Nurse Julie
- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
I stripped down to my boxers and left a set of clothes folded on one side of the window with Hailey's on the other. My door was snibbed.
"Will we have to run?"
"Not far if we do and that depends if your parents decide they want to bring you back now you've shown how 'ungrateful' you are."
We climbed into bed -- a novel experience for Hailey. We'd "slept" beside and even upon a bed together but never gotten between the sheets with the intention of actually sleeping. We whispered a little, speculating on the "discussions" taking place in Anna's room.
"Will you really come back?"
"For as long as I'm wanted!"
Hailey showed me I was.
Laying against me with her head on my chest, she was ideally situated to make her tongue flicker across my nipple; she was ideally situated to feel the effect it had upon me and to take hold of that effect.
As I grew harder and my breathing turned to gasps she slid down and pulled the waistband over my prick so her lips could surround me. Ragged breathing became staccato-like punctuated expressions of pleasure. Then suddenly nothing.
Hailey stopped and worked her way back up along my body.
I reached into my drawer, felt inside a pair of socks, and returned with a packet. Hailey took it from me, tore it open with her teeth and rolled it down over me. I wondered how her teachers at the convent-run school would view what she had learned since she'd met me; surprised at least -- I know I was, in a very pleased way.
Hailey simply tucked my boxers under my balls and moved hers to one side. Without further ado we were joined and Hailey ground herself onto me as she knelt astride my hips.
"Tell me. Again!"
"I love you Hailey."
"Why do I love you?"
"Because you were friendly from the first time you saw me; cheeky, happy. Because you talk sensibly; we talk with each other not at each other. Because you could react calmly when Rosalee crashed our date, but you didn't lay down for her."
"That came later."
"Did I mention your sense of humour? You are loving; and adventurous in your love making; caring then and later. You make my heart race faster when I see you, when I hold you."
"They are symptoms not the cause!"
"Because you are argumentative when you're right? Oh, and did I mention you are gorgeous and sexy as hell?"
"That's it?"
"Well I did miss the fact you love me. That actually counts pretty highly too."
"And the sex?"
"That's a result -- not a cause, but I love how this feels."
Hailey had her hands on my chest and was gyrating her hips while squeezing me somehow. She felt me come but paused only long enough to lean forward to kiss me before continuing just as before.
I stayed hard and Hailey soon found just the right spot to take her to her reward. I was worried Brent might start banging the wall; from where I was the mattress seemed awfully noisy. It must have been just my imagination though as Hailey came, and collapsed onto me, without interruption.
We lay together for a little while and then she carefully climbed off of me. I tidied up and, with a few tender kisses, we settled down to really sleep.
I woke to answer my phone. "Three p's have phoned. I took the calls so you weren't bothered. Check out will be six P. We'll call by before. Okay?"
"6P. Thanks, for everything."
"What's up?"
I looked at the clock. Ma and Doug would be getting up in about 45 minutes. Hubby must have thought I might appreciate a little time before then. I did.
"Want a shower?"
"With you?"
"If you like."
"I like."
We grabbed our clothes and quietly stepped between my bedroom and the bathroom. The house was still around us.
Hailey looked at me and then the toilet.
"Oh sorry. I'll be back in a minute."
"Don't worry. What's to see anyway?"
She dropped her underwear and sat down. I moved to the shower stall and turned on the water.
Only to warm it up of course. It wouldn't be to mask my embarrassment! There was a flushing sound and Hailey laughed quietly.
"You're funny you know."
"I guess I'm not used to it."
I got a hug and, deciding that I wouldn't be able to stand the sound of running water, gritted my teeth and lifted the seat.
Hailey watched my face rather than looking down; daring me to quit. I just blushed instead.
"You're sweet as well. I like to see you're human; you seem so self-assured most of the time."
I took her in my arms and walked her backwards into the shower.
"Ooo! And Horny!"
"When you look and feel like this I wouldn't be human if I wasn't horny."
"If I live here do you think Anna and Rosalee and I will be able to share showers?"
"Do you think anyone would really be able to stop you?"
"No, but it would be nice not to have to worry about being told off."
"Oh I think that only happens when you tell Ma and Doug you've been harbouring a teen fugitive in their house without their knowledge or approval."
"They aren't likely to be cross are they?"
"We'll find out soon."
I washed Hailey's hair and she washed mine and I found us two more towels so she could wrap her head while we dried each other.
If having a shower with a beautiful young lady was a good way to start the day, being blown as she kneels in front of you is even better. It was only a quick tease but it felt even better than it had during the night. We dressed again and I got to practise doing a bra up before we slipped out and downstairs.
I put the coffee on and made us toast. By the time Ma showed up our dishes were in the sink and we were sitting at the table chatting.
"Morning Ma."
"Good morning Mrs Jamieson."
"Good morning. I assume there is going to be an explanation?"
"Yes, but it might be best to wait for Doug."
"Then I might as well get his breakfast as well as mine so we can hear it all the sooner."
Doug walked in ten minutes later after she'd stuck her head through their bedroom door and hurried him up without explanation.
"Oh! Good morning."
"Sit down and have your breakfast dear, Roger and Hailey will talk as we eat."
There would be no morning paper with breakfast for Doug but the news I imparted would have made it pale anyway.
I had the most trouble convincing Ma and Doug that I wasn't lying when I said the paperwork to put both Rosalee temporarily in their care would be finalised this afternoon, and legal guardianship would soon follow.
I couldn't say that people had already been to both girls' houses and had spent a couple of hours "investigating" each family. By lunchtime they would be willing to sign responsibility for their purportedly delinquent daughters over to the state and it would be a matter of minutes for a tame judge to rubberstamp their transfer into the Jamieson's care.
At the same time an application would be lodged on the Jamieson's behalf for guardianship of the girls. In a couple of months (further haste would raise too many eyebrows) the girls would become their wards rather than their foster-daughters. I pointed out that this was subject to their okay and they weren't to feel railroaded into accepting the situation.
I asked Hailey if she would check on the others and while she was gone I gave Doug a phone number to call. In addition to confirming my story they broke the news that I would be leaving later that day. I asked him and Ma not to pass that information on to the girls yet.
He was still not entirely convinced that this was not an elaborate joke or a plan on my part (in collusion with the three girls) to get him to provide a refuge for Hailey. His doubt would even continue after the court documents were in his hands but you know what they say, "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you." I had much more to do with balls rolling in the directions that they had once my own balls had complicated our lives.
I think he might have finally believed me when I asked if he could be home early tonight as there would be three females who might appreciate his support. I knew Anna would.
"If Rosalee is here for a while, Hailey can stay as well until we work things out."
"Thanks, I'll make sure you get plenty to cover their needs."
"Money? I know you've got a trust fund but that's for you to get by on."
"I'd ask you not to tell the girls the amount but I can lay my hands on over a million now and in a few years I will have five or six more. I haven't had anyone care for me like Anna, Rosalee and Hailey. When we've all had a chance to mature a bit more I hope we can find a way to stay happy together; certainly money won't be a problem."
"You really are going?"
"For now Ma but I will be dropping in from time to time."
Doug was puzzled.
"I don't understand that. I thought the witness program gave you a new identity and that was that."
"The movies aren't quite like the real thing. There are thousands of itinerants or people moving from one place to another in any big city just hoping for a better life. It is much easier to bring someone in for six months to a year or so and then move them on before they let something serious slip. Things worked out a little differently here. I fell in love and wanted to stay. Someone else died and I get moved out early. If people sniff after me I'll be gone. Give me a month or two and I can visit though I can't 'come back'. Give me five years and I should have left all this behind me and can come out of the woodwork. I hope I'll be welcome."
"If this is on the level then I think so -- despite the furore over the past few days. We like you Roger. Have from day one and it was only Anna's youth and your own that worried us. Thought I guess there's plenty to worry about still."
"You won't have to have mother-daughter arguments in triplicate!"
"Now Ma, you used to wish you could have had another daughter."
"A baby girl is one thing, Doug. You get 12 or so years before puberty turns her into the enemy."
"You never had much problems with Anna. She did come to you when she was thinking of..."
"After she started having... -- apparently!"
They both turned to glare at me.
"I can apologise for upsetting your household but not for loving your daughter."
There was a laugh behind us. "Told you he was sweet."
Three girls entered the kitchen and gave me a hug one after the other. Anna gave me a kiss then rewarded her parents with one as well.
"Why aren't you in your school clothes?" asked Ma.
"Since Roger is going to be leaving,..."
Anna wasn't crying but I thought she and Rosalee had done more than make love after we left.
" ... and since Hailey probably can't go to school today and since Rosalee is not much better off, we were hoping you might let us stay home today. Please?"
Doug waved his hand as if to say, "What did it really matter any more."
"It's only..."
He stopped. If I was going this evening the four of us did only have hours left. He'd promised not to tell the girls while wondering if he was being played for a fool. He decided to trust us -- one more time -- even though on our past record we gave him little reason to.
"If Ma has no objections then I guess you can be sick today."
"I guess not," she agreed. "I've got to be out and Brent will be up and gone soon but I trust you to keep the house tidy. If you keep quiet so no-one knows you're here you could just ignore the Police."
"They've been taken care of," I assured Ma. There would be no Police looking for Hailey because none knew she was missing. As far as her parents knew she was already in detention and facing charges. I thought Solicitation was too much but the psych people supposedly knew which buttons to push and by the time her parents found out they were mistaken the steps to remove Hailey from their responsibility would be completed.
"The people who are organising the paperwork for Rosy and Hailey took care of it. She's no longer a runaway."
Ma noticed Doug look at the kitchen clock after shaking his head in disbelief.
"Just go Dear. I'll let you know if anything happens."
"Okay Ma. You kids play safe, hear!? And I don't just mean as far as what you get up to yourselves. If either of your parents come looking for you, call for help before it is needed!"
"They'll be safe," I assured him. By the time either set of parents got out of their homes, or the law offices or wherever they were, they would be thinking of everything but seeking out their offspring.
Ma believed me more than Doug did. "They will be okay. Go!"
Doug went and I helped make breakfast for Anna and Rosalee. An offering that wouldn't go anywhere near placating them for my immanent departure.
Brent came down as they were finishing and was surprised his mother was so okay with Hailey sitting on my lap. He bit his tongue about her heading for my room during the night; I might not have been there after all though he saw no signs I'd bunked down on the Family Room floor.
He snorted his coffee though when Anna's paused "W-e-l-l,..." in answer to Ma's "What are you going to do today then?" brought the response, "Don't spend it all in bed. There is more to life than sex!"
There was muted laughter and we passed a tea towel. Rosalee only made it worse for him though by belatedly adding her two cents worth.
"It's better than 'Days of Our Drearies' though."
Ma smiled, "I have to agree with you there dear."
Brent looked at us. "Okay, what have you done with my mother?"
"Nothing much dear. Convinced me that young love is as valid as old love I suppose, or rather reminded me, and even if young candles burn hot and fast they can shine brightly and some last far longer than you expect."
"Now she's clapping with one hand while trees are falling on top of mimes in empty forests. Did someone find some magic mushrooms?"
Brent sniffed the remains of his coffee.
"Leave her alone," Anna defended her mother. "It's beautiful; we're like a birthday cake."
"Please! Something that lasts a little longer -- the giant candles in the cathedral -- they're about a metre long and as thick as my arm.
"Sorry Love, I stand corrected."
Brent looked from his sister to the girl on my lap and back to his mother. All three were teasing him and it was only a lack of opportunity that kept Rosalee and myself from joining them.
"Rosalee and Hailey will be staying with us for a while -- possibly for a long while."
"Rosalee has her gear in the guest room so I guess she's there. Hailey may as well be in Roger's room."
"Good. That bed is comfortable; much nicer than my old one."
"I was going to say that too Ma. I think my mattress needs replacing; it isn't anywhere near as comfortable as Roger's."
Brent recalled the fuss before breakfast the previous morning. He hadn't been awake enough to register more than the noise; now Anna's comments made him think more clearly.
"You were in Roger's room yesterday morning!" he pointed at Anna. "And you!" (Hailey) "You were there last night."
When he turned to Rosalee she piped up, "Don't look at me. I'm always the last to sleep with him."
Brent simply lifted his arm and pinched his flesh then stood and looked at the calendar. "Not April First!"
"Yes Ma?"
"This is a family matter. I'd like you to respect your sister's privacy and not gossip please."
Anna took the plates she and Rosalee had used to the sink, returned and bent to give Rosalee a clearly loving kiss. While her brother remained gob-smacked Hailey got one and then me.
"Privacy! Right." Brent shook his head much as Doug had done. "No-one would believe me anyway," he muttered.
"Thanks Brent," Anna gave him a hug.
"Well if you're going to be here all day can I get you to vacuum the Lounge and Family Room please Anna and perhaps you can organise Rosalee's clothes. There seemed to be some that might be small and we need to know if you need anything else. What have you got with you Hailey?"
"Not much Ma. A small pack and my school bag."
"Is there anything special you need?" I asked.
"Not really, I just haven't got much to change into."
"Well if you have to wear your birthday suit at least it won't be a novel experience."
Brett looked at his mother again. "No, tell me, really, what are you smoking? I'm off, or someone is. Catch you all later."
He headed off upstairs and I had Hailey stand.
"Vacuum cleaner!"
I took it from its cupboard in the Laundry and the four women in the Kitchen applauded their emancipation from the housework. I headed into the Lounge first. I wanted a word alone with Brent before he left.
When he came down the stairs again I hailed him and he joined me while the vacuum cleaner's noise masked our voices.
"Brent I'd like to say it has been nice staying here with you. I'm going later today so I might not get a chance to say goodbye. I'm sure the others will explain. I'd ask you not to say anything to the girls before I go and to look out for their reputations while I'm gone. I'd much appreciate it; this city is a mixture of the broad-minded and those much more focussed on their own sense of importance and Hailey and Rosalee have already been hurt."
"Okay but you have to tell me, truthfully. Have you really been sleeping with all three girls?"
"Not so much sleeping but, yes, when they are not busy with each other."
"How did you manage it? You've been here hardly any time at all!"
"Charm. Simply charm, plus this magic quarter which I can sell to you for only twenty dollars."
I swear Brent actually thought about reaching for his wallet.
"Where are you going? And why?"
"I'm not sure. Wherever the Feds decide; the others will explain. But I hope to be back from time to time."
"Well if you can convince Ma things are sweet, you're welcome. I'm not sure Dad will like it after yesterday morning but he generally listens to Ma. Maybe I should see about getting a girl to sleep over."
"If you do, I'd suggest looking outside the house. I've got an interest in the girls here."
"I don't think Anna would share anyway; she never let me borrow her toys before."
"I think she might hang onto these two even more than her Barbies."
"I have to say, seeing everything in the Kitchen, you have to be crazy to leave."
"I know. Short-term pain for long-term gain -- I hope. Only time will tell."
"Well I've got to go so see you when I see you."
"Bye Brent."
Ma was obviously enjoying herself. Instead of a teenager whose budding sexuality was a worry, even a threat, she now had a companionable daughter who didn't have to worry any more that her parents might discover she was sexually active.
They, and the two new "daughters", would be able to comment knowledgably on matters they had previously had to pretend ignorance about. Ma wouldn't want to hear about Anna's actual sex life but seeing her leave my room, or rather either of the girls' rooms now, wouldn't precipitate another crisis.
When I walked through to put the vacuum away Ma sent the three of them up to make the beds. "I want to speak to Roger."
There was a coffee waiting for me thirty seconds after I sat where directed.
"They are going to be upset. They are now but are holding it in. Are you really coming back or is this moving on time? I'd just like to know so I can deal with whatever comes up when it matters."
"Ma, if I don't come back it's because I can't for some very, very good reason. I'll see you have a number before I go and an email address. They may be post boxes just taking messages and passing them on but I will get them and I will reply when I can. It might be eight weeks before I can visit; I'll keep in touch as best as I can."
"You seem very self-assured for even a 19 year old."
"I had to grow up fast. My mother died in hospital after being beaten and I saw my father being killed. Those involved were never convicted for that though most have been arrested for one thing or another. I wasn't really close to either of them, you and Doug have been better parents in the short time I was here which is why I felt you would look after Hailey as well as Rosalee."
"Just see you do come back. For me this time!"
"Thanks Ma."
"How will you go?"
"Police car, I think. I'll be arrested for something I'm supposed to have done. They'll take me off and you get the evidence to show I'm gone then in a little while my name is cleared and I'm free to come back."
"As our foster son?"
"I think that chapter closes tonight. Would potential son-in-law do?"
"Potential as in sooner, or later?"
"As in never know what might happen someday. I don't think I can marry one and not the rest, though there might be some fundamentalists in Utah willing to tie us three knots even if no-one else recognises it as binding. Of course that might be three knots for each of us and I'm not so sure they go for that."
"Maybe one day a simple ceremony with the four of you standing by the flowing lava on Hawaii. Your own vows and no-one but each other to witness it."
"You wouldn't want to be there?"
"If I survive three teenage girls for the next couple of years, of course I do. By then it would be three daughters and a son all getting married."
"Sounds incestuous."
"Sounds impractical."
Well marriage -- legal, personal, formal, informal, singular, plural or somehow otherwise -- was a matter for after I retired. Too much could change to consider it seriously, though daydreaming about such things wasn't the strict prerogative of teenage girls -- or their mothers.
"Go and find them Roger. Say goodbye properly. Let them know your feelings so that if you don't come back they at least know. If you have to break their hearts do it gently but quickly, don't drag it out."
"Ma, I will be back." I kissed her cheek.
"Go!" She sent me upstairs.
I went but I heard the first heart breaking behind me and going back would only drag it out.
Upstairs there was a mixture of activity and depression.
"Hey! I forbid anyone from getting the blues today. The sooner I go the sooner I can come back."
"But if you stay you're back even faster." Rosalee's logic was impeccable but irrelevant.
"Do you really want to waste the day when you could have been at school?"
"Hell no!" Rosalee rallied the troops, "let's do some quiet study!"
The pillows were swung barely softly enough to avoid major injury.
"Okay, one of you make a suggestion then!"
"I'd like to spend the day like the last two Saturdays -- lazing, loving, naked together. Ma's going soon and she said she'll be back to put dinner on so we have a few hours to ourselves. I like the idea of having the whole house to roam in; it's bigger than the motel room."
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This is my first story. I hope you enjoy and tell me what you thing. There shall be more soon.I was sixteen when it happened. After hearing from girls at school about shaving their pubic hair I went home and decided to give it a shot. They had said that no guy would want to fuck them if they were hairy. Now I wasn't planning on having sex anytime soon but I kind of wanted to try it. My parents were not home so I figured that if I was going to try now would be the best time. I guess now would be...
MasturbationMax did not have a lot on his plate today, but he did want to check on the package he had ordered for Niki. It was supposed to come in tomorrow. He wanted to make sure there were no delays. Back at home, after spending a few hours killing hordes of zombies, he finally got around to checking on the delivery time of his package, nodding as everything appeared on schedule. As he was about to return to his game, he got a text. Seems like Mr Proussad was ready to collect on his promise ... He was...
The sun rode high in the sky, nearing its zenith, and the heat made the moist air feel thick. Not even the breeze of the ship running at full sail could disperse the stifling heat. Thakkor shook his head to release drops of sweat clinging to his eyebrows and short brown beard, drinking in the day despite the uncomfortable weather. Sweat beaded upon the sun-browned skin of his young bride as well, dampening her golden hair, but not her spirits. Alicia felt his gaze and looked over at him,...
A few weeks later I went back to the massage parlor to see Candy again. Just like the first time we had an amazing session. I came twice, both times on her perfect tits, and like last time I licked every drop of my cum off her. As I was getting dressed Candy asked me a very surprising question. She wanted to know if I would be open to coming back later that night. She had an appointment book for 9pm with a very rich, very handsome, very kinky client. She told me that her client Marcus told her...
They say "drinking is injurious to health" but once in a while drinking will give you things that you may never get in a normal life. Here is such an incident that changed my life forever. First,let me introduce myself. Im Binu,from kerala. Im a software engineer currently working in dubai. What i am going to share here is an incident that happened when i was doing my B-tech. Like all the youngsters,even i was interested in drinking and smoking. And being a hostler,i never had problem...
*********Needless to say, I was shocked to see Mom with Kris' parents. On the otherhand, I was tickled to death for her to be here and knew she had to pullsome strings at her job to accomplish this trip away on this Saturday ofthis game."All of you wait right here," Kris stated to all of our friends gathered inour room. "Matt and I will escort them up. I want them to meet each one ofyou."Kris and I headed down. Mom was excited as to see me as I was to see her.She gave me a very sincere hug and...
Hi readers, hope all of you are doing great. I will be carrying on with my narration about meeting up with Nikhil and having fun in the car. Later he kinda ditched me so I had a revenge sex with his roommate Aditya, as we got high on weed. I made him cum once, took it and swallowed it. I made him horny again, riding him. It was an awesome ride while we were high. I woke up slowly with my eyes finding it difficult to open, adapting to the daylight. I found myself in the bed, wearing Avenger’s...
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Payton got a gift card for Christmas to the Adult Store. She figured it would be a good opportunity to stock up on her toys and movies. When she went to check out the store clerk said that unfortunately the card is only good for the viewing booth. What a shitty gift! Oh well might as well not leave empty handed. To her surprise this viewing booth was a Gloryhole!! She was greeted with a big massive black cock! And just like the good whore she is, the black cock found its way into her mouth very...
xmoviesforyouspeed. The chill autumn air blew hard against her face, blowing away her tears. She made a sharp turn down a random trail, not caring where she was going until she reached the top of a hill, where she stopped. Sniffling softly she dismounted her bike. She grabbed her purse and pulled out a cigarette, lit it, then sat down at the base of a tree. She inhaled a deep breath of smoke, exhaled slowly, then gingerly touched her right cheek. It stung. She pulled out her rarely...
Las Hembras © 2004 by DrDan In all honesty, I didn't give it a good deal of serious thought when I initiallydiscovered it. Sometimes people pull pranks, occasionally a little girl willhave a mean older brother, and once in a while some warped youth will do somethingmacabre as a means of gaining attention. As it was, my job as a parole officeralready attracted the attention of various miscreants, although I'd yet toencounter an individual savvy enough to locate my home address. That,...
Well what do I do after 15 days not heard from this bloke called master ive stopped wearing the stuff he ordered me to. im pissed of he stole my cloths and knickers myself and hubby are not pleased at all we cannot report to police can we. So what do we do we cannot write to him no address only box number from the advert. So thinking what to do when that night there is a knock on the door hubby answers it. I hear some talking a few minutes later in walks my hubby and this...
The approach to the United States was rough. The weather was rainy and the seas were running high -- whitecaps disintegrating at the tops of 7 ft. swells. At 1,500 feet, the carrier's flight deck was one of the longest in the world. Approaching at 250 knots from 2,500 ft., the ship looked like a toy bouncing up and down in a swimming pool. On the glide path, the A-2 made a full throttle landing on the rolling deck; the arresting cables stopped the 35,000 lb., 150 mph airplane in less than 2...
Michael came like never before and Michelle kept her promise to her loving husband and swallowed everything that he released into her wet and waiting mouth. She even kept his cock in her mouth savoring it with her warm tongue long after it's final spurt of his cum. When it had finally become soft, Michelle let it unceremoniously slip form her warm mouth and then as she licked her lips she looked up lovingly at him and smiled. She decided to whisper, "Mmmm, that was so good honey." Michael could...
Wife LoversLife can be quite predictable, for short periods of time. Every so often, something happens that you never expected, or anticipated. I never dared dream I'd be eating Annie's pussy, and certainly not with my wife's blessing. A little over a week ago, I noticed that Brenda came home from work somewhat distraught. I asked her if anything was bothering her. She assured me that everything was fine. I knew it wasn't, but Brenda would eventually tell me what was wrong. When I first brought...
I was taking a digital photography class and there was a non traditional student in the class...old lady. She wasn't actually that much older 28. During the class we started talking. Ater class we met for coffee and talked. We had a lot in common; books, photography, antiques. She had this weird idea that she was reincarnated from Russian aristocracy...that was fucking weird but it wasn't like she paraded around telling people to bow to her. For several weeks me hung out together doing stuff...
*My 1st Literotica Story * * Alana was an internet tease. You know what I’m talking about, that girl who goes into the chat rooms and makes false promises of coming to see random guys but never has the intention to do so. After a stressful week at work, Alana came home and undressed down to almost nothing. She had straight, long, silky hair, rather small 36 B breasts, curved hips and a Brazilian waxed pussy. Tonight she only wore a red nightshirt. She got on her laptop and she logged on to...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Monday, December 14th, 1931 James Ewart’s home El Segundo, California Eliza served breakfast and settled into her chair at the other end of the table next to the high chair that mysteriously appeared sometime during the night. It was well-used but well-loved. Someone’s child… Bethany Rose sat next to James as if she was entitled. He said nothing while he ate but occasionally glanced at her with a slight smile. Eliza stared at Bethany… her...
I took a long hot shower when I got back to my apartment. The heat and steam helped my head and cleaned my body but it didn't help settle my mind. For the first time I questioned if Kelly and I were going to be able to work things out. Did we have a future? It just killed me to think of us breaking up but I couldn't go on like this. Ruefully I remembered the hell I put Zack, Anders, Evan, J. T. and my other friends had gone through last year with my drinking. It had taken me a long time to...
The Holy father of the Sect of ‘Divine Path’ was visiting the commune in Selayur. It was a very special occasion as he does only once or twice a year. The leader of he local commune Sri Arumugam and his wife Srimathi Bhavani were busy making all the arrangements. ‘Abba’ as he was called by every one was coming by him self. He usually stays at the place of the local leader. There were more than 30 communes spared all over the south India. The local leaders are called by the followers as ‘Sri’...
The next few days were a blur, with the various crewmembers arriving on different transport ships along with their families. Construction of the ship started, and I was almost glued to a video display showing the replicators slowly adding material and components to the hull until I realized I wasn’t getting anything done. Susan made progress in connecting with the other families, and to my surprise even invited the officer’s concubines over to our quarters one afternoon to get to know each...
Catherine woke up in bed next to Oliver and snuggled against him, happy that she didn't have to go to work. This was the first time ever that she didn't want to go. Last night, she had dreamed of the God and she had to talk to Oliver today about her dream. She studied his features as he slept. His rugged features and tanned skin gave him such a masculine appearance. Although he always looked like he had shaved, she had never seen him do it. Somehow, never having the opportunity to watch him...
Ellen Wagner, the twins’ other grandmother, called Tuesday evening while I was out with the boys. I returned her call after the boys went to bed. “Andrew, thank you for returning my call,” Ellen said after identified myself. “I wanted to let you know Crystal is in town for a couple days.” A shudder went down my spine. Why was Ellen Wagner calling to give me this news? She’d never let me know when Crystal was in town before. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? “My daughter asked me to act...
My mouth went dry and my stomach wrenched as I peered through the cracked door of my parents bedroom to see the naked, roundish, white bottom of my girlfriend sticking up towards me, the ridges of her labia peeking out beneath her pink anus as her head bobbed up and down between my mother's spread legs. Well, she's my step mom really. But I think of her as my mom as my real one has not been around for years. A soft moaning issued from mom's throat as she rode her hips up and down gently in the...
“Sorry Andrea” I said, quickly moving to the side to avoid collision. Andrea smiles and says “Daydreaming again, Matt?” as she continues walking back to her desk. Andrea is 19, from a big polish family in New Jersey. She is about 5’4”, with bright blue eyes, straight dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders, and a perpetual smile on her face. She also happens to have some of the largest breasts I have ever seen on a woman her size. Overall she is fairly thin, so her breasts seem to take up...
"Governor Wells? We are the Personalia, and we have some tests we would like to run on your planet. They arise from an idea presented to us by Governor Kempe of Rehome colony." John Wells was surprised. Normally Bob Kempe, as the Governor of the human colony on Rehome, would phone John personally. After all, John had been Bob's Head of Administration before taking on the Governorship of the New Eden colony planet. He did not say anything about that. "Really? What kind of tests, and where...
In Part II of "Jasmin wears the pants" our hero went with Jasmin to the Mall, modeled lingerie in front of a crowd of women. Thank you very much for all the positive feedback. I really appreciate the praise. Once again people who don?t like TG stories and or are under aged shouldn?t read on. All rights are reserved. If somebody wants to publish this story somewhere else please contact me first. I will start the new chapter with the last sentence of the second Part. ...
Poor Sylvie Sterling has just been dumped. Fortunately, she has her friends Alex Coal and Scarlett Alexis to cheer him up. The girls flank Sylvie as they talk out her feelings. Alex runs her fingers up and down Sylvie’s back as they chat. Eventually, she offers Sylvie a shoulder massage. When Sylvie agrees, Alex puts some lotion on her palms and gets to work while making sexy eyes with Scarlett. Sylvie invites her friends to see the lingerie that she had purchased for her boyfriend. Alex...
xmoviesforyouIt was a beautiful spring morning; the air clear, bright, and blue, with just a few high clouds to give the sky definition, the temperature balmy with a slight breeze to keep it fresh. I decided I wanted to go fly, just tool around over the valley, free and happy. Even if the flying is 'stressful' - suddenly you are second in line to land and there is a twin Beech behind you eating up the distance and you are pedaling as fast as you can in your little 150 and don't want to make even a little...
The ship shuddered, waking Arron, and he stretched and yawned. The ship was no longer rocking so he pulled on his boots and, bending low so as not to strike his head, he made his way above decks and found the ship had docked and lines were being tied. The First Mate spied him. "Good morning, sir, we have arrived, the winds were favorable and we made fast passage. We should have the gang plank out shortly." Arron nodded his thanks and stood back while the crew completed the docking...
-= Chapter 6 – Consummation of the Deal =- Reg had returned home well after midnight and Cyndi was fast asleep. He thought about waking her for a quickie but decided to settle for just snuggling against his wife’s naked body. Cyndi stirred slightly, but only shifted to her side allowing Reg access to her tits. Normally he could have continued with his fondling of her body, eventually rousing her enough for sex. Unfortunately Reg quickly drifted off to sleep still cupping Cyndi’s breast. When...
It was a Sunday morning. James lay on his bed; he had just awakened from his sleep. His well-muscled body lay naked beneath the covers, as a cool November breeze blew in through the partially opened window. As he did every morning, the 15-year-old junior high school student pushed his hand down over his lean 5'11" body, about to begin his jack off session. As he began to rub himself, he heard the sound of his sister's bathroom door, opening, and then closing, and he smiled with...
Chapter 8 I stared at the interloper in surprise. I stayed Gwen's hand as I continued watching our uninvited tablemate. Grace asked waspishly, "Who the fuck are you?" He smiled calmly as he replied, "Mr. Smith. And that..." As he shrugged his shoulder at a tall, athletic looking blonde woman in a short leather jacket: "...Would be Mrs. Smith." The blonde in question was leaning on a trash container across the aisle, eating an ice cream cone. She made eye contact as...
"You are a natural born cocksucker, Charlie," my wife said, as she finally pulled the spit-covered rubber dick from my tortured throat, giving my face a wet smack for good measure with the meaty appendage. "I had no idea what a fucking whore you were. I hate to think your talent for giving head has gone so long unexplored. Now it's time to up the ante a little, my pet."She moved down between my legs and bent over, her mouth only inches from my raging boner, the angry purple head swollen and...
we both refused the conditions of the counsellor but was the only matter we agreed on for the following 5 days,we had sex and was worse than usual,so....after all,we are going back.Naomi welcome us in and again we seat on the same lounge,me and Andrea are tensed as the conditions we accepted are sort of weird but we can not keep living together as we are and if we divorce our conservative oldies would take our house and companies cushie jobs away.So here we are...Naomi serve the sparkling again...
Monday Patti and I made the trip to KCC as normal; in separate cars. Then I had to sit in on an emergency storm preparation meeting to listen to the maintenance department tell everyone how prepared they were. Before the meeting was over there was another weather service broadcast for governments. It was worse than the earlier broadcast. The administration promptly canceled all classes from noon Monday until Thursday morning. Back at my office I went over the roster for the next few days...
It was to that ad I responded the day I decided to leave Kansas and move east to North Carolina. There was no school waiting for me, or man, or job, but it was out of Kansas and away from my obsessive ex. I pointed at a map, saw NC in big letters and instantly went online to find listings. That was the first of twelve ads I responded to with cheap rents and immediate results. That ad was the only one that said yes, and within five hours I was packed and in my car heading east. I didn't have...
Seduction“I was gonna go home but I can find my jeans”. Jane said I couldn’t help but notice how smooth and tanned her legs were, I could even see the outline of her pussy through her black lace thong. “Oh fuck, what can I do to fuck this girl. I taught to myself. “What the hell are you doing?” I said to her jokingly “I can’t find jeans” she replied laughing I was surprised that she was comfortable with walking around the house with just her top, then it got to me we were all drinking not...