Crossing The LineChapter 4 - Santa's Little Helper free porn video

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Winterhaven was the night before last, its Christmas Eve now and the Konders family was in full Christmas time mode.

Sam’s mom Brittany was at the mall picking up a few last-minute stocking stuffers to add to all of the little kids stockings and Dad was at work driving his oil tanker hoping to be home in plenty of time for the evenings festivities.

Alex was at work with Brian, both of whom worked at a local car dealership as ‘lot attendants’, washing cars, putting up sales prices on the cars, detailing new cars before they are put on the lot, things like that.

Aunt Christine and her husband John who were visiting from out of town with their kids had just left the house to go do ‘touristy’ things and “maybe catch a movie” they had said.
“Heck yeah!” Sam said as she pulled another perfect batch of cookies out of the oven. Samantha was in the kitchen, asserting her mastery as the mistress of her domain. She absolutely LOVED to cook! Bake, baste, boil, and anything else one might do to create delicious food in the room that was often times called the center of activity in every family home.

Alone in the house for the time being, Sam was letting her hair down. Able to relax while baking Christmas goodies has been one of her favorite things about Winter Break ever since she was in grade school. Dancing around the kitchen with her phone pumping out some of her favorite tunes, she was singing to herself while dancing to the beat and carrying trays from the counter to put into the oven.

‘What makes you beautiful’ by One Direction blared from her phones speakers, and Sam was singing with all her heart. Pulling the whisk out of the cookie dough, she began using it as a microphone

“Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but yo-oh-ou,

BABY YOU light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me OH-VER-whelmed”

Sam leans over to dip, then flips her hair back with the lyrics

“But when you smile at the ground, it aint hard to tell,


You dont know you’re BEAUTIFUL”

She continues to bounce and dance around the kitchen for the next few hours, exchanging hot oven trays full of cookies with ones that still need to bake, finishing up the cranberry sauce and a few other treats to accompany dinner that night and not having a care in the world.

Around 1pm, Sam’s mom arrived back home and called her out to help bring in the groceries she had picked up.

“Oh jeeze mom! How big is this ham? Trying to feed the local homeless shelter or something?!” Sam said with feigned amazement.

“Well you know your dad” mom said, “first thing out of his mouth tonight after saying grace will be some comment about ‘the quick and the hungry’”

“If you’re not quick...” Sam began, imitating her dad at dinner during every big holiday

“ ... you’re gonna go hungry” they both finished together, both with a roll of their eyes and a lovingly frustrated tone, as if they had both heard it a million times before.

Samantha took heavily after her mom. In fact most people who knew her mother from childhood said that Sam could have been her twin - but when looking at old pictures Sam didn’t see it. Though she could have just been too close to the situation to be objective about it.

They shared a love of cooking, of keeping a nice, clean home and their temperments were very similar as well. Both very confident women who were always caring and loving to everyone they knew unless you crossed a line, in which case my God have mercy upon your soul - because neither of those feisty beauties would.

As they finished hauling the groceries to the kitchen, Mrs. Konders began rifling through bags

“I got you something for your costume tonight” she said to Sam

“OHHhh nooooo” Sam said with an exasperated sigh, “can that ‘tradition’ please die a swift death, it’s so embarrassing” she finished, pulling at the ties of the apron she was wearing and hanging it back up on the peg near the entrance to the kitchen.

Every year for as long as she could remember, Sam and Alex had taken turns each year playing “Santa’s elf” to pass out presents from under the tree to the family members who were in attendance. Complete with green and red tights, slippers with bells on the tips, a red shirt, green vest, and green, red, and white striped hat - also with a bell at the end, it had been fun when they were young kids and actually BELIEVED in Santa Claus, but the last couple years Sam had begun getting embarrassed by the spectacle.

“Aunt Christine and my cousins will be here, cant one of the little ones do it?” Sam asked in a timid voice, knowing that the request was futile.

“Oh come on now,” Sam’s mom said “this is going to be the last year you are definitely going to be at home for Christmas! Next year you will be in college, and before you know it you will have a family of your own and wont be able to make it back here every year, wont you do it one last time?”

Knowing that she could say ‘no’ but that it would disappoint her mom, she said with a sigh, “Ohhhkaaay, but only ‘cuz I love you” she finished with a small smile to her mom.

“GREAT!” Mrs. Konders said, then tossed a box to Sam “Here! I ordered this years costume off of Amazon, should fit you just perfectly!”

With a small roll of the eyes, Sam took the box to her bedroom and tossed it on her bed, where she would be able to find it after dinner when it was time for presents.

In the Konders house, they celebrated the giving of presents and family together time on Christmas Eve rather than the traditional day-of Christmas.

When she had asked her parents years ago why this was the case, she was told that because their family was so large, this gave people the opportunity to be at more than one family gathering in a year. For example, they were going to have Sams cousins over tonight, and then tomorrow Sams parents would head to her dads sisters house 7 hours away in Arizona to spend Christmas night with them.

Normally the Konders would have all 4 gone as a family, but this year Alex had to work the morning after Christmas, and Sam had asked if she could stay home with him so that her brother wasn’t alone on Christmas - her parents quickly agreed and praised Sam for being such a good sister.

“Kiiiids” their dad called to Alex and Sam in the next room, talking over the conversations going on around the table and the children running around, playing and making general joyful, excited noise “It’s time. Can you bring in the Ham please”

Alex walked in holding the giant honey-baked ham, Sam right behind him with the huge bowl of mashed potatoes, both setting them down in the proper places on the table.

Aunt Christine snapped her fingers at her 3 younger kids who were still making noise and fidgeting in their seats, tossing napkins at each other and making faces “Hey you three, time to quiet down”

Everyone began quieting down and ending their conversations, looking at the head of the table to Mr. Konders. For his part, Sams dad looked around the table and started talking about how thankful he was for such a beautiful family and how he appreciated Christine and the kids making it in from out of town.

While he continued to talk for a minute, Sam and Alex took their seats next to one another near the foot of the 12-person oak table in their dining room. It was not the usual 6 person round table that was used in the kitchen nook for every-day meals, rather this was a very large, beautiful, old oak table that was used only on special occasions like holidays or large parties.

Around the table starting at the head and working clockwise, there was her dad, mom, her two older cousins Julie and Blake, then Sam herself, and her brother Alex at the foot of the table. Then, continuing on to her 3 younger cousins and finally Uncle John and Aunt Christine opposite her mother at the head of the table.

Not the biggest group they had hosted for a holiday dinner, but it was still tight with all of the food on the table.

“Lets say grace” her dad said, and grabbed his wife’s hand. Everyone bowed their heads and Mr. Konders said

“Heavenly father, we thank you for all you have done for us this year, for keeping our family safe, happy, and healthy. We thank you for allowing Christine and John to make it out here with their kids. Bless this food to our bodies, Amen”

There were mumbles of “amen” echoing around the table, and as conversation started up again almost immediately, Mr. Konders said in a louder voice “And now choose how you will leave my table! Either quick or hungry” and reached for the ham fork to start serving the plates as they were passed around.

Sam and her mom locked eyes from across the table and shared a small chuckle and an eye roll.

As conversation began to grow lowder, Alex glanced at his sister and said with a sly grin “Can’t wait till Santa’s little helper arrives”. He knew it would irk her, but it was a tradition for them to rib each other about it and Sam took it in stride, pretending not to have heard him and picking up a giant spoonful of mashed potatoes, she plunked it down on his plate and said bruskly “here, put this in your mouth”

Alex chuckled and picked up his fork, reaching for a roll he said “Thats not very jolly of you” and took a bite of the buttered, crunchy goodness.

As dinner was winding down and the kids were getting antsy, clamoring for presents, Sam excused herself to go put on her Elf costume.

She opened the box and pulled out the sealed bags inside, each apparently containing one piece of the costume.

“Ohh moooom” Sam said to herself under her breath, “ohh nooooo haha” she chuckled, looking at the costume all laid out on her bed. Either her mom still thought of her as a 6 year old girl, or else she had ordered the wrong measurements. Sam was a 36-27-36, and 5’1”, If she were to try to wear this, it would look ridiculous!

She couldn’t fit in the pants if her life depended on it, and the red shirt would stop halfway between her belly button and the bottom of her breasts. Not to mention the vest, that MIGHT come down to her nipples.

“MOOOOOM” Sam opened her door a crack and yelled, “Comere I need your help”.

Mrs. Konders left the table and walked through the kitchen and living room, then around the corner and down the hall to Sams room. The door was ajar so she went in

“What is it hunny?” Brittany said

“Look” Sam said, pointing at the outfit laying on the bed

Her mom finished coming through the door and looked down at the outfit, then gaped

“WHAT is THAT!?” she said, knowing what the answer would be

Shaking her head slightly and chuckling, “Ok my bad, let me see what I can find from the Box, maybe we can figure something out” she said, referencing the box of costumes that Alex and Sam had worn through the years for things like christmas, easter, and halloween.

Sams mom left the room and came back momentarily with the aforementioned box, setting it down on the bed and opening it.

They began pulling things out, trying to decide if it would work as part of an Elf costume. After a few minutes they stood back to look at the outfit they had assembled.

“Scissors. I need your fabric scissors, ill be right back” Sam said to her mom, leaving the room and going towards her parents bedroom on the opposite side of the house, nearer the dining room.

As she passed the family, she said to Alex

“Hey, help me find moms fabric scissors really quick”

“Everything ok hun?” her dad asked, distracted from his conversation with Christine and John

“Yeah dad” Sam said, “nothing a few minutes of quick thinking cant fix, we should be ready in a few”

Alex Joined Sam in their parents bedroom, she was rifling through her mom’s sewing desk looking for the scissors. Not quickly able to locate them, she said “here, keep looking. I think i might know where another pair is”, then left for the kitchen.

Sam grabbed the shears from the kitchen that she had used a few hours earlier to cut vegetables for dinner, then headed back to her room.

“OK we can do this” Sam said to her mom as she re-entered her bedroom.

With a few quick snips, they were able to turn the pants she had worn as the Elf two years ago into culottes that were split so she could fit her legs through the smaller holes in the legs, but she wasn’t able to button them or zip them up more than half way.

Her mom pulled out a green cape that Alex had worn as part of his halloween costume a few years ago, turned it sideways and wrapped it around Sams waist, pinching it together as if imagining it being a skirt.

“Hmmm” Brittany said, “this might work, just needs a bit more color to be convincing. We can hook some candy canes around the top, and just keep it over the pants.”

“Ok” Sam said, seeing where her mom was going with this, “and the vest I wore two years ago isnt really THAT small, so it’ll work. I guess the red shirt will too. It’ll be tight but should work for the time I need it to.

“Alright!” Brittany said, standing up from the bed and heading out the door, “let me know if you hit any more snags, i’m going to go make sure all of the presents are in place and the garbage bags are out so the kids don’t make a mess with the wrappings.

Her mom closed the door behind her and Sam began stripping off her clothes that she had been in all day while cooking. She put the ‘culottes’ on, tried zipping them and failed, then wrapped the cape into a skirt around her waist and clipping it closed with some safety pins. She picked up the shirt and tried putting it on over her bra, but with the wire and bulkiness of the bra she couldnt pull the shirt down farther than the top of her breast.

Frustrated, she pulled the shirt back off and unhooked and removed her bra, tossed it on the bed and pulled the shirt back over her head

“Attempt number two, comeooooooon” she said to herself as she was able to slowly inch the shirt down over her breasts, and had to literally roll it down her front and sides because it would not stop bunching up. Once she had the shirt on, she pulled the vest over her head and settled it around her shoulders.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw that that vest came down an inch or two past her breasts and almost to her belly button.

“Good enough” she said and turned away from the mirror towards the door.

With all of her frustration and distraction getting the shirt on, she hadn’t noticed the door open and her brother Alex standing there.

“Daamn...” Alex said under his breath, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph” he continued in awe, as if looking for someone to thank for the precious sight he had just been blessed with.

He finished coming in and shut the door behind him, handing her the fabric scissors they had been looking for.

“Dad had them in the garage and had been using them to strip electrical wire ... mom wasn’t happy when she heard that” he said, his mind still trying to catch up to his mouth as he continued to slowly work his way up his sisters body with his eyes, staying for long moments on where her gorgeous, 36DD breasts had just moments ago been completely uncovered.

Sam had been startled and her heart jumped into her throat upon realizing that someone had been in the room with her, but quickly recovered when she realized it was her brother and all of their recent sexual encounters flooded back through her mind reminding her that it was OK.

She glanced back and forth between the doorway and the mirror, trying to gauge how much Alex had seen, and realizing that he would have been able to see most of her in the mirror.

Alex sat down on the bed, almost not paying attention to where he was moving because he was still overcome by the unexpected site of his half-naked sister in such an outfit. She was a slutty Elf! With the red shirt barely leaving anything to the imagination and her nippls clearly visible through the fabric, the make-shift skirt that was still partially open, showing the top of the pants that were far too small and thus not even at the top of her waist, and the small vest that just acted like a cute accent to all of her innocent sexuality.

“This ... won’t do” Alex said, shaking his head slowly and looking seriously into his sisters eyes. “This won’t do at all”

Sam thought he was referencing any number of things wrong with the outfit, and she began to worry and ask questions. But while she mumbled and fidgeted nervously, picking at different parts of her outfit, asking what exactly ‘wouldn’t do’, Alex picked up the elf hat with the small bell at the end and plopped it on her head.

“THERE we go, now you’re SET!” He said with a mischievous grin.

Quickly ducking the open hand slap from Sam, Alex rolled back and did a ‘superhero dive’ onto the bed, acting as if he had just triggered a bomb to explode and he was rushing for cover.

“You, are absolutely encourageable” Sam said to Alex as she looked away from him and continued to make small changes to the outfit, still obviously stressing about her aunt and cousins seeing her in such a revealing outfit, not to mention her dad!

“Oh stop” he said, “It’s not the end of the world. Hang on a minute...” and left the room.

He came back quickly, holding a bright green and gold windbreaker that was part of his schools football uniform during away games.

“Most of it is green, there’s some gold on the back with the schools name, but that’s not a big deal. Throw a few strands of gold and red tinsel around your neck and none of the kids will think to ask any questions. Just say it’s cold outside and you didn’t want to get sick coming here from santa’s workshop” He said with a grin

“You know ... that’s not a half-bad idea.” Sam said “Can you go grab some for me? Oh and a few candy canes too. Not just the red ones, throw a few green ones in there too, and hurry back”

Alex left the room and was quickly back with the requested items. Sam took them, draped the tinsel around her neck and the jacket she had put on, then grabbed the candy canes and began putting them in different spots around her outfit. 3 in her hair, a few around her waist hooked onto the ‘skirt’, a couple in the pockets of the jacket, and a few more hooked onto her neck line to finish up the outfit. She stepped into the Elf slippers and took one last look in the mirror

“OK, let’s do this thing” She said, almost to herself.

Alex hopped up off the bed, opened the door began walking down the hallway, speaking louder and louder so the kids in the other room could start to hear

“OOOHHKAAAYYY HERE SHE COMES! Who’s ready for presents!?” motioning behind him as his sister entered the living room on his heels.

“HEEEYYY” Sam said in a high-pitched, overly excited voice, “I hear we had some good kiddos this year in the Konders clan, are you ready for your presents?!” she continued, heading for the pile of presents under the tree.

The adults had migrated from the table to vaiours chairs around the family room, the moms with glasses of wine and the dads holding tumblers with either Scotch or Brandy in them, chatting quietly amongst themselves while the young people proceeded to do the gift exchanges.

Sam walked back and forth, handing out the presents one at a time to each of the kids until the entire pile had been gone through.

As she had been dispensing with her Elfly duties, Sam had noticed more than once how her brother had been staring at her, sometimes catching him with eyes locked on her ass as she bent over to pick up the next gift, or trying to get a good view of her chest under the jacket when she leaned down to drop off one of his gifts in the pile next to him.

She enjoyed it.

Knowing that her brother was mentally undressing her in front of their entire family, harboring thoughts of the things he hoped to do to her tomorrow after their parents had gone to their aunts house in Arizona, she began to get a bit hot under her collar and noticed that her panties had begun to get a bit wet at the thought.

With the gift-giving done, dessert having been consumed, and all of the trash picked up, Christine and John had taken their kids back to the hotel a few minutes ago.

Sams mom gave her a quick squeeze and a kiss on the forehead as they passed by each other in the kitchen.

“You were great tonight, you definitely pulled a rabbit out of a hat with that outfit”

“Well” Sam said with a sweet smile, “I wasnt about to disappoint the little ones.”

The dishes were more than halfway done at this point, so Sam said “Don’t worry about the rest of it mom, I know you guys are leaving early tomorrow so ill take care of them then.

“Thanks sweetie, im going to head to bed then” Mrs. Konders said

As Sam headed back to her bedroom, she began pulling off the different parts of her outfit. The hat, vest, and make-shift skirt were in her hands by the time she reached her bedroom. Sam opened her door and tossed those on her bed, then went a few steps further and knocked on her brothers door and opened it really quick.

“Hey,” she said, “mom and dad didnt give you their final present, I think they made it for you themselves”

“Oh?” Alex said, a bit surprised “Did they want me to come back out there or something?

“No” Sam said, locking eyes with him, “They dont actually know about it either”

Quizzically, Alex raised his eyebrows trying to think of what she meant. Then, as he took in the sight of his sister standing there, nipples clearly visible through her shirt, pants unbuttoned and still tight around her, he realized that she was talking about herself.

She finished the thought for him, “I’m your present” She almost whispered, turning away from the door and leaving it slightly open in invitation. As she disappeared around the wall, Alex was already halfway to his feet, thoughts of lust and desire coursing through his body, he rushed out the door and almost slammed Sams door open, but Sam was standing just behind her door waiting for it to open and she caught it.

Sam pulled him just inside her doorway and pressed her body up against his, taking his face between her hands and pulling his face to hers so she could stick her tongue down his throat.

A few hot moments of his sister gently humping and grinding his leg, while biting his upper lip and allowing him to suck on her tongue, then she pulled away, placed her hand on his chest in a motion for him to pause.

“Tomorrow.” She said softly, “They leave early in the morning, and after they leave, I will be ready and waiting for you.

With that, she pushed on his chest ever so lightly and he backed out of her doorway, the door closing in his face.

“Fuuuckmeee” Alex said to himself in astonishment. At that moment, a feather could have knocked him over his mind was reeling so much.

Same as Crossing the Line
Chapter 4 - Santa's little helper Videos

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ExpeditionChapter 29 Mothers Little Helper

After the Natives got settled in... "HEY!! Wait a minute ... Just who are you calling Natives? Listen here, buster ... Political Correctness doesn't fit in this chronical. You might be writing this mess, but WE have a say in what yer doin' We were here first!" shouted Kurt. And the Peanut Gallery all shouted, "AMEN!" "Errrr ... maybe we were first ... kinda ... sorta ... but the first batch of Orientals split," explained Joanne in a rush. "They couldn't take the shaking or the...

4 years ago
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Laying Across Santas Lap

The faint chirping of his watch woke John at 1:00 A.M. , he quickly reached over to silence it so as not to wake the kids. It was Christmas Eve, well morning actually, he thought smiling, time to go play Santa. John reached for is wide Linda and instead found an empty warm spot in the bed. John smiled, his wonderful wife must be out making some coffee so Santa would actually be able to assemble the toys properly for a change. John rolled over placing his face into the blankets on her side of...

2 years ago
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Take a seat on Santas lap

‘HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS’ I cheerfully yell, waiving to the kids as I walk out of the reception hall. It’s been a long night but I’m finally done and I can get out of this hot Santa suit. I’ve been doing the Santa gig for about 10 years now. Its something that I love doing and it provides me with a little extra cash for the holiday season. The smiles on the faces of the kids are absolutely priceless and there are always hot mommies to check out at every outing. I used to do the mall thing,...

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Mothers Little Helper

--------------Two weeks ago:--------------"But Dave, you know what week that is!""I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money.""Money isn't everything."-----------------------------Jump forward - four days ago:-----------------------------Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse to my friends). I'm 15 years old, slim with light brown hair, and I attend Junior High School. I live with my parents in the suburbs. It's quiet compared to the city, and my Mom really likes that. My Dad is a contractor...

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Eros Academy Chapter 2 The Teachers Helper

His roommate’s name was James Wotan. After Michael was able to get over his surprise he introduced himself. “How did you know about the peepholes?” Wotan shrugged as he put down his packet on the opposite bed. “My older brother went here. He filled me in on some of the…peculiarities. They’re all over the place, bedrooms, showers, classrooms. The freshmen dorms are laid out deliberately, boy, girl, boy, girl, so we can look in on each other. Watch yourself, cause you can bet, they’ve got one...

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The Helper

The Helper A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I had not realised how far the house was from the main road until the taxi finally drew up beside it. It was a large house with a veranda on all sides, even larger facing the sea. Mr Golbenkian was waiting for me near the front door. He was seated in his electric wheelchair. I had not met him before then, but his warm brown eyes were as friendly as his voice on the phone. "Welcome, Tom," he said. "And thank you for being...

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The plumber was nothing to look at short kind of fat ugly hair on his lip and he smelled like Ben-gay but his helper on the other hand was an a dream come true tall blond muscular with deep blue eyes I couldn't keep my eyes from straying to his crotch where a telltale bulge was visible...I knew the plumber thought I was a real woman but his helper kept stealing looks at me I suspected he was on to me even though I look totally hot as a woman and most times they can't tell some guys just...

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Santas helper

My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks after the New Year. When Mark and I got married we sat down and talked long and hard about what goals we wanted for our future together. We had both come from middle-class families...

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Santa8217s Helper

My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks after the New Year. When Mark and I got married we sat down and talked long and hard about what goals we wanted for our future together. We had both come from middle-class families and...

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Claires Little Helper

Claire's Little Helper By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 Chapter 1 Update I suppose I should start by bringing people up to date with some of the things that have happened to me since last time. To be honest there isn't a great deal to tell but I'll give you the highlights, such as they are. I've had a few more trips out and my sister has been much more responsible on calling on me as her stand in. In fact she hasn't done it to me since last time. She did take me out to...

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Santas Daughter

It was December 23rd and Nicole was in an excitable mood. It was almost Christmas and it would soon be time for her father to bring out his sleigh and deliver gifts to people all over the world. But it wasn’t the thought of the joy and laughter of Christmas Day that excited Nicole. No, her thoughts were focused on Christmas Eve, the only day in the whole year when her father was away, unable to keep his ever watchful eye over her.   But before that Nicole had to help out with all the...

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Santas Helper

It’s Christmas Eve, and for the first time, we aren’t able to spend it with our children. However, we made the best of it, and had that day all planned out; sleep late, play lazy, and maybe with weather permitting go to a movie. My husband even had a holiday feast in mind, turkey, with all its trimming, green-bean casserole, baked potatoes, apple salad, and a yummy apple pie for dessert. A smile crossed my face as I remembered the comment he made. “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice...

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A Sexy Milf for Santas Helper

"Oh yeah, that's it, get that tongue way up inside me." Jesus, this rich bitch sure loved to eat pussy. I could tell she was inexperienced, but she definitely made up for it with her enthusiasm. I sat on the lid of the toilet, my teenage legs spread wide, as she knelt between my creamy thighs with her expensive clothes on, her face plastered against my tingling wet cunt. "Bring that sweet tongue of yours up a little higher," I said as I ran my fingers through her lush auburn hair and...

5 years ago
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The Laundry Helper

The Laundry Helper By TheNewGerrie I was standing in the laundry room taking the clothes out of the drier when I did something that changed my life forever. I have no idea what made me pick up my wife's slip and hold it against my body. I was just idly wondering what the material must be like to wear when my wife suddenly cleared her throat right behind me. I think I almost screamed. I don't know if it was just the surprise of having someone sneak up behind me or the...

2 years ago
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Secret Agents Helper

Secret Agent’s Helper 1-8-2018 The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artist convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups obviously from the artist convention / show, decked out in their ‘I’m making a statement clothes’ and the like, boisterously talking...

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Daddys Helper

"Tell me a story, Daddy." Martina was settled in next to me on the sofa, snuggling and cuddling after our dinner, in the mood not for a television show, but one of my stories. "Tell me a fun one!" By that, she meant a naughty one. She liked those. Our bedtime stories and after-dinner time had become more and more intimate since we'd been living on our own. "Tell me the one about when Yvette was your helper at that concert.". . . . . Oh yes. I recalled. That was the day I played a 4th Of July...

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My Helper

I wanted to do some spring cleaning so I sent my husband off for the day and got my neighbor's son to come over and help me. We made a lot of progress during the first hour then Mike, my helper, all of a sudden jumped up and said he needed to go to the bathroom. After about fifteen minutes I went to check to him. I found him in my bedroom. He was naked on my bed with hand lotion laying beside him. He had a massive and very painful erection. It would seem that I had dressed for work, only a...

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Cindys Helper

Cindy's Helper It was the first day of the summer holidays and I was looking forward to lazing around for six weeks. Mum had suggested I get a holiday job but so far I had not had any success, there were very few jobs in our town and no one seemed to need any help. Had I known how my summer was to change I would have made more of an effort at finding one. Both mum and dad worked and as I knew neither would be back before five o'clock I was sitting on the sofa playing with myself....

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HH8Shantis Pregnancy Helper

HH8: Shanti's Pregnancy Helper, part of the HH series TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request,...

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Video Download Helper

Do you need a porn video download browser extension? Ever wondered if there’s an easier way to download all of your favorite porn onto your PC without having to make an account on various porn websites, or without having to visit other sites where you have to copy and paste the link of the video in question? I’ve sure thought about this problem a million times and you can bet your ass that there’s a solution out there that ThePornDude has found for you. is the perfect tool...

Useful Software
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Santas Little Helper

As the holidays approached, Kendra realized her job wasn’t paying her enough to get the presents she wanted to give to her family and friends. After spending a few weeks trying to find a job, she was desperate, and ran across an ad for “Santa’s helpers”. Since they were looking for evening and weekend workers, she could actually do both jobs.Have a Master’s Degree and a good job as a clerk in a law office, she was a little embarrassed to get a job like that, but went for the interview. She had...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Mothers Future Helper

Two weeks ago: "But Dave, you know what week that is!" "I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money." "Money isn't everything." Jump forward - four days ago: Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse7327 to my friends). I'm 15 years old, slim with light brown hair, and I am at education level basic minus two. I live with my parents in megablock 626 of the San Portland conglomerate. My Dad is a contractor for offworld mining companies and has to spend weeks at a time off...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FOUR Jenny Neustein, the teacher who had done most of the work of...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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A 23 year old guy shouldn't have to move back home with his parents but that is exactly what happened. At least, the move wouldn't be a long term thing as it was only five weeks while I was waiting for my new condominium to be ready after my apartment lease ran out. I had an excellent relationship with my parents calling them Ma and Pa even though I didn't grow up in the country. Home was the bustling town of Kansas City.I would shortly be moving into a condo in Crown Center a very high brow...

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Santas Little Helper

The snow lay deep, all around the huge wooden barn where Twinkle Toes was piling up the presents in their respective sacks. This year she had addresses beginning with A to D. Some were for America, some for Europe, some for Africa, Asia and Australia. She looked round and gave a huge sigh as she contemplated the almost endless line of gift-wrapped parcels. She was sure the list was getting bigger every year. Outside she could hear the grunts of the reindeer and the chomping sound they made as...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Daddyrsquos Little Helper

“MARY!!!”Daddy’s bellow barely penetrated above the hot music that was blasting through my headphones and I chose to ignore it. I was trying to finish some college work. That was the official story at least. Truth was I was watching porn on my laptop while letting the sounds wash over me. I could guess what he wanted, and I decided that I wasn’t at his beck and call and that he could fucking well wait. Then there was a knock on my door, followed moments later by an even louder one.“What the...

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Daddys little helper

Maybe if I'd minded my own business and stayed off my dad's computer, my life would have been a whole lot different. As it is I wouldn't change it for the world.My name is George Mason Jr. I was twenty years old when I moved back in with my father (George Snr, obviously) after my mum left him and took up with some arse-wipe she met at her gym. He had been devastated by the betrayal and I had moved back in to keep him company and make sure he didn't do something stupid. I was quite a good cook...

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Handy High School Helpers

Cal was on the phone to his sister who was asking him to take in his niece and her friend for a weekend. They were going to check out the university where he lived, and he could let them stay in his guest bedroom. Both his niece Stephanie, a senior, and her childhood friend Vicky, a junior, were being recruited as athletes, so the University would be taking care of most of the details: getting them from the airport, giving them tours, even most of the meals. All he’d have to do was let...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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little cock helper

I just met them this morning for the dryer and washer i had to selli let them in and showed them the machine, trying my best not to let them see my panty i wear to sleepi was feeling scared by how tall and big they were, both black joyfull guy shaking my small handthey took time to test the machine , before picking it up easily i look at them taking it away before they came back inthe money in hand closing my door''thanks boy here the money''i took the money counting it and i wasnt fast enought...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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