Under The Sea: Sex With A Sea Monster - Pt.1 free porn video

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Under The Sea: Sex With a Sea Monster - Pt.1
By Blackdawn

Mora was sleeping soundly, she had been dreaming the same dream since she could remember, since she knew what dreams were. She was swimming in an ocean as far as the eye could see, but there wasn’t nothing around, nothing beyond, then suddenly a massive shadow appeared from below, it towered over her and she froze, there was something about this shadowy figure that yanked at the back of her brain, made her skin crawl and drove into her soul. The shadow moved forward, moved to encase itself around her that it always have done.

Since she turned 14, it had then always caused her orgasms. There were times she looked forward to this dream, when she looked forward to this aberration pleasing every part of her body until she exploded in ecstasy. Already aroused, yearning for it’s touch, she felt it touch her naked body and moaned of it in pleasure. A noise alerted her suddenly, a siren, and she jumped out her bed.

Sitting upright and still not completely coherent on what was going on, her entire room was filled with red light from the alarm system going off. That’s when it started to sink in that something aboard the cruise ship was wrong, but it couldn’t be, she was on spring break, this was just a vacation from college with some friends.

Jumping to her feet, she was shocked to find herself ankle deep in freezing water. There was no way this was possible, how could there be water already in the ship, before the alarms went off? Spinning her head to her right, she noticed Elizabeth and Angie weren’t in their beds, they must have gone up top while she was sleeping.

Still in her gown, the 20-year-old woman made a dash for the door opening it and was just about trampled by the crowd of people that were running for their life through the hallway screaming. A man stopped in front of her, it was one of the waiters from the onboard restaurants, his name was Oscar. The young man was still in his uniform, pale, scared out of his mind and soaked to the bone.

“Mora,” He began to instruct loudly and quickly, fear carried in his voice. “Put your life vest on, it’s under your bed.”

But Mora didn’t move, too shocked and scared by everything that was going on. She was still as a statue, her grip tightly fastened to the frame of the doorway.

“Mora, snap out of it. You have to get your life vest.” Placing both hands on her shoulders and vigorously started shaking her.

The whole ship tipped to the side suddenly and everyone went falling backwards, it was tilting to the left, so Mora ended falling onto the frame of the door. Watching helplessly has Oscar fell down the hall and into the water below.

“Oscar!” She screamed out, clasping onto the frame off the door while the remains of her lower half was now hanging and watched in horror as his flailing form disappeared beneath he massive crowd of people that fell on top of him. A woman had grabbed on to the door frame, but a hit from someone else made her lose her grip and she went falling, then someone grabbing her blonde hair caused her to fall forward into the flow of falling people and flip completely over but still managed to keep a hold on the door. A hefty man struggled as he groped her thin delicate body, screaming in pain when he drove his nails into her flesh and proceeded in climbing upwards, using her body as a ladder.

He reached her shoulders when a loud, pain-filled shrill escaped his lips, one that sent shivers down her spine, then felt him being pulled. He had been ripped out off her and pulled the strap of her gown tearing it clean down the center revealing most of her round, heart shaped ass and C sized breasts.

Feeling her grip slipping, and not knowing what else to do, she screamed for help, screamed at the top of her lungs. That’s when she began to notice the screams that were gradually leveling above her own, craning her neck around and looking down, she watched in horror as people began disappearing beneath the water, but they weren’t drowning, something was pulling them under. She could tell because of how their arms flung up and torsos were tossed around like rag dolls.

Seeing movement from the corner of her eye, she shifted her attention and noticed Oscar steadily climbing the wall below her feet, he was using the light fixtures.

“Oscar,” She called out again, now holding on by her fingertips. “I’m slipping!”

“Hold on Mora, I’m coming, just hold on!”

Something shot out of the water suddenly, it was long and thin, the tip of it curled then lunged at Oscar like a coiled snake. He couldn’t even put up a fight and was helplessly dragged under the water like everyone else, leaving only her.

“Oscar!” Mora shouted through hot tears.

That’s when it came up again and stretched for her. Gasping, she turned for the door and tried in pulling herself up but found she couldn’t do it. Feeling it latch onto her ankle, she screeched a piercing cry that echoed through the halls. The thing then gradually began slithering its way up, slowly wrapping itself around her leg then right up between her legs and wedging itself between her butt cheeks where it came across her back, around to her front and to her breasts. There it stopped but was still tugging on her.

Daring, she looked down and froze when seeing what looked like a black tentacle wrapped around her, it looked exactly like the tentacle of an octopus. Looking to her chest, her green eyes went wide when seeing the tip of the wet and smooth tentacle began playing with her nipple, it poked and caressed her nipple making it hard, then flexed and tightened around her breast that traveled all the way down to her ass. Wincing and actually blushing when feeling it rub gently against her clit.

“Mora.” A soothing voice whispered from thin air.

“Help!” She called out, called out to the voice.

“Have no fear Mora.” It cooed in reply.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she croaked through a tight throat. “Help me!”

“I will do just that.” It replied.

Then the tentacle gave a hard yank and she was ripped right off the frame. Losing her breath, her heart stopped beating as she saw her life flash before her eyes, right before she hit the cold water and everything turned into a murky blur.


Mora groaned when she started coming around, feeling wet and like she had been sleeping on something hard then opened her eyes to the deck the ship but didn’t know how she got there. Lying on her stomach, she slowly sat on her knees and gasped in shock with what she saw past the railing. It was the ocean, only that she was underneath it.

Looking up, quick to realize she was in some sort of small air pocket that was on top the deck of the ship, only there was no way this could happen, it was physically impossible. Newton’s Law didn’t allow such heresy, it would be possible for air pockets within the ship, parts that weren’t flooded, but all this should have been washed over by the ocean. That’s when she realized something else, despite being soaked, she wasn’t cold.

Now looking behind, she screamed when seeing something large swim by and ran to the other side of the air pocket. Already starting to hyperventilate, arms crossing her bare chest, gown barely hanging from her waist, the boards below her feet wet and slick then slipped when she jumped from something else that moved.

“Be careful my dear, I don’t want you getting hurt.” A hard voice said sternly yet, soothingly.

Eyes already darting across the space of air that looked a diameter of 10 feet, but she saw no one. That’s when a large shadow took up the space in front of her suddenly within the water then burst through the wall of ocean, its large form slammed down in front of her and came to a sliding stop at her feet.

Struck in fear and awe, Mora was looking up to a man by at least 10 feet in height, he was so big he was squeezing within the perimeter of the air pocket.

The being before her having black glossy eyes - small orbs, skin that was pale white yet carrying splotches of black all over, chin was square and thick and a bare upper torso that was finely chiseled and packed with muscle, but going on down was unbelievably scary, from his waist going on down was that of the body from an octopus, black. That’s when she noticed the gills on his face, starting from under his ears and went down his neck, they looked just like a fish, she could hear his labored breathing through the slits.

Finding her voice, she screamed and was some how able to over come her fear that had previously kept her frozen and turned to run.

She didn’t know where she was running to, but instincts told her to run and that’s just what she did but didn’t get very far when she was forced into an abrupt halt by a tentacle that grabbed her foot causing her to trip, yet before she could hit face first on to the floor board another tentacle wrapped around her right wrist followed by the other. Soon her other foot was taken a hold of and found herself held completely in the air and was turned around to face him.

Sucking in a breath, she screamed at the top of her lungs but even that was put to a stop as a suction pad laden tentacle forced slimly into her mouth shutting her up as another ripped her gown completely off, exposing her naked form.

“My dear,” He said slowly. “I have been waiting so long for you, so long for my mate, my wife. The chosen one that can accept my sperm.”

The monster leaned down to her and a long, wart looking tongue came wiggling out and licked the side of her face, he pulled back in a shiver then gasped in ecstasy and looked down to her, a yearning hunger carried in his eyes. “You are so fresh my dear Mora. Your body is so pure and clean.” He groaned eagerly. “It makes me want to take you right now, at this very moment.”

Mora screamed a muffled scream, her mind screaming “no” and fought at her fleshy restraints, fear steadily grasped her stability, fear for her virginity, for the idea she was about to be raped.

He leaned down even lower, tongue coming out and played across a breast, wondering onto her nipple licking it and playing with, suckling and nibbling on it. Then it licked across her breast going between and to the other one where he encased it within his mouth and sucked on it, his hands grasping her back and moaned in lust. Tentacles began wrapping around and slithering about her body, one having moved to right between her legs and started rubbing her clit making her mind scream in rejection when her body answered back by becoming wet.

It felt so good, just like her dreams. That's when it all came together, that's when she realized what was going on and couldn't believe it, she had always known she was different from other girls, even more special compared to them.

Her tormentor made contact with her stare, he looked pleased, gave a quirked smile and said. "So my dear, you finally realized it." Giving a deep chuckle, "You finally realized I am the chosen of your dreams." Then he closed the distance between them, placed his face in front of hers where they were touching nose to nose. "I am Odium, Mora, and I am to be your mate. Just as you will be mine. But first," He wiggled the tentacles across her form making her tense. "We must consummate our union my dear."

He paused for some moments before speaking again.

"This is your destiny my dear Mora, my mate. It is why you have had dreams about me, why I have had dreams you. I have been searching for you for so long. You, the one true mate that can produce my offspring."

Her gut knotted in fear when hearing that. What did he mean by producing his "offspring". She shook her head and screamed, she screamed as loud as she could but all that came out was gargled, barely an audible sound carried past Odium's ears. This was wrong, all of this was, it had to be a dream, there was no way it was real. This wasn't some fantasy, not a figment of her imagination. She watched as Odium wiggled and twisted in anticipated for things that was soon to come, then reality hit her like a truck - all of this was real.

Another tentacle wrapped around her back and worked its way to her breast where it instantly began caressing her mound, the little suction cups on the end gently latching onto her skin then releasing, Odium meanwhile licking and nibbling on her other nipple.

Mora couldn’t help it, she let out her own moan of pleasure as the feeling between her legs intensified, the tip of the tentacle positioned into a tiny hook that would wrap around her clit, curl, then retract, and upon retraction would pull completely back rubbing its whole slick self completely across her pussy before repeating. Spreading her legs, she allowed the writhing tentacle more access to do its job and squirmed as it moved even faster, the tentacle in her mouth already having started with moving back and forth in a some what quick fluid motion..

Another tentacle had climbed up her leg and tickled part of her pussy, then moved further away, sliding between her butt cheeks and the tip completely penetrated her ass hole. It hurt and she screamed in pain of it against the tentacle still in her mouth, still moving back and forth. The tentacle in her ass drove in even deeper shooting pain all across her body making her start to cry of it and every muscle in her body to tense and pull.

Now he pulled back his torso back, all the tentacles still remaining in their spots, the rest merely wiggling about and arched his back with his arms outstretch, groaned and moaned until something slithered out from beneath him and presented itself right in front of her face. She gasped internally at the massive penis he was giving her, it was long as the tentacles but the tip was round with a bulbous end, it was already rock hard, veins protruding across its fleshy smooth surface and a clear liquid, the pre-cum already dripping out profusely.

The tentacle came out her mouth giving her chance to take one full breath before the dick was shoved in. The dick wasn’t nothing like the tentacle, it was far more thicker, and its round end made it even harder for her to breathe as it was forcefully rammed down her throat and was soon gagging on it.

Her rapist scoffed bitterly and winced. “Suck it already.”

The tentacle in her ass having gone faster with its movements and drove further on in sending absolute pain through her which sent a chain reaction straight to her mouth, she bit down.

Odium curled under the bite and screamed in pain, black orbs looking back to her, he scowled as he drove the dick completely down her throat choking her. “You fucking little bitch, that hurt!”

Every fiber in her body screamed for her to fight against him, to fight and make a run for it, but there was nothing she could do, despite her efforts in fighting with her restraints, she couldn’t break the bond.

She heard a noise which made Odium stop his assault on her and turned to look at something to the side. “What?” He asked, but had been asking to no one since nobody was around except for her.

That’s when Mora began hearing the noises, they were gargled moans, sounding like a mix between a dolphin and whale.

He then sent an eye to her and back toward the wall of water. “If you can do a better job, then so be it. But don’t cause her orgasm. That’s an order.”

Odium removing his dick and tentacle out her ass was heavenly relief, then loosened his grip on her letting her fall straight for the floor, but before her sore ass could land on the wooden flooring the entire ocean wall cascaded and wrapped itself around her. She could feel its pressure pressing against her but wasn’t nothing too serious and started floating as well as screaming, screaming for the water she was about to take into her lungs but was shocked when discovering she wasn’t drinking any. Now she was completely submerged and floating, but the air bubble around her head kept the water from coming in.

Something than swam by her, she knew that because of feeling the current from something large pull her body slightly, and when looked was astonished to find what looked like a big fish floating in front of her, but when she focused, instead of seeing a fish had seen a human resembling face staring back.

The face looked a little different however. What looked like scales were scattered about here and there, held in-human solid white placid eyes - no pupils, long blue hair floating about every where with slits for gills just beneath the ears going down the neck - just like Odium, arms held fins growing out the forearms and elbows with claws for fingernails and webs between the fingers. Looking down, Mora noticed it to be naked, blue breasts floated about freely, covered only by what little blue scales that were over the nipples and other various parts of it’s milk glands, and to top it off, a long and thick scaly tail that was leisurely kicking from side to side below its waist.

The thing, the being, the mythical creature before her was in a fact, a mermaid. Or at least something that looked liked it.


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my 1st time with another guy pt1

it was the summer just a week or 2 after I had taken my 3 A level exams, I was just enjoying myself before I had to think of university/getting a job. I was 18yo 5'6 tall short dark hair with a slim toned and hairless body and looking at old photos I guess I looked at least 3yrs younger than I was and quite a bit like the Olympic diver tom daley.I was still a virgin it seemed like all my friends were getting some while I just wanked off to porn mags about twice a day(no internet back then!!!),...

2 years ago
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Sandyanother hot slut pt1

I was in the middle of a great fuck, Marcia was on her back, legs widely spread as I was pounding her pussy with all the energy I had while we were passionately kissing. I had my tongue in her mouth and my cock in her pussy. She was moaning with pleasure as she experienced another wild orgasm. Just as I began to erupt inside her with a big load of semen, the doorbell rang. It startled me and I lost my erection. Marcia did not seem to change her mood at all and once she calmed down from her...

3 years ago
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Camping with the Johnsons PT1

I jumped out of bed and crept downstairs, while still adjusting my glossy brown eyes to the brighter hallway. "Mornin', Noah." mumbled Dad, who also had just rolled out of bed. "Are you ready for the big day? The Johnson's are on there way over, and in just a few hours we'll hit the road for camp." I cursed in my head, remembering that we were going camping today. I still hadn't packed yet and we were leaving in about 3 hours to go camping on Finigan Lake. "I still have to...

3 years ago
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Dante Abbracciavento PI Find the man with the buckles on his shoes pt1

My name is Dante Abbracciavento. I’m a PI. Scratch that. I’m a Personal Security and Investigative Specialist. My secretary, or as she demands to be called Office Manager, decided on my new job title. More about Viv later. I’m forty-five years old, divorced with no children. I train at my Cousin Lou’s boxing club four times a week. In my line of work it pays to stay in shape. Bad guys don’t always cooperate; sometimes they need a little convincing to play nice. Nothing like a few loose teeth...

4 years ago
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One With the Tribe pt1

Beyond the expansive forest was a range of mountains where clouds dusted the lands with heavy snow. On the other side, rocky beaches remained untouched for several years. Every now and then, a boat would crash to the shore, but survivors never made it to any of the native human lands. On this cool winter morning, on this same beach, cold waves brushed along the sides of a body that lay among the rocks. Next to the pale figure were planks of wood- evidence of a ship that had been dashed...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

4 years ago
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Luke Has them Both PT1

My wife, Chastity, has a sister, Bella, several years her junior, who has always been on the wild side. My prim and proper wife was usually aghast at the latest information concerning her little sister's sexual exploits. It wasn't that she condemned her, she just didn't understand her. I, on the other hand was always fascinated, and frequently aroused by her actions and her appearance. She looked spectacular in a mini-skirt, and I loved hearing from my wife what Bella had told her about her...

2 years ago
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Had to keep up with our standard of living pt1

With the Celtic Tiger petering out rather quickly and having become used to a certain standard of living, gym membership, going away for a couple of foreign holidays a year the cuts in take home pay and increases in bill really put a strain on things. One income was not going to be enough. Linda had been going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week so one of the options was to cut down on membership of clubs and she had been discusiing it with one of the staff there.That was when one of her instructors...

3 years ago
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My Weekend With My Daddy pt1

It all happened my first year of highschool, that is when my dad, Dave, first exposed his love for me. But first let me start with a little about me, my name is Karter, I am eighteen, 6'0" tall, and chubby. I have hazel eyes, and soft curly hair that is pretty long because I have been growing it for about a year. I had just realized i was gay at the start of senior year. I thought about guys a lot in my junior year, but i didn't think i was gay. That was until i met my...

1 year ago
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Friends with Benefits pt1

Hello my name is John. It was about mid summer of my 19th year when my girlfriend of 3 years and I had called it quits. We just weren’t working and we decided to just say screw it. Now her best friend Carey and I were pretty close friends as well. The day after the break up Carey gave me a call in the morning. “Hey John, I know you had a rough day yesterday, how about we hang out, get your mind off things,” she told me. “Sure why not, I got nothing going on today,” I said. “Great, we...

3 years ago
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Mista ridges here again with a story I remembered today..I had a neighbor that lived across the street named zuzu she was a slender cape verdian her man @the time was always havin the cops at their house so one time he got locked up and did a bid..well one day I see zuzu an asked her if she smoked trees(cronic maryjane marajuana) for my non ebonic people:)..and she said yes. An invited me up to smoke later that night ....so I went across the street an went upstairs to her spot and I have 2...

2 years ago
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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt1

The email ended, “so how about coming round this weekend? After chatting for so long it seems to be right that we do some of the things we chatted about.”Doug & MichDee and I talked about it and without hesitation we agreed that we could go and we would know almost immediately if we wanted to stay with them.I replied quickly and said we would be coming over.It was Thursday night and excitedly we went to bed, made passionate love and huddled together with my cock straining in Dees cheeks we...

4 years ago
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Watching Porn With My Friend pt1

I was 18 at the time and my best friend had just turned 19. His name was Jeff and we had been friends since middle school. As for descriptions, I am a light-skinned Latino, with a medium build that’s slightly muscular. I have always had big legs and a big backside. Brown hair and brown eyes with a medium amount of body hair, mostly chest, legs and somewhat hairy ass. Joe was dark skinned African American male, hairless, thick build also with a short haircut and was pretty cute. Well, one day...

3 years ago
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Summer with grandma pt1

Wow! What a life changing vacation. My mom left me with my grandma so she could apply for a job out of state. I was there for a week and tried to view this as a vacation. Grandma was only in her 70's and still got around quite well. The first day I kinda learned her routine and looked forward to our time together. Because she didn't work she could spend the whole day with me doing fun things. Just before lunch she would take her nap and again sometimes just before dinner. She would go to bed...

3 years ago
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Making a deal with a Demon pt1

I had been trying for weeks to summon the demon. I guess I was doing something wrong. I opened my spell book to make sure I was saying the right words. That’s when thing started to get weird. My spell book was blank! “What in the hell happened to my spells!?” The whole book was empty. I had almost 100 spell in it they couldn’t just vanish off the paper. As I turned back to the first page I saw a word in large demonic hand writing. (Stop!) Stop what I thought to my self. But the book...

4 years ago
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CoWorker with a Kink pt1

I have a very Sexy busty Hispanic Co-Worker that everyone lusts over and she blows them off nicely after toying with them. Well we have been getting closer due to work and we started talking about our past sexual histories craziest place we have done it and likes and such. Well she let on that she has a kink for being submissive & pain although no one but 1 of her past lovers know about it. She has been having boyfriend problems and cant seem to keep one that could be the right one. They...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt1

It was past midnight, Saturday over and Sunday beginning when I was heading up the stairs to go to bed when I'd heard noise coming from my son's room. I paused at the head of the staircase, my hand still on the railing as I considered the sound of something being bumped into or maybe dropped. I had just made my rounds, checking that the doors were all locked and the downstairs lights were out and I knew that since Scotty was four hundred miles away, finishing up graduate school and my wife was...

3 years ago
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The Club Pt1

# The Club Part 1 ## Foreword Fucking piece of shit. It's been years! Years of no sex. Most of the time we ignore the unsolvable problem, but every few months we fight over it. Last night was one such time. And here I am, waking up on the couch after a restless night, again. We've been to church, counseling, and sex therapy. We've read books together and separately. I've seen my doctor about possible testosterone issues. I've taken Viagra. I've quit porn and masturbation for...

3 years ago
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Gina The Loving Naive Wife Pt1

It was 20:00 on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. “I hope he’s done something today.” She thought to herself as she approached the front door. Gina was referring to her husband Alex, he’d been signed off work for the best part of the last 6 months with depression. Gina had done everything she could think of to help. She had helped him find a good counsellor, tried to keep him active where possible and always made herself available should he...

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The Hostess Pt1

I examined my makeup and hair in the full-length mirror, then turned and checked that my black stockings were straight. I didn't need to lift my skirt for this, since I wasn't wearing one. In fact, apart from the stockings, I was naked. I slipped on my black patent leather heels, then walked through to the mansion's large kitchen, my heels clicking on the wooden floor. I picked up the small white 'French Maid' style apron that was folded on the counter, and tied it around my slender waist,...

Group Sex
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Fun at the beach pt1

The cab pulled up to the small apartment building on South Beach. The passenger started to open the door but stopped as the driver put her hand out. ‘Hey Angel, you’ve been promising me something for weeks now and I think today is the day that you settle up,’ the driver said. ‘I ain’t been giving you all these discount rides for nothing.’ The driver was a rather haggard looking woman who’s name is Betty. She was nothing to look at, driving a cab for 30 years and smoking for 35 had left her...

4 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt1

The cab pulled up to the small apartment building on South Beach. The passenger started to open the door but stopped as the driver put her hand out."Hey Angel, you've been promising me something for weeks now and I think today is the day that you settle up," the driver said. "I ain't been giving you all these discount rides for nothing." The driver was a rather haggard looking woman who's name is Betty. She was nothing to look at, driving a cab for 30 years and smoking for 35 had left her dried...

2 years ago
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The airpalne ride home pt1

Our flight home was delayed because of the thunderstorm that clattered and shook the small terminal. I glanced around at the few people waiting for this last flight out. They were a bedraggled group , tossed together by the vicissitudes of Mother Nature. Some tried to sleep, twisting and turning uncomfortably in the "airport chic" chairs. Others made idle chit chat with their fellow castaways on this modern desert island. Behind the check in counter a buxom blond did desultory things to kill...

4 years ago
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Emma and the Master Pt1

I have long golden hair that almost reaches my waist, and a trim neat figure with firm pert breasts above a taut midriff, long slender legs and a cute tight pair of firm muscular buttocks. I think my button nose and heart shaped lips give me an enticing look, and I like the way men look at me, with an undercurrent of admiration and desire. But when my story starts, I am troubled. Perhaps because of my slightly haughty nature and upbringing, because I had always attended girls’ schools...

2 years ago
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The Holiday Pt1

The searing heat was too much for Jon to take. He was on holiday in this tropical climate and he couldn't stop the sweating, or the constant threat of sunburn. Anne, his wife, was something of a sun worshipper. She revelled in the heat of the suns rays; loved the smell of the lotion, the feel of the heat, the lapping of the water. Jon did not understand this. He retreated to the bar.Sitting down with his book, and an ice cold brew, he finally relaxed. The hum of the air conditioner settled his...

2 years ago
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Over the River and Through the Woods Pt1

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 16, Things get freaky at Christmas timePam was so excited she was shaking. Todd would be there! Todd would be there! She kept repeating the words over and over in her head. It was too incredible to believe. She had not seen him since her last visit to the country more than two years ago, the summer he took her virginity. She was so anxious to see him again. They had so much to talk about. Plus, she had the hope in the back of her mind that they might...

4 years ago
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The Loves of Sophie Pt1

Sophie, standing in the clear light of day, viewed her naked body critically in the long mirror. Having waved goodbye to her thirtieth year a couple of years earlier, she was just a little concerned with what age would do to her body.Others still commented on how beautiful she was. She was slender, youthful in appearance, and retained plenty of vigour for the life she led. Yes, it was easy to deceive others, but in her own eyes, her flesh was losing some firmness and the smoothness of the skin...

Straight Sex
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My wife and the hot tub Pt1

I had been married to my second wife Sonja for about six months when we were invited to a Saturday barbecue at the house of one of her married friends. Katie was a girlfriend she had known since college and her husband Fernando whom she had known for almost as long. Her friends live in Coral Gables, Miami and since we live in Fort Lauderdale, which is more than an hour's drive, we decided to take an extra change of clothes just in case we had to spend the night from drinking too much, which has...

1 year ago
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The sassy young BBW pt1

My divorce was finalized nearly 2 years ago, but I had no luck getting back into the dating scene. Friends would occasionally set me up with someone, saying 'you two would make the perfect couple!' LOL, those never worked out. The well-to-do divorced women my age expected a lot more than I had to offer, both financially and in the bedroom.I tried online dating sites without much success either. The one time I finally clicked with someone, it turned out to be a guy catfishing me. I wasn't...

3 years ago
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The Bike Fall That Started It All pt1

DADDY! Daddy! Dont let go!! I was panting and laughing as I jogged closely behind Cassady. At my ripe 32 years of age, I had to admit all this running was really starting to tire me out! I had a light hold on the back of her bike seat, but I could tell she had finally gotten the hang of riding her new bike on her own and didnt need me to help guide her much. I decided on her 6th birthday to surprise her with the pink bike she had fell in love with while shopping one day. The moment she laid...

4 years ago
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The Ski Weekend Pt1

I must start by saying I am not a skier. I tried it once and determined that I do much better when it's warm and the mountainside is green. But, after all that, when my neighbor Lisa invited me to spend the weekend at her family's condo at a ski resort I couldn't pass it up the opportunity to ski again.There hadn't been much snow in the city, but as we made our way up north into New Hampshire and Vermont, the countryside was brilliant white with fresh snowfall. After three hours we made it to...

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