Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 27 free porn video

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"McAllister," the soundless voice of the Mother came to him in the morning, half a day from Marcelon.

"Yes, Mother?" Sleep for McAllister, always hard to come by, had been scarcer the last two days, his dreams filled with concern. The despair Sable felt as the Demon Lord's captive weighed on him deeply.

"I am given dispensation to help you slightly, if it will encourage you to rid the plane of the Demon and end the assault from Hell at the congruence. It's all I and others could argue for you."

As she finished her words, McAllister's sense of Sable through the brooch on his collar grew greatly. A fraction of a second later he felt her hope blossom and grow, and McAllister knew the love of his second life could feel his mood as well.

"I may now answer you, also," the Mother continued, "my relative position in the affairs of gods has changed. You are carrying the news that the Church is broken and reformed to the new Seat, and there are many who were junior in the old Hierarchy who are carrying the word to the other corners of my domain. As the Church is restored, the genuine worship of my people will increase my reach and stature. This brings me to Madelle."

Nodding, McAllister replied with a single unspoken word. "Savonne."

"Savonne, indeed. She should marry the man immediately."

Despite his formerly black mood, McAllister laughed, and felt Sable's spirit lift, also. "Mother, thank you," McAllister said, more seriously. "As you have reminded me, Sable and I have friends, and while we are still free of Hell there is hope. And maybe even after."

"That's all I hoped to accomplish," the Mother said, lightly, and was gone.

The troop certainly felt the change in McAllister's mood. Glancing about himself, McAllister caught several smiles and heard a more than a few laughs.

The afternoon flew past, and by nightfall, they entered the East gate into Marcelon.

"Something has changed," the Greater Demon said to Sable, his gaze pinning her own.

Sable made no answer, staring defiantly back at the smooth-skinned aristocratic face, the dark skin almost glowing in the lamplight of the library. Behind him, where the two walls, the bookcases, and all the furniture had been, was an empty void. The stone floor was missing eight inches of material from a large square area, and the dining room behind the library was missing its back wall. The entire effect was of one cavernous room, and the remaining lamps struggled mightily to fill the space with light.

Sable had been sleeping at the foot of the demon's bed, the bed formerly occupied by his grand-nephew Azer. The demon held the leash of Fire, even in his sleep.

"Tell me, or I can make things hard for you," the demon said mildly.

"My lover has accomplished his mission and redeemed my bargain with one of the gods of this place."

"It is more than that, I think," the demon said, thoughtfully. "There is something ... richer about your sense of your place. You seem more confident of rescue. Hold still," he commanded, and Sable bore his inspection.

"Almost I would say a deity of this world wed you to him, though how that could happen without the two of you in proximity?" His puzzled look cleared, then. "My clever little Horse," he purred. "You had a bond with him all this time, and he knows where you are and what you are feeling. Whatever the god gave him, you feel as well." He paused then, considering. "No, I shall not torture you, not yet. He will come to me."

Sable said nothing, though she wished for wine. The quality and potency of the stuff increased dramatically since the Greater Demon stepped into the house. Sable gave a sniff of derision for the sprites of the house.

Absently, the demon caused the decanter and her goblet to float across the room, having heard and correctly deduced the meaning of the sniff. With her manacles loosened, Sable was free to drink the wine, which she did slowly, so as to prolong the time her hands were loose.

The next morning, he found the clothing Ban-Den had bought her in Sea's Home, and watched pointedly while she dressed. He releashed her by her foot this time, and brought her to the central courtyard of the house, whereupon he tossed her sword to her.

"Fight," he ordered, and proceeded to test Sable to her limits. Only twice did she come within six inches of his skin with her blade, and his dark eyes glittered in appreciation both times.

Finally, the ordeal was over, and she rested, sides heaving. "You have a fine grasp of the physics of these lower planes," he observed. "You could have changed your mass, though I would have also. That you did as well as you have without doing so speaks well of your training. I suppose I shall have to congratulate my nephew."

Sable risked a response, then. "If ... he ... gets back," she managed between breaths.

"Oh, the mage he is with shall see to it," the demon assured her. "I won't want to tangle with that one later in his career," and laughed at Sable's surprise.

"Why does he help us?" Sable asked, then.

The Greater Demon nodded, fingers drawing at his sharp chin. "He feels he is rebelling, to spite the family that does not regard him. We call this the Wandering, the phase where he will come into his own."

Sable endured the laughter as she endured everything else. McAllister was, in a very real sense, only an emotion away.

McAllister stood on the deck of the sailing vessel Fairwinds, and waved a goodbye to Marcelon. Nearly the entire town turned out to see him off, it seemed, though why many should know him was beyond his ability to comprehend. The Deaconate and the Priestesses moved through the streets on the way to the docks en masse, and perhaps that was why the crowds formed.

Savonne's soldiery lined the streets also, along with the city's small guard. It had not taken very much of a display of divine-inspired ethereal ability from the deaconry to convince the court of Savonne-the-duchy that merging the duchy with Marcelon and blessing the marriage of their Duke to the head of the New Church was in their best interests. Having the commanders of Savonne's army assume command of the joint forces could not have hurt the decision process either.

McAllister was certain that the commanders would, in due time, learn the deaconry could not be lied to by deed or omission. Until then, each unit larger than twenty men had a deacon as second-in-command. Given their previous profession of intelligencer and spy, McAllister was positive they and their units would do well.

Madelle had very little time to enjoy courtship with Savonne, though his interest had been plain even before leaving with McAllister for Saint-Raphael. Apparently Lelainde and Madelle had considered the situation, and Madelle had let herself hope he would return.

During the wedding, the last doubts of Madelle's legitimacy were erased. The brilliant silvery spark had officiated at the state wedding, and two days' worth of reveling at the end of winter did much to relieve the combined population of Marse-Savonne.

So it was that McAllister stood then, on the deck of the Fairwinds. The brilliant silvery spark hung in the space between the ship and shore, plain for all to see.

The rich alto timbre of the Goddess sounded then, rolling across the harbor for all to hear. "To McAllister, go, and with my good graces and thanks, know that you are ever welcome in my lands and my houses. To the people of Marse-Savonne, know you are blessed in your leadership and that your Goddess loves you."

McAllister knew with a farewell like that, the ship's crew would have a difficult time treating him as merely a man, though for this voyage he had twenty-two cavalrymen who did not treat him as a living saint.

The thought was comforting.

Carus watched the crew balefully. There were more than he could dispatch if it came down to it, and he regretted the decision which had him travel with the fat and disgusting Karsu more than words could say. The crew didn't care for Karsu, and Carus had the definite sense that Savonne's troop hadn't either, when he first saw him.

McAllister bested Karsu twice, and, unless Karsu were strongly reinforced with competent help, Carus would bet heavily on McAllister doing it a third time.

Carus had even seen the aftermath of the first altercation between McAllister and Karsu, eleven dead bodies on the street, when McAllister summoned Carus for the first time. McAllister had ignored the bodies, and only asked about the apple tree in the Bronze god's court. Carus could appreciate a man's dedication to a goal, and there was a lot to appreciate about McAllister's ability to achieve his goal.

Later, he even had gotten Carus laid in a brothel in the gods-forsaken city of Bhangda, a place Carus absolutely hated, but Raphael had ordered him to. Exile was perhaps not too strong a term for it, as Carus spent fifty years in the damnable city, dying there in his old age. It was McAllister who had called Carus back again, to walk under the sun, and undo the life's work Raphael's casual order to secure the three artifacts of power had turned into.

Carus was still bitter at Raphael's casual dismissal. And of course, Raphael trusted him with the Rod of Irel, trusted him to carry his orders out and not die until his orders were set irrevocably along their path. A small matter of enlisting a nation of millions to guard the Rod was a trifle, compared to the strict geas Raphael had placed on Carus' soul. Carus had felt the weight of it for over a thousand years during what should have been bliss in the Blessed Fields of Elysium.

Then McAllister had broken the geas.

Carus had felt it in the instant McAllister gazed upon the pillar hiding the Rod in its depths. Some profound magic expenditure had happened at the time. Carus recently warned Karsu that McAllister was Sorcerer and Mage both, and frighteningly effective at what skills he had. Though McAllister often used his talisman to focus the magery in subtle ways, the freeing of the bonds which Raphael had placed on Carus with the Rod had been anything but subtle.

Though McAllister seemed to only know three uses of sorcery, the thought of the feats he accomplished with those three uses caused Carus' bowels to turn into water.

Now, here Carus was, protecting the loathsome Karsu from the ship's crew, who took a nearly instant dislike to the fat man. The sailors muttered not-so-thinly veiled comments about his bulk and eating habits, and his seemingly-endless supply of wine entirely too often for Carus to ignore. He had taken to sharpening his short sword on the deck by the ladder down to the crew's berth. Not-so-coincidentally, this was by the berth-house on the deck where Karsu's cabin was, along with the first officer and Captain. The crew ran about and did whatever it was sailors did, to the music of Carus' whetstone as accompaniment.

Carus' danger sense had been constantly triggered during this passage, and so it was with great relief that, on the thirty-third day of their voyage, the lookout cried, "Land afore!"

"Captain, Helmsman," Carus said as the worthies named had turned the ship north to beat up the coast. "My companion and I will depart your vessel here, if it pleases you. Would you set a sea anchor and detail a boat crew to send us to the shore?"

The Captain looked at the shore, dense forest meeting the rocky beach, without a sign of habitation from horizon to horizon, and then back at his crew, gauging their mood. "It's your coin," he said at last.

Karsu, predictably, argued with Carus, shoving his fat jowls and fetid breath in Carus' face until Carus had pricked one of his chins with the point of his short sword slid up between the two men. Karsu's eyes bulged out, though his voice was, thankfully, stopped.

Carus looked down upon the boat being lowered into the water, the sailors' backs willingly bent to the task if it meant getting rid of the unlucky one the sooner. Especially as it meant the fat man would leave his wine behind, though the foodstuffs and his other trunks were loaded into the boat.

"I'm sorry to see you put ashore here," the Captain apologized, "you were a decent sort, at least, if there were ill will on the boat, it wasn't at you."

"It is necessary I travel with him," Carus half-explained, and the Captain nodded.

"Good luck to you," he said, as Carus descended the netting over the side, the pack on his back lurching with his movement.

McAllister was aware of the effect he had on the Captain, having gone through much the same with Burnsby, the Captain of the SV Beaualito months before. He amused himself with watching Emile and Nasic order the ship's crew about. Both were natural-born Marine Sergeants, hard on disobedience, and instantly asserted their authority over the Fairwinds' crew.

Before the griping got out of hand, Nasic had ordered the deck sanded, much to the Fairwind's captain's surprise. Twenty sailors against ten cavalrymen, each with half the deck to sand from stem to stern.

Not a single cavalryman complained. Unused to the back-breaking labor, with flat planks and buckets of sand and water, the cavalrymen finished the port side of the Fairwinds in less than four hours, while the sailors finished in a day and a half. The sailors withstood the silence of the cavalrymen with fair grace, though McAllister would bet money the sailors would have preferred taunts and jeers.

The improvement in his crew's discipline and efficiency was hard to ignore.

More annoying, McAllister knew, was his penchant for suspending a lodestone-rubbed needle from a string, and making notes on a sheet of paper with a charcoal stick. McAllister was waiting for a clear night, rare in the winter in these northern climes, to check the stars. This was something the Captain did only on occasion, trusting instead that he would eventually hit the Western Continent, and then turn north to Cap de Moireau and the cities there.

Finally, the night was clear, and McAllister was able to see the stars. The night watch on the ship watched McAllister covertly, though he didn't move. He sat on a barrel of freshwater, leaning against the deckhouse, watching the sky above the ship until dawn.

"Captain, turn north," McAllister ordered, and to the crew there was no mistaking the voice of command.

Shrugging, the Captain did so, and McAllister showed him the marks he had drawn on the wheel coping, and handed him the lodestone needle on a thread.

"Why are you so sure this is the proper heading for the Cape, sir?" the Captain asked.

McAllister looked around at the crew of the ship, who were artfully engaged so as to appear as if they weren't listening, and gave a quirk of the lips. "I suppose it doesn't matter what's said about me," and turned back to the Captain. "The stars can be a guide in more ways than one. In this case, they showed me much. Not only are we now on the proper course, but I am in a race I didn't know I was in, to arrive at a place still further north than the Cap de Moireau."

Only partially mollified, the Captain let it drop.

"Well, little dragon-ling, I have been considering matters," the Greater Demon said the next morning. They spent the night in the courtyard, with its limited view of the sky, since this was the first night devoid of cloud cover in many days. The demon had, coldly, Sable knew, decided to leave the trap in the stone of the house which trapped her in place. This was in addition to his shackle on her ankle, piling insult upon injury.

Sable said nothing, which was not unusual.

"I have watched the stars of this world," the demon said, "and learned much. They have a great regard for your fellow fugitive, did you know?"

Sable still made no response, only returning the demon's words with her stony glare.

The demon sighed. "I could use a pair of capable and dedicated instructors in my household, to teach the young ones how little they really know. They tend to become dangerously defiant, as my puling little grand-nephew has." He sighed again, and opened his hands expressively. "I'll make you an offer I seldom make, though you may not believe me. I offer you positions in my household, with all the same opportunities and risks accorded to persons of station therein."

Despite herself, Sable gave the proposal consideration. "It would solve many problems," the demon continued, reasonably. "Your mate has fulfilled his obligation to that goddess," and Sable believed the stars had, indeed, shown the Greater Demon what McAllister had done on this plane.

"It would satisfy the demand of Hell to avoid being seen as expansionist and reclaim it's own," the demon continued, "and you would be trusted to leave Hell on official embassy, in due time." Seeing Sable consider it, the demon furthered his argument, "Your mate would not be stifled, and both of you would find the work exciting," he promised. "It would add legitimacy to your union," he pressed.

What the Greater Demon did not and could not know of were McAllister's private agreements, though Sable did. Sable betrayed nothing upon her face. "What," she finally said, when the silence had grown long, and she realized the Greater Demon was prepared to wait for her response, "shall I use for your name?"

If the demon were disappointed she hadn't committed, or even indicated interest, he hid it well. "You know," he smiled, canines showing toothily, "I've been fond of the name 'Azer' when traveling."

Sable laughed outright, to the demon's surprise. "Your grand-nephew chose the same name," she explained, between bursts of laughter, "You should know that my mate is a student of language, though he knows only a little Mabrahoring. I think Azer is a short form of a longer word, one that probably means 'born of fire'. Wouldn't you say that that name fits me and mine better than any of you or yours?"

Same as Mc Allister's Redemption
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Birthday Present A Massage

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences and fantasies. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. Thanks for all those who replied and encouraged me to share more of my experiences. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 28, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I...

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Suzettes Norma

Suzette's Norma - By Norma Grace .....I untie your ankles and wrists from the bed posts, tie your wrists together and tell you to get on the bed with your ass in the air. You are on your forearms and knees and I stand behind you. I ightly brush fingers across your ass and spread your legs a little further. Your pussy is quite wet, glistening with sticky moisture. I touch your pussy lips and trace their outline lightly with my fingers. It feels wonderfully slick. I take some of...

3 years ago
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First Time Swapping Partners

My wife and I had gotten into an alternative lifestyle early in our marriage. We got married at eighteen back in the seventies and lived in a very conservative town. And with my wife Lynn being a preacher's, daughter she had always had a certain image to uphold. But once we got married that innocent little girl turned into a hot nympho.Our first experiences were threesomes we had with some of our male friends. And Lynn saw how much it turned me on her being seen nude by my buddies that we...

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Incidents in a cross dressers life Part Two A tr

My first "outing" was with a female fuck buddy. She loved sex. Any time, place, or person. Damn she was a great fuck buddy! She asked about any fantasies I had. I mentioned I always wanted to cross dress in pantyhose, panties, bra, and a great wig. We spent the afternoon shopping and found all of my needs and a great wig that matched my natural hair color. There is a nice pic of me labeled "first pic." in the gallery. My nipples and cock were rock hard the whole time, especially while she...

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BBC takes my ASS Gay

This is the true story of how I lost my anal virginity to Big Black Cock. I wanted to give some backstory and that's kind of long but I assure you the read is worth it.It starts before I would actually end up losing my virginity. I was dating a female.For the first year of our relationship everything was pretty normal. But when she went to college and I wasn't yet. She got a job at a mall and was constantly surrounded by older people. Eventually she stopped seeing me as a boyfriend and just a...

4 years ago
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Holodecked Out

Holodecked Out by Pamela [email protected] This story, which is written in the form of a one act play, borrows characters and some pseudo-technology from the Star Trek Voyager television show. Of course the main reason to view this show is the character "7 of 9" and the wonderful way she fills out her "catsuit", meow. Besides 7 of 9, there is the fascinating holodeck which is a computer generated fantasy...

4 years ago
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The Man In The Window

Nick sat admiring the early morning sunshine slanting across the meadows behind his thatched cottage. He had moved to rural Shropshire the year before, shaking off the dust and grime of London after the break-up of a long-term relationship. Financially, he was now just holding his head above water as a computer consultant and part-time lecturer. When bemused friends queried his strange retreat from urban civilisation he'd reply: "It's just like living in 1987!".As he sipped the last dregs of...

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Old street walker and young student

I hope you like this story. It's one of the kinkiest things I think I've ever done.I was a student and it was a rainy day in edinburgh and i was walking around feeling horny and looking at the dirty mags in the bookshops when i saw this old woman begging near greyfriars church. she was kind of attractive - you could see she must have been good looking in her day, but she must have been about sixty and she looked like an alcoholic, but there was something sluttish about her expression that...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 57

It was a week later that Tom went to find John. "He had been doing a lot of thinking and had made a decision. When he found him he asked to talk to him in the library. John could tell from his expression that it wasn't going to be good, but he waited for Tom to give him the news. "John, I am going to be taking a little trip, and I will be going alone." Tom knew that John would protest and he was ready for it. He held up his hand to stop the flow and explained, "John, I will need you...

4 years ago
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I Spy with My Two Eyes

John, your best friend from high school, has invited you to his place for a get together. You've both kept in touch for a while, on and off, through college and some work experiences. You've also met each other a couple of times at each other's places. While not necessarily the best of friends, your relationship has maintained rather well over the last seven years, and you are happy to visit him one more time. You arrive at John's rather expansive home on the beach (John inherited quite a bit...

2 years ago
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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 6 A Trip to a More Distant Node

For his next trip Jason decided to make a translation much further away from his home node, one which would take more than an hour. This trip would require more caution and more attention to what was going on as Jason was pretty sure the place he would end up at the end of the translation would be a significantly different universe from his own. Perhaps even so different that it would not be possible for Jason to leave the transfer pod. Because of this he was especially careful in his...

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The Price of Marrying Nobility Part 3

The Price of Marrying Nobility Part 3 SupositionLife Magic, Dukes, and True Love Fictionmania style ( Thanks for the kind reviews ) As Nikki and David left the Gumbo Pot a nice restaurant in the French Quarter of New Orleans and Nikki asked David " why do you want to go back to our room now, let me show you Bourbon Street at lease?" . David looking up to her new husband said" I am not use to everybody being so much bigger than me and I keep catching men looking at my butt."....

4 years ago
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Sally And Billys Romance Grows

It was a little before nine when Sally knocked on Billy's door. He had been up for a little more than two hours and was happy to see his girlfriend. “Sally, I am so glad you came over this morning. I am looking forward to spending the day with you. I have just finished my homework. Are you done with yours?” “Yes, Billy. I did my homework as soon as I got up this morning. Now, if you don't mind, I would love to go somewhere where I can show off my new boyfriend.” Billy recognized Sally's need...

Love Stories
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InterracialPickups Lana Sharapova 10222020

Lana is a new pizza delivery girl on her first delivery so her boss gives her a camera to hand to customers to record the deliveries and get feedback. She is terrible and holds the pizza sideways, then drops it before giving it to the customers. They complain and tell her that’s not good if they call her boss and she tells them she will do ANYTHING to make sure they are happy because customer service counts and she wants a 5 star rating. So they tell her to get down on the ground and they...

2 years ago
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My Best Halloween Ch2

I licked my lips hungrily, flashed Jim a seductive come fuck me look, and suggested, “I for one cannot wait to see what kind of action, lay ahead for the four of us.” John stretched, winked at me, and confessed. “Wow, I do not know about you, but I had one hell of a time at your party, Jim. We’d love to stay and fuck all night!” Kathy then spoke up and said, “I’m getting something to drink, would anyone else like one?” I looked her in the eyes, grinned, and purred, “How’s about I...

3 years ago
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Lawda Khada Kar Deti Hain Meri Do Behne 8211 Part 2

Yeh kahani ek second part hain meri original khanai ka , jiska naam hai “Lawda khada kar deti hain meri do behne-part 1” Thoda sa description mere aur pariwaaar ke baarey main pehley aapko de deta hu , main rahul 24 years ka hu, 6 foot lamba hu, thoda muscular body,kyuki main roz gym jata hu,rang mera thoda sawaala hai,aur mujhse badi meri behan jiska naam simran(25 years) hai aur sabse badi behan ka naam hai ridhima(28 years),ridhima ek bank main job kar rahi hai aur simran dance sikhati...

1 year ago
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The Young WifeChapter 9

Following a very, very strange day, I struggled home along a strange new route, back to Rob’s flat. Now, our flat. We’d decided to call his flat home, it was far superior to my room with my family. I was in first and I made dinner. When Rob came in, we spent a quiet evening in front of the telly. I was pleased because it gave me a chance to try and sort out my whirling thoughts and to reconcile the images of the fucked Miss Ferguson with the prim boss I liked and worked for. Several times I...

4 years ago
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St Pattys day and a sharing of the Milf

We usually go to an irish pub nearby on St Patrick's Day and this was as usual. We tend to gather with the younger crowd, and we found a few stand up tables near the back and asked if we could set our beers down and share the table. Everyone was fairly well oiled and we were accepted to join in. there were 6 guys at this table and all of them appeared to be 21-24. jerry was a very good looking guy and he kept talking shit about all the girls he was going to go over and pick up. he never left...

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aunts feet

I guess I'd grown sort of attracted to women's feet at a young age. My mom had a lot of friends who would sit around and play cards and drink and such. Nearly every weekend there would be a gathering of women who would sit, remove their shoes and drink and play cards. I used to love sitting on the floor under the table and play with the womens feet. They just kept on playing cards like nothing was happening.My aunt lived in the city. She was a mover and shaker, or so mom would say about her....

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Library Girl Chapter 26

Chapter 26 -- The Booster Day Crew Plays Hooky for a Day Booster Day was scheduled for the following Friday -- so that library personnel could set up and staff the booths on company time, and in hopes attendance would increase because the event didn't interfere with weekend plans -- and Janie, Jimmie, and Randall had everything ready for their venture by Monday of that week. Jimmie and Randall had fully populated the database with the donations, assigned prices or "suggested...

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Warrior WoesChapter 37

“You kicked her out?” said Cherry. “If I am not at the very least her main daddy; then, as far as I’m concerned, I’m nothing,” I said. “Not at the very least, huh,” she said. “I think that you are a bit more than the very least with her, and, well, with everybody,” said Cherry. “Hah! Show me your evidence,” I said. “You can’t because there is none!” I said, kinda loudly. “The evidence, Mister, is right there in front of your face: they keep trying to connect with you. Yes, they want to...

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I studied her as she plotted my demise. She was rapidly approaching maturity, the end of her transformation from awkward pubescence to an alluring young woman. She might have not even been done developing but in the past few months I'd been entertaining some very erotic but forbidden thoughts about her. Looking at her just then didn't do anything to quell my fantasies. She was wearing blue denim shorts that were loose enough around the leg that I could see the edges of her pale yellow...

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What was it about my daughter's boyfriend that turned me on so much? No one characteristic comes to mind. I suppose it was a combination of things. And perhaps a certain time in my life also. I was 52, divorced, alone and quite bored.I had been divorced from my husband Jerry for 12 years and didn't really have a steady boyfriend. Jerry and I remained friends but he seemed to be turning into an old man. I was still young at heart, or so I felt. But the more men I met the more disappointed I...

3 years ago
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The Glass Balls III

When I met Reginald, how my life changed! We became lovers the first night we met, and the best of friends within a week after that. He had that combination of traits that so many women want, yet so few find: self-confidence (but without a shred of arrogance), a ready wit, and unfailing consideration of my wants and needs. There was nothing we did not share with each other, and soon I found myself moving into his apartment. Within three months, we were engaged. I still called him "Dom" and he...

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My Next Time With a Dirty Mommy

It had been a little while since my late night with Krissy. In the past, I’ve never known people who work together screwing around to be anything but a total pain in the ass. Someone always feels weird, someone always wants more, it spills over into the workplace, someone ends up quitting or fired. But this situation seemed to defy all logic. We laughed and joked when we were together. We talked about people we were dating, or wanted to date. There was nothing hostile or tense between us. It...

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Going to a sex bar

One year ago Ana and I had attended a sex bar in a nearer town.In that ocassion, I felt things had been awesome for my sensual slut wife; but not for all…My sweet babe had always loved big cocks, especially big black cocks. But she never could get enough.On that especial evening Ana had sex with three black men. But I shared just sucking a dick with my wife and received a gay blow job while my wife was being fucked wildly right next to me. That was the only reason my sexy wife wanted to...

3 years ago
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Julie Ch 07

It was well after midnight when Julie finally conceded that if he was going to come, he would have arrived by now. She wanted to be angry at him. She definitely felt stood-up, even though there really hadn’t been any real plans between them. But it wasn’t anger, just disappointment. Tomorrow she would be flying home and there was no telling when she would see Greg again. How long she would have to continue to wait to experience that feeling again? What exactly was that feeling? Julie wasn’t...

4 years ago
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My Nephews temptation and his mothers need P1

'Look at him', my sister exclaimed, almost apologetically, her son lay out on the settee in his underpants, sound asleep, or so we thought, until we could smell the alcohol, a big no-no considering he was just fifteen. I could understand her anger, as she tried in vain to rouse him, but he was in deep alcohol induced slumber, and as if that was not enough, he had an erection, which stood proud, tightly contained and outlined within those tight shorts masquerading as underpants.'Look at that',...

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Latex Hood

I had to write this to fully acknowledge where I’m standing now.I have been in this lifestyle for many years now and I have been aroused by wearing many different types of lingerie and sexy attires.After years of crossdressing with regular stockings as a teen, my first fetish obsession was with fishnets. Putting them on set me in such a sexual mood! Then it was the full bodystocking. Since these early years, I think I’ve worn pretty much any kind of sexy outfit: the maid, the student, the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 342

They arrived together at 3PM. In the old days there would have been files and drawings to spread on my dining room table. Since it wasn't the old days, we sat at the table with laptops. I stared at the screen of my laptop at the images provided by their flash drive. "So what am I looking at?" I asked. I knew exactly what I was looking at. There were three house models in the village at Hart's Mill. The image on my screen which was labeled Bluebird was one of the house plans. "It's one...

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GS A Wedding to Remember

GS: A Wedding to Remember By Julie Every girl dreams about what her wedding is going to be like. Who she will marry, what she will wear, what the church looks like, etc. Shelly was no different. She had dreamed of a small wedding with just family and very close friends in a chapel that had numerous stained glass windows. When Josh Anderson, the love of her life, asked her to marry him, she knew exactly what she wanted. She began looking for and found a small chapel in a...

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Pehli Chudayi Best Friend Ke Sath 8211 Part 4

Hi friends. Thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai, don’t ask me for my number. Main kisi se number share nahi karti aur na hi interested in meeting or sex with the reader. Main Nafeesa, aaj apni story ka agla part publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34 28 34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jaayega. Mujhe...

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