SandcastlesChapter 25 free porn video

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At the intermission, I turned Janey's stimulators down, more so that she could help Sally to the Lady's Room than to give her a break. I fully intended for her to be in a constant state of arousal for the remainder of the evening. It promised to be most entertaining, if not exactly fulfilling for me. I was beginning to get a certain — some might say perverse — satisfaction from the constant arousal in the two women.

They returned from the obligatory visit without incident. I indicated to Janey to bring a plate with a selection of the refreshments from the buffet and a single glass of champagne. The food had been artistically laid out by the Opera House staff prior to our arrival. Looking next at Sally, I simply pointed to the kneeling bench. Keeping her head bowed, she moved gracefully to my side and knelt down. I couldn't help but notice her calm demeanor and that a satisfied smile kept playing with the corners of her mouth.

I placed a finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to meet mine.

"Are you happy, my love?"

"Oh, YES, Master!"

"That pleases me."

I smiled at her warmly. Then, just as I was releasing her chin, I quietly asked, "By the way, how many times did you cum in the lady's room with Janey?"

I had detected a more than faint odor of sex wafting on her currents as she had come over to me. The offhand question was rewarded with a look of sheer panic on her face; that deer in the headlights look. Caught! She blushed a deep scarlet, and turned her face from mine in shame.

"That's five, my love. Do not make me give you more."

"Yes, Master."

I was silent for a moment, reflecting.

"Am I really, Sally?

"Really what, Master?"

She was confused by how I addressed her with her name. Normally, I use 'my Love' to address her when she was a Sub.

"Am I your 'Master'?"

She didn't answer for a while. When she did it was with her head bowed completely down, her chin resting on her chest. The jeweled collar must have been choking her.

"To be completely honest, I don't know. Sometimes, when you are focused, you are my Master. Other times I sense you are unsure or defocused. You try to cover for your uncertainty by pretending this is not serious. When you are like that, then it is hard for me to think of you as my Master. Uncertainty is dangerous in a Master.

"As much as I desire to do so, I cannot commit to you — as a slave — when you are unsure. You know I am committed to you as a lover, even as your future wife. I cannot commit myself, my will to you when..."

She looked me directly in the eye as she spoke that last part. She was not being cruel. She was, in a way, begging me to take this seriously, to be the total Master she could commit to.

"Forgive me for speaking so openly, but you asked."

I was quiet, shamed by my own indecision. I had sensed the same things, but didn't know what to do. No, that's not true. I did know. I needed to take this change in our relationship seriously, attack it the same way I did a business problem. Half the time I was feeling my way, unsure of myself. So I played it light, like a game. But this was not a game to her. I would have to get serious about this, and soon.

"Sally, thank you. I confess I have been feeling the same thing, but I didn't ... No. No excuses." I frowned at her, then made a decision.

"Slave! Do not address me as 'Master' until I am your Master."

She looked up at me, startled at my use of 'slave' to address her.

"You may use 'Sir' until then."

She nodded. She understood it was not an option. She also understood that I intended to become a true Master to her.

"Yes, Ma ... Sir. Thank you for understanding."

I nodded curtly. Taking the glass of champagne from the side table where Janey had placed it, I offered my lover a sip. She drank gratefully. I pointed to each one of the selections of delicacies Janey had brought over, one at a time. She finally nodded her head at a particularly small one. I held it for her to bite and she deftly nibbled at it until it was gone, then cleaned my fingers with her tongue. I grinned to myself as I thought of how she had made a meal of that tidbit. I could have wolfed it down in one bite with six others just like it. Sally took another sip of wine then refused all offers for more.

As the orchestra was still out, I leaned back, opened the Velcro fly of my trousers and let the head of my soft cock slip out.

"Slave, where is your place?" I asked her quietly.

Once again I saw a faint grin teasing her luscious lips as she repositioned herself over my lap and swooped down to claim her prize.

With Sally taken care of, momentarily, anyway, I turned my attention to my 'date.' She had been taking extraordinary pains to ignore Sally and me during our little discussion, which clearly meant that she had been watching and listening to everything. To take her mind off us, I cranked up all of her external stimulators to full, even the one in her ass. I also activated the implanted neuro-chemical reservoirs in her system to their lowest level, knowing that they would release tiny amounts of the sexual enhancer into her system. She would now orgasm at the slightest touch. Hell, if she even thought about it, she would cum.

I saw her blush as the sensations kicked in, then sag slightly as the combination of the stimulators and the chemicals pushed her over the edge almost immediately. She wasn't going to climb back out of this for a while. Wild-eyed, she staggered stiff-limbed back to her chair beside me. She sort of oozed into her seat, a puddle of quivering teenaged flesh. Her breathing was ragged.

"Comfy?" I asked her in a light tone.

She looked back up at me with a languid expression, her eyes unfocused and her mouth open. Her breath, when she could catch it, was in short gasps; most unladylike, but incredibly appealing. I thought I detected a slight nod in answer to my question, but it could have been another spasm passing through her.

I tipped her head over onto my shoulder and sat back to wait for the second half of the concert. About a minute later I felt a warm light touch on my leg. Janey had put her hand there, right below her mother's face. As Janey climaxed, her hand squeezed my leg, and gradually moved towards my iron shaft. When her fingertips finally grazed the velvety skin, she stopped moving any closer. She seemed content with just that light contact. Her sharp fingernails moved lazily though my thatch of curly pubic hairs, digging in from time to time as she crashed through another climax.

Her mother watched this from above, her mouth never moving off of the head of my cock. It must have been strange for her, watching her daughter in the throes of orgasm after orgasm and not being able to sense it. I still had the damper on their link, keeping their sensations apart.

Even when the music started, Sally stayed in place. I didn't urge her away this time. This part of the program was not the composer's best work, neither were they Sally's favorite pieces and the conductor's interpretations left me a little cold. To be honest, I don't think any of us was paying much attention to the music.

Somehow, I managed to get both of them into the limo at the end of the concert. Janey's legs were a little wobbly, but she pulled herself together to get through the dwindling crowd. She didn't talk to anyone and she looked a bit flushed. I held her close to me, supporting her through the crowd. She leaned heavily on me until we stepped outside. The cool night air seemed to revive her. Sally followed obediently behind us, as ordered.

The limo driver moved smoothly up to the curb as we emerged from the gaily-lit doors of the Opera House. She hopped out and opened the rear door, timing it so that we didn't even have to slow down; just down the stairs and into the limo. She was good.

As we settled into the rear seats, I felt my fly being opened by two timid hands. Since Sally was still bound with her arms behind her, that could only mean that Janey was doing some exploring. I glanced at Sally, who was just getting to her knees in front of me. I motioned with my head for her to get up and sit beside me on the other side away from Janey. She did so without hesitation.

After Sally was seated, I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me. I nuzzled my nose into her hair and breathed in deeply. I loved the smell of her hair. I brushed my lips softly along the top of her head. I hoped she wouldn't notice this apparent weakness on my part, but I found it hard not to express my love for her in 'soft' ways. I was still learning, and hadn't yet realized it was the attitude, not the action.

With a deep sigh of satisfaction, Sally accepted my affectionate gesture. She tucked her legs up under her, and snuggled into my side. I slipped my hand through the opening of her cape and captured a firm tit. She turned her face to my chest.

"Please, Sir. I will cum if you do that. You know that. You are very skilled at arousing this slave. I cannot help myself. Forgive my weakness."

I carefully captured the stiff nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I looked her right in the eye.

"Slave, you have my permission to cum three times before we get home. I will not stop playing with your tits until we arrive, and I know just how sensitive they are and how horny you are right now. I will do my utmost to make you cum as often as I can. If you succeed in limiting your pleasure to three climaxes, you may choose your own punishment for your indiscretions tonight. You will receive only the five strokes, which you will count aloud for me and for which you will then thank me. If you do not succeed, the number will be doubled, and I will choose the punishment."

She gasped as I squeezed her nipple hard just as I ended. It must have taken a supreme effort on her part to stifle that orgasm, but she did not cum. The driver started the limo and the vibrations from the road added to her torment. I teased the firm flesh in my hand unmercifully. Sally did not draw away from me or resist my marauding hand. She remained quiet, her breathing very controlled.

Janey had begun her exploration of my now engorged prick as I was dealing with her Mom. Her hot little hands grasped the base of shaft. She could not encircle it with one hand.


Her voice was small, much like I imagine it was when she was six years old.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Honey. What do you want to know?"

"Are most guys this big?"

She lifted my swollen organ in her tiny hands and waved it a little to indicate what she was referring to.

I laughed quietly. This was going to be an interesting ride home.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think so. However, the size of a man's penis is not really that important between two people who love each other. A man does not need a big cock to bring pleasure to a woman."

"Does it hurt when you stick it in down there?"

"The first time a woman is penetrated usually hurts her, at least a little. Even after that, a small penis can hurt the woman if she isn't prepared or ready or willing."

Janey had her own experience with that. She knew it could hurt, even a small one. She was quiet, softly stroking her fingers up and down.

"Some of the girls at school were talking about blow jobs, putting their boyfriend's thingy in their mouth and then sucking on it. Is that what Mom has been doing tonight?"

"Not exactly."

I eased off on my tit-torture of Sally as I reflected on some of the great oral passions we had experienced in the past.

"Your Mom and I had a bet once that she could make me cum in a minute or less by just holding the head of my cock in her mouth. To win the bet, she couldn't move, or suck, or hum or anything. Just hold it. She was right and she won the bet, the first time. I won the second time. I won't bet with her like that again. I'm afraid of what I would lose next time."

I smiled down at my lover. I placed a tender kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes and a small tear of happiness trickled down her cheek from the corner of one eye. Sally sighed as I attacked her sensitive nipple once more, this time caressing it to its full turgid height, then flicking it rapidly with the tip of my finger. I continued talking to Janey.

"Now, I have her do it that way, just holding the head in her mouth, more as a reminder. Giving a man oral pleasure is one of the most intimate acts a woman can do for a man. The pleasure almost always goes just one way with this act, from the woman to the man. The very position the woman is in, kneeling, is a position of servitude. In addition, it just feels great to have her mouth there."

"Do you ever let her move, I mean, does she still give you blow jobs?"

"Janey, you should know by now, I don't 'let' your mother do anything. She pretty much does whatever she wants, whenever she wants and I willingly accept her gifts to me. By the way, I also have pretty much the same freedom with her, to do what I want, when I want and she accepts the pleasures I give her. She even accepted my proposal of marriage, eventually.

"So the answer to your question is, 'Yes' she still does pleasure me orally. I do the same for her, too."

"You mean you put your mouth down there, on her?"


"Wow! Doesn't that tickle?"

"Not too much. I trimmed her pussy hair back out of the way so that I..."

"Not you, silly. Her! Doesn't it tickle her?"

"OH! Well, exc-u-u-use me."

We both laughed.

"Well, I don't think so but I really don't know. You'll have to ask her. Later. I do know she never laughed while I was eating her pussy, at least not out loud. She moans a lot, but no laughter."

She was quiet for a bit.

"Is Mom a good cock-sucker? Is that the right name for it?"

I chuckled. What a loaded question! How did women always manage to ask questions that made you compare them to each other? I was just about ready to answer her, truthfully, when Janey interrupted. She had sensed my quandary.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I'll rephrase the question. Do you like the way Mom gives head? Does she have a good technique?"

This time I laughed aloud.

"First, the name 'cock-sucker' has kind of a bad taste to it. I wouldn't call you or her that, no matter what. Second, your Mom is the absolute best, not that I have that much to compare it to."

I felt Sally shaking as I held her. She was laughing, not having an orgasm.

"Third, it is not her technique that makes her the best, although she is fantastic that way too. What makes your Mom so special is her attitude. She wants to give me pleasure that way. It is her gift. I have never asked her to do it."

My voice kind of tapered off at the end. Suddenly, a light went off in my head. Attitude, not actions. Attitude, not techniques. I needed a fucking attitude adjustment. Fast.

Janey was thinking about what I had said, too. As she was thinking, her head lowered toward my prick. She continued her inspection from point-blank range. Her inquisitive fingers pressed against the spongy head. A clear drop of pre-cum grew at the slit at the top.

"What does it taste like, you know, that stuff that spurts out?"

"I, uh, I don't know."

"Didn't you, you know, that time in the dungeon?"

"No." I cast about for a way to continue.

"I failed my Mistress that time."

She looked up at me, her face a question mark. I explained my comment to her.

"When I was in the dungeon, I gave myself, gave over my will, totally to your Mom. It was the only way I could endure what was going on inside my head, to get rid of the terror and fear. Understand that I did what I did willingly. I would do it again, if she asked me to. Still, in my mind, when I was in the dungeon, I came to think of her as 'Mistress, ' my owner. I still think of her in that way when I remember what happened. She is my Mistress even now, in many ways.

"When I was in the dungeon, at the end, I only tasted the clear discharge a man makes at the beginning, the pre-cum, at that time. All I can tell you about that stuff is that it tasted 'slippery', salty. But sometimes, after your Mom takes me in her mouth, we will kiss, and I can detect a different taste that I assume is a little of what I taste like. It isn't awful or foul tasting or anything, but it is different. Tangy, I guess."

"Oh. You don't like to talk about that time she did all that stuff, do you?"

"It's OK, Honey. I'm just not exactly sure what happened or how I feel about it sometimes. I do know that a lot of good changes came out of that experience."

"So, am I supposed to swallow that white stuff? Some of the girls thought that would be gross, but they hadn't done it, so they didn't know. Doesn't a guy pee out that hole, too?"

I played with the loose hairs on the back of her neck, careful to not put any downward pressure on her head.

"Janey, Honey, you're not even supposed to have a cock in your mouth unless you want it there. It should always be your choice. Never let a guy try to tell you he will be injured if he doesn't get relief. It doesn't work that way.

"Second, it's up to you what you do with it. Spit or swallow. It's your choice."

"What does Mom do?"

"Does it matter?"

She thought about that.

"No. Not really."

That seemed to be the end of her questions as she was silent for the rest of the ride. A lot of the content she had already heard from her Mom in their many talks. I know Sally had been very thorough and more explicit than I thought necessary.

I don't know if Janey just wanted a second opinion or a man's perspective. Sally and I agreed in our approach to sex and relationships in terms of giving and not taking, of it being a shared experience, not one forcing or coercing the other. I felt confident I had not contradicted anything Sally may have told her.

Janey seemed content to hold and fondle my cock, gaining a sense of its size, hardness, and strength. One time she leaned forward and touched the tip of her dainty tongue to the drop of pre-cum that had collected at the pee-slit. After she had tasted that, she leaned her head back on my stomach, apparently deep in thought. I felt her shudder as the stimulators pushed her over the edge of one climax after the other with regularity. I was amazed she had been able to hold a coherent conversation with all that shakin' going on.

We rode the rest of the way home without incident, in silence.

We disembarked from the limo, and I walked Janey to the front door. As this was still our first 'date, ' I took her in my arms and gave her a good night kiss on the porch in front of Sally. Janey returned the kiss and sucked in my tongue greedily. That simple good night kiss ended up leaving us both a little breathless. Her enthusiasm was highly erotic.

I slipped my hand into my coat pocket and turned her stimulators off. She gave a little whimper.

"Well, I guess the date is over. Right, Dad?"

She almost sounded disappointed.


She gave me another big hug.

"Thank you. I had a good time. You made me feel very special tonight. Good night!"

With that, she gave me a chaste peck on the cheek and let herself into the house. The door shut, leaving Sally and me standing in the cool night air. I turned to Sally.

"So, slave. How many times did you cum on the way home? I didn't feel any. Am I losing my touch?"

She looked up at me, trembling. "None, Sir. But I had cum three times in the ladies room with Janey without your permission. How did you know, Sir?"

It had been a damn lucky guess. I just smiled a knowing smile at her. I think I almost fooled her.

"Anyway, since I had cum three times and you allowed me three, I figured I couldn't allow myself any more, Sir."

I was not pleased with her response, but I had promised her that she could choose her punishment. I was in unfamiliar territory, and I think I overplayed the part a bit. It didn't feel natural, but it was what I thought a displeased master would act like. I was wrong.

I reached out to the clasps of her cape. I undid them roughly, one by one, and jerked the cape off her shoulders, exposing her naked body to the night air. The nearest neighbor was 2 miles away, and the porch was secluded. But it was still a shock to her to be exposed outside of the house, outdoors. I towered over her, backing her up against the front door. My eyes were angry, and my tone harsh.

"First, slave, you don't think. You don't 'figure.' You do what I tell you and only that. I gave you permission to come three times in the car. You missed out on that pleasure, slave. I already knew you had cum without permission and you are going to be punished for that.

"Second, by refusing to cum for me, you took away from me the pleasure of pleasuring you, of bringing you to a sweet release. You resisted my touch, you ignored my commands, my caresses, squeezes and pinches. If you do not wish my tender touches, you will get painful ones instead.

"Third," and I softened, considerably, "I love you. Deeply. Totally. Forever and ever."

I kissed her trembling lips. I wanted to ravish her then and there, to fuck her on the porch. It was one of the few places in her house we hadn't done it. But her fear was a good indication it probably wasn't a good time. She wasn't the only one frightened. We were on the threshold of a new darkness. I didn't know if the darkness contained an abyss or if it was just another room in the house of our relationship. I took her in my arms as I continued.

"Slave, my Love, I promised you a punishment. I also promised you that you could choose it. Here is the key to the dungeon. Go get something for me to use, then come back to the bedroom and we will continue."

I turned her around and set her arms free. She would need them to get into the dungeon. We stood still for a while as I massaged some feeling back into her stiff upper limbs. When she was able to roll her shoulders without grunting in pain, I opened the door and gave her fanny a good smack to get her moving. She literally ran into the house in her high heels, and all the way to the basement. I thought I heard a sob a she turned the first corner and went out of sight, but I couldn't tell.

I made my way to our room, lost in thought. I was confused, overwhelmed by the events of the evening with Sally. They hadn't gone the way I had anticipated. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when Janey called out from the hallway.

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Showing off my pussy for the first time

I was 18 when I first shaved my pussy. I have a lot of hair down there and so was used to working on my bikini line, so began to trim the triangle smaller and thinner as time went by. Then one day I just decided to try taking it all off using hair removal cream. I thought if it worked it would make the whole process so much easier. At that time I was single and this is before the days when fully shaved was no big deal. I wasnt sure how it would look or how it would be recieved if I met a guy....

3 years ago
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1928Chapter 2

Charlie Desmond, the husband of Nancy Desmond, had a great faith in the future of America. Along with most of the men he knew, he thought the business of America was business and that was that. The business of America was business and the future of business looked good. No, he thought it was better than that. The business of America was business and the future of business looked smashing. In the year 1928 that darling of the business community Mr. Bruce Barton announced to the country that...

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Moms Sexy Sister

My affair with my beautiful mother, Mona, had been going on for about two months. We were deliriously happy, drunk with pleasure and addicted to incestuous sex. We had fucked almost every day, usually several times; we had sucked and licked and expressed our love in many other ways. We could hardly keep our hands off each other. Even when my father was in the house, if we were in a room by ourselves, we would kiss and fondle obscenely. Mom would even grab my cock right behind his back....

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The Astonishing Legacy

My only explanation at the time was that some god or spirit had it in for me. I thought I was doing well, working as an inventory control geek for the local John Deere dealer in Hutchinson, Minnesota--due west of Minneapolis-St.Paul... I was blind-sided by a big, fat envelope that I had to sign for before they'd let me have it. Somehow some fool had left me a legacy of a big farm in western Minnesota--two sections, or two square miles. What I found odd was, it had lain fallow since close to...

2 years ago
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how i lost my virginity

Introduction: This is the true story of my first time with one of most awesome guys i ever met.its also my first attempt at writing something like this so,constructive criticism is welcomed Hi…I am Rachael. This is the true story of my first time with one of most awesome guys i ever met.its also my first attempt at writing something like this so,constructive criticism is welcomed. I am 20yrs old and now in college but this happened when i was 15,and only a sophomore in high school. I am pretty...

4 years ago
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Dee Doesnt Remember

‘You will pay attention for a time, and soon your thoughts shall all be mine. Watch the pretty coin of gold, and you will do what you are told.’ Snap. Dee awoke and stared straight ahead while her eyes adjusted to the bright lights. She had never had such a rejuvenating nap before, and it left her in a state of complete relaxation. Dee remained completely still as she took in the view ahead of her: the beautiful golden pendulum danced in front of her, occasionally allowing her a glimpse of...

3 years ago
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Welcomed VisitorChapter 5 The next day

Since nothing compares with sleeping with an angel in your arms, I slept like a log. Come morning I slowly came awake bit by bit and felt a little confused. I couldn't figure out what was different from most other mornings until I realized I was in bed with a very naked 14 year old ex-virgin. Being there with her was not all that was different. I noticed that I had my typical morning hard-on and there was a little hand wrapped around it slowly stroking it up and down. Opening my eyes I...

1 year ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 61

THURSDAY, June 23, 2016 Acting Inspector Steve Winslow was at his desk before 8, working through a thick stack of paperwork dropped there by the chief when he left last night. Steve started with the shift schedule for the coming week, which he knew the chief especially disliked doing. As Steve slotted officers into shifts, he thought about the union meeting last night, his last. He had been the president of the local, but his move into management meant that this had to end. Velma and...

2 years ago
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Eat the Seed part 3

Saturday was spent in the great outdoors biking on local trails.  My mind raced all day about the prospects of seeing Jill and Emma doing a strip tease on stage.  Twice, I almost got into an accident because I could not keep my mind on the trail.The day progressed quickly; after biking, we went back to the motel and took showers.  We ate a lovely dinner at a place about five miles away.  We returned to the motel and relaxed; all but Carl took a short nap.  Just before 9pm, the women gathered up...

4 years ago
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My First Time With An Old man

Since I was young, I've always had a liking to older people, both men and women. And alot of my friends parents fit into this category. There was this one married couple who were my neighbors that lived on the same street. There son and I grew up together and over the years, I found myself very attracted to the mother and father. At the time they were much older, in their mid 50's. They were of German decent and had these hot german-american accents. The mother was very sexy, nice figure and...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Evolet Unique Latina Pussy Pounding

Evolet is a Latina babe who is totally unique in her self-expression. Her long pink hair makes her stand out in a crowd, and her bodacious booty makes her an absolute superstar! Lucky for us, we get to check out every inch of her body as she strips off her clothes and dances seductively. She reveals cute nipple piercings and her big fat ass as she bends over to take our stud’s chorizo deep in her snatch. Her body shakes as he pounds her down, making her whimper in pleasure. Then she savors a...

2 years ago
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deepest darkest descent holiday

hi its maria if your up to date with my story youll know that my husband is back very easily he accepted my new lifestyle but we felt we needed a holiday to discuss a few things especially what to tell the c***dren i spoke with jerome about our issues and he said fine you can go away but im going to tell you where to go and what to wear and remember what you are a black cock slut so dont be suprised if i dont pop along for the odd day or send some of the guys from the bar around to keep you in...

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The Pump

My mother died at the age of eighty in 2002 and now, at the tenth anniversary of her death, I feel free to reveal the details of our weird relationship. It is an example of the strange twists of terrible misfortune and luck which may befall the family member. There is no doubt that Virginie Rosehay was my biological mother, but exactly who she was remains for me an unsolved mystery. I was unable to find her birth certificate at the Central Registry in London, nor the entry of her birth or...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 252 Sun and Fun With Girls

Who is pounding on the door? I had the place in my head not see the door. I found that Shelly was there waiting outside the door. Jennifer told me that was probably her since Shelly had been following me around like a puppy. She didn’t mind the red-headed, freckled beauty coming in to watch Jennifer get her first dick. Since I was naked, I got behind the door, unlocked it, and opened it enough for her to slip in. As I was locking the door, Jennifer stripped off her bikini bottoms and went...

2 years ago
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Glory Days

I have a secret that I keep from my friends and family. It really isn’t anything awful- I’m not a murderer, secret agent or rapist. It isn’t illegal….it’s just sort of embarrassing and I wouldn’t want anyone to know about it. I like glory holes. I’m not gay and I don’t suck cocks, but I love the thrill of sneaking into the local peep show…hoping no one I know is driving by at that moment. I love the sounds around me - mostly they are imitation pleasure as actors fuck each other on the screens,...

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 18 Bedtime For Emma

In the corridor outside the stateroom where they had been taking coffee and brandy, the Emir did not look back, but strode along to his suite, politely holding the door for Emma to precede him. Inside the Emir's stateroom, he turned to the eunuch and said, ~I do not wish to be disturbed until the morning.~ Taking Emma by the arm he led her into a sumptuous bedroom where there were two other eunuchs, two young women in shift dresses and a nearly naked Arab girl. "Out," he said, and the...

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Lonely Twenties Volleyball Season

Summer had come a bit too early in Afer's city, a large world-class city with a beach nearby. At the age of twenty-six, Afer had grown apart from his old friends and was now spending most of the days by himself. Given the amount of vacation time he was taking, Afer realized that he had time to burn. Despite his age, Afer was doing well for himself financially and was on his way to making even more. Looking out on one summer day, Afer noticed a woman in volleyball gear and he noticed he had...

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Taxi Trouble

I did a job in a town 120 miles from mine this weekend. As soon as I checked in I dressed up in my maid outfit (of course), put on some make up and my wig and paraded around the room, curtains open and lights on for anyone to see. This really turned me on (as always) so I called Mistress on the phone and asked for an assignment. The one she came up with this time was so daring it made my knees shake. I was ordered to wait until late and go out all dressed up and hail a cab. I would...

4 years ago
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A true story at the book store

This is a true story that happened back in 2011 whenI went to an adult book store in Boise. They have video boothsin the back and some of the booths are "buddy booths".Meaning there is a glass partition between the booths thatclears when both parties press the "clear glass"button. When I got there I first went into a regular privatebooth to watch some porn. I chose a bi movie and had droppedmy shorts and began jacking off to the movie. Just as I wasgetting into it my door opened - I had forgot...

3 years ago
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Growing UpChapter 3

I knew I was dreaming because the light was so bright and it was coming from all directions, same as the women. Ida would run by, her nipples bouncing, followed by Nina, with bouncing breasts. Susan always followed Nina and her breasts were bouncing on her pregnant belly but instead of laughing like Ida and Nina, she was always crying. Gay would walk slowly by and stop, turn to me, smile, lift her breasts to me, and then walk off. Not one was wearing clothing and they would disappear every...

3 years ago
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Erotica With Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

What is Attraction? “The action or power of evoking interest in or liking someone or something.” As the statement says, the ‘power of evoking.’ That same power took me back to her place again and again for the experience I had the last time. I was starving for that. I needed it more and more. I experience it each time. We used to sit sticking each other on her bed while watching TV. We keep our heads on each other’s shoulders for some time, one by one. We used to wrap our hands together, trying...

1 year ago
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A Room With A View Melissa Part 2

Melissa dragged the scope from between her clinging clam lips. Born anew; lustful tears gushing from her abused sex; it arose glistening into the light. A penile projection of black plastic-coated metal, her lover, the pleasure provider. Its surface slick with her cream, fingers glittering pearlescent as they clung to its slippery mass. Upwards it travelled; away from the hips that still thrust ineffectual at nothingness, beyond the flat prairie of her stomach rippling with seismic aftershocks,...

4 years ago
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Ride Of Their Lives

Bill and Larry had been roommates and best friends throughout college.  One thing that they both loved was riding motorcycles.  They’d started out with small dirt bikes but eventually worked their way up to cruising bikes.Every weekend during their senior year they’d go for weekend rides up and down the West coast. But then they graduated, found jobs and the weekend rides turned into monthly rides and eventually only once or twice a year rides.  It was one of those weekends and while they were...

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Paradise FoundChapter 7

It dawned on me that the direction the stairs turned had to be a coincidence since nobody would have thought of attacking or defending this building with a sword when it was built 50-odd years ago. We made a quick check of the second floor and found it to be empty of people, though it was obvious that at least one person lived here because we found a replicator that was turned on. Surely, that meant that the fire was not for cooking. We were a lot more careful when we entered the third...

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JulesJordan Sybil Stallone Sets A Big Titty Trap For Manuel

Sybil Stallone Makes Manuel Worship Her Monstrous Melons And Service Her Every Desire! Sybil’s wearing a tiny string bikini that barely makes it over her giant tits to cover her nipples before pulling it down to set them free. She squeezes her boobs together then slides off her bottoms to show off her freshly shaven snatch. Now inside sitting on the couch, Sybil oils up her body making it glisten in the light as she waits for Manuel to join her. He makes his way over to the couch, already naked...

2 years ago
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Masturbating With My Classmates at College

At the start of the summer break, our masturbation group left school forever. Unfortunately, the members were moving to different colleges all over the country, so the dynamic of our group had to adapt as well.Steven and Jack were no longer a couple, so I'd suggested Steven and Thomas make a go of it as boyfriends. It seemed a logical step; they'd had sex before and enjoyed it, plus they were at colleges in neighbouring towns and could see each other pretty much whenever they wanted. I'd also...

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Girls Kissing

Reddit Girls Kissing, aka r/GirlsKissing! It's hard to find anything fucking better than watching two bitches making out and swapping tongue spit. Yeah, I get it, having those two sluts knobbing on that cock would be the best thing of all – but when is the last time you got some of that action, huh? Don't pretend for a second that something that fucking hot happens to you every day, so you better jump over to and look at the next best thing.Let's face it: you're not...

Reddit NSFW List
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Bad Boy

You open the door, come into the room, and set your papers down on the table. There is a dim light on, so you can see me sitting there waiting. You look at me and you can tell, you are in trouble. You’ve made me wait for hours and I don’t want any excuses. You know what you have to do. You sigh and start to take your clothes off, I study your body as you do. There is not a mark on you, yet. You know I’m not happy after waiting for hours without a single phone call. You know better than to make...

2 years ago
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Siacute papi siempre me has gustado

Tenía 18 años cuando mi viejo, me cogió por primera vez.Desde hacia varios años me fui a vivir con mi papá, vivíamos los dos solos y nuestra relación de padre e hijo siempre fue muy liberal. Era normal para mi ver desnudo a mi viejo, y por más que me calentaba nunca insinué nada.Esa noche de verano de mucho calor, mi papá entra a mi cuarto mientras yo dormía, el ruido de la puerta hizo que me despertara, al notar eso me dice Papá: - Uhhh, perdoname, no sabía que ya estabas dormido, queres tomar...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 15

Dwayne couldn't sleep. A glance at the luminous dial on his wristwatch told him it was 4:43 AM, so he rolled his feet to the floor. He'd make his own coffee; June wouldn't mind. June. What a woman! So beautiful it made his eyes hurt just to look at her face. Smart, too. And sweet. She had a sweet disposition. He liked that in a woman. At the end of his marriage, his ex-wife had no sweetness in her. She'd morphed into a shrew. He turned on the shower, let it run until hot water arrived,...

1 year ago
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Out of Town

Angel eyes is my wife's newest cunt lapping bitch. Angel eyes is 32yrs a body that would give a 80yrs man a hard-on. she was in a dress shop buying a new dress for a party for her husband' new job. Kim my wife seen her go in and up to her old tricks acted like a sales clerk and soon had Angel eyes naked in the try-on room, Angel eyes never had a chance and soon was eating her first pussy. Kim keep her well fucked over the next two months they were together three days a week. Kim and her 11"...

4 years ago
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Turned Into a Bitch For Black Guy

I show up at his place and the door is unlocked. I push it open and he's there on the couch stroking his giant black cock. Since I'm new to this, he tells me to come over and kneel in front of him. He immediately sticks two fingers in my mouth and moves them over my tongue. He tells me to suck his fingers while he asks me some questions: Have I ever been a slut for someone before(No), Do I want him to turn me out(Yes), Do I like his dick(Yes) Am I going to moan like a bitch for him when he puts...

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Daughter Horses AroundChapter 8

A few days later, the teenager arrived for her nightly rendezvous with the randy stallion. She had already let the big black horse out of his stall, and now the animal moved between her legs. His prick bounced up and down beneath his hairy belly. He buried his nose in her already-juicy crotch and began to lick her hot cunt. "Yeah, Midnight, go for it! Lick my pussy!" Micki cried, gripping her tits in both hands and squeezing them lewdly. She sighed and trembled with pleasure as she felt...

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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 4

Chapter 4. Later that same evening in their bedroom at the Royal Hotel Julia noticed Chris was apparently in a trance. Julia watched him for a few minutes and then spoke "Chris are you OK?" There was no reply. She went and waved her hand in front of Chris. It was several more minutes before Chris came out of the trance. Julia again spoke, "Chris what happened as you apparently went into a trance. Do you feel ok?" "Sorry Julia I have just realised something and I need to...

2 years ago
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Reunion Day

Reunion Day The young woman gracefully made her way off the first class section of the aircraft, down the jet way and into the gate area of the terminal. Each of her delicate movements seemed almost thoughtfully considered for amplified reinforcement of her feminine elegance ? and indeed they were. Those fortunate enough to cast their gaze upon her for any length of time were reward with a vision of true female beauty infrequently observed. More than a few viewers turned their...

1 year ago
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Angry Sex is the Most Passionate

"A glance from across the semi-crowded room A glance, a glance, just a glance You slipped a pencil in my pocket In class, when I needed it for maths Yes you turned around and gave me a smile I’ve never felt anything like this in a while Then it turned into you, talking to me, All I felt was glee Then over the next few days, My heart became a maze You followed through the right way You reached the end and said you’d stay But I didn’t know the right way myself So when you left, I was...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Helpful Policeman

This is a story I submitted to another website, now moving them here, Hope you enjoyKaren got out of bed angry due to the noise of the fight that lasted most of the night from somewhere in her neighbourhood. Deciding that she would take the day of work, as she just couldn't be bothered rushing around to get dressed and fed before trying to beat the rush hour traffic into the city. After having something to eat she went back to her room to try and decide what she would wear and then eventually...

4 years ago
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Evil Step Mother

Evil Step Mother By Jane Astin "I want my daddy! I want my daddy!" screamed little William. A long brown haired woman in her late teens with brown eyes picked up the child and spoke towards a hand held camera held up by a young teenage girl. "Hello hunny buns. Surprised to see me? How was your business trip? I bet you didn't expect to come home to a box with your name on it. If you don't do exactly as I say you will never see your precious William again. Inside the box with...

2 years ago
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Divine SuccessionChapter 12

The rest of the business trip was rather uneventful. Sunday was spent finalising deals, Rachel finally understanding why people couldn't refuse David. She did stay rather quiet the whole time, clearly shaken up by learning the horrible truth about her parents. The entire plane ride home on Monday morning was spent with the two of them just cuddling, Rachel having no interest in sex. David resisted willing her horny, content just holding her in his arms. David got home early Monday morning,...

3 years ago
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Living the Dream part 15

Living the Dream, part 15 By: Malissa Madison I went with Porsche and Jeanine to Mai Ling's room where her roommates grew excited seeing her open the intricate Bamboo box. I realized it was a Puzzle lock box, with sliding keys. They had to slid in just the right order to open it up. "Please relax, I promise you will feel nothing. I am quite skilled." She had Porsche lay back on her bed as she unrolled the bundle of super long, super fine needles. She began cutting tiny cubes of...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Holiday Anal Sex

It was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the living room and passed out cold. Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing very heavily. She was sleeping really hard now. My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing. I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey... I took my pants and shorts...

Drunk sex

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