B Cup
- 3 years ago
- 14
- 0
Jan 13–14 2012
There was no doubt in my mind that the ship had hit something. I also knew that with rock versus metal hull, rocks win every time, and from the duration of the vibration I figured there was significant damage to the hull. I looked around. The crew seemed mostly unconcerned and most of the diners had returned to their meals.
Then, I watched a couple of the senior officers excuse themselves from their tables and hurriedly head for the exit.
At that point I realized I was still holding Kate's arm. I looked at her, and she said, "James, what's happened?"
We've hit something ... I think it's serious."
She looked around at the now returning to normal dining room, and with a bit of a smile, said, "But shouldn't there be alarms or whistles or something?"
Her smile faded when she saw how serious I was. She knew I wouldn't joke about something like this.
"Kate, Melissa, we need to get back to our cabins right now. Melissa do you have any idea where Alan is?" She shook her head and said, "I'll text him ... but what's this about?"
"This ship hit something and there may be substantial damage under the waterline. From the duration of the scrapping along the hull that we could feel, we could be in serious trouble." I replied, not really caring if Alan showed or not.
"In serious, you mean like we could sink?" I think she was ready to scoff, but she also knew I was an engineer and that I knew about metal and hydraulic stresses. "Okay, what should we do?"
"First let's get out of here. If the problem is as serious as I think, it won't be long before there will be alarms and announcements." They grabbed their wraps from their chairs and I escorted them from the dining room. We didn't chance the elevators just in case the power failed so we climbed three flights of stairs to reach our deck. As we made our way to our cabins the ship heeled sharply and made what felt like a U-turn maneuver. That only reinforced my feeling of dread. The captain had made that move for some reason. I hadn't paid attention to how far we were from land, now I wish I had.
Fortunately Melissa was on the same deck as we were but she was still some distance down the long corridor. The ship was damn near a thousand feet long.
After the little U-turn maneuver they both looked frightened. Kate clung to my arm as I said, "Look, here's what you both need to do. Change into slacks or jeans and sweaters and maybe your running shoes or something like that - nothing with a heel or slippery soles. Grab a jacket – no telling how long we're going to be on deck and get your valuables out of the safe and your passports and then get your life jackets on."
The lights flickered again. I think Kate and Melissa were starting to grasp the seriousness of our situation. I noticed the ship had slowed, but didn't mention it.
I gently pushed Melissa toward her cabin while opening our door. "Now go! We'll wait for you. See if you can be back in five minutes. And no large bags or suitcases!" I called after her.
I hadn't dressed for dinner, just putting on a casual-looking dark blue silk blazer over Dockers and a polo shirt, so I just tossed the blazer on the bed and grabbed my nylon windbreaker from my still packed suitcase. As Kate hurriedly changed into jeans and sweater, I got our stuff from the room safe. I couldn't help but notice she had worn a very sexy light blue bra and panties set, and with her model-tight body she looked damn good in them. I would miss the sex that was for sure. The rest – the cheating and the drama, I could definitely live without. I pulled my running shoes from my gym bag and swapped them for the loafers I had on.
There was a knock on the door. I couldn't believe Melissa was back already. She must have really been frightened. Unfortunately it wasn't Melissa, it was Alan. He looked like he'd had a lot to drink and bellowed, "What the hell is this all about? I keep getting texts from Melissa about the ship sinking. Where is she? Is this your idea of a joke?" He had balled his fists. What an opportunity I thought. Alan was in okay shape but I knew that he had no chance against me. I would have loved to take out my feelings on him by beating the crap out of him, but there was no time.
Just then Melissa reappeared. She carried a purse and two life jackets and threw herself into Alan's arms. "Oh God, I'm so glad to see you Alan!" He looked baffled as she stepped back and handed him his life jacket.
He looked back at me. Kate stood in the doorway, watching the two of us. That was probably when she realized, perhaps from my look and attitude, that I knew something was going on between the two of them. She looked sad and perhaps resigned. Before anyone could say anything more, the public address system came to life and there was an excited voice saying something in Italian. It was 10:15 and the ship had almost stopped.
The disembodied voice from the speakers made the same announcement in three or four other languages before it got to English requesting passengers to return to their cabins and wait for further instructions. Next, a female voice came on speaking what sounded like Russian.
"Let's go" I said.
"To where?" It was Alan of course. "The announcement said to go to our cabins..."
I looked at him and he seemed to shrink inside himself and I said, "To the lifeboats that's where."
"But we don't even know where they are." He tried to argue. It was true, we hadn't been on board long enough to even have a lifeboat drill, but from my pre-dinner excursion, I knew where they were. And I figured that designated lifeboat stations meant squat in a real emergency. No, it was a situation where the prudent would go to the lifeboats first and worry about the other stuff later.
Suddenly, the hallway seemed to get very crowded as people tried to get back to their cabins. We were given some odd looks since we were wearing bright orange lifejackets. At the intersecting passageway to the stairs it was like swimming upstream against the mob of bewildered looking passengers but we managed. Even Alan seemed to grasp the situation. Or at least I had cowed him into remaining silent. This time we were going down steps several decks. The ship was at a dead stop now, and I noticed a slight list to port. I didn't mention it to my companions. We weren't the only ones milling about the lifeboat deck with life preservers on. None of this group thought of it as a lark. Most were probably, like me, they had decided to get their families out and to the boats quickly. Some petty officers appeared and began to direct others of the crew to get the protective covers off the boats, and open up their access hatches, but they would not allow anyone to get in them yet.
As we stood there I was relieved to see lights on the shore which seemed very close. I breathed a sigh of relief. If necessary I could swim that far. I pointed that out to Kate. She tried to smile but her eyes gave her away as she firmly grasped my arm. Of course Alan tried to act like a big shot and argue with the crew member at our lifeboat. It was obvious that the crewman spoke no English.
At that point I spotted a tall dark-haired young man, perhaps in his twenties, walking through the crowd asking for help in Italian and English. He walked up to a crewman and even though he was speaking Italian I could tell that he was explaining the situation and asking him for help. The crewman just shook his head. Finally he got to our little group and asked if Alan and I would come with him to help his grandparents, and his great-grandmother who was in a wheelchair. He looked very determined. Alan shook his head, but as the young man started to turn I put my hand on his arm and said, "I'll go."
Kate's grip tightened on my arm, "No James, please."
"Kate, I'll be right back." The ship lurched and the lights went out. This elicited some gasps and some screams form the thickening crowd. The emergency lighting system kicked in but it was hardly adequate. I thought about all the rest of the people who were still inside the ship.
That seemed to energize our boat crewman who stepped into the lifeboat and motioned people to get in. We were toward the front of the queue and I yelled at Alan over the commotion, as frightened people surged forward, "Get them into the boats!" He nodded looking frightened and perhaps relieved that I hadn't asked him to come on my fool's errand with the young man. Kate grabbed my arm one more time, and said, "I'm not leaving without you James!"
As the crowd pushed us toward the lifeboat I looked at her and said, "Don't kill Jack, Kate. Get in the damn lifeboat!"
She smiled, the tears obvious even in the dim light, understanding my reference to the movie Titanic. I hated that movie and every time it appeared on TV I said, "Rose killed Jack, by not staying in the lifeboat." It was my opinion that Jack would have survived like the character played by Billy Zane, had he not had to worry about Rose.
Kate gave me a quick kiss and smiled sadly as she said, "Hurry back, Jack". I smiled at her try at humor. In my best "Terminator" voice, I said, "I'll be back."
I turned and followed the young man into the ship.
He had grabbed an electric lantern from one of the lifeboats and used it to help us find our way. The emergency lighting was inadequate. We fought our way against the surge of now very frightened passengers and crew. The ship's list increased. Suddenly we were free of the crowds and it seemed we had the ship to ourselves. It was eerie. We arrived at the cabin of the young man's relatives and found an older couple sitting at the table playing cards by the single emergency light in the cabin augmented by a small LED flashlight, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. A very old and tiny white-haired lady kibitzed from a wheelchair nearby. She looked very elegant in a long black dress with a sequined top.
The young man, who had thanked me and introduced himself as Pietro Bartoli, spoke rapid Italian with the three of them, seemingly trying to interject a sense of urgency into this tranquil scene. Finally the woman at the table laid down her cards with a triumphal cry of "Basta!" and the game was over.
Pietro looked relieved as they gathered their things seemingly without a care in the world. There were only two life jackets in the cabin so I took off mine and made sure it was secure about the old woman. She spoke softly to me in Italian while I got it secured. The young man interpreted, "She says you're very handsome and gallant and if you drown by giving her your life jacket, she'll pray to Blessed St. Anthony every day."
I smiled at her and said, "Grazie."
Pietro shrugged and laughed.
The passageways were empty but the increasing list of the ship soon made it very difficult to push the wheelchair. I scooped up the lady in black and carried her in my arms as she giggled like a schoolgirl and whispered in my ear and then kissed my cheek. I laughed.
Pietro's grandmother walked with a cane and he had his arm around her as he helped her along the tilted passageway. He would never have got them out on his own.
I realized that sometime during the process of getting Pietro and his family I had heard the "abandon ship" announcement. I figured we'd be okay and Pietro urged his grandparents to pick up the pace which surprisingly they were able to do. Fortunately my charge seemed to weigh very little and we made good progress down the decks to the lifeboats. The crowds were gone as were most of the lifeboats, fortunately a couple remained and we were able to make our way to one of them. I looked over the rail and because of the list the water seemed very close. It seemed like many of the boats were already in the water and fortunately the lights of a town were not far away. As I handed Pietro's great grandmother into the boat she looked around and said, "Cecilia?" Pietro shrugged and shook his head.
"Who's missing?" I asked.
"My cousin Cecilia ... but I'm sure she's on one of the boats..." He really didn't sound so sure.
"When did you last see her?"
"Just before I came to the boat deck and found you ... at her cabin. She said she was going to great-grandmother's cabin and she would get them ready to go and we would meet there." He frowned. "What could have happened?"
"You may be right she probably got to the empty cabin and then made her way to a lifeboat." I suggested.
Thinking about it, Pietro slowly shook his head. "Something must have happened. I'm sorry I didn't think about her when we got to the cabin. She should have been there already."
"Where was her cabin?"
"Down the corridor on the same deck, but a long distance from my grandparents."
"Pietro, you take care of your family, and I'll go find her."
He shook his head. "No that's my job."
"Are you a strong swimmer?"
He shook his head.
"Well that's settled. I'll go find your cousin and bring her out. I am a strong swimmer, and we're not far from shore so it won't be a problem if there are no lifeboats."
"I'm going, and I'll find her." I said it with a lot more conviction than I felt. I kept thinking about how tall this ship was and the fact it could turn over at any time. I quickly made my way back to the deck where her cabin was supposed to be. Damn this ship was big. I was practically walking sideways to counteract the list and the emergency lights were gone now. Fortunately the lantern was very bright.
I was almost at the grandparent's cabin when I caught sight through an open door of someone lying on a bed. I wouldn't have seen him had the bed not moved to the opposite bulkhead because of the list. I walked in and saw a man dressed in slacks and a expensive looking silk blazer lying on the large bed. I moved to wake him thinking he must be drunk, but I held back shaking him when I noticed his eyes were open but unblinking. It was pretty obvious that he was dead. Damn, what to do? Well I figured I'd get his wallet anyway so once I got ashore I could let the authorities know he was dead. As I held the light over him I noticed a very thick black leather money belt clutched across his chest. I reached inside his jacket and took out his wallet. It was very expensive looking black calfskin that was intended to be stored inside a suit coat or jacket and it contained his driver's license and his passport, and a number of large denomination dollar and euro bills. I quickly looked at the license. It was from New York State and said his name was, "Robert Burns." I almost laughed, as I said, "Well Robbie, my boy you'll nah be singing Auld Lang Syne anymore."
I replaced the passport and license in the wallet and put them both in the money belt which I fastened around my waist under my windbreaker. I grabbed Mr. Burn's lifejacket from the floor near the bed and put it on. As I turned to leave the cabin the light splashed across the desk which was fastened to the wall. A pile of cash had slid across the surface and come to rest on the bulkhead (downhill) side along with several unopened decks of cards. Bridge player? Gambler? I wondered. I scooped up the cash and discovered in its' midst an expensive looking watch. I stuffed the cash in my pockets and fastened the watch to my wrist as I did my best to hurry down the corridor again. It looked like a Hublot Big Bang - a $21,000 chronograph I had coveted for many years, but could never afford. Whoever this guy was he had expensive tastes. It made the nice Citizen eco-drive on my other wrist look positively, well ... like I was one of the hoi polloi - which I considered myself a proud member.
The list was so bad now that as I traveled down the long corridor I had one foot on the bulkhead and the other on the carpeted floor. I kept kicking myself for being such an idiot. Despite the fact I had discovered Kate's unfaithfulness just hours before, I had not suddenly acquired a death wish, but now it looked very much like I didn't have much more time. Maybe it wasn't too late to get the hell out of here. I kept telling myself, just a little bit further and then I'd give up on finding Ms. Bartoli. And then I'd go a little further and convince myself the list hadn't gotten worse, and I would push on.
Suddenly, there she was. In the light of the lantern I saw a petite thirty-something dark-haired woman dressed in a black sheath cocktail dress with her back against the bulkhead. She shaded her eyes against the light as I struggled to figure out what to say, and settled for, "Your cousin sent me."
It even sounded lame to me and I didn't even know if she could speak English. Perhaps, "Ms. Bartoli, I presume" would have been more appropriate. Why is it you always think of these great lines after the fact?
She smiled, and simply said, "Thank you."
As I looked her over I was taken by her beauty. She was maybe five foot three and very slim. Ballerina, I thought. And the way she was leaning against the bulkhead caused her dress to ride up revealing magnificent bare legs. Yup, damned gorgeous.
I said something else profound, "We should go".
"I'm sorry, but I am injured." She said in Italian accented English and pointed to her ankle.
I held the light lower and it was easy to see the problem. Her right ankle was very swollen, maybe twice the size of normal. No wonder she had been a no show at her grandparent's cabin. It must have been a nightmare trying to make it along the maze of corridors in the dark, with her ankle filling every step with pain.
The first thing I did was to take off my life jacket (again!) and make sure it was tight around her. This was just not my night for life jackets. She didn't say a thing as I fitted it snug about her. Perhaps she was in shock or maybe just thinking I was some sort of an apparition.
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The weekend started out immediately like all the previous weekends at their grandmothers. There was an obvious tension between the two of them. There also was an obvious attraction. Just like all the previous summer visits, they continually found themselves trying to be alone. Brent's little sister obviously felt like tagging along the majority of the time. Sherry & Brent never said it out loud, but it was clear that they both were working together towards a common goal. How could they...
It was a blisteringly hot day. Jen had been making the most of this and had been sun bathing in her back garden all afternoon.Jen was a beautiful 20 year old girl, fresh out of university and home for the summer visiting her parents. She had long brown hair and bright green eyes; she was about 5”5 in height and had a gorgeous thin body and flat stomach that she didn’t have to work hard on to keep. Jen hated sports, she ate well but again didn’t deny herself a pizza if she felt like one. She was...
ReluctanceAaron moved from desk to desk through the office he had spent the last nineteen years in. Oh, he had not had the same job for that length of time but he had worked at the same address. He had risen from a claims adjuster to Assistant Manager during that time. Today was to be the last time he was in the office—at least as an employee—and it was not a full day. It was just short of ten a.m. and he was making the final rounds telling his employees goodbye before he went off to an early retirement....
Readers of the earlier part might be aware of how I meet with Amulya & fucked her in the Museum. Here is the continuation in Part 2.Part 2 of my Meet & Hook-up with Sexy Slut Amulya - https://xhamster.com/users/sexyamu212. As it was early evening as we left the museum, I asked Amulya to get into my car where I made her sit with her legs up on the dashboard giving anyone interested a nice look under her skirt as I made her play with herself for me while I give her pussy the odd pinch. I...
A REPORTER: Back to School?It was the tiny manager's office of The Free Press, and AthenaValentine was standing shamefully with head bowed before herangry editor, who was seated behind his small, untidy desk. Theman was so upset with her that he had not even asked her to sitin the room's only other chair.She stared at the small, wrinkled face. It was red with fury ashe continued to read her hastily scribbled report, the fewstrands of his remaining hair standing straight up over hisscalp. He...
Thanks again to my lovely editor. You’re awesome! And thank you everyone for voting and posting such wonderful comments. They keep us writers going! Enjoy ,) * Jeremy swore at himself again. He couldn’t seem to find his groove, his head swirling with images of Kat instead of focusing on the strike zone. Really he hadn’t felt the same since he’d kissed Kat. He knew she was special before but now it was like she was under his skin. He couldn’t get the taste of her out of his mouth and it had...
Megan had been very busy preparing, so she appreciated that the doorbell rang right at six, and that slutty little Rachel was on time. She was even happier when she opened the door and saw how she looked standing there. Rachel was still properly dressed in her SLUT choker and her "I like boys AND girls" top, but she'd added some even sluttier touches — a pair of fishnet stockings that didn't stand a chance of reaching all the way up to the bottom of her tiny, skin-tight...
After a few months of working for Heather, the Fantasy Fuck Store owner, she approached me with a new offer. “Ken I have received several phone calls from ladies who have got wind of your ‘personal services’ from their friends - you know how our clients like to show off - but the difference is that they admit to not being confident and would rather be encouraged rather than lead. They also mentioned that they had been told how much you cared, were polite and very imaginative, which I suspect...
Introduction: She has no idea the things he will do *I am in no way saying I support rape. This is simply for the enjoyment of readers* The Abduction of Selah I in no way support rape this is just a piece of fiction intended to pleasure people. it is not in support of rape. Selah was the perfect young woman. Even for a sixteen year old she was petite. She had long dark brown hair that reached right to the small of her back and framed her face like a perfect picture frame. Her eyes were...
I had a cousin sister, sneha ( older than me by 5 years) she had wheatish complexion with large 34 round boobs, and quite bubbly ass, it was back when I was an in 12 th. My lap had broken down, I had no way of watching porn or spending my time. I went to my cousins home. Days were spent by watching tv, and playing some games. One day I was shaving of my pubic hair and had small cut on th pelvic region , had a devilish idea. I called on sneha told her that my dick was paining she was nurse so, I...
IncestNina arrives at her photo shoot all busty and leggy, ready to grrrr, baby, grrrr for a new lingerie line and gets turned on when the photographer starts hitting on her. He knows she’s married, but he still can’t help but tell her how good she looks with her big tits busting out of her bra and her stockings inching up her thighs to her wet pussy. Things heat up so much they need to take a break, which is the perfect time for Nina to call her husband and tell him how she wants to fuck the...
xmoviesforyouHey, I want me a story about sexual experiences, I first intercourse with Mama masi age 39 years (high 160/60kg BH 36B) and my aunt called Auntie April 30tahun new age (Bh high 162/55kg 36B) this story ... At that time my Dad a new service out of town for a week and adek my brother to go to grandpa's house for 5 days due to school holidays fit again, Mama said goodbye that afternoon would go gathering and he said he might come home late, I'm getting bored at home and I went to my friend's house...
This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...
It was a Friday afternoon in late spring. I was considering a dilemma that all seventeen-year-old boys face on a daily basis. Do I continue studying for my year end exams that were a few weeks off, or do I jerk off, fantasising about my latest crush?Amy was on my school swim team and we had started hanging out together during the last few weeks of practice. She had a pretty face, nice tits and a gorgeous ass. I was sure that she was into me, but I was too much of a chicken shit to ask her out....
First TimePeter becomes a cuckoldSandra..Hi my name is Sandra, I new Peter at school but I was to shy to ask him out. As I left school he asked me out & we have been together since.We had been together for about a year, we waited till we were both 16 before we had sex. This was in the late 60 s, we went dancing at the local club which meant catching the bus, a 10 minute ride. I wore a short skirt with stockings & suspenders, I also had on french knicker which Peter like because he could easily...
Looking for a place to watch hentai without any fuss? Anime ID Hentai has your back. AnimeIDHentai.com is a hentai stream site that features all the latest releases as well as classics. Most of the videos here are Japanese raws or English subs, but you’ll find some Spanish and other language subs also.What really sets AnimeIDhentai apart is how little bullshit it has. All the streams are fast and reliable, and you won’t get fucked up the ass with nonstop pop-ups and bullshit ads either. It’s...
Hentai Streaming SitesChapter 2 – Busy First Day In the morning I woke up and felt very strange. The events of the night before seemed so distant. But I was lying there naked and bound. The plugs inside me were becoming uncomfortable. I needed to pee but couldn't bring myself to pee in the diaper. Mr. Savage was the first to me. He kissed my brow. "I have to let the dogs out first. I will be back for you." It seemed forever. Finally, he was there. He took the restraints off and led me to the bathroom. I...
We had Wilmington in Monday through Wednesday for night games, an off night on Thursday, and then the Friday night game with Lynchburg, followed by day games both weekend days. After that, we'd hit the road again, to Wilmington, Delaware for three in the Blue Rocks' park. I kind of wished I'd had the presence of mind to suggest that Emily come up Thursday, but she had said she'd consulted the team's schedule, so she must have noticed on her own that we had the off day. Probably, it just...
Behind every champion boxer is a great masseur whose magic hands know every corner of the human body. Beautiful blonde trainer Kaisa Nord appreciates the value of a good rubdown, so she shows off her perky tits and long legs to seduce master masseur Joss Lescaf. He stuffs his big black cock in her hungry mouth, and she gives him a slobbering blowjob. He slides his meaty rod inside her cunt, and she moans in orgasmic euphoria. Joss gives Kaisa a rim job, and then he plunges his thick dick up her...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Holly, and at forty-two years old I am the mother of eighteen year old and nineteen year old sons who are both away at college. I always enjoyed observing and interacting with them and their friends when they were maturing and going into their junior and senior years in high school. My husband Ed and I had our oldest son Jeremy just one year out of college. Then our younger son Michael was born a year later. That is why we are relatively young parents. After my sons left for...
When I was younger I travelled the world on business and often took my secretary with me. She was a bit older than me and married to a much older man. When we had been drinking we often ended up in each other’s bed but we both knew it was no-strings attached sex. She had big, beautiful breasts and a full sized bottom which I liked although she was always trying to lose weight.On one trip to the Caribbean we were visiting an island were we had been asked to buy some property in the ‘up and...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 4, 2012) Chapter 16 - Best. Birthday. Ever. 'Where are you?!!' the text message said. A large smile spread across my face. Even though I knew I was going to miss most of Katy's birthday party, it...
CHAPTER 23: RETURN OF THE PREDATORSFor days after the ceremony with b**st, I was content to stay in the lagoon. We made little forays outside to replenish our food supplies. We would purposely go near the hillside the gorillas used as their main habitat to possibly see our friends. But we kept a wide berth around the village until I was ready to confront them as a people. The time was way overdue and I didn’t completely understand my reluctance so far. I was seemingly much more comfortable with...
Hey Everyone! I am back with another fantasy story that happened on my mom’s birthday. This takes place about 6 months after my previous story, If you haven’t read that first, then please read it. So, it was the day just before mom’s birthday. Dad was out of town for work. It was only my mom, my brother and I at home. My brother and I decided to surprise mom with a cake. I told my brother that I have some work in the office. I will bring the cake with me. But I will be late to come home. I...
IncestJuly 16, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “You’re not seeing Katy tonight?” Mom asked on Friday morning. “No. Her grandmother, who lives in Pittsburgh, fell and broke her hip. They were leaving this morning and won’t be back until sometime next week.” “We haven’t talked about you and Jocelyn since last Saturday.” “There isn’t much to say,” I said. “She and her parents are basically not talking. That’s why we’ve been hanging out here, at the pool, or at Grant Park.” And Jackson Lake, but I didn’t...
Penny Wishes I By Captain Webster Jeremiah was a sensitive child. Always had been. He cared deeply about others, and their feelings. Unfortunately there were others at his small school who did not feel the same way. One of them was Charles R. "Chuck" Rimart. He had been held back twice and was much larger than any of the other children in Jeremiah's 5th grade class. Chuck liked to throw his weight around, and he had a lot of it to throw. He had to weigh 150 pounds and stood...
CHAPTER 8 Peter and Susan sat and discussed at length the experience. Susan related how she had nearly panicked when she was hoisted from her feet by her breasts. She’d learned that it was necessary to remain very still, or even more stress would be applied to her breasts. Peter chuckled and commented that she hadn’t remained very still while she had climaxed. Susan chuckled too and said that she wasn’t very aware of much at that moment. She also wasn’t absolutely sure what had happened when...