Michaels MansionChapter 05
- 5 years ago
- 31
- 0
On Tuesday the original house section is far enough advanced Pat can start getting the rainwater downpipe installed. Until the gutters are in place all he can do is attach the back half of the brackets to the uprights and bolt them into place. Wednesday he attaches the first section of pipe to the drain from the roof gutters. Most downpipes are only seventy-five millimetres in size but these are two hundred millimetres because the gutters are sloped to carry all of the roof’s rainwater into this one pipe and down this corner. All of the gutters are a metre wide and half a metre deep so they can hold a lot of water if there’s a very heavy downpour that overloads this one huge downpipe. Because the pipe will be hidden in the wall and very hard to get at Pat is using a stainless steel pipe for long life, which is why he’s so exacting in the fitting of it. By dinnertime on Wednesday night the inside downpipe is fitted and sealed to the guttering and bolted to the upright with the section going through the wall at an angle of only thirty-five degrees from upright. The hardest part in this was the drilling of the hole through the sandstone because he couldn’t do that until he had the rest of the pipe fitted. But that’s now done with the pre-angled section through the wall and attached to the upper pipes from the gutters. Tomorrow’s job will be to install the tanks after their arrival then to attach the sections to go from this piece to the inlet of the first tank.
Thursday afternoon the tanks arrive just as Pat is finishing his lunch. The delivery truck has a built in hoist that’s just high enough to lift the tanks into the building. The first tank goes in and the deliveryman goes inside to see it’s settled into place on the special frames installed when the building was built. After a little adjustment all is OK. Next is the second tank which is set a half metre higher. The pipes for the overflow from the higher tank to the lower tank and from that tank to the drain are put in place and secured, so are the outlet pipes. Only then are the tanks securely strapped down and the insulating foam sprayed about them. Once it sets the foam helps to keep them in place and in shape.
Pat installs the inlet pipe from the downpipe to the higher tank inlet. Only one more part to attach and he’s done, but first he places a secure cap over the end of the pipe, and he signals for Alice to let the men on the roof know she’s turning on the hose they’ve taken up to the roof.
The hose runs until one of the men on the roof calls down they’ve got water backed up into all the gutters and have added the bright food colouring to the water. While the roof workers check the guttering for leaks by looking at each joint from underneath them Pat goes back over his work looking for leaks as well. None are found in the system so he takes the cap off to let the water run into the tank. The next task is for the hose to be lowered back down and fed to him to put water into the lower tank. Alice turns it back on at his command and they run the water for several minutes before checking the outlet pipes of both tanks for leaks. When none are found the water is turned off, the hose put away, and Pat dumps in the chemicals the company said to put in the first water into the tanks.
Now all he has to do is put on the roof. Eve and Alice pass up two of the steel roof trusses which Pat sets in place at each end of the roof to see where the wall frame has to be attached so he can mark the spot. Next up is the frame to be bolted to the main building for the trusses to attach to, and he bolts it into place. By the time that’s done it’s dinnertime.
Pat has no uni work due for submission tomorrow so after dinner he’s back at work on the roof by using a bright LED lantern to see by. Alice and Eve help with passing up the trusses when he wants them while Dean helps by bringing small parts up the ladder when needed. By nine in the evening the roof is ready for the powder-coated corrugated steel sheets to go on.
When Pat gets home on Friday afternoon he’s surprised to see the roof on the addition is finished. When he gets out of the car the work crew supervisor says, “We had a delay on the roof work this morning so a few of the guys did that for you instead of sitting around. Your mother gave them a case of beer as thanks, so they consider themselves well paid for the work.”
Pat laughs before saying, “Thanks,” and going inside for lunch.
Now all he has to do is to come up with eight sets of doors and they’ll be at the lock-up stage.
Living DecisionsOver lunch Pat and Eve have a discussion about the types and numbers of doors they need. Alice asks, “Why is there a question about the number of doors because now you only have four exterior doors?”
Eve grins while she replies, “We can leave the interior doorways as open archways or we can install doors in them the same as the exterior doors or different to the exterior doors. We need to choose what look we want to have in the finished interior, and the doors will affect that.”
Pat says, “Well, the big question there is how you intend to operate within the finished building. If you want to set up different areas to be segregated or not? That’ll affect if you need any doors and what types.” They talk about the Mansion’s interior usage and layout quite a bit, and that moves onto a talk about the long term residence for Eve and Pat.
Alice asks, “When you move back into the main house can Dean and I stay on here in The Cottage. We don’t want to move back to the farm because there’s a bit of a problem there.”
Eve says, “Well, actually, I’m thinking about staying in The Cottage myself because I now prefer it to the old house.”
Pat leans back to think on this, he also thinks on the letter he got in the mail during the week which he hasn’t mentioned to anyone yet. After a few minutes thought while the ladies continue talking he asks, “Are the two of you happy with the way we’ve been living here in this cottage the last few months? Because, if you are, we can set up to be living like this on a permanent basis. There’s a couple of rooms we don’t use because we’ve seen this as being a temporary arrangement, but we can clean them up and sort the place out if it’s to be permanent.”
Alice turns to him and says, “I’ve no issue with it but I shouldn’t be living with you on a permanent full-time basis because it’ll only make Sean angrier than he is.” Eve looks up at the comment and she wonders what it’s about as neither of them have spoken to her about the issue of Dean’s parentage.
Pat gives a wry smile and says, “Actually, I think you should live with us permanently, and Sean is going to have to apologise to you.” He gets odd looks from both ladies: Eve because she doesn’t understand, and Alice because she’s now aware Pat knows the details of the trouble. He half grins and adds, “One of the things I did when you first moved into town was to take Dean to the doctor. As well as the few shots he needed for school he was given a full check-up plus some blood samples were taken and sent away for testing.” He turns to Eve, “Sean is angry with Alice because he thinks she was cheating on John. I brought them in here to get them out of the bad atmosphere there and to have Dean DNA tested.”
He stops to take a drink of hot chocolate before adding, “I got the DNA test results in the mail earlier this week. Dean is a Murphy, that’s clear. However, there is a side issue.” Both Eve and Alice are looking at him, especially Alice because she knows about the blood group issue and suspects something is wrong somewhere. “The results make it very clear Alice did not cheat on John while he was alive, which is what Sean’s problem is. However, old Samuel has a lot to answer for.” Alice’s face goes pale and then deep red when she gets the full meaning of what Pat is saying. “When John died Samuel sent me over to get Alice drunk and to see she didn’t commit suicide. We both got drunk that night.”
Eve laughs and says, “I remember the terrible hangover you had the next day. I was going to say something to you about drinking, but I felt the hangover was doing a better job of it.”
Pat nods, “It sure did. But blame Samuel and Alice for me being drunk. He sent me over with top line whisky and she insisted I drink the good scotch as well.” Eve laughs again. “However, the long and the short of it is Dean was born a bit premature and is my son. So I want him to live with us. I’ve no idea how we’re going to tell him this.”
By now Alice has worked it out from what Pat had said a moment ago, but the statement on parentage catches Eve by surprise and her jaw drops open. She gulps and says, “Damn, that was unexpected! I’m too young to be a grandmother!” Which makes Alice laugh as she needs a good laugh right now, and Pat joins her in the laughter. After a moment Eve starts laughing too.
A few minutes later they’ve settled down and agree they all want to live in The Cottage on a permanent basis, so the ladies now have to look at cleaning it up properly and clearing out the rooms full of stored gear so they can set up house properly. Pat leaves them to that because he figures they want to talk about this revelation about Dean, so he goes over to see how the work on the big house is going.
When he watches the workmen he thinks about the house paddock and all of the buildings in it while considering options on how to best use the buildings for the future of the Trust and the Michaels Clan. With the decision made about them living in The Cottage it opens up more options on what to do with the main house because he had planned to set aside a floor or two half floors for their own use, but not now. He needs to sit down and go over the possible options in finer detail while drawing possible layouts. He’s a reasonable draughtsman, but has real issues with seeing how a plan will work if he doesn’t have it on paper in front of him.
After checking on the house Pat goes to the garage because he figures he can go through some of the stuff found in the old basement while he thinks. He doubts there’s much there he’ll need to think a lot about, and if there is it’ll take his mind off his current issues.
Stored SurpriseWhen the gear was stored in the garage Pat gave it no more than a glance because he was more concerned with moving it than anything else. He now sets about re-stacking it to take up less space and to see if there’s anything he should have a close look at right now.
Two hours later he has about half of it repacked with several large trunks set aside for a closer examination. He decides to have a bit of a rest by getting a drink and checking the contents of a few of the trunks. He’s interested in three that look the same as one his father has because it has a hidden compartment for important documents.
Pat is going through the second trunk while his half consumed drink sits on the top of the trunk he just finished checking when he opens the hidden compartment to find two piles of letters and a bundle of cash. When he puts the bundle of old twenty pound notes aside he wonders if the bank will cash them or if he’s better selling them to a collector. The letters are a collection of love letters so they go aside for his mother to read as she’ll enjoy reading them. Just a few minutes later he’s repacked everything else into the trunk and he’s stacking it on top of the first one he checked after he shifts his drink.
Five minutes later he’s checking the third trunk with a hidden section he knows how to open is unpacked and he’s opening the compartment. He gets out a bundle of papers and goes through them. He stops to stare at the paper in his hand, the third or fourth last one. Gulping hard he puts the document in his shirt pocket as he looks at the rest of the papers before repacking the chest. After a few minutes to repack the trunk he’s walking into The Cottage with the papers in his hand.
Alice and Eve are sitting at the kitchen table having a cold drink when he walks in. Pat drops the letters on the table while saying, “You may like to read these in a moment. I’m just going to have a quick shower, can you ring Will Dunn and tell him I’m on my way in for an urgent talk, please, Mum?” Eve nods yes, and he turns to go have a shower because it’s been hot and heavy work in the garage so he really needs a shower.
Five minutes later he’s in the car and heading to see the trustee.
Walking into the solicitors Pat is told by the receptionist, “Mister Dunn is with a client but he told me to let him know the moment you arrived and to ask you to wait in the conference room.” Pat nods and he turns to enter the conference room while she picks up the phone.
Pat is hardly settled into a chair when Will Dunn walks in and asks, “What’s so urgent?”
Pat grins as he replies, “Please confirm a few facts for me first. David Sean Michaels died during the Second World War with no wife, child or heirs, and his will gave all of his property to the Trust. Correct!”
“That matches my memory of the records, but I can check the will as it’s in our files.” He picks up a phone and he asks for it to be found.
“The old style Interest Bearing Deposits with the banks requires you to hand in the deposit certificate to claim the money, don’t they?”
Will’s eyes go wide when he puts the two pieces of data together, “Did you find an old certificate made out to David?”
Putting his hand in his pocket Pat pulls out the document he stared at for so long in the garage and he hands it over to Will while asking, “How much would five thousand pounds invested in an IBD in nineteen thirty-five be worth today? As you can see on this, it was an annual maturity with an automatic reinvestment unless claimed within a month of the maturity date.” Will takes the paper and he checks it over with great care.
After reading it Will leaves the room, and a moment later he’s back with his phone book to look up a number. He makes a call, when it’s answered he says, “Dan, I’m looking at a very old IBD from your bank. Will you please check what your records have to say about it,” then he gives him the certificate number and date. He hangs up and says, “Dan will call us back in a few minutes.”
David’s will arrives and is examined. Yes, all of his assets go into the Trust because he had no direct heirs. It’s another ten minutes before the phone rings, and it’s Dan, the manager of the local Commonwealth Bank, so Will puts the call on speaker phone mode.
“You like stirring the shit up, don’t you, Will?” Is Dan’s comment. “I checked the records and we have one showing the certificate was paid out in nineteen fifty, but the certificates book shows it still out. I gather you’re looking at the original certificate right now!”
“Yes, Dan. I’ve got it in my hand at the moment. It was just found in the personal affects of a man who died in combat in nineteen forty-four. So there’s no way he collected it six years later, and the heirs didn’t know about it until they found it this afternoon while going through a lot of old family records and things in storage.”
“Shit. Head Office isn’t going to like this. It looks like someone knew he was dead and the certificate was misplaced, then they took the money out for themselves.” They wait a moment while they hear him playing with a keyboard. He comes back on the line, “I shouldn’t say this, but the system tells me if that five thousand pounds had been reinvested each year, the way it was supposed to be, it’d be worth close to six million bucks now. Lock it up in your safe. I’m going to call Head Office and tell them what we have. I’m sure they’ll send an expert down to check it out and to check our files, then some brown matter will be slamming into the rotating air movement device.” They all laugh at his comment on the trouble they’re starting, and Dan hangs up after a few more words.
Will looks at Pat while saying, “I do think you just found the money to do the restoration work. I suspect one of the older senior staff knew about David and took the money, but that’s their problem and not ours. If they offer a decent amount to buy this back right away I’ll take it and be done with the matter.” Pat nods his agreement.
A few minutes later Pat leaves with a receipt for the certificate and a photocopy of it while Will locks the original up in his personal safe in the firm’s strongroom. They both want it kept safe and secure.
When he gets back home Pat tells Eve and Alice about the find and its value, surprising them both. However, they show more interest in the old love letters they’re reading. So much interest Pat phones out for a delivery of Chinese food for dinner for them all because it’s late enough to eat and the ladies have done nothing about getting a meal ready.
Note: Three weeks later, after checking all of their records, the bank makes noises about the investment being paid out, but they end up buying the certificate back for four and a half million dollars. The old bank notes are in very good condition and are sold to collectors for just over ten thousand dollars.
Since all this is, legally, just a sale of its negotiable assets the Trust doesn’t have to pay any taxes on any of the money they get. Despite them not knowing they had the assets until now.
Council CapersAnother event during this time is an interesting letter from the local council reminding Pat he has only a few days left to pay his minor development application fee if he wishes to avoid fines. The notice is a shock because Pat hasn’t lodged any applications yet, nor has Will.
The afternoon Pat visits the Council to sort the matter out he’s given the applications forms. The clerk tells him he’s supposed to sign them before he lodges them and would he mind doing so in future. While Pat reads the forms Henry Jamieson walks over and quietly says, “After your last visit I spoke with the Town Planner, then we raised these forms and put them in for you. He had them processed, despite being unsigned. You may notice the papers are dated a week before the fire. This way, when Sydney asks about post fire applications we can say you’ve not put any in and the only work is within what you applied for before the fire.”
Pat grins while he reads and signs the forms before he writes the cheque for the fees, back dating the cheque to the date on the application. He takes it all back to the clerk to hand her the forms and cheque while apologising for not sending the cheque in with the forms because he forgot to. She takes it all and processes it before giving him a receipt.
The fun thing about the application is it’s for the owner to alter the placement of, and construction of, interior walls that aren’t structural or weight-bearing. It also notes all pipes or cables for power and utilities will be moved by licensed experts and not the owner. No mention is made of the installation of any new ones; not for or against. In short, he has a back dated approval to do anything with the interior walls and to run any new cables or pipes he wants. He doesn’t need to lodge plans for the new interior layout now because it’s all covered by this approval.
Henry walks Pat to the door and says, “We do not want to know anything about what you’re doing to make the building stable. Just get it to the point the people from Sydney can’t see anything to complain about before they think to come and have a look in a few months.” Pat nods his agreement before he walks out of the Council offices.
Status ReviewPat is reviewing the situation with the Manor while driving home from the university. It’s three months since the fire and Serge’s people are packing up the last of their gear now the roof is done. Things will be slow for a few weeks as it’s now late November and Pat is very busy getting ready for the end-of-year exams. The building is now safe and secure with its strong steel girdle, new windows, new roof, and sheets of thick plywood blocking the four doorways. Inside it’s a hollow shell with steel grids for floors. All of the exterior work on the building itself is done, except for the doors. Plus the extension for the water tanks and power, and the extra work to make the doorways look nicer is finished.
All he has left to do is the interior and the grounds, and it’s finished. Except he’s not made up his mind about what to do with them yet. He very wisely decides to include the ladies in the grounds discussion, but it can wait a few days. Pat sighs as he hopes the State Heritage people are busy elsewhere so they don’t come down until well into next year.
The new development is doing well. All of the roads, services, and fences are in with no above ground cables. Fourteen houses are up to the finishing touches and are already sold. People will be moving in over the coming month. Serge’s crews are busy building the Trust’s houses and the strip of eight houses along the short side. Serge is balancing the work for the Trust against the house sales to maximise the work done before he has to hand over any cash. At the current rate of work all of the houses will be finished by the end of January of the coming year.
Serge and Pat agree to put in the playground equipment as part of the park deal; which makes the Council happy and many of the locals in the area are also happy about it being done. The park was the first thing completed and it was in use while the roads were still being made.
The insurance money is in to pay the bills to date with a bit still in the Trust for the work. However, the money from the 1935 investment will be in before Pat has to ramp up his costs for the interior work. All is going well right now, so it’s a good time to concentrate on other issues.
Interlude Planning the GroundsAt breakfast the Saturday following Serge’s people moving off-site because they’ve finished their current work on the main house Pat asks Eve and Alice, “What do you think we should do about the grounds? I want them to be as low maintenance as possible.”
Eve looks up and says, “A large part will have to be taken over as car parking for the residents and I want some nice high fences for privacy on the boundary as well as between The Cottage and the main house.”
Alice adds, “We want to make sure what we put in looks nice and fits in as well. How about some hedges or something similar. And can we put in some citronella plants to discourage the annoying insects.”
Pat grins because they all seem to be on the same wavelength as far as the general plans, but he needs ideas for specifics. “Well, I think we all have the same basics in mind. However, I need specific ideas and leads on items. So what say we all do some Internet research this morning then discuss it again at lunch.” Both of the ladies nod their agreement.
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Michael sat up in bed reading, waiting for his wife. The dog was up on the bed with him, trying to nose the book out of his hand and get attention.Fucking obnoxious dog. Hadn't he made it clear to the mutt that he didn't like it? To leave him alone?It was all his wife's fault. Somehow their household wasn't complete without some yipping little creature running around. Michael had been outvoted threeto one by her and the kids. But the fucking thing, some sort of little rat terrier, had...
All of my performers showed up on time and dressed like they were going out on the town afterward. Some of the older girls like Nancy Newman, Emily Clarke, Joan Prefontayne, and Olivia Wright, and of course Jennifer Guthrie were dressed in beautiful dresses. Not to be outdone, Isabel, Paula Scott, and the Michael’s twin sisters were dressed to the nines as well. I got to pick Isabel’s dress for the evening. We should have had a red carpet put out front as they arrived. I was back in my...
I slept like a log that night to be woken at 6 am in time for breakfast. Nothing was said by anyone although looks were exchanged between me Michael and Beverley. Aunt Debbie looked none the worse for her drinking last night and was very polite and friendly. We caught the bus, slept most of the way and had a terrific time at the sea-side. Bev hung around with me and Michael even though there were girls of her age on the trip. For boys our age to have a girl of her age in tow would normally have...
Michael had already removes his shirt earlier in the day as the sweltering heat made it stick to his sweating torso, giving the girls the added incentive to stay and help longer. “Wanna join us?” asked Jessica. “We have loads of hot water.” Michael smiled. “Only if one of you will scrub my back!” he said, jokingly. “We can do better than that,” suggested Beth, “we can wash each others.” He could see with the looks on their faces and excitement in their eyes, they weren’t joking. Michael took...
Janice helped me tag the songs I needed with numbered post-it’s from one to twenty-three. We hadn’t worked on a project like this together since before Jenn and her mom, Ally moved in. Mom could sing from each of them except the La Boehme aria. I have such a cool mom ... talented and beautiful. I hope her beau, Brian knows what he has and doesn’t blow it! Ally and Jenn yelled “DINNER” and we got up and walked hand in hand to the dining table. My girl wanted to get more involved in making...
Cleaning up the storeroom was without a doubt the most boring part of Michael’s job, and he seemed to spend all his time doing it. In fact, looking back he felt like he’d spent the best part of his working life in this cold and dark little room and he had often thought long and hard about leaving. He had worked at the university for twenty years, and hadn’t got a shred of satisfaction out of it. He had no wife, no children, just a dark and lonely house on campus. The only reason he had taken...
Chapter One My name is Michael. I spent my school years as an object of ridicule. I am so very small. The boys and girls all had a growth spurt at about fourteen, but alas not me. The boys made fun of me and girls were off the radar because I was such a small person. I longed have a social life. I was a geek and computer nerd. I had wonderful grades, but nothing more, no real friends of either sex. I was raised with strict Bible belt rules and had been the only son to a father I never...
Behind the shelf of towels there was a small hole in the wall, just big enough that Michael could peer through it. Through it he could see into the room adjacent, and what a room it was. The storeroom was right next to the women’s changing room, and Michael could see straight into it. It was very late in the day and he hadn’t expected to see anybody, but his luck was in. Just coming out of the shower was one of the most beautiful women Michael had ever seen, his cock instantly hardening....
He always kind of knew what he liked seeing on a woman once she entered a room. That never seemed to change. Michael, having moved up in his company two years later, was still single at the age of 31, but in truth he did not care that he was. He’d had his share of women, not that it was his goal, but to be with a special woman such as his cousin Ellen he told himself was something rather different. There were others. He remembered them all. There was Sarah. There was Elaine. There was Amanda....
Incest[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] The next morning, we did our new routine and met Janice and Alice downstairs. We got there early, so Jenn and I listed the people we wanted at our house after school and printed four originals. I put that in my conductor folder and walked back into the unique fragrance of fruit and scrambled eggs. The moms were looking at us wondering what might have happened last night. “No, mother ... we...
MICHAEL the HUNKI first met Michael on the street, he was dressed in a white body fitting hunk shirt with no sleeves and blue faded skinny jeans. We exchanged greetings/pleasantries as we passed.We greeted each other this way over several weeks as we passed on our ways to work.I was beginning to warm to this guy who seemed to have control of his destiny. Till one day I met him going into my local supermarket, we exchanged greetings, then I extended my hand introducing myself & I got to know...
Micheal’s Prom Night (A Chrissie Conway Story) Kelly and I are home for a few days and were staying at Kellys' mom’s house as usual. All week long all her brother Michael can ramble on and on about is the senior prom coming up this Friday night. He andTwo of his buddies decided to pool their money and talked Kelly into renting them a Cadillac for prom. When any two of them are together all then talk about is how they arefinally going to laid on Friday. They been waiting the entire school year...
When Michael’s aunty Silvia first moved in with him and his mum he wasn’t particularly pleased about it. But after a short time he realised that she always wore stockings. Often in the evening as they watched television we would often be able to see the tops of her stockings as she lounged about on the sofa. She wasn’t aware she was exhibiting herself and even if she did she wouldn’t have been bothered as Michael was part of the family.Michael always made sure he sat opposite his aunty so he...
I surprised everyone by my sister and I fixing Pork Chops a la Misabel! We found and quick-thawed ten nicely sized pork chops, cooked in a mix of herbs, mustard and pancake syrup. I tried it before I put the first chop in it and the combination of flavors was very different, but not fighting each other. I increased the mustard and only used one half tablespoon of syrup for the whole meal, so it wouldn’t overpower the other flavors. Alongside that, Isabel made some creamy mashed potatoes,...
"Anyone want more waffles before we leave?" Chelsea asked the family. She had great pride in the blended family her and Michael had created, and continuing to create. Even though his daughters were her age, and his son was also closer in age to her, his children accepted her as an important figure in their dad's life, for Corey it was a mom figure, for Jamie and Gracie, it was a sister or aunt type relationship, but still very close. Nobody took her up on her offer for more food. Everyone...
Love Stories[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] “Mr. Thomas, you have a student who would like to speak to you at the counter,” Clara said. The tone she took told me it wasn’t my Jennifer, so I got up and went out and saw one of my choir members, Jeremy Nicholls, a high tenor, who is ten years old. “Good morning, Jeremy,” I said. “You know who I am?” he said nervously. “I know everyone in choir and orchestra. Do you need an...
My favorite freckled female carrot-top was coming up next, “Miss Clarice Hornicek, it is your turn.” She got up and fixed her hair for a moment, and then went up on center-stage. She was a complete unknown quantity to me. I had no idea how well she could sing, but we all were about to find out. “Number seven, please,” I said to my pianist who began it... CLARICE HORNICEK Maybe I didn’t treat you Quite as good as I should have Maybe I didn’t love you Quite as often as I could have If I...
Jennifer and I were the first home. We took a minute and made up all the beds and sprayed some Lysol. I also took the time to change ... my undershirt was soaked through. The doorbell started ringing and ultimately the crowd all showed up. Mom and Ally went to the kitchen. “Don’t rush Mom, we have plenty of time. Who wants a glass of wine ... anybody?” I asked. Everyone, including my girl, raised his or her hands. I got her a bottle of water and a kiss. I actually opened my first bottle of...
Chagrined invited other authors to finish his tale of betrayal. This is my contribution. ***** Involuntarily, Michael took a step back. Her hand came up and laid lightly upon his chest. The effect was electric. ‘Michael, it is time for you to come home.’ Like an overload on an electrical circuit, Elisabeth’s touch blew the fuse that Michael had built between his conscious mind and the hurt and anger that he had managed to bury within his subconscious one. Without thinking, he slapped her...
Many ladies, both singers and orchestra members alike approached me like that, some being more overt than others. Previously, Katherine allowed us to trade in her older car to save some money on the Savana, provided she got to drive it ... an easy decision to make. It holds fifteen and is able to tow the Portable Stage I was still contemplating. The music Keith Lockhart and I agreed to would be all Beethoven, specifically two concerto pieces, two symphony pieces, a wind octet and two...
It was the summer I turned twelve. My mother had gotten sober, again, and she had some new friends. This time she became friends with some people who lived on the south part of town which was mostly dairy farms and small horse farms. I was forced to go to Rick and Sally's house with my mother because she would not let me stay home alone. It turned out that it was not near as bad as I thought it would be. Rick and Sally had a swimming pool, so I would not have to give up my swimming, and they...
“Michael, we can’t fall in love. I have told you that before. Make love to me all you want, but I can’t do more than that. I do care very deeply for you, but I don’t dare say what you want me to,” she said in tears. “Besides, I promised your girl.” I kissed her tears away as I felt her start lifting and dropping. I was determined not to cum too quickly. She started kissing me all over my face while riding me like I was a bull. It didn’t take long for her to climax and I didn’t have the...
First official WICKED rehearsal It was going to be a read-thru with music. I put all the cast on stage, asking the Munchkins, Ozians, Students, and Ozmania Chorus to sit together. I had chairs for the ten leads and supporting actors. “We have no microphones today on purpose. I need everyone to speak loudly and articulately. The orchestra is facing you today so sing loudly as well. Don’t hurt yourself but show me what you got.” “You don’t even need to stand up to say your lines or to sing...
Michael Phillips is a C.F.O. of Phillips Investment Group LLC. He is always on the lookout for new investments to add to his impressive portfolio. Reuters reported sizable returns of those investing in the Canadian oil sands. Michael chartered a plane for Edmonton. Once there he immediately left for Fort McMurray to collect the particulars on the oil sand operation. After several hours of meetings, Michael began the long trip back to Edmonton. Arriving at the hotel Selkirk, he went to the...
EroticI called and set up a meeting with Brian, Ken, and Jennifer The house was empty as the others had gone out grocery shopping. “So, what is this about?” Ken asked. “Your next few projects, if you are interested?” I said. “I am already building the biggest auditorium in the state, and you already have another project after that?” Ken remarked... “I have had a recurring dream, ever since Brian and I first discussed the edifice that is about to break ground. I have hesitated talking to anyone...
“Cece and Peter, please?” “I See the Light” from TANGLED.” Jason began on the guitar... CECE All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I have been Now I’m here blinking in the starlight Now I am here suddenly I see Standing here it’s all so clear I am where I am meant to be And at last I see the light And it’s like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it’s like the sky is new And it’s...
I got three towels as Isabel came out and looked the wrong way, I snatched her up and took her outside. Jenn was right behind us. Everything seemed OK in the castle again! After dinner, I got the synthesizer back in the house and decided to let the ladies, Peter and I, sing for a bit. We skipped around due to our having so few people, but I did start with Alice, getting her up to sing “You Light Up My Life.” ALICE GUTHRIE So many nights, I sit by my window Waiting for someone to sing me...
I stopped moving my hands, but my entire body was full of sexual desire. I broke away, but I didn’t really want to. My erection was filling my pants. “I am sorry for my hands. That was inappropriate touching. I hadn’t asked you if I could. I was afraid you might say ‘No.’ My love for you is growing so intense. I love you Jennifer.” “You didn’t ask, but I didn’t stop you either. We have these feelings for one another. They will only get stronger.” She pulled me up close and whispered, “I...
[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] I went over to Jenn and said, “I would personally like to ask you to perform the role of Lily St. Regis?” She screeched a little. I found Joan and said, “Would you please take the role of Miss Hannigan?” Her response was to kiss me on the cheek. I wandered through the boys and said, “No Kisses, OK?” They laughed as I walked over to the Mitchells, all sitting together. “John, would you play...
[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] This sounded like trouble for me. I told her, “You should have heard the orchestra today. They are going to be excellent for LES MISÉRABLES.” “Was I ugly enough for you on Saturday?” “I never would have recognized you, but I did eventually recognize your real voice. You might want to work on that. The Thenardiers are the high end of the lower classes in France at the time.” “Should I...
The crowd stood and applauded this very talented seventeen-year-old, with his full baritone voice. The whole solo cast came out as I started “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” I asked Stuart to be piped through, “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. That’s it for tonight. We have an evening of John Williams’ music coming up in September and a concert of the teachers of both schools in October. Coming in November is a co-production of both schools putting on a concert of LES...
To keep things uber simple, everyone only had a single outfit to wear. My idea was the old KISS system, ‘Keep It Sweet, and Simple’. No special effects, except the Kite, which Stuart made as low tech as it could be. I stood in front of my multi-talented orchestra, and the show began... LINUS I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, Charlie Brown. After all, science has shown that a person’s character isn’t really established until he’s at least five years old. SALLY...
It was well liked. Peter and Jennifer came back out together, her looking in love with him now... SID I don’t want to talk small talk Now that I am alone with you I don’t want to talk small talk We have got bigger things to do Let’s not talk of the weather Or the fashions for the fall Why don’t you stop all this small talk? I have got something better for your lips to do And that takes no talk at all BABE I have got to buy me a dressy dress, the one that I have is such a mess! SID Small...
Eventually, we were all stuffed, and the girls were asked to take home the rest of anything nobody else wanted. It should be plenty to last until we left in under a week. (Our girls took a few baked potatoes, and the remains of the carrots, Yum) I took a fifteen-minute break from everything, with my girls on either side of me. But, that marvelous piano drew me to it again, like a bug to a bulb. It was only 4:30 in the afternoon. They got up and pulled me to it, setting me down. “I guess...
[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] Sunday morning appeared with a thud. It would be another whole day before I saw my love again. It caused me to understand how deeply I now miss my girl – my future fiancée! Mom came into my room and said, “Get up, lover boy!” “Why?” I whined. “Nothing is going on today. No school, No music rehearsal, No working on the play ... and No Jennifer.” I turned over and pulled the covers up and...