Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 38 Meet me in Saint Louie
- 2 years ago
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I let Maggie go up first, she is slow. I wonder, not for the first time, why she is not as strong as the rest of these health conscious folks. Once we are at ground level Maggie leads me over to a cluster of women, I know many of them. I helped rescue them late last night. Was it really only last night.
"Chronos!" one of the women calls out to me and holds out her arm to hug me.
It is Gwen or should I say Gwenivier. A beautiful blonde bombshell of a lady. I walk gladly into her arms and hug her tight. We have been through a lot together.
"Gwen," I give her a once over to see how her wounds are doing. Not just the physical ones but the mental ones as well. She is dealing. "Thank you so much for the change of clothes," I add as we step apart.
"It's the least I can do for the savior of the ladies," she gives me a sad smile. Not all the way healed, I think.
I laugh at the title she gives me. "All part of the service," and tip my head to her. "But did you have, to send the chatter box to wake me up?" giving her a wounded look.
Gwen looks over to Maggie and laughs. "Secret weapon."
The ladies, who have been watching us join in our laughter as well.
Each of them in turn comes over, hugs me and says thanks. I am not expecting this. It would have brought tears to my eyes if I could still cry so instead some of the ladies cry for me.
"Thank you all," I say when they are done. "I just did what I could to keep us alive. You were the ones who held up under some of the most trying of times, you were real troopers."
I look over the smiling faces. As happy as they are to be home they are still shaken by what has happened. I need to get them back on track.
"Maggie mentioned a corn harvest?" I look over at Gwen for confirmation.
"That's right," she perks up. "It's our last harvest. We bring in as much corn as we can and anything else that is ripe. Then in evening we have a party," she explains.
The ladies have been milling around till now, gather up the baskets that are piled at our feet.
"Even if I don't know what a ripe corn looks like I can still carry," I swing two baskets up and follow the ladies out to the waiting field.
I remember corn from my childhood, golden ripe and sweet, I hope this is the kind you want to eat so I ask.
"Is this field corn or sweet?" I get a lot of laughter from my question. "Oh come on, I am not a farmer, I have been in space," they laugh at me some more. I feel no anger at their teasing only warm contentment at their acceptance of my presences.
Maggie bounces up to join me. "It's sweet corn," she says politely and gives me a half knowing grin of delight. For once she knows something I didn't.
It is a short walk out to the fields. They are in part of the the compound's interior. I am beginning to think the compound is bigger than I had originally thought. Once at the field, the ladies spread out. There are more people out there than just the bachelor ladies, men and women are scattered around. My best guess is they are the rest of the farmers. And watching from the four corners are the Protectors. One for each of the sides they will not be caught flat footed this time.
The corn stalks are tall and neatly planted in rows. They look well tended. I look out over the rest of the farming industry to see there are many rows of different types of vegetables. Tall ones like the corn, flax and tomatoes. Low to the ground like lettuce and carrots, vines of squash and cucumbers, there is even some cotton and tobacco. They have a great assortment. And with the meat they hunt they can supplement the vegetable diet.
Catherine looks at me and huffs under her breath. Dammit Chronos." she hisses "Get it together. she waves her hands furiously at me while I am busy rolling on the ground with laugher. This is so cliché, that all it can be is funny. I grin up at her. At this point Nev starts to giggle at her Cousins too, as they get up and dust off their bottoms. She smiles and waves at them, many of them give her a sheepish grin. One of the men, who did manage to land gracefully, stalks over to us. Who...
Ode on Life's Journey - I began life's journey when I was young, And the glitt'ring prospect charmed my eyes; I saw joy after joy successive rise Along the extended plain. But soon I found 'twas all a dream, And learned the fond pursuit to shun, Where few can reach the purposed aim and thousand daily are undone. There are more tearful goodbyes, as we start out early the very next day. Howle and Liss stand with Nev at the edge of their home stead. Nev, saying she was needed at home but...
"Does anyone have any ideas of what do with the extra women we found?" the Legend Bunyan asks before the meeting breaks up. "We could just take them with us," Ajax the lesser answers. "It would be the right thing to do." "They too have homes and families," I say out of the blue. "Will you deprive them of those things once more." "I am not sure that is open for debate, Chronos," Saber frowns at me. Maybe I should have spoken with him in private. He and I do seem to be stepping...
It doesn't take me long to find Saber. He is close to 7 feet tall and all muscles, but he is pretty smart for a muscle man. I just focus on the sounds of fighting and there they are, Knight Protectors of the Compound. A 16 man squad, down now by 3 and at least 2 more on the critical list. But they are out there working, honing their skills in the area set aside for their fight practice. I spend a minute watching. They are some of the prettiest men and women I have seen in awhile. And as...
I have Rich show me the Silencer in the basement. It a glom of different parts and outputs, but somehow he got it to work. I am able to figure out the frequencies he is tuning out. I will have to do some fiddling when I have time to adjust my Chameleon Circuitry. After looking at his science project, I am left wondering what kind of education Rick has had. He talks noticeably better and it would take someone with some physics and electronic knowledge in order to create the jammer he has in...
"Alys, come with me, " I say to her as Diana and I move the dead weight that is King Louie to a safer place. The throne that Louie was sitting on looks like it is dense enough to stop a bullet. "Alys stay behind the throne with Louie, while Diana and I..." I stop and look at Diana for help. She snorts under her breath and grins. "While we inflict a little damage." She raises an eye brow, " That sound about right to you, Chronos?" "Yes, Damage works fine." "Whata I do?" Alys...
The two hours fly by fast. I am the first up the ladder and out into the open. It feels so good to breathe fresh air, and feel the wind on my face. I had not realized how much I missed it, living from one artificial world to another. And lucky me, I am getting my first sunset of the Sun in a 100 years. It is beautiful. I want to bask in the splendid sight forever. Gwen wants to take me over to meet some of the other women. Saber and Melville want to head off to look for the hidden entrance...
They drag Maggie and me off to the wolf pens. It is hard not to make a fuss, as Maggie starts to cry and is giving me the why did you let this happen look. "Chronos!" She yells at me through her tears. "You promised me." Try as she might she wiggles and tugs and drags her feet, but the two men who have her do not even notice her antics. I can only shake my head at her. There are too many people around for me to try and calm her down and I am busy modifying my plan to include Maggie as...
Camulus' smile is the same as his sister's, friendly and warm. "The names we picked are all gods of war," He warms to his subject. "I am Celtic, Gun is African and Seth is Egyptian. He was going to with a more Asian god but I think the god of war for the Hindi is a woman. Seth say it was" "And you three just knew that you were going to be grouped together?" I throw my head back and laugh. The gods of war how sophomoric but then all the names were like that. A great deal of thought,...
I start the hummer back up and get it onto the road. I can still hear her screaming. This is not good. I check the instrument panel to see how much energy I have and do a weapons check. Everything gives me a green light. I sure wish I had some music to go with the avenging angel part that I was about to play. Wagner or that guy who did Terminator. Was that scary or what. I make all the appropriate turns and get back to the camp in record time. But the screaming in my mind has stopped long...
Cleaning up Inside the bathhouse are the rest of the Protectors. They are stripping out of their soiled clothing. Seth blushes when I come in but no one comments at my appearance, so I just pull off the blood encrusted clothes along with the rest. If I weren't so tired, I think I might have even enjoyed the sight of all those well honed bodies. But tonight I am just looking for a bath, like the rest of the group. I follow when everyone troops through the far door to a sunken bath, I...
The next morning I awake to being surrounded by male bodies. At first I think Saul is home again but the wet grass reminds me and I remember last night. It is the brothers. We are a tangle of bodies. They were both wonderful. I start to stretch and move my way out when Gunga Din whispers in my ear. "Wait," he sounds shy. I realize that my shifting has given him a morning woodie. He is still laying up my ass. He jerks and gives me a fast pumping action. I want to help him work it out, but...
I awake with Nimrod rock hard against me. So I wiggle my consent that I am awake. "Not this time. My girl," he slides a finger in then pops it out. I give a moan. "We are civilized people," he rolls out of bed. "What?" I am shocked that he is leaving. "Bath time," he reaches for his robe. "But there will be people," I whine. "Yes," he looks at me calmly as he pulls the robe shut, not really doing anything to hide the raging hard on that he has. "But I want..." I trail off...
Early the next morning, Nimrod and I stand by the Hummer with Saul, while the Protectors finish packing. Do we really need all this gear? Holiday whines as he lifts another bag. Better to be prepared, for anything, Seattle says in an overly jolly voice. I roll my eyes and smile. I find it hard to believe these three are Napoleon's lackeys. Saul will be safe with them. That's the last one, Saber says as he looks over the empty ground. I can see from the haunted look in his eye, this...
We harvest all day. Not just the corn, but all the ripe vegetables that need be eaten right away or they will go bad. So, to celebrate this ending of harvest season the Kindred have a party, why not, harvests are traditional party times. The Kindred being descended from a group of historical re-enactors, then maybe they have experience with this celebration thing. As the day draws to a close, the rest of the folks who have been in conference come out and join us. Gwen's face lights up at...
"No," I say and Saul looks crestfallen. Letting the two of them know my decision. "If it is to be, it will be the three of us." "Saul loves," I smile sweetly at his sad expression. "I can not take his time with you away from you," I turn to Saul, who is now looking shocked. He may be bisexual, but I can see no one had thought to share him with Nimrod. Nimrod seems to think this is funny as he laughs some more. "I don't do girls." He raises an eye brow at me in challenge. "But...
Camulus picks himself up from the far side of the fire. He looks down at the dead Wyrm. He looks up at me and gives me this too cocky grin. "You are crazy!" He yells over at me. I can see the veins standing out in his neck. What, did he think this was a picnic, this was not as easy as it looks. Meanwhile, the rest of the Protectors finish making their approach to the carcass. "You killed the Wyrm?" Holiday twanged out in amazement. "I'll be damned." "What is that smell?" Warily...
In waking, I find Nimrod's penis hard up against my back. Somehow Saul and I have switched places in the middle of the night. So I am butt up against Nimrod and Saul is hanging off the bed. Wiggling around some till I have Nimrods length fit between my legs, I rub till he grows harder and moans in his sleep. Saul, on the other side moans in return. It is really cute. I want to reach around and kiss Nimrod but he had reacted so badly to my kiss last night that I don't dare wake him. As I am...
Napoleon curses under his breath. "Fine," he lashes out. He points at me in an accusatory fashion. "But she is Not one of my Protectors nor will she be counted as one." "Agreed," Nimrod says as calm as can be, in juxtaposition of Napoleon's anger. "Agreed," Melville nods his head to Napoleon and then to Nimrod. Everyone else nods too, looking a little shell shocked at what just happened. What did just happen? I will have to get the information out of Nimrod. "Then this meeting...
to Fight: to Heal "I would be delighted." I reply to Saul's offer, but look over at Nimrod. He seems to be watching Saul and me, trying to gauge my reactions. "Nim?" Saul says in a worried tone, does he think he has been to forward with his invitation. He climbs to his feet and shambles over to Nimrod hanging his head and hiding his eyes as if ashamed. "If that is alright with you?" "I said bring her home didn't I?" Nimrod says, pretending to be cranky. "Can we keep her?" Saul...
When I return to the cabin, Saul and Nimrod are sitting at the table making lover noises. "I am going to miss you so much." A Kissing noise that is long and wet. I grin to myself. "Oh Nim, not as much at I will miss you." more kissing sounds. They are so cute. I watch them for a minute simply to bask in their love. I wish sometimes that I could have more than physical love. I understand the pleasures of the body. It might be why I always work so hard to find someone compatible, who I...
I wander around the compound after my silly escape. I look over the cabins and the food fields. I take in the night sounds. There is a light chill in the air that makes everything crisp and fresh. I ponder the stars that are, both strange and yet, a comfort to me. I will have to ask someone about them. I remember the stars used to have stories about them. Maybe I can learn something about this new/old world I am on. I let myself wander on. I feel a pull over to one of the walls. The east...
It is a different couple that comes to our door for dinner. Melville looks like a new man, now that he has his wife back. He smiles and beams at her all the time. Godiva, Godiva looks incredible now that she is cleaned up and back home safe and sound. She is less gray and doesn't shrink back at every touch. She goes out of her way to hug us both. "Oh Nim, I was so pleased when you called us for dinner," she gushes at him. Nimrod just stands and takes it in with an indulgent grin on his...
"Come home when you get tired," is all Nimrod says as he kisses me out the door. It is full dark outside, I look around to see where they have a bonfire set. It is over by the practice grounds. I nod my head with approval as I stride over there, Green hair blowing in wind, body humming with sex and love. For some reason the universe has brought me to this place and it wants me to be with these people. I will have to work on fitting in. I am Chronos, the god of time; Defender of man, I...
I can't seem to stop shivering. This man is amazing. He is brave and strong and gentle and willing to love me. "Nosis," Nimrod says quietly when I don't reply. "Oh girl did I shock you?" "Yes, no," I can't seem to get the right words out, so I bring his head down to mine and slowly kiss him. What should have been an idle afternoon in the woods has turned into something more, much more than I expected. From an unspoken acknowledgment to a proposal of matrimony. What will Nimrod do...
What it all means Nimrod and I make a slow stroll around the compound. Not talking just enjoying the night and the solitude. When we finish our circuit. We head back to the cabin. "Can you feel anything out there?" Nimrod asks me as we make our way through the collections of cabins. I stop and listen. "Nothing. They should be home tomorrow," I relay to him. It is his turn to trust. "I see." "Hey there Chronos," A loud booming voice disturbs our peaceful walk. We turn to see...
I wave at my charges to stop and everyone turns to look at me. "All right everyone, I think you have had enough for today." Am I supposed to make a speech, I ask myself, as they are all staring at me expectantly. "I would like you to think about what you have done here. Who was in charge of the falling and who was not." I leave them with those little pearls of wisdom and turn to Godiva. "I would like to take Nev to meet Nimrod. If you don't mind?" I ask her. "Oh yes." Godiva's...
It is thanks to Diana that we stop for a short lunch break. She has found us a small field with a tiny stream running through it. I think she is leading us back to the major road that runs close by. It would be easier to travel and we can check for damage as we go along. But for now, I think it is a good time to get the girls thinking about home. "Nev, what can you tell us about your home" I ask her, Nev seems to be the most socially advanced of our girls. And she is shaking off her trauma...
"I am a spirit, I can take any form I want. Little one." He is still laughing at me under his breath. I watch his eyes. He is soaking up the view of me. And, I might add, I do the same. "You were difficult to find," he chides me. I remain silent. "It took some doing but I see now where you are." "Why are you even here?" I ask at this point I am terribly suspicious of his actions. "Why? To keep you out of trouble, which I see I am too late to prevent." He doesn't sound angry,...
We must be making exceptional time, walking along the road side, as we make it to the Brutes home by late-afternoon on the next day. We are even luckier that the threatening rain holds off as well. We make our way into the prison. It is completely deserted. Not a body, not a growl of noise. It looks like it had been empty for months. Most likely since the Kindred came through, guns a blazing. Catherine has us move in cautiously. Slow and cautious. "There are no bodies." Catherine says as...
"Mother Liss, do you have some hard drink about? I need to calm the girls down and get them to bed." And I add hopefully, "and maybe a few real beds for the night?" "Oh for goodness sake girls, you just stop that catawaullin'." Liss chides them. I share a look of exasperation with the Protectors. "I'll get it." Howle says heading out of the room. He comes back in a moment, carrying a stone crock and some little bowls. He opens the crock and splashes some clear liquid into the...
"Well gal, I see you're back." Brin's father says to Brin with no fanfare or anything. "At least you brought some women folk to help out." And with that he turns and walks back into the house where he bellows at his wife to come out and see to us. Brin gives us an apologetic look, once his has left. Brin's brothers, after hearing their father's call of company, come tumbling out of the house. Her brothers on the other hand don't say anything once they see us. They just follow us...
"I do not buy it." I snap at the boys as they give me a ridiculous hanged dog expression. "You have been chasing pussy like it is your god given right." I sweep the gun I confiscated at them. "It is going to stop. Now!" I push outward with my anger. I do to them on purpose what I did to Nimrod by accident. I am awash with pain of every girl they have accosted, for every bung hole they tried to fill. They cringe away from me in fear. It is glorious! The power to inspire this kind of...
Rich leads us back to the house. The two other boys have beat us there. They are sitting at the table looking sullen. Brin has a look of I told you so on her face. And Emma just looks confused. "What happened?" Emma rushes at us, as Catherine enters with Billy Ray slung over her shoulder. "Billy got in the way of Chronos' fist." Catherine says dryly. "We are fine, too." I say brightly. "We just need to talk." "The boys are fine, Emma." Rich gives her a sheepish grin. "But we...
We are led up to an elaborate set of wooden doors. They look like they were stolen off the front of a Church. The doors are big and heavy, with lots of art carving with amazing detail of saints and angles. I hear Alys give a little hiss of breath as she recognize the doors. "Yours sweetie?" I ask. She only gets off a whimper as she nods franticly at me. "How do you like them doors?" Elmer gloats as he leads us through. "We just finished putting them in. They was some find." The room...
The rest of the walk is just as boring as the first part, but I am grateful to know that Annie escaped at some point during my outburst the day earlier ... If we were as close to the Brute's home base as I thought, she could lead her friends back and follow the trail of debris that the ladies had left. It is night fall when we come to walls. It looks like a prison. All high walls and barbed wire. And very ugly. No wonder these guys are brutes. We are hustled into a badly built building of...
"Oh dear gods," Anastasia says in shock, somewhere behind me. "Right, so now we know what is at stake," I say in an overly cheerful voice. "Let us now plan." Now we are getting into my territory. Rubbing my hands together as I get the ball rolling. According to Godiva, we would be tested as a group starting first thing in the morning. It is the only reason why they had not attacked us physically, yet. The plan was for us to present a unified front. We would only be as strong as our...
"Guys, I think we are being followed." I alert the Kin as I feel a trickle of fear and blood lust coming up behind us. "Good call" Seattle nods at me. "He started on our tail a couple of minutes ago." "Want me to take him?" Holiday asks. "No." Saber, hisses out his command. "let's see what he does." We continue moving as if nothing is different. The person following us is getting frustrated. "Soon" I whisper to myself as I sense the anger building. There is no noise as the...
Now that I am suitably clothed, Gwen says she will take me back to the men. "Is this place truly called the Home?" I just had to ask. It seem to me, that would have been too simplistic for these folks. "No," she giggles which sets her whole body in motion. "It is just called the Compound and we who live here are called the Kindred," she answers back dutifully. "The records show they wanted to name it something else. You know, one of those old cities from the bible or something, but...
Love without anxiety and without fear is fire without flames and without warmth, Day without sunlight, hive without honey, Summer without flower, winter without frost ... Chretien de Troyes, 12th century I enter the bedroom to find the men have jumped ahead of me and now Nimrod has Saul on all fours in the middle of the bed and is already pumping into him. I wait for them to slow down before making my move. Coming up behind Nimrod, I lightly stroke my hand down his back. He shudders at my...
The wrestlers have finished their bout, while Gunga Din and I have been looking over the training weapons. I don't know who won. I think no one cares. Gunga Din and I are the focus of the next fight. He and I walk out to the middle of the training ground. "Do you need a moment?" I ask him. He inclines his head. "Do you, need a moment?" "I am good," is all I get out before Gunga Din lets out a sharp piercing shout and swing the sword in a slash across my chest. I block without...
Where were we? Nimrod asks as he finishes riding my ass. I grunt and wiggle under him. 5 years of training, he say and caresses my shoulders. Bastard, I hiss out. That I am. Now you have had your reward, you are going to tell me more, I squeeze my butt cheeks and now it is NimrodÕs turn to hiss. Now, now, he chides me. None of that or I will have to put some clothes back on and no one wants that. I sigh, my lovely afterglow is trickling away, as Nimrod presses me for more of my...
"That can't be right," Dixon the Smith speaks up, shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh yes it can. But I think you are not the only ones to come under fire, so to speak." I stand and lean into the center of the table. "I think the Brute Squad was being afflicted as well. We may need to ask Godiva about that, but while we were there she mentioned that they were dying off." I end up waving the chip around for an added effect. I get a shock when I look to my side and see Nimrod is not...
The evening activities are less energetic than this past afternoon's. Saul and I take turns, with Nimrod in the middle, until Nimrod falls peacefully to sleep. Then Saul and I make love some more. It is just a beautiful as this afternoon even though Nimrod is asleep next to us. We can feel his love for us in his sleep. The next morning I awake to the energetic rattle of the bed frame. I turn to see my lovers fully aroused and going at it full force. At first I think about joining them, but...
Where courage lies... We do not go back to bed like our happy little libidos want us to. Instead, Nimrod takes me on a tour. "And over here we have the Protector's training grounds," Nimrod says with a dry chuckle. Our cabin is only a few hundred feet from training grounds, I did manage to find them only yesterday. "South wall?" I ask pointing to the 2 story high wall that looms over the cleared area. "yes, no much grows here so it was designed to be the firing range, but after...
I spend the next couple of days trying to get the women to open up. I sit with them bring them food and clean up after them. They do nothing. They make no move to leave the dark cubbyhole that they are in. They never so much as respond either. It is so depressing. The only thing that keeps me going is Nimrod. He wraps me up and gives me a good meal, then takes me to bed. It is some of the best sleep I have had in years. I awoke on one of these mornings to find Nimrod dragging me back to...
With a dramatic sigh Nimrod gives me the soap. I wash him the same way as he did me. I start low with the legs. Nice legs of a man who has walked all of his life. Sprigs of dark hair dust his caves and thighs. I keep switching hands so as to keep him guessing. One hand will hold, one hand to lather. Back and forth. Before long I can feel him humming just like me. I think about coming around to wash his front, but I stay behind him. I want him to feel as comfortable with me as possible....
When we get back to the cabin there is a note waiting for me. "It looks like you have been invited to Annie's wake." Nimrod informs me as he reads the note. "When?" I ask, trying to read over his shoulder. "O'dark 30." he reads to me, I just give him a confused look. "A half an hour after the sun sets," he clarifies. "Oh," "That will give us some time to talk to Melville and Godiva." he reminds me. I had completely forgot that we were to have them for dinner. How were we...
"I am home." I call out lightly as I enter the cabin. The only answer is the moans of pleasure from the back. I smile at the sounds. I can feel myself go wet with the anticipation of joining them. I hastily shed my clothing as I head to the bedroom. I glance into see what the men are up to. Nimrod has Saul in his usually position, kneeling at the foot of the bed with Nimrod gripping Saul's hips as he move slowly in and out. Nimrod's head is thrown back in ecstasy. At first I am not sure...
sonnet number 50 How heavy do I journey on the way, When what I seek, my weary travel's end, Doth teach that ease and that repose to say, 'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!' The beast that bears me, tired with my woe, Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me, As if by some instinct the wretch did know His rider lov'd not speed being made from thee. The bloody spur cannot provoke him on, That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide, Which heavily he answers with a...
"But we are just trying to survive," Godiva says simply, still weeping but now she is past the majority of her upset. "You have done much more than survive, Diva even you," I try to stress how important the part is that she played. That is the key I think. I see Nimrod's small nod that he agrees with me. "Think of all the things you could do." "But those people are monster ... I could never," she shivers as she shies away from the thought. "You ran into the worst element, yes,...
Gunga Din leads us off to a quiet empty spot. It is by process of elimination that I decide to start with Gunga Din. He seems to agree and we start the slow process of stripping down. With him it takes longer. He has more weapons hidden over his person. My kind of man. I am rather impressed. I am down to the boots Gwen gave me. Gunga Din is down to his small cloth. I look him over. Nice. There is a small squeak behind us and I look over at Seth. He is swallowing compulsively and licking his...
I make a fast run to the bath house for a quick rinse. After laying out in a field all night and excursions that lead up to that, I want to be clean and refreshed for moving these women. I realize that I don't even have names for them, they are like colorless photos of old relatives. Godiva and I meet up outside the bulkhead of the women's dorm. "Are you ready for this?" I give her hand a quick squeeze. "No, but damnit, it's the right thing to do," her jaw shoots forward in...
I snag Alys to come with me, as we all troop out of the bath house. "I really would like Nimrod to take a look at you. We need to find out if you are pregnant or not." She shivers. "It's a sin," she says. "What?" "Havin' a baby out o' wedlock," Alys looks at me like I am going to judge her. "Alys, you were forced to have sex with 'verse only knows how many men. It is a damn wonder that you are only now getting pregnant." I rant a little until I notice she has that fearful...
As I lay, spread eagle under Nimrod, I look up into his eyes and see his love and concern for me. I can't help but think, this man deserves to know. He has opened his home and his heart to me. He has made a stand for me. The least I can do is tell him why. Why I am like this. "Alright," I say quietly. "I will tell you." "Thank you," he says just as quietly. How to start, I think to myself. Why not just start at the beginning. The time before my world went mad. So I say. "I was just...
I talk, I don't know how long Nimrod keeps me in bed, all I know is, when he lets me up, I feel like a wet rag. Every horror. Every torturous minute of my training. My lost love, everything. In opening up like that, I realize I have not had anyone to talk to in a long time. It feels good to open up. It feels even better that it is Nimrod I tell. It is full dark when Nimrod finally gives me my cuddles. I fall right to sleep with Nimrod right beside me. I sleep peacefully all night long. We...
Nimrod is at the table grinding herbs when I come in. I smile at his strong hands using the mortar and pestle. "You were gone a long time, did things go well with Diva?" he asks. I slide into a chair next to him and steeple my hands in front of me. "She scared the crap out of me." I answer in all honesty. "So I went looking for a fight." "Did you find it?" He smiles down into his work. "No." He takes a deep breath and puts the dowel down. "Come here," he opens his arm and I...
"This exercise is called trust." I have my charges lined up on the practice field. Alys, Nev, Brin, even Godiva has decided to join in. I want to help them regain some of the trust in themselves and in their fellow man. I remember this game from one of the thousand classes I took when I as trying to find my place as a teenager. I was pretty sure it was a stupid game at the time. As it will serve a purpose today, so I no longer think it so. "That's a stupid name," Brin whines agreeing...