Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 26 free porn video

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The figure depicted on the surface of the rod bowed to McAllister, hands wide. The sense of familiarity, the sense he knew the figure, grew. As McAllister watched, the figure turned to the shelves on the wall behind him, stepping away from McAllister, toward the hundreds of tomes.

McAllister caught his breath as the size of the figure diminished in proportion as it strode purposefully toward the wall of books in the room behind the table.

A clearing of the throat snapped him out of the moment, and he looked up from the ivory to meet Savonne's eyes. "What did you do?" the other man asked.

"I ... We," McAllister amended, with an odd motion of wrist and chin to indicate the ivory baton, "broke the interdiction of the Rod of Irel."

"McAllister," the voice of the mother sounded, quietly, in the bloody room, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere. "I must be vigilant now, and have no time to help you directly. Much is happening, and there is much maneuvering on the plane of the gods. You must proceed to my altar, and call me there, arrayed with my deacons."

In the sudden silence, Savonne looked around for a moment, and then asked, "The Mother?"

McAllister nodded, while looking through the hanging dust at the doorway filled with the massive iron-bound deadfall.

Savonne turned, too, as did the other men. "Can you raise it?"

"I wonder," McAllister mused aloud, "if it would be better to go through the wall."

Several of the men turned to look at the wall's medium-sized stone blocks set with mortar, disbelievingly. "Do you know a use of the inner fire that can do that?" Gérard asked, with only mild surprise mixed with curiosity in his voice. His sudden sneeze ruined the effect.

"No," McAllister said, with a tight smile. "Who has a sturdy knife? Dig a hole in the mortar here, and here," and indicated two joints.

"You heard the Mother," Savonne turned and addressed the guardsmen in the hall. "You will not attack?" Savonne received hurried assurances from the men in the hall, and McAllister dismissed them from his attention.

"Well, my friend, you are a mystery and no doubt," he silently told the figure drawn in the study. The figure was now depicted at the table, with a stack of books open, and an assortment of objects upon it. As he watched, the man lifted his head and met McAllister's gaze levelly. The realization struck McAllister abruptly that the figure in the window was interacting with McAllister as an object in his own world. Dimly, the sounds of steel on cement came to McAllister from the wall before him.

"I need black powder," he told the man. A moment later, the rod erupted in golden fire, and once again the world was hard and cold, dim outside of the light the rod cast.

Quickly, McAllister drew the line of fire from within himself, for the second time in ten minutes. He drew it with only the much-depleted golden fire from within, somehow reluctant to use the trace of the green fire the strange god lent him. With familiarity comes ease, McAllister supposed, as the stuff of space folded. He filled the fiery square with the image of the casks of black powder the ivory baton left outside of the normal flow of time in Sea's Home.

It was an easy matter to pull one of the smaller boxes of the explosive stuff to him through the square of golden fire. Though, it resisted motion in the cold half-light of the world outside of time, having an odd tendency to stop moving when he stopped pulling.

Surprised, McAllister saw the walls of the square of the golden fire he drew from within were perhaps three fingers deep. He attributed the phenomenon that they had any width at all to the distance through which he had made the breach in the fabric of the world.

With a powder-box held in one hand, containing perhaps five pounds from the twenty or so tons in the room outside of time, McAllister released the aether delineating the rent in space.

"The dagger reaches nine inches into the mortar," Gérard reported.

Eying the box McAllister hadn't held before, Savonne described the mortar as being soft, but the wall thick. "It will take us hours to remove a block," he assured McAllister. "What is in the box?"

"A substance that has no place on this world," McAllister responded, placing the box on the ground and moving to inspect the mortar. "Good man," McAllister clapped Gérard on the shoulder.

McAllister retied the ivory to his breast, though with an odd reluctance, as he was now convinced he knew the figure depicted on it. "Savonne," McAllister said aloud, then, drawing the attention of every man in the room save the one chipping at the mortar. "When we breach the wall, until we reach whatever central chamber there may be, any who offer opposition to our ingress are to be killed. I don't know with what weapons they may fight, but best we kill them from a distance."

Savonne nodded. "You have given them enough time to flee?"

McAllister nodded. "I cannot risk any of you in the service of the Mother. It's a hard thing for a commander, as you well know, to choose those who live and die. I know these men. Those others ... I don't."

Old Rizzo knelt, face turned up toward the man on the dais before him, though the blind eyes didn't see. Rizzo saw other things than the light reflected off the world before him, and had ever since the mule kicked him when he was a young man of only thirteen years.

The Hierarchy of the Church of the Mother found him extremely useful over the years, as he freely told what he saw and never offered any opinion on what it meant. A journeyman prelate discovered Rizzo, one new to the pin and on his first tour of the city-states of Denaria. That young prelate hadn't yet become so arrogant that he failed to recognize what treasure the villagers had in the mule-struck man.

The prelate took the young man with him, and over the years used the insight the seer gave him wisely. With the insight that Rizzo had, Mattos Stefane maneuvered himself into the Archprelacy at an early age. Ultimately, that young Archprelate acceded into the First Rank.

Ambition and a hint of the future had gotten Mattos Stefane to where he was now, on the dais before the bent figure of Rizzo, staring at the blind eyes before him, blind though there seemed to be nothing wrong with them. "You cannot see anything of the near future," Mattos Stefane said, flatly.

"No, Your Eminence," Rizzo said, with a tone to his voice which Mattos Stefane found maddeningly serene.

Closing his eyes, Mattos Stefane waited a moment. When he reopened them, he asked, simply, "Why not?"

"The Goddess, she you do not believe in, is real," the irritatingly calm voice responded, the man's face placid. "The Crone always shared her sight with me, having taken pity on me as a cripple. All she ever asked of me was my love and that I never try to look upon her."

"The Goddess, you say, is real." Around Mattos Stefane there were mutters, though none of the other Hierarchy dared speak loudly. "Why have you let us come to this pass, Rizzo? Were we not kind to you and fed and clothed you in her house?"

"You were, Mattos," the calm voice replied. Mattos Stefane quickly found himself becoming more irritated with the reply than the tone it was delivered in.

"Rizzo, it is death and damnation to fail to show proper respect to the Hierarchy. You know this well."

"I have always known the manner and hour of my death, Mattos," the blind man said, and there was no hint of taunt in the voice, though the next words were cutting. "She sent those who make up her new church to kill you. They have defeated the ancient magic protecting this place. She will not help you, nor allow me to, either."

Disgusted, Mattos Stefane made a gesture, and the youngest Archprelate present in the center of the Basilica raised a rod affixed with a cube at the end of it. A dark ruby beam shot from it then, and transfixed the man Rizzo. The beam pierced him from behind, between the shoulder blades. As the man's limbs jerked and flopped, the beam emerged from the chest of the dead seer, now a pure silvery-white.

"Piss and damnation," Mattos Stefane swore, and gestured at the pile of rags at the foot of the dais. "You heard him. She sent them to kill us. Kill them without warning. Do not let them reach this chamber."

Fifty of the youngest Archprelates present acknowledged the command, and ushered the ordinary prelacy out before them, to set up their defense of the inner Basilica. More than one ordinary prelate, having heard Old Rizzo's words, paid with his life for refusing to fight against the new Church of the Mother.

"So, how does it work?" Sable asked, intrigued despite herself. Normally, she regarded magecraft as a toy for many of the same reasons Azer listed before. Chief amongst those reasons was that it took years of mastery with magic to accomplish any effect she could quickly accomplish with sorcery.

As Azer rattled off principles tied to each axis of the spell and the apparatus Azer and Shan Hu made on the table in the midst of all their supplies and experiments, Sable rolled her eyes, and crossed the room for another goblet of wine.

"We can't control the rate just yet, but we think it's along the sixth dimension, and appears to be related to the amplitude of the oscillation," the demon was telling her excitedly as she poured. "It's really tough to say how long the initial charge will sustain the effect," he continued.

Though the stuff tasted like good wine, she felt it was having less and less of an effect upon her, and resolved to check with the sprites who made the stuff. Sable turned again, and took a sip. Her amused eyes met Shan Hu's equally amused glance over the silver goblet's rim, as the demon's tide of words washed over her.

"So you see, all I need to do is lay this piece of silver across this gap, and a volume about the size of this room will speed forward in time," Azer said.

"Azer! No!" Shan Hu shouted, as the demon's slender finger tipped the silver pin over.

Sable stared at the solid-seeming grey wall that formed before her for a minute. Behind that wall she knew the contents of the library hurtled forward through time, carrying Shan Hu and the demon Azer with it. She stood for what seemed like a long time with the goblet at her lips, before she slowly lowered it, unable to find words enough to express what she felt.

McAllister pointed at a spot at the junction of two blocks of the stone over the middle of the block in the course below, two feet above the cracks dug with the dagger.

"Here too, lad," he said, "we'll need to give the rock a place to move to, or it won't fracture like we want. It'll only flake a little out the front near these cracks you've dug, otherwise."

The man nodded, and moved to remove the mortar from the spot McAllister indicated, drilling through the stuff quickly with the point of the dagger.

"The rest of you, gather rags from the dead, enough to seal up the face of these joints," McAllister ordered.

"Seal them?" the man with the dagger asked. The four deacons were the first to move to get McAllister his cloth.

"So the powder doesn't fall out," McAllister said. "It'll burn from the outside in, and its own force will seal the explosion inward."

Nodding, the man gave every indication of not understanding what the madman behind him said, but fully intending to give his Captain what the man wanted.

"Oh. Shit," the demon said, a tone of surprise in his voice. "Um. I really didn't mean to do that," he continued, "or at least with her outside of the effect. I'm sorry," he said to Shan Hu, who simply stared at Azer, aghast.

"Well, I suppose we ought to begin researching how to make a spell to go back in time," Azer remarked to Shan Hu after a few minutes passed.

A short while later, he tried again with, "I really hope the charge runs out before supper time."

Shan Hu finally spoke, after what might have been an hour inside the library caught in the grey walls of shifting time. "What would happen if we just stepped through the walls?"

"Nothing good," the demon said, thoughtfully. "I imagine the first part of you through would age at the outside rate, until you pushed long enough for your heart or brain to get through, whereupon the parts still inside..." he gauged Shan Hu's decidedly unsanguine expression. "Do you need a bucket?" he asked, solicitously.

Shan Hu waved him off weakly, while he sat and thought.

"Fire in the hole," McAllister said, casually, standing behind a wall of sorcery-bound air built over the surface of the wall, where he had poured the gunpowder into the cracks. The ivory rod in his hand sent a fat golden spark leaping through the shield of air and into the powder jammed into the gaps in the wall.

With a muffled roar, the outside face of the stone blocks erupted from the cracks in a sooty red and orange gout, and rock showered outward. A large pall of black smoke rose from the spot, leaving black soot on the wall and ceiling, forever staining the wall hangings. The metallic smell of blood in the room was masked by the almost-sewer smell of black powder smoke.

"What was it supposed to do?" Savonne asked, and McAllister was sure it was the question on every man's lips, though only the Duke had dared speak it.

"This," McAllister said, and bent to pick up a fist-sized chunk of rock. Letting the woven shield of air fall, McAllister swung the rock in his hand like a hammer, and the face of the blocks crumbled and fell out onto the floor in a shower of stone dust and chips. Five sharp bashing blows later, and McAllister could see through the damaged wall, a small circle of light that he quickly stopped again with the rock in his hand.

"Once more into the breach," he said, smiling for the words of the English king of long ago as attributed by the playwright, and pointed out the four corner-joints he wanted the mortar chipped from.

"Why couldn't you do this with sorcery and not this powder?" Savonne asked, curiously.

"I don't know how," McAllister answered, shortly, to Savonne's wide-eyed amusement. Behind him, the four deacons began whispering.

Five minutes later, there was a man-sized breach in the wall, and no more black powder in the cask McAllister fetched from Sea's Home.

"Make a shield," McAllister ordered the deacons, and did also. "Keep it between them and us," he said, and commanded, "Forward."

The first men through loosed bolts, and then McAllister stepped through, Savonne behind him. The shouts and yells of desperate men filled the air, mixed with the screams of the wounded and dying. All around was the sound of fighting, crossbows and running feet. Arrayed around a grand reception room inside the old heart of the Basilica were dozens of robed men, most with an oddly-shaped rod with a cube affixed to it in their hands. Two were lying face down, one in a pool of blood, the other with a bloody bolt penetrating from his shoulder.

From every single man, including the ones hiding behind pillars or furniture, McAllister felt the faint taint of an allegiance to Hell. Around McAllister, men began to fall, pierced by ruby-red beams.

"A shield of air won't do," McAllister yelled in the noise of battle to the deacons. A ruby lance darted through the air before him at an inclined angle, singeing a hole in the now-ruined wall hanging on the side wall of the reception room. "See if you can create a shield of silver," he shouted at them, and turned his attention to drawing silver sorcery from his internal fire, filtered through the brooch.

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50 Plus MILFs

50PlusMILFs! They say things get better with age, though you wouldn’t notice by looking at the leftovers in the back of my fridge. Of course, if I’d been snacking on the prime cuts of meat you can find at 50 50PlusMILFs, there’d never be any leftovers to speak of. As the name implies, these women may be over 50, but you absolutely will want to fuck has been in the MILF porno business for a long fucking time. They just celebrated their 27th anniversary, which means the...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Massage Ch 1

Close your eyes, listen to the wind blowing in through the windows, the sound of chimes ringing somewhere outside, the smell of tropical flowers in the air. You are in your bedroom on your bed, the top of which is many feet off the floor. A soft cotton towel covers your body as you lay on top of the covers. You hear my footsteps as I enter the room, I say hello and sit next to you on the edge. I have brought oil with me for your massage tonight. As I open the lid you smell coconut. You feel me...

1 year ago
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How I learned to love Anal eyed and ready for the world. Finally away from the nest. After years of living with a strict father I finally struck out for the big world. OK, so what if I was only 3 miles down the road from dad.After modelling for years while in High School, I took a job in a local pro shop. It was my first real job. Modeling doesnt count. I had dated a few boys in school and was not a virgin but looking back at it, it was...

2 years ago
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Lucy my daughters best friend 2 The Kath f

So I am laying in bed with my daughter’s 18 year old best friend Lucy, both of us sexually sated when I decide to ask her about the obvious lust she has for my wife.If you haven’t read the first story about Lucy, that all started when I discovered her in my bathroom masturbating with my wife’s knickers.“I’ve fancied Kath for a long time,” she started, “It’s strange I’ve never had the same feelings for Jen, but I can remember just getting all tingly just being around Kath when I first started...

4 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 36

It was about eight in the evening when Cal pulled into Roxie’s driveway. A gloomy afternoon had turned into a light evening rain. “There’s my beautiful car,” Roxie said. “I haven’t seen her in so long.” “You might want to start it and let her run a while before you drive it,” Cal said. “I can take a look at it if you want.” He shut off the motor of the Mustang and was about to jump out of the car to do just that. Roxie caught him by the arm before he had a chance to get all the way...

2 years ago
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First fuck by a model

Hi everyone. I am Amaan here. I am a photographer and Freelancing Model by profession. I am 24 and travel all over India during my photograph and modeling shots. I am 6.1 in height with a thick rock hard horny 9-inch cock. I have been reading a few stories here and thought that I will share a real story of the first fuck through here. For everyone to enjoy and to bring a horny flavor to it I am writing the story in desi language from here on. Ek din mein ghar se nikla or road per pedal walk ker...

3 years ago
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Closelose friend

The occasional rest on the ocean with little friend Margot remembered for a long time! After the beach take a shower, drank a little wine and we lay down on the only big Croat in our room. We both lay on our backs and talked, touching nipples and lips touching lips to each other. Margo liked to tease me, and I hesitated to go on. When the burning desire to cum in any way has become absolutely unbearable .( And in what way ?- sitting comfortably in the bathroom and taking her to ‘float’ your...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 179 Reunion

I followed Ena down the main street of the market, with Avanna and another guard at my heels. I could tell Avanna wasn’t happy that I was following a random elf – a thief – to Maker-knew-where. I gestured at Avanna and she jogged up beside me; I slowed a little to leave some space between us and Ena. “I don’t think it is, but it’s always possible this is a trap.” I sighed as Avanna gripped the pommel of her sword. “She knows who I am.” The guardswoman paled. “Then don’t follow her, my Lady....

1 year ago
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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 4

"The Compact of Raphael," McAllister mused aloud, as the Horse and Rider cantered down the road from Nanterey. "What is it, and why were we commanded to break it?" "It's a shame the priest wasn't more help." "I suspect the Mother would have said more had we asked in private." "She did seem vexed with us," the horse said in a considering tone. "When we get to the library at the port of Crest, we'll look for a description and a guess at its location." "You shall...

2 years ago
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Sam and AmyChapter 20

During the ride home, they got to know each other better. Most of the time Sam and Chuck drove during the day while Roxy and Amy slept. During the night, the roles were reversed. Although Sam and Chuck slept in the same bed, both were clothed. When they pulled up in front of Sam and Amy's home, Chuck emitted a soft whistle followed by a 'wow'. After they had entered the house and been shown around, Chuck and Roxy were even more impressed. As Amy showed them the bedrooms, she turned and...

1 year ago
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Mom Rouses the Pervert Within

The family started to move out and make lives of their own, saddening for me as i will miss them. The good news is that my sister can finally move to her own room, but little 8 year old me would still have to share a bed and room with mommy. I would have to endure my mom changing in front of me before she went to work. Thinking i was still asleep, she would slip out of her nightie and admire herself in the mirror. she was at the time in her late 30's, but had the face of someone much...

3 years ago
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Me my wife and my friend

Hi, my name is Neel. This is my first story on a site like this one. I hope I do not disappoint you while reading this. My wife’s name is Nikita. This is a true story that happened with us. I always wanted to tell it to someone. But I could not. Now I am keeping this story in front of the world. Before marriage, I had a very close friend of mine. His name is Ravi. We used to spend many nights in our house talking and dreaming and studying. We were classmates. I had a girlfriend called Nikita...

1 year ago
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My wife and I first approach before marriage

My wife and I in the car To began with my wife was not Virgin when we got married and I knew it since our 1st meeting as she listed it to me but as long we forget our past relations it does not matter at all. Straight after our 1st meeting we started seeing each other when ever she comes to the city or visiting her in her country side town.After almost 2 weeks of outing it was now time to give a try to come closer to her and I felt she wanted it too. A day she pays to her sister living in the...

3 years ago
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My First photos I took of a naked woman

I recently was digitising a load of old negatives and discovered one of an ex-girlfriend flashing her tit and this bought back some good memories. I was a teenager in the 1980s and therefore well before the internet. My main outlet for masturbation was porn magazines, some of which I purchased from a nearby newsagents and some I found in the local park. I met my first girlfriend, Di, when I was working overseas and we had a wonderful sex life. We went out for just about 12 months and about...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 25

Cider Junction WV time: Friday 5:47:00 PM May 15, 2015 (local time EDT) Cider Junction WV time: Friday 4:47:00 PM May 15, 2015 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 1:03:48 AM day 254 of 1413 (third day of spring Makua) "Time mark. Two minutes to go," Kara said calmly. "A bit difficult to get excited about this," mused Kikapua, as he looked around at his sleepy councilors at the transfer station. "Nalani, what time is sunrise, and what time will it be when the tunnel open for...

1 year ago
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Continuing ChanceChapter 8

There was a lot going on here. The railcar was tilting past forty-five degrees; the earth was still shattering; the mountain to the left of the rail shot up 45 feet ... BANG ... forty-five feet ... instantly. The mountain on the right side of the canyon dropped 45 feet. Like a faster moving sine wave or a bell curve that had an outbreak of idiots and the demise of smart kids. Kerfluffle ... but real loud and snappy. The car dropped over the edge. On the backroad between St. Johns and...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 6 Spindletop

I pulled my Bimmer under the large port-e-cache and parked next to Gypsy's triple red Cadillac El Dorado. That's the biggest damn car I've ever seen. I smiled to myself as I walked around the large chromed continental bumper and into the back door to the house. "Gypsy!" I called as I walked through the back door. "You here?" That's odd I thought. The house was usually lit up like Christmas and had music blaring so loudly you could hear it down the street. The house was instead, dimly lit and...

2 years ago
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My Roommates

By: Danyguy Hello ISS Readers, I am a regular reader of this site. I am Dany, I am going to share with you, my experience with hostel roommates which started 6 years back. We met in the hostel when studying in engineering college in chennai.I was a little guy when I joined college, but my roommates are average college students. I was sharing hostel room with Anand and Rajeev in first year. Being roommates, we started as friends.we go together to play cricket, shopping, mess etc. We are afraid...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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She didnt know that i knew Part 7

The weekend and the beginning of the following week went quickly, although my wife suggested that we both deny each other any sex, stating the intention of heightening Wednesday night’s activities. When Wednesday finally arrived, we were both sexually charged out of our minds. At breakfast, she told me that she got a text from HIM and showed me her phone:*Can’t wait for tonight, Chica. Wear those slutty stockings and that red lipstick again. * was on her screen. “It’s still on” she announced....

4 years ago
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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 6 Through Thick and Thin

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 6 - Through Thick and Thin... Several days passed and nothing changed. Friday evening was still counting down and with every passing minute, I could feel dread building in my body. Was I the one who was nervous? Or was it Ally? I drilled it into my head over and over again: it's just another Friday night hanging out with Mike, watching some game footage and doing what 'bros' do. There's absolutely nothing to be nervous about because...

1 year ago
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School DazeChapter 5 Chubbys Revenge

Friday had passed slowly. I had been up early to workout and run a few errands. I worked the afternoon shift at my waitress job, and had showered and changed before coming to the school. The entire day it seemed as if the clock was running at half speed. I had such a sense of anticipation for tonight I was hardly able to contain myself. Now the time was near, as I entered the classroom that had become my personal exhibition zone. As I walked through the empty classroom toward the office my...

1 year ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Reese Robbins 09122022

When Reese hears from her best friend how she has dumped Lawson because she thinks he is a freak due to his foot fascination she pounces on the opportunity. Seems Reese loves her footsies played with. Sure it’s personal info she gathers as intel on her cock seeking mission but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. So Lawson comes over and gets to tell his pathetic tale of woe is me to the eager best friend of his former girlfriend. Poor sucker was dumped and his heart is hurting...

2 years ago
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Silver Blood Creepshow

Greetings, my name is Behemoth, or at least that is what is is, now. You see, before I was Behemoth, I was Florida's answer to Crocodile Dundee, Jackie Lance. As Jackie, I looked like an Irish Terminator with a Van Dyke beard and the Count Dracula widow's peak hair line. I had been brought into the Silver Blood Community to help with tracking the mutants that were causing harm. These mutants looked like your classic horror monsters, aliens and mythological creatures with or without...

1 year ago
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Rahul And Radhika Brother Marries Sister

Hello guys, I am Rahul from India and now settled in the UK. I am 60 years old now, 6.2 feet in height with a hard rock dick of 6.5 inches. I can make any woman happy in bed. Contact me for hot sex, and you will feel the heaven. My family consists of myself and my elder sister Radhika. We belong to one of a rich business family in india. She is 63 years old now, she is fair and looks like a normal Indian girl. She is cute and soft-spoken and homely. She normally wears saree. She worked as a...

3 years ago
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My girlfriend and the delivery guy

My girlfriend was working as a receptionist at a veterinary hospital, she didn't enjoy it much but it paid the bills at least. After a couple of years of being there the company decided to change the uniform. So it went from scrubs style top and trousers to white blouse and skirt or a grey or black dress, which I pefered as both showed off her sexy curves.I mean everytime she came home from work all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off and fuck her!I had noticed that after a couple of month...

2 years ago
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Masi Mommy Sex Goddess

Hi ISS readers, I don’t know whether you will belive it or not but some part of the story is real and character’s depicted are taken from my real life. Story begins, Myself Kunnu, I had a family of 3 members and we belong to semi urban area in MP. My father was in central government job and my mother is home maker. We use to stay in government apartment with other families staying in the same apartment. Next door there was a family; there were aunty, uncle her daughter who was divorced. She has...

3 years ago
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On a hot Nevada night, Morgan was driving home from his shift at one of the local watering holes. As he makes his way down a deserted highway, he notices two people waving at him, two women in fact. Morgan stops to ask if he can be of assistance. The girls tell him that they have run out of gas, and the closest gas station is a quarter of a mile away, but it would be too long to walk in their high heel shoes. So Morgan offers them a lift and the girls get in. A half hour later, they return....

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 28 Aikido Revelations

Thursday, April 7, 2005 (Continued) I had to wait for Mom and Donna to come get me, so I walked back to my seat with the books. As I was sitting down I remembered to think about whether I was centered: nope, I wasn't. So I centered myself again, shaking my head to myself over how slippery keeping center is. #1: #2:

3 years ago
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Backdoor ManChapter 13

I wasn’t completely sure who was on the other end of the glory hole, of course, but I had to admit that I would be happy either way. The way that things had worked out, we had all opted for the glory holes, with the idea that some of us would top and be on one side of the holes, while the others would bottom on the opposite end. Team Top and Team Bottom, I called it, and the guys and gals all liked that plan. What I didn’t and couldn’t know for sure was whether any outsiders were active or...

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