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August 12, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 14]

The state tournament is held at an amazing soccer complex just outside the capital. It has three main fields and a host of satellites for practice or large tournaments. Today’s games take place two at a time on the outside two fields. The middle field will be saved for the final two games tomorrow. Being in the bottom of the bracket, we played in the second set of first-round games. Obviously, if we win, we’ll play whichever team won from our side of the bracket in the earlier game, meaning that that team will have a longer rest than we will, though we’ll still get over three hours.

Coach was right. Perrytown was not any competition. By the 12-minute mark, we were up 3-0, with Rhee getting two and Rathi one. I got the assists for Rathi’s and one of Rhee’s, whose other goal was a one-woman thing of beauty. She stripped the ball from their center half, got up to speed in nothing flat and blew by the defense as if they were standing still. The goalie tried to meet her at the penalty-box line, but a simple double-feint had the goalie sprawling and the ball in the back of the net.

Rhee came out after that goal, Tonda replacing her. After Perrytown missed a shot wide, Tonda, Heather, Rathi, and I teamed up to take the ball through the Perrytown D, with Heather notching her first goal for the day; she came out next. By the 20-minute mark, all O starters except for me were on the sidelines. With Alex out, we could not replace the entire O. At the half, we had a comfortable 6-0 lead, with Tonda and Padme each notching goals.

Coach started the entire backup team in the second half, except that she put Heather at right wing and Mia at center forward, resting Tonda. Heather got two more goals and Padme, Mia, and Kanda got one each for a final of 11-0. During that half, we switched the O around a lot to get Heather a couple breaks. I played the final dozen minutes at right wing, where I had an outside-right shot bounce off the right post. Dang!


The locker room was not that noisy anyway, as we figured on winning handily and had another game to play.

“First off. Heather, how are you feeling.”

“Good, Coach.”

“You’ve got three hours or so until kickoff. Please take it easy. Rest.”

“Okay, Coach.”

“Attagirls go to the entire suite of backups who threw a shutout and dominated possession time, giving Perrytown very few chances to mount any serious offense. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because of you, we got to rest virtually all the starters, which should serve us well later today.

“Attagirls go also to the starting offense, which got us off to a blazing start, ‘blazing’ in the form of Whatshername.”

There was much laughing.

“Attagirl to Beth for running the first-half offense that got us a six-goal lead at the half and almost notching a goal near the end. Though you didn’t get it, I’m happy that you were willing to use your outside right.

“To all of you: as Heather has stressed, having credible outside-foot shots gives you more options for any given chance. For Beth’s shot, there were a number of players clogging her line to the far side of the goal, which, otherwise, I’m sure she’d have gone for. Her only good chance was the near side, but she had to curl it away from the goalie. Given that she probably did not have time to switch feet, her only option was outside right. She missed by just a couple inches.

“Attagirl to Marli for two nice saves that preserved a shutout. Now, it’s time for the game ball. While Rhee’s goals-per-minute rating was the best of you SEVEN scorers, today, that prima donna lazed around for most of the game.”

There was much laughter.

“Normally, hat tricks are nearly a shoo-in for game ball, but I’m sorry, Heather it’s not yours this time.”

“No problem, Coach. I know who deserves it.”

Coach cocked her eyebrows at that but continued.

“For running the second-half offense so well and getting four assists, the game ball goes to Lissa Schmitt!”

There was much congratulating. I was happy for Lissa. She certainly deserved it.

Coach’s “Settle” wasn’t very loud, and everyone turned to her.

“For those of you that weren’t aware, after playing team members had to leave the Smithville-Sarnia game to start the process of getting ready for our own game, Civia ... and her father ... stayed to watch the whole game in order to give us a scouting report on our opposition in our next game. I have a few thoughts from the short time that I watched. I will add them if Civia doesn’t cover them. Civia, you have the floor.”

Civia took a step forward, a spiral-bound notebook in her hand. She opened it, looked it over for a few seconds, then began her report.

“While I have commentary that I can provide, Coach mainly wants my analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Sarnia, our next opponent. I will provide that analysis, but will leave commentary for later, if requested.

“Sarnia won the game, 4-3, though had a 4-1 lead with 30 minutes to play. Hopefully, we don’t get behind in the score, but it seems like the Sarnia defense gets a bit ... careless with a lead. Smithville scored two goals in 15 minutes, both by spreading the field wide, then having a halfback or fullback punch up the middle unmarked for a pass and an open shot.

“Sarnia plays a 4-3-3, or, rather, played a 4-3-3 today. Their back line, except for the right back, are all tall and strong; the right back is of average height, and quick, but not that fast, and she’s the fastest of the four. The right-center back is quite talented but is a little slow. The two left backs are less talented, but faster, though not at all speed demons. The right back goes forward on offense frequently, and she is a good dribbler and has a good right foot with which she scored one of the goals; she didn’t show a left foot ... Their back line is good at the offside trap, catching Smithville’s offense twice with it.

“Their midfield is very good. The wings are excellent on defense, the center less so, though she is a better ball handler. The center half plays a lot of offense, as can be expected in a 4-3-3. She did not take a shot.

“Their center forward plays more like our sweeper. She handles the ball very well, but, whether she doesn’t shoot well or whatever, she passed up a couple of shots that Rhee would have taken, and probably scored. Their wings are both very fast and shoot well. The two of them accounted for three goals. They are the primary offensive threat, and Sarnia’s offense seems designed around them. At least, the center forward and the center half both looked to pass to the wing frequently. The left wing may be a bit better than the right wing, but they’re both quite good.

“The offense seems geared to bring the ball up the middle and look first for a slashing wing. The center forward and center half are both more than competent at carrying the ball, but not exceptional. Though Sarnia did not score from long boots to streakers, those wings are obviously capable of that, possibly on the order of Heather’s speed and skills.

“That’s what I have.”

Coach looked around the team, then at Civia next to her.

“That was an excellent report, Civia. You covered the two main items that I noted: the design of their offense and their offense-minded right back. Before I put this to the old salts on the team, Civia, I would like to hear your thoughts, your ... commentary on Sarnia.”

“Yes, Coach. Watching the game, I noted three points that we may be able to exploit. As Coach noted at practice the other day, their relatively slow back line can be exploited on counterattacks. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot one item. That right-center back plays very deep and in the middle of the field when they’re on offense. That could mean that quick lobs over most of their defense would work best when we have at least two players streaking within support range of each other.

“The second point is the possibility of us moving the ball upfield on the sides, which may allow Rathi or Ann to surprise their D. However, since Smithville was so successful at that today, Sarnia may be trying right now to figure out how to close that hole.

“The third item also deals with Ann ... primarily. Ann probably has the skill set and defense capability to throttle their center forward, their playmaker. Because Sarnia brought the ball up the sides so few times, I cannot estimate what Sarnia’s offense would do if they could not bring the ball up the middle. However, I don’t expect them to like it.”

After a short silence during which Coach looked over the team, seemingly particularly at Ann, Rathi, Rhee, and me, she turned to Civia.

“Again, Civia, thank you. You have been of inestimable help with that analysis and commentary. Before I say anything else, does anyone, taking Civia’s analysis of Sarnia at face value, disagree with her commentary?”

Coach looked around again, then said, “Civia might be wrong. Don’t be bashful if you disagree. I’d really rather hear it now than hear it after we got our butts spanked.”

Rathi spoke up.

“I don’t disagree, at least, not yet. However, Coach, it would be good to know, taking into account what you saw of Sarnia, whether or not there are points of Civia’s analysis that could have made her commentary be off the mark.”

“That’s a good point, Rathi, and I thank you for bringing it up. I did not see enough of the game to confirm all of Civia’s analysis. However, those parts upon which I have some data seem to be accurate in Civia’s analysis. I did see enough to know that their offense is built around those wings. I did see enough to know that their right back is offense-minded and has at least some freedom of decision in that regard. I did not see enough to know that Sarnia only rarely brings the ball up on the wings, but I did not see them bring the ball up on the wings.

“I think that we can trust Civia’s analysis at least far enough to ponder why that is so. Are their wings’ ball-handling abilities suspect? Ditto for their wing midfielders? Rathi, now do you have thoughts on Civia’s commentary?”

“I do. Since we ... since at least some of us know that those wings are the numbers 1 and 2 scorers on the team and that they both placed in the top 5 scorers in their league and that their center forward is not among the scoring leaders, but did have the most assists in their league, I believe that we can accept Civia’s analysis and commentary about their offense as given.

“We have two good and getting-better-by-the-day wing fullbacks. We also have a powerful offense, one that has gotten by all season with less midfield support than most offenses get. I suggest that if Ann can throttle their center forward, and I’d be very surprised if she cannot, we give the wing midfielders secondary responsibility for those wings, as we did for Dowdell. With that, I suggest that we can then go all offense, all the time. Send the streakers. Counterattack, counterattack, counterattack.”

Rathi turned to me.

“Beth, what do you think?”

I looked at Rathi, over at Ann, then at Coach. While looking at Coach, I answered.

“Rathi, I think that that should be the plan. On Thursday, I suggested to Coach that we let you loose on offense. We’ve kept you mostly on D all year. If you go mostly O this evening, that’s got to be a big surprise to them. I also think that, with their relatively slow back line, that we can probably afford, essentially, to pit our offense directly against theirs. Run the score up and see who’s standing at the end. If we win 10-7, that’s just as good as winning 2-1.”

Coach looked around the room, while I watched Coach. Coach’s assay of the room ended at Ann.

“Ann, your thoughts.”

“Although I’ve not seen any of this competition, I’m willing to pit Gracey and Zahira against almost any pair of wings; look how well they do against ours. I wouldn’t have said that at the beginning of the season, but I say that now. No matter how much better the offense has become, I think that those two are the most improved starters. If they can get some assistance from the wing midfielders, I have no qualms about releasing Rathi to the O. I suggest, however, that Emma should have primary responsibility for their offense-minded right fullback if and when she comes forward. If that fullback stays home, then any help that she can give Zahira would be welcomed. I know that that assumes that our midfield will dominate their midfield, but until I see a team that our midfield does not dominate, then I’m comfortable with that assumption. Civia’s analysis didn’t give me any pause in that regard, at least.”

“So, Rathi, Beth, Ann. You all think, excuse the paraphrasing, that we should ‘let slip the dogs of offense?’”

I smiled at her allusion. Coach looked directly at Rathi.

“I do.”

At Ann.

“Yes, Coach.”

At me.

“All-out O.”

“Okay, that’s what we’ll do. Kanda, Dakota. You will probably be getting game time, perhaps a lot of it. Emma and Zala are going to be busy, and you will be giving them breathers. After the past few weeks, I find that I have great faith in you. Don’t let me down.

“Haven, I want you at my side. While I’m watching the whole game, I want you concentrating on the midfield. Particularly on our midfield, but I would appreciate your thoughts on theirs, too. You’ll get in the game, too, but Kanda and Dakota will probably get more game time.”

“Okay, Coach. They certainly deserve it. As Ann said about Gracey and Zahira, I say about those two. In fact, I’d say that they’re the most improved duo on the whole team. That takes into account that none of us really knew Heather’s skill set when she joined us. We just assumed that she was a true backup, not a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Haven grinned at Heather, who returned it.

“I agree with you, Haven,” Coach said. “As for offense, we’ll go with the plan that Beth devised on Thursday. Tonda, you’ll start at left wing. I want you and Heather to run. Rhee, I want you to play a false 9. Do you understand?” When Rhee nodded, Coach said, “Hold back a bit, act as outlet for either or both of them, you may see a lot of shot opportunities, if their whole back line collapses onto those two in kneejerk response to their speed. You get me?”

“Got it, Coach. Let the two wings occupy the whole back line’s attention, then I deal only with a center half. Maybe. I like what I see.”

“Beth, Rathi. Work together. Keep the ball on offense. Remember when we played a two-sweeper set? You two should be like that, though Rathi, offense is still only your second focus. We still need to control the midfield.

“Backup offense and fullbacks. Depending upon how the game goes, you could get quite a bit of game time or very little. Please be prepared for either. Watch the game. Figure out what Sarnia is doing. If you see something, don’t be afraid to tell me about it.

“Girls, we are going to live or die on the strength of the offense. As Beth said, we can give up seven goals, as long as our offense can score at least eight. Midfield and defense: If you find yourself in possession of the ball, look upfield. We’re going to speed-demon Sarnia to death. And when the speed demons cannot get the job done, they’ll pass it back to Rhee, to Beth, to Rathi, and then we go on more methodical offense. Over the course of this season, we have learned that we can score and win with either type. I’m very proud of all of you and confident in your ability to outplay even teams in the state tournament.”

Coach looked around, then said, “You’ve got three hours to hang with your friends or family or both. However, I’m told there’s a lunch spread for all of us. Liya is here to lead us to it. Be back here, in this locker room, by 3:30 pm. Do not be late.”

After lunch, the team split into families and sets of families. The Paleceks and Ann’s and Mia’s families joined our big family. Looking around, it dawned on me that the only males here were fathers. Mia has an older brother, but he obviously didn’t make the trip. The other odd thing about this gathering was that Mia was the only one of us that has siblings. Her little sister made the trip, and Civia spent some time with her, even though Lena is only nine. However, Lena is a precocious, soccer-nut nine-year-old.

“Yeah,” Mia said, “she’s gonna be much better than me. She’ll probably be on this team with Civia in a couple years. If Lena keeps improving, I’m going to insist that she move up to this team when she’s 11. I’ve talked to Civia a bit and the stories she tells of her team this year are ... they’re ... they’re horrible. And you know Civia. If she says that, had she tried, she could have scored at least five goals a game, you know that it was probably way worse than that; she does not brag.”

I shook my head. Somehow, others on the team had become aware of the possibility of 11-year-olds playing on a 12-15-year-old team.

“Civia said that the only time that she really enjoyed the season was in a game in which the other team’s center back was really good. She didn’t say, but her story implied that she still managed multiple goals. She introduced herself to the girl and, apparently, the two of them commiserated with each other about the lack of ... focus, drive in most of the other girls on both teams. Beth, you might put a bug in Coach’s ear about that center back.”

I nodded at her.

“That very thing was beginning to cross my mind. She didn’t say which team, did she?”

“No, but she probably remembers, since that game was the only real light of her season.”

“Thanks, Mia. I’ll ask her.”

When I looked up from talking with Mia, I was surprised to see someone I knew that was not on or associated with the team.

“Hey, Charlize. You never emailed me.”

She walked up and hugged me, a hug that I returned.

“Yeah, I got busy and then Mom decided that she’d like to come so we’re here. You guys kicked some ass this morning.”

“Thanks. Perrytown didn’t really deserve to be here. Cortez should have been here. Hell, you guys, GV, even Paradise would have had little trouble with them. You, specifically, Charlize, would probably have run rings around their D.”

“Yeah. I got to thinking about that while watching the game. It would be nice if more than one team could come here from each quadrant. While we might have gotten a poor draw, say Centerville, there were a couple teams here that we could have beaten. You guys, though. You guys look fricking great, and that was with your second string in for most of the game. I figure you know this, but that second-string midfield of yours ... They could start for most other teams. Hell, don’t pass this on, but they’re better than my midfield.”

“Don’t worry, Charlize, I won’t. And, yes, we know that. I’m not sure what we’re going to do next year, because there’s not much of a gap between Haven’s midfield and Rathi’s midfield, except for Rathi.”

‘Yeah, she’s really good. Of course, you guys are gonna be beating up on everyone so much next year, that it might not matter who you play in any individual game or half or whatever. Your Coach Virtanen is going to have to figure out how to keep everyone happy, with starters not playing entire games and no one being able to run up personal stats totals.”

“I’ve been worrying about just that. Fortunately, the team gets along well with each other, and the starters, though resigned to not playing entire games, have been good about supporting their backups. In fact, I’ve never seen so little dissension in a team. Of course, winning tends to keep dissension down.”

“Yeah, that was not true at GV. We mostly won, but ... I think that was the main reason that our midfield never really gelled, like yours ... hell, like both of yours did.”

“We noticed that. That’s one of the reasons that I told you what I told you after our last game. You need better support. Rhee ... and Heather could not have done all that they did without our midfield dominating virtually every game. While I’m sure that Haven’s line would be happy being your starting midfield, I don’t think that all three families are going to be moving to GV.”

“Hah! Yeah, that seems a low-probability possibility. But, between you and me, I’d be happy to trade even up. Hell, I’d be happy to trade for your backup midfield and we’d throw in one or two more. It was so frustrating that we had this good offense and good defense, but ... Hopefully, we’ll do better next year. The source of much of the dissension is graduating, so...”

“I hope, for you, Charlize, that it’s better next year. You definitely deserve better.”

“Thanks. We’ll see.”

“Hey, let me introduce you to Rhee’s heir apparent.”

“Is that that young girl with the odd name?”

I nodded and waved at her to follow me.

“Charlize Sanderson, may I introduce Civia Palecek. Civia, this is Charlize Sanderson.”

Civia stepped all over Charlize’s response.

“Oh! Wow! It’s so great to meet you. You’re one of the few girls that I’ve followed outside of those on the Elkton team. You’re so good! You just need ... I’ll shut up, now.”

Charlize chuckled, then replied, “Civia, it’s nice to meet you. Word about you has trickled out of Elkton ... all the way to Grass Valley, actually.”

That threw Civia for a loop. Her head and shoulders flinched backward in surprise and her eyes widened.

“About m-me?”

“Yes, about you. You’re apparently some up-and-coming talent. How’d you like to move to Grass Valley. I’d certainly appreciate it if you did. I would also appreciate hearing what you think I need.”

“Oh, I couldn’t. I’m only a little girl. My opinions...”

Civia had the good grace to blush, considering that the whole team had accepted her opinions about Sarnia.

“First, you’re only an inch shorter than I am and, second, I’m actually interested in your opinion. I’ve already heard Beth’s, and I agree with it. I’d like to see if yours matches.”

Civia looked at me; I nodded. She turned back to Charlize.

“Well, other than Beth, you need a better midfield, one that can keep the ball in the other side’s half. Your defense seems solid. At least, they didn’t give up many goals. You could use a better left wing, but your and Grass Valley’s primary need is a good midfield.”

Charlize smiled, and said, “You agree with Beth and I agree with both of you, but please don’t let that out anywhere. I already don’t get along well enough with our midfielders without them hearing third-hand about me dissing them.”

“Oh. I wouldn’t think about it. Umm ... thanks for trusting me.”

“No problem. It was obvious that Beth trusted you, and I’m willing to trust on her say-so. We were pretty good friends when we were on the same team, though not as good as she and Rhee were ... or are.”

“You were on the same team? It must have been in Elkton, as I know that Beth has never played anywhere else.”

“Yup. Beth and Rhee and me. I started a year before those two did, but we were on the same 8-11 team, until my family moved when I was 11.”

“Wow. I’d say that that must have been a good team, but my own experience with 8-11 teams suggests that ... Well, skill doesn’t seem to be that much of a priority then. At least, not on the teams that I’ve been on.”

“Actually, that team wasn’t too bad. We three were the most dedicated, but none of us were anything like Civia Palecek. I hear that she’s a real phenom.”

Civia colored dramatically. She seemed about to object, but I looked at her with my head canted slightly downward and my eyebrows raised. She swallowed.

“Thank you, Charlize. I appreciate that from someone of your skills. I understand that there are certain pre ... prerick...”

I helped her out; “Prerequisites.”

“Yes, pre ... re ... quisites. I understand that there are certain prerequisite physical capabilities, but the rest takes just focus and dedication.”

“Ah,” Charlize said, “there’s the difference. I’m sure that you know, but a lot of kids don’t have or cannot marshal the requisite focus and dedication.”

“Yes, but I ... I have problems understanding that. My parents have told me that many times, as have Beth and Coach. That is, Coach Virtanen.”

“Yeah, while I understand, it’s not something that I can really internalize. Does that make sense, Civia?”

With her head nodding rapidly, she responded, “Yes! That’s exactly it. I guess we’re all built differently.”

“Are you going to be in the stands for Elkton’s game with Sarnia? Perhaps we could sit together.”

“Oh. Umm ... oh.”

Civia looked nervously at me.

“It’s okay, you can tell her. Don’t tell anyone else, though.”

Charlize looked questioningly at me, then turned back to Civia.

“Well, I ... I’m going to be watching the other game, to scout Centerville.”

Charlize’s eyebrows flew up into her bangs, then she squinted her eyes and looked at me.

“Let me guess. Civia scouted Sarnia for you.”

“Yup,” I nodded. “Coach accepted her report at face value, even what Civia called her commentary. Our strategy for the game is built largely on Civia’s scouting report.”

I considered explaining more, but thought that I’d test Charlize’s ... resiliency, I suppose.

Charlize looked at me for a bit, then at Civia.

“That seems like it might be fun. Would you mind if I joined you? I could help you in your job.”

Civia looked hard at Charlize, then up at me, then back at Charlize.

“I’m sorry if ... this question is ... impertinent but why would you want to do that?”

“That’s fine, I don’t mind. I have two reasons, one more selfish than the other. Centerville is a well-known powerhouse in girls soccer in the state. They’re the reigning champs and they’ve been the state champs five of the past ten years. I’ve never seen them play, so that would be interesting enough. However, I have an interest in Elkton ... your team ... winning the tournament.”


“If you win, then I can say that the only reason we lost the league championship is because we had to play the eventual state champs. Of course, we lost to them!”

Civia produced a merry grin at that, and a nodding head.

“I can see that. If you don’t mind my parents being there, too, I’d...” [she got a bit bashful] “like it if you helped me. I think I could do a better job with your help.” Civia looked up at me and asked, “Would Coach mind Charlize helping?”

I shook my head and said, “I doubt it, but I’ll ask her.”

Since I had her here, I fulfilled my other task.

“Civia, Mia was telling me that your season was worse this year than I had figured.”

“Yeah, it was bad. There was no one else on the team that wanted to be good. They were all just having fun.” She paused. “I understand that ... people like to have fun, but ... I don’t know. Why don’t they want to be as good as they could be? Why don’t they think becoming good is fun? I know. We’ve already covered that.”

“I brought the subject up with you because Mia said that there was a center back on one team that you liked, or thought was good. Yes?”

“Yeah. Tanika ... something. She was really good. She stopped me cold a couple times early, so I had to pull out my best game to beat her. I talked to her during an injury timeout. She was nice. I’m sorry, I don’t remember which team. We played them early in the season and the next time we played that team, she wasn’t playing, wasn’t even on the sidelines. I looked for her, but I didn’t ask. Why do you ask?”

“Do you think she was your age? I ask because if she was, perhaps she’d be interested in the team.”

“Oh. Ohhh. I’ll bet she would. She should know about the team, shouldn’t she?”

“Maybe. Why don’t you tell Coach about Tanika. I’m sure that she has ways to find her. We will have a fullback slot to fill next year, and I’m sure that Coach would be interested in a good 12-year-old to fill it.”

“You mean ... like developing her for the future of the team ... like Kanda and Dakota and ... me.”

I nodded at her.

Smiling, she said, “I’ll do that. I liked her.”

I said my good-byes to Charlize and Civia, told Rhee that I’d be talking with Coach in the locker room, then headed there. I buttonholed her about Charlize. As I expected, she didn’t have a problem with that, even guessing Charlize’s reason for wanting to do the job, then I joined the team in getting dressed in a clean soccer kit.

“Settle,” Coach said loudly precisely at 3:30. “Before we do anything else, Lana has an announcement. Lana?”

Svetlana Porchenko stepped over to Coach, then turned to face us.

“My father was offered a tenure-track position at University of California-Davis. Obviously, he couldn’t turn that down, so we’re moving. Dad’s already there. Mom stayed so I could play in the tournaments. She and I will be leaving next week.”

There was much sadness. Lana was the clown of the team, always able to lift our spirits with a joke or a prank, something that was more in demand last year than this one. She had de-pantsed Rhee once, which had had the whole team in stitches, including Rhee.

Same as Beth
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The address Ramon had given me turned out to be a sports centre. I had been thinking about what the second phase might entail and had been nervous all day. In the end I arrived there well before the appointed hour which gave me a chance to have a look around. I recognized Ramon's car amongst the small number of vehicles parked outside. There were remarkably few cars, considering the size of the complex. When I entered the place, I realized why there were so few cars. Most of the facilities...

2 years ago
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Piyar Had Se Barh Gaya

Mera naam sumbal ha meri figure 36 29 30 ha. main islamabad me rahti hun.Or islamabad me main bht he ziada decent sahelion k sath raha karti thee. is liye mere zehan ma koi galt bat nhn thee. but mera aik czn zulfi jo mera senior hnay k sath sath mera parosi or acha dost bhi tha. hum hmesha combine study karty thay.yah us wkt ki bat ha jbh main na naya naya university ma admission lia. meri age us time per 19 saal thee. Mere czn k sath meri mangni bchpan ma he ta kar di gai thee.Zulfi or mari...

3 years ago
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A Shot In The DarkChapter 5

Mike sat in his bedroom, his History book lay open on his lap, but his mind wasn't on any school work. He was having difficulty believing that Jennie and he had actually done some things together in his garage. It had gone far beyond anything that he'd ever imagined as possible. If he hadn't actually been there himself, even he wouldn't have believed it. That Jennie Taylor had been in his garage at all. would have been difficult enough to believe, but her letting him play with her tits,...

2 years ago
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Wrinkle Shivers

He shivered violently, as if he wanted to shake off ice water. The room was devoid of moisture, and it wasn’t even very cold, no colder than any other classroom. There was the stale air of hopeless effort, but that wasn’t enough to create a physical effect, it only filled him with more curiosity than usual as the test wore on. He was in hour two. He wasn’t frightened. Friends had warned him that the key to making it past anything would be to shut his fear down. Fear was useless. And really,...

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Katies High Stakes Negotiations Episode 6

The small alarm clock pierced the quiet solace of my deep sleep. I was wrapped in a soft cocoon of blankets, lost in the warmth of a snug subconscious existence. 'How could it go off so early? How can it be so loud?' I raised my long arm and let my hand drop in the direction of the blaring sound, hitting the large snooze button without any precision. The assaultive alarm went quiet. I wanted to roll over and pull the warm comforter over my head, letting its soft, weighty embrace lull me back...

Straight Sex
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Double trouble Continued

My wife surprised me with having a threesome for my birthday which was the first time for her with another woman. Needless to say we tired. When I started to wake the next morning I noticed I was alone in bed. My wife and Kim were already up and moving. I layed in bed a few more minutes thinking about how hot it was watching my wife with Kim before I got up and took a shower. I figured Kim had already left and my wife was having her morning coffee. I finished my shower and didn’t get dressed...

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Rosetta girls nightmare part 2

Detective Ramirez called back and got Mike on the phone and said “it would be all right to give a story to his employer but you should confine it only to the fact known by you and nothing with regard to the investigation.” “I have a recommend that you first put this in writing and email it to me” and He gave his email address to Mike. Mike asked the detective “I would like to involve an private investigator because I can afford the cost and I would forward any information from the PI to you...

4 years ago
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Makin Pagans

Thanks to John Freer for most of the nifty ideas for this story; the un-nifty ones are mine. Appalling gaps in Homer's classical education heroically filled by Felix Lance Falkon and Allison George's Encarta encyclopedia. Artie pitched in with some proofing of an early version, but is not responsible for remaining errors. Also, I have gotten some comments from readers put off by some of the obcure references and the "menageire" of Greek gods. Therefore I have some eplanatory...

1 year ago
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Mom Gets Stoned Then Boned

Note : This story is completely fictional! I broke the wet, passionate french-kiss and looked deep into my mothers eyes. They were red and glassy from all the weed we had smoked. I took my moms left hand and placed it on the crotch of my pants directly over my semi erection. Her eyes widened a bit and she grinned. "maybe later you can show me how you used to suck dads cock". I said. She got a stunned look on her face for a second and then grinned even nastier. My cock came to full erection as...

1 year ago
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Matt and Milf His Number One

After a while of living on my own and having Matt constantly sleep over and starting a great new sex life with him. Work wasn't being so good to me, I was barely getting by and needed some more income to keep up with rent and other necessities. reality had hit me and I couldn't afford it. I spoke to my husband and told him that I was moving back in and gave him a bunch of lies about me missing him and such. Anyways, he fell for it and agreed to let me move back in. I broke the news to Matt and...

3 years ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 30

Sarah, Sally, Terry and Rusty came into the common room just as Joyce's date Andrew arrived. After Joyce introduced him, Andrew handed her a corsage. While Nancy was busy taking pictures of Joyce and Andrew, Rusty slipped into the kitchen. He returned to the common room just as Adam came in with his date Alana. While the greetings were taking place Rusty took a corsage out of its box then stepped in front of Sarah, placing it in her hands. Sarah looked down at the corsage then at Rusty as...

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Bound to Please

©1997, All Rights Reserved Jack and I had waited patiently in the van for almost an hour, smoking cigarettes and sipping at a couple of beers but careful not to drink enough to lose an edge. These things require a bit of wit. There had been a couple of possibles, but both times we had decided that circumstances were not quite right. Finally, our patience was rewarded. Dusk had turned almost to night, and most of the cars were gone from the parking lot. We saw a woman jogger turn into the...

1 year ago
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Origins Of Sarah Part 10 Torture Continues

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. After a brutal first day on the...

1 year ago
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Mr Bell Part 1

Another Father’s day at the office. The second time I believe. I was thinking about all the times I never got to celebrate Father’s day and how much it pissed me off when the office pager went off. “Aja, please come to my office!” It was my boss, Mr. Bell. I got up and walked to the office, still thinking of what a disappointment this day was. “Aja, I’m surprised you’d even be here on Father’s Day. You’re one of the only people that showed up,” Mr. Bell said, shuffling papers on his desk. He...

4 years ago
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Two Lives

Two Lives By Vanessa Adler Hey there, welcome to my home. My name is Gavin Wilson. I'm married to my college girlfriend and am the father of a baby boy. I work on Wall Street as a financial analyst. Growing up I played high school and college football and high school basketball. I'm pretty much just a regular guy. I like watching sports with my friends at the sports bar, I enjoy action movies and fast cars, and I would think of myself as pretty well built and good looking. At least...

2 years ago
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Princess SaraChapter 2

One morning in late March, Martha came into the Princess's bedroom and playfully pulled off the bedcolthes, as had been the way with the girls over the years. One morning it would be Sara pulling off Martha's and the next the positions would be reversed. This would usually be the signal for some wild horseplay and a pillow fight, culminating in the giggling pair rolling affectionately around on the floor together, before they dressed and went down to breakfast. Of late, however, Sara had...

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Watching my wife fuck

This Saturday was like all others, I worked untill three o clock then headed home. I stopped by the beer store then as I cruised home my mind wondering what my sexy little wife in store for this evening. At the house I loaded my cooler and iced down the beer. I had just opened one when my wife walked in the kitchen. She was wearing her shortest pair of blue jean shorts and a bikini top. The shorts are almost a thong and her dark tanned ass cheeks are completely uncovered. I gave her a quick...

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Dartmoors Revenge

Evening approached as he rode through the forests towards Highbury Road. His body was still hard and toned from years of riding and fencing, and he rode swiftly. The steady gallop of the horse and the familiar terrain allowed his mind to wander, as it often did, to 15 years ago. Lord Raith was his friend and mentor then, Claudia his lover... Her red flaming hair flowed over her naked body, but there was not enough of it to hide her full breasts, which were bouncing up and down with each of...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sex Journey With Office Maid

Hello Everyone.. This is Sameer. I am reading stories in ISS from the past 2 Years. I want to share my own experience which is happened 1 year back. Myself sameer from Vijayawada, currently staying in Hyderabad.This is my first story kindly ignore of any spelling mistakes are there. I am having my own business here. I am 5.4” tall with good looking, can able to satisfy women. The heroine of the story is our office maid Lakshmi ( Name changed) who is around 30 years of age with good looking and...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Jennifer White Maya Bijou I Want To Watch

Horny stepmom Jennifer White records a home video for her stepson Tyler Nixon to watch. Her striptease doesn’t end until she has peeled off her bra and thong and plunged her fingers deep into her landing strip fuck hole. Things come to a head when Tyler brings his girlfriend Maya Bijou home from college and his stepmom still wants to fuck. Jennifer’s seduction attempt is eventually successful as Tyler’s objections slowly die off. Jennifer starts by stroking and sucking...

1 year ago
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My dream affair

With the success of my first story here is another story. So this happened to me a few weeks ago. Things were going kind of bad with Amber for about a few months there was a lack of sex even talks of divorce. I joined a particular forum for advice on these things and found Jess. Jess was 42 bisexual and was drop dead gorgous. I messaged her just a simple hello and since Amber was working I masterbated to Jess's photos (I'm a married man but Jess was that hot) she responded and we started...

2 years ago
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Sucking Cock

I watch.I see the stiff dick - long, thick and an intoxicating sight. The hand moving up and down the shaft, the tasty-looking foreskin sliding back over the fruit at the head.The club was good tonight. Muscular guys, a packed dancefloor. As the night went on me and my buddy ended up in a group. Dancing, laughing, our t-shirts pulled over our heads and cast aside. He made his choice early - disappeared into the darkness at the seats round the edge of the action with a slim blond. Taking care of...

1 year ago
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Wifes Surprising Education1

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I was happy in all aspects with my marriage to Bill. We have been married for 20 wonderful years now and our daughter, Jessica, had turned 18 two months ago. Jessie is now attending college. Bill is established in his employment and in among the upper management level as we have become financially stable. Our sexual relationship is...

3 years ago
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The Tides Of War Pt 09

Chapter 35 The next morning David opened the rifle cases that Martin had brought, and gazed at the workmanship off each rifle. Their balance was amazing coming up to his shoulder like an extension off his body. The deep lustre off the figured mahogany furniture with its chequered pistol grip and cheek rest made it a weapon off beauty. David had a gun cabinet already made, his .303 was in it along with the Winchester. He fitted in each rifle, and put the ammunition in the drawers below, along...

3 years ago
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90 Seconds of Lust

We walked into the elevator with a crowd of other people heading to the theater on the fifth floor. You stood in front of me, and I could smell your hair. I moved my face closer, noticing your luscious bare shoulder, and neck, and had to bite my tongue to stop from sinking my teeth into your flesh. I breathed the scent of your hair in deeply, and my cock surged and began to press against my jeans hard. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the numbers as we went up floor by floor, and I said to...

1 year ago
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The different flavours of friendship

I love his hands, elegant and strong, the hands of a pianist. I love the way they feel on my skin, the way he cradles my face before he takes that first kiss. His hands might have been the thing surprising me the most that first time he kissed me – not his mouth, not those beautiful lips, not that addictive taste. Though his mouth was nothing to sneer at. Patrick knew how to kiss. I watched him practice with a wide range of women over the years, and teased him mercilessly about it. But that...

2 years ago
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Summer Dress

She was wearing a light blue checkered summer dress that stopped right at her thighs and looked very sexy on her. I was standing at the door looking at her walk to the car. ”Hey baby, we need some juice also, I said to her as she walked down the path. “Ok, boo,” she said back to me, her sunglasses now on, looking sexy as hell as always. Then she did something I was expecting. She looked over her shoulder, lowered her glasses slightly gave me a kiss turned away and then lifted up her skirt and...

4 years ago
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Body Language Part 2

Part 1 was originally written by Taverner, but he graciously allowed me to write a sequel with his characters. Enjoy. Krystal stood up on the altar in her wedding gown, in all her glory, standing beside her future husband, Mark, a good man whom I approved of, and who I knew would make her happy. As I admired my 23-year old stepdaughter, whom I raised, I looked over at my younger stepdaughter Karla who was standing beside her, now 20 and turning into a gorgeous young woman. Karla smiled as...

2 years ago
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Summer Love

With the recent epidemic around the world I'm not feeling comfortable with going on vacation so here's something about my last vacation in Torremolinos last year...When booking my ticket and hotel for Torremolinos I had only 3 things in mind:- spending time on the beach enjoying the sun and the sea- spending time in (beach) clubs enjoying cocktails- spending time with men enjoying their hot bodiesBefore my vacation started, I researched on the internet where to go and marked some gay beaches as...

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Shattered Illusions

I sipped my whiskey as I watched my wife Carol sliding her vibrator in and out of her pussy with her left hand. Her right hand was on her computer keyboard typing dirty to her online lover, Marcus. On screen, I could see their 3D avatars, naked and fucking. Mandy, Carol’s beautiful, young, blonde avatar with the perfect body, was bent over the back of a chair while her well-endowed, muscular, black lover Marcus was pounding her virtual pussy hard. Marcus didn’t know that sexy young “Mandy” in...

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FRIENDS OR LOVERS? by Rumple Foreskin Amy Marshall sat alone and miserable on the bank of the Mississippi River. A giant oil tanker heading upstream went unnoticed. She was too busy trying not to cry. The tall redhead felt angry and weepy, and incredibly stupid for not knowing why. Leaning back against a big, driftwood log, she closed her eyes and tried to come up with an answer. What has gotten into you, girl? One minute you’re feeling great, joking with the other guests—though why anyone,...

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My Sister Tormentor Part Four

My Sister Tormentor By Peg Thebois Chapter Four My fianc? Amy and my younger sister Sherri took one hand each and pulled me into Shimmer. Everywhere was rack upon rack of what could loosely be called clothing, club wear in a variety of styles and most of the dresses made me blush just to imagine women wearing them to say nothing of the fact that I was about to be dressed in one. The sales attendant was standing beside the counter flipping through a catalogue when he walked in, and ...

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The Bellboy

"Bartender, another round for me and my partner here." Bill Sullivan called out as he indicated the two empty glasses in from of them. "Right away." The tall man at the far end of the counter answered. "I still can't believe it, Jim." The 40 year old said to the man standing next to him as two fresh drinks appeared before them. "I can't believe we sold the whole fuck'n package." Jim Donaldson just smiled as he took a sip of his drink. He knew his partner was well on his way to...

4 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose05 Exploring an Alien World

“Pardon me,” a creature who looked like a heavy-set stork said, after they were awarded their Tandorian equivalent of a green card and the three judges paraded out. “My name is Siluzz. I’ve been assigned to escort you back to your quarters to collect your supplies, and then down to the surface.” Siluzz was an odd-bird. Much like a stork, she had long thin legs and neck, a mostly roundish body and wide wings. She was certainly not a bipedal species. Although her legs were sturdier than an...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 4 Prudence HarrisChapter 2

Bobby told her that the paint would have to dry before they could assemble everything into the door opening and suggested that, if she had anything else to do, that would be a good time to do it. She decided on getting lunch started, and began peeling potatoes. While she did so, her mind whirled. She had never thought about things like Bobby had laid them out. Being honest with herself she admitted that, back then, she’d known, or at least hoped she was good looking. Harry had swept her...

3 years ago
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Sweet Little Amber

After graduating from high school and breaking up with my girlfriend Trudy, I decided to work at fixing cars instead of going to college. I had been working part time at a local garage and now went full time. The garage owner liked my work and gave me permission to work after hours to earn more money. I would often start around 8am and work till 8pm-9pm before closing up. The extra money was good and I saved as much of it as I could with the goal of owning my own garage, which I now do. One...

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Aficionadas Part Two

Answers ‘Peter! My man!’ The voice was low, in recognition of the library setting, and it was accompanied by hands tightly gripping Peter’s shoulders from behind. A moment later, Jason sat in the chair across from Peter at a large table on the ground floor of the university library on a Monday afternoon. ‘Geez, Jason,’ Peter answered. ‘Hi. I haven’t seen you since I don’t know when.’ ‘End of fall term last year,’ Jason said. ‘Don’t you remember? I went down to Oregon for spring semester last...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Ashley Wolf G325

Ashley has never had this much cock at once before. Even though she is the quiet type on the surface, it doesn’t take long for that inner freak to come out to play. Of course the Cocksmen begin by fondling her perky tits under that silky red dress she’s wearing. She just looks better naked, so it doesn’t last long on her. She’s already missing the panties so GUESS THE V winner Jon Jon can have the first round inside Ashley’s pussy. The rest of the Cocksmen take their first samples...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 81 A Midnight Phone Call

April 27, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I think I’ve finally recovered,” I said as Lara and I headed to the movies on Friday evening. “Sleep?” “And gorging myself on rich foods which I hadn’t eaten for two months! My body was totally out of whack. But I wouldn’t trade Lent and Holy Week for anything.” “You’re sure you’re OK with seeing Racing with the Moon?” “It’s what you chose, so yes. If I didn’t want to see something, I wouldn’t have said ‘pick whatever you want’!” “Is your sister still...

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Bombay cousin

We were living in south Canara where we had a small estate. I just completed my studies and assisting my grand appa and grandma who were staying alone in the estate. It was over 100 acres of coffee, cardomon and lush trees. That year summer came my uncle and his two daughters of 15 and 13 years mini and munni. Mini was just completed her 9th and munni in her 7th.both were so cute and beautiful. They were growing ahead of their age and seemed to be over 18. They became the laadlees of our grand...

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Make Love and Warcraft

The world of Azeroth is one fraught with peril, mystery, and adventure. Many strive for greatness, but few attain it. Will you become a legendary hero, or simply fall along the wayside, distracted by the rewards that can be garnished from your heroism? And do not believe yourself invincible, either. Though it is not easy to be slain, it is certainly possible, and not always in pleasant, heroic ways. Begin your quest for glory or your own selfish goals by defining yourself.

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Less than a minute after I had finished jerking off in the basement den, my sister, Lauren, walked in on me with a stern, disapproving look on her face.I scrambled to cover myself and think of some sort of face-saving story. It was pretty pointless though. She strode over to my position on the couch, still dressed in her scrubs from her job as a nurse at Bayard University Medical Center. Lauren didn't say a word. Instead, she bent down and scooped up a dollop of my cum on her right index...

4 years ago
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Amber Chapter 5 My Shameful Fantasy

“I’ve got a present for you.” Amber’s eyes were sparkling with mischief. My heart was racing as she stood close enough for me to… “Hold out your hand.” I did as I was told; obeying her command made my cock bulge.Amber’s balled hand opened over mine and something dropped onto my palm. Only as her hand retreated could I see what she’d left behind.They were silk and black with gold-stitched detailing. “I’ve worn them,” she said. “For you.” I looked at the material anew… to know that what I was...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 6

Once the beers where gone I went back to the kitchen and prepared two Sake Martinis for the two of them. I use a good but not super expensive sake and add a good dash of Grand Marnier, stirred not shaken and served in glasses out of the freezer. When I came out with the new drinks and another beer for myself, I found the two of them in the hot tub. "Come join us boy, but you are overdressed. Lose those swimming trunks, can't have your poor dick abused by the confinement." Blushing...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 19 Broken Trust

I did my best. God forgive my weakness. I thought Brian Frost was a decent boy who just needed a little guidance to reach a decision for Christ. Though they were young, I wanted to be sure that any boy my daughter was remotely interested in would be worthy of her. And during that summer I was frankly impressed with him. He attended church with us every Sunday. He recited the Bible verses he’d memorized over the week as we rode in the car. He memorized the books of the Bible and was fastest...

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The Boss

Introduction: A young virgin. A horny mob boss. Need I say more? I awoke to a throbbing headache. Every heartbeat was an explosion of pain. It took all the strength I had just to sit up. My head spun for a second before I allowed my eyes to flutter open. Tears blurred my vision, making the world appear as a distorted mess. All I could see were colors and shapes. I tried to speak, but only a faint squeal escaped. My throat was dry, keeping the words that difficultly formed within my brain from...

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The Controllers FollyChapter 2

Angel Wings Marketing Associates was a full service branding agency known for having its finger on the millennial pulse. The open-office sea of desks sported a haphazard frenetic spattering of color, fashion, and electronica. Hipsters mingled with basic girls and quirky fun youths who had a voice and a message to sell. Hungry eager young women and some fashionable men brought their visions for talking to their generations and the next one coming up. Even the CEO, herself only twenty nine and...

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Deliciously Sick

       For years me and my husband Terry's sex life had been a bit ... lackluster. Sex rarely happened, and when it did happen, it left something to be desired. Namely me. It wasn't long before I settled for masturbating while he was at work rather than let him touch me. I often asked myself if we had reached the stage in our relationship where hot, passionate sex was impossible. But I didn't want to believe that. We were barely into our forties for crying out loud. Despite the passionless...

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Oil of RosesChapter 34

Harry opened an eye and found he'd been moved in the night. Someone, and he naturally suspected his lovely spouses, had straightened him out in the bed, shoved a pillow under his head and tucked him in. He smelled coffee. "Clearly I'm still dreaming," he thought. Feeling someone warm and alive snuggled up to his back he very slowly and carefully rolled over to find himself gazing into the loving eyes of his wife Margo. "Mornin' lover," she murmured. "Have a good night?" "Oh God...

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Doing It Properly

Doing it properly. Part One; Friday. Caught. I don't know who was more shocked. Me, at finding my Mum coming in the through the back door of our home. Or her. At finding me, her sixteen year old son, sitting in the kitchen, doing his homework and wearing a school girls uniform. For the longest time, we simply stood there looking at each other. And then she spoke. "Okay Gavin, We obviously need to speak about this, but I'm in a bit of a rush, so just stay as you are. I'll be as...

1 year ago
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Irsquom My Dadrsquos Wife

Note: ——I am NOT the author! p1My name is Dipa. I am from India. This is the story of how I becamenew wife of my Dad and mother of his baby.Mom died when I was just admitted in college 1st year. One day I camehome from my college that day in late December and found Dad sittingin the living room looking like his world had collapsed. When I askedwhat was wrong, he said nothing. I knew that he attended one marriageceremony (one of his friend who is hardly two years junior to him)yesterday night. I...

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Lonely WivesChapter 5

"Mmmm Hmmmm?" I thought to myself. "What the fuck?" I sat frozen in my chair, putting two and two together. No wonder Lady had seemed so familiar. Lady, was my Mom! "I'm goin ta sleep sugar, lock up will ya?" "Sure thing" I said in a daze. I heard her walk through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. I sat there reliving the evening in my head and recognized a lot of the things I had missed in my lusted haze. The blond ponytail had thrown me off. Her pussy had been completely...

4 years ago
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The Sentence here are the next two chapters 10 11

Chapter #10 I knew deep down mom was right about what she said. While I sat there thinking everything over in my head. I could smell the dinner mom was getting ready, and I must admit I was getting hungry. I heard mom called to Holli. She must have heard me fussing a little with the tray. She yelled to Holli, to help feed me the bottle till she got everything else ready. Mom said that's probably why the baby is unhappy, because she wants her bot-bot. Holli was now in her glory,...

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