Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 27 free porn video

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"McAllister," the soundless voice of the Mother came to him in the morning, half a day from Marcelon.

"Yes, Mother?" Sleep for McAllister, always hard to come by, had been scarcer the last two days, his dreams filled with concern. The despair Sable felt as the Demon Lord's captive weighed on him deeply.

"I am given dispensation to help you slightly, if it will encourage you to rid the plane of the Demon and end the assault from Hell at the congruence. It's all I and others could argue for you."

As she finished her words, McAllister's sense of Sable through the brooch on his collar grew greatly. A fraction of a second later he felt her hope blossom and grow, and McAllister knew the love of his second life could feel his mood as well.

"I may now answer you, also," the Mother continued, "my relative position in the affairs of gods has changed. You are carrying the news that the Church is broken and reformed to the new Seat, and there are many who were junior in the old Hierarchy who are carrying the word to the other corners of my domain. As the Church is restored, the genuine worship of my people will increase my reach and stature. This brings me to Madelle."

Nodding, McAllister replied with a single unspoken word. "Savonne."

"Savonne, indeed. She should marry the man immediately."

Despite his formerly black mood, McAllister laughed, and felt Sable's spirit lift, also. "Mother, thank you," McAllister said, more seriously. "As you have reminded me, Sable and I have friends, and while we are still free of Hell there is hope. And maybe even after."

"That's all I hoped to accomplish," the Mother said, lightly, and was gone.

The troop certainly felt the change in McAllister's mood. Glancing about himself, McAllister caught several smiles and heard a more than a few laughs.

The afternoon flew past, and by nightfall, they entered the East gate into Marcelon.

"Something has changed," the Greater Demon said to Sable, his gaze pinning her own.

Sable made no answer, staring defiantly back at the smooth-skinned aristocratic face, the dark skin almost glowing in the lamplight of the library. Behind him, where the two walls, the bookcases, and all the furniture had been, was an empty void. The stone floor was missing eight inches of material from a large square area, and the dining room behind the library was missing its back wall. The entire effect was of one cavernous room, and the remaining lamps struggled mightily to fill the space with light.

Sable had been sleeping at the foot of the demon's bed, the bed formerly occupied by his grand-nephew Azer. The demon held the leash of Fire, even in his sleep.

"Tell me, or I can make things hard for you," the demon said mildly.

"My lover has accomplished his mission and redeemed my bargain with one of the gods of this place."

"It is more than that, I think," the demon said, thoughtfully. "There is something ... richer about your sense of your place. You seem more confident of rescue. Hold still," he commanded, and Sable bore his inspection.

"Almost I would say a deity of this world wed you to him, though how that could happen without the two of you in proximity?" His puzzled look cleared, then. "My clever little Horse," he purred. "You had a bond with him all this time, and he knows where you are and what you are feeling. Whatever the god gave him, you feel as well." He paused then, considering. "No, I shall not torture you, not yet. He will come to me."

Sable said nothing, though she wished for wine. The quality and potency of the stuff increased dramatically since the Greater Demon stepped into the house. Sable gave a sniff of derision for the sprites of the house.

Absently, the demon caused the decanter and her goblet to float across the room, having heard and correctly deduced the meaning of the sniff. With her manacles loosened, Sable was free to drink the wine, which she did slowly, so as to prolong the time her hands were loose.

The next morning, he found the clothing Ban-Den had bought her in Sea's Home, and watched pointedly while she dressed. He releashed her by her foot this time, and brought her to the central courtyard of the house, whereupon he tossed her sword to her.

"Fight," he ordered, and proceeded to test Sable to her limits. Only twice did she come within six inches of his skin with her blade, and his dark eyes glittered in appreciation both times.

Finally, the ordeal was over, and she rested, sides heaving. "You have a fine grasp of the physics of these lower planes," he observed. "You could have changed your mass, though I would have also. That you did as well as you have without doing so speaks well of your training. I suppose I shall have to congratulate my nephew."

Sable risked a response, then. "If ... he ... gets back," she managed between breaths.

"Oh, the mage he is with shall see to it," the demon assured her. "I won't want to tangle with that one later in his career," and laughed at Sable's surprise.

"Why does he help us?" Sable asked, then.

The Greater Demon nodded, fingers drawing at his sharp chin. "He feels he is rebelling, to spite the family that does not regard him. We call this the Wandering, the phase where he will come into his own."

Sable endured the laughter as she endured everything else. McAllister was, in a very real sense, only an emotion away.

McAllister stood on the deck of the sailing vessel Fairwinds, and waved a goodbye to Marcelon. Nearly the entire town turned out to see him off, it seemed, though why many should know him was beyond his ability to comprehend. The Deaconate and the Priestesses moved through the streets on the way to the docks en masse, and perhaps that was why the crowds formed.

Savonne's soldiery lined the streets also, along with the city's small guard. It had not taken very much of a display of divine-inspired ethereal ability from the deaconry to convince the court of Savonne-the-duchy that merging the duchy with Marcelon and blessing the marriage of their Duke to the head of the New Church was in their best interests. Having the commanders of Savonne's army assume command of the joint forces could not have hurt the decision process either.

McAllister was certain that the commanders would, in due time, learn the deaconry could not be lied to by deed or omission. Until then, each unit larger than twenty men had a deacon as second-in-command. Given their previous profession of intelligencer and spy, McAllister was positive they and their units would do well.

Madelle had very little time to enjoy courtship with Savonne, though his interest had been plain even before leaving with McAllister for Saint-Raphael. Apparently Lelainde and Madelle had considered the situation, and Madelle had let herself hope he would return.

During the wedding, the last doubts of Madelle's legitimacy were erased. The brilliant silvery spark had officiated at the state wedding, and two days' worth of reveling at the end of winter did much to relieve the combined population of Marse-Savonne.

So it was that McAllister stood then, on the deck of the Fairwinds. The brilliant silvery spark hung in the space between the ship and shore, plain for all to see.

The rich alto timbre of the Goddess sounded then, rolling across the harbor for all to hear. "To McAllister, go, and with my good graces and thanks, know that you are ever welcome in my lands and my houses. To the people of Marse-Savonne, know you are blessed in your leadership and that your Goddess loves you."

McAllister knew with a farewell like that, the ship's crew would have a difficult time treating him as merely a man, though for this voyage he had twenty-two cavalrymen who did not treat him as a living saint.

The thought was comforting.

Carus watched the crew balefully. There were more than he could dispatch if it came down to it, and he regretted the decision which had him travel with the fat and disgusting Karsu more than words could say. The crew didn't care for Karsu, and Carus had the definite sense that Savonne's troop hadn't either, when he first saw him.

McAllister bested Karsu twice, and, unless Karsu were strongly reinforced with competent help, Carus would bet heavily on McAllister doing it a third time.

Carus had even seen the aftermath of the first altercation between McAllister and Karsu, eleven dead bodies on the street, when McAllister summoned Carus for the first time. McAllister had ignored the bodies, and only asked about the apple tree in the Bronze god's court. Carus could appreciate a man's dedication to a goal, and there was a lot to appreciate about McAllister's ability to achieve his goal.

Later, he even had gotten Carus laid in a brothel in the gods-forsaken city of Bhangda, a place Carus absolutely hated, but Raphael had ordered him to. Exile was perhaps not too strong a term for it, as Carus spent fifty years in the damnable city, dying there in his old age. It was McAllister who had called Carus back again, to walk under the sun, and undo the life's work Raphael's casual order to secure the three artifacts of power had turned into.

Carus was still bitter at Raphael's casual dismissal. And of course, Raphael trusted him with the Rod of Irel, trusted him to carry his orders out and not die until his orders were set irrevocably along their path. A small matter of enlisting a nation of millions to guard the Rod was a trifle, compared to the strict geas Raphael had placed on Carus' soul. Carus had felt the weight of it for over a thousand years during what should have been bliss in the Blessed Fields of Elysium.

Then McAllister had broken the geas.

Carus had felt it in the instant McAllister gazed upon the pillar hiding the Rod in its depths. Some profound magic expenditure had happened at the time. Carus recently warned Karsu that McAllister was Sorcerer and Mage both, and frighteningly effective at what skills he had. Though McAllister often used his talisman to focus the magery in subtle ways, the freeing of the bonds which Raphael had placed on Carus with the Rod had been anything but subtle.

Though McAllister seemed to only know three uses of sorcery, the thought of the feats he accomplished with those three uses caused Carus' bowels to turn into water.

Now, here Carus was, protecting the loathsome Karsu from the ship's crew, who took a nearly instant dislike to the fat man. The sailors muttered not-so-thinly veiled comments about his bulk and eating habits, and his seemingly-endless supply of wine entirely too often for Carus to ignore. He had taken to sharpening his short sword on the deck by the ladder down to the crew's berth. Not-so-coincidentally, this was by the berth-house on the deck where Karsu's cabin was, along with the first officer and Captain. The crew ran about and did whatever it was sailors did, to the music of Carus' whetstone as accompaniment.

Carus' danger sense had been constantly triggered during this passage, and so it was with great relief that, on the thirty-third day of their voyage, the lookout cried, "Land afore!"

"Captain, Helmsman," Carus said as the worthies named had turned the ship north to beat up the coast. "My companion and I will depart your vessel here, if it pleases you. Would you set a sea anchor and detail a boat crew to send us to the shore?"

The Captain looked at the shore, dense forest meeting the rocky beach, without a sign of habitation from horizon to horizon, and then back at his crew, gauging their mood. "It's your coin," he said at last.

Karsu, predictably, argued with Carus, shoving his fat jowls and fetid breath in Carus' face until Carus had pricked one of his chins with the point of his short sword slid up between the two men. Karsu's eyes bulged out, though his voice was, thankfully, stopped.

Carus looked down upon the boat being lowered into the water, the sailors' backs willingly bent to the task if it meant getting rid of the unlucky one the sooner. Especially as it meant the fat man would leave his wine behind, though the foodstuffs and his other trunks were loaded into the boat.

"I'm sorry to see you put ashore here," the Captain apologized, "you were a decent sort, at least, if there were ill will on the boat, it wasn't at you."

"It is necessary I travel with him," Carus half-explained, and the Captain nodded.

"Good luck to you," he said, as Carus descended the netting over the side, the pack on his back lurching with his movement.

McAllister was aware of the effect he had on the Captain, having gone through much the same with Burnsby, the Captain of the SV Beaualito months before. He amused himself with watching Emile and Nasic order the ship's crew about. Both were natural-born Marine Sergeants, hard on disobedience, and instantly asserted their authority over the Fairwinds' crew.

Before the griping got out of hand, Nasic had ordered the deck sanded, much to the Fairwind's captain's surprise. Twenty sailors against ten cavalrymen, each with half the deck to sand from stem to stern.

Not a single cavalryman complained. Unused to the back-breaking labor, with flat planks and buckets of sand and water, the cavalrymen finished the port side of the Fairwinds in less than four hours, while the sailors finished in a day and a half. The sailors withstood the silence of the cavalrymen with fair grace, though McAllister would bet money the sailors would have preferred taunts and jeers.

The improvement in his crew's discipline and efficiency was hard to ignore.

More annoying, McAllister knew, was his penchant for suspending a lodestone-rubbed needle from a string, and making notes on a sheet of paper with a charcoal stick. McAllister was waiting for a clear night, rare in the winter in these northern climes, to check the stars. This was something the Captain did only on occasion, trusting instead that he would eventually hit the Western Continent, and then turn north to Cap de Moireau and the cities there.

Finally, the night was clear, and McAllister was able to see the stars. The night watch on the ship watched McAllister covertly, though he didn't move. He sat on a barrel of freshwater, leaning against the deckhouse, watching the sky above the ship until dawn.

"Captain, turn north," McAllister ordered, and to the crew there was no mistaking the voice of command.

Shrugging, the Captain did so, and McAllister showed him the marks he had drawn on the wheel coping, and handed him the lodestone needle on a thread.

"Why are you so sure this is the proper heading for the Cape, sir?" the Captain asked.

McAllister looked around at the crew of the ship, who were artfully engaged so as to appear as if they weren't listening, and gave a quirk of the lips. "I suppose it doesn't matter what's said about me," and turned back to the Captain. "The stars can be a guide in more ways than one. In this case, they showed me much. Not only are we now on the proper course, but I am in a race I didn't know I was in, to arrive at a place still further north than the Cap de Moireau."

Only partially mollified, the Captain let it drop.

"Well, little dragon-ling, I have been considering matters," the Greater Demon said the next morning. They spent the night in the courtyard, with its limited view of the sky, since this was the first night devoid of cloud cover in many days. The demon had, coldly, Sable knew, decided to leave the trap in the stone of the house which trapped her in place. This was in addition to his shackle on her ankle, piling insult upon injury.

Sable said nothing, which was not unusual.

"I have watched the stars of this world," the demon said, "and learned much. They have a great regard for your fellow fugitive, did you know?"

Sable still made no response, only returning the demon's words with her stony glare.

The demon sighed. "I could use a pair of capable and dedicated instructors in my household, to teach the young ones how little they really know. They tend to become dangerously defiant, as my puling little grand-nephew has." He sighed again, and opened his hands expressively. "I'll make you an offer I seldom make, though you may not believe me. I offer you positions in my household, with all the same opportunities and risks accorded to persons of station therein."

Despite herself, Sable gave the proposal consideration. "It would solve many problems," the demon continued, reasonably. "Your mate has fulfilled his obligation to that goddess," and Sable believed the stars had, indeed, shown the Greater Demon what McAllister had done on this plane.

"It would satisfy the demand of Hell to avoid being seen as expansionist and reclaim it's own," the demon continued, "and you would be trusted to leave Hell on official embassy, in due time." Seeing Sable consider it, the demon furthered his argument, "Your mate would not be stifled, and both of you would find the work exciting," he promised. "It would add legitimacy to your union," he pressed.

What the Greater Demon did not and could not know of were McAllister's private agreements, though Sable did. Sable betrayed nothing upon her face. "What," she finally said, when the silence had grown long, and she realized the Greater Demon was prepared to wait for her response, "shall I use for your name?"

If the demon were disappointed she hadn't committed, or even indicated interest, he hid it well. "You know," he smiled, canines showing toothily, "I've been fond of the name 'Azer' when traveling."

Sable laughed outright, to the demon's surprise. "Your grand-nephew chose the same name," she explained, between bursts of laughter, "You should know that my mate is a student of language, though he knows only a little Mabrahoring. I think Azer is a short form of a longer word, one that probably means 'born of fire'. Wouldn't you say that that name fits me and mine better than any of you or yours?"

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Home Visit Part 2Chapter 2...Sweet Jo. I was already downstairs coffee made by the time time Jess came down, it was 10.30 A.M and much later than i’d thought, time flies when you’re having fun, and I had been having so much fun, remembering what i just done to Jess had me ready for more even though I knew she wouldn’t let me near her until Jo arrived, still my cock was already nice and hard in anticipation.Jess had dug out an old dress from her drawers, one she hadn’t worn for ages, bright...

4 years ago
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The Trilogy Pt 1

The Trilogy, Part IShort, Sweet, RomanticThe silent song of true love and dedication is playing swiftly as we are locked arm to arm, eye to eye; heart to heart. We begin dancing wistfully as if the sound was the aria of our lives. Can you just imagine us dancing together in such a sound of solitude? Just you and me in a silent room, all alone. Slowly I begin to undress you, my arms making gentle moves as they caress the skin below your shirt until it lies on the floor. I gently push you...

2 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 19

I will not brag that my chat with my people in December resolved all the difficulties facing our budding community, and I will not imply that my relationship with the other women improved once I’d bedded Binda. In truth it didn’t, in either case, though life did get easier in a manner of speaking. People started coming to me to arbitrate for them when something came up. Even Sygor seemed to have relaxed a bit. It helped that he’d taken an interest in Trika. Trika was a cute girl who was...

1 year ago
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Gianna Dior 4900 520000

Gianna Dior is a porn tour de force. She has it all, from looks to drive to skills. It's no wonder how this bitch shot up through the ranks to become one of the most well-known and respected porn stars in the industry right now.A Whore is BornGianna was born on May 24th, 1997, in Alabama. She comes from a military family. Her mother, dad, and sister all served or still serve in the United States Airforce. Her family pushed her to join also, and she did well on her entry tests. However, military...

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03mins 43secs

Another Friday night out with the girls. They meet once a month at the same restaurant. And have been, for close to seven years. As much as Layla loved her friends and enjoyed their company, something was different that night. More accurately, something was different in her that night. She couldn't pin point exactly what had been stirred in her. But, she liked it. She felt bold, in control of her body and mind, and, horny. So fucking horny. It had been too long since she had been properly...

Straight Sex
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Daddys Slut

You're just 18, proud, a bit haughty, perhaps a little arrogant because of your looks, living with your single father after the messy divorce of your parents. You've become somewhat wild over the past few years as your body has developed, relishing making the dick of every boy who looks your way stand up and pay attention. Today, you're wearing a white baby tee, with a black lacy bra just barely visible beneath it, and your favorite short skirt; your favorite, because it always slides up on...

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Jennys Last Chance

Christian was the boy I was into since 7th grade. And at the age of 16 Igave him my virginity. At least in my dreams...Reality had not been so kind to me. I even started to grow my hair (whichI was wearing rather short since I was a k**) in the vain attempt to makehim like me. Well, it didn't work out and a few years later when risinghormon levels had turned my dreams of intimacy into a real need for it Ihad finally given up. But with our graduation nearing I somehow felt that Icouldn't leave...

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The House at Sand PinesChapter 9 In Search of a Career

I happily wrote Charlotte a cheque for two thousand, double what I had suggested. She protested, but I was adamant that she accept it, confident she would earn that and more. We'd stopped for an early meal before I called a taxi and took her back to her apartment before having the man drive me out to Sand Pines. It was back to our normal routine on Monday. I had a paper to compose and edit, while Charlotte had her afternoon shift at the Sport Warehouse. However, the past three days were a...

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Its My Life 8211 Part I

Dear All. This is a fiction and not a real story. Hi readers. My name is Khushi and I am back with a new story. Its a long story which I will probable tell you in parts. I am 18yrs old and completing my B.Com third year. I live in Ahmedabad with my parents. My elder brother is 3 years older to me. I was studying in a good college where rich people’s kids used to study. I was a modern and fashionable college. I had a bf that time. After he purposed me for his gf it was the first time when we...

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Being With Morgan

Morgan had blonde, steely blue eyes, a great shape, and a nice butt, especially in jeans. She was rather tall for a women, but very attractive, and she had an innocence about her that was alluring too. Morgan was always very friendly and I was definitely interested in her, but being I was a lot older than she was, I felt there was know way she’d be interested in me. I wanted to run into as much as possible, hoping to talk with her, and even if it was only in passing, I always hoped the...

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Muss ich einen geilen Wichsern erzählen. Eben wieder richtigen Sex gehabt und endlich wieder in eine Möse gespritzt.

3 years ago
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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 5

Please read previous parts to understand the chemistry. Let’s continue. Every time she gave Anil’s hard-on some relief, her underwear went wet by her juices. She would seduce Anil as much as she could now. Her final chance. The rest of the evening went normally. They went out for dinner now. Malini was keeping her hand on Anil’s crotch every chance she got. She also had worn a more revealing saree. Her husband had asked her to pack it, but he wasn’t there. But his son was here who had an even...

4 years ago
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BBC for Both of Us Cuckold

Katie and I had been married for 10 years and our sex life was fantastic; we had tried various fetishes and swinging but while Katie was bisexual and had been with a number of other women, I was bicurious and we were both desperate to satisfy my curiosity. Katie really got off on the thought of me with another man, whether watching or waiting for me to come home and share the details with her, but despite joining various 'adult' websites, we had no luck finding anyone suitable. During our...

2 years ago
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Little League Mom

This is my first story....and its true told to the best of my recollection....6 years ago I was named head coach of a brand new little league football, I meet Ann at a registration drive, she was a few years younger than me, olive skin, 44DD thin waist and not much of an ass, but started flirting right away.We were not very good that season but Ann was an awesome mom, she helped with anything the team needed,and she would give great tit smashing hugs hip to hip and her son was a great player to...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing Blondes Part 1

Nick woke up late on a Friday afternoon to a rumble in his stomach. “Jeez, what time is it?” he thought to himself. He glanced up at his bedside clock which read 12:36. “Damn…” he whispered sleepily. He had already wasted half of a gorgeous summer Saturday! His stomach gave another growl and he decided to drag himself out of bed and get something to satisfy his hunger. It was late summer in southern California, and during this time of year, Nick usually only wore boxers to bed. He...

4 years ago
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Dees Naughty Descent Chapter 02

Dee’s Naughty Descent Part II By MrDeep© "Black fucked," she thought, "Now I know how it feels." Dee's fall into black slut-hood had begun. She was black fucked. This was the beginning of her blackening. Vic rolled off, leaving both lovers lying on their backs staring up at their sexy images in the mirror. Dee's dreamy eyes watched Vic reached for a table beside the bed, pick up a pack of cigarettes, take one out, put it to his lips, and light it. Turning to Dee, Vic took a deep draw and...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 3 Death Of A Friend

Scant minutes later Jesse was back inside the snow cat aimed toward home with the throttle wide open. The windshield began to frost up when the heater quit working. He attempted to wipe a clear space on the glass with his glove and succeeded just a little. He kept going at top speed, the throttle all the way out. One handed, Jesse opened the thermos and sipped the hot brew straight from the bottle. Without warning, the heater kicked back in and the windshield began to clear. Three hours of...

2 years ago
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Neena Me In The Shower

hHi all ISS readers this is Sam you remember me ,oh yes I know u remember, i got lot of mails for my past two stories and happy that u all liked it, well from past 7 months I have been busy in some work…but last month it was like hell. I was in Mumbai last month and all what happen with me I am going to tell u now. As all of you know I like mature woman too much and always fond of having a sex and feel aroma of a woman it really makes me mad when I get around to a woman, I ill go vulgar in sex...

3 years ago
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The Debt part 1

"How did we get into this situation?" Steve said woefully. Georgia his wife for 12 years replied, "Well, two holidays last year and a new car on the drive are subtle hints.""Shit!" Steve rubbed his hands over his hair, "we need to get advice.""The bank won't help us any more and another mortgage advance is likely to be refused", Georgia replied."Let's get to work, we don't want a lay off on top of all of this", Steve said.He picked his keys up and in one fluid motion picked up Georgia's as...

Wife Lovers
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Evil Super Heroine Ice Cream Shop

Evil Ice CreameryShadow Dancer After being defeated and floated into a room youwas transported via teleporter with me holding the lasso.... you still floating in the air..... I tug on it as we materialize..... inside a closed ice cream shop.... no one present..... I smile as i tug on the lasso... taking you behind the counter to the upstairs.......Power Princess glares in helpless fury at the fiendish Shadow Dancer who has defeated her, stripped her of her powers and clothing, tickled,...

1 year ago
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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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ExxxtraSmall Skylar Valentine Picked Up And Dicked Down

Skylar Valentine is an extra small, blonde sex bomb. She gets out of bed with no shirt on, showing off her little, sweet tits, and then squeezes her juicy booty into a white skirt. Skylar is so tiny that she cannot reach the top drawer in the kitchen, even on her tippy toes. While in the kitchen, she finds a note from her man asking her to clean the bathroom. Once again, she has a difficult time reaching those higher up parts of the shower. Our stud lends her a helping hand. He picks her up and...

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 8 Wait for the Sun

The demon hunter was wary of the next development, certain the demon would start seriously devouring him. Still, he almost welcomed it. Painful as it would be, surely it couldn’t be worse than tossed around like a toy used as a battering ram by a child. He was tired of playing, sore, sweaty and exhausted, with no idea of how much time had passed. It felt like hours. All his muscles were stiff and ached from being jerked every which way. His wrists and ankles were scrapped from the edges of...

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olderman and mature crossdresser part 1

It was just a normal friday day so I went to the store to buy some food for the week.I wore a jean mini skirt and pink t-shirt and tan pantyhose with my 3"heels and make up and all. As I made my way down thru the ailse I notice a older tall gray haired slim man following me.Well I gave him a couple bending over shots and eye contact.I made my way to the check out an seen him in other line.I finshed checking out when I got outside to load my bags in my car he was parked next to me.He spoke to me...

4 years ago
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Jamaican Vacation

My wife wanted a vacation somewhere warm and with the current money situation I told we could not afford it. My wife brought up the subject almost every week, when I finally gave in. I found a deal to Jamaica for a week at an all inclusive resort with a private island for au natural bathers. I presented a deal to my wife that if she would agree to a few things, I would find a way for us to go. Without knowing the details, she agreed. I told my wife I would choose her wardrobe for the trip and...

2 years ago
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A Call Center Incidence

Hi friends I am a reader of sex stories, not so frequent but depend on schedule. Would like to share with you an incident of my life which happened some 5 years back when I was 23, I was in Bombay. Know I am in Kolkata. The incidence goes like this- I was working in an international BPO in Navi Mumbai, we used to get pick up and drop from office to residence and again back. That was a common pick up; tata sumo was there which used to pick 7-8 employees from the same area one by one and after...

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I sucked this thirty and disgusting cock

I SUCKED  THIS THIRTY AND DISGUSTING MECHANIC'S COCK   My husband and I were shopping,  strolling the streetswalking looking for the best bargain, watching price tags at every window we stopped in, in Caracas downtown. I was wearing low-neck  T-shirt… which showed my tanned tits a lot,   because I had gone to the beach recently,  wishing to show off.  I stopped to see something more,   while my husband continued to walk ahead by himself to buy some sodas for us to drink,  coz we were thirsty. ...

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My Wife Caught Me

It was Saturday, mid-morning, I had just finished the grass and came in the house, Sandy, my wife of 10 years came down the stairs. “You done the grass already Jim?” she asked. “Yep, just going up to take a quick shower and sit out back for a while and enjoy the day now”, i responded. “Well Karen called just after you went out, she has two coupons from the spa downtown, four hours each one, she asked if I wanted to go with her and use the one, I jumped at the chance, she'll be here anytime now...

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The Mission Chapters 1 3

Disclaimer: This story is a work of complete fiction and my imagination. It's my very first story too, so go easy on me. Your comments and feedback are very important to me and I do plan to continue this story as a series until I think the story should end. Please do not use or re- post my work without permission. I can be contacted at [email protected]. The Mission by T.L. Chapter 1 I'd say it was like any other Sunday. My dad calling from downstairs, wondering if today...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Late Night Encounter With The Girl Next Door

It only takes me a short moment to figure out how to do it safely and once I have I climb out of one of the upstairs windows of my new house, clamber up onto the roof and sit with a six pack of beers and a pack of cigarettes. I crack a beer and take a swig before sparking a cigarette and taking a long drag, I lean back so that I’m practically lying on the roof looking up at the star filled night sky and for the first time in a week I start to actually relax. The night is peaceful and I’m calm...

2 years ago
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The Pajama Party

THE PAJAMA PARTY Last night with Susan was a blur. I looked in the mirror at the man that faced me and could not believe what had happened. I was shaking in disbelief of the things I had done. Was I feeling guilt? Was I feeling shame? Possibly...but I wasn't sure! Putting it into perspective, I kissed another guy, and had sex for over an hour with him. He sucked me and swallowed my cum. For the first time I allowed someone to penetrate my ass. Maybe I was still in shock, but as I was...

2 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 6

I am the last one to my parent's house. I see my sister and two brothers cars parked out front. "Hello!" I yell walking in the back door. My mother is in the kitchen just taking the pot roast out of the oven. "About time you get here. I was about to send the Coast Guard out to the lake to see if you fell in and flushed yourself out to sea." That was my mother's favorite thing to say. She was the only one that laughed at the joke anymore. "You didn't call me back the other day, I had...

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