Gary GingerChapter 5
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Sally heard the loud knock on the door. It almost sounded like Gary’s knock but she knew Gary was with that slut Ginger and he was still at home healing. She got up from the couch looked through the peephole. Shit! It was Ava looking demure and sophisticated in a black coat and beautiful red scarf. Sally frantically rushed to the bedroom to put on some pants. She couldn’t let Ava see her half naked! Danny was in the shower so Sally went in to let him know his grandmother was knocking on the door so he wouldn’t come out all naked like he usually did.
Sally then rushed over and opened the door. Ava stood with a very serious face. “Ava!” Sally said cheerfully. “Come in! It’s freezing!”
Ava walked in and Sally regretted not having cleaned up earlier. She knew Ava was already judging what a slob she was. Shit!
“I-I’m sorry about the mess Ava, I have just been so busy and –”
“You will not believe this...” Ava began as she cut Sally off. Sally listened. “My own two children ... Alice and Alan ... oh my god!” She began to weep.
Sally rushed over to Ava and hugged her. “Ava? What? What happened with Alice and Alan?”
Just then Danny walked into the room dressed in jeans and a sweater. His hair was still wet. “Grandma? What’s wrong?” Danny asked concerned.
Ava sobbed hysterically. She couldn’t even talk.
Danny looked at Sally for some sort of explanation but Sally just shrugged her shoulders. “She just mentioned your aunt and dad and that’s it,” Sally explained.
Danny put his hand on Ava’s shoulder. “Grandma ... come here ... sit down.” Ava, Danny and Sally took a seat on the couch. Ava fought to catch her breath.
“Oh Danny ... Sally ... I feel you two are the only sane people in my life right now,” Ava began, “Your dad and your aunt are ... l-lovers,” Ava finally blurted out. Then she began to sob uncontrollably again.
Danny swallowed and gasped and Sally’s eyes widened. What the fuck was going on? First Gary is Ginger’s brother and now this! Sally felt Ava would take her side now more than ever!
“Ava? Are you sure? I mean how do you know?” Sally questioned. Danny was still flabbergasted.
“They told me themselves! Oh god!” Ava stood up and began to pace the room. Danny and Sally watched her.
“We have to stop all of this nonsense! First Gary and now my own children...”
Danny frowned. “What about Gary?”
Sally smiled wickedly. “Oh that’s right you don’t know ... I didn’t want to be the one to tell you Danny, but Gary and Ginger are actually brother and sister.”
Danny’s eyes were wide as saucers. “What?”
“Mhm that’s right you heard me,” Sally said proudly as Ava slowly began to compose herself.
“How is that possible?” Danny questioned urgently.
“Your aunt got pregnant as a teenager. We made her give up the child and that child is Ginger,” Ava explained as she took a handkerchief out of her purse and wiped away her tears.
Danny took a moment to take in the news. He looked at Sally. “So you knew about this and you didn’t tell me?”
Ava quickly came to Sally’s defense. “Danny, now is not the time to get mad at Sally. She probably just didn’t want to worry you.”
Danny narrowed his eyes at Sally but said nothing.
“So what are we going to do Grandma? I mean Gary knows this and still continues to fuc- I mean be in a relationship with Ginger?”
Sally laughed. “That’s the catch, Gary doesn’t know!”
Danny frowned. “What the fuck?”
“Danny!” Ava warned about his cursing.
“I’m sorry grandma but that is sick! Why doesn’t Gary know? Shouldn’t he know?”
“Yes he should!” Sally responded. She went over to where Ava stood by the window and put her hand gently on Ava’s shoulder. “Ava, we need to tell Gary. The longer this goes on, the worse it will be.”
Ava nodded. “I know dear. He does need to know but ... I don’t know if it’s my place to tell him. Ginger should have already told him but she obviously hasn’t otherwise I would know about it.”
“You’re right grandma, it’s not your place to tell him,” Danny chimed in. He stood up and walked closer to Sally and Ava. “I will tell him.”
Sally felt excitement! This was going to be too easy! She had secretly thought about telling Gary herself but then figured he’d hate her for it and would make her look like the bad guy. Now if Danny spilled the beans, HE would be the bad guy and Gary would break up with Ginger and mope around for weeks. Sally would then take the opportunity to make him “feel” better. It was genius!
“No Danny-”Ava began.
“Yes!” Sally interrupted excitedly. “I-I mean Danny should tell Gary. He is Gary’s cousin after all.”
Ava looked doubtful. “What am I going to do about Alice and Alan?” Her eyes began to water.
Danny winced. He couldn’t believe his dad was fucking his own sister. Gross! Great, now he and Gary would be brothers? Ginger would be his sister? Fuck!
“We’ll worry about my dad and aunt later. Gary has to know about Ginger. He shouldn’t be kept in the dark about this.”
“But he’s still healing,” Ava said sadly. Sally eyed Ava for a moment. Was she getting all soft all of a sudden?
“Ava, you don’t want Gary to keep having a relationship with his own sister do you?” Sally added.
Ava nodded. “Of course not.”
“I think I still remember where Ginger lives. Gary and I gave her a ride one night when her car was in the shop.” Danny went over to the coat rack and grabbed his leather jacket. “Come on. Let’s go.”
Sally froze. She realized she looked like shit! She didn’t put any make up on and her clothes were hideous! “Wait! Let me freshen up a bit ok?”
Danny sighed. “Well hurry up! The sooner we do this the faster Gary will be able to end the relationship.”
Sally nodded.
“Wait dear, I need to freshen up too,” Ava said to Sally. The two women went off to the bedroom to freshen up.
As Danny waited he couldn’t stop thinking about Gary and Ginger and his dad and aunt. The thought about incest secretly intrigued him. No one knew but he secretly read incest stories online. But that was his little secret. He was in a way extremely jealous of Gary. Lucky son of a bitch to have such a hot sister, and now even luckier because he was fucking her! How did Gary always manage to get such hot girls? First it was Emma, a real beauty. Then it was Lila, with the nice little body and pretty face. And now Ginger ... the bombshell. How the hell did he do it?
The women came out a few minutes later interrupting Danny’s thoughts. “Ok, we are ready to go.”
Danny eyed Sally who had magically managed to put on perfect makeup, pin her hair up and slip into a stunning black velvet dress and knee high boots, looking more like she was going on a date than to reveal a secret.
“Alright, let’s go,” Danny said and the three rushed out.
Gary and Ginger were glad that Ben and Ethan had come to visit them. Gary would still use his cane when standing up, he didn’t want to depend so much on Ginger. However, he was feeling and doing a lot better. He sat on the couch between Ginger and Ben while Ethan sat across from them.
“You seem to be doing a lot better bro,” Ben said to his best friend.
Gary nodded. “Yeah I’m a lot better and soon I’ll be able to really please this beauty right here,” he said squeezing Ginger’s hand. Ginger giggled and the Ben and Ethan laughed along with them.
Just then there was a loud knock on the door. Ginger got startled and looked at Gary. “Were you expecting someone?”
Gary shrugged. “Not that I know of.”
Now the person was pounding on the door. Gary frowned. Ginger was going to the door but Ben stopped her. “Wait ... let me see who it is,” he said.
He looked through the peep hole and then turned to look at Gary. “It’s Danny and some other people but I can’t see who.”
Gary frowned. “Go ahead and open it.”
Ben opened the door and Danny rushed past him. Ava and Sally trailed behind. “Gary!” Danny said almost out of breath.
“What is it Danny? Why the hell you have to bang on my door like you’re the damn police?” Gary questioned angrily. “Not to mention why did SHE have to come?” Gary looked at Sally who held a wicked smile.
“Danny has something to tell you Gary,” Sally said sarcastically.
Ginger felt her heart racing. She knew. She knew exactly what was going to happen.
Danny looked at Ginger then at Gary.
“Well?” Gary waited.
Danny looked over at Ava and Sally who also waited.
“You need to break up with Ginger like right now!” Danny blurted out.
Gary laughed. “Oh shit. Here we go again...”
Ginger looked frightened. Sally was loving every moment. “Um guys ... I think you all better go,” Ginger Ben and Ethan.
“No, no, no! They can stay, after all, aren’t you all best friends?” Sally asked cynically.
Ethan and Ben stood next to Gary in case Danny wanted to start shit with him.
“What the fuck is going on?” Gary questioned angrily.
Everyone looked at Danny. Danny’s heart pounded. He thought this would be easy.
“Danny, let’s take this to another room, we have guests,” Ginger pleaded softly.
Sally laughed. “Since when do you care about etiquette, you slut?”
Ginger glared at Sally. “You’re right, get the fuck out of my place!” Ginger yelled at Sally.
Sally narrowed her eyes at Ginger and lunged right at her. The two girls began fighting, pulling each other’s hair. Ben and Ethan jumped in quickly to separate them while Danny frowned and looked at his girlfriend whose hair was messed up. Why the hell had Sally suddenly wanted to pounce on Ginger?
“Danny, what the hell do you want? Hurry up and tell me so you and your cheating girlfriend can get the hell out of here,” Gary yelled.
Once again all eyes were on Danny. Ginger began to pin her hair back and so did Sally. Both girls eyed each other full of hate. Ava put her hand on Sally’s shoulder as if she was comforting her but noticed how upset Ginger was. Slowly guilt began sinking in but she took a deep breath and hoped that would go away. Her grandson could not go on having a relationship with his own sister!
“W-well,” Danny began to stammer.
“Oh for crying out loud!” Ava interrupted and stepped up to the front. “Gary ... Ginger is your sister!”
Ginger felt tears instantly fall down her face while Ethan and Ben gasped. Gary held on to his cane because he felt if he didn’t he would fall to the floor. “E-excuse me grandma?” Gary questioned in a whisper.
Ava took a deep breath. Her grandson’s face was filled with shock and she should have felt good about telling him but she honestly felt like the biggest jerk.
“Ginger ... she’s your sister. She is the daughter your mother gave up years ago. Your uncle found out because you had asked him to search for Ginger’s parents.” Ava lowered her voice and walked closer to Gary.
Gary felt numb. He looked at Ginger as tears ran down her beautiful face. Ginger, his lover, his sister, the girl he wanted to marry.
“I-Is this true?” Gary questioned to Ginger.
She could only shake her head and covered her face in shame as she sobbed.
Sally stood back smiling with satisfaction as she, Danny and Ava waited for Gary to tell everyone to leave so he could break up with Ginger, but instead Gary looked down for a moment while everyone waited for his reaction.
“Gary...” Ginger sobbed softly. She reached out to touch his arm.
Gary looked up and had a huge smile on his face. He began to laugh. He laughed so heartily. Sally’s heart sank. Why was he laughing? What the fuck?
“Are you ok bro?” Ben asked concerned as he tried to study his best friend’s face.
Gary continued to laugh and finally looked at Ginger. He put his cane down and grabbed her hands and held them in his. “Holy shit ... I have sister!” He then pulled Ginger towards him and held her in his arms. Ginger cried in her brother’s arms.
Sally’s wicked smile disappeared. “This is ridiculous!” She called out angrily and walked out. Danny stared at Gary and Ginger as they held one another and suddenly felt left out. He felt jealousy but most of all he felt lonesome. Ava stared as well but quietly walked out as well following Sally.
“Are you ok?” Ginger whispered in Gary’s ear.
Gary broke their embrace. “I’m ok. I’m better than ok,” he said happily. Happy tears pooled in his eyes. He touched Ginger’s face and gently kissed her lips. “I still love you. I told you I’d love you no matter what and I’m keeping that promise. In fact I love you more than ever!”
Ginger cried more and kissed Gary. Ben and Ethan couldn’t help but smile.
Gary looked over at Danny. “Is that what you wanted to tell me? That I have a sister?”
Danny nodded looking ashamed. “Well, it’s done. Now you can get the hell out.”
“You’re going to continue being with her knowing you’re related?” Danny asked quietly.
“I am,” Gary responded confidently.
Danny stood there not knowing what to do next as everyone stared at him.
“Is there anything else you need to tell me?” Gary questioned.
Danny shrugged. “Um ... no ... but well yeah kind of...”
Gary waited.
“Your mom and my dad are ... together if you know what I mean.”
Gary raised a brow. “No shit? For real?”
Danny nodded and then nervously laughed. “We may become brothers.”
Gary looked at Ginger then at Danny. “I’ve always seen you as a brother, until you got with Sally. She was the one that hit on me I’m not lying about that.”
Danny nodded. “Yes, I’m slowly piecing the pieces of the puzzle to that.”
Gary smiled at his cousin secretly letting him know that they would be ok.
“I-I better go. I have some business to take care of with my girlfriend.” Danny said.
“Alright, call me later ok?” Gary said.
Danny nodded and slowly walked out closing the door.
Gary looked at Ginger again then at his friends. “Did you all hear that? I have a sister!” Gary’s friends rushed over to the couple to congratulate them and hug them. Gary’s heart raced the more he looked at Ginger. The siblings looked at one another knowing that nothing would ever separate them.
“Unbelievable!” Sally spat as they waited for Danny. She and Ava were in the parking lot standing by Danny’s car. Ava noticed how Sally was so worked up over the way Gary and Ginger still continued to go on with their love. She couldn’t get the sad look on Gary’s face when she first told him. She started to feel somewhat guilty but Gary should know he can’t be with his sister! He had to come to his senses right? So why did she suddenly feel so down?
Just then Danny came walking towards them. He could tell Sally was fuming!
“Let’s get out of here Danny! I can’t believe your cousin and that tramp!” Sally cried out.
Danny casually took his keys out of his pocket. “Let’s go.”
All three got in the car and sped away. The car ride was quiet. Danny could hear Sally’s heavy breathing. She was obviously pissed because she wanted Gary but Gary only wanted Ginger, his sister. It all made sense now. Danny took his grandmother home first.
“Look, I’ll have a talk with my dad. Maybe he’s not with Aunt Alice, maybe they just said that to upset you, Grandma.”
Ava shrugged. “I don’t think so Danny. I honestly believe they are together.” Her eyes filled with tears but she took a deep breath so she wouldn’t cry again.
“We’ll see what happens. For now just go get some rest, grandma.”
After letting Ava out of the car, Danny began to drive back home with Sally. “You’re cousin is sick Danny! How can he continue to fuck his own sister? Who does that?”
Danny stared straight ahead. “Why does it bother you so much who my cousin fucks, Sally?”
Sally quickly looked over at him. “Excuse me?” She asked innocently.
“You heard me,” Danny shot back.
“I-I don’t care who Gary fucks, but you have to admit he’s changed for the worse ever since he hooked up with that hooker!”
“So why do you care if Gary has changed?” Danny continued to question.
Sally sighed. “Look, I don’t care ok, I’m just concerned that you two haven’t been best friends since that skank came into Gary’s life.”
“Actually ... we started falling out before he met Ginger,” Danny said.
Sally gasped. “That’s not true! You two still hung out every now and then.”
Danny nodded and laughed. “Remember when he came to me for help after getting in a fight? You two were already on each other’s nerves and Ginger wasn’t even in the picture.”
Sally looked straight ahead. Was Danny on to her or what?
“Well?” Danny questioned.
“Well what?” Sally yelled at him.
“Did he really hit on you or were you the one that hit on Gary?”
Sally felt her anger rising. “I never hit on that asshole! Never! Why would I? I am in love with YOU!”
“Why did you fight with Ginger then? Why did you get all dolled up to see him? Do you think I’m stupid or what?”
Sally reached over and put her hand on his thigh. She slowly rubbed Danny’s thigh and began to creep to his cock. Danny shook his head and slowed down. He pulled over. Sally removed her hand from his thigh and sat back. Danny put the car on park and looked over at his soon to be ex-girlfriend.
“Danny, c’mon now. We’ve both had a rough day. You dealing with your cousin and finding out your dad has the hots for your aunt and me dealing with that hooker of a sister that Gary has.”
“I think we should go our separate ways, Sally,” Danny said calmly.
Sally flashed him angry eyes. “What the fuck? Seriously?”
Danny nodded.
“I never hit on Gary! Never!”
Danny didn’t say anything. There was nothing else to say. He couldn’t believe how blind he’d been.
“You don’t believe me?” Sally squealed.
“We are over, Sally. Over,” Danny said firmly.
“Fuck you!” She spat out and reach over to slap him. Then she got out of the car and began to walk. Danny sighed. As much as he didn’t like Sally anymore, he didn’t want her walking the busy streets in the cold.
“He started up his car and began following her. “Sally ... get in the car. I’m going to take you home.”
“My home is your home, you dumbass and I don’t want to go back home with you!”
“I’ll take you to your mom’s house or Veronica’s apartment to clear your mind. Tomorrow you can get your things or hell I will move out myself and let you keep the apartment. Just get in the car.”
Sally felt cold. She knew she was far from her mom’s house or Veronica’s apartment. She sighed and got in the car. “Take me to Veronica’s,” she said curtly.
Veronica was on the couch making out with Max when she heard someone at her door. Max groaned. His cock was already hard and now someone had come to cock block.
“Ugh let me see who that is,” Veronica moaned.
She looked through the peephole and saw Sally. She rolled her eyes. “It’s Sally,” she whispered to Max.
Max scoffed. “Oh that bitch.”
Veronica opened the door. She saw her friend had been crying. “Sally? You ok?”
Sally walked in letting herself in without any invitation. “No! I’ve had a shit of a day-”She paused when she saw Max sitting on Veronica’s couch with a smile big as the joker on his face.
“Well, hello there Sally.”
Sally clenched her jaw. “Can we go talk in PRIVATE?” She asked Veronica.
Veronica frowned. “Uh I guess. Let’s go to the bedroom.”
The two girls went in to Veronica’s bedroom and Sally began to tell Veronica everything that happened with Gary and Ginger and her and Danny. As Veronica listened she knew what was coming up next.
“So can I stay with you at least for tonight? Until I can figure out what the hell I’m going to do.”
“So that’s it? You’re giving up on Gary after all?” Veronica hoped Sally had.
“Ha! Never! I can still do some damage to that ho of a sister he has.”
Veronica eyed her friend cautiously. “What do you mean? What do you have in mind?”
“Well Marty and Lenny probably haven’t had any pussy in a long time so I’m sure they’d love to force Ginger to give it up to them.”
Veronica’s eyes widened. “A-are you serious? Rape?”
Sally laughed. “No, it’s not rape when you’re a slut like Ginger. I bet you she’s given more blowjobs, hand jobs and fucked more guys than the hookers that worked for Heidi Fleiss.”
Veronica nodded. “Don’t get too crazy Sally.”
Sally shrugged and dropped her handbag on the carpeted floor and laid down on Veronica’s bed. “So can I stay the night?”
Veronica sighed. She didn’t want Sally there, but then again she didn’t want her friend to go do something stupid either. She figured she’d let Sally vent all she wanted and have her calm down and really think about wanting to hurt Ginger in that way. Not that Veronica gave a fuck about Ginger, but Ginger was a female and no female, or hell NO ONE should ever have to go through rape. Not like Veronica had gone through it in her late teen years. It was a secret she still hadn’t told anyone, not even Sally.
“Yeah I guess. Chill in here in my room while I go tell Max that we are ending our date early.”
Sally smiled weakly. “Thanks Veronica. I knew I could count on you.”
Veronica rolled her eyes and went out to the living room where Max sat impatiently waiting for her. “Look,” Veronica began, “Sally is having some issues right now. I need to stay with her. I’m sorry babe, but can I get a raincheck?”
Max frowned and looked towards Veronica’s bedroom door. “Fuck that bitch! She’s always telling you what to do! She’s always bossing you around! Let her figure out her own problems!”
Veronica put her finger to her mouth. “Shh! She will hear you!”
“So what? Fuck that bitch! She got me and my boys in trouble too many times! Fuck her!” Max spat louder.
Just then Veronica’s bedroom door swung open. Sally stood there glaring at Max. “Fuck you too Max! Now, do as my friend said and get the hell out of here!”
Max smiled wickedly. “I aint going nowhere!” Then he walked past Veronica and quickly went to backhand Sally in the mouth. Sally fell down on the floor as blood dripped from her mouth. Her lip had split. She looked up with fury in her eyes. “You fuckin’ asshole! She lunged at him but Max was too strong. He slapped her again throwing her across the room. Sally groaned in pain and began to sob. He’d really hurt Sally. Sally groaned as she lay on the floor.
Veronica looked at Max as he was insane! “What the fuck did you just do?”
Max laughed. “What? I got rid of your problem. Now you don’t have to worry about this bitch telling you any shit.”
“Get the fuck out of my apartment!” Veronica cried out and went to rush over to help her friend. She knelt down to check on her.
“Sally? Are you ok?” She asked as Sally continued to groan in pain. Sally’s eyes were closing as if she was about to pass out.
“I said I’m not going anywhere!” Max roared. He grabbed Veronica by the hair and pulled her up.
“Let me go you fuckin’ asshole!” Veronica yelled.
Max grabbed her and took her to her bedroom throwing her on the bed. “I came here for one thing and I’m not leaving until I get it!”
Veronica fought her hardest to push him off but it was no use. SLAP! Veronica felt like she saw stars with how hard Max slapped her. SLAP! She could taste blood. She saw that the more she fought him off the more he hurt her. He was holding her arms down hard while Veronica continued to kick but realized she was losing strength.
“And once I’m done with you, I’m moving on to that bitch out there!” Max spat.
Veronica’s eyes filled with tears as she was getting sexually assaulted. It was just as bad as the last time. Once again she was a victim. She sobbed hysterically as Max pulled up her top and began to pull down her pants. She closed her eyes because she didn’t want to remember the evil look on Max’s face. But then she heard a noise. She looked to see Sally standing next to Max with her bloody mouth and nose holding some mace. Somehow Sally had managed to sneak back into the bedroom and grab her handbag to get the mace.
“Hey asshole, pick on someone your own size,” Sally said angrily in a shaky voice.
Max looked and was instantly sprayed with mace.
“Fuck!” He yelled falling off of the bed. “You fuckin’ cunt!” He began to stir like a mad man frantically reaching out to see if he could feel Sally to hurt her. Sally sprayed Max once again making him scream even more then she kicked him hard on the balls. Max yelped loud!
“C’mon Veronica!” Sally called out grabbing her friends hand as they both ran out of the apartment into the parking lot.
Sally nervously grabbed her cell phone that she had also managed to get just before escaping crazy Max. The girls ran towards Veronica’s car but Veronica did not have her keys!
“Shit! What do we do?” Veronica asked as she began to sob.
Sally anxiously looked around to make sure Max hadn’t come out of the apartment yet. “I’m calling the police,” she said as she put her hand on her friends shoulder. “I’m sorry Veronica. I’m so sorry. It’s because of me that this asshole hurt us.” Sally’s eyes filled with tears but she tried to remain calm for the sake of her shaken up friend. It was almost impossible to hold her cell phone with her shaky hands.
Once Sally called the police she and Veronica hid behind some trash cans keeping an eye on the apartment to see if Max had come out. “The police should be here soon,” Sally assured her friend.
Veronica was quiet as she cried. She was trembling not just from the cold but her trauma. “I was raped once when I was 17,” Veronica said softly.
Sally’s heart sank. “What? You were raped?”
“Y-yes. It was at a party my senior year of high school. I thought I had asked for it because I dressed provocatively and flirted with the guy but later on I realized I was raped. I kept telling him no but he continued. Years went by and there was always some deep sadness within and I never knew why until you mentioned wanting to get Ginger raped. It came back to me. The pain, the hurt.” Veronica’s tears began to dry as she looked off into a distance telling the story. “I was hoping by letting you stay with me tonight that I could change your mind about hurting Ginger in that type of way. Granted, I don’t like Ginger because she has your man but I wouldn’t want any female going through what I went through. Knowing Marty and Lenny, they would really hurt Ginger.”
Sally’s guilt began to creep fast. “Shit, I’m sorry Veronica. I had no idea you’d been raped.”
Just then they heard the police pull up. The girls rushed towards the two squad cars and explained to the police officer what had happened. They managed to get Max who was still recovering from all the mace sprayed into his eyes. Max could barely see as the two police officers took him away.
“Are you ok ladies?” Another officer asked the girls. The girls nodded sadly as they held hands. “We need you two to come down to the police station. We need to ask you some questions,” the female cop said. The girls agreed and got into one of the squad cars. Once inside, Sally let Veronica put her head on her shoulder and let her friend cry. Sally too shed some tears and realized she’d been so wrong about everything. She needed to find a way to make things right again.
Once the questioning was over, the girls were assured that Max would remain in jail until he could get an attorney. Sally knew a few good attorneys that could make sure Max stays in prison for a long time.
“I don’t think I want to go back to my apartment,” Veronica said sadly.
Sally sighed. She got her cell phone and began to call no other than Danny.
“Mom! Why did you have to get Danny and Sally involved? Now Gary knows! He must be devastated!” Alice cried out.
Ava had gone to her daughter’s house to let her know that Gary knew everything. Luckily Alan wasn’t there. Ava was not ready to see her children displaying romantic affection towards one another.
“Alice ... believe it or not ... Gary is ok with this. He’s ok with incest. I don’t understand where I went wrong!” Ava yelled and flopped down on Alice’s couch.
Alice took a deep breath and took a seat next to her mother. She reached out and put her hand over her mother’s hand. “Mom ... you didn’t do anything wrong. You raised us the best way that you knew how. You got us into some great schools and taught me about law and about the finer things in life. I love you for that.”
Ava’s bottom lip began to tremble as it always did before she cried. “I also made you give up Ginger.”
Alice’s eyes saddened. “Mom that was a long time ago. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Just then Alan walked in and saw his mom and sister having a serious conversation. He paused for a moment as the women looked at him.
“Hey,” he said quietly.
“Hi,” Alice smiled at her new lover.
Ava looked at her children. She loved them both dearly. Nothing in this world would ever change that. Nothing.
“Mom came to tell me that Gary knows about Ginger being his sister and he’s happy,” Alice beamed.
Gary watched as Ginger got dressed. He was with her in the dressing room. The other girls were already out on the floor making their rounds. Ginger applied very little make up and dabbed a bit of perfume on her skin. “What?” She asked as she looked at Gary through the mirror. He stared, mesmerized by her beauty. “Nothing. Just that I love you.” Ginger turned around. “Oh do you now?” Gary nodded. “Does Brett know you’re in here with me instead of out there working?” She teased. “No, but...
Alice and Alan headed back to Gary's room. Gary and Ginger were kissing so lovingly. Alice gulped and looked at her brother. Alan gave her sympathetic eyes. "Ahem!" Alice cleared her throat. She needed to get Ginger alone so that she could convince her to break up with Gary. It was for the best. Ginger quickly broke the kiss. She turned red and stood back up. Gary was smiling from ear to ear. "Hey mom. You guys are back?" Gary asked looking more in love than ever. Alice looked at...
When Ginger returned to the room, Ava was there packing up some of Gary's things. Gary was in the bathroom washing up. Ginger and Ava stared at each other for a few seconds. "Hello," Ginger said cautiously. "Hello," Ava replied nonchalantly and continued folding Gary's clothes into a suitcase. Ginger licked her lips and nervously walked closer to Ava. "I can help you with that," she said as she grabbed one of Gary's t-shirts. Ava snatched the shirt away leaving Ginger in shock....
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Gary My HeroA work of fictionIt was getting late, it had started to rain. Rose Tyler normally walked the long way round to her home, but tonight of all nights, she chose to take the shortcut across the common. A sixty one year old widow, she rarely stayed out late, but tonight she had been visiting a sick friend and had lost track of the time. So it was well after ten thirty when she started the short walk through the dark area known locally as the Common.The two men, stood behind one of the...
It was February of 1993. Back in 1976, when Kelly was sixteen years old, she was at a party at a friend’s house that turned into an orgy and she was fucked by a half-dozen men that all worked together at the Ford dealership. A couple of them were double her age and one’s name was Gary. Fast-forward sixteen years and we had moved a couple of states away. Needing her Mustang repaired, Kelly went to the local Ford dealer the previous October. Lo and behold, Gary was the service writer.Her car...
ThreesomesGary By Morpheus The bedroom was fairly small, with walls that were covered by posters of wrestling stars and rock groups. A small pile of clothes filled one of the corners, fitting in the with the rest of the slightly messy room. It was the perfect room for a 10 year old boy, specifically the boy that was lying in bed. Gary groaned and rolled over, slowly reaching for the remote control by his bedside. But after flipping through the channels, he saw that there was nothing...
Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase. ‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face. ‘Jim?’ I answered. ‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified. ‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up. ‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or animals though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’...
Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase.‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face.‘Jim?’ I answered.‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified.‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up.‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or a****ls though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’ Gary said...
CHAPTER 1 Gary Gunn’s parents had their unhappy marriage annulled when he was fourteen and that pushed Gary further into the social mire because neither parent really wanted him and he kept losing friends because he kept changing his schools as his parents shifted about, both looking for their new life and seeking to remarry wisely. Garry’s position in life improved when his mom, with whom he was living at the time, abandoned him to go south with a guy who promised her riches when his ailing...
When I was a teenager I lived next door to a guy named Gary. We were friends for years but drifted apart as he was 3 or 4 years older than me, so when he discovered girls I didn’t see him for a while. However, one summer he and his then girlfriend had a fight, so being at a loose end he would invite me over to watch movies and play video games. One day we were watching a movie, when Gary suggested watching some of his dad’s pornos. I eagerly said yes. So for a few days we would watch porno from...
So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do?Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the chair...
So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do? Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the...
Gay MaleJenny woke me the next morning as she got out of bed and headed to the loo. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling wondering if my head would fall off if I got up. I heard the front door open and wondered where the hell she was going then heard Gary shout hello. He was greeted by Jenny’s excited squeals and I risked life and limb by getting up to go and say hello. I walked out of my room and found Gary and Jenny kissing in the hallway. My cock twitched at the sight. I quickly went into the...
BisexualGary and I remained good friends and he loved fucking my face but he told me couldn't bring himself to suck cock anymore. I didn't mind. i loved his big cock so much i couldn't get enough.Gary and I were riding our bikes to the fair one day and as we pedaled, Gary told me to check out his cock. I looked and he had torn the inner seam of his shorts so his cock could be pulled through the hole along with his nuts and he could show it while it looked like he was totally dressed. he kept flashing...
I was between his legs sucking his thick,throbbing penis.My fingers were touching his very hairy body, I touched his chest his hair was so soft.As I sucked his penis and without touching myself I shot a load over the bed.Gary though it was funny that I came without being touched. My mouth was sucking his thick cock, sliding up and down his shaft. Gary was moaning and I knew he was close. I tried to get all of his penis in my mouth when it happened. Gob's and gob's of Gary`s tangy cum filled my...
‘Finally!’ Gary thought. The last film finished 25 minutes ago, there was no way the three ushers can take that long to clear out the theatre. But apparently it did. ‘Ooh, come on’, said Jenny excitedly. Gary shuffled along beside her and tried to hold the tickets out to the usher. It was awkward because they were trapped between his fingers in the hand that was wrapped around the popcorn box. They found a couple of seats at the back to the left as they looked at the screen. A cycle of random...
EroticI was excited about the future and living with Gary. I was in love or so I thought during that time. There wasn't anything I would not do for him. I had lost weight and trimmed down to a very lean 105lbs for my slim 5'10" frame. I was doing hundreds of crunches and intense light weight training to keep the ideal physique for Gary. I greatly improved my flexibility and was able to bring my legs up around the back of my head....which allowed Gary to fuck my ass and watch me suck my own short...
I was raised in the shadows of a large corporation's foundry. The neighborhood was well kept and the k**s were just k**s and we all got a long together. Saturday was baseball at the open field near the foundry.We used to gather every Saturday at 9 and choose teams. My mom made us fold laundry and clean a room every Saturday. we would switch rooms, but we all had to do it. This unfortunately made my brothers and I late every week. Sometimes we didn't get to play, but we showed up and paired off...
“You’re shitting me! Gary Franks actually came over to talk to you?” Trish scribbled another shorthand notation on her pad to help her remember the story. “He did better than that. He was accompanied by the most beautiful blonde that I’d ever seen in my life. As they joined us at our table, he introduced me to the most beautiful example of Scandinavian womanhood in the world. Tashia sat down beside me and I couldn’t listen to Gary’s words for staring...
Jenny stood in the doorway grinning at me. She looked fantastic in a tight pair of jeans, low cut top showing her wonderfully ample cleavage and a new short haircut that showed off her big brown eyes. Jenny is 5’ 3" and of mixed ethnic origins. Her mother is Indian, her father white. She’s what I call fleshy; not exactly fat but she has wide hips and big tits. Her skin is light brown and soft; her nipples are dark brown, large and spring erect at the slightest provocation. She has short,...
BisexualAll characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...
Gary and I had grown up together and we always played many games of baseball and hockey and one night after playing football, I asked if he wanted to spend the night. He said OK. he went home and told his mom and came flying back to our house. I have 5 brothers and we all sleep up stairs. My brother Dan and I are the closest in age at about 13 months difference in age, and Gary is right between us. at 15 we were both into puberty and had seen each other in the locker room at school but I had...
Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...
My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...
Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...
(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...
Our second day at the nudist campVanessa was the first to waken. She woke me up then Kate got up. Vanessa wanted to get something to eat. What's the dress code? I was like what do you mean? The dress code Vanessa said. Do we have to wear clothes? Kate was a little puzzled. Is this the same girl I had to take her bikini bottoms off yesterday? I hardly sleep last night. All I kept thinking about was you. You were such an exhibitionist walking back to the room without any clothes, cum & all on...
So this day arrived... Cindy and I would often meet for lunch once a month. The only thing we did was hug when we first met and hug again when we left the restaurant. It was July and Cindy wanted to meet for dinner this time. I agreed, since my wife, Ashley, was visiting her mom and dad. They lived four hours away. It was Friday night and we met at the Los Guachos Taqueria Mexican restaurant. Cindy and I sat down at a booth. Cindy was about a foot smaller than me and two years younger....
Jenny woke me the next morning as she got out of bed and headed to the loo. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling wondering if my head would fall off if I got up. I heard the front door open and wondered where the hell she was going then heard Gary shout hello. He was greeted by Jenny’s excited squeals and I risked life and limb by getting up to go and say hello. I walked out of my room and found Gary and Jenny kissing in the hallway. My cock twitched at the sight. I quickly went into the...
88Gary Cooper retired D C police detective. aka Gary Edwards Rosemarie Whitaker County prosecutor Janet Stevens, Gary’s partner, aka Jennifer Edwards. Earnest witness. Aka Eddie Edwards The DA.’s Man The tent/cabin weathered the first full year fine. It even made it through the second summer with only minor repairs needed. It was my second October in the mountains and I had adapted well to the solitude. Somewhere along the way I discovered that I didn’t need recognition any longer. There was...
We only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...
Tempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...
Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...
With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...
Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....
- It was a rainy Saturday morning, and i woke up horny.Supposed to be meeting - Sylvia my mature (55yrs) horny milf from Airdrie in the afternoon.I'd got up early and had a nice shave in the bath - arse, cumsacs and pube hairs off !I slipped into sheer nude lacetop holdup stockings and cream lace panties for fun and was sitting at my compuer at 9am on sat morning.On chat avenue there was - on the gay chat this young lad - (I was 36 at the time). A gay boy from Linwood near Glasgow. Inviting me...
Hello, I am a thirteen year old boy. This is a FICTITIOUS STORYabout a boy named Nathaniel and he is an only c***d & he is going on a camping trip with his mom.To describe her a bit I would say that she is healthy looking and in good shape. She is 35 years old, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette and has blue-green eyes.Mom and I have always been very close. And she wakes me up every morning. She is attractive but I have never focused on her in a sexual way. She had a very nice figure with firm,...
Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:16am, Friday, November 30, 1979 “Are you gonna kill me, if I kinda pass on doing anything ... later on today?” I whispered to Tracy Norton and Elaine Roonee after waiting on them after Mr. Ballows ended our first period music class a little earlier than normal. The Little-man made use of both Roo-Roo and Tracy’s naked bodies, along with naked trumpeter, Darren Partridge in his lecture on changes in sexual connotations and views in music. I was very...
The Punishment of Amy & Larisa .........It was a saturday night, & it was pissing down with rain, i had my mate Jim around for a porn & wanking/ sucking session Jim had an awesome 11" cock that was so fat i could not quit touch my finger & thumb around it when i wanked it.......dispite Jim being a very fit guy he loved to be a sub, & i had him tied up in my attic sex room, Jim was in a recliner black leather chair with his arms tied at the elbows behind the chair back,with a...
My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...
Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...
Thursday morning we got up about 6:45 & headed out of the tent to get up theboys & have the girls fix us breakfast. However, 1 of the boys was already UP.He said he had been dreaming about Angel & as soon as she walked out of thetent he bent her over & started fucking her. He was still fucking her as wewoke up the rest of the boys. When the boys saw Angel being fucked they allstarted getting horny too. 1 of them dropped his pants & had Angel suck on himwhile 2 more boys bent...
As I previously detailed on my trip to the Keys experience I briefly met a very attractive black man. He gave me his number & promptly planted a very wet & passionate kiss, not to mention placed my hand on what felt like a massive appendage!.After the trip as I was cleaning out my purse I found the napkin with his name & number. His name was Derek. I vaguely remembered him other than he was very tall, had a nice smile & probably a very large cock. I wasn't accustomed to calling...
Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...
The final events that led up to our NEXT Reno trip a few weeks later...After everyone left early that afternoon we finally went to bed to SLEEP forawhile before heading home that night. We had rented the room for the wholenight but we had already decided to go home Sunday night so that Becky couldgo to work on Monday.We all woke up about 7:30 pm. The girls then laid out their clothes to wearfor the ride home, or at least to wear until they were IN our car. They bothlaid out what they had worn...
Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...
We got up about 7:00am on the 2nd day. We went out & had the girls startbreakfast for us as us guys woke up the boys. Angel & Becky cooked pancakes &eggs for us today. It did look kind of cute seeing them naked with pancakebatter on their tits. After breakfast we headed down to the river & our dredge to get startedfor today. The 1st thing the girls did was to rinse the batter off themselves.Then they each took their place beside the sluice box & started clearing...
As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...
Friday morning we got up a bit after 7:00 & went out to wake the girls & theboys. However it turned out we did not have to wake them ALL up. Angel wasawake with 2 boys double fucking her cunt together. She said they had woke herup about 10 minutes earlier when 1 of the boys just uncovered her & startedfucking her. When the 2nd boy wanted to join in the 1st boy just rolled herover & the other boy shoved his cock in her as well. That was about 5 minutesago & they were hotly...
Tuesday morning we told Angel & Becky to cook us some bacon & eggs forbreakfast. We had 5 pounds of bacon & 3 dozen eggs for them to cook. Since thegirls were naked they were also going to get splattered with lots of HOT bacongrease as they cooked this breakfast. Both girls were squealing almostconstantly as hot grease splattered their cunts & tits while they cooked too.Actually this cooking platform was a bit low, so MOST of the hot splatters hittheir cunt area too. By the time...
Carl & me were preparing to go to our placer mining claims on the AmericanRiver in a couple of days & I was at his house going over what supplies weneeded to get & making other plans too. Angel & Becky had asked us if theycould go with us for this week of mining. These claims were named THE PLEASURES& we were going to add even more pleasure to this trip by taking the girlsalong, so Carl & me were making some ground rules regarding this trip.1) The girls had to ride to...
Wednesday morning we figured we would kind of give the girls a break somewhat &Carl & George cooked breakfast for all of us. Nothing fancy, just pancakes &eggs. While they were cooking breakfast I told the girls to get down on theirhands & knees & go around & give the guys a blowjob while we were waiting forbreakfast & while us guys were eating they could finish the job on whoever hadnot yet been sucked off. I also told them that if they were still hungry...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...