The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 13
- 4 years ago
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Day Sixty-six of the experiment,
I was sitting at my desk going over reports. Rala had her mission going well, but the influx of pirates from the seventeenth century earth that had been dumped by the historical group had caused a lot of problems.
Min had the third experiment well in hand, and had requested another drop of supplies. Going over the list, the only things I didn't approve of, were several armored vehicles. I removed them from the list and replaced them with some Dodge trucks. Nadil had hers going, as well, but the human still hadn't taken a native as his wife. I would find out what was going on with the human, later. First I needed to check on an unscheduled mission.
Turning the scanners on, I checked on the two young men who had tried to kill James. They had now found several mates, and were living well, where I had dropped them. They were doing so well, that I pulled up the scratch inventory, and authorized two containers of supplies to be delivered to them.
Activating the cave scanners, I had one of the hidden ball scanners check each of the boys' three wives and found five of them were pregnant. The one that wasn't, I checked and the scanner detected a problem in her reproductive organs, I authorized a quick repair job on her and she was transported out of the cave and up to one of the medical labs.
Doing a quick check of the cave's inventory, I saw they were using a deep hole for a freezer. I ordered up a pair of construction drones to make them a modern human kitchen, with two very large freezers/fridges. With some tapping of the keys, I sent the probe to scan the boys' thoughts and found their outlook about others had changed. I was now positive that with good influence of their wives, these two would grow up to a healthy normal life, without hate.
I saw the boys were thinking of their younger brother and sister, so I sent a message to the station on Jupiter, and had it send a probe to check on them. If they were ok, I would leave them. But if they were in danger, I would have them replaced and deposited with their brothers. The sister would be a perfect mate for one of the older wives sons. I had to think more on it.
Pulling up the inventory lists, I changed out several items and added some surprises to them. I also added a note telling them if they continued their ways, more supplies would be delivered.
"Master Kalib, Walter and Mike are doing very well. With the resources they have, they have sent the pirates running. They have improved their defenses and they continue harvesting food for the winter. Their main fridge is half full, and they should have enough to help the local tribes around them. I project a 76% probability that by the start of their second year, they will have a head start on producing the civilization we wanted. Also, the last of the radioactive material has been removed from the planet," Rala said from her terminal.
"Thank you, Rala. Would you check on James for me, while I prepare these orders?" I asked.
"Yes, Master Kalib," Rala said and turned back to her scanners. It took a few seconds to locate him. His statistics came up on the screen.
"MASTER!" Rala said with alarm.
"What is it?" I asked.
"James has been injured, and his mate Vala ... her vitals are failing fast. I am transferring the scans, now."
"Thank you, Rala," I said, and pulled up the information.
I activated the download, and I saw James was going to kill Vala because of her injuries. He was about to pull the trigger, when I started typing and sent the orders to what the humans called a transporter.
"Tell medical they have a patient," I said as I activated the system.
Day Sixty-six, 4:10 AM
I pulled the trigger of the pistol, and it discharged in my hand.
I heard a hum, and I opened my eyes. I looked down at Vala and gasped. The place where Vala had been lying, was now empty. I could see where the bullet had hit the ground. I placed my hand on the spot. Looking up at Samantha, I saw her eyes were wide open in shock. I reached over and shook her.
"Where did she go?" Samantha asked in surprise.
"I think the aliens took her ... or I hope they did," I said as I looked up at the sky.
Samantha screamed and then went silent. I turned to see where she was looking.
"Hello, Kalib," I said as I stood up.
'Hello, James. I just wanted you to know Vala is safe. She is being healed as we speak. This will be the final time we will talk with you, face to face. I have loaded six of the large pods with supplies for you. They will be set down outside your home. I think I have everything you will need from this day forward. If not, drop me an email, when you get ... oh a thousand items ... and I will look at it. If we can help, we will. I will let you know there are some others around you that you may want to contact in a few years. I am not saying where they are located. You will need to determine that. Enjoy a long life with your mates, ' he said, and vanished as I looked at him.
Standing up, I shouted, "Where is Vala?"
'She will be returned to you when she is healed. Goodbye, my friend. I hope you don't mind me calling you that.'
"No, I don't, and thank you."
'Welcome, ' came his reply as I helped Samantha to her feet.
"What's going on?" she asked as I bent over and picked up her bag and a pair of goggles. I stuffed her pistol in it and we started walking towards the DUK.
"That was one of the Aliens. In fact he is the one who brought me and my wives here, from Nevada. They set us up in a series of caves with a ton of stuff. You're more than welcome to stay with us, if you want to," I said as we reached the DUK.
"Can't they send us home?" she asked.
"I don't know. But from what I have gathered, they won't. I think once they take someone, its permanent, with no chance of going back," I said as I looked at her.
"That's not right. What gives them the right to kidnap people and put them on a world where they don't have a chance of surviving?"
With a sigh I looked up at the sky and pointed, "Do you know any way to tell them it's not right? The powerful have always done what they wanted, and they have here. However, from what I have gathered, there is a new person in charge. His name is Kalib, and he recruited me and several of my wives to help bring civilization to these people." I stopped and looked back at Samantha, and continued, "We could always use another doctor. Jane is good, but she is a veterinarian doc, first. Will you help us?"
Samantha started crying and I pulled her into my arms and let her. I rubbed her back to comfort her and within minutes, her crying had dissipated and she pulled a small piece of cloth out that had seen better days. She wiped her eyes, and blew her nose.
"Thank you James, I needed that. Come on. Let's get out of here. I need to work on Sali and get the bullet out," she said and I helped her up into the DUK.
"How bad is she?" I asked as I climbed in.
I noticed the girls had stripped the man of his clothes and equipment. His groin was a bloody mass and I didn't want to know what they had done with it.
"The bullet is lodged in her shoulder blade. I will try removing it after we get some more distance from here. I don't feel safe and I will need a safe place to operate without dogs in my operating room," she replied.
"Ok, than I have the perfect place," I said as I sat behind the steering wheel and fired up the engine. I watched as Samantha went into the back as I started driving. I drove for about an hour before I saw the moon breaking on surface of the lake. Driving down to the shore, I went below and said, "Samantha, I can park here, or drive out to the island. Problem is, I won't be able to see where the rocks are if I drive now."
"Wait then, I will work on her now, but get the dogs out of here. I patched up the wound on the female as best as I could," she said.
"Delilah, Sampson, come," I said and the dogs jumped off the bed where they were sleeping and I got them onto the bench seats where they laid down. Looking back in, I watched as the woman wiped down everything with a bottle of alcohol and wipes. While the girls were cleaning, Samantha hung one of the floodlights over the table. Using cushions, they elevated the seats high enough for Sali to lie down.
I reached into the cabinet beside me and pulled out a tote bag. Opening it, I pulled a small box of fake blood and saline solution out that Kalib had supplied to the medical RV. I filled the one of the fake bags with the saline and mixed it up for Samantha and then handed it to her.
"What is this?" Samantha asked as she looked at the bag of blood.
"It's a blood replacement the aliens supplied us with. You mix the powder with saline and then use it like normal blood," I replied.
She took the bag and inserted the needle into Sali's vein. She then hung the bottle from the roof and took a bag of the saline and started a drip. She took the bag of medical supplies I had pulled out of the cabinet and dove into them. I watched as she pulled stuff out and laid it on the table beside Sali. She then pulled out a mask and a bottle of ether and had Sali out in minutes.
"James, take your rifle and stand guard. I will let you know when I am done," Samantha ordered.
"Yes, Ma'am," I replied, picked up the M1 and stepped out.
Closing the door, I picked up the goggles that Vala had ripped off and climbed up onto the roof of the sleeping area. I stood there watching as I waited for word from below as I stood guard. With the goggles on, I watched all around us looking for anyone to slip up on us.
With a sigh, I looked up at the sky and said, "Vala, I love you."
"And I love you, too," said a voice, and I jumped.
I spun around, the rifle slipping out of my fingers. I had Vala in my arms before she knew what had hit her. I kissed her fiercely, and hugged her tightly to my chest. I was kissing Vala all over her face, when I worked my way to her forehead, I laid a gentle kiss on it and then touched mine to hers and then our noses touched. I started giving her little kisses, and she started giggling on me.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You are. You act as you haven't seen me in months," she replied.
"Love, I thought I would never hold you again, or see our child born," I said.
Her hand came up and touched my cheek as she kissed me. When we separated, she said, "My love, even if I died, I would have still been with you. As long as Nacka is there, I am there and one day, when she has her first bleed and becomes a woman. You will take her as your mate."
"No, she is my daughter. I would have raised her, and helped her find a suitable mate," I replied.
"No, you must take her as your mate. She will want a strong man as..."
"No, my love, it's not right. She will be raised as my daughter. Fathers don't marry their daughters, just like sons don't marry their mothers," I said.
"Yes, you can, you have already taken one as your mate. Charlene says she wouldn't have you any other way but as a husband."
"That's different. I didn't meet Charlene until a week before we came here. Jane and I went to school together. When I left, I went to a big city that was thousands of miles away, while she went to the nearby one. When I asked Jane to marry me, we hadn't seen each other in twenty seasons," I stated.
"I don't see a difference, she still not your blood, just like Nacka isn't. So you can marry her, too," she replied.
"No, there is. I didn't raise Charlene; but our daughter, I will raise. Even if she isn't my blood, I will see her as my blood. If anyone tried to hurt her, I will come down on them like a father, not a husband. So please let it rest. Let me love her as my first child," I asked.
"Ok, love. I still don't see a difference, but I will abide by your wishes," she said and kissed me.
"Thank you," I replied.
"James, Sali is ok. Welcome back, Vala, I am glad you're ok. Your sister wives will be happy you are," Samantha said as she looked up at us.
"She is? Good, we will be right down," I said. I handed her my rifle and jumped down. We went inside and I walked over to Sali. She was sleeping soundly with Lewn sitting beside her. I leaned over and kissed them both.
Turning I looked at Samantha and said, "Go to bed, all of you. I am going to drive us across the lake. By the time I get to the island, it should be dawn, and I will park on the hill we camped at before. I will let the horses out, and then join you all."
"Ok, James. I am tired," Samantha said and went to the back bed. I watched as she stripped out of her furs and lifted the blankets up. She slid in beside her daughter Abigail and the servant girl Gabriel. I was staring at her ass as she rolled over and smiled at me. I grinned and then Vala kissed me and walked to the bed as well. I watched as she did a slow strip tease, the whole time looking over her shoulder at me. Then she wiggled her ass. I groaned. I wanted to fuck her, but knew I couldn't at this time. I walked over to the bunk beds and kissed Uliga and Calt who were already asleep. I looked around for Jonn and was confused when I didn't see him.
"What's wrong James?" Lewn asked.
"I was looking for Jonn," I replied.
"Under me," she said as she pointed under the table.
I looked down and then knelt. Jonn was curled up under the table with a blanket and pillow. Smiling at him, I watched him sleep for a second and then stood up and kissed Lewn and Sali. Turning I went to the door, and stepped out. With a look around, I jumped out of the DUK, and ran to the trailer. I hit the inflation button, and the inflation collar popped out of its case. I had to know so I dropped down and looked and saw the ring only went around the trailer. I wondered how it stayed floating with just the ring. It should sink. Maybe Kalib's people had done something special with the collar.
Going back to the DUK, I called the dogs, and they came running. They leaped up and landed on the bow of the DUK as I climbed in. Starting the engine, I drove out into the lake and headed across the water.
An hour later the sun came up and burst through the cloud cover like a giant star burst. I remembered the scene from 'Tora, Tora, Tora', where they were talking about the image of the sun's rays. It reminded me how beautiful nature could be. I shook off the feelings I was having, and looked ahead at the island that I was closing on. I angled the DUK and drove right up onto the beach. The heavy vehicle dug in, and in moments, I was on the grass again.
I parked, and jumped out. Going to the trailer, I deflated the flotation device, and then lowered the ramp. I quickly backed the four horses out, and had them picketed where they could eat and get water from the lake. Grabbing the big shovel off the side of the trailer, I cleaned the shit, and hay out of it. I carried the mess a good thirty feet away and tossed it into the edge of the woods near some prickly bushes.
The job took an hour to do, and I was hot and dirty when I was finished. I relined the bed of fresh hay, and then stripped. Going to the water, I dove in. I cleaned up with a bar of ivory soap that I had taken from the tack storage. Clean, I sat down on a rock. I watched as the birds dove down to the water. The cool air dried me, as I watched.
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Staging ambushes became our specialty. Since most agreed that I had the best Pennsylvania rifle in the company, I was often the bait in our trap. Once we had spied a small camp of the enemy pickets or a foraging party at work, my job would be to step out in the open, fire at them a time or two, aiming for the officers of course, and then run for it once they got moving toward me. If we worked it right, we could bag up to a dozen men and horses that way, replenish our supplies and send a...
“Jake, I can’t believe you went to all this trouble!” Tanya Nolan said as her son took his hands from her eyes. The 18-year old had led her into the family dining room with his hands covering her eyes, making sure she enjoyed the surprise.“Anything for you, Mom, especially at Christmas.” It was Christmas Eve, and the two of them were alone. Tanya’s husband, Warren, had left just a few days before on business, overseeing an important project for his company in China. He’d been home for close to...
“Oh, believe me; I’d love to do this with nobody else; every fucking day for the rest of my life. You know I’ve dreamed of this for over five years. I kind of feel bad that J.L’s not even in the ground, yet, and I’m already pounding my cum into his pussy... And just how many men have tried to make you cum, anyway?” She grinned as she cleaned up the mess on her snatch and the spots on her sheet, “Most of the time, all they wanted was to dump their own load. J.L. was better than the other...
Hi friends, this is Manav from New Delhi. This is my first imaginary story with a hope that it should have happened to me. Today, I am 42 years old with 5ft 6inch height a little chubby with 75kg weight and 34 waists. I am narrating my first imaginary experience which happened to me at the age of 18 when I had got passed from class XII. We had a neighbor Sharma Uncle living with his wife and son. He was 55 years of age at that time. One day his wife and son had gone for a visit to their...
Gay MaleAuthor's Note: Before we start another seasonally inappropriate story, a lot of reviews questioned whether or not the first story I posted here was my first one written, which it isn't, it was actually my most recent piece. This story is my first standalone story, though I contributed to a fair share of interactive stories on both (and more recently over the years. I hope you'll enjoy it. Carl was sitting alone in his apartment on Valentine's Day. While he had a...
I was working on my computer in the showroom one day when I heard a voice. "Hi, I was wondering if I could get someone to look at my car for me" Said a female voice. I looked up and saw a young female, maybe 19 years old, around 5 foot 2, she was beautiful, her white skin looked slightly tanned with brown hair and brown eyes, I didn't want to stare as she was a customer and I didn't want to look like an idiot. All the guys were busy with other customers vehicles so I said I could...
8 AM Monday morning found me in the jump seat of Marty’s Ford pickup truck. Ted was driving the truck toward the Atlantic Ocean. Marty sat beside him in the front seat of the truck which was loaded down with motorized bicycles and trailers for our trip. I sat, quietly sipping coffee, while they argued. I wasn’t all that concerned, since all families argue. I knew that my best play was to just stay quiet and try to nap while they discussed, whatever it was they planned to fight about as we...
Fair warning: this story is designed to be more of a game: it is intended to be read in game mode only: failure to do so can lead to things like infinite loops and chapters which connect to other chapters that just plain don't make sense because they are designed for conditions you have not met. This is your one and only warning! The Labyrinth of Ambuscade: said to have been created by the gods as a hiding place for the Tree of Immortality when the world was young the Labyrinth has tempted the...
FantasyJaise ke maine meri last kahani mein bataya tha ke kaise maine mere niyu chachi ko choda, aur mere dore ab ANU par the. ANU meri cousin. Lekin yaha to sab ulta hi hogaya. Kyon ki mein to chodana chahata tha anu ko lekin maine choda meri bahen ko.Meri behen , jisaka naam hai Avanti. Avanti padhati hai first year B.Com. Figure 38-26-36. Bohot sexy. Meri chachi ke kahane par Avanti ne bhi meri chachi jaise hi lambe baal kiye hai. Usake baal bhi usake choutaron tak hilate hai. Aur usake baal baal...
I thought to myself, "this could be the only time that I am to able to see or even stare at Lizzi'e's boobs and she would know about it". I quickly sprinted up the school drive way and stood next to the car, I was rehersing the line as I saw her skinny hot body with her C- cup boobs poking out either side of her bag strap. "Thanks for the lift home" lizzie said just before we got into the car, straight away I set the mood into my train of thought with, "Do you have any money?" "No...
There was now only one week left of school and my month's punishment was about to end. "Mother, the end of the month is on Saturday. Do I change back to Billy?" I inquired. "Well, do you want to Beth? Or would you prefer to remain as Beth with all of your pretty clothes and new "feelings." That was the problem. What did I want to do? I wasn't so sure. Yesterday I had said to myself I wanted to have breasts, large breasts and I wanted to be a "gurl!" Now I was confused as my...
Lunch at Claytons Restaurant, the place where powerbrokers and the city's elite meet to eat, is the most prestigious restaurant within a half hour's drive of the office. This is the place folks like me go for an engagement or an anniversary dinner. But today, it is business. The table is set for twelve, eight from our office and four from the auto parts manufacturer. I have never eaten there before. And actually, it's Jeannie, my alter ego and feminized self that is going to have...
Hi friends I m Rajat here again with my another true exp , it is real even the names also.I m 20 years old with a slim weight of 65 in 5 ‘7 . This is my 2nd post 1st was She was of 17 and now this is .This is with my gf shruti , she was friend of ruchika ,the same gal that I have mentioned in my previous post .Due to some reasons I have lost my password of email account so please do post me the responses about both the posts on my new email that is Now let me tell u how that happened Ruchika...
Hey guys this is Sandy here again, back with another story, and thank you everyone who gave me good feedbacks on my last story, i guess this is my 16th story which i am writing now, as many people know about me but still let me introduce myself to the new readers, i am Sandy from PUNE, height 5ft 10 inches, average good looking, studying final sem, my parents stay in bangalore hence i am alone here for my studies sake, i do stay in our own row house, no risk, no need to be afraid of...
We spent Saturday packing the three vehicles headed to New York City, then driving them there. We started at 9AM sharp with the loading. The troops loaded the Ford commercial panel van, while I checked the items off the list I had made the night before. The van which we used didn’t have any seats, it was just for small businesses. It also rattled. We didn’t even come close to filling it. Before we loaded our personal items into the van, we packed the boxes securely. There was one thing that...
They both liked tea, especially green and flavored teas. In fact, they had been introduced several months ago by a mutual friend who owned a small shop that sold tea, coffee, sandwiches, and baked items. Both had been frequent customers of this small shopping center store but had never been there at the same time until the introduction. During their tea dates, Brenda and Ted discovered their backgrounds were similar: middle aged, professional, enjoyed traveling, and financially secure. He had...
Requesting you all to start from the first part, if you haven’t already read this series. All your suggestions, criticisms and friendly mails are more than welcomed at Pallavi : I think you should, but with a condition. Reema : What is that? Pallavi : Tanya will have to lick all three of us and bring us to an orgasm. Reema : That sounds fun and fair. Shanoy : Oh one more thing, why dont we make her do this while she is getting fucked by Rahul? Believe me, the vibrations when she will moan in...
A New Start in Life Part 22 Having just crossed America on Route 66 and having a few adventures on the way, we get ready for the next leg of our journey, New Zealand and Australia, but first find out where Shoni's aunty lived, then renew our acquaintance with the 'California Girls' we had met at the Grand Canyon. We enjoyed our meal at the 'Bubba Shrimp Co.' Explaining to Charley why we chose this place to eat. This amused her as she commented, "Gee, you guy's are just...
Grindr has taken over the job of CL for gay hookups, and I set one up yesterday. I was bored hanging around the house, and opened the app to see what fun might be available. I was thinking a blowjob might be nice, but I was contacted by a guy just 2 miles away who was alone at home wanting to be fucked. He wanted it quick and anonymous.He gave me the address and told me to park on the street out front. The door would be unlocked, and he would be naked and ready in one of the rooms. "Walk in,...
Prologue This is a true story about a sailor on his way home after being discharged from the Navy. Riding the bus to save money, he finds true love. Here I am, just discharged from the Navy walking the streets of shit city ( Norfolk, Va.) Trying to decide how I’m going home. Do I fly, or do I ride the buss. I decide to ride the buss to save money. I stop at the buss...
I was married once. My wife, Jane, was tall, a few inches taller than I was. She was athletic and had a nice body -- her breasts were smaller than I like, but that's not a major problem when you're in love. She had short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was pretty, certainly prettier and skinnier than me. Our sex life was a bit unusual. Jane had been a bit of a slut before we met, but once we got together she decided not to do anything she didn't truly enjoy. So, while sometimes I got to...
Mind ControlJenny Marie Jenkins was apprehensive about her drive home after work. It was Thursday, and her husband's birthday. She was going to have to do something special for him. She wasn't looking forward to it that much. It seemed like her whole life had been sort of a "fuck-or-walk from a yacht two miles from shore." She didn't have that much objection to the men she'd had sex with so much as it never seemed to be her choice. As a teenager, her parents had been enamored with their young youth...
Sitting beside a stone table, on top of a small balcony with two pots of green brown plants at its corners as lively decoration, two women tranquilly viewed the vast desert landscape while sipping drinks from plain clay cups. The larger middle aged woman, sitting on the left of the stone table, had a military haircut and wore military uniforms with folded sleeves. Her dark complexion was brimming with vitality and her black eyes seemed deep as an abyss. Now and then, she stroked her brown...