AxemanChapter 14 free porn video

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“Hi, Heather.” I greeted my unwilling morning guest with a wry smile.

“What is so important that I need to come over first thing in the morning. I do have a day job, you know.”

“How are your ribs?”

“Sore as fuck.”

“I’m making waffles, want some?”

“Okay, but I do have a meeting across town at 10:00,” she replied sitting in my sturdy oak dining room chair gingerly.

“Did you bring your toy?”

“I brought it.” Displeasure was evident in her tone. I thought I could change that easily.

I poured the batter in the waffle maker and made coffee for my boss, enjoying my second Coke of the morning.

“Can anyone see in right now?” I asked, after her electronic disruptor was buzzing on the kitchen table.

“I thought you were going to wait until we were in the Green Portal?”

“Something came up. I thought you needed to know. Since you are injured, I had thought you would have postponed our run.”

“I should, but I already have the time off.”

“This is my First Gold title,” I revealed the golden hued Earth’s First Gate Walker and its bennies in all its glory to her.

“Three Skill points? I thought you said one?”

“Everyone thought it was only one, I might have said a Skill point.”

“What’s this 10001 or less coupon? What did you get?”

“It’s a rebound Spell. When I successfully block someone, they take up to 50% damage of their attack. And no, I don’t know the criteria for the percentage determination.”

“Interesting, but that could have waited. I knew most of it, just not the two extra points.”

I swapped titles; ‘Earth’s First Super Human (Gold).’ Then turned it off once she read it.

“The fuck? Two more free Status points. Wait what the hell did you do to get that title?”

“When I Leveled to 3, I placed a point in Endurance. I kept two of the free ones until today. both of those went into Endurance.”

“I remember you said you started at 7 in everything. Did a 10 in Endurance gave you that title?”

“No. My Marble gave me a plus one to Endurance. That was why I suddenly added the two points to it. I wanted a ten before I added the Marble’s effects. We were speculating on my forum that ten was the theoretical max for humans. I wanted to see what happened after ten.”

“So an eleven makes you a super human according to the system. Did you receive anything else?”

I have a change in Status.”

“Wait. What ‘status’?”

“If you look under your name, you can see your current status. Like when Kate Blessed us it says: ‘Blessed’.”

“Okay.” I thought she was checking her own Status right then.

“Mine says ‘Steadfast’. When I click on it, it says that all Endurance related Skills are Hardened. No explanation on Hardened, but there is an asterisk following Endurance, Preservice and Pain resistance. My health went up too, by a lot, and it has an asterisk too.”

“What’s a lot?”

“Eighteen. It might be a coincidence, since I am so low-Leveled, or it might be a straight bonus. The formula for health is not given, just that I suspect it adds our Endurance per level.”

“Did it give you anything else?”

“Another 10K coupon.”

I gave her two of the waffles straight from the iron with syrup or butter and powdered sugar and me the other two. I used syrup and butter on mine, Heather stuck to syrup only. And lightly at that.

“Have you decided on which item you will redeem?” she asked between bites.

“As much as I want the pants, I will probably get the good jacket for ten thousand.”

“Why that?”

“The Orcs. Besides, it is a constant 4 DR and I can hide it under my clothes as long as they aren’t armored. I think. I can choose any form and make it long sleeved t-shirt. It’s better than anything anyone else is using.”

“It can get destroyed.”

“Maybe. But I will probably be dead by then if it happens. Or I can just go straight to Damage reduction passive. It gives an overall DR of 1, but warns that it doesn’t work on vitals, such as eyes, ears, groin and whatnot. It even says, ‘whatnot’ in the description.”

“How will that Skill synergize with your new Title?”

“No clue.”

“Go for it.”

“You just want to see how they match,” I groused.

“And? I still think it be best for you. Just add a slim Kevlar vest and the new undergarment set. It comes with a cup, which should be familiar to you. The thick pads have Kevlar and metal plates woven into them. It’s heavy but you shouldn’t have a problem, especially if you use a point or two of your extras in strength.”

“And how do I get a special-forces set of body armor?”

“You tell people you bought it, that you have connections to us and the state police. Thirty-five thousand for that isn’t all that bad if you think about it.”

“I can’t afford thirty-five thousand dollars, even if you do give it to me.”

“You don’t have that much saved up?”

“I do, but I still have to pay taxes on it.”

“Just don’t take any exotic vacations. You’re a smart man.”

“You sold me on it,” I replied after some consideration. The DR was permanent, “but I can’t afford thirty-five thousand dollars. When do you want to go into the Green Gate?”

“Thursday. My ribs will take months to fix and we can’t wait that long.”

“Expect five or six days inside. At best, we will be mostly camping and hiding a lot.”

“Okay. I have to go. Monday morning meeting.”

“Have fun,” I didn’t miss those.

“Come in to the office later to get fitted.”

I saw Heather out. She could have waited until next week for the run, but there’s no rest for the weary.

Soloing the Orcs wasn’t going to be easy, especially since it was the fifth run.

I needed to heal and spend my extra points on strength before entering. Damage Resistance of 1 for ten thousand was also too good to pass up.

Jason Blakely. Axeman: Level 3 (1138/3500)

Title: Orc Slayer (White), Zombie Slayer (White), Earth’s First Gate Walker (Gold), Ghoul Slayer (White), Earth’s First Super Human (Gold).

Status: Steadfast (=Hardened)

Points: 2-2->0

Strength: 7 +2->9

Force Multiplier: 1


Endurance: 11*

Damage Resistance: 1*

Pain resistance: 1*

Perseverance: 1*

Speed: 7

Intelligence: 7

Health: 43/63*

Mana: 10


War Axe: Level 3

Sharpness: 1, +10% damage per Level above 1, adding to the +25% damage when attacking unarmored opponents.


Refraction: 10 Mana, Recharge time 30 minutes; rebound some of the block with a Weapon against the attacker with a successful block. Duration 30 minutes.


Krell’s Rune Axe


Money: 5699 silver

Inventory: 3/100

Learning my lesson after Endurance, I placed both points in Strength. I hoped to break the Orcs guards easier for faster kills.

After getting measured at the PRA, I went to Kyle’s. His nephew was training with him so I let them be, I could talk to them later. I spent my time correcting my strength, and over swinging, and under swinging practicing against the target dummies. Two points in strength sounded like a lot. It was more than that! I was massively stronger than before. More so than I anticipated. I went from a strong linebacker to a top tier weightlifter in one afternoon. I was constantly off balance in my swings and blocks.

I kept under and over compensating for my sudden increase in strength.

I think Kyle had enough of my bumbling, storming over to my practice area just before lunch.

“What the hell happened to you?”

“A magic item made me a lot stronger. I’m trying to get accustomed to it.”


“Can you help me? My balance is messed up.” Breathing out, “so is pretty much everything else. It’s like when I try walking, I bounce or stomp. My swings are devastating or weak, no moderation.”

“Hmmph. Show me.”

I spent all day Tuesday there until he closed. Wednesday too. By the end of the second day, I was mostly normal. I had worked nonstop on practicing and adjusting to my newfound strength. The trick was not restricting it, but going with the flow.

My instructor gave me the stink eye when shooing me out the door both nights, mostly so he could lock the doors and go home. I noticed that even with almost nonstop motion for the last two days, I had barely any sweat accumulated.

My supposed ‘Super-Human Endurance at work.

After two days my control wasn’t perfect, but good enough. The Orcs should make for great practice grounds.

Thursday morning, Heather came over with my new PRA-assigned body armor. Her teasing about me paying thirty-five grand for a set was just to get in my craw. All of the top field agents were supposed to be assigned two sets. That was a practice more noted than actualized. “I can help you with this,” she held the cup in her hand with a grin while fondling my underwear.

“You’re my boss, isn’t that sexual harassment?”

“Says the man who lives with three underage girls.”

“Two,” I grumbled.

Making me strip in the living room, I tried on the new breathable Kevlar boxer-briefs.

The thin layered and padded Kevlar t-shirt had patches of stretchable material in the back, sides and around the shoulders for better movement. Otherwise, the material would be too stiff for a full range of motion. All of the articles were in a dull black material. I bet they were non reflective too.

“Turn around.”

I did.

“Well damn. Were you ever a model?”

“NO, I was never a model!”

“Shame I’d love to see those pics. Put the second layer on. It has a thicker weave for better protection. The long sleeves shouldn’t hamper you.”

It was a bit stiff. The buttons were only the first step which were covered with a Velcro flap. I began testing range of motion, liking the feel and movement.

“Slacks next.”

She even had a dark gray Kevlar belt and buckle. The last item was a camouflaged reinforced combat jacket. I wasn’t sure about that, but it didn’t hinder my motion, too much...

Not like my motorcycle jacket was any better. But the Kevlar inside of the lining of the combat jacket would give significantly better protection against the slashes of the Orc’s weapons.

Gloves, boots and helmet completed the outfit.

Using her camera phone, I was ordered to spin in place, “not bad.” She had photographed every step of my changing.

Fuck no, I never wanted to be a model.

“Your turn.”

“I was going to change when we got there.”

“It’s in the basement behind my furnace. I discovered it when I went to change the filter last fall.”


Heather was more body shy than expected. She wasn’t a great beauty. But had a decent, yet serious face along with a body that matched her lean athletic frame and workaholic personality. She faced away, blushing hard while donning the same outfit as I just dressed in, yet in the woman’s version with the addition of velcroed fitted broad saucers curved around each of her breasts, more of them overlapped on her back in well-designed areas. Arm, thigh and shin protection were not forgotten.

Her armor seemed stronger than mine, yet more rigid.

My jacket’s chest area was inlaid with smaller, more separated plates, since I needed a much greater range of motion than she did. I considered a set of overlapping plates in its stead in the back or experiment around with old fashioned metal armor like scale mail or brigantines. Something to think of in the future.

My Axe required my hips to swivel along with my upper body for the necessary torque. As a Mage, she did not need that much torso flexibility.

This was definitely not the regular combat outfit that she wore with her company in our previous runs. Both of us had thin covered reinforcements that we strapped to the outside of our arms and thighs. I also attached a set to my shins. Heather’s padding and protection was thinner and lighter than mine, I noticed after we were both dressed, yet the reinforcements and extra plates and padding more than made up the difference.

“Aren’t those too heavy for you?” I meant the extras that her armor had over and above mine.

“I can handle this much.”

“Don’t forget you will be wearing a pack.”

“We won’t be fighting with those, you said.”

“No. But it is possible to get surprised.”

“I’ll just drop mine if it happens.”

I’d trust her. She did have years’ experience as an active field agent with the FBI and had done pretty well in the last run, I thought she even outperformed Edna in a couple things.

I reviewed what we were likely to meet at our initial contact, where we needed to hide, and other essentials. Heather patiently waited and seemingly mentally noting each and every point.

Inside the Green Gate Level 1, mark five, we stowed our packs in a familiar and yet inconspicuous spot. We really needed a better way of labeling the runs.

“Open sky?” she asked while looking up.

“Be glad it’s not raining. My second run, it rained on and off the whole time.”

Crouching, she spied in the direction of the hut, while I stayed back. Inching back to me, “seven.”

“Orcs visit each other. They are probably eating dinner together, playing Bingo or something. Just get comfortable and wait.” Thankfully the pigs kept their peace when guests were over.

I had warned her earlier not to do anything to attract the attention of the pigs, once riled, they would squeal until the Orcs investigated or shut them up.

An hour later, dusk started falling. Heather reported that the other group left and the current group of one male and three females, were busy at their end of day chores.

“There isn’t much moonlight tonight and the starlight is almost useless. Even if we try and sneak up on them while they sleep, I’m not good enough not to wake them. Are you?”

“I might be. But not with my staff.”

We were not allowed to use any external weapons in the dungeons. She could use one of their machetes if she wanted. I’d remind her of that later.

“Then we wait until all four are inside. It shouldn’t be long now. As long as I can block the door, I shouldn’t have much trouble. If they see you, one will definitely break off and charge. Probably one, maybe two. The women are a little smarter than the men. Both sexes are cunning fighters and pretty decent too. As for strength, the women are stronger than you and the men are generally a notch stronger than them.”

“I’ll watch from here.”

I killed two, the male and a female before they got out of bed. The other two females died fast in the enclosed space, where my Axe, strength and new Skill Level, easily overwhelmed them.

“You can come in, Heather,” I called out. Using her Spell, she lit a branch on fire to use as a torch. I pointed out where the usual hiding spots were in this dungeon, then pointed at the weapons on the table and ground, telling her to stow those in her inventory.

“You can use those weapons. Keep one if you want to take it out. We will sell the ones you don’t want for two silver each.”

“We can take these out of the dungeon?” she was surprised.

“Yes. I always carry one in my inventory. We can use them if something happens with our primary. For those that have a one-handed weapon, these might be a decent alternative for a second. Or, like David the other day, if one gets caught in a zombie, he could have pulled one of those out and used it.”

“And you didn’t tell anyone because of fear of getting caught with a higher Portal.” She was on the verge of accusing me of something stupid.


“I see.” There was no judgement in her voice. “Let’s go to the next one.”

We doused the torch and headed off to the next hut. It hadn’t moved. We arrived to the sounds of sex coming from inside the mud and straw hut.

I grinned at Heather and she soundlessly slapped my arm. The second hut’s occupants were easier to dispose of than the first. Nothing useful was found in inside. But my companion did point out that one of the wives had torture marks all over her torso after examination. We were moving much slower than expected, since Heather insisted on studying each hut and its surroundings. The Orcs too.

The third hut, we weren’t so lucky. The pigs woke and began squealing on me creeping up. One of the wives must have already been awake and while exiting the hut to shout at them to shut up, saw me.

Shouting her word for whatever they considered me to be, the naked woman snagged her weapon hanging inside the door and stepped aside.

My rush to trap the family inside failed. Sensing my intent, the wife stepped forward and met my initial attack, giving time for her family to wake and exit.

She died, but not before two made it out. Then a third.

I blocked the male and kicked the female, giving us distance. The third Orcess didn’t wait and charged low, hoping to tie me up.

Heather helped out with a Fireshot to the body of the kicked Orc, knocking it back and drawing its attention. I had forgotten that her Fireshot hit harder than normal if the target was at full health. Great for a sniper. I spiked the male Orc and allowed the last female one to open tackle me. She aimed at my thighs, and I thought I could fight her off.

With the second wife’s attention split between Heather and I, I had a brief second to slice the waist of my tackler, she hit me hard enough to wobble me. But I was safe from falling on the initial hit.

The Orcess’s dying scream focused the last one’s ire on me. Sidestepping away from the one who wasn’t dead yet, gave me room to kill the last wife. Finishing of the dying one, I separated myself from the family and thanked Heather for the distraction.

“I have your back.”

The small pouch of ten extra silver that she found under one of the wives’ straw pillow was always a welcome surprise.

The third hut Heather spent less time on; it closely resembled the first two.

They all did, in my opinion.

Forty-five minutes later, we arrived at the forth hut, no one was inside. There were Orcs living in it, just not there at the moment. The pigs never shut up until we left the area, just like the others. We hid in the grasses just far enough away for the walking bacon factories to quiet down.

Same as Axeman
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Lingerie Party

My friend Jessica invited me to a lingerie party she was having this weekend. I was reluctant to go. What do I need lingerie for? My husband doesn't fuck me anymore.Jessica insisted I go to her party. It will be fun she said, there will be about 20 ladies there. I'm telling you there's something for everyone. You'll have a good time.I reluctantly agreed, thinking you're almost obligated to buy something. What could I possibly need?I couldn't decide what to wear. I figured a sundress would be...

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A New PastChapter 6 April Showers

I pulled open the door of the machine shed and stepped back from the bright sunlight and climbed into the Beast. It was time for an unofficial test drive. No one would mistake the car for a Roadrunner any longer. Instead of the muscular angles of the original body, it now had sleek curves over the wheels with a reversed teardrop body. The car hood tapered inward and had a slight reverse chamfer with a chromed grill radiator. I had kept it a two door with a pretty roomy back seat. All of the...

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Pretty Polly

Warning: This story contains situations that should not be read by persons under 18, so if you are under 18 go and watch Barney or if you are offended by this sort of thing then just don't read it. As always, feedback is welcome. Pretty Polly By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: Revelations. Paul awoke feeling strange, "Funny, I don't remember falling asleep." Walking across the room to the mirror to tidy himself up he received a shock, The reflection looking back at him was...

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DONNA Breaking in a virgin 32 years younger

Nathan was 22 years old he’d been transferred to our store from another 7 miles away. He and I were always having a laugh and joking around. On our break he came and sat next to me, as our conversation flowed I found out he was a virgin. He’d never been out with a girl let alone touched one but he did say how desperate he was to lose his virginity. That got me thinking.A couple of weeks later the manager asked me if I wanted an extra couple of hours overtime, I asked what it entailed and he...

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Sexy SuzyGo to the pictures i sent you. there are 7 of them above. i want you to masturbate on each of them. do this in a single day. lucky the weekend is coming. my owner often has me do seven in one session. but you can take a day if you need to enjoy each and every pic. and for each i want you to report how you did it, how wet you got, what you thought of as you looked at my pic. i want you to whisper my name "jewels" at every orgasm. that is seven whispers. this would be physically...

2 years ago
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Indian Couples Erotic and Loving Threesome with Husbands Close Friend MMF Part 2

Anil saw Neena standing naked, close to me, after I stripped her completely. He got up, slowly removed his kurta, came forward, held her hands and caressed them affectionately. He closely scrutinized her body from top to toe. He wanted to have the feel of the entire body of the woman he had craved, for the past several months. He moved a little and took her in his arms. Not knowing exactly how to react, she simply let Anil’s arms envelope her. They were in a face to face, body to body embrace....

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Nathan and IrisChapter 3

Nathan stepped off the trolley on Exchange Street at the corner of Elderberry and walked to number 213. He climbed the porch steps and rang the bell. "Come in, come in," Iris said as she opened the door. Nathan regarded her from head to toe to head again. "Well, what do you think?" Iris wore a sheer blouse that revealed a hot-pink bra underneath. She had on a denim miniskirt that clung to her hips like a coat of paint and she wore hot pink fishnet stockings that matched her bra. Nathan...

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My cousin is a freak pt2

At this point Im literally staying at her amd her bfs apartment. That night when her bf fell asleep I was sleeping on the couch. I got woke up to her kissing me amd grabbing on my dick. She jerked her shorts down laid down infront of the couch and pulled me down on top of her. We fucked on her floor for a good hour. Then she told me what her fantasy was. She wanted to fuck another woman. I was curious if she knew the girl she wanted to sleep with. She told me she did. It was the girl that...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 7 Pahla Job Interview Neha Ke Sath

Sabko mera bohut bohut thanks meri story ko padhne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi aur protsahan bhi agar mujhe zyada se zyada mail aaye to. Kisi ko bhi aisa lage ki woh ‘Kumar Apartment’ ke episodes mein apne vichar ya kahani dalna chahe to mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi. I am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part. Aaj ki kahani Akash ke Neha ke sath interview ki hai. Hope you enjoy this part too and reply me your review. Aap apni...

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The Karma Credit Plan

Another blow in the back. Shit, these seats must have been designed by some sadist on a particularly bad day. Even an inverted bucket would have been more comfortable. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the damn driver hadn’t regarded it as a matter of honor to find every single pothole this shitty backwater road had to offer. Well, if you could actually call this stretch of compacted mud a road. The fat woman next to me was still sleeping, which was a miracle. Sure, she had some extra cushioning...

3 years ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 11 Who Is This Bob White

Years before the Earth became aware of the Swarm and over a thousand miles southeast of one of the recent extractions, Robert Pepper Quayle was born in small town Georgia. He was known by one and all as Pepper until his second grade teacher took his class on a field trip to a farm. While walking across a field to view the horses, they flushed a covey of quail, and the teacher told her excited students that they were ‘quail’ and often called ‘bobwhites’ because of their distinctive call. The...

4 years ago
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Katie a Long and Forbidden Romance

Katie 1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen....

1 year ago
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OldGoesYoung Foxy Slave Naughty hottie gets caught redhanded

Naughty Foxy Slave tries on her new stockings and bodysuit. She loves the feeling of cloth on her hot body so much that she gets very much excited. She has no other way out but to break the rules and to satisfy her dripping wet pussy right in her stepdad’s bed. Foxy Slave knows she can be punished for that but she simply can’t resist the excitement. Sure, she gets caught in the middle of the solo game. Luckily, it’s her stepdad who enters the room just in time to admire her...

2 years ago
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Pussy Redux

It is a long story, my wife busted me fucking our 18 year old neighbor, then they found out I was fucking the 18 year olds mother, the neighbor, and the lady that lives behind us. So my wife took pretty much everything I owned in the divorce. Then for some salt in the wound, I learned that my wife was fucking my boss for some time so I got fired during the divorce. So I had to move back in with mom, with nothing to my name. Mom is one of these pure Texas women, beautiful blonde hair, nice...

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Just Cant Wait

My name is Kathryn. I'm twenty, and after finishing two years of college in south Florida last spring my aunt offered to let me stay with her for the summer in Nashville. She got me a job as a cocktail waitress at a steak restaurant where I could make some decent money. I'm tall with long legs, built nicely, with blonde hair and blue eyes. I must be a bit of an exhibitionist, because I enjoy showing my cleavage and I get compliments on my legs. After four hard-working nights learning the...

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356 pt8 cuck by mutual consent

Part 8 It was a day or two later that Philip called what he now referred to as home, his brother in law answered, chatted for a while then handed him on to his sister. She chatted as women can, then asked when he wanted to come and visit again, he suggested the coming weekend, as he had a 72hour pass. She said, “that was fine and that she had another couple visiting but not to worry they were as sexual as he was, and he would be sure to get some!” she went on that she would explain later and...

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Every Time Is Your First Time on Groundhog Day

“Carl, could you make up the beds too?” Mary pointed to a pile of sheets and pillowcases she’d dumped on the living room sofa. “Really? Couldn’t you do that much yourself?” Mary turned to look at him. “I’m still working on the curriculum for the first day, right? I’m the teacher.” “Oh.” With a sigh Carl picked up the pile of sheets and headed out to the barn. He’d spent several weeks converting the barn into the Lake Washington Drama Camp. This was Mary’s dream -- to start up her own drama...

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Unser erstes mal

Katrin war ein sehr nettes Mädchen. Ich kannte sie noch nicht lange, aber war definitiv verliebt in sie. Offensichtlich mochte sie mich auch. Jedenfalls war da diese Party, die sie gab. Ich war eingeladen und durfte bei ihr übernachten. Als sie mir anbot, bei ihr im grossen Doppelbett zu schlafen, war ich nichteinmal überrascht. So kam es , dass wir nach der Party in ihrem grossen Bett lagen und versuchten zu schlafen. Wir lagen dicht beieinander. Ich war etwas aufgeregt und unruhig. Katrin...

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The Conference Part 3

The conference Part 3 (Part 2 included with part 1) To find out how I ended up here see The Conference part 1. I got back to my room, took off my lingerie and fell into a deep sleep. It had been a real good fucking and I had the wildest dreams - cocks, huge tits, sucking, fucking getting fucked it was all happening. I woke up feeling drowsy and strange. I looked over at the clock and was shocked to see it was already after 9am. I had missed the start of the conference but...

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Cougar Condo2

It was ten o'clock in the morning and Troy Staats walked out of the condo that he shared with his mother and started walking towards his girlfriend/mistress Stephanie's place. Then he saw the door open and a young dark headed guy walked out, following him was Stephanie, she put her arms around him and kissed him twice as he was leaving. The obviously hadn't seen him, he waited a bit and then walked over to Stephanie's door and knocked on it. She answered it, “Hey baby,” she said,...

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Farmers Daughters Part 2 of 2

Sharon laughed. Willy always said the sweetest things.----Willy’s birthday fell on a Saturday in February, but the state university had a big basketball game on Friday night that they wanted to watch on Willy’s big screen. So they decided they would all get together to watch the game and afterwards Willy would get his birthday gift and by midnight he’d be in seventh heaven.Willy came home from work that day loaded with beer, wine and a tray of deli sandwiches and soups and salad. The...

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Denise FallonCIA Spy Mob Girl

I'm on a new mission. My assignment was to go undercover, get information, and take down this mob called the Devil Rays. According to the case file, they reside in New York City. They're not like any of the mobs in The Godfather movies or The Sopranos. They're not Italian-American, they don't have a lot of men, not everyone's related in this mob, they don't have nicknames, and they do more robbing than whacking. They were a small mob of five men. Plus, they're an uptown mob. I flew over...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 485 A Surprising Birthday

Wait, could I make myself invisible? It would only pass the energy around my body that stops when it hits me. As directed by the waiter, I carried a tray full of Concord grape juice and red wine. The carafes were polycarbonate for a reason. The group of kids between me and the table where I was to put the juice and wine down started watching me approach. When I got close, one of the boys quickly stepped back and into me. He flipped the tray to have to pour the wine and grape juice all over...

4 years ago
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The Sleep Out in the Tent

OK, everybody put your way back hat's on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70's did. We went into a friend's pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had...

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Lara and Ben

It all started innocently enough; Ben and Lara were two people that took a dare. Lara was a beautiful natural burnette, with 36D breasts on her slender, athletic frame. Her amber brown eyes would captivate any man, but her 150+ IQ had a tendency to intimidate most men, and Lara was not squeamish about ripping a mans ego to shreds if she sensed any weakness at all. Yet all those that saw her would give anything to make love to this beauty. Anyone but Ben. No, Ben was not gay, rather he was her...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 95

Adam wasn't surprised to find the living room empty when he left what now appeared to be Mary's room. He locked the bedroom door and the front door before he exited. He considered leaving the front door unlocked because he wasn't certain if a resident from here had brought a key. Then he locked the door anyway. He had a pretty good idea where he'd find Walt, Sean and Rachelle and he still had his old key if they were locked out. Sure enough, six pairs of eyes bore into him as he walked...

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Runway 20

Chapter 20 Not much happened during the rest of the week except Tiffany was able to find a sample of the cocaine Connie was taking up her nose. "Brenda, Connie's getting careless and I was able to snag a small bit of her coke," Tiffany said. "Be careful not to contaminate it, I'll get it to Bill Cline for testing," Brenda responded. Tiffany handed a plastic bag with a zip top to Brenda. Inside was a piece of paper with powder residue on it, which Brenda assumed was the...

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Tiffany Gets Decorated

CHAPTER ONE**Tiffany and David meet for her first humiliation in a restaurant.**Tiffany looked at me, her big, dark, almond-shaped eyes staring at me over the rim of the glass. It was her third glass of water -- lukewarm, no ice -- and she drank it in one long draw. Then, she set the glass on the table and lowered her eyes."Does that please you...Sir?" she said softly. There was just the slightest hint of anger in her voice.  I smiled. It was silly, it still felt awkward, but it was feeling...

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Reel Men

Their voices carried down the hall from the family room to the kitchen. "Damn! This'll be our fourteenth straight weekend of fishing," Joe Bob said excitedly. His wife, Molly, looked at me across the kitchen table with a warm twinkle in her eyes. Another man's voice said, "Chuck, is your brother a queer?" "Jesus Christ, keep your fucking voice down. The women can hear you," Chuck replied amid snickers from the others. My brother wasn't speaking to Jesus, of course. He was speaking...

3 years ago
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Great Unexpectations Pt 1

(True story - names have been changed to protect the innocent - innocent...who amd I k**ding???)I met Stacey and Derek through a Craigslist ad.Her daughter needed tutoring in math and I needed the supplemental income. When we first met, it sparked the begin of a great friendship with her and her husband. I tutored their daughter for an entire semester, and by the end of the school year, her math grade went up two letters.When I started my summer break, Stacey gave me a call and asked if I would...

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DONNALosing my virginity to 3 older workers

I was 17 and had been kissed and had my 44DD tits felt by boys at school but nothing else, I was a chubby girl and boys didn’t seem to like that, they all seem to go for the stereotype of long blonde hair and slim figured girls, this was in the 1970s, 1978 in fact.I’d just got out of the shower and was in my white bra and panties with my dressing gown on, I went downstairs for a coffee, my mum was out at work, and the two lads I had been having a laugh with all week were stood outside smoking....

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My brown beginning part four

Im not sure how long i was out but I know we all slept for at least an hour.I awoke in my bed and got up Mom and Grandma were still passed out.I decided to watch some TV and after another hour the ladies were stirring. About time for some lunch who,s hungry? asked Mom.I could stand a bite Gram said me too I chimed in.Hows cold cuts and some soup sound?That will be fine we both replied.We all ate lunch still in varios stages...

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The Awakening of Katie II

Introduction: Katie shares her new found sexuallity with her closest friends. The Awakening of Katie II Tara crawled up to me and collapsed on the bed next to me. We hugged and tenderly kissed and licked each other. No words were spoken. No words were necessary. Tara and I had known each other our whole lives. We knew each others hopes and dreams. I realized at that moment that we were sole mates. We would be best friends and possibly lovers for the rest of our lives. We pulled the covers over...

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MarlaChapter 8

"Two-Three, stand by for Six." The responding voice was young and his voice broke. Eckert had switched over to speaker so she could listen, but he had turned it way down. They held their heads close together so they wouldn't miss anything. The radio had been answered promptly, they had been waiting for Eckert to call in. A female voice came over the radio "Two-Three this is Six. Sitrep. Over." Eckert was ready. "Secure, Half day food, two days water. Forty-Seven, I say again Four...

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