RetributionChapter 11: Mexico free porn video

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“I have great news, Linda,”

“What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego.

Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse.

“You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.”

Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered.

Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot.

Mouse, you perv. I’ve seen you watching porn channels at night, whispered Tink.

It’s research. Besides, I only read the articles, laughed Mouse.

“Oh? Who’s contacted you?”

“Ping is interested in making a set of clubs, called Spencers and Titleist is offering free golf balls.”

“But I’m not even on the tour yet.”

“Linda, no one hits the ball three hundred yards. None of the female pros. The men occasionally can hit it that far, but not consistently, and they need a lot of help from the wind. ESPN contacted me about doing a special on you. Golf digest wants an interview. You even showed up in an article in some national gossip rag. The story says Tiger Woods is really your father.”

Tiger Woods. Ewww. I think it should be Brad Pitt, whispered shy little Tink.

Brad doesn’t play golf, Ret said.

And? What’s your point? asked Mouse.

True. You got me this time, whispered Ret.

Girls stop day-dreaming. If Brad was our father, that would be incest. Boyfriend okay, father no. Besides, I’m trying to listen to Fred here, whispered an exasperated Linda.

“Linda? Linda? Are you listening to me?”

“Yes. Sorry, Fred. I was just thinking about playing golf with Brad Pitt.”

“Brad Pitt huh? Get your mind back on business, girl. Just because you’re looking sexy now doesn’t mean we can change our focus. We have an amateur tournament this weekend down in San Diego. Several potential sponsors will be there. Callaway has heard about Ping’s interest so they’re sending a rep and Adidas is sending someone about a shoe deal.”

Fred thinks we look sexy! Mouse exclaimed.

Damn! Too bad Mouse heard that one. There’ll be no stopping her now, whispered Tink.

Mmmm, pool boys, whispered Mouse.

“While we’re in San Diego I need you to find us a new place to live. The sponsor wants me to move further south for a month.”

“Another mission?”

“Could be. It’s just recon right now. Might turn into something more serious. It’ll be a lot easier on me if I don’t have to drive down there all the time.”

“I’ll look into it.”

See? That wasn’t so difficult now, was it? Ret asked.

I think she slipped San Diego in there like a pro, whispered Mouse, and Tink nodded.

“Almost forgot. You have an appointment this afternoon with a photographer to take some still shots. The lady from Ping suggested it would be a good idea to have pics to show potential sponsors. Nothing racy. Just golf poses, smiling head shots, stuff like that. We’re going for the All-American clean-cut girl next door look here.”

The girls started striking poses and showing off. Mentally.

“What about the rest of the day?”

“Except for the photographer you have the day off. You’ve earned it. Here’s her business card with the phone and address. She said anytime this afternoon works.”

“What do you have planned for today?”

“I’ve got appointments set up all day with potential sponsors.”

He also has a hot date with the ESPN lady, whispered Ret.

Can we go surfing? Mouse asked. I always wanted to try surfing.

I want to go to Disney Land, whispered Tink.

“Okay then, Linda, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Don’t wait up for me.”

We’re going on a tourist trip to Tijuana, answered Linda.

Mouse said, Officially, or incognito?

We’ll use the passport to cross the border, but once we get in Mexico I want you to camo the Rogue. Make it look like some old pickup truck, Linda answered. Ret, this is a recon mission. I need more information than the TV show had.

Too right! Ret answered.

What does that mean? Tink asked.

I don’t know. It’s some kind of Australian slang. I’ve been waiting for the chance to use it, Ret whispered.

Australian slang? Mouse whispered.

Yep. We’re moving there in a month or so and I checked things out on the internet. They talk different than we do. All the girls are called ‘Sheila’ and you call the men ‘mate.’ They have other words that don’t make sense too, like billabong and didgeridoo, wallaby, and fair dinkum, Ret added.

All the men are mates? whispered Mouse.

Not that kind of mate, Mouse! said Linda.

Too bad. Australia was starting to sound like a lot of fun! Mouse whispered.

Four girls sighed. In harmony. For different reasons.

Later that afternoon, Linda crossed the border into Mexico.

Linda whispered, Ret, I’m just going to drive around while you collect info on what’s going on here. Ret just nodded.

An hour later Ret whispered, We have a situation going down.

I knew it! We always end up with a situation when Ret recons, whispered Tink.

I put my Kevlar vest on soon as Linda said ‘recon’ and ‘Ret’ in the same sentence, whispered Mouse.

Tell me, whispered Linda to Ret as she drove.

There are three main Cartels operating in the Tijuana area. Dos Tigres, El Mercado, and El Nino. El Mercado currently has top billing. They’re holding eleven hostages of local politicians and the Chief of Police. Wives and kids. Dos Tigres and El Nino both want to get control of those hostages. They’re each planning separate operations in the next few days to slip in and take them. I think there is a good chance the hostages will get killed in the process, Ret whispered. This wasn’t easy to figure out, most of it is in Spanish, but enough emotions and English slipped through that I think it’s accurate.

Do you have a location for the hostages? asked Linda.

They’re on a farm outside of Tijuana, Ret said.

Direct me. We need to get closer, Linda whispered.

Linda drove past an old farmhouse with the hostages inside and managed to get within half a mile. What have we got? Linda asked.

There are seven guards. The hostages are in that old barn. It’s mostly Spanish, but I think they have no surveillance. They haven’t been here very long. The electricity isn’t turned on yet, Ret whispered. That’s not hard intel, just emotions and feelings, again.

Where are we going? Mouse asked.

Back to town! I need some heavy technical equipment for this, whispered Linda.

Linda drove back to a sporting goods store, went inside and bought a baseball bat, and then got some plastic zip ties from a grocery store. She got back in the old pickup truck and drove back within a mile of the farm. The sun was just sinking into the western horizon.

A bat? Really? That’s our high tech equipment? Tink whispered.

I don’t want anyone to connect us or the Angel being in San Diego with all the Hell coming for these gangs. So we can’t do everything like we have in the past, Linda told them.

What are we going to do then? Just walk up and hit them on the head? asked Mouse.

That’s exactly what we’re going to do, replied Linda. Ghost lady please, Mouse.

An invisible Linda floated up to the old farmhouse. She found the guard walking around outside the farmhouse, walked up and hit him in the head. Maybe a bit too hard. Dead? Linda whispered.

Yep, dead. The bloody mess in the back of his head is a good indication, Ret answered.

Well I can’t help it if he had a soft head. Not my fault. Besides, I don’t have much practice hitting guys in the head with baseball bats, whispered Linda.

Too bad we left our golf clubs at home then, giggled Mouse.

Linda prefers to hit them in the head with brick walls, Tink laughed.

Where are the others? Linda asked.

Two in the barn with the hostages. One in the living room trying to cook something in the fireplace. Two are asleep upstairs. The last one is in the toilet jerking off, whispered Ret.

Okay, let’s take the cook first, then the toilet perv, Linda decided.

She entered through the back door of the house, and walked up behind the erstwhile cook. Hitting him on the head, Linda caught him so he wouldn’t make a racket when he fell. She zip-tied his hands and feet and left him there. In the toilet she opened the door and hit the perv in the head with her bloody bat. Unfortunately for him his face was in the way and he died sitting there with his hand wrapped around his dick. The two Cartel thugs asleep upstairs were easy to knock out and truss with zip-ties.

Two more in the barn, whispered Mouse.

Right then, let’s finish this, Linda said.

The barn door wasn’t even closed all the way, hanging half off it’s hinges. Linda just walked in and tapped out the two guards. Make us look like a Ninja, Mouse. Black pajamas and stuff. I want a nasty ass sword too, whispered Linda. Now let’s see about the hostages.

“Anyone here speak English?” Linda asked

One of the ladies said, “Si Senora. We all speak some Ingles.”

There were four adults and seven kids huddled in a corner of the barn. All of them were still clothed.

They haven’t been sexually abused, not yet anyways, whispered Ret.

What are we going to do now? Tink asked.

I don’t know. This is as far as my plan took me, answered Linda.

Ask them, whispered Mouse. It’s their country.

“The Cartel gangsters are all tied up. You’re free to go. I’m from Los Estados Unidos and I don’t have any clue where you want to go now.”

Los Estados Unidos? Ret asked.

The United States. We did take Spanish in High School. I just don’t remember very much, Linda whispered.

“Senora, there is a big van parked behind this old barn. That is what they used to get us here. We can take that. I can drive.”

“It’s better if you don’t return home. The Cartels will just try and capture you again. It works better if none of them know who has taken you now. Is there a safe place you can go to hide for a couple weeks?”

The whole group started talking at once. A few minutes later they came to a decision. “Si, we have a safe place to hide for two weeks. It is twenty miles away from here. Juanita’s mother has a small farm where we can hide.”

“Good. Everyone in the van and let’s get going. I’ll follow you to make sure you arrive safely. Meet me down at the end of the farm road. I’ll be sitting in an old pickup truck.”

“Ninja? Not the Angel de Los Angeles?”

“Don’t ask. I was never here.”

Ten minutes later the battered blue van came rolling down the bumpy farm road and onto the highway. Linda followed them in the pickup.

She got back to Los Angeles in the early morning hours. Linda was dog-tired and fell asleep on top of her bed without taking her clothes off.

Later that morning Linda was at breakfast when Fred dragged himself home. He looked like a zombie. A very happy, worn out zombie.

Somebody got laid, whispered Ret.

Fred got a cup of coffee and sat down, holding it with both hands so it couldn’t escape. He moaned something about his age.

“Hey Fred, what time do we leave for San Diego?”

“San Diego?” Fred mumbled. “Oh right, San Diego. I’ll take a nap this morning and get right on finding us a place to live. Three professional caddies have contacted me wanting to work for us. We’re going to check them all during the tournaments your scheduled to play the next four weeks. Then we can decide which one we want to hire and take him with us to Australia. I want to choose a personal assistant for you after we get to Oz.”


“Sorry, slang for Australia, the land down under.”

“Oh. Okay. I knew that.”

Did not, whispered Ret.

Liar, liar pants on fire, sang Tink.

Okay girls. Enough, ordered Linda.

Silence. Then giggles. Lots of giggles.

“What’s up for me then?”

“The Ping lady wants to talk to you about creating some signature clubs. Her name is Diane. She has some interesting ideas. Other than that I’ve got nothing on tap for the next couple days.”

She has some interesting boobs too, according to Fred’s libido, whispered Ret.

What’s a libido? asked Tink.


Libido is Mouse. She has too much, whispered Linda.

I get it. Sex stuff, Tink blushed.

Fred finished his coffee and headed upstairs to nap.

Now I know what ‘dragging ass’ means, giggled Mouse.

What’s next for us then? Tink asked.

I think we should talk with this Ping lady then spend some more time south of the border. I want to stir up the Cartels, Linda said.

Linda went up to her room and called Ms. Ping Lady. “Hello, my name is Linda Spencer. Fred Jackson asked me to call you.”

“Oh! Hello, Linda. Please call me Diane. Yes, I do want to talk with you and discuss how Ping can help with your career. When are you free for a sit down with me?”

“Lunch sound good? You pick the place and I’ll be there.”

“Can you meet me at La Cocina in the Boulevard Park Mall for lunch? I love their burrito platter.”

That must be how she got the big boobs. They must be full of gas, whispered Mouse.

Meow, whispered Ret.

Hissss, said Tink.

No more cat jokes please, ladies, Linda said.

“Noon good for you?” asked Linda.

“Perfect. I’m looking forward to meeting you.”

We have a few hours. What shall we do? Linda asked.

Sleep. Fake snoring sounds...

Out-voted, Linda went upstairs and took a nap.

Linda had to admit Diane was a good looking woman. She could see why Fred was interested.

“The burrito plate does look good. I’ll order that too.”

“It’s delicious. Too many calories. I can only eat one a year,” Diane laughed.

You know, tits are almost entirely fat. I can dissolve fat, mused Tink.

Don’t worry, when she gets older they’re going to hang down to her belly button, whispered Ret.

Until then though... , Linda added.

Meow, hiss hiss!

“Look at these posters I’ve had drawn up. See what you think. We want to call them Spencers, for obvious reasons. We want to help sponsor your career right from the beginning. Starting with a full line of state-of-the-art Ping clubs.”

“They look great. I have just one request.”

“What’s your request, Linda?”

“You know how a Marine dress uniform has that stripe down the outside of the pants? I want a reflective purple stripe down both sides of the clubs.”

“That’s a great idea. I love it. Would you be willing to wear a line of purple clothes at tournaments? We could make purple your color and promote the golf clubs at the same time. We can probably work up a reciprocal agreement with a clothing manufacturer to design your purple outfits.”

“Write up a contract and present it to my manager, Fred. I’m in if he agrees.”

“Sounds like a deal then. I’ll get the lawyers to draw up a contract this afternoon. Is Fred in town?”

“He’s in town, but he might be indisposed until tomorrow.”

“I’ll set up a meeting with him tomorrow, then. It was so good to finally meet you. I’m hearing some incredible things about you.”

“Tiger Woods is not my Daddy.”

Diane laughed, and said, “Those gossip rags will print anything.” Diane shook Linda’s hand and left.

That went well, I think, whispered Mouse.

Purple? Tink asked. I like pink better.

Should have gone pink on one side and purple on the other, Ret suggested.

No way, Linda said. My clubs are purple.

What’s next for us? Ret asked.

Tijuana, Linda answered.

Once again Linda crossed over into Tijuana. After parking the Rogue she rode a Mexican tour bus, a wispy ghost.

Linda stole a car and drove around all three Cartel zones. Mouse providing security camo.

Tink, I want you to dissolve any security devices you see around the compounds, Linda requested.

You got it boss, Tink said. What about the dust?

There’s enough breeze tonight it should blow away, Linda answered.

That caused some excitement, Ret whispered.

What are they saying? Linda asked.

How the hell do I know? You’re the one who studied Spanish, Ret retorted.

Same as Retribution
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Fucked in Mexico

I'm a 43 year old mother of 3, I'm 5.10, 220lbs. could be described as chunky with large tits and very wide hips. My husband and I were on holidays in Mexico at an all inclusive resort. My husband loves golf and played almost every day while we were there. On Wednesday morning we got up had breakfast then Chuck left for his tee time. I was wearing my blue Bikini, that didn't cover much but hey what the Hell I'm on holidays and I'll never see these people again. I sat by the pool for a couple...

2 years ago
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First trip to Mexico

Sandy and I are twins and we grew up fairly close. We both had dark hair and long legs. I’m about 6’2” and she is about 5’8”. We spent summers at the country club playing tennis and swimming; we both have lean bodies.After graduation from high school our family took a vacation to the ruins (Tulum) in Mexico. The first night we got to Cancun late. Sandy and I headed to the beach in the late afternoon sun. I have never seen so many beautiful bodies in my life. I had trouble controlling my dick. ...

3 years ago
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Travesti Hidrocalida Sexo en Aguascalientes Mexico

Lo que les voy a relatar es 100% real y me ocurrio hace algunos años. Lo conocí en el Messenger de MSN, ya que él me agregó a sus contactos por un anuncio que puse aquí mismo, en Club Erótico. Fue el miércoles 11 de abril cuando coincidimos en línea y el lunes anterior, me había escrito por correo electrónico para ver a qué hora podíamos conectarnos para conocernos. Total que el miércoles coincidimos como a eso de la 9 p. m. y empezamos a platicar sobre nuestros gustos en la intimidad, así que...

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My first time on a trip to Mexico

I was recently lucky enough to travel to Mexico for study, where I had the greatest experience of my life! Basically everything about that country is amazing, the girls, the food and the culture! Anyways one day I went alone to a small taco bar for lunch, Mexican food is the best! I decided to order literally almost everything on the menu, there was an old dried up little woman sitting behind the counter she shouted "Anita" and then this gorgeous beautifully tanned Mexican waitress came out...

4 years ago
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara; 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt17 Day 2 in Mexico

I had the best wake up call that every man dreams about getting first thing in morning is a BLOWJOB. Maria was moving her mouth over my cock as I was trying to get my eyes adjusted to the sunlight from the slider door. I pulled the sheet off of me to see Maria looking up at me with my cock in her mouth. Good morning babe! I hope I didn’t wake you up to early it’s 8:15AM and I like waking you up this way. I do too….As she moved back on my cock as I laid my head back into the pillow. O Maria…you...

2 years ago
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When in Mexico

Authors Note: OK so I did get this idea from our host at the place we are currently at now. The rest of it is my imagination! I am thinking that I may continue this story as well. I rolled my eyes as she started talking and she stopped. “What the fuck? Why are you rolling your eyes at me?” she demanded angrily. “So what is it that I did this time?” “Whatever, I don’t care, just go and get another massage now” I replied. “I don’t see what the big deal is. We’re here to relax, and they are...

4 years ago
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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass, Karla must’ve heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to ‘break up’ with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend’s place and didn’t have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to Olivia’s and...

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Seeing Sisters 4 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 out of Cancun airport, the heat hit them like a wall. An odd foursome, two lithe, blonde hotties, a dashing guy, an unexpectedly sexy big girl, drew looks of lust from all directions. Laurie and Anna lead, Robin was right behind: big rock-star...

2 years ago
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visit to mexico

Terry woke up the next morning and felt alive and invigorated from a goodnight's sleep. She had felt exhausted from the plane flight and all theexcitement she had experienced during her first trip away from home. Shepulled back the covers and got out of bed, but froze when she noticed herreflection in the floor length mirror. Terry almost didn't recognizeherself in the mirror as she stood standing there in the white, silk thongand lace bra that Rosa had picked out for her the previous...

4 years ago
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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass; Karla must've heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to "break up" with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend's place and didn't have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to...

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More Mexico

Tropical breezes bringing salty air to their naked bodies announce morning to the sleeping lovers. They lie spooned in each other’s arms. Every inch of his body is touching every inch of hers. Memories of last night project against his mind’s movie screen. His dick, firmly ensconced between her butt cheeks, stirs in response. His hips move ever so slightly against her ass which stirs ever so slightly in response. Her chest rises and falls in rhythm with the ocean waves breaking in the...

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Wife in Mexico

I have been married for 16 years. I have a hot wife, 5’5”, great body, beautiful face. She is conservative, but a vixen in bed. She has pierced clit and nipples. We went to our normal resort in Porta Vallarta. Two weeks our usual, and we do the normal beach, not too much drinking but relax themed. One evening in the jazz bar, we were dressed up nice and she was enjoying wine, while I was enjoying my Coronas. I was in dress shorts and nice shirt, and she had a colorful short sun dress showing...

3 years ago
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My name is Jenna Jansen; those of you who are a little older probably remember me. I was the top model in the fashion world just a few short years ago. Of course the kids these days don't remember anyone for longer than 15 minutes but that's really a good thing. Now a days I find myself working as fashion consultant slash cashier at my neighborhood seven eleven. I don't do much fashion consulting, it's mostly the cashiering part; not that those bratty girls today need much consulting. They...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapters 7 Back at the mission in Mexico

7:07 AM on a day that was going to be hot. “JESUS!” rang out as Tony saw young Mr. Bautista, the head of the Scouts for Poncho’s army, “What are you doing here? You’re a day early.” Tony laughed as the two friends hugged. “Three riders we find, told us all go north to mission. We come here, see why?” Jesus said in his broken English. “Peter, Jesus is here with his Scouts from Poncho’s Army.” Tony laughed. “Jesus, good to see you again.” Peter gave Jesus a hug and a high five! “Heard you...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 23 New Mexico

Ellen and I made love constantly when we weren't on the motorcycle. A couple of times, we even pulled off the road at some scenic spot and made love. If we hadn't cared much about each other when we started, we sure did by the time we reached Albuquerque. For two nights, we kept Crystal amused by texting her snapshots of the two of us in various stages of undress and pictures that hinted of our sexual activity. Crystal wasn't shy about sending pictures of herself in what can best be...

4 years ago
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Horny I II III IVBook 4

My name is Steve and I have a real problem I have the hots for my mom! It’s just the two of us, dad died as an advisor in Syria. That happened five years ago mom seems over the pain of losing a husband who didn’t even have a gun to defend himself when the guy with the sweater vest bomb killed himself and 47 others including my dad. Hear name is Catherine, but I call her Cathy or Mom. She is 33, a gorgeous redhead with a figure reminiscent of Madonna when she was in her prime, she’s...

2 years ago
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Fetish Movies

If you’re into Fetish Movies, it can sometimes be difficult to find what you want to jack off to on the mainstream adult websites. Sure, there are some short kinky clips buried in the pile if you go searching through the major free tubes, but you’re often out of luck if you’re looking for some full-length fun with an extra-hefty dose of depravity in your particular deep-niche fetish. Oh, and don’t even get me started on how the big paysites leave you hanging if you’re into the freaky shit....

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Old School Cool NSFW

Reddit Old School Cool NSFW, aka r/OldSchoolCoolNSFW! Everyone knows about the Old School Cool subreddit. It really shows you how nice it must’ve been to live back in the day when there were pinup girls, and fedoras weren’t considered retarded. Well, if you’re more into the pinup girl side of things, and you’re looking to get into it a bit more explicitly, then it might be time to check out vintage nudes. Where can you find those? Well, there’s a sub pretty similar to the one I mentioned on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Die dreckigen Vier

Es war heiß in der JVA. Harry, Stefan und Karl saßen im Aufenthaltsraum und besprachen ihren Plan, dem Knast auf Wiedersehen zu sagen. Alle drei hatten langjährige Haftstrafen abzusitzen und ihr Benehmen war nicht dazu angetan, vorzeitig auf Bewährung freizukommen. Stefano, ein kräftiger, schwarzhaariger Mann von 26 Jahren, 1,90 groß, mußte noch 8 Jahre wegen räuberischer Erpressung und Bandenkriminalität absitzen. Er hatte versucht einen Spediteur zu erpressen. Daneben hatte er mit seinen...

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collection adult theater short storys

I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...

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turned into a girl

Turned Into a Girl (part 1) This is how it started. I was 13 years old and in the 7th grade but I had troubles with the other kids when I was in 6th and so my parents decided to homeschool me. While they were at work every day I took my classes on-line. Other than my parents there was only my cousin Hannah. She was 12 and in 6th grade. She went to regular school though. She had her own room in our house right across from me. She only stayed with us for about one week a month. Her...

2 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 38 Epilogue

I left home days before my eighteenth birthday. Eleven years later, I married. It took two years of weekends and vacations to catch a baby, but I was lucky; I caught two. I was thirty-one when identical twins Frieda and Hannah were born. A year later I had Rolf. Cloudrest began as a vision, then a project, finally a home. Between donations, fees and grants, I raised about four hundred thousand dollars. Various programs and sponsors contributed thousands of man-hours of expert workmanship and...

4 years ago
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Isekai Adventure

I'm thinking I will write a few stories off of this Isekai story idea so I won't have much in this first part. All of the important info should be obvious from the selection titles below.

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Mom Sent Me

It was getting late and my sister wasn’t in the house. We both knew the rules…when the streetlights come on…get in the house. So Mom sent me out to find her and bring her home…even if I had to drag her home.I looked in the usual places and I asked a few of her friends that were still outside. No one had seen her since she had taken off with Hank. Hank was the neighborhood bad boy, the one that everyone avoided if possible. If she had been with him then I should look for her near the old factory...

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My First Gangbang

For now consider this story as a fantasy or maybe reality, I do not want to say at this point but you are free to draw conclusions about me from it....I answered an ad on Craigslist for a GB. Six guys who had done it before as a team. We talked over two weeks and I really wanted it but was totally nervous but finally talked into it. I met them at one of these chain bar/restaurants, we had a couple of drinks and we all got to know each other. I wore heels and a black mini skirt and black...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Aidra Fox Takes A Creampie From Johnny Sins

Sultry Sex Doll Aidra Fox gets fucked and creampied by Johnny Sins! Wearing sexy black lace lingerie with pink highlights, Aidra dances as the sunlight soaks her skin through the window. She slips off her top to let her all natural tits breathe as she gyrates her body on the floor. Aidra pulls her panties to the side to give you a quick view of what’s soon to come before finally taking them completely off. Upstairs on the couch a butt naked Aidra straddles Johnny and helps him out of his shirt...

4 years ago
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Great Unexpectations Pt 1

(True story - names have been changed to protect the innocent - innocent...who amd I k**ding???)I met Stacey and Derek through a Craigslist ad.Her daughter needed tutoring in math and I needed the supplemental income. When we first met, it sparked the begin of a great friendship with her and her husband. I tutored their daughter for an entire semester, and by the end of the school year, her math grade went up two letters.When I started my summer break, Stacey gave me a call and asked if I would...

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Quadruplets Are More Fun

Time line: Year 3 To my eyes, Melanie could have been a model. She was twenty-four years old, five foot six, long blonde hair, blue eyes, creamy white skin, beautiful red lips. We met in class at the local college three years ago, when we sat next to each other. It was a computer programming class and she was having a problem with one of the assignments. I helped her with it, showing her how to solve the problem. The problem was so obvious that the she was embarrassed and said, "Damn! You...

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This Little Piggy Went to

This little piggy went to.........well, somewhere dark! Whilst looking at the newly posted pictures of your friend Davina on Fetlife you notice a side banner advertising a fetish rubber suit website. Clicking the link you arrive at the strangest rubber suit you have ever seen. It is a pink pig suit complete with ten inflatable teats and a curly tail. The price is rather high so even though it peaks your interest you know you can't afford it. Just as you are about to go back to Fetlife...

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