Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 28 free porn video

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Bright blue water spread everywhere, under a uniform white sky. The heat and humidity were phenomenal, enough to make an impression upon his senses even as McAllister fell through space toward the gentle waves. There was scarcely time for a rapid knotting of the stuff of sorcery before getting wet. McAllister landed on his feet heavily on a disk of air riding the surface of the waves.

Slowly, he turned around to scan the horizon. There was nothing to break the expanse of blue-under-white as far as he could see, and no breaks in the cloud. He could not find a lighter patch in the cover indicating a sun. He had the strange sensation the world had become flat, though McAllister discounted it, choosing to believe instead that this world was larger than the one he had just left. Something was wrong about the light, also, giving the white cloud a strange luminescence, a fullness that struck McAllister as different. Somehow, the blue water seemed more vivid, too.

There was no visible clue to where the Greater Demon went, and McAllister's shoulders sagged as he realized the demon may not have had any destination in this plane in mind at all. It was likely he merely used the plane for it's proximity to another, as a form of stepping-stone from one world to another. If that were the case, then the demon would have left no track...

McAllister remembered the twenty-ton horse of steel racing across the water of a bay, and recalled the chiding the same horse of steel had given him for forgetting he possessed an ability. Quickly, he made that shift of vision into the heat-light all things gave off, and swore in frustration. Around him he saw only a near-uniform whiteness as he turned, with no small spots of heat or coolness. The air and water surroundings were warmer than McAllister, though he had no idea how much heat a demon fleeing battle could shed.

Worst was that his sense of Sable was gone.

Azer stood on the hillside, surveying the damage. In front of him, a small square, about three inches on a side, opened. Blue light, too intense to look at even in the bright sunlight on the hillside, spilled out.

"Demon," a hard voice spoke Mabrahoring through the tunnel-like opening. "Where will the older demon go?"

"My uncle?" Azer asked, surprised. "Home, to Hell, probably to his study."

"How do I find it?"

Azer gave consideration to whose voice must be coming through the opening and its owner's state of mind, and answered promptly. "It's Gehenna Place, Avenue of the Salamander, Hell."

"Thank you," the voice said, politely. "We'll talk more later."

The brilliant square faded out, and Azer was left, standing on the hillside, blinking across the space the rent had occupied at a man he didn't know.

"Who are you?" Azer asked, bluntly, in Mabrahoring, of the man carefully bandaging burns on his skin. The man grimaced as the burns on his hand interfered with his ability to knot cloth.

"I am Carus," the man said, through teeth gritted for the pain. "If you're not going to smite me on the spot, would you mind tying this for me?"

Azer pointedly looked at the source of the man's burns, the black demon-blood spattered across the snow, and sniffed.

"Azer, you'd have spilled that same blood," Shan Hu reminded him, reproachfully, and the young demon relented.

"How is it this didn't kill you?" Azer asked Carus then, while examining the man's burned hand, burned when he had tried to hamstring the demon's uncle with a metal-hilted dagger.

"I am undead," Carus answered, and Azer nodded, while moving some of the cloth Carus had tied over the burns on his leg.

Shan Hu started to say something then, but almost visibly changed the words he was about to utter in mid stream. "Why did you help McAllister?" he asked, curiously, pointing with a toe at the corpse of Karsu on the ground.

Carus looked down at the dead man, and shuddered, delicately. Meeting Shan Hu's eye, he replied, "Because I chose to. Because I could. Who are you two?"

"Well," Azer said, "I suppose you could say we're two who got here in the nick of time," and Shan Hu groaned aloud. "Come back to the library, I can heal you there."

"Library," Carus repeated, then turned to wonder at the two walls and the bookcases atop the hill. "What exploded?"

"His trap," Shan Hu said, sourly, indicating the demon. "I found it in my way, and started to unravel its spell when a strong magician from outside had begun the same. Together ... you see the effect."

Azer laughed, then, long and hard. "I should say we've managed to pass the eighteenth level through our unorthodox study," he wheezed, and Shan Hu grinned fiercely.

The grin slid off Shan Hu's face after a moment. "Who was the other mage?" he wondered aloud. "McAllister's not a mage."

Carus started, then. "He's not?"

Shan Hu looked at Carus curiously. "No. You seem surprised?"

Carus merely pointed at the remains of Karsu and the small patch of burned grass stark against the snow. "I've seen him do these and similar feats, and knew they weren't the sorcery he also commands."

Now it was Shan Hu's turn to alternate staring perplexedly, first at the burned patches where the charms had been, and then at Carus.

"Maybe," Azer suggested, "we ought to go have a seat in the library?"

Sable was aching and angry. The Greater Demon had forced her to take her human form, as they'd moved overland on a plane where she was much heavier than she'd been accustomed to. They'd moved through five Gates since the demon had torn space asunder leaving the fight, and Sable had refused to carry him on her back in her equine form despite the pain he inflicted when she did. When they'd found ground transportation, a lizard-drawn sled, on some nameless world of sand and sun, she'd blatantly Healed herself of the bruises she received when he had smashed her with his fist.

He said nothing, though he had finally retaken his aristocratic-human form. Still, the local lizard-men avoided him, speeding him through their plane as fast as possible.

"He will follow," she told him, testing to see if she could rattle him further.

"I do not sense him following. If he does, at the next Gate we should receive word from those who watch the other Gates."

Sable would not despair again, though the words the demon spoke offered her little comfort.

"Welcome home, dragon-ling," the demon taunted as they stepped up to the Gate to Hell.

"Welcome home, Demon," McAllister said as they stepped into the demon's richly-appointed study, his saber-point at the demon's throat.

As contests go, it was a surprisingly abbreviated one. The Greater Demon had drawn on the True Fire, as much as he was able. McAllister drew on the True Fire so close by, and was still drawing the aether to him when the demon cleared his throat, the Adam's apple just touching the saber point.

"That's more than I can draw," the demon allowed, resignedly, hands spread wide. "I'd rather live than fight, and I don't want to fight in my home." He dropped his end of the leash on Sable's ankle onto the dark mahogany floor, where it faded into nothingness.

McAllister simply stared at him, while Sable gave a bitter laugh.

Still laughing, she crossed the room to take McAllister's arm. "It won't work," she told the demon. "We won't work for you."

"Your household is locked in the storeroom in the kitchen," McAllister told the demon, and watched him leave.

"We need to go," Sable warned him. "Staying would be suicidal."

Frustrated, McAllister gave consideration to their return. It was plain they would not be able to return directly, the gods at the congruence would see to that. He began to pull forth on the True Fire so close by, and so marvelously external. He had just raised his hands to draw the square before him, when a familiar voice sounded from behind.

"You should let me do that," and McAllister spun to see the pear-faced four-armed god he had met in Bhangda, the same he had met again in the moment outside of time at the Basilica when McAllister was fetching black powder from Sea's Home. Floating, cross-legged, face serene, the other regarded him from eyes at the same level as McAllister's. "I doubt you would be able to re-enter unopposed just yet, though we now go to a place where we may remedy that. Hell is not barred to the Destroyer," the four-armed one answered his unvoiced thought, as the mahogany panels faded into an inky void.

An uncountable number of bright points of light were scattered about, above, below, all around. Before the three of them was an object, at first rectangular in appearance. As it seemed to tumble before him in a stately, unhurried manner, they could see it was cylindrical.

McAllister turned toward the god that brought them here. "This is a space where all the worlds are contained?"

"Close, McAllister. It is a space where at least one point of every plane projects."

Sable sighed. "It is a beautiful place, and much like I had dared imagine the space where planets and the stars live."

The other gave a soft laugh, then, startling McAllister with his answer. "That space within a plane is real also, though it would kill you quickly if you were unprepared. The stars in a plane are far from whatever sun happens to be illuminating the world you stand upon, though they will respond to individuals if the combination of aether in the world and the individual is high enough."

"Why did you bring us here?"

"For one thing, it is beautiful. If you could see what I see, in the colors that humans cannot..." the other trailed off then, as Sable sighed, staring in the direction of a particularly thick dusting of light. "Apparently, you can see what I see," and the humorous tone of the observation brought McAllister's attention back to the god floating beside him. "I show you so you may return, someday. You both need to learn much, for, while I mean you to return to the world of the Mother as a home, it will not be your home for stretches of any length. Our only agreement is that you act in a manner that furthers my interest where you can and when you can, otherwise, I have no guidance or requirement for you."

"It was 'your collective interests'," McAllister quoted then, mildly, watching Sable.

"Specifically on that plane you were birthed upon," the other agreed amicably. "Though, I think that changed slightly when you accepted my help. Even now, some of it courses through you."

McAllister waited until Sable nodded at him. He tasted the faint green tint in the fire within himself, and turned back to the cylindrical object turning sedately end-over-end as it approached, or they approached it. "We accept the position. What now?"

"Now I enforce a decree of equity upon the gods of that world, and the stars witness. You understand your actions have set in train a long series that will result in, not quite monotheism, but a very definite reduction in the gods allowed on that plane?"

McAllister nodded, once, slowly.

"The others will fight being displaced. They will have to find new planes, new worlds, or live within a niche in this one. If they leave, they could worm their way into an established world. Else they begin with nothing, or very little. Keeping such gods as they would become out is very much the vocation of many of those on that world," and the left fore arm pointed daintily at the cylinder.

"It is not a cylinder," McAllister muttered, "but the projection in this ... space between worlds is. Travel between them is possible here. Must they be seen in this way? Others, possibly, see them differently ... what do we appear to be to another viewer in this place?"

"Very good, McAllister," came the reply. "The child-Goddess of Han would like entry into that world, and not because she needs a home. Her interest is in guiding her people, as is your patron, though the Mother decided her path was through expansion and revolution. Others tried to adulterate her first Church, and the gods of that world saw the very creation of that Church as an affront to them, the first step on the path to monotheism. Thus, they will be inimical to every action and every position you and she take in the debate."

"Debate?" Sable asked, surprised.

"Debate," the other answered, and the cylindrical projection of the world rushed toward them against the rich velvet backdrop, with no other sense of movement.

"Well, now, isn't that interesting," Stilbe said aloud. "Come here, boys," she beckoned to Emile and Nasic, calling to them in Denarian.

Both men traded uneasy glances, and then walked forward from where they bivouacked the troop, after their captain had fought ... something on the hill, and then followed it ... somewhere.

"Your Captain's been called to answer to a congress of the gods," she told them bluntly. "Another will be along here to help guard this place, until we can be certain any hazards are gone." She gestured to the left side of the clearing around the hill, and both men saw the figure which had been there was gone. "Wait here for her, and be polite to her."

Emile traded looks with Nasic again. "Yes, Ma'am," they chorused, and Stilbe favored them with a smile as she blinked from view.

"Hello, Sergeant," Arianne said, and Nasic jumped an inch, as her touch on the back of his thigh coincided with her words. Quickly he looked at Emile, who was likewise red in the face from an overly-familiar touch. "I've been asked to keep you occupied. I brought along four of my girls. If you could count your men off in groups of five, just for them, I'd appreciate it ever so much."

She allowed the point of her tongue to escape the corner of her mouth slightly. "I can be very appreciative," she purred.

"Some of the men are married," Emile sighed, "their wives and children are back in that last city we came through."

"Pity for them, don't you think?" Arianne asked ingenuously. "I'll talk with their wives tonight or tomorrow, and see how we can reward them for their fidelity. Meanwhile, shouldn't you be setting up tents and cots?"

"So that's what the horn was," Azer said in Early Denarian out of consideration for Carus. "When Karsu called and said he had an ally with a thing of importance, I expected another like him, some human with a weak will and great aspirations who had gotten his hands on another charm. I didn't expect one such as you," and he dipped his head briefly in Carus' direction.

Carus finished his recount of the events since Shan Hu had been separated from McAllister quickly, and in turn listened to Shan Hu tell his tale, complete with interjections and corrections from Azer.

"Here," Shan Hu said, after a moment's rummaging through the library desk's contents. "This used to take me a long time ... there, and ... there, and ... there." He handed Carus three small objects, copper coins crudely struck, the faces on the irregular bits of metal off-center. "They're language charms, but I don't need them any more. These will only last a few weeks for one language each. Try to use them when you're surrounded by people speaking the language, so you learn it while you speak it."

Carus nodded. "If McAllister allows me to go, I will follow."

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A month had passed since Jessica’s introduction to the dungeon and life was taking a turn for the better. Not only had Jessica’s grades improved, she was also in a far happier mood, even coming with suggestions herself of what they could try out for their weekly session. It had turned into a cherished moment that they both looked forward to and it fulfilled a need that neither had known they missed. Likewise, Erik had shaved his beard off, groomed his hair, and had repaired his pickup truck...

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My Lifes True Incidents 8211 Chapter I Arrange Money For Business

Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names is fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...

3 years ago
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Ned and his mother Alice

I was in a daze...having just witnessing the love of my life sucking the dick of her teenage son. I drove aimlessly for several hours, re-thinking the scene forever burnt into my brain of her, down on her knees, servicing his big cock like a cheap whore. I was appalled, yet also stimulated, knowing what pleasure her lips could give. My hard dick decided the issue - I would go back to face the situation. Entering via the front door, I found Alice in repose on the sofa, reading. Her...

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Cat FightChapter 18 Talandia

The male was making his way toward the training area. His target was supposed to be there. ‘Ha!’ He thought ‘an untrained female?’ Easy as could be he might even accept half payment for this one. Dressed as a palace guard he thought his plan was fool proof. Well he thought it was ‘til he rounded a corner seeing a well trained female training another. Looking closer he thought he knew the female from somewhere in the past. Stopping he started to go through his memories of the unification war....

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Family DayChapter 4

"He really doesn't know I'm talking with you about it, it's really what I want although I know he'd love it. Do you think we could?" "You've been taking your pill every day? Without fail?" "Yes, Mom, first thing, even before I brush my teeth." "Well, if you two want to do this, Dad and I know there's little we can do to prevent it, so at least we know. Just treat each other fairly and lovingly." "Great, Mom, you and Dad are the best. Oh, and, well, I was wondering, would it...

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Horny Indian Wife Fucks Husband8217s Handsome Cousin

Chandni is a 27-year-old married woman. She is very beautiful. Her husband is working in an MNC. She shared her story a few weeks back and asked me to write down her story and share it with you all. I thank her for asking me to write on her behalf and I would like her to know that I really enjoyed writing this story. Everything was fine until one day her husband Sameer received a call from his cousin Mohit. Mohit had to come to the city for some work and had decided to stay with them for a...

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DeborahChapter 50

Deborah and Gabriela arrived home around half past two. Gabriela was shown to her room and was ecstatic about the view and the flowers. "Did you arrange the flowers?" she asked Richard. "Well, I picked them and then just stuffed them in a vase and spread them about a bit." "Amazing!" They walked the dogs together. Richard asked Gabriela why Geoffrey had landed her with looking after Deborah. "Well," she said, "I really am doing an external course in radiology at UCLH. My father...

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Community Moving OnChapter 15

Vicki’s turn: Marriage is everything I imagined it to be. And then some. Oh, I know that there’s a segment of the population that would look at me and my Billy and see all sorts of things wrong – me a tender exploited teen, him a predator, all that. It’s kind of in the news about sex trafficking. Matter of fact, one of the newest additions to our group was in the middle of that, hauled out of Central America to be sold off. Camila’s lucky. They were saving her virginity for the added value...

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The waiter had just shown me to my table when I saw Bela walk in her purposeful way through the door into the faculty club dining room. Our eyes met almost instantly; she walked toward me with a slight smile. I wanted to look her over from head to foot and back, lingering over her elegant curves, but forced myself to hold her eyes and to smile in return. It was already clear that this lunch with my former protégé wasn't going to be easy. My feelings hadn't changed even a little bit in the...

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New Years Party

It’s 8pm on New Years Eve. I’m standing in front of the bathroom mirror and just finished applying the final touches of my make-up. I’m wearing a long black dress and just hope it won’t offend anyone at the party. It looks like a very simple dress from the front, but the back is cut out very low and with a back like that, there is just no way of wearing a bra. After a final check in the mirror, I walk out into the hallway. Looking at my watch, I realize I have 15 minutes until he will be...

Straight Sex
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THe Neighbors

This is the second part in the series about my relationship with April , the neighbor's daughter . How she fell in love with me . How we had to keep the relationship secret even though she is of a legal age . The Neighbors Chapter Two I continued licking and suckling her slit , she spread her legs wider . Her hands were holding the sides of my head , pushing my face deeper between her legs . Oh God!!! Tony she screamed "yeah " "oh God !! " it feels so good ooh !! . I...

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Stacy 1

Perhaps if I hadn't been still feeling the effects of a long afternoon's drinking, I would have had more sense. I am certain that it was my drunkenness that caused me to make a mistake that no-one would have made sober, and which changed my relationship with my little sister forever. Then again, that could just be an excuse for me acting on a subconscious desire I had hidden for years.++++++++++Mitch, tank-boy, Cooper and I had been out of the army for a week when we all met up for a drinking...

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Kaise Main Saari Raat Randi Bana Ke Choda Gaya 8211 Part 1

Hi friends , 2013, main us samay delhi mein tha, maine kabhi kisi purush ke saath sambhog nahi kiya tha , but mujhe hamesha lagta tha ki mujhe maza aega.Lekin kabhi itni himmat he nahi hui thi ki khud bahar nikal ke kisi ko dhudoon jo mujhe woh sukh de paye. Ek din main daftar se ghar laut raha tha , aur bus mein kafee bheed hone ki wajah se main khada he tha Mere peeche ek uncle khade the jo lagbhag 65 ke the, woh mote aur height mein lagbhag mere se thode zyada the. Woh uncle shuru mein toh...

Gay Male
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Class is in session

It was near the end of a long senior year. Jenna was the cheerleader right out of central casting from Hollywood. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, and long, long legs. She was smart, put played the role of a dumb blonde in order to please her cliq. Nikki was a stunner, but a brain. She was a brunette nerd who hid behind glasses. She was a c cup, but it fit her tanned body well. And then there was Miss. Nielson. Nielson was the object of much effect (and erections) of the boys in the class....

3 years ago
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Home Tutoring

"Slow down, Bobby, slow down, please!" I begged my fifteen year old son who was smashing his young cock into my cunt faster and faster. "Slow down! I need to cum too!" "I can't, mom, I just can't." he panted and then I felt him shooting his sperm into me. When he finally pulled out of me I just had to reprimand him. "Listen, Bobby. Earlier you fucked your sister and couldn't make her cum. Now you fucked me and I hardly even started getting warmed up. Sex is for the pleasure of both...

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The Hem of His Garment

The Hem of His Garment Based on Math. 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48 Twelve years. Twelve long, miserable years. And she was at the end of herself.... She could still vividly recall the first time she realized she was different. She also remembered praying about it every day, trying everything she could think of to hide her "sin". She had feared the difficulty it would cause, and her father, who was a member of the Pharisee sect fulfilled her fears, and then some. His...

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The CatalystChapter 60 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 3

FUBAR’D? (Fully United by Always Repairing Disasters?) July, 1985 [“Oh my God, I think we’ve run aground!” Melody exclaimed.] Bob, Greg and I were looking at each other wondering what we could do. I heard the hydraulics of the boat launch being lowered and the three of us rushed down to talk to Captain Morgan. The deck was lowered but was at a weird angle because part of it was caught on the sandbar. Brian and his son were running around grabbing scuba gear, while Captain Morgan and Mike...

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My College days

My college daysMy name is Nancee when I started high school I was a virgin but that only lasted until I met Ben he was so dreamy when he asked me out on a date and of course I said yes . We kissed and his hands were all over me squeezing my tits pulling my top off so he could suck on my tits which were 36c and very firm. Ben asked me if I would suck his cock and I said yes I’d love too. I pulled down his jeans and underwear and his cock popped out which he told me later was 8.5 inches and very...

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Mommas sissy boy

My name’s Sam but you can call me Samantha, that’s what my mom calls me. When I ask her why she says because she loves me like I’m her little princess, regardless of me being a guy... Well the most manly thing about me is my penis and that’s not that big. I was born with a severe case of Kleinfelter's syndrome meaning I have very pronounced female features. I have large, round juicy hips and thighs, my ass is big round and perky like a bubblebutt, my boobs are a cup B size and my face looks...

2 years ago
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Sone K Bahane Behn Ko Garm Kiya

Chutti k din the, summer holidays thi, hum sab lok ghar pe hi the, meri behn jo ki 25 sal ki h wo bhi sara din ghar pe hi hoti thi, meri umar 18 sal he, hum sab lok ab terrace pe sote the, roj ki tarah hm sb log raat 11 baje sone gaye, hum kuch is tarah soye the k mere left me meri behn fir uske left me meri dadi , aur ma papa niche ghar me hi sote the…Me roj ki tarah net pe fb etc. Kr k mene socha ab kuch luv stories padhte h,  aur mene search kiya hindi stories bt search result me luv story k...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 10

No telltale bolt from the black announced the Wanderer's arrival this time. He had been transported to this spot early that morning, well to the east of his quarry where the rising sun would cover his arrival. He had holed up under a rocky outcropping, subsisting on a few meager rations and intense meditation. Now, under the cover of moonless night, he scurried through the underbrush as lithe as a cat and as silent as the breeze. Such stealth was second nature to him. It afforded him time...

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Jilnar Jardaly in MindControl

Jilnar reached her beautifully manicured hand down to the dashboard and extended a finger with a long red-painted nail to turn on the air-conditioner. It was another hot day in Dubai and she was speeding along to the newsroom in her beloved black Harley Davidson truck. She had two live bulletins to read today so took another long mouthful of her Frappuccino. She placed the cup back in the drink-holder and then something unusual happened, something very strange and quite scary...GOOD...

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Vampire Empire from London

The arrival of the Brigantine Sacrum Maya VI It is May 28, 1830, when Edward-Maximilian Williams went to work like every day. He is 23 years old and was born on December 31st, 1806 in London. Edward-Maximilian is 1.81 m tall, he has blonde hair, a mustache, gray-green eyes, a muscular body and his angular face usually has a smile on his face. Edward is an only child and his parents are. Skye is 45 years old and Edgar Williams is 55 years old. Edward's personality was characterized by friendly,...

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First time with my grandma

It was the start of summer just before my 18th birthday. Ann and I had been going steady for almost two years and she was leaving the next day for summer vacation with her parents.We planned on making love for the very first time and I had asked my grandmother, who lived across town if I could stay with her that Sat. night, because I knew I could stay out later then my curfew. Unfortunately Ann and I ran into some good friends that evening as we were driving around and we couldn’t break away...

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Wants some lingerie

Mandy looked in the mirror she saw her beautiful long brown hair and blue eyes, but after staring at her out sized form for several seconds, broke down in tears as her rolls of fat began shaking gently in time with her sobs!!! While she wasn’t really tall, around 5'2'', she packed a very hefty two hundred fifty five pounds on her large boned frame, and as she sobbed away, her huge breasts 40DD, jiggled back and forth as the tears rolled down her cheeks all the way down to her nipples.It had be...

Straight Sex
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LauraChapter 1                Laura's boyfriend Derek used to be a loving guy. Derek could instantly remember how hard his dick got when he first saw her in his psychology class last semester. She was 5' 2 with shoulder length chocolate colored hair and hazel eyes. He remembered how on the first day she tried to hide her giant 36 EE breasts under a thick sweater, but anyone could tell by just a glance that there were some massive knockers under there. Being the smooth talker that he was, he...

1 year ago
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To America

To America A Short Story Sequel to "From Russia" inspired by a Captioned Image By Maryanne Peters Jana's Story "It's OK honey," said John, holding Jana close and stroking her long blonde hair. "We can take steps. We can go to a fertility specialist. It could be me - lack of sperm. I am so much older than you." "It's not you John, it's me," she whimpered. "You don't know that." "I do," she said. "I know it for sure. I can never have children. You see, John, I haven't...

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