Futa Fairies' Naughty GameChapter 2: Ms. Marcie’s & Kimmie’s Naughty Lesson free porn video

Mrs. Fatima Samara
I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended.
A new one begin.
My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day.
Now a warmth billowed through me, seizing me from beyond our world. It cradled my soul in gentle hands, drawing me away from my harem. I wished to love all these beauties: Ranya, Sa’dia, Ayesha, and the twins. I didn’t want to lose them. I didn’t want to lose my futa-cock.
The warmth about my soul smothered me. Darkness descended, swallowing my vision. A dream as sweet as death engulfed me. I drifted for an eternity that lasted a heartbeat in a void of nothing. And then my eyes opened, and I gazed upon Summer.
I shuddered, feeling the sun’s warmth on my naked flesh, the birds chirping in the air, singing out their rapture at another beautiful day. A breeze blew, the grass and flowers around us rippling in an ever-changing pattern, charting the path of the wind as it gusted around us. My dark hair swayed about my dusky shoulders.
. I only recognized one: Dr. Rita. The Black woman stood tall, resolute. On the other side of her were two teenagers, both sixteen or so. The one with red hair and blue eyes trembled, clutching herself. “Keily,” she groaned.
The other, a brunette with round breasts, looked excited, her hands on her hips, standing in a pose that reminded me of a cheerleader. If she had a pleated skirt and pompoms, she would be strutting herself on the sports field.
Her futa-dick thrust hard from her shaved pussy, a triangle of soft, brown fur pointing at her turgid shaft. “We are going to kick Winter’s ass!” she shouted, thrusting her arm up into the air, her youthful tits bouncing. “Oh, yes, we are!”
“Are we?” a soft voice asked beside me.
I glanced at another teenager, also around sixteen. She was redhead with round breasts and wide, green eyes. She trembled. I put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. She reminded me so much of one of my own daughters.
“It will be, sweetie. What’s your name?”
“Cassie,” she said, her arm slipping around my shoulder, her half-hard cock rubbing against my thighs. Her skin was so ivory pale, contrasting with my duskier, darker flesh. “I ... I like older women. They make me feel safe.”
“You’ll be safe,” I told her. “We’ll defeat Winter.”
“I truly hope so,” the melodic voice of Leanan Sidhe said.
The futa-fairy descended out of the blue skies, flying on gossamer wings that shimmered like an oily rainbow behind her. She had a petite body, barely budding into womanhood that belied the ancient depths of her silver eyes. Her green hair spilled about her slender shoulders, her breasts little mounds, her cock as big as ours, hard and erect.
“I am truly sorry to have to ask this of you,” Leanan Sidhe said as she settled down before the five of us. “You are all such wonderful futas. So loving and generous. You do not deserve to be embroiled into this most unfair contest between Summer and the foul and loathsome forces of Winter.”
“Loathsome?” objected the other redhead.
“Yes, my dear Miss Deidre,” Leanan Sidhe said. “My counterpart, Bean Sidhe, has recklessly endangered your world. She has caused a balance between the seasons. Parity can never exist between Summer and Winter. We are ever ebbing and flowing. I thought to make something beautiful in Parkland, but she has ruined it with her interference.”
“And we’ll lose our futa-cocks if we don’t win?” demanded the cheerleader.
“As I stated in my letter,” the futa-fairy said, giving a sad nod. “It was never my intention to deprive you of your gift, my dear Miss Kimberly, but the alternatives were not ... appetizing. So I implore you all to give it your best. Bean Sidhe believes she has recruited stronger candidates. But I know you all have such wonderful and loving hearts. You will not go meekly into the fate she plots for you.”
“Hell no,” Kimberly said.
“That’s right,” Dr. Rita said.
“See, Cassie,” I told the trembling girl, her futa-dick throbbing harder against me, pulsing with the fast beat of her heart. “We’re going to win.”
“Yes, you shall,” nodded Leanan Sidhe, her silver eyes sad. “You must. Because if you do not, nothing will ever change in Parkland. Winter will keep it the same. No improvements. No transformations. Only frigid stasis. It will plod on utterly the same while the world around it advances towards something greater.”
“That sounds so boring,” Kimberly said, arms folded beneath her round breasts.
“But ... Isn’t there a way some of them can keep their cocks?” asked Deidre.
“It’ll suck if Ms. Marcie looses hers,” Kimberly shrugged. “But oh well. I’m not losing mine. Right, Cassie. We’re having too much fun cheering with them.”
“That’s right, Kimmie,” Cassie said, perking up. “We’re the Pussycats. We don’t lose.” “Wonderful,” breathed Leanan Sidhe. “Your enthusiasm fills my heart with such effervescent joy. I am more than confident that you all shall rise to this occasion and vanquish the other futas.”
Deidre looked down at her own futa-dick, tears falling down her cheeks.
“How do we win?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Dr. Rita nodded. “Are we going to have to ... fight?”
“Why, by using those wonderful cocks I so graciously gifted you,” the futa-fairy answered. “Your cum, fired into one of their holes, shall banish them from the contest field. Which ever court loses all their champions shall forfeit Parkland. And I just know that it shall be Winter who fails to grasp sweet victory’s laurels. We shall triumph.”
“Woot!” Kimmie shouted, doing a high-kick that sent her cock bouncing and flashed her pussy, juices dripping down her thighs. “I am ready to fuck some Winter futas! It’s like a sexy version of the Hunger Games.”
“You said in Faerie?” I asked. “Do we walk from here?”
“I am afraid I must split you up.” She pointed at the sun. “The life-giving disk always hangs in the eastern sky in Summer. It hovers over the Equinox, the Lands of Transition, where Spring and Autumn melt together and separate the two halves of Faerie. Through that valley flows the River of Year’s Divide. In that melting of seasons, shall you contest. I warn you, do not enter the lands of Winter. For the fey there shall be most tricksome.”
“And the fey here?” asked Dr. Rita.
“May assist you if you please them.” Leanan Sidhe licked her lips. “Be warned, in the Lands of Transition, there are wilder fey beholden to neither court. They may hinder or help you. Be cautious. Be alert. And go with all the love of Summer behind you.
“For you are our Champions against Winter’s foul stasis.”
Heat burst from Leanan Sidhe. For the second time, Summer cradled my soul. Cassie clung to me for a heartbeat, and then she vanished from me. Darkness descended, and I dreamed myself to another location in Faerie.
Ms. Marcie Baumgartner
“We shall kick Summer’s ass and stop those skanks from ruining everything beautiful with change!” B shouted, the busty futa-fairy jumping into the air.
“Yes!” my girlfriend, Officer Cindy, growled. She squeezed my hand tight.
“Change ruins beauty,” B spat. “It spoils youth. So I chose you all to defeat it!”
“Even me?” my student, Keily, asked, the slender fifteen-year-old hugging herself, her futa-cock soft.
“Especially you,” grinned B.
“But I don’t want to fight my sister!” She gave the futa-fairy a hard look, her glasses reflecting the moonlight over the wintry landscape.
“Then leave her to me,” my girlfriend said, a vicious grin on her face.
I nodded at my girlfriend, knowing we were going to win. She was a cop. She’d kick so much ass and fuck all those summer futas into oblivion.
“Then go!” B shouted and winter exploded from her.
Cold swirled around us. White cocooned me. I gripped Cindy’s hand hard, tight, not wanting to be parted from her. We’d grown so close since that day she marched into my classroom, handcuffed me for taking her daughter’s virginity, and spanked me hard. I loved her domination. I loved her cock.
I loved her.
And then her hand vanished out of my grip. The dream came upon me. Darkness gripped me. And then I gasped, stumbling. Snow crunched beneath my feet. I blinked, standing on a tundra that stretched beneath the starry sky. It was so quiet, tranquil. The snow had a stillness about it, glowing with a silvery radiance.
I sucked in a breath, trying to get my bearings.
I spotted the moon to the west. My guide to the Lands of Transition. I clenched my fist. I would have to tackle my own students: Cassie, Deidre, and Kimmie were all futas. I hated taking their girl-cocks from them, but I wouldn’t deprive my students the delight of my own clit-dick.
I marched naked through the snow, feeling so alive, my futa-cock bouncing before me.
Cassandra “Cassie” Riley
I opened my eyes to the sun kissing my lips. It danced across my naked body, dappling me in light spots as it shone through the canopy of the graceful oak trees rising about me. I stood on soft loam. I breathed in the freshness.
For a moment, I felt so content beneath the trees. Birds sang in above me, greeting me with the beauty of their song. A soft breeze blew, the boughs creaking above me, adding their own harmony to the music of the songbirds.
I smiled.
And then I remembered my purpose.
I let out a sigh. I didn’t want to lose my futa-cock. I wanted to keep it, to love Alessa and her daughter Lana. They were back at home, in our bed, probably panicked by witnessing me vanish into Faerie. I closed my eyes, remembering cuddling with them as we watched on TV, waiting for the New Years to come to Washington State.
I had to get back to them with my futa-dick. Though I wanted to stay in the woods, I couldn’t be scared. I had to fight. I drew in a deep breath and marched through the forest. The birds sang louder, encouraging me.
I could do this.
Though I was barefoot, the ground was comfortable. I didn’t grow weary as I marched across uneven ground, my clit-dick bouncing before me. There was something exhilarating about walking naked through the woods, my pussy juicy. With every step, my confidence grew.
Soon, I left the woods behind and stepped out onto a picturesque plain. The wind rippled across the bright-green grass dotted with a riot of colorful flowers, bringing with it the scent of delightful blossoms. I paused, breathing in the delight, my hand stroking my futa-cock.
Just a moment of peace, breathing in scents more vivid than anything in the real world. These flowers had a perfume beyond my understanding. Every inhalation held new scents, new delights. Aromas not found in the human world bathed my nose.
I could stay her for eternity. But Alessa and Lana waited.
I marched out across the fields, pleasure buzzing through my body. The flowers grew tall, their petals brushing my pussy lips and caressing the tip of my dick. Juices leaked down my thighs, adding my own perfume to the air.
I walked for hours and hours, or maybe just minutes. Everything felt so strange here. Malleable in a way I didn’t quite understand. Like the world was made of hot plastic, able to be stretched and compressed, twisted and shaped, bringing me closer to distant locations, my path meandering in ways beyond geometries my mind could comprehend. I lived in a moment. Like even now it was still midnight in the real world. That no time had actually passed for anyone.
Just as my mind began to grapple with these alien ideas, I heard a sound.
I wasn’t alone.
My heart beat faster. I crouched down in the flowers, peering around. Had one of Winter’s futas found me? Was it Ms. Marcie or Officer Cindy? Or could it be another of them? Like that reporter, Becca Brittany? She had to be one of Winter’s.
The footsteps came closer.
Kimberly “Kimmie” Miller
I set off at a fast march the moment I appeared in the meadows. The grass has a purplish sheen about it. A scent drowsed my thoughts as I marched. It pulled at me as I kept walking east, eager to find one of those winter futas and kick their asses.
Every breath made me drowsy. Made me want to fall down on the soft grass, make a bed of the heather, and just dream for eternity. But that wouldn’t help. I’d be a sitting duck. Ms. Marcie could find me and ram her dick right up my asshole.
She liked fucking my asshole.
And I liked it when she fucked my asshole.
But not here. I wouldn’t lose. I wouldn’t go out like a bitch. I would make it to the end. I would see that every one of Winter’s futas were vanquished. My throbbing cock would make them all squeal in passion before my cum fired into their snatches.
So I kept marching. I ignored the desire for sleep, and pressed on for the Lands of Transition.
Mrs. Fatima Samara
I crouched down in the flowers, the petals brushing my pussy lips through my thick bush, my cock sliding across their stems and leaves. My breasts swayed as I peered through the flowers at the source of the sound and...
A form trembled in the grass, red hair falling down slender shoulders. “Cassie?”
The girl bolted upright, her teenage tits heaving, her futa-cock bouncing before her. She spotted me and let out the hugest sigh of relief. “It’s you!”
“Call me Mrs. Fatima,” I smiled as she darted towards me with all the athleticism of youth. Well, she was a cheerleader. A futa-cheerleader. It must be quite the treat to watch her and Kimmie perform.
The girl reached me, throwing her arms around my neck in an eager hug. Her breasts pressed into my tits. And something even more delicious happened. Her clit-dick kissed mine. Our two hard shafts rubbed together, trapped between our stomachs. A naughty shiver shuddered through me. My pussy clenched as my futa-dick throbbed.
That felt nice.
She stared up at me, her green eyes trembling. I felt her heart racing beneath her breast, her nipples kissing mine. She licked her lips, her eyes growing glossy. I knew those signs. I saw them in my daughters’ eyes.
“No, we shouldn’t do—”
Cassie kissed me. Hard.
I groaned, shuddering as she kissed me. Her tongue probed my mouth. She tasted so wonderfully sweet. My dick ached so badly, the tip throbbing as it rubbed against hers. Precum flowed, smearing the sticky juices on both our fleshes. My hands seized her rump, squeezing it as I kissed her back, devouring her lips.
I should put a stop to this. We were on a mission. One of Winter’s futas could come along. But it felt so nice kissing this girl. So wonderful. Something familiar. Something I could understand that wasn’t this alien world with strange, rapturous scents and land that twisted in strange ways.
Cassie broke the kiss. She buried her face between my breasts, nuzzling at them. “I know, I know, Mrs. Fatima,” she moaned between sucks. “We shouldn’t do this. But I’m just so horny. And you’re just such a mother. A MILF. I love MILFs!”
Her hands squeezed my dusky cheeks, her red hair caressing my hard nipples. She rubbed the inner slopes of my tits against her face, reveling in my cleavage. Her thumbs swept out, rubbing across my hard nubs.
Pleasure shot down to my futa-dick. It throbbed, caressing her futa-dick. They slid around each other as she wiggled her hips and loved my tits. Her lips kissed up my right breast, so wet and hot. Then she engulfed my nipple.
“Oh, yes, you’re such a sweet flower,” I groaned, stroking her fiery hair. Such an exciting color. “Yes, yes, I’ll take care of you, Cassie. Together, we’re stronger.”
“United,” she moaned about my nipple.
“Yes!” I groaned as she sucked so hard.
The pair of us drifted to the ground, our knees bending. She kept sucking on my nipple as we knelt amid the wildflowers. Then she pushed me onto my back. I didn’t fight her, stretching out on the soft bed as she swirled her tongue about my nipple.
My hand stroked her body as she loved my nub. I caressed her round breasts and flat stomach. I found her futa-dick. She was as big as mine, so thick in my hand. My pussy clenched, remembering the two times I’d been with a futa. Once with Dr. Rita when she cured me with her magical cum, and the other time with Leanan Sidhe herself.
How I missed playing with a big-girl dick.
“Ooh, yes, you’re such a sweet flower,” I panted, stroking her futa-dick. I pumped my fist up and down her cock, loving how she throbbed in my grip. She whimpered, her precum flooding out of her cock, lubing the way for my stroking hand.
“Mmm, that’s nice,” she purred as she switched from my right to my left nipple. “Oh, Mrs. Fatima, yes.”
She engulfed my nub, nipping me.
I groaned, squeezing her dick harder.
I stroked up and down her, my own futa-dick throbbing on my belly. I jerked her off, just rubbing the crown of her cock against my pussy. She couldn’t slide into me, her tip just reaching my snatch. But it felt so nice.
My cock twitched as I rubbed her dick up and down my snatch. I moaned, such teasing delight surging through me. She sucked harder on my nipple, worshiping it with her mouth, her green eyes smoldering as they stared up at me.
She moaned about my nub, her body trembling. I stroked her futa-dick faster and faster. Her hips humped, sliding just the tip of her girl-dick into my pussy. My labia engulfed her in my silky heat. It felt nice.
“Mrs. Fatima!” she howled, head snapping up from my nipple.
Her cum fired into my pussy.
I shuddered. Even though she only had the tip of her girl-dick in me, I felt her jizz jet deep into my snatch. I whimpered, trembling beneath her. Her hips thrust froward, burying her shaft the rest of the way in me, the cum splashing against my cervix now.
The girl trembled in ecstasy. Her red hair swayed about her face. My own futa-dick throbbed, my pussy drinking in the heat of her girl-cum spurting into me over and over. I stroked her body, grinning up at her as her green eyes twinkled in delight.
“Oh, Mrs. Fatima,” she whimpered. “Oh, I needed that. Walking through the flowers teased my cock. Made my pussy so wet.”
“I bet it did,” I purred, my pussy squeezing down on her dick, the last blast firing into my depths. “I bet you’re just so juicy and wet, just aching to be filled by my big Mommy-cock.”
Her eyes widened. “I would love to be filled by your Mommy-cock,” she purred. “I love feeling my lover’s cunt so much around my dick. My Alessa is amazing. Just the best Mommy. I miss her so much. I don’t want to lose my futa-dick.”
“And you won’t.” My hands reached Cassie’s round breasts. I squeezed and kneaded them, loving their pliant feel in my dusky fingers. They were so pale, almost with a lustrous shine beneath Summer’s warm sun. “We’re going to win.”

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