BethChapter 13 free porn video

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June 23, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

I got a text from Mom: “22nd, Y.”

That’s when I noted the time. Shit! Though I usually don’t sleep late, I didn’t wake until nearly 9. I’ve got to get to practice. I called Rhee to tell her that I was running late and that I would meet her at practice. It didn’t help that I’d started my period overnight and had to deal with that. I then jumped in the shower – shower cap on, did a sketchy wash, and jumped back out. I donned practice clothes, grabbed my soccer bag, rushed downstairs, prepared and ate a couple pieces of toast with mango-peach preserves (mmm!), and locked the door behind me at 9:20.

As I was walking, briskly, very briskly, to the practice pitch, I got a call from Coach. She was stuck in traffic behind an accident and she told me that she’d be late but didn’t know how late. Okay, a bit of a breather, but now I’m in charge of practice. So, not a breather at all.

When I got to the field, I called out, “Gather ‘round.” After the team coagulated into a knot around me, I continued. “Coach is stuck behind an accident; she’ll be late. We’ll start with the usual; perhaps she’ll be here by the time that we’re done with the run. Please, everyone, stretch well. Our current star, Gracey, will lead calisthenics.”

When Gracey moaned, I reminded her that no good deed goes unpunished.

After stretching and the three laps around the pitch, Coach still hadn’t arrived, so I got the team doing the offense-on-defense passing drills/practice, though I introduced a bit of a twist. The starting front line was helped by the backup midfielders and went against the backup fullbacks in one half of the field, while the starting fullbacks defended against the backup forwards and starting midfielders in the other half.

I had just switched things up, pitting the starting offense against the starting defense, when Coach arrived. She called me over, getting one of the backup midfielders to fill my slot. She asked and I gave her the skinny on what we had done. She let them play on while we talked about what we thought that we needed to do to prepare for Central next week. As that team had no particular star, but a very strong defense, we discussed a number of options. We ended our talk and she then whistled the team to midfield.

“Thanks, Beth, for filling in. As per usual with auto accidents, it looked like someone did something stupid, thus causing a lot of others to have to waste quite a bit of time sitting in traffic. Please remember that when you get your licenses.

“Beth and I have come up with something of a plan for Central. As you probably know, their one particular strength is their back line. Yes, they played GV right after Sanderson’s return from her hand injury, but they possibly are good enough to have shut out Charlize without that advantage. And though they currently have a losing record, they have allowed fewer goals than any other team in the league.

“As I’m comfortable with the strength of our back line, particularly with our newest superstar on the right...” and she paused to let that barb strike home and quickly looked at Gracey.

We all did. I grinned maniacally. Gracey just shook her head. Coach continued.

“We thought that it might be worth trying to double up on offense. Beth suggested that we run two sweepers and suggested someone for that second slot. Padme, you have been elected. There were only two ‘yea’ votes, but there were no “nay” votes.” She got the expected snicker. “Beth pointed out that you had done an excellent job at, well, her job with the backup offense on the offense-on-defense drills.

“So, we’ll spend the rest of practice today figuring out how to run two sweepers. Then ... oh, can all of you make a practice on Sunday afternoon?”

There was a bit of consternation and some low muttering, but only Ann couldn’t make it.

“That’s fine, Ann. You aren’t the most critical person to miss on this. Actually, that will give me a chance to see how Gracey can do in the middle. And, Lana, that doesn’t mean anything bad for you. In fact, I’ll put you on the right with her. Feel free to offer her suggestions and advice on playing middle. And, Gracey, do the same with Lana about the right.

“So, we’ll start Sunday at 1:30 at the alternate field, just in case someone on Central scouts our Monday practice. Then, on Monday, when we probably will be scouted, we’ll do lots of simple ball-handling practice.

“So, Padme, which sweeper position do you want, right or left?”

After practice, Rhee and I walked to her house, as I had offered to help her with her chores. Besides, our ground-floor front windows are getting replaced today, so hanging out at Rhee’s is better than dealing with the disruption at my house. As we walked in the house, Rhee said that there was little sense in showering now, only to get sweaty doing various chores. We got the laundry done, including the throw and the blanket that we ... leaked on this week, with lunch fitted in there. Then we did some garden drudgery ... you know, weeding.

We hit the shower around 2 pm and spent a goodly amount of time there conducting experiments on what each of us liked the other to do; we did not find too much that neither of us liked. We both got to cum, but they weren’t earth-shattering orgasms. That might have been partly due to running out of hot water at the denouement. Oops.

I decided to head on home after our shower hanky-panky, as I suspect that Mom ... er ... Supplicant will want to talk about last night. Oh, I almost forgot: We also discussed tomorrow night’s get-together at our house. Rhee’s still nervous, but excited.

When I got home, the workmen and one workwoman – good on her – were just cleaning up, and they departed about 45 minutes later.

[Added June 24]

I was lounging in my room watching FC Barcelona videos, looking for more hints on how they anticipate, when Mom got home. A while later, I heard her start up the stairs. I stopped the current video and put my laptop on my desk.

“Hi, Mom” I said as she stopped at my door. “Come on in.”

“Hello, Mistress.”

I thought that she’d move us to this relationship, given the presumed topic of discussion, but I did not think that she’d lead with it.

“What is on your mind, Supplicant?”

“Mistress, you had said that I should let Mistress know about significant sexual events, I came to tell you that I very much enjoyed Beth watching last night. It was...”

Whoa! I quickly held up my hand in the ‘Stop’ indicator; she closed her mouth. She has altered the game, changing references to me from 2nd person to 3rd. What does she see as the distinction? Oh! She is at least somewhat concerned about telling me that she likes me being involved, however tangentially, with the sex play between Dad and her, but she still wants me to know. So, since she is supposed to do as I say, sexually, she is released from that concern by telling Mistress. As my mental problem-solving came to an end, I gave her the ‘continue’ indication.

“Mistress, last night was spectacular and I wanted to thank you for your efforts and for making me exhibit myself like that. It is ... sexually exhilarating.”

“Yes, Supplicant. You had indicated that you liked being ‘forced’ to be exhibitionistic. While my desires come first, I am happy to accommodate your desires when possible. Recall that I strongly suggested that your sexual relations with Charlie should utilize more of the house, regardless of audience.”

“Yes, Mistress. Do you require further of me?”

“No, Supplicant.”

Mom then wrapped me in a ferocious hug. I hugged her back.

“You know, Mom, Rhee is nervous, but excited, by tonight.”

“I’m not surprised. Your father is, too, but I expect that everything will work out fine. I’m going to start working on dinner.”

“I’ll come help. Just let me don my helping-in-the-kitchen outfit.” I paused a second, then said, “Okay, I’m ready.”

Mom chuckled. “This new policy does save a bit of time, doesn’t it?”

I hugged Mom again.

Mom and I banged pots and pans together for an hour-and-a-half, completing work on all but the very-last-minute tasks. I had set up with Rhee that they would come earlier than Mom told me that they would arrive and that she would text me when they were almost here. Just as I hung up my apron, my phone, perched on the table, buzzed. I checked it; they’re here. My plan is working.

I charged to the front door and opened it partway, peeking through the gap. Carol and Rhee were just getting out of their car, each carrying a bag. I could see that they each wore a button-down, short-sleeved top and a skirt. As they reached the porch, I opened the door wider and welcomed them in. Once I closed the door, I hugged each of them and yelled out, “Mom! They’re here.”

Rhee pulled two hangers out of the bag that she carried in and asked, “Where should we hang our clothes?”

Hmm. Somehow, I hadn’t thought of that need. I cogitated briefly and replied, “We can hang them in my room.”

Rhee handed me the hangers and began unbuttoning her top; Carol followed suit. Just then, Mom came in the room, walking straight to Carol, and hugged her.

“Thanks for coming, you two,” and she nodded at Rhee. “While I know that this will be a bit nerve-racking for all, though maybe not for Beth, I think that it will all work out,” echoing her words to me from earlier. “When Charlie and I were discussing the possibility of going clothing-optional, the biggest sticking point was you guys. It was easy to decide that clothing was not optional for “company,” but you guys are more like family, particularly with how much Rhee is rattling around here. So, once we had the full-scale family discussion, Beth suggested that we simply ask you your preference. I understand that there might be some nervousness tonight and, probably, for the next few such visits. But Beth says that when she’s in your clothing-optional house, there aren’t problems. At least, so far.”

Carol came back with, “True, but it is a bit different there, being girls only.”

Mom chuckled. “Yes, but so far with only Beth being the real difference in our house’s nudity option, Charlie hasn’t drooled excessively or freaked out. In fact, we had a lovely evening earlier this week playing games as a family. A nude family, but most of the time that facet did not seem obvious.”

“Yes, Beth said the same thing. In fact, she said something like ‘it was really nice.’ And, given how nice Charlie has always been, I cannot imagine that he would cause any problems. I’m more worried about my daughter becoming vacant-eyed and drooling.”


We chuckled. While Carol and Mom were talking, Rhee had divested her body of clothing, which was restricted to the top and the skirt that I had seen while peeking through the cracked door.

“What, no undies,” I asked Rhee, tongue in cheek.

“They seemed superfluous for the evening,” she riposted.

I grinned and took the hanger hosting both skirt and top and looked to Carol, who had not gotten past the unbuttoned-top stage.

“Come on, Carol, get a move on,” and I grinned at her.

She quickly slipped out of the top and then slithered out of the skirt, hanging both items on the hanger in her hands. She handed it to me, and I bolted up the stairs and hung both hangers in my closet and bolted back down the stairs. I followed the sounds of talking to the kitchen where Mom appeared to be getting drinks for all.

I walked in and said to Mom, “Sorry, but I asked them to come over a little early, as I thought that it might be better for them to not have to strip in Dad’s presence. I know that the actual removal of clothes might be more nerve-wracking than the actual nudity, so figured to lessen that problem. It also might be easier on Dad this way.”

Mom cocked her head as she sometimes does when contemplating things in a conversation, then nodded her head.

“Good thinking, Beth.”

Carol piped up with, “I agree. Beth continually surprises me with how thoughtful she is, how she seems to consider potential for problems in the future of current or soon-to-be-current actions.”

I colored a bit, and stumbled on getting out, “Thanks, Carol.”

Rhee then piped in, “Yeah, that’s why she’s the team captain. You should have seen her this morning. Five minutes before practice started, Coach called her and told her that she’d be late. Beth didn’t seem to even flinch, just told us what to do. Then, when Coach arrived, she huddled with Beth and, from what I infer from Coach’s words, suggested a plan of action for our game with Central, a team that is very different from the team that we just played, Grass Valley.”

“How come I didn’t get notice that it was embarrass-Beth-evening,” I complained.

“Duh. You wouldn’t have come if we’d given you fair warning,” shot Rhee.

Mom and Carol chuckled.

At that point, the automatic garage door activated; the butterflies in my stomach quickly awoke. Less than a minute later, Dad yelled out, “I’m home.”

“Kitchen,” yelled my mom.

Dad’s voice preceded him through the kitchen entrance, “It smells wonderful. When will...”

His voice died as he saw that Carol and Rhee were already here, which was almost certainly what he had started to ask. He stood dumbfounded for a very brief time, then plastered an odd smile on his face.

“Wow. My kitchen is full of beautiful women ... beautiful naked women. Welcome, all.”

Mom went over and hugged him, gave him a peck on the lips, and said, “Welcome home, honey. But, don’t expect this sight every time that you come home.”

I followed Mom in hugging my dad, “Hi, Dad.”

I was releasing Dad when I felt someone’s presence at my elbow. I was surprised when I turned and saw Rhee, who cut in front of me, hugged my dad.

“Hi, Surrogate Dad. How was work?”

Dad looked at first like he didn’t know where to put his hands, but, eventually, he wrapped his arms around her.

“Hey, Brat. Who invited you?” He continued, “And when did you get so tall? And so beautiful?”

I was watching Rhee carefully, for this meeting had concerned me. I thought it was going quite well, but her eyes started leaking.

“Oh, Surr ... no,” she blubbered, “just Dad. Thanks for ... I don’t know ... everything. I never did thank you for taking care of me, you know, back then.”

Dad kissed the top of her head and hugged her more tightly. “Rhee, baby, you are always welcome here. You ... and your mom ... are family. So, I guess, welcome home.”

Rhee snuggled further into his embrace, eventually wiping her eyes on his sleeve. “Sorry, I got your shirt wet.”

“Don’t fret,” he responded. “From what I understand, I’ll be taking it off shortly, anyway.”

Rhee both chuckled and blubbered at that. She eventually got herself together, reached her head up, kissed him on the cheek, and disengaged.

Dad then looked up at Carol, saying, “So, if she’s my daughter, then I’m not sure what that makes you, as I already have a wife and I understand that the government frowns on having more than one of those at a time.”

Carol replied with a big grin, “Obviously, that must mean that I’m your piece on the side,” and chuckled.

“Wow. I must be one lucky guy.”

He then enveloped her and bussed her on the top of the head.

“Welcome home, Carol.”

Carol seemed to squeeze Dad even tighter, released him and said, “Thanks, Charlie. Oh. Rhee, please get what we brought.”

Rhee quickly returned with a largish box and set it on the kitchen island by her mom. Carol reached into the box and pulled out a wine bottle, then handed it to Charlie. “For this evening.”

Dad took the bottle, looked at the label, “I’ve heard of this, but we haven’t tried it, yet. Have you?”

As Carol was reaching back into the box, she replied, “No, but I’ve heard good things about it, so I’m hopeful.” She then pulled out a huge bottle of – oh, goody! – Bailey’s and handed it to Dad. “I understand that at least some of the residents here like this somewhat.”

Mom chuckled and sent a shot across my bow, “Ah, yes. I think that we’ll probably have to put that behind a lock, somewhere. That or keep chocolate milk out of the house,” and then arched her eyes at me.


Mom then looked at Dad, saying, “Dinner is ready whenever you are.”

“Ah,” he responded, “I guess that means that I should get dressed ... er, undressed for dinner. I’ll be out shortly.”

Dad then reversed his course and disappeared down the hall.

I sidled up to Rhee and whispered, “How do you feel?”

She looked at me, opened her mouth, closed it, then got out, also in a whisper, “Your room?”

“Mom,” I said in normal voice, “we’ll be back down in a few minutes,” and Rhee and I hustled to my room.

Once my room door was closed behind us, Rhee said intensely, “Oh, my god. I felt his ... uh ... cock on my belly. It seemed very ... hard. At least, at first. What do you think that it meant when it seemed to get less hard?”

“What do I know about cocks? But I’d guess that your crying and the tenderness might have something to do with it. He is very protective of family, and since you’re family...”

She screwed up her face into a thinking mien, nodded slowly, and said, “Maybe. I hope so.”

“You want to keep the fantasy alive that you might be able to ... have him, some day,” I semi-queried.

“Well, I certainly do not want him to be turned off by me.”

Same as Beth
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Day 4We showered and prepared to meet our Guide / Driver who was to take us on to our next destination as well as the tour of the island. Dave was delighted when I chose my lightweight khaki summer dress merely fastened by five buttons and a waist strap, which would give me some latitude to tease should the opportunity arise.The time of departure arrived and we were delighted to see a lovely C280 pull up outside and hoped it was ours. The driver seemed about late thirties and well presented in...

3 years ago
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Under the Table

As Will pulled into the parking lot of The Western Steak House, he glanced around and noticed that there were not too many pickup trucks in the lot. Most were BMW’s, Mustang’s, Audi’s, etc. Pulling out his phone, he checked Ann’s text message to make sure he was at the right restaurant. He knew Ann was not a big steak eater and generally when they went out to eat it was at a restaurant that was a bit more family-oriented and offered more than steak.Taking a big sigh, he turned off his truck and...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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The Bells of HomeChapter 7

Justin felt his blood turn to ice. "That," Alicia said, speaking for most in the room, "makes no fucking sense." Oh, but it did. It all made sense. Or, it could. The languages. The animal aliens. The ... familiarity, and stupidity, of it all. God fucking damn it, if they were... There'd be no going home. He saw Alicia turn to him, her face becoming disgusted as his expression registered. "Oh, fucking ... please, don't say you understood that. I don't want a kid fathered by...

4 years ago
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owning him

doggy and mistress, had fabulous diner, he was wondering all evening on her charm, beauty, style and her beautiful company and nice way to make him feel a real close person to her, he could not keep his eyes from steeling? look to her gorgeous feet with beautiful golden sandals...finally time came for there first intim meeting... she make a sign for him to ask for the bill and say: when we arrive, the moment u close the door, i want u on ur knees, kiss my feet one time each, those feet that you...

1 year ago
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Behind Locked Doors

I was with my friends, you were with yours. I spotted you as I was grinding against one of the many gay club. I hiked my skirt up a little more, revealing more of my oh-so-sexy fishnets. We kept our eyes locked on each other the whole 5-minute song. After the beat changed, I winked at you subtly; I wasn’t even sure if you saw it, and headed off into the ladies room. While reapplying my black eyeliner and then natural tinted lip-gloss, the door opened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw you enter...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 285

Selina sat beside Kayla in one of Security's SUVs as it wound its way down the mountain. The darkly-tinted windows prevented anyone from seeing who was in the vehicle, but Selina wasn't thinking about that. Thoughts of a new kitten and a friend for Billy alternated with a myriad of other thoughts that flashed through the little genius' mind: celestial navigation across the dimensions, her Prime, firing her pistol, the chances of an attempted kidnapping, her parents, her Prime ... All in...

4 years ago
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Lust Relief Dorm Chapter 5

Noah did his best to sneak back to his seat, but the entire classroom had their eyes on his large frame. It was at times like these that he regretted having gained so much muscle over the summer while working on his father’s farm. He couldn’t fade into the shadows when the situation called for it. “That’s tough man,” the guy sitting next to him said to him in a whisper. “Normally professors don’t really care, but she is famous for being tough. You might not even get your phone back.” With a...

College Sex
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This story will let you experience a married man's view on him being made inferior if you would like to add something please do message me with any input i am not a writer and my spelling word play is rather bad so feel free to edit too please enjoy and i do hope you all masturbate to this any feedback welcome.

2 years ago
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Summer Lovin Pt I

We weren’t allowed to stay in the dorms over summer but I kept my job and would drive the hour and a half down the coast to work a day here, a day there.My ex had gotten a place off campus with a mutual friend of ours. They shared the house with a married couple who worked in the area.Naomi - my ex - and I weren’t on the best of terms; it was a messy, slow, and painful breakup, not made any easier by the fact that we were still deeply attracted to each other. The relationship was toxic, but the...

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My sexy Ordeal

Everyone was working that day so I decided to have a lie in, I vaguely remember my husband getting up and going to work. I must have fallen back to sleep as I was awakened by someone knocking on the door. I quickly threw on my dressing gown and went down stairs, I finally found the key and unlocked the door. Four men were stood there one holding a clip board, "good morning madam" he said, we are in the area and wondered if you had any work for these three. I can't go into too much detail but...

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Ravaged Librarian loyalsock

Ellen worked as a Librarian. She enjoyed the job but always had very sexy fantasies to pass the day. To help her feel sexy, Ellen often wore the same panties to work for three days. Her fantasies would often make her cream her panties so they were stained with her pussy cream. She also had a clean shaven pussy so she could feel the wet sticky cream soaking her panties as they passed between her legs. One of her favourite fantasies was to allow a man to ravage her by letting his hand wander up...

2 years ago
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The Witch and Her Pet

The Witch and Her Pet: A Story of Undying Love Friday Tom opened his apartment door and came inside. It was Friday evening and he was tired…really tired. It had been a long week and he just wanted to collapse. He opened the refrigerator door and took out a beer. He fell into a chair, turned on the TV, and sipped the beer. He really wanted to go online but it was a little early. He had had the same fantasy since he was a young teenager, but lately he had been able to think about little else....

1 year ago
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Superheroines and Spaceships Lesbians and Lasers

This is a collaborative story collection. Additions by other authors are welcome. Think Flash Gordon, Barbarella, Barsoom, or the covers of dozens of cheesy pulp magazines. It's space opera with lasers and lesbians and spaceships and space-monsters and most of all super-powered super-hot women in scanty clothing. Readers, please comment. Not just about whether you like or dislike what you've read (though if other authors are like me they crave your validation so please comment). You should...

1 year ago
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A Simple AffairVic and Cheryl

It has been one year since my divorce from Elaine was final. A lot has happened since then, so let me fill you in on all of the changes. First off, Cheryl and I couldn't be happier. We are deeply in love and it shows in everything we do. We talk about everything, we go to movies, galleries and museums and there are always subtle displays of affection flashing like sparks between us. Our sex life has been great since I moved in and now we are beginning to experiment. Cheryl has some things she...

Love Stories
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Friday Night at Mephistos

Betsy Flanagan looked at the image in the mirror. The woman that stared back at her smiled. “Betsy, when you’ve got it, you’ve most definitely got it,” she whispered to herself. Her five foot eight inch form was encased, at least partially, in black leather that hugged her curves like a second skin. The pants were a mesh weave below her crotch, showing plenty of her freshly shaved legs. The leather halter was almost more of a thick bra, coming down to just under the swell of her breasts. Her...

2 years ago
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Searching for Fulfillment ch2

The tone of Justin's voice had Kelly feeling equal parts nervous and aroused. She ran upstairs, not sure what to do once she was in their bedroom. She didn't have to wait long, as Justin was right behind her. She wasn't sure what she'd expected him to do, but sitting calmly on the bed wasn't it. He studied her for a moment before speaking. "I love you, Kelly. I want you to be—" She cut in before he could finish. "Please don't think this is about you, it''s not that. I love you, Justin....

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 53

This pasted July we spent a week in Panama City Florida alone, just me and the wife. When she planed the trip I just knew at the last minute she would tell me one of her guy friends would be tagging along , but she never did. I was told we had Friday night booked so as soon as I got home from work and showered we would be leaving. My wife met me at the door all ready, she was wearing a very thin pale yellow sun dress that came almost to her knee , her taned legs where bare and she was wearing...

3 years ago
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The Second Day of Christmas

When Andrew came downstairs, Jake, still in pajamas was finishing breakfast. His mom was at the stove. She was in her night clothes, too.“Good morning, dear.” She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. Andrew couldn't believe how normal she looked. No one would ever think that she had spent a large part of the previous night in incestuous love with her older son. “Pour yourself some orange juice and milk. I'll have these eggs done in a little bit.”“OK.” Andrew tousled his brother's hair....

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Parent teacher conference at the adult theater

Years ago I was a teacher. I took a day off for a doctor's appointment one Wednesday, and since I was in the big city by myself I decided to go to an adult theater I liked to go to. There was a peep show room where there was a central small stage and booths surrounding the stage. Men go into the booth and watch the woman on the stage that sometimes revolves and sometimes is standing still. There is a tube where you slide money through so the woman will come close to you and, depending on...

3 years ago
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Car Trouble

Beverly - I call her Bev - had been so sweet, I thought as I drove down the dark highway. Bev was the girl of my dreams, five foot six, one hundred and thirty-five pounds, long wavy ebony hair flowing down her backless sundress. She has high cheekbones, like she has some Indian blood, bright blue eyes and full red painted cupid-bow lips. I could feel myself getting hard in my slacks just thinking about her.I’m Aaron Markem and I’m twenty-two years old, six foot one, one hundred and ninety...

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Balancing the Equation

Here's that explanation story I promised. Too bad to end this part of the continuum, though the story continues in a different form, well, you'll see. But Kristie Ann's gimmick can only work so long and the Ashley part of it, well, I didn't want to stretch that any more. And the darkness has to lift at some point. Once again, it helps if you've read the previous stories in the continuum. Balancing The Equation By Wolverine Someone finally realized there was a problem at Arelyn V....

3 years ago
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Slave of my Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is my second indian sex story I am submitting to Indian Sex Stories. Sorry for the delay. For those of you who are new let me describe myself- I am a 20-year-old boy from Hyderabad doing my engineering. I am 5″11 and weigh 52 kgs. I am thin and fair in complexion. I have a small dick (4.5 inches). My sister is aged 25 with a curvy figure. Her sizes are 34D-30-34. She had many boyfriends in the past and she is an easy going girl. I on the other hand never had any girlfriend. So...

3 years ago
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Young Love

It was a long trip, a very long trip; no, an extremely tedious and excruciatingly long trip. It wasn't so much sitting beside the huge, balding man who took up his entire chair, part of yours (even with the arm-rest in the way) and a good portion of the aisle; nor the fact that you forgot to bring enough cash to buy a snack leaving you more than a little hungry; nor even the rancid air created by the jock in the fifth row who apparently ate three bowls of bean chili dip and washed it down with...

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EroticAllie Bedded Reporter

Note: This story contains explicit sexual content and is for adults only. It should not be read by people who are offended by such material or are not legally allowed to access such material. All characters in this story are over the age of 18 years old. Heya! My name is Allie Bird, 27 year old blonde journalist extraordinaire. You probably know me from my advice column, Actu-Allie. Or maybe from my food column, Culin-Allie. Real Allie fans will, of course, know about work with the folk music...

2 years ago
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Child of the Gods

( This story is basically a different and better version of my first story, An immortal without purpose. I wasn't happy with how I wrote that one so I'm writing this one. The concept is the same but the story is totally different. Hope you like it. ) The gods know it's their end. Their influence is dwindling. Mortals don't care about them anymore. The proud Olympians now realise that they're nothing without mortals. Faith,prayers and devotion is what gives them power. They need someone to...

2 years ago
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A Cloak of Lies Ch 15

Epilogue That’s all folks… ‘Seriously?’ Lorette waved a nervous hand at Camille, telling her to keep her voice down. She looked around carefully, checked out the window to make sure they hadn’t been heard. ‘Yes,’ she said. Her voice was hushed, as if imparting a secret that could bring the world to a screeching halt. ‘I don’t know what to do.’ Camille laughed, jostling the cherub on her lap. ‘For heaven’s sake, Lorette, you have a baby, that’s what. It sort of comes along with being...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 30 Farewells Part I

June 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden The last week of school was busy with final exams and goodbyes. On Friday, there were hugs and handshakes and general well-wishes. I took quite a few pictures, and many were taken of me. Much to my surprise, at the end of the day, a cake was brought out and my classmates sang «Ja, må han leva!» to me. Nearly every girl in the class kissed me on the cheek, including Annie, which surprised me. The big surprise was the soft, gentle kiss on the lips from...

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Some things I Do Like

Cum drops on noses and stories well writtenSensual kisses will have me quite smitten Hard bulging packages, fun with no stringsThese are a few of my favourite thingsCreamy filled pussies and tongues in my anusLight hearted spanking as long as it's painlessFun with my toy and the joy that it bringsThese are a few of my favourite thingsGirls in tight dresses with sexy eye lashesBut NO fakes or skinny rakes or vulgar pumped gashesBeds with 4 posters and reinforced springsThese are a few of my...

2 years ago
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A Planet Is SwornChapter 11

The officers on the bridge of the WS Scout kept their heads down over their instruments. Captain Marlon was in another of his towering rages — a common occurrence these days. This latest tantrum had been occasioned by the discovery that Simeone was missing. The ship's AI had scanned the entire vessel and had confirmed that Simeone was no longer aboard. It had also verified that none of the Scout's shuttles or emergency pods were missing. Simeone had either: leapt from a docking port to his...

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Being Nosey

It was a warm summers evening, the breeze was genital. Brenda's windows were open, but her lights were out. Enabling her to look out and not allow anyone to look in. Her neighbor across the way was working out as usual, lifting weights, doing squats, jumping jacks and deep knee bends. He is a nice looking guy and Brenda enjoyed watching him get all sweaty. One evening Brenda ready herself to watch her neighbor work out. She had finally decided to masturbate while she watched. She had wanted...

1 year ago
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As Kelly arrived at the pool she groaned audibly at the old conditions and the learning men and boys she encountered as she headed to her first day on the job. Kelly easily got the job as a lifeguard due to her experience at the country club in the white bread neighborhood she used to live in before her mom died... now she was preparing to put on a skimpy uniform and be lusted after by a bunch of thugs in the less than desirable part of town... with her outfit clinging to her tight little body...

2 years ago
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No one Knows

I had done wrong. I had done wrong again, for the first time in ages. Another mistake, another lecture. Another time to look into his eyes and contain myself from melting onto the office floor of the man I have given all of myself to. "Myra. Do you understand what you've done wrong this time, and what it means for you?" My boss sat at his desk, looking at me intently, almost an amused sparkle in his lovely yet intimidating blue eyes. "Yes. I didn't mean to put the files in the wrong cabinet, I...

2 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 7 Untied Shoes

When I got home, I took a shower and grabbed something to eat. I had another game to work, so I headed over to the soccer fields. I was working as a line judge for a girl's under-sixteen game. Working as a line judge was easy. Plus, since I was only working half the field, I could talk a little with some of the kids on the teams while they were on the sidelines. Since both teams, the Sting Rays and the Kickin' Chicks, were from our school, it was a friendly game, with the girls on both...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Hua Saccha Pyaar 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto, mera naam Anurag hai, main Indian sex stories ki kahaniyan hamesa padhta hu aur main iss ka bhut bada fan hu. Ye meri pehli kahani hai aur main aasha karta hu ki aaplogo ko ye kahani pasand aayegi aap mujhe apna feedback mujhe meri mail id par de sakte hai. Ye jo incident main aapko batane jaa rha hu ye ek dam sach hai, ye sirf ek saadharan kahani nahi hai balki mere jeevan ke sabse khoobsurat yaadon mae se ek hai kyuki tab maine pehli baar kisi aurat ka sparsh kiya tha. Ye kahani...

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