AssassinChapter 28 free porn video

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I stripped down to my boxers and left a set of clothes folded on one side of the window with Hailey's on the other. My door was snibbed.

"Will we have to run?"

"Not far if we do and that depends if your parents decide they want to bring you back now you've shown how 'ungrateful' you are."

We climbed into bed -- a novel experience for Hailey. We'd "slept" beside and even upon a bed together but never gotten between the sheets with the intention of actually sleeping. We whispered a little, speculating on the "discussions" taking place in Anna's room.

"Will you really come back?"

"For as long as I'm wanted!"

Hailey showed me I was.

Laying against me with her head on my chest, she was ideally situated to make her tongue flicker across my nipple; she was ideally situated to feel the effect it had upon me and to take hold of that effect.

As I grew harder and my breathing turned to gasps she slid down and pulled the waistband over my prick so her lips could surround me. Ragged breathing became staccato-like punctuated expressions of pleasure. Then suddenly nothing.

Hailey stopped and worked her way back up along my body.


I reached into my drawer, felt inside a pair of socks, and returned with a packet. Hailey took it from me, tore it open with her teeth and rolled it down over me. I wondered how her teachers at the convent-run school would view what she had learned since she'd met me; surprised at least -- I know I was, in a very pleased way.

Hailey simply tucked my boxers under my balls and moved hers to one side. Without further ado we were joined and Hailey ground herself onto me as she knelt astride my hips.

"Tell me. Again!"

"I love you Hailey."


"Why do I love you?"


"Because you were friendly from the first time you saw me; cheeky, happy. Because you talk sensibly; we talk with each other not at each other. Because you could react calmly when Rosalee crashed our date, but you didn't lay down for her."

"That came later."

"Did I mention your sense of humour? You are loving; and adventurous in your love making; caring then and later. You make my heart race faster when I see you, when I hold you."

"They are symptoms not the cause!"

"Because you are argumentative when you're right? Oh, and did I mention you are gorgeous and sexy as hell?"

"That's it?"

"Well I did miss the fact you love me. That actually counts pretty highly too."

"And the sex?"

"That's a result -- not a cause, but I love how this feels."

Hailey had her hands on my chest and was gyrating her hips while squeezing me somehow. She felt me come but paused only long enough to lean forward to kiss me before continuing just as before.

I stayed hard and Hailey soon found just the right spot to take her to her reward. I was worried Brent might start banging the wall; from where I was the mattress seemed awfully noisy. It must have been just my imagination though as Hailey came, and collapsed onto me, without interruption.

We lay together for a little while and then she carefully climbed off of me. I tidied up and, with a few tender kisses, we settled down to really sleep.

I woke to answer my phone. "Three p's have phoned. I took the calls so you weren't bothered. Check out will be six P. We'll call by before. Okay?"

"6P. Thanks, for everything."

"What's up?"

I looked at the clock. Ma and Doug would be getting up in about 45 minutes. Hubby must have thought I might appreciate a little time before then. I did.

"Want a shower?"

"With you?"

"If you like."

"I like."

We grabbed our clothes and quietly stepped between my bedroom and the bathroom. The house was still around us.

Hailey looked at me and then the toilet.

"Oh sorry. I'll be back in a minute."

"Don't worry. What's to see anyway?"

She dropped her underwear and sat down. I moved to the shower stall and turned on the water.

Only to warm it up of course. It wouldn't be to mask my embarrassment! There was a flushing sound and Hailey laughed quietly.

"You're funny you know."

"I guess I'm not used to it."

I got a hug and, deciding that I wouldn't be able to stand the sound of running water, gritted my teeth and lifted the seat.

Hailey watched my face rather than looking down; daring me to quit. I just blushed instead.

"You're sweet as well. I like to see you're human; you seem so self-assured most of the time."

I took her in my arms and walked her backwards into the shower.

"Ooo! And Horny!"

"When you look and feel like this I wouldn't be human if I wasn't horny."

"If I live here do you think Anna and Rosalee and I will be able to share showers?"

"Do you think anyone would really be able to stop you?"

"No, but it would be nice not to have to worry about being told off."

"Oh I think that only happens when you tell Ma and Doug you've been harbouring a teen fugitive in their house without their knowledge or approval."

"They aren't likely to be cross are they?"

"We'll find out soon."

I washed Hailey's hair and she washed mine and I found us two more towels so she could wrap her head while we dried each other.

If having a shower with a beautiful young lady was a good way to start the day, being blown as she kneels in front of you is even better. It was only a quick tease but it felt even better than it had during the night. We dressed again and I got to practise doing a bra up before we slipped out and downstairs.

I put the coffee on and made us toast. By the time Ma showed up our dishes were in the sink and we were sitting at the table chatting.

"Morning Ma."

"Good morning Mrs Jamieson."

"Good morning. I assume there is going to be an explanation?"

"Yes, but it might be best to wait for Doug."

"Then I might as well get his breakfast as well as mine so we can hear it all the sooner."

Doug walked in ten minutes later after she'd stuck her head through their bedroom door and hurried him up without explanation.

"Oh! Good morning."

"Sit down and have your breakfast dear, Roger and Hailey will talk as we eat."

There would be no morning paper with breakfast for Doug but the news I imparted would have made it pale anyway.

I had the most trouble convincing Ma and Doug that I wasn't lying when I said the paperwork to put both Rosalee temporarily in their care would be finalised this afternoon, and legal guardianship would soon follow.

I couldn't say that people had already been to both girls' houses and had spent a couple of hours "investigating" each family. By lunchtime they would be willing to sign responsibility for their purportedly delinquent daughters over to the state and it would be a matter of minutes for a tame judge to rubberstamp their transfer into the Jamieson's care.

At the same time an application would be lodged on the Jamieson's behalf for guardianship of the girls. In a couple of months (further haste would raise too many eyebrows) the girls would become their wards rather than their foster-daughters. I pointed out that this was subject to their okay and they weren't to feel railroaded into accepting the situation.

I asked Hailey if she would check on the others and while she was gone I gave Doug a phone number to call. In addition to confirming my story they broke the news that I would be leaving later that day. I asked him and Ma not to pass that information on to the girls yet.

He was still not entirely convinced that this was not an elaborate joke or a plan on my part (in collusion with the three girls) to get him to provide a refuge for Hailey. His doubt would even continue after the court documents were in his hands but you know what they say, "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you." I had much more to do with balls rolling in the directions that they had once my own balls had complicated our lives.

I think he might have finally believed me when I asked if he could be home early tonight as there would be three females who might appreciate his support. I knew Anna would.

"If Rosalee is here for a while, Hailey can stay as well until we work things out."

"Thanks, I'll make sure you get plenty to cover their needs."

"Money? I know you've got a trust fund but that's for you to get by on."

"I'd ask you not to tell the girls the amount but I can lay my hands on over a million now and in a few years I will have five or six more. I haven't had anyone care for me like Anna, Rosalee and Hailey. When we've all had a chance to mature a bit more I hope we can find a way to stay happy together; certainly money won't be a problem."

"You really are going?"

"For now Ma but I will be dropping in from time to time."

Doug was puzzled.

"I don't understand that. I thought the witness program gave you a new identity and that was that."

"The movies aren't quite like the real thing. There are thousands of itinerants or people moving from one place to another in any big city just hoping for a better life. It is much easier to bring someone in for six months to a year or so and then move them on before they let something serious slip. Things worked out a little differently here. I fell in love and wanted to stay. Someone else died and I get moved out early. If people sniff after me I'll be gone. Give me a month or two and I can visit though I can't 'come back'. Give me five years and I should have left all this behind me and can come out of the woodwork. I hope I'll be welcome."

"If this is on the level then I think so -- despite the furore over the past few days. We like you Roger. Have from day one and it was only Anna's youth and your own that worried us. Thought I guess there's plenty to worry about still."

"You won't have to have mother-daughter arguments in triplicate!"

"Now Ma, you used to wish you could have had another daughter."

"A baby girl is one thing, Doug. You get 12 or so years before puberty turns her into the enemy."

"You never had much problems with Anna. She did come to you when she was thinking of..."

"After she started having... -- apparently!"

They both turned to glare at me.

"I can apologise for upsetting your household but not for loving your daughter."

There was a laugh behind us. "Told you he was sweet."

Three girls entered the kitchen and gave me a hug one after the other. Anna gave me a kiss then rewarded her parents with one as well.

"Why aren't you in your school clothes?" asked Ma.

"Since Roger is going to be leaving,..."

Anna wasn't crying but I thought she and Rosalee had done more than make love after we left.

" ... and since Hailey probably can't go to school today and since Rosalee is not much better off, we were hoping you might let us stay home today. Please?"

Doug waved his hand as if to say, "What did it really matter any more."

"It's only..."

He stopped. If I was going this evening the four of us did only have hours left. He'd promised not to tell the girls while wondering if he was being played for a fool. He decided to trust us -- one more time -- even though on our past record we gave him little reason to.

"If Ma has no objections then I guess you can be sick today."

"I guess not," she agreed. "I've got to be out and Brent will be up and gone soon but I trust you to keep the house tidy. If you keep quiet so no-one knows you're here you could just ignore the Police."

"They've been taken care of," I assured Ma. There would be no Police looking for Hailey because none knew she was missing. As far as her parents knew she was already in detention and facing charges. I thought Solicitation was too much but the psych people supposedly knew which buttons to push and by the time her parents found out they were mistaken the steps to remove Hailey from their responsibility would be completed.


"The people who are organising the paperwork for Rosy and Hailey took care of it. She's no longer a runaway."

Ma noticed Doug look at the kitchen clock after shaking his head in disbelief.

"Just go Dear. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Okay Ma. You kids play safe, hear!? And I don't just mean as far as what you get up to yourselves. If either of your parents come looking for you, call for help before it is needed!"

"They'll be safe," I assured him. By the time either set of parents got out of their homes, or the law offices or wherever they were, they would be thinking of everything but seeking out their offspring.

Ma believed me more than Doug did. "They will be okay. Go!"

Doug went and I helped make breakfast for Anna and Rosalee. An offering that wouldn't go anywhere near placating them for my immanent departure.

Brent came down as they were finishing and was surprised his mother was so okay with Hailey sitting on my lap. He bit his tongue about her heading for my room during the night; I might not have been there after all though he saw no signs I'd bunked down on the Family Room floor.

He snorted his coffee though when Anna's paused "W-e-l-l,..." in answer to Ma's "What are you going to do today then?" brought the response, "Don't spend it all in bed. There is more to life than sex!"

There was muted laughter and we passed a tea towel. Rosalee only made it worse for him though by belatedly adding her two cents worth.

"It's better than 'Days of Our Drearies' though."

Ma smiled, "I have to agree with you there dear."

Brent looked at us. "Okay, what have you done with my mother?"

"Nothing much dear. Convinced me that young love is as valid as old love I suppose, or rather reminded me, and even if young candles burn hot and fast they can shine brightly and some last far longer than you expect."

"Now she's clapping with one hand while trees are falling on top of mimes in empty forests. Did someone find some magic mushrooms?"

Brent sniffed the remains of his coffee.

"Leave her alone," Anna defended her mother. "It's beautiful; we're like a birthday cake."

"Please! Something that lasts a little longer -- the giant candles in the cathedral -- they're about a metre long and as thick as my arm.

"Sorry Love, I stand corrected."

Brent looked from his sister to the girl on my lap and back to his mother. All three were teasing him and it was only a lack of opportunity that kept Rosalee and myself from joining them.

"Rosalee and Hailey will be staying with us for a while -- possibly for a long while."


"Rosalee has her gear in the guest room so I guess she's there. Hailey may as well be in Roger's room."

"Good. That bed is comfortable; much nicer than my old one."

"I was going to say that too Ma. I think my mattress needs replacing; it isn't anywhere near as comfortable as Roger's."

Brent recalled the fuss before breakfast the previous morning. He hadn't been awake enough to register more than the noise; now Anna's comments made him think more clearly.

"You were in Roger's room yesterday morning!" he pointed at Anna. "And you!" (Hailey) "You were there last night."

When he turned to Rosalee she piped up, "Don't look at me. I'm always the last to sleep with him."

Brent simply lifted his arm and pinched his flesh then stood and looked at the calendar. "Not April First!"


"Yes Ma?"

"This is a family matter. I'd like you to respect your sister's privacy and not gossip please."


Anna took the plates she and Rosalee had used to the sink, returned and bent to give Rosalee a clearly loving kiss. While her brother remained gob-smacked Hailey got one and then me.

"Privacy! Right." Brent shook his head much as Doug had done. "No-one would believe me anyway," he muttered.

"Thanks Brent," Anna gave him a hug.

"Well if you're going to be here all day can I get you to vacuum the Lounge and Family Room please Anna and perhaps you can organise Rosalee's clothes. There seemed to be some that might be small and we need to know if you need anything else. What have you got with you Hailey?"

"Not much Ma. A small pack and my school bag."

"Is there anything special you need?" I asked.

"Not really, I just haven't got much to change into."

"Well if you have to wear your birthday suit at least it won't be a novel experience."

Brett looked at his mother again. "No, tell me, really, what are you smoking? I'm off, or someone is. Catch you all later."

He headed off upstairs and I had Hailey stand.

"Vacuum cleaner!"

I took it from its cupboard in the Laundry and the four women in the Kitchen applauded their emancipation from the housework. I headed into the Lounge first. I wanted a word alone with Brent before he left.

When he came down the stairs again I hailed him and he joined me while the vacuum cleaner's noise masked our voices.

"Brent I'd like to say it has been nice staying here with you. I'm going later today so I might not get a chance to say goodbye. I'm sure the others will explain. I'd ask you not to say anything to the girls before I go and to look out for their reputations while I'm gone. I'd much appreciate it; this city is a mixture of the broad-minded and those much more focussed on their own sense of importance and Hailey and Rosalee have already been hurt."

"Okay but you have to tell me, truthfully. Have you really been sleeping with all three girls?"

"Not so much sleeping but, yes, when they are not busy with each other."

"How did you manage it? You've been here hardly any time at all!"

"Charm. Simply charm, plus this magic quarter which I can sell to you for only twenty dollars."

I swear Brent actually thought about reaching for his wallet.

"Where are you going? And why?"

"I'm not sure. Wherever the Feds decide; the others will explain. But I hope to be back from time to time."

"Well if you can convince Ma things are sweet, you're welcome. I'm not sure Dad will like it after yesterday morning but he generally listens to Ma. Maybe I should see about getting a girl to sleep over."

"If you do, I'd suggest looking outside the house. I've got an interest in the girls here."

"I don't think Anna would share anyway; she never let me borrow her toys before."

"I think she might hang onto these two even more than her Barbies."

"I have to say, seeing everything in the Kitchen, you have to be crazy to leave."

"I know. Short-term pain for long-term gain -- I hope. Only time will tell."

"Well I've got to go so see you when I see you."

"Bye Brent."

Ma was obviously enjoying herself. Instead of a teenager whose budding sexuality was a worry, even a threat, she now had a companionable daughter who didn't have to worry any more that her parents might discover she was sexually active.

They, and the two new "daughters", would be able to comment knowledgably on matters they had previously had to pretend ignorance about. Ma wouldn't want to hear about Anna's actual sex life but seeing her leave my room, or rather either of the girls' rooms now, wouldn't precipitate another crisis.

When I walked through to put the vacuum away Ma sent the three of them up to make the beds. "I want to speak to Roger."

There was a coffee waiting for me thirty seconds after I sat where directed.

"They are going to be upset. They are now but are holding it in. Are you really coming back or is this moving on time? I'd just like to know so I can deal with whatever comes up when it matters."

"Ma, if I don't come back it's because I can't for some very, very good reason. I'll see you have a number before I go and an email address. They may be post boxes just taking messages and passing them on but I will get them and I will reply when I can. It might be eight weeks before I can visit; I'll keep in touch as best as I can."

"You seem very self-assured for even a 19 year old."

"I had to grow up fast. My mother died in hospital after being beaten and I saw my father being killed. Those involved were never convicted for that though most have been arrested for one thing or another. I wasn't really close to either of them, you and Doug have been better parents in the short time I was here which is why I felt you would look after Hailey as well as Rosalee."

"Just see you do come back. For me this time!"

"Thanks Ma."

"How will you go?"

"Police car, I think. I'll be arrested for something I'm supposed to have done. They'll take me off and you get the evidence to show I'm gone then in a little while my name is cleared and I'm free to come back."

"As our foster son?"

"I think that chapter closes tonight. Would potential son-in-law do?"

"Potential as in sooner, or later?"

"As in never know what might happen someday. I don't think I can marry one and not the rest, though there might be some fundamentalists in Utah willing to tie us three knots even if no-one else recognises it as binding. Of course that might be three knots for each of us and I'm not so sure they go for that."

"Maybe one day a simple ceremony with the four of you standing by the flowing lava on Hawaii. Your own vows and no-one but each other to witness it."

"You wouldn't want to be there?"

"If I survive three teenage girls for the next couple of years, of course I do. By then it would be three daughters and a son all getting married."

"Sounds incestuous."

"Sounds impractical."

Well marriage -- legal, personal, formal, informal, singular, plural or somehow otherwise -- was a matter for after I retired. Too much could change to consider it seriously, though daydreaming about such things wasn't the strict prerogative of teenage girls -- or their mothers.

"Go and find them Roger. Say goodbye properly. Let them know your feelings so that if you don't come back they at least know. If you have to break their hearts do it gently but quickly, don't drag it out."

"Ma, I will be back." I kissed her cheek.

"Go!" She sent me upstairs.

I went but I heard the first heart breaking behind me and going back would only drag it out.

Upstairs there was a mixture of activity and depression.

"Hey! I forbid anyone from getting the blues today. The sooner I go the sooner I can come back."

"But if you stay you're back even faster." Rosalee's logic was impeccable but irrelevant.

"Do you really want to waste the day when you could have been at school?"

"Hell no!" Rosalee rallied the troops, "let's do some quiet study!"

The pillows were swung barely softly enough to avoid major injury.

"Okay, one of you make a suggestion then!"

"I'd like to spend the day like the last two Saturdays -- lazing, loving, naked together. Ma's going soon and she said she'll be back to put dinner on so we have a few hours to ourselves. I like the idea of having the whole house to roam in; it's bigger than the motel room."

I liked the images Anna described. I hadn't set my heart on the Pringle's rural property though I did like the setting. Perhaps something closer would be better. Not enough grounds for horses maybe but adequate seclusion from the neighbours so we had an inside and out. I would be spending my free time on local real estate sites while I was gone!

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Ei golpo ta 4 jon k niye. Tader nam o cheharar bornona dewa holo. Rajib bose (family head)- height 5’9”,age -52 Bornali bole(rajib’s wife)- height 5’6, age – 39 , fig=36-31-38 Rahul bose ( rajib& bornali ‘s son) – height -5’10” Manami bose -( rahul’s wife) – height -5’5”, fig= 34-30-36 Ebr golpe asa jak. Rajib babu o tar stri bornali devi biyebari jaben bole ready ho66en. Tader gari baire opekkha krche. Tader chele rahul sbe office theke fireche. Rahul er bou manami tader dujone jnno kitchen...

4 years ago
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Taking A Shower With Grandma Part 1

"Instead of laying around on your ass getting drunk and sleeping all night, why not do something fucking helpful. Your Mom and I are going shopping, we're going to drop you off your Grandmothers home so you can help her." I stared at my Dad which made him even more mad, "Get your ass off the bed NOW, we leave in 15." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Help your Grandma with shopping, okay hun?" My Mom said as we were driving to...

2 years ago
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Ryan Silverstone

Chapter 1 Dressed in black with a white collar and white-on-black nametag identifying her as Lucy, the slightly tentative waitress with a soft smile said goodbye and to call again, her eyelids fluttering. At that Ryan knew he only had to ask and she’d date him. Oh brother, act your age, the newcomer to the city mused. He’d welcome her company but that would almost amount to cradle snatching. ‘I’ll call again,’ he said pulling out a friendly smile instead of a flirty one and pushed five bucks...

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An Experiment in Submission

Ahhh, Dragon*Con. Fantasy and science-fiction mecca for the freaks, geeks, nerds, and their groupies. Once a year, this ever-growing crowd of introverts and odd near-geniuses congregates in the hotel center of downtown Atlanta to pay cult-like homage to games, literature, art, music, and films of the weird and strange variety. Essentially, it's three days of LARP-ing. What a blast. I was standing by the pool at the center of it all, the Hyatt Regency hotel, a cigarette poised between my lips,...

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Jeff sighed disgustedly as his dad swung onto the dirt path that led to their family summer cabin. He saw his father glance over when he sighed and he really didn’t care if he heard him or not. He knew it wouldn’t do any good to, once again, voice his dislike at spending his eighteenth birthday the whole damn weekend of it, down here at the lake. He had argued strongly with his mother and father about this but it hadn’t worked. They had insisted that he do as they wanted and that he would...

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The Hunter Becomes The Prey

The HunterThe hunter was moving quietly through the woods, searching for signs of deer in the area. He needed this hunt to feed himself for the winter. As he moved, he became quite aware of the sound of something moving in the water. Thinking he might find his prey there drinking, he crept slowly towards the sound. He slowly slipped from tree to tree, moving ever so closer to the sound of splashing water.As he closed on the sound, he saw the forest opening into a sunlit area. He could tell...

2 years ago
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Death of a HeroChapter 8

The next morning, Steele and Mrs. Wallerman walked in on Tilda stacking the beddings on the living room floor. Wearing the same ridiculous outfit Jake had dressed her in, the stiff tutu-like skirt pointed at the ceiling and floor as she bent over. Her scarred, naked butt looked like the bullseye of a target. “Ahem,” Steele said. Tilda sprang up and spun around. “Oh! Morning.” “How was the couch?” Steele asked. “Sleep well?” “I did...” Tilda paused with a crooked smile, “once all that...

3 years ago
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My Perfect Slave

Part 1 The heavy wooden doors opened and Goddess Ashley greeted me and motioned for me to follow her. I followed her through the garden to a trap door on the far right side against the fence. The door led to a cellar a dark cellar. Along the walls were chains whips, crops, paddles canes and all sorts of other bdsm tools. But I was not paying attention to that, my eyes were moving down the line of slaves. All were male and nude except for their training collars and chastity belts. The collars...

1 year ago
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Deb my horny coworker

A friend of mine wrote a story on here about a sales conference he had gone to and his experience. He encouraged me to share it with all of you. I had not thought about Deb for a long time, but his story got me thinking about her. Sorry for the long story the end is worth itA fw years ago, I was involved with a direct marketing company, where we sold items at home demonstrations. The sales force was comprised of 98% women. I know, sounds sort of feminine. I can assure you, I am not feminine at...

2 years ago
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Jochen zahlt es allen heim

Hans erschien pünktlich zu seinem Termin mit Jochen. Jochen war ein erfolgreicher Ingenieur – zumindest glaubte Hans das – mit unerschöpflich viel Geld. Aber Hans ahnte schon, daß hinter Jochen ein dunkles Geheimnis stecken mußte. Er hatte die letzten Aufträge von Jochen korrekt ausgeführt und noch viel Spaß dabei. Jochen war ein korrekter Geschäftsmann und hatte ihm die versprochene Prämie anstandslos bezahlt. Jochen war ein gut aussehender Mann von 45 Jahren, aber er war auch skrupellos. Aber...

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Bad Dreams 1

Disclaimer: Any person who does not approve of erotic male to male sex or male to boy sex should leave this story now. Any names used have no bear5ing on any person living or dead and any resemblance is strictly coincidental. This story is fiction. Chapter 1. The year is 2026. My name is Brin Suddak. I am an employee of the United Nations war crimes investigation service. I have been working in Central Africa, investigating the slaughter of over 1500 young boys and girls by the ALNA, a new and...

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Cabin by the Lake

Note : This story is completely fictional!!!  Natalie entered the living room only to find her two children just lounging around. She immediately realized that they were extremely bored. Kimberley, her 18 year old daughter, was reading a book. However, Natalie realized that she had read it before and that she had been on the same page for five minutes. Mark, her 18 year old, was laying in the recliner staring into space. And this was only the second week of summer vacation. If this continued...

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Where To Begin My Story pt 1

Going through some DVDs I found some of my early film adventures. This one is from a time of great fun and growth in my appetite for being nasty. I got to enjoy a time with most responsibilities done and the assets available to be free to chase fantasy and fetish. So I begin where genie had already moved on in this journey. Renting a room above a sleazy bar with a well-deserved reputation as a gay/drag pickup bar was step one. Getting the room was a combination of kinky college and...

1 year ago
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Meet with Jan part 1

I'd asked Janice if I could arrive at hers dressed, because it takes me at least two hours to put my slap on! So I had to get dressed at a motel and drive over, under cover of darkness. She'd left her drive open, so I could park at the side of her house, and slip round the back of the large semi (hopefully!) unnoticed. As I tottered quietly to the rear of the property, I wandered into the open conservatory, knocking gently. 'Fucking hell!', I heard, as I peered into the kitchen. 'Fucking hell!'...

2 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 38

There's a tray in my room with soup and a bread roll on it.. I'm starving, so I eat it first, standing up of course to give my arse a break. Then I take of my stockings, aware of the little ladders in them.. and throw them in the bin, another little expense. I... I stroke my crotch once through Mistress Thorne's panties... she's let me wear her panties! I pull them off and looking around to check no one is there, even though I'm in my private room, bring them to my nose and sniff,...

3 years ago
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The CurseChapter 5

Karen drove home in the little Mazda. She turned the little car into the long driveway, past her parent's house, and down the back to the sleep-out that was her home. At this time of the year the gravel was heavy with dew and rutted. She liked to swerve a little down the last part and feel the back of the car begin to drift. With a shower of stones she brought the car to a halt outside her door. Junior had a smile on his face - like most guys, she thought, he liked his thrills. As usual,...

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Bettina and the Picture Book

These are excerpts from my novella, The Pohlheim Chronicles.E mail me at [email protected] for the complete story..1...... The Baron was turning the page of the big book and as he did so his hand delved further, pushing her silk panties down to her thighs, his fingers moving closer to her secret place. The feeling that was circulating around her lower torso suddenly flared and filled that private place of hers with heat. She closed her eyes again as the rest of the world seemed to fade...

2 years ago
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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 13 Disappointment

"This is where the temple used to be," Thesia pointed. "Now the rich families live there; they built their palaces on the ruins. Over there, that used to be the royal palace; now the Eldermen rule from it." Thesia pointed out important buildings to Macro, Alana, and Anais, as the caravelle entered the wide harbour of Helas, the rich capital of Hanilei. On Macro's orders the seven ships cast anchor in the outer harbour, more than twenty ship's lengths from the quays. A boat was then...

3 years ago
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The Burning Boat Ch 01

The following story contains adult material. If you are offended or are less than 18 please read something else. If you are entertained by this story please vote and send me some feedback. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. John puttered around the house, slowly without any real direction. The house sat on a hill over looking the Pacific Ocean, a wide expanse of lush green irrigated grass, surrounded by the brown of the sage brush and tumble weed that...

4 years ago
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The Company trip Chapter Two

The Company Trip Chapter Two You may want to read chapter one first. Any comments would be very welcome April woke about an hour later to find Shelby still sleeping cuddled against her. She felt the warmth of Shelby’s body and took a deep breath, thinking how she could just lay there all night holding this beautiful creature. “Shelby baby, time to wake up.” she whispered in her ear, and then kissed her neck gently. Shelby stirred and then slowly opened her eyes. Seeing April’s smiling...

2 years ago
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transforming into ashley crossdresser

durring the day,i'm working i'm dressed in my work clothes,but when I come home I take a hot bath washing all over my body,then shave my legs,arms chest,and face.I even add babyoil in the water so that my skin becomes soft.then I will clean myself ass inside/out.then as i'm drying off i'll start ptting on my makeup,this takes me about an hour,I like taking my time so that my makeup looks perfect,so that when I put my wig on I'll have that female look.then go in the bedroom pick out something to...

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Liar Ch 02

2 – The Proposal This is a sequel to the story LIAR. While the characters are the same (and a few new ones) this is a bit more erotic than the first one. While reading LIAR first would be helpful to know the characters more intimately, you can probably read this story without having read the first one. Thanks to my friend ‘Billie’ who adds amazing confusion to my life. Thanks to ‘Jessica’ and the ‘Girls’ who have made my mid life crisis so much fun. Thanks to ‘acurmudgeon’ for catching my...

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Friends With Benefits 8211 CrossDressing

Hi sexy people. Hand shake to guys and boobs shake to girls. I appreciate your comments on my previous stories. I’m going to narrate one more story which could be few people’s fantasy – Cross dressing. So let’s get started. Well one day I was hanging out with my fellow colleague Sindhu. We were quite close, as in, we have had sex couple of times earlier. But we were not committed. In fact she had a boy friend who was still a virgin. That means Sindhu never had sex with anyone else. We were not...

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Millie just finished re-potting the flowers. They had needed it for a while now and she had put it off for long enough. She was dirty and grimy and in much need of a hot shower. She stripped as she walked from the deck into the house. She thought she heard the gravel drive crunch but shook it off. Her panties were the last thing to hit the floor as she heard a knock on the front door. “Damn,” she mumbled, “Just a minute.” She reached for her robe and tied it around her slim waist. She looked...

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My New Neighbours Part 5

It was Saturday morning and I was sure routines would change so I was under no illusions that I would see Shaz or Lucy over the weekend. I pulled back the curtains and as expected Lucy’s curtains were tightly closed even though it was after 9.I slipped on my robe and headed for the kitchen to make some coffee, I pulled the blind up allowing the morning sun to filter through, another nice weekend in store.I glanced up as I poured the coffee and saw Shaz putting a couple of things into the...

3 years ago
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My Wife Alice

It had all started innocently enough when my friend Dr. Jim Amamba told me about his research work on an sexual performance enhancement d**gs for women. Jim and I went back years. We had even done our doctoral research in the same field. The fact that I was white and short while Jim was as black as the ace of spades and built like and American footballer made this friendship seem unlikely on the surface but we shared many common interests. I listened as Jim explained to me that the male market...

1 year ago
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My Maid And Me

Let me introduce myself, I am Ravi, I live in Mumbai and am 24 years old, I work as a banker and have an amazing story. Before I start, let me tell you that I have been a great fan of IndianSexStories ever since I turned 20, reading such amazing stories, I decided it was time I shared mine with you all.This was back in 2006 when I was only 18 years old. I used to live in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). All during my young teenage life I had very less female interactions. I had 2 female friends with...

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Fucked with my friends wife

كان لي صديق أعزه كثيرا لقد شاركته أفراحه وأتراحه كنت دائم التواصل به أمضينا أيام العزوبية والشباب ولم نفترق أبدا حتى تزوج امرأة فائقة الجمال وفي نفس الوقت سيدة وفية بكل ما [/image][/image]للكلمة من معنى أحبت زوجها وأحبها لدرجة الجنون حتى أن لقاءاتنا بدأت تقل حتى ندرت كثيرا إلى أن انقطعت نهائيا وسمعت بالتواتر أنه تعرض لحادث سير رهيب نجا بحياته منه بصعوبة فقررت القيام بزيارة له ودخلت عليه كان لقاء حارا تبادلنا فيه الشوق والعتاب وهكذا تكررت لقاءاتنا بوجود زوجته وبدون وجودها كنت أرى مسحة من الحزن...

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The User Ch 18

‘I’m leaving now, ma’am,’ Eileen told Arlene. ‘Are you sure you and Mr. Atherton don’t want me to stop by tomorrow and cook some meals for you.’ ‘You have the weekend off Eileen,’ Arlene told the maid. ‘Enjoy yourself, spend some time with your daughter, take it easy. William and I will survive, I guarantee it.’ ‘You sure, ma’am?’ the maid asked. ‘Get out of here, Eileen,’ Arlene said, feigning anger. ‘I don’t want to see your face around her again until Monday morning!’ Eileen laughed....

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Taking My Spring Break in New England Part OneChapter 2 Back at college

Back on campus, I’d parked my car up, gotten back to my dorm room and slept much of the day; I got up late afternoon to go find something to eat. The place was empty; pretty much everyone else was away on Spring Break. Just a few losers like myself who had no place to go and no-one to go with. Even my socially-challenged roomie had gone home to New York for the week, so I was at least on my own. I would have laid down some hefty bucks that he hadn’t blundered into the kind of surprise that...

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Trixie Chapter One Waiting

Finally! So close to being with him! All alone for as long as we pleased. She can imagine how this will turn out an she REALLY likes it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself, ooooh, its driving her crazy just thinking about it! as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite hands wondered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them and pinching my nipples gently. My hands then betrayed me and started slowly...

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SeeHimFuck Valerica Steele In Full Force

Grimy fella Logan Xander makes his See H?️M Fuck debut today, and seeing as his IRL GF is none other than See HIM Contract Star Valerica Steele ?‍? I think we’re required by law to pair HIM up with her. Anyway, after our above-average director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, Logan begins to strip from his FUCKING AWESOME sharp red suit (❤️ THE ?) and when that dick pops out of his See HIM boxers ? well, Valerica just had to toot on it a lil bit. Valerica then...

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FamilyStrokes Daisy Stone Fuck You Uncle Fucker

Daisy Stone is one of those girls who wants to charge everything to daddy and mommys card. But when her moms car breaks down on the way to the mall, her plans get changed. They are near her uncles house, and even though they have never met, her uncle takes a liking to Daisy right away. He gives her a big hug and a nice ass grab to go with it. But instead of being freaked out, Daisys curiosity is piqued, especially when her mom tells her that her uncle is a perv! So, to find out more, she leaves...

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Humiliating Father

As I lay reading a book in my bed in my old bedroom in my parents’ house I hear footsteps outside my room, a gentle knock that I remember from my c***dhood; Mum always used her secret code knock to let me know it was her. The door opens and I watch as mum enters my bedroom, she is wearing her bright red satin negligée with black lace trimming, I can see the material underneath of her Bra, I can see her sexy legs in her black stockings and her feet in her red and black slippers.She almost...

3 years ago
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College Changes a Boy Part 2

College Changes a Boy - Part 2 Taylor Jordan AUTHOR's UPDATE: I'm incredibly flattered by all the compliments on Part 1. That encouragement has inspired me to write more. I intend to write several chapters, as long as there seems to be interest in the story. Part 2 appears below, and I'm nearing completion on Part 3, with more to come. One of my readers was kind enough to send me photos that could depict my characters. Thank you, Michael! I've also added a few photos that I've found....

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Traveling Companions

"Rich, generous, horny, fat, bald, old geezer wants to hire a tall, attractive, oral young woman with a medical background. The position will be as an assistant, aide, nurse and mistress for a retired gentleman during an extended, all expense paid, four-month tour of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The ideal candidate will be between 30 and 40 years old, between five foot five inches and five foot ten inches in height, with weight proportional. The successful candidate will be...

2 years ago
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Old Friends orSweet MindyMy Blonde MILF Hottie

Introduction: A meeting with an old friend leads to nasty sex!!! OLD FRIENDS a story about Sweet Mindy (My Blonde MILF Hottie) Part 1 She was standing in line at the Deli, the cutest blonde hardbody Id seen in a while, with an ass made for fucking and big nippled ripe titties, she was a horny studss wet and sticky dream. She was dressed in a long wrap around skirt, slit down the side to show some skin and a tight pink sweater. Way to classy a chick to try to bag with a little...

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Do You Remember

It was the time of year Mother Nature breaks out her pallet of colors and repaints the Ohio landscape in brilliant Technicolor. A time of year that brings out the crispness of a fading year—summer is gone—winter’s just around the corner. She wrapped her hand around his arm, and he pulled her closer as they walked down a quiet gravel road. A slow meandering river bubbled and gurgled as they walked by. Its water muddy from the slit it carried. ‘It’s nice out today isn’t?’ he asked. ‘Yes,...

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The Sun I Cant See CH 02

"The time is 7:43 am."My little talking watch told me that it was acceptable to wake him up."Morning, Miles.""Heeey, rubber girl."I slid my arms around his torso to hug him tightly. I still couldn't believe this happened. After a false start in the park, I invited this guy over for a simple dinner then ended up wearing my full latex suit and making love to him. The best thing about all of this, he was still here."Thanks for cooking last night, I couldn't feel anything through those rubber...

1 year ago
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Love Sick

I just stood there with my mouth open as she walked into the refectory. I have never seen anyone so beautiful. "What you looking at moron" she said as she caught sight of me standing there. "And shut your mouth before a bus comes along," she said loud enough for all my friends could hear. She was gone now to join the queue but I stood routed to the spot. "Come on man," said one of my class mates. "Leave her, we'll be late if you don't get a move on. I couldn't concentrate, sleep...

1 year ago
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New PleasuresChapter 13

Abi worked Tuesday to cover for sickness but went home afterwards and I didn't see her, although given the amount of sex we managed over the weekend I think my testicles appreciated the rest I gave them. Simon and Rhea seemed to be spending all day with each other to the point of Mum questioning Rhea's motives with her friend. They had a bit of a row while I was cleaning the club on Wednesday but Simon and Rhea disappeared on Thursday together so whatever was said, it did not stop Rhea...

3 years ago
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Jenny With Pam and Nick

Pam texted me on a Friday afternoon, asking if I wanted to stop by after work for some wine and cheese. She wrote that her boyfriend Andre was away for the weekend attending a destination bachelor party for his buddy. She added, “Besides, you owe me the scoop on what happened the other night with that guy with the big dick!” She was referring to a few nights ago when she left Rick and me at the bar. She had just met him. I guess the wine influenced her to grab his crotch on her way out. Later...


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