Anniversary CruiseChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
That night we made plans on entering on the twenty-seventh. That Good Friday began their Easter break from school. No one was allowed to enter the other Portals until April first when the Presidential Executive Order became active, anyway.
On the first, they would take off from school and we would all head to the SS to get our licenses. Our dungeoneering schedule was planned for the next two weeks or so. Subdued, the three kept the conversation on business and Portal hunting. The Terrible Trio left for home the next day after a late lunch of steak and salad, and hopefully to do homework, but I wasn’t that hopeful from their conversation.
I did receive three individual texts scattered throughout the evening with very similar messages of, ‘sorry I didn’t trust you.’ Or something damned close. I didn’t believe for a second that they didn’t collaborate on those.
While eating dinner, I sent in a request to enter the Portal in Katie’s old apartment for the four of us to the Chicago police department, who was overseeing that location, since the military backed off and consolidated to guard their most promising locations.
Surprisingly, we received approval the next morning. I had thought that they would be swamped with requests. Maybe, since it was an Indigo instead of a Violet Portal, there were less requests for them. Later on, I learned that few actual teams were formed and when the Weapons, which was what we were still being called, tried to reserve a spot with incomplete information, they outright rejected it. The solos and two person teams failed to get approval. Requests with team names only and no member names and or classes listed, were also rejected straight away.
That I listed our classes along with our names and IDs was probably the reason we shot to the head of the list. I replied to the acceptance email with a request to permanently reserve that Portal for the group of four of us.
Permanent they would not do, a thirty-day reservation was currently the maximum time that we could hold a portal in our names.
That morning when I received approval, I sent in a Proposal to automate the Portal request site.
It should have been active once the license numbers were assigned, yet wasn’t. A simple program of inputting the location along with the individual team ID numbers should have been all that was required by the Chicago PD. Since they had to have a coordinate system already mapped out, matching the lists with the names should have been a piece of cake.
They didn’t have anything active or in place, which gave me hope for some easy money and a definite advantage of knowing the Portal locations in the Chicago area. My 25K price tag and 10-day delivery had them jumping, at least based on the almost instant reply that was sent to me. I didn’t have to even worry about security since it would be behind their servers and firewalls.
A few phone calls and two hours later; I had an appointment the following morning at Cook County Courthouse to make my proposal.
My meeting with the Illinois State Police internet security head and a few others went well. After that first night, the state police had taken over the Portal exploration requests from the cities. The states, not just Illinois, would oversee the Portal admission.
They were even willing to give me the map and coordinates of all the Illinois’s Portals, in file form, making the program even easier, since I now had a source list to work with. Their Information Service Department, was very professional, just overworked and understaffed, according to the Engineer at the meeting.
I was in and out in just over four hours with all their requirements in hand. None onerous. I was even given the master list up front. Surprisingly, there were even three blue portals and a green one, not mine, on the list. The blues and green were all commandeered by the armed forces. Those were to be labeled in gray, with no coordinates provided on the website. The Indigo and Violet Portals that the military and police claimed were to be listed, just unavailable for entry or reservation. The Chicago area had a lot more Portals than anyone acknowledged or knew of, outside of the halls of authority.
That was the main reason I bid so low, I now had access to all the Portal colors and locations statewide.
I called the Terrible Trio and let them know I would be putting in late hours for the next week. I had a rush job to work on, they could visit, just don’t expect me to be able to spend a ton of time with them.
I shot an email to Paula letting her know of my new Project. I suggested that she try and get her dad to sell it to the Florida State police. Any other ones too.
By Friday, nine other states accepted our bid. They all used the same system as specified by the FBI and the National Police Association that Illinois did. Any Department could take our program and insert their list of Portal locations and they would mesh. The license of 25k per year was cheap in their eyes. I grinned at Paula’s complaint of undercharging.
“I forgot,” she typed, “you were limping that day. You have a Weapon too, don’t you?”
I returned an evil smiley face on the Instant Messenger.
“Now it makes sense. Do you have a good team?”
“They seem nice. They are high schoolers, but one is a Healer. That makes up for the rest, and bringing a Healer in with me is a huge safety net.”
“Just be safe.”
“I will and thanks.”
Georgia Bell, my counterpart at the Illinois PD, was a gossiper. She would chat about everything and anything, I had added her to my IM and she would complain about the world if I let her. Thankfully she was as busy most of the time during the day and we didn’t chat much outside of breaks and lunches.
The day before I was going to submit my Project, I was still in the testing phase. Georgia Instant Messaged me, crying. The state police’s ‘A team’, hadn’t returned. It had been fifteen days and no response. They entered an Indigo and were on the fourth floor for the first time.
No one knew what they found. Just that the fourth floor in the Indigo Portal killed all six of the best police officers in the state of Illinois.
No one knew what happened or what they faced. The previous floors took a day with their team of six. I asked if they had a Healer and she said they didn’t. There were only a couple in all of the state that they knew of. Since Healers didn’t have an attack, none of them wanted to enter the Portals. Only the military was reported to have a more than the rumored half dozen found in each state, and even then, they were scarce.
She abruptly ended the session, reminding me not to tell anyone!
I, of course, agreed to keep mum when she brought it up later.
Neither Paula nor I could find any bugs in my hastily assembled Program. All good. I submitted the program to my customers and her father to Paula’s customers. I took one seventy-five of the two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars; the rest went to Paula and her father. I was more than happy, Paula wasn’t and protested at length.
No, she didn’t do any of the programming, but it was her end, that sold it beyond my home state. I only cared about Illinois, but her father pushed out to the rest of the Midwest, Georgia and both Carolinas making all of us a good deal of easy money. Hell, with her father’s connections, Paula could have built the same program and sold it to all of those states herself and kept all the money between the two of them.
Ten, fourteen-hour days was well worth the return. I had stolen most of the Project from other programs from earlier projects anyway. I just needed to blend all the stolen parts together. Since they were all written by me, I didn’t have any problems doing that.
Hell, most of it came from a college assignment.
The best part was the interface, it was easy to use on both ends. My contact had given me the go-ahead, as soon as she saw it.
The Terrible Trio were patient with me during my work blitz.
Of course, when dealing with State or city bursars, payment was 90 days...
I was playing Call of Duty Tuesday morning when a soft knock landed on my door. Jude was standing on the steps with her head down. A Sox hat was pulled low, and large sunglasses covered what her disheveled hair didn’t. The skittish girl asked if she could come in without looking up. With a bad feeling, I opened the storm door and let her in.
“Are you okay?”
“The guest room has clean sheets. Why don’t you take a nap?”
“thanks,” Jude uttered. Without an additional word, she slowly eased down the hall. Her posture wasn’t the best as she walked by me. She had to have been beaten up pretty badly.
A little bit of Vodka, a lot of orange juice and four extra-strength aspirins gathered, I headed down the hall to see a wounded little girl.
*Knock, Knock, “can I come in? I have aspirin.”
“Sure,” she sounded muffled and sad.
Curled up away from me, Jude didn’t react, her hair conveniently lay across the side of her face obscuring as much as possible.
“I brought aspirin and a vodka lite with orange juice. It should help with the pain and make napping easier.”
“Do you need me to take pictures?”
“No, I’ll be free in May when I graduate.”
“What about Katie?”
“She has a test in sixth hour. I’ll text her after school.”
“I have shampoo, conditioner and bodywash along with a loofah in the guest bathroom. Feel free to raid my closet for something to wear.”
“I don’t have any work today. You don’t have anything to worry about and I had no plans on going anywhere. Just rest.”
I removed the TV remote from the dresser and placed it beside the bed. If she wanted to stay in her room all day and watch TV, that was fine by me.
The shiner on her left eye was new and stark when Jude came out of my spare room after I announced lunch was ready. I heard the TV on low, so I figured that the poor battered girl was awake before calling her. Accepting my offer of a team up Call of Duty, we spent the afternoon killing the on-screen bad guys until Katie arrived after school.
Withdrawing her Staff, our team Healer, Healed her friend. I suspected that there were more wounds than she let me know since everything was handled in the bedroom, away from my curious eyes.
Fully dressed, both girls exited my spare bedroom. “Can you drive me to my job? I have to babysit today,” Jude asked emotionless.
As an explanation after we returned to my home, Katie just shrugged and said, “It’s her choice.”
“Any word on your Stepfather?”
“He said he would try and make graduation. He won’t though. I think he hopes I’ll move out before he comes back.”
“I have a spare bedroom, if any of you need.”
“Thanks. I’m safe. Nat is good with her apartment. Jude can’t leave until she turns eighteen on April twelfth.”
“Was she planning on moving to Nat’s then?”
“Yeah. Nat’s place is trash but she can sleep on the couch without getting hit.”
“Can I ask what happened to her father?”
“New family. Doesn’t want her. Besides, Jude isn’t even his.”
“Oh.” Lovely.
“Her mom slept around. Nurses are all messed up. Jude’s dad is black. Mom’s white. Does Jude look like she has a black dad?”
“Why does her mom hit her?”
“Does she need a reason?” Kate bit back, somewhat hostilely.
I didn’t bite on her anger. “Yes. There is never a good enough reason to hit a child that way. That’s not punishment. That’s abuse.”
“Her mom always has hit her,” Kate shrugged, as if she had no control over Jude’s actions. “Nothing we could do, unless she wanted to go to the orphanage or let the state place her somewhere even worse.” Kate didn’t stay at my house long. The more time I spent with these three, the more mature and unfortunate they seemed.
When I drove her home after dropping Jude off, I said, “good night Kate,” she hesitated and then offered me a partial smile before heading inside.
As fucked up as my parents were, I’m glad that they never resorted to violence. Just needing to pay them back for everything was bad enough.
“Mom thinks I am sleeping around.” Passing over her phone to her friend, she made Kate say hi into it. Her serious friend obliged. The conversation was short on Kate’s end.
More like a check in, than a conversation. When the three came over Thursday night, before our next portal run, I made sure that they all stuffed themselves. We gorged on burgers, salad, and ice cream that night, while discussing preparations.
The trio had mechanical watches and a few card games to bring with them for the long rest periods. Nothing electronic or gunpowder powered worked inside of the Portals. The self-winding kid’s watches that I gifted each of them caused them to laugh. Those were the only ones I could find for girls without spending a fortune. I never realized the issue until they brought it up, since my normal watch was self-winding. I found a decent one in my price range and wore it for the last couple years. It was a movement-winding Chronograph that I discovered online one afternoon while waiting for a compilation to run.
Our team’s second run in my Green Portal was in some ways both easier and harder. Easier communication and execution wise, harder in that every hut had a married pair of Orcs and half the huts included three occupants.
They also seemed to be more on guard.
No magic items or specials were found in our second team run. The Terrible Trio was thrilled at the 380 exp (experience) from all the kills, the Boss fell a lot faster with our improved coordination. As a team we were progressing quite well.
They were sitting at 890 exp and were chomping at the bit for another run. None of them were dumb enough or over eager on suggesting to enter the second floor on my Green Portal.
“How many points do we need for Second Level?” Nat asked while we looked over the unchanging Store.
“Ew./ Damn./ That many?”
“That’s what I said,” I felt it was high.
“How many experience points do you need for Level 3?” Kate asked, fearing the answer.
“Seven hundred and thirty.”
“What the hell?” Jude jumped in.
“My solo runs here gave me almost 900 experience.”
“Wow. So much?”
“We each received 380 this time. That’s 1520 if one of us were to solo, instead of teaming up.”
“That’s huge!” Nat interjected.
“Jase, you aren’t going without us, are you?” Nat was suspicious of my higher experience.
“How could I? Ten days between openings, remember? Besides, it’s more fun as a team.” And safer. “And I have been swamped at work lately, remember?”
“Dummy,” Jude lightly kicked her bombastic friend.
“Jase wouldn’t do that,” Kate declared with certainty. Surprisingly, Jude nodded in agreement.
“Let’s go, I need a shower.”
“Dibs./ Dibs.”
Jude and I were left out of the initial entry this time around.
Nat wasn’t much of a pizza person, since she ate it free every day she worked. Thus, we had burgers and salad for dinner.
“Mom called yesterday. She is going to freak. I didn’t call her back right away and she will go ballistic when I get home.”
“She called me too,” Kate volunteered.
“Great. I have to go.”
“Shower first, I can drive you home.”
“Take us to Katie’s. We will call from there; I’ll just say my battery died.” On her phone.
All three left together, after scarfing burgers and taking a quick shower. For me, their graduation was more important than April first. The licenses could wait, but their safety was an issue. I seriously disliked their living arrangements, not that I could do much about it.
Almost exactly an hour later, I fielded a call from Katie. Jude was kicked out of her house, and she asked me to help her move into Nat’s place. Kate gave me directions and an address. I hopped in the car with a few garbage bags and a few other necessities. On the way out, I snatched my voice recorder that I used for notes.
Exiting the car, I turned the recorder on and stated my name date and time. Kate rushed to meet me, giving me a hug as soon as I closed the car door.
“They are fighting inside. I came out to watch for you.”
There were piles of clothes on the small brick front porch. Kate walked right in, I followed, only to be deafened by an older woman, screeching at her daughter, using language that would get her thrown off any sports field in the world. Cigarette smoke filled the short foyer, along with a certain overbleached odor. Taking me by the hand, Kate led me to Jude’s bedroom. The shockingly faded pink room was torn apart, with clothes and knickknacks, forming a small pile on the bed.
Jude had a scratch over her eye, along with a bruise forming around it. She was trying to defend her small, childhood jewelry box from her mother’s clutches.
“Who the fuck are you?” Mrs. Smith was dressed in green medical scrubs and physically intimidating her daughter, in thought word and deed.
Maybe she won’t actually hit Jude while I am present. I can always hope.
“Jason, I’m a friend of Kate’s. I’m here to help Kate’s friend move.” I replied to the strung-out overbearing woman, glaring between Kate and I.
“Jude, I brought some black garbage bags. Do you need help?”
“Get the fuck out of my house!” the too on-edge woman screamed at me.
Tossing the bags on the bed beside the mound of clothes, I thought that getting out of here fast was better than bagging Jude’s clothes. “Let me take an armload of those,” I gestured at too-small pile on the bed. “Can you come with me and help me sort the other piles on the porch? Bring what’s in your hands too.”
Arms full, I stepped between the mother daughter pair, blocking off Jude’s mother and giving Jude a clean avenue of egress. She quickly snuck through the opening I made.
With elbows out, I slowly followed my friend, keeping the screaming and verbally threatening woman behind me.
Stopping in the hall, I stated, “Ma’am, if you hit me one more time, I will hit you so hard that you won’t wake up for years,” I threatened clearly. She had hit me, ineffectively, six times. I had counted each after the fact.
“Jude, get in the car,” I commanded, once outside the bleach, smoke and alcohol-infested house. Jude’s mother came to the porch, screaming obscenities at the three of us. I ignored the scene and had a worried Kate help me put Jude’s clothes in the two contractor garbage bags I had left with her. The knickknacks, bundled along with her clothes I carried, took even less room in those overlarge black bags than I expected.
The police arrived before Kate and I closed the trunk of clothes. I already had a headache from that woman’s shrill, top-of-her-lung, curses.
A male and female CPD partner-pair parked behind me, making sure I didn’t drive off before they were finished speaking with us. I instructed Jude to stay in the car, and waited.
“What’s going on here?” the female police officer asked with exaggerated calmness.
“The mother threw out her soon-to-be eighteen-year-old daughter. I’m a friend of her friend and was asked to help the daughter relocate. The mother has been belligerent and abusive since I arrived five minutes ago.”
“Where’s the kid?”
“She’s in the car. She was crying earlier.”
“Jude will be eighteen in a couple weeks. Her mom hits her, but she doesn’t want to press charges. Can you let her go?” Kate pleaded.
“Lies! That slut is out all night...” and off she went, forgetting that Jude was in my back seat bruised and bleeding.
I pulled out my wallet and handed over my driver’s license to the cop, “I have a spare bedroom. She can stay with me. That’s my address, you are free to come and check on her at any time,” I offered.
The male cop flashed a light inside and looked at the hunched over girl. Giving both Kate and I a look over, the pair asked us to wait and went to attempt to calm the mother down.
Which didn’t happen.
Domestic abuse stops for the police were always the worst, according to what I had heard.
They ran my license on the in-car computer and after a few questions and answers by Jude who remained huddled in the backseat of my car, albeit with the window rolled down, I was allowed to take her to my house.
Once inside, I received a quiet, ‘thank you,’ from Jude.
Jude moved into my guest room that night. Whether or not I wanted a houseguest, I now had one. Since it was Easter vacation for the high schools, they didn’t have classes the rest of the week, giving her time to settle in.
Child Protection Services (CPS) stopped by the next afternoon. Kate was still here and had been instructed not to heal her friend. My house was visually scanned by the overworked woman, who exhibited no signs of humanity.
I believed that the only reason that she didn’t haul Jude off was that it would create more paperwork for the woman than simply leaving her here. That, and Jude only had a couple of weeks until her eighteenth birthday, rendering any of her so-called help moot.
The questions asked of me were perfunctory and brief. The woman didn’t even care what I answered, her mind was made up. (She was positive that I would be turning the girl out for tricks, or just plain out raping her.) The supposed two-hour-long visit lasted twenty-five minutes, the minimum possible, I guessed. Unless something explosive happened, I knew we would not be seeing that woman again. She didn’t even leave a card for either of us, just some paperwork.
Such a great system to protect our lost and abused children the country instituted.
“Quit mothering me! I’m fine,” was heard from Jude’s bedroom while I was in the living room. Kate struck again. She had basically invited herself to move in, supposedly to watch over Jude (and me).
I loaded up a racing game on the Xbox and tuned out the girls.
Both tiptoed around the house (and me) for the next couple of days. Regardless of what I said or did, both acted like scared mice. I didn’t understand the change in their attitude nor behavior.
“Listen. I’m not going to bite, nor will I kick you out if you make noise or break something. My office is off limits. That is where I make a living and have proprietary information stored. There’s exercise equipment downstairs. Feel free to use it while you’re here.”
“I’m going grocery shopping in an hour, and you’re both coming.” I didn’t know why Kate had not left Jude’s side these last couple days and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But since she was here, she could help with the mundane.
“Jude, Kate; since you are staying here, I’ll pay for food and your necessities, like makeup and girl stuff. But I expect you to help keep the house clean and make lunch and dinner. Consider it your rent.”
I wasn’t sure, but I felt a slight thawing of their shields.
Groceries, snacks, shampoo, makeup, women’s health products and whatnot. I ordered both to get what they wanted from the grocery store, followed by a drug store a stop later.
I was saddened that they still didn’t trust me. Possibly it was just Jude who didn’t trust. I wasn’t sure, but I wouldn’t have bet the farm on it.
“Would you be happier with me living in a hotel for the three weeks until you can move out?” I asked Jude, while making hamburger patties with the three pounds of meat, most to be frozen until later.
“It’s your house.”
“But you are clearly not comfortable living here with me in it,” I tried to be reasonable and failed. She refused to leave her room less than fully clothed, extra layers too. Even Kate would sneak to the kitchen or bathroom in one of my old shirts. Their quick trip to Kate’s apartment yielded two gym bags of necessities and clothes for her weeklong stay at my place while Jude acclimated.
“Jude, do you trust me with your life in the Portals?”
“Do you honestly believe that I will rape you?”
The word RAPE floated in the air, seemingly echoing in the kitchen.
“Not really.”
“I’m not going to hit you. You don’t think I will rape you. Then what are you afraid of?”
“Nothing, I guess.”
Softening my tone, “it’s not nothing, if you are that scared.”
“Home has never been safe.”
“I’m not your mother. I hope not, at least.” My half jest didn’t do any good.
“I’m glad that you can think of my house as your home,” I caught that implication, and wondered if she did, “but please, for both of our sakes, try and relax. Katie has been hovering over you, terrified that you will break down or do something stupid.” Pointing to the hall where Kate stood half hiding, “look at her. She does do a mother hen pretty well, doesn’t she?”
A ghost of a smile flashed across Jude’s face.
“That’s a start. Why don’t you two play with my Xbox for a while. I need to do some work and will be in my office until dinner.” I finished up the patties and left them to the run of the house.
The TV was loud, but I didn’t mind. I didn’t have any work to do. I just guessed that giving them space, while I locked myself in my office, would help her in letting go of that repressed state. Hopefully, Kate could help with that as well.
Later, I heard the front door open while eating a quiet meal of burgers and fruit salad. Slamming it behind her, Nat called out, “fucking Yonnie didn’t pay the gas bill. No ovens to cook pizzas, so no work for me.” Stopping, she looked around the kitchen with a frown sensing the tension, “what did you do?”
Blame it on me...
“I think Jude is having issues settling in. I’ll be working in my office.” Taking my plate and Coke, I exited my small dining room, leaving those three alone to talk.
As a halfhearted attempt at reconciliation, Jude offered, “You don’t have to go, it’s okay.”
I left anyway. The noticeable lack of trust, after everything I had done for them, was grating my patience.
“What’s up with him?” I heard from the kitchen as I closed the door to my office.
I kicked back and played ‘Gremlins.Inc’, while reading up on the latest on computer hardware. I sometimes played this online board game, while waiting for a program to compile; it was an enjoyable, non-attention-demanding distraction.
Even before I finished my dinner, a soft knock tapped on my door.
“I’m sorry.”
“You had an emotional week. I’d just prefer that you didn’t take it out on me.”
“I can’t help it.”
“Talk to your friends. That is what they are there for.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No. But treating me as if I am about to attack you, isn’t right either.”
“Go talk to them. Honesty can’t hurt you.”
A little openness too. But that might be too much to ask for.
“Okay,” Jude gently closed the door behind her.
I was still irritated. I could have been more tolerant, so that was on me, but, they all were pissing me off.
An hour and half later, a solid knock on my door startled me.
“Come in.”
“Come with me,” Natalie ordered.
“Where are we going?”
“Your bedroom.” That was a surprise, “Jason, please come.”
“What are you up to?” I did follow the mischievous girl to my room.
She shut the door behind me, “take off your shirt.”
“Just do it. It’s for Jude. She’s hurting.”
I did.
“Oh my. That is delicious.”
I smacked the stupid girl upside the head, “Jude, remember?”
“Sorry, I got distracted. Are you wearing boxers?”
“Yes,” I wasn’t sure I liked the way this was going.
“Pants off. Where are your ties?”
“Why do you want my ties?” I hadn’t moved.
“To tie you up of course.”
“Jude-girl has a problem; her home life has always been unsafe.”
“At home, she is afraid of everything.”
“If we tie you up, you can’t hurt her.”
“Go on.” What went on that girl’s head?
“She gives you a massage while you can’t move. You can’t attack her. If she does that for a few weeks, she will get used to you and no longer be afraid.”
“Uh-huh. And what about the times I am not tied up?”
“That’s the tricky part. After a few days, we untie a leg, then another, then an arm, then the other. You get massages and she learns that you aren’t bad.”
I guess she didn’t understand what I meant.
“Have you brought this idea up to her?”
“Yup. She agreed to try it.”
“And Katie?”
Nat shrugged, “she agreed to try.” I felt the reluctance in Kate’s agreement second hand.
“Please just give it a try, Jason. Jude has to stay with you until she is eighteen. If the team gets messed up, all of us are screwed.”
And thus, the real reason.
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• Studying with best friend and the friend sees some of my pretty things in a drawer or dresses hanging in closet. This leads to us dressing together or me dressing for him and being his girlfriend.• Sam thought you looked cute before he saw your pretty things. He noticed you had pantyhose on beneath your pants, after seeing your dresses in the closet his cock was stiff and he wondered if you would dress for him. He wanted to see your clitty in panties and covered with panty hose. He really...
Seating himself in the futon, Jerry shook his head trying to clear it. The previous day his son was officially given into his custody and new support arrangements were made in light of that fact. After the hearing, he had returned home and gotten his son settled on the Futon before returning to work. After work, he had bought a new bed and mattress for his son. The evening had been spent with Henry assembling the bed frame and getting the mattress set up. That morning had started early, as...
John had been stood up. He had been meant to meet his friend David for a drink, but just as he was arriving at the bar, David called and said that he'd managed to get a date with a girl he'd been trying to screw for months. Obviously, John could hardly begrudge him that. He decided to go in for one drink anyway. With his drink in hand, he sat at a small table by the wall. He surveyed the girls at the bar. One in particular caught his eye. She was about 5'8, slender but curvy, with long blonde...
AnalWith one woman left in his wake yet not forgotten, Benni makes a determined effort to make his mom like him, at least a little more. It’s time to try to set himself up to make some real money so he examines what are his main interests and concludes there are only two – women and vehicles. He shrugs, thinking that’s not much to go on but it’s his own fault that he allowed his eager penis to get in the way of coming out of college with a useful degree. SEVEN Gladys James was hanging out the...
Both Jatin and Ravi were now sitting at the bar smoking cigars and drinking Black Label. I was all sweaty and wanted a shower. I asked Jatin where the bathroom was as I wanted to take a shower. He asked me to use the one on the first floor. I was about to wrap myself in the towel, Ravi said…”Go, naked darling. I want to see ur lovely ass sway while you walk away” So I walked away naked. I heard Ravi say, “I just want to squeeze her ass and bite those ass cheeks. She is a babe.” While walking I...
IncestCute, curly-haired Allie Addison flaunts her slender figure and perky booty in a bright blue dress. Dominant director/fucker Bryan Gozzling gives her a delicious rim job, and he rubs her clit as she squirms in delight. Allie wraps her lips around his big cock and delivers a thorough blowjob. He shoves his dick inside her tight cunt and porks her as she whimpers in orgasm. Allie climbs on top and mounts Bryan’s meat for a ride that makes her body shake. Bryan fucks her from behind, and...
xmoviesforyouIt was a beautiful Sunday morning in early October. Sandy was awoken by the sounds of her shades being opened. Slowly she opened her eyes to she her mother in her room walking toward her. Sandy was 18 years old, a senior in high school and the only c***d to a single mother. She was a very pretty girl with long brown hair and soft, fair skin. She was about 5'6" tall, weighed 122 lbs and loved to play sports which kept her body in great shape."Wake up dear. Don't waste a beautiful day like today...
Hello friends, indru sex kathaiyil en sontha thambi udan eppadi kaama uravu nadanthathu enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithu oru gudumba kaama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren, en peyar devi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. En veetil enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikaamal irunthaargal, thambi peyar arun vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Ennai vida 4 vayathu siriyavan, athanaal naan ena seiya solinaalum athai thayangaamal seiyuvaan. Naan en thambi meethu kaama aasai padamal thaan irunthen, aanal oru...
IncestDonalds Mother Chapter 1 Donnie Needs A Man by roccodadom44 [email protected] Sometimes things take on a life of their own, like they were always going to happen. I wasnt looking to fuck an older woman, I certainly wasnt loking to make her and her wimpy son my sex slaves, but thats the way it went down, for yours truely, Rocco....
Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the ‘I told you so’ lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now. Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able...
Near Christmas my 19-year old niece Clara would come and spend the holiday with us. I have had an idea for some time that maybe my work buddy John could give her a nice time and that I was gonna be able to watch them. He was a 24 year old blonde tall and handsome guy with a nice body. My niece Clara was a good looking girl with brown hair and brown eyes, a pretty face, slim body and a tight ass. I had seen her in bikini last summer and I liked what I saw then. Her breast was unfortunately very...
Sex with Jane or Kendra or Shaniqua was a now and then thing, but love with Sara went on and on, filling Laura's days, enlivening and spicing up her nights, and leavening every bit of her life with sweet anticipation. They spent their weekends together, watching old movies (Sara's, and quickly Laura's, favorite pastime), eating popcorn on the floor and fucking finally, or sometimes unable to wait until the movie was over, fucking maniacally and exhaustingly on the carpet while Fred and...
Jamie awoke sometime later, cuddled up against Noah's side, with Erin's arms around her waist. Gently, she took Erin's arms off her waist, and sat up a little. Tia was no where to be found, and she figured that the girl had other plans. Slowly getting up and out of the bed was a bit of a challenge, seeing as she tried not to wake either person on either side of her, but as soon as she did, Jamie quietly made her way over to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, Jamie checked in on Erin and...
Sunday Matt began reviewing his hardest subjects--calculus and physics. He felt fortunate to have studied calculus in high school since it made physics easier to follow. “Physics is applied calculus. If you don’t understand calculus, you’re facing an uphill battle to understand the math involved in physics,” he ruminated. Even though he was studying and not writing, Carla curled up in her muse position between loads of laundry. When Matt needed a break, he went to the computer store and...
I was lucky to have a sister just a few years younger as we grew up' Luck, why?Because she had her friends come over to play or to a party or sometimes for sleep overs. I loved those times. In my teens they would be usually a couple of years younger than me. I was horny all the time. But what surprised me at first was that these young teens were always up for playing around with me. Practically every one of them was hot, and would flirt with me from the moment I came across them.We used to play...
The bartender came over and placed my drink on the bar in front of me. “Charge it to your room Sir?” “Yes please, Room 3205.” I replied. I took a sip of my Manhattan and glanced at my watch. 2:15 pm, probably a little early to be drinking a Manhattan but I had just walked away from a blackjack table with a couple grand and felt like celebrating. I was sitting at the Taughannick Falls Bar at Mohegan Sun on the second day of a three night stay. The Falls bar is one of my favorite places to sit...
In late March and early April in Texas, the bluebonnets and other wildflowers come in bloom across the state. The highway department has seeded the roadsides and the blooming flowers attract people just like the changing leaves of New England. It seems that every house has at least one picture of a family member taken in a field of bluebonnets. Tracey caught the bluebonnet bug one day and asked me to go with her to take some pictures. She was wearing a denim mini-skirt and a white shirt with...
The Protoss ran with such speed that the trees and foliage were nothing but green flashes around her. Imnok weaved through the dense forest with the fabled grace of her people while still maintaining a pace that outran any who dared chase her. She ducked under low branches and hopped over gnarled roots that sprung up without stalling. Pausing in her chase, she sprung up 3 meters and landed smoothly on an overhanging branch. With a short turn of the head she scanned her surroundings in seconds,...
The next day was Tuesday, December 21st, 2004; I slept in until after nine. I was in bed alone when I woke up. I gingerly climbed out of bed and tested my leg. It held my weight with only the pulling sensation from the stitches. I brushed my teeth, threw on some shorts and headed toward the wonderful aroma of breakfast coming from the kitchen. When I got there Jane saw me and smiled. “Good morning Sleepyhead. I was just about to come get you. Breakfast is ready.” I went over to where she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! A super story coming from your favourite writer Incester read and conveys your thoughts. Rooth was a beautiful African-American woman in her mid-forties with two beautiful boy and girl: a 19-year-old son Lijin and a 21-year-old daughter Isabel. She was recently divorced from her husband George whom she had been married to since she was eighteen who left her without an explanation why. She was left alone... and extremely horny. She honestly felt like...
IncestFELIX becomes FELICITY Chapter 6 ..I put the gingham dress on that fit well and completed the ensemble with the shoes and cardigan. I looked like a fully grown woman in a school girl outfit. My breasts seemed to project and fill the dress with the buttons on the front tight. The fabric belt pinched in my already slim waste and the skirt part of the dress flared slightly emphasizing my hips and bottom. The cardigan was short and tight fitting. Umm I thought I look pretty hot, I giggled and...
CrossdressingI went into my room and started to look for the clothes he got me. “ where are my clothes?” “On top of the shelf in the closet” I went on the closet and took down some clothes along with a small box on top of it. “Wow!” Inside the box was a 24” white gold chain with a big diamond cross pendant. “You like it?” he called from his room. “I love it” The clothes he got me were ok. There was a white tube top that said baby girl on the front in blue and a very short but lose white skirt. There was...
EroticBelinda and 'Aunt'Pippa pulled up at the house that Peter had directed them to. Belinda started in awe at the house it was huge and beautiful and isolated. Peter came out the front door followed by a man dressed in a suit. They shook hands and the man fot it a Ferrari and drove off. Belinda got out of the car staring in wonder at the house, whilst Pippa greeted Peter with a long and lingering kiss. Belinda felt anger and jealousy flash through her at the site and how Peter but his arm around...
I looked in the rearview mirror. Yes, there he was, coming up to pass me again. We had been playing this little game of leapfrog for some miles now, and it had somehow taken on a life of its own. It had started innocently enough, I noticed him slowing a bit after we made eye contact on the second pass, and the game had begun. It was now the sixth time we had passed each other, and our gestures had gone from eye contact to casual flirtation. He blew me a kiss as he overtook me in the left lane,...
“You know I love you so very much, Annie. You know you’re in control and you know you can stop at any point, right?” Jim smiled and hugged me as I trembled in his arms. Anxiety? Nervousness? Excitement? Probably a bit of all three – and more!I was nervous, but what was about to happen was something we had both shared in fantasy while making love – seducing, or being seduced, by a masseuse. Our individual responses each time were seismic, shaking orgasms.We’d feed the fire of our fantasy every...
ThreesomesThree weeks later SUZANNE LET SUNSHINE SNUGGLE BEFORE she pulled back to admire her smooth chocolate curves. Sunshine parted her lips, smiling, and Suzanne kissed her. “Mmm. Nice, Suzanne.” The kiss grew more intense. Sunshine responded for a moment before she broke the kiss. Her own smile was back. “I told you, Suzanne.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. About coming.” Suzanne laughed. Sunshine was right. Her orgasm faces were as arousing as her stiff nipples, her supple thighs, and the fragrant curly...
“Oh, fuck, oh, my head!” I rubbed my temples as I got up from the floor, realizing abruptly that I wasn’t alone. I looked down at my companions, two women, one of them my own mother. We were all nude, and their naked bodies were truly delectable to view. I was shocked at just how beautiful the second and third women that I had ever fucked were, in fact. I had experienced my first threesome ever last night, and it was a very drunken one where I blacked out in the middle of sexual congress...
Since David explained himself, I'll take my turn. My name is Wendolyn Wanzor Austin-Porter. I'm thirty-two, a tad over five feet tall ... regardless what my drivers license says. I'm ... very ... BIG ... on top. My family ancestry is physically traceable (Hieroglyphics in the tombs.) to The Wanzor, Seer of Egypt, Sage, and foreteller of Fortune. NOT Fortune Teller. My ancestors have never been caught out wrong. At least once a generation we accumulate great wealth. We possess a Time Piece...
My boyfriend Robby just got a new job at a law firm. I thought it was a weird choice for him, considering the fact that he is covered in tattoos and his overall style is that of a rock star. However, he makes a pretty decent living, even in the entry level, so I figured it would be an all right career for him. I, on the other hand, am a part time waitress, so I happen to be home a lot more. I spend a lot of time waiting for Robby to come home so I can spoil him. I’m kind of like a 50s wife in...
I couldn't take it anymore. I set it up so I could have him with no strings attached and he wouldn't know who I was. He wouldn't see me as a friend but a woman. I got his friends to trick him into playing a game. He was to come to the hotel, let them blindfold him and I would take care of the rest. I watched them bring him in and put the blindfold on and handcuff him to the chair. At first I was nervous but the fact that he couldn't see made me more confident. I dressed with care in a black...
EroticIn the parking lot, LaToya had finally succeeded in rounding up all the boys under twelve years old. But she couldn’t leave the lot, because standing in front of the van, hands on hips was Becky Finklestein. Becky still in her sweatsuit and pigtails, but now her glasses were held together with a wad of tape around the bridge. She couldn’t look nerdier if she tried. “I want ice cweam!” She shouted. LaToya had no patience for bad behavior. Normally this is why I liked her, but now I was...
Muffin and Timothy were a pair of ponies. Muffin was white with brown patches and Timothy was brown with white patches. The two ponies were working with a pair of dogs--a poodle named Britches and a boxer named Buttons. They had a comedy act and then they'd mingle with the audience with a pair of human handlers, Jane and Larry. The act and audience interaction took 20 minutes, the cast would rest for 10 while the audience changed out, and the next show would begin. From 9 AM to 5 PM the team...
By Janexxx The weekend of Randy’s birthday had gone just fine. We spent the time getting to know each other better sexually. I had spent the time alone with him naked just like he wanted me too. Randy would watch me as I cleaned the house and fixed meals nude. I would bend over so he could see my bare cunt from behind. He enjoyed seeing my naked ass and tits as I wiggled and jiggled them for him. In return, Randy would have his cock out playing with himself as he watched my naked body...
Tiny Izzy was sitting on my chest giggling at me while Nitika was leaning over my head trying to pry my eyes open. The two darlings were jabbering away with each other, probably trying to decide what to do with me. Cassie and Nancy were watching the two to make sure they weren't going to be too rough. I reached around both little girls and brought them to me so I could smooch them with kisses to make them giggle even more. I realized it was important for me to get up when Nitika very...
On a beautiful and sunny Saturday afternoon in June, Kayla and I were standing in anticipation, turned facing the rear of the church, waiting to catch our first glimpse. All the other participants were in their places, with the big man standing nervously in front. As the organ music swelled and segued into a traditional wedding processional, the bridal party started pacing majestically down the white runner that covered the carpeting of the center aisle. After three bridesmaids and the...
The flash from the digital camera caused Julia to raise her face from Gwen's thick black pelt. On knees and elbows she looked over to see her husband standing in the bedroom doorway. Melissa, her other playmate, who was laying on her back between the red-haired hostess's thighs also stopped her pussy licking to see who the intruder was. Sid looked from one to the other and his cock throbbed its way to full and somewhat uncomfortable tumescence. There was no screaming or rushing to cover...
Codey Steele drops in to see neighborhood spa owner Alix Lynx to sign her up for the local barter network. He explains the benefits of trading products but isn’t sure her business is a good fit because she offers spa services like massage. Alix offers to give him a specialty NURU massage to prove its value. She leads him to the bathroom and takes off both their clothes. Staring at her bare pussy and huge tits, Codey needs some reassurance that Alix isn’t trying to garner favors. She...
xmoviesforyouI was walking towards Nina’s office and I saw Bernice coming. Her skirt was shorter than usual, and her blouse was tight-fitting. Her beautiful legs caught my attention as she was swaying lightly.“Good morning Bernice, you look lovely.”She leaned in to hug and kiss me on the cheek. I detected the faint odor of Nina’s perfume.“I am doing well and was coming from Nina’s office to drop off some papers. It is no secret that I just love eating her pussy first thing in the morning. It helps to keep...
LesbianSmalltits was correct that I could expect more visits. Barely 40 minutes after she'd disappeared, the second 'ghost' of the night was entering my tent. I'd had a long day and was drowsy, almost asleep, when hands parted the flaps of my tent. By feel, I knew immediately that the Ghost of Christmas Present was Bigtits. She had a bit more 'junk in her trunk' than I'd found attractive in daylight but in the darkness of the tent she had all the sweetness of a nice, plump peach. Sinking my fingers...
This happen around one month back. I was with my friend & we go 2 meet one of his friend actually married aunty He call her frm my cell….then she came…& we meet for 10 min THEN leave After 2 days I got call from her inquring about my friend i say he is nt with me after formal talk,she talk 4 10 min ,she will like 2 do friendship with me I got ageed…then we started frequent calling .one day she told she is very tense & want to meet me.i agreed go 2 her ….. I drive my car 2 her & we meet..she got...
IncestBright and early next morning Jacqui set off for her first day at the new job; her first job. She wondered how it would go, and whether she would like the people in the company. Lacking a family life, she had never really had any friends, nor had she ever had to fend for herself. Thus she was very nervous about the company, and her new boss. The letter said she was to report to Miss Alison Drew and Jacqui thought, with mild relief, that meant she would be working for a woman. The Call Centre...
“Tu veux sortir ce soir?” « D’accord! » « We’ll meet some of my friends and have a real party tonight. We’ll show you how it’s really done!” Toulouse in July. We were staying at my great-grandmother’s house. It was one of those grand old houses that had fallen into disrepair, walls peeling and concrete steps crumbling. It still had the old-fashioned wrought iron gates around it and the grapevine hanging over the porch. The postman had to ring the doorbell from the street in order to bring in...
EroticWho’s here? I thought to myself as the door bell rang. I answered the door seeing my sexy neighbor, Amanda, standing there holding a few pictures. ‘Can I come in David?’ she asked, a sly smile forming on her pretty face. ‘Sure. What’s up?’ ‘I think you may wanna see what I have here.’ looking down at the photos in her hand. Amanda walked in and made her way over to the couch. I closed the front door and joined her where she sat. I began to feel nervous about the pictures she was about to show...
Part 7 As I opened Tooby's legs wide, she didn't resist at all now! In fact she bent her knees and raised them. I took my cock with both hands and reinserted it slowly in her pussy. This time it went is much easier! I pushed it all the way in and held it there so she could get use to it. She sighed again and said: "OH Mr. XX this feels so good Sooby! You were so right! His cock is wonderful! God I fell so good! Fuck me Mr. XX! crazy fuck up into me! I heard Sooby saying: "That's it sis fuck him...
InterracialNot long after watching his sister masturbate, Trent’s parents got home. The rest of the day and evening went uneventful. He replays the scene of his sister over and over in his head. It was like this with him every time he had a chance to watch her. And then each time he begins to wonder if he had a girlfriend or Christy, would he still want to catch Thea in those private moments? Would he even think of his sister in a sexual way? These are thoughts he carries with him until he falls...
The evening at the dinner table was the same as countless others during the years following my father's passing. Mother had prepared the meal, we ate together, and then I took care of the clean-up and dish washing afterwards. We both worked outside the house during the day, and this living arrangement worked well for both of us. Conversation was usually not too deep or involved over dinner; we were not in the habit of sharing our problems, fears, or serious concerns. Tonight, however,...
THIS HAPPENED IN 1998I started using the local library for some books as I was trying to learn German, I spent some long days in there glued to the books. This particular Friday I was still studying when the librarian came over and said she had to shut up, I looked at my watched and saw it was 8pm. As I got my stuff together she led me outside.As she locked up I said “Do you fancy a drink?” as there was a pub just across the road, she said “Why not” I put my books in the car and led her over. I...
Call me Rex and this happened to me just three weeks ago. My next door neighbors are like family. Their names are Andy and Layla, they are a little bit older than me. Well I feel that sex with them ain’t been happening for awhile now. Andy works Monday through Friday and he leaves at 5:00a.m. and don’t return until 5:30p.m. Layla stays home all day doing house work and has company around lunch time everyday. I have often thought about giving her the pleasure she has been missing the last few...
My wife Lola and I were having a night out at a nice restaurant for our anniversary. The conversation came around to how our lives had lost some of its spontaneity and what we could do about it. She was looking very hot in a tight dress that showcased her beautiful tits and shapely ass. I brought out a box and gave it to her. When she opened it, there was a string of perfectly matched pearls. She looked stunned, and I helped her put them on and we kissed. The conversation then continued as to...
Following on from my previous entry my sister and I continued to play together but she just wouldn’t let me fuck her. I would lick her and suck her clit at every opportunity and end up with 3 sometimes four figures driving into her sopping wet cunt but she just wouldn’t let me bury my cock in her.Don’t get me wrong her cock sucking was excellent and she would swallow my cum every time but there was just a little something missing!She then came up with an idea – if I wanted to bury my rock hard...
By Dina PetroTamara is a middle aged woman of mid-thirties, who happened to be a very good looking woman with a nice, sexy, curvy body that would attract men’s eye sight and turn heads in the streets; she had lived a very classic, conservative life, where she had to cover her beauty and her attractive assets, all the time.Tamara was married to an older, rich business man, who was so kind and so sweet, but the only and major problem she faced with him, was being a very cold man in bed, he wasn’t...