AxemanChapter 6 free porn video

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That night we made plans on entering on the twenty-seventh. That Good Friday began their Easter break from school. No one was allowed to enter the other Portals until April first when the Presidential Executive Order became active, anyway.

On the first, they would take off from school and we would all head to the SS to get our licenses. Our dungeoneering schedule was planned for the next two weeks or so. Subdued, the three kept the conversation on business and Portal hunting. The Terrible Trio left for home the next day after a late lunch of steak and salad, and hopefully to do homework, but I wasn’t that hopeful from their conversation.

I did receive three individual texts scattered throughout the evening with very similar messages of, ‘sorry I didn’t trust you.’ Or something damned close. I didn’t believe for a second that they didn’t collaborate on those.

While eating dinner, I sent in a request to enter the Portal in Katie’s old apartment for the four of us to the Chicago police department, who was overseeing that location, since the military backed off and consolidated to guard their most promising locations.

Surprisingly, we received approval the next morning. I had thought that they would be swamped with requests. Maybe, since it was an Indigo instead of a Violet Portal, there were less requests for them. Later on, I learned that few actual teams were formed and when the Weapons, which was what we were still being called, tried to reserve a spot with incomplete information, they outright rejected it. The solos and two person teams failed to get approval. Requests with team names only and no member names and or classes listed, were also rejected straight away.

That I listed our classes along with our names and IDs was probably the reason we shot to the head of the list. I replied to the acceptance email with a request to permanently reserve that Portal for the group of four of us.

Permanent they would not do, a thirty-day reservation was currently the maximum time that we could hold a portal in our names.

That morning when I received approval, I sent in a Proposal to automate the Portal request site.

It should have been active once the license numbers were assigned, yet wasn’t. A simple program of inputting the location along with the individual team ID numbers should have been all that was required by the Chicago PD. Since they had to have a coordinate system already mapped out, matching the lists with the names should have been a piece of cake.

They didn’t have anything active or in place, which gave me hope for some easy money and a definite advantage of knowing the Portal locations in the Chicago area. My 25K price tag and 10-day delivery had them jumping, at least based on the almost instant reply that was sent to me. I didn’t have to even worry about security since it would be behind their servers and firewalls.

A few phone calls and two hours later; I had an appointment the following morning at Cook County Courthouse to make my proposal.

My meeting with the Illinois State Police internet security head and a few others went well. After that first night, the state police had taken over the Portal exploration requests from the cities. The states, not just Illinois, would oversee the Portal admission.

They were even willing to give me the map and coordinates of all the Illinois’s Portals, in file form, making the program even easier, since I now had a source list to work with. Their Information Service Department, was very professional, just overworked and understaffed, according to the Engineer at the meeting.

I was in and out in just over four hours with all their requirements in hand. None onerous. I was even given the master list up front. Surprisingly, there were even three blue portals and a green one, not mine, on the list. The blues and green were all commandeered by the armed forces. Those were to be labeled in gray, with no coordinates provided on the website. The Indigo and Violet Portals that the military and police claimed were to be listed, just unavailable for entry or reservation. The Chicago area had a lot more Portals than anyone acknowledged or knew of, outside of the halls of authority.

That was the main reason I bid so low, I now had access to all the Portal colors and locations statewide.

I called the Terrible Trio and let them know I would be putting in late hours for the next week. I had a rush job to work on, they could visit, just don’t expect me to be able to spend a ton of time with them.

I shot an email to Paula letting her know of my new Project. I suggested that she try and get her dad to sell it to the Florida State police. Any other ones too.

By Friday, nine other states accepted our bid. They all used the same system as specified by the FBI and the National Police Association that Illinois did. Any Department could take our program and insert their list of Portal locations and they would mesh. The license of 25k per year was cheap in their eyes. I grinned at Paula’s complaint of undercharging.

“I forgot,” she typed, “you were limping that day. You have a Weapon too, don’t you?”

I returned an evil smiley face on the Instant Messenger.

“Now it makes sense. Do you have a good team?”

“They seem nice. They are high schoolers, but one is a Healer. That makes up for the rest, and bringing a Healer in with me is a huge safety net.”

“Just be safe.”

“I will and thanks.”

Georgia Bell, my counterpart at the Illinois PD, was a gossiper. She would chat about everything and anything, I had added her to my IM and she would complain about the world if I let her. Thankfully she was as busy most of the time during the day and we didn’t chat much outside of breaks and lunches.

The day before I was going to submit my Project, I was still in the testing phase. Georgia Instant Messaged me, crying. The state police’s ‘A team’, hadn’t returned. It had been fifteen days and no response. They entered an Indigo and were on the fourth floor for the first time.

No one knew what they found. Just that the fourth floor in the Indigo Portal killed all six of the best police officers in the state of Illinois.

No one knew what happened or what they faced. The previous floors took a day with their team of six. I asked if they had a Healer and she said they didn’t. There were only a couple in all of the state that they knew of. Since Healers didn’t have an attack, none of them wanted to enter the Portals. Only the military was reported to have a more than the rumored half dozen found in each state, and even then, they were scarce.

She abruptly ended the session, reminding me not to tell anyone!

I, of course, agreed to keep mum when she brought it up later.

Neither Paula nor I could find any bugs in my hastily assembled Program. All good. I submitted the program to my customers and her father to Paula’s customers. I took one seventy-five of the two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars; the rest went to Paula and her father. I was more than happy, Paula wasn’t and protested at length.

No, she didn’t do any of the programming, but it was her end, that sold it beyond my home state. I only cared about Illinois, but her father pushed out to the rest of the Midwest, Georgia and both Carolinas making all of us a good deal of easy money. Hell, with her father’s connections, Paula could have built the same program and sold it to all of those states herself and kept all the money between the two of them.

Ten, fourteen-hour days was well worth the return. I had stolen most of the Project from other programs from earlier projects anyway. I just needed to blend all the stolen parts together. Since they were all written by me, I didn’t have any problems doing that.

Hell, most of it came from a college assignment.

The best part was the interface, it was easy to use on both ends. My contact had given me the go-ahead, as soon as she saw it.

The Terrible Trio were patient with me during my work blitz.


Of course, when dealing with State or city bursars, payment was 90 days...

I was playing Call of Duty Tuesday morning when a soft knock landed on my door. Jude was standing on the steps with her head down. A Sox hat was pulled low, and large sunglasses covered what her disheveled hair didn’t. The skittish girl asked if she could come in without looking up. With a bad feeling, I opened the storm door and let her in.

“Are you okay?”


“The guest room has clean sheets. Why don’t you take a nap?”

“thanks,” Jude uttered. Without an additional word, she slowly eased down the hall. Her posture wasn’t the best as she walked by me. She had to have been beaten up pretty badly.

A little bit of Vodka, a lot of orange juice and four extra-strength aspirins gathered, I headed down the hall to see a wounded little girl.

*Knock, Knock, “can I come in? I have aspirin.”

“Sure,” she sounded muffled and sad.

Curled up away from me, Jude didn’t react, her hair conveniently lay across the side of her face obscuring as much as possible.

“I brought aspirin and a vodka lite with orange juice. It should help with the pain and make napping easier.”


“Do you need me to take pictures?”

“No, I’ll be free in May when I graduate.”

“What about Katie?”

“She has a test in sixth hour. I’ll text her after school.”

“I have shampoo, conditioner and bodywash along with a loofah in the guest bathroom. Feel free to raid my closet for something to wear.”


“I don’t have any work today. You don’t have anything to worry about and I had no plans on going anywhere. Just rest.”


I removed the TV remote from the dresser and placed it beside the bed. If she wanted to stay in her room all day and watch TV, that was fine by me.

The shiner on her left eye was new and stark when Jude came out of my spare room after I announced lunch was ready. I heard the TV on low, so I figured that the poor battered girl was awake before calling her. Accepting my offer of a team up Call of Duty, we spent the afternoon killing the on-screen bad guys until Katie arrived after school.

Withdrawing her Staff, our team Healer, Healed her friend. I suspected that there were more wounds than she let me know since everything was handled in the bedroom, away from my curious eyes.

Fully dressed, both girls exited my spare bedroom. “Can you drive me to my job? I have to babysit today,” Jude asked emotionless.


As an explanation after we returned to my home, Katie just shrugged and said, “It’s her choice.”

“Any word on your Stepfather?”

“He said he would try and make graduation. He won’t though. I think he hopes I’ll move out before he comes back.”

“I have a spare bedroom, if any of you need.”

“Thanks. I’m safe. Nat is good with her apartment. Jude can’t leave until she turns eighteen on April twelfth.”

“Was she planning on moving to Nat’s then?”

“Yeah. Nat’s place is trash but she can sleep on the couch without getting hit.”

“Can I ask what happened to her father?”

“New family. Doesn’t want her. Besides, Jude isn’t even his.”

“Oh.” Lovely.

“Her mom slept around. Nurses are all messed up. Jude’s dad is black. Mom’s white. Does Jude look like she has a black dad?”

“Why does her mom hit her?”

“Does she need a reason?” Kate bit back, somewhat hostilely.

I didn’t bite on her anger. “Yes. There is never a good enough reason to hit a child that way. That’s not punishment. That’s abuse.”

“Her mom always has hit her,” Kate shrugged, as if she had no control over Jude’s actions. “Nothing we could do, unless she wanted to go to the orphanage or let the state place her somewhere even worse.” Kate didn’t stay at my house long. The more time I spent with these three, the more mature and unfortunate they seemed.

When I drove her home after dropping Jude off, I said, “good night Kate,” she hesitated and then offered me a partial smile before heading inside.

As fucked up as my parents were, I’m glad that they never resorted to violence. Just needing to pay them back for everything was bad enough.


“Mom thinks I am sleeping around.” Passing over her phone to her friend, she made Kate say hi into it. Her serious friend obliged. The conversation was short on Kate’s end.

More like a check in, than a conversation. When the three came over Thursday night, before our next portal run, I made sure that they all stuffed themselves. We gorged on burgers, salad, and ice cream that night, while discussing preparations.

The trio had mechanical watches and a few card games to bring with them for the long rest periods. Nothing electronic or gunpowder powered worked inside of the Portals. The self-winding kid’s watches that I gifted each of them caused them to laugh. Those were the only ones I could find for girls without spending a fortune. I never realized the issue until they brought it up, since my normal watch was self-winding. I found a decent one in my price range and wore it for the last couple years. It was a movement-winding Chronograph that I discovered online one afternoon while waiting for a compilation to run.

Our team’s second run in my Green Portal was in some ways both easier and harder. Easier communication and execution wise, harder in that every hut had a married pair of Orcs and half the huts included three occupants.

They also seemed to be more on guard.

No magic items or specials were found in our second team run. The Terrible Trio was thrilled at the 380 exp (experience) from all the kills, the Boss fell a lot faster with our improved coordination. As a team we were progressing quite well.

They were sitting at 890 exp and were chomping at the bit for another run. None of them were dumb enough or over eager on suggesting to enter the second floor on my Green Portal.

“How many points do we need for Second Level?” Nat asked while we looked over the unchanging Store.


“Ew./ Damn./ That many?”

“That’s what I said,” I felt it was high.

“How many experience points do you need for Level 3?” Kate asked, fearing the answer.

“Seven hundred and thirty.”

“What the hell?” Jude jumped in.

“My solo runs here gave me almost 900 experience.”

“Wow. So much?”

“We each received 380 this time. That’s 1520 if one of us were to solo, instead of teaming up.”

“That’s huge!” Nat interjected.

“Jase, you aren’t going without us, are you?” Nat was suspicious of my higher experience.

“How could I? Ten days between openings, remember? Besides, it’s more fun as a team.” And safer. “And I have been swamped at work lately, remember?”

“Dummy,” Jude lightly kicked her bombastic friend.

“Jase wouldn’t do that,” Kate declared with certainty. Surprisingly, Jude nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go, I need a shower.”

“Dibs./ Dibs.”

Jude and I were left out of the initial entry this time around.

Nat wasn’t much of a pizza person, since she ate it free every day she worked. Thus, we had burgers and salad for dinner.

“Mom called yesterday. She is going to freak. I didn’t call her back right away and she will go ballistic when I get home.”

“She called me too,” Kate volunteered.

“Great. I have to go.”

“Shower first, I can drive you home.”

“Take us to Katie’s. We will call from there; I’ll just say my battery died.” On her phone.

All three left together, after scarfing burgers and taking a quick shower. For me, their graduation was more important than April first. The licenses could wait, but their safety was an issue. I seriously disliked their living arrangements, not that I could do much about it.

Almost exactly an hour later, I fielded a call from Katie. Jude was kicked out of her house, and she asked me to help her move into Nat’s place. Kate gave me directions and an address. I hopped in the car with a few garbage bags and a few other necessities. On the way out, I snatched my voice recorder that I used for notes.

Exiting the car, I turned the recorder on and stated my name date and time. Kate rushed to meet me, giving me a hug as soon as I closed the car door.

“They are fighting inside. I came out to watch for you.”

There were piles of clothes on the small brick front porch. Kate walked right in, I followed, only to be deafened by an older woman, screeching at her daughter, using language that would get her thrown off any sports field in the world. Cigarette smoke filled the short foyer, along with a certain overbleached odor. Taking me by the hand, Kate led me to Jude’s bedroom. The shockingly faded pink room was torn apart, with clothes and knickknacks, forming a small pile on the bed.

Jude had a scratch over her eye, along with a bruise forming around it. She was trying to defend her small, childhood jewelry box from her mother’s clutches.

“Who the fuck are you?” Mrs. Smith was dressed in green medical scrubs and physically intimidating her daughter, in thought word and deed.

Maybe she won’t actually hit Jude while I am present. I can always hope.

“Jason, I’m a friend of Kate’s. I’m here to help Kate’s friend move.” I replied to the strung-out overbearing woman, glaring between Kate and I.

“Jude, I brought some black garbage bags. Do you need help?”

“Get the fuck out of my house!” the too on-edge woman screamed at me.

Tossing the bags on the bed beside the mound of clothes, I thought that getting out of here fast was better than bagging Jude’s clothes. “Let me take an armload of those,” I gestured at too-small pile on the bed. “Can you come with me and help me sort the other piles on the porch? Bring what’s in your hands too.”

Arms full, I stepped between the mother daughter pair, blocking off Jude’s mother and giving Jude a clean avenue of egress. She quickly snuck through the opening I made.

With elbows out, I slowly followed my friend, keeping the screaming and verbally threatening woman behind me.

Stopping in the hall, I stated, “Ma’am, if you hit me one more time, I will hit you so hard that you won’t wake up for years,” I threatened clearly. She had hit me, ineffectively, six times. I had counted each after the fact.

“Jude, get in the car,” I commanded, once outside the bleach, smoke and alcohol-infested house. Jude’s mother came to the porch, screaming obscenities at the three of us. I ignored the scene and had a worried Kate help me put Jude’s clothes in the two contractor garbage bags I had left with her. The knickknacks, bundled along with her clothes I carried, took even less room in those overlarge black bags than I expected.

The police arrived before Kate and I closed the trunk of clothes. I already had a headache from that woman’s shrill, top-of-her-lung, curses.

A male and female CPD partner-pair parked behind me, making sure I didn’t drive off before they were finished speaking with us. I instructed Jude to stay in the car, and waited.

“What’s going on here?” the female police officer asked with exaggerated calmness.

“The mother threw out her soon-to-be eighteen-year-old daughter. I’m a friend of her friend and was asked to help the daughter relocate. The mother has been belligerent and abusive since I arrived five minutes ago.”

“Where’s the kid?”

“She’s in the car. She was crying earlier.”

“Jude will be eighteen in a couple weeks. Her mom hits her, but she doesn’t want to press charges. Can you let her go?” Kate pleaded.

“Lies! That slut is out all night...” and off she went, forgetting that Jude was in my back seat bruised and bleeding.

I pulled out my wallet and handed over my driver’s license to the cop, “I have a spare bedroom. She can stay with me. That’s my address, you are free to come and check on her at any time,” I offered.

The male cop flashed a light inside and looked at the hunched over girl. Giving both Kate and I a look over, the pair asked us to wait and went to attempt to calm the mother down.

Which didn’t happen.

Domestic abuse stops for the police were always the worst, according to what I had heard.

They ran my license on the in-car computer and after a few questions and answers by Jude who remained huddled in the backseat of my car, albeit with the window rolled down, I was allowed to take her to my house.

Once inside, I received a quiet, ‘thank you,’ from Jude.

Jude moved into my guest room that night. Whether or not I wanted a houseguest, I now had one. Since it was Easter vacation for the high schools, they didn’t have classes the rest of the week, giving her time to settle in.

Child Protection Services (CPS) stopped by the next afternoon. Kate was still here and had been instructed not to heal her friend. My house was visually scanned by the overworked woman, who exhibited no signs of humanity.

I believed that the only reason that she didn’t haul Jude off was that it would create more paperwork for the woman than simply leaving her here. That, and Jude only had a couple of weeks until her eighteenth birthday, rendering any of her so-called help moot.

The questions asked of me were perfunctory and brief. The woman didn’t even care what I answered, her mind was made up. (She was positive that I would be turning the girl out for tricks, or just plain out raping her.) The supposed two-hour-long visit lasted twenty-five minutes, the minimum possible, I guessed. Unless something explosive happened, I knew we would not be seeing that woman again. She didn’t even leave a card for either of us, just some paperwork.

Such a great system to protect our lost and abused children the country instituted.

“Quit mothering me! I’m fine,” was heard from Jude’s bedroom while I was in the living room. Kate struck again. She had basically invited herself to move in, supposedly to watch over Jude (and me).

I loaded up a racing game on the Xbox and tuned out the girls.

Both tiptoed around the house (and me) for the next couple of days. Regardless of what I said or did, both acted like scared mice. I didn’t understand the change in their attitude nor behavior.

“Listen. I’m not going to bite, nor will I kick you out if you make noise or break something. My office is off limits. That is where I make a living and have proprietary information stored. There’s exercise equipment downstairs. Feel free to use it while you’re here.”


“I’m going grocery shopping in an hour, and you’re both coming.” I didn’t know why Kate had not left Jude’s side these last couple days and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But since she was here, she could help with the mundane.

“Jude, Kate; since you are staying here, I’ll pay for food and your necessities, like makeup and girl stuff. But I expect you to help keep the house clean and make lunch and dinner. Consider it your rent.”

I wasn’t sure, but I felt a slight thawing of their shields.

Groceries, snacks, shampoo, makeup, women’s health products and whatnot. I ordered both to get what they wanted from the grocery store, followed by a drug store a stop later.

I was saddened that they still didn’t trust me. Possibly it was just Jude who didn’t trust. I wasn’t sure, but I wouldn’t have bet the farm on it.

“Would you be happier with me living in a hotel for the three weeks until you can move out?” I asked Jude, while making hamburger patties with the three pounds of meat, most to be frozen until later.

“It’s your house.”

“But you are clearly not comfortable living here with me in it,” I tried to be reasonable and failed. She refused to leave her room less than fully clothed, extra layers too. Even Kate would sneak to the kitchen or bathroom in one of my old shirts. Their quick trip to Kate’s apartment yielded two gym bags of necessities and clothes for her weeklong stay at my place while Jude acclimated.


“Jude, do you trust me with your life in the Portals?”


“Do you honestly believe that I will rape you?”

The word RAPE floated in the air, seemingly echoing in the kitchen.

“Not really.”

“I’m not going to hit you. You don’t think I will rape you. Then what are you afraid of?”

“Nothing, I guess.”

Softening my tone, “it’s not nothing, if you are that scared.”

“Home has never been safe.”


“I’m not your mother. I hope not, at least.” My half jest didn’t do any good.


“I’m glad that you can think of my house as your home,” I caught that implication, and wondered if she did, “but please, for both of our sakes, try and relax. Katie has been hovering over you, terrified that you will break down or do something stupid.” Pointing to the hall where Kate stood half hiding, “look at her. She does do a mother hen pretty well, doesn’t she?”

A ghost of a smile flashed across Jude’s face.

“That’s a start. Why don’t you two play with my Xbox for a while. I need to do some work and will be in my office until dinner.” I finished up the patties and left them to the run of the house.


The TV was loud, but I didn’t mind. I didn’t have any work to do. I just guessed that giving them space, while I locked myself in my office, would help her in letting go of that repressed state. Hopefully, Kate could help with that as well.

Later, I heard the front door open while eating a quiet meal of burgers and fruit salad. Slamming it behind her, Nat called out, “fucking Yonnie didn’t pay the gas bill. No ovens to cook pizzas, so no work for me.” Stopping, she looked around the kitchen with a frown sensing the tension, “what did you do?”

Blame it on me...

“I think Jude is having issues settling in. I’ll be working in my office.” Taking my plate and Coke, I exited my small dining room, leaving those three alone to talk.

As a halfhearted attempt at reconciliation, Jude offered, “You don’t have to go, it’s okay.”

I left anyway. The noticeable lack of trust, after everything I had done for them, was grating my patience.

“What’s up with him?” I heard from the kitchen as I closed the door to my office.

I kicked back and played ‘Gremlins.Inc’, while reading up on the latest on computer hardware. I sometimes played this online board game, while waiting for a program to compile; it was an enjoyable, non-attention-demanding distraction.

Even before I finished my dinner, a soft knock tapped on my door.


“I’m sorry.”

“You had an emotional week. I’d just prefer that you didn’t take it out on me.”

“I can’t help it.”

“Talk to your friends. That is what they are there for.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“No. But treating me as if I am about to attack you, isn’t right either.”


“Go talk to them. Honesty can’t hurt you.”

A little openness too. But that might be too much to ask for.

“Okay,” Jude gently closed the door behind her.

I was still irritated. I could have been more tolerant, so that was on me, but, they all were pissing me off.

An hour and half later, a solid knock on my door startled me.

“Come in.”

“Come with me,” Natalie ordered.

“Where are we going?”

“Your bedroom.” That was a surprise, “Jason, please come.”


“What are you up to?” I did follow the mischievous girl to my room.

She shut the door behind me, “take off your shirt.”


“Just do it. It’s for Jude. She’s hurting.”

I did.

“Oh my. That is delicious.”

I smacked the stupid girl upside the head, “Jude, remember?”

“Sorry, I got distracted. Are you wearing boxers?”

“Yes,” I wasn’t sure I liked the way this was going.

“Pants off. Where are your ties?”

“Why do you want my ties?” I hadn’t moved.

“To tie you up of course.”


“Jude-girl has a problem; her home life has always been unsafe.”


“At home, she is afraid of everything.”


“If we tie you up, you can’t hurt her.”

“Go on.” What went on that girl’s head?

“She gives you a massage while you can’t move. You can’t attack her. If she does that for a few weeks, she will get used to you and no longer be afraid.”

“Uh-huh. And what about the times I am not tied up?”

“That’s the tricky part. After a few days, we untie a leg, then another, then an arm, then the other. You get massages and she learns that you aren’t bad.”

I guess she didn’t understand what I meant.

“Have you brought this idea up to her?”

“Yup. She agreed to try it.”

“And Katie?”

Nat shrugged, “she agreed to try.” I felt the reluctance in Kate’s agreement second hand.

“Please just give it a try, Jason. Jude has to stay with you until she is eighteen. If the team gets messed up, all of us are screwed.”

And thus, the real reason.

Same as Axeman
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My phone buzzed shortly after I was showered from basketball and back at my desk. That was my invitation to play. The text simply said ‘come now to suck two cocks’. I had fantasised about having two men for a long time. The Magician seemed to know my mind and how much I longed to be dirty. Although we had only known each other a few weeks, already I trusted him implicitly. Deep down I knew if he was there it was safe but the nerves were consuming me. A twinge of excitement grasped at my stomach...

3 years ago
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The Slave PrincessPart 3

Rolling amongst brittle leaves; A plaything of the wind, That uncouth and awkward child. - The Canticle of Menkeret. “Menkeret is a kindly god. He is lord of all mysteries, certainly, and the source of all magic, but he is a benevolent deity foremost of all. Invoke him in your hour of need. He is the door of all subtleties and through subtlety we might best understand him. His emanations are manifold, my daughter and his manifestations truly sublime….........” My father’s words...

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My Devotion

I had been single for a very long time. In fact, I had always been. I was young, good looking, fit. My smooth, naturally hairless skin hugged my lithe musculature in an almost feminine beauty. I had every reason to be confident, even arrogant with women. But instead my mind still saw that awkward teen in the mirror, and stumbled in conversation the minute a remotely attractive woman came within a mile of me. I was doomed to be a virgin, it seemed, for ever.And then I met Tabitha. Sure I...

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We Werent Prepared for Camping Chapter 6

Just as Sam had done a few minutes earlier, Suzzie raised one foot twelve to fifteen inches up the bank and after testing her footing took Pat’s hand allowing him to pull her half a body length upwards. Suzzie was now standing there with her legs spread wide, just as Sam had been a little earlier, with her face almost level with Pat’s balls. His cock was poking straight out at her face as Suzzie wrapped one hand around Pat’s leg for support, and the other hand moved to take hold of his solid...

Group Sex
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Fun at the beach pt15

As the sun rose over the Caribbean Sea and began to light the Puerto Rican sky, a tiny beam sliced through a gap in the curtains and struck the far wall of the luxurious bedroom. As time passed, the little beam slowly inched it’s way down the wall until it finally hit the rumpled comforter on the bed. Ever so slowly it moved across the covers until it lit the cheek of the beautiful latin singer. The thin beam moved across the sl**ping girl’s cheek until it passed over her eyes. The glow was...

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NaughtyAmerica Brandi Love VR 23267

You’ve heard and discussed football, boxing, wine and more with Brandi Love over the years, and you’ve had the pleasure of watching her fuck, too. Well, now it’s your turn, because Brandi wants you. Yes, one of the hottest MILFs alive is ready to take a turn with you and your big dick in her new Naughty America Pornstar Experience, brought to you in glorious Virtual Reality. Yes, you’ll open your eyes to find that luscious ass right before your face. Reach out and rub it, squeeze it, smack it —...

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Trevors Transformation chapter 3

I repeated this process with Trevor three more times that afternoon. His youthful stamina – a virile young man of 19 – was incredible. In the two hours of ass fucking him with the big black dildo and jacking his thick cock, he never once went limp. He was rock hard the entire time, and the puddle of cum on the floor in front of him was more than I’d ever seen from a sub. After his fifth and last orgasm, his weakest, which took nearly a half hour to achieve, his reddened cock finally went...

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The Great Shift Summer Vacation

The Great Shift: Summer Vacation By Limbo's Mistress "We're here." I pulled the big SUV into the empty spot between the beach house's legs. The other two parking spaces were taken by a black Mercedes convertible and a bright yellow Prius. Apparently my parents and sister had beat us here. The three-story structure that would be our home for the week sat overlooking the shoreline of Myrtle Beach. Identical houses, though painted a different color, stood on either side of...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 169

Compliments of J & B AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS Questions and Answers from AARP Forum Q: Where can single men over the age of 60 find younger women who are interested in them? A: Try a bookstore, under Fiction. Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause? A: Keep busy. If you’re handy with tools, you can finish the basement. When you’re done, you will have a place to live. Q: How can you increase the heart rate of your over-60 year-old husband? A: Tell...

2 years ago
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LostChapter 3

Bang, bang, bang, bang. “Get the fuck out of there and come home with us, Melinda. We’re going to blast our way in and kill whoever convinced you to come here if you don’t come out. Now get out here, you scaggy bitch.” The pounding on the door continued and I pulled my Mossberg 500 from the hall closet and stuffed five magnum buckshot rounds into the magazine. I jacked a round in and put in another shell. I said to Mel who was shaking, “Get the girls on the floor so that there’s less chance...

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Captured Assassin

()-Thoughts. She did not know how long she had been held for. Days seemed to go so fast for her. All she knew is that her life as an Assassin was over. She could never go back. She didn't think she wanted to go back. Her days as Assassin and noble of England were over. Dame Evie Frye was now dead, in a sense. The door to her cell was opened as the usual sight of her warden appeared. He was not an overly attractive chap, smelling of sweat and hard liquor, but he kept her locked away and...

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The Courier Ch 15

Chapter 15 – The Priestess Spokeswoman Lee-Dolkivna decided that, before anything, she needed to talk to Victor and let him know what was about to happen to Criminal # 101025. She called to make sure he would wait at his office, before turning her attention to the detainee who was supposed to appear before the arraignment committee that afternoon. Fortunately it turned out the three committee members were still in the building, so Kim’s newest client could be arraigned after all. Kim noted...

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Movie girl

When i got to the store i saw that it was closed but saw this other lady stanidng there. I said hi and we exchanged names, next thing i new she was coming over. I opend the car door for her and on our way home we talked about our friends,family and sex life the most. I started to get hard in the pants listing to her sex stories and fantasies. Next thing i new it we were home and were pulling up my driveway wen she asked if i had condoms. Instanty my cock was getting harder and she even...

1 year ago
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What she cant get at home 2

A few days ago I had a message on my contact number from an Indian woman named Arya.She was married to an Indian guy named Raj, they had been married for a year now, and were almost ready to start having c***dren, but there was just one thing... Arya had only ever been with Raj.They had met at university, fallen in love, married as soon as the careers had taken off, and now, before they finally settled into a life of a loving family, she really wanted to just be with one other person, this one...

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The last 36 hours poppers and dildos

Completely true account...I've just spent the last 36 hours fucking my brains out with 2 big black dildos, while getting high on poppers. This was the first time I ever used poppers, but I'm hooked now. There's an incredible feeling from taking a few deep inhales. My entire body gets warm, my head spins, and my heart pumps, and I get so fucking overwhelmingly horny! It also aids in getting the big dildo in my tight, virgin (to real dick) ass.I started with a little 420 as I laid a towel down on...

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Frankies latest visit to the Coffee Shop

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

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Second times a charm

I can’t believe I’m doing this… She knocked the brown wood door and waited… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 months earlier. Matt walked around the apartment displaying all the mod-cons he installed almost smugly, mentioning how much they retailed for. If he wasn’t so attractive I so would have opted out of the guided tour thought Jo. Jo and Matt met at the orientation meeting for graduate students a few hours ago through mutual friends and there was an instant...

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My sexy maid Rupa 2

Hello ISS Fans. You would have already read my stories about my sexy and horny sister in law Suni in Seduction by Sister in law Part I & II. Also the sexy encounter with our maid – Rupa in “My Sexy Maid – Rupa.” Well after that day Rupa virtually became my sex slave. She had become so bold that she would not even seek permission to touch me. She would just press my dick while moving around. And yes I had made a rule that the moment she used to enter my house she has to strip down to bra and...

3 years ago
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MAAN MARYADA-PRATEEBHA KI ATAM KATHA Hi this is Huma with my new exciting incest tale of Prateebha in her own words and her journey into sex of different kinds. You may write your comments on my id Mera naam Pratibha hai. Meri umar 42 saal ki hai. Kayi barson se main “Maan Maryada” mein rehti hoon. Maan Maryada humare mahal ka naam hai. Mere samne zamana hi badal gaya. Mujhe yaad hai jab main 19 saal ki thee aur mera parivar Padampur, Rajsthan mein rehta tha. Mere ghar mein meri maa Rukmani...

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Transformation of LindaChapter 13 Wills Show

Linda lead him into the empty studio. She dropped her clothes standing there so sexy and bare and she told Will to strip. And told him until further notice he wasn't allowed to touch himself or anyone else. "I want to see if you can really cum just watching me get fucked. And have no doubt about it my husband... you are going to see me get fucked a number of ways." Linda was watching as Will's cock hardened as she talked to him like that. She sat him in the chair and called,...

1 year ago
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Surprise on MILs Cell Phone

I came across my mother-in-laws cell phone, picked it up and began browsing around what she had on it. She had some pictures of naked women; some of whom I recognized; one of her friends and the wife of a guy I knew from work. She also had videos of women screwing; now these caught my attention! The videos weren't full length porn flicks but they were well done. All of them started from a POV angle showing the guy's cock inside the women's pussy after which the view widened. I recognized two...

4 years ago
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My Experience With Gigolo

Hi everyone for myself i am john from ahmedabad. 24years old goodlooking man. I am presently do the gigolo job and share my great experiance in this job first time mai jab 16years age ka tha tab ek padosi bhabhi se baatchit chalu hui thi tab woh waha nai aai thi aur woh divourses thi usne paheli baar muje uski bahen ki sadi me sath me le gai thi tab hame waha 2din tak rukne ka tha sadi puri ho gai aur dusre din subah ko hame nikalna tha lekin sadi ki raat ko hi muje usne kaha kya tum sexy ho...

1 year ago
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Women Of My Family 8211 Part 4 All About A Hot MomInLaw Sex

This is a fictional story about hot mom-in-law sex. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at Anand learned about sex. Then the death of Anand’s father had made him a lonely introvert. Now getting...

2 years ago
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The Landlord Part 5

THE LANDLORD PART 5 CHAPTER 1 Over the next couple of months my landlord took more and more control over my life. He wanted me to be available and dressed as Cindy on a much more regular basis now. It had kind of grown by degrees and my life had changed completely. It was kind of like I was used to it and it was becoming normal. I felt like I was becoming more and more conditioned to my landlord's control! He wanted to know my whereabouts at all times and would often send me...

3 years ago
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The New School HouseChapter 3 Party Time

After getting out of Linda's office, I'd had to deal with a few other issues outside of Barracuda Beach, including the usual morning victualling run. The afternoon saw me still out on the town, this time filling a massive last-minute order from Chef Jacques. He had been taking reservations all morning and realized this was going to be an unseasonably busy four days. So there I was, still dressed in the jean shorts and tee-shirt I'd been wearing since something like four in the morning,...

1 year ago
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The Taylor family 5

Her daughter's shocked gasp, meanwhile, seemed to break Ann out of her trance at long last. Suddenly finding herself staring into the eyes of her daughter, it never even occurred to her that the natural and normal reaction should be to scold the girls. Instead, her first response had she been able to find her voice would have been to apologize to them for invading their privacy like this and then to beat a hasty retreat.Under the circumstances, the very best she was able to manage was a...

2 years ago
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The shemale transformation Part 8

So my mom got taken by bigbirtha and i cant believe this happen i mean bigbirtha said she wouldnt harm my mom if i fucked her whats even more bad is that my stumic geting greener something slowly turning me into something even more monstrous well i must get some rest for school next morning ebony cam over she told me aliens have been beeming the girls locker room and that Vanessa is back. Ebony asked do you still love her i side kinda i mean part of me always will but im with you now you...

4 years ago
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Ediths Best Friend

I just came back to my apartment from a long day of work when the phone rang. I lived in Richmond, Virginia, and was a computer network consultant working on a project under a tight schedule. I hurried to pick up the handset and heard Edith crying into the phone. "Tony, he dumped me!" "I'll be right over," I replied. I dropped the phone and rushed to my car. Within fifteen minutes I was on Interstate 95 heading towards New York City. I lived more than six hours from Edith. I...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Spare the Rod Spoil the Child

SPARE THE ROD SPOIL THE CHILD (c) Jennifer Adams, 1997 "I hate you!" the young girl said, rubbing her red and now tender rear end. "I love you. That is why I correct you when you miss behave," her father said to her reaching out to hold her. She pulled away from him and ran to her bedroom to get dressed for school. "I wished that you could be the child and I could be the adult just once. Then you'd see what it's like," she said as she slammed the door. He hollered through the...

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My Wifes Party

My Wife's Party By [email protected] about ten o'clock on a recent Saturday morning, my wife told me that she was going to have some of her girlfriends over at two o'clock, and that I should be sure to stay home. She also wanted me to help with serving coffee and munchies to her guests. What she didn't tell me was that I was going to be spanked by all of her friends.When about two o'clock rolled around, her girlfriends started arriving. The only person I knew was Mary. The other three...

2 years ago
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Lawn Service

You have the best looking lawn in the neighborhood. It may have something to do with the frequency that the young man who comes to mow, weed and fertilize. You love his strong muscular body, sweating in the sun as he works. And I’m sure he loves how you’re always half dressed as you clean your husbands house. The look on his face was priceless the first time you offered him a drink of water in just your nightshirt. He tried to be polite as he stared at your cleavage, but he could barely stammer...

1 year ago
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Rendezvous and Revenge

This is the story about when I cheated on my husband. My name is Ellen and I’ve been married to my husband for twenty years. We were high school sweethearts. We even went to the same college. We were just so crazy for each other. We didn’t want to be apart. My husband had gone to college to become a lawyer, and I had gone to college to be a nurse. We both are very busy in our jobs, but we always found time for family vacations. When the girls were small, we always had date nights out. We both...

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The storm started about twenty minutes after I'd left my sister in the cabin, the bloody phones were non existent, I deliberately hadn't brought my mobile and the engine had frigging well seized up on the truck. It had been meant as a quiet winter break for just the two of us to lick our wounds after my wife had fucked off with her husband. Our parents had left us a cabin up in the wilds after their death and this was going to be only the second time we'd ever used it, neither of us were...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 43

When Hope pushed the door open and ushered a subdued Shawna back into the house, Marcus was perched waiting on the arm of the sofa. "How are you?" he whispered, quietly as Shawna slipped into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, gently, but his eyes were on Hope who gave a non-commital shrug. "I'll be OK." She muttered, muffled by her scarf and his shirt. "Anyone for tea?" Hope asked, doffing her own coat after a moment, and heading for the kitchen. "Hmph-mm." Shawna...

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Saskias Sweet Seduction 3

Saskia surely shows submissiveness to me, offering all her tasty tight hot holes to my proud probing pole. For her final test I blindfold her. She hears someone else entering. She fears for a moment I will present her to be used by some other guy. However, she can not really imagine I would want to share her like that. I grab her by the back of her neck. On all fours she crawls forward until her face feels furry. She smells some sexy snatch! She has no time to ponder more, as she hears my wish...

3 years ago
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Brad and TracyChapter 3

I headed down the hall to Janet's room and heard the unmistakable sounds of feminine pleasure coming from behind Janet's door. I didn't really think anything of it; this wasn't the first time that I had seen her masturbate, and I was sure that it wouldn't be the last. The general rule there was not to disturb her. I needed clothes, so I just opened the door quietly. Her bed can't be seen from the door, so when I opened it and entered the room, I didn't really think anything about the...

1 year ago
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The Strange Corruption of the Malloy GirlChapter 3

The following year was a leap year and it was on February 29th that Cuba Malloy was due to be released from prison. The prison system wasn’t allowing me to visit anywhere inside their system of detention centers unless I was in a state of incarceration instead of a visitor. Still, I continued to write to Cuba and she wrote back to me. I was even allowed to send small amounts of cash to deposit into her detainee account for her buy candy and cigarettes. Most of my letters were unemotional...

2 years ago
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Giving a good show at the bar

I was really horny that long weekend.Worst of all, my loving hubby had not fucked me properly during the last weeks…Now I was sitting at the bar; having a drink, as I stared the guys around. My long legs were crossed and the short black dress was exposing my garters holding my sexy black stockings.The only people gathered were two huge biker type men playing pool and a handsome bald guy sitting alone at a table, eyes locked right on me.I saw a smirk on his lips as he mouthed just four...

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My Brothers KeeperChapter 7

For the next week or so, Delilah and Bridget got settled in at my house. The two of them did a top to bottom thorough cleaning of the place. They both worked much harder than I'd thought they would, and I became more and more pleased as my house started looking well cared for again. The sex kept getting better too, as we three learned new ways to bring greater pleasure to each other. Delilah was a master at subtle techniques to enhance and intensify our sensual responses. To express my...

2 years ago
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Tale of a Bored Housewife

It was a cool gray, November afternoon. I was walking down the quietupper middle class, suburban street I lived on, on the way to Gloria'shouse. It was fairly windy, a gust whipped up and I had to reach down tohold my skirt. I suppose my modesty wasn't really in jeopardy but theskirt was considerably shorter than what I was accustomed to wearing.Gloria had asked me to assist her with a party she was throwing forDave's boss. He had just started a new job she really wanted to impress.Part of his...

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Wendys Story edited

Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out. Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always...

1 year ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 52

While they were sailing in circles waiting for the C-130, the Twins asked David to marry them. No ... not David ... Chris and Sarah ... C'Twin and S'Twin asked David to perform a wedding ... Damn it all. The Twins asked Chris and Sarah to be their respective brides and then they asked David, in his office of Captain to marry the four of them ... No ... Not David taking the four of them as brides ... Damn it all. "David, Sarah and I want to get married, will you perform the office?"...

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Mom in the MirrorChapter 2

A short while later that morning, Tom's Mother made her way out the door for work. She was wearing a frumpy, loose blouse buttoned all the way up and a large skirt that reached her ankles. Despite the killer body that Tom knew she had, nearly every bit of it was obscured by voluminous fabric. Tom shook his head in resignation, this being the usual way she dressed herself for work, and silently thought to himself that this was no different than someone displaying the Mona Lisa wrapped in a...

1 year ago
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Husband and Wifes FIRST TIME Swinging

My wife and I had been married for 10 years and she was so shy, she still made me turn the lights off when we had sex together.She's very beautiful with long brown hair, nice mid sized tits, awesome pink nipples and an ass to die for. Her pussy is as tight as they day we met and it tastes as good as it looks and he legs are long and slender and even her feet and toes are perfect!Our suburban lives have been unremarkable and we, like everyone else, go to work, pay our mortgage, take a vacation...

2 years ago
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Sex with mom

Note: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I am editing Grammar, Paragraphs, and re-typing sections of it. So consider this story Camping With Mom: Remastered. It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do...

3 years ago
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Dominance and Submission

Dominance and SubmissionA young man learns the pleasures of submitting to "Aunt" Shelly."Dominance and Submission"On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a family friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well - I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big sister to me.After I had lived with Shelly...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 43

It was just a little past 6:00 when Kathy said it was time to go. When Megan came out of her room in her new outfit, Jim smiled at her. "Megan, you look like wow. You could seduce a priest in that get up." Kathy explained to Jim and Jason about Karen's concerns and condoms were to be worn when using her cunt. Jim wasn't all that thrilled about it, but figured he would be in her ass or mouth most of the time, and with Kathy or Megan it wouldn't matter. As Kathy thought, it didn't bother...

2 years ago
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TriptychChapter 36

IF WE STAYED in the position we were in much longer, Kate and I would effectively be glued together by dried come. That had a certain appeal to it, but I didn’t relish eventually ripping ourselves away from each other so I let her slide off my lap to settle between Melody and me. I wrapped my arm around Lissa, pulling her close. I kissed her and licked Kate’s juices from her face as she absently petted me. After two such powerful orgasms in such a short period of time, it would be a while...

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Lacie Ch 16

Chapter 16: Lacie’s Dream Lacie drifted, thoughts and memories floating through her mind. There was no order to them, just tiny, weak flashes of a life she had lost amongst the pain. Agony was now her life. It was all she knew. In between the moments of physical pain, Lacie could feel a literal ache in her chest, a dull throbbing in time with her heartbeat. It felt like her heart had literally broken, searing needles of pain shearing though her torso with every breath. Lacie knew she would die...

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Intimate Illusions Barbara Dahl

Intimate Illusions: Barbie Dahl By Juno Reeves "ROBERT PACKER!" Bobby Packer knew from both the tone and volume of his mother's voice, and the fact that she used his full name, that he was in deep trouble. "GET IN HERE, YOUNG MAN!" "What mom?" Bobby asked as he walked into the living room. Eleanor Packer pointed to the stack of magazines sitting on the coffee table. "JUST WHERE DID YOU GET THESE!" Bobby felt the blood rush to his face as he saw his once private, now...

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A Soldiers Cookies

Cookie smoothed down her best gray pleated skirt and adjusted the hem of her pink sweater. She giggled as a brown curl slipped out of her bun and down her forehead when she bent over to slip on her black heels. She was going to see her soldier who was away at training and treat him to a nice dinner after he’d had a week of being out in the field with no civilized contact. She smiled just thinking about him and her brown eyes twinkled with excitement. One of his roommates signed her onto the...

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