Gone Fishin Chapter 8
- 3 years ago
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Mallory French sat on the side of his bed for close to an hour - holding his hand. He gripped her hand tightly when the demons came back to haunt his memory.
The demons kept trying to claim the girls again as he saw them in the car crying, gulping the dirty water as they screamed to him for help. He snatched them away from the demons of death and took them to their momma. He felt good and slept with the pretty woman’s hand, holding his hand. Marc rested peacefully for the first time since he first awakened in the hospital.
Mallory fell asleep as she looked at his peaceful face, thinking once more that she wanted to shave him now that most of the bandages were off his cheeks, and the wires removed from his jaw.
Her head slumped forward as did her shoulders. She would jerk each time Marc did but they held hands tightly as a warm bond passed between them as they slept.
A nurse came in, looked at them, smiled and walked out. She pulled the door closed behind her. She knew they were going to be alright, they sure didn’t need her disturbing them.
Marc opened his eyes ... again looking around wildly. He saw Mallory sitting on his bed with her hand gripping his so tight his fingers hurt. But then again, it felt good to be held that way.
He looked at her face as she slumped forward and slept. Her mouth was open and she was drooling. Her gown had slipped forward on her shoulders and he could see both her breasts, they were lacerated but healing.
He looked down at her long tan legs as she sat sideways facing him. Her gown was up and he could see her pussy. He felt guilty for looking ... but he couldn’t look away either.
‘She’s a beautiful woman. What kind of life does she live? Where is her husband? They haven’t said anything about him. Sorry bastard! I wonder if he’s even been here to see them. They deserve better.Why is it people like me can never meet people like Mallory? I have to meet the wrong person and marry for the wrong reasons. I’ve fucked up my life because I just go along and let people run over me. I never stand up for myself. I never fight ... I never used to be that way.
Now I’m in the hospital. I nearly died, and here this beautiful woman sits holding my hand. She has no idea what a sorry mess I’ve made of my life. She acts as if it doesn’t even matter. I wonder what she’d think if she knew the truth? If she knew that I was a sorry, defenseless failure who was just about to jump from the river bridge and end my life, when her car went over the rail.
I wish I could talk to her. I feel like she could rescue me - from my life - not my death. But I could never put that problem on someone who’s just being grateful because I saved her and her daughters’ lives. At least I have that one thing that I can now fall back on. For once in my life I did something right and now this family thinks I’m a hero. Actually, I’m just a man who can’t even commit suicide without fucking it up.’
Mallory opened her eyes and saw Marc looking at her with tears in his eyes, she began crying too as she watched him cry.
“I fell asleep, Mallory. I’m sorry, I just drift in and out when they shoot me with the dope.”
“I fell asleep too, Marc. It felt so good sitting here holding your hand, watching you sleep. At first you were jerking and your muscles would twitch, then the medication took effect and you rested.”
“It wasn’t the medication. I went to sleep and rested for the first time without worrying about you and your daughters. It was you holding my hand that made me relax ... and I thank you for being here for me. I guess I didn’t realize how much - I just needed someone to care. I don’t mean to be crying and blubbering. I just had to tell you ... thanks.
“Mallory your gown is down in front and your crotch is exposed too, I couldn’t help but look. I’m sorry.”
Mallory leaned over and kissed Marc lightly on his lips then laid her cheek to the side of his face for a second.
“I don’t mind you looking, but I need to be more respectful of your feelings. I would be embarrassed if you knew what was going through my mind when I drifted off to sleep.”
“Really? Then I don’t feel so bad for the thoughts that kept coming back and making me look at your breasts and your uh, crotch as you slept.
“Marc, would you let me shave you? I shaved Daddy when he was sick once, and I never cut him.”
“I’m sorry I look like a bum. The nurses told me they’d shave me as soon as my face healed more. They do come in and wash me up a bit. I hate being in these casts and not able to even wash myself. I remember your daughters helping me pee in the urinal bottle. I felt really bad after they’d left, and I realized it was them.”
“They told me about it. They’re at the stage of their lives where everything they do is such a fresh, new experience to them and they were quite proud that you let them help you.”
“Mallory, I hate to say this, but would you place the urinal bottle close so I can use it again. I can buzz the nurse if you’d rather not.”
“Nonsense! If my fifteen and sixteen year old daughters can help you pee, surely I can manage without making a mess...
“I’ll have to touch you Marc. It won’t go in the bottle and I’ll have to hold it.”
“I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Mallory giggled like a teenager as he started peeing in the bottle, his dick nearly slipping back away from the mouth of bottle.
When he was through and she had watched the last spurts shoot out, she shook it.
“They told me they did that too. I almost laughed when they told me about it, as if it were a big deal for them ... and I’m sure it was too.
“Marc, I hope you don’t mind that my daughters and I have become so attached to you. It’s like we owe you for saving our lives - but its way more than that. We feel like we’ve found a person we feel good about and feel comfortable just helping you pee and doing small things for you...
“I don’t want you to think I’m coming on to you. I feel good just knowing you, and would very much like to be your friend. My daughters commented that they felt the same way. Not out of feeling sorry for you or feeling indebted to you - which we will always be - but a feeling of closeness with a person who is real and has honest feelings.
“I guess I talk too much, Marc. I just wanted to tell you this while you were awake and not too drugged to understand.”
“What about your husband?”
“I’m divorced. My Daddy literally threw him out of the house with his pants down around his ankles after we caught him with the maid.”
“Ouch, sorry about that ... He was a fool.”
“What about your family, Marc?”
“I have none. Mallory don’t go feeling sorry for me when I say that. I get along...”
“Then you’ll be a family friend. My daughters and I will help you recover and not because we feel sorry for you, but because we like you as a friend. My Daddy likes you too, Marc. He thinks you’re a hero for what you did ... and I do too. You will never make us change our minds about that. A man doesn’t lay down his life for a mother and two daughters, without being a hero.”
“I’d like very much to be a friend of the family, it’s been a while ... since I’ve had friends. Too long as a matter of fact. One day when I can talk without the dope affecting me and I can wipe my own tears, I’d like the chance to sit down and talk to you about the real me.”
“You’ll get your chance. Just let me know when and we’ll sit and have a long talk - just the two of us. I wish I could grab you and hug you to me. Will you let me do that one day when you’re able to be hugged?”
“Yeah, but I’m gonna hate to give up the perks that come with seeing you like this.”
“Well, maybe I’ll wear this the day you’re able to get your first real hug.”
They smiled at each other, clasping hands tighter.
“What about that shave you offered? I think I could use a good bath too, since you’re brave enough to touch me in my privates. Would that be taking too much advantage of your generosity to help me recover?”
“No, and I don’t want those nurses washing you again - or shaving you either. You just tell them you have a friend who comes in to do that for you.”
“Is this something you offer all your friends?”
“No, just the ones I really, really like. The ones who like my daughters and make them feel important without embarrassing them when they don’t know better.”
“Mallory you’re a special person. I know I don’t deserve friends like you and your family, but I feel like I am where I am - because it was meant to be ... if that makes sense to you.”
“It makes a lot of sense to me, Marc. I feel exactly the same way. I feel like I’m supposed to be here with you ... Like it was meant to be ... just like you said. I want to be here for you and care for you. Not because you saved my life, but be cause I want to be here. I like the feeling ... Now I need to get the water and razor before I start blubbering again.”
“Will you put your cheek to mine when I’m shaved and my face doesn’t feel like a wire brush.”
“I was already planning on it.”
Mallory found a gray plastic pan and put a couple inches of hot water in it. She unwrapped a small bar of soap and washed Marc’s face, leaving it soapy.
She looked down at his eyes. He was looking up at her. She was cleaning him to suit her and not the hospital personnel.
She smiled down at him and stretched up further to start shaving his cheeks along in front of his ears. She bobbed his sideburns off close, she could tell how he kept them before his beard grew out.
She leaned over him as far as she could, with her own injuries, the cuts on her buttocks screaming at her to straighten up.
Mallory ignored the burning along the row of stitches on her body. She felt needed for the first time in years. She was doing something for a man that hadn’t asked or told her what to do. She needed more of this feeling already. The feeling of giving herself to a man out of need rather than out of duty as a woman.
Her left nipple raked across his up turned fingers as his hand lay on the pillow. Mallory felt it as soon as Marc felt it.
She looked down again with a smile, no thought of it being wrong. She pressed her breast to his hand and felt his finger tips press into her swollen nipple.
Mallory looked down and Marc’s eyes never left her’s as she dragged her nipple across his upturned fingertips.
She sighed and winked at him as she continued shaving him. Now came the hard part. He’s lying on his right side, his face pressed to the pillow. How was she going to get him turned?
She smiled at him and picked up the phone. She dialed room to room and got 441.
“Mom ... are you OK? Do you need us to come help with, Mr. Marc?”
“Yes I do. That’s the reason I called. You and Matty come down here and help me turn, Mr. Marc so I can shave his face on his right side.”
“We’ll be right there.”
“Don’t forget the little short robes.”
“Oops, we almost did. Be right there, Mom.”
Marty and Matty ran into the room out of breath when they knocked and their Mom opened the door.
“You ran down the hospital corridor didn’t you?”
“Yes. We wanted to hurry and help you. We wont run back ... OK?”
“OK this time, but you have to respect the other patients and the hospital rules.”
“Yes Ma’am.
“Hey Mr. Marc. It’s good to see you awake and not doped up. You’re kinda funny though when you’re doped up like that ... we couldn’t help but laugh,” Matty told him.
Marc had to smile. He couldn’t see them, he was turned the wrong way.
“OK girls, we’re going to turn this crank on the bed so we can raise Mr. Marc and get him turned over on his other side. When we get him clear of the bed, we need to be real careful of where we touch him and don’t pull hard so that we will pull any stitches loose.”
“OK Mom.”
“Wow, Mr. Marc you sure do have a big...”
“Marty,” Mallory hushed her daughter.
“Hon, that’s not nice, “ she said.
“Mom, I was only say that he had a big scar on his booty ... and another one next to his huge thingy.”
“Oh Lord - help me please ... I’m sorry Marc.”
“Marty, Matty, listen. If you’re mature enough to help your Mom with a near naked invalid, then you’re mature enough to call a spade a spade. I don’t have a booty, I have a butt. I don’t have a thingy. I have a dick or cock, whichever you prefer.”
“You’re right Mr. Marc.
“Mom, do you prefer a dick or a cock?”
“Uh well, if we’re talking about when we say the word I sometimes say one or the other, at different times though.”
“What would you say right now when you see Mr. Marc’s getting bigger?”
“I would say to him, Marc, you’re getting an erection in front of my teenage daughters and I’m embarrassed to hell by this conversation.”
They laughed as she laughed with them. Even Marc laughed as the shooting pain in his abdomen stabbed at him where his intestines had been nearly ripped out.
They finally had Marc turned and lowered back to a comfortable position on his left side.
Marty and Matty watched and made different faces as they watched their Mom make different faces, while Marc made different faces - so she could shave his beard.
Mallory leaned over close to Marc and whispered in his ear, then leaned back to see his reaction.
He looked at her with a questioning look and she nodded yes. He nodded yes real slow.
“Matty, you and Marty get a clean pan of hot water and put here on the bedside table. Get the sponge and wash cloth over there by the basin. You can give Mr. Marc a sponge bath and use the cloth to rinse off the soap.”
“Oh Wow ... Mr. Marc, can we really?”
“Well, your Mom said you could. I’m just a helpless patient who’s enjoying all this attention.”
“OK girls, start with his face, ears, neck and underarms. Then we can get to the parts you’re more interested in.”
“I’m like a cadaver in med school,” Marc said and Mallory looked quick to see if he was smiling.
The girls washed him gently but made sure he was thoroughly clean and the soap rinsed off him. They were behind him, washing his right leg down to where the jagged cut on his foot had been sewn up.
Marty grinned at Matty and they moved up to his butt. She looked at her Mom, and even she grinned.
“Mom, can you raise his leg some? We need to clean him good back here.”
Mallory held him above his ankle and raised his leg above the other one. Marty took the soapy sponge and washed Marc’s butt crack from top to bottom and from side to side. She didn’t miss a spot any of the three times she soaped him.
Next Matty took her clean cloth and wiped the soap off. She rinsed it and wiped him twice more before they went around the bed to wash his front.
Marty looked at her Mom, then at Mr. Marc. He raised his eye brows and gave a her a grin with one side of his mouth.
Marty soaped her sponge real good and she lifted his scrotum ... and started to wash him.
“Be real gentle there girls ... that’s a very sensitive part of a man and he can be hurt severely by just the wrong move or touch. Just be gentle and he’ll love you for it,” Mallory told her daughters.
As they watched, his balls moved around by themselves inside the loose sack of skin.
Marty let Matty rinse the soap off his balls and Marc could feel his dick swelling.
“He’s erecting again Mom. Do we stop or go on?” Matty said.
“Just keep washing him, but you girls must never tell anyone we did this. I mean never and no one. EVER!”
“We won’t, Mom.
“Mr. Marc, we want to be your friends forever if you’ll let us.”
“I guess that will be up to your Mom.”
“Then we are forever friends. Give Marc a hug and kiss his smooth cheeks. Be careful you don’t flash your yourselves at him when you lean over.”
Matty didn’t flash herself when she moved over to give her new friend a hug and kiss his cheek.
She pulled her gown open and let him get a good look.
Marty did the same. Her breasts are even larger than her sister Marty’s and she’s proud of them.
“Mom, aren’t you going to hug Mr. Marc, now that you have him shaved all smooth and we have him squeaky clean?”
“Yes I am.”
“Don’t flash him, Mom.”
“I won’t,” Mallory said as she held her gown and leaned over to kiss his face.
“Well, what do you think, Girls?”
“Mom, I think we should keep him,” Matty said.
“Me too. What do you think, Mom?” Marty agreed.
“I kinda like him too - we’ll ask Grandpa if we can keep him.”
“Do I get a vote?” Marc did his best to grin.
“Only if you make it unanimous,” Mallory told him. She and her two daughters looked at him.
“If you’re real sure ... But, you don’t even know me. Give me a few months for rehab, then make your final decision.”
“You’ve got a deal. But we’re not going to change our minds. The three of us have been starved for exactly what we see in you already. Just think of what it will be like with you with us fulltime for the next few months.”
“You’re really set on helping me with rehab?” Marc asked. He wasn’t laughing now.
“The only way we won’t, is for you to look each of in the eye and tell us you don’t care about us,” Mallory told him.
“Well, I couldn’t do that if some one held a gun to my head.”
“Good, then we’ll handle, Daddy. You just get ready for three of the most loving, appreciative, caring women you could have ever fantasized about in your life.”
“You’re serious aren’t you?” Marc looked at her.
“As serious as that river you pulled us out of. We want you in our life, Marc. You’ve helped the three of us, be who we were meant to be. Don’t deny us that ... we’ll beg if we have to.”
“Will the three of you come back as soon as they stop shooting me with the dope and tell me the same thing so I’ll know I’m not dreaming?”
“We’ll be here, Mr. Marc.
“Won’t we, Matty?
“Won’t we, Mom?”
“Yes we win, Marty. We certainly will.”
“Mallory you promised to sit down one day and hear my story about who I am and what I am. I’m not trying to scare you and make you believe I’m a bad person ... but you don’t know me.”
“We already know YOU. You want me to listen to you tell about your past, Marc. That’s what it is, your past. The three of us are talking about our future, and yours too, if you’ll let us.”
“I want to and you’ll never know what’s in my heart and in my mind right now. But I have to tell you, I’m scared. I’ve never been a winner.”
“You’re a winner now, Mister. You saved the three of us from certain death and in some societies that makes you responsible for us. We don’t want you to feel like we’re trapping you, we’re not. We’re opening the door and we want to walk through that door with you. That’s all we’re asking.”
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Recently I was on an evening flight from an airline’s northern hub to the southern hub. As is the norm these days, it was packed. I had managed to get a window seat toward the front, but unfortunately not first class. This sexy girl sat down in the middle seat next to me, cute and really friendly, when she got settled, she turned to me and introduced herself as “KD” and asked if she could raise the armrest, I agreed, so she raised it allowing her hot thigh to rest against me. I thought that...
As Tamara made her way to her office, she couldn’t hide her good mood as she passed Billie at the desk. “Good morning, Billie,” she smiled as she walked straight into her office leaving Billie wondering. Billie was on the phone, but if she wasn’t she would’ve been all up in Tamara’s face getting details about Tamara’s weekend away in Atlanta. It was clear that something changed between Tamara and Kent, and obviously for the better. Billie was happy for her friend for taking the leap. “Speaking...
Love Stories"Tell me" I was dressed in my short jean skirt, with bright yellow panties underneath. I have found that these can be seen in even the darkest of dives. My very tight blue T-shirt, hugged every curve of my bra covered C-cup breasts. My perpetually hard nipples had nowhere to hide, nor did I wish them to be hidden. A group of 5 younger guys just old enough to drink, stared at me openly, I felt the eyes of the "ONE" on me almost immediately. Once I located him, I flirted without mercy. He...
Her legs started shaking as she grabbed the sheets for dear life. Her lower back arched as I bit slightly harder on her nipple. Her orgasm was long, way stronger than the first one she had a couple of minutes ago. Just as she started relaxing and the moan subsided, the ring tone of the phone startled both of us. "Oh, shit! Shit! What time is it?"She crawled out from underneath me. I spun in place to lay on my back. I sat there staring at her rummaging through. She kept saying “oh shit” under...
IncestNothing much out of the ordinary had happened for a good few weeks beforeI went up to visit my Girlfriend, Anna for my birthday. When I opened the gift she gave me with a grin on here face I was surprised to find a blank VHS tape. My head swam as I imagined the possibility that she might have filmed herself doing some naughty stuff for me. She encouraged me to put it into the VCR straight away which I did and then sat next to me on the edge of the bed. “I hope you like it!” she beamed. The tape...
Telling Him Softly With a very seductive voice a wife asked her husband, “Have you ever seen Twenty Dollars all crumpled up?” “No” said her husband. She gave him a sexy little smile, unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse and slowly reached down in her cleavage, created by a soft, silky, pushup bra, and, pulled out a crumpled Twenty Dollar bill. He took the crumpled Twenty Dollar bill from her and smiled approvingly. She then asked, “Have you ever seen Fifty Dollars all crumpled...
(For: ma1450)It was another swelteringly hot and humid Summer day in West Virginia, but as Mason woke up, he immediately remembered what was on the agenda for him that day, and he started getting a hard on!He laid there in bed for a few moments, lightly stroking his cock; letting the excitement and anticipation build up stronger. But he stopped after a moment. It wasn't the right time, or the right place, to come. Not yet. That would be for later!So instead, he got out of bed and took a...
Chapter 1 (Please read the prologue first) My heart was racing as I laid tied to the bed, blindfolded, waiting for men to come into my room and use me. I pulled at my restraints and confirmed what I already thought, they're secure and I'm not going anywhere until someone lets me out. I could hear people walking by outside and I wondered if they were coming for me. It seemed like forever, but finally I heard the door open. I listened as it sounded like he was undressing then I felt him climb on...
I called Bob around ten o'clock to try and set up a meeting. This was certainly not a conversation I wanted to have on a phone the killer may have cloned, and I didn't want to wait until tonight on the chance that Rene might want to talk some more. Bob wasn't at home so I left a message on his recorder saying that I was from the video store and calling about a late movie return. There is one particular chain that he hates with an unnatural passion so I knew he'd get the message. I...
Mark felt like he was playing the main part in the movie GATACA as he sat in front of the mirror trying to remove every last piece of hair from his body save for his head. He was sorry that he lost the bet, but he would have expected her to take it up the ass if he had won, so here he was paying up without complaint. He had already taken the 1/16th inch clippers and removed nearly all the hair from his chest, genitals, legs, and the parts of his back he could reach. He was unfortunately...
Tim nodded his head as he looked over at his wife, Rosa. Finally, he thought. I’ve pictured this moment over and over again. Hands wrapped around my cock, looking into the computer. Twenty more minutes and we’ll be pulling up at the Oceanaire. This guy’ll be standing out front, dressed in white with jewelry on, or at least that’s what she said.Tim smiled, having recalled what Rosa told him before they’d left their Creampie Ridge apartment. As hard as it was to pull his eyes away from his wife...
CuckoldAnne seemed friendly enough and very interested in comparing notes on the differences in their respective lifestyles, over a cup of tea. Carol a separated lady in her late 40’s, with a grown up family and Anne in her mid 30’s, fitted the traditional suburban wife role with two children at home. Carol, a statuesque and even voluptuous brunette, tallish, with wonderful legs and hips, set off by fine, high cheekbones and a cultured speaking voice, could not help thinking how dowdy Anne’s...
Chapter 39: Cinema Opening Saturday night was our grand opening of the refurbished Cinema, we had been promoting it heavily in the local press and with a door to door leaflet drop, we had used the middle school kids to do the drops, giving them some pocket money while we got to every house in town. Bailee Madison, the celebrity we had booked, had gotten to her parents’ house midweek, she would be getting a limo to bring her to town on Saturday morning. There would be a presentation of the...
Last night my life changed forever. We have new neighbors move in next door ,they were two big strong very buff black guys that were drop dead sexy ,as soon as a saw them moving in I was perving at them through my window and my sissy little white dick was hard in an instant as I have been fantasizing about being with a black man for a while now . I decide to put on some sexy under garments and my ugly male clothes over the top to...
Mera nam Nitin hai me Himachal Pradesh ke Hamirpur district ka rahne bala hun. Mere ghar me papa age 50 saal maa age 45 saal meri age 27 saal aur meri biwi Shalu age 25 saal hai. Ek sister thi uski bhi shadi ho gaye hai aur apne sasural rahti hai. Meri maa typical saas hai aur Shalu ke sath kuch na kuch hota rahta hai. Papa bhi maa se bahut darte hai. Meri sadi ko 4 saal ho gaye hai par abhi tak bachha paida nahin hua. Maa Shalu ko ulta pulta bolti rahti hai ek din Shalu ne bola ki chalo...
I was supposed to be the cleaning girl in that house, but i was seduced and fucked earning a good tip [email protected]
Sex With StrangerKarla and her boyfriend are going through a rough patch in the bedroom. She really likes him, but wants to spruce up the sex life. She goes to the adult store looking for some help. The store clerk suggests that maybe its her fault. Maybe she’s too much of a freak for her boyfriend. He shows her the video booth and tells her to keep an open mind. While inside, she gets an eye awaking she was not prepared for. A massive cock comes through the wall and immediately she grabs hold of it. She...
xmoviesforyouQuite frankly, I can understand how some guys become child molesters or start sucking schlong. Having a little wee-wee leaves them with few other alternatives. But if it were me, I would shamefully hide inside my house, never to go outside, if I had anything less than nine inches swinging between my legs. And although I wouldn’t be biting pillows or feeling on little kids, I sure as hell wouldn’t feel confident enough to get naked in front of any fine female if I knew that I couldn’t...
A couple of months ago I cheated on my wife for the first time in 25 years of marriage and, although I feel guilty about it, I am still fucking my lover every time I get the chance. The strange thing is that it is my wife Kathy's fault I started the affair. It all started a little over a year ago, when a young couple bought the house next to ours. In less than a month Kathy had become good friends with Jean, who was 22, about 5'7" carrying 125 well placed pounds, with a cute face and a...
Nat and the Housesitter (c) 2009-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it unmodified on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including translations or adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release...
i found out cougars are the most thrilling experience I've ever had. My first cougar was a beautiful BBW ebony goddess. She was 36 and had three kids. We met the next day after we started talking. I picked her up at her house and we drove down to her moms house in elk grove where she had to pick up her kids from school that afternoon. When she walked out of her house I couldn't believe my eyes. See I am a skinny white boy who at the time probably weighed about 130 pounds. She had told me...
The next day, the first of the three finalists arrived at nine am. He left at ten. The slave was given an hour to rest, shower, and get ready for the next one. She got into her cage just before the next one arrived at eleven and left at twelve. The last one arrived at one pm. By two, it was all over. Thomas walked into the slave's room soon after the third potential owner left. "So, was it like you expected?" he asked. She shook her head. "Not even close. They were all so...
I had been raped! Yeah, I know ... maybe I did like it a little. But I still didn’t want it to happen. It was still rape because I didn’t willingly consent. Kevin may be a sophomore in college, and he may be my son’s best friend but the controlling son of a bitch still raped me! Even if I liked it I was raped. Even if I had gotten down on my knees and begged him to fuck me, it still would have been rape. The whole thing had been meticulously planned too. He admitted to having had dreams and...
I entered the Dungeon to the sound of leather on skin. Sally was still dressed in the black leather outfit I’d given her. Her hair was plastered to her back by sweat as she wielded a heavy whip. She grunted as she put her force into each stroke. Chris was sitting up tied to a chair. He was sitting facing her and his chest and arms where crossed with welts. He was still gagged and sweat stood out on his forehead. The agony was clear on his face as the whip landed again and again. “O.K....
Stella tells Saskia and our dear readers every erotic dirty detail of that mighty memorable she submits to me.She shows Saskia and you three tasty private pictures of her during the course of that day in several positions.Saskia envies her as she listens with red ears, hotly hopes she can indeed come along with us soon to Spain.Stella learn a lot in a single long lasting day, every erotic teasing trick in the big book of love she needs to know.Stella's prays and begs me to stop in her first...
I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. I have fucked many guys on first date. I know that is the standard for having no morals or self esteem or a classic definition of a slut. But I am completely secure in my sexual desire and for me fucking a guy is a conquest for me. I have no shame fucking a guy on first date if he is hot and has potential. I was told otherwise by my friends but I realized there...
My last g/f was a real stunner, ex cat walk model. She was up for anything sexual when she had a few drinks. She knew I liked cock, we had a 3some with a Bi mate of mine with a big cock, she watched me suck his cock, huge turn on for me.When we went to Cornwall for a break we stayed in a pub/hotel and drinking at the bar all night getting pissed this old man in his 70's who was also staying was chatting her up all night. When time was called I went for a piss and as I was leaving toilet I met...
Monday, April 23 to Thursday, April 26, 2007 Over the next few days, there was much media discussion about whether Mark Anderson should be on the list, and I was very pleased to see that most people agreed that I should be. I wasn't so silly as to think it was because I was a wonderful person. The possibility of learning how to make everyone super-healthy, the huge taxpayer bribe, and the possibility of gaining 120 IQ points were the main reasons, in that order. Plus, as one person said,...
It all started one day when I was invited to my best friend Dave’s house for a house warming party. He had just purchased the house after a harsh divorce and he wanted to break it in the right way. So, he invited a few friends who in turn invited friends. It turned out to be a bigger party than what he was expecting. The more the merrier was all he could say. There were at least 60 people in all running throughout his house, in the back at the pool and it even spilled over into the front...
The lake was set amid a lovely, pastoral meadow surrounded by tall trees. That it had been was chosen for its isolation from any human habitation only added to its beauty. They entered the waters at a point where reflections of the afternoon sun bathed them in fiery red light. It made the blonde hair of the Princess look as red as Meg’s. By the time they reached it, the Princess was frantic. The powerful aphrodisiac she had unknowingly ingested would subvert her defenses for the next six...
"By looking at the evidence, it went pretty well," I laugh, warming up to my nephew's enthusiasm."Oh God! Aunt Sara," he says. "It was better than pretty well," he exclaims. "I'm pulling in now, do you want to hear about it?" I hesitate. I need to think about all of this with a clear head and I really don't want him to see my red ass cheeks."Your mom and I drank a lot of margaritas tonight," I tell him honestly. "I'm pretty out of it and just want to sleep. How about we talk tomorrow?""Sure,"...
This is the penultimate part of something that actually happened to me when I was younger. There were actually a few months of 'lead-up to the 'story' below but I thought you'd find it more entertaining if I just cut to the chase. Right, deep breath, here goes....He picked me up straight from school as arranged. My parents made sure that my rucksack contained clothing suitable for the rainy weekend we were expecting. Rain didn't bother me, in fact it helped with the fishing that Uncle Brian...
It’s now been a week or so since our last adventure. You haven’t quite had the courage to call them. Out of the blue you get a text.Planning something for my man.Need your help.Curious, you text back. Her response catches your breath. Could you do what she asks??Nothing’s said to me. A couple of afternoons later we’re invited around to their place. Xavier is out at work and Yvette is home alone. You wonder off to the kitchen with Yvette as she makes us some tea. I wonder what you’re talking...
My pussy started oozing with excess juice, Madan noticed my pussy condition. I was feeling horny now gently he rubbed his cock against my pussy, that ends our foreplay and penetration begins here. Madan got me fully wet with his foreplay techniques and now it’s his time to take me home. He patted my pussy lips with his hard erect cock for some more time. I looked at his face with an appealing look. He understood my eagerness to lose my virginity and slowly he tried entering my love hole with...