TotemChapter 19 free porn video

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Cameron had never felt nervous at visiting Sam's house before. Sam was his best friend; they'd been friends since kindergarten. Cameron knew him better than anyone else on the face of the earth. Or he had thought he did, anyway. Recently, he wasn't so sure.

At first, he'd attributed everything to Sam's shock at his sudden illness. Cameron still remembered vividly seeing Sam touch the little statue, recoil as if he'd been shocked; and then, only seconds later, collapse. At the time, his first thought had been that the totem spirit had somehow really attacked Sam. He realized now how ridiculous that was. Sam did seem different, though. He'd just seemed distracted, at first. But now... he seemed bolder, somehow, more self-confident. As if he didn't really need his friends anymore. And other people were treating him differently -- Katarina Miller, and some of the other girls. And now Sam and Gina were dating openly, and neither of them had told Cameron about it first.

Cameron hesitated a bit at Sam's front door before knocking. If Sam didn't need him as a best friend anymore, that was too bad, but Cameron wasn't going to go crawling to get him back. He was curious, though. What was happening? What had gone on with Gina? From the way Cameron had seen the two of them kissing, he thought their relationship was anything but platonic. And Gina had let drop that she was inviting Sam over for dinner the night before, to talk with her parents, which sounded pretty serious.

Firming his resolve, Cameron knocked briskly. There was a brief pause, the sound of a light footstep, then Sam's sister Joan opened the door.

"Hey, Cameron!" she greeted him. "Good to see you. How's it going?"

"Uhhhh... " Cameron felt his jaw dropping, and his cheeks heated. Joan was wearing nothing but a lacy black bra and panties that left little to the imagination. Cameron had always known Sam's big sister was a looker, but he'd never realized how gorgeous she really was. He tried not to stare, and to think of something intelligent to say, but the sight of her barely-contained breasts seemed to have obliterated any reasonable thoughts. Somehow, 'nice bra' didn't seem adequate.

Joan realized the source of his confusion and laughed. "Oh, sorry, I forgot I was dressed like this." Undressed like this would have been more accurate, Cameron thought. "I was trying on different outfits when you knocked," Joan went on, stepping aside and gesturing him in. "Come on in. Sam and Gina are in the living room. See you!"

Joan closed the door and trotted back up the stairs, a motion which made her flesh sway in a highly distracting manner. Cameron felt confused. If she'd been upstairs, trying on outfits, while Sam was in the living room, why had she answered the door instead of Sam? Unless she was just randomly wandering around the house in her underwear, something he was sure he'd have noticed in the past, if she made a habit of it. Shaking off this puzzle, Cameron pulled himself together and walked into the living room.

Sam and Gina were sitting together on the couch, reading. That wasn't unusual -- the three of them had often hung out together, each reading a book and pausing from time to time to talk. At the moment, though, Sam was sitting at one end of the couch, and Gina was lying with her head in his lap, one of his hands gently stroking her hair. That was definitely unusual. In fact, Cameron had never seen either of them acting like that.

The two on the couch looked up as he entered. "Hi, Cameron!" Gina said brightly. She put her book down, but didn't rise. "How're you doing?"

"Fine," Cameron said. "How are you?"

"Pretty good," Gina answered. Without looking, she raised one hand to brush Sam's cheek. Cameron felt the instant conviction that the two of them had been lovers only a short time before. The way they touched each other...

"Thanks for coming over," Sam said. "I've been wanting to talk to you."

At this, Gina did sit up. Picking up her book, she rose and kissed Sam on the lips before heading for the door. "I'll leave you to it, then," she said. "See you in a little while, Cameron. I'll be in your room, Sam."

"Have a seat," Sam invited Cameron, his eyes following Gina affectionately as she left the room. Cameron sank into a chair, once again feeling the confusion of his closest friends acting so differently.

"What was all that about?" he asked, gesturing after Gina.

"Gina thought this would go better if I talked to you on my own," Sam explained. "More sort of man-to-man. I need to explain some stuff."

"Well, I could use some explanation," Cameron complained. "I mean, OK, it's sort of obvious at this point what's going on with you and Gina, though you could have told me. But what's going on with you? You've been acting -- I don't know -- funny, recently. You haven't been to the gym since you came back to school... all right, maybe you need to be sure you're fully recovered, first... "

"I'm fine," Sam said. "I've just been kind of distracted."

"Yeah, well, you've been acting distracted," Cameron said. "But distracted by what?"

Sam hesitated before speaking. "Look, Cameron, you're my best friend. I want to tell you everything. But you've got to promise me that you'll hear me out. OK?"

Cameron was a bit surprised, but said, "OK, sure, I promise."

"I'm serious," Sam persisted. "You really do need to hear me out."

"I said I promised, didn't I?" Cameron said, a bit nettled.

"All right." Sam frowned, seeming to gather his thoughts. "It all started after I touched that statue in the museum. Do you remember?"

"I'm not too likely to forget that," Cameron said. "You collapsed right after."

"Yeah. Gina said that you thought at the time that the totem spirit had attacked me."

Cameron flushed. "Look, I admitted that was stupid... "

Sam raised a hand. "I asked you to hear me out. The fact is, it wasn't stupid. I think that's exactly what happened... except, I don't think the spirit attacked me. Remember what the tour guide said? Shamans would summon these spirits to possess them, and lend them their power. I think that's what happened to me."

Sam paused, looking at Cameron expectantly. Cameron didn't know what to think. Was Sam crazy? He didn't act like it. But he had been acting strangely recently -- not crazy, but different.

"All right," Cameron said eventually. "Go on."

"You don't believe me, do you?" Sam said.

"You asked me to hear you out. I'm listening."

"Fair enough," Sam agreed. "All right. At first, I didn't know what had happened. I could vaguely sense this other presence, but I didn't know what it was. It seems just like a faint roaring sound, but in my head. But I soon realized that there was a lot more to it than that. It's inside me, but it affects other people. Everyone I come into contact with."

"Well, I don't feel any different," Cameron said.

"I'm not sure that you would," Sam said, "or that you'd notice it."

"How does it 'affect' people?" Cameron asked.

"Sexually," Sam said. "Especially women." Sam shrugged. "It seems to have made me irresistible."

Cameron laughed. He didn't mean to, but the idea of his best friend as some kind of supernatural Don Juan struck him as hysterically funny.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked, when Sam didn't join in, but just watched him patiently.

"Nope," Sam said. "But I don't blame you for thinking that it's funny. I probably would, too."

Cameron shook his head. "Look... you're talking about you and Gina, right?"

"Not *just* Gina," Sam said.

"Whatever... I mean, the two of you have been friends for a long time, and I know you've both kind of had the hots for each other, even though neither of you ever admitted it to me. Sure, you got together really quickly, but that doesn't mean some Indian spirit did it. I mean, right?"

"That by itself might be true," Sam agreed, "but other girls... "

"I know they've been paying you a lot of attention, recently. But you've been sick. Girls like that -- it makes you interesting. It doesn't mean they want you to screw them." Cameron felt that he had to keep some tinge of reason in this conversation. It was clear that Sam believed what he was saying. Probably this was some side-effect of his collapse which the doctors hadn't noticed. Cameron only hoped that it was temporary, and that his friend would come around soon. Delusions like this could get him in a lot of trouble, if he tried to act on them. He wondered if Sam had told Gina what he thought. It would probably freak her out.

In the meanwhile, Sam was looking at Cameron quizzically. "I thought of a lot of ways this conversation might go," Sam said, "but I must admit, this wasn't one of them. I should have, though. If I tell you that other girls do want to sleep with me -- in fact, they have -- you won't believe me, will you? You'll think I'm making it up, or fooling myself?"

Cameron shrugged uncomfortably. "I don't think you're deliberately trying to lie to me. It's just... things like this don't happen. It's impossible."

"Huh," Sam said, thoughtfully. He frowned at Cameron for a minute, then rose to his feet. "Wait here," he said, waving Cameron back to his seat as he automatically started to rise. "I think I'll have to find something a bit more convincing. Just wait."

Cameron sank back into his seat as his friend left the room and went running up the stairs. He thought about sneaking out of the house before Sam came back. It was tempting. If his best friend had gone crazy, there was no telling what he might do. And he had to be crazy. What he was saying *couldn't* be true. Could it?

He was still trying to decide what to do when footsteps came on the stairs again, descending more slowly than Sam's ascent. Cameron looked at the door, expecting Sam to reappear, and was startled when Sam's mother entered the room instead. Her red hair fell loosely about her face, and she wore a simple white blouse and green skirt. She wore no shoes on her stockinged feet.

"Hello, Cameron," she said quietly.

"Um, hi, Mrs. Raven," Cameron said uncomfortably.

"Please, call me Caroline," she said. She crossed to the couch and sat where Sam had been, facing Cameron. Cameron didn't feel very ready for this conversation. He had had a crush on Sam's mother for years -- she was the first woman he had lusted after, when he first began noticing girls -- and it tended to make him nervous and tongue-tied in her presence. He felt nervous enough as it was. No doubt she'd want to talk to him about Sam, and he didn't know what to say.

"So, Cameron," Caroline said, tossing her red hair back and smiling at him. "Sam's been telling you what happened to him, is that right?"

"Uh, yes, Mrs. -- Caroline," Cameron said.

"But you found it hard to believe, didn't you?" she went on.

"Well... yeah, I did," Cameron admitted.

"I don't blame you," Caroline said sympathetically. "It's a pretty incredible story, isn't it? Almost unbelievable."

"Yeah," Cameron agreed again.

Caroline leaned forward, almost conspiratorily, and stretched out a hand to touch Cameron's knee. Her breasts swayed beneath her blouse, and Cameron found it nearly impossible not to stare at them. Caroline was obviously not wearing a bra, and her blouse was semi-translucent, making the darkness of her nipples distinctly visible.

"So, what if I told you," she said confidingly, "that Sam's story is completely true?"

Cameron was so distracted by trying not to look at Mrs. Raven's tits that it took him a moment to absorb what she'd said.

"What?!" he said.

"Completely true, in every respect," Caroline affirmed.

"But... but... that's... "

"Impossible?" Caroline said. "I would have thought so, too. But it's true, so obviously it is possible."

"You mean... Sam is sexually irresistible," Cameron said, still incredulous.

"Absolutely," Caroline said.

Cameron stared at her a moment longer. "How do you know?" he asked finally.

Caroline laughed, as if this were a silly question. "How *would* I know?" she challenged him. "Because I'm one of his women, of course."

Cameron was stunned. Sam's own mother! How could that be? But at the same time, his cock was so hard that it was trying to rip its way out of his trousers on its own. The idea of Sam's mother, naked, moaning in sex, burned into his mind.

"Do you believe me?" Caroline asked him.

"I don't know what to think," Cameron said.

"Then let me help you," she said, and rose to her feet. Her hands went to her blouse and started to undo the buttons. "I know you used to have a crush on me. Starting when you were about twelve. You started noticing me, as a woman. It was kind of cute, the way you tried to look at my breasts without my seeing you. Didn't you?"

Cameron sat, paralyzed. One part of him couldn't believe what was happening, but he didn't want it to stop.

"You probably don't appreciate it," Caroline went on, "but for a woman with two teenage children to know that she's still attractive is very pleasant." The blouse was undone nearly all the way now, exposing a strip of creamy flesh down her front. He could see the the swelling cleft between her breasts. Her nipples made little tents in the thin fabric on either side. Cameron stared at them openly.

"I really didn't mind your peeking at me," Caroline said. "In fact, I think I unconsciously teased you, a little." The blouse was completely undone, now, her hands holding it in place, teasing him quite consciously. "Of course, maybe you were looking at every woman then... "

"No!" Cameron denied thickly. "You were... you were special... "

"You're sweet," Caroline said throatily. "Well, here's what you were trying to see." With one quick motion she pulled open her blouse and let it drop to the floor.

She was beautiful. As he had thought, she wore no bra; her breasts rose firmly from her chest, large, round, perfect, tipped with dark nipples standing out tautly from tight aureoles. Caroline delicately stroked her nipples with her fingertips, shivering slightly, and they tightened even further, standing out half an inch from her tits. Cameron was mesmerized. He couldn't have looked away if he'd wanted to, and he didn't want to.

"So," Caroline said. "Do you like them?"

"They... they're beautiful," Cameron said. "You're beautiful... "

"Would you like to touch them?" she suggested.

Cameron had thought he was as aroused as he could be. He discovered that was untrue. "Yes, please," he croaked, his throat dry.

Caroline stepped gracefully around the coffee table and sat on the edge of it, only a foot or so away from Cameron's fascinated gaze. Slowly, almost fearfully, he raised a hand, hesitated, then set it on her tit.

"That's good," Caroline said encouragingly. "Be gentle, but you don't have to be afraid to touch me. I won't break."

Cameron began to slowly knead the tit in his hand. Caroline seemed to like this; she sighed, and leaned forward a little. He put his other hand on her second breast, and sat for a long while fondling her. Tentatively, he touched her nipple, then at her encouraging murmur began to tug and stroke them. They felt... he couldn't say how they felt, but they felt good, and it seemed that it made Caroline feel even better.

"Why don't you try sucking me, now?" she suggested after several minutes of this.

This time Cameron barely hesitated before complying. Leaning forward, he licked a nipple, sending a ripple of pleasure through Caroline's body, before opening his mouth and sucking her in. She moaned in response. For a long time he suckled her, her arms around him, cradling him to her chest. He lifted his hand to her other breast and began gently squeezing the nipple, while moving his tongue on the other. After a bit, he switched breasts, sucking the second as hungrily as he had the first.

"You're making me so hot," Caroline sighed. "Do you know what that means?"

With his mouth full of her breast, Cameron could only grunt his assent.

"Good. But we need to get you ready." Gently she pushed him back. "Just sit back, now."

Cameron complied, his heart pounding against his ribs. Caroline dropped to her knees in front of him and began unbuckling his belt. She quickly got it off, then unfastened his fly and pulled down his jeans and underwear. His cock sprang out, bigger and harder than it had ever been. Cameron held his breath. What if it was too small, or something? But Caroline just smiled, then stroked her fingers along it, making Cameron moan involuntarily.

"That's nice," Caroline said approvingly. "But I think you won't last long in your current state."

He would have liked to deny it, but she was almost certainly right. It felt as if he was about to come spontaneously just from the arousal of seeing her.

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I have always enjoyed hiking, camping, hunting and fishing — with others or on my own. That’s why I happened to be camping alone one summer day a few years ago at a secluded site on the northwest edge of Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park. In fact, I was taking advantage of the remoteness of the area since fishermen rarely hiked in to the high valley. The valley’s pristine mountain creek was strung with beaver ponds that were teeming with unwary brook...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Into Bitch Friend

Hi ISS readers,I’m Anand from Chennai. This story is 100% true. Happened in my real life. I am Doing B.E. in pvt. College. And my girl friend name is Malathi. She is my classmate. Very homely and shy girl. We are in love from our 2nd year of our college. But yet to fuck each other. She has such a lovely structure. Her bra size is 34DD. And hip size 28. Lovely ass size is 38. I love her ass a lot. In fact I fall in love & proposed her mainly because of her big ass. She has a big ass in our...

2 years ago
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Romance of Lust part 6

Such were these two charming letters, and I may immediately mention now that the lascivious picture dear Carry drew of a partie carrée — we four the actors — was afterwards realised to the utmost extent of every salacious enjoyment that the most experienced lubricity could suggest.The Count and I often sandwiched them between us, which they declared to be the ne plus ultra of pleasure, while the upper operator gamahuched the unoccupied quim. Nay, these giddy delicious creatures were not...

4 years ago
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My niece Alicia cums to visit

Please leave a comment... It is why I write!!My niece just got a job not too far from where I live and since I am going to be her only family within 500 miles, I figured the least I could do was offer to have her stay with me while she found a place to stay and got settled in to life in Texas.I had seen pictures of her with the rest of the family on the Christmas postcards, but I was not ready for the 21 year old woman who showed up on my doorstep in loose fitting boxer shorts and a halter type...

4 years ago
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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos, so each one shot, had to be planned carefully,...

2 years ago
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Look but Dont TouchChapter 4

After Madelyn’s new discovery of her new self and with the way the creature seems to act when it needs a new host each time, she decides she needs to procure a new host. So she heads up to the ship’s bridge the next morning and invites Kendall to share some coffee and chat. By the time Madelyn’s sister and Becky come down into the lounge area, wearing just shirt that barely cover their crotches, Madelyn and Kendall are almost finished with their second cup of coffee. Their captain’s eyes...

4 years ago
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My journey 1X

My Journey part 1X. It was a few minutes before we disentangled ourselves and after cleaning each other Clare and myself laid either side of Anne and fell into an exhausted but satisfied sleep. Waking up in the morning Anne who had woken earlier and got washed and changed into a simple dress drew a bath for me and Matt so we could get cleaned up and dressed in our normal clothes as she made us some breakfast that we both enjoyed before saying goodbye and giving us both a kiss as we left the...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Roma Amor The Stunningly Beautiful Maid

Roma Amor came to clean Tommy Cabrio’s apartment. She was stunningly beautiful. So what could Tommy do but to get all his cash and start offering it to her. Would she take off her top for 200? She refused but with such a nice smile that he tried again. And again. Until he finally convinced her. Her breasts looked more breathtaking than he could imagine. Some more cash and was only in her panties. More cash to see her naked. And there he was with his dick out. Hoping she would go for the snack....

3 years ago
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Wife Gangbang

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood against a...

4 years ago
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Miss Johnson Part One

Miss Johnson FF/M By [email protected] I look back at my early education, one teacher who met a lot to me was Miss Johnson. She taught my sixth grade class, and she helped me get serious about my education. Up until that time, school to me was just something you had to sit through. Until I had Miss Johnson as a teacher, I didn't do my homework, and I didn't pay attention in class.When and where I went to school, corporal punishment was allowed. All of the teachers had a paddle that hung...

1 year ago
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The Sorority HouseChapter 2 More Sisters

It was a clear Saturday night. Normally The Off-Campus Bar was packed with students wall-to-wall, but with Finals Week starting in two days, people were studying instead of getting toasted. Most of my roommates and friends were back at our house studying as well (I should be studying too), but Tim and I needed to get out of the house to clear up the previous night's adventure. We leaned back against the bar watching the NBA Finals game on a TV up in a corner. I was tossing back a Vodka...

2 years ago
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A Not So Happy Anniversary

I held the door for Lynne and then followed her into the club. I hate places like this. Loud, smoky, crowded, I hate them. But it’s our fifth anniversary and Lynne loves to dance. So once a year I take her to a club and she gets to dance. Not with me. I can’t dance. Well, I can fake a slow dance. But why bother. I just don’t see the point in dancing. Lynne won’t have any trouble finding dance partners. She’s hot. No, I didn’t say that right, she’s HOT! Yeah, that’s it. She’s 26, 5’4”, 110,...

2 years ago
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Super Sex with SM 3 Hello Hymen

Stella Maris offers me to take her virginity in a special ceremonyWe decide to tie her up in our bed, legs bent back and spread wideShe sees herself in the mirror at the ceiling only one meter aboveStella Maris first time sees her holy hymen, time to say "bye bye"Stella Maris loves to come from my tongue doing its dance at her love lipsStella Maris loves to watch her pretty pussy by the hand mirror I give herStella Maris loves to learn how her love lips swell from my cunning kissesStella Maris...

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10 Whore

Erin pulled into the parking lot of "Sleazy Pawn". Out front, she could see her boyfriend David and his best friend Shane smoking cigarettes. They were standing near Shane's car which was parked near the edge of the building and less noticeable by anyone driving by. Erin stepped out of the car and was greeted by the boys. "Hey, baby!" David wrapped his arm around Erin as she brushed her black hair from her eyes, and kissed her on the cheek. "Hey, David. What are you guys up to?" Erin pretended...

3 years ago
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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 1

"I hope I can sell some of this stuff; this big plane is costing me more than I had figured on. If it wasn't for that tournament, I wouldn't even be going to such a small town," Dad said. "Why are we hauling so much ammunition?" I asked. "You know how people who are not used to firing automatic weapons are about ammunition," he answered. I handed him another case of 9mm ammo and thought 'If this business wasn't so profitable, no one could afford to do it'. My dad, Wilbur Adams,...

4 years ago
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284 Avis a whore and a hanging

284 Avis a whore and a hanging My name is Avis, I am the property of my master (Jerry) who at the moment has got himself into trouble with some white guys and it has landed him in jail for two years, so he won't be out until the end of next year. d**gs and his new whore were involved, that's all I really know. I still work for him, his friend collecting the fees and organising my work and adventures. I've been punished before and accept it as part of being Jerry's property. I've accepted...

2 years ago
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Texas Gal Part 4

Texas Gal - Part 4 by C. Sprite Copyright 1999 Chapter Thirteen Lumber 102 Susan and I got out of bed and went into Auntie's room. She was still sleeping so I opened up her curtains to let the morning sun in, while Suz went into the bathroom to run our bath. Auntie stirred with the sunlight on her face and when I was sure that she was awake, I went into the bathroom. We were soaking in the tub when Judy and Mary arrived. As always, we talked about our...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Jennifer Mendez Cream for the Ass of Busty Jennifer Mendez

Pretty girl Jennifer Mendez shows Steve Q. her rounded cleavage mounds, a sneak preview of the gift she’s giving him: her sexy body. Jennifer’s back is against the wall of the bedroom as Steve moves in for the thrill. They tongue-kiss with passion. These two will become fast friends. Steve takes Jennifer’s tits out of her tight top and sucks on her nipples. His hand dips under her panties and rubs her pussy. Taking off her top and lifting her miniskirt, Steve lays Jennifer on...

4 years ago
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motel cuckold

“ Right there, right fucking there....fuck me...harder you’re making me, yes fu, uh, uh oooh.” Her voice turned into a gasp and wail, her hips rose to press his cock even deeper into her sloppy wet cunt. Chen pressed back, impaling her on his manhood. “ Fuckin’ cum bitch, cum on my hard fuckin’ dick. “ His words seemed to reignite Carol’s lust and again she hissed and grunted out a long, long orgasm. Chen flipped her over and took her while she lay spread eagle on her belly. I could see Carol...

1 year ago
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Hangout Pe Mili Mujhe Meri Jaan Chetna Part 2

Continued from part 1……..! Aaage ki puri kahani chetna ne mujhe sunayi aur mai bus apna lund haath mai lekar hilata raha..! Chetna: mere dhamkaane ke baad mere bf ki too halat kharab hoo gayi. Woo mere saamne gidgidaane laga ki aage se jooo hoga woo meri marzi se hooga , par plz mere khade lund koo shaant kar dee. Sach kahu too us time mai bhi kaafi garam hoo chuki thi too maine jayda nakhre dikhana sahi nhi samjhaa. Maine usko bola ki ab woo joo kuch bhi karega mere orders par karega, woo is...

1 year ago
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Old girlfriendlandlady is dealt a payback ex settles old score

David did a double take in the parking lot as he was leaving his shopping trip. It was his ex girlfriend, Lydia, leaving the store. The years were somewhat unkind to her; her face had some noticeable lines but otherwise, still near perfect body and her tits were incredible. Boob job and on her chest sat wonderfully sculpted 36 e jugs, firm and bouncy. Oh, how it reminded him of the passionate nights when they would make love ’til morning, she screaming in ecstasy and he furiously pounded...

3 years ago
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Mother Is MILFed by Temptation

A SINFUL TEMPTATION VS IMPETUOSITY: Since the three of them hadn't gotten home from the orgy until 8AM, her brand new son-in-law, Dan, and her 24 year old daughter, Sonia, decided to take the day off and went straight to bed. Simone, still fully dressed, was completely splattered, from head to toe, with a thick, wet layer of Arab cum. She could also feel the same sourced cum still oozing out of her thoroughly ravished lower orifices. Having promised her unsuspecting husband that she would...

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The One that got away

My college roommate was a shmuck, a womanizing pretty boy that would fuck any woman he could stick his pathetic little pecker in. Yes, I lived with the guy, so yes, I’d seen his dick. I would guess a bit smaller than average, but he seemed to be successful with it.By the end of our first semester, I had counted at least twenty. I rarely saw the same one twice, but there were a few of the less attractive girls that would come back for more.During the week, I went to bed at ten, because I had...

3 years ago
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A Surprise Visit Part 2

Two long months. Emma leaned back against the chair as she watched the sunset over the hotel’s lake. Sipping her wine she tried to ready herself for tomorrow when the rest of her coworkers would be arriving in Arizona. As usual, she had arrived two days early to make sure everything was set for the annual sales meeting. But now she was twelve hours away from being face to face with Kyle and having to confront what had happened between them. Telling herself to forget that one-time thing didn't...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Like Old Times

"You're reading my mind." I poured another pair of porters, thankful that Americans had rediscovered good beer. Not only are there local and regional breweries with some good varieties, but you can even get Sams, Blue Moons or Leinies just about anywhere. "OK bud, how are American beers like making love in a canoe?" Mike thought for a second, then gave up. I finished, "Both are fucking close to water." We both took a good draw on the porters. Mike smiled, which was...

1 year ago
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Remember When Ch 08

Edited by luvtaread * ‘Not long after the snowy weekend Katy got the good news that she was pregnant, but it was a few more months before Ashley was ready. So as the school year was wrapping up I arrived home to a strange sight…’ Brandon had no sooner entered his home than Katy rushed up to him and said, ‘Hurry doctor it’s the patient upstairs she’s critical.’ Katy was wearing her sexy nurse outfit that told him some sort of game was going on and if he was right it was one of his...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Sarah Vandella Big tit blonde milf Sarah Vandella fucks her BBC masseur

Sarah Vandella came into the Kinky Spa for a relaxing massage, but unfortunately the only masseur in specializes in “deep tissue”. He’ll give it his best try though, but for his style of massage the towel needs to be off. The only problem with that of course is that Sarah is a milf with an incredible body and it makes his BBC hard as a rock, and Sarah isn’t the type who can ignore a hard cock in her face! She ends up getting the “full service” which includes a hot cum bath at the end!

3 years ago
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TandraChapter 50

The ship was much larger than any dreadnaught I ever heard of. The lines were of Tandra origin, but the information I had, went back 650,000 years, and never mentioned a ship like this. It must be a newer design and showed the Tandra to be very active, after that period in time. The torus surrounding the ship, must have stretched two kilometres in diameter, and the ship within, must have dwarfed Cal's hull by at least 50%. Depending on the contents and construction, it would mass out at ten...

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Zoea Alone And Forsaken

DG HEAR'S ENDING Now I had to decide: Would I be happier with Zoea in my life or better off to never see her again. I now had to make that choice. Well, readers, If you were Eric, what would you do? THE DARKNESS IS FALLING "The darkness is falling, the sky has turned gray. A hound in the distance has started to bay." - Alone and Forsaken, Hank Williams, Sr. During the dinner with Zoea, we didn't talk much. She certainly looked upset and her makeup was stained with what I could...

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Hunky Gogo Boy and Stripper Derek Tyson

I was greeted at the door by a very hot nude male stripper for a birthday party I was invited to over Memorial Day weekend. I found out that his name was Derek Tyson and that he entertained for different private parties and events along with dancing at some regional strip clubs. I was also told that he had done several porn shoots. There were at least fifty or sixty people at the party, and the host had the evening well planned out. Since it was a pool party, Derek actually was totally naked...

Gay Male
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Aapahij Mausi Ko Choda

My name is Dinesh age 19 hai aur dekhne me thikthak hu ye kahani mera ek experience hai jise mai iss pe share karna chahta hu ye meri pehli kahani hai. Mai Eng padhta hu aur diwali ki chutti mai mama ke ghar gaya tha mere mama ke ghar me mama jo company me job karte hai mami jo housewife hai aur unke do bacche aur mama ki behen matlab meri mausi jo ki apahij Hone ki wajah se unonhe shaadi nahi ki thi unka naam sima hai aur unki umar 38 hai. Jab mai mama ke ghar aata tha to mai apne doston ke...

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