Lips Like Sugar_(0) free porn video

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written by Jimmmy D.

WARNING: This story depicts acts of torture, rape, drug abuse, and murder. If you find this offensive or distasteful please do not read this story.

Poised for conquest. The glare on the mirror blocks her eyes. Not her lips. There’s a small wooden box covered with Rhine stones in front of her; silvery and gleaming it holds her most cherished possessions. Eyeliner, lipstick, masquera, and blush in every color from saffron to platinum, to black or purple.

The multi-colored bits of plastic and painted wood pencils jostle and shift when she reaches in to grab a few tubes of lipstick; fuschia, yellow and purple. After a few minutes her lips are glossy and sticky looking. Purple fades into the pink then yellow. Her lips look like a beautiful dying star in the center of the pale, yet gorgeous galaxy.

She plays on the arcs of her eyelashes, she teases them high; until they look like something strange, beautiful, and morbid. A flashy purple jacket lays on her bed while she slips into her orange and black striped leggings. She’s puts on a sheer black shirt with pink cherry blossoms falling to the left along side the words “Depeche Mode”.

She puts on the purple jacket and shakes her short, black, messy hair just before she puts a bright red head band on. The arch of pure elation sets perfectly atop the writhing sea of black follicles. She steps outside into the waning day. Twilight is setting in. She’s got that Friday-seven-thirty feeling in her bones, and she’s ready to make the world what she wants it to be.

The car ride is a blur of valium and oxycotton, but she has her head on straight when she gets to six-oh-nine; her favourite disco in clubland. She checks her eyes, lips, and hair in the rear view mirror before she tugs on the handle and kicks open the car door. The atmosphere of the night rushes over her with a pinch of adrenaline that subsides into a calm, warm euphoria.

Tonight will be good.

The parking lights shine down on a full lot, and the lights of the club give an aura of impatience to the fifty or sixty people lined up to get inside. She, Angela they call her, is ready to get inside. The line is not for her, and hasn’t been since she showed a bit of affection to the bouncer a few weeks ago.

She waves to him as she walks inside; he nods and winks; though its dark and he’s wearing sunglasses, so it’s a wasted gesture. Angela never liked him, but a girl needs to do what she needs to get what she wants. It had been a bit of an awkward ordeal for Angela: Though the bouncer stood easily at six foot five his penis was the smallest one she had ever seen, and it was un-circumsized... Angela think this is gross.

Its dark inside, but the spinning disco balls and flashing gelled lights give enough illumination off after your eyes have adjusted. Joy Division is blasting over the speaker system when she walks into the arena-pit that is the dance floor, she can’t remember the name of this song but she likes it.

One of the reasons that Angela and most of six-oh-nines patrons frequent their establishment is that that owner of the club is a relatively young man who doesn’t mind sex and drugs spilling around the walls like a faulty spillway.

For instance: Angela is making her way from the outer rim of the floor to the center, and on the way she sees her friend Devin sucking the enormous cock of another man who is taking hits of ecstacy. This is normal, and she waves to Devin. He sees her and waves back, then puts both of his hands around the dick and goes back to playing.

She walks on until she finds Minnie. Minnie is a small girl with a very shallow vagina who likes fucking big dicks. She finds Minnie on the other side of the dance floor, leaning on the barricade that separates the dance-floor from the circular walkway that stretches all the way around the building.

“Hey Minnie, what the fuck is up?” Angela asks.
“Nothing, kind’a worn out.” Minnie moans, rubbing her stomach.
“Why, what happened?”
“Last night I went home with this guy, and he was rougher than most. My guts hurt like a bitch.” she punctuates this sentence by rubbing her stomach again.
“Here.” Angela says hold out a palm full of blue and pinkish pills.
Minnie takes them from Angela and swallows the lot.
“And?” Angela asks playfully.
“And what?”
“I am assuming that you added another name to your notebook? What are the specs?”
“Oh, He said his name was Chad, but I think he was lying.”
“I don’t care about his name, you know what I want.” Angela pushes on Minnie’s shoulder.
“Well, the ruler never lies...” Minnie pauses and gives a sideways glance at Angela.
“Spit it out already.”
“He had an eleven and a half in cock. And it was just under six and a half around.”
“Whoa! That’s the biggest one yet, huh?”
“Nope.” Minnie says enigmatically.
“Wait, what?”
“Chad,” she emphasizes sarcastically, “Fucked me hard, but I just got out of the bathroom with Jake.”
“And what?” Minnie says again, this time with a giggle.
“Bitch, I’m gonna smack you.”
“Twelve, straight up twelve. And seven inches around.”
“Jesus Christ.” Angela says in awe.
“I know.”
“You’re telling me you just got done fucking a foot long cock?”
“Yea, it ran right to the tip of the ruler. And it was the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t too veiny, no foreskin, and it had a slight downward curve.”
“God that sounds good right about...” Angela starts, but trails of mid sentence as her eyes land on a particularly delicious looking young man.
“What is it?” Minnie asks, noticing the abrupt end to Angela’s erotic comment.
“Nothing...” Angel turns away from Minnie, “I’ll, uh... Be right back.”

Angela moves toward this strange as if being drawn to him, and perhaps with was her hormones that drew her closer to him. As she gets closer though she realizes he looks even better the closer she gets.

He isn’t terrible tall, but he is gorgeous. His hair is ruffled black with a sheen of violet, he’s thin under his tight, black clothes and he has all matter of piercings over his face. His lips are small, but pouty and he has a small, slightly crooked nose. The hue of his skin could rival the surface of the silvery moon outside.

“Hey’a.” Angela says once he’s within earshot of her. At first he hesitates, then realizes that she was talking to him, so her turns to her and says “Hi.” he seems withdrawn and perhaps a bit shy; Angela find him mysterious and instantly sexy.

“I’m Angela.” she tells him.
“I’m...” he pauses to gaze at the artwork that is her lipstick, “I’m... Uhm, Marc.”
“So, Uhm Marc, I haven’t seen you around her before, did you just move?”
“Yea, I uh...” he pauses again, for the sake of her lips, “I just moved from Portland.”
“Well, I just go the feeling nobody wanted me there any more.”
“I know how that is, I live by myself and have since I was fifteen.”
“That sucks.”
“I don’t know, sometimes it does, and sometimes its great.”
“Yea, I guess. Oh, do you have anything?”
“Yea, I’ve got some OC’s and a spoon of coke, and I might have a paper of china.”
“Can I get some?” Marc asks reaching into his pocket.”
“Here,” Angela says, laying her hand over Marc pocket, “It’s on the house.”
“Cool.” Marc tells her, withdrawing his hand from his pocket.
“Come into a stall with me, we can share.” Angela says rubbing her hand over his bulging groin.

Marc blushes a little and Angela grabs his hand and pulls him into the women’s restroom.

The restroom is white a sparkling. There are at least ten girls in a row in front of the mirror, some of them are snorting coke, main-lining, or else messing with their make-up.

Angela finds an empty stall and climbs in, Marc follows her and closes the door. Angela sits on the toilet to riffle around in her purse, Marc stand in front of her watching her lips twitch while she does so.

Angela finds a joint and hands it to Marc, who takes it and lights it up. He drags on it while Angela find the OC’s and China, then she hands him the packets of dust and pills and he hands her the joint. He crushes the OC’s and pours them in with the China, then pulls a small leather wallet out of his back pocket.

Angela start to feel her head getting lighter as she watches Marc pour half of the powder into a small spoon he took out of his wallet. Marc hands Angela a length of rubber tubing then he takes out a syringe and zippo lighter.

Marc hands Angela the spoon and takes the joint back. He puffs on it while he lights the zippo and holds it under the spoon Angela is holding. The powder liquefies and starts to froth so Marc puts the syringe to it until the spoon is empty, albeit crusty.

Angela ties the tubing around her left arm and taps at the crook of her elbow with her index and middle finger. Then she takes the needle from Marc and slides it easily into the supple flesh exposed from underneath her rolled up sleeve.

She tugs on the plunger and a jet of blood oozes into the syringe, and the blood seems to stop, like it was jelly. Angela pushes in on the plunger and feels the warm start to wash over her body while Marc pours whats left in the baggie into the spoon. He lights it up, draws it in, and then he shoots it into his right arm.

Angela leans back on the toilet tank and Marc slumps against the wall of the toilet stall while the warm sensations wash over them. Angela can feel the heat moving up her jaw and cheeks, making her nose feel numb.

Marc and Angela pass the joint back and forth until its gone. Then Angela, now somewhat vacant, reaches into her purse and takes out a tiny vile of cocaine. She takes a small, thin spoon from the necklace around her neck so she can scoop the contents of the vile up with it. She snorts it up quick and then hands it all to Marc who does the same.

After the coke is done they keep smoking the joint, and then cigarettes.

“Hey Angela?” Marc asks.
“Yea?” Angela wavers slightly, feeling a bit sleepy.
“Wanna go back to my place and hang out?”
“Sure.” she tells him, being to unaware to notice the dull glint in Marc’s eye.

They gather up their stuff, and Angela rolls her sleeves back down and they step out of the stall. Angela pauses to look at herself in the mirror, then they leave six-oh-nine.

They takes Marc car back to his home, though it doesn’t really matter since the drive is just a blur, as usual. Marc’s house isn’t very far from the club, so they get there quickly. It’s a relatively nice house in what seems to be a quiet neighborhood. Though none of this really matter to Angela in the state that she’s in.

They make it to the front door so that Marc can fumble with his keys for a few minutes before he finally unlocks it. Angela and Marc shuffle inside to the living room where fall on his circular couch.

“What do you want to do?” Angela asks, and her voice sounds strange to her.
“I think I want to fuck you.” Marc tells Angela a little viciously.
“I don’t know, I just met you.” Angela reasons.

She stops to mull it over for a moment but before the thought process even starts Marc is at her and he plants his palm squarely across her face. “Look bitch,” he tells her, “I don’t give a shit if you just met me.”

Angela doesn’t really feel the pain, but the situation is a bit sobering.

“I’m leaving.” Angela tells him, getting up from the couch.
Marc pushes her back onto the couch and tells Angela “I went to that piece of shit club looking for a little slice of pussy like you, and I don’t give a fuck whether you want to give it to me or not.”
“Look,” Angela starts, trying to remain calm, “This isn’t cool, you’re being a dick.”
“Yea, I am, and I’m either going to fuck you, or I’m going to kill you and then fuck you.” he tells her, slapping her again.

At this Angela tries to stand up again, but Marc grab ahold of her throat with both hands and forces her onto the floor beside the couch. Angela struggles but before too long she slips out of reality and into the veil of darkness.

Marc picks her up and carries her into his bedroom.

Haze clouds Angela’s eyes and handcuffs hold her tight when she comes to a few moments later. At first she thinks she’s back at her apartment then she realizes that the Robert Smith poster is missing from the ceiling. She looks around at a blank room.

Her hands and feet are cuffed to their respective bedposts and she looks to her left and sees the door to the hallway and another door that leads to a bathroom. She can see Marc’s back, he’s leaning forward over his sink, looking into his mirror.

Angela struggles for a moment and find out that there is a clear plastic tarp underneath her, and she can’t get away. The sensation of doom sets in when Marc walks into the room with forceps in one hand and a small plastic packet in the other.

“Awake?” Marc asks.
“Let me go!” Angela explodes at him.
“Listen, I told you this is how it was gonna happen. Be a good girl and you’ll get to go home tonight, I promise.”
“Fuck you, let me go you asshole.”
“No.” Marc tells her.
“What about all of those people who saw us leave the club together?”
“Yea fucking right, everyone at that club were so fucking trashed they wouldn’t recognize their own mothers, let alone some guy they’ve never even seen before.”
Angela starts to feel hopeless and says “Please let me go, I’ll have sex with you, just let me go.”
“I want to do a lot more than just have sex, bitch.” Marc tells her with an evil, toothy grin.

Marc moves across the room and stands beside the bed, looking over Angela. He sets the forceps and plastic package on the bed beside her and he gets onto his knees and reaches under his bed. He pulls out a box that Angela can’t quite see and he pulls out a pair of tailor’s scissors.

He sets to cutting Angela’s clothes off as she writhes and tries to struggle from. Getting fed up with the fuss he tells Angela that if she doesn’t stop fucking around he’s going to slash her throat and fuck her while she bleeds out. So she calms.

After Marc cuts off Angela’s shirt and stockings he cuts off her skirt. He throws the bits of cloth in a pile where he put her jacket and shoes earlier. He pauses to look over Angela body, imagining what she looks like under her bra and panties. Then he picks up the small plastic package.

Angela’s heart sinks when Marc pulls several smaller plastic packages that have what look like really thick needles out from the original package. He unwraps a needle and picks up his forceps. Marc climbs onto the bed and straddles Angela, then he reaches down a grabs ahold of her lower lip.

He pauses to admire the gloss and glitter on Angela’s lip, then he stretches it out and grabs ahold of the center of it with his forceps. Angela winces at his none too gentle touch. Marc takes the newly unwrap needles and puts the point on the underside of Angela’s lip. He lines the needle up, Angela tenses, and then he pushes the needle through Angela’s soft lips.

A little blood squirts out into Angela’s mouth and she clenches her teeth. Marc takes the forceps off of Angela’s lip, but leaves the needle. He unwraps another needle and grabs the left side of her lower lip. He stretches it out and clamps down on it with the forceps. He shoves another needle through. There’s no blood this time, but Angela cries out.

Marc smiles and unwraps another needle. He grabs the right side of Angela lip and does the same thing again. Tears stream down Angela soft, pale face, and her make-up starts to run. Marc drinks it all up. He leans down and licks the underside of her lips, lapping at the blood, and rolling his tongue around the foreign metal shoved through Angela’s face. She sobs even harder at this.

Marc laughs while he picks his scissors back up and cuts the middle of Angela’s bra so it falls to either side. Her breast are perky and ripe, her nipples are perfectly round and pink. He leans over and starts licking on her left nipple. Licking turns to biting, and then chewing. He pulls back and grabs ahold of her left nipple and stretches it out, so he can clamp on it with his forceps.

When Marc put the needle up to the forceps Angela felt the point and she started writhing and wiggling, trying to get free, or at least away. Marc slapped her in the face and said “You really want to be thrashing around when I stab this through your fucking tit? This could be a big mess if you don’t sit still, you fucking whore.”

Angela started to calm down, but before she really could Marc shoved the needle through her nipple. Angela screamed out and started sobbing even harder, the drugs were masking the pain, but for some reason Angela couldn’t focus on anything but the pain.

Angela clenches her teeth while Marc unwraps another needle and puts the forceps on her other nipple. Again flesh tears and gives way to a colder, more evil type of metal. Angela starts moving around again whenever Marc grabs her top lip. This upsets Marc.

Marc climbs off the bed, and after a moment of looking over his new piece of art he takes off his pants and shirt and socks, and climbs back on top of Angela. He uses his scissors to cut Angela’s panties off, he does it hurriedly and he cuts in to Angela’s skin with the scissors. Angela winces at this, but starts to panic when she looks down and see Marc hard dick.

Marc reaches up to Angela’s face and rubs his fingers in the blood running down from her lip until his hand is dripping in blood. He takes his bloody and and reaches down to Angela’s dry pussy. He sticks his fingers in and starts to work them around, using the blood for lubrication.

At the idea of being raped Angela starts thrashing harder than ever. Torture is one thing, but rape is something worse, something more primal and evil. Marc smacks Angela in the mouth so that the needles twist and poke her in the face and cheeks. Several tiny drops of blood manifest on Angela’s tear soaked, fear ridden face.

Marc starts to finger fuck Angela’s loose little pussy with his bloody fingers. He moves his fingers in and out, slowly at first, looking at the bloody mess dripping and undulate. Angela’s tears start flowing again whenever Marc starts moving faster, more rough, more violently. Marc just laughs.

After a few minutes of brutal finger fuck, borderline fisting, Marc pulls his fingers out and grabs his forceps and needles again. At this moment of calm Angela starts to work her courage back up and says “So you want pussy, huh? No wonder you hafta rape girls; who would want to fuck a dick that small?” she pauses to see what Marc says, but he says nothing. “What have you got there?” she adds on “About four or five inches? Huh?” Marc face starts to redden. “I’ve fucked guys with ten fat inches of cock, you aren’t shit. So go ahead and rape me.” At this Marc grabs ahold of Angela’s neck and starts to squeeze, “I will.” he tells her.

Angela courage starts to wane whenever Marc throws his forceps away and grabs ahold of her left labia. He stretches it out and jams his needle through it, roughly. He grabs another needle and does the same thing lower on her left labia; and again and again and again on both sides until she has eight needles sticking through her labia, point out and into her thigh.

The drugs are wearing off and the pain is more exquisite now. She sobs and cries and begs, but it won’t work, not after how she taunted Marc. He wants her blood. All of it.

Marc grabs Angela by the hips and lifts her legs into the air so he can watch the blood from her labia drip into her pussy. He licks his lips. Marc lowers his face into the bloody mess and pushes his face into it, hard. He pushes his tongue inside and presses his cheeks against the back ends of the needles, causing them to dig into Angela’s thighs deeper, drawing more and more blood.

The presents of the pain is undeniable, but after everything Marc has been putting Angela through she has just lost her lustre. She’s too tired to move, too tire to struggle. You can never be too tired to experience pain though.

After a few more moments up drinking up Angela’s pussy blood Marc puts her back down and glares at her, and at this moment he does look truly inside; blood dripping off of his chin, an enraged look on his face, and the way that he’s sitting makes him look like a gargoyle.

Marc grabs another needle and forces it through the skin on the bridge of Angela’s nose, and then two or three more through her eyebrows. Marc jumps off of the bed and stands away so that he can look over Angela, his new piece of art. The blood is dripping and by now Angela’s face has started bruising and has become more shiny from the swelling.

“It’s time.” Marc says to Angela as he climbs back on the bed and sitting between her limp, spread legs. Marc jams his fingers in once more to watch Angela wince and cry out before her grabs ahold of his cock and gets on his knees.

Marc grabs ahold of Angela by her throat and start squeezing. Angela is choking and turning a little bluer when Marc pushes his cock up against her bloody pussy. Angela takes a deep breath and Marc shoves his cock into her. Time seems to stop and Angela doesn’t breath out.

Marc cock slides in with ease. Angela finally breathes out.

The curtain of fear parts and Angela starts to feel a little better. After all she’s been through getting fuck with a dick she can’t even feel inside of her isn’t such a terrible thing. She just wonders if he’ll keep his word and let her go.
Marc starts out slow, sliding his cock in and out, moving his hips side to side, feeling around inside the bloody flesh trap. He slides in and out and then pushes in and holds it while he gives Angela’s throat a few quick squeezes, then he slides his dick all the way out.

He looks down at the blood dripping off of his dick and then decides he want’s to get his dick sucks a little. Marc hold on to Angela’s throat tight with his left hand and pulls the needles out of her lips with his left. The dried blood splits and tears some of the skin on Angela’s lip. She cries out.

Marc stands over Angela and puts his cock to her lips. but she won’t open her mouth. Marc tells Angela that if she doesn’t suck his dick he’s going to cut her right hand off with the power saw he keeps in his bottom drawer. Angela believes him and opens her mouth.

Marc crams his bloody dick into Angela’s mouth and starts fucking it like it was a bloody pussy with teeth, this idea excites Marc. Marc uses both hands to hold on to Angela’s hair. He’s pulling her head back and forth, trying to jam his cock down her throat, but it’s not quite long enough.

After very little gagging, and frustration Marc decides it’s time for something else. Anal.

Marc thrusts his groin into Angela’s face once more, to see if she would gag, then he stood up on the bed and moved back down between her legs. Marc grabs ahold of Angela’s hips and pulls her closer to him, then he puts his hands under the backs of her knees and lifts her legs as high as he can.

He takes a moment to look at the dried up, crusty blood that’s covering Angela’s vagina, then he turns his eye on her ass. Rivlets of blood have run down her ass crack and dried up, so he spits on her asshole and starts to work the lubrication around with his middle finger. Another wad of saliva and he starts using his fore finger, sliding it in and out.

Marc can tell Angela has never had anal sex before because of how she’s breathing and how she clenches her stomach whenever he sticks his finger in. This is going to be go Marc is thinking to himself.

Marc sits on his knees and takes his cock in his hand, after spitting on it he starts pressing it against Angela ass, moving like he’s going to slide it in slowly and gently. We all know this isn’t going to be quick, and it won’t be pain free.

Marc starts rubbing Angela’s asshole with his dick, moving in circular motions slowly, watching the dried blood smear and ooze mixed with his saliva. Marc draws back to lick Angela’s asshole, to taste the blood, or perhaps to taste her fear. It’s intoxicating.

Marc presses the tip of his dick slowly against Angela’s tight, pink asshole until it gives way and he can slide his head in. He watches himself doing this in an almost vacant fashion. Just when his jaw starts to slacken he regains his composure and rams his small dick into her asshole hard.
Angela moans in pain and starts writhing weakly, trying to stop him, but having no strength to do so. Marc pushes his cock in until his groin it resting against Angela’s ass, and his stares at his dick and watches the shaft disappear.

Marc starts pumping in and out, stretching Angela’s tight asshole a little bit with each thrust. Angela’s lower stomach starts turning and rumbling, confused about the sensations she’s feeling. She can feel it coming on, but it never does.

Marc pulls all the way out and spreads Angela’s ass cheeks to see how much damage he’s done. When he spreads her cheeks her asshole is only slightly agape, and this upsets him a little. So he slides his dick back in, with more ease this time, and starts fucking her hard and fast. He moves like a pissed off jack hammer until Angela is crying again, begging him to stop.

So he pulls away and spreads her ass cheeks again. No change.

This is truly bothersome for Marc, one of his favourite things is to see a wide open, bloody, newly de-virginized asshole. Marc jumps off of the bed and runs into the bathroom; Angela’s eyes follow him, disoriented. After a few moments and rustling noises from the closet Marc comes back to Angela holding a large package.

Marc lays the box beside Angela and flips the lid off and reaches inside. He pulls out a rubber dick at least twelve inches long and eight inches in girth. With the rubber cock in hand he moves up to Angela and starts stuffing it into her mouth, getting it wet. Marc relishes the choking and gagging noises Angela is making; he drinks it up.

After the dildo is wet enough he jumps back on the bed and presses it up against Angela’s asshole, then he crams it in none too gently. Tearing flesh makes Angela cry out, and Marc loves it.

Marc sits on his knees and moves the dildo in and out as quickly as he can, and with each thrust inward Angela lets out a painful moan, mixed with what might be an inkling of pleasure. Marc moves faster and faster, ramming hard with each thrust.

Then pulls the fake cock out and spreads Angela’s ass cheeks; perfect, wide, bloody, and newly bleeding. Marc puts his face down to Angela’s ass and starts licking around her asshole in a circle.

Then Marc takes the dildo and stuffs it into Angela’s little pussy. He slides it in and out slowly at first, watching Angela’s face soften and turn a little bit more pinkish. Abruptly Marc starts going faster, pushing the dildo in as far as it will go, hitting Angela’s cervix, and then pulling it out and doing it again.

The pain mixes with the pleasure and Angela’s moans gain a little pleasure with them.

Marc moves faster and faster watching Angela’s face turn again, more pleasure now, more and more pleasure with each thrust. The pain mixes exquisitely with the pleasure, and Angel’a is getting close to an orgasm, the first bit of pleasure she’s felt since they came back to Marc’s house.

Marc moves faster and faster until Angela’s body starts quaking and spasming, her face contorts and then the moans come load and hard. Angela starts shrieking with pleasure but Marc keeps going faster and faster still.

After about twenty seconds of orgasm Angela comes again, harder. Next thing, Angela starts squirting her warm pussy juice on Marc and on the tarp that covers the blood. But the orgasm starts to fade and the warm juice turn cold and mix with the blood already on the tarp.

Marc spreads Angela’s legs to look at the bloody gaping hole the huge, fake dick left behind, and it turns him on more. Marc grabs a knife out of the box he got the dildo from and leans over Angela. He holds the knife to her neck while he slides his dick back in.

Marc starts fucking her as fast and hard as he can, but Angela keeps a distant, blank look on her face. She’s getting no pleasure, and after all she’s been through its not even humiliating anymore. This is what her life has become, and as far as she knows she’ll be dead soon anyway. Why give this fuck the pleasure?

Not being able to feel Marc’s dick give her courage, he has no real power over her, so she says “Oh baby.” in a terribly sarcastic fashion. Marc glares at her and hold the knife closer to her neck while he’s fucking her.

After a few more moments she says “C’mon, after that huge cock I can’t feel any of your shit.”
“Bitch if you don’t shut the fuck up I’m gonna kill you.”
“A man with a dick that small has no guts, I don’t think you’ll do it, you slimy pindicked son of a bitch, I could finger myself with my pinky and actually feel it.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Marc yells out at her, furiously.
“No, either kill me or come and let me go you fucking prick.”
“Fine.” Marc says, and he starts fucking harder.

He thrust in and out of the bloody mess until he feels himself getting closer, then he fucks even harder. Finally he starts huffing and puffing and he comes inside Angela. She sheds a tear or two whenever Marc spreads he legs to watch the wad of come drip out of her pussy.

“You wanna have a rape baby?” Marc asks her, but she says nothing.
“Fine,” Marc tells her, “Well do it your way.”

He jumps off of the bed, with knife in hand he moves closer to her. She doesn’t look at him until she sees him raise his arm up. She shrieks when she sees the arm come down, and she screams even louder when she sees and feels the knife slide into her chest.

Jets of blood squirt and then ooze and subside into streaks that run down either side of her chest. Angela’s breathing becomes labored and shallow, so Marc pulls the knife out and thrusts it into Angela’s stomach. She spasms, coughs up a little spittle with bloody, then slips into the never ending abyss of nothingness.

After cleaning up and disposing of Angela Marc goes back to six-oh-nine the next night, looking for another girl to help him live out his fantasies.

Jets of blood squirt and then ooze and subside into streaks that run down either side of her chest. Angela’s breathing becomes labored and shallow, so Marc pulls the knife out and thrusts it into Angela’s stomach. She spasms, coughs up a little spittle with bloody, then slips into the never ending abyss of nothingness.

After cleaning up and disposing of Angela Marc goes back to six-oh-nine the next night, looking for another girl to help him live out his fantasies.


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Asking a MILF For Sugar

Summer vacation was just winding up. I’d be going back to Florida to attend my second year of college. I had a fantastic summer. Recently, new neighbors moved in. A gorgeous MILF and her family moved directly across the street from my parent’s house. It appeared that her husband was out of town a lot.  She had a toddler, but brought them to pre-school every day. She didn’t work and loved to wash her car in a skimpy bikini. She liked to put a show on when she was outside. She would sunbathe in...

1 year ago
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One Thing Leads to Another Semen is Mostly Sugar

Christine took a quick glance at the clock hanging over Mr. Vasiliev's desk. Fuck, only 2:15. I can't take 45 more minutes of Mr. V's class. Is Maria still meeting me after school? I hope she wants to get something to eat... Christine's mind wondered. Christine discreetly took her phone out of her backpack and slowly moved it to her lap out of Mr. Vasiliev's view. She opened her text message window and began to type. Christine: r u meeting me after class still? Maria: yeah but I might get ther...

3 years ago
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Black Bones and White Sugar

I did not report it to the police and can't tell anyone. It is too difficult to talk about and almost unbelievable. Perhaps if I reveal the details of that horrific experience I will gain some semblance of... what... I'm not sure. Hopefully this will remind other young women to constantly be on the alert for those who would take them against their will. The college I attend is a branch of a large university which is two hundred miles from my home. During the football season I attend two or...

3 years ago
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Neighbor GirlChapter 3 Sugar

I needed it all week. I woke with a hard-on every morning. There was no way I could fit into my shorts over the weekend. Come Monday, my pants too were too small. It was inevitable that I would be too large the next day, but then it continued the day after and then the day after that. Images of Yuka kept flooding my mind. Unexpectedly, I continued to be turned on by the experience. "Poor Jason!" Katie noticed it right away. As soon as I pulled down my pajama bottoms and got ready to jump...

3 years ago
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Brown Sugar

As they got home that evening, her small son was asleep. She was relaxed now that her son was down for the count. She needed a shower. It was a hot summer day outside that day. She put her son in his bed and kissed him on the forehead and said:“Good night, my sweet prince.”As her son slumbered, the mother felt a little frisky down under. While they were out and about, the mother knew she was getting checked out. Men young and old took a second look as she bent over to see what she was working...

4 years ago
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Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he'd had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Hene SUGARLIPS Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he'd had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Henessey, who was on the Easter Seals Committee with Sugarlips's wife, Fanchon. Sugar's jaw was exhausted from cleaning Ramsey's crotch off, because of course Ramsey had wanted an extra BJ... And then of course Ramsey had to show...

1 year ago
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Do you have any sugar

It was a nice evening, and the sky was filled with a delicate blue. I came home to an empty house, or so i thought. I am 18, just moved out of the house. I have green eyes, white skin, 5 foot 8, and a medium build, but i am strong. Anyways, i came hoe, and went about my usual routine of eating, but skipped tv and went right to the shower. I stripped down and stepped into the shower, washed my hair, and began to soap my body. I started thinking about my neighbor, Candice. She is short, about 5...

4 years ago
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Local Affairs 1 MILF and Two Sugars

It was raining heavily by the time Greg Somerfield parked outside Mrs Hemsley’s house. He looked at the distance to the house and cursed himself for not having brought an umbrella or a raincoat. He would have to choose between getting thoroughly wet and making an undignified dash to her front door. Grabbing his briefcase, he decided to hell with dignity. He quickly got out of the car, went to lock the door but fumbled and dropped the keys on the road. They bounced and landed underneath the...

3 years ago
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Cinnamin Gets Sugared

Cinnamon Gets Sugared!I'd been acheing for weeks to meet a new friend, a sexy little wench who goes by the name Cinnamon. What a doll, a figure to die for, eyes that sparkle with the magic crystals of life. And such a sexy mind, full of the most lustful juice of her ever quick wit and tongue. Cinnamon wanted something special, a diversion from the ordinary and of course, I had the most lovely idea for her!I've always thought there was a bit of lesbian in Cinnamon, but like a lot of people she...

4 years ago
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Cream Sugar

Gia grinned, leaning back in the seat she had just occupied, her Armani handbag close beside her heeled foot, a couple of her fingers drumming idly on the table as she shrugged amicably, glancing around the cafe, trying to spot someone. “Because it’ll be fun, you shouldn’t be so stuck up you know Lacy, though, I have to say, it’s cute when you get all blushy.” Gia laughed lightly as she once again focused her attention on the girl, her Italian accent rich in its honied warmth, her words...

1 year ago
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Seduction of Sugar

Sometimes if Sugar does play hard to get, once in while if she has too wound up i tell her nah ah baby take your clothes off and get on the bed. She complies when she see's it not the day i want "hard to get". She can tell within the 1st minute what i am needing of her for that particular session and she rolls with it. i think that is what makes our sex so awesome. There are times though where i want lay on bed next to her or sit down next to her. She loves for me curl up next to her. Now i try...

1 year ago
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sweet as sugar

fictional story of lust.I was a girl of 16yrs old and was into the usual stuff make-up, fashion, glossy mags and of cause guys. My parents both worked and went out for a drink at weekends, I often heard my parents having sex, mum wasnt very quiet and their bedroom was next to mine, I didn't really mind as I knew it was natural to do it.I often lay on the bed playing with myself and learnt to squirt that felt totaly unreal, I had a part time job and saved my money. My cousin who was older and...

3 years ago
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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

3 years ago
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A Broader Palette Chapter 3 A Dash of Sugar

A Broader Palette Chapter 3 -- A Dash of Sugar By Becky ([email protected]) Emily was thankful for a few minutes of peace when the phone office phone finally stopped ringing. She had papers to file and letters to mail and just wasn't getting any of that done with salesmen calling all day long trying to sell her everything from new long distance to photocopiers. In the midst of envelope stuffing, she spotted Stacy walking past. "Stacy!" she called out, startling the...

3 years ago
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The Beggar My Own Little Sugar

Hi guys, my name is Paul. I am 28 years old and this incident happened last summer. I belong to Andhra Pradesh and have been staying in Pune for many years. This incident happened while I was in Hyderabad on an office trip. The office meeting was over by Friday and I thought of enjoying my weekend in Hyderabad by experiencing the culture and cuisine over there. The whole day went well on Saturday. By evening I was exhausted of so much traveling around and by 9 pm I decided to return to my hotel...

3 years ago
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'Can you help me?' he heard her say, her voice slightly feeble.Turning in the direction of the voice, John peered deep into the darkness of the car park entrance, but could see nothing but the shadows of the plant-life that lined it.'Please can you help me.' the voice said again.John took a few steps forward and then paused. There had been a spate of robberies recently within the area, and thinking he might be being lured into a trap, he glanced around listening. But he could see no one else,...

1 year ago
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Morning sugar

As June Halstrom sat at her kitchen table drinking her morning cup steaming hot black coffee, she thought, "God, I wish I could just sit here all day!" It was cold outside, about twenty degrees, and June involuntarily pulled her terry cloth bathrobe tighter around her body. She had a lot of errands to run today, and the day wasn't getting any shorter! Her reverie was broken by the ringing the kitchen phone, and after answering it, it was her neighbor Bev who wanted to come over for a quick...

4 years ago
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Katzenjammer The Shakes and The Quivers Two Sugars

The wind pushed the curtains. Dust swirled in the morning light. She snored, lightly. It sounded sweet. Endearing.My head hurt. Clobbered my brain into submission. Sticky eyelids fighting to open and close. “Make up your mind, mind. Is this day about to start?” Sundays can be in limbo. “Fuck. Coffee.” She muttered in a somewhat hoarse voice, lovely shutters still closed. “Look at that face. Deceiving innocence. I should’ve known better.”  I hoisted my body out of bed, scratched my left buttock....

Love Stories
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Earl Grey and two sugars

No vehicles had gone by in either direction for over 45 minutes. The sun was starting to go behind the hills and I was thirsty. I got out my stove collected water from the creek near by and started a brew of Earl Grey with two sugars. The water was just starting to bubble when a car pulled up, a rather fine lady in her late forties got out and came round to stand in front of me and said “Well you look like you’ve given up trying for a lift. Tell you what, you make me a cup of tea, I might make...

First Time
3 years ago
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Colleague knows my likes and dislikes

Hello all, I am posting one more reader’s story. It’s a real incident of Ankita. I am Ankita, 37 years old. I wanted to share my sexual story as I can’t share it with anyone. I won’t disclose my contact details, company name, or other personal things. I moved to Hyderabad for a job because of the low cost of living. I was pretty happy with the job. I got a job in a good information technology company. I don’t like western dress. So I used to wear Indian dress and never exposed my cleavage. I...

2 years ago
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Eclipse in the Chapel

She had long ago learned not to step on her girlfriends' buzz when they brought up astrology. After all, it's just for fun; nobody actually believes that garbage. Or at least, that's what Adriana hoped. Sometimes their monologues about the placement of the planets would go on long enough that it was hard to tell. But even the most stoic, sensible person would get the creeps in this place. Adriana finished trudging up the hill, and no longer worried about tripping over an inconvenient...

4 years ago
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One Thing Leads to Another Semen is Mostly Sugar

Christine took a quick glance at the clock hanging over Mr. Vasiliev’s desk. Fuck, only 2:15. I can’t take 45 more minutes of Mr. V’s class. Is Maria still meeting me after school? I hope she wants to get something to eat… Christine’s mind wondered. Christine discreetly took her phone out of her backpack and slowly moved it to her lap out of Mr. Vasiliev’s view. She opened her text message window and began to type. Christine: r u meeting me after class still? Maria: yeah but I might get...

1 year ago
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The tar darkened to a consistent black under pregnant clouds as the highway stretched into the city, raindrops assaulting the midday traffic in its creep slowly toward the storm. Driving for two straight days beneath the merciless sun had left a new sprinkling of freckles on my hands and I was thankful for the coolness of the breeze seeping in through my half open window, and the light, cold droplets that found their way onto my steering wheel.A glimpse of the familiar skyscrapers beneath the...

4 years ago
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Brown Sugar

 Julie was twenty-one-years-old when we met in the mid-seventies. She was a petite and beautiful Native American with light brown skin. Her 5’5”, 110 pound, body was crowned with a silky dark brown mane of straight hair that reached half way down her slender back. Her dark brown eyes were captivating as were her breasts. Her tits were small but very firm. They needed no support from a bra. Therefore, Julie seldom wore one. Without a bra, her soft nipples made a definite impression on her...

2 years ago
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Dad Gets Brown Sugar

My name is Ashely and I had to write about what I saw today. First I need to give a little background. I live with my Dad and my older brother Brad. Mom and Dad had divorced a few years before and we only saw mom a couple of times a year. We live a neighborhood that is so boring or at least it was until we got some new neighbors. About five months ago the Johnsons moved in next door. It was quite an event since they were the first blacks to move into the addition. There is the mom Tasha,...

2 years ago
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Brown Sugar

Julie was 21-years-old when we met in the mid-70s. She was a petite and beautiful Native American with light brown skin. Her 5’3″, 100 pound body was topped off with silky dark brown hair that smoothly fell half way down her back. Her breasts were small but very firm. They needed no support from a bra. Without a bra, her nipples made a definite impression on her blouse, and me. I met Julie and her 25-year-old husband, Mike, while we were attending a CB (Citizen Band Radio) get...

4 years ago
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Brown Sugar

Julie was 21-years-old when we met in the mid-70s. She was a petite and beautiful Native American with light brown skin. Her 5'5", 110 pound, body was crowned with a silky dark brown mane of straight hair that reached half way down her slender back. Her dark brown eyes were captivating as were her breasts. Her tits were small but very firm. They needed no support from a bra. Therefore, Julie seldom wore one. Without a bra, her soft nipples made a definite impression on her blouse, and me as...

2 years ago
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KathleenChapter 5 Chocolate Cake and Brown Sugar

After my evening with Kathleen and her brother, I wasn't sure what to expect next. While I felt a little overwhelmed by the nature and quantity of her sexual appetites, I was honest enough to realize that I enjoyed myself immensely whenever I participated in one of her adventures and I was eagerly anticipating her next surprise. I called her on Monday of the following week to ask if she were free to go out on a real date with dinner and a concert. When she readily agreed, I was almost...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 72 Brown Sugar

Susan was about to fix herself a sandwich when she heard the phone by the kitchen counter ring. "Hello?" "Hi, Susan. It's me." It was Brenda. "Is this a bad time to call?" "No, not at all. I was about to make lunch, but that can wait a little while. What's up?" "This may sound odd ... I'm embarrassed to even tell you..." "Brenda, have we not shared a lot lately? Feel free to talk to me about anything." "Okay, but you'll laugh. The thing is, I've been fretting all...

1 year ago
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Barely Legal Austin 3 Sugardaddy

Sometimes I feel like a black widow spider, I keep trapping all these men in my web and it turns out bad for them. I didn’t think Austin had it in him to just haul off and punch his dad or me for that matter. Hmm. Guess I deserved it. My dick is my enemy at times. Austin is back living with his parents, god knows how its going over there. Carl’s wife knew about it all, wonder how that conversation went. My son has gone to stay at his mother’s for a while, he says he’s not mad with me, just...

1 year ago
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All I could think of was that my parents should be on that international house hunting show! But why bring me along? This whole looking for the dream house thing was BORING! I’m sitting in the back seat of this mini-bus while George ferries Mom and Dad from house to house on the island of Jamaica. So as my parents look, I sit in the back playing games with my i-phone, or sending suggestive texts to my boyfriend Brad, telling him how I’d rather be sucking his cock than here with my lame-ass...

2 years ago
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Weekend Sugardaddy

My name is Andrew, i'm 53 married i have 2 fantastic k**s and a very well paid job, and all the trimmings, big house, cars, 3 holidays a year ect. But 2 years ago i risked it all for a girl more than half my age.Occasionally i work away from home and thats when this story takes place. I live in the north but i had to go to London for meetings. As usual the meeting ran over on the Friday so it ment i'd have to come back again the following week. My wife was having her sister over at our house...

1 year ago
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All I could think of was that my parents should be on that international house hunting show! But why bring me along? This whole looking for the dream house thing was BORING! I’m sitting in the back seat of this mini-bus while George ferries Mom and Dad from house to house on the island of Jamaica. So as my parents look, I sit in the back playing games with my i-phone, or sending suggestive texts to my boyfriend Brad, telling him how I’d rather be sucking his cock than here with my lame-ass...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 7 Sugarhill

The Princeton University campus looked like a college should look. An Ivy, anyway. Venerable, distinguished buildings. Sidewalks that wended and winded. Even in the July heat, hordes of students were strolling, reading, lying on lawns, playing hacky sack, sharing a joint, napping. I felt ... old. It was Saturday morning; Rowley was still at the Marriott Marquis. She had requested a late Sunday checkout. Thank you, Jessie and Jesse. I was on my way to Rowley’s leafy neighborhood, to Elm...

1 year ago
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SugarFans sounds at least a little bit sweeter than OnlyFans, at least if the name is to be believed. By the numbers, OnlyFans is still getting 1,500 times as much traffic as this sugary content platform, but we’ve all got to start somewhere. That’s still a fucking ton of visitors by almost any measure, with a good 200,000 perverts and content creators swinging by last month to either post fresh fap fodder or just shake their dicks at it. I think you can probably guess which category I’m in, as...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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Sugar Book sounds like a collection of recipes your mom used to keep on the shelf, an encyclopedia-style archive of formulas for tooth-rotting sweets and finger-staining confections. As a dude with a lot of vices, I can’t say I was totally against the idea of lighting up my brain with glucose, sucrose and dextrose, but this is ThePornDude and I am The Porn Dude. Sugar is nice, but I wouldn’t be reviewing the site here unless it could help you cum.It ain’t a free tube or a premium porno site,...

Hookup Sites
3 years ago
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The Girl I Have Always Liked Ch 01

There was this girl at my college called Annabelle Grimes. She had long, flowing blonde hair and deep green eyes. She was the kind of girl that all the guys wanted to end up with. But luckily for me, at that moment in time, she was single. We were in a dragging English class. Annabelle was sat four or five diagonal places away from me in the classroom. I was what everyone called a ‘goody two shoes’, so I sat down sensibly and began my essay. As I looked up to gaze around the classroom, I...

2 years ago
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The Unlikeliest Host for a Sex Crazed Symbiote

"I'll walk home, don't worry about me!" "Go ahead, I want to stretch out my legs!" Teddy, the hero Hulkling, mumbled to himself as he strode down the streets of New York. The hero has come off of a long day of heroism; stopping bank robbers and helping old ladies cross the street, the usual suspects for a lower tier hero like him. On days like this, he often opted to walking home, rather than fly, because it made him feel more... 'human'. Well, as human as a kree-skrull hybrid could feel. The...

2 years ago
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One Version of Share and Share Alike

 PROLOGUEOf the two of us, Don and myself, I am the more outgoing, adventurous and willing to take a chance. When we got new neighbors three years ago, it fell to me to do the meet-and-greet ritual. I baked cookies for this round.“So, Rickie, how did it go?” My husband’s quizzed me as soon as I returned, that summer afternoon.I cautioned, “Names are Alice and Arnie. At least remember that.”I summed up, “They seem nice, moved here from California and they both have jobs doing computer...

Wife Lovers
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Actress Vidya Balan Lookalike Aunt Enjoyed In Sleep

Hi guys, my name is Sujan and I am a new author in the community of ISS. I love reading sex stories especially the incest stories. Every time I read a story, it feels so fresh and good. So, I have decided to share an experience of mine. I hope you guys like it and get aroused by it. A little introduction to my life. I am 24 years old and I live in Bangalore, India. I work for a reputed MNC in Bangalore. Although I do not have an athletic body, I have maintained a good shape. I will not bore you...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Radhika Apte Lookalike Maid For Sex

Hi guys. My name is Rahul. I was a 19-year-old college boy. I am an average looking guy and a virgin. Though I have a girlfriend, we have never done anything more than a little light kissing that too on my insistence as she was a very conservative girl. So, naturally, I was was sexually very  frustrated. The story begins at the end of my 1st year of college. I and a few of my friends decided to rent an apartment near our college campus as we were all not from the same city as our college. On...

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Pornstar Lookalike CoWorker Fucked Hard In Office

It had been a couple months since I started my own IT firm with a couple of my friends. We built a great team, yet the absence of female employees made the office feel a little dry. After a few weeks, we started our first venture, a news-based web portal and it went viral. We started giving out vacancies for interns as we needed journalists and content writers. After a few days of interviews and rejections, luckily, a group of 5 girls, all friends to each other showed up, with the finest...

2 years ago
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Pornstar Lookalike Sister Fucked By Muscular PE Sir

Hi friends, this is the story of my innocent sister Neha. This was when I was studying in the school and she almost graduated from the college. Let me tell you about my sister. Neha was 21 years old and had a sexy body like a pornstar. She had a milky white skin with firm D cup breasts and a slim waist with a round sexy ass which could make anyone crazy. Whenever I went out with her, I could always see men looking at her lustily. She always wore tight fitting low cut t-shirts and jeans or...

4 years ago
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Made Love With Srishlike Bhabhi

This is Pranay from Vizag. I am 5 7 in height and have average weight. This is the sex story explaining how I got laid with the wife of my distant cousin. Girls who are interested can contact me and give feedback at I will be waiting for that. Sorry for my narration as it is my first sex story. All the character names including mine are fictional. This happened when I was 20. I was studying my bachelor’s and having a lot of fun but didn’t have any encounter till then. I came to know that my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

1 year ago
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Hot Actress Lookalike Made Me Her Toy

Hi all the fans of this wonderful site. Hey there friends myself Sam. I’m 23 year old guy from Jaipur . I have an athletic ripped body with some really Whitish fair and hot looks. My height is 5’11″ and my tool is as big as 8 and 2’5 cm thick I am an MBA from a well reputed college. This is a real experience which happened to me exactly few Months before.. Lets start the story I was living at a PG in Delhi for my studies. There was a Hot Mature aunty which resides near our Flat.! Her name was...

3 years ago
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uk daphne fowler lookalike 65

One week earlier in summer i had been off work with a bad shoulder,so after a few weeks i was getting quite bored,only so many times you can sit at the computer wanking..One night the mother in law had popped round and in conversation said i was bored,she suggested that the charity shop where she worked was really short staffed,as one of the helpers out the back had broke her hip,so why dont i help out there,your having a laugh i said no chance.its ok she said your be out the back helping out...

4 years ago
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She Really Likes It

My ex girlfriend let’s call her Shel and I had great sex and I want to share with you our first time and then how I taught her to give the ultimate blow job.   I noticed Shel at work and how well she filled her jeans out, so one day I asked her supervisor about her. The Supervisor being a female that I had also tangoed with was very direct, she’s easy go for it. Soon a date was arranged and we hooked up at a company party. We danced for hours then I ask her if she wanted to follow me...

Straight Sex
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Aadhichu polikeda mone

Hi! Ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram. Enttammo o! Enthoru sukham, pattathiyude aa neyappa pooril aadichu kayattumbol; aa maathanga mulakalil onnu thottal pinneh parayukayum venda. Iyppol. 42 years, 5” 10” height, 42” chest, 80 kgs weight (9”x 4” size) ithu ennude thu; inni en pattathi yudethu 39 years, 5”7”, 42-32-38”, 77 kgs (venna niranjha ponthiya neyappam) 11 years munne widhva yayi., iyppol keralathil sthira thamasam, 2 sons + prayamaya amma ithryamannu...

2 years ago
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Actress Vidya Balan Lookalike Aunt Boldly Fucks 8211 Pt 2

Hi guys, this is Sujan back with another part of my story. Sorry for delaying the second part of the story, as I had been busy with office work at home due to the lockdown. Thanks, everyone for your suggestions and feedback on my previous story. Those who are reading this story for the first time, I request you to read the previous part to get a background about myself, my aunt, and how it all began. The link to the first part is given on top. Let’s continue from where we left off. I dozed off...

1 year ago
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Sex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....

VR Porn Sites
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I Like Comix! Do you like comics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question, because you probably wouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t give a shit about them. More specifically, though, it’s porn comics you like, huh? Well, the aptly titled ILikeComix has exactly those, and they’d like your has been around in some form or another for the better part of a decade. The current domain wasn’t registered until 2018, but the archive stretches all the way back to...

Porn Comics Sites
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Kelly Girl 6 Not Very Ladylike

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 6 -- Not Very Ladylike By Wanda Cunningham "Did I hear my name?"...

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