BrattyMILF Emily Addison My Girlfriends Hot Mom
- 2 years ago
- 16
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July 20, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
Movement on the bed woke me. I knew that I had bedmates, but didn’t know who moved or, even, if the one belonging to the arm over my waist was the one who moved. I kept my eyes closed in that nice, hazy slow awakening that seems a part of a good night’s sleep. At least it does for me. I thought back to last night and remembered the incredible orgasm that I’d had and the dreamy quality of the sex with my two lovers that got me there.
Now, that my mind was a bit more awake, I could discern that it was Rhee next to me. I recognize well her breathing in her sleep after sharing a bed with her frequently in the five years that we’ve known each other.
I pondered the current state of my life. I’ve had a pretty good life, having been at least reasonably happy for most of it, and very happy for, perhaps, the past couple years. That change in adverbs from “reasonably” to “very” was slow and subtle, but seemingly correlated with my assumption of a more adult-like mindset: Doing what I needed to do in school and at home, taking ownership of my life, not expecting my parents to do everything for me if I didn’t feel like doing it for myself; just doing it, whether chores or schoolwork.
My home life, always good, has become superb, with little conflict with my parents. Oh, I remember conflict with them, but that’s mostly behind us, now. I find it amazing how much leeway I was given once I proved that I wouldn’t slack off on the tasks that I was assigned. I’m sure that having Rhee essentially live with us, at least off and on, for almost a year, was a major impetus in my not-quite-conscious effort to reform my behavior. While we have always been very good friends, she was a bit, um, brattier than I was, more resistant to doing what was required.
Though we were best friends, we still had a bit of a competition between us, and I shamelessly used her behavior to highlight my better behavior. When she realized that she was causing problems for my parents here, at her second home, she consciously improved, which forced me to improve to be “better” than her. I am somewhat surprised that that competition did not drive us apart. Instead, it forced us both to change for the better, and both of our lives got easier, though hers was bettered most by Carol finally booting her husband out the door. That experience brought us even closer together and, eventually, to where we are now, lovers committed to each other.
I then thought of the third person in our bed, the one that must be on the other side of Rhee, since I cannot feel her on my right side. I am still very confused about my reaction to Heather, but even more about the joint reaction to Heather that Rhee and I have had. What is it about Heather? Yes, she’s smart. Yes, she’s very cute. Yes, she has pretty little titties. But the attraction I have, that we have, for Heather is not physical, but more, for lack of a better term, spiritual, although the sex proves that there’s still quite a lot of physical involved in that attraction. I feel that she is important to me, to us. But, despite how certain I am of that feeling, it makes no sense.
What I have no confusion about, however, is that she has an important, very important, place in my life, our life. She is family. She is sister. She is ... I don’t know. Is she wife? Is she wife like Rhee is wife? Or is she “just” lover? While I would choose Rhee over her, that choosing would hurt very, very much. Probably so much so that it would damage me, possibly damage Rhee and me.
Okay, that’s getting too negative for this wonderful, lazing-in-bed-with-my-two-lovers morning. We don’t have to be at the pitch until 9:45. Since I had set the alarm yesterday afternoon for 7:30 and it hasn’t gone off, it’s obviously earlier than that.
Rhee’s breathing change immediately kicked me out of introspection mode. The movement of her torso next to me convinced me finally to open my eyes. It was bright outside, but I expected that, as I felt too good about my sleep for it to be before, or even shortly after, sunrise. I turned my head toward Rhee and found her eyes looking at mine. She slowly leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, a kiss that I returned in kind. Now that I was truly awake, I could hear Heather’s soft breathing behind Rhee, obviously still asleep.
I smiled softly at Rhee, then said softly, quietly, “I love you, Rhee.”
Her eyes lit up and she smiled at me. “I love you right back.”
Still quietly, I said, “I’ve been pondering Heather for a few minutes. Do you understand? ‘Cause I still don’t, despite that I don’t want to give her up. She feels like part of us.”
She shook her head, somewhat sadly and replied very quietly. “I don’t. I don’t understand, despite that I agree with you. Of course, I’m not sure that I would have understood what we feel about each other now even six months ago. So, I have hope of understanding Heather and us, as I definitely understand us. I have no doubts about us. It feels like we were meant to be together. There might be some ‘never-been-in-love-so-doesn’t-know-what-she’s-on-about’ aspect to my apparent understanding of us, but I feel that it’s right, we’re right.”
“Okay, but please let me know if you find enlightenment.”
I then snickered. Rhee returned the snicker.
“Are you laughing at me,” came from the other side of Rhee. My raven-haired lover grinned at me, then rolled over, grabbed Heather bodily and rolled her over herself and plopped Heather on her back between us, Heather’s end of the sheet flying out over me, leaving the two of them uncovered.
“No,” Rhee said, “We’re snickering about you. We’re snickering about the fact that we both find you so adorable and so ... fucking sexy. We’re snickering that we really like you in our bed.”
Rhee then proceeded to kiss Heather’s face, lightly, yet briskly, if that’s a thing. I decided to join in, starting on Heather’s neck and moving to her right cheek, then back to her ear. I reached my right arm out from under the sheet, batting the sheet aside, out of my way. I extended my hand to caress Heather’s right breast.
“Oh, god. Don’t get me worked up. I’ve gotta p...”
Rhee stopped her sentence by kissing her, and I saw her left hand join my right on Heather’s chest. When Rhee picked her head back up, her eyes were staring at me, passing a question to me. I nodded, sure of the unvoiced question. Rhee started moving her head southward; I mirrored her head action, while hoisting my torso up to put its weight on my left elbow on the bed. We each took a nipple into our mouths.
“Ohh-uhhah! Oh, god. Stop! Stop! I’ve really got to pee.”
With that, she thrust her torso off the mattress, sitting up, which action moved our mouths off her nipples, which were standing at attention. Heather then crawled over me and headed to the bathroom.
I looked at Rhee. “Should we, lover?”
“Oh, absolutely, Beth”
We climbed out of bed (I slapped the alarm off on my way by) and strode to the bathroom door, opened it, and strode through it.
“Peeing here,” Heather said, a bit testily.
“Indeed,” I responded as I opened the shower door and got both heads going (extra hot as Rhee and I had unvoiced plans), after which, I turned back toward Heather and Rhee. I was a bit surprised that Rhee was bent over kissing Heather on the throne, her left hand on the back of Heather’s head, her right playing with one of Heather’s tits.
After a few seconds, Heather sputtered and pushed Rhee’s head a little away and said, “How am I supposed to empty my bladder when you’re sexing me up, you hussy?”
“You said anytime, anywhere.”
“I did, didn’t I?” She shook her head slightly. “It makes me feel so good about myself that you want me enough to sex me up when I’m peeing. I love you, Rhee, Beth. You’re so good to me, for me.”
“Well,” answered Rhee, “we love you. You turn us on so much. We don’t understand it, but we want you, nearly all the time when you’re around us.”
When Heather looked at me, I nodded.
Heather finished up and wiped, then Rhee pulled her off the toilet and marched her to the shower. Heather and I stepped inside while Rhee donned her shower cap. By the time that Rhee entered the shower, I was sitting Indian style on the floor with Heather straddling my lap, her pussy against my belly, my hands on her breasts, our tongues dueling, all with the reflected spray of two shower heads misting over us.
Rhee also sat Indian style facing me, our knees touching, and pulled Heather’s head away from mine, then pulled Heather’s torso nearly into her lap, with their lips meeting upside-down, kissing. I leaned over and attacked Heather’s nipples with my mouth and reached my right hand into Heather’s crotch. She was so wet that two fingers slid easily and quickly as far as they could in her pussy; my thumb sought her button. I could hear Heather’s moans and gasps over the sound of two running shower heads.
Rhee must have gotten uncomfortable, because after a while, she moved around and lowered Heather’s back to the floor, which took those pretty little titties out of my reach. So, I concentrated on Heather’s pussy, replacing my right-hand fingers inside her with my left-hand fingers and began playing with her clitoris with my right hand. I watched Rhee as, partly lying on Heather, she kissed her with abandon and ran her right hand over those so-cute tits.
Heather screamed her ecstasy into Rhee’s mouth in almost no time. Though Rhee and I did not confer now, we didn’t let up. We allowed a slight breather, then sent her back to orgasm with more of the same, the second causing her to pass out. Since trying to give her a third in that condition would probably be futile, we turned her to parallel the wall at my back after I stood. Then Rhee stretched out on the floor a foot or so from Heather and I inverted myself over her, mouth to pussy.
We were both so amped from sending Heather to Nirvana twice that neither of us took long to reach the same plane. As Rhee was coming down from her squealing-in my-crotch cum, I had myself a pleasant little orgasm.
When I finally pulled myself off Rhee’s prostrate body, I stood and looked at Heather. While she was awake, I think that she was still more-than-a-bit woozy. I grabbed the bottle of soap and squirted a fair bit on my hands, rubbing them together to lather the soap. I then kneeled between Rhee and Heather and began soaping their bodies, left hand on Rhee, right hand on Heather. I gently caressed them with my soapy hands, starting at their shoulders and going all the way to their toes, though I had to replenish soap about halfway down.
Once I reached their feet, I said, “Both of you, when I get out of the way, roll right.” I re-soaped my hands, knelt back between them, and soaped up their back sides. When I finished that, they both stood and rinsed.
As I started soaping myself, Heather stopped me.
“No way, we’ll do you.”
It was exquisite. Heather did my back side, Rhee my front. They both reached between my legs about the same time, virtually out of soap. However, they did not go back for more soap. Instead, they both went for my pussy. They cooperated to get each of their right-hand index fingers, back-to-back, into my pussy. Having those two fingers wiggling around in there in different directions was odd, but very nice. Rhee also began playing with my clit. Heather took some of the soap off my back with her left-hand index finger and slid that partway into my anus. Oh, that was weird, but also very nice. With Rhee also kissing me, it took not even five minutes for me to get an even better orgasm.
After I came down and could stand on my own, we rinsed off. Before any of us could exit the shower or even turn off the heads, Heather spoke up.
“It is so ... absolutely, incredibly wonderful being with you two. From what little I’ve seen and read, most people don’t, they just cannot, have sex this incredible, not that I’ve seen or read all that much.
“In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t imagine that sex could be so damned spectacular. Granted, my wildest dreams never included another girl and no boy, much less two other girls. They certainly never included the prettiest girls in school, and they certainly never included me being so in love with both of them or with them both being in love with me.
“I know that I’ve said it before, but I am yours, both of yours, forever. You continue to rock my world and make me believe in myself. Thank you. I have a request, though.”
Rhee and I both nodded at her.
“Could we try a three-way kiss. This shower is so special to me that I wanted to try it before we finished in here.”
I grinned at her, then at Rhee. She and I both nodded at Heather, and we maneuvered until we could each get our lips at least partly on the other two. Our faces were mashed together, and we had to pooch out our lips, but we managed. It was not comfortable nor sexy, but we all cracked up about it. The important thing is that one of us wanted something, something innocuous, and we worked to achieve it.
We dried off, got dressed, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Partway down the stairs, I could smell the outriders of a hot breakfast; I presumed that that was Dad’s doing.
“Thanks for breakfast, Dad,” said Rhee as she wrapped him up from behind at the sink.
“It’s my duty. I’m responsible for the care and feeding of the team’s three stars ahead of an important game that will run into lunchtime. Of course, I made you a big, hot breakfast.”
Dad stopped washing dishes, shook his hands off, dried them with a towel and turned around within Rhee’s arms, then put his arms around Rhee. With more of him available, first Heather, then I pig-piled on, with Heather winding up attached to Dad’s front and Rhee and I on his sides with our arms around Dad and Heather.
“Well, we appreciate it, anyway,” I said, then I bussed him on his left cheek.
Rhee had been looking right at me when I did that, and her eyes gleamed. She glanced down at Heather, then the famous Rhee smirk crawled across her expression.
“We definitely appreciate it, Dad,” she said, after which she kissed him on his right cheek, then looked down at Heather.
I followed Rhee’s eyes to Heather, saw Heather looking up at Rhee when she blushed slightly. Either she was developing the ESP/silent communication skills that Rhee and I had developed together, or her incredible brain figured out Rhee’s suggestion. Or both.
“Yes, Dad, we do.” Heather then stood way up on her tiptoes and kissed Dad lightly on the lips.
“What is the world coming to. My two hoyden daughters are leading my well-behaved daughter astray.”
Rhee and I snickered.
“Go. Sit down and I’ll serve you minxes.”
We sat at the table, where glasses of juice and water awaited each of us. Dad then brought two plates from the warming oven, each with three large pancakes arranged in an overlapping circle and covered in what looked like a strawberry-blackberry compote. He put one in front of Rhee, the other at Heather’s place. He returned shortly with two more plates, putting one in front of me and the other at his place, though his had only two pancakes.
I dug in. Wow!
“Thanks, Dad. This is scrumptious,” I said.
“Well, just because my football stars need their carbs, doesn’t mean that those carbs need to be bland.”
The exclamations of “Thanks, Dad” from Rhee and Heather were overlapping and were answered by Dad’s “You’re very welcome.”
Once we vacuumed up breakfast, we three went back upstairs to change into our uniforms.
“Ummm,” Heather started saying, as she doffed her shirt.
She then looked over her shoulder at the open door, then stepped over to close it. With a pink face, she started again.
“Umm, does ... I mean, when we were all hugging ... um ... Dad and I ... I kissed him, ummm...”
She looked at the floor, her face reddening as I watched.
“Come on, Heather, spit it out. You’ve got a question and there aren’t stupid questions among us,” Rhee encouraged.
Heather quickly looked up at Rhee, then back at the floor, then at me, her face wearing that dogged expression that she presents when she is trying to get something out about which she’s embarrassed.
“When I kissed Dad, it seemed like he...” she inhaled deeply, let out some of the air, then continued, “got hard.” The next words tumbled out in a rapid stream. “At least, I didn’t notice it before, but it was obvious after I kissed him. Does this happen with you guys? If not, why me?”
Rhee looked at me, I nodded, and then she hugged Heather, then answered.
“It happens with us, but less than it used to in situations like that. Did you like it?”
Heather’s face had become less pink, but that process reversed a bit, and she nodded.
“Okay. You’re cute and sexy. I can’t imagine any male not getting at least a bit excited were you to kiss him. I suggest not worrying about it. You weren’t scared or concerned, were you?”
Heather shook her head emphatically and said, “No. He’s too nice. He would never do anything to me that I didn’t want. Isn’t that right?”
I broke in. “No. He wouldn’t. In all my time with him, he’s never, ever done anything to me that I didn’t want. Also, in all the years that I’ve been bringing attractive girls into this house, he’s never once done anything inappropriate. You know how all the gang feels about him and that they would not at all mind if he crossed some lines, but he never has. I second Rhee’s suggestion about not worrying about it. I’ll add that you can feel free to enjoy it when it happens. Also, while I don’t suggest going overboard, if you really wanted, you could kiss him again some time to see if it happens again.”
“But he’s your dad, you have ... umm ... dibs. I don’t want to annoy you.”
“You won’t. Really. If by some miracle I could have him like I want, I’d definitely be fine with sharing him with my best friends, and you’re one of those. If he’d be willing, of course.”
Heather lurched toward me a bit, but then Rhee released her, so she stepped into me and put her arms around me and hugged me tight.
“You’re wonderful. I cannot imagine any other girl sharing a ... dream boat like your dad.” She then looked into my eyes. “You really would, wouldn’t you?”
When I nodded, she reached up and kissed me, without tongue, but it was not a short kiss, either.
“I love you. I hope that I don’t annoy you by saying it too often, but you, you and Rhee, have made my life so much better. Thank you.”
I felt the jolt through Heather when Rhee’s body smacked into hers, then I felt Rhee’s arms squeeze between Heather’s belly and mine. I extended my arms to include Rhee’s shoulders.
I luxuriated in the hug for a bit, then said, “We should get going.”
Heather quickly kissed me again, then turned and kissed Rhee.
When we arrived at the pitch, only Ann and Mia, and Coach, had preceded us.
As we neared them, Coach asked us, “Big game. Nervous?”
“Nope,” answered Rhee, “confident. We’ve got our new, not-so-secret weapon of a right wing.”
I was a bit dumbfounded when Heather didn’t blush, but punched Rhee softly in the arm. When I looked at Coach, she raised her eyebrows at me in question. I simply tilted my head, raised my eyebrows, and shrugged my shoulders. “Yes,” my actions indicated, “Heather is becoming much more confident.” Coach nodded at me with raised eyebrows. “I agree, and that’s a good thing,” said her actions.
We all began stretching, during which Coach wandered over to the just-arrived GV coach. When Gracey arrived, I saw that Liya was with her, and she came over and hugged Rhee, Heather, and me. More and more of the team arrived and when all were present and Coach had still not returned, I spoke up.
“Gather ‘round.”
“For her horribly ... pretty goal on Tuesday, Tonda gets to lead calisthenics. After that, a nice, easy lap of the field. Tonda?”
In the pre-game huddle after warm-up, Coach started with, “As suggested by Whatshername, you should be confident today, but don’t get cocky. Four weeks ago, we drew at GV with what we thought was a pretty good offense on our side of the ball. Now, we have an up-and-coming star at right wing. Now, we have a suite of pick-’em-at-random-as-they’re-all-good sweepers. Now, we might consider the offense of that time to be a bit weak, as since the previous GV game, the offense is averaging just over eight goals a game. Now, we have an even-more-gelled D, that has given up an average of only one goal per game, with three shoutouts. I think Brianna and Marli are getting bored in front of the goal.”
There was chuckling.
“Yes, the team is playing exceptionally well. However...
“Play with confidence, but don’t even begin to think that just because you guys are playing that you’ll win. GV has a very good team, with a very good striker. It’s that striker that is the last item on my agenda.
“I have an idea, but I don’t know how well it will work, as, unfortunately, I didn’t think of it until last night, so we couldn’t practice it. The idea is doubling up, at times, on marking Sanderson. Ultimately, how well my idea works will depend upon how much the offense can keep the ball on their side of the field. Sanderson is not GV’s only scoring threat, but their offense is centered around her. I think that if we can frustrate her, cause her to pass when she might not want to, keep the ball off her feet as much as we can, we may able to put a spike in their O.
“We’re going to be playing something of a shell game involving Rathi, Ann, Gracey, Abby, and Lana, because I want to give Rathi and Ann breathers, as they’re going to spend much of their time on the field marking Sanderson. The idea is that I want front and back coverage of her anytime that she’s in the goal half of our side of the field, and the center half and center fullback are going to provide it. For the wing fullbacks, that means that you’ll have more responsibility than usual to make sure that the middle is defended, so please keep that in mind, all four ... no, five of you.
“It starts anytime that GV brings the ball upfield. The center half will stick to Sanderson from the centerline, or as soon thereafter as she can get to her. If and when she gets halfway down our side, the center fullback will join in the coverage of Sanderson. I want the coverage to force her to give up the ball. I don’t really care where it goes, as long as it’s not in her possession. Their right wing is a bit better than their left, so if we can force her to pass left, that would be best. However, it’s not that critical, so don’t try to force it and let her loose somewhere. Like Rhee would, she will make us pay for such a mistake.
“Rathi and Ann start as usual, however, Abby will start at right fullback. Gracey will come in at center back when Rathi comes off and Ann moves forward to center half. When Rathi returns, Ann will come out. When Ann comes in, Gracey and Abby come out, Lana coming in at right back. That means, Abby, when Ann comes in, you come out. Lana, that means you go in when Ann does. Have all of you got that straight?”
With various nods and verbal acknowledgements, Coach continued.
“Offense. If you have a chance to score rapidly, on a streak or whatever, please take it. However, I’d like you to chew up what time you can with tiki taka looking for good chances and strong offensive presses. The more time we keep the ball, the more time we spend on their side of the field – particularly, in the goal half of their side of the field, the easier the defense will have it in throttling Sanderson. So, fullbacks, lobs over the top are fine, if they’re on the mark and we get a good chance out of it. Midfielders, I want you thinking a bit more about defense than offense, but I also want you to support the time-killing efforts of tiki taka. Again, keeping the ball on their side of the field, in our possession, is also defense. In fact, it’s the most effective defense. Literally, if they don’t have the ball, they cannot score.
“Beth and Lissa, you’ll be trading on field and off field between you frequently. However, when you’re not on the field, I want you at my elbow, helping me keep track of, particularly, the apparent states of Rathi and Ann. I’ll have this little whiteboard to keep track of the various substitution times, which will help us gauge, in a gross fashion, when one of them might need a breather.
“Kanda and Dakota. I want you two at my elbow, also. I’ll probably be subbing you two in occasionally, to give Emma and Zala breathers, but not at the same time. If you’re not on the field, I want you with me, helping keep track of things, along with Lissa or Beth. This is going to be complicated, so, both of you, tell me right now if you understand the plan and what the logistics are. If you don’t, that’s fine, we can go through it again, but I want you to understand it, else you won’t be able to help me as much.”
The two of them looked at each other, and Dakota said, “You do it. I get it, but you can probably describe it in less time.” Kanda nodded.
“Front-and-back coverage on Sanderson on our side, center half and center back. Rathi starting at center half and on field in that position two of every three shifts. Ann starting at center fullback and on field two of every three shifts, moving to center half when Rathi goes off and alternating shifts off field with her, Gracey filling in at center back for the two of three shifts when Ann is not there. When Rathi returns, Ann comes off. When Ann returns Gracey and Abby come off, Lana comes in at right back. Beth and Lissa replacing each other. Somewhat frequent subs for wing midfielders. You didn’t say anything about the front line.”
“Excellent, Kanda. Really, that was a good synopsis. I’ll have to keep that in mind for future need. Sophia, you’ll probably get some time giving Zahira breathers, so please stay focused, and watch what the D is doing and what their O is doing when you’re not on the field. Padme, with Alex out sick, you’re probably going to get time in a variety of frontline positions as a sub, so please keep track of what our O does and their D’s response while you’re on the sideline.
“I would not have tried this, without practicing it extensively first – to say nothing of no practice at all, with any other team that I’ve had. However, this is, in addition to the best team that I’ve had, it’s also the smartest, most-flexible team I’ve had, and I bet that those two aspects are correlated, though your general level of talent is probably involved there somewhere. If we think that this effort isn’t working, then we can revert to the normal D, though with Ann having primary responsibility for Sanderson, as in the previous GV game.
“Final hit. Offense. The longer you keep the ball, the better off we’ll be, though please balance that with scoring. Remember that goal that Heather scored last week when Sedgwick’s D got lulled by a bout of tiki taka. That’s the kind of thing that needs to happen today. Frequently would be nice.”
There was chuckling.
“Beth, I think that you had something; go for it.”
“Thanks. We’ve now run The Thing of Beauty a couple of times and scored off it both times. Charlize, er, Sanderson is a soccer fanatic, so she’ll have heard about it somewhere. I would not be surprised if they’ve got a similar kickoff play, that is, one designed to score quickly. What they don’t have is a speed-demon at either of the two wings, though their right wing has some game. I suggest that on any kick-off of theirs, and, hopefully, they’ll get a lot of ‘em... [there was chuckling], we should be prepared for that. I think that the sweeper should glue herself to Sanderson on any kickoff, in addition to our center half’s coverage, Rathi’s or Ann’s. I also think that our left half should go with their right wing wherever she goes on a kickoff. We can quickly switch back to normal MO for sweeper and left half once we see what they’re doing, particularly if it looks like we scotched their plan.”
Coach responded. “Good idea. Lissa, please keep that in mind. Whoever’s at left half – Emma, Kanda, Dakota, see to the right wing when you’re at left half. Beth, do you have a thought for a kickoff play if we get the toss?”
“I have. Given your direction about keeping control on their side, I think that we should start doing so at the start. Sending it back to Rathi gives us the most options, and if she can get it, by herself or by passing forward, into their side of the field, we could try for a break immediately or allow tiki taka to uncover a chance. Personally, I wouldn’t mind our first possession taking a couple minutes off the clock.”
“Okay. Let’s do that. I see the officials heading this way, so stand down, get fluids, stay limber.”
We lost the toss and kicked off as we hoped. We did not get a goal on the play, nor did we knock a couple minutes off the clock. Their D was pretty tight, and they obviously knew something about Heather, as she was marked fairly tightly. Of course, if they were going to mark both Rhee and Heather tightly, we’d break out elsewhere, as there are only so many defensive personnel. If they pulled their offense back to help on D, then their O will suffer.
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-- TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning. So much had been going on last night, I must not have been very careful about shutting the curtains all the way. There was about an inch of space between the two curtain halves, and at this very time on this very date, the sunlight came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where the covers didn't completely cover my head. I found myself in a familiar position, spooned around the...
Trey and Mark are brothers, and as different as night and day. The only similarity in the two was their height. They both stood just a little over six feet tall. At thirty-eight, Trey was the typical biker type. His collar length wavy brown hair and hazel eyes drew women to him, along with his well-toned body. His typical attire was jeans, t-shirts and leather jackets or vests. Mark, at thirty-six, kept his brown hair cut short and while he was handsome in his own right, he'd always been...
"Where were you all night? Why aren't you in school? We've been worried sick." Those were the first things out of my mother's mouth when she came into my room. I hadn't even given any thought to the fact that mom and dad must've been petrified that their little girl hadn't come home last night. The relief combined with concerned angst was written all over her face. She hugged me closely first, then looked me in the eye and added, "You'd better have a good explanation, young...
I’m standing in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, applying my make-up. It’s a beautiful day and we decided to have a picnic in the park. I’m wearing jeans, a shirt that accents my curves and high heeled sandals. You come into the bathroom wearing loose fitting pants and a T-Shirt. “ Are you ready to go, baby?“ you ask, as you step up behind me. Finding your eyes in the mirror I smile at you, as you kiss the top of my head. “ Yes, I’m ready. How can I not be? Spending the entire day with...
The next time Guy Gilbertson showed up at Mina's house, sure enough, there were several men present. Among them was the parishioner who had originally disclosed the affair to Hank. His name was Seth, and he was an open homosexual, which was why Pastor Gilbertson had him expelled from the church. "Now, Seth, Murray, Roger, Jim, and Lewis will all fuck you as they please for a couple of hours, while I tape it, slave! How does that sound, slave?" Mina asked him. Guy did not much desire the...
Dad, Sarah and I were out the front when Snow pulled up in the drive the next morning. Dad and I were teaching Sarah the basic exercises of Taekwondo, and we both agreed she was a natural. I knew dad would love having someone new to take to the dojo. I also suspected that with her grace, mum might include ballet or some sort of dancing lessons. We turned to see Ryan get out and then Beth got out too. Ryan hugged dad, and I hugged Beth. I gave her a big kiss too. I had really missed her, and...
It looked like spring break was going to kill us all. I worked every day, but only a five-hour shift. Grandpa had me putting what I was learning in my Proteins class to work by preparing ‘ready to cook’ meats for the butcher case. I did kebobs, seasoned roasts, stuffed chicken breasts and pork chops. You name it. I even got a couple special orders. Easter was very late this year—only two weeks before the end of school—but people were already planning their meals. Two customers who tried my...
Joann remained where she was on the floor, watching her son roll off her daughter. His cock, limp now, still looked exciting to her. His prick was glistening with fuck juices, and, when her daughter sat up, leaning at the headboard of her bed, she turned her eyes to those spreading legs, seeing her daughter's almost-hairless cunt seeping creamy come juice. She saw Judy's tiny clitoris, the tip poking from the sugary folds. Slowly, feeling weak, Joann stood. Her legs trembled, and she was...
Emily Willis has tickets to a concert, but no way to get there! She and her friend are so stoked for the show that Emily’s willing to “borrow” her friend’s brother’s car for the night to get there – unbeknownst to him. That is, until he walks in on her with his keys in her hand! Emily can plead and plead all she wants, but Bam isn’t having it. But there’s one trick she has up her sleeve that she knows will work: her pussy. Rumor has it Bam’s packing and big dick, so Emily calls him on it to get...
xmoviesforyouHe knew that she was blue. The lack of expression on her face and in her actions was only a small part of the overall picture. The dejected slope of her shoulders as she sat demurely with her hands in her lap and her head slightly bowed completed the vision of a very sad person. The dozen long stemmed roses that he had brought to her lay forgotten on the table nearby. He removed his coat and kneeled on the floor in front of her. ‘I’m sorry, I know you were right. I never should have left in a...
Another day on the Bang Bus. Today we run into a cute young girl who apparently wants to be an actress. Little does she know, she’s just landed her first leading role! She’s the star of todays Bang Bus. After talking to her we convince her to flash us for $200. Then we get her on the bus where the real fun happens. We give her some more money to get her fully naked. She’s feeling herself. Now that she’s comfortable, it’s time to drop the bomb. $2,000 if...
xmoviesforyouNovember 23, 1991, Chicago, Illinois It was 2:00am and we were still talking. Jessica had cried a lot, and we’d cuddled her. Then we’d talked more, and she’d cried more. And we’d cuddled more. While talking, the clouds in my mind parted a bit and I saw some light. She had her own incest issues to deal with, and reading about my own ‘descent’, so to speak, into incest had triggered her issues. “Jess, we should probably get some sleep,” I said. “You don’t hate me?” “For what? You didn’t do...
The next morning, Sofia woke up slowly. She sat up in bed, and stretched, as she always did in the morning. She opened her eyes, and looked around her bedroom, still half asleep. And then it hit her. She was home. Sofia's eyes shot open, as she remembered everything that had happened. Meeting Kramus. Fucking Kramus. Being betrayed by Kramus. Meeting the Gods ... Had they truly brought her home then? Or was it all a dream? Sofia hopped out of bed, and ran to her bedroom door. She opened...
Hi everyone ,this is Sahil Khan age 22 from Mumbai.This is my first story I m going to narrate to u all,which happen recently with my neighbour Anna she must be around 23 or 24.Anna is a married lady residing next to me.She is really sexy with all the perfect assests .Her figure I can describe is 38-24-38.She got married 2 years back, her husband was a very lazy man ,with a a very heavy body structure.Before his marriage he was totally outline person ,. After marriage also he continued with the...
IncestSexy Kayley Gunner meets porn stud/director Mick Blue for an intimate, private encounter. He captures the date with lots of lascivious, POV-style footage. The lingerie-bedecked dirty blonde teases, showing off huge boobs, and Mick responds. He fucks her doggie-style, and she sucks his big cock, tasting her juice pussy-to-mouth. Kayley takes his boner between oiled-up breasts for a pulsing titty fuck. He pumps her shaved poon some more, and then munches on her twat while she holds her lacy...
xmoviesforyouThen, the following Tuesday morning, Casey is asking me all kinds of questions about this 'birthday party' for him and I keep telling him to just wait and see. So, we get to Lori's and, as planned, we go right in the house and up to her room where the other two girls are waiting. Lori is in a halter top with a short skirt and Denise is in a cutoff tee that looked like she was bare underneath and shorts, very short, shorts. "Hi, Casey, happy birthday," they both say as they jump up off...
YES! YES! YES! Continue! You’re such a tease! I’m sitting here with my pussy all wet and you have to leave for work? You should have called in sick and CALLED ME to tell me every detail! Now I’m sitting at my desk and I may just have to go to the restroom and get some relief! I was planning to come to New York in June, but after reading your email, I’m trying to find a flight for next week. Maybe the four of us can have some fun? (I know I’m married but I haven’t had sex in TWO YEARS!)
He was a large guy , over weight but athletic, thick legs , strong arms, and a very hot cock! He wasalways ready to cum . I had been sucking his dick since I was 13 and he was 18. We had to sneak around to find a place for me to suck him, roof tops, hallways up near the roof, sometimes his house when his parents were out and same thing with my house. When I turned 21 I got a store front apt and would see him every week day as he was coming home from work with his co-workers. He worked for...
By Lubrican Chapter 1 Kathy was at the age where she knew she had to go to these big family gatherings, but could only think of perhaps fifteen or twenty things she'd rather be doing. She knew it wouldn't do any good to protest, and she'd gotten in the car with her sister and mother, but she hadn't been happy about it. That changed when they got to her Grandmother's house. Kathy saw her Uncle and grinned. He was so cool. He was big and strong, but when he...
I was finishing cooking the meal, and Jane was upstairs getting ready, when the doorbell rang at 7 o'clock. I answered it, and Jason swept past me without a word. Jane came down the stairs wearing only a skimpy black nightie which left little to the imagination. She threw her arms around Jason, and they kissed passionately."I have been soaking wet all afternoon, thinking about you" she said breathlessly, "come and sit down while the wimp fixes us a drink"."Good idea" replied Jason, "get me a...
Nathan Bronson made a big mistake by making out with his stepsister, Rosalyn Sphinx. It may have been fun in the moment, but Rosalyn is now obsessed with Nathan and wanting more than he’s willing to give. He finds a pair of Rosalyn’s panties on his pillow and realizes that they’re damp. He can extrapolate that the moisture is from Rosalyn’s pussy juices as she masturbated herself to climax before placing her thong on his pillow. Later that week, Rosalyn snuck into...
xmoviesforyouI was kind of tired when she left so i decided to take a shower to relax and lay down for a nap, i thought that she would be gone for a couple of hours visiting friends. A shower always relaxes me. Before i took the shower i thought that i would shave my pubic hair as i always do. My wife loves the look of my big shaved balls and the little strip of pubic hair that i leave, just a thin line and trimmed short. This really turns her on, and i have to say that i love the feeling of it also. I find...
Mendon Fishers ©2012 The little girl came rushing in the house after the school bus dropped her off. She was wearing her little pink back pack with the unicorn decorations on it. She was excited and wanted her mother’s attention immediately as all little children did. To a small child their needs and wants are the most important things to them. Everything and everyone else could wait. ‘Why don’t you sit at the table and I’ll fix you a snack,’ her mother said. ‘Then you can tell me everything...
The next day, when calling his parents, Tony decided to try talking in Tamil.“This weekend I am bringing someone home.”His mother was astonished. “What? You are speaking Tamil?”“Yes, I am speaking Tamil.”“How did you learn it? Who is coming?”“Her name is Manjula. She comes from Sri Lanka.”At hearing a female name his mother excitedly burst into rapid Tamil far too fast for him to follow. “Slower? Slower... yes, she taught me... can she stay Saturday night?... she likes puttu... Mullaitivu...
First TimeOf course when you’re a girl, most friends tend to have ‘hot brothers’. Let’s just say my friend Sadie did. It was a cold night in October, and I was so excited because my friend Sadie and I were finally going to get to go to the concert we were waiting for. I was trying to pick out something kind of slutty, but something that was made for a more rocker type concert….Needless to say it wasn’t very difficult. I ended up comming out of my closet with a black v neck top that showed just enough,...
Each breath passes so violently into and out of me it feels as though each breath is trying to muscle the others to the side in their race to the finish line. The frequency has only increased, and my brain can hardly keep up with the hyper-oxygenation. My sight sparkles in time with the tingling in my extremities.Without a doubt, this is the best sex I’ve ever had – and it’s with a machine. There’d be a joke there if I primarily or exclusively slept with men. Okay, maybe half a joke. The...
I lost my husband in a car crash that happened 4 years back. It’s amazing that certain days just get imprinted in your head. The emotions the mindset everything it just gets recorded in your head. I think it has got to do something about the emotions u go through. They do the job of recording everything in your head precisely. It was a Friday. He was supposed to take me to this new restaurant in town. But he never came back home. I was dressed in this sexy black dress. I had plans. I was being...
ATTENTION READERS: The following is not a complete story. It is the first chapter of a novel I am writing called Secrets in the Dark. This novel will be filled with mystery, suspense, intrigue, and of course erotic liaisons. I have been working on this novel in my spare time over the past year. I am looking for feedback as to the following: -Do the characters grab you? -Do you care what happens to the characters? -Does this story grab you? -Now that you have read the first chapter, do...
There is a lot of risk and reward that I was willing to gamble as I walked into my motherinlaw’s home ready for sex... In the last confession, I admitted chatting with her as a stranger. Now my dick got the better of me and I was at her home with her masturbating on the bed thinking this other older man is coming over to roleplay as me and fuck her. The Fantasy into reality I guess is like a thirst. It’s a craving and a clear want for many people. Chatting with you horny xhampster members I’ve...
As I strode past her, having had enough of them picking on her, I muttered to myself, “Gonna get kicked out for this…” I strode right up to the idiot throwing the eggs, dodging an egg as I did, Stomped on his foot to keep him in place, and forced the heel of my palm against his sternum. Hard. I grabbed him by the shoulder, careful to pinch the pressure point next to his neck, and threw him against the locker to his right, pinning him there. “Now you listen to me, assclown. Leave her alone, and...
Martreen believed the hunting party had headed for the lower level of what they called MammothMountain, so taking a water skin, weapons and dried meat I headed out in the same direction. From the campsite, I moved steeply up through the last of the tree-populated area, and arrived at the start of a ridge after about 30 minutes. A couple of hours later, I arrived at the ridge proper. This ridge section was especially spectacular, in some places its knife edge path had steep drops down to the...
Daniella took up the “doggy” position, and I stood behind Josh, looking over his shoulder at her tiny pink arsehole. I could hardly believe what I did next, trembling with excitement and fear. I put my hand between my son’s legs and guided his cock tip into her arsehole. When he had pushed all the way in, to accompanying groans from Daniella, I then took turns playing with his balls and Daniella’s cunt in turn, sliding my fingers between her cuntlips and plunging two fingers into her hole...
“Step right up! Step right up and experience the greatest show on earth. Go though the maze of mirrors or visit our special barn. Experience the worlds greatest hypnotist or meet the incredible Mistress Selena. Help wanted as well. All this and 10 times more at Cirque de Fetish! It is even free of charge 3 nights only!” The barker is yelling out over the crowd as you approach the front gate with all the other people. You can feel the excitement, anticipation and smell the sex wafting though the...
FetishI woke up early Monday morning. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get ready before I left for work. I didn't want to be rushed. I was excited to start work. I've only ever had jobs as a server or working retail. This was a "grown up" job. I decided to act on my excitement prior to getting ready for work. I pulled out my dildo and suctioned it to the chair. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I wasn't wet so I had to gently guide the dildo into my pussy. A little rubbing made me wet enough...
Male: You own your company. You do asset management for rappers and sports stars. You've been too busy making money and taking care of other people's money to have much of a social life outside of work so you're still looking for Mrs. Right. Female: Reporter for the local TV affiliate back in Boston. You and your fiance Greg, who anchors the program, are to be wed in June. The choice you make here affects what relationships are available to you (gay relationships are possible, but not with all...
I looked across the bar and wondered if he would talk to me. I had been feeling guilty since the Christmas party. I shouldn’t have let that happen. He is older and married. It isn’t right. Besides nothing career wise happened to me. I decided I am going to tell him that I don’t want to do this anymore. I had it all worked out just in case he did talk to me. By 8:00 many of the people had already left. I was about to go myself. Mr. D’Angelo walked up to me and said “Hi how are you doing?”...
I was a thirty-four-year-old unemployed, still living at home, lonely, single, and incredibly horny woman. I watched porn on the net majority of the time. Every single day. I found hentai she-male and lesbian porn interesting and hot, lesbian porn was so hot! Especially when there's two smoking hot blonde women on top of each other rubbing their wet pussies together. Oh, man, I would rub my left middle finger up and down on my pussy and masturbate. I found tentacle porn a turn on as well. I...
MasturbationIt is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...
BDSMMALE HOUSE WIFE BY JANICE My name is Nathan; I was twenty one when my life started changing. I had my own company which employed between twenty and twenty five people. It seemed the biggest problem I had was my stature; I stood five foot two inches tall, average for everyone in my family for several generations. I was a good business man but felt that if I was more imposing I might have more customers. Maybe I was a...
I am the mighty Cernunnos, nature god of the old world. I am the lord of all male animals, fertility, and procreation. There was a time when you humans revered me. Then, you decided to worship false gods that you invented. You worship material possessions and worse more, you worship gods like the Christian one. Your kind has forgotten me, but I will be ignored no longer! I have taken one of your most desirable women, now I shall take another. I used a minor version of my spell for the first...
Caught With the Consequences Pt. II By Teaser So here I am. Friday night. Driving around in a pretty ritzy neighborhood, searching for Debbie's home. I must have it all wrong. Sure she seems like a classy broad, but she couldn't afford these kinds of digs. At least not on a secretary's salary. Being lost actually suited me at the moment. I was still way too nervous. I wasn't at all sure I could go through with this. You see, I like to wear pantyhose. I'm not gay (not that there's...
June 1978 I woke up early on Sunday morning, feeling good for the second day in a row. I decided I was going to go to church as well. There was something positive about sitting in church that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. After church, I did my chores and then pedaled over to Bethany’s house for lunch. Her dad made hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill and I ate two of each. Bethany laughed when I had the second hot dog after I’d already had two burgers and a hot dog. “I’m a growing...
FOREPLAY My wife and I have the same taste, in almost every respect. We love the same food, the same wine, the same outfit style, the same vacation resorts, the same people. In our hometown, the ‘Rider’ was our favorite hangout. It was there where we met Sue. That she was called Sue was written on her name badge. Only much later we learned about her last name – but who’ll care about the last name with a woman like her. With respect to Sue, my wife and I had the same opinion, too. The new...
Mmmmmmmm ... it felt like I was taking a nice warm luxurious bath. I felt enveloped in soft moist warmth, my whole body tranquil and at peace ... What? ... What the fuck was that on my cock! I stirred from my sleep and looked down towards my groin. Oh man! ... What a sight! There was my sweet 18-year old niece, Emma, leaning over my upright cock. I stole a quick glance over at the clock on the bedside table, 8:49, before looking back at her. The soft morning light was streaming in around the...
Greg thought the older you get the faster time goes by. It didn’t seem that four months had passed since his wife Jill had last made her trip to Dallas. He was now driving her to Tampa International Airport for her to go back to Dallas, Texas to spend four weeks with their daughter Beth, her husband and her three children. He was not a fan of her continuing to take these trips but after what had happened the last time she visited he had changed his opinion. If there could be a repeat of his...
She was exactly my type. Short brown hair, so pretty, so little. Her hands were delicate and her smile quick. She bobbed her head and sang along with each song the rink announcer played. I knew I shouldn’t use my power, but she was too tempting. She was just irresistible. I was at a hockey game. The home team was winning. Twenty thousand fans were around me screaming. I saw only her. She was with her boyfriend. This Italian looking punk that I hated on sight. She kept cuddling up to him,...
If you do not like this type of story, do not read it. __________________________________________________________________________________ Sara smiled to herself; she knew this was the right moment to begin. She and Mike had planned this for a while, and they were excited now because this was the moment they had been waiting for months. They never really picked a date, they just decided to say goodbye to everyone they knew and moved to their little cabin deep in the Canadian woods. They...
I closed the door to my camper pick up and hurried back inside the house. It was July in Missoula, but summer nights in Montana can still get pretty cold. I had jeans on but just a light shirt, so I was shivering. Inside, the aroma of coffee drifted to me. ‘Shit!’ I thought, ‘She must have heard me.’ I was sorry I’d awakened my wife, Jan, but I was grateful for the hot coffee awaiting me on the table. I kissed Jan’s deliciously night scented neck and apologized. “I guess you heard me closing...
Fbailey story number 545 Caught In The Act I am a bachelor so needless to say I let my dishes build up before I wash them. Running out of spoons and bowls is usually the sign that it is time. However, in this case I saw Jamie my beautiful neighbor out in her backyard. She was wearing a black cotton summer T-shirt without sleeves and a white pair of shorts that were not quite short enough. It was the first time since the weather started warming up that I had seen her looking...
Like all teens I was constantly horny. Just thinking about sex was enough to make my cock immediately get hard. But I was also a shy, nerdy type and couldn't even imagine how I'd ever get a girl to have sex with my. Hell, I could hardly talk to one. So, like most teen boys, I jacked off a lot.I liked the way my cock looked when it was hard. It was easy to fantasize about the way its head was shaped to help spread the lips of a pussy and ease inside. There was a hand mirror in the bathroom at...
Chapter 1: The Request Freddie Clegg was standing on the loading dock as the cage was rolled out. The cages were an improvement on the crates, he thought. Easier to keep an eye on the merchandise, less risk of damage in transit with the new designs and much more secure. The team had done a good job on building these. The naked girl inside was probably not as impressed. However, the way that she restrained inside the cage coupled with the results of her training, the trauma resulting from her...
I grew up on a farm with my twin sister and both my parents. The farmhouse is a nice big cottage in the middle of big open fields and woods that are miles in every direction. Back in the woods is a great big pond that nobody knows about and sometimes when we were younger my sister and I would sneak off and go skinny dipping in it. There was nothing sexual about it. We both just liked the feeling of being naked outside and swimming.We are very close, my sister and I, being twins and all. Our...
[Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it has not happened, and likely never will happen. However, if any events do actually occur, in whole or in part, it is by pure coincidence. Any and all characters based, however loosely, on actual persons have had their names changed.] =============================================================== Ive known Kelsey since she was about 6, shes the daughter of a co-worker at the library I work for. She was always very tomboyish, hyperactive, and...