Colin And ColleenChapter 3: Colin And Colleen - The Mother In Law (Charlie For Now) free porn video

We went dancing the weekend after that dinner. What a miserable dinner that was. I’ll never forget it. The meal was excellent. My ex-wife could cook. We never really knew that, because she never put herself out there before. She just needed to try. The table conversation sucked, though. We found out that my father-in-law was drugging my wife at my brother’s behest, for money, causing our divorce, me marrying her sister, her marrying my dipstick brother, then me killing him for trying to kill me for protecting her. It was a mess. In any case, after a month or so, life was somewhat good again.
The night of the dinner party when their father left and her mother stayed was epic. She decided she couldn’t live with a man that would drug his daughter for money. Good choice. She stayed and told him to leave and go home. We just figured Jeff, my lawyer, would start proceedings the next day. Mrs. Reilly was divorcing Mr. Reilly.
After he left, she approached Connie. “Baby, I’m sorry I asked you to kiss my foot. That was rude. Probably not something you’d do, anyway.”
“Ma’am, if you need to apologize for that, you need to apologize to my Mistress, Ma’am, not to me. You did not slight me. Only she and her husband can affect me that way. It was nothing to me, honest. No bother at all.”
“Mother. Let it go. This is real. She hasn’t, and doesn’t, and won’t, let it bother her.” She looked over at Connie, sitting by Jenny. “Slave. Do we need to show my mother what ‘Anything’ means? Put this to bed once and for all?”
“Your call, Ma’am. Not for me to decide,” Connie answered.
“Mother. What would you say if I told my slut to kiss Jenny in front of you.”
“Kiss? Not much. Girls kiss all the time these days.”
“On her pussy?”
She, Mrs. Reilly, gasped, “WHAT?”
“Slut slave, lick Miss Jenny’s pussy for me, please.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Connie dropped in front of Jenny’s chair, pulled her skirt up, her panties to the side, and licked. Sensuously, carefully, not just a slurp. She really worked it over ... Jenny added to the drama by having a real life actual orgasm. Right in front of Mrs. Reilly. Nancy, that was their Mom’s first name, was shocked.
“Planned. I’m not saying anything, but they’re probably lovers in secret,” Nancy said.
“Then the ultimate test shouldn’t shock you. Pull your dress up and your panties down, Mother.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Correct. I wouldn’t. Slut Slave Connie. Lick Mrs. Reilly’s pussy.”
This was the ultimate test. Connie was the ultimate testee. She didn’t even hesitate. She rose from Jenny, went to her mother’s chair, dropped to her knees, pulled the dress up, the panties aside, and licked her mother’s pussy, to orgasm. Wouldn’t have happened, especially for that long, but Nancy was in shock, number one, and hadn’t come in a while, number two, so she went off like a rocket. After she passed out, I carried her to the guest room and stayed with her until she came to.
“Colin, did that just happen?”
“Yes, Nancy, it did. How did it feel?”
“Amazing, but...” I interrupted her.
“No buts. Not tonight. Just sleep. We’ll talk in the morning. You’ve stayed here before, you know the drill. Nancy...” I kissed her on the lips. She swooned a bit, then rolled toward me while I rubbed her arm and she went to sleep. She was only thirteen years older than me. She had Connie very, very young. She was what, forty-eight? Forty-nine? I’m thinking, around that, and if she could lose the attitude, not the ugliest woman in town. This was going to be a nice life, or a living hell. Let’s see ... I went back to my bedroom and I climbed in bed, in the middle of a three-way conversation, listening to women speculating as to what happened when I took my mother in law to bed.
“Hey, I laid her down, told her to relax, and kissed her goodnight. No biggie.”
“Where’d ya kiss ‘er?” Jenny asked me.
“On her face.”
“Where on her face?” Connie was wondering.
“OK. I kissed my mother-in-law goodnight, on her lips. Just a soft peck.”
“Did she make a noise? A light moan, perhaps?” My wife was not part of the inquisition.
“Yes.” I heard snickers. “Shit!”
“You are so toast. Both daughters, and the mother. Shit, Colin, you are in so much trouble.” That was my darling little Nubian Goddess.
“Thanks, Sweetie. I appreciate the vote of confidence.”
“Colin, Honey, you misunderstood. They all think you’re the bomb. So do I. You really are. Just hang in there. We’ll get Nancy to Daddy in the morning and let them hash it out. Pretty soon you’ll have a wife, two slaves, and a little black girl wanting you all day long. You poor, poor thing.” They laughed.
“Stop. And you two ... the sisters from ... Heaven? Stop laughing when the little brown angel makes fun of me. It’s not nice. At all. Do you people remember? The Golden Rule? He who has the gold makes the rules. STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!” They laughed again.
Jenny didn’t stop in time. I grabbed her, bit her ass and spanked her once. That got Connie going. I grabbed her, bit her thigh, as her ass was still red, and spanked her thigh. Colleen tried to stop laughing in time, but didn’t make it. I bit her on the ass and spanked her as well. We were laughing and carrying on to the point that we woke both Charlie and his Grandmother. Ut Oh. They both came walking in. We quieted down a bit.
“How can a girl get in on all the fun?”
Have you ever made love to your mother-in-law? It is an empirical experience. Especially with both of her daughters holding her on your cock and egging you on. It was ... Different, to say the least. And very, very enjoyable. Nancy Reilly is a fuck monster.
Her prejudices were put to rest when my cute little chocolate skinned girlfriend sucked my come out of her pussy. She came two more times, then just died. Out like a light. Jenny cuddled her. I moved the playpen into the bedroom and when they got Charlie down to sleep, I snuggled my wife and my slave to sleep. What a fucking night!!!
Jeff decided to play it cool. He just asked for everything but their company, and one car, and got it. Same judge. Six weeks. Wow. Group rates. Who’d’a thunk.
Oh, the dancing evening out. It was a blast. Three women, all of whom could, and wanted to dance, went to the dinner club to dance with me. Grandma stayed home with Charlie. Wow. Making love to her was one thing as mother-in-law, but Grandma?? Oh well. Hang in there, Colin. You’ll be OK.
We danced in every combination of the four we could come up with. Mostly Colleen and me, though, just like she told Jenny, but I did dance with that little thing, and I’ll tell you, it was almost like dancing alone. She could follow and knew, somehow, where the next move, the next step, and subsequent kiss were coming from.
She and Connie danced. She and Colleen danced. I watched the other patrons a lot, and could not believe what I thought of as jealousy from others came bubbling up. I was hoping that was what it was. Prejudice against that sweet little thing would be my undoing. I was confronted at one point by a guy, who looked like he didn’t belong in a dinner club. He made a remark about Jenny and me, and how a girl like her could get hurt, so I asked him to walk with me and talk with me about that and I bought him a drink. He fell for the first one, and again for the second one, while my women danced. We were down at the end of the bar. I got his name and why he was there. ‘You’ll pay’, he said. ‘The little colored girl will pay’. Reilly would get me. Somehow. He’d get the little colored girl, too. I asked him how much he was making for threatening us. How much was Reilly was paying him? He told me. I handed him twice that much, from my wallet in my suit coat pocket. Ten crisp one hundred-dollar bills, and as I pressed it into his hand, firmly, with the barrel of my 45 caliber Kimber in his ribs, firmly, I told him if I ever saw him or Fred Reilly again, I’d kill them. Where they stood. No one threatens my family. No one. I felt him shiver and saw him walk funny out the door. He’d pissed his pants. Score one for Colin. Only one. Stupid rule. Open and honest. Fuck. Now I had to tell two girls and a woman that their father and husband was threatening Jenny.
Other than that, the dance outing was a total success. Jenny could dance. I already knew about the other two. Someday, I had to check Nancy out. Could my mother-in-law dance? Life has its questions, and its ups and downs.
We got home, late, and I called a meeting, in the shower. I had sweated a bit during the dance marathon with the three lovelies. I was, to say it politely, in need of a good bathing. Charlie was asleep in his room. I walked into the shower, turned on the water, then turned to put the spray on my back. Four naked women were looking at me. Nancy’s breasts didn’t sag hardly at all. She has also kept an hourglass figure. Fred is so stupid.
“Colleen, your father sent a man to threaten us tonight at the dinner club. He specifically threatened Jenny,” the three white women gasped, “and me, but his point was made. Here’s what happened, and I think I can work up the courage to keep my end of the bargain, after what has happened to you, Connie. He gave a guy five hundred bucks to find us and he followed us in tonight, found me inside, and passed on Fred’s threat. After finding out how much he was paid, I doubled it, and pressed a grand, in hundreds, into his hand, and with my little friend’s barrel sticking in his ribs, most probably leaving a little round mark, I told him if I saw him or Fred in person again, I would kill them. On sight. Where they stood. Your sperm donor knows I have killed before. He knows I have killed recently. Not one of my favorite things, but I will do it to protect the four of you from harm. Nancy, you are now in that crowd. He is capable of hurting you for leaving him. Slut Slave, clean me, please. Threatening people makes me feel dirty.”
Connie started, all four of them finished. Colleen stuck my cock in her mother’s mouth toward the end. Between her sucking my erection, and three women washing my legs, butt, and nether parts, I came. Quite a bit. Colleen kept her mother’s mouth on me and had her swallow some, then share the rest with Jenny. Yes, I think Nancy’s prejudices were falling. It was a nice, tender, seemingly loving, kiss. Complete with lots of hands and caressing. It went on for a while. Nancy just might be a touch starved for affection. Who knew?
I went to bed, being dried by Connie, then they all cleaned up good and came to bed. They snuggled up to me, Nancy outside Jenny on one side, Connie on the other, and my little redheaded angel on my chest. I slept the sleep of the dead.
Morning brought that feeling again. The wetness on the end of my penis. I looked down and it was already quite large. Jenny was touching her finger to the end of it and touching Nancy’s tongue with the moisture she was gathering.
“Good morning Handsome! Your collective spouses, former and current, are fixing us breakfast. I am to keep you occupied. Nancy, can you go get him a cup of java, please. One sugar, if you didn’t know. One sugar, if you did!” She giggled at her own joke. Clown. Gotta love a clown in the morning. “Kiss me.” Nancy leaned over and kissed her, intimately, then padded out to get me some coffee.
She came back with Charlie and my cup of coffee. Charlie looked like he’d just come off the teat, but Nancy offered hers to him. He took it as she sat, cross legged on the bed, and judging by the smile on her face, I’d say he sucked himself to sleep for a nap. She held him and maintained the smile.
“I’m sorry for all this, Colin. All of it. He’s been a different person since you came into Connie’s life. I’m almost sure it’s the money thing and thinking you should be helping him by bailing him out.”
“Nancy, he never asked. No one did.”
“Connie, four years ago, when he was talking about it, told him not to. She told him under no uncertain terms that his failings were not Colin Cranston’s problem, and he was not to ask you for money. If you found an issue and offered, no trouble, but not to approach you.”
“Oh. I never knew there was an issue.”
“Let’s just say that the dry-cleaning industry is no longer the windfall profit maker it was when we started up thirty years ago. Wash and wear is kind of killing off that sector of the market. Leather, and suits, are mostly all that’s left, and you know how well leather is doing these days ... NOT! Anyhow, people’s lifestyles and therefore their dress, is different. No matter. He doesn’t need to threaten anyone. He has enough invested to live on.”
“Nancy, let’s just let it all go. I’ll have Jeff get word to him that the threat is unnecessary. He’s going to get hurt if this keeps up. One of us will, anyway, and I certainly don’t need the spoils of another dead warrior’s belongings, if you know what I mean.”
“I do. That thing Connie mentioned. You already have me. For now. Stay here. I’m going to lay Charlie down for a bit.” She left, taking my son to finish his nap, then came back, pulled on my legs so I was flat on my back, crawled up my torso and kissed me. “Colin, will you make love to me again? Please? It was so nice that first night, but I want you over me, making love to me, not me on top of you. I want you to take control and love me.”
I rolled her over on her back, kissed her lips, then her neck, and worked my way down to her breasts, worrying each nipple with my lips. I couldn’t stop there, so kept going across and around her tummy and navel, then down, getting a whimper, then a groan as I licked her lower lips and nibbled her clit hood. She had a minor climax, but I didn’t stop. I took her legs and pushed them up and over to her shoulders. She was in pretty good shape, as I mentioned before, and held them there for me. I felt the bed move, then noticed Jenny up there, holding her legs up and kissing her between them. I feasted on her pussy, her pucker, and even tickled her urethra as best I could, getting a couple more orgasms out of her before I mounted her. Jenny reached down, held my erection and guided it into her best friend’s mother. Nancy moaned. Loud. Her daughters came to watch. I had her legs on my shoulders now and reached down for her waist. I held her there, my hands almost circling her midsection, then just pulled her to me, over and over, sinking my cock into this wonderful fuck machine. She was a horny, insatiable woman, begging me to fuck her, harder, pound her, take her. Her daughters were urging me on; I looked at Colleen. She smiled and nodded. I took that to heart, and pushed my cock as far as it would go into her, hitting her back wall, her cervix, and came like gangbusters. She felt the throbbing of my orgasm and followed me, a guttural groan signaling her finish as well. Both her daughters came over to kiss each of us then went back to the kitchen. They said something about breakfast almost being done, but I was having a hard time comprehending anything at that moment.
“Thank you, Colin. I needed that. Thank you, Jenny. That was sweet. You know, I never realized just how beautiful you are. I’m glad we’re connecting. You are a treasure.” I watched them kiss and while they were making out, climbed over, planted my mouth on Jenny’s pussy and proceeded to bring her as well. She was very vocal and very appreciative. Made me feel useful. I must’ve got her just at the right time, because when I tickled her clit with my tongue, she started to orgasm, so I moved down a little to tickle her pee hole, she lost control and squirted into my mouth. I loved it. She was such a treat.

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