BethChapter 21 free porn video

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July 7, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

What a long and crazy day yesterday was. We three girls slept tangled together until the alarm woke us this morning for soccer practice. We woke as I think we went to sleep, with Heather cuddled between Rhee and me. We all showered together, somewhat hurriedly, mainly to remove the stale aroma of sex. All of the adults had left before we bolted downstairs for a light breakfast and headed out the door for the pitch.

Practice was relatively uneventful, but with all of the recent changes in the offense, it was not vanilla pudding, either. During an hour of offense on defense, Coach played Ann at center half the entire time. She got off two rockets, one of which almost took Brianna’s hand off. Not really, but Brianna will probably be feeling that one for a while.

Heather had to go home after practice, so Rhee and I went back to her place for lunch. We talked about our feelings concerning sharing each other with Heather and discussed hypothetical situations with other girls. Neither of us is really wanting anyone else, though we both thought that some casual sleepover messing around with Liya and Gracey could be fun. However, neither of them struck us as Heather has, and we could not figure out why Heather got both our motors running. She’s not beautiful. Instead, she’s more like the cute, wholesome girl next door, though I’m sure that many would not consider last night’s activities “wholesome.”

We also talked about Heather giving control of her sex life to us. Just like we could not figure out why Heather attracted both of us so powerfully, we also could not figure out how to respond to her offer to us of, essentially, using her as a sex doll. We did have fun coming up with crazy situations in which we took her at her word and did whatever we wanted with her. However, we were of two minds about those scenarios. We were amused imagining them, but both of us were doubtful that we’d want to play them out in life.

We did agree that we wanted to have sex with Heather again. We were of like mind in wanting Heather only when both of us were present and interested. But, we do want her again. And again. And again.

We also spent some together time cuddling and kissing. It was really nice.

We planned a day outing with Liya, Gracey, and Heather for tomorrow. Well, not really planned as much as simply set aside the day for the five of us to do something. We never worry about the details, as some interesting activity usually makes itself known to us. We also set a tentative plan for a sleepover next weekend. It’ll be here, of course, as none of the other houses are really suitable for the four ... oops, now five of us.

Rhee went home around 3:30, as she and Carol were going to do something, though they didn’t really know what that would be. Hmm, theme much?

I made dinner for the three of us and went to my room shortly thereafter. I spent nearly four hours writing the account of yesterday’s long, exhilarating, exciting, and sexually fulfilling day. I really hope that we can have that happen again.

July 8, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

The outing with the girls was great! As we expected, Heather hit it off with Gracey and Liya. We had decided on a picnic lunch in the wooded park about five blocks from Rhee’s house. It’s a nice place, with trails, a small pond (complete with greedy ducks), picnic shelters, and play equipment. We wound up playing on the swing set, the monkey bars, and the other stuff meant for younger kids, but it was a hoot.

After we’d finished our lunch, we were sitting around at the picnic table shooting the breeze, when Liya and Heather got into a long back-and-forth that started innocently enough, but devolved into elaborate compliments that were actually put-downs of each other, their clothing, their ancestors, their choice in men. Gracey, Rhee, and I were rolling on the ground laughing for minutes while the two of them managed this show with straight faces, until Heather finally cracked and started laughing uproariously.

When we all settled down enough to be able to converse without bursting out in laughter again, Liya got up from her side of the table, walked around and sat next to Heather and hugged her tightly.

“Girl,” she said, “with the power vested in me as the most-recent member of this gang, I hereby demand that you officially become a member. Before you say “yay” or “nay,” I must warn you that there is a gruesome initiation ceremony that involves protons, blood, and magic elixirs. So, agree to join at your peril.”

I don’t know how Heather kept a straight face, as Gracey, Rhee, and I were, again, laughing heartily, but she managed it. Eventually, Liya cracked a smile and put an arm around Heather.

“Naw, girl, you just have to do something inappropriate and you’re in.”

I could see this look come over Heather’s countenance that caused me to stop laughing. I knew that she was pondering something – probably inappropriate, but I couldn’t imagine what that would be. Heather stood, did a quick 360˚, took her shirt off, and sat back down.

“Is this inappropriate enough?”

Liya lost it to a paroxysm of laughter. Rhee grinned, Gracey looked around quickly and, apparently, decided that no one was in eyeshot of us, so allowed laughter to bubble forth. I was grinning, too.

Once Liya’s outburst subsided, I said in something approaching her voice, “Girl, she got you there!”

As Liya once more put an arm on Heather’s shoulder, she said, “That is a true fact. She got me back, but good. I do wonder how long she can keep showing off those pretty little titties.”

I opened my mouth to say that I thought that she could probably manage quite a long time but swallowed those words before they escaped. I’m not prepared to make various recent changes in my life more widely known; voicing those words would open that door.

Gracey saved me from discovery, though, as she pushed on a few icons on her phone and said, “I’ve got the timer going.”

Heather easily made the five-minute mark, as I expected, but Liya started to get big-eyed.

“Girl, you’ve got cajones, or whatever the female equivalent would be. I’d be gibbering with fear by this time, but you look cool as a cucumber. [I don’t know where she gets all of the metaphors she throws around.] I move that Heather be added to the membership roll.”

“Second,” shouted Rhee.

“Nuh, uh, girl,” I said. We’re closer to your house, so you’re Chair. Second, by the way.”

“All in favor,” Rhee asked. Once the vote was apparent, she continued, “By acclamation, Heather Wilkerson is hereby added to the rolls of the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun gang. Welcome, Heather!”

Rhee then stood and grabbed both of her upper arms and lifted slightly. Heather understood that Rhee wanted her to stand, and Rhee stepped back a bit and nodded to indicate that she should extricate herself from the picnic table. She did so and Rhee wrapped her in a hug.

Rhee then stepped back and said, “Existing members may now welcome the initiate.”

Liya got off the bench and hugged Heather. “Welcome, Heather. I’m glad that you’re here.”

Gracey and I followed suit, hugging Heather and welcoming her into the gang.

As Liya returned to her previous seat across the table next to Gracey, she looked at Heather and slowly shook her head.

“I don’t know how you can sit there so casually being so ... titillating. And, I see that you have titillated yourself.”

I looked at Heather’s breasts. Yup, her nipples were hard. Heather was very excited. My pussy started moistening in response. She looked so inviting, with her small, but perfectly shaped breasts tipped by quarter-inch-long erect nipples, her head held high, her face pink. I managed to keep myself from walking over and reacquainting myself with those lovely breasts.

Since Rhee was between Heather and me, and I was staring at Heather’s breasts, I couldn’t help but notice that Rhee’s arms were moving, occasionally obstructing my view. So, I changed focus and quickly realized that she had unhooked her bra and was in the process of divesting herself of shirt and bra. In no time, there were two topless girls on my side of the table.

When in Rome, you know. So, I quickly looked around, saw no one, and pulled my shirt up and off.

“DAYAMN, girls! I suppose that now Gracey and I will be expected to join this insanity.”

I had started to giggle, but then heard Gracey’s voice.

“Last one in’s a rotten egg,” and she pulled her shirt and bra off, then continued. “Hmm, I smell sulphur somewhere. Oh, here it is, on the bench to my right.”

Then she cracked up, her breasts jiggling. Rhee and Heather held their noses closed and stared intently at Liya, who rolled her eyes and her whole head.

“All right, already.”

She then stood and removed her T and sat back down, her shoulders hunched forward.

“Nah-uh-uh,” said Gracey. “Be proud, Head up, chin out, shoulders back.”

Liya obeyed, and there we were, five girls and their ten breasts enjoying the breeze.

Heather then reached across the table and pinched Liya’s left nipple.

“I notice that someone else is titillated.”

I had noticed that. I also noticed that Heather still had that nipple in her grasp and that Liya was not pulling away or objecting in any other fashion.

“Damn it, Heather. You’ve made me uneven.”

Heather’s hand started pinching the other nipple.

“Okay. That’s better. Thanks.”

I looked at Liya’s face, and she was grinning at Heather.

Just then, Gracey gave a warning, “Car coming,” so we all hurriedly re-donned our shirts.

Looking at Rhee, I noticed that she hadn’t bothered to take the time to deal with her bra, so I looked at Gracey, who had made the same snap decision.

“Wow,” Gracey exclaimed, “17 minutes and 40 seconds. A new gang record. Of course, there wasn’t an old gang record, but I’m impressed. As Liya said, Heather, you’ve got cajones!”

Rhee followed with, “She does. And that was so cool,” she exclaimed, then put a one-arm hug on Heather. “That was cool, and feel free to do that again in the future. I suspect that you could greatly extend that record of yours. Just don’t get us caught!”

Heather giggled and grinned widely at all of us. She then sobered and looked at each of us.

“Thanks, guys. Being part of this group really means a lot to me. As Beth and Rhee know, I’ve had very few friends in my life, so I’m serious, very serious, when I say that. Thanks.”

As we were packing up in mid-afternoon (the two unworn bras going in the basket), Heather said, “Rhee, are you going to walk home dressed like that?”

Rhee turned to Heather and replied. “Yeah, I guess I am. My girls need to breathe more freely. Why?”

“Oh, nothing all that important, but I thought that we might want to warn the riot-control squad that they might be called out soon.”

Gracey and I chortled merrily. Liya gave Heather her typical, “You go, girl.”

Then she turned to Rhee, making a point of looking right at Rhee’s breasts and said, “You go, girls.”

Gracey and Heather cracked up; I grinned maniacally. Liya continued her discussion with Rhee’s girls.

“Are you sure that you’ll be okay? The ride might be very ... um ... bouncy, and you won’t be able to see where you’re going.”

If anything, Gracey and Heather’s laughter went up a notch.

Rhee said, “Oh, we can’t have that,” and she then lifted the tail of her shirt up over her breasts. “I’ll walk home like this.”

Liya riposted. “Do you have a carry permit for those? You obviously won’t need a carry concealed permit, but...”

Rhee grinned, then pulled her shirt back down. At this point, Heather was just shaking her head.

“What,” I asked her.

“Oh, nothing ... just ... you guys ... you guys are just so freaking fun!”

We managed to get back to my house without getting ticketed for indecent exposure, as everyone kept their breasts covered, though Rhee did roll the hem of her shirt up under her breasts, leaving her taut belly exposed. Liya noticed the obvious and mentioned it in Liya fashion.

“Girl, though you don’t have your girls exposed, you might still have a problem with the law. Any guy walking the other way is gonna have his eyes bug out ogling those melons just in time for those nipples to poke his eyes out. I think that those things should be classed as lethal weapons.”

After the rest of us finished laughing, she continued. “Heather, I think that Rhee is uneven. Would you see what you can do?”

“Sure,” whereupon she pinched Rhee’s right nipple. However, she didn’t do as I expected, just grabbing that nipple through the shirt, but stuck her hand inside Rhee’s shirt from below and grabbed it directly. Her hand also pulled the shirt up enough to expose a healthy amount of underboob. That exposure was limited to just a couple of seconds, though, and Heather pulled the hem down and then re-rolled it, managing to expose more of Rhee’s flat abs, as if she were wearing a halter top.

As planned, we stopped for ice cream on the way. We were taking the mickey out of each other while we were waiting at the counter for our cones. We noticed that the guy behind the counter seemed to be enjoying all the unfettered breasts, as he kept zoning out looking through the glass while trying to scoop the ice cream.

Heather then asked, “Is that all it takes to get a guy to look at you? Roll your shirt up under your boobs?”

She then proceeded to do that to her shirt, though her looser T and small breasts meant that the hem kept falling down.

“No,” she said fake mournfully, “apparently you need big melons.”

She then stuck out her lower lip and pouted for a few seconds, until she cracked up laughing. We all followed suit. We ate the cones in the store and then continued home. Gracey had called her mom when we were leaving the park, and the length of her drive to my house was such that she arrived in front of the house shortly after we did, but not before Gracey could get her bra back on. We all said our good-byes, and Gracey and Liya rode off into the afternoon, heading home.

Rhee unlocked the front door (I was trailing the others, carrying the basket), swung it open into the house, turned around, and said to Heather, “Girl, I am so going to get you back for that nipple pinching.”

She then grabbed the hem of Heather’s shirt and pulled it up and off her. Heather, who had reacted quickly enough to lift her arms to make Rhee’s disrobing task easier, just stood there topless in the doorway facing the door. In an instant, Rhee was sucking on Heather’s right nipple and pawing at her left breast.

Since they were standing right in the doorway, I couldn’t enter the house, so I stood there watching the show and, hopefully, blocking most of the view. As I watched Rhee’s mouth on Heather’s breast, Rhee’s hands were pulling Heather’s shorts and panties down. When the pants had gotten so low that Rhee’s mouth had to abandon the breast, her mouth simply transferred its attentions to Heather’s pussy. Heather casually stepped out of each side of the pants as Rhee pulled them to the floor and was then standing in the doorway wearing only socks and shoes.

My pussy was zinging as I looked down at Heather’s cute, tight ass and long, bare legs. She showed no concern that she was having her pussy eaten in semi-public. I, however, was a bit concerned, so I gently pushed them into the house and closed the door. Without either saying a word, Rhee marched Heather into the dining room and turned her to face out the picture window. She then knelt in front of Heather and began mouthing various parts of Heather’s vaginal morphology. Rhee’s fingers joined in and Heather, who had been virtually silent up to that point, began moaning, and those moans got louder, longer, and higher pitched.

From the opening of the door to Heather’s climax could not have taken even three minutes, and probably less than two. And what a climax! It was a good thing that Dad and Mom were spending the day out in town, as there is probably no location inside the house from which her ecstatic screams could not have been heard.

Once Rhee made sure that Heather was not going to fall over without Rhee’s support, she toed off her shoes and pulled her shorts and panties off. She then grabbed Heather’s hand and led her into the kitchen. Once there, she hoisted herself onto the table on her back, her legs hanging off, her crotch facing the hall down which was my parents’ room. Heather took the hint and knelt to return the favor.

After Rhee calmed down from her orgasm, Heather said, “Next.”

I looked at Heather, then at Rhee, whose eyes were finally opening. Rhee nodded and rolled off the table; I took her place, my pussy nearly quivering. While I was obviously not as primed as Heather and Rhee were, it still took Heather less than five minutes to make me scream. Given the precise location that she had chosen, I’m sure that Rhee had the same mental image in her head while she was getting eaten that I did while I was being eaten.

After I came down from Heaven, Rhee was talking.

“This is a special place for Beth and me. A couple weeks ago, I was spending the night and we came downstairs for a drink or snack or something. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we could hear what seemed to be sex noises, so we tiptoed to the wall and peered around it. Charlie was sitting in his chair right here and Sandy was sitting in his lap. Both were naked and Sandy was riding Charlie’s cock. As Sandy started to orgasm, Charlie stood up with her, laid her back on the table, and literally fucked her hard until he came. I’ve been masturbating to that scene ever since.”

“Oh, god. Oh, god. I would love to see that.” Her breathing got shallow, like she was hyperventilating. “Would someone ... uh ... do me here? Please?”

Same as Beth
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After Mark had left I wandered around his villa trying to suppress my suspicions and the intense longing that had been so abruptly ended. Why had he gone so suddenly? And what was so important that made him leave me? Trying to get to know him a bit more I studied the books in the living room, most of them works on art, paintings and sculpture. There were several fiction books amongst them and I could picture him in the winter reading by the huge log fire. Ella followed me about the house, an...

4 years ago
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The Seduction of Sarah

The seduction of Sarah by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The sun beat down on the hard clay of the inner delta baking it rock hard under the unrelenting sun. As the waves of heat reflected into the sky it made the air scorching hot, yet the birds loved it because they could ride the thermals without effort, soaring across the delta as they rose and fell, looking for food. The thin shade of the few trees cast a lonely shadow as I stood there in the worn gingham...

2 years ago
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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 4 The House That Adam Built

What a crazy twenty-four hours it had been. It all started last night with me losing a bet to my friend John, one which I should have never lost, but did. My payment was to dress up as a female while going out with my friends until I was able to successfully have a guy try to pick me up. Earlier today, I went to my friend Tracy’s house and told her about my dilemma. After a few laughs, Tracy took me seriously and enlisted two other friends of hers to help me pay my bet. I was too shy to tell...

4 years ago
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Lamb and Lion

Lamb And Lion By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Angel Flies There was just something about a nice full skirt. Angel was a devoted fan of "Sex And The City" and had decided to emulate Carrie on this plane ride. His hair was done in one of her season five styles, curled and off the shoulder. With his face, lean body and five foot seven inch frame, he never worried about being 'read'. Angel could not conceive of that problem, not because he was so good, but because he had...

3 years ago
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Raaz The Secret For A New Beginning

Hello friends!!! Myself rudhr. I am divorced & I am from delhi. Story thodi lenghty so read it with patience. Jab mein 21 years ka tha jab meri shadi ho gayi thi mai. 1 months tak sub theek chala but uske baad pata chala ki she was in love with someone & usko usi se hi shadi karni thi. Aapko toh pata hi hoga aaj kal ke parents. Unhone usko chutiya bana ke uski shadi mujhse kara di. Shadi ke 1 months tak sub theek chala but uske baad kuch theek nahi tha. Wo jada se jada time aapne ghar pe hi...

3 years ago
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My Exhibitionist Wife

By : Thickdick My name is Sandeep from Mysore. I am 38 yrs old and married with 2 kids. I am based in Bangalore and frequently make trips to Mysore and Kolkata as my wife is from Kolkata and I have an ancestral property in Mysore. My wife’s name is Kavita and we have been married for 15 yrs. She is 35 yrs old but still sexually very, very active. She is a Bengali and she has a very “Garam” pussy. Initially I remember, when we started having sex I could not last 5 minutes as her pussy was so...

4 years ago
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Office wife

Hello friends I am a ISS reader. I read many stories and now I m giving my true experience here. First I have to introduce myself. I am a male from Noida age 32 year well built body (used to go to gym)5 feet 10 inch height fun loving guy .I m running a import export firm in partnership in Noida. In my office there are around 10 person working in which of them 6 are women (because all are married).in our office everybody likes me n there was nothing to say before it happened to me around one...

3 years ago
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Body and SoulChapter 16

He raised the glass unsteadily to his lips and wondered how his life could have turned to shit. His business was effectively finished, the fines would break him. Simon noticed his glass was empty again, he couldn't even remember drinking it. He staggered over to the bar and bought a double whiskey. He had spent most of the morning checking the center. Someone had let rats loose in the basement. The sanitation officials were very displeased by what they saw as an unchecked vermin problem....

2 years ago
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Her Foxy MomChapter 3

"Time to get up, Charly!" Her mother's voice through the door was brisk and cheerful with the new morning. Charlene was annoyed. Not that her mother was waking her. In fact, Charlene had already been awake. She'd slept only fitfully and she welcomed the morning. It gave her an excuse to surrender in the battle to sleep and finally arise. What she resented was the reason for her mother's cheer and her own melancholy. Her mother, after all, had gotten it the night before. Charlene...

3 years ago
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We just had to

I was at work one night and my boyfriend was visiting. I'm a custodian in a high school so it's not like he was in the way or anything. I made it down to the girl's locker rooms and had an amazing idea.. I say to him "Baby, sit on those steps right there and I'll slide down on your cock" That was all he needed to hear. He dropped his pants and boxers right there in the dark stairway.. I quickly followed pulling down my pants and panties.. He sat on the fifth step so I could easily get up if...

2 years ago
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pfiffi und icke

heute morgen war es mal wieder an der zeit es mir zu machen hatte mich beim Hamstern richtig geil gemacht … Außerdem ging ich wieder in mein Bett und Nahm meine Utensilien mit ein kleinen für den Po und den etwas größeren für meine Muschi …. und als ich so schön dabei war es lief schon aus allen Löchern … da hopste Pfiffi aufs Bett und war außer Rand und Band … erst schleckte er den Saft vom Lacken dabei wurde sein Stengel ganz hart …. er tat mir etwas Leid … und ich wollte ihn etwas behilflich...

2 years ago
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Its a Monster

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in my apartment, sound asleep. I woke up and rolled over towards my fiancé, Beth. I was twenty four years old and Beth was twenty three. We had been together for four years and had been planning on getting married later that year. We were actually in the planning stages of the wedding and were scheduled to meet with one of our prospective caterers for a food tasting that evening after work. As usual, during the night our bodies had become...

1 year ago
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Licking my way to satisfaction

‘Do you trust me?..’ I whispered softly to you as I slide the blindfold over your sapphire blue eyes. I loved gazing into them but had to tear my stare away so that they could disappear under the cloth. My heart was racing now with anticipation and excitement. It had only been a couple of days since your arrival to see me and already we had done it more times than I could count and had opened you up completely to experiment with me. I am younger than you are it was difficult for you to shake...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Padosan Ko Choda

Hi friends Mein Apka dost RaviI ap ne meri pichli story to parhi hogi ” mein aur meri kirayedarni” ab mein apke samne apni dusri new real sex story lekar hazir hu ye us time ki bat hai jab meine apna diploma ke last sem ke exams diye the to result ane mein time lag jata hai aur result ane tak mein bilkul free tha isi liye mein apni vocations manane apni aunty ke ghar ludhiana chala geya unke ghar mein akela kafi time baad gaya tha aur mere uncle canada mein hain meri aunty akele ludhiana mein...

1 year ago
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I’ve been watching Espa Porn all morning, which may explain my sudden craving for free tacos. Maybe I’m getting spoiled, because just yesterday, I was willing to pay for both my lunch and for my premium Latina porn. Today, I feel like I deserve the whole enchilada without having the bust out my wallet. Hey, I am the world-famous Porn Dude, after all.But even if you’re just Joe Blow off the street, there’s no good reason not to cash in on this amazing offer. Yes, ladies, gentlemen and hombres of...

Latina Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My Desires Fulfilled For Now

The sunlight shining through the window and the soft chirp of birds stir me in my sleep and interrupt my dream. With my eyes closed and mind still only half awake, I roll over to wrap my arm around your sleeping form, only to find nothing there but empty space on the bed. I open my eyes and the visual confirmation of your absence reminds me – it’s Monday. I twist my body under the sheets back to the center of our bed, my auburn hair partly covering my face as I close my eyes again. There’s a...

2 years ago
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Gods Apprentice

You were in your room, minding your own business, when the halo suddenly came out of nowhere and enwrapped you. You knew you should normally feel afraid, but for some reason, such emotion couldn't cloud your mind. Michael The voice was coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. It was powerful and comforting. "God?" For some reason, you knew it was Him. Well, to be fair, it was an easy guess. Michael, you've be chosen among all men. You will be granted absolute power over the whole...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Shopping at the mall

I am at work now trying to get done cause I feel like going to the mall to buy some shoes and have my glass of wine and I thought about the guys that fucked my pussy and I felt my pussy getting wet as it been a while since I had some sex so I get done at about 4 pm and I leave and as I am walking into the mall I look around and not to many people around so I walk and buy a few things and I go to my favorite place for my glass of wine and as I am sitting there I look up and there is Kenny and...

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A tourist in a local bar

My wife, Linda, and I were just finishing a one week vacation where she did not wear any underwear.  I plan to write about the start of the trip and how it came about but this happened on our last night and was the best so I thought I would start with it.  My wife had dressed in several strap less blouses and dresses during the week and I had been warned by one of the hotel employees, Bill, that I had become friendly with not to go to any local bars with her dressed like that.  It seems the...

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A Slave for TwoRevisited

Introduction: A couple rekindles their Sex life Introduction: A Slave finds two new Masters This was an idea from my girlfriend and life-partner Mallory. It is total fiction and has no basis, just a thought brought into a fantasy story. I hope that you enjoy. Please remember to vote at the end of reading. It will help others to read the story. Thanks, Jenny……. The Slave Girl Mike and Ashley had been married for over 7 years. While most of their life together was great, one part was not....

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First Time Threesome

I was sitting on my bed, knees bent up and book leaning on them. I was highlighting some important information for a class when I heard a soft knock on my door. A small sigh escaped my lips as I put the lid on the highlighter and placed in the book before closing the book and setting it on my nightstand. The knob turned on my door and opened to let James (one of my roommates’ boyfriends). He stood shyly in front of me, fidgeting from leg to leg, his brown hair hanging over his bright green eyes...

First Time
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Mikes homecoming part 2

I went to a dark corner that had a soft chair and sank in and made sure I had a good view of the center of the room. After a few minutes the door to the stairs opened and Mike and Melissa slowly came down. The guys in the room were getting excited at fucking a new white slut and made a large horse shoe in the center of the room. Melissa was wearing high heel shoes, my cat suit with the opening in the crotch and see through mess material, a white pair of Brazilian shorts that were skin tight and...

1 year ago
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Reddit JOBuds, Jerk Off Buds, aka r/JOBuds! How many times have you been lying in your bed awake, horny, and wishing you had someone to interact with while you jerked off? Ideally, that would probably be a female, but what about the dudes that enjoy jacking off with other straight men? Hey bros, ThePornDude is inclusive of all kinks, and if you enjoy jacking it with other straight dudes while you watch straight porn, think straight thoughts, and help the two of you ejaculate like a good bro...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Land Dekh K Ladki Ghabrai

Im Jagdish from Chandigarh n searching for aunty ,bhabi n hot girls jo sirf enjoyment k liye sex chahti ho or uske baad contact ki kosis na kare.can sen me mail. aap apne husban se b santusht nhin hai den i have an idea. Ok.ab mein apni story suru karta hun.meri paros mein ek larki rehti thi.jiska jism bhut hi sexy tha.uska badan bhra hua or uski ht bi 5f 9inch thi.mera to uski ht or badan ko dekh k hi land khra ho jata tha.uska jism is type ka tha ki bure aadmi ka land bi tight ho jaye.mein...

3 years ago
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The Falls Mother and Son

Chapter 1; Flight Mélanie was crying. She was at wit’s end but things could not continue as they were. Where she came from, it was hell and there was no question that she’d spend another day there, not even a minute. The last argument had been the straw that broke the camel’s back ... Butch had always seemed to be on top of things and she had found him to her liking when they had been in the same class in ninth grade. She, herself, was nowhere as confident; ever since her parents had died...

1 year ago
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Slut Easy to be Hard to resist Part 3

“Thanks for that babe. I’ve been wanting to tell you for years but didn’t know how to broach it!” My husband smiled at me as I lay on the bed with second load of spunk spilling out of my stinging asshole.“I wish you’d told me earlier” I smiled “I could have been getting fucked like a dirty slut all this time!” I winked, running my hands over my naked breasts.My husband smiled endearingly.“So do you think you’ll continue fucking other guys?” He questioned with a lop sided grin.“Try and fucking...

3 years ago
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Memories of A gayboy prt 1

Introduction: New story! Check it out On April 15,2005 I became the person Ive always wanted to be. I had just arrived at my parents house for dinner and decided it was the right time to tell them. As you can imagine coming out of the closet on your sisters birthday can be a party crasher. I couldnt continue living a lie. My mother greeted me with the usual hug and a kiss on the cheek. Same routine for the past few years. My father on the other hand just nodded his head and said hello. Weve...

2 years ago
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Happy Valentine Kai

To Kai, the current love of my life!Kai is bar boy, lovely and very sweet, and this should be a story of a special kind of love. But English is not my mother language, so alowe me use the short citation of a brilliant blog from Bangkok boy! »But your bar boi /my Kai - my footnote/ is different. He really does love you. And not just for your money. No, really. Hold on for a sec while the rest of us finish rolling about on the floor in helpless fits of laughter. All k**ding aside, it is quite...

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3 The games develop

Author's note: It's frequently difficult to separate fact from fantasy, this story is based in the late 60's era with elements of truth's and a few of fantasy thrown in for good measure - I will let you decide what's real or not - enjoy.This chapter describes how other 'friendships' develop even furtherAlan and I were pumping our cocks over a mag with guys cumming on girls faces he announces that he had started some weeks ago to encourage his younger sister (by 11 months) to experiment with...

3 years ago
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LaredoChapter 5

The captain wasn't in his office, yet, so the two Rangers put up their horses and went to eat breakfast. Capt. Johnson had shown up by the time they finished eating, so they went in to see him. "Cap'n? We got sumpthin' to report," said Ezra. "Yeah, I 'spect ya do. Otherwise, ya wouldn't be here. OK, spit it out." "We found a place about five miles north of Carney that looks like an army camp, but they ain't wearing uniforms. There's at least ten buildin's that look like...

4 years ago
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TriadChapter 2

Abby and I had frequently eaten at the Beach Shack, a dumpy place with superb cuisine; they understood great burgers and also knew how to make a fresh Cobb salad. Anna, Abby, and I arrived, staked out a worn picnic table in the shade, and placed our orders. If I'd detected hero worship from Abby now and again in our relationship, she was over the moon eating with Anna Pechet. She asked questions of her nonstop until I held my hand up. "Abby, you've given Anna a thorough grilling. Why not...

4 years ago
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College slut first threesome

It was a Friday night in the early 2000s. College nightlife was lively. A group of coed friends decided to hang out. Clubbing, dancing, drinking, eating. In the midst of it was Steven flirting with me. Now he had a girlfriend, who was younger and looked up to me. She was nowhere to be found that night. That he constantly made his way by my side throughout the night. We shared many sexy gazes and friendly touches. Even a little foot groping. Friendly flirting. By the end of the night, he wanted...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Sex With Inspector Pooja

Hi guys. I am Kunal. I used to stay in chennai in 2008. I am originally from Bangalore. As most of you know there is a marked difference in chennai and Bangalore. Where Bangalore follows a free culture, chennai people are very conservative in nature. This incident happened due to the difference in opinion between these two cities. Let me start the story I hope you will understand. This incident happened when I was working in a software company in chennai. As I already told you chennai is a very...

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