MaquisChapter 29 free porn video

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Portsmouth. June.

Robbie parked outside the corner shop. It was early evening, and still roasting hot. He was on his way home and needed a pint of milk for breakfast. As he opened the car door, he saw three men about ten yards away, strolling in his general direction. He took no particular notice of them, but as he closed the car door one of them spoke and there was both astonishment and pleasure in the voice.

“Well fuck me. Look ‘oo it ain’t. Oy, gramps. Five year I’ve been lookin’ for you. I seem to remember I owe you a kickin’.”

Robbie looked up to see the three men ranged around him, grinning. It took him a few seconds to recognise the ‘spotty faced oik’ he and Jack had overcome five and a half years earlier. “I see you haven’t improved,” said Robbie genially, noting as he did the Safety Patrol uniforms the three were wearing. “Only a lance corporal I see.”

“What? I’m a Section Leader.”

“Yes. I know. And in the real world that would be called a lance-corporal, below you is only trooper. In the cesspit you can’t get lower than that. By the way, I have your balls here if you want them back, I’ve had them for nearly six years now. That is, if you can get them back.” Keeping a very close eye on what the three were doing, he reached onto the other seat and picked up one of his small cross bows, which he kept permanently to hand. Transferring it to his right hand, he reached for the other. Standing quickly up as the three were now rapidly approaching him, he pointed the two crossbows at the men. “Stop!”

“Huh?” one grunted, but the three did stop.

“You know this guy Terry?” asked the youngest.

Terry ignored him. “What’s that you got there gramps? Looks dangerous. Maybe you shouldn’t be playing with things that might hurt you.”

“Oh this will hurt all right. But it’s you it will hurt if you don’t stop and back off.”

“Yeah, right!” exclaimed the youngest again. “Doesn’t look like any type of gun I know of.”

Robbie glanced at him. “I take it you’re as stupid as your friend there. Terry did you call him?”

“Yeah. He’s Terry, I’m Zazzer and this is...”

“Shut up Zazzer,” the as yet unnamed, eldest, man said angrily. By his uniform markings he was a junior squad leader, equivalent to a corporal. “That’s a crossbow you knob. It’ll kill.”

“At least there’s one of you with a brain cell,” Robbie spoke softly. “I recommend you back off and leave me alone.” The two crossbows were pointing at Terry and Zazzer, but he was looking at the senior man.

“There’s three of us, but only two crossbow thingies,” said Terry, “and I bet you can’t reload them before we can get to you to give you that good kicking I owe you.”

“No, true,” acknowledged Robbie. “But two of you will be dead, so I’ll only have to kill one of you with my bare hands.”

All three grinned at his statement, though Robbie noticed that Zazzer’s grin was a little uncertain. “Ha ha funny man,” jeered Terry, “I saw you movin’ the last time remember. You can’t move that fast, and you’re even older now.”

“True, but don’t forget I beat you last time.”

“Not on your own you didn’t. It took two of you.”

Robbie risked a quick glance at him. Terry was definitely dangerous, but his senses told him the unnamed man, the senior of the three, was far and away the more dangerous. “Both of us unarmed and in our late seventies. How old are you? Thirty?”

“Twenty nine...”

“Shut up Terry, he’s just goading you. Zazzer, you move that way a bit. Terry you go that way. He’s got the car behind him, he can’t go anywhere.” The senior Patroller obviously had a bit of nous, and Robbie was a bit surprised that he had such a low rank. Maybe he was still fairly new. Or had been demoted for some minor infraction.

Terry moved to his right, Robbie’s left, while Zazzer moved the other way. It was harder now for Robbie to keep good watch on all three, and he was more than a little uncomfortable, knowing the danger he was in. “I can still get two of you before the third gets to me.”

“Can you? Are you sure of that?”

Robbie saw the tensing of the muscles as the man prepared himself to charge. Instantly Robbie swung his right arm from where it was pointing at Zazzer, and shot him. The combined movement of his arm and of the man he was firing at, caused his aim to be slightly high and to one side of where he’d intended, and the arrow went straight through the throat instead of the shoulder. His target fell to the ground with a gurgle, blood gushing from his throat and mouth.

“You shot him,” said Zazzer in shock.

“Then I suggest you try and stop the bleeding before he bleeds to death,” Robbie told him severely, his eyes turning to Terry.

Terry’s fists tightened and his face got ugly. “I’m gonna kill you.”

Robbie dropped the used crossbow and quickly swapped the other from his left to his right hand. “You couldn’t last time. What makes you think you can this time?”

“You just got lucky. You can’t get lucky twice.”

Robbie raised his aim so that the arrow was pointing straight at Terry’s eye. “Want to take that risk?”

Again Robbie saw the signs of muscles tensing before violent movement, and fired. Where the first time he had been aiming just to injure, this time he had been aiming to kill. This time his aim was true and the arrow went through the side of Terry’s face and into the back of the mouth. Terry fell to the ground, not moving, the force of the bow having driven the solid steel point deep into his brain-stem, killing him instantly.

“I can’t stop the blood,” cried Zazzer. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Back,” ordered Robbie. “Lemme see.”

Zazzer backed away slowly, shock in his face, allowing Robbie to look. The man on the ground was obviously still alive and conscious as his hands were desperately trying to stem the flow of blood, but his movements were getting slower and weaker. It took Robbie only moments before he looked up at Zazzer. “He’s lost too much blood. He needs a blood transfusion right now if he’s to live, but since we’re too far from a hospital for us to take him, and you people burned down the local ambulance station last year, there’s no way he’s gonna get one in time. He’s dead. Or will be in a couple of minutes.” There were now signs of terror on the dying man’s face as he stared at Robbie. Robbie looked up. He’d seen death before, he didn’t need to see it again.

Zazzer now saw Terry. “Shit. Terry?”

“Terry’s also dead. Now, are you gonna die as well, or are you gonna leave here now?”

Zazzer just continued to stare in complete shock at his two friends.

“Zazzer!” Snapped Robbie.

Zazzer turned to look at him, his mouth open and his face pale. Now that he had a chance to have a proper look at him, Robbie realised Zazzer was younger than he had originally assumed. A lot younger.

Robbie’s voice turned soft. “How old are you son?”

“Fif ... fif ... fifteen.”

“When are you sixteen?”

“Oc ... October.”

“What’s your name? Your real name?”

There was a pause, then he gulped and spoke. “Zack,” he muttered, fearfully. “Zachary.”

“And where do you live Zack?”

“I was kicked out by my step dad years ago. I been livin’ on the streets until they took me in. Oh god,” Zack burst into tears. “What am I gonna do? They’ll kill me for sure.”

“Who will?”

“The Patrol,” sobbed Zack. “You don’t know what they’re like.”

“Actually I think I do. You were unlucky to have fallen in with them, but lucky it was me you came up against. Let’s get this place tidied up before the patrol gets here, and I’ll take you somewhere safe.”

“Where? How?”

“Never mind that for now. Let’s get these vermin off the street.” Robbie opened the tail gate of his car. “Help me get them in here.”

They had just closed the tail-gate again when they heard sirens in the distance. Whether they had been spotted or not, and whether the sirens were anything to do with him, Robbie didn’t know. But just in case, he wanted to be away quickly.

“Quick, get in,” Robbie pointed at the passenger door. Just seconds later, without waiting for seat belts, Robbie pulled the car away from the curb and hurtled down the road. “Seat belt,” snapped Robbie at Zack.

Zack just nodded and fumbled with his belt, while Robbie wrestled the old car around a corner, and out of sight of the shop and the scene of the fight.

Slowing down slightly, Robbie pulled his own seat belt on, but otherwise just concentrated on the road, both front and back. Zack huddled into the corner against the door, fearful of what this strange old man might do, but far more afraid of what the Patrol would do if it caught him.

There was no sign of any chase, so Robbie slowed to a more natural pace, and drove sedately to his friend Jack’s yard. He pulled up right in front of the large side door to the warehouse, giving two quick hoots on his horn, as he got out. “Come on, we need to get the bodies out of the car.”

By the time Jack came out, Robbie had pulled out the two bodies, plus most of the rest of the contents of his boot. “Need to get rid of anything with blood on it,” Robbie told Zack.

Jack just stared in shock. “What the hell?”

“Just open the fuckin’ doors man. Need to get rid of some dead vermin in a hurry.”

Jack nodded and hurried back inside to open up the warehouse. A few moments later, with a rattle, the doors slowly rolled upwards.

“Recognise him?” Robbie asked Jack, pointing at Terry.

Jack looked, frowning, and slowly shaking his head.

“Imagine him trussed up with his shoe laces and belt.”

Jack looked closer. “Oh my good grief,” he exclaimed after a few moments. He grinned at Robbie. “Looks like them crossbows came in useful.” The bolt was still protruding from Terry’s face.

“Yeah. Thank god!”

“But what,” Jack paused. “Later. Get them inside.” He grabbed Terry’s hand and arm, and with an ease that astonished Zack, lifted him onto his shoulder. Zack was even more astonished when Robbie did exactly the same thing with the unnamed man.

“Son, what’s this bloke’s name?” Robbie asked Zack as he and Jack almost ran inside.

“Er. He’s known as Worry, but I think his name’s really Kev. Er. How are you doing that?”

“Doing what?”

“Carrying them men like they weighed nowt.”

Robbie grinned. “Would you believe weight training?”

Zack could see he was being teased, but didn’t understand. He just nodded, confused. “What you gonna do with them?”

“You’ll see.”

Zack did see, and stood, his mouth open and staring in shock as the two corpses, were loaded one after the other into a strange machine. Nearly twenty minutes later the corpses had been digested. “What the hell is that?” he breathed in shock.

Jack looked at him and frowned.

“Later,” said Robbie. “Let’s get the rest of the stuff in. Might need to get my car sorted out as well. The bodies were in the boot and I’ve no idea what mess I may have left behind.”

“I’ve got a spare landy you can have for a couple of days if you need it,” Jack told him.

Robbie just nodded and went out for the next pile of stuff. A little under half an hour later, Robbie had rung his wife to tell her his car had been in a minor accident and that he was stuck in Portsmouth and would be late to dinner. The three retired to Jack’s office. Robbie’s car was now inside the warehouse with all the doors shut and locked.

“Right,” ordered Jack. “Give. What happened and who’s this?”

It took Robbie only two minutes to tell Jack what had happened, and to explain who Zack was. Jack loaned Zack a donkey jacket to hide the Safety Patrol uniform which he now shrank down into, afraid of what these two strange old men might do to him. They looked to be in their eighties maybe, but they were very obviously far stronger and fitter than anyone of that age ought to be. Zack was more than a little scared.

“Okay Zack,” Robbie’s voice was calm and relaxed. “Tell us your story. Go back. Right back. Even before your dad kicked you out.”

Zack was silent for a long moment, watching while Jack made the three of them big mugs of hot tea. When he had his, he began. His story was halting and a bit disjointed at first, but he soon settled into a steady rhythm.

“I never knew my da, my real da,” he told them. “He was killed on the motorway. My ma were still pregnant with me at the time. I was five when she remarried. I sort of remember the wedding. I reckon that was the last time she were truly happy.” Zack went quiet for a moment as he remembered.

“She met this guy at work,” he eventually said. “He was nice at first, but soon after they got married he started to turn nasty. He was a bit of a bully and a control freak. Then he lost his job and blamed it on my ma. He got another job, but it weren’t as good, and that just made him angrier. Then Ma died. I were nine an’ a half. Cancer she had. My step da hated me after that. Hardly fed me. I didn’t always go to school, and when I were near eleven he said I’d stolen sommat and to get out.”

“What did he say you’d stolen?” asked Jack gently.

Zack shook his head. “I don’t know. He kept saying I’d stolen ‘it’ and where was ‘it’, and what had I done with ‘it’. It, it, it! He never said what. Just kept saying ‘it’.” Zack’s voice was trembling as the emotion welled up inside him again. “Oh god. What’s gonna happen to me?”

“We’ll sort something out,” Robbie told him softly. “Go on with your story.”

“Um.” Zack took a deep, shaky, breath. “After I got kicked out, I sort of just slept in the park for a few days. It were summer so it weren’t too cold. Except when it rained. But I found a bit of shelter. This woman looked after me for a bit as well. She were homeless as well. She helped me to find food, but I had to give her half of everything I found. About two year later she died. Pneumonia they said. Turned out when she died she were only thirty hersel’. Then I were on me own again, but I sort of knew how to look after mesel’ b’ then. I heard it were warmer down here than where I’m from, so I walked down here. Headed down A19 to Stockton, then towards York and Leeds. Walked down A1 most a time. Took me four and a half months. I were lucky it weren’t winter.”

“Mmm. There’s a hint of the north east in your voice,” Jack said. “Where are you from?”

“Just outside Sunderland. Place called Seaham”.

“And you walked all the way to the south coast?” asked Robbie astonished. “That must be three hundred miles. I’m impressed.”

Zack smiled a little, pleased at the men’s obvious praise. “A couple a year ago I were lookin’ in this bin, back of a bakery not far from university, when I were caught by the Safety Patrol. When they found out I were homeless, they took me in and fed me and said I could join them. I bin wiv ‘em since.”

“And I guess in all that time, today is the first time you’ve seen trouble?” Asked Robbie.

“Almost. They wouldn’t let me go out for ages. Made me stay in and clean up inside. It weren’t very nice, but it were easy enough an’ it were warm, an’ I got a real bed and okay food. An’ they never did anythin’ to me, except mebbe make fun o’ me.” He paused for a moment. “They only let me out on patrol for the first time a month ago.”

“Did you go up to Catterick?” asked Jack.

Zack looked puzzled. “No.” He shook his head decisively.

“So you’re not a fully trained patroller?”

“I guess not. Not really.”


“So where you bumped into me, is that a regular patrol route?”

Zack shook his head. “The shop keeper owed Worry some money and they were going to collect. I know Terry found it funny, but I don’t know why.”

Robbie nodded, a resigned look on his face. “Protection.”

Jack nodded but said nothing.

The two men looked at each other, perplexed. “Well we can’t let you go back to them,” said Robbie after a pause. “It won’t be safe for you. And it won’t be safe for you here either. We’re gonna have to get you out and away somewhere. Dunno where yet.”

“What’s wiv that funny machine in back?” asked Zack.

“You’ve never heard of a replicator?” asked Jack, astonished.

Zack just shook his head.

“The Confederacy?”

Zack’s shake of the head was a bit uncertain this time. “Not sure. Mebbe.”

Jack and Robbie spent twenty minutes telling Zack what the Confederacy was, and everything that had happened in the last few years. Zack started off looking astonished, then scared, and by the end truly terrified.

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Phil Cooper was a single man aged twenty-eight and he had quite a bit of work he needed to get done urgently in his office. More and more of his colleagues left for the day until he was the only one left in the building. He lived alone and he had no plans so he decided to get as much work done that evening as possible.It was now about eight o'clock in the evening and fifty-four-year-old Ruby Butcher had just arrived to clean the offices. It was unusual but not unheard of for someone to be still...

Office Sex
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Teachers Pet

TEACHERS PET I was a year behind in high school because the summer between my junior and senior year I was involved in a motorcycle accident. I missed the whole year laid up in the hospital. When I returned to school the next year all my friends had graduated and all the girls I knew too. I had a plan though to meet girls, but would it work? I picked Home Ec as one of my classes figuring I'd meet plenty of girls plus the teacher was young and HOT. Miss Michaels was in her 20's and...

3 years ago
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The Hot Tub

I know to the casual observer, my girlfriend and I would appear to be extraverts or even exhibitionists.  And I guess if one is at ease with one’s body, it can appear that way.  But people are complicated.  Who we are today, isn’t always who we were yesterday.  Life is a journey, and no journey was more surprising than that of my girlfriend.I’ll admit to being the adventurous one, but Melanie, for sure, never was.  I say this even though she has a body worth exhibiting.  5’7”, blonde, blue...

3 years ago
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My Brothers WifeChapter 3

Things seemed pretty much back to normal the following week. I didn't go over to Dan and Lisa's as often because the situation still made me feel uncomfortable. Dan came by one evening after I closed the garage and we went and had a couple of beers. He told me things were great at home. He and Lisa made love more often and she never mentioned cheating or divorce again. He said that once again he had his loving wife and marriage back intact. He would never take a chance like that again. I...

3 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 9

Hannah was on her knees underneath a large desk and sucking an Outlaw’s large, smelly penis. Her hands were still tied behind her back and she was completely naked except for the black stripper heels on her feet. The Asian was crying softly as she serviced the biker’s disgusting cock while he did some sort of work on a computer. She’d been blowing the hairy man for more than ten minutes and he still did not appear close to cumming. Hannah was just grateful to be back in the lounge and...

4 years ago
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A Dream Fanatsy

I find the buttons on your blouse and start to unbutton them, slowly, one at a time. Your sighs and moans continue. I open the front of your blouse giving me my first glance at your bra covered tits. I continue to caress them; I can feel your nipples hardening under the palms of my hands. I slide my hands up under the bottom of your bra and lift it up and over your large tits. They bounce as they are released from their confines. You pull away from me and turn towards me. You...

1 year ago
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Highland Magic Ch 09

I was pleasantly surprised how wonderful dinner was. I felt like a pig when I was done, as I ate more than I had in a long time. But then again, I hadn’t eaten the day before except an apple. Cien made great company, and I found myself laughing and making jokes with him. I discovered much to my dismay, he had two wonderful dimples in his cheeks, so that whenever he smiled, he looked like a cherub. It seemed as if he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. I blushed throughout the entire meal as he...

2 years ago
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The Family Business

What do you do when you are on the verge of losing everything? How desperate can you get, and what would you be willing to do if someone offered you a golden ticket to fix it all?“It doesn't look good,” said Mark's accountant.“Well, what can I do?” Mark said with a defeated tone."I think it's time you put your house on the market and start liquidating your assets, but even that won't be enough. You are deep in the hole, Mark."Mark looked at his wife, Sarah, who was almost in tears as she...

4 years ago
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Fantasy WeekendChapter 5

Originally written by 4Play and modified Tonight was one of our regularly scheduled Fantasy Weekends and, as usual on these occasions, I was both excited and nervous. We had originally set up these “special” nights to fulfill my desires for some of the wilder aspects of sex. Ever since she had brought other people into our private game, she had increasingly grown more perverse in her scenarios. I thought dressing me as Slut had been a onetime thing; now it was required every Fantasy Weekend....

2 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife’s boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

2 years ago
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Financial Domination

My mistress, Mistress Angela, has commanded me to write this account of how we met and how we live. I have been Mistress Angela's money slave and cuckold for three months now. She moved in with me a little over a month ago. I met Mistress Angela just over a year ago. She was working as a dancer at the Gold Club. My wife had died the year before, and I was looking for some fun. She sat down next to me and told me her name was Marie. I bought her a drink. As we talked, I found out she enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Adult theater fun

I had the day off from work and was feeling horny so I decided to check out the local adult theater. I drove across town to the theater pulled into the parking lot and another car pulled in next to me. We both got got out of our cars and he said to me “looking for some fun today?”. I said I have never been there and wanted to check it out. He told me there was two theaters and the left side was more busy and I said that was the side I would go to then. He said if I wanted to play together that...

1 year ago
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Sali Makes her move

My wife Sana is the second hottest woman on earth. Ours was an arranged marriage and I knew I had the luckiest dick on earth and the most sensuous pussy and luscious mouth to fuck any man had ever had. Unfortunately the hottest woman on earth was Sana’s sister Lubna. If the greatest sculptor on earth had tried to frame this beauty, he would have wept with grief at his failure. Smoothest marble could not have come close to replicating her features or her figure. Sana would have fulfilled the...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Victoria Lobov Dweeb Fucks His Stepmom

Diego Perez has the idea to start making content for XVideos for some extra cash. He tries to do a solo jerk off video but his awkwardness keeps getting in the way of making anything good. His stepmom walks in and catches him as he’s filming. He explains to her what she’s doing and she tells him that he needs a girl in the video to REALLY make the big bucks. She says that she’ll help him out. She strips naked for him, showing off her giant tits and beautiful booty. She gives...

4 years ago
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Susies Freshman YearChapter 1

Susie Brock knew that part of her would always be sad that she couldn't work it out with Governor Bruce Calahan. She also knew that the Governor was right about them needing some time apart, after being lovers for the whole semester. She had missed him that summer, as she worked in the area, to ensure that she already had a job when the other students came into town. She missed him even more by now, but the past had to be left to history, and the future embraced, so she went ahead and...

3 years ago
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anon wincest

Dragging my arse downstairs, I meet mum by the front door. After the end of last week’s revelations, her attitude towards me has improved greatly, and she finally seems to appreciate the work I’ve been doing around the house, rather than seeing it as my duty. Still, while she is much more cordial to me, she’s developed this annoying habit of never making eye contact. She’ll look everywhere else, but never directly at my face. I put it down to something else about this family I’ll be told...

3 years ago
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A Night To Remember

Looking at you. The whole night that's all I've been looking at you. Watching as your mouth curves up into a smile...listening to how infectious your laugh is. I'm still looking at you.... still watching you smile. Looking at you standing there. Watching you wait for me to come and take you. I slowly make my way toward you, keeping my eyes locked on you the whole time. I step up to you. Grabbing your waist and pulling you close, so you can feel how hard my cock is on your stomach....

Straight Sex
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NCISChapter 3

If you're not 18 or older please take a look at that red x up in the corner ... yes far right corner. Hold your mouse over it until it's highlighted. Click it and it shall direct you to where you ought to be. If you're 18 or older ... enjoy the story and if you haven't yet, read the first two chapters yet of this NCIS parody. I suggest you do to get a better understanding of the episode I wrote up. Enjoy :) In one of the evidence rooms, Ziva and Sarah began to empty the boxes of...

2 years ago
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What Are The Odds

What are the odds... Sitting in this city's cafe, I see several couples holding hands, touching, looking lovingly and appreciably at each other. My mind wanders on what they are thinking about. Could it be possible that two persons in love could think in the same way? Many people will disagree but I have a different view to offer. Of course this view doesn't apply to all cases at all times but it has some truth in it. Let us consider imaginary M & S. M is a beautiful young woman...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Karen Threesome

Rebecca looked over at me and said, “Get over here, Grey! We need cock! “Yes Mistress.” I answered, standing up, her panties still draped over my stiff prick. I walked over to the two prone women and added. “Might I suggest that we retire to my bedroom?” Grabbing my silk encased cock, Rebecca replied, “An excellent idea, Grey,” and she led us to my boudoir, indicating that I should lie on my back in the center of the bed. Finding a shirt and tie draped over a chair, she proceeded to bind my...

Group Sex
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The Devils Pact SideStory Jonathons New Wife

Introduction: Jonathons wife ran afoul of Mark Glassner, and hes about to find out just how shes changed. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jonathons New Wife Note: This takes place during Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. While robbing his first bank, Mark fucked a bank teller named Monica, ordering her to be a good wife, and do whatever nasty, whorish things her husband wants her to. Monday, June 10th, 2013 Jonathon Jephson I hate...

2 years ago
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Pumping Mom

My mom is thirty five years old which is exactly twenty years older than I. She is no super model, I am not sure she would be a milf. But the whole time I was growing up she would flirt with me or maybe tease me may be a better way to put it. I seeemed to always get a beaver shot here and there or catch her naked, not that is a big deal as I thought it was normal. The other thing with mom is that she and dad always seemed to be having sex, loud hard sex. Looking back on it I would say mom was a...

3 years ago
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How I Lost It

My name is Amber, and I have a unique story. I could never tell my friends how I lost my virginity. I knew they wouldn’t understand, and so whenever the subject came up, I just made up a story about losing it to some random guy after a party. I kept details to a minimum, and just deflected to something else if my girlfriends started asking too many questions. I knew if they found out the truth, they would have many more questions, and would probably change their opinions of me or maybe even not...

1 year ago
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La soumission de Candy

La soumission de Candy Chapitre 1Ce n'est pas parce que vous ?tes parano que personne ne vous en veut. Je me suis toujours un peu m?fi? de mes semblables et, quand j'ai cr?? mon entreprises de conseil, j'ai trouv? tout naturel de mettre en place tout ce qu'il fallait pour surveiller mes employ?s. Enregistrement t?l?phonique, copie automatique des emails re?us et envoy?s, etc.N'ayant pas que ?a ? faire, je ne passais pas tout mon temps ? ?couter les conversations et lire les ?changes de courriers. Et surtout, en respect d...

3 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 52

When the meal ends, the club members leave, except for Neil and Dwain. As the staff clears off the table, Neil explains, “It is my job to oversee the tests. Trent, since you decided not to share the official results from when family services tested you, we will have to ask you to take the test too. It is only a formality.” “I wasn’t planning on taking the test, but there is no harm in it.” “Have any of you, besides Trent, ever taken an IQ test before?” The girls all state they haven’t,...

2 years ago
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Secrets of forest Memories

July 4th party finished at 2 or 2:30 am, Ben and me went back home, I was so happy because of my birthday present. Ben was so happy too by the same reason, strange? No, just funny we gave each other a great gift and was delicious In the way home we talked about 4th july carnival, the play and fireworks, we were pleasant and relaxed, our bodies were rested and we both satisfied, well that was that I thought. At home, near 3:00 am, we were starving, sex produces hungry, we wento to the kitchen...

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Players Trick Book5

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 2 Sin 4

The poison had not killed me, but the pain that radiated from my swollen leg made me almost wish it had. I was terribly thirsty and wondered if I had ever felt that miserable. I was able to answer my own question, yes I had. I had it much worse back on the Burg of my father, and back then I did not see any chance of escaping but here I was not out of options. I was still alive and I had weapons. I used the little light of the first aid kit to check out the room I was in. It was not as empty...

1 year ago
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British Bengali slag

My name is rima I'm bengali from London age 27 and I'm gonna share my story of me being a slut. It all started when I was going through the channels at night was was at my khalas houseI and saw a phone girl squeezing her boobs moving her hips in such a sexy way, I straight awayKnew that this was sexy and felt like doing it myself, I went to my room to practice some poses in the mirror and warn many different outfits like knee high boots and different colour bras, after 45 I get a knock on the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Chapters 3 And 4

Chapter 3Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years.Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry.Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Susan My Wife Fucks Our Driver

My name is Venkat and I am from Chennai, India. My wife, Susan and I have been married for past 3 years. Before marriage, Susan was a senior to me at work and was a year older by age. Also we were from different faiths, she being a Christian and I a Hindu. Our families, both hers and mine, were completely against this alliance. But we stood by each other and got married. We cut all formal ties with our families and moved to Mumbai immediately after marriage. Susan, now a 30 year old, has a...

2 years ago
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Anal FestivalChapter 4

Roby looked down and to his delight found that he was still retaining his erection if somewhat the worse for wear. Tina was looking him in the eye as he looked up and she immediately came to his side and stuffed his cock down her throat. Looking up and massaging his balls Tina moved back clearing her mouth and throat of his still stiff organ Tina said just wanted to keep it hard seeing as Roby is last in line. After a few minutes of Tina's mouth he was more than ready to go again and told...

1 year ago
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NSFW Korea

Are you into Korean girls? Well, you better be because today we’re taking a look at some of the hottest Korean hotties that the country has to offer. We’ll be taking a look at the popular subreddit that you can find on Reddit called /r/NSFW_Korea. As you can imagine by reading the name, you’ve basically figured out what the sub is all about. If you ask me, when it comes to subreddits that have nationality specific content, Korean girls have got to be among my top picks because they are just so...

Reddit NSFW List

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