Ladies' LodgeChapter 7: A Kidnapping. Gwendoline Is Beaten Up free porn video

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After over two hours of holding the same position in the cold afternoon air Harriet was beginning to regret not taking advantage of Gwendoline's kindness in getting her out of the assignment. It was not a comfortable pose at all, involving as it did keeping one foot raised almost off the ground with only the tip of her big toe on the ground and almost all her weight on the other. One hand was resting lightly on her hip and the other touching her breast, which Jim assured her looked fine despite a few scratches acquired during that insane dangerous climb earlier on. Jim was intent on his painting and seemed oblivious of her discomfort.

I was not only the cold that caused her distress, but the agony of not being able to move a muscle for so long. The prospect of seeing the final result was all that sustained her - she had so admired his portraits of Gwendoline that she really very badly wanted him to paint her as well. And he had only done Gwen from photographs! Think what a painting using a very present and very live Harriet would look like! And one thing he had said before starting work was that he hoped to submit the painting to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

The light was beginning to fade, but Jim seemed intent as ever on continuing when Gwendoline came storming out of the house and furiously told him to let Harriet go inside and get warm.

"Can't you see the poor darling is just about fit to drop - you heartless sod!" And she picked up her fainting friend who had virtually lost the power of movement by this time and carried her indoors.

"Thanks for coming to the rescue, Gwen. Mind you, I can't wait to see the final result and I'm glad I did it, but he doesn't know when to stop. Is he like that in bed?"

"No," giggled a blushing Gwen - "I have to keep waking him up, poor old fellow! After all he is thirteen years older than I am and I don't think he leads a very healthy life. He needs to look after himself better and get a lot more violent exercise. And I'll make sure he does; there's a lot of spare fat to lose before I marry him and he'll have to keep it off thereafter."

"Don't worry, Gwen you'll manage him OK. I think he's scared of you, like I still am!"

"Yes - he's a bit of a wimp, but such a darling man. Do you know I had to virtually throw myself at him last night!! But once he'd got the message, everything was so dreamy!"

Gwendoline carried Harriet upstairs, laid her on the bed and got on it after her and began warming the frozen girl up, enfolding her in a tender embrace which might have made Jim rather jealous if he had been present to watch!

"What about all those extra muscles you are going to make me develop, Gwen?"

"You'll get them, but I promise I won't be a bitch to you any more - not ever, even if I do still drive you hard. Just get some sleep, Harry my love - we'll need to be off in a few hours."

After an evening meal which Harriet insisted on cooking and serving as if Gwen were still enforcing her former harsh regime, Jim told them all to pile into his station wagon and he drove them through the dark to a field fifteen miles away in the general direction they were headed. He left them the small tent which Harriet had occupied the night before and made sure they were provided with enough food to last them all into the next day.

"Just leave the tent in the field, ladies. I'll come by and pick it up sometime tomorrow. Good luck, although I daresay we'll meet a few times before the 23rd." After a very tender and lengthy farewell to Gwendoline, he drove away.

Gwen thought with regret of the house - now her future home -that she was not to see for a few weeks. She supervised the erection of the tent - this had been one of her particular fortes in the Guides. It was much warmer with three bodies to heat the enclosed space and a more comfortable and less lonely time was in store for Harriet, although the groundsheet had been left behind and they were forced to sleep on grass.

"I suppose we will be sleeping under the stars again tomorrow night - best make the most of this" Gwendoline said as they settled down for the night. "Unless we meet someone like the three perverts or Mummy and Richard - at least we wouldn't freeze if we were held prisoner again, unless poor old Harry gets stuck in a cage again."

"Remember me saying you lot would never survive the November cold and frost? I never thought back then I'd end up going through all this with you two," murmured Harriet.

"You've suffered more cold than either of us this last few days, you poor dear - what with my making you do all that swimming and hill climbing. You DID volunteer to be my Jim's model, though - can't blame that on me"

"It'll be worth every shiver and every agonising cramp to see myself at the Summer Exhibition." she replied.

With this vision of future celebrity in mind Harriet fell asleep to be followed in seconds by the other two. Gwendoline's last waking thoughts, now that the long initiation rite was nearing its end were of the future beyond this journey. She looked ahead to her statement to the police about the religious child abusers, to telling her parents about her engagement and taking Jim to see them. Above all she felt growing excitement invading every part of her mind and body at her feared but longed-for ordeal at the hands of Mrs Travers - she writhed in ectasy at the thought of that good lady daily working out thereby to strengthen her arms so that she would be able to bring down the flail all the harder on her bare back - all that Harriet had gone through would be nothing compared to that! She hoped her friends were already asleep and would not notice the smell of female arousal.

Jessica's last thought was that if the experiences of this three were any guide, considering the ease which they all seemed to having in finding themselves husbands, one essential feature of any of their lodge meetings would be a creche.

They would all have been wise to ponder the old adage about fat ladies singing.

Harriet returned to the shore after swimming across the reservoir and back twice - as opposed to the others' once. Ever since being forced into that combined double swim and hill climb by an incensed and vindictive Gwendoline she had deliberately pushed herself to outdo her friend and leader to Gwen's great admiration and amusement.

Gwen had decided that she might as well continue using Harriet as the workhorse of the group, since it seemed to be what she wanted and in the two days since they had left Jim's Harry was beginning to feel that promised extra muscle coming on - or she liked to kid herself she did.

She had appointed herself as the 'one' in the two against one wrestling which they were finding ever more helpful as a way to keep warm in the raw upland November cold, and it was already taking the other two longer to beat her even after a couple of days. They had crossed a shallow river earlier today and she had carried them across on her back, wading waist deep and saving them from the cold water at the cost of enduring it three times herself.

Harriet thought it strange when she saw her friends were out of sight and as she swam closer to where they should be, she started to feel slightly anxious. Coming out of the water, she looked around for them. They were nowhere to be seen. She shouted but there was no reply. It was as if they had been spirited away into thin air.

(Don't worry, folks - they have not been taken away in a flying saucer - author's note)

There had been no sound of engine noise, so wherever they had gone it must have been on foot and that meant they could not be that far away. If they had been forcibly abducted just as she had started out on her swim, they could only have been gone for ten minutes - you can't get too far in that time. They had to be within sight of where Harriet was standing or in a building within sight. The trouble was that there were no likely looking buildings - only an old and very dilapidated shippon which seemd to be open to the four winds.

She approached it carefully, resisting the impulse to run towards it to warm up. She cursed herself for her silly bravado, which had caused the trio to be split up again. She felt that something was terribly wrong.

For whatever reason, Harriet decided to circle around the building and approach it from the other side. It did not seem possible that she could have been seen by antyone, but she sensed danger.

The other side of the building was up against a stone wall and she climbed over this and crept up to the old cowshed. There were no windows, but quite a few holes in the old structure and she was trying to peer through a gap when she was seized from behind by several hands and dragged around to the other side and through a wooden door, which she noticed had a very new and shining padlock and was very substantial for the door to a disused building.

"Found another of these dirty little naked tarts, chief." said one of Harriet's captors. "Wonder how many more of these we've got wandering around like this - shameless disgusting sluts."

Jessica and Gwendoline were inside against the far wall and tied to a couple of chairs and Harriet soon joined them. The old cowshed was filled with about twenty unsavoury looking men all dressed in some kind of uniform.

"How did you two manage to get caught?" asked Harriet, feeling terribly scared.

"You don't argue with the kind of weapons they had trained on us," said Gwen. I was going to shout at you to get away and get help, but they had other ideas - sorry Harry, but these people are dangerous - you can smell it somehow."

"It's obviously some kind of political extremist group and we've stumbled on their armoury and meeting place. Not only that, but they've obviously got some kind of thing about public decency and the decline in moral values - as you could tell by the charming way that guy described us all. Don't worry - I'll get us out of this. At least these are no Boy Scouts - luckily for me, if not for you!"

Gwendoline shook her head as a sign that conversation should cease and Harriet did not ask what she meant by that last sentence.

The man addressed as Chief came over to Harriet and asked her if there were any more of them. She was slow in replying - not knowing whether to pretend there were friends around who would soon be looking for them and he slapped her across the face.

"Leave her alone you piece of shit," shouted Gwendoline. " Dirty, stinking motherfucking coward"

The man turned his attention to her at that at punched her in the face and then doubled her up in agony with several hard blows to her stomach the sickening sound of which made Harriet wince as she thought how Gwen had deliberately drawn these thugs' attention to herself to save her, Harriet from what she was now suffering.

"Keep your dirty little mouth shut, or you'll get some more"

The majority of the men then started to drift away, leaving the chief and two others behind. Presumably they were all going home or to work after whatever meeting they had just had.

The remaining three left the old building a little later after standing around a defiant and cursing Gwendoline for a few minutes, taking it in turns to hit her many more times. They promised to be back shortly to continue teaching her a lesson in manners and decency.

"Oh, darling Gwen - why do you always have to be so stupidly brave - it's as if you want to get hurt" said Jessica.

"I refuse to hide my feelings for that kind of lowlife. Anyway, it's time to be going. I don't like it around here - don't know about you two"

She started to writhe about in her chair and soon had her hands free.

"I told you they hadn't been in the Boy Scouts - at least not the fucking cretin who tied me. Surprised he can dress himself in the morning or wipe his own arse."

The other two had been much more efficiently tied and it took a few minutes for a bloody faced Gwendoline to release them.

"Go and see if you can find out what they are doing out there Harry - be very careful, sweetheart - don't let them spot you. You and I are going to start another fire, Jessica if we can find the wherewithal. There looks to be some kind of kitchen behind that screen."

There was indeed a sink and a primitive stove and in a cupboard a box of matches. The two girls started to pile up anything that would burn easily in the middle of the building putting the gang's arsenal of weapons on top of the heap.

Harriet signalled and mouthed "I think they're on the way back"

"You two get ready to light the fire - I'll deal with these three"

"NO - Gwen. I'll help" said Jessica,"There are three of them and look at the state of you after what they did to you. You don't want to be tackling them alone!"

"Do as I fucking well tell you, Jessica - or you'll be in line for a bit of what I gave Harriet and don't think I wouldn't - go on and start making a bit of a blaze."

Gwendoline did wonder a little during the few minutes that followed, why she had been so stupid as to refuse Jessica's. She knew, though that she was honour bound to exact revenge herself for the injuries they had inflicted on her. She sustained an awful lot more hurt before the three crypto-fascists were all neatly laid out in a row in front of her.

The first one -the Chief - came through the door first and he was quickly nursing two crushed testicles as Gwen adroitly brought her knee up into his groin. The other two were alerted by this time and showed once more their total lack of scruple when it came to hitting women. Jessica stood by ready to come to her friend's aid should they get the upper hand, but they did not have Gwen's speed or skill and finally joined their still writhing chief on the ground. Jessica and Harriet tied them up with the rope that had recently bound them.

"Well done, Gwen! - you certainly showed them!" said an admiring Harriet. "But you look a terrible mess you poor dear! You'll need to get that face seen to."

"Never mind that now. Get these three into the field - we don't want them being burned alive - not even scum like them. See if you can fish their car keys from their pocket - they must have a vehicle parked somewhere fairly near- I want us a long way from this little blaze when the fire brigade and police arrive. I think there's plenty of evidence of their wrongdoing around here to put them behind bars for a while!"

Two hours later, Gwen was bathing her battered face and body in the waters of a mountain spring and feeling and looking a lot better. She was bruised and cut about her face but mightily relieved that no bones had been broken. The beautiful Gwendoline had long had a horror of breaking her nose, being always very vain about her appearance. Her stomach was red from the punches it had received and bruising was already apparent on her ribcage - it hurt her to touch herself anywhere and she prayed there had been no internal damage. (One of her first acts when returning home was to be to have a check-up, only to be told by the family physician that she was in better shape than ever and could go on to have a whole army of children if that was what she wanted).

"How are you feeling now, Gwen" asked an exhausted Harriet who had just carried her on her back for the last five miles over the moors.

"Awful, darling. But I get the feeling I might just live! I do wish my good old Jim was here. Not that he'd have been any use against those guys back there - couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, that one."

"Could you two teach me to be as good a fighter as you?"

"Of course, Harry - we'll certainly make a beginning. It'll take time and lots and lots of really hard work - we can only give you a start and you'll have to keep it up for months - years, even to be any good like us - Rome wasn't built in a day and all that - you'll take a lot of hard knocks along the way - don't worry, we'll be gentle with you, although it might not seem that way at times! We'll begin your training on the morrow."

"How do you feel about carrying me a few more miles, dear Harry? I don't think I've any internal bleeding - it would surely be starting to show by this time, but we should err on the side of caution and I did promise you some extra muscles after all!"

"Be my guest, Gwen - you saved me from their tender mercies - it's the least I can do"

Harriet was rather out of breath after carrying her beloved and injured leader, Gwendoline for five hours, but managed to gasp out,

"I wonder - why we seem - to attract such - trouble. It just doesn't -- seem fair - all we - are are -three - nude girls - just minding - their - own business"

Same as Ladies' Lodge
Chapter 7: A Kidnapping. Gwendoline is beaten up Videos

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Rape 101 The Kidnapping

I had just come from a dinner with the associates at my firm, in which we had discussed a new case against a oil company in the area that was damaging the wetlands. I was happy and smiling as I emerged laughing from the restaurant with one of the male partners. We hugged, and he wished me a safe drive home and I wished him the same. I was walking to my car when I heard a noise behind me, I wasnt easily spooked but the sound made my steps more hurried as I searched for my keys. I clicked the...

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The Kidnapping 2 sleep deprivation

This story might be a little more confusing it contains two different POVs the female character (written by me) and the male (written by Adam, Edited by me) its written how he would like it to happen the darker parts are his POV the rest is mine. This is the second part if you haventaready pleae read the first part before reading this… The cold winds loudly rattle against the windows as the branches from a nearby tree scratch aggressively against it, consistently banging as if to wake me from...

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The kidnapping of Scarlett Johansson

DER REIZ DES VERBOTENEN Bisher hatte er immer zu den Verlierern gezählt. Doch das sollte sich jetzt ändern, auch wenn er nur einmal in seinem Leben seine ihm innewohnende Dominanz und Perversion auf sexuellem Gebiete würde ausleben können und danach vielleicht weggesperrt werden würde. Doch s i e würde ihm nicht entkommen, das hatte er sich geschworen. Seit er seine Arbeit als Beleuchter am Set des Filmdrehs zu "The Avengers" aufgenommen und Scarlett Johansson zum ersten Mal in ihrem hautengen...

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The Cruise Chapter Four The Kidnapping

Chapter Four - Island Pleasures and Misadventure The next day the four kinksters awoke to the sounds of a ship entering a harbor. As various signals were used and the shore birds arose looking for scraps, the group shared a lovely breakfast on the balcony and discussed their shore leave plans. Thoughts of the troubles from last night were forgotten as the pleasures of stepping onto firm land and exploring this island paradise became the focus. The two female dominants were...

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The Kidnapping of Princess Victoria

©Copyright 2003 Chapter 1: Search Not for the first time in his career Captain Oliver Jackson lifted his glass in silent thanks to the stars for allowing him to be born British. Surveying the crew at work, he sipped his beer and watched the starfield as the ship passed silently through the folds of hyperspace. H.M.S. Ulysses was a man of war on a search mission. The I.S.S. Garnet was missing. With it the American Empire's Princess Victoria and her consort to be, Jacques Colon the...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 2

Maureen did not know there was worse news ahead. Grace Williams (née Darling) was a beautiful 38 year old widow with triplets, all boys and 19 years old. Peter, Paul and John. Grace was an artist of some renown and wealthy. She lived an ordinary. normal life and she had financed her sons photography/video/animation business that had just started to make money. However, within a week her normal life had changed to one of sexual depravity that included incest and bestiality. She and her sons...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 3

Dr. Tabitha had arrived and was examining Grace. She had been told her daughter, Alice, was upstairs in Grace’s bedroom with the dogs. She nodded. “Thankfully, there are no internal abrasions, Grace,” she said after she had finished, “but the swelling in your anal and vaginal tissues are considerable. This means no sex for at least a week. It is therefore unlikely you will be able to participate in the Wiccan meeting. I know Barbara is not going to take the news well. It is being held on a...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 4

The three elderly sisters, The ‘J’s’ - Joy, Jane and Joan, were also having problems. They were sitting down in the Study of their large modern but Colonial Dutch/English period styled luxury home in the rich area of Long Learey an East coast town near Grace’s home. Sitting with them and being grilled was Bernard, club manager and Kate, house mom of the Seven 7’s Gentlemen’s Club where Grace had been the star attraction at The Longest Tie Contest. “We have a number of major problems with...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 5

Grace drove for an hour not following any preplanned route but looking for an hotel that was attached to a busy shopping mall and had multistory parking. It was then she found what she was looking for. She drove the car into the car park, found a spot close to the elevator, and leaving her cases inside the car, taking only her large handbag she went to the elevator and punched in the number for the hotel lobby. She was pleased to note this was the only hotel number on this elevator’s number...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 8

Maureen has to remove all her underclothes. Her blouse is undone exposing her breasts. Her boots are lying on the floor beside her as she reclines on the couch. She is reading a magazine called ‘K9 Kinky Kats’. All the models in the magazine are wearing cat masks that cover the upper part of their faces from the nose. Otherwise they are naked. One of the cameras will clearly show this. Director, Dave Simmons, calls for “Action”. The three cameras are coordinated together with the time code...

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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 11

Gladys turned her head to see a black and white mixed breed dog at her sex on a chain leash and collar with a middle aged man in charge. He was dressed in black with a matching hat that some Country singers wear. The dog was predominately Dalmatian but there was also some Shepherd too. “Jeb’s not too experienced, ma’am,” the man said, “but learning fast. I’ll have to guide him in and then he’s on his own. He’ll give you a good ride and he has a big knot.” There was a big audience that...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 22 Kidnapping

“So that’s about the size of it. We’ve come a long way in our investigation but the net result is that we’re now as good as dead in the water. The death of that old man breaks the trail.” “Da, that is correct. Leonid was the last to know, and he is dead. That ends the Russian connection. We had great hopes that more could be learned from the old files, but sadly... and we lost a good operative to learn this ... it seems that someone realized how dangerous those files were and ordered all but...

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As i play with her hole her hand leaves my pussy and rubs all my pussy juice over her hole and then back to my pussy to work her magic. I continue to play with her hole which is now very wet from my juice that she put there so my finger could slide in eagerly she is now on all fores but with one hand still working my pussy this gives me an idea. I unlock our tongues and remove her hand from my pussy and get behind her, as my tongue starts on her ass hole i can taste my own juices all over...

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The Kidnapping3

I hate the rain, though I admit it sounds kind of relaxing as it’s hitting against my windshield, as I drive down the road, my car radio is playing loudly and I hum along to the tunes like I always do when I’m on my way home, as I slow down at a bend I notice a car pulled up on the side with their hazard lights flashing, ‘poor person’ I think as slow down further, I see a man with dark hair standing in the rain the hood of his car open, he doesn’t look happy as he shouts at the car and shakes...

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LadiesWhoLunch In The Cosmic Bubble

"Ladies-Who-lunch: In The Cosmic Bubble" The second week of August,1961. Summer was coming to a close and fall was just around the corner. The schools were being readied as the grade school kids grumbled, while the college set was spending the last couple weeks with friends and starting to pack up and plan for their coming year. Sitting at the kitchen table the steam drifted lazily up from the coffee cup as Joyce read the short letter sent by the university registrar concerning...

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Ladies Lunch

"Ladies Lunch" "D...don't m...make me go downstairs aunt M...Madge!? I...I d...don't want lunch." Timmy pulled away as Madge pulled him to the hotel room door as he whimpered nervously then pulled away as he stood upstairs in her good friend Agnes' hotel room. "We're going to leave this room, walk down to the elevator then walk over to the dining room and take a table at the back that's out of the way, or, would you rather sit out in front where it's busy? You're going to do just...

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Ladies Night

Audrey Jensen was putting the final touches on the light supper she would be serving to her friends later in the evening when her husband Eric stepped into the kitchen to kiss her goodbye."I'm off," he said. "Everything is ready in the bedroom. What time can I come home?""No earlier than eleven. The girls will be pretty busy most of the evening and you'll just be in the way." Eric gave her a wink and headed for the front door, knowing full well what was in store for Audrey's guests.The 'girls,'...

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Ladies Room Slave

Ladies Room Lesson  (Sorority Slave 1)       TJ Ryder   At the headmistress' office of Delta House, the very exclusive and  wealthy lesbian sorority, Audrey was surprised to see her friend and fellow toilet slave Tanya also waiting outside.     Both women were near 40,voluptuous, lesbian naturally, but also submissive and shared the same kink.  Tanya was a part time hooker on the outside but Audrey was employed, or some  would say owned, by the sorority even though the lovely woman wasa teacher...

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Ladies Night Out

"Hey, Jess." Jessica Andrews looked up from her work and saw her pretty blonde friend, Diana, peering over the short cubicle wall. "Hey, yourself," Jessica replied. "You're going with us tonight to celebrate Susie's promotion at our monthly LNO, aren't you?" Many of the 'girls' in the legal office where Jessica worked had a ladies night out event once a month where they could get away from the office and their boyfriend or husband for a coveted night out with the girls, chill out...

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Ladies who love to fuck in a girdle

We would all love to think that there are mature ladies out there who just love fucking. But, in truth they are very few old ladies who still want sex. So we have fantasies. I have several. Here is one in story format. Hope you enjoy. The fantasy fuck store for mature ladies who love wearing girdles First, let me own up. I am a mature man, yet ever since I was young and saw a gorgeous mature buxom lady wearing a girdle and fucking a guy on top, I have maintained a fetish to for plump mature...

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Ladies Day at the races

The stables are owned by two brothers, Jack and Max, who are multi millionaires. They are both bachelors and are invited to attend the Ladies Day at the races, which is the most prestigious event of the season. However, they have a problem. They are recently divorced and don't have any female companions to accompany them to the event. So, they come up with an idea. They approach two of their apprentice jockeys, Tom and Alex, who like all jockeys are both very small and slim, but these...

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Goddess tied her sissy faggot slave to the bed, each limb to one corner, bound as tightly as possible. This little fucking bitch wasn't going to move. She had already shoved a cock shaped gag into the sissy's mouth, so begging or screaming wasn't an option...Without a word or hesitation she began caning the sissy's ass. It was like this every Tuesday. On Monday's Goddess canes sissy's thighs, on Tuesday's Goddess canes sissy's ass,on Wednesday's Goddess canes sissy's little tits,on Thursday's...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 11 Beaten

There were about eight of them, and she ignored them as she stood at the spot by the aircar park entrance which had become 'hers' over the last couple of years. One of them said something to her, but she ignored him. They were young and not the sort of wealthy aircar owners who were her usual customers. She moved slowly on looking for the regular 'john' who sometimes picked her up here at about this time. She had been seeing him for some months now and his visits were getting more...

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Ladies Room Service

                                Ladies Room Service!                                    TJ Ryder                         The lushly built teacher in the form fitting high skirtand low bustline wasn't out of place at Glendale Academy forYoung Ladies, otherwise known as the finishing school forthe girls of the 'Rich and Powerful', and also to others as'Depraved and Decadent'!    All the rich girls dressed like tramps; were accustomed to treating everyone below...

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Ladies Night

You know how fishermen keep their best spots to themselves? Well, this is kind of the same thing. I will never tell you where this happened, just say it took place in an Eastern European country. Just like fishermen, my friend Kelly and I might go back again to see what’s lurking under the seemingly calm surface. But, enough foreplay, let’s get to what happened.Kelly lit a cigarette with her brass Zippo and inhaled deeply. “That was one of the best and cheapest dinners I have ever had.”I...

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Ladies Day preparing for the Ball

With the help of the two ladies, the boy-girls have a glorious time in that den of absolute femininity, trying on dress after dress until they find the two that the ladies believe suit them the best. Alice's dress is a full-length velvet evening gown in midnight blue, with the flowing skirt slit to the thigh, which the girls believe will set off beautifully Alice's blue eyes. Sarah's dress is a stunning, burgundy red number, again in velvet and with a thigh-slit skirt. The dresses are...

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Ladies Invitational

Ladies Invitational This is a sequel to "Golfing with Mom." That being said, a quick synopsis reveals that Danny, now called Didi will be golfing in the Ladies Invitational golf tournament with her mom, Joanne, who was one of the best golfers. Didi's new best friend and neighbor Sandy had introduced Danny to playing princess with her and now Didi can't get enough girl time. Joanne told Didi she will support her decision to become her daughter for as long as she wanted. On the...

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Ladies Book Club Chapter 2

by aliveinpr In Chapter 1, Alice had become a ‘married white whore’ without her husband Bill being aware of her infidelity. Friday afternoon, I was asked to see the boss in his office. As I entered, he said, "Bill, we have made a decision. You have been promoted to Vice President. Right now, there is a crew moving all of your belongings to your new office." I was in seventh heaven and called Alice to give her the good news. She had just got back from her lunch break and was thrilled for...

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Ladies group picnic

My neighbors wife asked me to drive her to her ladies group meeting on a Thursday afternoon at a local parkway. She and her husband (48/52 respectively)are good people who’ve been known to throw some lively parties in our neighborhood. They only had one car available as her husband drove to work and her car was in the shop. I am on disability so I agreed to drive her. I picked her(Jeanie)up at around 12:30 p.m. and we set out for her picnic. Jeanie is a drop-dead gorgeous long-haired redhead,...

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