IngridChapter 8 free porn video

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Monday evening, Steve and Ingrid strolled across the parking lot of Maurice's, their arms around each other. Their idyllic weekend was coming to an end and they would be returning to their regular lives tomorrow.

They had avoided talking about what came next as neither had a fixed idea of where their relationship would turn. They had been so absorbed in enjoying their three days and nights together on the 'Matron', they had conveniently deferred any thought of their future.

They knew now they were destined to be together, and Ingrid was convinced that Steve had fallen in love with her. He had bridged that gap on Saturday morning when he told he was falling in love with her, but he hadn't mentioned the subject again for the rest of the trip.

"Tired?" he asked her quietly as they approached his car.

"A bit. We didn't exactly have a regular sleep pattern, did we?"

"When do you want to talk about us, where we go from here?" he asked.

"How about in bed tonight?"

"OK, but I don't think we'll be coming to any big decisions there, do you?" he replied with arched eyebrows.

She turned and looked into his eyes with a sober expression. "I should be taking this more seriously, shouldn't I?"

"It's up to you. This is about what's right for you too, Ingrid," he said quietly. "You've had your heartaches. You've already told me you didn't want to rush into a new relationship."

"I know," she said as her eyes searched his. "Do you love me, Steve?" she asked simply.

"Without a shadow of a doubt," he smiled. "No doubts ... no ifs ... no ands ... no buts. You've given me what I knew I had to have. This is the real thing for me, Ingrid ... and I'll wait until it's the real thing for you too."

Ingrid's face melted and the tears began to flow. She pulled Steve to her and kissed him with all the energy she could summon. She stepped back after a moment and smiled a wrinkled smile.

"Let's go home and plan our future," she said at last.

"Yes, but ... whose home?" he smiled gently.

"Ladies choice. My place," she said happily though her tears. "But I guess this puts the pressure on me to get your ... I mean ... our... new home ready, doesn't it?"

"Come on, let's go home," he said, opening the passenger door and guiding her in.

When he awoke on Tuesday morning, it took him a few seconds to remember where he was. Ingrid's bedroom, but he was alone in the bed. He wondered where she was. He hadn't been here before and the surroundings were strange. The clock radio on her night table said it was just after seven thirty.

There was no ensuite in the master bedroom of the older home. He slid out of bed and padded toward the hallway. He stopped and went back for his shorts but couldn't find them. He wandered up the hallway. No one was in the bathroom and the kitchen was empty as well. He walked into the living room and peeked out through the curtains. His car was gone!

"Damn it!" he thought, "Someone has stolen my car!" But that didn't make sense. He walked back to the bedroom and checked his pockets for his keys. Nothing! My cash and wallet and other pocket stuff were all on the table where I had left them, but my keys were gone.

"Ingrid!" he realized. "She must have taken the car. Of course, she couldn't get her car out, so she took mine. But where?" he wondered.

He pulled on yesterday's shirt and pants and slipped his bare feet into his boat shoes. It was another beautiful West Coast day and likely to be warm as well. The only thing he would need to move from his apartment would be his laptop and some clothes. Well, maybe some cooking utensils as well.

He walked into Ingrid's kitchen to familiarize himself with the layout. A bit older than his, but all the essentials were there. He poked around in the cupboards and found few pots and pans. He'd need some of his to supplement this motley collection. He found the coffee maker and the coffee, and put the machine to work.

He returned to the living room and pulled the curtains open a couple of feet. He wondered when Ingrid would return. In the meantime, he became aware of his somewhat ripe body and recognized he needed a shower. They'd been too tired to clean up last night.

He undressed in the bedroom and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He found plenty of bath towels in the closet and for soap and shampoo, he would use Ingrid's. He stood in the shower for several minutes, relaxing and cleaning his skin of the last of the salt and sweat from their weekend voyage.

After drying himself, he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back to the bedroom. He headed for the closet and jumped back when he came face to face with Ingrid, standing in the closet with a big grin on her face.

"Good morning," she smiled brightly. She leaned forward and kissed him.

"Oh, Hi," he sputtered. "Where did you go?"

"Over to your place to get some clothes and your computer," she said with a self-satisfied grin.

"Well, aren't you the clever one."

"I like to think so," she said haughtily, her nose in the air.

"Well, since you are the hostess, what's for breakfast?" he asked brightly.

"I don't know about you, but I'll be having my normal, workday breakfast. Juice, yogurt, fresh fruit, muffin and coffee."

"That's not my regular, but it sounds sensible. Mind if I mooch your supplies?" he asked.

"I think that's how it's supposed to work, Steve," she said laughing.

He poured coffee for both of them and sat at the kitchen table.

"So this is domestic life, is it?" he sighed, smiling.

"Yep, this is it. You bored already?"

"Not yet."

They sat at the table and ate their morning meal. It was sunny and warm and Steve briefly thought about sitting outside on Ingrid's small deck. He decided the view indoors was better and savored his first cup of coffee.

Steve suddenly looked up and snapped his fingers.

"I've forgotten something," he announced. He rose quickly, walking to the front door and out to his car. He rummaged around in the back for a moment and then stood up, closed the hatch and returned to the house. He was holding a box and a medium size manila envelope. He sat back down at the kitchen table and began to open the envelope.

"This is the design program I told you about, Ingrid. I have some notes from the designers. They said we just need to load it onto your computer, and then follow the instructions."

"Wonderful ... oh I can't wait to see it," she chirped.

She picked up the disc containers and quickly walked into the living room to her PC and loaded the first disc into the tray. There were two discs and it took a few minutes to load and dump the contents into the hard drive. Happily it wasn't a huge pile of data. Ingrid's machine was limited for hard drive capacity. When she had finished loading and installing the program, she hit the 'Open' icon and watched the new program boot up.

There were a number of screens declaring the license and beta development data after which the main program appeared on screen. Steve passed the instructions to Ingrid, pulled up a nearby chair and sat down to watch Ingrid work through the tutorial, options and base development screens. The only sounds were the clicks of the mouse, the clack of the keystrokes and Ingrid's occasional 'ohhhh' or 'ahhhh' as she worked he way through the screens.

After a few minutes, Steve asked her if she wanted a coffee refill and she shook her head wordlessly. He walked into the kitchen with a satisfied smile on his face. She was totally absorbed in the screens, and he hoped that it might be the answer to her business needs. If not, there would be another coming along in a couple of weeks, and maybe that would be the solution.

He sat at the kitchen table again, watching her face from a distance. She was completely absorbed in the computer screen and he could see her eyebrows rise as she discovered something new or special. Her smile was evidence that he may have found a winner, and he was delighted for her.

He turned his attention to the carton and quietly opened it and unpacked the contents. On the spur of the moment, he had wandered into the duty-free electronics store at San Francisco airport before his flight home. He strolled about for a few minutes, perusing the various items until he came to the digital camera display. He remembered Ingrid's little 35 mm flash camera and an idea popped into his head.

A clerk approached him and Steve described what he was looking for in general terms. The sales assistant showed him three or four cameras and Steve settled on one and purchased it. It was a simple to use, all weather, waterproof, dustproof, two megapixel Kodak that would be perfect for both her job and their time together on the boat.

While Ingrid was absorbed in her new toy, Steve assembled his gift and inserted the batteries. He booted it up, corrected the settings to the day's time and date, reviewed the program options, and quietly went to the back of the house to test the camera without Ingrid seeing him. With a few quick shots inside, he again slipped by the living room and sneaked out the back door to try the outdoor shots. As best he could tell from the little view screen, the camera was working just fine. He turned it off and returned to the kitchen.

Ingrid had been at the computer screen for over an hour when Steve heard her exhale and push back from the computer screen.

"It's fantastic!" she hollered, hoping Steve would hear her. "It's everything I could have hoped for. Easy to use, quick to change, and capable of handling odd sizes and shapes. It even has a decorator's program where I can add paintings or drapes or lamps or all kinds of accessories including furniture."

Steve walked into the room and stood by Ingrid's side, his hand on her shoulder.

"Glad to hear it," he said smiling. "Don't forget, you have some feedback to send DataScope in San Jose. I think their reply form is on the second disk."

"It's fabulous. I can't wait to use it on a real job," she enthused.

"Great. By the way, in all the excitement Friday morning, I forgot to give you a gift I got for you on my trip."

"Oh Steve, you didn't need to do that. Our weekend and this program is all I could ever want."

"Well, call it a spur-of-the-moment decision," he said.

He walked back into the kitchen and picked up the camera and brought it back to her.

"For you, love." He smiled and he bent to kiss her cheek and hand her the camera.

"Oh, god, you shouldn't have." She was on the verge of tears.

"Oh yes I should have," he said firmly. "First of all, it's another aid for your business and secondly it perfect for use on the boat. Call it an early Christmas present," he grinned.

"Christmas is seven months away," she laughed. "You are spoiling me ... and I love it," she added, standing to throw her arms around him and kiss him soundly.

He spent a few minutes showing her how the camera worked and the options that were built into the programs inside. They loaded the software onto her computer and downloaded the test pictures he had taken. They were clear, color-correct, and perfect for her program. She hugged him again, her ever present smile lighting up the room.

"You deserve a reward for all this," she grinned.

"It's not necessary, but then again ... what do you have in mind?"

Ingrid adopted a sly grin and reached up with her hand to gently pinch his earlobe.

"You realize the true advantage of both of us working from home, don't you?"

"Probably, but tell me anyway," he smiled, turning to kiss her wrist.

"We can take a 'sport break' any time we want," she said brightly.

"And what exactly is a 'sport break', young lady?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

"A combination of mental rehabilitation and physical exercise," she replied, her face only an inch or two from his. "Very therapeutic, I understand," she continued, grinning. "Are you up for it?"

"I will be soon. I suggest we retire to the gymnasium for this activity," he responded slyly.

Ingrid took his hand and led him down the hallway to her bedroom. She pushed him onto the still unmade bed and began to undo his belt and lower his zipper. Steve reached up and slid his hands under her tank top, removing it in a single upward motion. In less than a minute they were naked and rolling on the bed, their hands exploring every inch of the other's body.

Steve pushed Ingrid up the bed as he moved between her thighs with his mouth moving directly to her rapidly engorged nether lips. She was already moist, and as he attacked her with his tongue she quickly became very wet, her hips responding to his aggressive actions. Ingrid's hands slapped down on his shoulders and then moved to his hair, grabbing handfuls as she held on while Steve's tongue brought her quickly to orgasm.

It was a wild and uninhibited sexual adventure. In their brief time together, there had been moments, but this was a reckless, no-holds-barred raw sex-fest. They were fucking, pure and simple. Every possible position they could imagine was tried and abandoned as they looked for that instant of gratification. While Ingrid was the initiator, Steve became the leader, looking for new ways to satisfy his beautiful lover.

Ingrid's orgasms were explosive and irregular. She came twice while Steve ravished her orally. She came before and during Steve's first orgasm as he took her from behind. She sucked him aggressively, revitalizing his flagging cock, then rode him, first forward, then reverse "cowgirl" to bring herself to yet another orgasm.

Then it was sixty-nine as Ingrid brought Steve to the brink, then backing down as she demanded he finish her with a "power fuck." He obliged her, pushing her thighs up onto his shoulders, folding her back and driving the last few long strokes into her from above as they both came within seconds of each other.

They lay beside each other, not touching, but each looking at the other, gasping for breath.

After what seemed several minutes, Steve spoke.


"Yes love."

"I think we need to change the sheets."

Ingrid burst into laughter, alternately gasping for breath and holding her stomach.

"I think we'd better get some extra bedding if we're going to behave like this," she laughed.

"That was wild! Now I know for sure that 'goody two-shoes' story of yours is B.S."

"I'm just using stored up energy," he replied lamely.

"Oh sure! Every young innocent knows all those bedroom tricks, don't they," she snorted.

"It's true! Until we made love on Friday, I hadn't had sex for almost three years," he said seriously.

"You can't hide this forever, you know," she lectured him. "Sooner or later you're going to have to tell me how you know all this dynamite sex technique stuff."

"I told you, I learned it all by reading," he said, gamely trying to sound sincere.

"You don't seriously expect me to believe that, do you?" she shot back.

Same as Ingrid
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Standing on the platform eagerly waiting for the train to come was Adithya. He kept looking at his watch and found it reading 3 minutes to 6 p.m. He was getting impatient as the train carrying his mother was destined to reach at 6. Adithya looked forward to meet his mother who was joining him as his wife Rashmi had gone to her mother’s house for the first time after marriage. He stood with abated breath waiting for the train to come and when he heard the shrill whistle of the train he was...

2 years ago
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Feel part one

A few words to the reader: I wrote this a long time ago, so it's not my style of writing. I based some of the character on people from my life and actual experiences. I dont have spellcheck on my computer so shut up about grammer and the like. I might write more, but it depends on the comments BELOW. I am still working on my Life of RandJr, but my work was erased, so....yeah. Enjoy this in the mean time Chapter 1: The Gift "With great power comes great responcibility," a...

1 year ago
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Tribal Son Fucks Own Mom

Part I. Tribal son sex with own mother in police lock up I am an automobile engineer, working in Mumbai. I am very much interested in son mother incest stories as, I have also sexual relation with my mother since my teen age. I am sharing a great incest love story of a mom and son which ended with marriage between son and mom, having five children and living in Mumbai. This is not my own story, real life of one of my best friends in Mumbai (Mr.Ranpal). He is from a tribal village of Gujarat....

4 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 22 Condemnation

Singer’s back was resting against Flan’s. Their rifles were raised, but both knew their weapons were useless against the mist. “Disappear!” Flan silently ordered. “Like Jerome did!” Singer closed his eyes briefly, his mind slipping into that nothingness he had felt from Jerome. ‘I’m not here.’ he repeated in his mind. He opened his eyes again. The mist was still there, but it wasn’t acting with the certainty it had been acting with a moment before. It was still waving in the air, searching...

1 year ago
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Georgia Part 16

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 16 I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I sat upright and smiled as I remembered my early appointment. As I showered I realised that my next shower wouldn’t be for at least 2 days, maybe more. I soaped myself all over again. I hadn’t been bothering with deodorant or perfume up until then but I found the bottles and...

3 years ago
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Growing UpChapter 10

I gave her the account of our afternoon and the reason Jenna might want to talk. I didn't mention the two- day party, and the other boys, not to lessen the deed but to protect Jenna's reputation. I saw tears in her eyes when I finished telling about the afternoon, not having the nerve to look at her as I spoke. I expected her to comment but she said nothing. She was looking at me through teary eyes when she finally spoke. "I love you," she said, and kissed me. The kiss was not a...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Six

Weeks later, when the date of her appointment at the fertility clinic was looming closer, Brittany knew she would have to discuss it with Dave. She thought long and hard about how to go about it; agonizing over the guilt of not telling him straight away, she finally settled on a plan. She still felt guilty about the way she had manipulated Dave into not coming on this trip to the doctor's, but she also knew that it would be a lot less stressful having Lisa with her. Lisa was fine in the city;...

2 years ago
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Diwali Ke Din Dost Ki Bhabi Ke Sath Chudai Ki

Hai Indian sex stories readers, Im a very old reader of ISS stories and this is my first confession in ISS , its my real incident, my name amer im from hyderabad age 23,I am fair & fit,my height 5’10, I am a graduate person, if any aunties, divorced ladies, college girls ,unsatisfied women want to enjoy sex life with me then you can mail me on . Ab mai aploag ko zeada bore na karte hue apne real incident per aata hu Jaise k mai abhi abhi apni engineering complete kiya thaa may k mahine me uske...

2 years ago
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Karen Goes Out

I was so nervous I was almost sick. For years I'd dreamed of going to a bar that catered to the LGBT community but I'd always come up with an excuse not to, no matter how flimsy it might be. Yes, I'd gone out in public several times, shopping mainly, but also banking, getting gas, and even meeting with other girls like myself. So far, the only sex I'd indulged in while dressed had been primarily with my hand or a dildo and not with any other human being. To make matters worse, I'd only been...

2 years ago
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On Top Of A Mountain Ch 3

“Will you marry me,” queried Gary. He sat beside her on the lounge, with his head turned towards her and his hand holding hers. Marion looked at him in amazement. She hadn’t expected this so soon. They had only be seeing each other for six months since they were at the ski resort. Although she already knew what her answer would be, she made him wait for a few moments. She looked at him with love in her eyes and nodded. “Of course I will, Darling, nothing could make me happier,” she eventually...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Neighbor aunty

This happen a couple of years back when I was still living at home. I have changed our name to protect our identity. The house next door had recently sold, and to be honest with you, I was sorry to see the old neighbor leave. A divorced mother of three, (all grown and out of the house) 48 years old; she had a tendency to leave the shades and curtains open. Now I’m not a “peeping Tom,” but anytime a woman walks around the house in various states of undress, it draws my attention. Mariam was just...

2 years ago
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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 14

The British refer to the Pioneer as the single Pin, the twin Pioneer is the Twin Pin. Bill and E'veen never did succeed in getting a Twin. There was no longer any need. The single Pin is not your Ford Van, the seats are bolted nicely to the floor and it's American or British Grade Eights ... none of the new Chinese made junk that are mostly fives or less ... The bolts they are installed with unbolt, but it's not a lever pull and a push and tilt to get the seats out. Then too, it's not...

1 year ago
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IntemperanceChapter 15B Crossing The Line

Jake, Matt, and Bill all received multiple phone calls over the next two days. They received them from Doolittle, from Crow, from Shaver, even from William Casting, CEO of National Records — the big guy himself. These phone calls were all in the same vein — demands to submit recordable music by the deadline, threats of what would happen if they didn't, promises that National would not cave on this issue no matter what, that they would sacrifice the millions they stood to make even if they...

1 year ago
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50 Pounds Bet

Introduction: I bet with my wife, she cant striping nude in bar. That was a lovely meal, Suzy said to me, looking up from her beer. Did you notice that waiter? He kept trying to look down your dress every time he got near the table. We were sitting in the beer garden outside a pub not far from the restaurant. We had spent the night with friends after missing the last train following a dinner party at their house and decided to have an early lunch before getting the train home. I cant say I...

2 years ago
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Overboard TooChapter 12

Rob's turn: At least my eyes were working again! The first doc who examined me said he was sure it had been merely a temporary thing – he called it "hysterical blindness", and said it was a result of the blow to my head. But he still wanted me to be sent down for an MRI, to rule out any permanent damage. So they wheeled me down the corridor and around a couple of corners, and left me outside a door with a sign that said "MRI testing in progress – no entry." I could read it! I hoped they...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Tiffany Watson Second Appearance

Tiffany and her cuckold have decided to meet a new Bull at a Naughty Motel. This place is a perfect balance of vintage sleaze and cum filled carpets. Cucky is amazed at his Mistress when she exits the bathroom looking so very sexy in her slutty meeting outfit. Cucky drops to his knees to worship her feet and works his way up until a little face slap puts him back in his place. A knock at the door and cucky crawls over to answer and thank the Bull Will for fucking his Mistress. Will of course...

2 years ago
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when i became sexually actave my first time

i back when i was a little inosent girl , i was around 9 i guess when i began to become boy crazy noticing who i felt , my gfs back then showed me pics of naked boys, and commented on there butts and there privates , at that age , i didnt have breast and my pussy was hairless, my gf suzi and linda they were in there teens 12 and 13 , they showed me things like how to kiss and french kiss with met lips taught me alot about boys and there body , they already at there age were...

2 years ago
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The Final Frontier

The Final Frontier Part 1 I sat on the worn, wooden, park bench staring up into the sky. A gentle breeze brought scents from fresh-cut grass and roses from the field and garden nearby. "It's you, isn't it? You're Sam Shepherd." Shaken from my thoughts, I nodded the affirmative at the little boy whose mother stood protectively nearby. "You're flying up there tomorrow?" The boy pointed towards the sun. "Yes. Maybe one day you'll be an astronaut as well?" "Not me. I'm going...

3 years ago
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Frankies Story Ch 03

(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.) * Between both the girls and the doctor I was getting updates all through the day. The visit to the doctor resulted in an insane amount of...

2 years ago
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Soul Searching

Say what you like about Hell, the place is certainly toasty. Sure, it gets lonely with just Mum, Dad and me rattling around the caves, but it beats the surface. I find the world so cold. Bitter. Hateful. Guess Dad would be pretty crap at his job if it was anything else, but right now, stuck on the living room sofa amid one of our father-son 'chats', even the surface seems appealing.Dad has the remote in his hand, eagerly flicking through the channels. "This one?"I roll my eyes to the screen...

1 year ago
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Matrix Residual SelfImage

Matrix: Residual Self-Image By Lynn Lefey I walk from the stage, alive with the sound of eighty thousand cheering fans. I glisten with sweat from the exertion of the performance. I've done my two encores; I'm done for the evening. The backstage area is alive with life. Roadies, reporters, groupies, performers... and the last thing I expected to see. I gravitate to the man, painfully professional in his black suit. He has the short, immaculate haircut and dark glasses marking him...

1 year ago
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A black Jamaican stranger for Ana

A black Jamaican stranger for AnaAna and I had decided to spend a full week sunning ourselves at the sandy beaches of Jamaica.We arrived at our hotel there in the evening. The warm weather and the rhythm of the waves crashing on the beach made were really marvelous…We quickly unpacked our stuff and headed to dinner. My sweet wife dressed rather conservatively this first night, wearing just long loose pants and a tank top. After dinner Anita and I went to the beach, to a party around a bonfire....

3 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 20

After checking that all was in order, he blinked to Wing City to see Jim. The two men hugged, and Nala gave Trae a big kiss. Trae explained to Jim why he wanted him to move to his valley for a short time. Jim and Nala were both distressed to hear what had happened to the twins. They were then shocked by his other revelation. Jim looked at Trae thoughtfully. “This may surprise you, but I sold your mother and father their joining rings. I have often wondered why you looked so familiar to me...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Gina Valentina Kenzie Reeves Cadey Mercury Helping My Roommate

Kenzie Reeves is eating her breakfast before a long day at school. Her roommate, Cadey Mercury, asks her what’s she’s up to later; Kenzie tells her she’s going to be studying for a big test with Gina Valentina. Cadey tries to ask her out on a date, but Kenzie appears to barely be listening. She seems distracted as she reminds her that she has that test and can’t go out to dinner. Slightly embarrassed, Cadey gets up and leaves the room. What Cadey doesn’t notice is...

3 years ago
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How i LMV Pt 10

The vid started with a close up of a hard penis. Frank had a 60” TV. The image filled the room!This guy was very thick, had a big tip and large, purple veins bulging out. A hand entered the screen and grabbed it tightly, showing how impressively thick it was. A girl’s mouth entered the picture and started slowly nibbling its way down the shaft. Two thirds of the way down her mouth reached her hand.i was totally amazed how big it looked on the screen. It was as if it filled the entire room. The...

2 years ago
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You Break It You Bought It

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I’m going to sue your ass for every penny you’ve got!” It’s strange how certain situations will make you recall things that you hadn’t thought of in decades. As far back as he could remember, Adam used to sit at a desk in the backroom of his dad’s store when doing his homework. Both his mom and dad worked there, so the school bus would drop him off at the store instead of their house. After he was done they’d sometimes let him help out, but not...

2 years ago
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Bradys Mom Part 1

While standing on the sidewalk outside of the bar Chris started to think about everything going on in his life and marriage. He loved his wife very much. He would do anything for her including giving up his own life for hers if the need were to ever arise. He wouldn't even need to think twice about dying for her. Could he say the same about her though? No, no he couldn't say that about her. He questioned her feelings toward him and any love that she claimed to have for him. He...

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