BethChapter 23 free porn video

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Authorial Note #3: When I began submitting chapters for this story, I was 18 chapters ahead in the writing. I am now down to just five chapters ahead. While chapter size has increased, other commitments have negatively impacted on my writing time for pleasure of late, putting a double whammy on chapter progression. So, I may soon get to a point at which chapter-upload rate may decline. We’ll see what the future brings. A small section of this chapter keeps getting excised in the upload, so I am on attempt #3.

July 13, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

The alarm rang too early. I could have used another hour’s sleep, but I turned it off and made sure that my bedmates were getting up.

“Shower time,” I stated loudly.

As neither of them looked all that awake, I pulled the sheet down. They just huddled together. So, I had to bring out the big guns. I reached my hands between the respective legs of each of them and diddled them.

“Arrr. Don’t get me going,” complained Rhee.

As they continued to lie there, I licked the index fingers on each hand, getting them good and wet, then slowly inserted one in each twat and moved them all around, then extracted them and headed for the shower. I didn’t wash my hair, so I was nearly finished when the two of them showed up.

“I don’t like you anymore. You’re mean.”

“Ah, but you love me because I wash your back. Come on in, frowny girl.”

“Will you wash mine, too,” Heather asked as she came in the room.


When we tromped downstairs in street clothes, I could smell pancakes, as could Rhee.

“Oh! Is Dad is the chef?”

Rhee turned to Heather and explained, “Dad makes the best pancakes!”

“Good morning to the powerhouse soccer trio. Your breakfast awaits.”

A chorus of “Hi, Dad” greeted that announcement, followed immediately by chairs scraping across the floor.

“Please notice,” Dad said, “that both maple and boysenberry syrups are available.”

“Boysenberry syrup?”

Rhee responded, “Yeah, Heather, even if you really like maple, you should try the boysenberry.”

Dad had long ago made boysenberry converts out of Rhee and me, but we occasionally had maple.

Less than a minute later, Heather’s response was, “Oooh, that’s good. I don’t know if it beats maple for me, but it’s at least close.”

“You may have both,” replied Dad. “I made a lot of cakes, so don’t be shy.”

As we were finishing up, Mom came in the kitchen.

“Morning all.”

“Hi, Second Mom.”

“Hi, Mom.”

“Good morning, Sandy.”

Mom offered to clean up and, considering the time and the long drive to Sedgwick, we magnanimously allowed her to do so.

I walked up to Dad, said, “Thanks, Dad,” and kissed him on the cheek. Rhee copied me exactly, which caused Heather a bit of consternation. Though she colored a bit, she matched us.

“Wow, for thanks like that, I’ll cook for you three anytime.”

Behind us, Mom said, “Don’t you be trying to steal my man.”

She followed that by wrapping Dad up and planting a tongue-infused kiss on him. The three of us laughed, then bolted upstairs, changed into our uniforms, put our street clothes in our bags, and met Dad in the garage. The three of us played Roshambo for the front seat, Heather winning.

A bit over two hours later, we arrived at the field, not quite the first ones there. I didn’t see Coach, so I called out, “Stretch.” As other teammates arrived, they joined us in the ritual. Ritual, yes, but very important, and they all knew it.

As I was finishing up, I saw Coach coming up.

“No changes?”

She shook her head. She glanced through the team and stopped when she found who she wanted.

“Please grab Padme. I’ve had an idea and I want to talk to you two.”

When I brought her back, Coach started.

“I’ve got two things for you two, then I’ll talk to the team. Beth will play probably a bit more than half of the first half. You’ll replace her, Padme, playing out the half and then starting the second half. Unless the team falls apart, which I do not expect, I’ll put Beth back in with the backups around the middle of the second half.

“Is that amenable to you two?”

Two nods replied.

“The other point is that their fullbacks are all quite good at one-on-one, so I expect to see lots of crisp passing ... what did you call it, Beth?”

“Ah, Barcelona calls it ‘tiki taka.’”

“Yeah. I want that. You up for it, Padme?”

“Sure, Coach!”

We loosened up kicking balls around, until Coach called us into a huddle. Of sorts.

“Sedgwick is an overall good team with a solid back line. I don’t want to see anyone on offense trying to beat them one-on-one. I want to see passing, tiki taka. At least, I want to see it from the midfielders if they’re on an offensive push and definitely from the offense.

“Back line and midfielders, remember our speed demons on the front line. Front line, Lissa brought an idea to me and I like it. Her idea should work if the ball is being brought up by either wing or the sweeper – Beth and Padme will both get stints there. That is, not by Rhee. Lissa thinks that we can use Rhee to suck in their back line, giving an opportunity to the play-side wing to cross behind Rhee to the center. That also assumes that whomever has brought the ball up gets it to Rhee somewhere near the top of the box, but near post longitude. Everyone in this league knows about Rhee, so I expect their defense to expect her to shoot, so collapse on her. Another possible advantage to having Rhee give instead of shoot is that if we’ve pulled it on them a couple of times, she may be able to fake it.”

I looked at Rhee, who was grinning.

“Oh, yeah. That sounds like a possibility. How ‘bout if Mia or Heather shout a code word if they’re going to do that, something innocuous, but not anything that might be mis-heard as something real?”

“Ah,” said Coach. “That would be good for two reasons, the first is obvious. The second is that the defense may realize that we’re calling a play, giving Rhee even more of a chance to fake it. Excellent. However, don’t do it just to do it. That means, Mia and Heather, that you will have to recognize when it’s a good chance. If there are midfielders clogging up the box, that’s probably not a good time.

“Beth, Padme, to set this up best, you will probably have to go play-side of the box, ostensibly to provide an outlet for Rhee. That should keep the defense focused on players other than the play-side wing. Obviously, Heather’s speed will give her a little extra advantage, but Mia, you’re quick and sneaky, so you have your own advantages.

“Taking this one step further, my own little wrinkle to Lissa’s bright idea, the off-side wing could also do this with the play-side wing. Comprende?”

I could see that Mia was trying to figure it out, so looked at Heather. She was nodding, but keeping her mouth shut. “Good,” I thought. Mia’s bright enough, she’ll get there; Heather obviously knows when not to steal thunder, particularly as she was, essentially, the new kid on the block.

“Oh! I get it! So, Heather calls the play and rips past Rhee heading my way. Yeah, I can see it. I hear Heather call it or I see her doing it, then I can rip the opposite direction and if a defender goes with her, or she runs into the off-side fullback, my fullback, then I’m an outlet for her and I probably have most of the goal open to me.”

“Got it in one. Again, don’t push it. Wait for golden opportunities, which may not happen in this game. We want this to be a surprise to the defense, so it should be used sparingly. The code word is ‘pink.’”

A bit less than four minutes into the game and we were already down a goal, scored by their left wing on a streak. Gracey was beside herself.

“Hey. Don’t worry about it.”

I put in a strategic pause, then said, “But don’t let it happen again,” and I grinned at her.

To everyone, I said, “Okay. Remember the kick-off play against Watermelon? Let’s try it.”

Rhee tapped the ball to me and as I was turning to pass to Rathi, I heard her yell, “Coming!” So, I gambled on left and poked the ball off to my left (field right). As I chased after it, I felt their center forward breeze just behind me. Once past her, I turned upfield and looked for Rhee and Heather. Both were behind the midfielders, so I poked the ball long, trying to lead Heather, but not by so much that she’d have to fight for the ball. It was a bit too far and the fullback was just about there when Heather trapped it. But she faked to field right and did a 270˚ to field left and started hauling toward the right post.

As she approached the penalty box with the left fullback almost on her heels, I was surprised by Rhee calling “Pink!” I quickly figured out her thought, which was that she’d run the play in the opposite direction as designed and I just hoped that Heather figured it out. It seemed to me that they could best use me pulling some defense to our left, so, I altered course for the left post. I was downfield and left from Heather and angling farther left. Rhee had moved downfield and then started curling around right and upfield behind Heather. When Heather, who still had her fullback right behind her, was about at the top of the box, she had Mia and me to her left, Mia more upfield – closer to the goal. Their right fullback stayed home, as someone had to watch Mia and me, but the center fullback went to cut Heather off. As the center back closed on her, Heather flicked the ball with her outside right and Rhee slammed it left-footed into the close corner of the net!

As we were heading back to our end of the pitch after the celebratory scrum, I teased Rhee.

“I remember the plan for Pink, and I don’t recall you being the one to call it.”

I grinned at her and Heather and continued.

“You know, that might not have worked if Heather weren’t so damned bright and quick on the uptake.”

“Yeah, I know. I also know that Heather is ‘damned bright and quick on the uptake.’”

Rhee then put Heather in a headlock and tousled her hair.

“Girl, that flick was PURR-FECT; right on my foot. I would have benched myself had I missed that.”

The quick up-and-down for Sedgwick’s morale took the wind out of their sails and we cruised to a 12-2 win. First Mia, then Heather scored on Pink and that had the effect of loosening the D on Rhee, and a successful defense does not give Rhee Devlin extra space. She scored a career-high five goals, which went along with the two assists she got on Pink. Heather got her first-ever hat trick. Her first came off a gorgeous stretch of tiki-taka with Rhee, Rathi, Zala, and me that lulled the defense just enough for Heather to pop free to receive a through pass from me that she bent with her outside-right into the top-right corner. Ann got a goal, off a corner kick, which she blasted past the goalie from five yards outside the box.

We even got two goals with the backups in for the last 12 minutes. I sent a long ball to a streaking Tanesha (Rhee’s back-up) for the first and re-directed a corner kick to the top of the box where Haven (Rathi’s back-up) squeaked it past the goalie just inside the left post. The five assists that I got today will probably increase my current four-assist lead in the category.

In the locker room, Coach ended the horseplay with her prototypical, “Gather ‘round.”

“Here’s today’s game ball. I’ve decided that since Whatshername already has, like, 42 of these, I’m going to award it to myself for having the brilliant idea to let her be a starter.”

There was much laughter.

“In reality, Rhee’s performance today was even grander than what we’ve come to expect from her, and we’ve come to expect a lot. Unless Sanderson had an equally spectacular day, Rhee’s scoring lead in the league may have stretched to double digits. That’s simply unfathomable in this league. At the risk of letting praise go to her head, though I expect Beth to help pound it back out if it does [more laughter], she’s become the dangerous striker that I thought was in there somewhere. Those of you that were on the team two years ago know whereof I speak.”

Then she grinned at Rhee.

“So, I have a question for everyone. Which of her goals today showed most obviously how much she’s developed over the past three years?”

I knew, but I was pretty sure that Coach was not testing me, so I stayed quiet, looking around at the faces; Rhee’s was pink. Heather raised her hand [her confidence level has really increased of late]; Coach arched her eyebrows at her.

“The first one, where she called a play that we didn’t have.”

“Why did you pick that one?”

Heather answered a bit stiltedly, but looking right at Coach, “Because it showed that she had absorbed the idea behind Pink and could transfer that idea to situations for which Pink was not specifically designed.”

“Got it in one. For all of you: Be honest, who else of your teammates do you think could have come up with that alteration on the fly?”

Rhee called out, “Beth.”

I called out, “Lissa.”

Coach waited a few moments and asked, “Anyone else? Don’t be shy.”

Lissa, who had not missed a practice or a game since she’d injured her ankle but hadn’t practiced or played, spoke up.

“I think that Heather could have done it. She certainly figured out what Rhee intended without missing a beat. By the way, Heather, your flick on that play was beautiful.”

[Repeat after ... Ah, you know the story too well.]

“Yes. Yes, it was,” agreed Coach. “It was timed perfectly and right on the money, both in placement and relative to Rhee’s stride.”

“Team, I’m very proud of all of you. Rhee’s accomplishments today demand the game ball, but I want each of you to take a figurative piece of that game ball home with you. Beth and Lissa and I have thrown many new wrinkles, strategies, and tactics at you in the past few weeks and you have risen to the challenge, not only accepting the changes, but incorporating them, and performing them very well.

“I’m sure that at least some of you have noticed that the back-ups have been getting a lot of game time lately, with often wholesale replacements of lines. I particularly want the starters to notice that the backups have held their own. Today, the starting and back-up defenses gave up one goal each. It is starting to seem like we could just randomly pick the starters out of a hat.

“Yes, I am joking, but only partly. We’ve all seen how radically we’ve changed the offense in the past few weeks, and it’s obviously working quite well; we haven’t had a close game since the draw with GV. I’ve been pondering this thought for a bit and we may be making further changes. If I make significant changes, I’ll endeavor to get lots of game time for those starters that are moving to the next level after this year, that is, Ann and Brianna.

“Lana [Svetlana, Ann’s back-up] and Marli, we’ve talked about this before, but I want to stress it again. Please watch what Ann and Brianna do, when and how. Watch how they react to the other team’s offense and try to figure out why they do things a certain way. Lana, Ann provides a great example of how to play center fullback; she is the best I’ve had in 15 years of coaching, most of it at this level.

“In fact, this team is the best I’ve had in 15 years of coaching. Please don’t let that go to your head. Your play all year has been above what I expected, and, in the past month, well above what I expected at the beginning. Everyone is contributing, everyone is learning. We now have the great problem of trying to figure out who to start and how long the starters play, as there seems little difference between the options at any given position. Look what Tanesha did today. She looked like Rhee. Well, a darker, ganglier Rhee.”

There was much laughter.

“If it weren’t for Rhee’s performance, the game ball probably would have gone to Heather, who got ‘only’ a hat trick, the slacker.”

Laughter and chuckles followed.

“So, you see my problem. A lot of you earned starting positions early this season, but we’ve now seen what Padme and Heather can do. How do I give Padme lots of playing time if it means benching Beth?

“Anyway, while I don’t know, yet, how I will work more playing time in for the back-ups, I will be doing it. I hope that the current starters understand that it will help the whole team if we know the capabilities in game time of all members of the team and get them game experience.

“At this point, I expect to play the starters a lot against GV next week. Well, at least long enough to see if GV is up to playing us close despite our recent changes. Don’t let up against GV, but I think that we might just put a world of hurt on them.”

That last was met with a roar of agreement.

“A few more attagirls. To Mia and Heather each for calling Pink and executing it very well. To Beth both for calling for a repeat of The Thing of Beauty at just the right time and for realizing quickly that she had to call an audible on it when she was about to pass to Rathi. To Rathi for letting Beth know that she had to call an audible. To Beth, Zala, Rathi, and Rhee for that lovely bit of tiki taka that led to Heather’s first goal. To Heather for picking just the right moment to break upfield to score that goal. By the way, that shot was very pretty. To all six fullbacks for a game superbly played. That is a good team that we just demolished, and a lot of the reason behind that demolition was the tight D that did not let their O get organized. I lost track of the number of times that one fullback or another poked the ball away from them to put the kibosh on yet another of their offensive surges. To all six halfbacks for dominating play in the middle of the field, which let those lazy, good-for-nothing fullbacks lounge around adding to their tans.”

There was much laughter.

“Last, but assuredly not least by any stretch of the imagination, to both goalies for directing the fullbacks in the fullest potential of sun angles and tanning requirements.”


Coach let it go for a few seconds, then called for quiet.

“If this keeps up, we may just have to eliminate the goalie position as superfluous. But, seriously, Marli, that was a great decision to beat their streaker to the over-the-top pass outside the box. You acted before I could call out to you to do that, so, attagirl.”

“Now, hit the showers. You guys stink. Olfactorily, that is.”

Rhee, Heather, and I found Dad waiting just outside the locker room; we sounded a chorus of “Hi, Dad.”

“I’m going to have to stop coming to your games.”

I think our faces all fell, but then Dad grinned.

“Yeah, I think that the other dads are getting jealous, as my three daughters are hogging the glory.”

We didn’t plan it, but the three of us wrapped him up and, one by one, kissed his cheeks.

“Yeah, by my estimation, you three scored eight goals and got at least nine assists. It could have been ten, but I don’t know how official scorers score assists on that ... what did you call it, Beth, ticky-tacky?”

I chuckled and corrected him.

“Yeah, that’s what I said, ‘ticky-tacky. But, really, how do they score assists in situations like that?”

“I don’t really know. Usually, there’s only one given, the one that directly provides the pass to the scorer. But, in some situations, multiple passes are considered critical to the score, but I don’t know that I’ve seen more than two given for a single score, but I could be wrong. Obviously, the entire set of tiki taka was critical to setting up the situation to allow Heather’s goal, but I’d bet that I got the only assist out of it.”

“Okay. Come on. We can discuss this more comfortably in the AC in the car on the way home. Do you want to stop for lunch? My treat.”

July 14, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written July 16, 2017]

The team was upbeat and rowdy at practice today, and that fact enabled me to learn another lesson from Coach (I’ve lost track of the number that I’ve learned from her that translate to various team situations, not just those in sports). Coach had praised us yesterday, and we let it go to our heads. We caught the back side of Coach’s tongue twice, then she stopped practice and made all of us run extra laps. All except Lissa, for whom today’s practice was her first since the injury. I believe that she wouldn’t have deserved it even if it weren’t her first practice back, as she’s been quieter and more reserved since the injury. I’m fairly certain that she sees being replaced at starting right wing and that we probably will not change to a four-member front line.

After that, the team settled and put in extra effort, and Coach worked us hard, and beyond usual quitting time. Once we were flagging, she called us in and had us sit. She looked at each of us in turn, no expression on her face.

“That was the worst start of practice that I’ve ever seen out of this team. Don’t ever do that again. If you don’t want to work, then you need not show up for games.

“First off on the news front, Lissa came to me before practice and suggested benching her in favor of Heather. Her reasoning was that she’s not the natural right wing that Heather has shown herself to be and that any other solution that gets Lissa a starting job has either Beth or Rhee sitting. She doesn’t want that. I applaud Lissa’s self-sacrifice for the team. For the rest of the season, I’ll have her helping me on substitutions when Beth is on the field. Lissa has shown a real knack for offense evolutions and knowing personnel abilities, so I’d like her to have some marshalling duties. So, once I’m sure her ankle is 100%, I’ll be trying her out as Beth’s back-up at sweeper. Padme will be Heather’s back-up if Lissa works out as a sweeper, which I think she will.

“I leave for Cleveland this afternoon and won’t be back until Monday evening, so Beth will run practice then, with the help of Ann and Lissa.”

Coach then turned to me.

“Beth, don’t let them get out of hand. Keep them focused.”

She then looked over the whole team.

“Anyone that gives Beth – or Ann or Lissa – trouble while I am gone will not play on Tuesday. Period. Now, how many of you could make an extra practice on either Saturday or Sunday?”

Rhee called out, “Sunday would be better for Gracey, Beth, Heather, and me.”

Coach looked slightly annoyed, then her face cleared.

“I guess that I should check with my Assistant Coach before asking such questions. Who could make a practice on Sunday? Raise your hands.”

At least a dozen of them waved in the air, including mine, of course.

“Okay, those of you that are not or are unsure, see what you can do about making it. It would be best if the whole team could be there, but we ... well, Beth, can work around it. Beth, I want you to run a full-team scrimmage on Monday and get as close to that as you can on Sunday – same start time, by the way. However, I want you to mix-and-match starters and back-ups. I also want you to give Ann some significant time at center half. Figure out what to do with Rathi or whomever when Ann’s at center half. Other than suggesting that you give Gracey some time at center fullback, I trust you to assign positions as you see fit.”

Coach returned her focus to the whole team.

“Against Central on Tuesday, we’ll probably run the usual starters. However, unless you all fall apart, I’ll be pulling starters early, as I think that Central has little chance to beat us, or even stay close. That is, unless the team that started practice today shows up Tuesday. You are a very good team, but when you lose focus, you lose whatever it is that makes this team good. Now, get out of my sight and have some fun.”

As we were standing up, Coach motioned me to join her; the rest of the team gave us space.

“I’m sorry that you had to run extra, as you weren’t a problem. In that situation, though, it’s better to drive the lesson home to everyone.”

“No problem, Coach. I understand that. I’ve also filed it away.”

“Good. I want you to work them hard while I’m gone, as I want the lesson about today to stick. Personally, and please don’t pass this on, not even to your gang, I think that if we can continue to play at this level, we’ll probably get far in state. I suspect that we won’t get past Centerville, but who knows. However, I am beginning to have high hopes for next year’s team, as long as we get most of the girls back and they continue to work hard and learn.

“Do I understand correctly that Heather has been spending a lot of time with you and Rhee?”

I nodded.

“Well, whatever you’re doing, please keep doing it. Her confidence level has increased by an order of magnitude and her play shows it. I think that she is the piece that we were missing. Rhee is still our star, but Heather’s speed and shooting skill, and the way those two are working together – I’m particularly thinking of that ‘reverse Pink’ yesterday – have taken and will take a lot of defensive pressure off Rhee, which only gives her more opportunities. So, I want you to keep them paired in practice, as I want them each to learn the other inside out. I also want you pairing them with a variety of left wings and sweepers. Get Lissa up to speed with sweeper, or, as much as you can in two days. You might also try Padme at left wing.

“I’ll stop with the suggestions there, as I don’t want to hamper your ingenuity and flexibility with a checklist of pairings that I want you to test. Just do what you think might work. As I said before, work them hard, and if you have to work them beyond our usual quitting time, do so with whomever can stay late. As far as I know, and I checked this morning, no one else has a call for the field until 2 on Monday. I’ll let you know about the field on Sunday as soon as I can; probably by text.”

“Lastly, I suspect that you’ll be sitting a bunch on Tuesday. But I want you to drive the offense to go full bore from the start. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if we had five goals before we hit the 20-minute mark. While I don’t really want to run up the score against lesser teams, we’re now in the stretch run and I want to get our offense ticking as well as possible. I also want the back-ups getting as much game time as we can manage, and I want them getting goals to reinforce the confidence that simply getting more playing time will engender. When you’re sitting, I want you completely running substitutions.”

I nodded.

“All right. Thanks. Now, take your friends home and have fun.”

The first thing that I did after Coach kicked us loose was collar Gracey and Liya; Liya had come with Gracey to practice, as our sleepover started after practice. Rhee and Heather ambled over, too.

“Hey, if we’re going to practice on Sunday, could you two stay the whole weekend? That way, Gracey’s mom wouldn’t have to make two trips this way this weekend.”

Gracey elevated her eyebrows at Liya.

“Umm, I don’t know. What do you think? If your mom will let you, mine will almost certainly be fine with it. You know as well as I do that my mom likes the ‘positive influence that Beth’s family provides’ me’ [air quotes].”

Gracey smiled, then pulled her phone out of her bag and called her mom.

“Hi, Mom. Yeah, we’re done and about to head to Beth’s. However, Coach has called an extra practice for Sunday, so we were wondering if we could stay here both days this weekend. It would save you two trips over here. Well, one, anyway.”

She listened for a bit, her face falling a little.

“Well, what if we could get a ride from Beth’s parents?”

She listened briefly, then seemed to interrupt her mom.

“Mom, you know that they are usually fine with it. But Beth will find out and I’ll get back to you after we get to her house. If we get everything lined up, may we stay?”

Her face cleared at her mom’s response.

“Yeah, we’ll clear it with Liya’s mom before we finalize anything. Thanks, Mom.”

As Liya pulled out her phone, I interrupted.

“Let’s go to the house and deal with details there.”

She responded by changing the subject.

“What about Heather? Doesn’t she have to get permission?”

“The rest of her family are going out of town this weekend, so Heather was staying here all weekend anyway.”


The five of us were loud and boisterous on the way home, particularly when Liya and Heather got into another faux put-down contest. Those two are peas from the same pod, though from opposite ends of the pod in some respects. Riotous laughter accompanied us through my front door. Once we were inside and the jocularity had declined, I captured everyone’s attention.

“Though our sleepovers usually officially start at 2:00, I’d like to request a motion from the floor to start this sleepover now.”

“So moved,” answered both Rhee and Liya.

“Second,” shouted Gracey.

“Discussion,” I asked.

All shook their heads, even Heather, who was grinning to beat the band at our fake formality concerning sleepovers.

“As there is no discussion, I bring the motion to a vote. All in favor?”

Same as Beth
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Willows World

Romance, CD, Dick Girl, Panty Boy, Shemale, Flashing, Upskirt, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie SexRusty and Willard had been life long friends, Rusty a football jock and Willard on the swim team. Rusty, muscular and tough, Willard, slim, shaved and long haired. Rusty was also protector and Willard the brain that helped Rusty graduate. Rusty also knew Willard was gay and cross dressed in the privacy of his own home. Rusty spent 3 years in the Army, came home suffering PTSD while Willard had became...

1 year ago
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Private Blondie Fesser MILF Masseuse Enjoys Hot Fuck

The curvaceous Blondie Fesser has come to Private Specials, A Private Massage With… armed with her big ass and big tits, and she’s ready to give the lucky Emilio Ardana the treatment of a lifetime! You know it’s going to be a good massage when the table has a glory-hole, and Blondie takes full advantage as she treats her client to a sloppy blowjob underneath before getting on top for an amazing titfuck. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as this spectacular MILF puts...

4 years ago
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Cincinnati Kool Jazz Festival

My favorite hookup spot in the Cincinnati area is James Taylor Park in Newport, KY. As a teenager I could ride a bike from my parents house in Covington to Newport in a few minutes. I've hooked up with black men anytime from noon to 4am.Over many years I figured out that the entire 4 day weekend of the Kool Jazz Festival made it perfect hunting for Big Black Cocks. The straight/bi men would spend several hours enjoying music and partying then travel back to KY horny and needing to release...

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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight It was a very hot day today and i was not looking forward to work.All went well for the most part as the day progressed.It was almost quiting time and the boss left earlier that afternoon for a meeting.The rest of the staff was headed home for the night.I was just finishing up work as i had a half hour left before i was able to leave.I needed to cool off so i grabbed a cold bottle of water and poured some down my back and breasts,that helped some. Now my nipples were getting...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 8

Index: 8Living apart together.That Sunday Christopher spend part of the day at Tom's place. In the afternoon Chris got a lift back to his grandma's home. But rather then go talk to her he decided to take a look at the renovation project first. The bunkers had progressed nicely. The 24 smaller cabins were all stripped and readied for plaster and paint on the inside. The biggest task there was on the roof repairs. The 6 larger cabins that set a few meters...

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My mother in laws family secret

A story written by Wanda Nylon, based purely on fiction, but came from a wealthy imagination. Hopefully reading this gives you the same pleasure as writing it did for me. As this is one of my first attempts on writing fiction, I love to hear any comments.Rain was pouring down as we came out of Heathrow Airport to catch a taxi to my mother-in-law's house in the London suburbs. Luckily a taxi just came to a halt in front of me, so I could just throw in our suitcases, and we could take our places....

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Badi Behan ko Manaya8230

Hi friends…My name is Nasir my age is 22 and my sister’s age is 23. us ka rang gora waist 28 height 5.5 or figure bohut hi sexy ha. Hum Punjab mein rehtay hain Father uk mein business kartay hain jab unho ne hamari mother ko visit per bulaya to hum dono yahan akelay reh gaye. Ab story ki taraf atay hain… Us din meri birthday thi. Mein zyada ghar se bahir rehta tha vo ghar mein akeli udaas hoti thi or kehti thi jab se parents uk gaye hain tum awara ho rahey ho. Jaldi ghar aya kro mein akeli...

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Fucking A Young Married Girl In Pune

Hi guys, let’s get started right away. I am Kunal, 6″ tall, fair, athletic body, and a 6-inch thick dick. I am open to talk to women interested in having a good time. My email is mentioned at the end of the story. I have been in Pune for the past 4 years and I am living with my flatmates. As luck would have it, a young married couple just moved in. The girl’s name was Sonal, who is 28, petite, 5 ft 1 in, slim, fair with amazing tits and an ass to die for. As we live in the same area, we use to...

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living the bi dream

I have a habit of presenting my first time in a way that makes it seem like I was in a mixed up,confused state because I enjoyed sucking mikes cock that much that i allowed myself to be taken upstairs and fucked like a girl cos i wasn't able to refuse.Well,it makes for a good story but by the time i tasting mikes come from that first blowjob all i knew was it felt amazingly right n i was already hoping more would follow.I played it like the stunned and innocent guy hoping it'd encourage him.I...

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Visitor in the Night

His work roughened hands ran down her silky arm. "I don't want to hurt you. My hands are so rough." She leaned against him, "I love rough hands, it shows a man that's worked hard all his life." His mouth nipped along her neck, while his hands pushed her hair out of the way. "I love the way you smell and taste. I want you, need you and hunger for you; but I"m afraid. "Afraid...of what." "Afraid this isn't real." She heard the catch in his voice and turned around to straddle him. Grabbing...

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My Mom Her Boss 8211 Part II

Hello ! This is the real story of My Mom Swati with her boss on 30th Dec. 2010 before a day of 31st Dec. 2010. She bears a sexy figure of 36 24 36 in well maintained manner. The day 30th Dec. 2010 Swati (Mom) was having her off and we were relaxing in our house. Before the start of our daily routine (household work) the phone ranged and I immediately pick up the phone before my Mom from the extension of my room and heard my Mom and her Boss chatting. Mr. Khot told her that today night in a...

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My OnLine Adventure Goes RealTime Video

I have been having a very enjoyable on-line erotic literature site relationship with my friend Rose, a young college student in Florida . She’s only 18 but has a very adult way about her. At 49 years old, I’m easily old enough to be her father. She has a cute round but sexy body and a killer smile. Her expression in her pictures just says “Come eat my pussy and let me suck your cock”. She admits to enjoying sucking cocks.Rose has rather full round boobs that sit very high and proud. They are...

2 years ago
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First sight attractionFall in Love

Hi, My name is Ashika !!Without wasting any more time !! This is my story, how did I loose my virginity to my love.At that time I was in IInd yrs of my college. Everything ws going well until one day two guys(Archit & sanjay) come to our palce to take a room on rent in our appartment. There I saw him for the first time, he was tall, dark handome guy 32yrs of age. It was attraction in one sight. They got the room on rent n starting living upstairs,there we one room kitchen n open space to chill...

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Designer InterviewChapter 3

When Kelly reached her apartment, she breathed a sign of relieve when she saw Bruce had already left for work. She needed time to get her mental and physical self back under control. After a warm bath, she stepped from the bathroom, towel wrapped around her, the phone rang. Kelly picked it up and heard Ms Tynes voice on the other end. "Kelly, I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. You left without a word. Did you enjoy meeting Christine?" Kelly was floored by the casual way Ms...

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AngelicaChapter 37 Fare Thee Well

Batista entered Angel's room and she was lying face down on the bed sobbing. He sat down next to her and placed his hand lightly on the back of her head, running his fingers gently through her hair, "Shhh," he soothed softly. "Why did you bring me back?" She turned around and he pulled her up into his arms. Batista kissed the top of her head and held her for awhile, "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up," he said after awhile and led Angel into the bathroom and began to fill the tub...

3 years ago
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Alivia Pt2

Room 1707 Here I am. I let a co-worker fuck my ass in the office and now my boss, Gordon, the fat maniac, is using me as a complimentary gift for his new clients. Five guys I just took a professional meeting with are waiting behind the hotel room door to ravage my body in celebration. It is better than being an intern though. I hope I enjoy it. Never done this kind of thing before, one of the guys, Dan, is black, thatd also be a first for me. I can hear someone opening the door. Gosh! I dont...

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So finally I realised I like gay Sex after bad experiences Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

At eighteen years old, I knew I was different from most other guys my age. I played football, but didn’t sleep around like most of my peers. I did get my dick sucked by one cheerleader but I was barely able to come. I had started realising that maybe I like gay sex. I had masturbated to images of a naked movie star and there was one boy that I fancied. Jacob had made a move but because I had an image to keep I rebuffed it. It was the 4th of July picnic and he was there – Jacob. He was good...

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Meri Pehli Chudaai Bhaai se

Hi…It’s Your Mr. Pleasure here from Vadodara. My email add is I am always ready to share your any kind of feeling & fantasies. Now i am Narrating the story of My girlfriend Karuna, in her words. Mera naam karuna hai , main aaj aapko meri pehli chudai ki kahani sunati hu. Ye aaj se 4 saal pahle ki baat hai, main us waqt 1st year mein padhti thi. aur Meri umar 18 saal thi , mera size 32/26/32 tha aur mere boobs(stan) chhote the. Meraek bada bhai hai jiska naam deepak hai aur wo mujh se 5 saal...

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a cheap fuck

after all the excitment she gets out of bed and makes her way to the bathroom as he lays still in bed he can hear the sound of the shower water pounding of her skin he walks to the door of the bathroom were he sees her fuckin her pussy with her fingers without even looking down at his crotch he knows that he has to have that ass once more. he begins to pull his bulging cock and makes his way to the shower. shes doesnt look surprised to see him and grabs his thick tool and pulls him into the...

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Football players senior year gift

I was out walking, thinking about everything that was going on in school. It was a busy road so passing cars diddent scare me much, infill one pulled over behind me. I turned around when I hear a deep voice call my name, it was the school football coach, mr. Johnson. I was suprised when he said, "well hi there! Would you like a ride home? I've been meaning to talk to your parents!" to which I of course aggreed to get in the car. But after a minute or so of driving, we ended up at school. He...

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Clara part 1

Introduction: The following story is essentially true. The events happened pretty much as described, though I may have embellished some of the details. Names have been changed where needed. Not long after I cut my grandfather off, an older male friend of mine invited me to go along with him one night to visit some girls who were going to be camping out at the home of one of them. I made arrangements to spend the night with him, and we were supposed to be camping out as well, on his large front...

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Ronnies mother Not true story

Introduction: A woman teaches her son's friend a few lessons When I was in high school, there was a k** in my class whose name was Ronnie Johnson and who was rather popular, because he was always the first to have all the latest computer games. Everyone always wanted to go home with him after school to play these cool new games. That included me, even though I really didn’t a shit about these games. I faked enthusiasm for that computer nonsense because, when I was at Ronnie’s place, I would...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 22 An Unusual Eulogy

Unable to sit still and gab, David took Ellen's hand and led her upstairs, leaving the girls looking on in worried confusion. Alice was describing what happened, but David had no desire to hear the details. The girls, though, were anxious to figure out what had happened so they'd have a better idea of how to respond. In their room, David removed his shoes but climbed in bed fully clothed. Following his lead, Ellen did likewise. She figured this was serious and that he didn't want to be...

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My surprise date with a hermaphrodite

I was sitting around my house one day hornier than ever. I went online and to a site, I knew of where I could meet someone to play with. I went through the post then I saw something that caught my eye. The post said, " I'm looking for a man who is into anything!" It caught my eye so I opened it. The post was well written and it was from a woman who said she wanted to find someone who is open to just about anything. There was a picture with the ad of a beautiful dark-haired woman with a great...

1 year ago
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The Awakening of Alexis Part 4

Things had definitely changed. Alexis was more 'alive' now, more easily sexually aroused, more 'awakened' in the sense of a kind of primal lust. This is what I had been wanting to bring to life in her, to really perk up the sexual side of our marriage, to make things more exciting for us. Great things were happening. She would go with me to the adult video store and she would do her own selections. Nearly always she picked black on white action videos, always with black men with huge cocks. She...

2 years ago
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Memoirs of a CD

Memoirs of a CD By Alyssa Davis I have always been physically small for my age, sometimes called petite, and it hasn't been easy. During my childhood, boys wouldn't play with me because I was too little and just got in the way, so they said. My size was no problem with the girls who let me join them in their groups. Maybe they felt sorry for me. In school, during boy/girl activities, such as dancing or competition, if there was a shortage of girls, I was routinely assigned to the...

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Bathroom Encounter

I was hanging out with a bunch of friends in Cory's basement. I was sixteen and the school year had just ended a couple weeks before that Wednesday. It was around 11am and we were planning to ride our bikes to the local courts to play some hoops. Before we left I wanted to use his bathroom. He said it was upstairs on the left. Thinking "upstairs" meant upstairs, I bypassed the main floor (and the bathroom on the left) and went up to the second floor. I passed what was probably his parents'...

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Lockdown Jog

I'm sure everyone is aware of the covid-19 lockdown, but, in case someone reads this in years to come, I'll just say that a global pandemic has shutdown society. We are all asked to stay home, and if we do go out to stay 2m from people we don't live with. We ARE allowed to exercise though. I like to jog.One morning recently I slipped on my t-shirt, jogging shorts, running shoes and off I went. Down the street, around a few turns and off into a small area of woodland in a concrete jungle. I...

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My First Man My First Cock Part 2

A few days after my first time sucking another man’s cock, I received a call from Tony. Simple and to the point, it read: ‘Need a blow job. Get your arse over here.’ Even though he only lived ten minutes away, I texted back that I would be there in twenty. I quickly showered and then set off for his house. Whilst I drove, I found that I was more excited than nervous. As I approached his house, I remembered what it was like, sucking on his cock. I ran my tongue over my lips as I recalled the...

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The Big Brother Tickle

I don’t really remember the first time I got that “tickle,” that urge down below that told me I was turned on. But I do remember the first time it was strong enough that I decided to do something about it. I was walking past my past my brother Ryan’s room and he was taking off his shirt. The sight of his chest and his firm abs, his back when he turned around, all that bare skin...the hint of his navy blue underwear, it made the tickle grow from a tickle to a throb. After that day I paid a lot...

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good to be back

It was my sophomore year in high school when I met Robin. Her family hadjust moved to our town from someplace down south.She was pretty tall andhad beautiful bronze skin. I was the first k** in our school to makefriends with her and before long we were best friends. We were inseparable,we did everything together. My mom was so glad that I finally had a bestfriend. She and my dad had just gone through a very bad divorce and it hadbeen very hard on me. I became very withdrawn and had kept to...

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Religious Fanatics

Religious Fanatics You can call them Holy Rollers, Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Religious Fanatics but the one thing that they are, is annoying. They leave religious pamphlets in your door and they wake you up knocking early in the morning. Then they come in pairs. The guys always wear black pants, white shirts, and black ties. The women always wear conservative dresses to their ankles. I used to shout obscenities at them, slam the door in their faces, or just wrap a bath towel around my...

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From Jeannie to Vanessa Chapter 02

Chapter 2: Jeannie meets Vanessa.  The next morning, I awoke in my own bed to my mother calling me for breakfast. I had dreamed the craziest shit...then I shifted in the bed and became immediately aware of the welts on my bum and the itching of my shaved pussy and realized that it had been no dream! I hit the toilet then quickly pulled on some shorts and a top and slipped into house slippers and went down to eat. Dad had headed out early to go fishing, so my mother was in the kitchen by...

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Vampire EroticaChapter 3

Is it ever possible for a vampire to be utterly and depressingly bored? Lafitte was sprawled on his throne in the middle of his church basement lair surrounded by his naked children. There were twenty of them in all. 15 females and 5 males made up his band of bloodthirsty followers. He had returned the last batch of food to the streets of the French Quarter. Only the middle-aged female called Marcy Underwood remained chained to his bed. The 450 year old vampire was smitten with the...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 90

Brock paid little or no attention to the economic concerns of the team. It didn't occur to him that the Dodgers wouldn't pony up to pay Fred Hartman. It only made sense. Brock made the usual round of interviews reserved for the World Series MVP. He did morning live news shows on network TV and taped interviews with comics that hosted shows that came on after the late local news. It was a hectic two weeks and he was happy when it was over. Meredith was with him on almost every show. The...

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strapon bride thanx to dave b

Regina smiled broadly as she entered the secluded cabin nestled among the tall ponderosa pines. At 24, she had a considerable amount of sexual experience compared to that of the 21 year old man that she married that same morning. Their courtship had lasted nearly eight months, and although they had engaged in sex play, she had not allowed him to have intercourse with her, saying that she would only allow that with a man to whom she was married. Their sex play had consisted of everything but...

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What once was

I couldn’t even begin to tell you how much I want him. He would whisper my name into the phone and create a fever in me. ‘Adeline….’ his voice would trail out of the earpiece and slip into my ear, Sliding down my spinal cord into all my secret places. ‘Come here…I need to have you, I need to feel your body shudder under my thrusts, I need to hear you breathing hard, I need to make you scream for more.’ No one has ever made me as wet as he could. Every word he breathed would stimulate...

Straight Sex
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A Sextual Experiment

Here’s a little story that a ‘friend’ and I wrote by text while at our respective jobs one afternoon. It took us from around 1pm until 8.20pm and kept us both at a peak of arousal all day. I’ve always wanted to have a story worthy of posting on here but have never had the opportunity to. She has the same kind of imagination and passion that I do so I thought I’d share the outcome with you all. I hope you enjoy it…E: Tell me your ideal scenario if we had just one night where we’d never get...

First Time
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Bookstore heaven

So after a long week, I decided to stop by the local bookstore. I walked in paid my $6.00 for the video card. Walked out the back door made a right to the video booths. There were the typical guys walking around and looking into the video booths. I found an open booth and sat down and started to browse the different channels. Came across a couple good tranny channels and started to rub my aching cock through my jeans. I had gone commando today in case there would be someone willing to suck my...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 3

"It gets easier each day," Liz said. "I thought it would be harder the farther we hiked." Jason Jefferies looked up at his wife and smiled. "You're just enjoying it more. It's easy to forget the hard work when you're in this forest. It's so damn beautiful. We should've thought of doing this years ago." "The work's not over for me," Liz replied. "Tonight is my night to do the cooking. Now I've got to see if I can talk somebody into helping me get a fire going." "Somehow I...

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My Mystery Man Part 2

I had been studying this young woman for quite some time now. She has dreams of meeting her perfect dream lover, a tall male of her unique species, with a very large cock. And that is where I come in. In my world, when a woman of earth has dreams of meeting someone that can make them happy just by breeding with them, we satisfy. My species is called the Dragarians. We are an intelligent race of aliens that live just on the dark side of the moon. We all look like humans, but our perfect body...

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Second ChanceChapter 8

The caterer was on time and lunch was wonderful. Buddy and Larissa stayed to work through some details. The two assistants went on to where ever they were going next. When they were gone Mr. Bell said, "I think we have the makings of a good, long term, relationship that will be of benefit to us, them, and Branson." Jack and Winnie were waiting when we finished up and headed for home. Benjamin was very glad to see me, but not nearly as glad as Colleen. Rebecca was still a little under the...

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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 2

It was nearly five in the morning before Symphony finished her project. She took a few steps away from the bed and inspected her work. In one suitcase she had the camera; in the other was the recording equipment. The camera shot through a hole cut in the side of the suitcase and was held in place with Styrofoam. Finally, entirely exhausted from her hours of work, Symphony put the camera and other equipment away and crawled between the cool sheets of her bed. With a sigh she closed her eyes...

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In the woods

It was a warm sunny Sunday afternoon, I was sat at home on my own, bored, nothing on TV.I decided now would be a good time to cruise around the local park to see if I could find myself a horny stud.I got into my car and took the short 10 minute journey to the parking lot at the park.I parked beside a 4x4 and inside was a good looking man, he had shaved hair, a thick mustache, from where I was sat all I could see was that he was quite a big gay and was wearing a pale blue muscle vest top.I sat...

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Magicians MergerChapter 12

After supper, I was downstairs working on homework when Mary yelled down, "Mike and Terry are here." I went up to collect them and led them to the basement. Mike was carrying a guitar case, and Terry had an amplifier that looked to be about knee high. Mary came with us. Puff, who seemed to like Mike a lot, followed him downstairs and proceeded to rub against his legs. We pulled chairs over to the chord organ. Mike handed me "his" guitar, and Ursus began tuning it unplugged while Mike and...

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A Fantasy First Meeting Between Cyber Lovers

This is a story I wrote way back in 2000, late one night at work. I have it posted on one of My own websites, as well as on, so it is possible that you may have seen it before. If not, I hope you enjoy it.I keep dreaming of our first meeting. I play it over and over in my mind...I arrive at your house early in the morning and knock on your door. You open the door and I see you standing there in a very pretty, very long dress with high heels, and I see the exposed parts of your...

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Sometimes Life Gets It Together

You know, sometimes life gets it together, even when you’ve convinced yourself that it has all fallen apart, and you’re condemned to spending the rest of your days muttering ‘What if . . .’ or ‘If only . . .’ as you read your newspaper, the one you picked out of the trash while sitting on a park bench. I was an only child. Mom figured the Earth couldn’t take too many more people, and she was only prepared to try once, before getting a tubal and deciding mothering wasn’t what she was all about,...

3 years ago
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Maa Aur Mausi Ko Choda 8211 Part II

Mera naam Vicky hai.jaisa ki aap log eri pichli story me padh chuke hai ki mai apni ma aur mausi ki bahut hi chudai karta hun.mere papa abhi bahar gaye hue haiaur meri ma ko ek function attend karne jana tha. function ki night aa gayi hum ghar par papa nahi the aur mai aur meri ma ghar par akele the meri ma ne kuch bhi nahi pahna hua tha aur na hi maine kuch pahna tha aur meri ma mera baitha lund sahla rahi thi aur munh me le rahi thi mai unki chut me ungli kar raha tha ur gaad ko sahla raha...

2 years ago
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A Full English

"Oooh, stockings and suspenders. Who's the lucky guy?"Irritation surged through my veins as I tried ridding myself of Dan's hand from beneath my skirt. I love my husband, but he does choose his moments. It was all right for him; he didn't have to go to work today. I did and I was running late. “Dan, don’t… I haven't got the time." Hearing the tone of my voice, he gave me the puppy dog eyes treatment and, for a split second, I felt my resolve melting."Oh no you don't, you lecherous bastard. You...

Quickie Sex
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girl freind wanting to get back at boy freind fan

its all going good between me and my girl freind and one day she finds out that i cheated on her. so one evening we were making love and like always we play arround tieing each other up. but this time when she tied me up she left me tied up and put a blind fold on me. she left the room for a few minutes or so and made a phone call. about 20 minutes later she walked back into the room and said you are in for it now you cheater.i asked what she ment you will see. still blind folded she put a...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 27 The Masturbating Principal

It was now six months on from that Show and Tell session when Janine Carlyle had first taken off all her clothes at the front of the classroom. She was soon followed, that morning, by a young girl called Denise and a young boy called Johnny. After that Vanessa Benson had joined in herself and taken all her clothes off too. Together all four became the first people to take advantage of the mayor’s initiative called The New Way. Once those three naked sixth graders were released for the...

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My first time with anna

It all started earlier that night when I went to a movie with my parents. After the movie we drove to pick up my little sister from her friend, Abby’s house. Abby had an older sister as well as one younger and their parents were good friends with mine. Abby’s older sister, Anna, had been a friend of mine for a few years and in the last year or so we had stopped talking as we went to different schools and never really saw each other. Upon arriving to the house Chandler, my sister,...

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Medical check up

Hi friends Raj here again with another recent event. I had decided to leave the job I had with a top MNC and join an Indian MNC in IT. One of the formalities was a medical check up before joining. Well it was listed some diagnostics in the city. I hated these medicals and tried to get out of it but they said it is mandatory and had to be done. SO there was no escape from it. I went on a Sunday as Bangalore is less trafficked on Sundays. I reached there by 11.45 AM. They said to reach before...

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