- 3 years ago
- 39
- 0
New Pittsburgh, Mars
Saturday, April 28, 2136, 10:15am
David was glad he elected to walk the kilometer and a half from his apartment to the starting point of the WHA event. It helped him finish waking up. Last night, or rather this morning, he and Will made love and talked until almost 3:30. David knew he was definitely falling in love with the man. Even if things had not worked out with Marilyn, they were definitely working out with Will.
Will agreed last night that he would introduce David to his girlfriend. David was looking forward to meeting this woman. She definitely had the part of Will's heart that belonged to women. In fact, after the hike, he was bringing her to David's for lunch. Will agreed to tell his girl friend that he was half rump ranger. His only condition was that David be there for moral support.
Depending on how lunch went, things might improve for David also. If Will's girl friend agreed, the three of them might try dating as a triad. Marilyn was dating someone else and very happy in her relationship. There was no good reason for David not to date another woman.
David walked through the entrance of Percival Lowell Park. Will said he would wait for David near the registration table just inside the park entrance. Scanning the crowd David looked for Will. He spotted a woman about four meters away with reddish brown hair and a body shape that seemed familiar. Her khaki hiking shorts showed off her muscular legs and cute butt. The dark blue tee shirt she wore was tight enough to accent her back. Probably she looked like someone he knew on Earth.
Just to the woman's left, David spotted Will apparently talking to her. David headed toward Will. Seeing Will look in his direction, David raised his arm and waved. Will raised his hand making the standard come here gesture.
As David crossed the last meter, the woman turned. Suddenly David was starring into the beautiful green eyes of Marilyn Kinney. The shock running through him brought him to a complete halt.
Will started to open his mouth to introduce his girlfriend. Instead, he heard David say "Hello, Marilyn. How are you today? I didn't know you were a hiker."
"Hello, David what are you doing here?" Marilyn had so many questions going through her head she didn't know what to say next.
Will said, "I found out David used to hike on Earth so I invited him. I was going to introduce the two of you, but it appears you already know each other."
Yes we know each other," David responded. "Will, you said you would introduce me to your girlfriend today, is Marilyn to woman you were talking about?"
"Yes she is. We've been dating for the last eight weeks," replied Will.
"Will, do you know what Marilyn does for a living?"
"Of course I know. She's an administrative assistant at the Alexander Industries ammunition plant. She works for the assistant plant manager. If you don't mind me saying it, from everything Marilyn says, the woman is a real bitch."
David chuckled. "You're right, the woman is a real bitch. However, she's no longer the assistant plant manager."
Marilyn smiled. "No she isn't the assistant plant manager anymore. In fact, she is on her way back to Earth. David is my new boss."
Will's head looked like it was on a pivot. He looked from David to Marilyn and back several times. Then he said. "Administrative assistant? Your Administrative Assistant? The Administrative Assistant?"
David nodded his head, "Yes. Marilyn is The Administrative Assistant, My Administrative Assistant."
Will said, "Hmm, life gets more and more interesting all the time."
"Yes it does," said David.
Marilyn looked from Will to David. "What is going on you two? I am the fuckin' administrative assistant but what the hell does that have to do with anything?"
"Marilyn," said David. "I need to register, buy a kilometer book, and buy an event book. We can talk more when I come back. I just want to tell you that Will agreed to bring his girl friend to lunch at my place after the hike. I am really looking forward to lunch. You cannot even imagine how much I am looking forward to lunch. Well, I need to go register. I'll be back in a few minutes."
As David walked toward the registration table, Marilyn turned to Will. "Cut the Earthling old boy shit, Will. What is going on? How do you know, David?"
"David and I travel in the same circles," said Will as he lowered his voice. "I believe when you asked a similar question of David, he suggested you move the conversation to a more private location. That is why we are going to David's for lunch. I have some things I need to tell you so you can decide if you want to continue our relationship. I want a long-term relationship with you. For that to happen I need to be totally honest with you. Afterwards, I hope you'll at least keep my secrets."
As Marilyn calmed down, she said. "How much do you know about David?"
"I think I know most of what you know about him. I just didn't know where he worked. I especially did not realize you were the administrative assistant he was talking about. You do know he is head over heels in love with you?"
Marilyn looked at Will searching his face for jealousy, or any other emotion. The only look she saw there was anxiousness. Finally, she replied. "I know he said something like that last Wednesday."
Marilyn noticed him visibly relax. A slight smile briefly played across his face then was gone. "I'm glad he told you that. From what David told me, he has never fallen for any woman the way he has fallen for you. He is dead serious when he says his life is in your hands. He told me last night if you choose to destroy him he would blame himself. He thinks that if you don't think he is worth saving, then he probably isn't worth saving. I care very deeply about David. Please be very careful, I couldn't stand it if something happened to him."
This rattled Marilyn to her core. How can any man, especially one as good as David, feel he's not worth saving? It took Will almost three years to convince me he wasn't like other Earthlings. How did David manage to do it in one week? More importantly, does Will mean he's in love with David? Are both of the men who love me in love with each other too? This could be a very interesting lunch.
Just then, David walked up. "I have my kilometer book, my event book, and a checkpoint card. When does the hike start?"
Over the public address system, a man's voice announced. "The course in now ready. You may begin your hike at any time."
Marilyn, Will, and David moved to the starting line. They were the sixth group to leave the starting area after having their checkpoint cards stamped. The course on the map showed the trail winding three kilometers through Lowell Park, then proceeding a kilometer down Snoqualmie Avenue to Robert Heinlein Park. After winding four kilometers through Heinlein Park, the hike route continued a kilometer down Erie Boulevard, then back to Lowell Park. The course continued for an additional kilometer through the park, ending the ten kilometer hike at the starting point. Every two kilometers the hikers stopped at a checkpoint so WHA members could stamp their cards. At the finish, if you presented your checkpoint card, the officials would stamp your kilometer book and event book.
Looking around David noticed several people with patches on their T-shirts. Turning slightly to Will, David asked. "What are the patches some of the people have on their T-shirts?"
"The square ones are patches for different events, the round ones with the numbers on them are for the number of kilometers walked. See the man in the rust colored cropped shirt? The patches on his shirt mean he has hiked at least five thousand kilometers."
Marilyn, Will, and David settled into a steady six kilometer per hour pace. After a few minutes, David was in the groove and started looking around. The ceiling over the park was one hundred meters high. There were several trees in the park almost thirty meters tall. The thing that struck David was how green everything was.
"This park is just too green! It almost hurts your eyes," commented David.
Marilyn turned her head and asked. "What do you mean it is so green it hurts your eyes?"
"I mainly hiked in the desert," replied David. "The desert has a stark beauty; the green is usually muted and sparse. I didn't realize how much I miss hiking the desert until today."
"There is a group that hikes the Martian surface once a month," stated Will. "They go out in biosuits for about four hours. Most of the people who participate are MPG Special Forces. If you want, I can talk to Captain Quinones, he organizes the hikes. You will need to rent a biosuit. If you decide you like hiking outside the city, it's cheaper to purchase a biosuit instead of renting one every month."
"Thanks Will, I would appreciate that. I am curious, how far do they hike in four hours."
"Usually," said Marilyn, "they hike about ten kilometers. In a point three eight G
environment you don't want to walk more than three kilometers per hour."
Will and David both looked at Marilyn. Then Will said, "How do you know that?"
" I have been hiking outside the city for about five years now."
"Is that why you weren't available, two weeks ago?" Will asked.
"Yes, Will. I didn't think you would be interested, so I didn't even think to invite you. We have our next surface hike scheduled for two weeks from today. Would you and David like to join me?"
Both responded in the affirmative.
An hour and forty-five minutes later, they returned to the registration table to have their event books and kilometer books stamped. The woman working the table saw that this was David's first ten kilometers in his first book. She smiled up at David saying. "Now you just keep coming back honey. In no time you will have your first hundred kilometer patch."
With a mischievous smile, David responded. "Well señora, if you would add my time in Chihuahua I could already have my five thousand kilometer patch."
Marilyn looked at him and said, "You're kidding right?"
"Actually, I'm not. I hiked two hundred kilometers every week I was in the desert. I've spent forty weeks in the desert since I turned fifteen. That works out to eight thousand kilometers. That doesn't count the twenty-five kilometers a week I hiked staying in shape for my vacations in the Chihuahua Desert. Except for the three years I was married, I averaged over a thousand kilometers a year. During my marriage, I did well to cover five hundred kilometers a year."
Marilyn, Will, and the woman at the table looked a David with new respect. Marilyn commented, "It took me a year to earn my five hundred kilometer patch."
David continued, "When I'm in the groove it's like being high on Agricorp greenbud. Only I don't have any of the embarrassing side effects."
Marilyn chuckled. "Yes, I can see where being high without losing you inhibitions is very attractive to you. I believe you promised Will and I lunch, I'm ready anytime you are."
"Ok. If you're ready we can walk to my apartment, it's less than a kilometer from here."
Approaching his apartment door, David stepped in front to deactivate the lock. The apartment complex used one of the newer types of locking mechanisms. Placing your finger on the scanner automatically unlocked the door for authorized users. The lock on David's house in Texarkana required a seven-digit code entered on a keypad. The system did allow you to have up to five different codes active at one time. This way you could give a code to a repairman then cancel it when they finished their work. The lock on David's apartment door could store the fingerprints of two thousand people, and logged each person's usage. The building's main computer automatically updated the lock with fingerprints of the maintenance staff.
Opening the door, David gave a mock bow, extending his hand towards the apartment's interior. "Marilyn, Will, welcome to Casa Reed, my humble abode." As they entered David continued, "Can I offer either of you some wine with lunch? I have a very nice 2134 Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon and a 2133 California Riesling Kabinett. I recommend the Riesling as it is a nice sweet fruity wine and should go well with the Chicken Salad Stuffed Tomatoes I made for lunch."
Both agreed they would like the Riesling. David walked into the kitchen and pulled the Riesling Kabinett out of his wine refrigerator. Opening the bottle, he poured three glasses, then carried two of them to the living room.
As David handed the glasses to Marilyn and Will, he said. "If you don't mind waiting about two minutes I will put lunch on the table. The bathroom is the first door on the left in the hall, and the dining room is through that archway."
David returned to the kitchen, quickly washed his hands, then removed three plates from the main refrigerator. The plates were white with a simple platinum band around the edge. On each plate, was a fresh tomato hollowed out and stuffed with chicken salad sitting on a bed of lettuce leaves. David quickly pulled out silverware and cloth napkins to set the table. He set three places, one at each end and one in the middle of the table. The night before, David covered the table with a white starched cotton table cloth and placed a low bouquet of flowers as a centerpiece. The flowers were low enough that the people sitting at either end could see the person at the other end of the table as they talked. Planning the lunch Friday, David tried to make sure he would impress Will's girlfriend. Now he was glad he made the effort, as he definitely wanted to impress Marilyn. He thought, Maybe, I should've used the other table cloth. Are the flowers ok? Breath, David, Breath. It will be alright.
Standing in the archway, David announced, "Lunch is ready. Please have a seat at the table. If you don't mind I would like Marilyn to sit in the middle. Will, you can have the foot of the table opposite me." As the three of them sat down David said, "I really appreciate the two of you accepting my offer of lunch."
Marilyn looked at David thinking, He's so nervous. If David doesn't calm down, pieces of him will start flying all over the room. He must think Will and I will jump up and leave if we don't like the table setting and the food. If my lunches looked like this, my Mother would be thrilled. Out loud she said, "David, relax, your lunch and the table look good, even by Martian standards."
David stopped and took a deep breath. "What do you mean it looks good even by Martian standards?"
Marilyn replied, "Despite what the food in the roach pit at work tastes like, most Martians enjoy good food in pleasant surroundings. Some of the best cooks in the solar system live on Mars. We just do most of our fancy cooking at home."
"The chain restaurants have standard recipes that don't allow for changes. Why do you think Riggington's in Eden is so famous? It has an all Martian staff with all Martian recipes. Even the Earthlings here like it better than any other restaurant in WestHem. Saying that someone cooks to Martian standards is high praise. It ranks right up there with telling someone they have good common sense. David, I ate your cooking on Wednesday. I know that homemade salad dressing was definitely better than any my Mother makes, and she is an outstanding cook."
"David, there are three things Martians love more than anything else, their children, good sex, and good food. Because of the way you treat Martians, eventually you'll see that for yourself. For now, just relax, and enjoy the lunch you made." Marilyn turned and stared directly at Will. "Tell me about this mysterious announcement."
Will looked back, took a sip of his wine, and started. "Marilyn, you have known me for three years now. In the last eight weeks, I finally convinced you that I'm not a bad person for an Earthling. During that time, I discovered I love you, and would like to spend the rest of my life with you. But there are two things you need to know about me, which may affect your feelings about me. First, to use the Martian phrase, I'm half rump ranger. Second, I'm in love with your boss, David Reed. He and I discussed the situation last night before he knew who my girlfriend was. We decided to try dating as a triad."
Marilyn sat there half-stunned. It was one thing to suspect since this morning that your Earthling boyfriend was half rump ranger. It was something else to hear him actually say it to you. The real shocker was the fact that Will was in love with David, and the two of them both wanted to date her.
Marilyn gathered her thoughts then said, "Will, when you and David say you want to date as a triad, what do you mean? That is a new term to me. I know that triad means three, but what exactly does that entail?"
"At the bar where David and I met, there are several triads. They are three people who share their lives together, celebrating the good times, helping each other through the bad times, helping raise their child, and living very much like a married couple. The law doesn't recognize the relationships of people like George, Robert, and Sara; or Melissa, Sandy, and Randall. To those of us who live in the shadow world of rump rangers and muff munchers, their relationship is as real as any WestHem sanctioned marriage. I guess what David and I are offering doesn't sound like much of a bargain. A triad is a relationship that you can never acknowledge outside of certain circles. One thing I do know is most Martians don't seem to care one way or the other. Most Earthlings will probably look down on your relationship as inferior. Of course my boss can't understand why I'm dating a Martian."
Marilyn said. "Now that's an odd idea, an Earthling thinking a greenie is inferior. Of all the things you said, that one doesn't bother me in the least. Who are George, Robert and Sara; and who are Melissa, Sandy, and Randall?"
George, Robert, and Sara," said David, "are three of the nicest people you can ever hope to meet. Will and I spent an hour last night talking to them about how a triad works. Sara put it best when she said that in a triad there are actually four relationships. There is a relationship between Sara and George, there is a relationship between Sara and Robert, there is a relationship between George and Robert, and over arching the all whole thing is a relationship between the three of them."
"They must have spent forty-five minutes explaining the group dynamics when Melissa overheard us talking. She, Sandy, and Randall promptly jumped in to explain how their relationship works. If I understood the six of them correctly the most important factors are openness between the triad members, honesty within the triad, and the willingness to forgive your partners' honest mistakes."
Will jumped in, "Yes, and the other thing is everyone needs to give 110 percent to make it work. As Robert put it, if you want a relationship without complications you need to be single and celibate."
Marilyn thought for a minute, then commented. "It sounds like a triad is a lot of work. What are the advantages if I decide to try this out?"
David answered first. "The first thing is you have two men who love you and want to share their lives with you. The second thing is, I'm willing to do anything to make yours and Will's lives as happy as possible. That includes walking away, allowing you and Will to work out your relationship without me. No matter what you decide about me, remember that Will loves you. He will make you a good husband."
"This morning when I showed up at the WHA hike I thought I'd lost any possibility of a life with you outside work. Do you remember the night you took me home? I described the perfect relationship for me as one with both a man and a woman in it. At the time, I said I didn't know any woman who would be willing to share that kind of relationship with me. Today, I am asking you to consider being that woman."
"I know I can trust you, I just don't know if you feel anything for me. All I know is every time I turn around you keep showing up. Somehow, our lives are intertwined. Not just at work, but outside work as well. I'm just asking you to give this relationship a chance."
Will started talking as soon as David stopped. "David's right, the most important thing is you end up with two men who love you, and each other. Neither of us are the jealous type. If I were, you would never date me in the first place. If David were, you would have known it on Wednesday. Yes, he told me all about lunch on Wednesday. The only critical factor he left out was the name of his administrative assistant. If you and I weren't dating, I think you would be dating David instead. No matter what else happens, I don't want to stand in the way of you and David being happy."
Marilyn held up her hands, one palm facing each man. "It sounds like you two have talked about this relationship a lot over the last few days. Will, I don't know about you, but from what David told me he has considered this type of relationship most of his life. Two weeks ago was the first time I even heard about something like this."
Continuing, she asked, "If you settle down with a Martian are you planning on returning to Earth at some point in the future?"
Wills response was quick and vehement. "I decided over a year ago that I never want to return to Earth! Mars is my home now, and I want to live here the rest of my life."
Marilyn turned to David, "Do you intend to return to Earth?"
David paused. The silence seemed to draw out forever, then he spoke. "I have been on Mars two weeks. The longer I stay, the more I want to spend the rest of my life here. Marilyn, if you and I marry I would never move back to Earth. The way Earthlings treat Martians would hurt you very badly. I would never be able to live with myself for exposing you to that much pain. If the three of us don't work out, I might accept a job on Earth if the company offered it. The more I find out about Mars, the more I want to stay. I don't know if that is the answer you wanted to hear but that is the truth."
Marilyn paused for a few seconds, considering David's answer. She finally said. " I am willing to give this relationship a two week trial. If after two weeks, it just doesn't feel right for me, I will let both of you know. As neither one of you will ever be truly happy unless you are in a triad, if I decide a triad is not for me, I will stop dating both of you. That way the two of you can look for a woman who knows you two are a package deal."
"I don't need to see how you look at each other to know that. All I need to do is listen to both of you saying you will walk away if it insures the other one can be happy. David, you said you would walk away if it meant that Will and I would be happy. Will, you keep pleading David's case and implying that you will leave if that means David and I can have a loving relationship. If the two of you love me as much as you love each other, I will never leave."
Both Will and David breathed an audible sigh of relief. David said, "Marilyn, tonight Will and I would like to take you to Dorothy's Place. We can all dance together without raising an eyebrow and you can meet George, Robert, and Sara."
Marilyn responded without hesitation. "I would love to go to Dorothy's Place with you and Will. You just need to tell me where it is."
David and Will gave her directions to Dorothy's Place. Marilyn agreed to meet Will in the lobby of Bradbury Towers at 9:30pm. David agreed to meet them upstairs in the bar. After giving David and each other hugs, Marilyn and Will went home.
Will entered Bradbury Towers' lobby a few minutes before 9:30. He stopped and scanned the lobby. Other than the guard at the security desk, it was completely empty. About two minutes later Marilyn entered the lobby. Will headed for the elevator when he was sure she spotted him. Stopping at the elevator, he waited for her. As she came up along side him, Will pushed the button. Waiting for the elevator Marilyn whispered to Will. "What's with all the secrecy?"
"Force of habit," responded Will as the elevator doors opened. As they entered the elevator, he continued. "When you live half your life in the shadows, hiding and secrecy becomes second nature. The last time people like David and I had a chance to live open lives was in Canada just before World War III. The rise of WestHem ended that. I have a hard time imagining a country where the government didn't give a flying fuck about who you sleep with. Somehow that sounds closer to heaven than I will ever be." As they exited on the second floor, Will turned to Marilyn. Looking her in the eyes he said, "I love you so much that sometimes I want to tell you to run away. The life WestHem forces David and I to live is bad enough if you are born like us. Marilyn, you have a choice. If it didn't hurt so bad to think about you leaving, I would put you back on the elevator myself."
"Will," Marilyn said, "I know I have a choice. As a Martian, I know what it feels like to be hated and reviled. I also know that no one ever loved me like you and David love me. Remember, I gave myself two weeks to decide. Everything you and David have done and said since this morning is making it easier for me to decide to stay. Now I want to see Dorothy's Place. Where is it?"
Will said, "We follow the signs to Suite 212. Like I said before, David and I live half our lives in the shadows."
As Will and Marilyn entered Dorothy's Place, an employee met them. He promptly directed their attention to a notice posted on a stand just inside the door. The notice read:
We regret to inform you that Dorothy's Place will no longer accept cash after Monday, April 30, 2136. Our bank fucked us over. Starting Friday, May 4, 2136, they don't take no cash deposits.
To keep FLEB from jacking your identity, all debit and credit transactions will be routed through Glinda's Groceries and Stuff. The bank thinks Glinda's is the real shit. If you don't tell them, we won't either.
The Management
After reading the sign, Marilyn commented. "I didn't know that anyone still used cash. I do not even know what it looks like."
Will chuckled at this. "In about two minutes you will see what cash looks like. I imagine David and I will try to use up most of ours so we don't need to redeposit in the bank."
Spotting David sitting at a table, Marilyn and Will walked over and sat down. Immediately David asked. "Did you see the sign by the door? I needed the door-man to translate it for me. I don't care how they cover my withdrawals, I'm afraid FLEB will find out. Being a rump ranger is still grounds for pulling somebody's security clearance."
Marilyn's eyes widened as she said. "David, without a security clearance the company would fire you."
David responded, "That is exactly what worries me. Without a job I would be living with the vermin within two months."
Will added, "I know what you mean about liking cash. I like the anonymity it gives you. Unless they pick up a fingerprint, FLEB never knows you touched it." Looking at Marilyn he continued, "Enough of the gloom and doom. We're here to celebrate the start of a beautiful friendship."
Will flagged a waitress delivering drinks to a nearby table. After serving the other customers, she stopped to take Will and Marilyn's order. "Will, do you want a Rolling Steam Ale?"
Will answered in the affirmative. She smiled brightly at Marilyn saying. "I'm Carmela, what the fuck's the haps you walking wet dream?"
Before Marilyn could answer Will spoke up. "Carmela this is Marilyn, she's David's and my girlfriend. She doesn't swing that way." Turning to Marilyn he asked, "What would you like to drink before Carmela goes down on you right here at the table?"
Marilyn chuckled and gave Carmela a leer. "I'll try a Rolling Steam Ale. Talk to me later about giving me a pussy licking. If these two dawgs don't give me a rankin tongue lashing I may take you up on it."
"You're with both of them?" Carmela asked. "Will, I heard you were only half rump ranger but I never believed it. David, does this mean you're only half rump ranger too?"
Smiling David said, "Carmela, bring me another Rolling Steam Ale." As he made shooing motions with his hands, he continued. "If Marilyn has any complaints about my tongue you can give me lessons. Now bring us our drinks before the lady dies of thirst." David's failure to answer Carmela's question convinced her the answer was yes.
Once Carmela walked off, he continued. "Marilyn, you continue to amaze me. Every time I think I know you, something happens that shows me a new facet of your personality. Every Earthling woman I know would have freaked out when Carmela greeted them like she greeted you."
"That was just typical Martian slang," Marilyn said. "Most of my girl friends talk the same way when we're not around Earthlings. On Mars, we just don't care who adults have sex with, provided everyone involved agrees. We do find exploiting children rankin offensive. It's the one place we and Earthlings agree on anything about sex."
David said, "The more I see Martians outside work, the more I think I should stay here the rest of my life. No matter how it works out with the three of us, I really think I would be a fool to go back to Earth."
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When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...
Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...
Introduction: Not really accidental this time, and its not cheating when your wife is involved. Thanks for all the positive comments from part I and II. Please remember these are true stories as they happened and the only thing not exact is what was said by people. In those instances I wrote as close as I remembered. Hopefully you like this part and i truly hope that I have another part to write about whenever it happens. —————– —————– —————– Its been a long while since I hooked up with Kat,...
Literotica Mobile XXX WebcamsLive 24/7, view live web cams now on your iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android device!Free Original Erotic Stories.tagi****t/TabooAccidental i****tAccidental i****tbyScott_Heywood©I pulled into the parking lot, We noticed that the Adult bookstore in as busier than usual.Marie only ever had one real complaint about Our monthly visit...She didn't get fucked enough. Most of the Guys just wanted blowjobs.Marie and I walked across the parking lot...the thin, skin-tight...
The door is unlocked so I open it and the entire space of the hotel room reveals in front of my eyes. The large bed is visible from the entrance and on it, bended on the edge, is Mel. She is humping the furniture. Her hard cock is rubbing against the soft white sheet. She is completely naked and moaning. I close the door behind me. ‘What is this, Mel?’ ‘This… is one… fiery erection I… am dealing with…’ I can see her ass muscles to clench and move with every hump she is making on the bed. I see...
It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...
I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...
IncestLori's husband had taken Ben to have his cast removed today. Lori was as excited as a high school girl on her first prom date. She had put a roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker for when they returned home as a sort of celebration. Ben, a lifelong friend of her husband, had fallen from a faulty ladder at their construction business and broken some bones near his neck. This made it necessary to put his upper body in a cast, which made both arms immobile. Lori, a nurse, had volunteered...
Straight SexHi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...
This is a fictional story about a mid-aged women working in an MNC and having an exciting accidental sexventure with another girl. Kavita is a 39-year-old lady and looks 6-8 years younger than her actual age, thanks to her discipline towards her fitness regime. Her fitness regime has kept her in perfect shape, and even at this age, she gets a lot of attention from men (in this case a young girl) of all ages. She is 5.8″, athletic, fair and voluptuous body with a right mass at right areas, and...
LesbianHello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Ye ek real incident hai jo kuch time pehle hamara sath hua....
Accidental Momma By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Sweet Home Toby was crying again. Bobby knew he sounded hungry and he knew Momma was passed out again. He had heard the clinking of glass during the night which indicated she had been drinking again. Bobby got up from his cot, pulled on his last clean T-shirt, tied his hair back and went to get Toby. It was five am and the little guy smiled as soon as he got into his sight. At six months old, Toby knew his brother and always gave...
Accidental Girl Characters: Bob Anderson, also known as Bobby; Ms. Miller - Bob's teacher; Julie Carter - Bobby's girlfriend; Rose Bickford - Julie's landlady; Ms. Abby Matthews; Ms. Barbara Turner, Abby's Administrative Assistant; Hilga, from In Home Nursing; Julie's friends: Cindy, Sandy, Tracy and Brenda; Nurse Bell; Nurse Carol; Mike Austin - Abby's Attorney; Sally, Abby's house keeper and Henry, Abby's driver. Synopsis: When a guy dresses like a girl the rest of the world...
Accidental Heroine Steam room "Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhhh!" I turned away from the steroid using weight lifter. I hated these guys that had more muscles than brains and felt making crude sounds as they pumped iron would give them more strength. At six feet two and 225 pounds I was lean and very strong, able to bench press close to 250 pounds with little difficulty. I worked out at the gym regularly and kept myself fit, but I was not like the guy in the corner now flexing in front of the...
Accidental Inheritanceby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, M/f, Chastity, MC, BondageLittle did I know what I was in for. I do not regret it, but it was a bit of a surprise.It all started one Friday night, I had been out with a couple of girls from work. At this one bar there stood a man in his thirties waiting for a drink. He was not exactly the best looking man in the room, but he was definitely not the worst either. About 5'10" to 6' in height, a little overweight,...
Accidental Whore A work of fantasy by Wolf Ferret Dear Diary, My name is Linda. I’m 24, have a BA in English Lit and am currently unemployed. I’m starting a diary out of sheer boredom. Let’s begin with a description. 5’4", 130 pounds, shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes, a 33-25-34 body that my lovers have said is very sexy. I lost my virginity the first year of university and have had about 10 lovers since then. I rarely have casual one-night stands – I’ll date a man 2 or 3 times before I...
previously: [Accidental Nude Day Noonie] Though tired, I noted that neither Rita nor Helen had cum yet and I took on the mission to rectify that. I licked and kissed each sweet pussy with a promise to return with my dick ready for them a little later. Safa was already eating Rita's pussy, so I decided to feast on Helen's. Using my agile fingers, I was soon able to navigate thru the extra folds in a fifty-two-year old, healthy looking pussy and find her engorged G spot. She lurched and came...
Okay that I was not expecting. Here I was, sitting on the couch with a young woman who might be the accidental mother of my child and she just kissed me out of nowhere. She had her hand on the back of my head keeping me from breaking the kiss as her tongue forced its way into my mouth and played with my tongue. Her hand moved to my thigh. After a couple minutes she broke the kiss. "There." She said triumphantly. "Now I can't say that I haven't kissed a guy that's seen me naked." She...
Accidental Crossroads: 2. Sammy read him the riot act. I know, I know, I know ... it's trite and does not apply but it's a statement every parent has used in trying to control an unruly kid. So what does the riot act really say? The Act created a mechanism for certain local officials to make a proclamation ordering the dispersal of any group of more than twelve people who were "unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assembled together". If the group failed to disperse within one...
Accidental Crossroads: 3. "Who was that?" "Polly Caretaker, Jakob Flintkote's Caretaker," said the ceiling. "Have a seat," The comfy looking leather recliner appeared out of no where. "We're unsure what to do with you. Hungry?" "I could do with a bite," said John. "Preferences?" asked the ceiling. "Can I get a porterhouse steak, aged to perfection and so tender I can cut it with a fork?" Talking to a ceiling ... well ... you know ... I wasn't sure I was sane ... might as...
Accidental Crossroads: 9. After the pig out, John burped. "Thank you," said the ceiling. "That burger was great ... the taste was something I'd had before," said John. "There's this cheese," a piece landed on the desk. It was shot through with green mold. The ceiling said, "Have a sniff. Awful ain't it." "Good god," John said, "I ate that?" "Sort of ... It goes between two patties ... the burger isn't ground like it is on Earth. We shred it ... form it, put the cheese...
Accidental Crossroads: 11. John never said a word about the jeep. He did his best to find the right oil and solvent for the watch. The phone company had to put in 5 poles to run a line..."make that two lines," said John, to the rep when he called from the General Store. A step back here. John was calling his housekeeper by the only name that fit..."Sultry," So ... finally he asked. "What is your name?" She burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "You have no idea how many times...
Accidental Crossroads: 12 The Powers that Be? Who the fuck are they? Are they the same as the Powers that Be on Cassandra? I'm a mess. The putt-putt of the four cylinder jeep entered in to his thoughts. She's back. Sultry rolled to a stop right by the front steps, practically fell out of the drivers side door and ran up the steps. She crossed the porch, nearly jerked the front screen door off its hinges and hollered, "John! Where are you?" "In the kitchen, Sultry Wench. What's the...
Accidental Crossroads: 14. Some time later, after several rounds of restoratives, John and Cassie were in bed and cuddling. "This is so nice," Cassie wiggled in closer, "If a girl can get a Cassandrian guy in bed ... they don't cuddle. They're not interested in a girl's day. They don't pet or stroke," she shivered as John ran a hand down a silken flank. "Little kisses never happen," John took the hint, she sighed. "This is wonderful." "Well," said the Seven, "The mating...
Accidental Crossroads: 17. "Cassie," John said, "I probably wasn't very honorable in my rescue." "The portal let you through," she said. "It even let the Powers that Be through." "Sam?" "Hello, John." said the healing chamber, "Settle in and get cleaned up." "Take the Powers first," John said, "I need to talk to the arbiter." Sam asked the Powers, "You people coming all at once or you going to separate." "You chose, Sam." "As soon as Karen Entertainer gets out...
Everyone was somewhat surprised by the size of the building that housed the medical supply business but also the fact that it looked closed. However, the open sign was flashing away as they got out of the RV. Cindy had been detailed to babysitting, so she took out some of the little games and toys that the girls had gotten so they could have a little fun. Dan walked up and just opened the door, but then stopped and waited for the rest. He was working hard at being gentlemanly and let the two...
His name was Klaus. He was fourteen—at least the Hamburg, Germany, brothel manager had guaranteed he was fourteen and showed me documentation. It was in German, though, so I could only make out about half of what the documentation said. Before him had been Gebhardt and then Dieter—both guaranteed to be fourteen. Both quite nice to have had. Klaus was good—very good. There were two single beds in the starkly outfitted Hamburg brothel cell. It wasn’t that long after the end of World War II, so...
PART TWO HOME SCHOOLED CHAPTER 1 Alicia Cooper was thrilled when the Bennington School District had hired her two years ago. She had been fresh out of the University of Northern Iowa with an education degree and was quite happy to get away from Cedar Falls and Iowa in general. She had grown up in the Corn Belt and while she had a great childhood, the conservative nature of the state was something that she really needed to get away from. She had run into far too many people who took...
Thank you for all your comments, I apologize for all the spelling errors and I plan on correcting them and writing out the 2 parts as one eventually. This is a true story as best as I remember it although I did change the names of those involved.. Thank you.. —————————- —————————- —————————- Lets have some fun.. was definitely the last thing I ever thought I would hear coming out of my wifes mouth, but I would never pass up this chance, it might not come again… I had just blown my load all over...
I have always been aroused easily and greatly by women wetting their clothes, there are so many great videos on here which shows that it’s something that a great many ladies love to do and many are so turned on by the experience that they need to rub themselves to orgasm at the same time. Accidentally wetting in. Lot he’s also is a real turn on for me so I regularly seek videos with this content. A while ago a friend of mine told me a true story about his wife, a lady I knew well and fancied,...
Trees, Trees and oh more trees! All I saw when I looked out the window were trees no variation at all. They were all big and green. Boredom had set in and I was only an hour into my family’s road trip. I could see my parents' mouths moving but my iPod was on too loud and I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Suddenly Mum turned round and again her lips moved but I didn’t hear what she said. She wanted a reply. I guessed at what was asked so I went for a casual “Yep” as a response. All of...
IncestHi guys, my name is Andrew. How are you guys? It was a long and hectic month. Lots of work to be done. As my internship got over fast I was busy in preparing reports and settling back in. My friend Rakesh called me asked me If I could pick his girlfriend Aditi from the airport. His internship was extended for 2 weeks and she had already booked tickets. She was coming to Bangalore to meet him. He assured me that he would try to come back in 1 week. In that time I should keep her company. I...
Hello, everyone, My name in Chandu I’m from Karnataka. This happened 2 years back when I was searching for a job. Now I’m working in an MNC here in Bangalore. Let me start the sex story which happened with me. It’s a bit long, so please have patience. I’m sure you will enjoy it. When I was jobless I used to feel very bored staying in a PG. I used to try to chat with people on some online chat rooms. One day I found a website called ‘chathour’ where you can chat with strangers. I used to ping...
By : Funlover.Aravind Hi everyone, I am a regular reader of ISS. I used to read many stories and mastrubate on my own, i am going to narrate a story which happens in my real life one week before. My brother is working in MNC Chennai we are staying in Chennai my brother need to go US official last week so he went, I am working in am BPO as Team Manager so i used to go night shift and used to sleep in morning. This incident happened two days before, in my home my father mother, my brother, Anni...
IncestAll characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...
I didn’t intend to become Denise’s slave. I really didn’t. It was all sort of an accident. It even started out with an accident. No, that’s not exactly true. It wasn’t an accident that I posted a naked picture of Denise online, that was intentional. But it was sort of an accident that I took that picture in the first place.I live with five other girls and everyone is really casual about how they are dressed unless they are downstairs in the living room or kitchen. We live in a three storey...
ExhibitionismThe driver’s voice came over an intercom explaining that they had arrived. Trixie checked her makeup and reapplied her lipstick. Hank climbed out and offered her his hand as she stepped out into the dimly lit parking lot. They were in what appeared to be a warehouse district. All of the buildings were large, one-story units with lots of loading docks. The limousine parked beside one such structure. You could hear the thump-thump-thump of club music. Trixie looked around. The parking lot was...
Alexander Industries New Pittsburgh Ammunition Plant, Mars Thursday, April 19, 2136, 12:15 pm David Reed walked into the office of General Operations Manager Rufus Farley with a spring in his step. Even now, Ms Johnson was packing her belongings in the assistant plant manager's office. David's boxes of mementos, et cetera were sitting in the assistant plant manager's conference room waiting for him to unpack them. Tomorrow morning he could actually start doing his job without Ms Johnson...
New Pittsburgh, Mars Sunday, April 29, 2136 David woke up with someone's hand on his chest. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked down and noticed the hand was definitely feminine. Searching his memory David thought back to last night remembering how Will, Marilyn, and he finished the evening. Gently turning his head, he felt Marilyn snuggled up against his face and saw her reddish brown hair piled on the pillow. Lifting his head, he could just see Will's head nuzzled into the back of...
The next day at school, the principal came on the PA system and announced that the school had a hero amongst us, and he named me. Me? A hero? No way. Mr. Ullman went on to say that I had remained calm and aided in the rescue of Mrs. Davidson and the driver of the car, as well as the kids on and off the bus. Remained calm? That didn't happen. Well, that set off another round of nice-goin's and attaboys from the kids, just like the last time. Mr. Ullman gave me a letter to take home to my...
My love making gone wrongly to my BF Dad Hi all Its jenni againIts the story when I wrongly got tangled with my BF's Dad in his farmhouse. It started as I was so horny and my BF told me to meet him at his farm house at 7 in the evening with very provocative outfit he got me the other day. I was eagerly looking forward for the moment i visit my BF farm house that i forgot to see my mobile for the text message my BF has sent that he has to leave town due to some urgency and that he will be back...
FantasyI met her on CLCE. She lived in a city where I travelled frequently on business. She had posted looking for a FWB. We emailed back and forth quite a bit and there were several missed opportunities in the for m of trips where I stayed over in her city but she was no quite ready to go through with it. Finally, on one of my trips, she agreed to meet me in person. To help break the ice, we met over drinks at a bar near my hotel, then headed back there and to my room where I had some more drinks...
She is an exhibitionist by nature and loves showing off her petite little body. 5-2 tall and 105lbs soaking wet. Strawberry blond hair to her mid back and little more than small orange size titties, but at 41 she had a smoking hot body.. Not a stretch mark on her frame and no sag to her tits! Josie was dying to get tanned for her 42d birthday, so she got out her oils and lotions and set up her lounge chair on the back deck and grabbed some wine for a relaxing afternoon of sun...
I can’t believe how my life has changed over this past year. I am doing things that I never thought myself capable of doing. I am a married woman with three children that up till recently led a relatively normal life. I have been married for over 20 years and like most married couples we have had some rocky times to get through in our lives. We reached a point of near divorce a few years back over some serious differences in sexual preference. My husband, Bill, had very strong interests in...
After long thought about the recent indifferent attitude towards our routine lifestyle which we have been happy in the past decade or so, I come to a conclusion to confront it in a way so that it will give me some idea on Michelle’s expectation from my end for our life to get back to normal. I approached my boss for a meeting to discuss about upcoming holiday maintenance schedule which normally done during Dec – Jan holiday period so rest of the year production carries on without any untoward...
She woke up to see me starring at her. She held me tight for a while and let go of me. She sat up and took water from her bedside table and drank quietly without showing any sign of panic. I asked her if she wants to talk about it. She quietly said “not now” and went back to sleep. I know that she will talk about it when she is ready. So I decided to get back to my sleep. As soon as I lay down, she turned around and placed one leg and hand on my body, held tight and slept like baby....
It had to be the freakiest of freak accidents. Both cars ran the red light, trying to beat the yellow and the came together right in front of me, sending both cars skidding towards mine. I slammed on my brakes and thankfully received just a mild bump as they came to a stop. People were running everywhere and it seemed like only seconds before the sirens could be heard in the distance. An officer had me move my car to the curb and I sat there, shaking, my head on the steering wheel. I wasn’t...
The feedback from Part One of this story was incredible. Thanks to all those who applauded the piece. Double thanks to all those who suggested ideas and asked for more. Feedback is the pay here, not money. It’s perhaps the purest form of exchange, the one most direct in benefits to both sides. I write, you comment, I write more, you comment more. Ain’t we got fun! Thank you. ================ Marlene lay back in her dorm bed and let her eyes close. She reached deep into her mind to relive the...
I wrote this when I was buzzed. ‘What? You don’t wanna touch me?’ ‘My dear, I’d rather kill you slowly.’ Everyone laughed at that. Crais was a funny guy. Even with a gun to his head. Though, the laughter stopped when Crais barreled forward, slamming headfirst into a wall. The girl was strong. ‘YOU DON’T WANT TO TOUCH ME!?’ She screamed. Crais rolled over, arching a brow at her, the white blood that flowed from the back of his head that reminded Eddie of hair conditioner didn’t seem to...
Joe snapped awake and saw a blue cloudless sky above him. He slowly sat up with a groan and saw nothing but blue ocean and sand. “Where the hell?..” And then he remembered. He was going on a boat trip for the day, it stared out fun but just as they were about to turn back. A massive storm picked up. It happened too fast for the captain to correct their course and keep them straight and they were knocked around for miles. Everyone was holding on for dear life and struggling to put on their...