MayhemChapter 5 free porn video

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I guess it was a real date so I picked her up at her place. I would have said house but it wasn't; it was a fucking mansion. Not that I would have expected anything less; I'm sure Tink Inc. brought in enough cash annually to buy most of Tampa once or twice over. Actually it was kind of fun rolling up in my leathers and walking up to a front door that was probably wider than the Katherine. Their driver was out front doing chauffeur stuff to the limo and I'm sure he at least got a chuckle out of it. The butler ― that's right a real, live butler ― who answered the door didn't. He was good, I'll admit, but you could almost see the repressed horror in his eyes when he saw me standing in their front entryway. Made me wish I'd grown my hair long enough to put it in a pony tail like the bad-boy bikers of yesteryear instead of keeping it close-cropped like I do. Image is everything you know.

I seriously considered asking if the bitch was in but I doubt he'd have understood the historical context or the humor. In fact I doubted he had a milligram of humor in his whole body; he seemed like the type that took himself far too seriously. I didn't like him. Instead I simply asked if Cynthia was in and was told to wait while he checked. He actually sniffed at me! Somehow I wasn't surprised that he didn't ask me to come inside and wait.

"Hey there, Captain Chaos!" It wasn't Cynthia, it was Tink that found me lounging on their steps. I wouldn't have been surprised if she had been costumed up trying to cadge a ride but she wasn't. Not unless you expected to do some riding in a pretty pink shimmery thing that revealed everything while still hiding it.

"Hey yourself, Tink. Looking good, kiddo." I wasn't just pushing the bull; she did look good. I almost felt guilty thinking the nasty thoughts I did as I looked her over but I didn't. Yeah, she's about the same age as my daughter but looking ain't touching and thinking isn't either. "Out to break hearts today?"

"Thanks," she said plopping down on the steps next to me. "Got a publicity gig today so I had to put on the battle armor. Taking Mom out for a spin on the pig?"

"That's hog, you delinquent, and yes I'm going to see if she scares any easier that you do," I chuckled.

"You don't scare me, old man," she laughed, punching me on the arm.

"Well, that does a world of good for my ego."

"I'm pretty sure your ego can take the shock," she snickered.

"Maybe," I admitted. There was a clicking of heels behind us and I turned to see who it was and my jaw almost hit the ground. It was Cynthia, of course, in the same style of riding outfit that Tink had on before. Skin-tight denims, form-fitting knee-length riding boots (the ten centimeter heels were a bit much but I wasn't going to complain!) and hair pulled back in a ponytail; the only difference was a men's shirt tied beneath her obviously braless breasts.

"You're letting flies in, macho man," Tink smirked as she leaned over and pushed up on my chin closing my mouth.

"Is this appropriate?" Cynthia asked giving me a model's stance.

"Depends," I was finally able to grunt. "Are you going riding or just trying to cause a stampede in the male population?"

"Maybe both," she grinned.

"Then it's perfect," I said finally let out my breath.

"Good." Then she frowned at Tink. "Antigua, don't you have an appointment? Shouldn't you be there now?"

"Just leaving, Mom," Tink jumped up and brushed herself off. "Ralph's ready and we'll be there right on time. Bye now. Have fun kids and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Try to have her back sometime next week, killer. She has work to do." Without waiting for an answer she scurried to the waiting limo, jumped in and it moved away with a hum.

"Children," Cynthia muttered. "I swear she sometimes act like the teenager she's supposed to be. Do you have any kids?"

"Two," I said. "A girl and a boy, twenty one and seventeen. They're living with my wife's sister."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Their choice, not mine," I shrugged. "For some reason they blamed me for Kathy's death, especially Barbara; she's the oldest. They didn't want anything to do with me. I decided to give them their space and let them work it out, which was probably a mistake on my part." I sighed, "But it is what it is. Maybe someday they'll get over it and I'll get to know them again. That's what I hope, anyway."

"That's not fair," she protested. "It was an accident."

"It was no accident," I replied with a touch of bitterness. "But I didn't have anything to do with it." That was true and it took me awhile to realize it myself which was why I agreed to the kids' wishes. The terrorist attack had nothing to do with me or Kathy; she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. What I didn't say was that I and the team spent about six months hunting down and killing everyone even remotely associated with that cell of crazies. It turned out to be a cult of fanatic anti-immigrant, religious nuts and the police were highly puzzled when they couldn't find any trace of them even months after the attack. They never will either unless they want to sift through a whole lot of shark shit. I can pretty much guarantee those bodies will never be found.

"Anyway, you ready for a ride?"

"So, this is okay?" she asked letting it drop. I told you she was no dumb blonde.

"I'm going to have to get you a pole if you keep fishing for compliments," I huffed.

"You know perfectly well that you're absolutely perfect. You'd look perfect in a burlap bag."

"An old lady can never have too many compliments," she grinned.

"Old lady!" I barked. "I can spank," I warned her.

"I'll keep that in mind," she answered raising her eyebrows. That was an interesting, and distracting, thought. Instead of replying I led her to the bike and got her outfitted with the headgear. She already had her riding glasses on and they mirrored automatically in the sunlight. I mounted, fired up the beast and she shivered slightly at the rumble. I loved that reaction in women. Some get scared but the others just get hot at the throb of those old Milwaukee pistons. I was hoping Cynthia was one of the latter and I fully expected not to be disappointed.

Without me having to say anything, she threw her leg over and scrunched up against me like she belonged there. Let me tell you, if there is a finer feeling than a gorgeous woman pressed up against your back with nothing between you and her breasts other than two thin layers of fabric I can't think of it. Okay, I can think of something better but it was already tough enough to ride without that thought running around in my brain and my leg sticking straight out to the side. Makes shifting a little more difficult, you understand.

Luckily the mechanics of riding are pretty much automatic once you get used to it and I dropped it into first, let out on the clutch and we were off. We rode for the next four hours with only a couple of stops to stretch our legs. Talking was easy with the integrated intercom and talk we did for practically the whole time we were out but I honestly couldn't tell you exactly what we talked about. Talking with Cynthia was as easy and natural as it had been with Kathy. What we talked about wasn't important; getting to know each other was.

Florida is kind of a boring state to ride in if you know what I mean. Flat as a pancake and vastly overdeveloped even if it was just beginning to recover from the effects of the war on our population. You can't lose over a quarter of your people and not have it leave an impression, that's for sure. When the Jihadists took out New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles and Denver with the nukes they got from Iran they almost succeeded in taking us down just like they planned. Initial casualties were over twenty-five million from the blasts alone then you throw in the equal amount that died within the next few months from radiation poisoning, disease, lack of food and clean water it really did seem like the apocalypse was upon us and I suppose in a sense it was.

Not that I personally saw any of it firsthand. I had been selected for the UN Special Forces two months before all hell broke loose and was sequestered in a secret training base in Panama when The Day hit. It was much rougher on Kathy than it was on me. Luckily she was staying with her parents while I was in training. They were, still are, more than moderately wealthy and living in Indianapolis which remained relatively untouched by the disaster. All in all I was reasonably comfortable in thinking that I had lucked out just so long as Kath and the baby were doing well.

Of course that was before that idiot Chavez, president-for-life of Venezuela, declared war on the "imperialist capitalists" in support of his Arab "brothers" in Iran and the new Islamic Democracy of Arabia made up of the former states of Saudi Arabia and the other kingdoms on the Arabian Peninsula. There I was thinking I was going to do some easy time chasing a bunch of stupid drug lords, sex slavers and smugglers through the jungles of Central America and get tossed ass first into one of the bloodiest conflicts since the American Civil war. Christ, what a mess!

Anyway we all know how many we lost fighting the fanatical Chavezites when they tore their way up through Central America, into Mexico and almost into the States themselves and that doesn't even count how many we lost over in "The Sandbox." I've heard some historians are now calling it World War Three and I suppose that's appropriate. All I know is to us it was The War and it made WWI and WWII look like playground scraps in comparison.

One thing it did was leave Florida, and most everywhere else, overdeveloped and under populated which goes back to how boring it can be to ride through klick after klick of partially abandoned housing developments and empty strip malls. At least the Gulf was pretty as we rode along the coast roads.

It was getting to be well into dinner time when we pulled into Bennie's parking lot. It was already pretty full so I hoped at least a few of the team would be there and grabbed a table or booth we could horn in on. I was torn between wanting to keep Cynthia all to myself and hiding away in some secluded booth out of the way or showing her off to anyone who would look. That she would be noticed wasn't even a question, she'd be about as inconspicuous as a golf-ball sized diamond in a pile of dog shit. But what the hell, either through insanity or lack of taste she was here with me and that's all that counted.

"So this is your biker bar?" she asked wrinkling her nose as she stared at Bennie's dilapidated façade. "It doesn't look like much."

"Oh I assure you it's even worse than it looks," I chuckled. "Well, maybe not really worse than it looks. Bennie spends a lot of money to keep the outside looking this bad. He says it's part of the mystique. Actually it's a nice place; the food is decent and Bennie lets us reprobates hang out which is a lot more than most places do, so it's a little like home away from home."

"So this is your gang's hideout?" she grinned as I placed my hand lightly on her back and steered her towards the front door.

"You've been watching too many old vids with Tink," I said shaking my head. "There aren't any biker gangs anymore, not like there used to be, anyway. It's true most of the people who come here are vets and quite a few do ride bikes but we aren't anything like a gang. I guess the closest you could come to that would be my team but we aren't a gang." What I didn't say was that my team was a hell of a lot more dangerous than any biker gang no matter what time you were talking about.

Shoot, even the Hell's Angels from the sixties and seventies wouldn't have lasted more than a few minutes up against my team. Hell, it would have been like putting a puppy up against a fighting pit bull; Mike alone could have probably done more damage to any of the bad old bikers than any number of cops could have. "There are some wannabes out there; punks too young to have been in the war and thinking they're bad asses but they don't come around here."

"And here I was looking for a real adventure and you're spoiling it by telling me I'm perfectly safe," she pouted.

"I didn't say you were safe," I added with a leer. "Just that nobody here is going to hurt you."

"Hmm," she looked up at me with a cocked eyebrow. "And just how 'unsafe' am I?"

"As unsafe as you want to be," I assured her. "And not one bit more."

"I'll keep that in mind," she answered as I pushed open the front door.

The lights were low as usual and there was the semi-permanent haze of cigarette smoke and the extra Bennie adds to keep up the "ambiance," so it took a second or two for our eyes to adjust. Most of the tables were taken already but I was more interested in the booths in the back anyway. Look back toward "our" normal booth I noticed some familiar faces so I took her hand and towed her over that was to see if they had room for two more. Nibs (Mike), Tootles (Weird), Slightly (Top) and Binky (Stanly) were but not Cubby (Brian) or Marmaduke (Sam). Since Sam wasn't there, it left plenty of room for us. I told you Sam's a big boy; he has a tendency to take up a lot of room.

"Hey, guys. How's it going tonight? Got some room for us?" I asked. "I got someone here who I'd like you to meet."

"Cap'n" "Hey, Boss" "Evening Captain," came the chorus.

"Cynthia, this is my team," and I pointed them out while giving each name. Not their Lost Boys name mind you, just their regular everyday names. We try to avoid giving our handles in public; too much baggage is attached to them. Even after ten years the names associated with the Lost Boys elicit some interesting and often violent responses. There are some that treat us like saviors, (Hell, I've even heard there are some villages in SA that have our effigies in shrines that they pray to every day. Christ, is that embarrassing!) and the flip side is there are others that would cut off their own testicles for the outside chance of taking one of us out. Depends on which side they came from, I suppose. Anyway, for good or bad it's not something we advertise. Most of the vets around here know who we are, especially if they were jungle bunnies from the SA theater, and we don't go out of our way to hide who we are but we do try to be circumspect about it.

"Guys, this is Cynthia Delmar, Tinker Bell's mother."

"No fucking way!" Stanly exclaimed shaking his head. "They said Tink was what, seventeen, maybe eighteen. This lady ain't old enough to have a kid out of diapers yet!"

"I like you," Cynthia said with a big grin. Mike excused herself to make a run on the little girl's room so I had Cynthia slide in next to Stanly and I slid in next to her. "I assure you I am her mother and she's nineteen."

"Twenty-one," I corrected.

"Shush," Cynthia put a finger to her lips. "That's a secret. If her fans knew how old she really was, they'd stop listening to her."

"I find that hard to believe," I said. "The kid has a hell of a set of pipes. Voice like an angel. Not the stuff I generally listen to but whatever she sings is good."

"Antigua is very talented," Cynthia conceded. "But having a good voice is only part of being a teen singer ... a rather small part at that. We're already getting pressure from Kimmie Sue; the little bitch is digging into our demographics like you wouldn't believe." There were blank looks all around the table and Cynthia sighed and proceeded to tell us about the little bit of fluff that appeared well on her way to becoming the next teen idol.

"It's inevitable, I'm afraid," she sighed again. "When you target teenage girls you can only go on for so long. We're already exploring other avenues for Antigua's next step in her career." She gave me a strange look and a little smile that to be honest I didn't understand in the least, but I didn't care; the smile was worth it whatever the reason.

The server stopped by ― not Sue thankfully ― and I ordered my iced tea. I'm riding, remember, and Cynthia did the same. Ordering the food wasn't so simple.

"So, what do they have here that's good?" she asked.

"Everything's good," I said winking at the server as she raised one eyebrow. Bennie would have a shit fit if it got back to him I didn't praise his food even if I'd never do it to his face. "But the burgers are kind of a specialty here. Real beef and just as pink as you want them. If you don't want that he has beef steaks, fish, most any other kind of meat and even vegetarian if you want. You ask and I'll bet he can make it or fake it."

"Real beef?" she asked amazed. Yeah, I know they outlawed beef along with trans-fats, donuts, most fried foods and sugared drinks years ago in their effort to protect us from ourselves but you might have noticed we don't generally pay attention to those kinds of laws around here. The FDA goons were about as welcome as the TEA-cops in Bennies; that's to say, not at all. The last time they even tried a combined raid which was just plain stupid. I mean who the hell is dumb enough to come storming into a joint where the clientèle was packing more heat than you are? Luckily nobody was killed but the sheer number of the goons that ended up in the hospital was impressive.

The locals screamed bloody murder at the Feds about "territorial jurisdiction" and other such bullshit loud enough they took the hint and backed off. The locals like us right where we are doing whatever the hell we want regardless of the fact we may be technically bending a few laws now and then. With this many vets hanging around they can pretty much ignore the area since they know nothing is going to happen unless we want it to happen. There hasn't been any crime in this area; I mean real crime like muggings, murders, rapes, etc, since the vets starting hanging out here.

It didn't take the local riff-raff long to figure out it's difficult to intimidate someone whose just spent the last ten years of his life being shot at by someone a whole lot tougher than they are. Shit, you can't even grab a purse from that little bitty woman walking down the street alone because she just might turn out to be an ex-striker from some Forward Recon force and you suddenly find out you've bitten off a whole lot more than you could chew.

We keep our cage clean and the locals do their best to make sure nobody pokes the sleeping bear. Besides most of the local force is made up of vets now and we stick together no matter what color uniform we happen to be wearing at the moment. I mean what other reason could you think of that Mike isn't in the hoosegow for an extended visit?

Thinking of that I looked over to Top and whispered, "Good night?"

"Fair to middling," he responded stoically. About as good as it gets I guess.

I pulled out my pack of cigs and looked at Cynthia for permission to light one up.

"Beef and tobacco," she snorted. "I really have fallen in with desperados. Go ahead, feel free." She decided to be daring and ordered the burger and I made it two with an extra plate of fries. In fact I ordered two extra; I was hungry and didn't want Mike to get all of them. In fact I was wondering if she'd wandered off and into trouble when she showed up at the same time the food did.

"Had to show some newbies how to play darts," she said with only a slight slur as she hip-checked me into sliding over and giving her room to sit down. She hadn't even completely stopped sliding in when she started munching on the fries, the ones from my plate, not the extra plates.

"How much?" Top snorted. It would have to be somebody new to be stupid enough to challenge Mike to a game of darts. Even dead drunk she could hit the bull's-eye at twice the regulation distance about nine out of ten times. The same eye-hand coordination and focused concentration that made her the best sniper I've ever seen worked just as well in darts.

"Just a couple of teners," she said between munches. "He looked kind of down on his luck so I took it easy on him. He didn't look like a sharpie."

Even being richer than god Cynthia must not have had much real beef lately, or even ever, given the way she tore into that burger like a starved lion into a fat antelope. I gather she must have liked it since I've heard fewer moans of pleasure coming from a trooper getting his first fuck after three months in the jungle. She polished off that burger although I have no idea where she put it but ate only a few of the fries. The rest she unobtrusively slid onto my plate when she saw Mike had pretty much decimated mine. I was eating off the spare plates along with Weird and Stan. When she did Mike again attacked them.

Same as Mayhem
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Mark had flown a few times, back when Paul still had the good job. That had been before 9/11, though, and he was unfamiliar with all the new rigamarole. This was a first for Lindsey, but there had been so many firsts lately that she took it pretty well in stride. Being with Mark made it all more exciting than frightening, and she was able to get into the spirit of adventure. The relationship between the two teens had changed dramatically, and it was not just Lindsey's long-overdue...

3 years ago
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Horror stories of Black Hollow city

Welcome to Black Hollow! One of the oldest cities in Country! The city has about 39 829 people, eight of ten of them are female (the majority of which are so-called MILFs). Most of the population is in adult age – there are very few children and old people. Most young people tend to leave for a big city, only return years later, when they have enough of the haste of the city. Many adults from other cities and from aboard also come here, while seeking to buy a property for their later retirement...

2 years ago
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The Prisoner Part 1

It was on a Tuesday a week before Jennie was up for release and as was the case in the prison, she had a meeting with one of the guards to try to sort out the logistics of being released and where she was going to live etc. And it was on this day that Jennifer Connelly and Officer Stephen Hughes first met. Jennie knocked on the door of the office and a friendly voice shouted her to enter. “Hello Miss Connelly.” Stephen said. “Hello sir.” Jennie replied. “Please call me Stephen.” Jennie...

1 year ago
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The Unexpected Client the final chapter

The bath was already deep and overflowing with fragrant bubbles by the time Phil managed to drag himself to the bathroom. Serena was stretched out full length in the tub, her glorious body obscured by the foam. She smiled up at him as he walked in. “Feeling better? Have I worn you out?” “Oh I will be fine in a little while. Is there room in there for another one?”. Serena shuffled forward and he slid in behind her. She nestled back against him and he took the soap and started to wash her tits....

1 year ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 17

[Cy & Leah] Late September Friday had been an impossible day at school for Cy. His mind could not get away from thoughts about the next morning. Over and over he had decided what he was going to do, and over and over he had changed his mind. As it turned out, Saturday afternoon was just as bad. As it drew near to dinner time, he realized that what he needed was someone to talk to, someone to tell the incredible things that had been happening to him. Dr. Waxman would certainly take the...

2 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 20

A loud crack resonated as Arrian's sheath and Greg's kamma met in front of them. They pushed their weapons against each other in a test of strength. A test Greg won, when he pushed Arrian back a few steps. Greg got a smug smile in on his face after pushing Arrian back. It didn't last long. Arrian moved right back into his face. Greg was a bit shocked, this guy moved fast. Arrian slowly withdrew his blade and tossed its sheath to the side. Quick as he would allow himself to move, he swung...

2 years ago
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Weekend Surprise

The cool breeze tousled his hair as he slammed the car door shut. He took a look at the neighborhood around him. A couple of people talking in front of a light, some kids trying to look rebellious, smoking on the corner. He tried to remind himself that there was no reason to be anxious. He had held her for hours on end, had kissed her on every available inch of her skin, had shared countless orgasms, and yet, he still felt that pang of anxiety. It was no matter, he would see her in just a few...

2 years ago
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My First Experience As A Maid

My first experiences as a maid Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiencesas... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn youon, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men andwomen) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don'tspeak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed orsomething. Something they shouldn't be! I have had submissive feelings as long as I know....

2 years ago
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Needing to Cum

The morning sun warmed the bedroom, and I snuggled down under the sheets, still half asleep. Slowly I became conscious that the other half of the bed was empty. I stretched out, enjoying the half dazed relaxation. Almost instantly, I was aware of the aching need of my body. For days He had denied me an orgasm, until I was at the point of near madness. Of course, simply being denied an orgasm was one thing... being teased and brought to a peak over and over without release, for several days in a...

4 years ago
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Oh Mary 3

Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 6

Terisa grabbed Talina's hand and teleported, not wanting to be left behind. An instand later, the twins surprised Darla, Dawn and Marla in a sunlit patch of wild grasses. "This is the point where we arrived after we were trapped in the arborium where we found that plant." "You don't suppose Mother went back there, do you?" Terisa asked, worry evident in her voice. "Why would she go back?" Dawn wanted to know. "How, would be a better question," Darla replied. "There was a...

3 years ago
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DemandChapter 3

As Mandi's Jag pulled up two of the cutest young Latino's were waiting to open our car doors. I was not quick enough to cover myself and both valets saw that I was not wearing any panties. I was very embarrassed and scolded myself. If I was going to be Mandi's little slut I would have to get used to being seen and be embarrassed by it. Mandi noticed and whispered something to the young man that opened her car door and took her keys. We walked into the restaurant and were immediately seated...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Jewelz Blu Lacy Lennon Super Hot Stepsister Thots

On a hot day, Jewelz Blu and Lacy Lennon are a little restless. The sexy stepsisters are stuck inside the house with their horny stepbrother, and they have nothing to do! But leave it to Lacy to get some dirty ideas. The gorgeous redhead reaches over and licks her stepsisters pink nipples. But in the midst of the secret seduction, she sees her stepbrother filming the whole thing from the hallway! To keep the annoying guys mouth quite, these sizzling stepsisters agree to spread their legs for...

4 years ago
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A Womans Place

A Woman's Place by Pyrite [email protected] * * * * * * * Prologue It was just a small piece of wasteland, an undeveloped part of the suburbs that had been let go to seed. To Mariah though it was a haven, a place where she could go and hide amongst the long grass when she wanted to be alone, and that was exactly what she needed at this moment. As she sat there playing with a particularly long blade of grass and enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her body, she...

3 years ago
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Love Sex and Deceit

I spotted her coming towards me. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Her curly, light-brown hair bouncing as she walked in the cutest and happiest way imaginable. Her bright smile bringing butterflies to my stomach. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. ‘Hey you!’ She said, pushing my arm playfully. I rubbed my arm pretending that it hurt. ‘Aggressive much?’ I teased her, in the way that I do oh so much. I opened the door for her, and she walked under my arm and punched me in...

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Scenes From an AffairScene 2 Late August 1979 ConnecticutNew York

"But you have to, my darling," Marisol insisted, a phrase he'd heard from her many many times. Most often she insisted he get out of her bed and not sleep and be found by his mother who tended to enter the servants quarters before even the sun got out of bed. Only when his parents stayed over in Montauk for a night after attending a wedding of his cousin did they enjoy a blissful morning lounging and making love in her bed. A couple times Oona had allowed him to stay until 5 am, waking the...

4 years ago
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My dream woman my sexy mother 2

Hi to all iss readers I am Sohail again well friends let me tell you this ki agar aap main se koi iss story main honey wahey sexual relationship main bleave nahi rakhta to yeh story naa read karey kiyon ki yeh story mummy aur son ke sexual relationship ki srory hai aur iss story ka muqsad yeh nahi ki aap bhi yeh sub apni mummy key sath karine. So shell we start well friends as I have told you all that after that incident my desire to fuck my mother have reached to its peek but could not do this...

2 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 22

The next morning Dent, Festou, Barth and Marie's two nephew's, Horince and Baneito, were checking the warehouses near the docks. Festou and Barth were head to head whispering about some nefarious plan the two of them had hatched up. Sosho lovingly called them the evil twins and even Dent had to admit the amount of trouble the two could get into made his head hurt. Luckily the two pint sized demons were totally besotted with Nesho and Sosho, especially Sosho, so that control of the duo...

1 year ago
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A nurse does more than her job

She skipped putting on her bra and panties as she rushed out the door. Barely clocking in on time she reported to her assigned area for the night. It was one of her favorite departments as she walked into the room filled with beds currently all holding sixteen to eighteen year old patients. Twelve beds with a curtain separating them into six beds per area. Four held sixteen year old young women and six held young men two sixteen , two seventeen , and two eighteen year olds. Alyssa walked the...

2 years ago
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Closet Whore

Closet WhoreMy name is Nancy I'm five foot four inches tall and weight about one hundred and ten pounds thirty eight D size tits and a nice tight ass . I have been a closet whore ever since ( ken) neighbor boy asked me to suck his cock. I was three years younger than him but I was curious as hell after listening to my three sisters talk about there boyfriends and their cocks. So I asked him to show me his cock he said that I should show my pussy too. I thought it was OK so I dropped my...

1 year ago
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How Much Do You Love Your Wife

Sometimes things happen that can shatter the image you have of who you are. Given the proper motivation, the right incentive any man will give in. It may not be his fault but sometimes, thick, brown, smelly shit just happens. About 2 months ago it happened to me. It ruined my life. My therapist thought it would help if I wrote it all down. Here is a list of things that John Pressman never thought he would do. See a Therapist. Talk about personal feelings. Cry like a bitch Seriously...

4 years ago
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Bath House Visit PT2 Gay

As I grabbed my towel and headed toward the shower room I decided not to wipe the cum off my face. I walked over slowly with a towel thrown over my shoulder, cum still all over my face and a hard cock. I managed to turn some heads on my walk of shame or walk of pride. I rinsed off my body quickly and chose to explore the glory hole area. My cock was aching for some relief. The glory hole area had a raised platform with several large holes. About half of them were enclosed in cubicles with...

2 years ago
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A Gift for Daddy

‘I brought you a present, Daddy,’ Stephanie said, giggling, as we stood on the porch in the run-down neighborhood in the industrial part of town. The man standing inside was in the shade inside of the house and I squinted to get a look at him. ‘Eyes down,’ Stephanie hissed, elbowing me. I did as she said and smiled inwardly. She was usually very submissive and proper when we were together and I felt the power balance shifting already. The door opened and I followed her in. Despite the...

1 year ago
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Talon IGPT 3

Talon IGPT, 3 Tracker Scout Training, the Gathering Talon, Draconian Load Star Tracker Scout Training Transport Training Cadre: Serene Derrell, Commander, Draconian Mordina, Sub-Commander, Primary Driver, Draconian Lorissa, Sub-Commander, Navigator/Communications, Demonian Dante, Captain, Traffic Control and investigations, Terrellian Portellini, Lieutenant, Crowd Control, Lyconian Valdemere, Lieutenant, Reports and Forms, Terrellian Dove, Captain, Medical...

4 years ago
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VirgilChapter 4

I sure as heck couldn't confide in my folks about what went on with Kristen, but Millie was ready to listen. I wasn't heartbroken about her walking out, but I was pretty upset about it. I was sitting at Millie's kitchen table a couple of hours after the big blow-up, and we were drinking iced tea. She listened to the whole story, then reached across the table and held my hand. "Derek, you know you did exactly the right thing. I completely understand your wanting to help your friend, but...

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The Worst NIght Of My Life

Panic sets in, my arms flail for some kind of weapon or protection. Before I think to scream an object is roughly shoved into my mouth. I try to push it out but it too is secured around my head, it tastes of hard rubber. My cries are now muffled, as I live alone, any hope of someone hearing and helping is gone. Reaching back I try to push my assailant off of me. Strong hands grab my arms, pulling my wrists painfully up to my shoulder blades. I scream into the gag as my joints are stretched to...

3 years ago
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Check Yes or No

Tuesday had not been the best of days. So on Wednesday, Jacob Eckholm was not in a good mood. Not hateful. Not bad. He was just . . . there. He got to work early and really didn’t want to talk or interact with anyone, but in his job that wasn’t an option. Luckily he got to his room before anyone could engage him in conversation, so he shut the door and steeled himself for the inevitable barrage of questions that were coming. Fitzpatrick High School wasn’t a big place and news traveled fast,...

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First Lessons

Chapter One My life as a teen was for lack of a better term a living hell. I wonder what I could have or should have done to try and prevent what I went through. Though a mute point now. My childhood was a happy one from the bits and pieces that I could recall but it wasn’t until my 13 birthday that things took a turn for the worse. I recall a small party of family and friends, friends who I didn’t realize then were sent home rather quickly and some family members who stayed the night. I...

2 years ago
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Needed to move in PT1

My wife and I were looking for an apartment because the lease in the old one was up in two weeks. We just found out the Landlord wasn't going to renew. He left us in a spot. I was kind of glad when it happened. You see my wife was a very attractive 24 year old Brazilian hottie. I was only twenty six and in shape. I guess average looks would describe me. Jackeline, my wife, had a great body. Long brown curly hair framed her well tanned face. Supple lips and big dark brown eyes almost filled the...

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A Gamble Worth Making

The towering trees stand silently, the breeze gently swaying their leaves as rain clouds approach. The trees silently watch as a couple walks amongst them, another story about to unfold beneath them, yet more secrets to be kept. He was still in shock that they were there, he had defined the terms of the bet in jest, never expecting her to agree or follow through. The terms had been simple, they spend a day doing what the winner wanted, the loser wearing what the winner wanted, He had been...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 18

Once he closed on the houseboat, Mark took a week’s vacation and cleaned the boat from stem to stern, enlisting several softball teammates to help him. He discovered that Alexis had a friend (of course she did) who could work with him on decorating his new home as well. At week’s end, he was almost completely furnished and accessorized. Almost being the key word, as the ladies from the team came aboard to see and ‘tut-tut’ about this and that, telling him he had a way to go, but that he...

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Mere pyari sister priya

Abhi meri age hai 24 aur meri height hai 6’ and 74 kgs with athletic body. After reading so many story I finally wishes to write my own story this happen after reading those stories from ISS and I got courage to do something really horny because whenever I read those stories I get horny and started to find someone whom I should do. I am totally not aware that such type of relation can also enter into such relationship and after reading stories I got satisfied that this may happen & nothing...

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Consequences 7 Addicted to Strange Cock

My special thanks to Erik Thread for editing my story and making it a better read I am sitting at the kitchen table crying as I hold the set of papers that were delivered to me an hour earlier. My tears that are running down on my face create a small puddle on the table in front of me. I feel like screaming: "What a fool I've been!" The papers were divorce papers. The settlement offered did not reflect our financial status — we were multi millionaires due to the great computer business my...

3 years ago
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Book Worm

My cousin Sharon invited me over to her sweet sixteen birthday party. Her parents were giving the party and almost 40 kids had been invited. I am one year older than Sharon, but she needed some boys to dance with her friends which is why she asked me. The party was at 06:00 p.m. and I was exactly on time. I was surprised at the large amount of party decorations and food. Almost 20 girls were there and I was the ninth boy. What really caught my eye was Sharon. One of her friends let me in the...

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The HypnotistChapter Two

The Theater, as it turns out, was a dark cavernous rooms with no windows. It was a strange room that gave Alice a sense of vertigo when she first walked into it with Robert, Grace, and Daniel. It was taller than it was wide, and the black walls and extra high ceiling made her feel as if she was standing in a silo. It was very, very warm inside, and Alice was already beginning to sweat from the heat. Robert smiled at her, and asked, "So, what do you think? Do you like it?" Alice paused before...

1 year ago
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By Justin Case "You sure you're not too drunk to drive?" Sheryl asked Toya. "Girl, I'm not drunk. I'll be alright." "Okay, drive slow...and watch out for the police." "We're going to follow you. We've got to pass your place to get to my house anyhow," I yelled as I opened the car door. "You don't think she's going to make it home in one piece?" Sheryl asked as she slid into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. "We're going to...

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Got gang fucked by 3 fuys at same time 18yo

My names Sara and this is the story of how i had my first gangbang experience wit three white guys and one black guy. I was a freshman in high school. There was this one senior his name as mike, he always used to flirt with me, my best friend Carrie who was 16 was dating his younger brother Chris so we all spent a lot of time over his house, his parents were never home so we always drank and partied over there. Mike and his friends always brought beer for the parties, it was mainly mikes...

2 years ago
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A Christmas to Remember Part 3

I followed Grace in to the kitchen where Momma had piled the table with a Christmas dinner big enough to feed a small army. The entire house smelled mouth watering with a blend of spices, sweets, and baked ham. Papa Charles sat at one end of the table, with his mug of Irish coffee. I’m surprised he stuck around but glad he did. Momma sat beside him, looking like a sexy Christmas elf in a new house gown. I took my seat with Grace on my left and Momma to my right. Our eleven year old son, David...

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