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She blew my mind and then other things.

by Oediplex 8==3~

The graveyard was quiet. In the space enclosed by a cedar hedge, I sat on the bench toking a fat doobie in remembrance of my Granny. She would have shared it with me, if she was there. I felt her spirit like a presence, a wisp of pungent smoke rose ghost like from the joint and seemed to signal she was with me. The buzz pervaded my whole self; the tingling in my groin was a memory of our secret life. No one knew of what we had shared. We were more than simply family, not just close; she was my buddy, I was her lover.

She installed the seating and insured seclusion so that I could visit her in peace and privacy and enjoy the time when I was here. She had left me her wealth to make sure that I could live the good life after she died. I took another hit, holding it in, letting my mind wander as I pondered her final resting place. There, carved in the rock which stood upright across her plot from where I sat, were the words Granny had written herself.

Below this headstone lies the stoned head of
Grace Elizabeth BonGrasse
b. Jan. 7, 1946 - d. Dec. 28, 2008

I Hope to be High in Heaven

The marble that marks my resting place,
The rock which notes the grave of Grace;
Does tell the tale of how I coped,
By toking up my share of dope.
My marijuana made me full of mirth,
For being high was paradise on earth.
If I have gone to my hoped reward,
I'll be talkin' and tokin' with the Lord;
So now in death I make my point,
Heaven must be a hell of a joint!
by Gracie B

Yeah! Granny was a real fucker, literally. I know. She called her cunt, 'The Deceiver Beaver', because she did it on the sly with me. I would be up in her room and we'd close the door - lock it - and have a quickie. Other times, when my folks were gone for a few days, we would romp on their queen-size bed. Of course we never left any sign or evidence of our playtime. Gran was a firm believer in being covert and stealthy. And she taught me those skills, passed down from generations of my ancestors. There were no angels on her side of the family, though she claimed that my dad seemed to have suppressed the training she provided when she was trying to raise him to be a rascal; though he proved to be something of a rake later on.

I inhaled more weed and thought about the wild heritage Granny detailed in our sharing of pot and sex and secrets. For the past hundred years at least, a skein of scoundrel seems to have been inherited through my paternal genes. But I'm getting ahead of my story, being high does that to me. My history lessons started on a hot August night a few weeks before my Junior year in college. I was out on the deck of our suburban home, when out of nowhere a gruff voice growled, “Don't bogart that joint, kid!” I almost shit myself. My folks were gone for a week's vacation and Grandma was in bed asleep, or so I thought.

It was her though, she stepped through the sliding glass doors from behind the curtains and boldly snatched the doobie I was smoking from my hand. She took a long drag, held it like a 'old' pro and gave me a huge wicked grin. The moment was frozen as I freaked out at my sixty year young Gran, who stood in her robe and toked my grass. “Primo!” was all she said before sucking deep again on it and passing the dope back to me. I didn't know what else to do, so I took another hit myself. I never would have guessed! Looking back, it ought to not have been so shocking, just that the topic had never been breached in my hearing. Grandma Gracie was good at appearing innocent when quite the opposite.

“Have you got any more of this?” she asked?

“Uh . . . a another already rolled and some in a baggie, Gran.” I confessed, astounded at her conspiratorial tone.

“Get the other joint and come with me!”

I was unsure of what she had in mind, but I dutifully handed her the doobie and fetched the second.

“Take off your tee and get bare foot.” She ordered when I returned. What the hell? What was this crazy coot planning? I shed my shirt and kicked off my sandals. She passed the smoldering marijuana cigarette to me and took me by the hand as I took a hit. “We're going to the Benjamin's pool!” she whispered.

Our next door neighbors, the Benjamin's were out of town for this month, up to their cabin in Vermont. They had a nice swimming pool they didn't mind us using, but that was always in the day. It was certainly warm enough for a late night dip, but I never expected Grams to initiate such an adventure. “I'll get my trunks in a jiffy,” I offered.

“No need! We are going to skinny-dip. And don't tell me you never did! You and your girlfriend slipped in, back in July at three AM! I watched the whole thing through my window.”

'Jeez!' I thought - 'she must have seen us screwing too!' “ Do you have your suit on under your robe?” I asked. Not getting the concept yet of grandma and grandson in the all-together in the Benjamin's pool in the dead of night.

“Skinny-dipping is in the raw youngster, so I've just got my birthday suit on underneath. Savvy?” She scampered across the lawns still hanging onto my hand, like lovers eloping, we scurried.

“Jeez! Grandma, what if we get caught?”

“What if we do? It ain't like it's never been done before in the history of the world. Just keep it quiet 'cause I don't want you busted for possession.”

I hadn't considered that aspect, being befuddled by the prospect of swimming in the nude with my own flesh and blood. We reached the fence and she opened it silently. Going directly to the water she dropped the robe and the white of her skin was even paler in the moonlight. Gran walked down the steps, dipped to get wet all over, turned and came to the side, looking up at me.

“Fire up that roach, and let's get a good buzz on!” I did, took a toke, then leaned down to give it to the wet and wild lady. “Been quite a while since I got stoned, too long.”

“Gran, I didn't know you ever had smoked grass.”

She drew a big toke and then said - without exhaling, “ There's lots you don't know, kiddo - 'bout time you learned. We got so many skeletons in the proverbial closet that . . .” she ran out of air, expelled the puff and took a breath before she continued. “That . . . damn, what was I saying? I do that when I get high.”

“Skeletons . . . “

“Yeah, lots, back to your great, great grandfather at least. What are you waiting for? Get in, the water is wonderful!” I took off my jeans but left my jockeys on and began to climb down a ladder into the pool. “Come on! All the way. I know what a guy's got. Don't be shy! Let it all hang out!” I shucked my shorts and dived in bare-assed.

We swam around for a while then Grandma climbed out and sat on a lawn chair by the side of the water watching me. Her body was not so flabby, a bit thick but firm and while her breasts sagged some, the nipples were pink and pointed. Her thatch was still a brown bush. (Yeah I looked, not like she was modest. She acted totally nonchalant about her nudity.) I realized she was still attractive, maybe even sexy in a mature way. How come I had never been aware of that before, I wondered.

”Come up and let's light up the other joint. You got matches right?”

I hauled myself out of the pool on the side right in front of my Grams, dripping all over, my cock dangling for her to see, a couple feet from her face. Shit if she didn't mind, why should I? “They're both in my back pocket.” She fished and came up with them immediately, lit up, sucked smoke and passed the maryjane to me. “Thanks, Gran.” I took a lounger and pulled it beside her and stretched out. My length lewdly displayed, lolling in my lap.

“You can call me Gracie when we are intimate like this. We are going to be best of buddies from now on.” For a while we toked in silence. She pinched out the end to save the last inch or so, to have for later. “Feeling mellow, my fine fellow?" She quipped. "I am nice and high, you?”


“Then, I'm going to let all the cats out of the bag and the pussy loose too! Your dad never told you, and your mom would have a fit if he had, but our family money came originally from Canada in the Nineteen-Twenties, the 'roaring-twenties'.”

“How so?”

In gallon cans marked maple syrup, but it wasn't. It was booze, my grandpa was a bootlegger. By the truckloads.”

“Gangsters? Like Al Capone?”

“Nah . . . he just ran an import operation that included the basic ingredients for bathtub gin. The rest was legit, so when Prohibition ended, he had the rest of the business to fall back on, while he set up to bring in Canadian whiskey of top quality, lumber and raw materials for the auto industry. Made a fortune. Since then my father and husband carefully nurtured the investments and diversified, so that today, while we ain't Rockafellers, we are damn well off.”


“My Grandpa bought land and had a cabin up on a lake in up-state, rather isolated. I wish we still owned it, but it's all developed now. Anyway, that's where my grandparents and their best friends Jack and Florence would go to and swap partners.”

“GRANNY! . . . Gracie . . you mean that they were swingers? ”

“Just between the two couples, but faithfulness was never a strong suit in our family. For sure about your dad too, I know; but you never can tell with us BonGrasse what naughty tricks we'll think up next." (Grandmother had kept her maiden name when she married in the Sixties.) I was beginning to get a boner from the thoughts of family infidelity. She went on , “Oh, Yes! My mom caught your Granddaddy with the babysitter, whom they regularly employed to watch me and my brother. And your great uncle Chuck woke up one night when he was ten and mother was balling my dad's best friend on the floor right next to Chuck's bed! She was getting even you see.”

“Wow!” I was getting stiff for thinking about the erotic tales I was listening to. “What about you . . . Gracie?” immediately I was embarrassed to ask her about her personal secrets, but she laugh musically and answered.

“I went to Woodstock, honey! Free love and lots of grass and I screwed the three guys in the tent we were sharing. All on that weekend! I went to a love-in in Greenwich village, which was our generation's term for an orgy. My pussy still looks good, don't you think?” She leaned back and raised her legs, spreading her thighs. I got a beaver shot of a red maw framed by a hairy tangle of damp pubic hair. I was now at full mast, my cock a flag pole with nowhere to hide.

“Grass always makes me horny. How about you?” her gazed was fixed on my crotch. I thought I had to be misunderstanding what she was suggesting.

“Uh-huh.” I dumbly replied.

“Wanna? I got a really tight pussy. I haven't had any since Grandpa died. I'm hotter than a pistol and loaded to go bang. How about triggering me?”

That was the most unique and unusual proposition I had ever heard. My Granny just suggested we have sex.

“Let me do all the work.” She said softly as she got up and pushed me flat on the chaise. She assume that I had no objections, since I was too stunned to do anything but comply with her manipulation. She straddled me and took my penis in her fingers, as she squatted down on my form. Guiding the staff to her juicy cunt she made progressive penetration getting the tip lubricated with love lotion from her pussy, then sinking slowly so that I entered the burning hole. And she was right, that was one tight cunt! I enjoyed the sensation, as weird as fucking my grandmother was. She rose and dropped and found her rhythm.

I reached up and grabbed the double titties that bounced in front of my eyes. She leaned toward me and we Frenched, her fingers caressing my head lovingly. Then her hands clasped mine tight to her breasts and she began this awesome roll of her hips to and fro, creating a friction on my cock that was driving me nuts and I knew I was going to shoot in her soon. She began to moan, it built volume and climbed in pitch and was echoing in the dark. She bit her knuckle to keep from crying out as the first wave of climaxing washed over her. Her haunch hunched making me pound deep, hard enough to feel the nubs of her womb. The pace was a staccato of rapid slaps as I shot a huge wad; spurting inside the gripping cunt of Gracie.

She collapsed on top of my body, our sweat slick and sticky, as my cock shrank and slipped out of that special space. We both panted as the clock stopped time for our moment of intimate joining, hugging and kissing and murmuring words like 'incredible', 'mind-blowing', soo-goood', and of course, “I love you” - “I love you too”. Then Granny Gracie, with unexpected strength stood and pulling me to my feet, toppled us back into the cool water to rinse the sex off. But it did nothing to cleanse my thoughts, they were as dirty as ever and I fondled my new lover all over and she me.

Then I turned her around so that my fresh woodie was between her ass-cheeks. She took the hint, bending at the waist and I crouched so that I was aiming at that place of Grace I had recently frolicked in. Grams reached back and guided my phallus to her pleasure palace and away we went again! The surface was choppy with our action, the contrast of cool and heat, liquid and flesh, heightened our physical passion. My hands held her hips and she reached for the edge to steady our stance, as my stalk sheathed in her sex cavity again and again.

Grunts and groans merged in a chorus, an erotic soundtrack adding to the mix of sin and sinsemilla which had seduced us both. At last, in a mutual spasm of orgasms, our bodies could take no more and our lust was slaked. Gracie turned and we clung to one another like honeymooners who can't get enough of closeness. Kissy face and giggles ensued.

I raised my eyebrows and whispered in her ear, “Well there's another boner for the family skeleton closet collection!” Grams howled with laughter, then I did too. But having made a racket, we grabbed our things and naked as jay-birds and guilty as jailbirds we walked hand and hand back to the house. Once inside, without either of us actually verbalizing the notion, we went to my parents bed and fell asleep on the spread, cuddling together like children; blanketed by only the warm night's atmosphere and the after glow of our stupendous stoned fucking. It was the most special love making I ever had, that first time with Granny Gracie, no matter how many times we got it on following, number one was the most fun!

I looked at her plot, the lawn green, the grass making me emotional and I wept a little. But then I heard her words to me like she was speaking right at my ear, in soft dulcet tones, “Don't cry if I die, be happy instead, and when I'm dead - remember our joy, lover boy. Get stoned for me, recalling our balling will make you smile, be high and get happy for Granny's in heaven, and my spirit lives on in our love my sweet Kevin Kyle.” She was not a great poetess, but it was the thought which counted and I did grin and take another toke.

The rest of that summer was too short, as we snuck off every time we could to 'make whoopee', as she named it sometimes. I took a long weekend off from school in October and drove the six hours home, was back at Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation was not enough - so she flew down in February as my valentine gift. I was home for Spring-break, the whole week we partied, even renting a motel room one night, so we didn't have to worry about my parents catching us sleeping together. I was back and out of school for the summer by late May and our shenanigans began again. It was the best of times when the folks went on their trip for two weeks and we had the house to ourselves.

Meanwhile she had no problem if I hooked up with girls at school. She made sure I had lots of spending money, and I was her personal dealer for dope. It worked beautifully. As our time in each other's company gave opportunity, more dirty details of my family history were related. Chuck at one point ran a brothel in Nevada. Great grandpa and grandma almost got caught in a raid on a speak-easy set up in a Midwestern farmhouse. She tore her favorite dress climbing out of a window. Their car was faster than the local cops' and they got away clean, save for the ruined dress.

My dad had been to the infamous Plato's Retreat sex club during the Seventies in New York City, with his secretary; mom never suspected. But she did almost catch on when the college-age daughter of old friends of theirs came to visit. “Your father and she took a room at a motel, rather than go sightseeing in the City as they said.” Gram chuckled. “Evidently that was a continuation of a brief interlude from before, when she was in high school. If a colleague of his hadn't covered for him there would have been hell to pay, and maybe alimony.” Grams finished the narration.

I shared losing my virginity a month after graduation with a good friend of mom's. How I had been in a three way with my best friend and his girl. I told her of my fantasies about mom and how I used to sneak around the house to peek in her windows and watch her masturbate when dad was on long business trips. We swapped stories of getting drunk and high and how both of us had nearly gotten arrested for silly pranks. Gracie was right, we became the best of buddies, a bonding that would never leave me, even though she only lived a couple years more, before cancer killed her.

Jeez! Time for another toke! I laughed at how we did it under my folk's nose there in the house, with the door closed and having to keep quiet as we had our little quick sessions; mom and dad none-the-wiser. She would be sitting in her easy chair and I on the big footstool in front of her. Gracie would raise her nightgown, no panties, I dropped my pants to my feet, no underwear either. I would go down on her for a few moments and if I needed it, she would suck me.

Often we were both hot to trot and primed for action. I'd stretch over her and supporting my weight on the arms of the chair pumping at that pussy with my prick, like to beat the band. Sometimes I would slow down and make long strokes, but it was never 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am!' She was ever warm for my form, and readily came, even multiples if we had opportunity to mess around at our leisure, which never seemed to be enough.

Gracie grabbed my buns and squeezed as I pumped into her from that position inclined over her seat. She tilted hips and her cunt captured my cock in her clutches, milking the cream from my loaded balls. I shot gobs of goo into that sweet meaty cauldron. She had plenty of tissue to wipe up the aftermath of our messy merriment. Mother would sometime try to find out what we took so much time 'chatting' about, but the answer was always “old times” or “gossip about people”. Too bad mom was so conservative and shy, I think if she let her hair down she could be as wanton as Gran was. I wondered if I could get her stoned, and if the circumstances were just right . . . ?

Well, thank God for Grandma; and now Gracie is with Him, high in heaven. Of course, we never were angels!



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a friend granny walk in on photoshoot i was wearin

sometime my friend Amelia takes pics of me.when Amelia in town she stay at her granny place .well Amelia rang me and asked if i like to do some pics i said i love to. them Amelia said bring your old Chastity cage and the new 1 as well.Amelia pic me up about 11am and we went to her granny place .now her granny was away for the day ,so we could do the pics there.when we got there Amelia said we will do some nude pics of you in the garden.well did the nude pics in the gardenthen Amelia said go put...

3 years ago
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An Exciting Two Weeks with My StepGranny

I just recently finished up with my first year of college. I did really well considering I did a lot of partying. I just loved living in the dorm and all the parties. I really enjoyed all the wild, drunk girls. It’s funny give a girl a beer and she turns into a wild girl. I had so much fun, but now it was time to go home for summer break. I was planning on having a nice relaxing summer. I didn’t get a job and was just planning on hanging around at the pool and the beach and becoming a beach...

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Shopping Day With Granny

One summer day When I was fifteen my mom sent over to my granny's house to help her go shopping. I had brought my friend Joe and granny had her friend Maggie join us. We set off to the mall. My granny looks like Mrs. Howell off of Gilligans Island if any of you remember that show. She was about five foot five, small boobs-b cup I think, bottle blonde hair. She was very upscale classy looking lady. Her friend Maggie was much the same way. We must have a million stores that day. Granny and Maggie...

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Grannys House

Up to this point in my life I had never seen a live pussy, never smelled a live pussy nor felt the inside or outside of a pussy. Everything I had learned about pussy was from looking at magazines or the internet and maybe a peak from someones mom or a camel toe at the pool. I was at that age when a boy thinks about pussy morning noon, and night. I knew sex would be great and wanted so badly to fuck a girl, so bad that my cock would get hard at the slightest breeze. I jacked off all the time....

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PornHub Granny

It’s a well-known fact that PornHub.com is the biggest name in the porn industry. This site knocks it out of the park when it comes to everything from giving you access to free porn to making it all look presentable in the process. Say what you want about free porn, but you don’t have to pay a dime to use PornHub.com. Naturally, this begs the question: Is this the best place for every kind of porn? Well, seeing as how there are tens of millions of videos hosted on the platform, it has...

Granny Porn Sites
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Granny sis and a night to remember

This is a true story that happened when I was 17. My parents won a cruise for a week and naturally my sister and i were happy for them. They never get to go anywhere especially since our 80 year old granny moved into the basement suite so we could be closer to her. She is still spry and able but let's face it, she's getting up there. So my sister and I promised our parents we would take good care of granny while they were gone.One night we all just happened to be home. Granny offered to cook...

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Summer at Grannys

I was about sixteen and was going to be spending part of my summer with my granny. My granny came to pick me up with her friend named Flo. We were driving thru several states when granny's car broke down and we had to stay in a cheap motel for a couple of days waiting for the car to get repaired. My granny is in her sixties I would guess. She is a heavy woman and hispanic just like me. Flo is the same way. I will guess that both women weigh about 180 pounds each. We settled in to our room-we...

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Road trip with my granny

This is a continuation from ‘Granny had to pee.’ When we left Granny(Grams) and her grandson(Danny), they were quite a mess. Granny had pissed herself and Danny had accidentally cum on Granny’s shirt, face and one glob had even made it in her mouth. They were about 1/3 of the way through a 3,000 mile cross country trek from Granny’s house in Miami to Danny and his mother’s(Sunshine) home in Los Angeles. Well, actually a suburb of LA, Van Nuys or as many people call it ‘The Valley’. The...

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Brian Loses His Virginity With His Step Granny

My parents were going to my cousin’s wedding and told me I’d be staying with my step granny. My mom didn’t want to leave me alone. She always thinks I’ll just be playing inappropriate things on my computer. She’s terrified to leave me alone. I love to be alone, but it won’t be happening under her watch. My birthday is at the end of the year. I’ll finally be turning seventeen. All my friends will be turning eighteen. I went to elementary school, when I was four and half. I’m the youngest kid in...

4 years ago
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Road trip with my granny

This is a continuation from "Granny had to pee." When we left Granny(Grams) and her grandson(Danny), they were quite a mess. Granny had pissed herselfand Danny had accidentally cum on Granny's shirt, face and one glob had even made it in her mouth. They were about 1/3 of the way through a 3,000 mile cross country trek from Granny's house in Miami to Danny and his mother's(Sunshine) home in Los Angeles. Well, actually a suburb of LA, Van Nuys or as many people call it"The Valley". ...

2 years ago
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Shopping Day With Granny

One summer day When I was fifteen my mom sent over to my granny's house to help her go shopping. I had brought my friend Joe and granny had her friend Maggie join us. We set off to the mall. My granny looks like Mrs. Howell off of Gilligans Island if any of you remember that show. She was about five foot five, small boobs-b cup I think, bottle blonde hair. She was very upscale classy looking lady. Her friend Maggie was much the same way. We must have a million stores that day. Granny and Maggie...

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XVideos Granny

I had a bro over at my pad one night. Yeah, we were partying. Yeah, we were FUCKED UP. And yeah, we got so fucked up we started dishing about the bitches we’ve fucked, the porn we watch, and what it would take to bag a hot alien bitch if she teleported right here, right now in my living room.As I said, we were fucked up.I started telling him about the hot grannies I've fucked and all the sexy, granny porn all over the interwebs. He gave me this putrid look like I had just taken a giant,...

Granny Porn Sites
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granny fun

My Granny is 74 yrs. old and fell and broke her hip so she had to go to the nursing home for 2 months and then come and live with us. I was 18 and didn't mind watching her when mom and dad were at worked.At first Granny had a man come in and help her exercise and then he showed me what to do each day so she would get stronger, I didn't mind as Granny was funny talking about the old days. We would talk about all kinds of things,but each day during our talks she would call me Carl. Carl was my...

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Granny gives head

Note : This story is completely fictional! My Granny is 74 yrs. old and fell and broke her hip so she had to go to the nursing home for 2 months and then come and live with us. I was 18 and didn't mind watching her when mom and dad were at worked. At first Granny had a man come in and help her exercise and then he showed me what to do each day so she would get stronger, I didn't mind as Granny was funny talking about the old days. We would talk about all kinds of things,but each day during our...

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xHamster Granny

Are you the kind that has mommy issues rooted so fucking deep that they have now transitioned to granny issues? What if I told you there is a whole niche of granny porn? That's right; you pussy starved motherfucker. The name itself is self-explanatory, but I still feel like I have to explain to some of you noobs and newbies; granny porn is just that-porn featuring grannies. I'm talking 60-year olds who still have that sex drive. They may have sagging breasts and wrinkled skins, but these old...

Granny Porn Sites
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It's Game Day! The Producer's never got back to Johnny about the final approval of the rules nor had they told him who the third contestants were going to be.Maggie and Adam were still staying with us. It's early 7 a.m. on game day and Johnny finally gets a call from the Producers. The Producer Alex told Johnny that they changed the concept of the show a little bit and wanted to know if It would be okay to film the show at their house? Said, wanted more of a Reality TV feeling. Johnny agreed....

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SSBBW Mature Big Black and In Grannys C

It was a while ago when I met granny online. She was looking for BBC. And I was the BBC she found.She was a white granny. A fat granny. A pear-shaped granny. And a horny granny.We emailed each other. We texted each other. We sexted with each other. We cammed with each other. And then she sent some pics and videos.Some guys were scared away by her age. Other guys were scared away by her size. But not me. I told her yes.I let her know when I would be free to meet her. And granny was happy to get...

2 years ago
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My bbw great granny

Fictional storyWhen I turned 18 both of my parents were killed in a car crash. All of my grandparents were already dead. All I had was my great grandmother on my mom's side. She had been widowed about 15 years ago and lived alone. She was 78 years old. About 5"1' tall and weighed about 200 lbs. I went to live with her and finish my senior year of high school. I was pretty much a loner at my new school. I don't make friends easily. I am pretty shy especially around girls. I loved living...

4 years ago
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Nasty Granny

I can remember the first thoughts of lust that I had about my granny. I was a day that I will never forget, I was sick one day when I was 18 and in my senior year of high school, My mother didn’t want me staying at home by myself with my temperature so high. So on her way to work she dropped me off at my Grannies house. I complained the whole way to her house because I didn’t like it at her house, and I felt I was old enough to be at home alone. But My mother thought that my fever was to high...

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Grannys Timeshare Part 2

The next morning I wake up a hungry and I can smell food cooking. Barbara is out of the bed, so I figured she got up to make breakfast. I go wash up real quick and head to the kitchen to see Barbara and my granny Alice both in the kitchen my granny wearing a red see thru night gown with white panties and bra, and Barbara is in her black bran and panties, laughing and giggling like school girls making potatoes, eggs, pancakes and bacon. I didn't bother them, so I decided to slide into Sam's room...

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Granny Tube

GrannyTube! When it comes to guys and their preferences over women, there are usually two schools of thought: Some dudes like younger girls who are more inexperienced and wouldn’t make them feel inferior with their older more mature brains. These dudes also like younger girls due to the fact that they’ve ‘been around the block’ a lot less than older girls, which again goes hand-in-hand with their egotistical preference of being with women who haven’t had a lot of sex, because it doesn’t make...

Granny Porn Sites
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Granny Swap

THIS STORY IS ALL FANTASY!I love older women, especially when they are over seventy and in shape. I’m a 52 year old guy who belongs to a Senior Single’s Group of genuinely sex-starved Grannies! And because they're aren’t many younger guys in the club I have my pick of the best looking Grannies in the bunch. That’s my dilemma, I met 2 who happen to be room mates. Well my bad habits finally caught up with me, but it turned out to be a good thing. Granny Kim to the left in white and a cock lover...

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Granny Angie

THE PARTY ROOM SPIKE had his 10.5 inch dick out & Joyce was bobbing up & down on it as per usual , Joyce was married to Spike's stepdad Bill but was mostly used by her Pimp/son Spike & she also took care of the needs of all his hookers. As she gobbled hers sons prick she noticed that her son already had his tongue down Angie's throat & cuz of her gray-hair was already calling her Granny Angie ,she after all would be the oldest woman in his harem. Her husband Marvin was jerking his...

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Granny Knows Best

I could feel the cock swelling inside me, any moment I would be receive the reward I had been working so hard for. With every thrust, then he pulled my hair and pushed in deep and everything just froze for a moment. Then he exploded deep inside me, I love this so much that when that gush of spunk hits my walls it triggers my own orgasim. My pussy clamps down tight around the cock, almost as if to milk more cum from it. It was a large thick load. As soon as we both calmed down he pulled out of...

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Granny Gangbang With Black Cocks 8211 Part 1

Hi guys,, this is a story about gangbang of my granny.When I was 18 yrs old, I used to spend holidays in my granny’s house. My grandpa died long back ago, so in that house my grandma live alone. This incident happened during one of my holidays. Before going to incident, let me introduce my granny. She is 60 years old and 5’6″ tall. Her breasts are huge and fatty, even with clothes, you can imagine those. Her ass is huge and whenever she bends , you want to put your device into that. Being short...

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Sex with granny

Hi friends I’m Ash from GOA, 21 yrs of age Bringing you a story of my granny whom I fucked so badly at my cousins place AMEY on his b’day party. My granny is a widow & around in 70’s having her size of 42 & weighted more then 120 Kgs. 4 yrs b4 when I was 17yrs of age I went at my cousin’s place for the 1st time for his 21st b’day party, it was 18th Feb 2003 when all my cousins & relatives were invited for the same. It was a gr8 party which lasted till 2.00 am after the party got over all the...

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In love with Granny

on weekends. When I feel sick or while sleeping, she cared me alot and sometimes, she asked me to suck her nipple and sleep like a baby, I used to sleep in same way. I don't have any bad intentions till I am 11 years old. She took me with her to bath also! She used to apply on my body and bath me! While bathing she concentrated on my lower part, which I was not aware of when I was kid. My granny is of 45yrs old widow when I was 7yrs. A typical indian house-wife granny with ...

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Grannys Timeshare

For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...

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Granny Makes Me So Horny Part 2

My granny called me the other day and told me to stop by her house. She didn't sound angry, or sad, or like anything had even happened. On the phone she asked me if I had told anyone about what happened. I reassured her that I didn't and told her I would be by her house tonight. It's Friday and I don't have to back to work for a week due to using some of my PTO to give me time to understand what me and granny did last week plus I wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend. Since fucking...

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Me and My Granny

Tommy was 20 years old, still at home and not married. He went to the university and had got quite some girlfriends, but until now nothing serious came out of it. Because he was free during the Eastern-holidays, Jen, his mother and 39 years old, had presented him to granny for helping her out with the spring-cleaning, but this was done behind his back. He didn't care however because he loved to be with his grandma Geraldine. Geraldine, 59 years, had long black hair that she did wear tied up....

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my granny

Tommy was 20 years old, still at home and not married. He went to the university and had got quite some girlfriends, but until now nothing serious came out of it. Because he was free during the Eastern-holidays, Jen, his mother and 39 years old, had presented him to granny for helping her out with the spring-cleaning, but this was done behind his back. He didn't care however because he loved to be with his grandma Geraldine. Geraldine, 59 years, had long black hair that she did wear tied up....

1 year ago
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Granny and Grandson Fuck For The 1st Time

This story is totally fictional!!! I had drove all night and was exhausted as I pulled up in the gravel drivway that lead up to my Granny's house. I got out quietly, gathered my suticases from the trunk and quietly entered the dark house. I made my way to my old bedroom and turned on the lights as I shut the door. I had come to stay with my Granny while my wife and I worked out our differences, I crashed on the bed, shoes and all and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up the next day to the smell...

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Scrolller Granny

I’ve got a bit of a strange-looking link for you guys, and I don’t want you to overthink it. Suffice it to say; this is a dedicated Scrolller section for granny porn, even though, in all honesty, it’s just several categories that I slapped into the URL as a filter. But it works as a great substitute for a site-wide granny category on Scrolller since they may or may not get their content from another website called Reddit. You might have heard of it. Over there, there are dedicated sub-sections...

Granny Porn Sites
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My wifes BBW Granny continued

Well, after getting the best blow job of my life Eunice and I fell asleep in each others arms. My wife, Eunice's granddaughter, was to be gone the entire weekend. But much to our surprise Janet walked into our bedroom Saturday morning to find Eunice and I completely naked and wrapped in each others arms. Janet just stood there slack jawed looking at us for a minute and then cleared her throat. Eunice and I woke up and saw Janet staring at us. We disentangled as quickly as we could....

4 years ago
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How To Please A Fine Granny

About four years ago I got divorced at 49. I dated a bunch of women in their late forties and all I heard about was there ex’s or their screwed up k**s. Then one day I was in an upscale bar in Tucson and noticed a group of about twenty-five well dressed and obviously wealthy older men and women talking and having a great time. I went over and discovered they all belonged to a singles-over-sixties group and I was shocked!!! These women looked great and I would fuck any one of them.This began my...

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Granny Angie pt 2

Chapter 1 -Lesbian Porn Joyce was walking around the set, naked with spiked heels & her masters jism all over her face, currently her master/son was fucking Granny Angie up the ass , preparing her for her lesbian scene with Nina Rogers & her daughter Betty. Joyce on orders from Spike began filming as as Betty who dressed in her femdom wear lead a crawling submissive Nina to the set . Nina was collared & leashed with 5 inch thigh high hooker boots ,on her collar it read...

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