DaisyChapter 12 free porn video

"You sure they're coming?" asked Phil.
"No, I told you maybe. But I think they'll show. Now shut up or you'll scare them off if they do show."
They were sitting in a little patch of bushes over looking the quarry. They had two pairs of binoculars with them. They swept the landscape below them.
"Here they come." whispered Bobby.
"You sure they're watching us?" whispered Lilly, as they started to strip off their shirts and shorts.
"No doubt in my mind. Don't look straight at it, but there's a clump of bushes up on the ridge. That's were they usually peep at the other girls when they swim here." Daisy whispered back.
"Yeah, just caught a flash of light up there."
"Dummy's are using binoculars facing the sun."
"Shut the fuck up!" hissed Bobby.
"God your sister's got great knockers."
"Don't do a thing for me (he lied), but look at that other one!"
"She's a might skinny for me."
"She's as solid as a rock. I'm getting that way myself. Bet she's tight!"
"A two bit whore would be tight to that elephant dick of yours."
"Yeah, most are." mused Bobby, absently.
"We gonna join them?"
"In a bit. Let them get in the water and swim a bit. They'll have to get out when they get cold and tired. Then they can't avoid us."
Lilly gasped at the cold water. Daisy bravely dove in. She'd swam there many times before and knew what to expect. The cold water reminded her how long it had been, though.
They swam around while they got used to the water. It really did feel good.
"Are they going to join us?" asked Lilly.
"In a bit. First they'll wait till our nipples are good and hard."
"God, My headlights are on high beam already. I don't know how long I can stay in here. You didn't tell me it was cold!"
"Shush, here they come."
"Hi ladies, mind if we join you?" called Phil.
"Suit yourself, I though you guys came up her on Friday." Daisy called back.
She watched as Phil pulled his shirt and pants off. He was in a lot better shape than when he was fifteen.
"Got done early, thought we'd take a swim cause it was so hot."
"Somehow I can't believe that Bobby got done early!"
"I did, honest!" yelled Bobby.
"God, look at that bulge in Bobby's trunks!" Lilly giggled quietly.
"Phil's in a lot better shape than he used to be. This might not be half bad."
Both girls busted out laughing and they splashed water on each other. The boys jumped in and joined the water fight.
"Woo whee!" yelled Phil, "That's cold!"
"Yeah, great protection if I remember the last time we were here together." Daisy teased.
Phil blushed a bit, but recovered nicely: "You've done a bit of growing yourself since then."
(Daisy started to swim off to the other side, She knew Phil would follow. He did.)
"You think so. I don't think I'm much taller." said Daisy, teasing.
"Not what I meant. Your tits were smaller back then ... If I remember right."
"Why Phil, I didn't think you noticed, even then."
"Damn right I did. And I couldn't not notice now."
"Damn things get in my way. I was thinking of having them reduced."
"Just a thought. Guess I'll keep them to tease boys like you!"
"I'm a man now!"
"Still seem like a boy to me."
"We're the same age and you know it!"
"That don't make a man."
"Be happy to show you any time you'd like!"
"Might take you up on it, it's been a while."
"Why's that. Spending time with your girlfriend?"
"You believe that crap too? Just take a look at her farm and you'll see we ain't had no time to be fooling around."
"Just asking. You know how folks around here are. You ain't been seeing any men lately."
"Been working too hard. You think that if I was that way that I'd be talking to you now?"
"Don't know, maybe you swing both ways."
"You been watching us for a half hour. Did we kiss or any of that crap?"
"You knew we were watching? Maybe that's why you didn't."
"God, I'm tired of all this crap. I was hoping you were more mature than that! Guess I was just wasting my time."
She swam over to a ledge left by the stone cutters. She crawled out onto it. Phil followed. He drank in every inch as she crawled out. He couldn't keep his eye's off her hard nipples protruding a quarter inch out from the tiny suit stretched over her large breasts.
He crawled out beside her and she noticed he was getting a bulge in his trunks.
"Guess the cold waters no longer any protection for me."
"I guess not. What you gonna do about it?"
"Maybe nothing. Depends on whether you drop the crap about me and Miss Singleton. We're just good friends and we've both been very busy."
"I know that. I was just teasing you ... so how about it?"
"It gets old sometimes. A reputation like that could mess up my life. How about what?"
"You know. You want to get reacquainted?"
"So you can tell all your friends about it?"
"I wouldn't tell a soul. I promise."
("Yeah right. You'd better or this is a waste of time!" thought Daisy) "I don't know, let me think about it."
"Don't take too long. I might change my mind."
"I don't think that's a problem. You've wanted to get your hands on my tits since I was fifteen."
"I did. When you were fifteen."
"Yeah, and you bruised the shit out of them, if I recall."
"I wouldn't do that now, I'd treat them with the respect they deserve."
"I don't know. You learn anything since then?"
"Try me and see."
They fell silent for a bit and Daisy thought he would loose his nerve. But he bent to her and kissed her. She let him, but kept it short.
"Not bad. But not great either."
"I'll show you great!" said Phil.
He grabbed her and pressed his mouth hard to hers. He forced his tongue between her lips and swirled it around hers.
Daisy was taken by surprise by her own reaction to it. She liked it.
She drew back and looked at him a moment. Then they melted together once more.
Bobby had followed Lilly back to the shore. Actually they were just ledges where the stone cutters had quit cutting when the best rock was gone. Then the pit had filled with water. Winter run off kept it re-supplied so the water didn't get stagnant. Along the way somebody had planted fish in it. Now it was a popular fishing hole as well. Even so they were fairly safe on a weekday afternoon.
They lay on the ledge soaking in the sun. Bobby sat up when Lilly rolled on her back. He looked longingly at her nipples sticking out of her suit.
"Gosh you've got a nice body, Miss Singleton." said Bobby.
"Call me Lilian or Lilly. And thanks. Yours ain't so bad either."
"You think so?" asked Bobby, hope swelling as well as his dick.
"Not bad for your age."
"I'm old enough."
"For what?"
"For you if you want?"
"So you could tell all your friends about it?"
"Naw, I wouldn't tell a soul. I promise."
Lilian chuckled to herself. She knew very well what would happen, in fact she was counting on it.
"I'll think about it. Rub some suntan lotion on my back would you?"
Bobby almost fell back in scrambling to get the bottle. Lilian laughed.
She rolled over and he began to rub the lotion on her back. The feel of her tight body under his fingers thrilling Bobby to the bone (or boner). His cock started to grow. Lilian notice this out of the corner of her eye. She started to get worried about how big it was getting.
Bobby was looking down at her firm ass, just barely contained by the tiny suit. He looked down between the crack hoping to catch a glimpse of pubic hair peeking out.
"This straps in the way." he said.
Without a word, Lilian reached back and untied it. She lay face down and let the straps fall to the sides. The sides of her breasts peeking out at Bobby. He got harder.
He continued to rub the lotion on her back and then started to put some on her long trim legs. God she was firm. Like that Gymnast he had gotten last year. That she was an older woman didn't detract from her mystique. That he knew she was a divorcee made him hot. She had done it before. She probably missed it. He continued to rub her legs, getting as far up inside the thighs as he dared.
Lilian was enjoying it all. It felt good to have him rubbing her. He obviously liked it. His cock was straining at the waist band of his trunks. His body was firm and hard, even if Daisy thought he was lazy, he had done his share of hard work.
"Mmm, that feels good." she baited.
Bobby took his chance and rubbed some lotion up over her ass cheeks.
"I don't think that that parts in danger of burning." chuckled Lilly.
"Can't be too safe ... Bet it feels good though."
"Of course it does. But that's not the point."
"You want me to quit?"
"Maybe ... Look Bobby. I think you're cute. But I don't want any long term relationships right now."
"Wouldn't have to be long term, Lilly. God you're hot. I just want you."
Lilian chuckled: "That's pretty obvious from that bulge in your trunks."
"Like it?"
"Maybe. It's been a long time and one that big might hurt too much."
"I promise I'd be gentle."
"Yeah sure ... You sure you wouldn't tell?"
"Cross my heart."
"Just keep doing what you're doing, we'll see."
Bobby rubbed the lotion all over her ass cheeks and then underneath the suit. She didn't fight him so he started to slide along the crack of her ass between her legs.
Phil gently cupped Daisy's breasts through the suit. His thumbs slid over the hard nipples and she shuddered.
"Oh god they're so nice, can I see them?"
"You promise to be gentle with them?"
"As gentle as a lamb."
"Okay, I don't know why I'm doing this, but I guess it won't matter once. I don't have time for a full time boyfriend though."
"Anything you want. Just please let me see them!"
Daisy smiled at him and reached back to untie the strings. Phil gasped as the top came away revealing them in all their glory. But he behaved himself and with trembling hands gently started to caress them. Daisy was impressed and stimulated by what he did. When he bent his head to gently suck her nipple between his lips she moaned softly.
He flicked his tongue over the end and swirled it around, then did the same to the other one. Daisy's breathing got heavier and her moans louder. He continued his caresses and pulled her into a deep kiss. His hands fumbling to find the ties on her lower suit. Once he found them he undid them and slipped his hand inside. Daisy let him do this and moaned louder.
His fingers slid over her close cropped pubic hair and between her legs. One slid between her labia and began to tickle her clitoris. She gasped a bit and sucked on his tongue. The bulge in his trunks was hard as her hands found it. She slipped her hand in the top and over his hard cock. The feel of it thrilled her. She hadn't touched one in years. (His actually.) She hadn't wanted to. Now it felt good. She softly squeezed it in her hand and ran her fingers over it.
He pulled the other string and pulled her suit all the way off. He raised his head to take her body in.
"Seems like you've lost some hair." he said licking his lips.
"It's a bikini cut, can't wear a suit like this with hair hanging out of it."
"I like it. Looks real appetizing."
"You have learned a thing or two since we last did it."
"Yup. Wanna see?"
"Yeah, but I wanna see this more!" she said squeezing his hard member. He stood and pulled his trunks down. His manhood stood out stiff before him.
Daisy chuckled: "Nope, looks like the cold water won't protect me now, but I wish something would. I wished you had a rubber."
"In the trunk pocket." he gasped as she stroked it.
"Pretty sure of yourself, weren't you?"
"Naw, It's been there for a year. Just in case I needed it."
"Sure, good thing for you these things don't have dates on them. We'll use it in a little while." she said, pulling his hips to her.
He groaned softly as she sucked his hard member between her lips. She flicked her tongue around the end and then swirled it before she licked down it's length.
Lilian rolled over, her top off, And said: "Getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we."
Bobby gasped at her bare chest and she pulled him to her. She kissed him deeply and felt his tongue push between her lips. She only fought it enough to tease him.
She felt his hands move to her breasts and softly squeeze and caress them. His fingers found the nipples and gently rubbed them. She moaned through the kiss.
Bobby felt her hands on his trunks as she pulled them down. She pulled her head back to look at his large cock. Her eye's got real big and she looked worried.
"I don't know Bobby. That's pretty big! It's gonna hurt like hell!"
"Naw, I know that I'm big. I learned how to take it slow so that girls can stretch out before I start pumping. Otherwise none would ever go with me."
"Well, maybe. What about a safe?"
"In my pants pocket over there."
"You'd better get it if were gonna try it. But if I say stop, you stop or I'll holler to the moon and the sheriff."
"I promise." Bobby retrieved the rubber from his pants. They had been his idea. "Hope the hell Phil remembered his, sis won't go for it otherwise and he'll be in a rotten mood." he thought.
He turned back and Lilian had removed her suit completely. He gasped: "God you're gorgeous! I like the way you trimmed your hair there. Don't like a mouth full of hair."
"You know about that?"
"Yup! Every chance I get."
"So come show me!"
He did.
Daisy had Phil on the verge of tears: "Oh please Daisy. I need to put it in you so bad! God where did you learn to use your tongue like that?"
"Perhaps from Miss Singleton?" she baited.
"Knock it off Daisy. I told you I thought that was crap. No you learned that doing other guys. But I can't think of who it could be."
"Perhaps they didn't kiss and tell. If I'd been doing you nobody would know either, right?"
"Uh ... Right."
"So show me what you've learned."
He crawled between her legs and began to kiss her on her belly. He gently kissed down each side of her short pubic mound and flicked his tongue at her inner thigh on each side.
Daisy moaned in delight.
He gently parted her vulva and licked between it.
Daisy giggled to herself: "Not bad, with a little coaching he could be good."
He pushed his tongue up into her pussy and then twisted it. "Ohh! Where'd you learn that?"
"Just discovered I could do it. Girls seem to like it."
"I'll say."
"Have to remember that one for tonight!" she thought to herself.
He went back to it and soon she was moaning and breathing heavily. When he moved his attention to her clit she thought she would explode.
"Oh god Phil! Please, make me cum."
"Just hold your horses. I'll get there."
He let go the reins on his tongue and she galloped down the home stretch, bucking and writhing under his attention.
"OHHHHH OHHHHH YESSSSSSS!!!!" She cried out as the wave of orgasm swept over her.
He lapped at his reward and then moved up between her thighs. He positioned the head and began to push in. God she was tight!
Daisy felt herself being filled up by Phil's cock. It felt wonderful. It had never felt so good with a boy before. Now she craved it. He was barely in before she started to buck her hips in another orgasm.
"Damn you're a hot little filly. Tight too. Who ever taught you all that stuff, he wasn't too big."
"I do exercises to keep it tight!" she gasped (lying).
"Well they sure work. God you feel good!"
"So do you, now fuck me!"
"Where'd you learn to talk like that?"
Phil made about a dozen deep mind boggling strokes into Daisy, then he suddenly pulled out.
"What are you doing!" gasped Daisy.
"Putting on the rubber, just be patient!"
As much as she wanted him in her, a wave of affection swept over Daisy. It probably hadn't been very easy for him to pull out to do that. She herself had forgotten all about it. It didn't take very long before he was back inside her stroking deeply once more.
They moved together like they had been doing this for years. Their hips matching each others in perfect synchronization.
Daisy's head whipped back and forth from side to side. All she was aware of was the hot cock stroking deeply into her tight vagina. It sent ripples of sensation surging through her whole body. Every so often he would actually strike her cervix with his long dong. When he did it was like she was busting wide open and a wave of contraction would ripple through her body. Tears were flowing from her eyes. Her breath a ragged gasping cry.
Phil felt like he had found a home for himself. For some reason she felt better than any fuck he had ever had. Perhaps this was because he had wanted her for so long. Her pussy was so tight and warm and slick and her hips so eager and animated. He bit his lower lip as he fought to maintain his control.
Lilian was more than impressed as her hips surged upwards in another great wave of orgasm. She cried out like an animal as the contractions gripped her body. This was the fourth one she had experienced already.
"Damn this kid's good for a man!" she thought to herself.
Bobby moved up and kissed her deeply. She tasted her own juices on his tongue. He swirled it around hers and she chased it in a game of tag.
She thought that his tongue was reminiscent of Daisy's; lithe and articulate. The thought triggered another wave to sweep over her.
Lilly had to know how his great cock felt inside her. She moved down and slowly sucked the big head into her mouth. It stretched at her mouth and the thought of it inside her scared her still. Even so she knew that she would let him fuck her. She wanted to know how the other side of this family made love. A pity that there was just the two of them. Both were great!
Bobby moaned with delight as Lilian swirled her tongue over his great unit. Sometimes he wished he wasn't so big; he would have liked to see what it was like to be deep throated. All thoughts left his mind as Lilly worked his unit with her talented tongue.
She sucked it into her mouth as far as she could. Bobbing her head as she worked it in. She tried to work it down her throat, but it was just too big. She did her best to satisfy him, none the less.
Bobby was going nuts. Never had a woman gotten him so far into her mouth. He felt the head sliding against the back of her throat. He was about to loose it, so he pulled her off.
Lilian moved up to kiss him. He caressed her firm breasts and felt her tight ass.
"Why don't you get on top" he said, "that way you can control how fast and how much. I don't trust myself cause you're so hot!"
She smiled at his concern. He was as thoughtful and considerate as Daisy was. She opened the rubber and rolled it onto his great unit. She was still amazed how big it was, but could hardly wait to feel it inside her.
Bobby rolled onto his back, and Lilian moved her hips over his. His rock hard unit standing like a telephone pole over him.
She positioned the head, and began to rotate her hips as she gently lowered herself. It didn't want to go in. She grabbed the sun tan lotion and applied some to the rubber and a little to herself. It wasn't K-Y, but it should do the trick.
Again she began to lower herself. Now the lubricated unit began to push into her. It spread her wide and she gasped, feeling like it would rip her open. She took it slow, working it in by the quarter inch as her vagina stretched to it's limit. Her mind was reeling from the feeling.
Bobby felt like his great dick was being compressed to the size of a pencil. Lilian was so incredibly tight. Before girls this tight had refused to do it. Perhaps just jacking him off instead. But Lilian was doing her damnedest to get it all the way in!
Lilian felt like she had a flag pole shoved up her. Random surges of goose bumps rippled over her body as she rotated on the huge cock. It felt like it was made of fire. Just a few more bounces and it hit bottom. She felt her body explode.
Suddenly Bobby felt his cock gripped like a vise. Lilian's whole body convulsed and bucked atop him. He felt his cock jammed hard against her cervix and trying to bend from her bouncing. But it was rock hard and refused to yield.
Lilian convulsed again and again. Her mind awash in ecstasy. Her pussy on fire. He was right up against her cervix and it felt like it was trying to push through into her womb. She wouldn't have cared if it had. Her bouncing hips tried to accomplish just that. Finally she fell forward quivering atop his firm body.
Daisy's mind was reeling. Never had she known the feelings she was feeling as Phil expertly stroked inside her tight vagina. She wanted nothing but his cock jammed all the way inside her. Her pussy felt like it was on fire. The flames consumed her as wave after wave of orgasm swept over her. Somehow she opened her eyes and saw his face above her twisted in a rictus of agonized pain and ecstasy.
"God, what have I been missing all these year!" she thought to herself.
She saw the change sweep over his face and increased her hip movements to match the passionate pounding strokes that battered at her pussy. Now he was ramming hard into her cervix with each and every stroke. Her mind exploded once more and then she felt the white hot fluid pumping inside the tip of the rubber. It gushed and squirted around as he screamed in passion and drove mercilessly into her cervix. Her hips convulsed up hard, lifting him off the ground as the incredible tsunami wave of orgasm wracked her body. Her own scream echoing about the quarry.
She fell back to the ground and he landed hard atop her. Both motionless but for their gasping, heaving lungs.
Lilian lay atop Bobby's firm body. Rushes of goose bumps flittering around her body. His massive cock still wedged up hard against her cervix. Slowly the random quivers in her body joined into one screaming desire.
"Fuck me Bobby!" she gasped.
Bobby had thought that he had broken the firm body that lay atop him. For a time it had remained motionless. Many times before he had caused girls to loose consciousness, but they usually stayed out. This one recovered and was begging for more! In one motion he rolled them over on the large towel until he was above her.
"I can do that, baby. You're the first one who could take it right without being as loose as a culvert pipe!" he said.
Lilian's mind reeled as Bobby began to stroke the huge pole into her once more. All her previous motions had only moved it a fraction of it's length. Now he began to take long slow stokes that consumed her sole and saturated her every nerve. She began to match his rhythm with her hips.
"Good god! She's not only taking it, she's helping!" he thought.
Her incredibly tight vagina gripped at him like a Chinese finger puzzle, then as he thrust back into her, her own hips drove upwards until he rammed hard against the end. This sent his mind reeling and he fought to control himself. This was the first decent fuck of his life, and he didn't want to spoil it by popping off too soon.
Lilian's whole being was consumed by the huge cock pounding away at her pussy. She wanted the feeling to go on forever. For all she knew it did. She was experiencing an almost constant orgasm. But now all the contractions began to combine, rushing together for what she knew would be the greatest orgasm of her life.
Bobby couldn't control himself any longer. He felt the wave of goose bumps running down his back. When they reached his hip he would explode. He began to slam downwards like his very soul depended on it. At the same instant he noticed Lilian's hips slamming upwards into his, lifting him off the ground. The wave reached it's destination and his mind blew up, awash in light and fire. At almost the same instant he heard his sister's echoing cry it was joined by his own and Lilian's. He felt his cock gripped like it was in a milking machine.
Lilian felt her whole body surge upwards in one giant wave of contraction. She could have sworn that a nuclear explosion has occurred in her brain. She lifted Bobby right up off the ground and the contraction held them both aloft for seemingly hours. A sound reached her ears and she recognized it as her lovers. It tripled the feeling she was feeling as her own answering scream joined it. Bobby's primal scream made it a trio. The wave consumed her totally and she collapsed back into total bliss. Her pussy milked spasmodically at every drop of the fiery fluid now trapped in the rubber within her.
Daisy heard her echoing scream answered and felt a last surge of orgasm ripple through her at the knowledge that it was her lovers. Then she floated in bliss.
Phil knew that he had to know this feeling again and again. Once would never be enough. The young girl of his dreams had become a hot and hungry vixen woman. The pillowy mounds of her large breasts heaved at his sweaty chest. Their perspiration ran together and dripped onto the ground beneath them. Daisy had her legs locked around his hips as they lay in blissful limbo.
After a time, their breathing slowed and normalized. They caressed each others firm bodies and felt the warm after glow of love. Phil's cock withered within her and slowly slipped out. Daisy felt the loss like it was a death in the family. She just wanted it back.
Suddenly Phil grabbed her shoulders and rolled. They tipped over the edge and splashed into the chilly water. Daisy broke the surface gasping and grasping at Phil. He was right there, supporting her body. His arms now warm in comparison to the chill water. She hugged herself to him and kicked her feet to keep them afloat. She thought for an instant to kill him, instead she pulled him into a giant kiss.
Lilian floated. Never in her live had she known such a blissful completeness. Something that was missing from her existence was now present. She became aware it was Bobby's large tool now slowly shrinking within her. When it was as small as an average man's, it slipped out. Lilian clung to his neck as he softly caressed her body with his gently stroking fingertips. Even so she fought off the desire to say the words in her mind. She was now in love with both Daisy and her brother. She knew she would let him fuck her any time he wished to.
Bobby rolled off her and slipped into the water. He gasped and hooted a bit. Lilian looked over at him and slowly sat up. Her pussy was burning from their hot fuck and she eased her hips down into the water to join him. There was a ledge about two and a half feet below the surface and after she dunked herself she moved to it and beckoned to Bobby. He swam to her and she pulled him beside her and kissed him hard.
After a time Phil and Daisy came swimming back towards them. Lilian could see that they had their suits in their hands and felt no need to put hers back on. She reminded herself not to hug and kiss her lover. That ... well it wouldn't have spoiled it, nothing could do that. But it wouldn't accomplish what they had started out to do.
Bobby watched Phil and Daisy swimming towards them. He could see their suits in their hands. His heart surged at the thought of seeing his sisters nude body. As much as he had told Phil she did nothing for him, he knew it was a lie. He peeped at her often at night when he would hear her fingering herself. Then he would creep back to his room and whack off for hours dreaming about his big cock inside her.
Daisy saw Bobby and her lover sitting in the edge of the pond. They were kissing deeply, Bobby softly kneading her breasts. She felt a wave of jealousy sweep over her ... but for whom? Phil's hot cock inside her had made her realize her desire for her brothers huge pole. She chuckled to herself about it. She knew that he often watched through the crack of her door as she frigged herself. Then she would hear his moan of satisfaction later as he stroked himself. She would often lay there listening for it. Then she could sleep peacefully.
Phil noticed the couple sitting on the natural bench chair as they swam up. For some reason he longed for a closer look at Lilian. Now seeing the water just lapping at her firm, nude breasts he thought he might have been wrong about her earlier. She wasn't skinny, she was Firm!
They moved onto the natural seat to join the other two.
"I figured that after I hear your screams that we didn't have to bother with our suits!" chuckled Daisy.
"Seems to me that we weren't the only ones screaming!" said Lilly.
They shared a look that each hoped the boy's missed. Each knowing and acknowledging that their lives had taken a different turn. Now they each had another lover. Neither minded much. They each knew that it was in addition to, not instead of each other.

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