RejuvenatedChapter 10 free porn video

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Latkes: These fried potato pancakes are a traditional treat. Frying is important since oil is central to the observance of the holiday.

Mazel tov: Congratulations

Shamash: Candle used to light the other candles in a Hanukah menorah. It is placed in a higher holder, usually in the center of the menorah, occasionally on one far side or the other.

When David let himself into the house mid-morning on Thanksgiving Day he was mobbed by his boys. They were tripping over each other, explaining how much they'd been helping their mother. Abby stood behind them, smiling and rolling her eyes.

He reached behind himself and pulled inside a flat package wrapped in brown Kraft paper.

"What's that Dad?"

"This, Nathan, is an early Hanukah present for your mother. Why don't you carry it into the family room. No peeking."

Everyone trooped into that room, and with a directional wave from his father, Nathan stood the package up on the recliner's arms and carefully leaned it back.

"Before I let your mother open her present, I wanted to talk with you two about something. Next Tuesday I'm going to the doctor's office to have a very minor operation. It'll be over in an hour or so and then I'll be going home."

Aaron looked scared and Nathan concerned. "Are you going to be OK?" asked Nathan.

"I'll be fine. If it were serious, they'd be doing it the hospital, right? They're going to work with a local anesthetic, not a general. That means I'll be awake the whole time. It's a very, very minor procedure."

Abby thought back to David in his briefs. 'Not that minor.'

"I'm mentioning it to you because I don't want to keep secrets for no good reason. You shouldn't have to worry that we keep important things from you. I'll be sore for a week, maybe two at the outside, so I might not feel like running around with you guys for a while."

"Can we see the scar?"

Abby blushed and hid her smile behind her hand. Since she was standing behind her sons, they were none the wiser.

"No, you won't be able to. The operation is minor, but it's not something I want to talk about. This stays inside the house. Please give me my privacy, OK?"

"May I see my present?" Abby asked to change the subject.

"Sure, step right up here and open it."

She stepped around her sons and carefully released the tape sealing the package. When the paper fell away, six eyes stared and three throats gasped while David looked on expectantly.

"David, you're drawing again? It's beautiful. It's just beautiful. It's ... it's perfect."

"Dad, you drew that? It looks just like us."

"Thank you, Nathan"

"I didn't know you drew pictures."

"Well, Aaron, I haven't for a very long time. I just started again a couple of months ago. Do you like it?"

"It's the best picture I've ever seen; better than all those in the museum. Will you teach me to draw?"

"Sure I'll teach you. We'll start in a few weeks, after I've recovered."

"Thanks, Dad. Wow!"

Abby set the picture safely against the bookcase and walked over to her ex. "Thank you, David. This is the nicest present I've ever been given." She thanked him with fierce hug. He returned her hug and the two youngest Steins exchanged smiling, hopeful glances.

"Come on, crew," David called. "Let's get this dinner going. Mom, give us our marching orders."

The Steins sat down to dinner mid-afternoon. Platters of turkey circled the table, followed by sweet potatoes, stuffing, corn, green beans and a home-made cranberry sauce, not the jelly that keeps the shape of the can. The first few minutes, as everyone dug in, were silent save the praises heaped upon the chief cook.

"Abby, you have outdone yourself this year. This is the best ever."

"Why thank you. I was inspired."

"Could I ask a favor of you?"

"Well, you can always ask."

"Cute. Would you help me go shopping tomorrow?"

"Oh, I don't know, David. You're talking about Black Friday. It'll be berserk out there; it's so busy. The crowds are crazy. What do you need to buy that's so urgent?"

"I wanted to buy an engagement ring, and I thought I should have your input."

The silence in the house was absolute; there wasn't even a clock to tick.

"Are you asking what I think you're asking?"

"Abby, will you marry me again?"

Abby blinked back tears and tried to hear past the roaring in her ears. She grabbed control of herself and said, "We have to discuss one thing first."

The boys looked from one adult to the other as if they were following a tennis match.

David lifted his brows in a question. Abby raised her arms and placed them hand to elbow, moving them slightly, as if rocking a baby. He raised his eyebrows again. She cocked her head. He smiled and nodded.

Abby smiled through her tears, tilted her head back for a moment, then took his hands in hers and said, "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes; a thousand yeses."

The thousand and four yeses released everyone's tension in an instant. David slumped back in his seat, letting escape the breath he'd held in, and then stood. Both boys screamed as if their elementary school team had won the World Series.

Aaron jumped down from his chair and gave his mother a tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you, Mommy."

Nathan also flew up. His chair tumbled backwards, striking the floor. He leaped on his father, wrapping his arms and legs around him and burst into tears. Dear, sweet Nathan, budding long-distance runner, right-fielder, point guard, novelist-in-training, was completely overcome. For three long minutes he clung to his father, tears soaking David's shoulder. David could do nothing besides rock his son back and forth, and drop one hand to ruffle Aaron's hair when his younger came to hug his father's waist.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I don't know why I did that."

He released his grip and pushed off to stand, but David held him tight. "Don't apologize for what you honestly feel. I should apologize to you. It's obvious now how you felt, but you kept it all inside. I'm sorry I didn't realize how hard you were taking this, and I apologize for the pain I've put you through."

"I don't want you to apologize either, Dad. I'm just glad it's over."

"Why don't you write a story to help you deal with what you're feeling? Write about a boy whose father is coming home, say from a war, and how he would feel. Just keep it for yourself, if you don't want to share it."

"I like that idea. Thanks, Dad. I love you."

"I love you, too."

He pushed again and David set him down. Nathan rushed to his mother and began to cry again.

"Why's Nathan crying?"

"Aaron, there's a very thin line between different emotions. Nathan is so happy that the line has broken and one feeling is running into another. He'll be fine in a little while. He might do this again over the next few days, so either let him be or give him a hug. Whatever you do with love will be fine.

"Now that you understand, you need to protect Nathan from others who don't. Other kids who don't understand might call him a crybaby or a sissy or something, so this is going to be one of those things that stays inside the house, OK?"

"OK, Dad. I wouldn't do anything to hurt Nathan."

"You're a good brother." Father and son hugged again and walked over for a family hug.

The food was cold when the meal continued, but no one cared. Though it's difficult to chew and smile at the same time, they managed.

"Do you want to discuss the wedding details now, or wait?" David asked.

"How about I tell you what I know I want. If you disagree with anything, just say so and we can talk."

"Yes, dear." Abby stuck out her tongue in response.

"I want to be married in December. I do not want to go into next year without you by my side."

"That sounds fine to me. We can make it for the very end of December, if that's OK."

"Sooner is better. We'll just have to see what's possible."

"I don't need a fancy new dress, but I'll want to get something nice. I don't want a new engagement ring. I think there may be a problem with using the same wedding ring, but we'll ask the rabbi and work out the legal issues."

"You're sure you want the same rings as before? I didn't give you a choice the first time, you know. I'd love for you to be able to choose what you want this time."

"I did choose what I want and he's sitting across the table from me."

"For that, I'll thank God every day."

"I want a small ceremony, just family and a few close friends. I can't put together anything larger in such a short time anyway, and the date is much more important. Even if we had a lot of time, I think I'd still want something intimate."

"Whatever you want is fine."

The boys' heads had been swiveling to match the discussion, but Aaron couldn't hold back his curiosity. "When will you be moving back in with us?"

"Your Dad will be moving back as soon as he can."

"Uhm, your mother and I will discuss what's possible after dinner, guys."

He glanced over toward Abby who, though surprised by his answer, held her peace.

The rest of the day was family time. They wrapped a warm cocoon about themselves, content with healing the wounds of the past three years and more.

After the boys were in bed, David and Abby sat in the kitchen drinking one last cup of coffee. The family portrait had hastily supplanted another picture on the wall and Abby was staring at it. She mused asking David whether he could make a copy for every room in the house.

"OK, the boys are asleep. Why don't you want to move back right away?"

That was the $64 question, and it could not be dodged. Though Abby had been surprised by his statement, David had spent a good amount of time deciding how he felt. He felt a little guilty since honesty and openness would go by the wayside, but in the end, he was comfortable with his decision. He would tell her his number two reason, and withhold the other two.

Moving back to the house meant sharing a bed with Abby. The chance of them chastely sleeping side by side was nil and sex was the crux of his quandary.

The least of his reasons was that, though it made no sense, the thought of sex while uncircumcised was unappetizing; it just seemed wrong. For himself, he would strongly prefer not to do it. On top of that, after Tuesday, there would be a recuperating period when intercourse would not be possible. Sharing a bed with his lover would make the time all the more difficult.

His primary reason was far more irrational and he knew it. He simply didn't want Abby to have experience with someone who was uncircumcised. He knew she'd had other boyfriends before him. He didn't know and had no desire to know, what had happened between them. But they had all been Jewish, hence circumcised.

His trust in Abby was implicit; he knew in his heart that she was ever true to him. Nonetheless, he'd been seized by a dread he just couldn't shake. A fear fell upon him that Abby would become intrigued by the difference and sometime, somewhere would succumb to the memory and the urge to repeat the novel experience. He had pictured himself sitting at a table, his head in his hands, blaming himself for his weakness, for not being able to say no and waiting a few more weeks. He would blame himself, he flinched at the pun, for introducing the snake into the Garden. The one in a trillion chance iced his libido, and knowing he couldn't present that absurdity, he put forth another entirely valid argument.

"We have an opportunity to teach Nathan and Aaron a valuable lesson. We can teach them about self-restraint and morality. It won't guarantee they won't move in with the first girl who winks, but I think it will make them think carefully about it first."

"Why do you have to be so rational? I miss you so much I could explode and you say it's important for the kids. You're fighting dirty."

"I miss you too, but I won't be much good to you beyond Monday, anyway. I have an operation in a few days and I can't do anything after that anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to heal before we, shall we say, strain the incision. I even have to avoid erections."

"Oh my God; I didn't even consider that. For how long?"

"I'm not sure, a couple of weeks for sure."


Abby saw her plans withering before her eyes; she wanted to cry. But then the rules clicked in; give it time, and, support him. Those rules weren't just to help win him back. She intended to keep them until her dying day. She imagined the situation was no easier for him, so she got a grip on her emotions and looked him in the eye.

"I won't pretend I'm happy, but if you're sure, then that's what we'll do. You will, however, be sleeping here, at the very least, on Tuesday night. I refuse to allow you to be all alone after the ... procedure. Aaron can sleep in Nathan's room, and there will be NO arguments."

Having been married before, he answered, "Yes dear."

She accepted her victory graciously and the couple silently held hands for a long while.

"I do want to take you out somewhere tomorrow afternoon, but not shopping. There's someone I want you to meet."


"Mack Sullivan. He's the oooooold guy who helped me understand how I felt about things. You don't have to dress up, just look your usual pretty self. I'd like to leave here about noon."

"I'd love to meet him. Can we at least kiss a lot until Tuesday?"

No verbal answer was needed. David left at midnight.

Abby had spent the morning burning up the phone lines. She'd called her father first to tell him the news. He questioned her to make sure she knew what she was doing. Reassured, he promised to fly in for the wedding. June had wandered in right after. There were squeals and screams and hugs as she congratulated her friend and neighbor. She rushed home to spread the news as well while Abby dialed her favorite dress shop.

David called Jack to give him the good news, and received a hearty mazel tov. He then called and left a message for the rabbi. The secretary, of course, ran the synagogue, but there were still issues regarding the divorce, such as the ownership of Abby's wedding ring that he would have to decide. The status of Abby's religious divorce papers had to be discussed as well.

Mack looked up when he heard the door open and spotted David entering, an alluring woman at his side. From the smile on David's face and the arm around his waist, he knew this must be Abby, and he rushed from behind the bar.

He reached for her hands with his and held them fast. He couldn't miss the ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. "You could only be Abby. Welcome to my saloon."

"This is Mack Sullivan, counselor extraordinaire. He's responsible for getting my head straight ... and out of my ass."

"You gave me back my David?" she squealed and threw her arms around Mack. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Everyone had turned to stare when they heard the squeal, and saw the embrace and kisses. David was amused and Mack was frantically trying to remove himself from her grasp.

"Now what can I tell the Missus to explain this? Half these galoots will call her and say I was fooling around and the other half will back them up."

"Did I really cause a problem?"

"Only a wee one, and to see you two together would make triple the cost worthwhile."

"What's your wife's name?"

"It's Maggie."

Abby reached into Mack's apron pocket, neatly plucked out his cell phone, and began to scroll through his recent calls.

"No, Abby. No. She'll blow her top."

"Trust me, Mack. I'll talk to her woman-to-woman." With that, she turned and walked off a few paces to a quieter spot.

Mack turned to David. "Am I a dead man walking?"

"I don't think so. Abby knows what she's doing."

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Daily Commute

This is my first story and not much of a writer but had an interesting incident this morning so I thought I'd share with you all.I commute daily from home to work by train like most people living in Japan.As you all may know, the trains are crammed during rush hour and your touching someone's back or shoulder.It's like being in a can of sardines.Anyway, so I get on the train this morning and like always it is crammed.It is filled with sweaty men and I have been living in Japan for about 6 years...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 24

Friday morning I went straight to the IRS building with the business name of the shop Jaed had made Thursday’s stop at. It was an excuse to sign the next batch of seizures - in fact I signed the rest of the four hundred and fifty that were left. I instructed Hap to pull another thousand for collection action next week. I planned to sign them on Monday, explaining that I would be out for the rest of next week and I wanted collections spread over the week. I left with the information on the...

4 years ago
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Lorna Cheated 2

She was too scared to even get dressed, she just hid in the shower awaiting the inevertable. She did not have to wait long, She heard the bathroom door open. She began to cry, the men could hear her, and stood by the shower curtain so she could clearly see their shilouettes, and began talking among themselves. “Mark can you smell something strange” “Yea Carl, what do you think it is?' “Smells like fear to me.” “Nah Carl, That's pussy, I know that smell anywhere. Lorna could not...

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BBW slut wife

The crowd gathered around my naked wife. She was extremely exhausted after masturbating in front an audience of forty-seven men, many of which were total strangers to us. The huge black dildo, dripping with her aromatic white foam, attested to her many pleasurable orgasms. Lying there in the middle of the king sized bed surrounded by dozens of shriveled but sated dicks, she knew that each and every orgasm sprayed into the clear plastic enema bag was done in her honor. Forty seven cum shots...

3 years ago
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Mature Mallika seduced us

Hi this is Pabby… my very old exprince is here. did u like it??? plz do mail me. if any female or couple wanna contect me plz mail me at Mallika is married to Dheeraj, who is in the Navy. They are both 29 yrs. old, and, have been, married for 7 years. Pabby young boy living in the same building on same floor where their flat was, who is now 20. Since he was 18, Pabby has spent most weekends, at their flat, when Dheeraj is away, keeping Mallika ‘company’. Because she was alone so much, in the...

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Fucking My Sister 8211 Part 1

The following story involves fucking another man’s wife. So there would be some background development for the story. Fucking another man’s wife comes in different versions. They could be friends, relatives, siblings and entirely strangers’ etc. stories from all such case were there on this site before. It is not entirely a new concept, but some good description always ignites the fire in these genre. This is my attempt in that. So please kindly bear with me. Any resemblance to...

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As the sport bikes flitted in and out of traffic, every guy with a pulse froze, staring as the girls zipped by. The leader of the group turned down a side street toward the beach, the others following like ducklings. As her friends parked around her, she set the bike on its kick stand and swung herself off. With practiced ease she pulled off her helmet, setting her long blond hair free, allowing it to tumble down the middle of her tanned back. She kicked off her shoes then reached down...

3 years ago
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Vacation at the Beach Another Morality Tale

Vacation at the Beach, Another Morality Tale There's a moment, as the afternoon fades toward evening and the beachgoers thin out; when the shadows start getting long and the light becomes perfect. You don't need sunglasses then. Anything seems possible. A man can dream. I wasn't interested in dreaming. I was about reality and how to shape it to my will. I knew the day was coming when I would be one of the most powerful men alive and no one would be able to stop me from doing what I...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 22 Conceiving a Plan to Reconcile

As Hannah worked to update some data on her laptop, Debbie came in and sat beside her, they were in the back of section one and the only other two people were Stan (who was driving) and Lenny who was handling the backup driving duties. Being at the front they couldn't hear any of the girls' conversation. "Debbie, you look horrid, you're not still depressed right, I mean I guarantee you and John will be fine by the time we leave the next resort." "But I can tell he's still mad at me....

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A Second Chance Chapter 58

MONDAY, June 20, 2016 Rachael woke up with a small body hugging her back. Apparently Bobby had woken up during the night, and had decided to crawl in with her rather than into his own bed. She loved the little guy, but he was getting a little old to be sleeping in the same bad as her. She got up and went quietly into the bathroom, coming out several minutes later to see her brother awake, and smiling broadly from his own bed. He held up his Harry Potter book. "Read?" "Yeah, Tiger,...

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Christmas with sister inlawand her panties

Christmas story with a twist.Names have been changed to protect identity, As well all persons mentioned in this story at the time are over the age of consent.Chapter 1Christmas weekend was coming up and my wife, Cheryl (I call her my wife but really she is my girlfriend of 5 years and mother of my c***d) had invited her sister, Jessica over to our house to spend a few days before driving up north to meet their parents (the in-laws, que in dramatic music). Jessica (22 year old blonde bombshell)...

3 years ago
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The Occasional BachelorChapter 2

The following day he still had thoughts about what had happen when he was getting that echo done on his leg. He wondered if he should make an effort to contact the technician who did it but decided not to do it. While she knew how to give good head Greg just wasn’t attracted to her. He decided just to have the memory of her giving him head and discard any thoughts of trying for a second go-round. He loved his wife Jill and enjoyed making love with her. While it wasn’t as frequent as when...

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My Safe Fantasy About You

It’s been a long day. One of those ones where you work all day and feel like you got nothing accomplished but you know you did because you had a lot to do. And people are so taxing that it takes all the patience and energy you possess to maintain your composure and not blow them up. So I get home, go to the gym, shower and have a glass of red wine to help unwind but what I really need is to fuck viciously and without remorse or regard and let go of the tension.I have another glass of wine and...

4 years ago
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Slutty Sarah Now she wants to be an actress

She’s back guys and she’s getting more slutty by the week. She rang me again a couple of weeks ago, saying she’s got some greats news and she doesn’t have anyone else she can tell it to. She came to my place and this is what she told me:-‘What a week it’s been. You can’t believe what’s going to happen to me. I’m going to be in a film, a movie, I’m going to be an actress. You know Maria, the French girl who got me to get naked for those Arabic people, well she rang me a couple of days ago and...

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First Time Lap Dance and Erotic Massge

This is was a year or so after the lap dance episode and I was getting braver...slowly. We were in Indonesia for my husbands work and staying in a very nice hotel with a spa. I had a massage on the first day which was divine. The gorgeous young masseuse was very good at her job and I was totally relaxed. A cpl of times her hands wandered under the towel and her hands touched my knickers. Each time I had flutters but did nothing to encourage her. I told my husband about this and of course he...

4 years ago
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The Last ManChapter 8

Nancy Bellows sat down hard in her chair and let out a long groan. The acting secretary of defense had just briefed her. The last ballistic missile submarine had finally come up because it had ran out of food. As soon as the hatch had been popped, every man on board had started getting sick. It seemed their last and greatest hope had just died. Modern nuclear submarines can run for years without refueling. Unfortunately men could not. This sub had been told by underwater radio to stay under...

2 years ago
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Extending the FamilyChapter 7 Allie

My plan worked. I'd deliberately sent Paul away with a hard-on, thinking he might take out his frustration on one of both of his sisters. I'd also introduced him to the idea of massaging them – with baby oil! I was pretty sure he didn't realise that baby oil is the kiss of death for condoms. I left the bottle where it was clearly visible and went to clean myself up in the bathroom. I took a few minutes to rub myself into a nice little cum, during which I heard Paul and the girls go past...

3 years ago
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Ovid 4 The Bank Robbers

As usual, this contains adult material. Be 18 or begone. You're welcome to archive at any site. Please notify me, though. Ovid IV: The Bank Robbers By The Professor For the Captain The light breeze that blew up my skirt as I crossed Main Street on my way to Susan's office was almost warm. One pleasant surprise for me in Ovid had been that spring came much earlier to Oklahoma than it did to Indiana. Here it was, only the last week of February, and already the sun had...

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Jerrys Mother

It was the kind of Caribbean island where rich Americans came to retire. Don’t ask me where they got their money from; I thought everybody was struggling these days, but apparently not. So, you’d see these old couples around the place, the guys looking exhausted by the sun, but before that by their career and by life itself.And, at their side would be a nice, tidy woman, cruising through late middle age, a little worn, perhaps, but in good working order and still with a distant twinkle in her...

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Bon Jovi

Well this journal entry even shocks me that it happened but, in order for you to understand it all, I have to go back a few years.In the swinging lifestyle, you meet and sometimes play with a handful of people you continue to stay in touch with or develop a bond with. We have a small group of friends that, when we see each other, we can do vanilla stuff or get down and dirty.We have a few couples I love seeing because both members are awesome in bed. But some couples break up and then it’s hard...

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My first time teasing a guy for being small

My First Time Teasing And The Begnning of a FetishGrowing up, I never knew there were so many guys that loved being teased for having tiny cocks. I'm so glad I decided to google one of my favorite fetishes months ago when I was super horny one day! Now I get to imagine more than just my own experiences. There are so many great stories out there and I'm getting new ideas too and want to humiliate my boyfriend's tiny cock even more now. (not really small, but he enjoys my teasing anyway).I've...

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The Rask RebellionChapter 20 Bucket List

Cooper watched from behind the bars of his cage as Korbaz came stumbling into her quarters, a crystal decanter of what looked like wine clasped tightly in one of her furry hands. She was off-balance, her cheeks flushed pink. Was she drunk? He had been sitting in his cell below deck, minding his own business, when two guards had brought him up to her room and tossed him into the cage. He’d been expecting another attempt at seduction, but something was off. She made her way over to her bed,...

1 year ago
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Oopsie Ana Foxxx Nicole Kitt Nursed Back To Health

Seth Gamble is resting on a hospital bed, while his girlfriend Nicole Kitt frets beside him. As Nicole waits for the nurse to visit them, she overhears wet squishy sounds coming from the other side of the divider curtain, so she peaks through to see what’s going on. Nicole spots a gorgeous nurse, Ana Foxxx, giving an intimate sponge bath to a patient, Erica Lauren. In spite of herself, Nicole finds it really hot. Thinking of no better way to pass the time, Nicole pokes her ass between the...

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my sister my cousin and me

We played with each other regularly, dolls action man you name it we did it. We used to play games like doctors and nurses, that was mainly when my cousin came round she was slightly older than my s*s but not much but that little bit further on in maturity. My cousin always asked to start the game and this one night we were having a sleep over, my mum and dad were out and i was old enough to take charge and look after the girls, my brother was around his mates. My cousin wanted to do something...

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Mrs Taylor THE MILF Part 7

I wake up startled. My head hurts all over again...this time it’s a sharp pain in the back of my head. I try to open my eyes, but they’re sensitive to the brightness of the room. My vision is blurred. I have a TERRIBLE headache that’s pounding my head. I am very dizzy. This feels like my attack at the mall all over again! I try my best to get up. I struggle in the process of doing so. I quickly realize that I’m stuck. I look down at my feet, as they are both duct taped to a chair. I can...

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Feminized By My Mother

My mom was staying in as were Jen's parents so we parked on a dark road and made out while I fingered her. Her panties were absolutely drenched when I was finished, and she rubbed her hand inside them and used her pussy juice to jerk me off, I spurted all over my pants and she laughed."I hope your mom doesn't see." She said."Actually she probably wouldn't care." I said."Oh yeah? In that case we should just have fucked in your house then.""I wouldn't push it." I said jokingly, but she may have...

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More Than A Womanless Pageant Chapter 7

More Than Just A Womanless Pageant (Chapter 7) by: crossvestite Players: Daddy-Steve Daughter-Amy Son-Andy Amy's Boyfriend-Lucas So far: In the last chapter Amy began asserting her control over her dad. In this chapter she confronts him with an ultimatum. But she lets him choose how it's to be carried out. She now continues her session with daddy. Big changes are coming for all the boys! This chapter is sizzling! Don't miss it. -------------------------------- I was so...

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NeighborAffair Elsa Jean 22479

Elsa Jean hates to be the bearer of bad tidings, but she can’t stand watching her neighbor Charles get cheated on anymore. She has him over to show him the pictures she’s taken of the same delivery man who’s at his house everyday when he’s gone and his girlfriend’s home. It all adds up, and Charles is distraught! Elsa knows that nothing hurts like a broken heart, and she also knows that ol’ boy Chuck still likes to fuck! So she takes it upon herself to make him feel better by giving him a nice...


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