Charlies Wild Weekend
- 4 years ago
- 26
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I looked back at the couple on the ground and Alana was already sitting astraddle Coach Peters. They were both making loud noises and I heard him scream about the time I made it to Aunt Carol’s vehicle. I knew they would be fine though. My Angels would never let harm come to them. I had to laugh, because it was him screaming and not Alana. Our young cheerleader coach has finally become a Bad-Girl and our football coach is going to be the beneficiary of her new found, bold sexuality.
The next morning, Julie and Sydnee were still in bed when I left early for our first practice. We were supposed to have drills and run with no pads today, but I wanted to get there early.
I saw two sexy asses up ahead and instantly, I knew it was Jen and Jan Sorengen running. Both have their long blonde hair in pony tails and they really do look like pony tails too. As they bounced, their long hair was down to their silky jogging shorts and my cock got hard just looking at them.
I eased up beside them and let the passenger window down.
“Morning, sexy Jorgenson twins. You girls sure look fine this morning.”
“Hey, Charlie. How was the lake?” Jen answered, as they stopped and stuck their heads in the window.
“You sure are dark, Charlie. You must have been in the sun night and day,” Jan told me. I knew what she meant. They may be blonde, but they’re smart as hell ... well maybe heaven ... nah, they’re as smart as little Devils! Yeah, that’s it.
“We did get a lot of sun. I’ll never be as dark as you two. You must lay naked in the sun all the time.” They knew what I meant ... And I’m not even blonde.
“We do. I wish we had a pool.”
“We have one now. Come over and swim with us.”
“REALLY? Did you really mean that?” Jan squealed.
“Sure, we’d love to have you. You can even bring a bikini, just in case you don’t like swimming naked.”
“Oh – we’d love to swim naked, we just never get to.”
“Yeah, we’ll give you a call before we come over.”
“I’m on my way to football practice. We only have morning practice this week. Next week we’ll have two-a-days. Come on over about 4:00 this afternoon, if you like. You can meet my new sister. She’s your age and she’s sexy as hell, just like both of you. I’d love for you to be her friends, since they just moved here.”
“Hey thanks, Charlie. We’ll see you then. Will we really get to swim naked?”
“We do!”
“See you then, love that tan you got.”
“Love both your sexy bodies all over.” I looked in my rearview mirror and saw them waving.
Man, what some sexy young girls. They’ll look like seniors before next year this time.
UH-OH. Just as soon as I thought that, I knew what was about to happen. I turned the corner to circle the block.
Sure enough, they were both waving and smiling as I rode by. Their oversize jersey’s weren’t oversize any longer. Those girls have titties to match Andie now.
{Oh yes. I just love my Angels more each day}
{Just don’t get us in trouble}
{Never gets any fun?}
{Does she look like Jen and Jan}
{Does that mean she will soon?}
{Then make sure she’ll be available and we’ll swing by there as soon as we leave football practice ... that is, if nothing comes up}
The first person I saw when I stepped out of Aunt Carol’s SUV, was Jimmy.
I noticed the physical changes as he was going through them last night, but now, my buddy has gone through even more changes. He’s really beefed up since last spring when school let out. I knew why too, and kissed my Angels right on their pussies.
{Well, just don’t go overboard with his changes. You have to realize that football and soccer are competitor sports and we need to make it looks legit, even though you have given double helpings of changes to Jimmy, Andie and me}
“Hey, Charlie. Man, that was some crazy shit we pulled last night at the mall. Sher and I laughed about that until we cried.”
“It sure was and it all started with Alana wanting to be bolder and have fun with her new body.”
“Speaking of new bodies ... Man, I love what you’ve done for Sher and me! I feel like I could take on the world now, and Sher is a totally new person with that killer body you gave her ... UH...
“ ... Charlie ... I hate to even ask this ... but, if your Angels have any leftovers of that magic shit they pulled last night, could you let them help our Mom? She’s been down in the dumps for weeks and we can’t bring her out of it.”
“What’s wrong with her?”
“She just turned forty and that asshole of a husband of hers, has been really hard on her because she’s overweight and never has time for him.”
“Count it done. I’ll ask them to take care of a few details for your mom while we practice today ... Say, I hate to ask you this, but as your best friend – does your step-dad mistreat your mom?”
“She would never say anything if he did, but Sher and I really believe he is abusive to her. Maybe not so much physically, as he is mentally abusive. We’ve seen her crying and she tells us it’s because her sister, Aunt Jenny Beth, has cancer and she’s not responding to treatment, which is true, but we know there’s more to it, with Mom crying all the time.”
“You just let me handle this! I’ll put my best backups on the case and they’ll do whatever they think needs to be done. With your mom, her sister and your sorry-ass step-dad.”
“Shit Man, I owe you already for all you’ve done for Sher and me. I’ll be in your debt forever if your Angels can fix mom’s life and somehow help her sister.”
“Let’s get dressed-out and warmed up so we can practice some football. You’ve seen how my Angels can fix problems and make changes, they’ll have your mom on top of the world by the time you get home.”
{I knew you would. I trust you to do what’s right, since I can’t be there}
{Will you still be here with me, even though you’re helping Jimmy’s mom and his aunt}
{I am the luckiest guy in the world. I wouldn’t know what to do without you now that I’ve discovered you. Just knowing you are here with me, makes me feel better ... even invincible. Thanks once again, Girls}
We had one heck of a practice today. Though we didn’t dress out in pads, we worked out and ran through some new plays the coaches had dreamed up over the summer. Even though I knew my Angels have been working on Jimmy, with his body, his mental skills and his personality, I was amazed at the transformation in him. He’s two inches taller, but built like Rob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots. He can run like an antelope, catch anything within arms reach, and when it comes to blocking, Jimmy has already memorized all his blocking assignments no matter which play we call.
Coach Jim Peters praised Jimmy and me, and that makes us even more determined to be the best. “I don’t know what you two have been up to this past summer, but if it’s legal – keep up the good work.
“Jimmy, you are the most improved player I have ever coached. Charlie is a close second, but we already knew he was going to shine this season ... we just didn’t know he was going to look like The Hulk, when he returned from summer break.
“I’m sure our opponents will file a protest and petition the conference officials to request blood tests for both of you ... and for HGH and other banned substances.”
I told him, “Coach, we did this ourselves. We’re clean and they can test us all they want to.”
After practice, I swung by to drop Jimmy off at his house, and boy did he and I ever get the shock of a lifetime. There was a U-Haul trailer backed up to the front porch and his step-dad was throwing boxes and clothes into it.
I parked over to the side, on the grass as we sat in the vehicle and watched. Sher came out on the porch, and dang, was she ever giving him a shitload of grief. I mean she was shaking her finger at him and he wasn’t even responding. Damn, the guy has a black-eye too! She’s already nailed him for some reason!
When he loaded the last of his junk, he pulled out of the drive and left in a hurry, without looking our way.
I told Jimmy, “Man, Sher really gave him hell there for a while. I wonder what she was so pissed off about? He had one hell of a shiner when he left. Did you see that?”
“That’s not Sher, Charlie ... That’s MY MOM! GOOD-GOD-IN-HEAVEN ... Your Angels have totally outdone themselves this time. Would you just look at my hot-ass mom? Shit, Charlie, she looks just like Sher and she’s smiling at us. We better go see what has happened and how she’s taking the sudden changes ... Thanks a million, Charlie Walker, for letting your Angels help my family and me. I owe them and I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me or my Angels anything. You’re my best friend and my Angels love all my friends unconditionally. I just hope I don’t mistake your mom for Sher, and she slaps the shit out of me when I grope her butt!”
“Shit, it will probably be me who gets slapped. Sher and I are always playing grab-ass!”
Jimmy was first up the steps and I was right on his heels as we took them two at a time.
“Mom, what in the heck has happened with you and Oliver, and what has happened to you? Mom, I got to tell you, you look sexy as hell. You look just like Sher!”
“I know Jimmy! Shit, Sher and I were sitting at the table talking when Asshole came in from his shift at the recycle center. He was in a mean-ass mood and started cussing and raising hell. He slapped me, and Sher jumped his ass from behind. I mean your little sister took him down, and beat the living dog-shit out of him right there in the kitchen floor...
“He grabbed the dough-roller off the counter and drew back to hit Sher. That was when I jumped up and took a swing at him as hard as I could with my fist. He went down – out cold as a dead mackerel! I was bent over Sher, trying to make sure she was alright, when she started laughing. Hell, I started laughing too and we rolled all over the floor laughing like hell, as Oliver stumbled to the bathroom.
“When Sher pulled me to my feet, she pointed to me and yelled. Then she pulled me into her bedroom and over in front of her mirror. That’s when I saw two of Sher standing there, before I realized that one of her was ME!
“Then Sher yelled, CHARLIE... and told me that it was Charlie’s Angels who’d made the changes.
“Charlie, I could wring your neck for this, if I wasn’t so damn happy to look identical to my daughter. Instead of wringing your neck, could I have a hug?
“ ... Jimmy, you don’t need to see this, Hon. Please go check on Sher. I think she may have a bloody nose.
“Come here to me, Charles Daniel Walker. If I wasn’t so old, I’d throw your sexy ass on the floor and fuck you silly for giving me this fantastic young body, and for helping us rid ourselves of that scab of a scrounger who lived here and claimed to be my husband!”
“I love older women, Ms. Chamness,” I told her and she leaped for me with her arms open wide.
She was laughing and I was too as we hugged and danced in a circle. Man, Sher ain’t got shit on her mom. This woman is a hard-body just like her tomboy daughter.
“Charlie, I was just overly excited when I told you that I’d throw your sexy ass on the floor and fuck you. I hope you’ll forgive me for being so nasty with you.”
“Ms. Chamness, if you ever want to make it happen, just holler and I’ll willingly let you throw me on the floor ... I’ll even help you fuck me. I’d love to have some of your pussy!”
She was laughing like hell as she grabbed me again, then told me, “You wouldn’t tell your mom on me, would you? Damn, Charlie, I get weak kneed just looking at your sexy ass. Would you really let me give you some pussy?”
“You need to look in the mirror again, Ms. Chamness. Your boobs are so big, you’ve popped your bra. Your sexy butt is so full and shapely, you’ve split your cotton house dress. Your face is identical to Sher’s and I’ve always thought she was beautiful ... heck yes, I’d not only let you. I’d help you fuck me, if you’d let me fuck you again, right after you get through fucking me. Besides, you really do need to try out your new body, before you take it out on the road, looking for a real man to love you. You’ve lived with that old grouch so long, you’ll need a few lessons in how to love a young man, just to get back in the swing of things.”
“Charlie, are you serious? You wouldn’t let Sher and Jimmy know we fucked would you? Damn, I’m so fucking tempted to strip off naked right here and now.”
“We may need at least a dozen, really hard-fought fuck-fights to get you back in shape to take on a real man again...
“But first things first, and before I forget...
“Have you heard from your sister today? Jimmy told me she’s been really sick and that she’s not responding to her treatments. I’d be glad to take you over to see her, that is if you’d let me.”
“Step out of the room and let me slip some of Sher’s sweats on and I’ll take you up on your offer. You’re such a sweet young man. I’m so proud you’re best friends with Jimmy and Sher.”
“You don’t have to be bashful with me. I’ve seen Sher naked and you look just like her.”
“You sly dog, you! I knew when she told me about your huge cock, that she had had already been naked with you. I can’t say that I blame her either ... Look at my naked ass, if you must ... I’m so proud of my new body, I have to show it off to someone, and why not show it to the young man who made it possible?”
“WOW, Ms. Chamness, you really are sexy as hell! You’ve got your daughter beat! I love your bald pussy too. I suppose you know, you’ll never have pussy hair again and you’ll always have this sexy body for as long as you live.”
“Hush, Charlie. I’m standing here in my own bedroom, naked as a stripper, wishing my kids weren’t here so I could show you how much I love you for all you’ve done for us. I can hardly keep from asking you to show me your cock. Sher told me it was a foot long and that she took all of it in her pussy ... SHIT! I need to stop thinking of my own sexy daughter taking a foot long cock in her pussy ... Did you really fuck her? Tell me the truth, Charlie. Did you?”
“No, and I cannot tell a lie ... Sher fucked me!”
“Pull this damn sweatshirt down in back for me. I can’t get the damn thing over these huge hooters you’ve blessed me with. Sher’s already told me that Julie and Mandy informed her, that hers would never sag or change ... forever. Is that true?”
“I’m ready if you are, Charlie. I meant to say ... I’m ready to go see Jenny Beth.”
“Dang, and I thought you meant that you were ready to give me some pussy!”
“Will you take the long way back? I still want to see if I can get your huge cock – which Sher described in detail to me – in my sweet little virgin pussy you and your Angels have blessed me with.”
“What would you do if your sister Jenny Beth, was feeling so much better, that she too is suddenly identical to Sher?” I ask her as I held the passenger door open for her to get in. Damn! What an ass Sher’s and Jimmy’s mom has! I had to spank her on her tight sweats as she bent to get inside. Before I closed the door, she looked at me and asked.
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"This is my harem," said Bukhari, not quite believing that he was personally giving his captive a conducted tour of the parts of his residence that she would inhabit. His three concubines were all over him, rejoicing that he was home safely and that they would not, therefore be sold. The captive he had brought from Tirfil was older than any of them and looked to be no great competition for his attentions. Moreover he had promised to marry when the war was finished and each of them had been...
The Oracle Of New Delphi By Hypatia Part 2 "Vehicles coming in Boss, it could be Wendy's team she's due but I'm not certain" the lad said. "Incoming" I shouted and the kitchen crew appeared armed with rifles Anne came with a SA 80 for me. "Gentlemen if you will excuse me a moment" I said slamming a magazine into the rifle and throwing my coat on. "It's probably Wendy's mob but better safe than sorry" I explained as I shoved the other two magazines for the rifle...
A few years ago I went to my twenty five year high school reunion. Coincidentally, I’d also begun a fitness regime about a year ahead of the reunion. I didn’t really do it for the reunion, but over that year the reunion date did provide some motivation. After all, the desire to impress a group of people that you shared five years of your life with in the distant past seems a common condition. Since I wasn’t famous or rich, the only avenue left to me to impress was through a regime of workouts....
FetishI had just gotten into one hell of a fight with my live-in girlfriend of two weeks, Lizzie, so I definitely needed a distraction, and Uncle Ray’s Halloween/birthday bash that he had thrown to celebrate my “spooky” birthday was just what the doctor ordered. Being the birthday boy, I considered two obvious choices, Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees, but settled on Jason because a hockey mask seemed to fit my nasty mood. Typically for her, Lizzie had declined to go because she was still steamed at...
The dishes were finished. Kids were at school. Hubby was at the office. Washing was done. I was horny. So what was new? Bloody Steve - always tired. My pussy was aching and as usual, the batteries in my vibrator were flat. I could use my fingers, but it just isn't the same. I needed tongue.
Hi. I’m a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story, story includes me and two girlfriends’ mama and Sonam, I have added two parts as mama came after Sonam. Romance with sonam- Myself shyam. We were from same boarding school from childhood, in 9th class somehow our love story started chupke chupke & we both used to exchange love letters and sms,as time passed we became sulty towards each others body but honestly I loved her truly,during winter holiday she asked me to visit her home, I...
I licked my lips hungrily, flashed Jim a seductive come fuck me look, and suggested, “I for one cannot wait to see what kind of action, lay ahead for the four of us.” John stretched, winked at me, and confessed. “Wow, I do not know about you, but I had one hell of a time at your party, Jim. We’d love to stay and fuck all night!” Kathy then spoke up and said, “I’m getting something to drink, would anyone else like one?” I looked her in the eyes, grinned, and purred, “How’s about I...
I was on cloud nine! I could never have imagined getting such a job so early in my career! Frankly, I did not believe I was even qualified for it, but god knows what the selectors saw in me, I was selected and today I was there on my first day in the new job. The boss welcomed me very warmly and invited for dinner at his home.This was another surprise for me, but then, well, I was now in the senior management cadre! Probably one of the youngest ones! I decided to start my day by meeting my...
I rented a house on the beach. I needed a mini vacation to get away. I love Baltimore but the winter was to long this year. I needed some sun, sand and warm ocean water. I picked up my towel off the dining room table. I had some white Hawaiian shorts on. They go all the way pass my knees. I have my white shirt in my left hand. Also a small cooler with some beers on ice in my other hand. I grab some sun tan lotion and the keys to the house. I put my sun glasses on my head. Flip my...
My name is Jake, I am a straight married 54 year old white man with twomarried daughters, who has a good life, I have on occasion submittedsexually to dominate males. I was whipped with a belt OFTEN growing up, andseem to need the discipline now. I had joined a spanking hookup site andover the years have taken a lot of whippings from dominant men. I havesubmitted to some for years at a time. Something still seemed to be missingin my life. I have a thing it seems for CMNM (clothed man naked man)...
Ever have one of those days where a good long fucking makes everything for the time be just better. I was a short and stocky 20 year old with jet black hair and dark brown eyes. I was an airman (E-3) working as a plane captain in the navy with E-2C Hawkeye. It had been a long week, over 96 hours of running up and down a flight line refueling and turning around aircraft so the marines down south running a live fire exercise, didn’t accidently fire on their own people. We started flying on 0630...
Gay MaleKrystals Diary Tuesday the 9th... "Twin brother, Billy, rang today. I know he calls a lot but that's to do with business. This was about he and his team coming to town to play in a pre-season mini tournament against three other teams. He would be here for about ten days so hopefully there will be a chance to get together and act a little crazy." I still look back at that diary entry and I can't believe what I wrote and how much my life was to change following just those ten days. Billy...
"How's it going with Traci?" Tami asked on Monday. "Better. She's a little cool, but she isn't ignoring me." I got my books for first period and closed my locker. "What's wrong with Traci?" Robbie asked. Tami smiled and told her about Traci catching me with Mikee and the talk she'd had with her. Robbie laughed. "Tony, you're turning the whole county into the twilight zone. I keep expecting Rod Serling to step out of a doorway." "What'd I do?" I protested. "You keep...
Exams were done. Another graduating class had been sent off into adulthood. Now, I had about two months of summer to not deal with students. Don't get me wrong. I loved being a teacher. But summer vacation was always something I looked forward to. As I packed up stuff in my room, I thought about some of the seniors I had this year. There were always some very lovely ladies in my classes and while I very subtly watched them I never actually did anything with them. That didn't stop me from having...
InterracialAl was noticeably brighter, if far from back to normal while they waited for the customer bus to pull in. As the time grew close, Scooter sat back on the nose of her raft, and, as had become traditional, lit a cigar. Crystal came over to join her for a moment, and whispered that she'd sneaked up to the phone and called Michelle, telling her briefly what had happened and that she thought Al was going to make it. "I think so, too," Scooter whispered back. "I think he's finally accepting...
Xi Pegasi System System Command 14/37/41 NR 0615 Hours Aaron turned as the admittance chime sounded. “Come in.” He’d just finished packing, and he closed his locker as the door to his quarters opened. David Matthews stood in the doorway with an anxious look on his face. “I’m ready, David,” Aaron said teasingly, and then his expression blanked as his chief of staff’s expression registered. “What is it?” “We just received a message from the sats at the wormhole, Sir. The Unis have transited....
He knows my darkness, and he hasn't left me yet. I’m a virgin with a fear of intimacy, but a curiosity that may one day get me killed. He doesn’t think I’m weird. We've been taking things really slowly, and I’m perfectly fine with that, but I want him. I want him to take me hard. I want to please him. He won't let me have him yet. Tonight will be the night. His little pet is going to be such a naughty girl tonight he won't be able to resist. He hates when I ignore him. We have a date tonight,...
First TimeThe elevator doors opened and Harry stepped back to make room before looking up. Coming into the elevator were two angels, positive angels! Harry was stunned as one of them smiled at her and the other smirked at her reaction. The angels were both in white, wearing very thin white robes over some of the sexiest lingerie she had ever seen. The tall brunette was in a teddy, the sheer white robe did nothing to cover that fact. She pulled it tight around herself, which just emphasized her amazing...
LesbianMum and dad and Sarah left for Margaret River around ten. I walked around making certain there was no mess. Rachel rang the doorbell just after eleven. "Hi." "Hi," I responded. She was wearing a tee shirt, tiny shorts and running shoes. I took her gym bag. "You look lovely." "Thank you." We were both nervous. I gave her a little kiss. "Thanks. Is there any of the white wine in the fridge?" "Let's look." I put the bag at the foot of the stairs and took her hand. It was a bit...
When Jenn came up for air, she saw me in the hot tub. I guess she didn't want to leave me alone, so she stepped out of the pool. Naturally, the boxers were attempting to fall off, and the T-shirt was now all but transparent. I remained poker-faced, but was admiring the view.Jenn joined me in the hot tub, sitting next to me - which was nice. I looked at her, and took a chance. "Jenn, I hope this doesn't embarrass you, but when you stepped out of the pool, I was blessed with quite a view!" "What...
When she reached the group blocking her way, the boy snarled, and reached his gauntleted hands out to grab her. She walked right through him. A few feet beyond them, she turned, sighed, and shook her head as though she was sorry for them. Then David let the illusion fade slowly away. They stood there dumfounded. With all the things they had been rehearsing in their heads, from mayhem to martyrdom, they simply had not considered the possibility of that happening. They stood around silently,...
The WOS sailed past us, and was shortly followed by the disabled Hunter missile. I thought quickly, and decided on the spot. "Bonnie, match course and speed. Let's recover our missile." "You got it, Love." The maneuver took only a few moments and soon the tractor beam of the ship was bringing the hunter missile back into the 'My Love'. Sue finally managed to reach a chair, and strap herself in. Her pride may have been bruised, her body surely was. "Captain, I don't think we have...
Commodore Barnhart was prompt. While I waited for the commodore, I looked into hiring guards for myself and my ship. Station security was supposed to safe-keep all ships that were docked, but things had been known to happen in the past. The front desk suggested a company called, Triad Security. As the commodore had also mentioned Triad, I gave them a call. I was impressed that they knew my name, right from the start. Apparently I had made a 'whose who' list. I talked to a partner about...
Not quite a month after Teena, Gordo and Stick began their sexual adventures, they were caught. Not by their parents, but by Jeri, Teena's 13 year-old big sister. Jeri was usually completely uninterested in her little sister's life and she completely loathed Stick. So, whenever Stick was over, Jeri tried to be somewhere else. Somewhere else had lately been wherever Johnson Pinecone - the Keene's neighbor and Jeri's boyfriend - happened to be. Jeri had only recently decided to date...
“I think we should start off with her on her back, don’t you? I know her usual style might be bent over the front of a car or upright in the nearest bus shelter, but we can do better than that.”“Neither of those two are my style either,” I replied, “but a standing fuck can be fun.”“We may try other positions at a later date but let us start off with something simple. Do you want her to give oral to begin with?”“That would be nice. I can check if she’s improved from last night.” As I spoke, I...