 12 tables.An Asian woman, maybe in her mid-forties came over and introduced...

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Slutty Student Sex BBC Chinese Indian English

At university, the buzz of new surroundings and the tension of not knowing anyone was tangible. I resolved that I would be outgoing and seek out friends and trust my instincts, instead of being shy as I had been in the past. At the university campus, you could tell that the mix of youth people, alcohol and loneliness would be a recipe for sex but, still, how forward could you get away with been?I was walking around campus and saw a beautiful ass in front of me. Now was the time to be confident....

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Fucking A Chinese Goddess

Hi! I’m Sagar from Dhaka . I’m an Engineer in profession, working at a MNC, 5’7″ height, fair color with a little bit bulky but strong shape. I got the opportunity to travel lot of countries for my profession and for just traveling. When I get time I try to go through some of the stories narrated in this site and appreciate that people of Indian sub-continent have been sharing their sex experience. I have a habit that I never fucked any non graduate girl. I fucked few Doctors, two Engineers and...

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Horny Chinese divorcee Part 2

The threesome in Macau had changed me forever. It was the best sex I'd ever enjoyed and it gave me the taste for more - much more. Call me a slut if you like, but my desires overcame everything I was angry! I'd raised two teenage children with my husband of nearly 20 years who had left me for a younger version. I did everything for him. I even held back my sexual desires and fantasies because he was “uncomfortable” with them. Nothing but the same, boring missionary position one week after the...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Blythes Machine Chapter 2

Jack and Susan were still gawking at the airships like tourists when a van came around the corner of the road, a side door opened and four men got out, grabbed and hooded them, bundled them into the van, and drove away. "Okay, check their tattoos!" a gruff, commanding voice said and both Jack and Susan's sleeves were raised up and their arms were twisted around by unseen, but strong, hands. "Nothing, Herr Direktor," A man replied "NOTHING? You mean they've been removed?" The senior...

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The Sex Stories of My Chubby Chinese Panda Girl

This is a series of fictional stories based on my girlfriend's real experience. First of all, I'd like to introduce my panda girl a lit bit. Her name is Liz, 25 yr-old, born and live in Shanghai her whole life. She's the type of real life Asian girl you can rarely find on porn site since she's very shy and innocent, but deep in her heart lives a little horny slut. She's about 162cm, chubby body with a big round ass which is hardly seen on Chinese girls. She also has round cute face, thick...

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Caught FUCKING my Chinese Girlfriend in the backse

This is a true story and I’ve accompanied it with some pictures in my gallery – so please take a look!LiuChen was one of my Chinese girlfriends. I was her first lover and I busted her virginity in the backseat of my Ford Expedition. It was quite hard laying atop her body and penetrating her on that stiff bench seat, but I managed. She and I didn’t live close together so I didn’t like having to take her to my house, fuck and then take her back home where her retired parents resided. Every now...

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Dreams of the Chinese Room

Dreams of the Chinese Room The oversized room was decorated in a tasteless mishmash of New Mexico pueblo and Chinese restaurant.  Paper globe lights cast a comfortable glow over the room, filling in any shadows left by the muted sunshine coming through gauzy curtains which skirled in a lazy, sensous dance from an inflow of cool breezes through the open windows.  The walls hung with tapestries in a Chinese fire drill of colors — the floor of dark, polished wood showed through the gaps between...

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