Colin And ColleenChapter 2: Colin And Colleen - The Twisted Sister (Charlie For Now) free porn video

I had married her sister after divorcing her, the cheating bitch.
I had killed her husband, my brother, when he tried to kill me, to get to her, to beat her some more.
I guess some background would be in order.
I inherited my company after working with my dad for 5 years and inventing a new fuel injection module for turbine engines. Three aircraft engine giants jointly bought the invention, the rights, the patent, and a little support for thirty-four million dollars. That was a year after my brother told my father to go to hell and walked out, looking for greener pastures. I stayed and worked night and day, day and night. It paid off. Dad didn’t last. His heart gave out after Mom died, made weaker when my brother left. He just couldn’t take any more. No matter how well we did, he felt he had failed.
Gary was always a poor excuse. Treated me badly growing up. Lording over me. To the point of what most sane minds would call sexual abuse. An eighteen-year-old talking a much younger, very illegal aged child, into doing things orally that make newspapers and crime sheets, if reported. In any case, I resented him for that, and he resented me for my success and my inheritance. He walked away from us, and our father left everything to me, with the full explanation. Gary had deserted him when he needed help. I stayed and figured out the missing piece of the atomization puzzle. It made the difference, and Dad knew it. A judge agreed and the estate was distributed according to the will. Gary got nothing. I got everything. Almost. The NRA got a chunk, too.
He never forgave our father for that. He never forgave me for that, even though I had nothing to do with it. He never forgave himself for that. He hated my father and me from the day he walked out, but that 34-million-dollar windfall was the last straw, I guess. The camel killer. Like at the divorce when Connie got nothing but her clothes, her jewelry, minus the wedding set, her car (which was an Audi, worth more than their house), and the ten grand in cash. He was under the impression she got two million of the windfall when she left me. That helped push him, I’m sure, to the point he would lower a shotgun to aim at me, resulting in his demise. If he would have only known about paragraph 8, he might have coped better. Yep, I had an adultery clause. A cheating clause in the prenup. She walked right into it. (Shiver)
She was at our house the day her husband, my brother, was killed. The day I killed him. The day he beat her for the second time in a week. The day he came looking for her to beat her some more for saying she was wrong to leave me. I guess he thought she was saying she was sorry for leaving me for him. I would have taken it that way. Water under the bridge, now. A month later, her still bruised, but healing face is sitting across the table from me, next to her fourteen-year younger sister, my nineteen-year-old wife, asking for forgiveness.
“To what end. What does this forgiveness get you? I can forgive you. But, I will never forget. What would you want of me? Of us?” Those were my questions.
“Connie, what could you possibly gain by doing this. Even if we forgive you. What is it you want?”
“Redemption. I want to repair, return, replace what I took. Trust, love, belonging. I’ll do anything. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want another man. I don’t want to date. I read a story about the old days. If you killed someone in battle, you got what was theirs. Their women, their children, their money, everything. It became yours.”
“Whoa Up, Nelly! Are you offering yourself up to me in position of servitude? Giving yourself to me? Seriously?”
“To both of you. And Charlie. And anyone who follows.”
“So, my private life with my husband is out the window?” Colleen asked.
“No. I’ll stay in the back room. I’ll leave you alone. Or I’ll bathe you and prepare you for him. Anywhere and everywhere in between. I don’t care. My life is over. I ruined it. The least I can do now is to make yours better,” Connie said, offering herself to us. I thought I knew why. Survival. Little did I know.
“I’ll leave you two alone to talk about this. I’m going out to the pool and get some sun and some exercise. Sweet Pea, if you can make sense of this with her, please do. I know you don’t think of her as your sister anymore,” Connie gasped, “but if you all can make heads or tails of this, let me know what you want me to do. I love you, you know that. Connie, you might or might not want to know, not meaning to hurt you, but I love your little sibling more than I even knew what love was when I was with you. She opened doors I didn’t even know were in the wall. True, unrestrained, full out, devoted and total love is an amazing thing, and giving it is as good as getting it.” I walked out.
I was out at the pool, minding my own business, actually trying to safely drown a sorrow or two in a big plastic tumbler of lemon-lime soda flavored with some of Tennessee’s finest, when my wife came to me with a grin. “She wants to be my slave. Your thrall. She wants to pay us back by making our lives easier, and check this out, sexier.”
“That will be hard. You and I have done a bunch of things she wouldn’t even consider. Remember that day in the shower, I was peeing and you put your leg in it, told me it was warm and fun, then returned the favor all over my thigh? A pinnacle of trust and enlightenment. She’d still be running.”
“Your brother was kinky and into some pretty heavy S&M stuff. Things that beyond play would turn my wonderfully loving husband’s stomach. She thought it would be the same here, if she was able to stay, but she would deal with it, if necessary to be what we wanted.”
“Whipping?” she nodded. “No. That’s not happening. I can’t hurt anyone or degrade anyone, even if they want me to. I wouldn’t mind spanking her a couple times for fucking my life up, but she didn’t really. Except for that one day, I’ve been pretty happy since then. What I didn’t know didn’t kill me. But I’d like to redden her ass for it anyway.”
“Connie!” She came outside. “Lay down over his lap. He has something he needs to get off his chest.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” She smiled a curt smile. She centered her bottom just off my right thigh and pulled her dress up. She was wearing panties. I nodded toward them. Colleen pulled them down and off of her. She was in heels. She always did dress nice. If Colleen decided to do this, that wouldn’t stop. Not by a long shot. Nice clothes. Just not many of them. She wanted to give me revenge through servitude? I might be able to help.
“How long, in weeks, were you fucking my brother before I found out, Connie? Round up to the nearest even number. Oh, and one other thing. If you are going to be here, we have a policy that works very well. Openness and honesty. If you are open and honest, things here will be much nicer.”
“Let’s see. End of February until after the first week in June. That was the party. It was on the tenth, I think, so twelve, thirteen, fourteen and a little over, rounded up would be sixteen.”
“OK, My Dear Ex-Wife and current Slave, Thrall, Pet, and Servant. Get ready. One last time, Colleen, are you sure you want to give her this chance?”
“Yes. I do. I hate her sometimes for what she did to you, but she is my sister. I’m looking forward to dressing her and having her help me serve my parents this coming Thanksgiving.” Connie gasped and inhaled very audibly.
“Sounds good, Honey. Connie, do you consent to be her slave, thrall, pet and servant, until you are no longer able, or are asked to remove yourself from the premises?”
“Yes, I do. I want to atone. To give back, to show you how sorry I am I left you. I want to ... I need to pay you back. If that means serving your mother and father-in-law while dressed in a collar and high heels, so be it.”
“Count for me. Better yet, count to your new Mistress. You actually hurt her more than you hurt me.”
I let them fall. Not damaging, but painful and reddening.
Slap. “One, Mistress Colleen.” Slap. “UNH. Two, Mistress Colleen. Stop, Please. I need to be open and honest.”
“Hurry, I don’t want to be out here all day.”
“If you are trying to hurt me, you are not doing so. I will remember this, but if it is actual long-term pain you desire, you aren’t there yet.”
“Colleen, please go get me the silicone spatula.”
“No. Finish with your hand. I didn’t let her stay to hurt her. I want her to stay to salvage her. There is a good person in there somewhere. I knew her when I was little. Money changed her. Poverty might bring her back. Finish,” Colleen told me. So, I did.
SLAP! “Three, Mistress Colleen.” I didn’t let up, and the last two or three did actually hurt her quite a bit. SLAP! “UHRRRRGH, Sixteen, Mistress Colleen.”
“Connie, you have nothing from this point forward. You want something, you ask me. You go shopping for us, you get what we need. If we shop together and I get you a treat, so be it, but don’t beg. You will not be abused or humiliated. The best chance of that happening would be from me, but I’m not that much worse than Colin. If you take advantage of us instead of what your stated intentions are, I will ask you once to leave. You will find a way out. If not, I’ll call your parents to come get you. Before we’re done here and the week is over, they will know that you are your little sister’s servant, slave, and submissive. Any questions?” She shook her head. “Connie, any questions?”
“No, Ma’am.”
“Good, let’s get this ball rolling. Go check on Charlie, bring his monitor and a couple glasses of wine. You and I need to talk. I’ll lay you down and rub ointment on your ass. Colin did a number on your cheeks, Sweetie. Bring Charlie’s Desitin. It’s right next to the monitor. Moscato for me. Get what you want for yourself,” her little sister told her. “Oh, and Connie, lose the dress. Lose it all but the heels. You’ve got pretty legs.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” I thought I heard a giggle.
“Is this going to work, Collie? Do you think we can bring her back?”
“Yes, I do. I see some possible problems, but they’ll be mine, and I’ll work through them. One of them is what I’m going to be thinking when she has your dick in her mouth. It will be a while, but it’s going to happen at some point, and I don’t want to be jealous. We are going to have to get close again before I will be able to see that without thinking jealous thoughts.”
“Do you think I want her, physically?”
“No. Actually, I think you would probably not need that. You got harder than a rock spanking her, though, so I don’t know. Subconsciously you want to punish the shit out of her with your manhood.”
“What the hell?”
“Baby, I love you. Look at your shorts.”
“Oh shit.” I had a wet spot three inches from where my semi firm erection ended now, and was creating another one. “Wow. I didn’t even realize.”
“I know. You’re a good man, Colin. A very good man. You won’t abuse her or demean her, but she needs you to take back what she stole from you. We’ll take it back together. It will get easier and easier.” She looked over her shoulder at her arriving sister slash slave. “There you are. We were just talking about you. Here, set your wine down. Did you get Moscato, too?” Connie nodded.
“Ooops, Yes, Ma’am.”
“Connie, you’re going to learn, but that wasn’t a ‘Yes Ma’am, No Ma’am’ question. You’ll know the difference before too long. Start with always using it, like you did, and we’ll figure it out together. OK? Nod this time.” Connie giggled, and nodded. She is pretty. She has a nice smile. “The reason I asked is we need to get more, then, because it’s my favorite. About all I drink is that and Spumante. Asti or Ballatore, and there is a Moscato Asti as well. Anyway, we need to keep it on the list for the wino here.”
“Shit, Collie, you are not a wino. A glass a day or so does not make you a sot. Slut maybe, but my slut,” I kidded with her. She didn’t drink very much at all.
“You, sir, are a bad boy! Connie, lay down here so I can put this on your butt. You are a little more than a little red. You’ll be sleeping on the edge of the bed tonight. Sitting on it may be what they call in the engineering field, problematic.” I watched as Colleen gently, and toward the end, even a little sensuously, applied the Desitin Ointment all over Connie’s red ass. “Up on your knees. Spread ‘em.” Colleen used a finger to check for wetness, and lo and behold if Connie wasn’t dripping. “Down.” Connie laid back down, and Collie went for broke. She put the pad of her thumb into the vagina and on Connie’s G-spot, and her curled up forefinger on her clit, worrying them both together until she made her sister scream. And come.
“Oh God, it’s been so long.”
“Don’t tell me. He didn’t help you?”
“He didn’t care. That’s what caused the first beating. I told him to leave me alone because he was a lousy lover.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I asked her.
Connie went on, “If it wasn’t about him, it didn’t matter. I didn’t matter. Colin, Colleen, I have a lot to make up for. Two years of being stupid with him, after we got caught. It was exciting, it was. Fuck, I don’t know. I actually think he was drugging me for a while. Why else would I stay with someone who wouldn’t at least get me off once in a while.”
Collie asked her, “You think he drugged you? Seriously?”
Connie answered, “I’d like to think so. It gives me an out, personally. I’m not asking you all to consider that, just let me deal with it. It changes nothing here.”
“I’m taking you to the hospital tomorrow for a drug screen. They might be able to find traces. I want to know.” Colleen was adamant.
“Colleen, no, please,” Connie started to beg.
“Good thing you aren’t in charge anymore. Remember? You are mine. Body and soul. All mine. Drug test, first thing in the morning. Colin, Babe, can you watch Charlie in the morning for a couple hours. I’m taking my slave in for a bloodletting and some pee play.”
“Oh, yes, My Dungeon Mistress, can do easy. I don’t need to save the world until the next day. Speaking of pee play, remember the talk we were having earlier. You ought to try that in the shower tonight, just to see what happens.”.
We heard Charlie whimper a little in the monitor. Connie got up and told us, “I’ll go get him. OK to bring him out for a bit? Swimming diaper?” Collie nodded to both.
“Colin, if the drug test comes back with GHB or something, I’m going to start cutting her some slack.” I nodded. “He would have done that just to take her from you. Not caring if he was hurting her. It wouldn’t have been about her at all. I’ll still use her, though. She could have maybe tried. I don’t know. I’ll study up, but if it was heavy, and they can tell, I think I’ll love on her more than beat on her.” She giggled.
“I understand. It would make her less guilty. I’d be more likely not to gag when you had her gagging on my cock, if I knew she was under his control because of drugs, too. Take her in. Get her tested. Then we’ll know. Like you said, either way, she’s not going anywhere that I can see. It just changes how badly you treat her. Maybe, instead of naked in hooker high heels, a bra and boy shorts with conservative pumps for Thanksgiving Dinner with your sperm and egg donors?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
Connie came back out, still naked, and asked Colleen if it was OK to go into the pool with Desitin on her ass.
“Yeah, Sweetie, it’s pretty waterproof actually. If you’re not in all afternoon, it’ll be there when you get out.”
She went in with Charlie and made his day. He loves the pool, and she was loving him. They had been having fun for about 20 minutes then the driveway alarm went off. The one when someone was driving in, not asking for entrance.
The only people with the code at that point, were the two of us, not Connie, yet, and Jenny. Jenny was attending college nearby, and came out to visit now and again. Colleen knew who it was.
Connie got an alarmed look on her face. We ignored it. Jenny came through the house, and saw Connie in the pool with Charlie.
“New dress code?” Jenny asked.
“What, diapers? Always.” Collie answered.
“No, the other one. The naked woman. What is she now, anyway. Ex? Used to be? Has been?”
“Servant, slave, thrall, most other terms. Nothing demeaning and nothing hurtful. She has given herself to us for redemption. We are taking her up on it, but will not lower ourselves to Gary’s level.”
“Slave Connie, do you remember my friend Jenny?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I do. Prettiest African-American girl I’ve ever met.”
“Slave Connie, Jenny prefers ‘black’”
“Yes, Ma’am. Prettiest black girl I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you, Slave Connie. That was sweet. Are you really a slave?”
“Yes, Ma’am. If Mistress Colleen asks me to serve you, I will.” Colleen nodded.
“Give Charlie and a towel to his father and...” I interrupted.
“No towel. I’ll take him back in. Thanks.” Charlie and I went back in and watched.
“Fine. Bring me a towel.” She took Jenny a towel, and as Jenny dried her, carefully and completely, very completely, she asked Connie to go get her a Gin and Seven, and some chips or something salty. When the towel was up against Connie’s pussy, Jenny got a touch bold and rubbed her clit and pussy with the towel, trying hard to get a rise out of the new toy. It worked. She slapped her lightly on the lower thigh. “Go. I almost popped you on the butt, but it looks like Colin already did that. Wow, Colin, I didn’t realize your hands were that big. Go, Connie, I’m thirsty.” Connie slipped her heels on and took off, shivering. It was almost 90 out. She was not cold. Jenny continued, “I’m glad she came back. She lost her sister, her husband, her future. For what? Dick head?”
“I’m taking her in for a toxicology workup in the morning. We’re going to look at the off chance of Gary using something to induce her into leaving Colin and all. If he drugged her it changes how I feel, anyway. I think some of that stuff stays for quite a while. It’s only been a month. Maybe, just maybe. It will make me feel better about her leaving and being ... Bad. Being bad would be easier to handle, if she was coerced and medicated.”
Connie came back with her drink and some Lay’s original chips. We still had enough sun, so Jenny decided to play it for a bit. She handed Connie the oil bottle, took off her top and shorts and laid on her tummy. Connie oiled her, and apparently pretty well, by the sound of it. When she was done, Jenny was smiling at me and at Colleen. She raised her eyebrows and Colleen nodded.
“Slave Connie. Remove Miss Jenny’s bra and panties, and finish her. I do mean finish her. Like I did you. Thank you.”
Connie took her bra off, a back-hook model and removed her boy short panties. Finishing up the oil, we heard some light moans, then “Eeeep”.
“It’s OK, Miss Jenny. Just lay there and enjoy. Slave Connie will take care of you,” Colleen told her. The moan, then low guttural groan when the thumb hit on the G-Spot and that first finger wrapped around the clit told me this must be a thing. I’ll have to try that. The scream and elongated groan proved that theory out.
“God, Connie, thank you. It’s been a while. It’s so much better when someone else does it, and my girlfriend has been otherwise occupied.”
“Sorry to hear that. If I can help, let me know. I think they’ll be having me do this a lot in the future. Actually, Hon, I don’t mind. You are a beautiful girl. You were a cheerleader, weren’t you?”
“Still am, Connie, and thank you.”
“Can you get your girlfriend to un-occupy herself for you? If not, you can come back out, I think.”
“Connie, your sister is my girlfriend. Has been since we were fourteen. I’ve been in love with her since before the trouble came up with you and Gary. Long before, actually. Might want to let Colleen be the one to break that to Colin, though.”
“Open and honest, Jenny. Colin knows about you, Babe,” Colleen said, sitting right next to the two of them. Jenny was turned the other way and didn’t see her. “I told him last year before Charlie came. I doubt he thought he’d ever witness two girls having a good time together, but twice in one day, he’s hit the big boy, lucky boy jackpot. First me getting my slave off, then you with her at the controls. Trust me, it’s all good. I haven’t forgotten our times together, and I’m hoping they’re not over. You don’t have anyone else yet, do you?”
“No. There was one girl I thought I liked, but her boyfriend didn’t want her around a ... An N word ... We still cheer together, but she’s all awkward now because her boyfriend is a bigot. Oh well. Still a fucked-up world, huh?”
“Not in this neck of the woods. Kiss me lover. Tell me we’re not over yet.” I saw them kiss. I thought Connie was going to lose her jaw. It dropped, big time.
“Not in the least, Princess Mine. Not in the least.”
“Good, My Nubian Goddess. Jenny, are you spending the night, or running home? I’d like you to stay, if you can. We could rekindle a little?”
“Collie, you do know I really and actually love you, don’t you? I’ve always hoped you could fit me in between Colin, Charlie, and Macy’s.”
“Oh jeez, Jenny, I don’t shop there unless Colin takes me. You are in my heart, lady. Trust me. As girlfriends go, you are mine. We have shared some intimate times, haven’t we?”
“Yes, we have. I don’t really want to stop,” the Nubian goddess put out there.
I had to break in, “Girls, I’m going to jump in here, just in case you forgot I was around. Colleen, I don’t mind, but please remember I love you. You are the center of my universe and the mother of my child. Don’t forget me, please.”
“Colin, you are the center of mine as well. I love Jenny. She’s my best friend, my girlfriend, and we’ve spent some time making love out of loneliness. I’m not leaving you for Jenny, and she’s not trying to take me away from you. She might want to hang around and get some love, but she’s not disrupting anything. Promise. If that were to happen, it would be me fixing the problem. Trust me. In the meantime, suffice to say she has a crush on you, and we’ll let it go until later.”
Then Connie broke in. “Seriously, Jenny? You have a crush on Colin? He has that effect on women, for some reason. Back in the day, I wanted him. Badly. I still don’t know how I...” Colleen interrupted her.
“Slave, stop. Now. We’ll know tomorrow. Stop hashing on it. Either let it go, or you’re going to need a lot more than Desitin on that gorgeous red ass of yours. Jenny, would you mind helping her with some more of that ointment? It looks like it’s soaking in a bit and she could use some more.”
“Sure babe, no problem. Connie, lay down. There you go.” She started rubbing the ointment in, gently. “Feel better?” She got an acknowledgement from Connie. “Good. I kind of like this. You have a nice ass. I love it. You mind if I do this?” It looked like she was working her middle finger into Connie’s pucker. “Your asshole feels divine, Connie.”
“Uhnngggg, Holy crap, Jenny, that feels nice. You’re so gentle. So soft. So loving. OH MY, JENNY, is that your PINKIE on MY CLIT?” Poor Connie was squirming and moaning under the soft manipulations of her ass and clitoris by Jenny’s fingers. “ANNGGGGGGHHHHBBBBNNNNN. Shit! Thank you, Miss Jenny. That was really nice. Thank you.”
“Thank you, as well, Connie, that was fun. You’re quite responsive,” Jenny told the older woman. “It was fun making you cum and shake like that. You two are definitely sisters. Stay there until that ointment helps you out some more.”
“OK, so BFF, I’d love to spend the night. Are you all staying together, or how do you do this?”
“We just found out we were doing it this morning. Slave girl Connie has offered to sleep in the back room, but I don’t like that idea much. I don’t know. We’ll probably all sleep together. I know I want you with me, so we can talk and I don’t ever want to be away from Colin, so the three of us, at least. I think it would be best if Connie joins us after Charlie is asleep. There are a few things I need to chat with her about, as well, now that she’s away from Gary and whatever his draw was for her. I’m actually hoping we find drugs in her system. It would explain a lot and make me feel better about her being my thrall and having her in Colin’s home.”
“Our home, baby, this hasn’t been my house for two years.”
“OK, our home. Better?” I nodded and blew her a kiss. She caught it and made a production out of kissing her hand with it. What a card. “In any case, I’ll feel better about her and what has happened. Don’t look sad, Connie. And, I know you are right here listening to us. I want you back in my life, on my terms. It would help if I find out Gary did that. It really would. Mom and Dad, however, were not on drugs, and were complicit, so that there is going to be a different ball of wax. I think seeing my sister serving me, proving to them that she is sorry she fucked Colin over, will make a big impression. Colin, I think I’m going to ask my parents to come out and babysit for Charlie while you take the three of us out dancing, too. We haven’t been in a while, and I think it would be nice. Would you go with us, Jenny?”
“I’d love to. I love to dance, and I’ll bet y’all are NOT going to some hip hop rocky thing, either, are you?” Colleen shook her head. “Dinner club?” Colleen nodded. “Dancing like humans and holding one another and moving in sync with the music and each other?” Colleen nodded and giggled. I laughed. “Then heck yes, I’d like to go. You’re going to let that cute guy over there dance with me, right?”
“Only about a fourth of the time. He’s my hubby, and you know how selfish I am, and I have to let my slave get her chops in, so she doesn’t get out of practice. But, yes, hon. You’ll be dancing with him. There are usually other guys there, and some of them are nice. I’m sure you’ll be asked to dance. I hope you are, anyway. There are black folks there now and again, as well. Usually couples with older, adult kids. No matter, you are pretty enough to attract men, regardless of color. Hate to be rude, but you’d give a Grand Dragon a hard on!” All four of us laughed at that.
“You do that finger thing like you did on me, and he’ll dirty his purple satin sheets as well,” Connie shared. We all got a laugh out of that one as well.
Jenny was excited and said, “It’ll be fun. If I don’t dance with anyone else, don’t get upset. I probably won’t, but you never know. I’m pretty old fashioned. You know, ‘Dance with the one that brought you’ and all that. And I know he’s not mine, and I’m not his, but still. I do kind of think of myself as yours, Colleen. Maybe I can get my girlfriend to dance with me while Colin is out romancing your servant.”
“That sounds like fun, Sweetie, it really does. I think I’ll take you up on that. Anybody hungry? I’m thinking burgers, dogs and chips. Something easy and kid friendly. Charlie loves to gnaw on hot dog pieces. His teeth are driving him nuts right now. He’s going to hurt me one of these days and I’ll have to stop nursing him. I’m going to hate that. I love the feeling of closeness I get from it.”
In a spectacle of unbridled passion, Jenny pulled her girlfriend close, lifted her top and took in a nipple, sucking until Colleen let her milk down. Collie’s moan could be heard in the next county. Then Jenny took her fingers, and started to pull Collie’s suit aside. She stopped and looked at me. I nodded. That was nice of her to ask. She started to play with Collie’s slit, clit, and pussy lips while sucking on the nipple. My wife was in heaven. Once she was empty, Jenny switched breasts and went to work on the other one. Just when it was getting close to done, she did the anus and clit thing with Colleen and drove her in high gear to Nirvana, and parked on the last sensuous nerve she had. Collie lost it and screamed to high heaven. I might have to do some more of that, to keep these girls happy. All three of them have had mind blowing orgasms now, and I hadn’t set Charlie down. I’d play catch up tonight if needed.
Connie cooked dinner for us. She wasn’t much of a cook, never had been, but promised to do her best to learn and try to expand her culinary horizons.
We dried, ate, congregated in the family room, played with Charlie, watched a movie, chatted a bit, and before we knew it, it was ten o’clock, and we were all tired.
I laid down, not knowing what, exactly, would happen, and must’ve been emotionally and physically beat, because the next thing, I was waking up with Connie snuggled to my back, Colleen spooned into my belly in front, with her friend and lover Jenny spooned up into her. Connie’s arm was over me, touching Colleen, and my arm was over my wife and Jenny. There was a lot of purring going on. I loved it. I could wake like this without complaining much. I worked my way out, and pushed Connie into Colleen telling them to snuggle and go back to sleep, that it was still quite early.
I went to the bathroom, then made coffee and headed out the porch to enjoy the morning. Jenny joined me.
“Colin, thank you for the chance to connect with Colleen again. I do love her. I’m sorry.”

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