Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 11: Living In A Same-Sex Foursome free porn video

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Thursday, February 24 to Monday, March 21, 2005

Some of the consequences of the latest merge were as expected. One of those was that I quickly found my schoolwork even easier, usually to a ridiculous degree. I self-studied more and more. I only needed one mind to be tuned into the teacher in any class while my other three minds did other schoolwork. The teachers eventually gave up trying to catch me out with ambush questions when I looked inattentive. Sooner or later they all let me work on whatever I wanted during class time, as I was completely on top of everything they were teaching.

Also as expected, at least initially, was how our memories worked. Memory is a strange phenomenon at the best of times, particularly because the perspective of the viewer distorts the memory so much. Whether we had two or four minds, our memories were private to each mind. Not just the memories of pre-merge events, but memories created post-merge too. If we each recalled a fact, such as the value of pi, then the memories were identical. But if we witnessed an event that could be interpreted in many different ways, such as a social interaction, then we each colored it by our perceptions at the time. For example, if we saw one of the bullies we were scared of talking to a pretty girl, when one of us later described his memory he might describe how big and scary the bully was because that's what he was thinking at the time. Another of us, who might have been hornier than the first mind at the time (yes, that's possible, as horniness is at least as much mental as physical), and therefore more focused on the girl, might've perceived the bully as being less intimidating, and girl's skirt as shorter, neckline lower, etc. His descriptions would be different from the first. Same event but different memories. With four minds such differences happened noticeably more often than it had with two.

We didn't argue as much as you might expect when we disagreed about something we remembered. We knew each other to be telling the truth as he knew it, that the differences were only in perception, and that no one of us was intrinsically more right than the others. Back when we had two minds, if a memory difference was important, which it rarely was, we either compromised or just picked one. Having four now gave us an additional option of voting on which memory was the most accurate, but it was rarely important enough to worry about.

While on the topic of memory, we never noticed any memory capacity problems, even though we were 'recording' four times as much of it now. Maybe we'd run out of 'storage space' in a few years, but there was no sign of that yet.

We did start using a nice little memory trick to make our life easier. So much of schoolwork is memorization. If we were given a whole bunch of stuff to memorize, we just divided it into quarters and we each memorized our share. You might think that got the job done in a quarter of the time, but it was much faster than that because it gets increasingly harder and slower to memorize more and more facts. Time yourself memorizing a 20-digit number, then time memorizing a 5-digit one. I bet the second time is far less than a quarter of the first, and more accurate too.

Later, when we needed to recall one of the facts, it was simply a matter of, More often than not the possessor of this fact would see the need coming and just volunteer the knowledge at the right time, slotting it neatly in to the flow of whatever we were doing at the time: writing homework, answering a question in class, or whatever. We got so slick at it that there was no discernible pause.

Speaking of being geniuses, we'd expected our IQ to rise. I'm talking about our real IQ, not the result of any school IQ test - not that we were going to do another one of those! After our first merge we had the impression that we'd probably gotten smarter, and we'd guessed it'd been by about 5%, although that was a difficult thing to measure. We were hoping for at least another 5% from the last merge, or to be even more hopeful, maybe even a 10% gain as twice as many of us had arrived. To our considerable disappointment we couldn't 'feel' any improvement at all. We couldn't decide whether we'd gotten smarter but weren't able to detect it, or we hadn't gotten smarter. Now there was even more doubt about whether we'd gotten smarter last time or we'd only thought so because having two minds made us seem so much smarter that we fooled not only everyone else, but ourselves as well.

A week after the merge, #1 did an online IQ test, with the other minds not participating. They even refused to read the questions. He scored a disappointing 108. IQ tests produce erratic results, so his IQ might've been 105 (our original IQ) or possibly even 110 (what we thought the first merge might have done), although the upper guess was getting unlikely as the site said that variations of plus or minus 5 points were possible. One thing was for sure, we didn't have IQs of 120 the way we'd been hoping.

Bandwidth and structure became concepts that we thought about a great deal. [[I've inserted the word "bandwidth" into the text here. I didn't understand this term at the time, instead using a long-winded phrase when I thought about it. I'll assume you either understand the word, or will quickly come to understand it from the context below.]]

A teacher standing in front of the class verbally introducing new material did not offer much opportunity for me to excel. It took me somewhat less time to comprehend the new material than most students took because when the first of my minds 'got it', it could teach it to the other minds much faster than the teacher could, as my first mind understood the other minds so knew how best to explain the point. Generally, we were probably about twice as fast as the average student, which was disappointingly slow considering how much mind-power we had.

Compare this to working my way through a whole lot of homework questions. For those, I could simply allocate one question per mind and just record the answers as they came back, again depending on the output bandwidth required by the answers, e.g., too much writing slowed me down, although I was very good at writing with both hands simultaneously when alone in my room. Assuming I wasn't constrained by my writing bandwidth, then I was up to four times faster at homework.

Plus there were some tasks in which four minds got the job done considerably faster than by just a factor of four. It all depended on the structures and bandwidths involved, such as memorization being so greatly improved by the Divide and Conquer tactic, as already mentioned. Creativity was another area we got better at because my minds could give each other ideas.

We sought ways of improving on whatever our limits were. One thing I have long been aware of is that we tend to consciously think at the same speed at which we talk. I have always thought that was very ineffective, and even stupid. Talking, being a very crude, mechanical process, is naturally limited in what speeds it can achieve (bandwidth again). Listening is also mechanically constrained. I've listened to sped-up tapes of people talking, and it doesn't take much of an increase in tape speed before the recorded speech becomes unintelligible. A factor of two is difficult to make out, a factor of three is on the very edge of comprehensibility. We can't speak or listen much faster than the normal rate.

I don't know whether evolution has constrained our listening speed to our speaking speed, or vice versa. They seem a fairly well-matched pair, and evolution hasn't seen it desirable to improve them. But surely we should be able to think faster than that. Why should thinking speed be constrained by the crude mechanical limits of speech and hearing?

Maybe subconscious thinking is faster. Ideas do pop up out of nowhere, so maybe there is some very quick thinking going on underneath. But I can't tell, as it's subconscious. All I know is that conscious thinking is slower than it could be, and that it would be very advantageous to be able to think faster. So we tried to improve our thinking speed, figuring that if anyone on the planet could do so, surely it was us.

We managed to get some speed improvement when recalling some memories. If one of us had listened to a conversation and wanted to replay it later for the others (listening, like seeing, is as much dependent on paying attention as the physical processes involved), we learned how to sort of dump the whole conversation out of memory into consciousness, rather than replaying it at verbal speeds. It was more of a very fast playback than an instant dump, but the important aspect was that it was much faster. We also slowly but steadily got faster at talking to each other, so we internally gabbled. But other than those rather disappointingly small-scale improvements, we were stuck.

I remember reading a sci-fi book, whose name I've long forgotten, where creatures didn't speak, but instead had a color screen on their chests. They had evolved from a fish species that had light-emitting cells, as many deep-water fish do. They could flash pictures very, very rapidly. The pictures were seen by eyes, which are also high-speed devices, so the fictitious creatures had a very high communication bandwidth; far faster than human speech. It was limited by line-of-sight, but otherwise quite incredible. That's the sort of speed we thought we should be able to get.

Voices, ears, eyes, fishy color cells, etc., are all just devices to get thoughts from one mind into another. A thought gets composed into words, is spoken, gets heard, gets interpreted, and the thought is now in the receiving mind. When my minds communicate together they don't use any external medium - sound waves or photons - because we communicate internally, therefore we should be able to do so incredibly rapidly. But we tried and couldn't make it happen. Maybe, like the flashing fishes, we need to evolve? Which would be a pity since our having multiple minds wasn't genetic, so wasn't going to be inheritable. Our not having a girlfriend wasn't helping evolution along either.

Unlike internal communication speed, one thing that I did get much better at was eating. My immediately post-merge hunger was obviously to fill the vacuum created by my body expelling everything in its entire digestive tract, but even after that'd been refilled, and the results were coming out of the other end normally, I was still eating much more than usual. My food consumption increased something like 25%, without my putting on any extra weight. I'd had a small appetite increase after the first merge, but we'd just put that down to replacing blood then to normal adolescence. This increase was more substantial, and its also coinciding with the second merge made it obviously a related effect.

We decided that we were probably burning more energy from the four minds' worth of thinking that was going on. An MRI of our brain would probably blow its dials! We remembered hearing somewhere that the brain uses about 20% of the body's energy. Judging by how much food I was eating now - about 25% more than normal - it appeared that each additional mind beyond the first required 8% more food.

If one mind used 20% of the total food, and we were now eating 8% more food per mind, that meant 40% of the energy needed for the brain was needed to support a mind's thinking, thus only 60% required to support the physical matter of the brain, which seemed too little to us. Thinking might have needed 5%, or maybe 10%, of the brain's energy, but 40% was huge. Surely thinking isn't so difficult that it needed so much energy, otherwise people would get hungry after some thinking just like happens after physical work. On the other hand, we couldn't argue with the fact that we needed to eat 25% more food than previously.

Mom had already been lightheartedly grumbling about three teenage kids eating her out of house and home, and my 25% increase was not welcomed as it increased Mom's weekly grocery bill noticeably. I had to suffer the indignity of eating a worm tablet in case I had worms, but it had no affect on my hunger. I wasn't getting fat so Mom had to accept that I needed the extra food. She grumbled, but she kept more snacks in the kitchen and increased my meal sizes. She even bought me a larger plate to have my meals on, perhaps in an attempt to shame me into cutting back. If so, it didn't work, just making it easier for me to load up my plate with more food. When I was hungry, shame had no chance of ruining my appetite, and I got VERY hungry these days.

Going from one to two minds had been a big emotional transition; it had turned me from being suicidal into enjoying myself. I hadn't enjoyed my life, but I had enjoyed myself, which was a significant change. Compared to that transition, going from two to four minds was emotionally easy, so we adapted to it sooner than we'd expected.

We started getting quite well known. Mostly for being awesomely smart because we started screaming through the school syllabi. One mind would listen to the teacher, while three minds worked on something else. I could get a great deal of work done in a class, and even more in the privacy of my bedroom.

We also got a reputation for being somewhat weird. Sometimes, for example, we would suddenly laugh for no apparent reason. Of course it was because one of the minds shared something funny and we couldn't help ourselves reacting to it (we agreed that all four of us had unusually good senses of humor). When that happened I'd quite honestly explain to whoever was looking at me strangely, "Sorry, I just thought of something funny."

Another effect of multiple minds was contradicting myself. I'd say or do something, and then another of my minds would provide a reason why the just-said or -done thing was wrong, so I'd take it back and then say or do something else.

I also became verbose in a disjointed way. If a teacher asked me a question I'd sometimes answer it with a whole bunch of different points that had no logical progression because they'd been suggested by different minds thinking independently.

Incidents like these - and there were quite a few of them - gave me a reputation for being somewhat of a weird genius.

Bullying didn't get any worse, fortunately. If anything, it became somewhat less of a problem. I had filled out a little over the previous months and had grown an inch or so, which made some of the smaller bullies more cautious. More importantly, I was getting even more physically coordinated. I could now run away pretty fast, which was often helpful.

When I was jostled in the hallways - a VERY frequent occurrence - I hardly ever fell over anymore as I had developed quite superb agility. Often I could 'dance around' the jostling. Sometimes so well that the bully-du-jour would stumble when he tried to put too much of his weight onto me, only to find that I wasn't there anymore. Of course, as is the nature of bullies, they often got angry at that. Being light on my feet was no use when two slabs of muscle picked me up and hung me from some coat hooks, or whatever else they wanted to do to me. There were still many occasions when I had no choice but to suffer whatever was inflicted on me, but the number of such incidents reduced somewhat.

My soccer prowess improved markedly after doubling the population of my head. After my first merge, I'd suspected my loss of clumsiness had been due to the merge, but my latest sudden and dramatic improvement in athleticism was far beyond a loss of clumsiness aided by my being more aware of the ball and player positions. My feet were fully ambidextrous, I could dribble very fast, had superb ball control, could change directions on a dime, could do some very athletic leaps to get my head to the ball first, and other soccer related skills, all done to a superb degree. People started commenting on it.

I'd hoped for some athleticism improvement, but it was far more than I'd dreamed of. After the first merge it'd taken many weeks for my body to gain coordination, so I'd expected slow improvement this time too, but my new skills arrived quickly. But the most surprising aspect was how much skill arrived. The first merge had removed my clumsiness, whereas I was now VERY skillful. Gaining that much skill had to be more difficult as diminishing returns must've set in. An inexperienced weightlifter can probably be trained to increase his maximum lift by 10% quite easily, but adding successive improvements of the same amount must get increasingly difficult, and eventually impossible. Removing my clumsiness I was prepared to accept as a fairly easy development, but I now had a very high degree of athletic skill; far more than I thought doubling my number of minds should've produced because of the difficulty in achieving so much skill. But I couldn't argue with reality.

In total, I became a somewhat weird genius who was also graceful. It's not a combination you hear of very often.

Clearly when merging added more minds, it wasn't just adding the conscious minds, but also memories (that was obvious), subconsciouses, and - it appeared - those parts of our mind that dealt with body coordination. I hadn't expected adding two more minds to make much difference to that, but it made a huge amount. I guess that my having only one body meant it was getting four times the normal amount of coordination. The thought occurred to me that if those body controls didn't cooperate as well as they clearly did, then I might've turned into a constantly twitching spastic. It was VERY good that the reverse was happening!

I also guessed that's why I needed so much extra food (+8% per mind), not just to fuel the conscious thinking, but all the processes going on underneath. [I later found that the mathematics behind my food consumption was more complicated than "+8% per mind", but that explanation is best later.]


My conclusion that my body control had increased significantly was confirmed a couple of weeks after the second merge, when I was talking to a guy in the schoolyard one morning before classes started.

Adam suddenly told me, "Dude, your eyes are weird."

"What do you mean?"

"They're moving around in different directions. It's weirding me out."


Debbie Kneedmire was well worth keeping track of. I would normally have happily used all my eyes to watch her, but I'd also been interested in my conversation with Adam, so I'd apparently kept track of both events.

I asked Adam, "What did my eyes do?"

"Dude, you were looking at me normally, then your left eye wandered across me while your other eye kept looking straight ahead. I've never seen anything like that before, it was wild. How did you do that? It was way stranger than going cross-eyed."

"I was watching Debbie Kneedmire arrive. She walked across the drive behind you."

"Okay, I understand looking at Debbie; I do a lot of that myself. But the eye thing, dude, just too weird for words. You should go on Letterman or something."

I didn't want to go on "Letterman or something", and was saved from having to respond by the bell. I was very interested though.

I had five minutes to get to my first class, but instead I made a beeline for the nearest bathroom, stood in front of a mirror, looked straight at myself, then one of my minds swiveled one eyeball to the side. Adam was right, it did look very "weird, dude."

Some quick experiments soon showed me that different minds could independently control each eyeball. The great thing was that all four of us could see whatever the eyes were looking at, not just the mind that was controlling them. That may sound obvious, but it was well worth confirming and was good news. If the left eye was hard left, and the right eye hard right, that could be useful on the soccer field, although I'd presumably lose depth of field accuracy in the areas that were only being observed by one eye, and it risked "weirding out" any dudes that saw it.

I nearly missed the start of the class because I was too busy making my eyeballs do little synchronized dances, but one of the advantages of four minds is that I usually don't miss things, as one or other of them won't be sufficiently distracted and will remind us. I went to class wondering what possible use I could get out of independently controllable eyeballs. Even with my ambidextrous feet and juggling, I doubted I was cool enough yet to score with any of the girls in my class.

One of the very first things I did in class was repeat an experiment I'd failed at a while ago. I put two open books side by side, and asked #3 to read the left book with the left eye and #4 to read the right book with the right eye.

And they could! It was as easy for them as reading had ever been. They even each controlled the hand on the same side as 'their' eye to turn the pages of their book, so both books could now be read fully independently. This was an EXCEPTIONALLY useful new technique. There's a great deal of reading to do in school, and now I could do it in half the time.

We already knew that back when we'd had 'only' two minds, if one of our minds got distracted and lost attention when we were reading a book, then it failed to absorb that text, even though our eyes had been pointing at it and the other mind had carried on reading normally. Just the same as if you daydream while reading, having the book open in front of you doesn't get any meaning into your head unless you're concentrating on it. It was the same with two books. #3 was concentrating on reading the left book so he didn't know what #4 was reading, and vice versa. Whatever each mind was reading got fed into his own conscious mind, then his own memory, but not into anyone else's consciousness or memory. Even though #1 and #2 were seeing the pages because my eyeballs were pointing at them, unless each of us consciously read the pages, we absorbed nothing. Nor could #1 or #2 usefully read both books at the same time. They could physically see them, just like you could physically see two windows on your computer screen if you put them side by side, but understanding both stories when the eyeballs were scanning it a line at a time was too difficult. #1 and #2 had to pick which eyeball's image to concentrate on.

The new technique was useful, as it gave us choices. If memory and accuracy were important, all four minds would read the one source. If we preferred speed (e.g., to read a newspaper), then we'd create two teams of an eye and mind each (perhaps for the facing pages of the paper), and the two spare minds could do whatever they wanted, either reading one of the two sources or anything else that didn't need an eyeball. If either reading mind saw anything useful he could share it, either getting everyone to read the words again, or just 'tell' us the key points. In the case of a picture or graph, for example, it would be quicker if we all 'read' it again rather than have it described to us.

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My first foursome

My first foursome   There was no doubt about it! I was nervous; me actually nervous about a night away with my own husband! I knew why.   It was because I was anticipating something exciting and new happening. We were on our way to London, the car was hot, probably from the heat I was feeling between my legs. I'd worn a skirt, because he told me to and I nearly always did as I was told. He was watching me with amusement as I was shifting up my skirt in an effort to get more air to...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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The Foursome

I board my regular bus for the ride home from work, eleven thirty at night. I’m a data processor on the second shift, have been with this company for 18 years and I’m thirty-six, unmarried and live alone. I had one in my life for four months, my period was late, he thought I was pregnant and ran like hell. Since then, I’ve sworn off men because I didn’t want to end up with another broken heart and that was the first and last time I ever had sex. I’m walking back to my regular seat by the back...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 249 Carols Sex Education Begins

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Ava greeted us, "Hi everyone! I didn't bring a suit..." "Did you bring your skin?" asked Julia. "I never leave home without it, haha." Ava stripped unselfconsciously, while commenting on my casts being off and asking how my leg and the broken and missing fingers were (or as I thought of them, my "here and not-here fingers"). By now "Giving Someone The Finger" was a well established joke at Dad's work. Dad had told me a couple of stories about...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 20 I Treat Julia as a Sex Object

Monday, April 4, 2005 When I awoke Monday morning, I think the first conscious thought any of us had was, It's such a nice way to wake up, knowing you've got full-on sex to look forward to later the same day. I was the first one to the breakfast table this morning, after Mom of course, so I oh so casually told Mom, "I'll probably go to Julia's after school today." Probably indeed! Wild horses couldn't keep me away. Mom...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 354 Donnas Sexual Advisors are Unmasked

Sunday, June 3, 2007 (Continued) Donna approached me to say, "It's boring being stuck at home. How about you tell me what the 'thing' is all about?" She made a Guardian Angel-sized shape with her hands and 'floated' them, so at least she'd asked discreetly. #18: I decided on a different approach: I took her to bed, getting Carol to come with us as reinforcements. We activated the Faraday...

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 2 Shaad and Sameena

At about the same time two hundred fifty miles north Shahabad Jahangir Khan across the long corridor in another estate ('Shamiyaana') almost replica of his brother's 'Asraa'. The purpose was again to use and maintain the Greenland to give employment to local villagers and both succeeded big times. Any neutral observer would have seen a very tall heavily built man about six foot four inches moving like an athlete. He was dressed in a white masculine version of kurta and salwar with open...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 112 Hot Tub Party Things Get Sexy

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia pointed out, "If you think you all understand how uniquely special Mark is, let me tell you that your understanding means NOTHING unless you change your behavior. If you continue to treat him like an ordinary boy, then you've learned nothing. Emily, why are you wearing a bra?" "Huh?" Emily was taken by surprise, not ready to be singled out. "Why are you wearing a bra? Is it because you don't feel comfortable exposing yourself?" "Yes....

3 years ago
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After coffee Kay helped me strip naked to try on some new clothes in an upmarket boutique. She had never seen me naked before and I do like flaunting my naked body to tease another woman to gauge their reaction. “New clothes always feel better on my naked body,” I tease as she watches intently. “Is my arse big?, I ask her as I look over my shoulder and glance at it in the mirror. “It is big, but it is magnificent, beautifully proportioned, no dimples, must me forty-one inches.” “Good guess...

4 years ago
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Wifes account of foursome

Hi, my husband has been writing about our experiences from our Fantasy Boxes. We both have a box where we put our sexual fantasies in and try to make them come true for each other, I find his writings about our fantasy experiences really exciting and he agreed that could I write about our latest fantasy, so here goes…. This is John’s fantasy, I picked it out and read it in secret so he didn’t know which one I had got, he asked for a foursome wife swap, he didn’t state who with but left it up to...

4 years ago
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Full On Foursome

A Full on Foursome By Stephanie My wife Jessica was upstairs putting the finishing touches to her make up as I looked around the conservatory. I placed a chilled open bottle of Champagne on the low glass table in the centre of the suede leather U-shaped couch that we had had shipped from Italy earlier that year. Between two antique glass ashtrays was a wooden box containing some hand-made cigarettes that I had rolled earlier that afternoon. I hadn’t really been much of a smoker since college,...

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My first foursome

My first foursome   There was no doubt about it! I was nervous, me actually nervous about a night away with my own husband! I knew why.   It was because I was anticipating something exciting and new happening. We were on our way to London, the car was hot, probably from the heat I was feeling between my legs. I’d worn a skirt, because he told me to and I nearly always did as I was told. He was watching me with amusement as I was shifting up my skirt in an effort to get more air to myself....

2 years ago
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My First Interracial Foursome

One night while working a Military conference at Fort Bragg, NC, I got a wild hair up my butt and started hanging out with a driver that worked for me. He was well built, but short compared to me. He was a Hispanic man called Hector. Standing together, we couldn’t have looked more like complete opposites. We agreed to meet at the local club that was the watering hole for the people attending the conference. Hector and I ordered our first drinks and sat down to watch the baseball game on the...

3 years ago
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408 Anne makes a foursome

408 Anne makes a foursomeSO, Anne and her hubby Bart, both needed a holiday, but Bart being a man thoughtlessly had already agreed to go with Charlie and Doug to Doug`s lake-house to fish, not having expected his wife to want a break too, thus Bart was in a sticky old spot! He was a little wary of going home so he popped into the local bar, within ten minutes of finishing his first Beer, in came his two mates, both laughing at something they had heard outside. One look at Bart`s face told them...

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Dorm room foursome

It was Halloween night. Actually, this was the first party I'd actually bothered making a costume for. I adjusted the halo on my head again and pulled my white dress a little lower as I twirled in front of the mirror. Little did I know that in just several hours the little angel staring back at me was going to turn into a devil. "Robert needs help with his vampire make-up, do you have any red lipstick?" read the text that I had just received from Alex. Alex is a senior, and I basically consider...

Group Sex
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Beach Foursome

Beach Foursomeby lstorywriter©I was on a trip to the Caribbean on business and made arrangements to stay in a very cozy cabin on the beach. The weather was fabulous with 85 degree days, low humidity and a steady tropical breeze that blew out of the west. I was walking along the beach one afternoon and about a mile up from where I was staying there was a secluded cove...turquoise water out to a barrier reef some 1000 feet or so off shore; and then a deepening blue that stretched on as far as the...

3 years ago
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Fourcock Foursome

All based on an actual event at my home this summer, names changed to protect the filthy.Me: 35 going on 36, six foot, dark-haired, bisexual, straight-acting, horny.Kevin: my male fuckbuddy for most of this year, 25, five-ten, dark-haired, gay, straight-acting.Danny: Kevin's other regular top, as of about a month before the events described below, 30-ish, around six-two, redhead, bisexual, married.Yasmina (aka Yaz, aka Asif): cute local CD, 18, around five-three, Pakistani origins, gay,...

2 years ago
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Motel Foursome

Motel Foursome As she checked into her motel for the night the woman was pleasantly surprised to be told by the receptionist that the owners were putting on a barbeque for their guests that evening. She confirmed her attendance and drove to the parking space in front of her room. It didn’t take her long to unpack, shower, make up and dress. One final look in the mirror confirmed to her that she looked good for a woman in her mid forties. While short in stature she kept herself in good physical...

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Deannes first club foursome

So... I’d had a few rather interesting and enlightening weeks with Carol, my now ex partner, her daughter Kellie, and Kellie’s friend Deanne. A week or so after my night with Kellie and Deanne, and with Carol’s approval, I had a night on my own with Deanne in a hotel not far from where she lived... which was fucking horny and exhausting... in a very nice way. Anyway, after Deanne and I had more or less worn each other out, we were lying in bed in the morning just chatting about nothing much...

2 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil Part19 Threesome And Foursome

Hi, guys back to you is Deepthi. Thank you all so much for your support and feedbacks. Well coming back straight to the story. We both went to the principal room. We sat on the chairs semi-naked. Me: I think it’s going to take some time for the principal to come dear. What shall we do till then? Arjun: well then it’s a perfect chance to taste my sweet red velvet. Me: (I was very horny too after the incidents and replied) Your sweet red velvet is completely yours, dear, taste as much you...

4 years ago
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Mom Dad Son And Girlfriend Foursome

Hello, sex story readers. Now that I am older, I realized that I grew up in the very remarkable family.I always knew that my family was flirty but as the youngest child, I largely ignored it. I would often hear my mom and dad fucking in their bedroom at night and my mom used to cum a lot very loudly.Because I have studied in my room, my father used to worry that I was gay, which was stupid on so many levels. He started bringing me porn magazines from his work, which was in a factory full of...

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Our First Foursome

This is an account of our first foursome. "I'm not going to be shy anymore," declared Len as he lifted his hips off of the sofa and slid his jeans to his ankles. My wife, Sela, had her eyes glued to his massive erection. It had to have been nine inches long and thick. "So beautiful," Len whispered as Sela moved forward to her knees. Without so much as a glance toward me she slipped his cock between her lips. Whenever Sela and I got together with Len and Deanne the air would be thick with sexual...

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First Foursome

First instalment: ForeplaySue suggested she and Steve arrive after dinner to avoid tedious stuff like washing up etc, so Lin and I have eaten, I’m all ready and Lin’s in the shower making her pussy as smooth as possible. I have four glasses on the bar and a nice bottle of white wine in the ice bucket.I hear the bathroom door and Lin emerges in a white blouse and tartan skirt, looking every bit the schoolgirl. With her slender figure and tiny breasts she could be. She doesn’t need a bra and her...

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The Call Girl Has A Foursome

Hi guys… Nithya is back with the rest of her story to ” screw virginity I am a call girl “. Last time I lost my virginity to an ultimate sex machine (let’s call him Ali) when I convinced my best friend to let me into the call girl business with her. I knew he was a Muslim from his circumcised penis and was tall and strong and I mean both his body and his cock. Things got pretty interesting when I heard knocking on the door while Ali was still near me hugging me close to himself. When the knocks...

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House Robbery Turns Into Unexpected Foursome

Hi! I am Ritika! I live in southern parts of Chennai. I hail from telengana and m staying here for my job purpose in my rented house where i used to stay alone! Ok! Coming to the topic. I m a normal Indian girl from a normal family. 5.5 is my height and m chubby with 34 C boob and 38 butt! This all happened back in 2014 November. It was a cold rainy winter night and i came home from work after a very tired day. As it was Friday, it was casuals day i was in jeans and t-shirt and i came home...

3 years ago
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Three Badsha One Begam Foursome

Hi every one. This is my second story and I hope you all would love the same as my first. Kindly comment or send me personal message if you love my story at Shyam, my uncle was not a gambler, but our whole family failed to understand what happens to him on Diwali. He has his group of friends who sits every year for the game, Teen Patti. Usually the game takes place in sum ones house. He is just 32 and has created a well establish business within past few years from just scratch. He hasn’t been...

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Our First BiFoursome

My wife and I had only been married for about a year when we had our first foursome. We my wife and I were dating, she let me know up front that she was bi and hoped this would not inter with our relationship. To me, her being bi would only add to our relationship because I figured she would let me watch and hopefully she would share her girlfriends with me. I consider myself bi also, in college; I had a few encounters with guys. But if I have my choice, I would pick pussy over cock. I just...

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Wifes account of foursome

Hi, my husband has been writing about our experiences from our Fantasy Boxes.We both have a box where we put our sexual fantasies in and try to make them come true for each other, I find his writings about our fantasy experiences really exciting and he agreed that could I write about our latest fantasy, so here goes….This is John’s fantasy, I picked it out and read it in secret so he didn’t know which one I had got, he asked for a foursome wife swap, he didn’t state who with but left it up to...

Group Sex
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Jabarjast Gay Foursome

Ye ek amazing story hai kai bar aesa hota hai, jisaki hame asha nahi hoti,aesa sukhad anubhav muje bhi mila. Jyadatar hum sabhi social networking sites ka istemal karate hai. Mein bhi karata hun, aur jyadatar logo ki tarah meri bhi sex interest se related alag profile bhi hai. Aur mein ladaki aur ladake dono ke sath maje leta hun. Ye 5-6 mahine pahle ki baat hai, social site pe chat ke doran ek ladake se baat ho rahi thi, kafi interesting tha Usaka naam Abhay tha, usaki original photo bhi mere...

Gay Male
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When Threesome Inspired Foursome

Earlier I had posted a story of having sex with Neha and Monica at amusement park. The adventure continued with more fun at Neha’s house once. This time it was a foursome sex between me, Neha, Monica and my friend Bharath. Now, Bharath is my best buddy. We used to study, play and enjoy together. We used to watch porn together sometimes and masturbated in front of each together. So we were comfortable seeing each other’s private parts (This no way means we are gays!). He got to know about the...

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Wife swapping foursome

Hello! Pabby is here with my another experience of wife swapping. If any ladies, gals, group or couple are interested in connecting me for meeting or chat can contact me on secrecy is assured and demanded. My name is Pabby. I went to USA with my wife Veena for sometime in concern of some project. One night Veena came across a story “My First Lesbian Encounter” on White Shadow stories web site. The story was very exciting and we both liked it very much. Veena and I also write stories about our...

3 years ago
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A Dirty Foursome

Ever since the unexpected gangbang a year and half earlier, Shelley had really started to change her whole attitude about sex. She’d always loved sex of course, but those couple of encounters involving other people had really opened her mind to different possibilities, and gave her a sexual craving to do things with people that would spice up our sex life and make it as exciting as possible.We started watching more porn together while we had sex – mostly ‘homemade’ porn because it always seemed...

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After coffee Kay helped me strip naked to try on some new clothes in an upmarket boutique. She had never seen me naked before and I do like flaunting my naked body to tease another woman to gauge their reaction. “New clothes always feel better on my naked body,” I tease as she watches intently. “Is my ass big?," I ask her as I look over my shoulder and glance at it in the mirror. “It is big, but it is magnificent, beautifully proportioned, no dimples, must me forty-one inches.” “Good guess...

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Family Of Lust 8211 Part 8 Family Foursome

Hello, my dear incest followers! I hope you’ll have fun reading about this family foursome. It’s been about a year since I shared my mom’s sex stories. Well, here I am and with no further ado, let’s get back to it. My mom’s name is Jaya, my Milf, now 46. My brother Rohit is 20, and he’s a college student. I may have used a different name for my mom earlier but rest assured, say no more.  Just to be clear, yes, in fact, it is a true story. It’s been Covid everywhere, so we have been cooped up in...

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Step Foursome

1980s London My step daughter Abigale was like a younger version of her mother Annie. Nineteen years old, all tits and legs, brown eyes, long peroxide blonde hair, bursting with life and hormones. She wore the shortest shorts and tightest T shirts she could squeeze into and was shall we say very popular with the boys. She was gloriously self centred like many beautiful young ladies, the fact Annie had walked out on me six months previously hadn’t phased her in the least, she just carried...

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Byron Bay Foursome

My sexual escapades with Alex over the past couple of months have been really Alex and I did receive a few offers for company last night in Byron Bay and as usual 90% of them read something like this: Hey Dave, would love to play with you and Alex. Email me. You are dreamin’!!! It is too much effort to tell us a little bit about yourself? Include a photo or two? If you sent us a message that read like that, I probably didn’t even bother to read it all before deleting it. If you are too lazy...

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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 15 Anyone Up for a Foursome

“So ... do you still wish you were paddling your way down that river somewhere or do you prefer it here - pounding my rhino horn with your rhino horn?” Keith opened his eyes momentarily on a downward thrust into Gemma’s warm body. Her legs were up and around his legs and her arms were hanging on tightly around his back. Keith was experiencing that wonderful surge within his hard penis moments before a man knows he is about to blow his load. He could feel his foreskin being dragged back and...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 259 A Girl Accuses Me of Using Her for Sex Oh the Injustice

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I'd called Mom before Aikido to tell her, "I'll be staying the night at the Williams' as I want to show Julia something first thing in the morning." I headed to Julia's after Aikido. As I walked toward the front door, I was amused to see a multitude of female heads through the kitchen window. Julia met me at the door, laughingly telling me the explanation. Soon after I'd left for Aikido, Vanessa had called my mom to say they had too much food, and...

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