MaquisChapter 18 free porn video

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Downing Street. Early August, the same year.

“How dare they,” the hand slamming down on the table in counterpoint to this statement rattled the glasses wildly, one person reaching out to steady the glass in front of him. Nobody answered the statement. For one thing most of them agreed with the sentiment, but in any case there was no real answer.

“What are you doing about it?” Prime Minister Graham Thorn glared down the cabinet table at Danny Evans, the Defence Secretary; and the two men sitting next to him, the Home Secretary and the Minister of Justice. “Well?”

“Technically it’s not a defence issue,” Evans observed. “They have just declared independence, there’s no army either to defend themselves nor to invade us. If we sent the army in, there would be no one to fight. And you know I don’t entirely trust Sheard.”

“Well if it’s not your responsibility whose is it?” Thorn was still angry, and he glared at the two other men.

“I guess it’s mine,” answered Roland Child, the Home Secretary, slowly. “The police, what’s left of them, and that includes Special Branch and all the remaining special operations units, as well as the Safety Patrol all come under my remit, as does MI5. None of them saw this coming.”

“So what are you going to do about it?” Thorn glared around the table at the other five people. This was only the second cabinet meeting he’d called in four months, and this was only the inner cabinet, the men he trusted the most. Or thought he did. Besides himself, the Secretaries of State for Home, Justice and Defence were present, along with the Attorney General, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Foreign Minister, Timothy Crecy, was unable to be present, but had he been able to get to London in time for the meeting he would have been there as well. These were the only people Thorn trusted.

“In the first instance we send in the Safety Patrols, back them up with the army, and arrest the people who did this. Cornwall isn’t exactly big, and it’s surrounded by the sea so they can’t just escape over some border,” Philip Meads, the Attorney General, told the room. “Once we have them under our control, we can clamp down on this so-called independence movement.”

“Do you have any idea how big and awkward Cornwall is, geographically?” asked the Justice Secretary, Bill Stewart, himself from the neighbouring county of Devon. “It’s not as simple as you think. Cornwall is one of the larger counties by area, but way down the list by population...”

“That should make it easier then,” interrupted Meads. “If the population density is relatively low, people should be easy to spot.”

“You’ve obviously never done any sort of military stuff,” observed Evans from the other end of the table. “Cornwall is mostly Bodmin Moor and other relatively non fertile land. Means that most of the countryside isn’t cultivated, so an army could hide in them hills and you’d never know it.”

“You’re a Cornishman are you now?” asked Meads sarcastically. “Last I heard you were a Londoner. You’ll be a Brummie next I suppose.”

Evans face darkened in anger. “I may not be from Cornwall, but I’ve been there often enough on holidays. When were you last there?” He waved his hand dismissively in Meads’ direction. “You’re just an overpriced city lawyer who’s never left London except to go to expensive...”

Meads leapt to his feet. “Oh yes? “He yelled. “At least I am a lawyer. What are you? A bloody fish monger? You worked in a fish shop until you became a politician. What skills and experience does that bring to being a politician?”

“It was a chain of fish mongers and I owned it and worked my bloody arse off to build it up from scratch,” retorted Evans hotly. “And for your information it brings the ability to talk to the man in the street and know what he’s thinking. I may not have your fancy hoity toity degree, but I know what the ordinary person out there’s thinking,” his hand waved at the window and, by implication, the rest of the country. “You just sit in your fuckin’ court room or whatever and help the rich and powerful to screw the rest of us over. You couldn’t even be bothered to look at proper criminal cases. Oh no, you...”

“Enough!” Thundered Thorn. Once again his hand slammed down on the table. This wasn’t the first time Meads and Evans had had arguments across the cabinet table, and once they had even come to blows. “I don’t give a stuff what you two are arguing about. I want to know what you,” here he glared at Evans and Child, “are going to do about it. Nobody declares independence from me and gets away with it.”

“I think there’s about four hundred Patrollers in Cornwall, and another six hundred or so in Devon,” said Child. “I can send those in to arrest the ringleaders,” he frowned for a moment. “I couldn’t seem to get in touch with the group leader in charge down there this morning. I’m guessing he’s already on the ball.”

“I’ll try and get an army unit involved to back him up,” added Evans. “But technically it can only be a back up and support.”

“What do you mean try?” asked Thorn.

“It means I’m not sure where the nearest usable one is, nor how long it would take them to get there,” answered Evans easily.

“The Royal Marines have a heavy presence in Devon,” noted Meads.

Evans glared at him but Meads refused to back down. “Use them if there’s no army bases closer.”

Thorn gave a brisk nod. “Good. That’s settled.” He looked at Child. “You have ten days.”

“Sir, it will take longer than that. Maybe even as much as six weeks if we have to go ferreting them out of the countryside. The Marines may be useful, but only if there’s a couple of thousand of them?” He looked questioningly at Danny Evans.

“There’s a couple of hundred men based in Devon. Less than five hundred I seem to remember. The rest are based in Poole and elsewhere. What’s left of them.”

“The Paras? asked Thorn.

“1st Battalion are in South Wales, 2nd battalion in Essex, 3rd and 4th have recently been disbanded. The territorial battalions have also been disbanded.”

“Hmm,” said Thorn softly, thoughtfully. “Maybe you went a touch too fast there. Ease back a little. Just until the Safety Patrol is fully up to strength.”

Danny Evans just nodded, hiding his irritation at the implication that it had been all his fault, and no-one elses, that the reduction had gone at the pace it had. He had applied to join the army as an eighteen-year-old, but had been told after just a few weeks of basic training that his psychological profile was all wrong. They hadn’t explained further, just shown him to the door. At the time he had been furious, but had eventually got over most of his anger and humiliation. A small part of the desire behind his plan to reduce the army was down to the chance to wreak a little revenge. However he and Thorn and the Chancellor of the Exchequer had also seen the cost of the armed forces and had realised that by removing most of it the ‘Peace Dividend’ would be huge. In retrospect maybe slowing down would make his fights with Sheard a little bit easier, and to be honest he’d long since had his revenge. ‘His’ unit, the Royal Logistics Corps, was already history. He nodded. “Yes Prime Minister.”

Thorn nodded. “Good. You’ll have to find other units of the army if they can’t cope, but I’d prefer it if you used the Safety Patrols. Roland, do you have the numbers of those who are now combat trained?”

Roland Child smiled slightly as he opened his folder. “Yes Prime Minister, we have nearly eight hundred fully trained as a light infantry, and nearly five hundred more as a form of motorised heavy infantry.”

“Have the army handed over the vehicles you wanted?”

“No Prime Minister. But don’t worry, we took the ones we wanted from the disbanded units.”


Child frowned slightly. “No Prime Minister. Either previous governments consistently overstated the amounts of materiel the army had, or they have conveniently managed to lose a lot.”

Thorn raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“The only other possibility is that the army overstated its needs, and just took the money for other uses.”

“The most likely being?”

Child shrugged and looked at Evans. “Don’t know. Danny?”

“My first thought would have been fraud somewhere. Most likely in the MoD. But now?” Danny shook his head. “I don’t trust Sheard. He’s doing everything I ask him to do, but there’s something just not quite right. I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

“So?” asked Thorn, irritation in his voice.

“Well, I reckon he’s hiding it all somewhere. Or if he’s not, then it’s being ‘stolen’ by the people that he lets go, and he knows about it.” Danny shook his head. “It’s the only thing that make sense to me.” He frowned.

“Why? And by ‘it’ do you mean money or equipment?” asked Thorn.

“Um. Either or both. Money and equipment. He’s too laid back about it, I can’t believe he doesn’t know anything about it, and if it wasn’t authorised, he should be spitting bullets. I’m convinced he knows, and he doesn’t seem concerned. So where is it?”

“And if it’s being stolen, where’s it going?” asked Meads, ever the lawyer. “Assuming of course it ever really existed?”

Both Danny Evans and Roland Child shook their heads, bafflement evident on their faces.

“How do you hide a tank or a plane? And stealing one of those just isn’t feasible,” Danny said. “Smaller stuff maybe, but... , “ he trailed off. “Money wouldn’t really be any easier. Harder in fact. He never actually sees money. Not directly, I don’t think.”

“I would have thought stealing a truck would be easy,” Meads said, leaning forwards. “Just paint it to look like a commercial truck.”

Evans shook his head. “Wrong type of vehicle. They would still look like military trucks.”

“Then I think,” started Meads, but Thorn overrode him.

“You two,” ordered Thorn looking at Evans and Child. “Find out. Now. Is that all?”

“No,” said Child. “I think there’s a problem in Northern Ireland.”

“Oh god,” muttered Meads. “What have you two idiots done now?”

“Meads!” growled Thorn. Meads subsided as both Evans and Child glared at him.

“There seems to be a high turnover of Safety Patrollers over there,” Child said slowly, a small frown on his face.

“What do you mean?” asked Thorn.

“Members of the Safety Patrol generally don’t leave, don’t resign. Except those stationed in Northern Ireland. A couple of months ago the patrol base in Armagh was badly shot up and a number of the Patrol were killed, we think by the IRA, the rest just vanished.”

“Vanished? How?”

“No one’s sure. From what the two survivors have said, the assault unit leader in charge got a phone call, and within ten minutes he’d gone charging off with most of the on duty shift. They were not seen or heard of again.”

Thorn frowned. “Where was he going? And why?”

Child shrugged and shook his head. “No one knows. For some reason the day shift were called in early, and when they got there they came under fire, and most of them were killed or injured as well. Altogether nineteen people were either killed or went missing. That’s just that one day. The rest of the day shift were shot at when they turned up at the start of their shift. Replacements were shot at, and a few have been killed. And that’s just Armagh. In Londonderry and Belfast my Safety Patrols seem to be targeted by everyone.”

“Your Safety Patrols?” asked Thorn archly.

Child ignored the implied rebuke and continued with his briefing. “Altogether over one hundred and twenty Patrollers have been killed or injured. Another thirty or so have just gone missing.”

“The IRA you say?” asked the Home Secretary after a moment.

“It’s who we suspect, but we don’t know.”

“What about other criminal elements? The police maybe, or the army?” For just a moment most people thought Bill Stewart was lumping the police and army in with the other criminal elements, but a moment’s thought and they realised he was merely suggesting them as another option. Most of them smiled at the implied link though.

“What other criminal elements are you referring to?” asked Meads.

“The protestant terrorists. UVF are they? UDF?”

“Oh. Yes. The Ulster Volunteer Force. The Ulster Freedom Fighters, and the Ulster Defence Fighters,” nodded Meads

“Force,” said Child. “Ulster Defence Force. Also the UDA, the Ulster Defence Association.”

“For fuck’s sake,” muttered Meads. “How many of them are there? Are they even different?”

“Probably,” nodded Child. “They are just as nasty as the IRA, but a lot less well funded. The IRA and its offshoots are basically Marxist in orientation, nominally Catholic to get the support of the Catholic community but primarily Marxists. The Unionist terrorist organisations are very right wing, and most members are religious fundamentalists.”

“So it’s unlikely to be them attacking us then,” Evans said. “Don’t you think?”

Child thought about it for a few moments, then shook his head. “Not so sure about that. We’ve had very few Safety Patrol volunteers from Ulster, and most of those have asked to be posted somewhere other than Northern Ireland.”

“I have a feeling,” Bill Stewart spoke up, his voice slow as he thought about what he was saying, “that some elements from both sides may have linked up.”

“Not a chance in hell!” exclaimed Meads. Evans, with a bitter twist to his mouth, nodded his agreement with Meads.

Even Childs shook his head in disagreement with Stewart. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens,” he said.

Stewart, easily the most intelligent and well-read man in the room, just looked thoughtful, unworried by the objections.

Thorn looked at his Chancellor of the Exchequer. “Peter?” He asked. “You haven’t contributed to this discussion.”

Peter Wall looked at his Prime Minister and closest friend and shrugged. “I have no experience of military or police matters, and unlike some,” his eyes slid briefly to Philip Meads and then back again, “I don’t pretend I do. I also have no experience of the Northern Ireland situation, nor any real knowledge of its politics. There’s really nothing I can add.”

“How much does it cost to train a single member of the Safety Patrol?”

Wall smiled slightly. “That I think I can answer. Roughly twenty-five thousand pounds for the five week basic trooper course. For one of the more senior posts, or for one of the longer courses, anything up to six times as much.”

“Can we afford to train even more to send them to Northern Ireland?”

“Of course. If you can find the money from elsewhere.”

“Such as?”

Wall shrugged. “Who cares. Education? Health? How about a cut in the dole? Force people to work for their dole money. Give them a few extra quid, but make them work a forty hour week. Better still, force anyone on the dole more than a year to either find a job, go off the dole, or join the Safety Patrol. You’ll get the men and the money that way.”

For a few moments Thorn stared at Wall, thinking deeply. “Okay. Come up with some plans and let me have them by the end of the week. No department is immune, except the Safety Patrol. Slow down the disbandment of the army...” he paused and frowned, turning to Evans and Child.

“How many men do you get in the Safety Patrol who come from the army?”

“A few,” answered Child. “And none above the rank of corporal I don’t think. At least, if we do, they are a very rare breed indeed. Most of the men we do get, we find awkward to integrate.”

“No officers or senior NCOs?” asked Evans in surprise.

Child shook his head. “Nope. We usually only get people from the non-technical arms. So infantrymen, artillerymen, tankers, but not engineers, medics, mechanics and so on.”

“Hmm. And from the police?” asked Meads.

“None. Not a single one. Well, we may have had the odd one or two, but it really is in single figures.”

There was a long silence after this statement. “So where are they all?” Thorn asked eventually. There was another long silence. “Well I think people had better start finding out. Don’t you?” Thorn’s voice had turned nasty as he said this, but it quickly moderated again as he turned to Child.

“How many are armed?”

“Safety Patrollers?”

“Of course Safety Patrollers, who else did you think I meant?”

Child flushed. “All are armed, mostly with clubs, but a few have more than that.”

“I meant with guns,” snapped Thorn.

Child nodded. “I would estimate no more than a thousand or so. Fifteen hundred maybe, but it was agreed up front that if anyone could supply their own firearm, then they would be allowed to use it.”

Thorn frowned, looking down at a small piece of paper on the table in front of him. “Hmm.”

He paused, nodded slightly to himself, the looked up again. “Get Cornwall sorted out. Use Danny and the army if you have to. Use as much of the Safety Patrol as you need. Then and only then, sort Northern Ireland out.”

“Give it to the Republic?” suggested Meads. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the idea of some of those so called Loyalists being part of my country. And if nothing else they’ll give the Republic some headaches.”

There were some smiles around the table, even from Evans, but Thorn didn’t share the joke and glared at Meads. “We can sort out Northern Ireland without outside help thank you very much.”

Meads just shrugged, he hadn’t been totally serious in any case. As a needle it had been aimed at Danny Evans but had missed its mark.

“Right.” Thorn looked down at his notes. “Fuel. I see yet again that the price of fuel has just shot up. I came down here from Chequers Monday morning and passed four petrol stations, all of which were shut. Big signs saying no fuel. Why?” He glared around the cabinet table. Since none of the men around the table were responsible for either of the relevant departments: Transport and Energy, they all shook their heads.

Meads spoke up. “Call in Thomas and Raggett. Mike Thomas is in charge of the Department Of Transport, and Phillip Raggett in charge of Energy and the Environment.”

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You wake up, sweat drippling down your forehead. You try to raise your head but you feel a sharp pain in your neck. All that you smell is burning flesh, and the odd smell of sex. You use your arm to lift yourself up, bit you stumble. When u finally make it to your feet you see three doors. You turn your head left and right looking for a scene that wpd bring back your memory. You walk towards the door and man im robes approaches. welcome to hell the man says. You lool at him but are lost for...

1 year ago
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Taking a Road TripDAY FIVE

DAY FIVE “... 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. 98 bottles of beer on the wall...” We sang this three complete times, but it did pass the time, as R2 yelled, “Now Entering Colby, Kansas” all the way to us in the back. About fifteen minutes later we pulled into a Hampton Inn. Things are getting better every time we stop. Mom came and unlocked us. I gave her a hug and quietly said, “Thank you!” Jess and I...

3 years ago
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All is Fair in Love and Art Chapter 3

After everyone had finally cleared out of the apartment, Ellie took a long shower to reflect on the night before… and then this morning too. She was feeling beyond elated at her decision to finally move things to the next level with Caleb. She kept going back to the night before in her mind and thinking about the real work out that he had given her. It was by far the best sex she had ever had. The way he playfully tossed her on the bed, made her giggle. He lifted her up like she was nothing at...

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Beth 5Chapter 21

"I can't believe how beautiful that looks!" Beth and I had stopped at the lab and picked up the Fletchers' prints; I's barely made it home before she grabbed the envelope, ran into the house, and spread the pictures over the dining-room table. I had to agree—the print she was holding was possibly my best work yet. I'd worked over the image Sally had selected of all those I'd taken of her and had decided an individual print just wasn't going to cut it—my young subject had given me too...

2 years ago
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My special Boo part 3 best yet

OK, in part 3 we return to a time where I had visited my babe already twice, and we had gotten REALLY tight. I asked for a friend to help with this writin because she is good at it (among other things!). My babe and I were online nearly every day after the 2nd trip. Her husband's presence at home didn't stop it much, because he was so much at work, and leaving his sexy little horny lover-of-mine neglected and alone, wanting a bit of Tricia....Or just pussy in her life LOL!I got Maria (now I...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Athena Faris Release That Twerk Bug

Surprise! A special holiday gift from us to you! Enjoy this free premium scene: Athena Faris has a prankster for a stepbrother. Today, he surprises her in the shower and gives her a little scare. She is pissed at first, but comes around quickly, even doing a little twerking for him in the hot water. He sticks his cock in her, slamming her up against the shower wall. Later, Athena still has the twerk bug. Her stepbro catches her mid ass shaking and films the sexy moves. Then, he slides his cock...

4 years ago
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Back at school

A few weeks after being back at school, I managed to sort out the hard feelings between my now ex girlfriend Cassi and myself, that we were on talking terms and friends.Things between Jessica and myself were okay. A bit difficult not being in the same school so we would only see each other on weekends and depending on how busy we are we sometimes only saw each other once every 2nd weekend, which was pretty crappy. My stepsister Amy started dating Kevin and she was rather happy and it seem he...

3 years ago
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Interview With a Shrink

Shrink By Cassandra Morgan It wasn't just that his beard was gone, although that was shocking enough. Ever since I had known Phillip Lawrence, he had a beard. It made him look wise. It made him look distinguished.It was his trademark. You have known men, as have I, who shaved their beards, and you barely noticed. Not Phillip. His beard was like Freud's. You could not imagine him without it. And it wasn't that the way he carried himself had vanished, too.. This was no longer a...

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The Neighbour Part V

Frank spotted her from a mile away and used this as an advantage. Without thinking it twice, he instantly dropped to his knees and hid behind his car. Those pale grey eyes and that chalky complexion were unforgettable and they still triggered something in him, something wicked. Everything he loathed could be found in those weary eyes, those eyes he had once loved dearly and he had a heart throbbing feeling he was close to meeting with them face to face after such a long time. Frank peered...

4 years ago
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Shannon The Executive Office Assistant

Shannon was my executive assistant and as vibrant and gorgeously sexy as she was, she was not to be messed with when it came to sexual innuendos. Shannon let it be known right off the bat, after she caught me admiring her posterior as she sauntered out of my office one day that she was very much spoken for.I hated Shannon because she was cute, and because she knew it. She stood only about four foot ten and probably didn’t weigh much more than 98 pounds. She had long brown hair that hung down to...

Office Sex
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Schoolgirls First DateChapter 2

Once they found a stall in the back row at the drive-in, Jerry hopped out without a word and walked over the crunchy gravel to Ellen’s car, leaving the two young people alone. They were sitting in the back seat, separated by about two feet of empty space. As soon as Jerry left, Billy slid over next to Julie, slipping his arm around her shoulder and bending his elbow so that his hand hung limply down over the front of the girl’s chest. Julie felt as though her heart were bursting through her...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Marica Hase Something Bigger for Marica8217s Tight Ass

Lovely Marica Hase is busy getting her busty body oiled up and ready, but she’s missing something! She’s using her glass dildo and lots of oil to satisfy her anal desires, but she really needs something bigger inside of her. In comes Alex Legend, with a cock much larger than her dildo and he’s more than willing to give her a deep drilling! The sight of his cock truly excites her, and she enthusiastically chokes as she strokes! She’s still dreaming of anal penetration,...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Cousin Shobana

The heroine of this story is my cousin sister Shobana.Her age is 24.She is married and her hubby stays overseas.She is a sex bomb and also a beautiful figure she looks like Tamil actress Nayanthara and her vital stats are 36-24-36 she has maintains Herself very well. She has wheatish complexion and everyone seeing her will want her to be fucked. This happened wen I was 18. She is staying alone in her house as her hubby visits only twice a year.As I went to her home she greeted me with a smile...

2 years ago
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Her Animal ActChapter 11

Looking at his watch at least two times for each minute that dragged by, Elliott limped nervously back and forth in the air- conditioned hotel room. She was fifteen minutes late and he was beginning to fear she wouldn't show up at all. "Garza, maybe you'd better call again." "Relax, Mr. Strickland. She'll be here any minute." He felt like leaping at the private detective and shaking him into action. His professional calmness grated Elliott's on-edge nerves. "It's sort of a...

3 years ago
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Brushing Mom8217s Hairpart1

Mom’s door was open and she was sitting in front of the mirrored dresser brushing her hair. Mom was dressed in a pale blue nightdress I had seen before, though I could only see the bit covering her hips and the lower six inches of her back; the rest was covered by her hair.”That’s so sweet,” Mom said as I put her mug down on the dresser in front of her. “Will you stay for a few minutes with me?” “Sure.” I took my mug over to the bed and sat down, tossing the tray behind me. I sipped hot...

2 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 15 Being Economical With the Truth

Harvesting of the cider apple crop was in full swing, and John Dymoke had not yet re-joined the regiment. Horse Guards had written to inform me Dymoke was due to travel to Taunton sometime after Christmas, almost three months in the future. I had expected, hoped, to have relinquished command by Christmas at the latest, able then to go, cap in hand, to Colonel Slade or John Stafford, and ask for a position in either of their departments, and thus be at the centre of any search for Eloise de la...

3 years ago
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Dark Encounter

Chapter 1 Elizabeth Morris waited patiently on the bus steps as the man in front fumbled for change. She wished she had brought her car. However difficult it was finding a parking place in the University staff car park it was better than this on a rainy November night. Slowly she moved with the other passengers along the aisle of the dimly lit crowded bus. She clutched one of the vertical metal bars as the driver let out the clutch and the bus lurched forward. 'Oh! I'm so sorry. I......

2 years ago
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My Younger Brothers Friend Part 7 Winter Break with Ray 2

"Shut the fuck up," I replied, shaking off his comment. "I made ray stay here this weekend for you. He came out to me and told me he liked you, asshole." he said "Whatever, go to sleep." I said shrugging him off. I knew my brother didn't care if I was gay or who I had sex with, and that he was looking out for me, but I still shrugged him off. We are best friends, but even to this day I'm the alpha dog in our relationship and we only talk about what I want to. I knew one day I...

3 years ago
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Negotiations part four

.............................The next day I found a written note in my wallet.Chris and a phone numberCarl and a phone numberJones and a phone numberI remebmerd the fourth them alone and tell them about my wife....her wishes......After some thinking I decided to meet them together and I arranged for a meeting the coming weekend.On friday I told my wife I was going out, hanging out with some friends. She got happy for a "home alone evening" and told me to have a great...

2 years ago
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The Whistle BlowersChapter 10

Back in their quarters with Sam threatening with another bike ride unless they obeyed their friend’s demands better, the defeated Wheaton family readily promised to do better this time. “Remember no hesitations or rejections of demands,” Sam warned before the rested and freshly showered Wheaton group strutted naked towards the mattresses again. Sam thought this season was going to be interesting with the family of subs in training knowing they were going to be shamed and abused by their...

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Itchio NSFW

Believe it or not, has a ton of free NSFW games for the gamers out there who also happen to be perverts. I know, I know--it’s a pretty big overlap, right? When you live in mom’s basement, playing Pokemon and getting fat off frozen pizzas, it sometimes gets hard to find a real girl to touch your dingdong and twiddle your joystick. I guess it’s a good thing they make those waifu pillows, and it’s a good thing you’ve got me to help you find all the good porn is a marketplace...

Free Sex Games
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Surprised Finding

Note: This story is completely fictional! Hi friends, My name is Raj and I am from Chandigarh. This story is not a fantasy but my own experience when I was 20-21 year old. My father had big family and I am the only son of my parents. Because of middle class earning of my father I have to give tuitions to kids so that I can pay my collage fees. One day my uncle asked me why you go far for giving tuitions as they knew one businessman family nearby whose children needs tuitions. I reached that...

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A Hard Days Night

What a long ass day. That’s what I thought as I walked out to my car after a long day working the afternoon shift. I had been working some long hours as the holidays approached and I was looking forward to a hot shower and crawling into bed with the wife. Maybe, if I was lucky, she’d be in the mood to put out. Slim chance, as my recent work schedule had put the brakes on out usually lively sexy life. We’re both in our thirties and we usually fucked at least four or five times a week. We used...

3 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 30 Nepenthe

A final scene, one that you’re unable to forget, is always a good idea. The final shot in Casablanca is a classic with the slow pan upward as we see Louis and Rick walking across the wet tarmac, Rick saying something like ‘You know, Louie, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.’ From my recollection the voice-over was added after the scene was shot, but the movie wouldn’t be the same without it. (This is right after Louis gets to repeat the famous ‘Round up the usual suspects’...

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Two Guys Four Blow Jobs

This story took place after Regina graduated from college. She was at a small party at her boyfriend Don’s apartment.During the party, most of the people had paired up with someone. They were flirting and making out.Regina and Don went to his bedroom, and Regina started to give Don a blow job. He was standing in front of her and she was kneeling on a pillow between his legs.Regina started by stroking his boner with her hands. His pre-cum started flowing immediately. She positioned her mouth...

Oral Sex
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Friends New Years Eve

Friends: Deleted Scenes - The New Year's Eve After-party PartyThe New Year's Eve party had ended a short while before, and already all the guests had left, including Ross and Phoebe. Chandler and Joey sat at the kitchen table as Monica cleaned up the apartment."This New Year's Eve SUCKED!" Rachel complained as she sat on the couch. Everyone mumbled their agreement as she continued. "I was going to spend a romantic evening with Paolo, making love to him... and the asshole didn't even show...

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The RVirus The Buddy System

“So? It's our job... stupid. This what they pay us for.” Amanda shot back at him, her words dismissing his complaints. “Besides Mark, this is way better than playing guard dog all the time.” He relented with a sigh, his falling upon broad curves of her glorious ass, knowing full well he should be keeping an eye out, but it was impossible not to stare, even in full tactical gear it looked fantastic. “Don't tell me you don't like it… popping the heads of zombies… mowing down mutants.”...

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A very nice trip of commission in train P very good these two videos also i have had a good situation like in these two videos in a nice commission trip by train with my sister. It was late summer, September, I remember, and there was a tepid weather, I'm very happy to take a trip with my sister for to can stay near to her :-P because it was from a bit of time that she makes at me very excited to the maximum, not that I...

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My first time Please excuse the grammar

The phone rang out it's message tone, shrill but welcoming at the same time. I picked it up and looked at it. It was from him. I thought about ignoring it, my nerves getting the better of me at last, as I was a nervous wreck about this whole adventure. Several weeks ago I had met a man who suggested that I should sell my body for much needed cash. I laughed at first but the seed of the thought grew with every passing day. Should I do it? Well, I put an advert in a website specializing in...

1 year ago
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Wife Becomes Black Cock Slag

If my husband, Paul, had known how things were going to turn out, I don't think he would have gotten himself into the situation he now is. 

Paul and I met at college, married soon afterwards and have been together for 18 years. He is 42 and I am 41, but people tell me I look ten years younger. I guess I'm lucky in that I'm naturally slim and the little weight I have put on over the years has gone straight to my breasts, giving me a 36C 25 36 figure. I would be naïve if I didn't admit that most...

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The Last ManChapter 13

We went into the den and started watching CNN. It was strange to see how they operated with an all woman/girl setup. I guess some of the girls were daughters or other relatives helping out. The open newsroom format with people doing things behind the reporter was a neat change after it had happened. It made you feels like there were people out there and everything would return to normal. Wanda had sat down across from me in another couch. The couches were all light gray plush leather. I...

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BrattyMILF Lauren Phillips Moms Ginger Patch

Lauren Philips is having a rough time getting used to living with her new stepson, Charlie. Charlie is always around, which makes it hard for Lauren to enjoy any sort of privacy. He keeps walking in on his big titty stepmom to try to catch her in the act of doing dirty things so he can see if her carpet matches her drapes. One night, Lauren is using a massager on her legs when Charlie barges in to see if she’s using a vibrator to masturbate. He won’t leave until Lauren kicks him...

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Cheerleaders Reunion Michelle Part 2

Michelle awakened to the feel of masculine lips on hers and a burning sensation in her throat. Suddenly she coughed into the man’s mouth and dense white gobs of mucilaginous fluid bubbled up from her windpipe to pour from her nostrils and out over the pink softness of her lips. Pushing the man away, she inhaled deeply. The intake of air caused her to cough repeatedly, forcing more and more of the thick, salty flavored cum out through her mouth and nasal passages, creating heavy streams of...


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